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L20[01:59:56] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160509 mappings to Forge Maven.
L21[02:00:00] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160509-1.9.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160509" in build.gradle).
L22[02:00:10] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L25[02:02:53] <nullifiedcat> hello guys
L26[02:05:22] <KitKat> o/
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L36[02:52:16] <ghz|afk> ..........
L37[02:52:56] <ghz|afk> New comment on your video: Ender-Rift Mod - Rift structure creation tutorial"
L38[02:52:56] <ghz|afk> Yko Suiza: WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont have the Rift Interface!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU COCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLS TELL me why this is
L39[02:52:58] <ghz|afk> ...
L40[02:53:24] <ghz|afk> well that's not really a good way to ask people to be helpful XD
L41[02:56:34] <Cypher121> ghz|afk: it would be a bad way, but !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! makes it better, didn't you know?
L42[02:58:31] <ghz|afk> There's the reply I chose to write: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAwD6MItuMQ&google_comment_id=z13bu5wqvpe3shdlw220g5lymunner2rd04&google_view_type#gpluscomments
L43[02:58:46] <ghz|afk> no idea how to link to my own comment so I linked to the dude's comment ;P
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L46[03:02:17] <Cypher121> ghz|afk: read his channel description
L47[03:02:20] <Cypher121> that's some good shit
L48[03:03:55] <sham1> what is happening here
L49[03:04:30] <sham1> All I see is giga shitposting
L50[03:04:57] * Cypher121 is sad because his shitposting has been ignored
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L58[03:48:08] <Wuppy> o/
L59[03:48:16] <ghz|afk> o\
L60[03:48:24] <Wuppy> wazza gigaherz?
L61[03:49:06] <ghz|afk> Woke up late, with a headache
L62[03:49:16] <ghz|afk> and no news of the laptop waiting for me at the office
L63[03:49:16] <Wuppy> that's not good :<
L64[03:49:22] <ghz|afk> so I called in sick and stayed home
L65[03:49:34] <Wuppy> that's nice :P
L66[03:49:42] <Wuppy> I've got 3 meetings lined up today
L67[03:49:58] <Wuppy> but it's like 25C outside so I'm not to happy with that :P
L68[03:53:16] <baegmon> uh just wondering, is there a "OP" equivalent thingy in forge?
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L70[03:56:37] <sham1> What do you mean
L71[03:57:50] <sham1> Define "'OP' equivalent"
L72[03:58:24] <baegmon> oh in bukkit OP is like giving someone full admin privelege?
L73[03:58:37] <baegmon> privilege*
L74[03:58:47] <ghz|afk> forge mods generally don't have permissions
L75[03:59:04] <ghz|afk> opping an user in the server does enable most commands that would normally not be allowed
L76[03:59:16] <ghz|afk> but that's just following along with vanilla command access levels
L77[04:00:02] <baegmon> ah I see, looks like I'll try to build it myself :P
L78[04:00:27] <ghz|afk> what were you thinking of?
L79[04:00:30] <ghz|afk> I mean
L80[04:00:47] <ghz|afk> what do you want opped players to be able to do, that you normally can't?
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L82[04:09:53] <baegmon> @ghz no clue, probably will just build it first and see from there :L
L83[04:09:54] <Cypher121> doesn't minecraft itself have privilege levels?
L84[04:09:57] <baegmon> I mean its all for fun sooooo
L85[04:10:19] <Cypher121> iirc, it was something like 3 for command blocks, 5 for console
L86[04:10:34] ⇦ Quits: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L87[04:10:52] <ghz|afk> I don't think you can adjust the player level, though?
L88[04:10:57] <ghz|afk> there's just the one setting in server.properties
L89[04:11:08] <ghz|afk> that tells you how high the privilege level of the opped players is
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L91[04:11:53] <Cypher121> yeah, you probably can't
L92[04:12:10] <Cypher121> at least it allows to set level for your command and check against it
L93[04:13:45] <ghz|afk> IMO they should have made it possible to specify a player level per player
L94[04:14:10] <ghz|afk> or even named levels
L95[04:14:13] <ghz|afk> something like
L96[04:14:14] <baegmon> yea that would've been pretty nice
L97[04:14:26] <Cypher121> well, there are many things mojang should have done
L98[04:14:30] <ghz|afk> { "levels": { "normal": 0, "mod": 2, "admin": 3" },
L99[04:14:34] <Cypher121> but we're not there, at least yet
L100[04:14:43] <ghz|afk> "players": { "uuid-of-player": "mod" }
L101[04:14:44] <ghz|afk> }
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L108[04:27:15] <Cazzar> So contemplating getting a 1080 now
L109[04:28:47] <Ordinastie_> you should probably wait a bit
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L111[04:31:31] <baegmon> stronger than a titan at half the price seems like a decent investment tbh
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L116[04:36:50] <Cazzar> Ordinastie_: screw the rules, I have money?
L117[04:37:10] <Ordinastie_> if you really want to use your money, I want one too :p
L118[04:37:42] <Cazzar> I don't have the money for a titan :P
L119[04:38:02] <Ordinastie_> I'll settle for a 1070
L120[04:40:25] <Cazzar> Though, that's only an upgrade of 200 :P
L121[04:42:53] <Ordinastie_> I'll probably buy one too
L122[04:43:03] <Ordinastie_> that'll be a nice upgrade from my GTX 680
L123[04:46:33] <Cazzar> :P
L124[04:46:39] <Cazzar> I also need a new mobo/cpu :P
L125[04:46:39] ⇨ Joins: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk)
L126[04:46:45] <Cypher121> I got 970 4 months ago for ~$300
L127[04:48:05] <Cypher121> not sure how I feel about the fact that 1070 costs just as much
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L130[05:07:12] <auenf> Cypher121, 1070 will cost just as much, but 970 will drop in price soon enough
L131[05:07:18] <auenf> happens every year when new cards come out
L132[05:18:22] <baegmon> that sad feeling when my 380 is only like 2 months old :/
L133[05:18:33] <baegmon> probs will move to the 1080 though, this amd card is looooooooooud
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L136[05:24:54] <Cypher121> auenf: yeah, but I already have one, so it only means I won't be able to sell it for much
L137[05:27:50] <auenf> technology is always obsolete before you buy it
L138[05:32:09] <pig> PaleOff: did you make a port or somethign?
L139[05:50:15] <ghz|afk> nah he suggested the feature
L140[05:50:26] <ghz|afk> but then said he was too busy to do it himself
L141[05:50:33] <ghz|afk> the port*
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L153[06:57:49] <sham1> 22 degrees centigrade :C
L154[06:57:58] <sham1> So warm
L155[07:09:06] ⇦ Quits: Searge|office (~Searge@h-85-24-130-18.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L158[07:16:07] <Wuppy> ugh our school is being stupid.... again
L159[07:16:41] <Wuppy> they expect the boards of all student associations to be in church (not for a religious thing, but a gathering) on the most important day of the year for us
L160[07:16:54] <Wuppy> the one during introduction camp where we all get 90% of our members from
L161[07:17:40] *** Lunatrius` is now known as Lunatrius
L162[07:21:09] <ghz|afk> unascribed: coudl it be that my player is "broken" from using the old version of backlytra? I'm still experiencing weird behaviour
L163[07:21:09] <ghz|afk> ;P
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L172[07:43:10] <baegmon> hm my local server is running 18549ms behind according to the terminal despite having 95% memory being free and 0 mods running, anyone run into similar problems?
L173[07:43:59] <Wuppy> that's a lot of ms :P
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L176[07:45:14] <baegmon> yea I have no idea why, I'm trying this out on pretty much a fresh environment. While moving forward in creative mode in the air it climbs to average 50ms ticks
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L183[07:56:31] <Ivorius> Oh fuck this
L184[07:56:35] <Ivorius> Is rotateBlock really broken?
L185[07:57:24] <Ivorius> north south west east my ass
L186[07:58:27] <Ivorius> Oh well, I'll just scrap compatibility and add my own interface, this approach is shitty anyway
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L207[09:07:04] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L208[09:07:29] <williewillus> Ivorius: define "broken"
L209[09:07:53] <Ivorius> It rotates north south west east
L210[09:07:58] <Ivorius> Which is completely useless
L211[09:08:07] <williewillus> uhhh what
L212[09:08:23] <williewillus> yes, completely useless FOR YOU
L213[09:08:26] <Ivorius> Since 1.8
L214[09:08:39] <williewillus> it simply cycles any facing property it finds
L215[09:08:44] <Ivorius> No, it is useless
L216[09:08:49] <williewillus> and since mojang defined enumfacing in that order then it cycles in that order
L217[09:08:51] <Ivorius> Since it isn't standardized
L218[09:08:53] <williewillus> useless for you
L219[09:09:05] <Ivorius> If you don't know how it rotates
L220[09:09:09] <Ivorius> It is useless
L221[09:09:11] <williewillus> it sure is, it follows the enumfacing ordering
L222[09:09:16] <williewillus> -.-
L223[09:09:16] <Ivorius> 'rotate somewhere' yeah sure
L224[09:09:43] <williewillus> like i said.. it follows the ordering defined by EnumFacing
L225[09:09:46] <Ivorius> Except arbitrary wrench items, tell me one application for this method
L226[09:10:08] <Ivorius> (even though even those would feel awkward)
L227[09:10:56] <williewillus> what are you trying to acheive?
