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L26[01:59:56] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160510 mappings to Forge Maven.
L27[01:59:59] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160510-1.9.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160510" in build.gradle).
L28[02:00:10] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L31[02:11:43] *** Kolatra is now known as Kolatra|away
L32[02:12:46] <killjoy> Does anyone know where the code would be that orients the player when elytra gliding?
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L34[02:18:57] <killjoy> elytras need more arkham city
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L61[03:11:09] <Fredi100> Hey guys
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L65[03:17:57] <Fredi100> Can someone explain me why minecraft says, that some ressources are missing. but exactly those resources are here
L66[03:17:58] <killjoy> hello
L67[03:18:08] <killjoy> in the logs?
L68[03:19:07] <Fredi100> yea, when i start it in eclipse, then in the console it says there are domain errors.
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L70[03:20:36] <Fredi100> and the best part about this is, that it is only the tools. Every other item can be displayed
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L72[03:24:39] <Fredi100> If you want, here is the log
L73[03:24:39] <Fredi100> http://pastebin.com/tg6qrXBj
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L81[03:36:51] <Ivorius> Fredi100: Either the files are bad
L82[03:36:59] <Ivorius> Or you don't have them
L83[03:37:30] <Ivorius> Or you're using IDEA and didn't include the IDEA fix in your build.gradle
L84[03:38:29] <gigaherz|work> idea fix shouldn't be needed anymore
L85[03:40:02] <gigaherz|work> https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/729944787609096192
L86[03:40:51] <kashike> gigaherz|work: it is required with 2016.1 occasionally, bug I assume
L87[03:41:07] * gigaherz|work shrugs
L88[03:41:23] <gigaherz|work> I still use idea 15 for modding purposes
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L90[03:42:51] <Fredi100> I'm using eclipse
L91[03:42:57] <Fredi100> The files are existing
L92[03:43:04] <Fredi100> And i can open them
L93[03:43:28] <gigaherz|work> is the modid lowercase?
L94[03:43:46] <Fredi100> camelCase
L95[03:43:52] <gigaherz|work> the folder MUST be lowercase
L96[03:44:03] <Fredi100> but then why do other textures work
L97[03:44:23] <gigaherz|work> dunno, luck maybe
L98[03:44:31] <gigaherz|work> but the resource domain folder must be lowercase
L99[03:44:42] <gigaherz|work> resources/assets/<modid in lowercase>/...
L100[03:44:43] <Fredi100> okay my fault, all it is all lowercase
L101[03:45:21] <gigaherz|work> any message in the debug log?
L102[03:45:46] <gigaherz|work> sorry if I ask anything you already answered, I just joined
L103[03:47:35] <gigaherz|work> all the issues I have ever had with resources generally come in a relatively small set of issues:
L104[03:47:41] <gigaherz|work> 1. typo in filename
L105[03:47:52] <gigaherz|work> 2. typo in the json data which causes the file to fail to parse
L106[03:48:21] <gigaherz|work> 3. forgot to apply for the model using ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation
L107[03:49:02] <gigaherz|work> 4. in a block, forgot that the model resource location must have the same name as the registry name of the block
L108[03:49:20] <gigaherz|work> 5. the blockstates json exists, but is missing variants
L109[03:50:00] <Fredi100> http://pastebin.com/tg6qrXBj
L110[03:50:17] <Fredi100> that was the log i postet short before you joined
L111[03:53:12] <gigaherz|work> Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: atomizer:blockstates/soilPileItem.json
L112[03:53:51] <gigaherz|work> it's looked for either
L113[03:53:56] <Fredi100> There are a few items which are legitimately not here. The important ones are the toosl
L114[03:54:00] <Fredi100> *tools
L115[03:54:02] <gigaherz|work> models/item/soilPileItem.json
L116[03:54:17] <gigaherz|work> or blockstates/soilPileItem.json
L117[03:55:11] <gigaherz|work> which ones are the tools?
L118[03:55:54] <gigaherz|work> hmmm
L119[03:55:56] <gigaherz|work> I see an issue
L120[03:55:59] <Fredi100> bronzeAxe, bronzePickaxe, ...
L121[03:56:00] <gigaherz|work> at the bottom of the log
L122[03:56:06] <gigaherz|work> says "missing resource for domain minecraft"
L123[03:56:27] <gigaherz|work> you have to prefix the texture references with your domain (modid)
L124[03:56:35] <gigaherz|work> if you don't, it defaults to minecraft:
L125[03:57:02] <gigaherz|work> atomizer:items/silverAxe
L126[03:57:30] <Fredi100> ...oh...i see
L127[03:57:35] <Fredi100> ...omg
L128[03:57:37] <Fredi100> thanks
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L130[03:58:28] <Fredi100> wait, do i have to say it in the unlocalized name?
L131[03:58:37] <Fredi100> where do i have to add that?
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L133[03:58:49] <gigaherz|work> wat no in the item model json
L134[03:59:10] <gigaherz|work> although it IS a good idea to include the modid in your unlocalized names
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L136[03:59:29] <Fredi100> okay
L137[03:59:33] <gigaherz|work> can you show how you register the model?
L138[03:59:39] <Fredi100> ahh, yes
L139[03:59:43] <gigaherz|work> I'm starting to fear you followed one of those horribly broken tutorials
L140[04:01:51] <Fredi100> http://pastebin.com/ihzUmbUe
L141[04:02:05] <gigaherz|work> yep
L142[04:02:07] <gigaherz|work> feared as much
L143[04:02:14] <gigaherz|work> DO NOT
L144[04:02:20] <Fredi100> additionally, i have a TreeMap<String, Item> where i save all the items
L145[04:02:22] <gigaherz|work> use "getUnlocalizedName().substring"
L146[04:02:43] <gigaherz|work> the unlocalized name IS NOT the name of the item
L147[04:02:50] <gigaherz|work> it's just the translation string
L148[04:03:28] <gigaherz|work> forge has had a system that allows you to set the proper name for the item
L149[04:03:34] <gigaherz|work> setRegistryName
L150[04:03:40] <gigaherz|work> and the corresponding getRegistryName
L151[04:03:47] <Fredi100> has had?
L152[04:04:01] <gigaherz|work> I forgot to write "since 1.8.9"
L153[04:04:17] <Fredi100> good, im writing it for 1.8.9
L154[04:05:04] <gigaherz|work> then, here is how you should so it:
L155[04:05:12] <gigaherz|work> 1. wherever you call setUnlocalizedName
L156[04:05:18] <gigaherz|work> also call "setRegistryName(name)"
L157[04:05:20] <gigaherz|work> and while you are at it
L158[04:05:26] <gigaherz|work> make setUnlocalizedName include the modid
L159[04:05:29] <gigaherz|work> something like
L160[04:05:50] <gigaherz|work> setRegistryName(itemName); setUnlocalizedName(MODID + "." + itemName);
L161[04:05:54] <gigaherz|work> then
L162[04:06:20] <gigaherz|work> GameRegistry.registerItem(theItem) -- no need for the name of substring since it's already known from "setRegistryName"
L163[04:06:24] <gigaherz|work> and in the model
L164[04:06:47] <gigaherz|work> ModelLoader.setCustomMRL(theItem, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(theItem.getRegistryName(), "inventory"));
L165[04:07:03] ⇦ Quits: Elec332 (~Elec332@ip5456d4a5.speed.planet.nl) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L166[04:07:09] <Fredi100> that seems way smoother
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L169[04:10:08] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L170[04:13:24] <gigaherz|work> this is what I use for my mods:
L171[04:13:26] <gigaherz|work> https://github.com/gigaherz/Enderthing/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderthing/blocks/BlockRegistered.java
L172[04:13:39] <gigaherz|work> https://github.com/gigaherz/Enderthing/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderthing/items/ItemRegistered.java
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L177[04:44:00] <gigaherz|work> https://twitter.com/SeargeDP/status/729966070971379712
L178[04:44:35] <gigaherz|work> 1.9.3 is out
L179[04:45:11] <LexDesktop> If anyone sees onibait tell him to sign the forge relicense issue
L180[04:45:19] <Nitrodev> oh are they finally cutting out the "Removed herobrine" feature?
L181[04:45:27] <gigaherz|work> naah
L182[04:45:32] <gigaherz|work> maybe
L183[04:45:33] <gigaherz|work> but naah
L184[04:45:38] <gigaherz|work> we'll see in 1.10 ;P
L185[04:45:48] <gigaherz|work> or 1.9.4 when it inevitably happens in a few minutes ;P
L186[04:45:49] <Nitrodev> ;P
L187[04:45:55] <Nitrodev> lol
L188[04:46:12] <gigaherz|work> https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/729955502210306048
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L190[04:47:32] <Nitrodev> yeah i noticed
L191[04:48:25] <Nitrodev> so how are you doing giga?
L192[04:49:32] <killjoy> Hm. spectral arrows work on endermen
L193[04:49:35] <killjoy> and the mob behind them
L194[04:52:46] <gigaherz|work> finally got my work laptp
L195[04:52:50] <gigaherz|work> setting it up ;P
L196[04:56:20] <Nitrodev> nice
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L420[05:54:44] <Fredi100> @gigaherz Thank you so much again. Everything is working now, thank you
L421[05:59:45] <Cypher121> yay my text parser works
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L443[07:09:38] <Wuppy> omg gigaherz|work is working :O
L444[07:09:40] <Wuppy> :P
L445[07:10:15] <gigaherz|work> well, I'm configuring the laptop
L446[07:10:25] <gigaherz|work> but yeah, I FINALLY got my work machine
L447[07:10:46] <Wuppy> woo congrats :)
L448[07:10:54] ⇨ Joins: CoolSquid (~CoolSquid@ti0011a400-2417.bb.online.no)
L449[07:11:44] <gigaherz|work> now if OSX wasn't retarded...
L450[07:12:15] <gigaherz|work> I already had to install one app just to make home/end behave like a normal computer
L451[07:18:34] ⇨ Joins: Ordinastie_ (~Ordinasti@87-231-58-94.rev.numericable.fr)
L452[07:26:50] <Saturn812> you also probably paid for that app like $200
L453[07:28:57] <gigaherz|work> nah, happens to be free
L454[07:30:54] <masa> gigaherz|work: hehe and that 1.9.4 did happen almost immediately :p How Mojang of them to spend several weeks on 1.9.3-pre releases and then mess something up after all :D
L455[07:31:17] <gigaherz|work> XD
L456[07:31:18] <gigaherz|work> well
L457[07:31:25] <masa> not that I mind, for some reason I don't like the odd patch versions, even patch versions are somehow much nicer looking, no idea why
L458[07:31:27] <gigaherz|work> you can be a year in beta
L459[07:31:34] <gigaherz|work> the day you release SOMEONE will realize you didn't fix X
L460[07:31:38] <gigaherz|work> because they never reported it
L461[07:31:39] <masa> yep
L462[07:32:13] <gigaherz|work> u1051745pwd32456
L463[07:32:16] <gigaherz|work> oops
L464[07:32:20] <masa> whoops
L465[07:32:33] <gigaherz|work> Update: Minecraft 1.9.4 removes the incorrect snapshot warning when you load a world from a previous version in Minecraft 1.9.3.
L466[07:33:16] <masa> did they actually _remove_ it or fix it so that it doesn't complain on release versions...
L467[07:34:12] <gigaherz|work> no idea what the message was about
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L469[07:34:38] <masa> I noticed it yesterday when testing that the village data NPE was still there in 1.9.3-pre3
L470[07:35:08] <masa> it says in orange text that please backup your workd before loading it in this snaphot, or something, when hovering over the world entry in the list
L471[07:35:49] <masa> which is nice IMO for the regular users who are not aware how snapshots or downgrading can break worlds
L472[07:36:01] <gigaherz|work> oh
L473[07:36:22] <gigaherz|work> yeah probably just doesn't show up in non-snapshot builds
L474[07:39:49] <masa> hm, why don't they show it when hovering over the world's text info, only when hovering over the icon/screenshot and when the button controls appear
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L476[07:44:48] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L477[07:45:13] <barteks2x> I had 12 unused classes in my project...
