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Life without danger is a waste of oxygen)
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L36[01:43:12] <McJty> How can I scale down
the 3rd person inventory model?
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L40[01:53:29] <tterrag> McJty: pic of how
it looks?
L41[01:53:43] <tterrag> oh wow, you're
using a normal model file
L42[01:54:02] <tterrag> that's weird
O.o maybe you need to apply some transformations in the inventory
L43[01:55:44] <McJty> I tried but not sure
about the exact syntax to do this
L44[01:56:19] <McJty> It is a bit of a
complex blockstate
L45[01:56:42] <tterrag> well the TRSR
should be mostly consistent between variants
L46[01:56:50] <McJty> TRSR?
L47[01:56:59] <tterrag>
L48[01:57:03] <McJty> ah ok
L49[01:57:25] <McJty> The 3rd person model
is just as big as the real model when holding in hand
L50[01:57:34] <McJty> So it is as if you
the player is holding the full block
L51[01:57:57] <tterrag> go look at one of
the vanilla itemblock jsons
L52[01:58:03] <tterrag> copy those
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L54[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Pushing snapshot_20160121 mappings to Forge Maven.
L55[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160121-1.8.9.zip
(mappings = "snapshot_20160121" in build.gradle).
L56[02:00:17] <McJty> Have to go for a
L57[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live
(every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed)
MCPBot mapping exports can be found here:
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L62[02:49:18] <Wuppy> heh, just went to
school because I'm stupid and forgot my laptop charger there
last night :V
L63[02:49:30] <Wuppy> ended up talking and
hanging out for like half an hour :P
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L67[02:56:34] <terribleperson> what
determines an entity's bounding box?
L68[02:57:31] <terribleperson> oh, the
L69[02:57:34] <terribleperson>
L70[02:58:16] <terribleperson> ew. bounding
boxes are always SQUARE?
L71[02:59:36] <tterrag> not at all
L72[02:59:40] <tterrag> look at the
L73[03:00:15] <tterrag> terribleperson: I
believe they are always square prisms though
L74[03:00:20] <tterrag> i.e.
L75[03:00:26] <terribleperson> but setSize
only accepts width and height, and sets the X AND Z to width
L76[03:00:27] <terribleperson> yeah
L77[03:00:37] <terribleperson> that's
what I mean. Square when viewed from the vertical.
L78[03:00:44] <terribleperson> they're
not cubes
L79[03:00:46] <terribleperson> but..
L80[03:00:55] <tterrag> yep
L81[03:00:57] <Zaggy1024> well of course,
if they weren't square you'd have to change them based on
L82[03:01:02] <Zaggy1024> which would be a
L83[03:01:12] <tterrag> however, I
can't recal if things like pigs/sheep/cows are square
L84[03:01:12] <Zaggy1024> unless hte entity
is really long :P
L85[03:01:15] <tterrag> use f3+b to see
L86[03:01:32] <terribleperson> how about if
the entity is completely flat? :P
L87[03:01:47] <Zaggy1024> 0
L88[03:01:53] <terribleperson>
L89[03:01:56] <terribleperson> well
L90[03:01:56] <terribleperson> no
L91[03:01:57] <terribleperson> zero z
L92[03:02:22] <Zaggy1024> is this a
block-aligned entity?
L93[03:02:41] <terribleperson> no. and yet
the bounding box for z is going to have to be based off WIDTH
L94[03:02:50] <Zaggy1024> entity bounds can
be anything you want them to be, but you have to change it each
L95[03:02:55] <Zaggy1024> every time the
entity moves
L96[03:03:00] <terribleperson> oh, I can
change them myself?
L97[03:03:03] <Zaggy1024> yes
L98[03:03:05] <terribleperson> because
it's never going to move. ever.
L99[03:03:21] <terribleperson> it'll
spawn into place and then when it's done it dies.
L100[03:04:05] <terribleperson> so I can
literally just call setEntityBoundingBox?
L101[03:04:22] <Zaggy1024> well...
L102[03:04:28] <Zaggy1024> moveEntity
changes the bounds
L103[03:04:42] <Zaggy1024> you might want
to test it thoroughly before you decide it's working
L104[03:04:58] <FourFire> terribleperson,
you should make 1 dimensional mobs which shoot fireballs
L105[03:05:21] <Zaggy1024> can find
references to setEntityBoundingBox
L106[03:05:27] <terribleperson> but if
they're one-dimensional they're a line and would be
unkillable :P
L107[03:05:28] <FourFire> can only be
reliably killed by pouring water or blocks over everything
L108[03:05:41] <Zaggy1024> setPosition is
one I'd be worried about, because I think it may be called
when a position update is received
L109[03:05:58] <terribleperson> position
L110[03:06:07] <Zaggy1024> when the server
tells the client where the thing is
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L112[03:06:50] <Zaggy1024> could look at
EntityHanging to figure out how you want to do it
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L116[03:17:36] <Zaggy1024> indeed, you
should probably override setPosition to set the proper bounds
L117[03:17:57] <Zaggy1024>
setPositionAndRotation2 is called by position updates, which in
turn calls setPosition
L118[03:19:07] ***
Jared is now known as Jared|Away
L119[03:19:27] <Roflmuffin> Is there any
guidance anywhere on how to include APIs in my forgemod (in
particular JEI). I've got the dev dependencies setup for it
but just need the api
L120[03:21:39] ***
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L125[03:35:52] <terribleperson> zaggy: ah,
override setPosition to re-set the bounding box the same
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K-4U|Off is now known as K-4U
L127[03:36:49] <terribleperson> oh. Oh.
the bounding box is global?
L128[03:36:55] <terribleperson> as in,
uses global coordinates?
L129[03:37:08] <terribleperson> yeah okay
I can do that...
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L132[03:45:32] <terribleperson> wait, how
is an entity and its renderer connected?
L133[03:45:40] <terribleperson> because I
see that vanilla ones are connected in RenderManager
L134[03:45:51] <terribleperson> but I
don't think I can or should touch that
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L137[04:03:34] <xaero> this is a stickup!
give us your email/password to noammo.slack.com or we will never
know ...
L138[04:03:55] <xaero> :P
L139[04:05:09] ⇦
Quits: ghz|afk_x_c (gigaherz@ (Remote host closed the
L140[04:05:17] <Wuppy> woops, didn't
know you'd have to log in for that (although that's good
to know, nice that those aren't public)
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L143[04:08:40] <xaero> atlantis..
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TehNut is now known as TehNut|Sleep
L146[04:14:12] <terribleperson> i think
i'm done trying to figure out how to make my own entity for
now.. i'll try again tomororw.
L147[04:14:15] <terribleperson>
L148[04:14:44] <Wuppy> xaero, that's
the art of a game I'm working on ^__^
L149[04:14:49] <Wuppy> the artists in my
team are incredible
L150[04:17:40] <xaero> aye, something
about moody underwater lights evoke some emotions in me (sorry if
that's vague haha)
L151[04:17:51] <xaero> hope the lore and
gameplay are as good :P
L152[04:18:09] <Wuppy> no lore, but the
gameplay is fine :)
L153[04:18:24] <Wuppy> we had about 10 to
12 days to create this
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L160[04:44:16] <K-4U> How would i go
abouts registering an item renderer for a block with a TESR?
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timeout: 189 seconds)
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L197[06:50:18] <gigaherz> [11:44] (K-4U):
How would i go abouts registering an item renderer for a block with
L198[06:50:33] <gigaherz> do you NEED the
inventory version to be also drawn using TESR?
L199[06:51:39] <K-4U> Don't NEED it..
But i have all my models drawn in code right now, with openGL
L200[06:52:14] <gigaherz> ah that
L201[06:52:28] <K-4U> I have some that are
extending ModelBase
L202[06:52:38] <gigaherz> my #1 suggestion
would be to eventually convert them to .obj files
L203[06:52:44] <gigaherz> and minimize the
code usage
L204[06:52:47] <gigaherz> but
L205[06:53:05] <gigaherz> forge hooks into
the same system that draws chests in the inventory
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L207[06:53:19] <gigaherz> I'm trying
to find the name for it XD
L208[06:53:22] <K-4U> Yes, i tried looking
into that, but i couldn't find how it worked
L209[06:53:51] <gigaherz>
L210[06:54:04] <gigaherz> it's marked
as deprecated, so that you feel bad while using it
L211[06:54:05] <gigaherz> but it
L212[06:54:50] <K-4U> thanks! Going to try
it now :)
L213[06:58:20] <gigaherz> note that, ofr
obvious reasons, the call to the TESR will have a null TE, and
0,0,0,0 as the values for everything else (-1 breaking)
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L215[07:02:35] <K-4U> hmm, looks like it
won't load. Have to look at the logs though
L216[07:04:41] <K-4U> Wait, do i still
need to degine it in a json?
L217[07:05:19] <gigaherz> hmmmm
L218[07:05:28] <gigaherz> I think so
L219[07:05:30] <K-4U> *define
L220[07:05:32] <gigaherz> well
L221[07:05:34] <gigaherz> a blockstate
L222[07:05:39] <gigaherz> ah yes
L223[07:05:42] <K-4U> Do you have an
example of where this is used, perhaps?
L224[07:05:43] <sham1> I has a problem
with CMake and Visual Studio
L225[07:05:46] <gigaherz> I think you need
to usea builtin/something model
L226[07:06:05] <sham1> Especially that VS
puts the new files to the same folder where the solution is
L227[07:06:12] <gigaherz>
"inventory":[{ "model":
"builtin/generated" }],
L228[07:06:16] <sham1> Instead of the
place where the sources are supposed to be at
L229[07:06:27] <gigaherz> in your
blockstates file
L230[07:06:35] <K-4U> Okay, thanks
gigaherz :) Gotta go do some groceries quickly. Will try it when i
get back! :)
L231[07:08:20] ⇦
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Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L233[07:08:40] <gigaherz> aha nope
L234[07:08:43] <gigaherz> it was
L235[07:08:46] <gigaherz> not
L236[07:09:11] ⇦
Quits: Korobi (korobi@is.a.ninja.korobi.io) (Read error: Connection
reset by peer)
L237[07:09:39] <McJty> What is the
difference between those two?
L238[07:09:44] <McJty> And what other
'builtin's are there?
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L241[07:11:46] <gigaherz> well
L242[07:11:51] <gigaherz>
builtin/generated is for items
L243[07:12:18] <gigaherz> it takes layerN
texture channels and turns them into the item models
L244[07:13:14] <gigaherz> then
there's builtin/entity, which is apparently meant to signal
the item renderer that the block is TESR
L245[07:13:41] <gigaherz> used by the
chests, banneras and such, in vanilla
L246[07:13:45] <gigaherz> banners*
L247[07:14:06] <gigaherz> then I think
there's builtin/compass and builtin/clock
L248[07:14:13] <gigaherz> which should be
L249[07:14:34] <gigaherz> oh and
L250[07:14:35] <gigaherz> ,P
L251[07:14:37] <gigaherz> ;P
L252[07:15:55] <gigaherz> there's a
BUILT_IN_MODELS map in ModelBakery, where the json contents of the
missing block are added lol
L253[07:16:52] <modmuss50> how would one
get the model res location for an item with subitems
L254[07:17:02] <modmuss50> for use when
setting a custom baked model
L255[07:17:18] <gigaherz> ?
L256[07:17:40] <gigaherz> i'm
L257[07:17:44] <gigaherz> do you want to
get the model for rendering
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L259[07:17:55] <gigaherz> or do you want
to register the item model ?
L261[07:18:48] <gigaherz> 1.8.x?
L262[07:18:48] <modmuss50> I set the
custom baked model, but its not working with meta data based
L263[07:18:53] <modmuss50> 1.8.9
L264[07:18:57] <gigaherz> yeah
L265[07:18:58] <gigaherz> so
L266[07:19:14] <gigaherz> you know
L267[07:19:22] ⇦
Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping
timeout: 186 seconds)
L268[07:19:37] <modmuss50> ah!
L269[07:19:40] <gigaherz> it takes the
meta value as second arg ;P
L270[07:20:03] <gigaherz>
ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, meta, new
ModelResourceLocation(ElementsOfPower.MODID + ":" +
itemName, variantName));
L271[07:20:10] <gigaherz> also
L272[07:20:17] <gigaherz> if you
weren't aware of it
L273[07:20:23] <gigaherz> you can use
blockstates files with items
L274[07:20:34] <gigaherz> and specify
different variant strings for them
L275[07:20:36] <gigaherz> manually
L277[07:21:31] <gigaherz> yo ucan have a
forge blockstates file for an item
L279[07:21:33] <modmuss50> thats exactaly
what I was after thanks
L280[07:21:50] <gigaherz> instead of
requiring a separate model json for each
L281[07:21:53] <modmuss50> Im not using
JSON files, im rewirting JSON destoyer
L283[07:22:26] <gigaherz> why?
L284[07:22:36] <gigaherz> the blockstates
json isn't that bad
L285[07:22:55] <gigaherz> it's just
one file, and it allows resource packs to customize the
L286[07:23:00] <modmuss50> Im not a fan of
it, so Im making an api to allow you not to use them
L287[07:23:14] <modmuss50> Im going to add
special support for res packs
L288[07:23:22] <gigaherz> so you basically
deny resourcepack makers the ability to provide alternative models
for your items
L289[07:23:45] <gigaherz> that's the
whole purpose of the json file
L290[07:23:47] <modmuss50> atm yes, but
not when im done
L291[07:23:54] <gigaherz> so you'll
remove json
L292[07:23:59] <gigaherz> just to add back
something else that isn't json
L293[07:24:08] <gigaherz> but serves
exactly the same purpose
L294[07:24:17] <gigaherz> sounds like a
waste of time to me ;P
L295[07:24:26] ⇦
Quits: flappy (~flappy@a88-113-155-120.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
(Remote host closed the connection)
L297[07:25:07] <modmuss50> Some people
dont want to add 700 jsons files, so im rewriting my system
L298[07:27:37] <PrinceCat> If you have 700
json files you're doing it wrong, plus Forge's new
blockstate implementation fixes a lot of the flaws vanilla's
system had.
L299[07:27:40] <McJty> But if resource
pack makers are going to be able to change it you'll need an
L300[07:27:47] <McJty> modmuss50, so what
will the difference be?
L301[07:28:02] <McJty> And exactly that.
You really don't need that many json files
L302[07:28:12] <modmuss50> Some one told
me they did
L303[07:28:22] <modmuss50> I dont need
that many
L304[07:28:35] <McJty> In the mods
I'm porting (rftools and such) I also don't need
L305[07:29:08] <gigaherz> modmuss50: you
used to need one json file for eahc different model or variation of
a model
L306[07:29:12] <gigaherz> including
texture changes
L307[07:29:13] <modmuss50> The dude that
is updating Pam's harvest craft said that he would need 700
for every item
L308[07:29:16] <gigaherz> but forge fixed
L309[07:29:41] <modmuss50> I understand
that, I know I can use jsons, but it works just fine without
L310[07:30:01] <gigaherz> forge
blockstates system allows you to define a model exclusively with
one json file, instead of one per variant
L311[07:30:47] <modmuss50> he has 700
diffrent items, none of it uses meta data
L312[07:30:52] <McJty> modmuss50, 700 for
every item!!! That person is misinformed
L313[07:31:14] <gigaherz> thenhe's
doing it wrong, not forge XD
L314[07:31:16] <modmuss50> Im only going
by what I was told, I though that was a bit rad
L315[07:31:22] <gigaherz> anyhow
L316[07:31:33] ⇦
Quits: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be) (Quit:
L317[07:32:39] <gigaherz> I started a mod
a while ago
L318[07:33:10] <gigaherz> where I wanted
to replace the trees in minecraft with a more complex system based
on branches with different thinknesses, and optional presence of
leaves aroudn the branch
L319[07:33:27] <gigaherz> this is the list
of models I generated (yes ,generated, with an external
L321[07:33:48] <gigaherz> that was BEFORE
forge blockstates was added
L322[07:34:14] <gigaherz> withforge
blockstates, I'd need just these files
L324[07:34:28] <gigaherz> none of the
models in the other folder would have even ben necessary.
L325[07:34:33] <gigaherz> been*
L326[07:34:58] ⇦
Quits: Kobata (~Kobata@cpe-24-210-17-81.columbus.res.rr.com) (Ping
timeout: 186 seconds)
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MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
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L330[07:42:22] *** V
is now known as Vigaro
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L332[07:44:08] <Temportalist> VikeStep: I
start using MatLab today 0_0
L333[07:46:19] <K-4U> gigaherz: i tried
both with builtin/entity and builtin/generated
L334[07:46:26] <K-4U> now i'm really
starting to think i'm doing something wrong
L335[07:47:31] <K-4U> oh wait
L336[07:48:26] <VikeStep> Temportalist,
what are you using it for? haha
L337[07:48:38] <Temportalist> VikeStep:
L338[07:48:51] <VikeStep> I believe Matlab
can run Java as well
L339[07:49:09] <VikeStep> I've never
done it keep in mind
L340[07:49:46] <VikeStep> I'd
probably just use matlab in matlab
L341[07:50:17] ⇦
Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote
host closed the connection)
L342[07:51:04] <K-4U> gigaherz: [14:49:18]
[Client thread/WARN]: Unable to load block model:
'minecraft:block/builtin/entity' for variant:
L343[07:52:04] <Temportalist> VikeStep:
L344[07:52:29] <K-4U> Changing it to
builtin/generated makes it display nothing at all O_o
L345[07:52:34] <VikeStep> Temportalist, if
you ever need matlab help, pm me. However I need to head to
L346[07:52:48] <Temportalist> haha okay,
L348[07:54:32] <gigaherz> K-4U: yes
builtin/generated drawing nothing was expected
L349[07:54:53] <gigaherz> I'm not
sure why builtin/entity isn't working though
L350[07:55:25] ⇦
Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Quit:
L351[07:55:38] <gigaherz> you used just
"model":"builtin/entity" right? nothign
L352[07:56:56] <K-4U> AND
L355[07:57:51] <gigaherz> no idea then
L356[07:58:24] <K-4U> There's
seriously 0 examples in forge, which always annoys me :P
L357[08:10:46] <Wuppy> I should probably
become productive at some point today...
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L359[08:17:11] ⇦
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L360[08:20:22] <sham1> Wuppy being
L361[08:20:26] <sham1> This cannot
L362[08:20:34] <Wuppy> oi, that's not
L363[08:20:41] <Wuppy> I'm almost
always productive
L364[08:20:57] <sham1> Or is it
L365[08:21:06] <Wuppy> dun dun
L366[08:21:51] <sham1> Anyway, I have
decided I want to build a lexer
L367[08:21:58] <Wuppy> lexer?
L368[08:22:07] <sham1> Lexical
L369[08:22:19] <Wuppy> lexical
L370[08:22:30] <heldplayer> A what?
L371[08:22:40] <sham1> Basically turns an
stream of data into tokens that can be used
L372[08:22:56] <Wuppy> which data to which
L373[08:23:05] <sham1> For instance you
have one in any compiler to check the syntax
L374[08:23:31] <HassanS6000> halp
L376[08:23:35] <sham1> Like lexer for the
next thing could say: int number = 5;
L377[08:23:36] <HassanS6000> Eclipse being
L378[08:23:49] <sham1> One token would be
the "int"
L379[08:24:07] <sham1> One would be the
variable name, the assignment operator and the number
L380[08:24:40] <sham1> You fix by not
using eclipse ;P
L381[08:26:25] <HassanS6000> sham1, nu,
takes too much effort to switch to IntelliJ
L382[08:26:32] <HassanS6000> Like.. an
hour.. ergh
L383[08:26:47] <sham1> What about netbeans
L384[08:26:58] <HassanS6000> What about
L385[08:27:11] <Wuppy> Why not Word?
L386[08:27:18] <McJty> Switching to
IntelliJ is worth the effort IMHO
L387[08:27:22] <McJty> Good time
L388[08:27:28] <Wuppy> I dislike IntelliJ
as well :|
L389[08:27:36] *
McJty remembers writing some 86x assembly in edlin
L390[08:28:10] <sham1> I remember using
i386 assembly, and THAT scares me
L391[08:28:20] <gigaherz> x86 asm is
L392[08:28:22] <sham1> The fact that I
have that memory that is
L393[08:28:26] <gigaherz> MIPS32 asm is
L394[08:28:28] <HassanS6000> Wuppy, why
note Wordpad?
L395[08:28:30] <HassanS6000> *not
L396[08:28:39] <sham1> AT&T syntax
L397[08:28:43] <Wuppy> that's a
terrible one
L398[08:28:49] <gigaherz> ewh
L399[08:28:49] <gigaherz> no
L400[08:28:49] <HassanS6000> lol
L401[08:28:51] <Wuppy> even sarcastically
that's still terrible :P
L402[08:28:52] <gigaherz> pls no
L403[08:28:56] <HassanS6000> ^^
L404[08:29:09] <sham1> I like
L405[08:29:16] <gigaherz> I strongly
dislike it
L406[08:29:27] <gigaherz> the dest, src
ordering annoys me but that's not the worst
L407[08:29:32] <gigaherz> it's all
the unnecessary prefixing
L408[08:30:05] <sham1> For me it makes
sense that mov's parameters are in the order of Source,
L409[08:30:21] <gigaherz> yeah as I said
that I understand
L410[08:30:25] <gigaherz> I prefer
L411[08:30:27] <gigaherz> but I
L412[08:30:36] <sham1> Also it is the
syntax of the gcc inline assembly per default so :p
L413[08:30:50] <gigaherz> "mov 1,
ebx" that wouldn't bother me so much
L414[08:30:57] <gigaherz> it's the
$blah and %blah and crap like that
L415[08:30:58] <Cazzar> I remember writing
x86 assembly in vi
L416[08:31:06] <gigaherz> it makes the
code dirtier ;P
L417[08:31:07] <Cazzar> Ohwait, that was
last year.