L228[09:11:03] <williewillus> and if it's broken help fix it instead of bitching
L229[09:11:35] <Ivorius> Don't you Lex me
L230[09:11:43] <Ivorius> I'll bitch at bad design whenever I want
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L232[09:11:49] <williewillus> yes then help fix it
L233[09:11:49] <Ordinastie_> haha
L234[09:12:02] <williewillus> doing that helps nothing
L235[09:12:16] <Ordinastie_> Ivorius, don't try to help too much though, it can end badly :p
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L237[09:12:44] <williewillus> what does that even mean :P
L238[09:12:52] <Ivorius> You know exactly what it means
L239[09:13:01] <williewillus> no I don't :P
L240[09:13:04] <williewillus> enlighten me
L241[09:13:18] <Ivorius> Also still no dimension dict from XCompWiz
L242[09:13:25] <Ivorius> Since like one and a half years
L243[09:13:43] <Ordinastie_> substitution is still broken
L244[09:13:45] <Ivorius> This is why you don't delegate tasks I already solved to arbitrary 'experts' >.>
L245[09:14:58] <williewillus> yes, because he has something called real life
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L247[09:15:27] <Ivorius> ... I don't even know how to respond to that
L248[09:15:34] <Ivorius> That's a retarded statement
L249[09:15:39] <williewillus> why is that?
L250[09:15:44] <Ivorius> Oh come on
L251[09:16:36] <Ivorius> Let me just delegate the newest issue to fucking Linus Torvalds
L252[09:16:44] <Ivorius> Oh he didn't fix it? Oh well he must just be busy
L253[09:17:26] <williewillus> so what is your proposed solution to this problem?
L254[09:17:54] <Ivorius> Which one are we talking now
L255[09:17:57] <Ivorius> Rotation?
L256[09:18:01] <williewillus> both
L257[09:18:04] <williewillus> the dimension one more
L258[09:19:05] <Ivorius> For rotation I would either expose facing values to be transformed or read out by whoever wants to work with them
L259[09:19:16] <Ivorius> Or pass them the full transformation algorithm to figure it out themselves
L260[09:19:42] <Ivorius> Both of which I do, depending on what the block prefers
L261[09:20:23] <Ivorius> As for the dimension dict, I had made a pr that was generally decently received until XCompWiz said he'd rather do his own approach
L262[09:20:29] <Ivorius> Which he didn't
L263[09:20:55] <tterrag> link?
L264[09:21:15] <williewillus> 1671
L265[09:21:28] <Ivorius> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/1671
L266[09:23:13] <Ivorius> I reminded him 3 times already tho
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L269[09:25:42] <williewillus> http://xcompwiz.com/ read the 2nd and 3rd posts
L270[09:26:23] <Ivorius> Aha
L271[09:26:38] <Ivorius> That's cool for him, and I didn't do much at all for a whole year either
L272[09:26:58] <Ivorius> But even before that he had like a full year
L273[09:27:41] <Ivorius> It's a thing you can do in a day
L274[09:27:54] <tterrag> So reopen your pr and/or improve it?
L275[09:28:56] <Ivorius> I'll hit him up to see if he wants to do it within the next week, otherwise I'll reopen
L276[09:29:17] <tterrag> That's fair
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L288[10:11:24] <masa> uh, the "minor" bugs you suddenly find... it seems that currently the only way to get stuff out of my furnace output slot is to shift-click... you can't left or right click or even use hoppers, like wat,when did this happen... :D
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L300[10:42:21] <theFlaxbeard> What's the way to force a TE to send a packet in 1.8.9?
L301[10:42:25] <theFlaxbeard> Like markblockforupdate in 1.7
L302[10:42:29] <theFlaxbeard> markDirty doesn't seem to
L303[10:42:55] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L304[10:43:13] <williewillus> notifyBlockUpdate
L305[10:43:35] <williewillus> masa: capas
L306[10:43:41] <williewillus> slotitemhandler uses insert/extractItem
L307[10:43:47] <williewillus> ?
L308[10:44:21] <theFlaxbeard> Is there a way to just update the TE without adjusting blockstate?
L309[10:44:41] <williewillus> notifyBlockUpdate does that
L310[10:44:43] <williewillus> just pass the same state
L311[10:44:47] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L312[10:44:51] <williewillus> (iirc)
L313[10:45:09] <tterrag> you want to send a description packet?
L314[10:45:12] <williewillus> actually not 100% that it sends te packets, but pretty sure. If not you can just send the packet manually :P
L315[10:45:14] <theFlaxbeard> Yup
L316[10:45:55] <theFlaxbeard> Works if I pass the same state, not sure if there's a better way though
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L318[10:46:24] <tterrag> description packet should only concern things that affect the clientside version of the block. it is what gets sent any time a block needs to be redrawn
L319[10:46:34] <tterrag> other data, unrelated to block rendering, should be synced separately
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L321[10:46:52] <tterrag> stuffing everything into your description packet is wasteful
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L323[10:48:42] <theFlaxbeard> That's the plan
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L325[10:48:56] <theFlaxbeard> Just sending active/inactive state which I can't fit into the blockstate
L326[10:49:22] <theFlaxbeard> We still only have 4 bits for metadata right?
L327[10:53:30] <ghz|afk> yup
L328[10:53:42] <ghz|afk> and the world only stores the block+meta
L329[10:53:47] <ghz|afk> not the exact blockstate you use
L330[10:54:08] <ghz|afk> hence why getActualState is there
L331[10:54:17] <ghz|afk> so you can use data from neighbours and/or TE
L332[10:54:52] <theFlaxbeard> Right
L333[10:55:00] <theFlaxbeard> So I'm storing what I can't fit in the 4 bits in the TE
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L346[11:33:08] <tterrag> ghz|afk: you actually afk? :P
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L348[11:36:31] <Wuppy> "afk is relative"
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L353[11:46:50] <ghz|afk> tterrag: not when I spoke, but then I left to get groceries
L354[11:46:52] <ghz|afk> now I'm back
L355[11:46:55] *** ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L356[11:47:06] <tterrag> well, I have an off topic problem :p
L357[11:47:11] <gigaherz> heh
L358[11:47:15] <tterrag> I'm stuck trying to figure out why boxes with negative width or height (but not both) look like this... http://i.imgur.com/PLM6RP6.png
L359[11:47:22] <tterrag> I sort of get *why*, just not exactly how to fix it. here's my code http://pastebin.com/Tcy6JDY7
L360[11:47:31] <gigaherz> o_O
L361[11:47:44] <gigaherz> wait
L362[11:47:55] <gigaherz> you mean how the edges are weird?
L363[11:48:17] <gigaherz> if the width is negative, you have to negate thickness for that direction
L364[11:48:24] <tterrag> hm
L365[11:48:32] <tterrag> but it works fine if BOTH width and height are negative
L366[11:48:38] <gigaherz> yes
L367[11:48:44] <gigaherz> because then it's like you rotated 180 degrees
L368[11:48:45] <gigaherz> not a mirror
L369[11:49:03] <gigaherz> it's still wrong, just doubly wrong, so it looks right
L370[11:49:08] <tterrag> heh
L371[11:49:09] <tterrag> ok
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L373[11:52:06] <simon816> This is what I've been doing over the past few days http://puu.sh/oLMH0/16d464691c.gif
L374[11:52:27] <Lordmau5> god damn it, a crash that I don't know how to fix...
L375[11:52:28] <Lordmau5> also o/
L376[11:52:51] <williewillus> what kind of crash?
L377[11:52:52] <Ordinastie_> tterrag, try to render each side with a different color
L378[11:52:59] <Lordmau5> http://pastebin.com/FTKJwPTD
L379[11:53:13] <Lordmau5> Missing particle @ SimpleBakedModel.makeBakedModel
L380[11:53:29] <williewillus> are you returning null from getparticle in a custom baked model?
L381[11:53:58] <Lordmau5> https://github.com/Lordmau5/FFS/blob/master/src/main/java/com/lordmau5/ffs/client/TankFrameModel.java#L66
L382[11:54:01] <Lordmau5> technically...?
L383[11:54:13] <Lordmau5> I wouldn't know what else to return there
L384[11:55:10] <williewillus> the particle of the original un-camoed frame?
L385[11:55:17] <williewillus> that return val has to be nonnull
L386[11:55:18] <tterrag> gigaherz: ok, now the only issue is when the width/height is less than the thickness
L387[11:55:22] <Lordmau5> uuh
L388[11:55:33] <tterrag> this is a...rectangle? http://i.imgur.com/oBoNWxK.png
L389[11:55:33] <tterrag> :D
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L391[11:56:14] <Lordmau5> well, what else should I return there then, williewillus ?
L392[11:56:27] <williewillus> Lordmau5: return Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getAtlasSprite("modid:blocks/path_to_frame_texture");
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L394[11:56:53] <tterrag> if (fill || width < thickness || height < thickness)
L395[11:56:54] <tterrag> fixed :P
L396[11:56:56] <Lordmau5> but but but ... that wouldn't return the proper particle texture of the block, would it?
L397[11:57:13] <williewillus> keep what you have but replace the null at the end of the line
L398[11:57:16] <williewillus> with that
L399[11:57:18] <Lordmau5> ah
L400[11:57:21] <tterrag> if the model is null, is it even possible to know the proper particle?