L478[07:45:39] <barteks2x> And withing that was 1 unused package with 3 classes
L479[07:46:25] <Cypher121> barteks2x: at least they were unused
L480[07:47:01] <Cypher121> I decided it's time for a rewrite when I found some legacy package that mirrored all NBT tag classes
L481[07:47:30] <LatvianModder> So will 1.9.4 forge be compatible with 1.9.0?
L482[07:47:39] <barteks2x> And most of them have been uniused for >6 months
L483[07:48:02] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L484[07:48:21] <gigaherz|work> No idea, but I doubt it, LatvianModder
L485[07:48:40] <Cypher121> should I change the font size? http://imgur.com/a/YWiIk
L486[07:48:44] <LatvianModder> Well, probably the port will take like.. 1 minute
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L488[07:49:27] <gigaherz|work> Cypher121: a smaller font would allow more space, but may look out of place, depending on UI scale level
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L490[07:50:31] <barteks2x> Does anyone have issue like this in idea? http://imgur.com/0fNBdIx
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L492[07:51:02] <gigaherz|work> yes, barteks2x
L493[07:51:08] <gigaherz|work> whenever that starts happening, I just restart idea
L494[07:51:46] <barteks2x> That may be a good idea... I didn't really close it for a few days(laptop+sleep mode)
L495[07:51:55] <gigaherz|work> same here
L496[07:52:01] <gigaherz|work> xcept I leave the pc on 24/7
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L498[07:55:35] <barteks2x> License headers in small files really confuse git. 4 files moved when I actually deleted 4 files and added 4 files
L499[07:57:26] <gigaherz|work> heh
L500[08:01:03] <barteks2x> Would it be bad to not make a world converter from cuchaz TWM to my cubic chunks mod?
L501[08:01:28] <gigaherz|work> meh
L502[08:01:29] <Cypher121> text scaled down by something else than power of 2 still looks like shit, right?
L503[08:01:35] <barteks2x> Note that he already released beta version
L504[08:01:47] <gigaherz|work> I wouldn't make one, unless people complain enough that you would rather make one that keep ignoring people
L505[08:02:09] <gigaherz|work> Cypher121: depends on the ui scale
L506[08:02:26] <gigaherz|work> even 50% can look like crap depending on the scale of the gui
L507[08:02:42] <gigaherz|work> if the ui is scaled by an odd number
L508[08:02:51] <Cypher121> well, it does on large
L509[08:02:52] <barteks2x> So it means I can safely update mapdb to 3.0 beta 3 (from 1.0.7) and not care about breaking any existing worlds
L510[08:02:55] <gigaherz|work> then if you draw text with a 50% scale
L511[08:03:05] <gigaherz|work> half the pixels will round up, the other half round down
L512[08:03:11] <Cypher121> I think I'll just leave it at full
L513[08:03:49] <Cypher121> not the best scenario, but better than shitty fonts
L514[08:04:11] <gigaherz|work> i choseto keep my ingame book at full, too
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L517[08:05:15] <gigaherz|work> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/MC/2016-02-17_17.10.38.png
L518[08:05:26] <gigaherz|work> this is how my ingame book looks
L519[08:06:38] <LatvianModder> neat
L520[08:06:40] <gigaherz|work> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/elementsofpower/xml/guidebook.xml
L521[08:06:42] <LatvianModder> did you draw it yourself?
L522[08:06:47] <gigaherz|work> draw?
L523[08:06:51] <gigaherz|work> that's an actual 3d model ;p
L524[08:07:03] <gigaherz|work> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/MC/2016-02-19-0257-03.mp4
L525[08:07:14] <Cypher121> xml -_-
L526[08:07:23] ⇨ Joins: Gil (uid147942@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:5:2:41e6)
L527[08:07:24] <gigaherz|work> it fits
L528[08:07:30] <gigaherz|work> it's designed to be close to html
L529[08:07:42] <gigaherz|work> and it represents the information much better than json would
L530[08:07:59] <LatvianModder> thats so cool
L531[08:08:05] <LatvianModder> and.. isnt that html, not xml?
L532[08:08:12] <gigaherz|work> no, it's definitely xml
L533[08:08:26] <Cypher121> html can't have arbitrary tags iirc
L534[08:08:31] <gigaherz|work> using tags inspired by html, yes, but still xml
L535[08:09:08] <LatvianModder> Pfft, Json still wins!
L536[08:09:09] <LatvianModder> :P
L537[08:09:21] <gigaherz|work> html is an arbitrary application of an sgml subset
L538[08:09:21] <Cypher121> https://gist.github.com/Cypher121/7c1f5667abee593f437c5886e065fe27
L539[08:09:37] <gigaherz|work> xml is a subset of sgml with specific restrictions
L540[08:09:50] <gigaherz|work> and xhtml is a variant of html, built on xml instead of sgml
L541[08:10:49] <Cypher121> I ended up with a weird mashup of about everything
L542[08:12:13] <Cypher121> including groovy-style builders, json and even a bit of markdown
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L546[08:24:51] <barteks2x> WTF!? Idea won't let me open my own class
L547[08:25:07] <barteks2x> I try to open it and it does nothing
L548[08:25:30] <gigaherz|work> did you restart?
L549[08:25:51] <barteks2x> It is about half hour after restart
L550[08:26:02] <Cypher121> happened for me too
L551[08:26:12] <Cypher121> guess what, restart it again
L552[08:26:31] <barteks2x> Now I'm seriously considering switching back to netbeans
L553[08:27:18] <barteks2x> It was slow and ugly but it worked very reliably
L554[08:27:40] <gigaherz|work> does it support forgegradle? ;P
L555[08:27:49] <Cypher121> it barely even supports itself
L556[08:28:02] <barteks2x> It uses ggradle plugin that uses gradle tasks for everything
L557[08:28:03] <Cypher121> last time I used it, it took about 40 minutes to start
L558[08:28:08] <gigaherz|work> lol
L559[08:28:11] <barteks2x> Run project? gradle task. Debug? gradle task
L560[08:28:28] <gigaherz|work> last time I used netbeans is was THE fast option
L561[08:28:43] <barteks2x> It is fast if you don't want to use gradke with it
L562[08:28:48] <barteks2x> *gradle
L563[08:29:01] <Cypher121> back in the dark days of eclipse, netbeans and ant?
L564[08:29:18] <barteks2x> If you use gradle with it - you use gradle task everytime you run, everytime you compile, whenever you do... anything
L565[08:29:38] <gigaherz|work> ewh
L566[08:30:27] <barteks2x> Only syntax highlighting doesn't use gradle I think
L567[08:30:56] <gigaherz|work> https://github.com/kelemen/netbeans-gradle-project
L568[08:31:00] <gigaherz|work> this sounds nice ;P
L569[08:31:05] <Cypher121> >enter line
L570[08:31:10] <Cypher121> >gradle highlight
L571[08:31:32] <Cypher121> >enter object name
L572[08:31:38] <Cypher121> >gradle suggestMethod
L573[08:33:26] <barteks2x> Is it possible to use FML* events outside of the main mod class?
L574[08:33:45] <Ordinastie_> nop
L575[08:34:38] <barteks2x> :( so I need to find some way to get my CubeIO class from within that mod class
L576[08:34:58] <Fredi100> @gigaherz I now have added the setRegistryName() on every item and added the modid to the unlocalized name. but now everything lost its texture again
L577[08:35:24] <gigaherz|work> errors in the log?
L578[08:35:29] <Ordinastie_> still not using regular chunks ?
L579[08:35:58] <barteks2x> what do you mean?
L580[08:36:22] <Fredi100> nope
L581[08:36:33] <Fredi100> it doesn'T even say, that there is something missing
L582[08:36:35] <Ordinastie_> extending chunk with a height offset, leave most of the rest as vanilla
L583[08:36:49] <barteks2x> It's not that easy
L584[08:37:03] <Ordinastie_> still easier than what you did
L585[08:37:11] <barteks2x> I do that in some way, but then my Chunk class contains Cubes
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L587[08:37:41] <Ordinastie_> meh, it's your mod
L588[08:37:49] <barteks2x> I left a lot of things to vanilla. But chunk saving isn't one of those things
L589[08:38:09] <Ordinastie_> if it was a regular chunk, you wouldn't have to change saving
L590[08:38:11] <gigaherz|work> Ordinastie_: but then it wouldn't be cubic chunks! ;P
L591[08:38:15] <Ordinastie_> maybe beside adding the height offset
L592[08:38:47] <gigaherz|work> the mod would have to be called "Vertically offset chunks" ;P
L593[08:38:51] <barteks2x> As I said, it's not that easy. If I just left everything to vanilla, it would still be quasi-cubic-chunks system.
L594[08:39:43] <barteks2x> And if I would dynamically load/unload ExtendedBlockStorage objects - I would need to replace chunk saing/loading anyway. And the wholw PlayerManager. And terrain generator
L595[08:39:51] <barteks2x> And lighting code
L596[08:40:01] <barteks2x> Which isn't that fasr from what I'm doing now
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L598[08:40:35] <Ordinastie_> nope
L599[08:41:04] <Ordinastie_> I don't mean dynamically loading ExtendedStorage
L600[08:41:13] <Ordinastie_> that's handle by the chunk
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L602[08:41:27] <gigaherz|work> barteks2x: suppose you have a standard chunk
L603[08:41:35] <gigaherz|work> just overriding the methods so that all y params
L604[08:41:36] <gigaherz|work> get +256
L605[08:41:39] <gigaherz|work> applied automatically
L606[08:41:43] <gigaherz|work> or -256
L607[08:41:43] <barteks2x> Then it's not cubic chunks anymore, you just have dynamic chunk height
L608[08:41:49] <gigaherz|work> exactly
L609[08:41:57] <Ordinastie_> wasn't that your goal anyway ?
L610[08:42:09] <gigaherz|work> Ordinastie_ is saying that would be much less painful to implement than actual cubic chunks
L611[08:42:20] <barteks2x> Which doesn't scale very well to higher worlds and would cause extremely high ram usage with deeper worlds
L612[08:42:31] <Ordinastie_> what ?
L613[08:42:32] <gigaherz|work> nono
L614[08:42:36] <Ordinastie_> no
L615[08:42:37] <gigaherz|work> the chunks are still 256 tall only
L616[08:42:42] <gigaherz|work> just you have two vertically
L617[08:42:43] <gigaherz|work> instead of one
L618[08:42:50] <gigaherz|work> maybe one at +1000 and one at 0
L619[08:42:51] <gigaherz|work> or whatever
L620[08:42:57] <barteks2x> That would break hell lot more stuff than what I'm doing
L621[08:43:05] <barteks2x> how do you imagine adding third coordinate to Chunk?
L622[08:43:07] <Ordinastie_> why ?
L623[08:43:31] <gigaherz|work> yo uextend Chunk, create a field Yoffset, and apply it on any method called from outside
L624[08:43:54] <gigaherz|work> then on saving, loading, extend the filename generation so it takes the Y offset into account
L625[08:44:07] <barteks2x> And a moment before you said that Chunks would still be 256 tall
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L627[08:44:34] <gigaherz|work> oh I see what you mean
L628[08:44:35] <Ordinastie_> I don't think there many cases where you don't have any access to some Y coordinate
L629[08:44:41] <gigaherz|work> the get chunk methods don't have Y param
L630[08:44:51] <barteks2x> exactly
L631[08:45:12] <barteks2x> So it's way easier to assume that Chunk is infinite in height and let vanilla think it's dealing with normal chunks
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L633[08:46:14] <barteks2x> In fact, when I first tried to make that mod (jar-mod) in 1.4.2 I tried to add third coordinate to Chunk...
