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L18[00:48:13] <unascribed> I need to make a
GlassPane successor at some point
L19[00:59:48] <SomeGuyInATree> I like glass
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L23[01:03:31] <asie> glass pain
L24[01:03:39] <tterrag> unascribed: glass
pane requires that kitchensink lib?
L25[01:03:44] <unascribed> yeah
L26[01:03:50] <unascribed> as I said
L27[01:03:57] <unascribed> it's old
abandoned and got a sloppy 1.8 port
L28[01:04:10] <tterrag> oh :(
L29[01:04:15] <SomeGuyInATree> The
documentation on it wasn't great at all either..
L30[01:04:26] <unascribed> yeah, I never
got around to writing it
L31[01:04:31] <unascribed> I tried to
comment everything and have javadocs
L32[01:04:37] <unascribed> I ended up
commenting a bit too much
L33[01:04:38] <unascribed> but still
L34[01:04:51] <SomeGuyInATree> T'was
nice :p
L35[01:05:20] <asie> KitchenSink is a good
lib name
L36[01:05:45] <SomeGuyInATree> I've
only got a single instance of it left in my mod though these days
on a deprecated machine. lel
L37[01:06:04] <unascribed> wait, people
actually used GlassPane?
L38[01:06:20] <SomeGuyInATree> ..ye
L39[01:06:23] <SomeGuyInATree> hi
L40[01:06:24] <tterrag> I was thinkin about
it until you said the 1.8 version sucked >.>
L41[01:06:30] <unascribed> yeah it's
absolutely awful
L42[01:06:34] <unascribed> doesn't use
L43[01:06:40] <unascribed> so it fscks up
the state all the time
L44[01:06:59] <unascribed> I've been
intending to rewrite it for a while
L45[01:07:08] <unascribed> but I
didn't know anyone actually used/was interested in using
L46[01:07:11] <unascribed> so it was low
L47[01:07:16] <SomeGuyInATree> Thing you
L48[01:07:20] <tterrag> I just remembered
it existed
L49[01:07:36] <tterrag> and I have a mod
that could do with a cleaner GUI system (uses a lot of overlays and
changing layouts)
L50[01:08:22] <unascribed> for the hell of
it the rewrite will probably have a compile method on the
L51[01:08:29] <unascribed> so if you have a
static gui you can compile it into a display list
L52[01:08:34] <SomeGuyInATree> I could
never make sexy guis as simple as Glasspane.
L53[01:08:35] <unascribed> to squeeze all
the possible performance out of your GUI
L54[01:08:36] <unascribed> :P
L55[01:08:42] ⇦
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timeout: 198 seconds)
L56[01:12:00] <SomeGuyInATree> I used
it's Icon button feature to make a 'press a button and
the recipe is placed into the crafting table' feature to make
GT5 tools. (Since I tend to forget how to make a screwdriver or
soldering iron)
L57[01:13:24] <unascribed> yeah, I always
liked how simple it made difficult things
L58[01:13:34] <unascribed> honestly those
things should be simple to begin with
L59[01:13:54] <unascribed> after I finish
reading "Tales from the knife store" I'll start on
Laminate :P
L60[01:14:14] <SomeGuyInATree> Considering
it's the first 'machine' I ever made and I
didn't understand GUIs at all..
L61[01:14:24] <SomeGuyInATree> It was godly
L62[01:14:24] ⇦
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L81[01:50:20] <unascribed> !latest
L82[01:51:44] <xaero> I need to update a
few mods to 1.8.9 as well ..
L83[01:51:48] <Lordmau5> \o
L84[01:51:56] <unascribed> oh
L85[01:51:56] <unascribed> right
L86[01:51:58] <unascribed> 1.8.9
L87[01:52:00] <unascribed> !latest
L88[01:52:54] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
L89[01:53:22] <unascribed> does anyone
happen to know how to do a gradle maven publish via scp?
L90[01:54:01] <Lordmau5> I know what all of
these terms mean, but I've never heard that combination
before, sorry :p
L91[01:54:07] <unascribed> heh
L92[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Pushing snapshot_20160122 mappings to Forge Maven.
L93[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160122-1.8.9.zip
(mappings = "snapshot_20160122" in build.gradle).
L94[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live
(every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed)
MCPBot mapping exports can be found here:
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L98[02:10:51] <SomeGuyInATree> So. if I
were to overwrite one of the materials already in the array on both
the server and client.. I'd effectively be adding my own and
removing the useless metallurgy ones, right?
L99[02:18:56] <Zaggy1024> would crash if
something tried to get the old constants
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L101[02:22:44] <SomeGuyInATree> Zaggy,
I'll see how I go.
L102[02:25:40] <tterrag> what's the
proper partialTick math for something that is spinning, and
spinning at an increasing rate each tick?
L103[02:26:00] <Lordmau5> *=
L104[02:26:03] <Lordmau5> my
L105[02:26:08] <tterrag> wat
L106[02:26:23] <Lordmau5> bad explanation,
yup. My idea would be to have a variable that stores the current
L107[02:26:33] <Lordmau5> and then apply
that to the rotation
L108[02:26:41] <tterrag> hm...
L109[02:26:42] <Lordmau5> + you apply the
*= to it
L110[02:26:43] <tterrag> ok, I have an
L111[02:26:43] <tterrag> thanks
L112[02:26:51] ⇦
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L114[02:27:38] <killjoy> It's 330am
and I'm bored. What should I do?
L115[02:27:54] <Lordmau5> sleep?
L116[02:27:56] <Lordmau5> sleep.
L117[02:27:58] <killjoy> pfft
L118[02:28:15] <Lordmau5> do you even
L119[02:28:18] <Lordmau5> how amazing
sleep is?
L120[02:28:21] <Lordmau5> apparently
L121[02:28:45] <killjoy> But I want to be
up when the snow starts in 30 minutes
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L123[02:29:21] <Lordmau5> ...
L124[02:29:26] <Lordmau5> watch videos or
something then?
L125[02:29:33] <killjoy> I am
L126[02:29:35] <xaero> stare at
L127[02:29:39] <killjoy> watching
Snape's memories
L128[02:30:19] ⇦
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L145[02:51:41] <unascribed> hm
L146[02:51:56] <unascribed> for APIs I
generally use a shorter package name, but there's no good way
to shorten "unascribed"
L147[02:52:08] <unascribed>
"unascribed.laminate" isn't much better than
"com.unascribed.laminate" :P
L148[02:52:53] <SomeGuyInATree>
L149[02:53:17] <unascribed> I'll give
you a moment to think about why that package name is bad :P
L150[02:53:48] <unascribed> I guess I
could do aesen
L151[02:53:52] <unascribed>
L153[02:54:14] <unascribed> you put code
in a class
L154[02:54:19] <unascribed> it needs to go
in a method
L155[02:54:22] ⇦
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L156[02:54:44] <SomeGuyInATree> ...time to
go find a tree and some rope D:
L157[02:54:48] <unascribed> pfft
L158[02:55:13] <SomeGuyInATree> I
didn't notice that didn't copy..
L159[02:57:22] <unascribed> I think one of
the main things I'm going to do differently in the Laminate
L160[02:57:28] <unascribed> is instead of
"new MyPane().overlay()"
L161[02:57:40] <unascribed> it'll be
"Laminate.addOverlay(new MyPane());"
L162[02:58:03] <unascribed> since methods
in an object probably shouldn't be mutating global state
L163[02:58:31] <unascribed> either way, to
avoid spamming up this channel with Laminate decisions I'm
going to hop over to #unascribed
L164[02:58:46] <unascribed> so if anyone
is interested in Laminate and wants to see my idiotic rants while
writing it, join that channel :P
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L166[03:00:42] <tterrag> unascribed:
ehh...imo static is uglier
L167[03:00:48] <tterrag> then you have
more state issues
L168[03:01:08] <unascribed>
L169[03:01:13] <unascribed> obviously
L170[03:01:53] <unascribed> :P
L171[03:02:08] ⇦
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L172[03:02:55] <unascribed> idk, I feel
like a big thing is to not overthink the API
L173[03:02:58] <unascribed> it can always
be fixed later
L174[03:03:27] <unascribed> at the moment
this seems like the best course of action, at the very least
it's better than the backwards way of doing things in
L175[03:06:33] <tterrag> hey uh, this is
1.7 but I don't think it's changed, why would my
non-opaque block be making the AO around it very dark?
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L177[03:06:56] <tterrag> I am overriding
isOpaqueCube and renderAsNormalBlock
L178[03:07:41] <Lordmau5> what about the
other methods? e.g. wasn't there isFullCube or similar?
L179[03:08:01] <tterrag> not in 1.7
L180[03:08:07] <tterrag> and all the other
methods I can see reference one of thsoe two
L181[03:08:10] <tterrag> I'm getting
a screenshot
L182[03:08:13] <Lordmau5> yes in 1.7
L183[03:08:17] <Lordmau5> give me a
L185[03:08:58] ⇦
Quits: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) ()
L186[03:09:16] <Lordmau5> both with and
without parameters
L187[03:09:23] <tterrag> return
this.blockMaterial.isOpaque() && this.renderAsNormalBlock()
&& !this.canProvidePower();
L188[03:09:27] <tterrag> that's the
default code in isNormalCube
L189[03:09:38] <tterrag> so, since I
override renderAsNormalBlock, it should be fine
L190[03:09:45] <Lordmau5> hmm
L191[03:09:49] <Lordmau5> true
L193[03:10:12] <tterrag> I disabled the
TESR because it just gets in the way
L194[03:10:52] <unascribed> isn't
this light opacity?
L195[03:10:56] <tterrag> maybe?
L196[03:11:08] <tterrag> lightOpacity is 0
though, as specified by isOpaqueCube in the constructor
L197[03:11:18] <unascribed> hm
L198[03:11:35] ⇦
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L199[03:11:40] <unascribed> I've
never tried to make invisible blocks that aren't isAir, so
L200[03:11:41] <tterrag> oh I think I
L201[03:13:05] <tterrag> hmmm thought it
might be useNeighborBrightness
L202[03:13:06] <tterrag> doesn't seem
L203[03:14:12] <shadekiller666>
L204[03:14:27] <McJty> tterrag, I had the
same issue in RFTools invisible shield but it was in 1.7.10.