L418[08:31:11] <sham1> mov $1, %eax
L419[08:31:19] <gigaherz> yeah
L420[08:31:23] <gigaherz> MOV eax, 1
L421[08:31:26] <gigaherz> much cleaner
L422[08:31:35] <sham1> But also makes no
L423[08:31:36] <gigaherz> and yes Iprefer
writing the instruction name in caps
L424[08:31:37] <Cazzar> I don't mind
GAS syntax
L425[08:32:26] ***
Vigaro is now known as V
L426[08:32:31] <sham1> asm volatile
("int $0")
L427[08:32:41] <sham1> Best way to test
L428[08:33:22] <sham1> Which are a pain in
the ass
L429[08:33:38] <sham1> To set up
L430[08:33:59] ⇦
Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout:
198 seconds)
L431[08:37:23] <gigaherz> sham1: I'm
a msvc user, that's __asm int 3; for me ;P
L432[08:37:23] <masa> yay finished another
new item. It took me like 6-9 hours to figure out hot to generate
the block positions properly
L433[08:37:29] <gigaherz> (int 3 being a
breakpoint ;P)
⇨ Joins: Fjolnir|afk
L435[08:39:07] <Fjolnir|afk> Good day. The
forge download page is a bit confusing. I wanted to change from
1.7.10 to 1.8.9. The only download I could find was 1.8. When I
selected 1.8.9 all the source downloads were missing
L436[08:39:48] <gigaherz> "src"
was renamed to "mdk" a while ago
L437[08:39:52] <Fjolnir|afk> well. the
wiki and documentation is linking to that page. So I would assume
it should be possible to find the downloads somewere there.
L438[08:39:55] <Fjolnir|afk> ok, thanks
L439[08:39:55] <gigaherz> it was
misleading since there's no actual source code in the mdk
L440[08:40:24] <Wuppy> anymore*
L441[08:40:46] <gigaherz> yes of course
L443[08:41:24] <Wuppy> hmm time for some
game development
L444[08:41:25] <Wuppy> I think
L445[08:41:35] <Wuppy> I can also go back
to gaming and doing nothing again, also sounds good :P
L446[08:41:59] <Cazzar> Wuppy rainbow
L447[08:43:00] <Wuppy> really want to play
South park, Dragon Age Origins and Mini Metro
L448[08:44:08] ⇦
Quits: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@ (Quit: My Mac has gone
to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
L449[08:45:44] ⇦
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(Quit: Leaving.)
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L452[08:51:38] ***
fry|sleep is now known as fry
L453[08:52:50] <Wuppy> :O suddenly got a
call from someone in england :O
L454[08:52:59] <Wuppy> those people have
awesome accents :P
⇨ Joins: Cojo
L456[09:05:55] <Wuppy> fucking hell...
writing my own circle to box collision code was easier than
figuring out wether or not an object is touching the floor in Unity
L457[09:15:23] ***
manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L458[09:19:23] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L459[09:21:22] <gigaherz> Wuppy: Unity has
a function for that XD
L460[09:21:36] <Wuppy> which doesn't
work in 2D
L461[09:21:39] <gigaherz> (to check if an
object is touching a specific something)
L462[09:21:42] <gigaherz> yes it
L463[09:21:42] <Wuppy> or at least I
couldn't get it to work
L464[09:21:50] ***
Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L465[09:21:58] <gigaherz> or at least it
works NOW ;P
L466[09:22:15] <gigaherz> I don't
know which version you tried it on
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PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
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kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
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L477[09:45:31] ***
Cypher|Away is now known as Cypher121
⇨ Joins: TechDG
L479[09:50:40] <TechDG> hey
L480[09:50:50] <TechDG> williewillus u
here so I can get help migrating to the forge json format?
L482[09:52:21] ⇦
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(GHOST command used by Firedingo5)))
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L484[09:52:29] <TechDG> I would rather
just haev him help ince hes pressuring me to do it :P but ty
L485[09:53:07] <TechDG> damn I dont know
where to start fixing this very VERY bad recipe systen
L486[09:53:08] <TechDG> system*
L487[09:53:12] <TechDG> have u seen it
L488[09:53:21] <gigaherz> nope
L490[09:54:54] ***
Ash|Work is now known as Ashlee
L491[09:55:06] <TechDG> its really bad
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L494[09:57:34] <TechDG> gigaherz any
comments? xD
L495[10:01:00] ⇦
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the connection)
L496[10:04:14] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L497[10:04:33] <TechDG> eyyy
L498[10:04:49] <TechDG> after I finish
this chicken nugget item will u help me switch over to forge
L499[10:05:14] <TechDG> also guys should a
chicken nugger give you nasuia and posion or just nausuia?
L500[10:05:14] <williewillus> sure
L501[10:05:20] <TechDG> bugget*
L502[10:05:23] <williewillus> it's
not hard
L503[10:05:25] <TechDG> nugget** wow
L504[10:05:27] <williewillus> not nausea
L505[10:05:28] <TechDG> ok ty
L506[10:05:33] <TechDG> ok just
L507[10:05:36] <williewillus> people hate
that effect since it actually makes them naueseous
L508[10:05:41] <TechDG> ture
L509[10:05:44] <TechDG> ok il just do
L510[10:05:54] <TechDG> since you will
literally be compressing a raw chicken
L511[10:05:58] <TechDG> to get a chicken
L512[10:05:59] <TechDG> xD
L513[10:06:01] <SkySom> Why would a
chicken nugget give poison?
L514[10:06:10] <SkySom> Can I dip it in
L515[10:06:11] <TechDG> why WOULDNT a
chicen nugget give poison
L516[10:06:17] <TechDG> xD
L517[10:06:20] <TechDG> its the mcdonalds
L518[10:06:22] <SkySom> Because chicken
nuggets are awesome.
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L520[10:06:29] <SkySom> Theirs isn't
L521[10:06:35] <SkySom> I can take down a
20 piece on my own
L522[10:06:40] <SkySom> With soem BBQ
L523[10:06:45] <SkySom> Hmmm Or honey
L524[10:06:50] <SkySom> well now I'm
L525[10:06:50] <TechDG> I can do like 12
with no sauce
L526[10:06:52] <TechDG> on my own
⇨ Joins: ShadowChild (~Shadow@
L528[10:07:25] <TechDG> I can also go
without lunch every day :P which I do
⇨ Joins: Shukaro (~Shukaro@
L531[10:10:07] <TechDG> k
L532[10:13:46] <TechDG> oh great I gotta
make a chicken nugget texture...
L533[10:14:10] ⇦
Quits: auenf (David@ (Ping timeout: 186
L534[10:14:18] <LatvianModder> Haha,
"EVERY BLOCK SHAPE EVER was hardcoded into RenderBlocks. Oh
God, just look at that class. Actually don’t, if you value your
sanity" can't argue with this one
L535[10:14:26] <Wuppy> now I want chicken
L536[10:14:28] <LatvianModder> I even
tried to use it as example many times
L537[10:14:29] <SkySom> Can confirm
L538[10:14:39] <SkySom> Spend a lot of
time in RenderBlocks...
L539[10:14:44] <SkySom> Totally pulled
some code from it.
L540[10:14:46] <LatvianModder> I made my
own :D
L541[10:14:48] <SkySom> Took a long
L542[10:14:49] <TechDG> xD wuppy
L543[10:14:57] <Wuppy> they literlaly have
the shape of all blocks in RenderBlocks?
L544[10:15:00] <TechDG> nooo my test
nuggets are being rained on D:
⇨ Joins: auenf (David@
L546[10:15:13] <williewillus> they changed
to models for a very good reason :p
L547[10:15:16] <Wuppy> That's really
awful, y they no use Block/Item class system for that as well
L548[10:15:37] <SkySom> I didn't want
to screw with rendering. So I kinda... just found what I needed and
changed it a small bit.
L549[10:15:38] <TechDG> so im jumping up
and down with hunger 2 and in 1 min still not half a shank
L550[10:15:42] <williewillus> they had a
giant switch statement: slab? render half block. Plant? render
texture crossed. enchanting table? render it a bit higher than a
L551[10:15:51] <williewillus> etc.
L552[10:15:53] <williewillus> for every
single block
L553[10:15:56] <Wuppy> :(
L554[10:16:06] <SkySom> Yeah I pulled some
of the getIcon stuff and made it work with some of my stuff.
L555[10:16:17] <williewillus> I'm
surprised they didn't do this sooner, even
L556[10:16:22] <williewillus> it's
L557[10:16:24] <SkySom> Rather than figure
out all the rendering myself when I knew there was something close
in RenderBlocks.
L558[10:16:31] <Drullkus> lol
L559[10:16:32] <SkySom> But it took a long
time to figure out what I needed
L560[10:16:40] <SkySom> Longer than I want
to admit to
L561[10:16:40] <TechDG> is there a command
to make me hungry? xD
L562[10:16:54] <williewillus> ./effect @p
hunger 30 5
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L564[10:16:56] <Drullkus> TechDG: Run, not
L565[10:17:05] <williewillus> and yes
sprint jump around
L566[10:17:16] <TechDG> ty
L567[10:17:51] ***
AEnterpriseAFK is now known as AEnterprise
L568[10:17:56] ⇦
Quits: KanoCodex (~Giratina5@2604:180:0:368::bcd8) (Ping timeout:
198 seconds)
L569[10:18:02] <TechDG> yay the nuggets
work xDC
⇨ Joins: KanoCodex
L571[10:19:41] <LatvianModder>
williewillus: return state.withProperty(RENDERBOOLPROP,
world.getTileEntity(pos) == null ? false :
L572[10:19:53] <williewillus> it's
not meant to be correct
L573[10:19:54] <LatvianModder> You cann
world.getTileEntity() twice in one line... I mean..
L574[10:20:00] <LatvianModder> call*
L575[10:20:11] <LatvianModder> I guess for
tutorial it works :P
L576[10:20:24] <williewillus> the plus
getting te is a map lookup, it's not *that* expensive
L577[10:20:32] <LatvianModder> is it
L578[10:20:34] <williewillus> I'll
expand it :p
L579[10:20:48] <LatvianModder> ill check,
it used to scan for every tile entity there is
L580[10:21:28] <LatvianModder> nope, it
still does.. man that needs to be a HashMap
⇨ Joins: Loetkolben
L582[10:21:59] <TechDG> how do I subtract
1 item from an itemstack
L583[10:22:09] <williewillus> decrement
the stacksize by 1
L584[10:22:11] <LatvianModder>
itemStack.stackSize-- is the easiet way
L585[10:22:15] <TechDG> k ty
L586[10:22:18] <LatvianModder> but its not
the best
L587[10:22:19] <williewillus> you have to
check if it reaches 0
L588[10:22:21] <williewillus> and remove
L589[10:22:29] <LatvianModder> and not
only that
L590[10:22:29] <williewillus> depends on
where youre doing it
L591[10:22:35] <LatvianModder> check if
its container item too
L592[10:23:22] <TechDG> is there a
equivilent for setInventorySlotContents to get it or do I just
check the itemstack?
L593[10:26:38] <Fjolnir|afk> One thing
would be really nice. If it would be possible to create new blocks
and items using chisel & bits. Would make the moddeling pretty
L594[10:27:16] <williewillus> same thing
as using a modeler right now :p
L595[10:27:18] <williewillus> they're
all cubes
L596[10:28:01] <TechDG> I cant seem to do
setInventorySlotContents(0, parItemStackInput.stackSize--;)
L597[10:28:03] <TechDG> why>
L598[10:28:09] <williewillus> -.-
L599[10:28:17] <williewillus> check your
syntax first
L600[10:28:17] <TechDG> and I cant put the
size of hte stack in an int
L601[10:28:26] <TechDG> and set the
itemstack's size to that
L602[10:28:36] <williewillus> that's
not what that method takes
L603[10:28:41] <williewillus> look at the
method signature
L604[10:29:39] <TechDG> ok then how do I
get a new itemstack with the item type being the same as another
L605[10:29:47] <williewillus>
L606[10:30:25] <TechDG> gtg
L607[10:30:27] <LatvianModder> better
ItemStack is1 = (is0 == null) ? null : is0.copy();
L608[10:30:28] <TechDG> il finish this
L609[10:30:31] <TechDG> cya
L610[10:30:59] ⇦
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L626[10:41:51] <FusionLord> in order for a
selection box to render, the ray trace has to hit the collision
L627[10:42:13] <williewillus> just the
selection box
L628[10:42:24] <FusionLord> hmm...
L629[10:42:26] <williewillus> vines have
no collision box, but their selection box renders right
L630[10:42:47] ***
Cypher121 is now known as Cypher|Away
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mumfrey is now known as Mumfrey
L634[10:49:07] ***
AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L635[10:49:56] <Ordinastie> FusionLord,
not the collision box, the rayTrace method
L636[10:51:30] ***
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L638[10:55:03] ***
Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L639[11:00:52] ***
AEnterprise is now known as AEnterpriseAFK
L640[11:00:53] <FusionLord> strange my
getSelectedBoundingBox always returns the same thing but once i
collide with the block it will not render anymore
L641[11:01:34] <williewillus> what is your
collision box?
L642[11:01:45] <FusionLord> o
L643[11:01:49] <FusionLord> 0
L644[11:01:50] <williewillus> if yuo
change block bounds in your collision box you have to change it
L645[11:03:39] <FusionLord> so in my get
selection box method?
L646[11:05:20] <FusionLord> nevermind got
it, thanks williewillus
L647[11:06:10] ⇦
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L650[11:22:36] <sham1>
L651[11:22:49] <SSBlur> Hallo
L652[11:22:56] <williewillus> heyo
L653[11:23:37] <sham1> I am making some
research in the realm of lexical analysis
L654[11:23:53] <sham1> Interesting
L655[11:25:15] <sham1> Interesting subject
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I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with
this one and help me take over the world of IRC.)
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⇨ Joins: Tyler__ (~Tyler__@
L661[11:31:28] <Tyler__> Hello
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L663[11:34:16] <AndersBillLind> Which
program do people use to create a youtube video of a minecraft
L664[11:34:25] <williewillus> OBS, Fraps,
L665[11:34:28] <williewillus>
L666[11:34:31] <Tyler__> IDK if it works
but for any video DXTORY
L667[11:34:43] <Tyler__> *IF it works for
L668[11:34:56] <williewillus> it has
openGL mode I think
L669[11:35:05] <williewillus> OBS has
always worked best for me
L670[11:35:15] <williewillus> its a
streaming tool but you can just have it save to disk instead of
L671[11:35:26] <Tyler__> Oh. I've
never tried to use it
L672[11:38:10] <Mumfrey> Only thing to be
aware of with OBS is to save as MP4 not FLV, because a lot of video
software won't take the FLV files OBS creates
L673[11:39:30] <AndersBillLind> Hm, OBS is
open source, not bad
L674[11:40:01] <AndersBillLind> mp4 is the
preferred format
L675[11:40:45] <Mumfrey> yes but FLV is
the default, and you need to remember to change it before
L676[11:41:24] ⇦
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198 seconds)
L677[11:41:44] <AndersBillLind> Well, if
it is open source, I can recode it :)
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L681[11:46:43] <Tyler__> I get an error
when trying to register a custom block I had inherit from block,
saying cannot change from Block to <myblockname>
L682[11:46:54] <williewillus> show
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L684[11:47:32] <Tyler__> I haven't
tried running it yet, but will post to pastebin in a sec
L685[11:47:49] ⇦
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Connection reset by peer)
L686[11:47:52] <LatvianModder> Maybe just
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L689[11:50:45] <Tyler__> Eclipse
recommends casting to my blockname, and when I do the error goes
L690[11:50:51] <Tyler__> Keep in mind I am
a noob
L691[11:53:02] <Tyler__> Well I have to
go, I'll figure it out for myself or I'll be back later
in the day, cya guys, thanks for the help as always
L692[11:53:10] ⇦
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L693[11:54:50] <Temportalist> im still
having issues with customstatemapper
L694[11:55:05] <williewillus> no idea why
it works for me :p
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Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
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198 seconds)
L698[12:00:54] <FusionLord> if a Gui
doesn't have a server compnent it should be fine to call
Minecraft.displayGui right
L699[12:01:45] <williewillus> what kind of
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L701[12:03:33] ⇦
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L702[12:03:48] ***
Cypher|Away is now known as Cypher121
L703[12:05:23] <FusionLord> just has a
textbox, and I will be sending a message to the server
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L705[12:12:20] <diesieben07> FusionLord,
yes, thats fine. but you need to do it through your ClientProxy and
wrapped in an if (world.isRemote) call
L706[12:12:33] <FusionLord> ofc
L707[12:12:34] ⇦
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L708[12:12:44] ***
PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L709[12:12:59] <FusionLord> might just do
a IGuiHandler anyway
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L711[12:17:36] ***
TehNut|Sleep is now known as TehNut
L712[12:29:05] <FusionLord> that moment
you put your open gui code in the wrong block :P
L713[12:31:33] <shadekiller666> lol
L715[12:32:23] <shadekiller666> nice
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L717[12:33:48] <FusionLord> now i have to
figure out correct positioning for the gui slots
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L721[12:37:45] <FusionLord> i wonder how
hard it would be to make it so you are typing directly on the grave
stone rather than the text box....
L722[12:37:51] ⇦
Parts: ThomasRules2000
L723[12:38:03] <shadekiller666> take a
look at signs
L724[12:38:16] <williewillus> eh they
don't do that anymore
L725[12:38:24] <FusionLord> yeah they
L726[12:38:27] <williewillus> signs
don't update the text in world anymore, idk which
L727[12:38:35] <williewillus> it only
updates when you hit done
L728[12:38:39] <FusionLord> that seems
L729[12:38:42] ***
Mumfrey is now known as mumfrey
L730[12:38:53] <FusionLord> packet
flooding i'm guessing
L731[12:39:11] <williewillus> or maybe
because they made the gui pause the game in 1.3
L732[12:39:20] <roxox1> If I wanted to
play an image above a players head, what format/size should that
image be?
L733[12:39:21] <FusionLord> oh yeah
L734[12:39:30] <FusionLord> put? :P
L735[12:39:39] <williewillus> what kind of
L736[12:39:45] <FusionLord> player
L737[12:39:49] <FusionLord> from
L738[12:40:09] <roxox1> Fusion is on the
L739[12:40:15] <FusionLord> i would say
the skull should be no bigger than a player's name tag
L740[12:40:23] <williewillus> just use an
icon then
L741[12:40:24] <FusionLord> and a png
would do fine
L742[12:40:26] <gigaherz> depends
L743[12:40:30] <gigaherz> you want the
image to be constant size
L744[12:40:41] <gigaherz> or scale with
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L746[12:40:53] <roxox1> Idk yet. I still
haven't even found a way to add an image so that all players
can see it
L747[12:41:10] <roxox1> I've got
things rendering for each client individually, but other players
can't see it
L748[12:41:24] <roxox1> I just got someone
offering to make me a skull texture, and wanted to give him some
L749[12:43:33] <gigaherz> icons in
Minecraft are generally 16x16
L750[12:43:40] <gigaherz> other effects
are different sizes
L751[12:43:43] ⇦
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(~Loetkolbe@ipbcc2d086.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over
and Out!)
L752[12:43:48] <gigaherz> so there's
no "guideline"
L753[12:44:10] <gigaherz> anything from
like 4x4 upward would work
L754[12:44:17] <gigaherz> finding a sweet
spot is a matter of trial and error
L755[12:44:34] <roxox1> Ok, thanks :).
I'm a terrible artist so I'm just happy that someone
offered to do it
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L757[12:44:59] <williewillus> though still
put it on a 16x16 png
⇨ Joins: ThomasRules2000
L759[12:45:04] <williewillus> anything
smaller messes with mipmapping
L760[12:45:09] <gigaherz> yeah
L761[12:45:17] <gigaherz> multiples of 16
are best
L762[12:45:36] <gigaherz> although 4x4
should still work with mipmaps
L763[12:45:42] <gigaherz> no wait
L764[12:45:48] <gigaherz> 16x16 is the
smallest that still allows 4 levels
L765[12:45:53] <gigaherz> eahc level
divides by 2
L766[12:45:55] <roxox1> Wait, what?
L767[12:46:02] <roxox1> I don't need
the skull to show on the minimap
L768[12:46:13] <gigaherz> you
L769[12:46:18] <gigaherz> this has nothing
to do with minimap
L770[12:46:21] <gigaherz> mipmaps
L771[12:46:27] <gigaherz> are a feature of
graphics cards
L772[12:46:35] <gigaherz> where a texture
can be repeatedly scaled down
L773[12:46:42] <roxox1> Oh.