L634[08:46:30] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L635[08:46:33] <barteks2x> After spending 2 days on it and getting nowhere near compiling it, I gave up
L636[08:49:10] <barteks2x> Is there some way to get World object from FMLServerStoppedEvent?
L637[08:49:10] <Fredi100> i just dont get it, why the textures are gone
L638[08:49:17] <Fredi100> i doesnt make any sense
L639[08:49:53] <gigaherz|work> can you show code?
L640[08:50:06] <Fredi100> what exactly do you want to see....wait
L641[08:50:29] <gigaherz|work> well you could make it all opensource, then we'd be able to just look at what we need to see ;p
L642[08:50:42] <Fredi100> https://github.com/Fredi100/Atomizer/blob/master/src/main/java/atomizer/items/ItemBronzeIngot.java
L643[08:50:49] <Fredi100> feel free to navigate
L644[08:50:49] <gigaherz|work> but at the very least, the code you use for setCustomMRL, and th code you use to setRegistryName
L645[08:51:08] <gigaherz|work> uhh
L646[08:51:13] <gigaherz|work> you don't actually call setRegistryName
L647[08:51:28] <Fredi100> https://github.com/Fredi100/Atomizer/blob/master/src/main/java/atomizer/items/AtomizerItems.java
L648[08:51:28] <barteks2x> I need to be able to get ChunkProviderServer from FMLServerStoppedEvent
L649[08:51:31] <gigaherz|work> or did you not push?
L650[08:51:34] <Fredi100> that happens in this class
L651[08:52:11] <gigaherz|work> you can't do the model stuff in there
L652[08:52:14] <Fredi100> and you are right
L653[08:52:18] <gigaherz|work> it will crash in the dedicated server
L654[08:52:19] <Fredi100> i shoult push my stuff
L655[08:53:17] <gigaherz|work> also ,you seem to be using the item model mesher stuff
L656[08:53:24] <gigaherz|work> which has been deprecated for over a year
L657[08:53:36] <Fredi100> in the main class, i check if it is on the client side where the method for registering everything gets called
L658[08:53:53] <gigaherz|work> that won't matter
L659[08:53:57] <gigaherz|work> you reference the classes
L660[08:53:59] <gigaherz|work> so they will fail to load
L661[08:54:08] <gigaherz|work> that stuff has to be used indirectly
L662[08:54:09] ⇦ Quits: Temportalist (uid37180@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:913c) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L663[08:54:14] <gigaherz|work> which is why the proxy system exists
L664[08:54:22] <Fredi100> i still have a lot to learn about minecraft programming, this is my first mod
L665[08:54:33] <gigaherz|work> hence why i'm telling you
L666[08:54:51] <gigaherz|work> it WILL fail, you will have to put it in the client proxy
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L668[08:55:41] <barteks2x> I think I will have to replace World#saveHandler with reflection
L669[08:56:10] <gigaherz|work> but yeah
L670[08:56:14] <gigaherz|work> back on topic
L671[08:56:16] <gigaherz|work> you do
L672[08:56:22] <gigaherz|work> MODID + ":" + getRegistryName
L673[08:56:25] <gigaherz|work> that's why it won't work
L674[08:56:34] <gigaherz|work> getRegistryName returns the name WITH modid included
L675[08:56:38] <gigaherz|work> so you are adding the modid twice
L676[08:56:39] <Fredi100> ohhhh
L677[08:56:53] <gigaherz|work> but as I said
L678[08:56:57] <Fredi100> i thought it just sets the name, i didnt know it adds the id
L679[08:56:58] <gigaherz|work> that method shouldn't be used anymore
L680[08:57:07] <gigaherz|work> you should use
L681[08:57:12] <gigaherz|work> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation
L682[08:57:18] <gigaherz|work> but it needs to be called from PRE-init
L683[08:57:19] <gigaherz|work> not init
L684[08:57:53] <gigaherz|work> https://github.com/gigaherz/Enderthing/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderthing/client/ClientProxy.java#L27
L685[08:57:55] <gigaherz|work> this is how I do it
L686[08:58:25] <gigaherz|work> although that's a bad example
L687[08:58:35] <gigaherz|work> because I have subitems which use different files for the models
L688[08:58:41] <gigaherz|work> so I need them to have different model filenames ;P
L689[08:59:31] <gigaherz|work> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift/client/ClientProxy.java
L690[09:00:09] <gigaherz|work> this is the most complex one I have: https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java
L691[09:00:22] <gigaherz|work> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java#L183
L692[09:00:28] <gigaherz|work> model stuff starts here
L693[09:01:27] <Fredi100> okay, i will look through it
L694[09:01:38] <gigaherz|work> hmmm it's 4pm
L695[09:01:40] <gigaherz|work> time to leave work
L696[09:01:44] <gigaherz|work> bb in a bit from home
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L698[09:02:43] <Fredi100> bb
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L700[09:21:52] <Delenas> I am getting "MultiModel minecraft:builtin/missing is empty (no base model or parts were provided/resolved)" friggin everywhere. Where is forge/vanilla adding this so I can debug?
L701[09:22:08] <Delenas> I've dug through all of my blockstates, everythign -looks- fine.
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L712[09:35:50] <Wuppy> ugh why do I have so much shit on stema
L713[09:35:59] <Wuppy> just picked 2 random games, uninstalled within 5 minutes :V
L714[09:37:49] <masa> Delenas: well what about your models then?
L715[09:37:52] <ghz|afk> ...why?
L716[09:38:04] <ghz|afk> just watch gameplay and such before you buy
L717[09:38:08] <masa> does every model have either a valid parent or elements
L718[09:38:09] *** ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L719[09:38:47] <Wuppy> gigaherz, bundles...
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L722[09:41:09] <Delenas> masa, fairly certain. What exactly does that look for, blocks/items, including states?
L723[09:43:09] <Delenas> For model files, the ones with elements.. does that need a parent or something specific in it?
L724[09:43:12] <Delenas> Or just the elements?
L725[09:44:38] <masa> if you have elements then you don't need a parent
L726[09:45:31] <masa> hmm wait, are all the errors for the builtin/missing?
L727[09:45:36] <Delenas> Yes
L728[09:45:39] <Cypher121> gigaherz: any particular reason you use anon class for functional iface? https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java#L64-L73
L729[09:45:43] <masa> hm, is that then actually broken?
L730[09:46:15] <masa> but what are those missing models used for, are you missing some models from your stuff?
L731[09:46:31] <diesieben07> Cypher121, lambdas do not work with MC interfaces atm.
L732[09:46:35] <diesieben07> reobfuscation breaks it
L733[09:46:54] <Delenas> I'm not sure what exactly the model is for, buuuut I think it's for rugs. And if so, rugs are broken in code anyway right now. I can't test that.
L734[09:49:43] <Cypher121> ah
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L743[10:11:51] <Delenas> So, yes. Using blockstate to set things, it is in fact the rugs. Mrp.
L744[10:16:10] <Delenas> /* Returns if this block is collidable. Only used by fire, although stairs return that of the block that the stair is made of (though nobody's going to make fire stairs, right?)
L745[10:16:29] <Delenas> I might just, now. Don't challenge me, doc writers.
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L750[10:38:10] <williewillus> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/2846 :P
L751[10:38:27] <williewillus> when i saw the patch at first I was like uhhh pretty sure that's a taken signature
L752[10:39:43] <diesieben07> haha
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L757[10:47:54] <gigaherz> https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/730058645354991616
L758[10:48:19] <gigaherz> https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/730059333829021696
L759[10:48:51] <williewillus> "intergration"
L760[10:49:08] <williewillus> and dammit people printing normal messages on fatal
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L762[10:51:48] <Lordmau5> williewillus, what was the method-call for getting the particle texture or a specific block again?
L763[10:52:41] <williewillus> this gives you texture name -> Icon, assuming you have stitched it to the atlas:
L764[10:52:45] <williewillus> return Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getAtlasSprite("botania:blocks/livingwood0");
L765[10:53:04] <Lordmau5> can I perhaps just return a Stone texture incase of null?
L766[10:53:12] <williewillus> yeah, whatever you want really
L767[10:53:17] <Lordmau5> so just minecraft:stone then
L768[10:53:21] <Lordmau5> ?*
L769[10:53:35] <williewillus> its the texture path
L770[10:53:42] <barteks2x> This line just looks wrong to me while(this.writeNextIO()); but I don't see any way to write it in cleaner way
L771[10:53:43] <williewillus> so minecraft:blocks/stone
L772[10:53:54] <Lordmau5> ah, okay
L773[10:57:19] <Delenas> Okay, my brain hurts. Is there a way to make blocks not do entity collision, but have a hitbox?
L774[10:58:15] <masa> https://twitter.com/MansOlson/status/730062943627423745
L775[10:58:35] <masa> yeah so... looks different than the current launcher, but still doesn't look like something I would use
L776[10:58:49] <williewillus> Delenas: 1.9?
L777[10:59:11] <gigaherz> Delenas: look at the signs?
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L779[10:59:39] <masa> signs, torch, tall grass, flowers, crops, cobweb...
L780[10:59:45] <gigaherz> in 1.9, they override isPassable to true
L781[11:01:32] <Delenas> Ah, that'd be why. I was looking for something with collision instead of isPassable. Derp.
L782[11:02:43] ⇦ Quits: RichardG (richardg86@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L783[11:03:56] <Delenas> And that new launcher actually looks pretty nice.
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L785[11:05:08] <gigaherz> the button looks horribly out of place
L786[11:05:09] <gigaherz> XD
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L788[11:08:38] <heldplayer> I don't like how it looks :P
L789[11:08:42] <williewillus> yeah
L790[11:08:46] <williewillus> looks like the new website
L791[11:08:47] <williewillus> which is ugly
L792[11:11:25] <Delenas> It's minimal. Which is good, because the dirt pattern was way too busy.
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L794[11:12:01] <Delenas> I'd rather have flat colors than it taking extra time to load a bunch of textures and junk.
L795[11:12:15] <gigaherz> the texture was on the web view
L796[11:12:29] <gigaherz> that whole thing is just a web page
L797[11:12:35] <gigaherz> and the bg is a small texture, repeating
L798[11:12:39] <Delenas> Which, I'm sure now, they're just grabbing info from an api instead.
L799[11:12:53] <Delenas> Which is faster than rendering an entire page.
L800[11:15:51] <gigaherz> how sure that downloading a large image logo is faster than loading the news page, but whatever ;P
L801[11:16:31] <Delenas> In any case, how long do you even spend in the launcher? Ten minutes to set something up, and then what? A minute?
L802[11:16:49] <Delenas> People are freaking about something that literally just logs you in. >.>
L803[11:17:26] <Lordmau5> so I got the ugly crash fixed
L804[11:17:48] <ven000m> WOW :-) https://twitter.com/MansOlson/status/730062943627423745
L805[11:19:15] <Lordmau5> now though, any way I can "simulate" the block break effect like on the original block? - https://i.lordmau5.com/1462897071-882
L806[11:19:34] <Delenas> I love all the people commenting about "Morre is misspelled! AFAOEFHF" when it clearly says "Logged in as Morre" at the top
L807[11:20:22] <williewillus> Lordmau5: youre saying you want the block breaking overlay to show?
L808[11:20:27] <Lordmau5> aye
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L811[11:25:24] <Lordmau5> I bet it's just one simple method override somewhere in the Block class, or...? @ williewillus
L812[11:27:18] <Wuppy> for those of you who watched GoT already (very heavy spoilers, only watch if you've watched em) this guy is hilarious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kBrsEEjNPM
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L830[12:42:31] <Delenas> So, what exactly is Oredictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE, anyway?