Haven't tried to port it yet
L205[03:14:30] <McJty> But I fixed it
L206[03:14:32] <McJty> Hold on
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L208[03:15:13] <McJty> public boolean
renderAsNormalBlock() {
L209[03:15:13] <McJty> return false;
L211[03:15:19] <McJty> That I added to my
block and it fixed it
L212[03:15:25] <McJty> Just have to find
the equivalent 1.8.9 thing :-)
L213[03:15:33] <tterrag> yep, I have
L215[03:15:43] <unascribed> he's in
L217[03:16:49] ***
MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L218[03:19:14] <tterrag> McJty: I have all
L219[03:19:19] <tterrag> I think the issue
is it emitting light
L220[03:19:24] <McJty> hmm
L221[03:20:14] <tterrag> however, looking
at BlockTorch it does nothing different
L222[03:24:09] ⇦
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L224[03:31:07] ***
K-4U|Off is now known as K-4U
L225[03:31:37] <tterrag> ah holy crap this
might be a vanilla bug
L226[03:31:50] <tterrag> see ChunkCache
L227[03:31:53] <tterrag> int j1 =
this.getSkyBlockTypeBrightness(EnumSkyBlock.Block, p_72802_1_,
p_72802_2_, p_72802_3_);
L228[03:32:00] <tterrag> that returns 9 in
this case
L229[03:32:14] <tterrag> but theh
"light level" of the block is 105 (since it's on a
0-255 scale, not 0-15)
L230[03:32:25] <tterrag> which I think
messes up their bit-shifting logic
L231[03:33:35] <tterrag> yep
L232[03:33:38] <tterrag> definitely a
vanilla bug
L233[03:33:39] <tterrag> how odd
L234[03:33:49] <tterrag> overriding
getLightValue() to return the proper 7, instead of 105, fixes
L235[03:33:56] <tterrag> McJty unascribed
^ :P
L236[03:34:02] *
unascribed claps
L237[03:34:29] <unascribed> either
unsarcastically at your debugging success, or sarcastically at
L238[03:34:31] <unascribed> you
L239[03:35:09] <McJty> ok :-)
L240[03:35:12] <McJty> Glad you found it
at least
L241[03:37:50] <tterrag> yeah, it's
L242[03:37:59] <tterrag> I'm not sure
why vanilla even uses 0-255 in the block for light levels
L243[03:38:11] <tterrag> but SOMEWHERE it
is expecting a 0-255 value and geting a 0-15 value (or vice
L244[03:38:17] <tterrag> I'm not
really 100% sure but this fixes it so whatever :P
L245[03:38:34] ⇦
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L247[03:41:03] <unascribed> lighting is so
inconsistent in that regard
L248[03:41:09] <unascribed> some places
it's a float from 0-1
L249[03:41:11] <unascribed> some places
it's 0-255
L250[03:41:15] <unascribed> some places
it's 0-15
L251[03:41:42] <Lordmau5> quality
programming, obviously
L252[03:41:46] <unascribed> yep
L253[03:41:48] <unascribed> 15/10
L254[03:41:57] <unascribed> or should I
L255[03:41:58] <unascribed> 255/15
L256[03:42:11] <Lordmau5> 255/1 :p
L257[03:42:33] <unascribed> 15/255?
L258[03:42:46] <unascribed> 1/15.
L259[03:42:50] <unascribed> 15/1?
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L261[03:43:50] <unascribed> does a package
private mod work?
L262[03:43:54] <unascribed> i.e. will
Forge load it and everything
L263[03:44:24] <unascribed> I'll just
test it
L264[03:45:14] <unascribed> no.
L265[03:45:18] <unascribed> it immediately
L266[03:45:57] <unascribed> you can have a
private init method though
L267[03:53:43] <Zaggy1024> why would
L268[03:53:49] <Zaggy1024> who's
gonna construct a mod container?
L269[03:55:52] ⇦
(~Michael@ppp121-44-70-142.lns20.syd4.internode.on.net) (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
L270[03:57:32] <unascribed> I'm
writing a mod where the fact it's a mod is mainly an
implementation detail
L271[03:57:39] <unascribed> as it's
only an API
L272[03:57:45] <unascribed> the mod is
just to receive events
L273[03:58:12] <unascribed> and I want to
have the least visibility possible on all the internal
L274[04:01:06] ⇦
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error: Connection reset by peer)
L275[04:02:09] <Zaggy1024> meh, seems
pointless to me :P
L276[04:02:19] <unascribed> never said it
was particularly pointful :P
L277[04:02:59] <tterrag> unascribed: go
full java, use @CallerSensitive and check the stack map
L278[04:03:06] <unascribed> lol
L279[04:03:37] <Zaggy1024> wow, never
heard of that annotation
L280[04:03:47] <Zaggy1024> sounds
L281[04:04:56] <Zaggy1024> or what it
means is dangerous anyway
L282[04:05:16] <tterrag> it is
L283[04:05:22] <tterrag> it's only
used on sun internal classes really
L284[04:05:23] <unascribed> the annotation
itself does nothing
L285[04:05:24] <tterrag> like Unsafe
L286[04:05:28] <tterrag> yeah, it's
just a marker
L287[04:05:39] <unascribed> it's just
used to indicate that the method uses reflection magic to change
it's behavior based on the caller
L288[04:05:55] <tterrag> reflection?
L289[04:05:58] <unascribed> well
L290[04:05:59] <unascribed> stack
L291[04:06:14] <tterrag>
L292[04:06:16] <unascribed> yeah
L293[04:06:22] <unascribed> not really
magic but slow nonetheless
L294[04:06:51] <unascribed> it's 5 am
give me a break >.>
L295[04:09:20] <Zaggy1024> why would they
use getStackTrace 0.o
L296[04:09:26] <Zaggy1024> that method is
L297[04:09:32] <unascribed> what are they
going to use? :P
L298[04:09:35] <tterrag> and the
alternative is?
L299[04:09:37] <Zaggy1024> *why would
anyone use
L300[04:09:44] <Zaggy1024> :P
L301[04:09:51] <unascribed> if you have a
method that for security reasons needs to check it's
L302[04:09:56] <unascribed> you'd use
L303[04:10:09] <unascribed> or if you have
a print method that you want to show who called it
L304[04:10:21] <unascribed> even though
people should be using a logger
L305[04:11:01] <Zaggy1024>
Thread.dumpStack isn't it?
L306[04:11:13] <unascribed> that prints it
to stdout
L307[04:11:40] <Zaggy1024> yeah, but for
debugging that should be fine
L308[04:11:56] <Zaggy1024> if you need to
print a stack trace it's usually during debugging or when it
crashes :P
L309[04:12:13] <unascribed> no
L310[04:12:18] <unascribed> by print
method I mean
L311[04:12:19] <unascribed> [04:45:32]
[Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]:
[com.unascribed.laminate.internal.LaminateMod:onInit:18]: Hello,
L312[04:12:43] <Zaggy1024> oh, yeah
L313[04:14:07] <Zaggy1024> hm, I wonder
how much performance is eaten in Class just by getting the stack
L314[04:14:34] <Zaggy1024> looks like it
gets the caller in possibly all of the methods in it
L315[04:15:45] <Zaggy1024> huh..looks like
getCallerClass is native
L316[04:15:52] <Zaggy1024> does it really
get the whole stack trace?
L317[04:15:59] <unascribed> might
L318[04:16:02] <unascribed> maybe
it's optimized
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L345[05:36:57] <terribleperson> can I get
a link to a github with an example of a 1.8.9 entity (mob or
otherwise), entity, render, and model? still trying to figure it
out :(
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L350[05:56:23] <FusionLord>
terribleperson, pretty sure they haven't change from 1.7 as
mine worked in just copying my code...
L351[05:56:32] ***
kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L352[05:56:38] <terribleperson> i'm
so lost with entities
L353[05:57:00] <terribleperson> i'll
just keep reading renderxporb until I actually understand it, I
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L355[05:58:47] <terribleperson> wait
L356[05:58:56] <terribleperson> what
actually CALLS doRender?
L357[05:59:39] <terribleperson> oh
L358[05:59:45] <terribleperson> something
calls the generic doRender?
L359[05:59:54] <terribleperson> and it
casts the entity to the proper entity?
L360[05:59:56] <McJty> alt-f7? if you have
L361[06:00:00] <McJty> Find usages that
L362[06:00:11] <terribleperson>
renderManager calls doRender..
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L364[06:03:11] <terribleperson> so
renderManager gets a entity and finds the render for it
by...getEntityRenderObject? so it's passed an entity, and
it... gets the class of the entity?
L365[06:04:16] <terribleperson> and it
calls entity's class .doRender?
L366[06:04:53] <FusionLord> it calls a
RenderEntity that you bind to your entity
L368[06:05:28] <terribleperson> how does
it GET that? and how do you bind the render entity?
L369[06:07:29] ⇦
(~Michael@ppp121-44-70-142.lns20.syd4.internode.on.net) (Quit:
L370[06:07:29] <FusionLord> well looks
like my method has been deprecated since i last updated I'll
get back to you gonna update that now
L371[06:10:53] <terribleperson> i want to
understand how entities work, but most of them are so complicated
I'm getting lost. I wish I had somewhere simple to start. XP
orbs are the simplest I've found, but i'm still not
understanding how the render is connected to the entity :(
L372[06:11:06] <terribleperson> xp orbs
are a nice example entity though.
L373[06:11:57] <terribleperson> do
experience orbs have their own texture atlas? because that's
what it kinda looks like
L374[06:14:28] <FusionLord>
terribleperson, i would suggest BoP repository and look at their
L375[06:14:31] <terribleperson> ..oh?okay,
is it matching the render to the entity with uh
L376[06:14:38] <terribleperson> the render
L377[06:14:45] <terribleperson> oh, BoP
has a wasp?
L378[06:14:47] <terribleperson> i'll
take a look
L379[06:15:25] <terribleperson> also
it's all in one folder nice
L380[06:15:30] <FusionLord> in your client
proxy you bind the renderer with the entity using
L381[06:17:45] <terribleperson> oh
L382[06:17:52] <terribleperson> BoP does
that in ModEntities?
L383[06:18:18] <terribleperson> or
L384[06:18:19] <terribleperson> no
L385[06:18:23] <terribleperson>
that's the entityregistry
L386[06:20:02] <terribleperson> oh
L387[06:20:04] <terribleperson>
L388[06:20:44] <terribleperson> okay I see
thank you.
L389[06:20:44] ⇦
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closed for inactivity)
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L396[06:27:57] <terribleperson> yesss
thank you things are starting to make sense
L397[06:28:28] <terribleperson> going to
go to bed now. tomorrow I shall make my entity work.
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L401[06:40:53] <SomeGuyInATree> I managed
to melt my brain on the Materials Enum today.. Another look
tomorrow perhaps I'll take.
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finally sleep)
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L411[07:17:29] <FusionLord> anyone know
off hand where the player skin cache is located?
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L414[07:25:39] <Ordinastie> does somebody
have an idea about what the SEAMLESS property affects in
BlockStoneSlab ?
L415[07:28:06] <PaleoCrafter> I think it
makes the top texture appear on all sides
L417[07:29:18] <Ordinastie> or is there a
special way to have it ?