L774[12:46:46] <roxox1> Sorry, I
L775[12:46:54] <gigaherz> so that when
it's seen in a smaller size, it can still look correct
L776[12:47:29] <gigaherz> to see why
mipmaps are useful
L777[12:47:41] <gigaherz> imagine a
checkerboard pattern, a texture with pixels alternatively black and
L778[12:47:59] <gigaherz> if it's
seen at the right distance
L779[12:48:11] <gigaherz> the gpu would
sample 4 points in order to do the bilinear filtering
L780[12:48:18] <gigaherz> and the 4 points
would fall into either all white or all black
L781[12:48:38] <gigaherz> instead of
averaging the checkerboard into a gray image
L782[12:49:01] <williewillus> lol
L783[12:49:02] <williewillus> tldr: it
makes thjings far away look better
L784[12:49:04] <gigaherz> mipmapping fixes
that issue by precomputing the averages so that it does not
L785[12:49:10] <williewillus> and tiny
textures on the atlas mess with that
L786[12:49:19] <roxox1> Oh
L787[12:49:20] <gigaherz> yeah
L788[12:49:27] <roxox1> So if this
checkerboard was like 500x500 squares
L789[12:49:29] ⇦
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L790[12:49:34] <roxox1> And it got like,
L791[12:49:40] <roxox1> It would realize
the pattern, and replicate it
L792[12:49:49] <roxox1> Even if it was
only 20x20, the pattern would persist?
L793[12:49:55] <gigaherz> no it
owuldn't replicate the pattern
L794[12:50:00] <gigaherz> it just averages
out to gray
L795[12:50:06] <gigaherz> instead of
allowing crazy stuff
L796[12:50:20] <roxox1> Oh
L797[12:50:29] <FusionLord> anyone know
what key 211 is ?
L798[12:50:44] <williewillus> "key
L799[12:50:44] <shadekiller666> lex, could
you add me as an assignee to PRs/issues related to the obj loader,
its easier for me to fix things if i know about them :P
L800[12:50:55] <williewillus>
shadekiller666: only collaborators can get assigned
L801[12:50:56] <FusionLord> keyboard key
L802[12:50:57] <gigaherz> there's a
keyboard enum somewhere
L803[12:51:10] <williewillus> look in the
lwjgl Keyboard class
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L805[12:51:38] <shadekiller666> ive
addressed the 3 current PRs related to the obj loader, the
changes/fixes are awaiting fry's approval
L807[12:51:48] <ThomasRules> noob
question: where do i put deps (e.g baubles) so I can load mods in
L808[12:52:00] <williewillus>
L809[12:52:09] <ThomasRules> thanks
L810[12:52:12] <gigaherz> ThomasRules: if
they are just for loading them when debugging, un run/mods
L811[12:52:18] <gigaherz> but if you need
them as libraries, that's different
L812[12:52:26] <roxox1> I think you also
have to add like a 'loadafter' annotation.
L813[12:52:33] <roxox1> If your mod if
dependant on other mods
L814[12:52:36] <ThomasRules> i need them
for libs for projecte
L815[12:52:52] <ThomasRules> Trying to
load it to fix the chisel bug thing
L816[12:52:54] <williewillus> ThomasRules:
you could have stayed in our channel for longer than two seconds
L817[12:53:17] <williewillus> anyways, the
only thing needed to fix that is to change the maven out for the
new one and fix all the imports
L818[12:53:22] <diesieben07> ThomasRules,
add them as a dependency in gradle, the default build.gralde has
some examples
L819[12:53:29] <roxox1> Damn, extra
utilities isn't open source :(
L820[12:53:35] <diesieben07> or if they do
not have a maven repo, drop the jar in /libs/
L821[12:54:00] <roxox1> Hmm, I wonder how
potions do it
L822[12:54:06] <williewillus> do
L823[12:54:54] <roxox1> Trying to figure
out how to render things onto the player, so that other players can
also see it
L824[12:55:21] <diesieben07>
RenderPlayerEvent usually
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L826[12:55:39] <williewillus> and/or
layerrenders in 1.8
L827[12:55:49] <roxox1> Yes, and I can get
it to render on the player's side. But I can't get it to
render for OTHER players.
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L829[12:56:02] <roxox1> i.e, the way
extrautilities does wings or potions do the weird potiony
L830[12:56:04] <williewillus> you have to
get that information to them
L831[12:56:15] <williewillus> potions
effects are synced to clients by the server
L832[12:56:32] <diesieben07> yes, it
depends on what determines what to render
L833[12:56:35] <diesieben07> is it an
L834[12:56:51] <roxox1> Yes.
L835[12:57:09] ***
big_Xplo|AFK is now known as big_Xplosion
L837[12:57:38] ⇦
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(~Nitrodev@dcx0f0ybzvw-0m-ty66nt-3.rev.dnainternet.fi) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L838[12:57:51] <diesieben07> you need
packets. send the data a) in PlayerEvent.StartTracking (send data
about event.target to event.entityPlayer if event.target is a
L839[12:58:09] <diesieben07> and b) send
data to EntityTracker#getTrackingPlayers
L840[12:58:20] <diesieben07>
L841[12:58:24] <diesieben07> whenever it
L842[12:58:37] <roxox1> I don't quite
understand what data I need to send, and how I would go about
sending it though.
L843[12:58:51] <williewillus> any data
needed to render what you want
L844[12:58:57] <diesieben07> whatever data
is needed on the client to perform the rendering
L845[12:59:03] <diesieben07> AND the
entityID of the player the data is about
L846[12:59:07] <diesieben07> so the cleint
knows which player it's about
L847[12:59:15] <roxox1> But, like.. What,
you can just send a boolean to a player?
L848[12:59:19] <diesieben07> how to send
it? mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/networking/simpleimpl/
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L851[13:01:14] <roxox1> OH
L852[13:01:20] <roxox1> Now that makes
L853[13:02:23] ***
AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L854[13:02:34] <roxox1> So, when a player
comes into Tracking, send a boolean yes to them if they should
render something above that players head
L855[13:02:52] <diesieben07> if jsut a
boolean is enough, then yes.
L856[13:03:26] <roxox1> On the clients
version of that same event, check their locally stored boolean
(which is updated from the same event on the server) and render if
boolean is true.
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L858[13:04:56] <roxox1> Register the
client only event in the ClientProxy, and the packet sending event
(of the same type) in the CommonProxy.
L859[13:05:18] <roxox1> I... Think?
L860[13:06:16] <Mysticdrew> Hey guys,
I've just updated my dev environment to 1.8.9 from 1.8. I am
failing on this "dependencies =
"required-after:Forge@[${@FORGEVERSION@},)"" where I
never used to, if I add the forge version in place of
${@FORGEVERSION@} it works but I've never had to do that
before when running in my dev environment.
L861[13:06:30] <FusionLord> strange that
Fontrenderer.drawCenterdString is gone
L862[13:06:53] <diesieben07> roxox1, which
event are you talking about?
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L864[13:07:24] <roxox1> The umm,
PlayerEvent.StartTracking? I presume?
L865[13:07:41] <diesieben07> that is only
to tell you when to send the data.
L866[13:07:47] <roxox1> OH.
L867[13:07:47] <diesieben07> the rendering
happens in renderPlayerEvent
L868[13:07:51] ***
Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L869[13:07:58] <diesieben07> StartTracking
means "this player can now see that entity"
L870[13:08:03] <diesieben07> where
"entity" includes other players
L871[13:08:17] <diesieben07> (and
themselves iirc)
L872[13:08:26] <roxox1> So send the
boolean over in PlayerEvent.StartTracking, and then check that
boolean in RenderPlayerEvent?
L873[13:08:48] <diesieben07> Yes
L874[13:08:59] <diesieben07> you just
access the IEEP in the RenderPlayerEvent
L875[13:09:30] <roxox1> No no wait. How
would I access the IEEP if I only sent a boolean over?
L876[13:09:44] <williewillus> ieeps are
registered on both sides
L877[13:10:01] <gigaherz> roxox1: the
client will write this boolean tot he IEEP on the receiving
L878[13:10:06] <williewillus> *register it
on both sides and use the packet to do ^
L879[13:10:10] <gigaherz> you need to send
the entity ID also
L880[13:10:13] <roxox1> Oh
L881[13:10:18] <gigaherz> to know which
entity now has the flag
L882[13:10:24] <roxox1> So, I should be
syncing my IEEP between player/server?
L883[13:10:28] <gigaherz> yes
L884[13:10:44] <roxox1> Ok, I should
probably do that first.
L885[13:11:08] <williewillus> technically
you could only sync what you need
L886[13:11:52] <diesieben07> do what
L887[13:12:02] <diesieben07> i thought the
boolean was from the IEEP...
L888[13:12:10] <roxox1> The boolean was
from the IEEP.
L889[13:12:24] <diesieben07> then sending
the boolean IS "syncing the IEEP"
L890[13:12:27] <roxox1> Wait, now I'm
L891[13:12:31] <roxox1> So.
L892[13:12:44] <roxox1> I have an IEEP.
Afaik all the players NBT data is kept server-side
L893[13:12:52] <roxox1> So, the player
side shouldn't even know it exists.
L894[13:13:06] <sham1> unless you want to
use it on the client
L895[13:13:07] <diesieben07> NBT has
NOTHING to do with this.
L896[13:13:14] <sham1> Also that
L897[13:13:17] <roxox1> Ik ik.
L898[13:13:23] <diesieben07> NBT is for
saving to disk
L899[13:13:28] <diesieben07> which indeed
only happens on the server
L900[13:13:34] <diesieben07> BUT your IEEP
exists on both sides
L901[13:13:36] <sham1> Unless you store
the NBT tags in your IEEP in which case you are doing it
L902[13:13:42] <diesieben07> (unless you
explicitly NOT do it that way)
L903[13:13:50] <roxox1> Umm
L904[13:14:11] <roxox1> You said I have to
sync the IEEP
L905[13:14:27] <diesieben07> well, the
data in it
L906[13:14:28] <roxox1> If the IEEP
isn't stored on the players side, how would I sync it?
L907[13:14:39] <roxox1> OH
L908[13:14:45] <diesieben07> its not saved
to disk on the client
L909[13:14:47] <diesieben07> but it
L910[13:15:02] <gigaherz> roxox1: you
create the IEEP on the EntityConstructing event don't
L911[13:15:03] <roxox1> So, when I
register an IEEP, it's on the clients stuff. But the data on
it is just set as default?
L912[13:15:05] <roxox1> Yes.
L913[13:15:11] <gigaherz> that happens on
both the client and server
L914[13:15:11] ⇦
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L915[13:15:11] <diesieben07> exactly
L916[13:15:18] <roxox1> Ok
L917[13:15:21] <diesieben07> on the client
readFromNBT is not called
L918[13:15:25] <roxox1> And when I update
the data..
L919[13:15:26] <diesieben07> so the data
stays whatever it is without that
L920[13:15:33] <roxox1> The data is NOT
updated on the client
L921[13:15:34] <gigaherz> then you make a
L922[13:15:37] <roxox1> So the client
can't check it
L923[13:15:38] <gigaherz> and when you
need to sync
L924[13:15:48] <gigaherz> you send the
packet with the entity ID and the conetnts you need to sync
L925[13:15:50] <diesieben07> exactly, the
(two!) IEEP isntances are not magically kept in sync
L926[13:15:51] <gigaherz> contents*
L927[13:16:09] <gigaherz> and on receiving
this packet, you assign the new data to the IEEP
L928[13:16:10] <roxox1> That's the
thing though. I don't need the IEEP Instances to be kept in
L929[13:16:16] <diesieben07> yes, you
L930[13:16:21] <roxox1> I just need to
send the player ID's of entities to render to
L931[13:16:22] <diesieben07> the cleint
needs to know the data in the IEEP
L932[13:16:27] <roxox1> Why?
L933[13:16:32] <diesieben07> so it knows
that it needs to render...
L934[13:16:34] <gigaherz> well
L935[13:16:40] <gigaherz> you need to sync
any data you'll need for rendering
L936[13:16:57] <roxox1> I need a list of
entities which are skulled..
L937[13:17:00] <gigaherz> roxox1: you
don't want to store a list of players to render to
L938[13:17:09] <gigaherz> the whole reason
you are using the IEEPs is to avoid that
L939[13:17:36] <roxox1> Wait wait wait. If
I sync my IEEP data, will all players have access to all data from
all players?
L940[13:18:01] <diesieben07> all players
that they can see.
L941[13:18:12] <roxox1> OH
L942[13:18:16] <gigaherz> roxox1: you
don't needto sync ALL data
L943[13:18:23] <gigaherz> you needto sync
the data you need in the rendering code
L944[13:18:26] <roxox1> So clients can
read NBT data from other clients which are loaded?
L945[13:18:29] <gigaherz> so if you just
need to know "has skull"
L946[13:18:31] <diesieben07> No.
L947[13:18:34] <diesieben07> again this
has nothing to do with NBT.
L948[13:18:38] <roxox1> Ok
L949[13:18:43] <roxox1> So clients can
read IEEP data from other clients which are loaded?
L950[13:18:44] <gigaherz> you need YOUR
L951[13:18:48] <gigaherz> no
L952[13:18:50] <diesieben07> no they
cannot just read it
L953[13:18:52] <gigaherz> clients each
have their own copy
L954[13:18:54] <diesieben07> they can get
TOLD about it.
L955[13:18:56] <diesieben07> by your
L956[13:18:56] <sham1> jesus
L957[13:19:01] <gigaherz> they don't
know anything you didn't notify via packets
L958[13:19:09] <gigaherz> YOU have to send
the packet
L959[13:19:11] <roxox1> Ok, can I explain
to you what I think I'm hearing
L960[13:19:15] <gigaherz> YOU have to
update the IEEPs
L961[13:20:16] <roxox1> When IEEP is
created, both client and server get it at default values. When I
update it, unless I specifically notify the client, the
client's IEEP will not be updated. The client's IEEP does
not contain any data about other players, but updating the player
IEEP will let them know about other players?
L962[13:20:35] <gigaherz> nono
L963[13:20:41] <roxox1> That doesn't
make any sense
L964[13:20:45] <gigaherz> IEEP is assigned
to EACH entity
L965[13:20:48] <gigaherz> separately
L966[13:20:50] <roxox1> I know.
L967[13:20:53] <gigaherz> the server has
one entity class for each player
L968[13:20:57] <roxox1> But it
doesn't contain any data about other entities
L969[13:21:01] <diesieben07> entity
L970[13:21:02] <gigaherz> but the client
ALSO has an entity class for each player around you
L971[13:21:04] <diesieben07> not
L972[13:21:08] <gigaherz> well yeah
L973[13:21:11] <gigaherz> entity
L974[13:21:16] <roxox1> Ok.. So entities
can get other entities IEEP data?
L975[13:21:21] <gigaherz> nope
L976[13:21:22] <diesieben07> i give
L977[13:21:27] <gigaherz> when the entity
is created
L978[13:21:39] <gigaherz> it sends the
EntityConstructing event
L979[13:21:45] <gigaherz> which creates a
new IEEP for that one entity
L980[13:21:48] <roxox1> Then HOW THE HELL
the player AT ANY TIME whether other players are skulled
L981[13:21:50] <gigaherz> this happens in
both the server and the clients
L982[13:21:51] <roxox1> ANYWHERE
L983[13:21:58] <roxox1> Regardless of
whether they are synced.
L984[13:22:00] <gigaherz> roxox1: YOU need
to send packets to everyone
L985[13:22:05] <diesieben07> you need to
stop calling the client "player"
L986[13:22:07] <roxox1> about
L987[13:22:09] <diesieben07> that is
really fucking confusing
L988[13:22:20] <gigaherz> everyone within
visible range of the player, yes
L989[13:22:34] <roxox1> And you assume
that I'm storing that data in my IEEP. I am not.
L990[13:22:38] <roxox1> That's why
I'm so confused
L991[13:22:48] <gigaherz> then you are
doing it wrong.
L992[13:23:00] <roxox1> I'm storing
whether the player is skulled, not whether ANOTHER player is
L993[13:23:06] <diesieben07> roxox1,
diesieben07> is it an IEEP?
L994[13:23:06] <diesieben07>
<roxox1> Yes.
L995[13:23:10] <roxox1> Telling the player
that they are skulled, will not do anything
L996[13:23:12] <gigaherz> wait
L997[13:23:14] <diesieben07> that was 30
minutes ago.
L998[13:23:17] <gigaherz> let's start
L999[13:23:25] <gigaherz> what EXACTLY are
you trying to render?
L1000[13:23:42] <gigaherz> do you want an
icon on your screen telling you if YOUR player is skulled
L1001[13:23:50] <gigaherz> or do you want
to see if OTHER PEOPLE are skulled?
L1002[13:24:02] <roxox1> I want to see if
OTHER PEOPLE are skulled.
L1003[13:24:05] <gigaherz> well
L1004[13:24:12] <gigaherz> how the F do
you plan to do that
L1005[13:24:15] <gigaherz> if you
don't tell anyone?
L1006[13:24:24] <roxox1> So, I need to
send them a list of entity id's that they should render skulls
L1007[13:24:30] <gigaherz> no
L1008[13:24:38] <gigaherz> that would be
the wrong way to do it
L1009[13:24:40] <diesieben07> ok so. how
does the SERVER know which entity is skulled?
L1010[13:24:49] <diesieben07> where do
you store that information?
L1011[13:24:52] <PitchBright>
diesieben07: did you ever do a 1.7.10 version of CameraCraft?
L1012[13:24:53] <roxox1> It has all the
players IEEP data stored.
L1013[13:25:00] <diesieben07>
PitchBright, it is being worked on :P
L1014[13:25:09] <diesieben07> so it IS an
L1015[13:25:11] <gigaherz> what do you
mean "It has all the players IEEP data stored."
L1016[13:25:12] <diesieben07> jesus
christ man
⇦ Parts: ThomasRules
L1018[13:25:15] <PitchBright> ah wicked…
is there a project page i can follow ya on it?
L1019[13:25:16] <gigaherz> o_O
L1020[13:25:30] <gigaherz> are you doing
some storage thing yourself?
L1022[13:25:41] <PitchBright> thankya
L1023[13:25:58] <roxox1> I don't
understand how syncing Player 1's IEEP data, will help him to
tell that Player 2 is also skulled.
L1024[13:26:02] <gigaherz> roxox1: how do
you USE the ieep?
L1025[13:26:06] <diesieben07> no no
L1026[13:26:18] <diesieben07> you sync
the IEEP of all players they can see
L1027[13:26:42] <roxox1> So that entities
in range can get the IEEP data of entities around them?
L1028[13:26:53] <diesieben07> no
L1029[13:26:59] <roxox1> you sync the
IEEP of all players they can see
L1030[13:27:03] <diesieben07> so that the
CLIENT knows about the IEEPs that are around the player.
L1031[13:27:14] <roxox1> How is that
L1032[13:27:28] <gigaherz> roxox1: if
there's 6 players connected to a server
L1033[13:27:36] <gigaherz> there's 7
copies of each player
L1034[13:27:43] <gigaherz> one copy of
each player in the server
L1035[13:27:46] <gigaherz> and one copy
in each client
L1036[13:27:53] <diesieben07> (assuming
they can all see each other)
L1037[13:27:54] <gigaherz> each one of
those copies
L1038[13:27:56] <gigaherz> has an
L1039[13:28:00] <gigaherz> if they are
far enough
L1040[13:28:13] <gigaherz> then the
client doesn't see them anymore
L1041[13:28:15] <roxox1> Ok. So, each
entity can get IEEP data about entities around them?
L1042[13:28:20] <gigaherz> so the server
makes them forget
L1043[13:28:23] <gigaherz> and when they
get close enough
L1044[13:28:27] <gigaherz> the server
tells them about the new player
L1045[13:28:30] <diesieben07> NO the
entities are NOT DOING SHIT HERE:
L1046[13:28:41] <gigaherz> eahc entity is
separate and independent
L1047[13:28:44] <gigaherz> they
don't know eachother at all
L1048[13:28:46] <roxox1> OK. SO EACH
L1049[13:28:52] <gigaherz> nope
L1050[13:28:55] <gigaherz> each PLAYER
has information
L1051[13:28:57] <gigaherz> the entities
don't care
L1052[13:29:04] <roxox1> ...
L1053[13:29:09] <diesieben07> not
L1054[13:29:12] <diesieben07> the thign
is called client.
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L1056[13:29:14] <gigaherz> each
L1057[13:29:26] <gigaherz> all the IEEP
should ever contain
L1058[13:29:29] <gigaherz> is one
L1059[13:29:29] <roxox1> So, send each
CLIENT information about OTHER CLIENTS in their range?
L1060[13:29:32] <gigaherz> yup
L1061[13:29:43] <gigaherz> send each
CLIENT information about other PLAYER ENTITIES
L1062[13:29:44] <diesieben07> no.
L1063[13:29:50] <diesieben07> yes that
L1064[13:29:50] <roxox1> How the fuck, is
that any different from what I've been saying for like.. 30
L1065[13:30:00] <sham1> Seriously roxox,
stop abusing the caps lock
L1066[13:30:11] <gigaherz> because they
are separate
L1067[13:30:14] <gigaherz> and when you
say "send a list of"
L1068[13:30:20] <gigaherz> that means you
didn't understand the whole concept
L1069[13:30:29] <gigaherz> there should
be no lists of anything
L1070[13:30:33] <gigaherz> the SERVER
knows the lists
L1071[13:30:36] <gigaherz> you don't
need to care
L1072[13:30:42] <roxox1> To me.. Sending
each client information about other clients in their range
L1073[13:30:50] <diesieben07> nope.