L401[11:57:31] <Lordmau5> ...
L402[11:57:33] <Lordmau5> good point
L403[11:57:33] <tterrag> why is model==null even a valid state?
L404[11:57:38] <williewillus> this is a camo block, model == null means there is no camo
L405[11:57:47] <tterrag> what is a camo block without camo? :P
L406[11:57:50] <Lordmau5> it has a camo though
L407[11:57:53] <Lordmau5> I can clearly see the camo
L408[11:57:54] <williewillus> the original block :P
L409[11:57:58] <Lordmau5> otherwise I wouldn't see the... camo... wow, what a logic
L410[11:57:59] <tterrag> I know Lordmau5's mod, there is no possible state without camo
L411[11:58:01] <williewillus> then your state is messed up
L412[11:58:14] <Lordmau5> it's upon trying to break the block
L413[11:58:16] <Lordmau5> I should mention that
L414[11:58:16] <tterrag> so you should remove all null logic, and assume that model isn't null. if it is, THAT is your bug
L415[11:58:20] <tterrag> don't pass your bug down the line
L416[11:59:22] <tterrag> after a few months with C++, I have to say I still like the java stl better
L417[11:59:33] <williewillus> wild guess would be that model is being written over with null when breaking
L418[11:59:35] <tterrag> C++ is missing some stupid simple stuff. there's no signum function
L419[11:59:53] <williewillus> implying java has a template system ;p
L420[12:00:05] <tterrag> I wouldn't call templates "stl"
L421[12:00:09] <tterrag> that's just part of the language
L422[12:00:42] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L423[12:00:44] <tterrag> runtime types is nice, however
L424[12:00:55] <Lordmau5> ah
L425[12:00:58] <Lordmau5> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
L426[12:00:58] <tterrag> I do like some things about C++, but I definitely still prefer java :P
L427[12:01:27] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L428[12:01:36] <Lordmau5> obviously the model is null upon breaking it, who'd have though
L429[12:01:40] <Lordmau5> thought*
L430[12:02:18] <Lordmau5> now, let's check something else...
L431[12:02:30] <Lordmau5> is there a method that is being called before a block is broken? as in, the very first call?
L432[12:02:51] <Lordmau5> I wouldn't mind overriding that and just replacing the original block at that point of time already - *then* breaking it
L433[12:07:06] <theFlaxbeard> How do I render a regular block through a TESR?
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L436[12:11:50] <williewillus> Minecraft.getMc().getBlockRenderDispatcher().renderBlockBrightness
L437[12:11:59] <williewillus> or something along those lines
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L439[12:12:30] <Lordmau5> is there actually a method that is the very first call of a "block break"..?
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L441[12:18:56] <tterrag> !gm onBlockStartBreak
L442[12:19:02] <tterrag> hm guess that got changed
L443[12:19:05] <tterrag> used to be that :p
L444[12:19:10] <tterrag> !mh onBlockStartBreak
L445[12:19:58] <tterrag> !gm onBlockStartBreak 1.7.10
L446[12:20:02] <tterrag> weird...could have sworn
L447[12:20:07] <tterrag> maybe it was a forge method
L448[12:21:48] <Cypher121> !findm .*Block.*Break.*
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L452[12:31:12] <SatanicSanta> What can we use as unique identifiers for fluids, since IDs are no longer a thing/deprecated? Should the name strings be considered unique enough?
L453[12:34:58] <williewillus> yes name strings
L454[12:35:04] <williewillus> like blocks/items
L455[12:35:56] <SatanicSanta> alright :)
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L459[12:42:27] <tterrag> gigaherz: turns out bezier curves are pretty simple :P http://i.imgur.com/3KFwVdD.gifv
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L461[12:43:11] <tterrag> (hardcoded to quadratic, of course)
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L464[12:55:01] <Elucent> I'm having some issues with World.destroyBlock()
L465[12:55:13] <williewillus> what problems?
L466[12:55:24] <Elucent> I call it, and the blocks disappear, but they aren't truly broken, and right-clicking the empty space will make them come back
L467[12:55:36] <williewillus> make sure you call it serverside
L468[12:55:55] <Elucent> I'm calling it on both sides, and it works sometimes
L469[12:56:11] <williewillus> it should work, I've never had a problem with it
L470[12:56:15] <williewillus> try doing server only
L471[12:56:38] <Elucent> i'll try
L472[12:59:07] <Elucent> huh, seems to be working now
L473[12:59:48] <Elucent> thanks
L474[13:00:02] <williewillus> np
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L488[13:49:26] <aidancbrady> hey- I’m running into a strange issue. for some reason it seems like my tile entities aren’t completely dissapearing on the server side when the block is broken
L489[13:50:00] <williewillus> how so?
L490[13:50:02] <gigaherz> did you override shouldRefresh?
L491[13:50:22] <aidancbrady> I didn’t, no. Does the default implementation not work?
L492[13:50:33] <gigaherz> the default implementation works too well
L493[13:50:41] <williewillus> gigaherz: thats not his problem
L494[13:50:44] <gigaherz> as in: it will replace the TE whenever the blockstate changes
L495[13:50:50] <williewillus> the default implementation is eager to *replace* it
L496[13:50:53] <gigaherz> williewillus: it obviously isn't
L497[13:50:56] <williewillus> but he's saying things are hanging over
L498[13:51:00] <gigaherz> but if he had overridden it with "return true;"
L499[13:51:04] <gigaherz> er
L500[13:51:06] <gigaherz> return false;
L501[13:51:11] <gigaherz> then it MAY remain afterward
L502[13:51:21] ⇦ Quits: PitchBright (~PitchBrig@CPE00fc8d8a3ce3-CM00fc8d8a3ce0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: brb)
L503[13:51:58] <aidancbrady> right. it’s driving be nuts, I’ve been looking into this for a solid two hours now
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L505[13:52:28] <gigaherz> show code, then
L506[13:52:30] <williewillus> do you know if something's holding on to it?
L507[13:52:35] <gigaherz> show us your block and your TE
L508[13:52:48] <williewillus> also mek 9 is looking awesome btw I'm super hyped :D
L509[13:52:51] <gigaherz> and yeah -- anywhere that you hold a reference to that TE
L510[13:52:55] <gigaherz> mek 9?
L511[13:53:07] <williewillus> his mod is Mekanism :P
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L513[13:53:33] <aidancbrady> thanks :) your tutorials have been a big help
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L515[13:53:59] <aidancbrady> here’s my block class: https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/mekanism/common/block/BlockBasic.java
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L517[13:54:52] <aidancbrady> world.getTileEntity() on the block’s position is returning null after I call removeTileEntity() under breakBlock()
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L521[13:57:18] <aidancbrady> in my multiblock logic code, I have a little recursive algorithm which finds all the connected multiblocks of the same type. For some reason it’s finding the tile entity that I had previously broken that was once connected to the structure. This is all server-side
L522[13:57:34] <williewillus> hmm. but it searches using getTileEntity?
L523[13:57:43] <aidancbrady> https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/mekanism/common/multiblock/UpdateProtocol.java#L472
L524[13:58:58] <aidancbrady> I print out the tile entity reference it finds and it’s the same memory value that I was getting when calling breakBlock()
L525[13:59:31] <aidancbrady> Which is super weird since getTileEntity() was returning null immediately after calling blockBreak()
L526[13:59:58] <aidancbrady> this is one of those bugs that completely drives me up the wall
L527[14:00:03] <williewillus> does the multiblock search code just use world.getTileEntity or you store the TE's in your own structures? if the latter maybe it's a leaking? not sure
L528[14:00:49] <aidancbrady> no, definitely not storing any TEs for that reason. Even the recursive algorithm only maintains coordinates as nodes
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L530[14:05:54] <theFlaxbeard> So, I have an interface with the method getPos() like the one in tileentities
L531[14:06:01] <theFlaxbeard> TEs can implement it, but so can other objects
L532[14:06:07] <theFlaxbeard> it works fine in the dev environment
L533[14:06:21] <theFlaxbeard> but when getPos() in TileEntity is obfuscated, my overlapping interface method isn't
L534[14:06:23] <theFlaxbeard> is there a way to fix this?
L535[14:06:39] <aidancbrady> oh man, this is really weird. the old tile entity is persistent even if I place a new block down in the same location. I can put a block in the same location and a server-side getTileEntity() call returns the old tile
L536[14:08:38] <williewillus> theFlaxbeard: i don't think its really possible to "retrofit" obfuscated methods onto interfaces like that. Maybe Forge does it but I doubt it
L537[14:08:51] <theFlaxbeard> Is there anything I can do?
L538[14:08:52] <williewillus> they just use delegation iirc
L539[14:09:05] <theFlaxbeard> I have an interface that's implemented by TileEntities and IMultiparts from MCMultipart
L540[14:09:07] <theFlaxbeard> and I'd much rather do
L541[14:09:16] <theFlaxbeard> IMechanicalConduit conduit = whatever
L542[14:09:21] <theFlaxbeard> conduit.getPos()
L543[14:09:25] <theFlaxbeard> vs conduit instanceof TileEntity ? ((TileEntity) conduit).getPos() : ((IMultipart) conduit).getPos()
L544[14:09:38] <williewillus> is this your own TE?