L418[07:29:23] <FusionLord> Ordinastie,
debug menu status of that block
L419[07:29:42] <FusionLord> check the
property in the debug menu is what i meant
L420[07:30:07] <Ordinastie> it is not
seamless, that's why I ask how to have it
L421[07:30:24] <FusionLord> give yourself
this Ordinastie "double_stone_slab:8"
L422[07:30:40] <PaleoCrafter> Yeah, no way
to do it in vanilla
L423[07:30:53] <FusionLord> PaleoCrafter,
unless given
L424[07:30:53] <Ordinastie> ah, ok
L425[07:31:43] <PaleoCrafter> Yeah, should
have said "without commands" or something xD
L426[07:31:44] <FusionLord> anyone know
the class name of the skull renderer
L427[07:31:49] <FusionLord> :P
L428[07:32:14] <Nitrodev> try first
anything related to that
L429[07:32:25] <Nitrodev> like RenderSkull
or somthing
L430[07:32:51] ***
ShadowChild is now known as ShowerChild
L431[07:32:57] <FusionLord> just manualy
looked :P
L432[07:33:43] <Nitrodev>
L433[07:33:48] <Nitrodev> i think
L434[07:33:55] <FusionLord> yeah
L435[07:33:57] <Ordinastie> I can't
give that double stone apparently
L436[07:33:58] <FusionLord> got it
L437[07:34:08] <Nitrodev> okay
L438[07:34:24] <FusionLord> Ordinastie,
really? try the set block command
L439[07:34:35] <FusionLord> then pickblock
L441[07:35:59] <Ordinastie> well,
pickblock obviously won't give it to you
L442[07:36:12] ⇦
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L443[07:36:28] <FusionLord> wow complete
lock out
L444[07:36:35] <FusionLord> thats
L445[07:39:10] <Ordinastie> I love it how
because they didn't make the right method block state
sensitive, they're stuck with 2 different block instance of
half slabs and double slabs :x
L446[07:40:50] <Ordinastie> and why the
hell did they decide to have 2 subclasses each time just to
implement isDouble() -_-
L447[07:42:18] <FusionLord> anyone know
what ModelPlayer.smallArms is?
L448[07:42:32] <ghz|afk> FusionLord: the
other skin type
L449[07:42:38] <ghz|afk> with thinner
L450[07:42:43] ***
ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L451[07:42:43] <FusionLord> the new
L452[07:42:55] <gigaherz> yes?
L453[07:42:55] <FusionLord> alex i
L454[07:43:03] <FusionLord> vs steve
L455[07:43:18] <gigaherz> yes
L456[07:43:21] <FusionLord> ok
L457[07:43:32] <FusionLord> how to get
that information...
L458[07:43:46] <FusionLord> i'll
figure it out
L459[07:45:54] *** V
is now known as Vigaro
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L461[07:48:12] <FusionLord> is there a way
to make a suggestion for a mapping change?
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L463[07:49:00] <PaleoCrafter>
L465[07:49:10] <FusionLord>
ModelPlayer.setInvisible() should be ModelPlayer.setVisible()
L466[07:50:13] ⇦
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host closed the connection)
L469[07:55:04] <asie> what
L470[07:57:38] <sham1> whay
L471[07:57:40] <PaleoCrafter> wat
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L473[08:01:01] <Nitrodev> hi all
L474[08:01:31] <ThePsionic> Bought an XBox
controller for my PC, finally
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(~Loetkolbe@ipbcc2d086.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over
and Out!)
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the connection)
L478[08:06:32] <FusionLord> gigaherz, is
the GameProfile.isLegacy what determines what model gets used
L479[08:06:47] <FusionLord> or do you
L480[08:07:57] <PaleoCrafter> It's
the UUID, afaik
L481[08:09:41] ***
ShowerChild is now known as ShadowChild
L482[08:11:06] <FusionLord> PaleoCrafter,
what is the command for reverse lookup i need the unmapped name of
a field
L483[08:11:24] <PaleoCrafter> It's
the same
L484[08:11:40] <FusionLord> !gf
L485[08:16:09] <FusionLord> oh ty
L486[08:16:13] <PaleoCrafter> np
L487[08:16:51] <FusionLord> strange that
mcp bot says it is public but infact it is private
L488[08:17:00] <PaleoCrafter> The AT
L489[08:17:12] <FusionLord> oh :P
L490[08:17:34] <PaleoCrafter> Yeah, that
just shows what a potential AT would look like ;)
L491[08:17:53] <FusionLord> yeah got that,
didn't read in front of it
L492[08:18:14] ⇦
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L493[08:18:58] <PaleoCrafter> People tend
to get confused by that line
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L495[08:19:41] <FusionLord> I wasn't
confused just lazy and didn't read the descriptor for that
line :P
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L515[08:52:15] <FusionLord> in a look vec
what would be the yaw?
L516[08:52:43] <FusionLord> y right?
L517[08:53:05] <PaleoCrafter> The look vec
doesn't give away that information immediately
L518[08:53:19] <PaleoCrafter> It just
describes the line of sight
L519[08:53:29] ⇦
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L520[08:54:56] <PaleoCrafter> The yaw
would be the angle between one of the horizontal axes (I can't
remember which) and the horizontal components of the look vec
L521[08:58:06] ⇦
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error: Connection reset by peer)
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Ash|Work is now known as Ashlee
L523[09:01:11] <FusionLord> yeah idk why i
thought it was y
L524[09:02:59] <FusionLord> welp that was
a fail wrote a NBTtag but forgot to write that tag to the main tag
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PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
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L530[09:13:50] <knoxz> Hi, what could be
the problem if a drawTexturedModalRect only shows white with one
resource, but works with another. Same assets folder both created
with paint.
L531[09:14:33] <knoxz> working on a
overlay with different pictures
L532[09:15:57] <knoxz> its not drawing the
transparent png at all. like there is no arrow inside the png I
created >_<
L533[09:16:04] <McJty> knoxz, perhaps show
some code + the two textures?
L536[09:18:44] <knoxz> code
L537[09:18:56] <knoxz> but its just a
simple drawing.
L538[09:19:52] <knoxz> I was thinking
about making a background for it, but I think i'll go without
L539[09:20:41] <knoxz> its called with the
experience render event
L540[09:20:57] ***
PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L541[09:20:58] <McJty> Hmm, double check
all filenames I suppose and also check in the log
L542[09:21:06] <McJty> Can't see
anything wrong from here
L543[09:21:21] ⇦
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L544[09:21:38] <knoxz> me neither. if the
fillname is wrong it would crash with a nullpointer :x
L545[09:21:40] ⇦
Quits: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be) (Quit:
L546[09:22:01] <knoxz> its just not
drawing the black arrow. NO idea why :D
L547[09:22:28] <knoxz> i'll make
another set with paint and not gimp and see if that helps.
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L549[09:23:03] <knoxz> it is also not
drawing the thaumcraft aspects I get from the api.
L550[09:23:14] <PaleoCrafter> knoxz,
drawTexturedModalRect only works with 256x256 textures
L551[09:23:24] <PaleoCrafter> you want
drawModalRectWithCustomSizedTexture ;)
L552[09:23:37] <knoxz> is this new?
L553[09:24:18] <PaleoCrafter> at least
L554[09:25:01] <PaleoCrafter> I don't
think you watn RenderGameOverlayEvent as constructor param, btw
L555[09:25:09] <PaleoCrafter> or in fact,
do anything of that in a constructor
L556[09:25:22] <knoxz> jeah, I was try and
L557[09:25:25] <knoxz> wont need it
L558[09:26:24] ⇦
Quits: flappy (~flappy@a88-113-155-120.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping
timeout: 198 seconds)
L559[09:26:29] <knoxz> look at some
different overlay codes and a decent amount of tutorials, they
never used the customeSized Method there.
L560[09:26:41] <knoxz> I'll try that
one. thx for the help
L561[09:26:48] <PaleoCrafter> no
L562[09:27:03] <PaleoCrafter> and most
likely the textures had appropriately sized textures :P
L563[09:27:24] <knoxz> can I scale the
image even further? I have them at 32x32 which is still to big I
think for my purpose
L564[09:28:24] <PaleoCrafter> can't
do that with that method, afaik
L565[09:28:57] <PaleoCrafter>
drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect should do that, though
L566[09:29:07] <knoxz> whats the u and v
for? u know?
L567[09:29:19] <PaleoCrafter> x/y
coordinates on your texture, basically
L568[09:29:31] <PaleoCrafter> so for you
probably 0, 0
L569[09:29:48] <PaleoCrafter> and
don't get confused by tileWidth and tileHeight, it's
really textureWidth and textureHeight
L570[09:30:05] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L571[09:30:11] <PaleoCrafter> whoever
named that shallbe burned
L572[09:31:11] <knoxz> and the 2
L573[09:31:19] <knoxz> some kind of
L574[09:31:31] <PaleoCrafter> which 2
floats? :P
L575[09:31:36] ***
lxkm|work is now known as lxkm
L576[09:31:36] <PaleoCrafter> there are 4
floats in that method
L577[09:31:51] <PaleoCrafter> for
tileWidth/tileHeight look up :P
L578[09:32:11] <knoxz> u,v
L579[09:32:24] <PaleoCrafter> uhm... I
already explained that? :P
L580[09:33:03] <knoxz> you did?
L581[09:33:10] <PaleoCrafter>
<PaleoCrafter> x/y coordinates on your texture,
L582[09:33:10] <PaleoCrafter>
<PaleoCrafter> so for you probably 0, 0
L583[09:35:17] <knoxz> float tileWidth,
float tileHeight thats not these 2?
L584[09:35:23] <PaleoCrafter> no
L585[09:35:40] <PaleoCrafter> that's
really textureWidth and textureHeight, i.e. the size of your
L586[09:35:46] <PaleoCrafter> as I've
explained above...
L587[09:36:18] <knoxz> sorry, just
wondering where the 2 extra parameter come from ;)
L588[09:36:36] <PaleoCrafter> uWidth and
vHeight are new
L589[09:37:10] <PaleoCrafter> they are the
width and height of the area you want to take from the
⇨ Joins: Poppy
L591[09:38:18] <knoxz> so if I want the
whole picture is 32x32?
L592[09:38:25] <PaleoCrafter> yep
L593[09:38:27] <knoxz> from 0,0 to
L594[09:38:29] <knoxz> kk thx
L595[09:38:36] <PaleoCrafter> no
⇨ Joins: [NK]Ghost
L597[09:39:56] <knoxz> this took me
literally half the day to figure out. If it works now and I finish
the project I will give you some credit!
L598[09:40:24] <knoxz> and there is the
arrow... what a stupid mistake. >_<
⇨ Joins: flappy
L600[09:42:10] ⇦
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L601[09:42:32] ***
Jared|Away is now known as Jared
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L603[09:45:00] ⇦
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189 seconds)
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Quits: flappy (~flappy@a88-113-155-120.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Quit:
L606[09:48:08] <PaleoCrafter> yes
L607[09:48:34] <PaleoCrafter> although
that kinda suggests that uWidth and vWidth are coordinates
L608[09:48:40] <FusionLord> no there is a
ref image :P
L609[09:48:45] <FusionLord> now*
L610[09:50:32] ***
kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
⇨ Joins: Searge|office
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L613[09:54:23] ***
Jared is now known as Jared|Away
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L616[09:58:08] ⇦
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L618[09:59:34] ***
Jezza is now known as Jezza|AFK
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L620[10:07:22] ⇦
Quits: Kobata (~Kobata@cpe-24-210-17-81.columbus.res.rr.com) (Ping
timeout: 186 seconds)
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L622[10:12:47] ***
Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
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L624[10:15:31] <HassanS6000> Forge
L625[10:15:36] <HassanS6000> Something is
wrong with Packets..?