L1074[13:30:51] <williewillus> sham1: you
mean gigaherz who's caps locking :p
L1075[13:31:00] <diesieben07> you are
just using names wrong
L1076[13:31:01] <sham1> him too
L1077[13:31:04] <diesieben07>
"client", "player", "entity"
L1078[13:31:04] <gigaherz> I don't
L1079[13:31:09] <diesieben07> understand
those concepts.
L1080[13:31:13] <gigaherz> I just
shift-type to give emphasis ;P
L1081[13:31:20] <diesieben07> you
apparently dont since you use them all incorrectly.
L1082[13:31:28] <FusionLord> regex
'\\n' will match '\n' correct?
L1083[13:31:33] <roxox1>
'client' = 'player' = 'entity' for
the sake of conversation.
L1084[13:31:37] <diesieben07> nope.
L1085[13:31:38] <gigaherz> no
L1086[13:31:39] <gigaherz> they are
L1087[13:31:46] <gigaherz> because they
are separate things to minecraft
L1088[13:31:47] <masa> wtf
L1089[13:31:48] <roxox1> No, their not
actually the same thing
L1090[13:31:49] <gigaherz> and the code
you write
L1091[13:31:52] <roxox1> I kno
L1092[13:31:54] <roxox1> calm down
L1093[13:31:55] <gigaherz> so
L1094[13:31:58] <gigaherz> you can't
mix them up
L1095[13:32:15] <gigaherz> both server
and client have a list of entities
L1096[13:32:20] <gigaherz> it happens
that some entities are players
L1097[13:32:32] <gigaherz> and it happens
that one of those players is the actual player in front of mc
L1098[13:32:37] <gigaherz> controlling
the game
L1099[13:32:39] <gigaherz> but
L1100[13:32:43] <roxox1> I know
L1101[13:32:45] <roxox1> I know.
L1102[13:32:47] <gigaherz> for the logic
side of things
L1103[13:32:49] <gigaherz> they are just
L1104[13:32:50] <roxox1> Calm
L1105[13:32:59] <gigaherz> I'm calm,
i'm trying to explain from scratch
L1106[13:33:07] <gigaherz> so
L1107[13:33:09] <williewillus>
FusionLord: you need four backslashes
L1108[13:33:13] <gigaherz> each entity,
has an IEEP attached
L1109[13:33:20] <gigaherz> which is
separate and independent from any other IEEP
L1110[13:33:30] <williewillus>
FusionLord: "\\\\n" java takes two of them, regex sees
"\\n", which finally matches "\n"
L1111[13:33:34] <gigaherz> okay now
let's switch sides
L1112[13:33:36] <gigaherz> on the
L1113[13:33:39] <gigaherz> there's
also a list of entities
L1114[13:33:44] <gigaherz> and some of
them happen to be players
L1115[13:33:47] <gigaherz> which have an
IEEP attached
L1116[13:34:01] <williewillus> though I
thank theres' sepcial regex classes for
L1117[13:34:04] <williewillus> so
I'd use those instead
L1118[13:34:20] <gigaherz> now when any
entity enters or leaves the viewing range of a player
L1119[13:34:30] <gigaherz> which may be
due to moving
L1120[13:34:45] <gigaherz> or it may be
that a new player joined/left theworld they are in
L1121[13:35:12] <shadekiller666>
williewillus, regex for whitespace is "\\s+"
L1122[13:35:16] <gigaherz> you need to
notify the *other* entities about this player's IEEP
L1123[13:35:17] <roxox1> What I meant
was. The concept of Client / Server is very simple. If I ask, So
the Server should send information to the client about the clients
around them? It should not take 30 minutes to discover that instead
of 'Client' it should be 'Player'.
L1124[13:35:23] <shadekiller666> that
will remove all whitespace from a string
L1125[13:35:54] <FusionLord>
williewillus, so
L1126[13:35:58] <gigaherz> and when the
state of the IEEP changes, also need to notify entities
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L1128[13:36:17] <gigaherz> eh
L1129[13:36:27] <gigaherz> I just used
"netities" twice when I meant clients
L1130[13:36:28] <gigaherz> ¬¬
L1131[13:36:30] <gigaherz> entities
L1133[13:36:37] <gigaherz> okay I give up
L1134[13:36:42] <roxox1> Dude. I
understand the difference between an Entity/Player/Client. I just
generally use Client when I'm talking about networking stuff,
and Player when I'm talking about Minecraft :P.
L1135[13:36:49] <gigaherz> when stuff
changes -> send packet to all around
L1136[13:37:02] <roxox1> That is a much
better explanation ^
L1137[13:37:02] <gigaherz> ;P
L1138[13:37:07] <FusionLord>
williewillus, I am building the string and putting in
L1139[13:37:19] <williewillus>
FusionLord: that SO answer is exactly what youre looking for
L1140[13:37:20] <williewillus> lol
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L1142[13:37:43] <Tyler__> Hello
L1143[13:39:45] <sham1> Trying to get
comfortable with regex is kinda fun
L1144[13:39:59] <sham1> Until you get
match strings like this one:
L1145[13:40:01] <williewillus> sham1:
then you forget it a week after you stop needing it
L1146[13:40:07] <williewillus> and thats
why regex helpers exist ;p
L1147[13:40:18] <Tyler__> Oh hey
williewillus did you ever take a look at my code earlier?
L1148[13:40:27] <sham1> That captures a
protocol, the domain and the possible port
L1149[13:40:35] <williewillus> Tyler__:
no, I think i was asleep
L1150[13:40:52] <Tyler__> Oh okay,
that's fine
L1151[13:43:58] <gigaherz> sham1: make a
regex that matches valid regex
L1152[13:44:00] <gigaherz> ;P
L1153[13:44:07] <sham1> Oh god no
L1154[13:44:20] <gigaherz> make a regex
that matches only itself
L1157[13:46:29] <sham1>
L1158[13:46:39] <Tyler__> Question
L1159[13:47:01] <Tyler__> If I make a
directional block do I simply rotate modify it's rotation or
do I have to make a texture for each direction?
L1160[13:47:09] <Tyler__> I only need
North, South, East and West
L1161[13:47:11] <williewillus> the
L1162[13:47:32] <williewillus> you have a
model that faces north by default (minecraft:orientable) and you
apply a global y axis rotation for each direction
L1163[13:47:35] <williewillus> assuming
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L1165[13:47:50] <gigaherz> meh Scrap
Mechanic looks fun
L1166[13:47:51] <sham1> The regex string
I posted would propably work with any programming language that had
its variables declared like Pascal
L1167[13:47:55] <gigaherz> anyone with
money wants to gift it to me? ;P
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L1169[13:48:00] <sham1> To tokenize
L1170[13:48:08] <gigaherz> i can't
afford things right now
L1171[13:48:09] <gigaherz> XD
L1172[13:48:14] <Tyler__> Yes 1.8.9,
latest version of forge, 1708 I believe.
L1173[13:48:32] <Tyler__> And based off
of the Facing Enums I would rotate it?
L1174[13:48:45] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1175[13:48:49] <gigaherz> latest is 1710
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L1177[13:49:34] <Tyler__> God
L1178[13:49:35] <Tyler__> Lmao
L1179[13:49:52] <diesieben07> look at
vanilla examples i would say ;)
L1180[13:50:15] <Tyler__> I have been and
sadly, I do not have the literacy of Java I would want for reading
L1181[13:51:09] <diesieben07> all the
"magic" basically happens in the blockstate json, in the
case of the furnace:
L1182[13:51:22] <Tyler__> Okay thanks, I
will take a look there
L1183[13:51:31] <Tyler__> Any other words
of wisdom :P
L1184[13:51:59] <diesieben07> well, the
rest is the stuff in your Block, you need a property and encoding
ti to meta and back
L1185[13:52:18] <sham1> So yeah
L1186[13:52:22] <sham1> I am building a
L1188[13:53:17] <sham1> so that is why
regex is something I am interested in ATMM
⇦ Quits: Saereth (~Saereth@vm.solardirect.com) (Quit:
L1190[13:53:29] <sham1> nice
L1191[13:53:43] <sham1> I CAN SEE MYSELF
⇦ Quits: untamemadman
(Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1193[13:54:42] <diesieben07> haha that
is a great grave inscription
L1194[13:54:46] <diesieben07>
⇨ Joins: Poppy
L1196[13:55:22] <Tyler__> Quick question
what's the general format for assets?
L1197[13:55:38] <diesieben07> uhmm,
depends on the type of asset.
L1198[13:55:41] <gigaherz> that's
almost haiku
L1199[13:55:44] <diesieben07> also what
do you mean by format?
L1200[13:55:49] <Tyler__>
L1201[13:55:49] <Tyler__> ?
L1202[13:56:06] <Tyler__> Just for
organization and I understand MC is picky about locations
L1203[13:56:10] <gigaherz>
L1204[13:56:19] <gigaherz> block*
L1205[13:56:24] <gigaherz>
L1206[13:56:28] <gigaherz>
L1207[13:56:29] <Tyler__> Thanks. Someday
I promise I will actually learn haha
L1208[13:56:32] <gigaherz>
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L1210[14:01:03] <sham1>
L1211[14:01:11] <sham1> Yay for matching
string literals
L1212[14:01:37] <sham1> that + could
actually be * so you could have an empty string literal
⇦ Quits: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk) (Ping
timeout: 194 seconds)
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L1215[14:07:24] ***
Cypher121 is now known as Cypher|Away
L1216[14:09:40] <Wuppy> finally managed
to be productive today :O
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(~Work@24-181-178-44.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L1218[14:13:28] <FusionLord> YaY!
⇦ Quits: Woodstone (~quassel@2a03:b0c0:2:d0::2c8:d001) (Quit:
No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
L1220[14:13:39] <sham1> This cannot
L1221[14:14:00] <FusionLord> I've
been productive today aswell
L1222[14:14:13] <sham1> I've been as
L1223[14:14:25] <sham1> Trying to figure
out this regex shit for lexical analysis
L1224[14:15:03] <gigaherz> I'm
improvifying my game
L1225[14:15:05] <Wuppy> I've been
doing some stuff for a game I'll release on android and iOS
L1226[14:15:08] <Wuppy> and probably on
L1227[14:15:30] <gigaherz> I wanna
release a v2.0 in some weeks/months
L1228[14:15:40] <Wuppy> same here
L1229[14:15:48] <sham1> Well I seem to
have the biggest things going on now as I am doing a toy language
L1230[14:16:24] <gigaherz> I did that in
the past ;P
L1231[14:16:42] <sham1> It is fun
L1232[14:16:48] <Tyler__> Is there any
nice way to get Eclipse to be able to open the .json files for
vanilla blocks?
L1234[14:17:01] <gigaherz> Tyler__: you
shoudl be able to open them
L1235[14:17:06] <gigaherz> open the
external libraries thing
L1236[14:17:08] <gigaherz> find
L1237[14:17:28] <Tyler__> In Referenced
L1238[14:17:33] <gigaherz> the one
that's net.minecraftsomethingsomething:forgeSrc:
L1239[14:17:35] <Tyler__> I opened
L1240[14:17:43] <Tyler__>
L1241[14:17:46] <gigaherz> yeah
L1242[14:17:53] <gigaherz> you shoudl be
able to see the json files there and open them
L1243[14:17:56] <gigaherz> at least in
IDEA you can
L1244[14:18:12] <Tyler__> "Problems
opening an editor"
L1245[14:18:15] <Tyler__> Reason:
L1246[14:18:35] <Tyler__> Problem opening
editor for 'furnace.json'. System editor can only open
base file resources
L1247[14:18:56] <Tyler__> I think
it's because it's in a .jar
L1248[14:19:12] <gigaherz> get IDEA
L1250[14:19:44] <Tyler__> Alright
I'll try that
L1251[14:20:01] <diesieben07> set it to
internal editor
L1252[14:20:49] <Tyler__> That
L1253[14:20:52] <Tyler__> :D
L1254[14:21:13] <Tyler__> I see now how
the magic works!
L1256[14:22:15] <McJty> What is
L1257[14:22:30] <gigaherz> I have no idea
what ELI5ing means
L1258[14:22:39] <Wuppy> Explain it like
I'm 5
L1259[14:22:42] <TehNut> Explain Like
I'm Five
L1260[14:22:47] <McJty> ah
L1261[14:23:17] <Tyler__> I could use a
whole lot of that haha
L1262[14:23:41] <solidDoWant1> is this
for the config button on the "Mods" screen on
minecraft's main menu?
L1263[14:23:46] <gigaherz> this is an
interface used to support the mod config system
L1264[14:23:49] <gigaherz> yes
L1265[14:23:56] <solidDoWant1> okay,
L1266[14:24:06] <gigaherz> read around
line 18
L1267[14:24:48] <solidDoWant1> saw that,
but wasn't sure what mod list it was refering to
⇦ Quits: tambre
(Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1269[14:25:27] <Tyler__> Without coming
to this IRC, I probably would've given up on trying to mod
L1270[14:26:03] <gigaherz> that's
why it exists, Tyler__
L1271[14:26:04] <gigaherz> XD
L1272[14:26:07] <Tyler__> Now I actually
have a block in the game that faces, just gotta figure out my
L1273[14:26:08] <gigaherz> modding is NOT
L1274[14:26:09] <Tyler__> And yes
L1275[14:26:22] <Wuppy> and the people
here are awesome \o/
L1276[14:26:23] <gigaherz> specially for
people who didn't know java beforehand
L1277[14:26:26] <Tyler__> I expected it
to be difficult, but not this difficult.
L1278[14:26:27] <sham1> Note to self,
never save utf-8 with BOM and expect C++ to understand
L1279[14:26:30] <Tyler__> ^
L1280[14:26:42] <Tyler__> All the people
in here are awesome
L1281[14:26:44] <gigaherz> sham1: utf
with bom is technically invalid
L1282[14:26:44] <gigaherz> ;P
L1283[14:26:48] <gigaherz> utf8*
L1284[14:26:53] <sham1> God damn it
L1285[14:27:02] <gigaherz> the BOM is
only meant to exist in utf16 and up
L1286[14:27:13] <gigaherz> to indicate
the endianess of the data
L1287[14:27:18] <gigaherz> in utf-8
L1288[14:27:22] <gigaherz> it's a
valid character
L1289[14:27:25] <sham1> again, god damn
it notepad++
L1290[14:27:34] <gigaherz> a zero-width
non-break space
L1291[14:27:39] <gigaherz> which for the
purpose of drawing text
L1292[14:27:41] <sham1> it for some
reason has utf-8 BOM encoding...
L1293[14:27:41] <gigaherz> means a
L1294[14:27:49] <gigaherz> but to a C++
compiler, it's an invalid character
L1295[14:28:05] <sham1> I was reading a
file with utf-8 bom
L1296[14:28:48] <solidDoWant1> In
GUIContainers, what should be put in
drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer and what should be put in
L1297[14:28:48] <solidDoWant1> ?
L1298[14:29:00] <sham1> the background
and the foreground
L1299[14:29:07] <sham1> Background is
behind inventory slots
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(~flappy@a88-113-155-120.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 198
L1301[14:29:21] <sham1> Foreground is
infront of them
L1302[14:29:28] <FusionLord> hmm...
Block.getDrops() isn't being called
L1303[14:29:43] <diesieben07> check that
the player can harvest
L1304[14:29:44] <solidDoWant1> if I dont
have inv slots does it matter which I use?
L1305[14:30:03] <diesieben07> if you dont
have slots why do you have a GuiContainer?
L1306[14:30:10] <sham1> ^
L1307[14:30:20] <solidDoWant1> because
that's what I thought I was supposed to use for guis
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(~keybounce@45-25-230-67.lightspeed.bkfdca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit:
colloquy quit: I probably won't see anything til I get
L1310[14:30:41] <diesieben07> GuiScreen
for "normal" GUIs
L1311[14:31:12] <solidDoWant1> so what do
I use for uh.. abnormal guis?
L1312[14:31:19] <diesieben07> wat.
L1313[14:31:40] <solidDoWant1> what do I
use for guis without inv slots
L1314[14:31:47] <sham1> GuiScreen
L1315[14:31:50] <sham1> He just
L1316[14:32:11] <solidDoWant1> oh I
misread that
L1317[14:32:18] <solidDoWant1> thanks
guys, helpful as always
L1318[14:32:36] <Tyler__> Gah I hate
L1319[14:32:41] <shadekiller666> is there
any way to "lock" a PR such that it stops absorbing
L1320[14:32:58] <diesieben07> use a
different branch
L1321[14:33:05] <diesieben07> a pr is
just a pointer to a branch name
L1322[14:33:30] ***
V is now known as Vigaro
L1323[14:33:51] <sham1> Not even a
L1324[14:33:54] <sham1> To the current
L1325[14:34:09] <diesieben07> wat?
L1326[14:34:12] <gigaherz> no
L1327[14:34:17] <gigaherz> it points to
the branch
L1328[14:34:18] <diesieben07> if you
update where the branch points, the PR changes
L1329[14:34:20] <gigaherz> even if you
L1330[14:34:22] <gigaherz> still points
L1331[14:34:24] <sham1> Current hash of
the branch...
L1332[14:34:29] <sham1> Dont start with
L1333[14:34:33] <gigaherz> github stores
the branch name.
L1334[14:34:34] <diesieben07> hash of the
branch? :D
L1335[14:34:38] <gigaherz> doesn't
care about the hash
L1336[14:34:52] <sham1> The hash of the
most recent commit of that branch...
L1337[14:34:59] <diesieben07> nope.
L1338[14:35:33] <sham1> Well it has to
point to the branch's current state somehow
L1339[14:35:38] <gigaherz> sham1: they
MAY cache the hash/commits for performance reasons, but a PR is
tied to the branch name, regardless of the contents
L1340[14:35:46] <masa> if it would point
directly to the commit hash, then the PR wouldn't update when
you push to the branch
L1341[14:35:57] <gigaherz> if you
force-push something else ot that branch
L1342[14:36:02] <gigaherz> even if
it's a separate codebase
L1343[14:36:10] <gigaherz> girhub will
show that instead
L1344[14:36:15] <gigaherz> github*
L1345[14:36:28] <FusionLord> ok so at the
time of getDrops the TileEntity has already been destroyed, anyone
know another wat to get drops based on the te
L1346[14:36:30] <sham1> Yes
L1347[14:36:37] <gigaherz> sec
L1348[14:36:50] <diesieben07> FusionLord,
look at the forge patches to BlockFlowerPot (all of them, they are
at the bottom)
L1349[14:36:51] <sham1> It points to the
commit that is the most recent in that branch that PR is made
L1351[14:36:58] <gigaherz> like
L1352[14:37:11] <sham1> Which changes
with pushes
L1353[14:37:13] <gigaherz> it's
copied from theflowerpot, like diesieben07 says
L1354[14:37:59] <FusionLord> thanks
gigaherz never would have thought of that
L1355[14:38:11] <sham1> Anyway
L1356[14:38:22] <sham1> Does someone know
how the new capability system works
L1357[14:38:37] <shadekiller666> i would
like to see if i can implement support for that block breaking
animation issue in my obj loader workspace... but i don't want
the changes for that to be applied to the PR :P
L1358[14:38:38] <gigaherz> TileEntities,
ItemStacks and Entities
L1359[14:38:44] <gigaherz> now have a
getCapability method
L1360[14:38:53] <gigaherz> that can be
used to query caps
L1361[14:39:04] <FusionLord>
shadekiller666, you have a fix?
L1362[14:39:04] <gigaherz> if you support
a capability, you return the appropriate interface reference
L1363[14:39:22] <sham1> So I make my own
customm capability by immplemmenting the Capability interface
L1364[14:39:24] <shadekiller666>
FusionLord, no, but i'd like to see if i can find one
L1365[14:39:33] <FusionLord> gotcha
L1366[14:39:37] <gigaherz> if you want
OTHERS to implementa capability, yes
L1367[14:39:49] <gigaherz> something like
RF could have a
L1368[14:39:52] <shadekiller666> and it
would be really nice to have the changes to the OBJLoader in the
workspace whilst i do it :P
L1369[14:40:03] <gigaherz>
EnergyReceiverCapability, that is a
L1370[14:40:03] <sham1> Well what if I
just want that cap be unique to my TE
L1371[14:40:05] <shadekiller666> suppose
i could branch off of my OBJ_Loader branch...
L1372[14:40:17] <gigaherz> sham1: then
why not just have the TE implement an interface?