L545[14:09:57] <theFlaxbeard> It's an interface implemented by a bunch of my own TEs and multiparts
L546[14:10:02] <williewillus> then just have the interface and have it delegate to the obf method
L547[14:10:19] <theFlaxbeard> How do I do that?
L548[14:10:24] <williewillus> BlockPos myInterfaceGetPos() { return getPos(); } ? :P
L549[14:10:37] <williewillus> i might be misunderstanding haha
L550[14:10:53] <theFlaxbeard> Ohh right okay
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L552[14:13:59] <aidancbrady> okay. I think I may have discovered the problem. Somehow I’m creating two instances of my tile entity and adding both to the tile list
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L558[14:26:36] <aidancbrady> onBlockAdded() is now called BEFORE the tile entity is created, causing two forced tile creations if you try and access your tile too early. Fascinating
L559[14:26:40] <tterrag> hm...what would be the best way to implement a freeform polygon?
L560[14:26:52] <tterrag> (this has nothing to do with MC :P)
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L570[14:45:28] <zid> I'm learning a bit of modding and got stuck on using a GuiScreen, could someone point me to a repository of some sorts where I can view an example? Bedrockminers tutorial doesn't quite seem to do the trick for me
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L573[14:48:07] <Xilef11> I'm getting "cannot instantiate the type EntityArrow"
L574[14:51:15] <diesieben07> Xilef11, well, because EntityArrow is abstract.
L575[14:51:55] <Xilef11> right... didn't notice :p
L576[14:52:05] <Xilef11> how should I create an arrow then?
L577[14:52:16] <diesieben07> choose one of the subclasses.
L578[14:52:55] <Xilef11> I only see spectral or tipped, which one is "normal"
L579[14:53:57] <diesieben07> look at what ItemBow does.
L580[14:55:06] <tterrag> apparently it just uses tipped
L581[14:55:14] <tterrag> uses PotionTypes.empty
L582[14:55:50] <tterrag> aidancbrady: you really should have the gradle wrapper in your repo
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L586[15:06:43] <zid> is this a good way to check if an item is able to be used as fuel? return TileEntityFurnace.isItemFuel(stack);
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L588[15:07:24] <zid> or should I just use getItemBurnTime(stack) > 0
L589[15:12:34] <tterrag> did you read the code for isItemFuel?
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L591[15:14:12] <zid> yeah, it just calls getItemBurnTime, I was just wondering if it's okay to call static minecraft methods like that
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L593[15:15:15] <tterrag> it's fine
L594[15:16:44] ⇨ Joins: Mattizin (~mattizin@ip5f5abbc9.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L595[15:17:12] <Mattizin> Hey, i got some really strange beahavior in my Modelloader set CustomModelResourceLocation (1.9)
L596[15:17:35] <Mattizin> I register my Items wit this method:
L597[15:17:46] <Mattizin> private void registerItemModel(Item item, int meta, ModelResourceLocation modelResourceLocation)
L598[15:17:46] <Mattizin> {
L599[15:17:46] <Mattizin> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, meta, modelResourceLocation);
L600[15:17:46] <Mattizin> }
L601[15:17:56] <Mattizin> i have 2 items
L602[15:17:59] <Mattizin> dust and ingots
L603[15:18:02] <Mattizin> each with meta
L604[15:18:11] <Mattizin> i want to have the etxtures in a subfolder
L605[15:18:20] <Mattizin> textures/items/ingots/....
L606[15:18:27] <Mattizin> textures/items/dusts/.-...
L607[15:18:57] <Mattizin> i use it exact the same way
L608[15:18:58] <Mattizin> for(int i = 0; i < EnumIngotType.values().length; i++)
L609[15:18:58] <Mattizin> {
L610[15:18:58] <Mattizin> registerItemModel(ModItems.ingot, i , new ModelResourceLocation(MODID + ":ingots/" + EnumIngotType.values()[i].getName() + "Ingot", "inventory"));
L611[15:18:58] <Mattizin> }
L612[15:18:58] <Mattizin>
L613[15:18:59] <Mattizin> //Dusts
L614[15:18:59] ⇦ Quits: Actuarius (~Actuarius@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L615[15:18:59] <Mattizin> for(int i = 0; i < EnumDustType.values().length; i++)
L616[15:19:00] <Mattizin> {
L617[15:19:01] <Mattizin> registerItemModel(ModItems.dust, i, new ModelResourceLocation(MODID + ":dusts/" + EnumDustType.values()[i].getName() + "Dust", "inventory"));
L618[15:19:01] <Mattizin> }
L619[15:19:02] <tterrag> no
L620[15:19:05] <tterrag> stop pasting code in chat
L621[15:19:09] <Mattizin> ahhh
L622[15:19:10] <Mattizin> ok
L623[15:19:30] <Mattizin> sorry
L624[15:19:54] <heldplayer> Did you kill the bot?
L625[15:20:00] <tterrag> no it just dies a lot
L626[15:20:02] <tterrag> fry: reboot pls
L627[15:20:06] <heldplayer> lol
L628[15:20:07] <heldplayer> Silly bot
L629[15:20:32] <Mattizin> for the dusts it works perfect, for the ingots it says cant find textures under items/texture name
L630[15:20:37] <Mattizin> and i dont know why :/
L631[15:20:45] <fry> java.util.NoSuchElementException: next on empty iterator
L632[15:20:47] <fry> interesting
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L635[15:22:03] <Mattizin> lol did i just killed the bot who had to stop me spamming code? :D
L636[15:22:18] <tterrag> no
L637[15:22:25] <tterrag> it was a coincidence
L638[15:22:26] <Mattizin> thank god :D
L639[15:22:33] <heldplayer> I dunno tho
L640[15:22:48] <tterrag> we don't have a moderator bot. lex just usually bans people
L641[15:22:48] <masa> Mattizin: did you actually set the TEXTURE path in the model files, because that ModelResourceLocation is the path to the models, not the textures
L642[15:23:11] <Mattizin> @masa im so stupid
L643[15:23:18] <Mattizin> thank you i mixed that around in my head
L644[15:23:23] <masa> hehe
L645[15:23:47] <Mattizin> just wasted nealr yan hour on it -_-
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L647[15:23:57] MineBot sets mode: +v on Actuarius
L648[15:24:06] <fry>
L649[15:24:07] ⇦ Quits: Actuarius (~Actuarius@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L650[15:24:09] <fry> :P
L651[15:24:13] <fry> it was you :P
L652[15:24:27] <masa> yep sometimes you just can't see the simplest of errors no matter how long you stare at it
L653[15:24:56] <Mattizin> did i kill it? :D
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L656[15:25:40] MineBot sets mode: +v on Actuarius
L657[15:25:46] <fry>
L658[15:25:46] ⇦ Quits: Actuarius (~Actuarius@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L659[15:25:46] <heldplayer> Was it the empty line?
L660[15:25:47] <Mattizin> Alle works perfectly now xD
L661[15:26:01] <heldplayer> I have a test for it too fry :P
L662[15:26:10] <fry> heh, need to actually build the code, not just write it :D
L663[15:26:17] <heldplayer> :D
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L665[15:27:10] MineBot sets mode: +v on Actuarius
L666[15:27:13] <tterrag> a line with only whitespace crashes it?
L667[15:27:15] <fry>
L668[15:27:18] <heldplayer>  
L669[15:27:19] <fry> not anymore :P
L670[15:27:32] <heldplayer> What other characters can we throw at it, hmmmm
L671[15:27:33] <tterrag> so what were you doing. matching words with regex and iterating?
L672[15:27:36] <heldplayer> ಠ_ಠ
L673[15:27:36] <Mattizin> my code startet with a comment
L674[15:27:41] <Mattizin> maybe that was it?
L675[15:27:47] <heldplayer> It was an empty line
L676[15:27:50] <Mattizin> cause it also wasnt accepted
L677[15:27:52] <fry> assuming the list will always have elements
L678[15:28:03] <Mattizin> :D
L679[15:28:07] ⇨ Joins: ollieread (~ollieread@exia.ollieread.com)
L680[15:28:46] <heldplayer> ?
L681[15:29:02] <heldplayer> Mahjong Tiles is a real unicode block people
L682[15:29:06] <heldplayer> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahjong_Tiles_(Unicode_block)
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L687[15:40:52] <masa> my font doesn't seem to support any of those
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L689[15:44:24] <voxx> gigaherz: I've replaced my ancient 1280x1024 monitor with a slightly newer (still old) 1366x768 monitor
L690[15:44:54] <voxx> huge downgrade in resolution, yes, but the color isn't actual shit
L691[15:44:57] <voxx> and it was free <3
L692[15:46:57] <voxx> I'm getting a 1080p one in about a month anyway, so it might get replaced again
L693[15:47:15] <voxx> Or I might just keep it and find some other use for it
L694[15:47:17] <voxx> idk
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L708[16:06:46] <jampot5000> Is PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock supposed to fire twice on the server side?
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L710[16:08:20] <masa> 1.9? both hands?