L831[12:42:42] <williewillus> magic number
L832[12:42:55] <williewillus> that stands for "any meta"
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L845[13:44:41] <PaleoCrafter> somebody here have any idea how to properly configure the shadow plugin with FG? xD
L846[13:46:36] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> done it a few times
L847[13:46:40] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> it's not any different than normal
L848[13:46:41] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> why?
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L850[13:46:54] <PaleoCrafter> well, you have to get it into the normal building pipeline, don't you?
L851[13:47:02] <PaleoCrafter> and I haven't gradled in some time :P
L852[13:47:10] <tterrag> 'normal building pipeline' ?
L853[13:47:21] <PaleoCrafter> like, just calling shadowJar won't do it :P
L854[13:47:33] <PaleoCrafter> since it doesn't get the reobufscation etc.
L855[13:47:57] <tterrag> oh you probably mean this https://github.com/creatubbles/ctb-mcmod/blob/1.8/build.gradle#L92
L856[13:48:07] <tterrag> and the next line too
L857[13:48:15] <tterrag> tasks.build.dependsOn reobfShadowJar
L858[13:48:20] <PaleoCrafter> ah, great
L859[13:48:47] <PaleoCrafter> FG really has changed since I last really used it xD
L860[13:49:09] <tterrag> I do a lot in my shadowJar{} that you probably don't need
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L862[13:51:14] <PaleoCrafter> thanks a lot
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L864[13:52:04] <aidancbrady> question- say I have a block that is rendering correctly in the world but I need to scale down in my inventory. is it possible to define an item model json to apply the transformations?
L865[13:52:17] <PaleoCrafter> sure
L866[13:52:31] <aidancbrady> how so? I’m rendering it from the blockstate json right now
L867[13:52:33] <gigaherz> aidancbrady: check existing json models from vanilla
L868[13:52:43] <gigaherz> they often have a "display" block
L869[13:52:54] <gigaherz> ah in the blockstates json
L870[13:52:57] <gigaherz> you can use "transform"
L871[13:53:04] <aidancbrady> I did, I noticed it with fences. The thing is that my blockstate json always overrides whatever item json I have
L872[13:53:10] <PaleoCrafter> if it's a normal block model, try adding "transforms": "forge:default-block" to your defaults
L873[13:53:14] <williewillus> ^
L874[13:53:21] <williewillus> you can specify it all in the blockstate json
L875[13:53:24] <gigaherz> or forge:default-item -- although that one doesn't affect inventory
L876[13:53:33] <PaleoCrafter> or specify your own ^^
L877[13:53:37] <aidancbrady> what will that do?
L878[13:53:45] <aidancbrady> say I want to translate it down a bit and scale it by 1/2
L879[13:53:58] <williewillus> https://gist.github.com/RainWarrior/0618131f51b8d37b80a6
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L881[13:54:09] <williewillus> line 40ish
L882[13:54:11] <PaleoCrafter> it will apply the default block transforms :P
L883[13:54:45] <PaleoCrafter> oh, it actually is "transform", not "transforms"
L884[13:55:08] <aidancbrady> oh! all the transforms are right there, neat :)
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L886[13:56:22] <williewillus> why cant you view mojira tickets by votes outside of popular issues >.>
L887[13:57:14] <PaleoCrafter> blame Atlassian?
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L889[13:59:09] <aidancbrady> williewillus, is it possible to change the transforms in a variant based on perspective?
L890[13:59:21] <williewillus> yes
L891[13:59:53] <williewillus> "transform": { "<perspective>": <actual transform> }
L892[13:59:56] <williewillus> see line 32 of the gist
L893[14:00:38] <aidancbrady> ah, got it
L894[14:01:04] <williewillus> i think the keys are as of 1.9 firstperson, thirdperson, head, gui, ground, and fixed
L895[14:01:30] <williewillus> with _righthand/_lefthand variants for the first two
L896[14:03:02] <aidancbrady> I’m guessing righthand/lefthand isn’t around in 1.8
L897[14:03:07] <williewillus> no :P
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L899[14:05:03] <aidancbrady> it works, thanks!
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L901[14:07:22] <aidancbrady> another question: it appears that IPerspectiveAwareModel.handlePerspective() is called just before actually rendering an item model. Would I be shunned if I took advantage of that and did some fancy item rendering instead of using the intended model system
L902[14:08:48] <williewillus> I try to use the model system as much as possible but yeah for the 3d botania lexicon I return an empty model there for firstperson and use RenderHandEvent :P
L903[14:09:01] <williewillus> so i guess the answer is it's fine but not super recommended
L904[14:09:10] <aidancbrady> so it still works in 1.9?
L905[14:09:34] <williewillus> i haven't reimplemented it yet because of the dual hands, and renderhandevent moved positions. but yeah it should still work in 1.9
L906[14:10:04] <aidancbrady> ah sweet. I have a good few models that aren’t able to be transitioned to json due to rotation, this would make things easier
L907[14:10:29] <williewillus> are they OBJ?
L908[14:10:48] <williewillus> and there's a hook for to use the TESR for some items
L909[14:10:53] <williewillus> if that's what you need
L910[14:11:10] <aidancbrady> straight up ModelBase stuff right now, my old artist never gave me the .tcn files before leaving
L911[14:11:24] <williewillus> ah
L912[14:11:39] <williewillus> yeah I just remade them :P but takes some time
L913[14:11:41] <aidancbrady> yeah I saw that, it just doesn’t pass any ItemStack information into the TESR. I want my bins to render the item display info on front :)
L914[14:12:20] <williewillus> the "idiomatic" way i guess is to generate an IBakedModel for that
L915[14:12:31] <williewillus> like the floating flowers in botania
L916[14:12:57] <aidancbrady> I was about do to that until I realized it’d be a big pain to deal with the item amount render since we don’t have a font renderer
L917[14:13:10] <williewillus> bug fry about it :D
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L928[14:35:30] <vox> o/
L929[14:35:59] <williewillus> heyo
L930[14:35:59] <PaleoCrafter> ah, vox, https://github.com/PaleoCrafter/VanillaImmersion :P
L931[14:36:27] <vox> Nice, thanks!
L932[14:36:43] <vox> I saw ghz just left. Musta scared him off :P
L933[14:37:07] <PaleoCrafter> I haven't cleaned it up completely yet, so don't yell at me if you find some bad stuff :P
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L935[14:40:13] <barteks2x> I finally upgraded to mapdb 3 beta 3. And because of that I discovered a bug that has been there since the beginning...
L936[14:40:57] <barteks2x> If only closed save files when closing mc, not when unloading worlds
L937[14:40:59] <vox> Oh there he is
L938[14:41:01] <vox> o/ ghz
L939[14:41:25] <Tazz> PaleoCrafter, are you any good at writing shaders?
L940[14:41:35] <PaleoCrafter> depends :P
L941[14:41:41] <PaleoCrafter> I can do the most simple stuff
L942[14:42:06] <Tazz> PaleoCrafter, can I pm you about it?
L943[14:42:09] <PaleoCrafter> sure
L944[14:42:17] <PaleoCrafter> https://github.com/PaleoCrafter/VanillaImmersion you might want to play with it as well :D
L945[14:42:35] <gigaherz> o/
L946[14:42:49] <Tazz> o/
L947[14:42:49] <gigaherz> win10 popped up a "there's an update available" notification
L948[14:42:58] <gigaherz> and because I HATE the "scheduling" shit
L949[14:43:02] <gigaherz> I decided to reboot right then
L950[14:43:07] <Tazz> scary story gigaherz
L951[14:43:47] <vox> eew kotlin @Paleo
L952[14:43:50] <vox> :P
L953[14:43:54] <Tazz> vox, ikr
L954[14:44:00] <Tazz> but imo kotlin is interesting
L955[14:44:05] <Tazz> has some interesting features
L956[14:44:09] <Tazz> but fugly language all together
L957[14:44:40] <PaleoCrafter> this mod started out as a way to play a bit with Kotlin, vox :P
L958[14:44:46] <vox> :D
L959[14:44:46] <PaleoCrafter> It'd normally be Scala :P
L960[14:44:56] <vox> Scala isn't too much better xd
L961[14:45:04] <vox> Idk, I don't really like Java either
L962[14:45:12] <vox> but it hits at least a bit closer to what I'm used to/like
L963[14:45:19] <williewillus> what are you used to? :P
L964[14:45:24] <Tazz> I love Scala
L965[14:45:36] <Tazz> tis why I based my language on it XD
L966[14:45:44] <williewillus> i hope we get to 1.9.4 very soon
L967[14:45:49] <williewillus> lots of nice performance fixes
L968[14:45:54] <gigaherz> uh
L969[14:46:01] <gigaherz> 1.9.4 was released like an hour after 1.9.3
L970[14:46:07] <williewillus> i know
L971[14:46:09] <gigaherz> or you mean forge
L972[14:46:09] <gigaherz> XD
L973[14:46:20] <LatvianModder> even more? I thought it already is perfect :P
L974[14:46:34] <gigaherz> yeah lex said they plan on having 1.9."3" (4 I suppose) asap
L975[14:46:39] <barteks2x> did they fix chunk rendering in 1.9 (or actually chunks not rendering)?
L976[14:46:50] <barteks2x> *1.9.4
L977[14:46:58] <gigaherz> I don't think anything relatedto that was mentioned in the changes
L978[14:47:10] <gigaherz> i nfact, I believe they didn't even fix the NPE from loading villages?
L979[14:48:07] *** AEnterprise is now known as AEnterpriseAFK
L980[14:48:07] <barteks2x> The chunk rendering code can barely deal with moving in horizontal direction, adding third axis breaks it even more
L981[14:48:10] <williewillus> no lol, I couldn't repro it though for some reason
L982[14:48:19] <williewillus> barteks2x: it's slower in 1.9 than 1.8.9
L983[14:48:29] <williewillus> 1.9.3/4 restores it to 1.8.9 speeds
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L985[14:48:56] <barteks2x> I'm going to test it now
L986[14:49:13] <gigaherz> even slower?
L987[14:49:17] <gigaherz> i'm playing a 1.8.9 modpack
L988[14:49:34] <gigaherz> and it wasn't able to handle flying with backlytra
L989[14:49:44] <gigaherz> even with 5gb assignedto the instance
L990[14:49:53] <barteks2x> Is that thing faster than creative flying?