L1373[14:40:30] <FusionLord> is it
possible to set the break progress of a different block? so if
i'm breaking one of the slaves it will render the break on the
L1374[14:40:36] <sham1> I dont know
L1375[14:40:38] <gigaherz> the capability
system is meant to expose features
L1376[14:40:46] <gigaherz> that you may
or may not implement
L1377[14:41:01] <gigaherz> so that you or
others can query those capabilities as needed
L1378[14:41:21] <gigaherz> without
cluttering the class with tons of implements
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L1380[14:41:45] <gigaherz> indirectly,
also allows storing the capability-related data through
L1381[14:41:45] <gigaherz> like
L1382[14:41:53] <gigaherz> a TE may have
an InventoryBasic
L1383[14:42:01] <gigaherz> instead of
implementing IInventory itself
L1384[14:42:13] <gigaherz> assuming
IInventory is a capability ;P
L1385[14:42:27] <sham1> It will when that
PR goes through
L1386[14:42:28] <gigaherz> (didn't
look into what capabilities woudl vanilla have)
L1387[14:43:00] <gigaherz> and a RF-basec
machine could have an EnergyBuffer object instead of implementing
⇨ Joins: killjoy
L1389[14:43:02] <M4thG33k> Quick question
concerning the texture ID during the TextureStitchEvent: I thought
the id for the blocks was always 8, but does it change? (Or can
other mods change that value?)
L1390[14:43:03] <gigaherz> based
L1391[14:43:19] <gigaherz> M4thG33k:
⇦ Quits: Temportalist
(uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed
for inactivity)
L1393[14:43:41] <M4thG33k> Er..for the
TextureMap class - each one has its own glTextureId
L1394[14:43:51] <diesieben07> of course
it is not constant....
L1395[14:43:51] <shadekiller666>
FusionLord, RenderGlobal.sendBlockBreakProgress()
L1396[14:43:52] <gigaherz> that's
assigned by opengl
L1397[14:43:57] <gigaherz> you call
L1398[14:44:04] <gigaherz>
L1399[14:44:21] <M4thG33k> is there any
way to know which id is associated to the block textures once it
has been assigned?
L1400[14:44:22] <gigaherz> and it returns
the ids
L1401[14:44:32] <gigaherz> why do you
need that?
L1402[14:44:41] <gigaherz> just use the
existing bindTexture that takes the resourcelocation
L1403[14:44:55] <M4thG33k> I have some
image processing stuff that occurs after the texture is
L1404[14:44:59] <gigaherz> and use
L1405[14:45:17] <gigaherz> then check how
bindTexture resolves the id
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(Quit: If we wish to explore, if we wish to see what's over
the next hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want
it enough.)
L1408[14:53:11] <FusionLord>
shadekiller666, and where would i put that so that it matches the
slave is there an event that watches block damage?
L1409[14:53:23] ***
AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L1410[14:54:45] <shadekiller666>
FusionLord, though, instead of doing it how you're doing it
(with the slaves having a render type of -1 or whatever), i would
use the same block as the master, except i would set all obj groups
to hidden for the slaves, though i'm not 100% sure that would
work in the current version of the obj loader (it works well with
the changes in the PR :P)
⇦ Quits: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@ip56572345.direct-adsl.nl)
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L1412[14:54:52] <shadekiller666>
L1413[14:54:54] <solidDoWant1> if I want
to display a player's invntory, and allow them to do normal
inventory things (like moving items), but I dont need to have any
other item slots in my gui, do I still need a gui container instead
of a gui screen?
L1414[14:55:38] <masa> yes
L1415[14:55:42] <gigaherz> yes, the
inventory slots are still managed by the containers
L1416[14:55:52] <solidDoWant1> alright,
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(~quassel@cpe-66-67-5-87.rochester.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 186
L1419[14:56:34] <masa> well good
night/timezone everyone
⇦ Quits: M4thG33k (~M4thG33k@173-29-128-244.client.mchsi.com)
(Quit: I've derivatives to take...adios!)
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L1423[15:00:14] ***
DRedhorse is now known as DonAway
L1424[15:00:19] <shadekiller666>
FusionLord, well, theres World.sendBlockBreakProgress(), and theres
S25PacketBlockBreakAnim, and C07PacketPlayerDigging
⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Quit:
L1426[15:01:02] <shadekiller666>
PlayerControllerMP.clickBlock() and
PlayerControllerMP.onPlayerDamageBlock() both call
L1427[15:02:55] ***
Cypher|Away is now known as Cypher121
L1428[15:03:50] ***
FusionLord is now known as FusionLord|Work
L1429[15:04:09] <shadekiller666> fry,
have you gotten a chance to look at the PR?
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(~IdiotNono@c-75-71-231-133.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 186
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L1432[15:21:14] <shadekiller666> is there
a way to have an IProperty in an IBS that isn't defined in the
blockstate json?
L1433[15:22:27] <shadekiller666> an
"unlisted" IProperty thats treated like a standard
L1434[15:23:37] <AndersBillLind> Moving
stuff from the inventory to the hotbar just to use them is a lot of
work, is there a feature to facilitate this that I am not aware
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(~Szernex@194-118-255-145.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
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L1438[15:25:11] <shadekiller666> well,
you can mouse over an item and press 1-9 to swap the contents of
that slot and the corresponding hotbar slot
L1439[15:25:24] <AndersBillLind> Hm,
L1440[15:25:51] <AndersBillLind> Maybe I
want to move every item that is of a certain kind to the
L1441[15:26:02] <shadekiller666>
L1442[15:26:04] <AndersBillLind> Or just
move something directly from the inventory to a crafting table
L1443[15:26:18] <shadekiller666> not that
i know of, at least in vanilla
L1444[15:26:28] <shadekiller666> theres
shift click, but thats single stacks
L1445[15:26:40] <shadekiller666> and i
don't think shift click works in crafting tables
L1446[15:27:51] <AndersBillLind> Would be
nice to be able to compact an inventory in some easy way
⇨ Joins: Drullkus
L1448[15:28:02] <AndersBillLind> Stacking
everything that is stackable
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L1451[15:29:40] <AndersBillLind> Hm,
maybe I want a certain key combo for lets say glass, so if I have
glass in my inventory, it will swap to the hotbar and get
L1452[15:30:18] <shadekiller666> as if
there aren't enough keybinds already :P
L1453[15:30:30] <AndersBillLind> exactly,
there is not
⇦ Quits: AforAnonymous (bitch2k@ (Quit: Try
not to think not.)
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(Quit: Leaving)
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L1457[15:34:56] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, have you played around with using objs for
L1458[15:36:25] ***
Darkhax is now known as Darkhoax
L1460[15:37:40] <shadekiller666> those
are some viscious bugs...
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L1463[15:41:36] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: yup, but I use stitched textures
L1464[15:41:47] <shadekiller666> ?
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198 seconds)
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timeout: 186 seconds)
L1469[15:42:18] <gigaherz> both my
entities use textures stitched into the blocks map
⇨ Joins: Cojo
L1471[15:43:06] <shadekiller666> the
*standard* way of doing it is to just bind the individual textures
themselves right?
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and Out!)
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Connection reset by peer)
L1475[15:50:34] <LexManos> Also note: Rec
Build WILL be coming out before monday, so speak up now or forever
hold your bitching
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L1477[15:53:01] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: yes, but that requires the dummy TAS trick
L1478[15:53:07] <gigaherz> I haven't
implemented that into my mods yet
L1479[15:53:27] <shadekiller666> dummy
TAS trick?
L1480[15:54:14] <gigaherz> the thing
where you give the obj/b3d loader a special TAS, that has
"getInterpolatedU(u) {return u; }" and thesame for
L1481[15:54:48] <gigaherz> weren't
you aroudn when fry mentioned that? ;P
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L1483[15:58:58] <shadekiller666> uhhh
L1484[15:59:24] <shadekiller666> do you
mean pass a custom TAS into IBakedModel or something?
L1485[15:59:31] <shadekiller666> or into
L1487[16:00:02] <gigaherz> I mean
specifically this.
L1488[16:00:03] <gigaherz> XD
L1489[16:00:37] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1490[16:02:08] <gigaherz> note that the
caching stuff left over in that function would break if you use the
same cache list for those models and the stitched ones
L1491[16:02:20] <gigaherz> if you try to
load the same model for different types of textures
L1492[16:03:15] <shadekiller666>
L1493[16:04:09] ***
kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L1494[16:04:10] <shadekiller666> you
know, i could add another custom data key that would do that
L1495[16:04:12] <shadekiller666>
L1496[16:04:52] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1497[16:04:59] <gigaherz> custom data
woudl be useless there
L1498[16:05:06] <shadekiller666> no
L1499[16:05:12] <gigaherz> unless you
mean in the state passed into bake()
L1500[16:05:29] ***
big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L1501[16:05:42] <shadekiller666> you can
call OBJModel.process() yourself :P
L1502[16:05:45] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: it's not worth it IMO
L1503[16:05:53] <gigaherz> what we should
L1504[16:06:12] <gigaherz> is that
function exdisting within forge
L1505[16:06:25] <gigaherz>
L1506[16:06:28] <gigaherz> or
L1507[16:06:43] <gigaherz> alongside
another one for the stitched textures
L1508[16:06:47] <gigaherz> which could be
L1509[16:06:56] <gigaherz>
L1510[16:07:14] <shadekiller666> i do
feel there should be constants in ModelLoader or something for
various "baked texture getters"
L1511[16:07:33] <gigaherz> there's
really only 2 that are needed
L1512[16:07:37] <shadekiller666> ya
L1513[16:07:41] <gigaherz> one that
returns TAS from the atlas
L1514[16:07:47] <gigaherz> and one that
returns the dummy TAS
L1515[16:09:02] <shadekiller666> this
would be a good thing to make a PR for :P
L1516[16:10:01] <gigaherz> yes, I just
can't be bothered to install eclipse and get forge deve vn set
L1517[16:10:01] <gigaherz> XD
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L1519[16:11:01] <shadekiller666>
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L1523[16:14:56] <gigaherz> AND I now
dislike ReSharper
L1524[16:15:22] <gigaherz> there
doesn't appear to be a way to disable Resharper's
formatting stuff and just use the standard one from VS
L1525[16:15:41] <gigaherz> and ReSharper
now decided to remove the newline when I type
L1526[16:15:52] <gigaherz> I suddenyl get
L1527[16:16:01] <gigaherz>
L1528[16:16:07] <gigaherz> which is NEVER
what I want.
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(~Subconcio@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 186
L1530[16:16:39] <mikebald> Check out this
guy ^ ^ thinking his styling method is better than Resharpers..
sheez =D
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L1532[16:17:08] <gigaherz> mikebald:
I'm not saying "mine" is better
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L1534[16:17:16] <gigaherz> I just
don't want an auto-formatter to REMOVE newlines
L1535[16:17:22] <gigaherz> specially not
when I type a <
L1536[16:17:35] <gigaherz> that's a
deal-breaker for me
L1537[16:18:22] <mikebald> Was just being
sarcastic, yeah there's somethings I don't like about the
default settings... for example, typing "" gets me 3
quotes =/
L1538[16:18:30] <mikebald> *some
L1539[16:18:34] <gigaherz> that I turn
off straight away
L1540[16:18:40] <gigaherz> I hate editors
to auto-add the clising )]}"
L1541[16:18:46] <gigaherz> closing
L1542[16:18:59] <mikebald> ugh, yeah...
it's especially fun when writing JS
L1543[16:19:38] <gigaherz> ah okay
it's less bad than I thought
L1544[16:19:45] <gigaherz> if I turn off
the "auto-format on ..." options
L1545[16:19:51] <gigaherz> it still
allows VS to do its own thing
L1546[16:20:09] <gigaherz> I assumed it
would override VS to NOT do anything
L1547[16:20:18] <gigaherz> the option is
badly named
L1548[16:20:31] <gigaherz> it should be
called "Custom auto-formatting on ..."
L1549[16:20:40] <mikebald> oh that's
neat... I'll have to change that too because the
autoformatting is one of the things I hate on a daily basis
L1550[16:20:43] <gigaherz> no wait
L1551[16:20:46] <gigaherz> the < shit
still happens
L1552[16:20:46] <gigaherz> wtf
L1553[16:21:18] <gigaherz> I hope
it's not UnityVS getting in the way
L1554[16:21:46] <gigaherz> no
L1555[16:21:49] <gigaherz> restarting VS
fixed that
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L1558[16:23:18] <shadekiller666> yet VS
is still the primary c++ dev platform...
L1559[16:24:40] <mikebald> interesting, I
have the Auto-format on semicolon and it doesn't autoformat
the multi-lined List<
L1560[16:24:40] <gigaherz> it's
still overall the best IDE I have ever used
L1561[16:25:02] <gigaherz> okay now what
was I doing... ¬¬
L1562[16:25:09] <gigaherz> ah yes.
L1563[16:25:53] *
mikebald shrugs, I may have changed those options at some point.
Who remembers these things?
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195 seconds)
L1565[16:32:13] <shadekiller666> damn
it... why did the release date for The Witness have to be set to
the 26th...
⇨ Joins: bilde2910|away
L1567[16:32:28] <shadekiller666> the day
after classes start again >:(
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tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
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bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
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186 seconds)
L1572[16:41:32] <Tyler__> Anyone else
hate Microsoft?
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(~red@2-107-192-82-static.dk.customer.tdc.net) (Remote host closed
the connection)
L1574[16:44:53] <shadekiller666> what did
they do wrong this time?
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L1576[16:51:13] <gigaherz> Tyler__: I
can't really hate Microsoft right now
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error: Connection reset by peer)
L1578[16:51:21] <gigaherz> they are
releasing a LOT of code on github
L1579[16:51:52] <gigaherz> Apple is much
more hateable IMO
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manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
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L1589[17:07:48] <Tyler__> I hate both
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timeout: 186 seconds)
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kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1593[17:15:31] ***
Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1594[17:19:26] <shadekiller666> crayons
are a terrible art medium...
L1595[17:20:12] <gigaherz> depends on how
they are used
L1596[17:21:16] <gigaherz> there are some
interesting uses
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L1600[17:22:52] <shadekiller666> ok, so
they're good for things that don't involve actually
coloring with them :P
L1601[17:22:58] <shadekiller666> unless
you're 3
L1603[17:23:43] <solidDoWant1> image size
is 176x66
L1604[17:23:45] <solidDoWant1> 166*
⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Remote host
closed the connection)
L1606[17:24:33] <shadekiller666> what do
you mean it won't scale properly?
L1607[17:25:04] <solidDoWant1> it only
shows the upper left hand corner
L1608[17:25:06] <roxox1> If I was to send
NBT data (i.e, NBTTagCompound) how would the client know WHO's
NBT data it was?
L1609[17:25:20] <solidDoWant1> well I
guess it does scale properly, but it's not showing the whole
L1610[17:25:22] <roxox1> I assume I have
to somehow tell the receiving end who's NBT data it is.
L1611[17:25:42] <solidDoWant1> roxox1:
sent the player's UUID mayb?
L1612[17:26:31] <roxox1> I meant, I
assume it won't just 'know' who's NBT data it
L1613[17:26:31] <Vorquel> So what's
the deal with this new capabilities system. I know it's for
soft dependies, but what does that mean for the average
L1614[17:27:07] <solidDoWant1> roxox1:
what are you sending, and from where?
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L1616[17:27:23] <LatvianModder> I think
absoloutly nothing, Vorquel
L1617[17:27:34] <LatvianModder> As long
as you dont use them
L1618[17:27:52] <Vorquel> I want to
understand it, though.
L1619[17:27:55] <shadekiller666> what are
they used for...
L1620[17:27:55] <Zaggy1024> with the
IItemHandler I would think it would matter
L1621[17:28:06] <roxox1> I am sending
IEEP data about one player, to another player.
L1622[17:28:55] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, question, for that TAS PR, do i fork off of the master
forge branch or the obj loader branch...
L1623[17:29:03] <roxox1> I already had a
lot of people tell me how to do it. But shit is hard.
L1624[17:29:08] <shadekiller666> probably
L1625[17:29:12] <solidDoWant1> I'm
no expert, but unless something else is already sending player uuid
or player object or something, I don't think theres any way of
telling where the nbt data came from
L1626[17:30:03] <LatvianModder> IEEP
data? Whats that?
L1627[17:30:19] <Zaggy1024> extended
entity properties
L1628[17:30:27] <LatvianModder> Ah
L1629[17:31:58] <LatvianModder> Thats why
I have my own class, LMPlayer with integer ID (for less data and
easier indexing), and I Know which player will receive data. The
problem with minecraft is that it doesnt give player list on client
side :/
L1630[17:39:24] ***
MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L1631[17:40:50] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, would it be better to have two constant variables, or two
methods to get the baked texture getters?
L1632[17:41:01] <Soni> should I switch to
L1633[17:41:40] ***
K-4U is now known as K-4U|Off
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L1635[17:45:37] <Soni> how do I switch to
scala anyway?
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closed the connection)
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L1639[17:48:28] <illy> Soni: by using the
scala plugin and rewriting your code in scala
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L1641[17:49:06] <Soni> illy, can I have a
hybrid project?
L1642[17:49:23] <illy> yes
L1643[17:50:05] <Soni> I just want all
the JSON stuff in scala... no idea if it's gonna make my code
cleaner, I'm basically throwing it at the wall and seeing if
it sticks...
L1644[17:50:32] ***
illy is now known as illy[Food]
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(~Szernex@194-118-255-145.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L1646[17:54:58] <gigaherz> [00:40]
(shadekiller666): gigaherz, would it be better to have two constant
variables, or two methods to get the baked texture getters?
L1647[17:55:01] <gigaherz> a method to
get a getter?
L1648[17:55:02] <gigaherz> XD
L1649[17:55:31] <shadekiller666> a method
to get a function :P
L1650[17:55:41] <gigaherz> seems like
they belong on public static fields, given that their
implementation is "constant"
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L1653[17:56:58] <gigaherz> although
method would also work
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L1656[18:00:11] <Zaggy1024> fry, think we
could have a hook for rendering block breaking for static block
L1657[18:00:11] <gigaherz> yeah I think a
function is best.
L1659[18:00:16] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: ^
L1660[18:01:32] <shadekiller666>
L1661[18:01:47] <gigaherz> what?
L1662[18:01:47] <shadekiller666> at that
point might as well just declare them static final variables
L1663[18:01:55] <gigaherz> with one
L1664[18:02:06] <gigaherz> the
"standard" one, caches the TextureMap
L1665[18:02:19] <gigaherz> which may
change between resource manager reloads
⇦ Quits: mumfrey (~Mumfrey@dedi5.eq2.co.uk) (Ping timeout:
198 seconds)
L1667[18:03:01] <shadekiller666>
don't you want it to change though?
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timeout: 198 seconds)
L1669[18:03:47] <shadekiller666> if
something gets stitched into the map on a resource reload, and
things are in different places, then wouldn't it be bad to use
an old one?
L1671[18:04:15] <gigaherz> yes
L1672[18:04:20] <gigaherz> but the
function one
L1673[18:04:24] <shadekiller666> also,
should "DummyAtlasTexture" be an actual class, or would
it be better to do an anonymous class
L1674[18:04:30] <gigaherz> creates a new
instance every time you call the function
L1675[18:04:50] <gigaherz> so it would be
ok so long as no one caches the result of getStitched
L1676[18:05:08] <gigaherz> I put the
alternative form, with static fields, at the bottom
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L1678[18:05:46] <gigaherz> hmm I
don't really like the idea of creating random instances of the
dummy TAS
L1679[18:05:52] <gigaherz> they are
really just used once
L1680[18:05:59] <gigaherz> so having a
singleton makes sense
L1681[18:06:09] <shadekiller666> its own
class then?
L1682[18:06:14] <gigaherz> it could be a
static singleton then
L1683[18:06:16] <gigaherz> though*
L1684[18:06:40] <shadekiller666> is there
anything special about defining a singleton?
L1686[18:08:18] <gigaherz> no dedicated
class, but still singleton-y
L1687[18:09:00] <gigaherz> added some
"final" that I forgot ;P
L1688[18:09:17] ***
Kolatra[away] is now known as Kolatra
⇦ Quits: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) (Ping
timeout: 189 seconds)
L1690[18:11:29] <gigaherz> (it's not
really even called THAT often, I just don't like creating new
instances if they aren't needed)
L1691[18:12:33] <VikeStep> I use
singletons when defining my event handlers
L1692[18:12:54] ***
illy[Food] is now known as illy
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L1694[18:15:06] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, why did you make getStitchedTextureMapper() and
getDummyTextureMapper() private? :P
L1695[18:15:42] <gigaherz> no
L1696[18:15:42] <gigaherz> XD
L1697[18:15:56] <gigaherz> I told idea to
create a method for me
L1698[18:15:58] <gigaherz> it chose
L1699[18:16:34] ***
SnowShock35 is now known as zz_SnowShock35
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L1701[18:17:59] ***
mumfrey is now known as Mumfrey
L1702[18:20:27] <shadekiller666> is the
@Nullable necessary, eclipse isn't happy with it
L1703[18:22:22] <shadekiller666>
L1704[18:22:24] <tterrag> shadekiller666:
define "isn't happy"
L1705[18:22:24] <shadekiller666> i'm
L1706[18:22:37] <tterrag> if it's
generating a warning it's because you're assuming the
return value isn't null :P
L1707[18:24:30] <shadekiller666> no, it
wasn't liking the fact that it was there, but i was being a
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L1709[18:29:30] <TechDG> hey
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L1711[18:30:24] <TechDG> so how exactly
do I take a slot and subtract 1 item from it
L1712[18:30:32] <TechDG> sayt here are 6
iron ingots, how do I make ythat into 5?