L627[10:15:56] <HassanS6000> Getting that
error regarding "SandPacket", when firing a completely
different packet, called "FlyPacket"
L628[10:16:11] <HassanS6000> FlyPacket has
a single int
L629[10:16:34] ⇦
Quits: Mowmaster
(~Mowmaster@2600:1014:b105:559b:70a3:54ba:96a4:c95c) (Ping timeout:
186 seconds)
L630[10:17:18] <gigaherz> can you paste
your packet class?
L631[10:17:43] <PaleoCrafter> and also the
code were you register the message to your
L632[10:17:53] <PaleoCrafter> *where
L633[10:18:28] <FusionLord> would the
placer of a block ever be an entity other than EntityPlayer?
L634[10:18:39] <PaleoCrafter>
L635[10:19:30] <FusionLord> how ever
endermen cannot pick up a TileEntityProvider correct
L636[10:20:56] ***
lxkm is now known as lxkm|sleep
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L638[10:23:30] ***
fry|sleep is now known as fry
L640[10:29:48] <FusionLord> no shadekiller
L645[10:31:20] <EeB> Question about the
new forge capability system: Is forge also responsible for the
"standardisation" of capabilities or does it only provide
the interfaces/ways to use them?
L646[10:31:28] <HassanS6000> PaleoCrafter,
gigaherz ^
L647[10:31:38] <HassanS6000> btw: it
worked fine on 1.8, just borked when I updated
L648[10:31:42] <diesieben07> HassanS6000,
you register 2 packets with the same packet ID...
L649[10:32:12] *
HassanS6000 facepalms
L650[10:32:14] *
HassanS6000 kills himself
L651[10:32:16] *
HassanS6000 is dead
L652[10:32:31] <FusionLord> tisk tisk
L653[10:32:33] ***
Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L654[10:32:36] <HassanS6000> diesieben07,
thanks, I'm such a dumbass
L655[10:33:08] *
diesieben07 wonders why that doesn't immediately blow up on
L656[10:33:14] ⇦
Quits: Delaxarnyazer
(~Delaxarny@2a02:a44e:91ce:0:215:5dff:fe02:300) (Ping timeout: 198
L657[10:33:35] *
sham1 thinks because of some failsafe
L658[10:33:54] <diesieben07> wat
L659[10:34:02] <sham1> Yeah, I dont know
L660[10:34:04] <diesieben07> failsafe
would be if it WOULD blow up immeditately
L661[10:34:27] *
EeB wonders if someone will spot his question when its hidden in
the middle of other ppl's conversation
L662[10:34:30] <sham1> Or maybe it did but
it never notified anyone
L663[10:34:44] <sham1> We are like the
magic 8-ball
L664[10:34:49] <sham1> Try asking
L665[10:35:00] <PaleoCrafter> EeB, your
message hasn't even left the first third of my backlog
⇨ Joins: Delaxarnyazer
L667[10:35:30] <sham1> I'd guess
Forge's not responsible for standardising the
L668[10:35:33] <gigaherz> EeB: forge
provides vanilla capabilities
L669[10:35:38] <sham1> Because why would
they be
L670[10:35:39] <gigaherz> anything else is
up to the mods
L671[10:35:42] ⇦
Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping
timeout: 198 seconds)
L672[10:35:57] <kroeser> A
'machine' capability for example would be useful for a
lot of mods
L673[10:36:01] <EeB> then... isn't
that a pretty big flaw in capabilitises?
L674[10:36:07] <gigaherz> no?
L675[10:36:16] <gigaherz> a capability is
the existance of an interface
L676[10:36:25] <gigaherz> like
L677[10:36:38] ***
K-4U|Fitness is now known as K-4U
L678[10:36:41] <gigaherz> if the RF api
was adapted to use capabilities
L679[10:36:47] <gigaherz> you'd
expect something like
L680[10:37:12] <gigaherz> class
EnergyReceiverCapability implements
L681[10:37:28] <gigaherz> on the API
L682[10:37:36] <gigaherz> and the
nyou'd just check for that capability on request
L683[10:37:42] <FusionLord> fry are you
doing anything on the obj loaderr or is it just shadekiller
L684[10:37:43] <gigaherz> and if so, you
return the right IEnergyProvider reference
⇨ Joins: shadekiller666
L686[10:38:05] <FusionLord> speaking of
L687[10:40:02] <shadekiller666> da fuck am
i supposed to do about it?
L688[10:40:09] <shadekiller666> idk how
mipmapping works
L689[10:40:45] <gigaherz> what?
L690[10:40:47] <EeB> but isn't the
whole idea of capabilities that you DONT't have to code
against every single api that could provide something?
L691[10:41:02] <gigaherz> no
L693[10:41:18] <gigaherz> the idea of
capabilities is that you don't have to expose every single
interface right there in the TileEntity
L694[10:41:31] <gigaherz> you can use
something like a generic EnergyBuffer class
L695[10:41:35] <sham1> I think someone is
misunderstanding the capabilities
L696[10:41:38] <gigaherz> in place of
implementing IEnergyReceiver yourself
L697[10:41:50] <gigaherz> so that you can
expose different APIs based on each face
L698[10:41:55] <sham1> (to be fair I dont
understand them either but meh)
L699[10:41:57] <gigaherz> like one face
being energy, another being items
L700[10:42:00] <PaleoCrafter> capabilities
are basically an entity component system as far as I can tell
L701[10:42:09] <sham1> Yeah, seems like
L702[10:42:11] <gigaherz> it decouples the
primary object, with the APIs it provides
L703[10:42:35] <gigaherz> "does WEST
expose energy? yes, here it is."
L704[10:42:43] <gigaherz> that's all
the capability system is supposed to do
L705[10:43:05] <kroeser> But it could do
so much more right?
L706[10:43:07] <EeB> I understand the fact
that it works as an entity component system, but couldn't it
be more when used correctly?
L707[10:43:14] <kroeser> Like certain mods
could share capabilities
L708[10:44:04] <gigaherz> it's not
the scope, though
L709[10:44:07] <PaleoCrafter> Lex is
accepting suggestions for vanilla capabilities
L710[10:44:17] <gigaherz> that too
L711[10:44:17] <PaleoCrafter> but stuff
like energy etc is out of scope
L712[10:44:34] <PaleoCrafter> especially
because people just can't settle on a standard
L713[10:44:40] <gigaherz> the idea of the
capability system is to avoid things like
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L715[10:44:47] <sham1> Because RF would be
a shitty standard IMO
L716[10:44:54] <shadekiller666> fucking
really? can't load a 480p video fast enough to watch without
L717[10:45:10] <gigaherz> class
MachineTileEntity implements IEnergyProviderFromOneApi,
IEnergyReceiverFromAnotherAPI, IInventory, IAnotherApiInventory,
L718[10:45:21] <FusionLord>
shadekiller666, sounds like the server
L719[10:45:28] <gigaherz>
"energy" is too generic
⇨ Joins: nullifiedcat (webchat@
L721[10:45:34] <gigaherz> there's
many ways to implement energy
L722[10:45:41] <EeB> I think RF is
probably the worst of examples
L723[10:45:42] <gigaherz> none of them are
better than others
L724[10:45:56] <EeB> because indeed energy
standardisation is really hard
L725[10:46:04] <sham1> God damn it
L726[10:46:20] <sham1> why cant I use fold
per default as long as I have the instance
L727[10:46:33] <EeB> but some things like
maybe the idea of how a wrench or machine that takes liquids could
be standardized right?
L728[10:46:41] <gigaherz> some APIs just
have simple values, others have tiers, others have a separate
concept of voltage and power
L729[10:46:48] <EeB> *how a wrench
L730[10:46:49] <gigaherz> liquids ARE
L731[10:46:54] <gigaherz> forge has the
Fluid system
L732[10:46:58] <gigaherz> with
L733[10:47:04] <gigaherz> and fluid
L734[10:47:08] <EeB> ... yeah I suck at
L735[10:47:15] <gigaherz> wrench,
L736[10:47:15] <EeB> suppose for now that
forge didn't have that xd
L737[10:47:26] <gigaherz> but
L738[10:47:33] <gigaherz> what is the
scope of the wrench?
L739[10:47:42] <gigaherz> if it's
just to rotate machines
L740[10:47:45] <gigaherz> that's
standarized too
L741[10:47:50] <gigaherz>
L742[10:48:16] <gigaherz> if it's to
show a configuration interface, well that opens up a whole bunch of
thignswhere people will disagree
L743[10:48:17] <EeB> hmmm
L744[10:48:28] ⇦
Quits: nullifiedcat (webchat@ (Quit: Web client
L745[10:48:42] <EeB> I think I'm
starting to see why standarization commities have such a hard time
pushing new standardds :p
L746[10:48:52] <sham1> yes
L747[10:48:54] <gigaherz> yep
L748[10:49:08] <gigaherz> basically asking
forge to manage capability registartion
L749[10:49:14] <gigaherz> is telling Lex
he has to doextra work ;P
L750[10:49:21] <athie> especially
standards that try to unify things...
L751[10:49:24] <EeB> yeah.. I'm not
saying forge needs to do it
L752[10:49:32] <gigaherz> so I think
it's a good tradeoff
L753[10:49:41] <gigaherz> the capability
system allows face-specific capabilities
L754[10:49:48] <gigaherz> and removes the
need to implement interfaces explicitly
L755[10:50:12] <gigaherz> just create a
new Capability<Interface> singleton in your API
L756[10:50:17] <gigaherz> and allow people
to accept requests for it
L757[10:50:36] <gigaherz> and because
it's face-specific, you can simplify the API
L758[10:50:45] <gigaherz> since you
don't need to have "EnumFacing face" in all
L759[10:50:48] <shadekiller666> can't
even fucking load an ad without buffering wtf
L760[10:50:52] <shadekiller666>
L761[10:50:57] <EeB> you don't need
to explain, I understand the system ;)
⇨ Joins: nullifiedcat
L763[10:51:10] <EeB> I was just wondering
how "deep/far" the system went
L764[10:51:19] <gigaherz> that said
L765[10:51:23] <gigaherz> as PaleoCrafter
L766[10:51:40] <gigaherz> Lex plans to
release a 1.8.9 recommended build by monday
L767[10:51:53] <gigaherz> if anyone has
any suggestions for vanilla capabilities
L768[10:51:55] ⇦
Quits: marcoslater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L769[10:51:58] <gigaherz> the time is
running out.
L770[10:52:00] <nullifiedcat> hello
L771[10:52:18] <shadekiller666> fry, can
we get the obj loader changes in by then too?