L711[16:08:40] <jampot5000> ahh it is 1.9 doesn't fire on the left hand
L712[16:09:36] ⇦ Quits: kimfy (~kimfy___@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L713[16:09:41] <jampot5000> Also doesn't continue to fire if you actually interact with something e.g use bonemeal, open a crafting table
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L716[16:13:02] <jampot5000> ahh it is firing for main and and off hand, gonna have to check that didn't think right was both like that
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L719[16:16:15] <Lex|Oden> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/aaa146c10da9869f59c97105411aa767d4712785
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L727[16:26:37] <vox> Lex, from what I know about loot tables, looks good
L728[16:26:56] <vox> I'd like willieaway and more people's input though
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L731[16:34:29] <vox> Is there any advantage to extending BlockContainer rather than extending Block and implementing ITileEntityProvider?
L732[16:34:40] <diesieben07> Neither of those should be done.
L733[16:34:45] <gigaherz> nope
L734[16:34:47] <diesieben07> Override hasTileEntity and createTileEntity
L735[16:35:29] <vox> That's deprecated
L736[16:35:36] <gigaherz> not that one
L737[16:35:39] <gigaherz> the one with IBlockState
L738[16:36:01] <vox> Oh got it
L739[16:36:12] <vox> What happened to ITileEntityProvider?
L740[16:36:30] <gigaherz> it uses "int metadata" instead of blockstates
L741[16:36:40] <vox> Got it
L742[16:36:51] <gigaherz> and doesn't allow not having a TE
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L744[16:37:00] <gigaherz> with forge's methods
L745[16:37:08] <gigaherz> you can choose which sub-blocks have a TE, and which do not
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L747[16:38:37] <vox> So I just override hasTileEntity to return true, and have createTileEntity return a new instance of the correct TE?
L748[16:38:48] <diesieben07> yep
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L751[16:40:17] <vox> awesome, thanks
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L756[16:50:24] <vox> Is there some way to identify if a mob is a boss mob?
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L759[16:50:59] <diesieben07> define "boss" :D
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L761[16:52:29] <kashike> Assuming you define "boss" as a Dragon or Wither, see !gm func_184222_aU
L762[16:52:37] <jampot5000> isNonBoss()
L763[16:52:58] <jampot5000> or atleast there is a function called that on mine
L764[16:53:05] <kashike> correct
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L768[16:54:40] <diesieben07> that really doesn't have anything to do with boss/non-boss
L769[16:54:43] <diesieben07> that's just a stupid name
L770[16:54:46] <diesieben07> it's for portal
L771[16:55:06] <vox> m.Diyo says there's an interface
L772[16:55:26] <diesieben07> there was in 1.8
L773[16:55:27] <diesieben07> but they changed it
L774[16:55:33] <vox> Oh why
L775[16:55:51] <diesieben07> because it was just for the display bar
L776[16:55:55] <diesieben07> and they improved that a lot
L777[16:56:33] <vox> Where is this in code now?
L778[16:56:41] <kashike> world.BossInfo
L779[16:56:46] <kashike> and child classes
L780[16:56:50] <diesieben07> the mob itself is notified if a player tracks it
L781[16:56:57] <vox> cool, thanks
L782[16:56:58] <diesieben07> and then it uses ServerBossInfo to send packets to the player
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L790[17:14:34] <Lex|Oden> onibait, you there? You need to sign https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/2789
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L792[17:15:53] <masa> the issue with that bossinfo system is that at least for the ender dragon the player tracking is done from the end's world ticking
L793[17:16:20] <masa> it re-scans the players that are in the end once per second, and sends a packet to the players that have left
L794[17:16:32] <diesieben07> huh?
L795[17:16:42] <diesieben07> it is using the normal "does this player track that entity" system
L796[17:16:53] <diesieben07> and if tracking starts/stops it notifies the entity
L797[17:16:57] <masa> meaning that I had to use reflection to reset the boss bar when custom teeporting away from the end
L798[17:17:17] <masa> huh?
L799[17:17:43] <diesieben07> check where setBossVisibleTo / setBossNonVisibleTo are called
L800[17:18:56] <masa> check DragonFightmanager#updateplayers()
L801[17:19:13] <masa> that is where it sends the remove packet to the players
L802[17:19:51] <masa> it is called from DragonFightManager#tick(), and that is called from WorldProviderEnd#onWorldUpdateEntities()
L803[17:20:13] <diesieben07> god why
L804[17:20:19] <diesieben07> they have this nice hook they use for the wither ...
L805[17:20:25] <masa> :P
L806[17:20:35] <masa> because mojang? :p
L807[17:20:46] <diesieben07> holy crap that is so stupid
L808[17:20:58] <diesieben07> do they have their own hooks for portals?
L809[17:21:32] <masa> so without this ugly hack: https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/util/teleport/TeleportEntity.java#L502
L810[17:22:05] <diesieben07> fun :D
L811[17:22:19] <masa> it ended up that the dragon boss bar gets stuck and also the dragon boss bar enables fog, so when i custom teleported from the end, I had the boss bar and close fog
L812[17:22:31] <masa> plus, it adds a new boss bar each time you go back to the end
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L814[17:22:42] <diesieben07> haha
L815[17:22:45] <masa> and when you teleport away, then you have 2 boss bars in the overworld etc.
L816[17:23:09] <masa> lovely system
L817[17:23:25] <diesieben07> well the system is nice they just use it stupidly
L818[17:23:52] <masa> another hacky way to fix it would be to chunk load the end for 20 or 21 ticks when teleporting away from there :p
L819[17:23:55] <masa> yeah
L820[17:23:59] <unascribed> gigaherz, that makes no sense, bounding boxes don't persist
L821[17:25:03] <masa> diesieben07: well their "own hook for portals" in vanilla is kind of that you only get the exit portal after you kill the dragon, so it resets the boss bar before you can leave :p
L822[17:25:29] * diesieben07 cannot even
L823[17:25:33] <masa> also you can't seem to click the respawn button quick enough if you die
L824[17:25:57] <masa> it gets enabled like one seconf after you die, and in that one second it also has time to reset the bar :p
L825[17:26:18] <masa> "so it all works out in the end" in vanilla ;D
L826[17:27:19] <masa> is there any other way to leave the end in vanilla so that the world would get instantly unloaded?
L827[17:28:12] <diesieben07> you could die i suppose
L828[17:28:13] <masa> well I guess if you do the break-one-bedrock trick to the old exit portal before summoning the dragon, then you should be able to keep the old exit portal
L829[17:28:17] <diesieben07> oh respawn
L830[17:28:18] <diesieben07> yeah
L831[17:28:35] <diesieben07> either way this is stupid on their part
L832[17:28:40] <masa> yep...
L833[17:28:54] <masa> maybe I should report it to the bug tracker to be ignored? :p
L834[17:28:55] <diesieben07> forge should maybe patch that to use the tracking events
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L839[17:33:27] <vox> that would be cool
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L844[17:47:23] <williewillus> wait whats wrong with the setBossVisibleTo methods?
L845[17:47:31] <williewillus> (which relaly should be onStartTracking/onStopTracking)
L846[17:48:20] <diesieben07> nothing
L847[17:48:24] <diesieben07> but dragons don't use them
L848[17:48:46] <diesieben07> hence if you teleport out of the end via command the boss bar doesnt disappear
L849[17:48:54] <diesieben07> since it only checks the *end* dimensino for out of range players
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L852[17:51:11] <williewillus> uhh but doesn't leaving the dimension untrack the entity 0.o
L853[17:51:56] <unascribed> "dragons don't use them"
L854[17:52:04] <williewillus> oh lol
L855[17:52:08] <williewillus> of course
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L866[18:07:13] <TobyO> hey
L867[18:07:45] <TobyO> If I'm wanting to implement a custom machine, can I just copy the furnace class pretty much?
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L872[18:11:18] <vox> TobyO probably? I'd just go look at other mods' machines
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L875[18:13:05] <masa> don't copy paste code you don't understand...
L876[18:13:43] <TobyO> Well, I need a starting point really
L877[18:14:07] <TobyO> Seeing as there's no documentation, the best I can do is look at what's similar
L878[18:14:13] <masa> sure, but a smple dummy TileEntity doesn't need much
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L881[18:15:17] <masa> you are in 1.9 right?
L882[18:15:22] <TobyO> I just wanted to know in advance if that was the right way to go about doing it
L883[18:15:25] <TobyO> yeah 1.9
L884[18:15:50] <masa> https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/tree/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/tileentity
L885[18:16:00] <masa> here are my "machines"
L886[18:16:31] <masa> the ender infuser is probably the simplest case, and in there you can just delete everything from the update() method too
L887[18:16:43] <masa> since that is obviously my stuff
L888[18:17:14] <TobyO> thats really helpful thanks :)
L889[18:17:35] <TobyO> The mod I was looking at had it's own power system and such and I'm really not at that stage yet
L890[18:18:07] <masa> so for a simple machine you need basically: a block, where you override hasTileEntity(IBlockState), createTileEntity(World, IBlockState)
L891[18:18:44] <TobyO> I have that much done in another block thats basically a mine
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L893[18:18:59] <masa> then the TileEntity, which needs the readFromNBT and writeToNBT methods, and be sure to call super on those, it is required for the position and TE id etc. vanilla things, an then implement ITickable, then override the update() method
L894[18:19:58] <masa> an for the gui you need an IGuiHandler, which returns a Container o nthe server side, and a GuiContainer on the client side. Assuming your machine has a GUI and inventory slots of course...