L991[14:50:01] <gigaherz> can be
L992[14:50:07] <gigaherz> speed varies
L993[14:50:22] <gigaherz> if you point down, it accelerates, at the cost of height
L994[14:50:24] <barteks2x> 1.9/1.9.2 definitely can't handle creating flying speeds
L995[14:50:29] <gigaherz> if you point up, it rises at the cost of speed
L996[14:50:31] <barteks2x> *creative
L997[14:50:41] <gigaherz> it worked just fine on a flatworld
L998[14:50:44] <williewillus> https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-98994
L999[14:50:50] <gigaherz> but it wasn't able to handle amplified at all
L1000[14:51:16] <gigaherz> I'll have to retest my magic-powered flight using my magic mod + elytra
L1001[14:51:20] <barteks2x> The chunk generation fix isn't related to rendering
L1002[14:51:21] <gigaherz> after i port to 1.9.x
L1003[14:51:30] <williewillus> i wasn't talking about rendering
L1004[14:51:44] <williewillus> the ticket I linked was about loading
L1005[14:52:02] <williewillus> just any general "get me a chunk" was slower
L1006[14:52:26] <barteks2x> ^and this is also major issue in cubic chunks
L1007[14:52:59] <williewillus> it got fixed in 1.9.3/4
L1008[14:54:17] <barteks2x> these rendering issues are still there in 1.9.4, but that may be because I'm limited to 60 fps by gpu drivers
L1009[14:54:38] <williewillus> its much quicker for me
L1010[14:54:45] <williewillus> pretty much same as 1.8.9
L1011[14:55:18] <barteks2x> I don't know how it was in 1.8.9, but it still can't keep up with creative flying speed, no matter what render distance is
L1012[14:56:05] <barteks2x> And it randomly decides to stop rendering chunks that it rendered just find a few blocks away
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L1015[14:57:01] <williewillus> seems just fine for me
L1016[14:57:02] <williewillus> lemme test
L1017[14:59:27] <williewillus> 854x480 window, 10 render dist, VBO's on, clouds off, vsync off, no frame cap
L1018[14:59:36] <williewillus> chunks generate as fast as I can fly in spectator mode max speed
L1019[14:59:46] <williewillus> *and render
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L1021[14:59:58] <barteks2x> if you fly in straight line - it kind of works, but if you fly in circles - it doesn't
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L1023[15:00:04] <williewillus> actually that was render dist 16
L1024[15:00:07] <williewillus> okay lemme try
L1025[15:00:24] <williewillus> still nothing
L1026[15:00:38] <barteks2x> and how many fps do you have? I'm limited to 60 because vblank_mode=1 by default
L1027[15:00:57] <williewillus> that was actually framecap 60
L1028[15:01:05] <williewillus> it seems to actually be slightly worse with no cap
L1029[15:01:09] <williewillus> but it's cbarely noticeable
L1030[15:01:38] <barteks2x> I will record it and upload a video...
L1031[15:01:48] <williewillus> might just be a computer thing... :P
L1032[15:02:01] <williewillus> i have a 2013 haswell igpu, it shouldn't be anything incredible
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L1035[15:05:32] <williewillus> hmm
L1036[15:05:40] <williewillus> the visgraph might be doing some weird prioritization stuff
L1037[15:05:43] <williewillus> upped it to 32 chunk render dist
L1038[15:06:10] <williewillus> close chunks render super fast but it just drops off after about 24 chunks away, unless I look very specifically towards it and wiggle the camera around
L1039[15:06:16] <barteks2x> What... I wanted to record it - and it started working
L1040[15:06:21] <williewillus> but if i do that it works
L1041[15:06:22] <williewillus> :P
L1042[15:06:55] <barteks2x> and when I stop recording - it doesn't work again
L1043[15:07:02] <williewillus> lol
L1044[15:07:08] <williewillus> definitely graphics card being weird
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L1046[15:07:48] <barteks2x> I have that weird dual gpu laptop with nvidia optimus. But bumblebee has a weird bug and after resuming from sleep I can't use the nvidia gpu
L1047[15:09:42] <barteks2x> it also works fine when I limit fps to 40 O.o
L1048[15:10:13] <williewillus> i think that's an old issue, where a higher framecap makes it lazier
L1049[15:10:18] <williewillus> didn't know it wasn't completely gone
L1050[15:10:49] <barteks2x> but it's weird because my gou driver still limits fps to 60
L1051[15:11:20] <williewillus> yeah above like 240 ish framecap for me it gets super lazy about loading things in time
L1052[15:11:35] <williewillus> at high render dists at least
L1053[15:12:09] <barteks2x> limit to 50->works, limit to 60-> doesn't work
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L1055[15:14:19] <williewillus> either way still better than the mess that was 1.7- :P
L1056[15:16:38] <barteks2x> my gpu drivers are weird. Minecraft can't control vsync
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L1060[15:31:22] <vox> What does everyone in here use for tile entities?
L1061[15:31:45] <vox> Just something like Mr. Crayfish's Model Creator? Tabula? Techne? something else?
L1062[15:32:19] <thor12022> cube_all. Art's not my thing.
L1063[15:32:35] <vox> Fair enough :D
L1064[15:33:16] <gigaherz> I model in rhinoceros
L1065[15:33:21] <gigaherz> although "model" is sortof a misnomer
L1066[15:33:42] <gigaherz> I construct models from geometric shapes
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L1068[15:33:47] <gigaherz> almost placing each face by hand
L1069[15:33:50] <gigaherz> in Rhinoceros
L1070[15:33:52] <williewillus> i just use crayfish's
L1071[15:33:55] <williewillus> + manual :P
L1072[15:34:03] <gigaherz> then export to .obj ;P
L1073[15:34:31] <vox> Does that require a TESR?
L1074[15:35:29] <gigaherz> no
L1075[15:35:52] <gigaherz> custom model loaders work just fine from a blockstates file
L1076[15:35:54] <gigaherz> in fact
L1077[15:36:02] <gigaherz> they are DESIGNED for it
L1078[15:36:16] <gigaherz> using those models in a TESR/Entity is a tiny bit sub-optimal
L1079[15:36:27] <gigaherz> but it works just fine ;P
L1080[15:36:47] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderrift/blockstates/blockGenerator.json
L1081[15:37:05] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift/client/ClientProxy.java#L29
L1082[15:37:11] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L1083[15:37:17] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L1084[15:37:18] <gigaherz> all you need is to call the line on the second link
L1085[15:37:19] *** big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L1086[15:37:31] <gigaherz> and then use a filename ending in ".obj" in the blockstates file
L1087[15:37:53] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L1088[15:38:08] <vox> that's awesome
L1089[15:38:30] <gigaherz> http://media-elerium.cursecdn.com/attachments/30/371/2016-01-04_01.png
L1090[15:38:45] <gigaherz> I like to think my "programmer art" doesn't look too bad
L1091[15:38:46] <gigaherz> ;P
L1092[15:38:47] <vox> I am a huge fan of that
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L1098[15:50:08] <Mattizin> Hi :)
L1099[15:50:24] <Mattizin> Short question, can i reload my textures ingame when i made smal changes? :)
L1100[15:50:33] <Ordinastie_> F3+T
L1101[15:50:53] <Mattizin> thank you
L1102[15:53:09] <williewillus> make sure youre running in debug mode
L1103[15:53:16] <williewillus> and if in IDEA you need to remake before f3+t
L1104[15:54:27] <Mattizin> Thank you also :)
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L1108[15:59:58] <barteks2x> I tried to fix enabling/disabling vsync. It's not even more screwed up. When I start mc, vsync is disabled, when I enable it, and then disable - it's still enabled. but not fully enabled. I have the worst of both - fps limit and screen tearing.
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L1117[16:08:18] <SinbadEV> before I kill myself looking it up and finding out it's stupidly hard... is there a way in the json models to flip or offset textures or is it easier to just make the modified version of the texture?
L1118[16:08:31] <williewillus> how so flip or offset textures?
L1119[16:08:37] <williewillus> (describe what your high level goal is)
L1120[16:11:28] <SinbadEV> I can be incredibly specific https://plus.google.com/+WilliamBenjaminJohnDavis/posts/6imXV3xJUrr see how the "left" side of blocks has the texture flipped wrong... I want the left side and right side of the existing texture to be swapped... (like draw the first 8 rows of pixels to the bottom half and the last 8 rows of pixels to be drawn to the top half... or left to right)
L1121[16:11:53] <SinbadEV> Figured since it's just a permutation I could save myself making alternate textures
L1122[16:12:20] <williewillus> ahh
L1123[16:12:28] <williewillus> in your blockstate json add "uvlock": true
L1124[16:12:42] <williewillus> assuming you're using forge format
L1125[16:13:06] <williewillus> since the upper slab is the lower slab model flipped upside down, uvlock "locks" the texture in place so it doesn't flip with the model
L1126[16:16:06] <williewillus> Lordmau5: about the digging overlay, i think its because fry isnt finished with whatever makes those work yet
L1127[16:16:12] <williewillus> see BlockRendererDispatcher.getDamageModel
L1128[16:16:20] <barteks2x> Which button change dthe language? I acciedentally set it to russian
L1129[16:16:31] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L1130[16:16:33] <williewillus> go back to the main menu and hit the globe
L1131[16:16:38] <williewillus> small square in the lower left
L1132[16:16:57] <SinbadEV> I am actually culling up or down for my two slab models (to ensure that tops always looks like the top of a block)... I was more talking about how the texture doesn't line up with the next face. (black edging black, white edging white)
L1133[16:17:03] <barteks2x> ah, right. Forgot that it's there.
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L1135[16:17:40] <williewillus> SinbadEV: i'm not quite sure what youre talking about then, it looks fine to me besides the rotated textures
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L1139[16:21:36] <SinbadEV> I don't want it "rotated" though... I want it mirrored or offset.
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L1141[16:22:53] <SinbadEV> but if rotating is the only option I can totally work with that.
L1142[16:23:27] <williewillus> what's "it"? the whole model? a face? :P i guess I'm not getting it very well
L1143[16:23:32] <williewillus> maybe something here will be useful http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Model#Block_models
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L1146[16:25:19] <KnightMiner> SinbadEV: If you want to flip a texture, simply reverse the U or V coordinates
L1147[16:25:34] <KnightMiner> U for X, V for Y
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L1149[16:26:24] <SinbadEV> OH! Thanks.
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L1154[16:38:58] <gigaherz> ooooh
L1155[16:39:04] <gigaherz> Thaumcraft 5 has a grappling focus
L1156[16:39:08] <gigaherz> + backlytra :3
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L1162[16:52:13] <LatvianModder> gigaherz: you noticed just now? :P
L1163[16:54:25] <gigaherz> I hadn't done any thaumcraft in months
L1164[16:54:43] <gigaherz> so far as I can remember, the 1.8 one didn't have it?
L1165[16:56:11] <LatvianModder> Not sure. Isnt TC5 1.8+?
L1166[16:56:34] <gigaherz> yes, but I don't recall the 1.8 version of tc5 having grapple
L1167[16:56:35] <gigaherz> AND
L1168[16:56:43] <gigaherz> I didn't have backlytra until like, last week
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L1172[17:11:59] <williewillus> hm
L1173[17:12:12] <williewillus> i wish there was a good example of a chest using the animation api..like actually :P
L1174[17:12:19] <williewillus> not the kindof demo thats in the forge repo
L1175[17:12:25] <williewillus> because it doesn't tell me anything how to use it
L1176[17:15:31] <masa> how does the animation apia work? does it animate the static models somehow? ie. not requiring a TESR for anything?
L1177[17:15:36] <masa> -a
L1178[17:15:44] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L1179[17:15:56] <illy> only fry|sleep knows
L1180[17:16:25] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1181[17:16:34] <williewillus> it uses a TESR for whatever moves
L1182[17:16:36] <masa> currently I have just static models for my chests, and I don't want to add a TESR nor make the TE ticking just for a lid animation
L1183[17:16:38] <williewillus> everything else is static
L1184[17:16:48] <masa> oh ok, so it needs a TESR
L1185[17:17:00] <williewillus> yeah, forcing static rerenders would be terrible for performance
L1186[17:17:03] <masa> so meh
L1187[17:17:14] <williewillus> items are already queried for models every tick
L1188[17:17:18] <williewillus> so those are straightforward
L1189[17:17:23] <masa> yeah..
L1190[17:18:23] ⇦ Quits: AforAnonymous (bitch2k@dyn-050-099.vix2.mmc.at) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1191[17:19:16] <diesieben07> but it uses an optimized TESR thingy
L1192[17:19:30] <diesieben07> all those optimized TESRs are batched into one draw call
L1193[17:19:39] <williewillus> yeah the tesr it uses makes the assumption that no direct GL is being used so that^ happens
L1194[17:22:36] <masa> so what would that mean for performance compared to regular static models?