L772[10:52:39] <fry> probably not
L773[10:52:52] <EeB> well anyway thx for
you guys' input, appreciate it
L774[10:52:55] <shadekiller666> :/
L775[10:53:21] *
sham1 sighs
L776[10:53:29] <nullifiedcat> how can i
generate textures on the fly?
L777[10:53:34] <shadekiller666> fry, can
we at least try?
L778[10:53:46] <sham1> nullifiedcat, you
can draw with OpenGL into a texture
L779[10:54:00] <shadekiller666> there is
L780[10:54:04] <nullifiedcat> for example
i have grayscale png and want to apply different colors to it
L781[10:54:38] <gigaherz> nullifiedcat:
explain your context, please
L782[10:54:45] <gigaherz> this may be
something you can do with tints
L783[10:54:56] <LatvianModder> then use it
in TESR and use GlStateManager.color() on it
L784[10:54:58] <gigaherz> what would the
texture be applied to?
L785[10:55:01] <gigaherz> item?
L786[10:55:02] <gigaherz> block?
L787[10:55:04] <gigaherz> TESR?
L788[10:55:05] <gigaherz> entity?
L789[10:55:08] <nullifiedcat> items and
L790[10:55:09] <LatvianModder> gui?
L791[10:55:19] <gigaherz> for items and
L792[10:55:22] <gigaherz> you can use the
tint system
L793[10:55:28] <gigaherz> the same used
for leaves and grass
L794[10:55:36] <gigaherz> for blocks
L795[10:55:39] <LatvianModder> an item
using it.. a potion?
L796[10:55:42] <gigaherz> and the same
used in spawn eggs for items
L797[10:55:47] <LatvianModder> ah, spawn
L798[10:56:00] <nullifiedcat> thanks
L799[10:56:24] ⇦
Quits: Hea3veN (~Hea3veN@ (Ping timeout: 198
L800[10:56:24] <gigaherz> the one for
blocks is implemented in the Block class, there's a couple
methods that define the color gradient, and the specific color to
be used per block
L801[11:03:11] ⇦
Quits: Cojo (~Cojo@2606:a000:1126:8048:4975:abd2:b86:734) (Quit: If
we wish to explore, if we wish to see what's over the next
hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want it
L802[11:04:41] <shadekiller666> so
⇨ Joins: Cojo
L804[11:05:08] <shadekiller666> turns out
that the best toothpaste to use before drinking orange juice, is
orange flavored
L805[11:05:26] <illy> that was
L806[11:05:42] <ThePsionic>
L808[11:05:56] <ThePsionic> Yes it
definitely was
L809[11:05:57] <solidDoWant1> humans
reproducing asexually would be terrifying
L810[11:06:29] <nullifiedcat> what is
limit of item metadata?
L811[11:06:39] <nullifiedcat> 0-15 or
L812[11:06:55] <ThePsionic> solidDoWant1:
humans reproducing asexually would be great news for asexuals
L813[11:06:57] ⇦
Quits: Delaxarnyazer
(~Delaxarny@2a02:a44e:91ce:0:215:5dff:fe02:300) (Ping timeout: 189
L814[11:06:58] <PaleoCrafter>
Short.MAX_VALUE - 1
L815[11:07:13] ⇦
Quits: FusionLord (~FusionLor@ip70-190-176-197.ph.ph.cox.net) (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
L816[11:07:15] <nullifiedcat> thanks
L817[11:07:17] ⇦
Quits: iari (~iari@evana.futhark24.org) (Quit:
⇨ Joins: roxox1
L819[11:08:11] <roxox1> This packet stuff
is confusing the hell out of me :(
L820[11:08:13] <solidDoWant1> ThePsionic:
but wouldn't that be terrifying? You're walking around a
park and somebody starts to split in half right down the middle,
and then each piece regrows the other half
⇨ Joins: Delaxarnyazer
L822[11:09:51] <gigaherz> that's not
how asexual reproduction works on the large scale
L823[11:09:51] <gigaherz> XD
L824[11:10:04] <gigaherz> it's more
akin to cloning
L825[11:10:15] <roxox1> Could someone
explain to me how I could send IEEP Data about Player1, to Player2
when Player1 comes into rendering range? People have explained it
like, 2-3 times on here, and I've read like a million
tutorials.. But I'm still confused as fuck.
L826[11:10:32] <sham1> with packets
L827[11:10:37] <solidDoWant1> lol
L828[11:10:46] <gigaherz> roxox1: first
create a packet class
L829[11:10:48] <gigaherz> with handler and
L830[11:10:54] <gigaherz> and register it
to your simple channel
L831[11:10:57] <gigaherz> then
L832[11:11:11] <gigaherz> the first step
L833[11:11:19] <gigaherz> when the IEEP
state changes, you use
L834[11:11:32] <gigaherz>
channel.sendToAllAround(new PacketWhatever(), player)
L835[11:11:36] ⇦
Quits: auenf (David@ (Remote host closed the
L836[11:11:51] <gigaherz> and when you
receive this packet
L837[11:11:57] <gigaherz> you update the
corresponding IEEP
L838[11:12:07] <gigaherz> the packet will
of course have to contain all the necessary data
L839[11:12:21] <gigaherz> to find the
entity, and update the contents
L840[11:12:34] ***
Jezza|AFK is now known as Jezza
⇨ Joins: auenf (David@
L842[11:12:50] <gigaherz> my packets
usually contain "int dimension; int entityId;" and the
IEEP data
L843[11:13:07] <gigaherz> then
L844[11:13:10] <gigaherz> a separate
L845[11:13:31] <gigaherz> is how to notify
players that get in range (or join the game), about OTHER players
who were already there
L846[11:13:37] <gigaherz> but their state
didn't change
L847[11:14:12] <gigaherz> I don't
know what events exist for that
⇨ Joins: iari (~iari@evana.futhark24.org)
L849[11:16:35] <knoxz> I have proably an
easier question: How do I draw colored Textures. Like thaumcraft
has only the White aspect png and colors them as necessary.
L850[11:16:53] <gigaherz> I answered that
like 10 minutes ago
L851[11:16:54] <gigaherz> XD
L852[11:16:55] <sham1> where do you draw
L853[11:16:58] <gigaherz> what areyou
L854[11:17:06] <gigaherz> blocks? items?
TESR? entity?
L855[11:17:20] <sham1> If it is TESR you
can just set the colour of the vertices
⇨ Joins: maxlowry123
L858[11:17:32] <knoxz> just an
L859[11:17:53] <gigaherz> see that
GlStateManager.color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
L860[11:17:57] <gigaherz> try changing
those numbers
L861[11:17:57] <gigaherz> ;P
L862[11:18:02] <knoxz> well I do
L863[11:18:10] <knoxz> but it isnt
affecting the drawing
L864[11:18:25] <knoxz> wait
L865[11:18:26] <sham1> well why is it
L866[11:18:36] <knoxz> let me see if I
dreped again
L867[11:18:43] <knoxz> ups >_<
L868[11:19:04] <knoxz> wait no
L869[11:19:15] <knoxz> I change them, and
change it back to white
L870[11:19:31] <knoxz>
GlStateManager.color(red, green, blue);
L871[11:20:10] <knoxz> already checked the
input. thaumcraft api gives you an int for the color you can make
into a color for the rgb values
L872[11:20:33] <gigaherz> and is it
actually returning the right color?
L873[11:20:36] <gigaherz> becuase it
should work
L874[11:20:38] <knoxz> it is
L875[11:20:58] <knoxz> i also tried
coloring manually. it does not affect the drawing :(
L876[11:21:25] <sham1> but does it effect
L877[11:21:38] <solidDoWant1> is uuid the
same across servers
L878[11:21:52] <gigaherz> player uuid is
unique for each account
L879[11:22:01] <gigaherz> and yes, across
L880[11:22:08] <gigaherz> (IIRC)
L881[11:22:24] <knoxz> still everything is
white. even if I enter random floats
L882[11:22:48] <knoxz> I must miss
L883[11:22:49] <solidDoWant1> if I wanted
to send data between two separate servers, would I be able to
without opening a new port?
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L887[11:24:02] <diesieben07> solidDoWant1,
no, you have to do somthing custom, open a connectino of some
L888[11:24:16] <solidDoWant1> alright,
L889[11:24:18] <diesieben07> either a
direct connection between the two or via a man in the middle (e.g.
a webserver of yours)
L890[11:24:58] <solidDoWant1> hmm, what if
I used ssl over irc?
L891[11:25:13] <diesieben07> uh what
L893[11:25:23] <sham1> first of all
L894[11:25:30] <sham1> dont you mean IRC
over SSL
L895[11:25:33] <sham1> Second of all,
L896[11:25:34] <solidDoWant1> no
L897[11:25:45] <solidDoWant1> ssl over
irc, ill explain, let me type it out
L898[11:25:46] <gigaherz> using IRC woudl
be the WORST possible choice
L899[11:25:53] <sham1> that
L900[11:25:55] <dangranos> ah
L901[11:26:04] <dangranos> using IRC as a
transport protocol?
L902[11:26:09] <sham1> Indeed
L903[11:26:09] <gigaherz> yes, that's
L904[11:26:13] <dangranos> ^
L905[11:26:20] <dangranos> try dcc
L906[11:26:27] <solidDoWant1> what if I
had servers join an irc channel, then when the servers would create
a ssl connection (so nobody could intercept/prevent MITM), then
send data over the connction
L907[11:26:32] <solidDoWant1> dcc?
L908[11:26:40] <gigaherz> that's a
really stupid way to do it
L909[11:26:59] <sham1> why not just create
sockets and communicate that way
L910[11:27:02] <solidDoWant1> hehe I
specialize in stupid
L911[11:27:04] <gigaherz> you'd just
be using IRc as a discovery protocol
L912[11:27:05] <sham1> No reason to use
L913[11:27:12] <gigaherz> there's
better ways to create a hub
L916[11:28:26] <gigaherz> knoxz: I just
added a GlStateManager.color call in my own code
L917[11:28:27] <gigaherz> and it
L918[11:28:36] <roxox1>
http://pastebin.com/Unn1HPwF Now how would I go
about packaging my three variables (isSkulled, entityID, dimension)
into the one packet?
L919[11:28:42] <diesieben07> solidDoWant1,
seriously, simplest way: make a webserver running node.js / php /
wahteverthefuck and open HTTP connectsion to that. slightly more
complicated: learn netty and open your own connection
L920[11:28:52] <diesieben07> learning
netty is a good idea anyways, so ... i'd go for that.
L921[11:28:56] <gigaherz> knoxz:
L922[11:28:57] <gigaherz> wait
L923[11:29:04] <gigaherz> yo uare passing
the byte directly to .color
L924[11:29:06] <gigaherz> it works with
L925[11:29:09] <gigaherz> range is
L926[11:29:10] <solidDoWant1> yea, but
then I'd have to host something
L927[11:29:15] <gigaherz> you needto
divide by 255.0f
L928[11:29:17] <diesieben07> not with the
2nd option.