L895[18:20:34] <TobyO> Yeah, that's what I'd like :)
L896[18:21:02] <masa> and then in your block's onBlockActivated you call player.openGui on the server side
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L899[18:23:21] <masa> and if your machine has some data that changes the way the block is rendered, for example a furnace being on or off, then sync that data in the TileEntity's getDescriptionPacket() and onDataPacket()
L900[18:23:52] <TobyO> That's great thanks :)
L901[18:23:53] <masa> but for things like an energy level that is only visible when the GUI is open, use the Container's detectAndSendChanges and getprogressBarUpdate()
L902[18:24:07] <TobyO> okay will do
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L904[18:24:33] <masa> for example: https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/inventory/container/ContainerEnderInfuser.java#L40-L108
L905[18:25:37] <masa> and: https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/tileentity/TileEntityEnderFurnace.java#L121-L149
L906[18:26:11] <TobyO> that's great thanks
L907[18:26:30] <TobyO> out of interest how did you find out how to do this stuff, is it from looking at vanilla blocks?
L908[18:27:08] <masa> partially yes
L909[18:27:21] <williewillus> and othr mods
L910[18:27:28] <masa> looking at vanilla code, looking at other open source mods, asking around in here
L911[18:28:26] <masa> tht's just simplu how you over time accumulate the basic knowledge of how stuff works and then it's fairly easy to find out how other stuff works when you have a decent understanding of the basic structure of things in minecraft
L912[18:29:50] <TobyO> I just don't have that knowledge yet :p
L913[18:30:19] <TobyO> Thanks for the help though
L914[18:30:19] <masa> it will come over time
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L916[18:32:00] <williewillus> yup it'll come over time, usually just by doing it :P
L917[18:32:10] <williewillus> and other people telling you you're wrong when you ask for help ;p
L918[18:32:33] <masa> yep :p
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L936[19:22:40] <vox> tterrag: you have your own maven set up?
L937[19:22:44] <vox> that's in it?
L938[19:22:49] <tterrag> uh
L939[19:22:51] <tterrag> yeah I have my own maven
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L942[19:24:54] <vox> *what's
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L944[19:28:01] <TehNut> vox: Just look through it?
L945[19:28:06] <TehNut> It's public facing
L946[19:28:13] <vox> Oh cool
L947[19:28:21] <TehNut> The majority are
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L950[19:34:38] <MattDahEpic> i have blocks that render in the world just fine, but in the hand and inventory have missingtex and i cant figure out whats going wrong. code: https://github.com/MattDahEpic/MobDropOres/tree/1.9.X/src/main/java/com/mattdahepic/mobdropores
L951[19:35:30] <williewillus> errors in log?
L952[19:35:58] <MattDahEpic> someting about upward refrence #all in cube_all
L953[19:36:48] <TehNut> The ModelLoader.registerItemVariants call is redundant, setCustomModelResourceLocation does that for you
L954[19:36:58] <TehNut> It's also wrong for that matter
L955[19:37:57] <MattDahEpic> Unable to resolve texture due to upward reference: #all in minecraft:models/block/cube_all
L956[19:39:01] <TehNut> What's the JSON look like?
L957[19:39:08] <TehNut> oh I guess that's on there
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L959[19:40:45] <williewillus> why is this here?
L960[19:40:45] <williewillus> https://github.com/MattDahEpic/MobDropOres/blob/1.9.X/src/main/resources/assets/mobdropores/blockstates/mob_ore.json#L101-L103
L961[19:40:53] <williewillus> if you have separate item jsons in models/item remove that
L962[19:41:01] <williewillus> (that's why it's failing btw)
L963[19:42:11] <MattDahEpic> removing that doesnt do anything
L964[19:42:20] <williewillus> when you give MC a MRL. First it goes to the blockstate json and attempts to find a variant with the name specified. If that fails, then if the variant name is "inventory" it special cases into models/item
L965[19:42:44] <diesieben07> also...
L966[19:42:49] <diesieben07> why are all those block models there?
L967[19:42:54] <diesieben07> they are not referenced in the blockstate json
L968[19:43:06] <diesieben07> that just uses "cube_all"
L969[19:43:36] <MattDahEpic> they're there for the items to have a parent
L970[19:43:43] <williewillus> wat...
L971[19:43:52] <williewillus> then just declare it in the same file
L972[19:43:57] <williewillus> why split it into a useless parent
L973[19:44:25] <MattDahEpic> honestly those were probably for something in 1.7 and i never removed them when i updated
L974[19:44:43] <diesieben07> 1.7 did not have any jsons
L975[19:44:49] <diesieben07> you really only need that blockstate json
L976[19:44:55] <diesieben07> both block & item can use that.
L977[19:44:57] <williewillus> ^
L978[19:45:10] <williewillus> setCustomMRL("<path to blockstate json>", "mob=zombie")
L979[19:46:08] <TehNut> Um, unrelated but just curious, how are you handling the >16 mobs?
L980[19:46:24] <MattDahEpic> EnumMob
L981[19:46:33] <williewillus> i mean
L982[19:46:36] <TehNut> You're writing >16 to meta in world
L983[19:46:37] <williewillus> is this only going to be vanilla?
L984[19:46:40] <TehNut> which doesn't work
L985[19:46:42] <williewillus> ooh I didn't see that
L986[19:46:46] <williewillus> yeah that won't work :P
L987[19:47:08] <williewillus> surprised you didn't get crazy blockstate bugs yet (writing >15 screws everything up)
L988[19:47:26] <MattDahEpic> it seems to work so far
L989[19:47:32] <williewillus> it definitely does not
L990[19:47:35] <TehNut> The items will work fine
L991[19:47:40] <TehNut> But the RABBIT and SQUID blocks will not
L992[19:47:41] <TehNut> At all
L993[19:47:41] <williewillus> you have 16 meta values from [0,15] in world that's it
L994[19:47:51] <williewillus> they will turn into other random blocks when saving
L995[19:47:54] <williewillus> sometimes
L996[19:48:05] <TehNut> I think they'll roll over to ZOMBIE and BLAZE respectively
L997[19:48:17] <williewillus> hm I thought it woudl roll over to the next block ID
L998[19:48:17] <diesieben07> no they will fall into other block's IDs
L999[19:48:20] <williewillus> yeah
L1000[19:48:23] <TehNut> huh
L1001[19:48:33] <williewillus> you get meta 0 and 1 of the next block id up
L1002[19:48:36] <TehNut> My toying around with that just rolled past 0
L1003[19:48:37] <diesieben07> because it combines meta + blockID into ONE id for the blockstate
L1004[19:48:48] <TehNut> Maybe I was doing something for that to happen
L1005[19:48:53] <TehNut> I don't remember
L1006[19:50:00] <tterrag> it definitely rolls to the next block ID
L1007[19:50:02] <MattDahEpic> Exception loading model for variant mobdropores:mob_ore#inventory for item "mobdropores:mob_ore", normal location exception:
L1008[19:50:14] <tterrag> I assume somewhere deep in the saving it does (id << 4) | meta
L1009[19:50:20] <tterrag> and of course if meta is 5 bits...
L1010[19:50:31] <williewillus> MattDahEpic: full log
L1011[19:50:36] <TehNut> I must have been doing something in the state -> meta conversion to have it roll back then
L1012[19:51:03] <MattDahEpic> williewillus, https://gist.github.com/MattDahEpic/2b6bd9be6779219de7db3a1962d3d1d1
L1013[19:51:43] <williewillus> your answer
L1014[19:51:43] <williewillus> https://gist.github.com/MattDahEpic/2b6bd9be6779219de7db3a1962d3d1d1#file-eh-txt-L204
L1015[19:51:53] <williewillus> you are calling something that gives it that
L1016[19:51:59] <diesieben07> no thats not the answer :P
L1017[19:52:11] <diesieben07> you are using mob_ore#inventory
L1018[19:52:16] <diesieben07> but there is no #inventory variant
L1019[19:52:24] <williewillus> he doesn't have a mob_ore model json in that path
L1020[19:52:26] <williewillus> is my point
L1021[19:52:45] <TehNut> MattDahEpic: Are you trying to just use the blockstate?
L1022[19:52:54] <diesieben07> yeah but we discussed that he doesnt need a item model :D
L1023[19:53:08] <williewillus> yeah just use the blockstate >_>
L1024[19:53:18] <MattDahEpic> how do?
L1025[19:53:21] <TehNut> I'm just making sure that's what he's doing :P
L1026[19:53:28] <diesieben07> remove the item model
L1027[19:53:36] <vox> o/
L1028[19:53:37] <williewillus> setCustomMRL(item, meta, new MRL(PATH TO BLOCKSTATE, "mob=zombie")
L1029[19:53:37] <diesieben07> then pass the path to the blockstate json and a varaint inside it
L1030[19:53:43] <williewillus> remove everything in models/item and models/block
L1031[19:56:07] <TehNut> http://tehnut.info/share/wwnWglYT3n.txt
L1032[19:56:16] <TehNut> er
L1033[19:56:19] <TehNut> remove the reg() line
L1034[19:56:43] * williewillus cannot stand the lack of spaces in that style
L1035[19:56:44] <williewillus> :D
L1036[19:57:12] <TehNut> i did it in a normal text editor in 30 seconds leave me alone
L1037[19:57:24] <williewillus> well his original style is like that
L1038[19:57:27] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1039[19:57:39] <TehNut> Usually I clean up style when I provide code changes
L1040[19:57:43] <TehNut> *shrug*
L1041[19:57:47] <williewillus> invoke(func,arg,no,spaces,so,its-all,one,giant+blob)
L1042[19:58:02] <TehNut> Oh, I fixed that in my line
L1043[19:58:13] ⇨ Joins: killjoy (~killjoy@
L1044[20:00:02] <barteks2x> While reformatting my code I discovered that you can have semicolons outside of any method just doing nothing (not after any statement), and it will compile. Java still surprises me (sometimes)
L1045[20:00:24] <TehNut> Braces work like that, too
L1046[20:01:07] <barteks2x> for {} it makes sense because it's initializer block. For semicolons - it doesn't.