L1195[17:23:16] <diesieben07> well, the moving parts still have to be rendered every frame BUT they do so pretty well
L1196[17:23:20] <williewillus> slightly more overhead
L1197[17:23:21] <gigaherz> static models > FastTESR > normal TESR > Crappy TESR
L1198[17:23:25] <williewillus> lol
L1199[17:23:32] <williewillus> actually add one after that
L1200[17:23:34] <diesieben07> i think the next best thing you could do would be to run the animation code on the GPU completely
L1201[17:23:38] <williewillus> > refreshing static models every frame
L1202[17:23:40] <diesieben07> but i don't know if that's actually practical
L1203[17:25:06] <gigaherz> where "normal tesr" is either a vanilla tesr using ModelRenderers cached into displaylists, or modded tesrs using static baked models
L1204[17:25:16] <diesieben07> and googling "gpu animation" and the like just gives me CSS results -.-
L1205[17:25:45] <gigaherz> gpu-only animation relies on having a mesh with bone coefs
L1206[17:25:55] <gigaherz> and then bone matrices indicating the transform applied to each bone
L1207[17:26:00] <gigaherz> then a shader does, per vertex
L1208[17:26:12] <gigaherz> position + bone coef 1 * matrix 1 + ...
L1209[17:26:14] <diesieben07> i have bones in my leg not my gpu, what sorcery are you talking about
L1210[17:26:21] <williewillus> lol
L1211[17:26:26] <williewillus> the bones would be in the model
L1212[17:26:45] <gigaherz> the skeleton is simply a hierarchical (tree) structure
L1213[17:26:55] <gigaherz> where the transform for a child gets also the parent applied
L1214[17:26:56] <diesieben07> You would have a shader, that's all i need to know :D
L1215[17:27:01] <williewillus> idk we might've gotten a sane entity/animated model system if the animation guy didnt leave :P
L1216[17:27:01] <gigaherz> yes
L1217[17:27:11] <gigaherz> skeleton -> matrices -> shader parameters
L1218[17:27:16] <diesieben07> the animatino guy left?
L1219[17:27:19] <gigaherz> mesh -> coeficients
L1220[17:27:26] <williewillus> *rendering
L1221[17:27:32] <gigaherz> when both combine, you get an animated instance
L1222[17:27:42] ⇦ Quits: Biochemic (~quassel@pd9e18e49.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1223[17:27:51] <gigaherz> and if you have more than one set of matrices, you can then do geometry instancing where each mesh is in a different animation state
L1224[17:27:59] <diesieben07> the rendering guy? so fry? :D
L1225[17:28:09] <williewillus> i was talking about mojang
L1226[17:28:15] <diesieben07> Oh
L1227[17:28:17] <diesieben07> :D
L1228[17:28:22] <diesieben07> they should hire fry.
L1229[17:28:23] <williewillus> mog left, he started the shaders thing + move to baked models
L1230[17:28:56] <williewillus> not sure about the former actually but definitely the latter
L1231[17:30:56] <gigaherz> ...... thaumcraft froze mc XD
L1232[17:31:06] <gigaherz> tried to open a page o nthe book
L1233[17:31:09] <gigaherz> and it froze
L1234[17:31:23] <williewillus> oh thats a ticket on the tracker
L1235[17:31:28] <williewillus> the aspects of magic page right
L1236[17:31:33] <gigaherz> yup
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L1238[17:36:18] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L1239[17:36:45] <barteks2x> Why idea break so frequently...
L1240[17:36:58] <kashike> what broke?
L1241[17:37:23] <diesieben07> idea has not actually broke for me once in the year and a half that i'm using it.
L1242[17:37:42] <barteks2x> this happened again: http://imgur.com/0fNBdIx
L1243[17:37:55] <diesieben07> oh that
L1244[17:38:00] <diesieben07> close the parent and open again
L1245[17:38:32] <barteks2x> it's very annoying, especially when I have big file tree open and I want it open and then I need to close the whole tree to fix it
L1246[17:39:40] <Zaggy1024> anybody know why some maps for fluids have the mod as their resource domain but some don't?
L1247[17:40:04] <williewillus> 0.o
L1248[17:40:07] <williewillus> sounds like a bug
L1249[17:40:07] <diesieben07> maps for fluids?
L1250[17:40:22] <diesieben07> why are fluids not yet using the new registries anyways?
L1251[17:40:54] <williewillus> he probably just straight up forgot :P
L1252[17:41:35] <Zaggy1024> well...I was looking at the way my lava fluid was stored in metadata and noticed it was prefixed "genesis:genesis:"
L1253[17:41:54] <Zaggy1024> so I removed the resource domain from my name that's passed to fluid registry, debugged it and looked at the names
L1254[17:42:01] <Zaggy1024> some of them don't prefix with the mod ID and some do
L1255[17:42:38] ⇦ Quits: vox (~voxmods@pool-71-178-241-173.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1256[17:42:40] <williewillus> did you try it on a fresh save?
L1257[17:42:51] <Zaggy1024> that wouldn't matter
L1258[17:43:02] <Zaggy1024> let me show the Forge code that does this
L1259[17:43:20] <williewillus> i see it
L1260[17:43:25] <Zaggy1024> ah
L1261[17:43:26] <williewillus> FluidRegistry.uniqueName?
L1262[17:43:30] <Zaggy1024> yea
L1263[17:43:44] <Zaggy1024> I don't know if this could be fixed in the middle of a release without breaking anything though
L1264[17:46:08] <Zaggy1024> although I would guess it's not much of a problem until people start naming fluids the same thing
L1265[17:46:33] <Zaggy1024> which I suppose could happen with mods adding more commonly known things though, I suppose
L1266[17:48:21] <Zaggy1024> although...is the fluid registry supposed to disallow conflicting names from different mods?
L1267[17:48:59] <Zaggy1024> are people supposed to use it similarly to how the the ore dictionary is supposed to be used?
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L1271[18:03:10] <vox> Yo diesieben07
L1272[18:03:28] <williewillus> who is good at art and wants to help me lol
L1273[18:03:28] <vox> Mind checking out the first draft of the energy part of the Flaw API?
L1274[18:04:00] <vox> https://github.com/VoxMods/NullAutomation/blob/master/src/api/java/com/voxmods/api/IFlawEnergyProvider.java
L1275[18:04:09] <vox> and https://github.com/VoxMods/NullAutomation/blob/master/src/api/java/com/voxmods/api/IFlawEnergyReceiver.java
L1276[18:04:22] <williewillus> interesting naming :P
L1277[18:04:25] <williewillus> thought it was flow at first
L1278[18:04:31] <diesieben07> looks decent enough
L1279[18:04:33] <vox> Nope :D
L1280[18:04:44] <vox> Anything you would suggest other than fixing the missing comments?
L1281[18:04:52] <williewillus> flaw makes it sound...flawed
L1282[18:04:53] <williewillus> though
L1283[18:04:54] <williewillus> idk
L1284[18:05:14] <vox> There's a sample implementation at https://github.com/VoxMods/NullAutomation/blob/master/src/main/java/com/voxmods/nullautomation/machine/PoweredMachineEntity.java
L1285[18:05:48] <vox> It ties into the RF API quite nicely since I stole a lot of my Energy API from there XD
L1286[18:07:10] <vox> Now I need to come up with a way to nicely do items and fluids
L1287[18:07:13] <vox> ick
L1288[18:07:15] <vox> Any ideas?
L1289[18:07:33] <diesieben07> you should design your API around capabilities maybe
L1290[18:07:36] <diesieben07> then you get Items for free
L1291[18:07:48] <vox> Got an example/doc?
L1292[18:08:05] <diesieben07> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/
L1293[18:09:10] <vox> thanks, I'll give that a read
L1294[18:09:56] ⇨ Joins: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@c-98-227-74-155.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
L1295[18:09:58] <williewillus> this one as well
L1296[18:09:58] <williewillus> https://gist.github.com/williewillus/c8dc2a1e7963b57ef436c699f25a710d
L1297[18:10:11] <diesieben07> PLUG!
L1298[18:10:14] <vox> @tt.errag after I get this polished I'll PR it to RTD pls don't kill me
L1299[18:10:15] <vox> lol
L1300[18:11:09] <diesieben07> williewillus, honestly I'd not even mention capabilitiy dispatcher, it's an implementation detail.
L1301[18:11:46] <williewillus> i put it just to highlight why you need to attach ICapabilityProviders when doing foreign stuff ?shrug, it helped me understand better once i found out about it
L1302[18:11:55] <williewillus> i might remove it
L1303[18:12:19] <diesieben07> the way i think about it is: ICapabilityProvider is like a TileEntity. you can attach your own to others
L1304[18:12:32] <diesieben07> and the provider then has capabailities and it knows how to save them.
L1305[18:14:51] <vox> oh man this looks complicated
L1306[18:15:01] ⇦ Quits: DebugsPeople (~DebugsPeo@2a02:810d:95c0:880:7031:a3ce:60e0:7bd6) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1307[18:15:03] <diesieben07> it's really not.
L1308[18:15:09] <vox> What service does this actually provide me though?
L1309[18:15:15] <williewillus> that means i did a bad job explaining >.>
L1310[18:15:21] <diesieben07> a capabilitiy is really that, a capability
L1311[18:15:27] <diesieben07> a thing can have capabilities that it can do
L1312[18:15:34] <diesieben07> such as: store items, store energy
L1313[18:15:43] <diesieben07> this capability implementation can be the SAME for many things
L1314[18:15:51] <diesieben07> e.g.: an Item can have a "i can store energy" capability
L1315[18:15:57] <diesieben07> and a TielEntity has the SAME capability.
L1316[18:16:04] <williewillus> i.e. IItemHandler can represent the inventory of a backpack item, of a chest, of an entity's inventory
L1317[18:16:17] <diesieben07> someone interacting with the capability does not need to know if tehy are interatcting with a TE or an Item or an Entity or...
L1318[18:16:31] <vox> I see
L1319[18:16:52] <diesieben07> then you have IStorage which is something that can serialize a capability into NBT
L1320[18:16:57] <diesieben07> e.g. save the ItemStacks of an inventory
L1321[18:17:10] <diesieben07> then there is ICapabilityProvider which si just something that has capabilities
L1322[18:17:14] <diesieben07> e.g. a TileEntity.
L1323[18:17:38] <vox> Sounds like a more complicated version of my whole API basically
L1324[18:17:46] <diesieben07> well its not more complicated
L1325[18:17:48] <williewillus> not exactly
L1326[18:17:55] <williewillus> you build extremely simple APIs on top of caps
L1327[18:17:56] <diesieben07> it means that TEs don't have to implement 20 interfaces
L1328[18:18:02] <williewillus> see gigaherz' capabilitycore
L1329[18:18:08] <vox> Yeah I'll look at that
L1330[18:18:13] <diesieben07> and it also means you don't have to write the implementation for an energy storage 20 times.
L1331[18:18:16] <vox> This still isn't amazingly clear to me
L1332[18:24:19] <vox> Okay CapabilityCore is pretty easy to understand
L1333[18:24:51] ⇦ Quits: Ordinastie_ (~Ordinasti@87-231-58-94.rev.numericable.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L1334[18:25:03] *** gigaherz is now known as ghz|afk
L1335[18:25:10] <vox> lol I was about to ping him
L1336[18:25:13] <vox> Oh well
L1337[18:27:20] <vox> ghz|afk ping me when you get back please :D
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L1341[18:40:21] <vox> Hahahahaha
L1342[18:40:23] <vox> > EnderRiftMod.logger.warn("DAFUQ, Found an incorrect number of items in the slot " + i + " after extraction! Found: " + found + " expected " + remaining);
L1343[18:41:37] ⇦ Quits: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@c-98-227-74-155.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L1348[19:04:14] <MattDahEpic> my blocks wont render in the inventory or hand but do in the world and i cant figure out why. code: https://github.com/MattDahEpic/MobDropOres/tree/1.9.X/src/main/java/com/mattdahepic/mobdropores
L1349[19:07:10] <diesieben07> any errors in the log?