L929[11:29:17] ***
Firedingo is now known as Firedingo|zzzz
L930[11:29:17] <solidDoWant1> or whoever
uses the mod
L931[11:29:27] ⇦
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L932[11:29:31] <diesieben07> what is this
connection for?
L933[11:29:56] <solidDoWant1> sending
items between servers
L934[11:30:04] <solidDoWant1> just
thinking of ideas for mods
L935[11:30:15] <diesieben07> aha.
L936[11:30:16] <sham1> oh damn
L937[11:30:18] <gigaherz> roxox1: just use
buf.write* and buf.read*
L938[11:30:19] <diesieben07> yeah, learn
L939[11:30:24] <gigaherz> make sure you
read in the same order you wrote
L940[11:30:31] <solidDoWant1> I know lots
of other stuff would have to be done to ensure same item,
not-hostile server etc
L941[11:30:34] <knoxz> see there is my
issue. :D
L942[11:31:00] <Fjolnir|afk> @diesieben07:
never use http...
L943[11:31:11] <knoxz> thx again...
shouldnt have skipped the graphic classes :(
L944[11:31:13] <diesieben07> over SSL of
L945[11:31:18] <roxox1> I assume .read is
in fromBytes and .write is in toBytes?
L946[11:31:20] <diesieben07> not just
plain HTTP for important stuff
L947[11:31:30] <K-4U> What are all the
builtin entries i can use for inventory model?
L948[11:31:35] ***
big_Xplo|AFK is now known as big_Xplosion
L949[11:31:35] <K-4U> I need it to render
L950[11:31:36] *
diesieben07 should have said https
L951[11:31:44] <gigaherz> roxox1:
L952[11:31:46] <sham1> HTTP as a protocol
is interesting, but annoying at the same time
L953[11:31:53] <K-4U> gigaherz: still
don't have it working :(
L954[11:32:06] <diesieben07> well,
thankfully we have http2 now
L955[11:32:07] <gigaherz> K-4U: what was
your issue? ;P
L956[11:32:16] <K-4U> gigaherz: trying to
render a TESR as an item
L957[11:32:19] <gigaherz> http2 is even
more annoying to use
L958[11:32:24] <gigaherz> it's only
more efficient for large pages ;P
L959[11:32:30] <gigaherz> K-4U: ah
L960[11:32:34] <diesieben07> its more
efficient for split up pages :P
L961[11:32:36] <sham1> Does HTTP2 make
requests any less annoying to parse
L962[11:32:36] <diesieben07> not
L963[11:32:42] <gigaherz> I meant large as
L964[11:32:50] <gigaherz> pages containing
lots of separate images and css and js files
L965[11:32:50] <diesieben07> why would you
want to parse requests yourself? :O
L966[11:32:52] <diesieben07> yeah
L967[11:33:00] <diesieben07> it jut makes
it much less of a pain to make those
L968[11:33:02] <gigaherz> sham1: you
don't do http manually
L969[11:33:04] <gigaherz> you use a
L970[11:33:06] <diesieben07> no need to
make spritesheets
L971[11:33:09] <diesieben07> no need to
concat js files, etc.
L972[11:33:18] <roxox1> And now I assume
that in the fromBytes method, I need to be saving the results of
these reads?
L973[11:33:20] <Fjolnir|afk> parse
requests? Just use librarys to parse requests. No not do that
L974[11:33:27] <gigaherz> roxox1: of
L975[11:33:45] <roxox1> Should I save them
to the same variables I used for sending, or should they be saved
L976[11:33:53] <sham1> I dont like using
other people's libraries
L977[11:34:08] <diesieben07> so you write
your own webserver?
L978[11:34:14] <sham1> I did
L979[11:34:21] <diesieben07> that is a
horrible idea.
L980[11:34:28] <sham1> I wanted to
experiment damn it
L981[11:34:34] <diesieben07> that is
something else :p
L982[11:34:47] <diesieben07> but
don't complain then :D
L983[11:35:38] <sham1> Well it has that
problem where the requests don't give the size of the header
let alone the size of the POST request for instance
L985[11:36:10] <sham1> Like I don't
know how large your web page's form stuff is
L986[11:36:25] <Fjolnir|afk> And please do
everyone else a favour: If you want create a service, never
programm a server yourself. Use APIs and libs. There are so many
security issues. You can not know everything you need to look
L987[11:36:35] <diesieben07> roxox1, you
need to actually do something with the results of readBoolean /
readByte, etc.
L988[11:36:45] <sham1> Again,
L989[11:36:54] <sham1> I wanted to see if
someone like me could do it
L990[11:37:01] <roxox1> Should I just
create some variables in the packet class and assign them?
L991[11:37:10] <diesieben07> you already
have them...
L992[11:37:18] <diesieben07> skullStatus,
entityID, dimensionID
L993[11:37:30] <diesieben07> although I am
not sure why you are sending the dimensino in the firsst
L994[11:37:30] <roxox1> Oh. So I should
just assign them to the variables I used to send
L995[11:37:50] <diesieben07> yes and then
you access that data in your message handler.
L996[11:37:51] <roxox1> 'my packets
usually contain "int dimension; int entityId;" and the
IEEP data'
L997[11:37:55] <diesieben07> ?
L998[11:38:14] <sham1> Those quotes are
not escaped
L999[11:38:15] <roxox1> Giga was saying
that he contains dimension and entityID.
L1000[11:38:22] <sham1> Yeah, and?
L1001[11:38:24] <roxox1> So I assumed
that I was going to need them at some point
L1002[11:38:24] <diesieben07> sending the
dimensino is useless
L1003[11:38:32] <diesieben07> the client
only knows abotu 1 dimension
L1004[11:38:35] <roxox1> Ok, I'll
get rid of the dimension
L1005[11:39:26] <sham1> The packet names
look like something out of 1.7.x
L1006[11:39:32] <roxox1> Now, I assume I
can cast IMessage in the onMessage method to my own class?
L1007[11:39:54] <roxox1> So that I can
get the variables stored within
L1008[11:40:07] <sham1> IMessageHandler
is an generic interface where you have your package be the first
L1009[11:40:20] <sham1>
IMessageHandler<Packet, IMessage>
L1010[11:40:27] <sham1> That would be it
in your case
L1011[11:40:45] <roxox1> Oh
L1012[11:41:01] <sham1> Did you even look
at the interface definition...
L1013[11:41:09] <roxox1> No :(
L1014[11:41:22] <roxox1> I suck dude.
I've been messing with this for like 3 days
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L1016[11:41:30] <roxox1> Never even
thought to look at the interface's themselves.
L1017[11:41:37] <sham1> How much Java do
you know may I ask
L1018[11:41:37] <roxox1> Damn, that makes
everything much easier
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L1021[11:42:06] <roxox1> A little bit, or
well.. I couldn't get a job in programming, but I'm not
too bad at java
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L1023[11:42:31] <sham1> sounds
L1024[11:43:04] <roxox1> Generally, I can
understand other people's code easily, but I get a little
confused when I don't have documentation/examples for
L1025[11:44:00] <roxox1> Now, I assume I
can somehow get an EntityPlayer object using the entityID?
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L1027[11:44:57] <HassanS6000> How to make
it so you cannot walk through entities?
L1028[11:45:38] <diesieben07> roxox1,
L1029[11:45:51] <diesieben07>
HassanS6000, look at minecarts
L1030[11:46:11] <HassanS6000>
diesieben07, kk
L1031[11:46:13] <roxox1> But I don't
have a world object available to me in the IMessageHandler
L1032[11:46:21] <sham1> yes you do
L1033[11:46:24] <sham1> You are on the
L1034[11:46:28] <HassanS6000>
diesieben07, this.setSize(0.98F, 0.7F);? I did that
L1035[11:46:45] <roxox1> Wait, so can I
do Minecraft.getMinecraft() now?
L1036[11:46:49] <sham1> Yes
L1037[11:46:53] <roxox1> Woo.
L1038[11:46:54] <sham1> Because you are
on the client side
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timeout: 198 seconds)
L1041[11:49:08] <HassanS6000> Bounding
box, but you can walk right thru it
L1042[11:49:34] <gigaherz> [18:38]
(roxox1): Giga was saying that he contains dimension and
L1043[11:49:40] <gigaherz> yeah sorry
Iwas thinking of a client->server packet ;p
L1045[11:50:19] <sham1> yes
L1046[11:50:29] <roxox1> Thank fuck for
that :)
L1047[11:50:37] <sham1> Rather not
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194 seconds)
L1050[11:55:10] <diesieben07>
HassanS6000, agian, minecarts.
L1051[11:55:41] <diesieben07> namely
L1052[11:55:50] <diesieben07> (at least i
think thats it, only boats and minecarts have it)
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L1056[12:01:41] <roxox1> OMG it's
fuckin working :0
L1057[12:01:44] <roxox1> I <3 you
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(webchat@google-proxy-66-102-9-17.google.com) (Ping timeout: 204
L1059[12:03:42] <Lordmau5> O/
L1060[12:04:40] <sham1> d'aww
L1061[12:08:37] <Wuppy> o/
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L1063[12:11:27] <bilde2910> There's
probably a very obvious solution to this but when I'm setting
up Forge it throws a Java heap space warning at me on :decompileMc.
How much RAM does it need, and how can I allocate that much
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L1065[12:11:48] <bilde2910> This would be
Forge 1709 on a Windows 8 x86 virtualbox
L1066[12:12:32] <gigaherz> 3gb appears to
work for most people
L1067[12:12:49] <bilde2910> Mmkay,
I'll modify the VBox to give it ~4
L1068[12:13:03] <gigaherz> and I mean
give gradle that much
L1069[12:13:05] <gigaherz> not just the
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L1072[12:13:42] <gigaherz> the
gradle-spawned jvms normally have slightly less than required by
the decompiler
L1073[12:14:07] <bilde2910> Just running
setupDecompWorkspace has always worked for me out of the box.
I'll try running with 4GB on the VM, and if it doesn't
work I'll follow the instructions in that link (thanks
L1074[12:14:23] <diesieben07> yes it has
worked before
L1075[12:14:37] <diesieben07> but since
1.8.8 introduced generics the decompilation has become much more
L1076[12:14:42] <diesieben07> and thus it
needs more memory now than before
L1077[12:14:51] <bilde2910>
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L1080[12:17:19] <bilde2910> Also, is
there some way to keep everything inside one directory? As in, move
.gradle somewhere else
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(webchat@google-proxy-66-102-9-28.google.com) ())
L1082[12:17:39] <diesieben07> set
L1083[12:17:46] <diesieben07> the
environment variable that is
L1084[12:17:57] <bilde2910> Neat,
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and Out!)
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L1092[12:29:38] <bilde2910> If I run
gradlew setupDecompWorkspace in a .bat script, all commands
following that line in the batch script will not be executed. The
bat just simply aborts after gradlew has run. Is there some way to
avoid this?