L1047[20:01:43] <williewillus> probably to accommodate the C/cpp people they were wooing early on
L1048[20:01:52] <williewillus> where you had to end your definitions with ;
L1049[20:02:09] <MattDahEpic> TehNut williewillus, code on the repo is updated, still doesnt work
L1050[20:02:20] <williewillus> is the log different?
L1051[20:03:14] <MattDahEpic> its still looking for the mob_ore.json in models/items
L1052[20:03:24] <williewillus> something is still registering it then
L1053[20:03:59] <diesieben07> with what variant?
L1054[20:04:15] <MattDahEpic> inventory
L1055[20:04:22] <williewillus> 0.o
L1056[20:04:25] <diesieben07> then yu are not registering it properly :D
L1057[20:05:04] <williewillus> make sure you recompiled lol
L1058[20:05:15] <vox> is there an interface for NBT reading/writing?
L1059[20:05:25] <williewillus> INBTSerializable
L1060[20:05:36] <williewillus> not everything implements it though but TE's/Entitiys/Itemstacks do iirc
L1061[20:05:40] <MattDahEpic> https://gist.github.com/MattDahEpic/503d2513cd8e03d0dc57a9a9f0ea4212
L1062[20:05:47] <vox> Should I be implementing this internally?
L1063[20:06:09] <Lex|Oden> Implement it if you want your object to be able to be accessed by it.
L1064[20:06:29] <Lex|Oden> Its designed as just a quick hack to let people pull in arbitrary objects and serialize them
L1065[20:06:32] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L1066[20:08:17] <williewillus> yeah idk what's wrong, from what I see it should work now
L1067[20:08:23] <williewillus> make sure you recompiled :P
L1068[20:09:56] <vox> Thanks Lex
L1069[20:15:36] <vox> Anyone got a better name than IGenerator?
L1070[20:16:01] <williewillus> what does it do :P
L1071[20:16:25] <vox> I mean, it generates power
L1072[20:16:49] <Zolingoto> IPowerGenerator, or even more descriptive. what kind of power?
L1073[20:16:51] <vox> The same interface will probably be in my RF->my power conversion
L1074[20:17:13] <vox> Right now I have my own "cloud" kind of power system
L1075[20:17:57] <theFlaxbeard> Am I able to have a block with more blockstate info than can be saved in a 4-bit number? And just save/load it to the TE?
L1076[20:18:02] <williewillus> no
L1077[20:18:06] <williewillus> well yeah
L1078[20:18:20] <williewillus> you can use getActualState to read extra TE info into the IBlockState
L1079[20:19:05] <williewillus> e.g. fences use getActualState because they don't save their connections (would be too many metas), they just recompute it and put it into the IBlockState
L1080[20:19:21] <theFlaxbeard> cool, thanks
L1081[20:19:35] <vox> willie/Zoto any other ideas?
L1082[20:19:54] <vox> Right now I have the abstract class PoweredMachineEntity and that's it as far as common bases
L1083[20:20:04] <vox> Idk just looking for a better name
L1084[20:20:14] <williewillus> I think it's fine :P
L1085[20:21:13] <vox> fair enough
L1086[20:21:38] <vox> I could call it ICloudProvider :P
L1087[20:21:55] <vox> ICloudEnergyProvider
L1088[20:22:00] <vox> Okay I like that
L1089[20:22:26] <vox> Thanks for the ideas and being rubber ducks
L1090[20:22:26] <vox> :D
L1091[20:22:37] <williewillus> quack?
L1092[20:24:16] <vox> If I wanted to separate out an API, where would I put it?
L1093[20:24:26] <vox> Like, as far as project structure
L1094[20:24:37] <williewillus> just an api package
L1095[20:24:41] <williewillus> in your main src root
L1096[20:25:04] <vox> so src/main/java/voxmods/api/etc?
L1097[20:25:15] <williewillus> yes
L1098[20:25:18] <vox> thanks
L1099[20:25:56] <vox> do I need a package-info thingy?
L1100[20:26:26] <williewillus> yeah it's recommended
L1101[20:26:29] <williewillus> with @API
L1102[20:26:49] <diesieben07> what does that actually do? i never understood that
L1103[20:26:56] <vox> I don't actually know either :P
L1104[20:27:31] <vox> But it looks like IDEA can auto-gen one for me so that's that
L1105[20:27:44] <diesieben07> not package-info
L1106[20:27:46] <diesieben07> @API
L1107[20:27:47] <tterrag> mainly it makes your API easily referenceable
L1108[20:27:47] <tterrag> i.e. for @Optional or dependencies purposes
L1109[20:27:58] <diesieben07> so like @Mod
L1110[20:28:03] <tterrag> yeah pretty much
L1111[20:28:03] <williewillus> i think fml also magics it so duplicate copies get zapped
L1112[20:28:04] <williewillus> or something
L1113[20:28:07] <tterrag> no
L1114[20:28:09] <williewillus> ?
L1115[20:28:13] <tterrag> that was "planned" but it does not exist
L1116[20:28:27] <tterrag> everyone still seems to think that FML will somehow pick the "newest" version of the API to load
L1117[20:28:29] <williewillus> dammit cp-w :P
L1118[20:28:30] <diesieben07> thank god, that stupid hack just encourages stupidityy
L1119[20:28:31] <tterrag> that does not happen
L1120[20:28:45] <diesieben07> don't package APIs and you dont have this problem
L1121[20:29:00] <williewillus> what are you supposed to do?
L1122[20:29:14] <vox> Now I of course need to come up with a name for this API
L1123[20:29:20] <vox> Boom, the VoxCloudAPI
L1124[20:29:21] <vox> :P
L1125[20:29:27] <diesieben07> either make it a dependency if your mod requires it
L1126[20:29:32] <diesieben07> OR deal with it not being there properly
L1127[20:29:41] <williewillus> what's "properly" :P
L1128[20:29:43] <tterrag> sadly not possible with the way RF was designed
L1129[20:29:52] <tterrag> blame CoFH, but you *have* to ship it
L1130[20:29:58] <diesieben07> well, RF is something else, I consider RF broken
L1131[20:30:15] <vox> tterrag: do you really?
L1132[20:30:21] <williewillus> pretty much
L1133[20:30:25] <tterrag> unless you want your mod to depend on CoFHLib
L1134[20:30:30] <tterrag> (which no RF mod does)
L1135[20:30:40] <vox> I should probably move it out of my api module then
L1136[20:30:44] <diesieben07> which they should
L1137[20:31:00] <tterrag> perhaps
L1138[20:31:07] <tterrag> but you try getting every mod dev who uses RF to add a hard dep on code they didn't write ;)
L1139[20:31:17] <tterrag> *aside* from a few interfaces
L1140[20:31:23] <diesieben07> and we are back to "please give me maven dependency resolution outside dev"
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L1142[20:41:31] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1143[20:45:31] <theFlaxbeard> How can I, in the forge blockstate, check if two states exist in tandem?
L1144[20:45:39] <theFlaxbeard> IE a boolean state being true and another true
L1145[20:46:19] <diesieben07> what you are talking about are properties
L1146[20:46:35] <diesieben07> and unless you are using submodels i think you have to spell out the full variants.
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L1148[20:48:49] <theFlaxbeard> Am I able to put the variants tag within a property value?
L1149[20:49:09] <theFlaxbeard> IE "reversed": { "true" : { "variants" : { stuff } } }
L1150[20:49:18] <diesieben07> No i do not think so
L1151[20:49:28] <theFlaxbeard> What's the alternative?
L1152[20:49:34] <diesieben07> spell out the full variaant
L1153[20:49:44] <diesieben07> variants are just strings
L1154[20:50:00] <diesieben07> for Minecraft "reversed=true" and "reversed=true,foo=bar" have NOTHING to do with each other
L1155[20:50:19] <theFlaxbeard> I see
L1156[20:50:30] ⇨ Joins: Vorquel (~Vorquel@174-18-37-37.tcso.qwest.net)
L1157[20:50:38] <vox> So, API question here
L1158[20:50:58] <theFlaxbeard> So in the json file, how do I spell out the full variant
L1159[20:51:15] <vox> My mod is based around essentially cloud based item/liquid/energy storage/transmission
L1160[20:51:25] <diesieben07> "<variant-here>": [{}]
L1161[20:51:31] <vox> How would you guys as API users like to see a registry done?
L1162[20:51:40] <theFlaxbeard> Cloud based as in wireless?
L1163[20:51:57] <diesieben07> what kind of registry?
L1164[20:51:59] <vox> Kind of
L1165[20:52:03] <vox> Like, as in each "flaw", the cloud-like thing has it's own ID
L1166[20:52:05] <theFlaxbeard> If I have some property that doesn't affect anything the others do, can I still have that standalone?