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timeout: 198 seconds)
L1715[18:32:27] <shadekiller666> now to
go through and make all of the forge examples use
ModelLoader.getStandardSpriteGetter() :P
L1716[18:32:30] <gigaherz> TechDG:
stack.stackSize--; if(stack.stackSize == 0) slot=null
L1717[18:32:38] <TechDG> hoone?ok
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L1720[18:33:48] <TechDG> errors saying
change to int
L1721[18:34:02] *
gigaherz facepalms
L1722[18:34:07] <gigaherz> TechDG: when I
said "slot"
L1723[18:34:15] <gigaherz> I didn't
mean paste the code and expect that it works
L1724[18:34:29] <gigaherz> I meant that
as a placeholder for whatever slot you are working work
L1725[18:34:38] <gigaherz> if it's
inventory[i] or whatever
L1726[18:35:14] <TechDG> the if is gonna
be diff
L1727[18:35:27] <TechDG> this is
erroring: ItemStack newItemStackInput =
L1729[18:35:45] <gigaherz> TechDG:
that's invalid java
L1730[18:35:50] <gigaherz> XD
L1731[18:35:54] <TechDG> ik how do I fix
L1732[18:36:00] <TechDG> how is there not
a method for this in forge xD
L1733[18:36:15] <gigaherz> do the
"parItemStackInput.stackSize--" in a separate line
L1734[18:36:18] <gigaherz> ...
L1735[18:36:34] <unascribed> why would
there be a method for something so simple
L1736[18:36:55] <gigaherz> but
L1737[18:37:01] <gigaherz> you don't
even need a variable for that
L1738[18:37:05] <TechDG> so ItemStack
newItemStackInput = (parItemStack, newItemStackSize) then the
newItemStackSize int is a parITemStackInput.stackSize--;
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L1740[18:37:12] <unascribed> what
L1741[18:37:15] <gigaherz> wat
L1742[18:37:25] <unascribed> please go
learn java before you attempt to mod
L1743[18:37:30] <TechDG> just wait a
L1744[18:37:39] <unascribed> write an app
in Swing or something
L1745[18:37:51] <shadekiller666> fry, ok,
are you going to add one for entities?
L1746[18:38:32] <gigaherz> I didn't
know "instance;" was a thing
L1747[18:38:37] <shadekiller666>
unascribed, that was a scala initialization wasn't it
L1748[18:38:55] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, its not
L1749[18:39:08] <gigaherz> ?
L1750[18:39:09] <shadekiller666> java
sees that as in enum constant
L1751[18:39:14] <gigaherz> OH
L1752[18:39:16] <gigaherz> it's an
L1753[18:39:18] *
gigaherz facepalms
L1754[18:39:19] <shadekiller666>
L1755[18:39:21] <shadekiller666>
L1756[18:39:44] <gigaherz> that's
one of the worst clever language feature abuses I have ever
L1757[18:39:44] <gigaherz> XD
L1758[18:39:50] <shadekiller666>
L1759[18:40:02] <shadekiller666>
"that was the worst best idea ever!
L1760[18:40:02] <Zaggy1024> indeed, I
hate that :P
L1761[18:40:02] <shadekiller666>
L1762[18:40:46] <shadekiller666>
L1763[18:40:49] <unascribed> public enum
PleaseNo { YES_WE_ARE_TOTALLY_DOING_THIS; public void noooooooo()
{} }
L1764[18:40:51] <gigaherz> makes me
sortof glad that I'm a fan of C#, and C# enums don't
allow it
L1765[18:40:52] <gigaherz> XD
L1766[18:40:54] <shadekiller666> yep
definitely great for lower back
L1767[18:41:11] <Zaggy1024> what,
L1768[18:41:38] <Zaggy1024> how do they
not allow that?
L1771[18:42:04] <gigaherz> Zaggy1024:
L1772[18:42:07] <gigaherz> C# enums are
more like C
L1773[18:42:16] <gigaherz> they are just
numbers with a name
L1774[18:42:24] <gigaherz> they
aren't object instances at all
L1775[18:42:24] <Zaggy1024> ah..
L1776[18:42:25] <gigaherz> in fact
L1777[18:42:30] <gigaherz> enum inherits
from "int" by default
L1778[18:42:35] <gigaherz> sorta
L1779[18:42:40] <Zaggy1024> that's
kind of annoying
L1780[18:42:42] <Zaggy1024> imo
L1781[18:42:43] <shadekiller666>
they're int[] aren't they?
L1782[18:42:47] <gigaherz> no
L1783[18:42:49] <Zaggy1024> I like being
able to attach data to enums
L1784[18:43:07] <gigaherz> they use an
int as storage, but you can't normally cast an int to an
L1785[18:43:13] <gigaherz> well, not
L1786[18:43:17] <gigaherz> you can cast
them explicitly
L1787[18:43:26] <shadekiller666> fry, is
there going to be one of those for Entities?
L1788[18:43:27] <gigaherz> Zaggy1024:
yeah that's something java-ish
L1789[18:43:39] <gigaherz> I'd never
think of doing that
L1790[18:43:46] <gigaherz> because my
experience is with C/C++ and C#
L1791[18:43:55] <gigaherz> C enums are
just constant groups
L1792[18:44:02] <gigaherz> literally, the
enum doesn't even form a namespace
L1793[18:44:08] <gigaherz> enum A { B
L1794[18:44:13] <gigaherz> "B"
is a global name
L1795[18:44:17] <Zaggy1024> what do you
do when you have a set of variants with names?
L1797[18:44:28] <gigaherz> in C++11
L1798[18:44:33] <gigaherz> they added
"enum class"
L1799[18:44:40] <gigaherz> which turns
C-style enums into C#-style enums
L1800[18:44:43] <TechDG> how do I do
L1801[18:44:50] <gigaherz> they are still
constant groups, but namespaced
L1802[18:45:09] <gigaherz> Zaggy1024: no
idea what you mean
L1803[18:45:43] <Zaggy1024> like
L1804[18:46:11] <gigaherz> Zaggy1024: I
still don't know what you mean
L1805[18:46:23] <gigaherz> "what do
you do" where?
L1806[18:46:30] <Zaggy1024> in a
Minecraft mod
L1807[18:46:36] <Zaggy1024> how do you
declare your variants?
L1808[18:46:36] <gigaherz> ...
L1809[18:46:52] <Zaggy1024> without
passing a String to your enum constructor?
L1810[18:47:03] <gigaherz> you
L1811[18:47:08] <Zaggy1024> D:
L1812[18:47:16] <Zaggy1024> sooo you
don't use metadata?
L1813[18:47:30] <gigaherz> PropertyEnum
requires enums which implement a specific interface
L1814[18:47:32] <gigaherz> they require a
L1815[18:47:43] <Zaggy1024> yes?
L1816[18:47:57] <gigaherz> what do you
mean metadata?
L1817[18:48:02] <gigaherz>
L1818[18:48:08] <gigaherz> what exactly
has you stuck?
L1819[18:48:54] <Zaggy1024> I'm not
asking for yhelp...
L1820[18:49:03] <shadekiller666> and once
again no answer :/
L1821[18:49:04] <Zaggy1024> you said you
would never think of doing enums with data attached
L1822[18:49:16] <gigaherz> Oh
L1823[18:49:29] <gigaherz> that's a
special case
L1824[18:49:41] <Zaggy1024>
L1825[18:50:05] <Zaggy1024> so never !=
never? :P
L1826[18:50:18] <gigaherz> never =
"under usual conditions"
L1827[18:50:19] <gigaherz> ;P
L1828[18:50:34] <shadekiller666> never =
(almost) never;
L1829[18:50:38] <gigaherz> you said
L1830[18:50:43] <gigaherz> [01:42]
(Zaggy1024): I like being able to attach data to enums
L1831[18:50:46] <gigaherz> I meant
L1832[18:51:09] <gigaherz> I don't
think of adding data to enums as a feature that exists, when
designing my code
L1833[18:51:13] <gigaherz> I know
it's a thing
L1834[18:51:20] <gigaherz> and i make use
of it when it's required
L1835[18:51:26] <gigaherz> I just
don't make use of the feature by default
L1836[18:51:33] <Zaggy1024> eh
L1837[18:51:35] <gigaherz> I prefer to
ignore it
L1838[18:51:59] ***
gr8pefish is now known as gr8pefish|away
L1839[18:52:07] <Zaggy1024> hm, I wonder
if the value type stuff will be/be able to be applied to
L1840[18:52:15] <Zaggy1024> since all
enums are final
L1841[18:52:16] <gigaherz> of
L1842[18:52:23] <Zaggy1024> :)
L1843[18:52:25] <gigaherz> valuetype
semantics work with any class
L1844[18:52:36] <gigaherz> enums are the
#1 candidate
L1845[18:52:43] <Zaggy1024> nah
they're not :P
L1846[18:52:51] <gigaherz> the difference
between value types and reference types
L1847[18:52:53] <Zaggy1024> things like
vectors and BlockPos are
L1848[18:52:58] <gigaherz> is that value
types are stored in the stack instead of the heap
L1849[18:53:01] <Zaggy1024> I know
L1850[18:53:07] <gigaherz> and they are
copied instead of passed by reference
L1851[18:53:09] <gigaherz> soyes
L1852[18:53:15] <gigaherz> those two
"rules" apply to enums
L1853[18:53:54] <gigaherz> although
L1854[18:53:56] <Zaggy1024> I guess they
probably can't enable it by default though
L1855[18:53:58] <gigaherz> they'd
have to change the semantics of ==
L1856[18:54:01] <gigaherz> to make that
L1857[18:54:06] <gigaherz> no of course
L1858[18:54:18] <gigaherz> existing code
assumes enums are references
L1859[18:54:19] <Zaggy1024> I think
they're thinking about making value types compare the
components by default
L1860[18:55:06] <Zaggy1024> still have no
idea whether == will call .equals for them tho
L1861[18:55:17] <Zaggy1024> especially
when they're boxed
L1862[18:55:35] <Zaggy1024> I can't
think it will work well if == isn't the same for boxed and
unboxed though
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L1864[18:55:40] <gigaherz> what does java
do for
L1865[18:55:44] <gigaherz> Integer ==
L1866[18:55:54] <Zaggy1024> because
they're trying to make it seamless so you don't have to
worry about boxing
L1867[18:56:02] <Zaggy1024> it's
undoubtedly an identity check
L1868[18:56:39] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, it unboxes and then does == i think
L1869[18:56:50] <shadekiller666> or it
just calls Integer.equals()
L1870[18:56:55] <gigaherz> yeah then
that's the semantics they would use for boxed valuetypes
L1871[18:56:57] <Zaggy1024> it
L1872[18:57:04] <shadekiller666> which
would then unbox and do ===
L1873[18:57:08] <shadekiller666>
L1874[18:57:19] <gigaherz> whatever
getInteger() == getInteger() does, valuetypes would do also
L1875[18:58:12] <gigaherz>
L1876[18:58:17] <gigaherz> if I create a
valuetype Number class
L1877[18:58:22] <Zaggy1024> no it's
identity check
L1878[18:58:24] <Zaggy1024> no
L1879[18:58:24] <gigaherz> I want it to
behave exactly like an int or float would
L1881[18:58:59] <gigaherz> then the same
would apply to boxed valuetypes
L1882[18:58:59] <Zaggy1024> if it
doesn't unbox value types, though, then it seems to me their
supposed seamlessness would be broken
L1883[18:59:09] <gigaherz> if both are
boxed: it compares references
L1884[18:59:14] <gigaherz> if one of them
isn't boxed, it compares values
L1885[19:00:06] <unascribed> value types
aren't boxed to begin with
L1886[19:00:12] <unascribed> they're
essentially custom primitives
L1887[19:00:17] <Zaggy1024> ...
L1888[19:00:20] <Zaggy1024> they have to
L1889[19:00:24] <unascribed> at least
from what I've been told
L1890[19:00:27] <gigaherz> they would be
when assigned to an object, or using generics
L1891[19:00:39] <unascribed> List<any
L1892[19:00:40] <ZaggyMobile2> Comparable
for one
L1893[19:00:41] <unascribed> :L
L1894[19:02:37] <ZaggyMobile2> Can only
hope specialized generics will be added at the same time :P
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L1899[19:06:13] <mikebald> specialized
generics? is that the same as template types?
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L1901[19:06:48] <gigaherz> specialized
generics just refers to generating special stuff to allow
List<int> to be reified
L1902[19:07:05] <gigaherz> if that's
what "template types" means, then yes XD
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L1914[19:14:54] <TechDG> in the input I
L1915[19:16:35] <TechDG> or even 1
L1916[19:16:36] <TechDG> apperently
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L1918[19:18:22] <TechDG> ug forget
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L1922[19:22:38] <ZaggyMobile2> Look at
the stack trace
L1923[19:23:19] <mikebald> They left; I
guess they expected someone to read, comprehend, and debug their
344 lines of code in 4 minutes.
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L1925[19:26:22] <ZaggyMobile2>
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L1928[19:49:33] <PrinceCat> It's
been so long since I've attempted this, what do I need to put
in getMetaFromState/getStateFromMeta if I only have one
PropertyBool called ACTIVE? I'm looking at the Minecraft files
and they've all got facing metas included, I just need an on
and off state.
L1929[19:49:52] <PrinceCat> I had a look
at the redstone lamp but it doesn't even implement
L1930[19:49:58] <tterrag> yes, you do, if
you want it saved
L1931[19:50:01] <tterrag> the default is
just return 0
L1932[19:51:43] <PrinceCat> What about
L1933[19:52:27] <unascribed> redstone
lamps use two separate block ids
L1934[19:52:31] <unascribed> they're
a bad example for meta
L1935[19:52:59] <PrinceCat> Yeah, I
noticed that.. I just want a meta for a block that has an on and
off state basically.
L1936[19:55:31] ***
Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1937[19:56:20] <PrinceCat> This is so
damn basic but it has been forever since I've worked with
L1938[19:56:58] <gigaherz> PrinceCat:
it's just assigning values to bits
L1939[19:57:16] <gigaherz> in 1.7.10,
you'd just use something like "meta&1" to decide
if the state is on or off right?
L1940[19:57:21] <gigaherz> so you can do
the same in 1.8
L1941[19:57:44] <gigaherz> something like
state.withProperty(ACTIVE, (meta&1)==1)
L1942[19:58:25] <gigaherz> and to get it
back, well it's just the same, getValue(ACTIVE) will return a
boolean, so set the meta to either 1 or 0 depending
L1943[19:59:57] <PrinceCat> Will
getActualState be required?
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L1945[20:01:40] <gigaherz> not unless you
have context-based properties
L1946[20:02:10] <PrinceCat> 'aight,
and to say for example toggle the state when you right click in
L1947[20:02:32] <gigaherz> you'll
have to assign a new state to the world
L1948[20:03:05] <gigaherz>
world.setBlockState(pos, state.withProperty(ACTIVE,
L1949[20:03:07] <PrinceCat> Oh okay!
Right, so set the state in the world with property true or
L1950[20:03:20] <PrinceCat> Okay,
it's coming back to me now.
L1951[20:05:11] <PrinceCat> Sweet, okay
this makes a lot more sense.
L1952[20:05:14] <PrinceCat> Thanks
L1953[20:05:30] <gigaherz> np
L1954[20:07:04] <PrinceCat> I'm
gonna have to refresh myself on bitwise operations too..
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L1957[20:28:00] <PrinceCat> How do I set
the inventory texture on a block again? Do I have to include that
inventory variant at the end of the blockstate file?
L1958[20:29:47] <PrinceCat> Oh derp, I
need an ItemBlock.
L1959[20:29:53] <PrinceCat> Wow... nailed
L1960[20:32:20] <PrinceCat> Is there a
way I can get around creating an ItemBlock for every single block I
L1961[20:32:33] <shadekiller666> why does
DestroyBlockProgress have "setCloudUpdateTick"? is that
just another weird mapping?
L1962[20:33:24] <shadekiller666>
PrinceCat, you don't have to create an ItemBlock to apply an
inventory texture
L1963[20:33:41] <PrinceCat> I forget how
to do it, shadekiller666.
L1964[20:33:47] <shadekiller666> if you
use forge blockstate jsons you can set the inventory texture inside
of the json
L1965[20:34:34] <shadekiller666> and by
inventory texture you're talking about how repeaters have an
item texture instead of rendering like a block right?
L1966[20:35:22] <PrinceCat> Nah, I just
have a normal block and it's just the black and purple texture
in my inventory.
L1967[20:35:34] <shadekiller666> oh
L1968[20:35:58] <shadekiller666> does it
render in-world correctly?
L1969[20:36:05] <PrinceCat> Yeah it
L1970[20:36:24] <shadekiller666> can i
see your blockstate json, and your block class?
L1971[20:37:04] <PrinceCat> There's
something somewhere that I'm not setting.
L1974[20:38:31] <Zaggy1024> you need a
redstone_controller#inventory variant
L1975[20:38:48] <PrinceCat> That's
what I thought in the first place.
L1976[20:39:14] <Zaggy1024> or a model
json in models/item/redstone_controller.json
L1977[20:39:19] <Zaggy1024> that's
where it looks first
L1978[20:39:22] <Zaggy1024> but either
will do
L1979[20:40:06] <shadekiller666> is there
a way to actually "define" a model in the forge
blockstate format? ie. like vanilla models but in the same .json
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L1982[20:43:04] <dmf444> What's the
thing that goes into the manifest to tell forge the mod is client
side only?
L1983[20:44:44] <shadekiller666> !gm
L1984[20:44:49] ***
Cypher121 is now known as Cypher|Away
L1985[20:45:01] <shadekiller666> !gm
L1986[20:47:43] <PrinceCat> So, I added
an inventory variant and the texture still isn't
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L1990[20:52:54] <Zaggy1024> PrinceCat,
that should work
L1991[20:52:58] <Zaggy1024> did you look
at the log?
L1992[20:53:04] <Zaggy1024> and I assume
you refreshed your resources?
L1993[20:53:53] <PrinceCat> Refreshed my
L1994[20:55:35] <shadekiller666> !gm
L1995[20:57:25] <PrinceCat>
L1996[20:57:33] <Zaggy1024> in your
L1997[20:57:48] <Zaggy1024> you need to
tell your IDE to copy your resources to the build folder
L1998[20:57:57] <Zaggy1024> ...AFAIK
that's true of IDEA
L1999[20:58:11] <PrinceCat> Oh god,
yes... okay.. I forgot the IDEA fi
L2000[20:58:13] <PrinceCat> fix
L2001[20:58:18] <Zaggy1024> er
L2002[20:58:24] <Darva> *blinks* err,
L2003[20:58:24] <Zaggy1024> wasn't
talking about the build.gradle thing
L2004[20:58:32] <PrinceCat> Oh wait
L2005[20:58:54] <Zaggy1024> in eclipse I
right click on my resources folder in Project Explorer and click
L2006[20:59:04] <PrinceCat> I'm
using Eclipes
L2007[20:59:11] <PrinceCat> Ida*
L2008[20:59:13] <PrinceCat> Oh my
L2009[20:59:14] <PrinceCat> Idea*
L2010[20:59:26] <Zaggy1024> which tells
the IDE to look for changes in the files and copy the resources to
the project build folder
L2011[20:59:36] <Zaggy1024> or something
like that
L2012[20:59:43] <shadekiller666> if a
player is breaking a block with a model that has more than one face
per "side", like a cylinder or something, the block
breaking texture should render on each face right?
L2013[20:59:47] <Zaggy1024> and like I
said, I think that's necessary in IDEA too
L2014[21:00:03] <PrinceCat> I have no
idea where it is in IDEA
L2015[21:00:08] <Zaggy1024> me
L2016[21:00:13] <Zaggy1024> shade, you
mean like grass?
L2017[21:00:16] <Zaggy1024> layered
L2018[21:00:43] <shadekiller666> umm
L2019[21:00:46] <Zaggy1024> yes
L2020[21:00:59] <Zaggy1024> which makes
grass's sides look rather strange :P
L2021[21:01:04] <shadekiller666>
L2022[21:01:14] <shadekiller666> wait
whats wrong with grass?
L2023[21:01:18] <shadekiller666> its a
L2024[21:01:27] <Zaggy1024> it has two
layers for the sides
L2025[21:01:43] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L2026[21:01:49] <Zaggy1024> so the
breaking texture is rendered twice, increasing the contrast
L2027[21:01:51] <PrinceCat> Because one
has a tint applied depending on the biome, right?
L2028[21:01:55] <Zaggy1024> yes
L2029[21:02:00] <shadekiller666>
L2030[21:02:32] <Zaggy1024> another
reason fry needs to put in some way to override rendering of the
block breaking model
L2031[21:02:45] <shadekiller666> why the
breaking texture isn't handled like an extra texture layer on
top of all models is beyond me
L2032[21:02:55] <shadekiller666>
Zaggy1024, thats what i'm working on
L2033[21:02:57] <shadekiller666>
L2034[21:03:00] <Zaggy1024> either by a
Block callback, event or even some way to change the model
that's rendered
L2035[21:03:05] <Zaggy1024> wait, how you
doing that?
L2036[21:03:09] <Zaggy1024> is it for
objs or everything?