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(~IceChat9@pool-71-244-115-181.albyny.fios.verizon.net) (Ping
timeout: 189 seconds)
L1096[12:31:31] <HassanS6000>
diesieben07, it's setup correctly...
L1098[12:32:00] <HassanS6000> Does the
same thing as Minecarts
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L1102[12:35:11] <diesieben07> bilde:
that... should not happen :D
L1103[12:36:03] <diesieben07>
HassanS6000, ?
L1104[12:36:28] <HassanS6000>
diesieben07, what? You told me to look at Minecarts, I'm
telling you I did everything correctly.
L1105[12:36:51] <HassanS6000> It worked
on MC 1.8 without issue
L1106[12:36:55] <Wuppy> hackerrank.com is
pretty cool :)
⇦ Quits: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@f052144210.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Quit:
Lost terminal)
L1108[12:37:30] <diesieben07> so you are
telling me it worked? cool.
L1109[12:37:35] <bilde2910> diesieben07,
it does, for some reason
L1110[12:37:44] <bilde2910> I'll try
with cmd /k and see if that works better
L1111[12:37:58] <diesieben07> yah, maybe
the gradlew script calls exit or something
L1112[12:38:03] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1113[12:40:39] <bilde2910> `start cmd
/k` runs it asychronously
L1114[12:41:25] <shadekiller666> what is
the easiest way to make an Iterable<Integer> with every
number [0-5)
L1115[12:41:38] <bilde2910> adding a
/wait makes it run synchronously instead, but gradlew doesn't
exit the command prompt.
L1116[12:42:43] <bilde2910> As in,
doesn't close it, so everything hangs until it's closed
manually. :P
L1117[12:42:57] <diesieben07>
shadekiller666, ContiguousSet.create(Range.closedOpen(0, 5),
L1118[12:43:04] ***
Cypher121 is now known as Cypher|Away
L1119[12:43:12] <shadekiller666> ok,
thats what i thought, thanks
L1120[12:44:29] <bilde2910> `start /wait
cmd /c gradlew setupDecompWorkspace` success!!
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L1122[12:50:28] ***
AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L1123[12:50:34] <roxox1> Where should mod
resources be stored?
L1124[12:50:49] <roxox1> I thought it was
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L1126[12:51:44] ***
Cypher|Away is now known as Cypher121
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L1128[12:55:54] <Curle> Guess who!
L1129[12:58:17] <masa> so in 1.7.10 there
is no "onLoad()" on tile entities, is there any other way
of doing a one time init after the TE has the worldObj, other than
a dummy onUpdate first tick?
L1130[12:58:50] <gigaherz> people misuse
L1131[12:58:51] <illy> umm ok I guess
Mikhail Gorbachev
L1132[12:59:01] <gigaherz> but dunno if
there's a better choice
L1133[12:59:09] <diesieben07> validate is
horrible :D
L1134[12:59:14] <gigaherz> yeah
L1135[12:59:17] <diesieben07> use a
boolean and check in onTick
L1136[12:59:27] <masa> ugh
L1137[12:59:29] <gigaherz> weren't
all TEs tickable in 1.7?
L1138[12:59:37] <masa> I don't want
my chest to tick though... :D
L1139[12:59:57] <Curle> rip
L1140[13:00:07] <masa> well at least
there is canUpdate() so I asuume setting that to false means it
won't tick
L1141[13:00:13] <gigaherz> ah right
L1142[13:00:46] <masa> bleh, should I
then use separate TE classes for my different chest tiers, or
L1143[13:01:17] <masa> oh wait no
L1144[13:01:18] <gigaherz> store the
number of slots in the NBT?
L1145[13:01:32] <gigaherz> or the tier
L1146[13:01:36] <masa> I forgot that I
don't currently set the tier anywhere in the first place,
L1147[13:01:47] <masa> I just read and
write it to/from NBT
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closed the connection)
L1149[13:02:24] <gigaherz> heh
⇨ Joins: PBlock96
L1151[13:03:19] <Curle> efficiency,
efficiency, efficiency.
⇨ Joins: Loetkolben
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L1154[13:10:08] ***
Lordmau5 is now known as Lordmau5|Live
L1155[13:10:48] <sham1> efficiency *
L1156[13:16:55] <masa> you don't
achieve any efficiency like that
L1157[13:17:25] <sham1> Well that
produces infinity
L1158[13:17:38] <gigaherz> infinite
L1159[13:17:41] <gigaherz> means all the
work with 0 effort
L1160[13:17:46] <gigaherz> so it's
L1161[13:17:51] <gigaherz> delegating the
job to someone else
L1162[13:18:49] <HassanS6000>
diesieben07, I'm telling you that it did not work, despite
doing what you said..
L1163[13:19:12] <sham1> heh
L1164[13:19:34] ***
manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L1165[13:19:59] <diesieben07> but you
said it does the same thing as minecarts.
L1166[13:21:43] <diesieben07> there is
also canBeCollidedWith and canBePushed, not sure whihc of htese is
L1167[13:22:24] <masa> sham1: well
doesn't that usualy crash, so your program won't execute
past that point anyway
L1168[13:22:25] <sham1> just use them
L1169[13:22:40] <masa> or does
float/double just give NaN or something?
L1170[13:23:02] <sham1> dividing 1 by 0
while they are both floating point gives you Infinity
L1171[13:23:07] <diesieben07> floats and
doubles will give you infinity
L1172[13:23:22] <sham1> Which makes no
sense but whatever
L1173[13:23:26] <diesieben07> 0/0 will
give you NaN
L1174[13:23:38] <diesieben07> and
NegativeNumber / 0 will give you -Infinity
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L1177[13:24:01] <sham1> 0/0 gives you an
exception if they are not floating point
L1178[13:24:10] <diesieben07> well,
L1179[13:24:16] <diesieben07> this is all
assuming FP
L1180[13:24:26] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1181[13:24:33] <gigaherz> I have a
script for that
L1182[13:24:36] <gigaherz> !!c -1/0
L1183[13:24:37] <gigaherz> gigaherz:
⇨ Joins: Katrix
L1185[13:24:49] <gigaherz> it uses the C
math.h functions for that ;P
L1186[13:24:55] <gigaherz> !!c 0/0
L1187[13:24:55] <gigaherz> gigaherz:
Result(s): NOT A NUMBER
L1189[13:25:59] <masa> and what the hell
does Infinity then mean in practice, or what can you use that for?
L1190[13:26:01] <sham1> I dont want to
destroy all software
L1191[13:26:06] <sham1> Nothing
L1192[13:26:16] <diesieben07> seriously,
if you dont know that talk, watch it. now.
L1193[13:26:23] <mikebald> diesieben07
love that talk =)
L1194[13:26:26] <masa> the resolution
must be quite low from Infinity to the next smaller value a float
can represent :D
L1195[13:26:34] <diesieben07> :D
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L1197[13:26:39] <sham1> what plugin do I
need with that
L1198[13:26:51] <diesieben07> it just
plays with the browser's html5 player for me
L1199[13:26:53] <sham1> Because "No
video with supported format and MIME type found"
L1200[13:27:13] <masa> bleh I really
don't like where my tile entity class is going...
L1201[13:27:25] <sham1> Bloody hell
L1202[13:27:26] *
mikebald clicks the download button under it and opens it in
L1203[13:27:28] <masa> I should just rip
out the modular inventory to its own class
L1204[13:27:41] <diesieben07> it's
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L1206[13:27:46] <diesieben07> not FireFox
L1207[13:27:51] <sham1> I Know
L1208[13:27:55] <diesieben07> :D
L1209[13:28:02] <sham1> I Like To Talk
Like This Sometimes
L1210[13:29:11] <sham1> Hmm, I have Mono
L1211[13:29:47] <gigaherz> heh
there's going to be a tv series called "Feed the
L1212[13:29:48] <gigaherz> XD
L1213[13:30:10] <gigaherz> Feed the Beast
is a drama about two best friends, Tommy Moran (Schwimmer), and
Dion Patras (Sturgess) who take one last shot at their dream of
opening a restaurant. Production will begin in New York City in
February 2016 and the 10 one-hour episodes are set to premiere in
May 2016.
L1214[13:30:26] <sham1> :P
L1215[13:32:13] ***
big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L1216[13:32:57] <sham1> Wat
L1217[13:33:56] <sham1> Oh god
L1218[13:34:00] <HassanS6000>
diesieben07, I implemented everything correctly, it's almost
the same as EntityBoat.. but u can fall right through them
L1219[13:34:28] <diesieben07> no idea
man... :D
L1220[13:34:53] <sham1> that was some of
the most hilarious stuff I've had to watch
L1221[13:34:57] <sham1> :P
L1222[13:35:01] <diesieben07> yeah
L1223[13:35:02] <diesieben07> its great
L1224[13:36:08] <sham1> "Wat" -
L1225[13:36:11] <sham1> Javascript
L1226[13:36:24] <diesieben07> :D
L1227[13:36:45] <diesieben07> [] + [] ==
"" is the best :D
L1228[13:36:51] <sham1> That makes no
L1229[13:37:00] <diesieben07> NOTHING in
that talk makes sense.
L1230[13:37:31] <sham1> Except the
picture of the rubber ducky
L1231[13:37:49] <diesieben07> i use that
thing all the time on the forums :D
L1232[13:39:27] <mikebald> You could do
[].concat([]) instead of [] + [] =)
L1233[13:40:04] <diesieben07> you could
also not use javascript.
L1234[13:40:26] <mikebald> And live in a
world where I do != instead of !== ? never!
L1235[13:40:51] <diesieben07> haha
L1236[13:41:44] <sham1> Why is it that so
many languages nowadays do not include foreach as a thing
L1237[13:41:51] <sham1> Or "so
L1238[13:42:15] <diesieben07> do you mean
the keyword foreach or the construct?
L1239[13:42:17] <sham1> Only ones
I've seen thus far are F#, Rust and Haskell and even with
Haskell I can understand it because it is pure
L1240[13:42:23] <diesieben07> becuase
foreach as a keyword is awful
L1241[13:42:27] <sham1> the higher order
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L1243[13:42:48] <sham1> The one that
takes a Consumer in Java
L1244[13:42:54] <diesieben07> Oh
⇨ Joins: Samario
L1246[13:43:34] <sham1> Like it is easy
to implement with fold but seriously
L1247[13:43:36] <sham1> That bugs
L1248[13:43:57] *
gigaherz likes foreach keyword
L1249[13:44:16] <gigaherz> foreach(var
item in collection)
L1250[13:44:22] <gigaherz> C# :3
L1251[13:44:22] <diesieben07> oh
L1252[13:44:25] <diesieben07> go play
with PHP
L1253[13:44:30] <gigaherz> I did
L1254[13:44:35] <diesieben07> why not
L1255[13:44:38] <sham1>
collection.foreach pls
L1256[13:44:41] <gigaherz> my game uses
php for cloud saving
L1257[13:44:41] <diesieben07> javascript
is the worst at this
L1258[13:44:44] <mikebald> I don't
like foreach because in javascript if you do that on an object you
also get the object's prototype being returned...