L1350[19:07:45] <TehNut> Does EnumMob#getName() return uppercase or lowercase?
L1351[19:08:07] <MattDahEpic> TehNut, lowercase
L1352[19:08:16] <TehNut> 100% sure?
L1353[19:08:20] ⇦ Quits: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) ()
L1354[19:08:27] <MattDahEpic> diesieben07, somethingabout net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoaderRegistry$LoaderException: Exception loading model mobdropores:mob_ore#inventory with loader VariantLoader.INSTANCE, skipping
L1355[19:08:31] <MattDahEpic> TehNut, 100%
L1356[19:08:39] <williewillus> full log
L1357[19:08:44] <williewillus> that line means nothing
L1358[19:08:58] * TehNut really doesn't want to clone the project
L1359[19:09:06] <TehNut> i might have to
L1360[19:09:11] <TehNut> *sigh*
L1361[19:09:22] <MattDahEpic> williewillus, https://gist.github.com/MattDahEpic/04397dce52767f747fc9ac44504e3eba
L1362[19:11:07] <diesieben07> where the fudge does it get the "inventory" part from...
L1363[19:11:14] <MattDahEpic> no fucking idea
L1364[19:12:04] <williewillus> conditional breakpoint on setCustomMRL and see if you're passing #inventory through :P
L1365[19:14:03] <TehNut> I'm cloning right now. gimme a sec
L1366[19:15:08] ⇦ Quits: vox (~voxmods@pool-71-178-241-173.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
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L1368[19:19:15] <Matthew> Lex, you said no class renames for 1.9.3/4 right?
L1369[19:19:23] <TehNut> hey mat
L1370[19:19:35] <Matthew> o/
L1371[19:19:43] <TehNut> (not you but hi)
L1372[19:19:45] <TehNut> :P
L1373[19:19:57] <TehNut> MattDahEpic: Do me a favor and take a look at this line here https://github.com/MattDahEpic/MobDropOres/blob/1.9.X/src/main/java/com/mattdahepic/mobdropores/MobDropOres.java#L25
L1374[19:20:00] <Matthew> lol
L1375[19:20:03] <TehNut> Tell me what's wrong with it
L1376[19:20:20] <TehNut> because there's something major wrong with it
L1377[19:20:21] <MattDahEpic> well shit
L1378[19:20:25] <diesieben07> oh my god
L1379[19:20:25] <diesieben07> hahahaha
L1380[19:20:53] <TehNut> Breakpoints never got called, so I decided to dig a bit
L1381[19:21:00] <shadowfacts> is there an event that is fired when an ItemStack is damaged?
L1382[19:21:34] <diesieben07> doubtful, why?
L1383[19:21:44] <TehNut> http://tehnut.info/share/e6xt11DW5I.png
L1384[19:22:12] <MattDahEpic> i havent made the passive mob ore textures yet
L1385[19:22:20] <TehNut> I know
L1386[19:22:21] <williewillus> lol
L1387[19:22:39] <diesieben07> you are still trying to use metadata > 15
L1388[19:23:01] ⇦ Quits: Zyferus (~Zyferus@172-3-154-217.lightspeed.mssnks.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1389[19:23:16] <TehNut> It's... actually seeming to work http://tehnut.info/share/4e2YRxxgDu.mp4
L1390[19:23:18] <TehNut> i'm confused
L1391[19:23:19] <williewillus> also yeah
L1392[19:23:33] ⇨ Joins: DebugsPeople (~DebugsPeo@
L1393[19:23:46] <williewillus> probably because the next ID slot up is not taken or something?
L1394[19:23:56] <MattDahEpic> that's why i was all like "naw it works breh"
L1395[19:24:23] <williewillus> except it absolutely does not, there's some gotcha in there
L1396[19:24:37] <williewillus> the world format has not changed for 4 years and we have always had 16 meta values :P
L1397[19:24:43] <TehNut> making a block to fill the next ID slot
L1398[19:25:04] <williewillus> ah I see
L1399[19:25:11] <TehNut> Going to see what happens
L1400[19:25:17] <williewillus> syncing uses the state ID
L1401[19:25:26] <williewillus> which is mapped IBlockState -> unique id
L1402[19:25:44] <williewillus> not sure why it works saving
L1403[19:26:25] <TehNut> Nope stayed squid block
L1404[19:26:30] <TehNut> huh
L1405[19:27:17] <TehNut> I'
L1406[19:27:28] <TehNut> I'd suggest not "taking advantage" of that and doing it correctly
L1407[19:27:29] <shadowfacts> 'cause I'm adding a thing that prevents tools from being completely broken by moving to a different slot when they get to 1 use left
L1408[19:27:53] <diesieben07> you probably need to use the tick event
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L1410[19:28:49] <MattDahEpic> TehNut, so nbt?
L1411[19:29:06] <TehNut> Just fill a block, then make a new one for the next set of 16
L1412[19:29:30] <williewillus> (blockstate properties can take a subset of an enum)
L1413[19:29:34] <williewillus> for example the wood logs
L1414[19:29:52] <TehNut> Then maybe one block for hostiles, and another for passives
L1415[19:31:43] <TehNut> Or something like what I was doing in my DenseOres fork http://tehnut.info/share/6bfNEWHI8K.txt
L1416[19:32:44] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L1417[19:35:14] <barteks2x> I'm getting weird chunk rendering glitches... and I have no idea if I did something wrong in my mod or is it vanilla bug...
L1418[19:36:24] <barteks2x> how to even debug something like that?
L1419[19:38:33] <barteks2x> http://imgur.com/WRWm6Eo something like this. As I move around it, some (or a lot of) other chunks disappear
L1420[19:39:08] <MattDahEpic> thats in vanilla last time i played
L1421[19:39:18] <williewillus> shouldnt happen often though
L1422[19:39:28] <williewillus> and it's the visgraph culling algorithm glitching
L1423[19:39:57] <barteks2x> the thing is that as long as I don't break any block here, this one won't go away
L1424[19:40:16] <barteks2x> Usually these issues go away if I wait a while
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L1426[19:41:49] <barteks2x> It's as if I forgot to call markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate
L1427[19:47:12] ⇦ Quits: minot (~minot@pool-108-35-29-135.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1428[19:47:32] <LexDesktop> http://puu.sh/oNsGv/1033d30c6f.png 1.9.3 whee
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L1430[19:48:34] <TehNut> \o/
L1431[19:48:40] <vox> o/
L1432[19:48:40] <barteks2x> at least the problem seems to be reproducible with this world. I restarted mc and it happened again
L1433[19:48:46] <williewillus> \o/
L1434[19:48:51] <Matthew> \o/
L1435[19:48:57] <MattDahEpic> and now 1.9.4!
L1436[19:48:58] <TehNut> now 1.9.4 ;D
L1437[19:49:16] <Matthew> heh I think they just changed one boolean for 1.9.4
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L1439[19:51:10] <diesieben07> yeah tehy forgot some snapshot warning message in .3
L1440[19:51:38] <williewillus> lex i also have a batch of bug reports (well, just 3) for the new loot hooks :P
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L1442[19:57:25] <LexDesktop> and you're bringing it up here why?
L1443[19:58:26] <williewillus> i reported it on the tracker
L1444[19:58:37] <LexDesktop> then ill deal with it later
L1445[19:58:40] <LexDesktop> im busy
L1446[20:00:46] ⇦ Quits: minot (~minot@pool-108-35-29-135.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1447[20:00:48] <LexDesktop> humm need a new regex that matches annotations...
L1448[20:01:10] <diesieben07> the whole annotation? including values?
L1449[20:02:46] ⇨ Joins: minot (~minot@pool-108-35-29-135.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net)
L1450[20:02:52] <LexDesktop> yes
L1451[20:03:35] <LexDesktop> we use a regex to fixup some FF issues {abstract methods cant have param names}
L1452[20:03:36] <LexDesktop> http://puu.sh/oNtu6/cff4b226c1.png
L1453[20:03:41] <LexDesktop> nullable fucks it up
L1454[20:05:11] <diesieben07> so it doesnt have to be all that accurate, right? because for the values you'd have to write a whole parser, really...
L1455[20:05:28] <diesieben07> \@(?:[a-z]+)(?:\((?:.*)*\))?
L1456[20:05:35] <diesieben07> simple but should work
L1457[20:05:41] <diesieben07> wait
L1458[20:05:51] <LexDesktop> we dont care about the values jsut needs to eat it
L1459[20:06:09] <LexDesktop> _PARAMETERS_VAR = r'(?:(?P<type>(?:[^ ,])+(?:<.*>)?(?: \.\.\.)?) var(?P<id>\d+)(?P<end>,? )?)'
L1460[20:06:09] <LexDesktop> _PARAMETERS = r'(?:(?P<type>(?:[^ ,])+(?:<.*>)?(?: \.\.\.)?) (?P<name>' + _JAVA_IDENTIFIER + r')(?P<end>,? )?)'
L1461[20:06:13] <LexDesktop> Those are what we use right now
L1462[20:06:56] ⇦ Quits: minot (~minot@pool-108-35-29-135.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1463[20:08:05] <diesieben07> \@(?:\p{javaJavaIdentifierStart}\p{javaJavaIdentifierPart}+)(?:\((?:.*)*\))?
L1464[20:09:13] <Tazz> hmm I wonder if I should do some kind of annotation stuff for Eschelle...
L1465[20:10:04] <LexDesktop> javaJavaIdentifier?
L1466[20:10:09] <diesieben07> yep
L1467[20:10:17] <LexDesktop> I have no idea what the regex is...
L1468[20:10:22] <diesieben07> matchess everything that matches Character.isJavaIdentifierPart
L1469[20:10:37] <LexDesktop> amd this is standard regex?
L1470[20:10:38] <diesieben07> \p{javaXXX} matches Character.isXXX
L1471[20:10:41] <diesieben07> no, java
L1472[20:10:44] <LexDesktop> that I can use in pyton?
L1473[20:10:46] <diesieben07> oh
L1474[20:10:53] <diesieben07> i didnt know you were still using python
L1475[20:10:59] <LexDesktop> MCP is python
L1476[20:11:01] ⇨ Joins: minot (~minot@pool-108-35-29-135.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net)
L1477[20:11:07] <LexDesktop> I need it for both python and java
L1478[20:11:08] <diesieben07> right
L1479[20:11:30] <diesieben07> that _JAVA_IDENTIFIER yo had above works?
L1480[20:11:44] <LexDesktop> Aparently
L1481[20:11:55] <LexDesktop> _JAVA_IDENTIFIER = r'[a-zA-Z_$][\w_$\.]*'
L1482[20:12:03] <diesieben07> yeah ok
L1483[20:12:33] <diesieben07> so \@(?: )(?:\((?:.*)*\))?
L1484[20:12:38] <diesieben07> goddamnt enter key
L1485[20:13:01] <diesieben07> "\@(?:" + _JAVA_IDENTIFIER + ")(?:\((?:.*)*\))?"
L1486[20:13:38] <LexDesktop> need a optional space at the end
L1487[20:14:05] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
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L1489[20:14:11] <diesieben07> "\@(?:" + _JAVA_IDENTIFIER + ")(?:\((?:.*)*\))?\w*"
L1490[20:14:20] <LexDesktop> just one space
L1491[20:14:33] <diesieben07> "\@(?:" + _JAVA_IDENTIFIER + ")(?:\((?:.*)*\))? ?"
L1492[20:16:48] ⇦ Quits: minot (~minot@pool-108-35-29-135.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
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L1494[20:19:45] <barteks2x> Is it possible to stop evaluating expression in idea?
L1495[20:20:28] <vox> How should I save a large amount of data if it's not associated with a block?