L2037[21:03:26] <shadekiller666> will be
for everything if i can get it working
L2038[21:03:36] <Zaggy1024> what the heck
you mean an extra texture layer on top of everything?
L2039[21:03:38] <shadekiller666> vanilla
does it in a very stupid fashion
L2040[21:03:48] <Zaggy1024> nah, vanilla
does it well for their use cases
L2041[21:03:51] ***
Vigaro is now known as V
L2042[21:03:53] <shadekiller666> no
L2043[21:03:58] <shadekiller666> not
L2044[21:04:11] <shadekiller666>
L2045[21:04:26] <shadekiller666> thats
the problem, it only works well for their use cases :P
L2046[21:04:33] <ZaggyMobile2> Yeah
L2047[21:04:39] <ZaggyMobile2> So what
are you doing?
L2048[21:04:56] <shadekiller666> the way
that vanilla renders the block breaking animation is by taking the
IBakedModel of the block at the coordinates being broken
L2049[21:05:19] <ZaggyMobile2> I know how
it works :P
L2050[21:05:27] <ZaggyMobile2> No need to
explain it
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L2052[21:05:54] <Sollux-Captor> anyone
like to play modded MC with me?
L2053[21:06:06] <shadekiller666> the
*proper* way to do it would have been to have the breaking
animation baked into the textures for all blocks
L2054[21:06:06] <ZaggyMobile2> Just want
to figure out of what you're doing well be useful for me
L2055[21:06:10] <shadekiller666> as an
extra layer
L2056[21:06:28] <ZaggyMobile2> I'm
not sure what you mean
L2057[21:07:03] <shadekiller666> at least
then there wouldn't be the issue of the uv shell for the
breaking texture being larger than 0..1 when the vertex position
data is larger than 0..1
L2058[21:07:21] <shadekiller666> grass
has 2 texture layers
L2059[21:07:42] <shadekiller666> if the
breaking animation was a 3rd layer
L2060[21:07:54] <ZaggyMobile2> You want
people to add elements to the model that are only shown when
L2061[21:08:01] <shadekiller666> no
L2062[21:08:13] <shadekiller666> i want
to make the vanilla method not stupid
L2063[21:08:33] <ZaggyMobile2> Grass
doesn't have "texture layers", it has two
L2064[21:08:46] <ZaggyMobile2> So
I'm still not sure what you mean
L2065[21:08:49] <shadekiller666> it
essentially normalizes the position data of the vertices and then
uses those to make the uv coordinates for the breaking model
L2066[21:08:54] ***
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L2068[21:09:08] <ZaggyMobile2> That
won't look very good
L2069[21:09:19] <shadekiller666> thats
how its setup atm
L2070[21:10:01] <shadekiller666> so if
your model is larger than 1x1x1, the game renders parts of the
textures that are adjacent to the breaking textures in the
L2071[21:10:17] <ZaggyMobile2> It
doesn't normalize
L2072[21:11:02] <shadekiller666> idk
exactly what the name for it is
L2073[21:11:22] <SomeGuyInATree> Where
would one search if they wanted to get in touch with
L2074[21:11:27] <shadekiller666> but the
point is, it completely ignores the uv data of the model its
copying from
L2075[21:12:13] <Zaggy1024> that's
because UV data won't necessarily look good with the breaking
L2076[21:12:56] <Zaggy1024> UVs can be
mapped anywhere in the texture, regardless of where in the 3D space
the element is
L2077[21:13:16] <shadekiller666>
L2078[21:13:24] <Zaggy1024> automatic
solutions won't work much better than what vanilla does
L2079[21:13:37] <shadekiller666> i guess
the biggest thing would be to make it tile the breaking texture
outside of the 0..1 range
L2080[21:13:40] ***
Firedingo5 is now known as Firedingo
L2081[21:13:43] <Zaggy1024> which is why
I feel that we should be allowed to provide our own
texture-overridden models for it to use
L2082[21:14:05] <Zaggy1024> I wish that
was possible, but how can that be done without shaders?
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L2084[21:14:27] <shadekiller666> idk
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L2086[21:18:20] <Zaggy1024> I wonder if
grum has noticed the breaking texture on grass
L2087[21:20:26] <shadekiller666> and
L2088[21:20:40] <Zaggy1024> is something
wrong with chests?
L2089[21:20:54] <shadekiller666> texture
is offset on some of the faces
L2090[21:21:02] <shadekiller666> the
breaking texture i mean
L2092[21:21:23] <Zaggy1024> I think
that's intentional
L2093[21:23:48] <Zaggy1024>
SomeGuyInATree, what enum is he talking about?
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L2096[21:24:32] <SomeGuyInATree> Material
Enum - GT5 had the "Call Greg to let him add a new
L2097[21:24:42] <Zaggy1024> Material
isn't an enum
L2098[21:25:09] <SomeGuyInATree> Read a
few comments prior to the one linked..
L2099[21:25:40] <Zaggy1024> there look to
be a lot of extraneous posts in there, so I'd prefer not
L2100[21:26:45] <SomeGuyInATree> As far
as I can tell the materials are stored in an enum but it's at
it's limit..
L2101[21:27:02] <Zaggy1024> then why is
it even an enum? :P
L2102[21:27:15] <Zaggy1024> unless
they're talking about item metadata limit or some crap
L2103[21:27:23] <Zaggy1024> which is hard
to believe
L2104[21:28:14] <Zaggy1024> I have no
idea what limit they could have hit
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L2107[21:29:10] <Zaggy1024> they have
65536 constants?!
L2108[21:29:18] <SomeGuyInATree> Lel,
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L2110[21:29:31] <asd> does anyone know
why anvilupdateevent u can't change the name?
L2111[21:29:53] <Zaggy1024> it really
shouldn't be an enum if they've hit a 65536 limit
L2112[21:29:55] <killjoy> change the
L2113[21:29:58] <Zaggy1024> tell them to
make a list or something :P
L2114[21:30:12] <asd> like change the
name on the anvil screen
L2115[21:30:13] <killjoy> as in the class
L2116[21:30:17] <killjoy> oh.
L2117[21:30:30] <asd> its defined as a
final var in the event
L2118[21:30:40] <asd> but u can change
the cost no problemo
L2119[21:33:11] <asd> example: I want a
player to be able to rename their sword to anything but
L2120[21:33:22] <asd> oh wait thats a bad
L2121[21:33:27] <killjoy> so cancel if
it's hi
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L2124[21:33:49] <killjoy> replace color
L2125[21:34:08] <asd> yea kinda
L2126[21:34:13] <SomeGuyInATree>
Zaggy1024: Greg Scrapped the current system for a new one in GT6.
Buuuuut, GT6 is too early alpha to be playable. So I'm still
interested in modding gt5u.
L2127[21:34:51] <asd> so if the user
types "hi {2}" I want to replace the {2} with his name or
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L2129[21:36:17] <Zaggy1024> so what do
you want to know someguy?
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L2131[21:36:36] <Zaggy1024> wow, that
Materials file is horrifying
L2132[21:36:37] <killjoy> asd, just set
the output
L2133[21:37:00] <asd> does that work if
its on a server?
L2135[21:37:33] <SomeGuyInATree> Zaggy,
I've written up my own mod and figure hell why not add full GT
integration? Well, I can't add my handful of materials and by
extension, can't use the ingots for much within GT5..
L2138[21:38:24] <asd> ty ill try it
L2139[21:38:30] <Zaggy1024> well if
there's not room in the enum then I guess you're
L2140[21:40:43] <SomeGuyInATree> Zaggy,
Greg reckons Overmind did it so I thought I'd just ask him for
a starting point..
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L2143[21:51:35] <asd> uh...
L2144[21:51:48] <asd> anvilupdateevent
doesnt seem to be called when u rename an item
L2145[21:51:56] <asd> only if both slots
of the anvil are filled
L2146[21:51:57] <Zaggy1024> wait, are you
wondering how to add to the enum?
L2147[21:52:10] <asd> me?
L2148[21:52:14] <Zaggy1024> SomeGuy
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L2150[21:56:25] <shadekiller666>
L2151[21:56:49] <shadekiller666> limiting
the uv coords of the breaking texture has some interesting
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L2154[22:00:35] <shadekiller666> i also
just noticed, the breaking particles for skulls use the soul sand
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L2156[22:01:21] <GhostfromTexas> has NEI
not been updated yet for 1.8.9 ?
L2157[22:01:47] <killjoy> What about
L2158[22:02:08] <williewillus> nei
hasn't been updated and probably will not
L2159[22:02:20] <killjoy> Yup, use
L2160[22:02:21] <williewillus> CB has
said that NEI will probably become a util addon to JEI
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L2163[22:02:45] <williewillus> also, my
original question. WHy does MC multiply numbers by 32 or 8000 when
sending them across the network and divide them back on the other
L2164[22:02:46] <unascribed> geez
L2165[22:02:48] <unascribed> first we had
too many items
L2166[22:02:49] <williewillus> does it
save bandwidth?
L2167[22:02:51] <unascribed> then we
didn't have enough
L2168[22:02:53] <unascribed> now we have
L2169[22:02:54] <unascribed> what's
L2170[22:03:11] ***
Mumfrey is now known as mumfrey
L2171[22:03:12] <GhostfromTexas> why
won't NEi be updated?
L2172[22:03:15] <killjoy> we have the
perfect amount
L2173[22:03:16] <GhostfromTexas> author
not into it anymore?
L2174[22:03:23] <killjoy> probs
L2175[22:03:27] <williewillus> he
doesn't have time
L2176[22:03:38] <williewillus> so
he's gonna spin it into a JEI addon
L2177[22:03:49] <williewillus> since JEI
aims to do less than NEI but faster and better
L2178[22:03:53] <killjoy> so what does
nei have over jei?
L2179[22:03:56] <williewillus> so NEI
will fill in the missing feature gaps
L2180[22:04:23] <williewillus> F7/F9,
scrolling items using wheel, the cheat mode controls
L2181[22:04:34] <Darva> data dumps
L2182[22:04:35] <killjoy> pfft, who needs
those ?
L2183[22:04:45] <Darva> much more
complicated handlers.... heh.
L2184[22:04:58] <williewillus>
that's right :p
L2185[22:05:05] <williewillus> writing
JEI integration for all of botania took two days
L2186[22:05:13] <williewillus> probably
took double for the original integration
L2187[22:05:20] <williewillus> less than
two days, actually
L2188[22:05:25] <SomeGuyInATree>
Zaggy1024: Yes. I went afk for a bit sorry. Going to just reflect
the enum and start from there..
L2189[22:06:29] <unascribed> how do you
get 65535 materials
L2190[22:06:35] <unascribed> like
L2191[22:06:35] <unascribed> wtf
L2192[22:06:37] <Zaggy1024> Isn't
there an EnumHelper you can use in forge?
L2193[22:06:39] <Zaggy1024> indeed
L2194[22:06:42] ***
Kobata__ is now known as Kobata
L2195[22:06:42] <Zaggy1024> why the
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L2198[22:06:54] <SomeGuyInATree>
Metallurgy support I think.. Rose gold? plz.
L2199[22:06:55] <unascribed> I always
knew GregTech was insane but I didn't think it was that
L2200[22:07:03] <unascribed>
>metallurgy support
L2201[22:07:13] <unascribed>
>supporting the mod that adds 2000000 useless metals
L2202[22:07:17] <SomeGuyInATree> Theres a
bazillion materials from it that go unused..
L2203[22:07:34] <SomeGuyInATree> yeah
exactly.. But Blood said there was some dependencies on them and
really can't remove them..
L2204[22:07:40] <unascribed>
L2205[22:07:49] <SomeGuyInATree> So, time
to get dirty with the enum.
L2206[22:07:52] <williewillus> wait is
someone overflooding an Enum?
L2207[22:07:58] <unascribed> but yeah try
L2208[22:08:02] <SomeGuyInATree> Java
byte limit on an enum.
L2209[22:08:04] <williewillus> the
L2210[22:08:06] <williewillus> :p
L2211[22:08:10] <SomeGuyInATree> >GT5
L2212[22:08:11] <williewillus> which enum
and what mod?
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L2214[22:08:25] <unascribed>
InsanityTech: The Fifth
L2215[22:08:54] <SomeGuyInATree> So yeah,
we can't strip it any smaller so I'm just interested in
expanding it. lol
L2216[22:09:31] <unascribed>
L2217[22:11:12] <SomeGuyInATree> Nothing
else to do on a Friday afternoon.
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189 seconds)
L2219[22:11:44] <unascribed>
L2220[22:12:15] <killjoy> mezz, why are
you applying a plugin inside a task configuration?
L2221[22:12:35] <williewillus> why does
vanilla multiply all entity velocities by 8000 before sending over
network and then divide it back on the client?
L2222[22:12:46] <unascribed>
L2223[22:12:59] <williewillus> bandwidth
L2224[22:13:03] <unascribed> not
L2225[22:13:09] <mezz> killjoy, why am I
whatting a what?
L2226[22:13:11] <williewillus> then
what's the point
L2227[22:13:11] <gigaherz> not really,
unless they are sending them as shorts
L2228[22:13:13] <unascribed> floats are 4
L2230[22:13:17] <unascribed> fixed-point
ints are... 4 bytes
L2231[22:13:21] <williewillus> ah they
L2232[22:13:23] <unascribed> no idea why
Mojang uses them.
L2233[22:13:26] <unascribed> oh
L2234[22:13:27] <unascribed> okay
L2235[22:13:34] <williewillus> they
multiply by 8000 then cast to int, then write as short
L2236[22:13:44] <williewillus> so does
that cause negligible precision loss?
L2237[22:13:48] <mezz> dunno killjoy,
progwml6 set that up for jenkins
L2238[22:13:53] <gigaherz> sure
L2239[22:13:57] <gigaherz> and limits the
max velocity
L2240[22:14:05] <killjoy> I just
don't understand the use of that task.
L2241[22:14:12] <gigaherz> !!c
L2242[22:14:12] <gigaherz> gigaherz:
Result(s): 4.095875
L2243[22:14:17] <gigaherz> can't go
> 4
L2244[22:14:18] <tterrag> there
isn't one, killjoy
L2245[22:14:20] <progwml6> its code i
wrote like 2 or 3 years ago
L2246[22:14:30] <tterrag> progwml6: you
can erase that wrapper task, completely
L2247[22:14:36] <progwml6> when i first
moved to gradle and haven't touched it much since
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L2249[22:14:41] <gigaherz> and the
smallest velocity step is
L2251[22:14:47] <gigaherz> !!c
L2252[22:14:47] <gigaherz> gigaherz:
Result(s): 0.000125
L2253[22:14:52] <tterrag> onlyIf{} works
wonders :P
L2254[22:14:54] <killjoy> I'm
constantly tweaking my script.
L2255[22:14:55] <gigaherz> but that
shouldn't be an issue
L2256[22:14:56] <progwml6> i'm aware
i just haven't gotten to cleaning them out yet
L2257[22:15:00] <unascribed> ohhh, that
explains all the weird entity glitching back and forth
L2258[22:15:02] <unascribed> the 4
L2259[22:15:02] <williewillus> yeah, just
L2260[22:15:02] <unascribed> huh.
L2261[22:15:12] <williewillus> need to
packetify the botania particles and they take a shitton of
arguments :p
L2262[22:15:28] <williewillus> so need to
pack up the pos and velocity so I don't murder bandwidth
L2263[22:15:43] <gigaherz> you do
particles in the server?
L2264[22:15:58] <williewillus> well, I
want to. Right now botania runs most of its logic on both
L2265[22:16:09] <gigaherz> particles
should be a client choice
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L2267[22:16:12] <gigaherz> IMO
L2268[22:16:38] <mezz> yeah generally
server says "partcles! Go!" to the client, and client
figures it out
L2269[22:16:39] <williewillus>
they're already rate limited by the vanilla particle
L2270[22:16:49] <unascribed> yeah,
particle packets are for vanilla clients on modded servers
L2271[22:17:00] <unascribed> modded
clients on modded servers should implicitly create particles
L2272[22:17:07] <williewillus> -.-
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L2274[22:17:22] <unascribed> did I miss
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L2276[22:17:45] <gigaherz> I didn't
do particles in my mod yet
L2277[22:17:48] <williewillus> right now
every single thing in botania runs on both sides, the brewery?
checks its recipe on every single client taht can see it. same for
everything else. I want to serverside things
L2278[22:17:54] <gigaherz> but my plan
for them was simply to react to stuff
L2279[22:17:55] <gigaherz> like
L2280[22:18:04] <gigaherz> I receive a
packet saying this entity started casting
L2281[22:18:09] <unascribed> so set a bit
in the meta that means "emit teh particlez"?
L2282[22:18:11] <gigaherz> so spawn
particles around the entity
L2283[22:18:16] <williewillus> and unless
I sync the state of the TE every other tick it's hard to do
particles only on client, and the way I want to do it
L2284[22:18:18] <unascribed> and unset it
when it stops brewing?
L2285[22:18:26] <williewillus> not so
easy :p
L2286[22:18:38] <williewillus> and the
way I want to do it, is exactly same as before
L2287[22:18:46] <unascribed> use
sendClientEvent to request particles?
L2288[22:18:47] <williewillus> i.e.
particles will be rate limited by the vanilla config
L2289[22:19:01] <mezz> williewillus, you
want to make a particle packet from the server more abstract.
"x particles from y position going to z block"
L2290[22:19:04] <gigaherz> well, you can
just tell the client to "spawn particles"
L2291[22:19:12] <gigaherz> and let the
client figure out exactly were and how? ;P
L2292[22:19:21] <williewillus> yeah but
it depends on the TE state
L2293[22:19:34] <williewillus> which
depends on the logic
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L2295[22:19:49] <williewillus> and the
whole point is I want to stop running shit on the client because I
get 2-3 client crash reports every other day
L2296[22:19:56] <williewillus> because of
stuff running logic clientside
L2297[22:20:01] <mezz> forestry blocks
that emit particles have a client state "particlesOn" and
it gets toggled by the server
L2298[22:20:01] <gigaherz> but in the
end, there's just a specific set of "particle
states" right?
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L2300[22:20:17] <gigaherz> something that
you could convert server-side into like, an enum
L2301[22:20:26] <gigaherz> or a
L2302[22:20:38] <williewillus> gigaherz:
okay, the brewery is supposed to emit a burst shower of particles
every time a mana burst hits it, how would I do that the way youre
L2303[22:20:50] <gigaherz> every time the
burst hits
L2304[22:20:55] <unascribed>
L2305[22:20:56] <gigaherz> you send a
packet to the client saying "burst!"
L2306[22:21:20] <sham1> We aren't
L2307[22:21:25] <unascribed> lies
L2308[22:21:31] <williewillus> and every
other unique event on every other block I have to do that :p
L2309[22:21:38] <mezz> yes
L2310[22:21:41] <Darva> I thought the
lack of packets was an intentional design choice in Botania?
L2311[22:21:46] <sham1> We are not
obligated by a contract to do silly long names
L2312[22:22:18] <williewillus> Darva:
that choice is traded for with a ton of desyncs, wasted client
processing power, and a ton of 1.8 crashes
L2313[22:22:35] <gigaherz> williewillus:
if you specify the dimension and blockpos, wouldn't the client
be able to figure out what to spawn based on the blockstate?
L2314[22:22:44] <williewillus> almost
nothing depends on blockstate
L2315[22:22:54] <gigaherz> I mean
L2316[22:22:59] <williewillus> all
particles pretty much need all TE data to be available
L2317[22:23:07] <gigaherz> you said the
brewery has a particle effect
L2318[22:23:12] <gigaherz> and other
blocks have other effects
L2319[22:23:21] <gigaherz> you can decide
which one to render based on the block
L2320[22:23:25] <mezz> willie make a
burst trigger from the server, and on the client have that particle
fire another particle when it reaches its destination
L2321[22:23:52] <gigaherz> I'm just
trying to give ideas ;P
L2322[22:24:12] <gigaherz> I don't
know the code so I can't possibly give a good answer
L2323[22:24:56] <gabizou> What's the
point of IUnlistedProperty and ExtendedBlockState?
L2324[22:25:05] <gigaherz> gabizou: being
able to send data to the renderer
L2325[22:25:17] <williewillus> or
here's another, all generating flora gradually emit more and
more intense particles as their internal mana buffer fills up.
Right now that info is vailable to the client TE because the client
runs all the logic, how would I do that?
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L2327[22:25:38] <williewillus> using
meta/states is completely out of the question, that's reserved
for the color of the flower
L2328[22:25:42] <gigaherz> you'd
sync the mana level
L2329[22:25:49] <gigaherz> ONLY the mana
L2330[22:25:54] <gigaherz> not the whole
L2331[22:25:57] <mezz> williewillus, emit
a packet to the client when the buffer amount changes, give it like
10 "filled" levels to switch between
L2332[22:26:19] <gigaherz> and yeah, you
can keep it as a %, or an "intensity level" instead
L2333[22:26:37] <williewillus> really
tempted to just bandaid patch out all the client crashes and leave
it be, but wanna serverside things :p
L2334[22:26:55] <mezz> this is similar to
forestry's tank levels, which are displayed on the outside of
the machines
L2335[22:27:34] <gigaherz> gabizou:
IUnlistedProperty can be used to store data, then getExtendedState
can be used to return the ExtendedBlockState which includes this
IUnlistedProperty, and then a custom state mapper can be used to
pass this data over to the renderer
L2336[22:27:53] <gabizou> so it's
only for rendering on client?