L1167[20:52:22] <vox> you'd register to be a provider or reciever of power/items/etc
L1168[20:52:30] <vox> for that flaw's ID
L1169[20:53:09] <diesieben07> theFlaxbeard, you have to distinguish between "xxx": {} and "xxx": [{}]
L1170[20:53:12] <vox> So I have ICloudItemProvider, ICloudEnergyReciver, etc
L1171[20:53:19] <diesieben07> the 2nd one is a standalone variant and needs the full variant string
L1172[20:53:26] <diesieben07> the first ones are ALL grouped together
L1173[20:53:37] <diesieben07> and then all possible variant strings are computed from them
L1174[20:53:43] <theFlaxbeard> Well shit now I need 24 possible variants
L1175[20:56:38] <vox> opinions?
L1176[20:57:04] <diesieben07> not sure why you need a registry
L1177[20:57:17] <vox> Explain?
L1178[20:57:19] <theFlaxbeard> Meh I'll just go the submodel route
L1179[20:57:22] <diesieben07> like
L1180[20:57:38] <diesieben07> why do i need to register myself? can i not just implement an interface?
L1181[20:57:42] <diesieben07> and you do instanceof checks when needed
L1182[20:57:56] <vox> Yes, but then you'd have no way to actually communicate with the flaw still
L1183[20:58:08] <diesieben07> what is "the flaw"? :D
L1184[20:58:17] <vox> Think server in the cloud
L1185[20:58:21] <vox> But there's no block
L1186[20:58:38] <diesieben07> ok and what would this registering accomplish?
L1187[20:58:48] <vox> It would let you access whatever you needed
L1188[20:59:07] <vox> So say for a generator it would let it be known that there was something that needed coal
L1189[20:59:40] <diesieben07> oh so you are going for generators pushing stuff out
L1190[20:59:46] <diesieben07> not consumers pulling stuff in
L1191[21:00:00] <vox> Well, the generator would register itself to pull
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L1193[21:00:15] <vox> So it would pull x coal, or a complete fill, or whatever (configurable by GUI)
L1194[21:00:19] <diesieben07> ok so ...
L1195[21:00:23] <vox> and then it would push power to the cloud
L1196[21:00:28] <diesieben07> it pulls from "the cloud" yes?
L1197[21:00:48] <theFlaxbeard> Why not make it just implement an interface that has a method that tells the flaw what it pulls and pushes
L1198[21:01:02] <diesieben07> ^
L1199[21:01:18] <vox> The issue is still then how do I tell the flaw what things there are that want to push and pull?
L1200[21:01:26] <diesieben07> the flaw should be passive
L1201[21:01:34] <diesieben07> the things should actively query "hey give me X"
L1202[21:01:40] <diesieben07> or "hey here you have Y"
L1203[21:01:48] <vox> Okay, that works
L1204[21:01:50] <vox> Thanks
L1205[21:02:03] <vox> And this is why I asked :P
L1206[21:02:53] <aidancbrady> tterrag, did you ping me?
L1207[21:03:00] <tterrag> ages ago
L1208[21:03:04] <theFlaxbeard> Am I able to set a texture for a model I'm not currently using in the blockstate? http://pastebin.com/4U4S1KnF
L1209[21:03:09] <aidancbrady> been away, sorry
L1210[21:03:14] <vox> I probably need a better name than "reciever" for things that will pull from the cloud then
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L1212[21:03:22] <theFlaxbeard> oreintable_vertical_off asks for sideOff and frontOff instead of side and front, but that's not working
L1213[21:03:22] <vox> Damn I need to stop calling it that
L1214[21:03:51] <vox> Because I have IFlawProvider for things that will push, but Reciever is passive
L1215[21:03:58] <diesieben07> theFlaxbeard, i dont think you really want submodels, you want models to switch, right? not combine
L1216[21:04:11] <tterrag> <tterrag> aidancbrady: you really should have the gradle wrapper in your repo
L1217[21:04:19] ⇦ Quits: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-85-88-44.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1218[21:04:29] <theFlaxbeard> Yeah, the issue is that the reversed off version has a different texture than the normal off version
L1219[21:04:39] <theFlaxbeard> so I tried changing the model to something that used different texture names
L1220[21:04:48] <theFlaxbeard> Why is the cloud called a flaw, vox?
L1221[21:05:08] <aidancbrady> huh, okay, thanks
L1222[21:05:11] <vox> Idk something I plan to explain in lore
L1223[21:05:21] <vox> I didn't really like the name "Cloud"
L1224[21:05:32] <theFlaxbeard> orientable_vertical_off is just a clone of orientable_vertical but with #sideOff instead of #side and #frontOff instead of #front
L1225[21:05:35] <aidancbrady> I found the root of the issue, by the way. I was calling getTileEntity() with my Coord4D implementation which has a different hash than MC’s vec3i
L1226[21:05:39] <vox> I'm going to base this around punching holes in the universe, basically
L1227[21:05:46] <vox> No functional difference
L1228[21:05:48] <aidancbrady> so it wasn’t recognizing it in the chunk’s tile map
L1229[21:05:52] <diesieben07> flax that ... sounds unnecessarily complicated
L1230[21:06:07] <theFlaxbeard> I'm not sure of the best way to do what I want to do
L1231[21:06:21] <masa> why don't you just change the textures for the off state then? or is the model actually different shape?
L1232[21:06:34] <diesieben07> lol aidan thats what you get for violating the L in SOLID :P
L1233[21:06:37] <theFlaxbeard> Because there's four cases
L1234[21:06:46] <theFlaxbeard> Reversed + on, reversed + off, normal + on, normal + off
L1235[21:07:19] <EwyBoy> Does anyoen know how to spawn a block in the world with a BlockState property. Like example colored wool. Something like world.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.wool.getDefaultState()); but with a BlockState property?
L1236[21:07:22] <aidancbrady> yeah I realized that four hours later :)
L1237[21:07:42] <diesieben07> EwyBoy, IBlockState#withProperty to set a property
L1238[21:11:07] <EwyBoy> pos.setBlockState(state.add(0,-1,0), Blocks.fire.getDefaultState().withProperty(Blocks.fire.UPPER, true)); The way I have it now crashes the game
L1239[21:11:34] <diesieben07> first of all you can replace add(0, -1, 0) with .down()
L1240[21:11:42] ⇦ Quits: theFlaxbeard (~theFlaxbe@65-128-160-215.mpls.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1241[21:11:45] <EwyBoy> done
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L1243[21:12:04] <diesieben07> and you can only set the AGE property for fire
L1244[21:12:12] <diesieben07> the other properties are determined based on the surroundings of the fire block
L1245[21:12:16] <theFlaxbeard> Got disconnected there, don't know if I missed any answer
L1246[21:12:42] <diesieben07> you didn't, as i said, define every possible variant
L1247[21:13:01] <theFlaxbeard> If I do wouldn't I need to define every variant including the facing?
L1248[21:13:06] <theFlaxbeard> so, 2*2*6=24 total?
L1249[21:13:20] <diesieben07> yep.
L1250[21:13:52] <theFlaxbeard> There's no better way?
L1251[21:14:08] <diesieben07> not that i know of
L1252[21:14:50] <masa> I went with a fuck-this-shit solution myself: https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderutilities/blockstates/machine_0.json#L14
L1253[21:14:54] <masa> :p
L1254[21:15:15] <MoxieGrrl> FTSS.
L1255[21:15:17] <MoxieGrrl> For short.
L1256[21:15:34] <theFlaxbeard> oh wait
L1257[21:15:35] <masa> I'll have to remember that :p
L1258[21:15:40] <theFlaxbeard> the pastebin I posted had an extra quote
L1259[21:15:43] <theFlaxbeard> my solution works now
L1260[21:16:49] <diesieben07> oh lol
L1261[21:17:32] <MattDahEpic> anyone who's not a fan of the unity game engine, heres more reason to hate it: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/146233520/ShareX/2016/05/2016-05-09_20-15-00.mp4
L1262[21:17:49] <masa> are you not using an editor with syntax hilightng that would have caught the extra quote?
L1263[21:18:25] <theFlaxbeard> I usually just edit my json files in np++ but evidently that didn't catch it
L1264[21:21:40] <masa> sublime seems to scream loudly: http://masa.dy.fi/tmp/sublime_json.png
L1265[21:22:18] <MoxieGrrl> Someday I will be able to afford Sublime.
L1266[21:22:19] <MoxieGrrl> Someday.
L1267[21:22:28] <theFlaxbeard> I use sublime for most things, just haven't changed the filetype association of json from np++ yet
L1268[21:22:51] <theFlaxbeard> You can use the evaluation copy indefinitely, it just yells at you once and a while
L1269[21:23:18] <masa> yep it sure it quite expensive for a text editor, but I still don't regret buying it one bit
L1270[21:23:23] <masa> it's just that nice
L1271[21:25:12] <masa> and also the fact that I can use the same editor with the same configs and plugins both on my main linux desktop and my gaming PC w/ win 7 where I do my modding
L1272[21:26:07] <MoxieGrrl> If only there was an android app, for those 'oh, this is a good idea and I have none of my crap' moments.
L1273[21:26:36] <masa> gaming PC == the one where I occasionally may slso play some minecraft and not just fiddle around with modding
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