L1496[20:20:43] <LexDesktop> _PARAMETERS_VAR = r'(?:(?P<annotation>' + _JAVA_ANNOTATION + ')?(?P<type>(?:[^ ,])+(?:<.*>)?(?: \.\.\.)?) var(?P<id>\d+)(?P<end>,? )?)'
L1497[20:20:47] <LexDesktop> regex101 says that works
L1498[20:21:00] <TehNut> vox: what kind of data?
L1499[20:21:14] <vox> Lots and lots of items, liquids, and some ints for energy
L1500[20:21:30] <vox> starting with energy and items for now
L1501[20:22:18] <barteks2x> nevermind, it finished
L1502[20:23:35] ⇦ Quits: minot (~minot@pool-108-35-29-135.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1503[20:23:37] <killjoy> vox, like player inventories?
L1504[20:24:00] <vox> Think on the scale of AE's ME systems
L1505[20:24:10] <killjoy> associated with an item?
L1506[20:24:21] <killjoy> use nbt
L1507[20:24:22] <vox> It's not associated with anything, which is the issue
L1508[20:24:29] <simon816> use MapStorage
L1509[20:24:35] ⇦ Quits: CoolSquid (~CoolSquid@ti0011a400-2417.bb.online.no) (Quit: Leaving)
L1510[20:24:36] <killjoy> what uses it?
L1511[20:24:48] <vox> It's like a "cloud storage" thing
L1512[20:24:59] <vox> I'm trying to make a system that will be pipe-less
L1513[20:25:01] <killjoy> you could do what enderstorage does
L1514[20:25:05] <vox> hm?
L1515[20:25:07] <killjoy> create a new dimension for storing things
L1516[20:25:19] <killjoy> have it inaccessable
L1517[20:25:42] <simon816> or rather WorldSavedData
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L1521[20:32:55] <LexDesktop> !gm func_76187_b
L1522[20:33:21] <LexDesktop> WorldSavedData.writeToNBT got a new return value, do you guys wanna have it keep the same name or make people update?
L1523[20:34:02] <barteks2x> After almost hour of debugging the only thing I know is that I'm eighter doing something very subtly wrong, or it's vanilla bug
L1524[20:34:44] <Matthew> humm. how about let it get a new srgname (since its sig changed), but just name it the same in the bot?
L1525[20:35:07] ⇨ Joins: minot (~minot@pool-108-35-29-135.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net)
L1526[20:35:59] <LexDesktop> alright that would just mean a delay in the namings until someone comes along and names it
L1527[20:36:39] <Matthew> I'll remember to look for it and name it quickly
L1528[20:37:01] <LexDesktop> !gm func_176204_a
L1529[20:38:56] ⇨ Joins: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@c-98-227-74-155.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
L1530[20:39:57] <LexDesktop> !gm func_184246_b
L1531[20:40:56] <LexDesktop> !gm func_145844_m
L1532[20:41:04] <LexDesktop> Eww that function got locked down to JUST te packets :/
L1533[20:41:32] ⇨ Joins: moog (~moog@24-176-156-144.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com)
L1534[20:41:46] <Matthew> also Lex, you said no class renames right? because a couple of them are straight up reversed
L1535[20:42:01] <LexDesktop> !gm func_145841_b
L1536[20:42:07] ⇦ Quits: maxlowry123 (~IceChat9@pool-71-244-115-181.albyny.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1537[20:42:13] <LexDesktop> make a list i may consider it
L1538[20:42:34] <LexDesktop> There are some changes to the code base that are small
L1539[20:42:36] <LexDesktop> but far reaching
L1540[20:42:38] <Matthew> here's the full list of proposed ones. https://github.com/ModCoderPack/MCPBot-Issues/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22class+name%22
L1541[20:42:46] <LexDesktop> For example onNeighbotBlockChange changed params
L1542[20:42:49] <Matthew> mainly HorseType <-> HorseArmorType
L1543[20:42:53] <LexDesktop> make me a more sensible list
L1544[20:43:04] <Matthew> and CPacketPlayerTryUseItem <-> CPacketPlayerBlockPlacement
L1545[20:44:52] ⇦ Quits: [NK]Ghost (~GFt@ ()
L1546[20:45:48] <simon816> you need a 'high priority' label on the mcp issues
L1547[20:46:24] <simon816> so filter 'class name' and 'high priority'
L1548[20:46:27] *** cpw is now known as cpw|stellaris
L1549[20:46:39] * Matthew adds high priority label
L1550[20:47:14] <Matthew> humm whats a good color. Reds already used
L1551[20:48:02] <MattDahEpic> yellow
L1552[20:48:16] <MattDahEpic> or missing texture purple
L1553[20:49:28] <TehNut> missing textures are definitely hot pink, not purple
L1554[20:49:39] <Matthew> gib hex code
L1555[20:50:08] <Matthew> ok Lex, This looks like the major ones https://gist.github.com/matthewprenger/914b2208504eaa9578185cfd3405c545
L1556[20:50:10] <TehNut> FD05CD
L1557[20:50:10] <MattDahEpic> CC00FF
L1558[20:50:33] <MattDahEpic> TehNut's is better
L1559[20:50:45] <TehNut> YEs because it's actually pink >.>
L1560[20:50:51] <MattDahEpic> -_-
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L1565[20:53:01] <Matthew> ahh yeah thats nice and in you face. https://ss.matthewprenger.com/20160510205236.png
L1566[20:53:21] <TehNut> yeh boi
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L1569[21:06:45] ⇦ Quits: vox (~voxmods@pool-71-178-241-173.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
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L1574[21:22:51] <LexDesktop> !gm func_70109_d
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L1581[21:51:26] ⇨ Joins: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@x4e352c31.dyn.telefonica.de)
L1582[21:52:47] <LexDesktop> !gm func_186320_a
L1583[21:53:03] <LexDesktop> !gm func_189553_b
L1584[21:54:43] *** Mine|away is now known as minecreatr
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L1593[22:18:41] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L1594[22:23:39] <LexDesktop> func_176204_a -> func_189540_a -> onNeighborBlockChange
L1595[22:23:40] <LexDesktop> func_76187_b -> func_189551_b -> writeToNBT
L1596[22:23:40] <LexDesktop> func_184246_b -> func_189514_c -> createTileEntity
L1597[22:23:40] <LexDesktop> func_145844_m -> func_189518_D_ -> getDescriptionPacket
L1598[22:23:40] <LexDesktop> func_145841_b -> func_189515_b -> writeToNBT
L1599[22:23:40] <LexDesktop> func_70109_d -> func_189511_e -> writeToNBT
L1600[22:23:45] <LexDesktop> Someone keep track of that list for me
L1601[22:24:04] * Matthew keeps track
L1602[22:26:08] <Kodos> https://pastebin.com/J0EDeVP9 Done
L1603[22:29:07] <Tazz> can anyone here do a sanity check for me?
L1604[22:29:12] <Tazz> non-minecraft related code
L1605[22:29:39] <kashike> sanity check... what? asking and providing nothing helps no-one
L1606[22:31:40] <Tazz> kashike, https://gist.github.com/s0cks/df3e38f9b9c640d11e8b9e57749595e3 does this make sense logically?
L1607[22:32:02] <Tazz> the top is the output when running
L1608[22:32:37] <kashike> uh I have no idea what that code does, i'll let someone else answer
L1609[22:32:49] <Tazz> this is the code that is parsed:
L1610[22:32:49] <Tazz> val pi: Double = 3.141592654;
L1611[22:32:50] <Tazz> val tau: Double = pi * 2.0;
L1612[22:33:03] <Tazz> assuming that pi and tau are in a local scope
L1613[22:35:37] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p549613EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1614[22:37:08] <Nosirrom> so comparing local variables to whatever you pass in, and return if they are the same? intro to c++ doesn't teach enough at my school
L1615[22:37:43] <Tazz> Nosirrom, ideally they way this is called tau shouldnt exist as a variable and the local scope should only contain pi
L1616[22:37:57] <Tazz> but somehow tau is in the local scope before being defined in it
L1617[22:42:25] ⇨ Joins: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54961216.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1618[22:45:07] <LexDesktop> crap...
L1619[22:45:20] <LexDesktop> python is dieing on the new regex for some reason... it was JUST working...
L1620[22:48:02] ⇨ Joins: SatanicSanta (~SatanicSa@c-76-115-175-15.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
L1621[22:51:25] *** cpw|stellaris is now known as cpw|out
L1622[22:54:00] <LexDesktop> it works on 2.7.9 not but 2.7.3 and 2.7.3 is the version MCP ships
L1623[22:57:54] <Matthew> solution: update mcp's version of python?
L1624[22:58:09] * Matthew sits here with his python 3
L1625[22:58:43] <LexDesktop> make me a portable version
L1626[22:58:54] <SatanicSanta> Why do people still use Py2? 3 has been out for like 9 years.
L1627[22:59:10] <McJty> Py3 is essentially a different language in many ways
L1628[22:59:18] <McJty> And for compatibility reasons people keep on Py2
L1629[22:59:19] <SatanicSanta> Yeah, and it's significantly better.
L1630[22:59:26] <McJty> Especially if they use libraries that are not ported to Py3
L1631[22:59:32] <LexDesktop> -.-
L1632[22:59:38] <LexDesktop> dont start these dumb argements
L1633[22:59:40] <Matthew> well that went downhill fast....
L1634[22:59:45] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1635[23:00:12] <SatanicSanta> Who is arguing? :|
L1636[23:00:23] <SatanicSanta> McJty: That is a good point
L1637[23:02:17] <williewillus> wtf
L1638[23:02:30] <williewillus> public static nested classes ar eintialized separately from their parent right
L1639[23:09:51] ⇦ Quits: Stiforr (~Stiforr@ip72-216-8-185.pn.at.cox.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1640[23:10:37] <killjoy> still considered an inner class
L1641[23:11:19] <BluShine> Apologies if this is a dumb question, but I'm new to Forge: I'm trying to make a simple mod that makes sword clicks hit entities through tall grass (and other non-solid blocks). I'm pretty sure I've figured out how to do the raycasting stuff, but I'm not sure how to override the default sword behavior. Would it make more sense to intercept the LeftClickBlock event, check for sword-grass interactions, deny the event, then do
L1642[23:11:20] <BluShine> my own custom sword attacking code?
L1643[23:11:32] <williewillus> probably
L1644[23:11:48] <williewillus> killjoy: I'm getting CNFE where it used to work, but ohwell I'll just split it out
L1645[23:12:12] <williewillus> wtf
L1646[23:12:17] <williewillus> it's still crashing after I split it out?
L1647[23:13:59] <williewillus> oh, it works without a lambda wtf
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L1650[23:34:20] <Tazz> gah >.<
L1651[23:35:08] <Tazz> making a new instance of a class for each time my compiler does a math op is terribad and only works 50% of the time (when theres is at least 1 non-literal value)
L1652[23:35:43] <Tazz> so now I have to write a box instruction and unbox instruction...something I wanted to refrain from doing >.<
L1653[23:41:15] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1654[23:42:23] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1655[23:55:16] <BluShine> Hm... my mod kinda works, but even if I cancel the LeftClickBlock event, the player still sees the visual effect of the grass being hit and particles flying out. Is there a way to cancel that, too?
L1656[23:55:44] <williewillus> what forge version are you using?
L1657[23:55:50] <williewillus> and are you cnaceling it on both sides?
L1658[23:57:05] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L1659[23:57:49] <BluShine> using the latest forge. I just have a single event handler for PlayerInteractEvent.LeftClickBlock.
L1660[23:58:10] <BluShine> And I call event.setCanceled(true);
L1661[23:58:17] ⇨ Joins: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk)
L1662[23:59:18] <williewillus> are you testing in survival or creative?
L1663[23:59:27] <williewillus> i accidentally left creative out of some parts of the code path when I rewrote it
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