L2337[22:27:57] <gigaherz> yup
L2338[22:27:58] <gabizou> it's not
synced between server and client?
L2339[22:28:02] <gigaherz> nope
L2340[22:28:05] <asd> is there a way to
allow unicode chars in the anvil?
L2341[22:28:14] <gabizou> good to
L2342[22:28:20] <williewillus> the server
has no concept of extended states
L2343[22:28:31] <williewillus> not
entirely true
L2344[22:28:37] <williewillus> but for
its purposes, it doesn't consider them
L2345[22:28:57] <williewillus> anyways,
I'll think more about how to do this, if I find the time
L2346[22:29:13] <williewillus>
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L2348[22:29:46] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
L2349[22:30:44] <asd> is it possible to
allow unicode chars in anvil renaming?
L2350[22:31:09] <asd> so like § in the
anvil screen
L2351[22:31:11] <gigaherz> no idea, I
thought mc would support unicode chars in there since it does
non-english languages
L2352[22:31:12] <unascribed> you'd
probably need to override the anvil GUI
L2353[22:31:24] <unascribed> can't
you paste into it?
L2354[22:31:29] <asd> nop :/
L2355[22:31:33] <asd> u can only paste
L2356[22:31:36] <asd> not special
L2357[22:31:38] <unascribed> hm
L2358[22:31:52] <unascribed> have you
tried just using /give?
L2359[22:32:01] <gigaherz> can you paste
them in like, the chat?
L2360[22:32:04] <unascribed> oh
L2361[22:32:05] <unascribed> right
L2362[22:32:05] <unascribed> chat
L2363[22:32:07] <gigaherz> or in a
L2364[22:32:09] <unascribed> you could
use a command block
L2365[22:32:19] <unascribed> ...actually
you can't put § there either
L2366[22:32:19] <asd> like this is client
side on a server
L2367[22:32:30] <asd> so no op
L2368[22:32:35] <unascribed> you
can't put the section symbol is most places since it screws up
the font renderer
L2369[22:32:43] <asd> except I know u
L2370[22:32:49] <asd> if u artificially
add it
L2371[22:32:51] <unascribed> you can put
it in the name of an item
L2372[22:32:55] <unascribed> but you
can't do it through the anvil or chat
L2373[22:32:59] <asd> then put the
colored item in the anvil
L2374[22:33:05] <gigaherz> hmmm
L2375[22:33:06] <asd> there is the
section symbol in the anvil
L2376[22:33:09] <unascribed> yes but that
doesn't count as adding it
L2377[22:33:13] <asd> thats true
L2378[22:33:15] <unascribed> it was
already there :P
L2379[22:33:15] <gigaherz> some stuff
does work
L2380[22:33:22] <gigaherz> I can type
accented letters and ç
L2381[22:33:28] <asd> and thats why Im
trying to do it thru forgemod
L2382[22:33:40] <unascribed> I
L2383[22:33:44] <asd> if its possible for
section symbols to be in the anvil gui, why cant u add ti
L2384[22:33:47] <unascribed> anvil name
updates are done through a plugin message packet
L2385[22:33:51] <unascribed> I wonder if
you could just send special values in that
L2386[22:33:55] <unascribed> or if
they're stripped on the server
L2387[22:34:04] <asd> I dont think server
stripps it
L2388[22:34:09] <asd> cuz if u name a
weapon colored
L2389[22:34:12] <asd> put it in an
L2390[22:34:16] <asd> change the last
L2391[22:34:21] <asd> and take it out,
its stil colored
L2392[22:35:10] <asd> u sure anvil name
updates are thru plugin message packet?
L2393[22:35:24] <asd> Im new to forge
modding but ill try to see if I can do try that
L2394[22:35:32] <unascribed> yes
L2395[22:35:35] <unascribed>
⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping
timeout: 198 seconds)
L2398[22:35:58] <unascribed> there was a
fun exploit a while back with MC|BSign
L2399[22:36:04] <unascribed> where you
could put enchants on a book when you signed it :P
L2400[22:36:11] <asd> lol
⇦ Quits: EyeOfKoishi
(~Subconcio@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Quit: I am the
forgotten eye.)
L2402[22:36:24] <unascribed> this is what
happens when you send more information than neccessary
L2403[22:36:26] <unascribed> and trust
L2404[22:36:27] <unascribed>
L2405[22:36:51] <asd> does forge have a
packet lib for plugin chans?
L2406[22:37:09] <unascribed> yes,
L2407[22:37:16] <asd> SimpleImpl?
L2409[22:37:27] <asd> found it
L2412[22:37:37] <unascribed> not sure if
that matches the format of the book packet though
L2413[22:37:41] <unascribed> since it
starts with a discriminator
L2414[22:37:53] <unascribed> you'll
probably need to construct the plugin message packet yourself
L2415[22:37:58] <gigaherz> nah you
can't use those packets to send vanilla packets
L2416[22:37:58] <unascribed> !findc
L2417[22:38:05] <unascribed> !findallc
L2418[22:38:12] <gigaherz> can't you
just do like the anvil does?
L2419[22:38:14] <unascribed>
L2420[22:38:19] <gigaherz> renameItem()
in GuiRepair
L2421[22:38:20] <gigaherz> does
L2422[22:38:22] <gigaherz>
C17PacketCustomPayload("MC|ItemName", (new
L2423[22:38:27] <unascribed> ^that
L2424[22:38:42] <unascribed> essentially
what I meant by "construct it yourself"
L2425[22:38:55] <gigaherz> "s"
is where the name goes
L2426[22:39:24] <gigaherz> so you can
just send that packet while the anvil is open
L2427[22:39:32] <gigaherz> to trick the
server into using a different name
L2428[22:39:45] <unascribed> oh
L2429[22:39:45] <unascribed> wow
L2430[22:39:49] <unascribed> wiki.vg
documented the FML handshake
L2431[22:39:56] <asd> does it feedback
onto client? cuz when I take the item out wouldnt it send a new
L2432[22:40:01] <gigaherz> no
L2433[22:40:03] <gigaherz> you have to
L2434[22:40:07] <gigaherz>
L2435[22:40:09] <gigaherz> that is
L2436[22:40:19] <unascribed> heh,
L2437[22:40:22] <unascribed> that's
surprisingly clever
L2438[22:40:25] ***
Cypher|Away is now known as Cypher121
L2439[22:40:27] <gigaherz>
L2440[22:40:41] <gigaherz> for the
currently open container
L2441[22:40:51] <asd> and where would I
call that o.o
L2442[22:40:55] <asd> new to forge
L2443[22:40:57] <gigaherz> depends
L2444[22:41:09] <asd> also, im trying to
do this in the anvilupdateevenit
L2445[22:41:15] <asd> and its not called
when u rename an item
L2446[22:41:16] <asd> ...
L2447[22:41:16] <unascribed> isn't
it something like
L2448[22:41:21] <asd> ah right
L2449[22:41:23] <unascribed> I think that
event is server-side
L2451[22:41:35] <gigaherz> no idea about
htat event
L2452[22:41:43] <gigaherz> but you
probably want to hook into the gui instead
L2453[22:41:48] <asd> ah i guess ill just
use opencont event
L2454[22:41:53] <asd> then hook the
L2455[22:41:53] <unascribed> !gf
L2456[22:41:54] <gigaherz> you could add
an extra button that you can click
L2457[22:41:55] <unascribed> hm
L2458[22:42:05] <unascribed> !findallf
L2459[22:42:11] <unascribed> !findallm
L2460[22:42:18] <asd> is there a bot that
makes what ur typing actually do something?
L2461[22:42:21] <unascribed>
L2462[22:42:22] <gigaherz> I do use that
L2463[22:42:22] <unascribed> yes
L2464[22:42:24] <gigaherz>
L2465[22:42:27] <unascribed> huh
L2466[22:42:27] <unascribed> okay
L2467[22:42:30] <gigaherz> I have that
line in my mod
L2468[22:42:30] <gigaherz> XD
L2469[22:42:42] <unascribed> !gf
L2470[22:42:46] <unascribed> !gf
L2471[22:42:49] <unascribed> !gf
L2472[22:42:52] <unascribed> okay
L2473[22:42:54] <gigaherz> it's just
in EntityPlayer ;P
L2474[22:42:55] <unascribed> so yeah it
does exist
L2475[22:43:14] <unascribed> asd,
I'm using MCPBot_Reborn
L2476[22:43:19] <unascribed> use !help to
see all the commands
L2477[22:43:34] <asd> !help
L2479[22:44:10] <asd> :o ty
L2480[22:44:23] <shadekiller666> doing
!!<command> will make everyone in here see the bot's
output btw, just don't use it when not needed :P
L2481[22:44:27] <unascribed> shhh
L2482[22:44:30] <unascribed> don't
tell people about doublebang
L2483[22:44:32] <unascribed> they never
need it
L2484[22:44:35] <unascribed> better they
don't know about it
L2485[22:44:38] <unascribed> it's so
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L2488[22:46:09] <asd> ^reddit
L2489[22:46:15] <unascribed> I must
L2490[22:46:16] <unascribed>
L2491[22:46:18] <unascribed> stupid
L2492[22:46:22] <unascribed> "I must
go, my planet needs me"
L2493[22:47:09] <asd> is there a event
for container open? cuz there doesnt seem to be...
L2494[22:47:31] <asd> or gui open
L2495[22:47:36] <unascribed>
GuiScreenEvent IIRC
L2496[22:47:53] <asd> when thats not on
the event list on the wiki
L2497[22:48:06] <unascribed> there's
an event list?
L2500[22:48:27] <unascribed> oh
L2501[22:48:28] <unascribed> that
L2502[22:48:36] <unascribed> that's
the old wiki and it's super outdated from what I hear
L2503[22:48:41] <unascribed> the
readthedocs is the new reference
L2505[22:49:22] <asd> thats an awefully
empty doc then
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L2508[22:50:35] <moog> I wish there was a
nice convenience way to like
L2509[22:50:42] <moog> auto generate
textures from a texture pack for BoP
L2510[22:50:59] <killjoy> You're a
programmer. you can figure it out
L2511[22:51:26] <killjoy> So you mean
like colored woods?
L2512[22:51:28] <killjoy> or what?
L2513[22:51:31] <moog> yeah but I'm
a laaazy programmer
L2514[22:51:34] <moog> yeah more or less
just like
L2515[22:51:50] <moog> pick the nearest
texture from a provided pack and then tint it to match
L2516[22:51:52] <killjoy> Time for you to
learn awt
L2517[22:51:56] *
unascribed loudly whispers while remaining silent "Use a
⇨ Joins: Cobbleopolis
L2519[22:52:31] <unascribed> i.e. a
virtual resource pack that uses Java2D to composite multiple
textures together into one texture
L2520[22:52:46] <unascribed> I have a
super sloppy implementation of one that's 99%
L2521[22:52:49] <killjoy> I'd call
that a dynamic resource pack
L2523[22:53:16] <unascribed> for the love
of all things good do not use that wholesale
L2524[22:53:21] <unascribed> it's
really messy and limited
L2525[22:53:26] <moog> what's the
L2526[22:53:33] <unascribed> I may be
using it in production
L2527[22:53:43] <unascribed> that'd
be the 1%
L2528[22:54:24] ***
gigaherz is now known as ghz|afk
L2529[22:55:01] <asd> wait so how do I
update the name for containerrepair again?
L2530[22:55:04] <asd> kinda missed
L2532[22:55:06] <moog> hmpf.
L2533[22:55:22] <tterrag> pretty sure
asie wrote something like that
L2534[22:55:27] <moog> I'll bookmark
this I guess.
L2535[22:55:28] <tterrag> except it added
BoP stuff to chisel
L2536[22:55:30] <tterrag> and
L2537[22:55:35] <moog> I'm no good
with java.
L2538[22:55:42] <tterrag> but really,
that's the same thing
L2539[22:56:21] <asd> deos
Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer work with multiplayer?
L2540[22:56:58] <tterrag> that only works
on the client
L2541[22:57:02] <tterrag> multiplayer is
L2542[22:57:14] <asd> like get the
localplayer on a multiplayer server
L2543[22:57:33] <asd> lets say i wanted
to display something to the player clientside while being on a
L2544[22:57:34] <tterrag> again,
multiplayer is irrelevant, it is only reliable when on the
L2545[22:57:35] <mezz> a server has many
players, there is no method to get one player
L2546[22:57:42] <asd> no like get
L2547[22:57:46] <asd> I know ur not
getting other players
L2548[22:57:49] <asd> getting the
L2549[22:57:54] <asd> ah watever ill just
try it
L2550[22:57:56] <tterrag> the server
doesn't know who "the client" is
L2551[22:58:02] <tterrag> the
client...well it only has one option
L2552[22:58:05] <asd> it doesnt
L2553[22:58:09] <asd> I dont want the
server to care
L2554[22:58:14] <asd> nvm
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(Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
⇦ Quits: xaero (xaero@the.flying.dutchman.panicbnc.net) (Ping
timeout: 186 seconds)
L2557[23:00:35] <unascribed> I think he
means does it work on the client when connected to a server
L2558[23:00:40] <unascribed> in which
case, yes, but it only returns the local player
L2559[23:00:58] <tterrag> and again I
say, it's irrelevant. all you need to care about is whether
you are on the client or not :P
⇦ Quits: Mraof
(~mraof@pool-74-110-222-32.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout:
189 seconds)
L2561[23:04:43] <moog> blahhh.
L2562[23:05:07] <moog> I wish I was
coding right now instead of sperging out about getting the best
agreements between BoP better foliage and my texture pack
⇦ Quits: gr8pefish|away (~gr8pefish@ (Quit:
I'm outta here)
⇨ Joins: tambre
L2565[23:08:32] <killjoy> I wish I was
coding and afk'ing on an empty server
L2566[23:09:22] <moog> adhd is a
L2567[23:10:03] <killjoy> I just
don't like people
⇨ Joins: npe|office
L2569[23:11:54] <asd> gah, so hard to
find updated info on forge
L2570[23:11:56] <asd> waiii
L2571[23:12:24] *
moog grumpily lays down and reads programming related shit on her
phone instead of being productive.
L2572[23:13:03] <asd>
InputEvent.KeyInputEvent is still a thing?
L2573[23:18:49] <asd> Is playertickevent
still working?
L2574[23:18:53] <asd> I am so
L2576[23:19:27] <asd> AttacKEntityEvent
is called just fin but playertick and keyinputevent are both not
L2577[23:19:29] <asd> ever
L2578[23:19:45] <unascribed>
KeyInputEvent is only called when no guis are open
L2579[23:19:50] <unascribed> and
PlayerTick is server-side
⇨ Joins: xaero
L2581[23:19:52] <unascribed> use
⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@x55b02f35.dyn.telefonica.de)
(Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L2583[23:20:32] <asd> once again lack of
docs/info strikes again, I don't know what I would do without
you unascribed <3
L2584[23:20:45] <asd> clienttick is an
L2585[23:20:46] <unascribed> don't
thank me specifically, I just happen to be here
L2586[23:20:51] <unascribed> this channel
in general is useful
L2587[23:20:57] <unascribed>
L2588[23:21:09] <unascribed> and yeah the
lack of docs is a real problem
L2589[23:21:18] <unascribed> but nobody
has really fixed it yet
L2590[23:21:22] <unascribed> and I fully
see and understand why
L2591[23:21:24] <unascribed> it's a
*huge* undertaking
L2592[23:21:30] <unascribed> and has to
be updated for each version of Minecruft
L2593[23:21:44] <asd> and from I've
seen the whole structure changes every few months...
L2594[23:21:51] <unascribed> I learned
the vast majority of what I know from just reading vanilla
L2595[23:21:59] <unascribed> and other
mods in some places
L2596[23:22:06] <shadekiller666>
L2597[23:22:08] <unascribed> open source
mods weren't as common back when I learned though
L2598[23:22:19] <unascribed> now
basically all of them are open source
L2599[23:22:20] <unascribed> it's
L2600[23:22:23] <asd> yea... I didnt
relaly do clientside dev... T.T
L2601[23:22:32] <asd> bukkit had such a
friendly API
L2602[23:22:36] <shadekiller666>
Zaggy1024, you mentioned wanting support for defining your own
block breaking model?
L2603[23:23:05] <Zaggy1024> indeed
L2604[23:23:16] <unascribed> I never
particularly liked Bukkit
L2605[23:23:20] <unascribed> I used it
because it was what was there
L2606[23:23:26] <asd> does
cLienttickevent need the @Sideonly(Side.Client)?
L2607[23:23:30] <asd> how come?
L2608[23:23:32] <shadekiller666> how
would that be defined zaggy?
L2609[23:23:32] <unascribed> for a mod
that will only run on the client
L2610[23:23:36] <unascribed> you
don't ever need SideOnly annotations
L2611[23:23:39] <Zaggy1024> no idea
L2612[23:23:45] <unascribed> it's
just clutter at that point
L2613[23:23:47] <killjoy> you really
should use a sidedproxy
L2614[23:23:52] <unascribed> if this is
1.8, add a clientSideOnly=true to your @Mod
L2615[23:23:53] <Zaggy1024> once
blockstates use predicates instead of a list of strings it'll
be easier
L2616[23:23:59] <shadekiller666> would it
be some key in the blockstate json that points to an additional
L2617[23:24:11] <Zaggy1024> can't be
just a single key
L2618[23:24:19] <Zaggy1024> it would have
to be possible to base it off the whole block state
L2619[23:24:33] <Zaggy1024> which is why
I think it would be better as a Block callback or event for
L2621[23:24:55] <Zaggy1024> probably
returning an IBakedModel so that it doesn't screw with gl
L2622[23:25:21] <unascribed> you should
do "this" instead of "new ExampleMod()"
L2623[23:25:21] <Zaggy1024> well, I guess
people could screw with state, but if they did, good luck with the
consequences :P
L2624[23:25:25] <unascribed> but
L2625[23:25:25] <unascribed> hm
L2626[23:25:36] <asd> im not actually
making a fully fleshed mod, just a hack so I can put unicode in a
fking anvil
L2627[23:25:36] <unascribed> this is 1.8,
L2628[23:25:42] <asd> yes
L2629[23:25:51] <unascribed> 1.8, not
1.8.8 or 1.8.9?
L2630[23:25:55] <asd> yes
L2631[23:26:00] <unascribed> you'll
need to register on the other bus as well
L2632[23:26:04] <unascribed>
L2633[23:26:05] <asd>
L2634[23:26:18] <unascribed> they got
merged into one bus in 1.8.8
L2635[23:26:45] <shadekiller666> why so
far back?
L2636[23:27:03] <Zaggy1024> use 1.8.9
L2637[23:27:07] <unascribed>
L2638[23:27:07] <Zaggy1024> generix
L2639[23:27:20] <unascribed> as long as
he's not using 1.7
L2640[23:27:21] <unascribed> who
L2641[23:27:40] <asd> *uses 1.6*
L2642[23:27:45] <Zaggy1024> I expect a
lot of mods will skip 1.8
L2643[23:27:55] *
unascribed silently strikes asd dead with a loud
L2644[23:27:55] <killjoy> I'm just
skippingn 1.8.8
L2645[23:27:55] <Zaggy1024> but
L2646[23:28:04] *
asd dies
L2647[23:28:09] <Zaggy1024> wow
L2648[23:28:13] <shadekiller666>
L2649[23:28:20] <unascribed> with a loud
L2650[23:28:48] <Zaggy1024> a
sledgehammer with a rocket on it?
L2651[23:28:52] <Zaggy1024> not sure how
else it would be loud
L2652[23:28:58] <Zaggy1024> unless you
mean loud colors 0.o
L2653[23:29:00] <unascribed> I was
thinking it had a loudspeaker on it
L2654[23:29:10] <unascribed> and it was
blaring vocaloid music or something
L2655[23:29:14] <unascribed> but
obviously I did it silently
L2656[23:32:54] <asd> How would you
detect a key press in an anvil gui?
L2657[23:33:57] <unascribed> eh
L2658[23:34:00] <unascribed> hm
L2659[23:34:16] <unascribed> since this
is a dirty hack
L2660[23:34:29] <unascribed> I have an
(abandoned) GUI lib called GlassPane
L2661[23:34:33] <unascribed> that can do
basically what you want
L2662[23:34:41] <unascribed> it has a
sloppy 1.8 port that should work for the most part
L2663[23:34:56] <asd> link ples? :D
L2665[23:35:15] <unascribed> you'll
want the dev version
L2667[23:35:25] <unascribed> that's
also needed
L2668[23:36:06] <unascribed> once you do
L2669[23:36:10] <unascribed> make a class
that extends GlassPane
L2670[23:36:14] <unascribed> and override
L2671[23:36:25] <unascribed> in your
init, do new MyPane().autoOverlay(GuiAnvilContainer.class);
L2672[23:36:25] <unascribed> done
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189 seconds)
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L2683[23:51:07] <SomeGuyInATree> Welp, no
progress on the enum so far.
L2684[23:51:18] <SomeGuyInATree> Got
distracted playing ._.
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closed the connection)
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mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
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DonAway is now known as DRedhorse
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timeout: 186 seconds)