L1259[13:45:00] <diesieben07> JS has:
for... in, for...of, for...iamstupid and 20 more i'm
L1260[13:45:08] <mikebald> array.forEach
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L1262[13:45:26] <solidDoWant1> roxo1:
what mod are you working on?
L1263[13:45:44] <solidDoWant1> roxox1
L1264[13:46:22] <sham1> like using
"for i in collection" works but that is not as chainable
with other methods like map
L1265[13:46:46] <diesieben07> yes, a
foreach loop is nice, but i also want .forEach(lambda)
L1266[13:46:56] <sham1> That's what
I mean
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L1268[13:47:13] <sham1> It just is absent
on some of these languages
L1269[13:47:35] <sham1> One that
especially made me sad was the fact that rust didnt have that
L1270[13:48:10] <sham1> so no
daisychaining list.map(..).filter(..).map(..).for_each(..)
L1271[13:48:21] <diesieben07> ohgod
please no underscores
L1272[13:48:42] <sham1> or
L1273[13:48:48] <mikebald> for_Each?
L1274[13:48:54] <sham1> oh no
L1275[13:48:56] *
diesieben07 dies
L1276[13:49:11] <PaleoCrafter> For_Each
L1277[13:49:30] <sham1> Well I named it
"for_each" because it would be called that in rust if it
L1278[13:49:32] <sham1> But sadly
L1279[13:50:04] *
mikebald will stick with his $.each(), works fine.
L1280[13:50:24] <PaleoCrafter> JS can go
die in a hole, even with jQuery :P
L1281[13:51:03] <sham1> I have to do
.fold( (), |_, x| *do something* )
L1282[13:51:06] <mikebald> I imagine you
don't like server-side JS then? [personally, I
L1283[13:51:18] <PaleoCrafter> no, I
L1284[13:51:23] <sham1> javascript does
not belong to the server side
L1285[13:51:24] <diesieben07> i would
imagine serverside js is better than php
L1286[13:51:27] <diesieben07> but i have
never used it
L1287[13:52:01] <diesieben07> i just
haven't found my ideal scripting language yet, they all have
their stupidities
L1288[13:52:04] <gigaherz> javascript
does not belong on anything important.
L1289[13:52:08] <diesieben07> lol
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timeout: 189 seconds)
L1291[13:52:52] <PaleoCrafter> yeah,
there doesn't seem to be a scripting language which
doesn't have at least one terrible quirk
L1292[13:53:14] <sham1> Most of them
having to do with dynamic typing but whatever
L1293[13:53:23] <diesieben07> python: go
away with your whitespace. js: no. perl: wat? what hole did you
crawl out of? php: phpsadness.com
L1294[13:53:24] <PaleoCrafter> not
necessarily :P
L1295[13:53:34] <diesieben07> lua: one
based indizes? wat? please no.
L1296[13:53:48] <diesieben07> ruby: idk,
you are just ... weird.
L1297[13:53:56] <PaleoCrafter> :D
L1298[13:54:00] *
mikebald isn't hearing anything he disagrees
L1299[13:54:03] <sham1> I had to use
Excel at school
L1300[13:54:04] <asie> lua is good
L1301[13:54:08] <asie> better than
L1302[13:54:14] <diesieben07> i will give
you that.
L1303[13:54:16] <sham1> Having the tables
be one-based
L1304[13:54:17] <sham1> Wat
L1305[13:54:19] <gigaherz> anything where
dynamic typing is one of the main features is a poor choice for
production software.
L1306[13:54:21] <asie> that's a very
minor complaint
L1307[13:54:23] <sham1> I was so
L1308[13:54:30] <asie> in the grand
scheme of things
L1309[13:54:34] <diesieben07> gigaherz,
that is not true. :D
L1310[13:54:39] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz,
Groovy is fine :P
L1311[13:54:59] <sham1> This
L1312[13:55:02] <gigaherz> even
javascript and php are just overgrown toy languages
L1313[13:55:21] <sham1> JavaScript has
really gotten too large
L1314[13:55:26] <PaleoCrafter> oh,
diesieben07, what don't you like about Groovy? :P
L1315[13:55:30] <sham1> And I do not
understand why
L1316[13:55:34] <diesieben07> it runs on
the jvm
L1317[13:55:45] <diesieben07> which means
it has horrible startup time.
L1318[13:55:53] <diesieben07> which
immediately disqualifies it as a scripting language
L1319[13:56:12] <sham1> You could use
Haskell as an scripting language with ghci :P
L1320[13:56:22] <diesieben07> go away.
L1321[13:56:41] <sham1> :D
L1322[13:56:45] <sham1> It's
L1323[13:56:57] <diesieben07> No.
L1325[13:57:04] <sham1> Yes
L1326[13:57:21] ***
V is now known as Vigaro
L1327[13:57:27] <diesieben07> Haskell is
cool and all, but I would not ever see myself writing something
quick and dirty in it :D
L1328[13:57:34] <mikebald> There's a
lot of things you could do, but you probably shouldn't do
them... e.g. eating bleach.
L1329[13:57:37] <diesieben07> which is
what scripting languages are for.
L1330[13:57:44] <diesieben07> also that.
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L1332[13:57:50] <sham1> Perl?
L1333[13:57:59] <PaleoCrafter>
diesieben07, most Haskell code will dirty :P
L1334[13:58:04] <PaleoCrafter>
L1335[13:58:05] <diesieben07> please no
perl :D
L1336[13:58:05] <PaleoCrafter> xD
L1337[13:58:08] <unascribed> Perl is fine
for quick one-liners
L1338[13:58:10] <diesieben07> i used it
once, its ... kinda cool
L1339[13:58:12] <EeB> Is an
ISmartItemModel supposed handle 3rd person transforms by default or
are you supposed to use an IFlexibleBakedModel and supply an
explicit TRSRTransformation ?
L1340[13:58:15] <sham1> It will be dirty
with all the IO () you have to use
L1341[13:58:16] <unascribed> anything
you're going to use multiple times should not be perl
L1342[13:58:17] <diesieben07> but the
code is just... unreadable after a while
L1343[13:58:36] <diesieben07> but: it is
the best i can think of at the moment :D
L1344[13:58:51] <sham1> Islands of purity
on an ocean of impurity
L1345[13:59:01] <PaleoCrafter> sham1,
there's also that terrible amount of hacks people use just to
make their code more 'concise'
L1346[13:59:01] <mikebald> To be fair,
that'd happen to most languages that you tried to shrink down
to 1 line =)
L1347[14:00:08] <sham1> Do share
L1348[14:01:12] <solidDoWant1> hmm, could
a java program be converted into a single (really long) line?
L1349[14:01:19] <PaleoCrafter> yes
L1350[14:01:28] <solidDoWant1> I
don't think java ever requires a /n character to compile
L1351[14:01:33] <solidDoWant1> \n
L1352[14:01:37] <unascribed> nope
L1353[14:01:39] <unascribed> just
L1354[14:01:43] <sham1> yeah
L1355[14:01:49] <unascribed> but since
java has bytecode
L1356[14:01:50] <sham1> Java does not
care about whitespaces
L1357[14:01:56] <unascribed> it's
pointless to obfuscate java source
L1358[14:02:00] <unascribed> just
obfuscate the bytecode
L1359[14:02:09] <sham1> Thanks
L1360[14:02:13] <solidDoWant1> hmm, what
about reflection?
L1361[14:02:24] <PaleoCrafter> what about
it? :P
L1362[14:02:24] <solidDoWant1> is there
anything in reflection that can grab stuff by line?
L1363[14:02:31] <PaleoCrafter> not
L1364[14:02:31] <sham1> What? no
L1365[14:02:34] <unascribed> wat
L1366[14:02:40] <diesieben07> well,
L1367[14:02:47] <diesieben07> but thats
about it.
L1368[14:02:48] <PaleoCrafter> there are
line references in bytecode though, yeah
L1369[14:02:57] <sham1> Yeah
L1370[14:03:14] <sham1> But I imagine
those are for stackstraces
L1371[14:03:14] <Curle> ye
L1372[14:03:38] <solidDoWant1> so if you
used reflection to grab a line it'd screw up the program if
you turned it all into one line
L1373[14:03:49] <Curle> rip
L1374[14:04:00] <diesieben07> you
can't do that though :p
L1375[14:04:01] <solidDoWant1> by screw
up I mean you wouldn't get the same output/some var would
L1376[14:05:30] ***
Cypher121 is now known as Cypher|Away
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L1379[14:09:07] <solidDoWant1>
what's the difference between isRemote true/false?
L1380[14:09:15] <solidDoWant1> if
it's remote does that mean it's the server?
L1381[14:09:46] <diesieben07> if
it's remote means that the world is a *view* of a remote
L1382[14:09:51] <diesieben07> read
isRemote as isClient
L1383[14:09:56] <solidDoWant1> hmm
L1384[14:09:58] <Curle> yea, it's
the better version of SideOnly
L1385[14:09:58] <solidDoWant1> alright,
L1386[14:10:13] <diesieben07> no its not
L1387[14:10:16] <tterrag> it's not
really comparable to SideOnly at all
L1388[14:10:21] <diesieben07> the two do
entirely different things
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L1390[14:10:25] <tterrag> isRemote is not
physical side, it is contextual side
L1391[14:10:27] <sham1> @SideOnly really
is kinda... I don't know
L1392[14:10:49] <Curle> Okay, we had a
MASSIVE argument last night over using isRemote over SideOnly, and
now it's that they're COMPLETELY differnent?!?
L1393[14:10:56] <sham1> People like to
misuse it sometimes
L1394[14:10:59] <solidDoWant1> lol
L1396[14:11:25] <tterrag> the only time
you should use SideOnly is when a superclass method also has
L1397[14:11:34] <tterrag> i.e. you are
inheriting it
L1398[14:11:41] <tterrag> now, idk why
it's not just @Inherited, but meh
L1399[14:11:46] <Curle> ^ yea, that was
what we ended on
L1400[14:11:49] <sham1> I thought that
annotations also get inherited
L1401[14:11:56] <diesieben07> nope
L1402[14:12:04] <diesieben07> tterrag,
@Inherited is for class annotations only
L1403[14:12:07] <tterrag> ah right
L1404[14:12:09] <tterrag> well,
L1405[14:12:13] <tterrag> it would at
least be nice for class extensions
L1406[14:12:34] <diesieben07> for newly
written classes @SideOnly is completely pointless
L1407[14:12:45] <tterrag> not really, if
you extend an @SideOnly class you will crash
L1408[14:12:50] <tterrag> oh, nvm
L1409[14:13:00] <diesieben07> :)
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L1411[14:13:26] <tterrag> but yeah, I
still think having @Inherited on @SideOnly would be nice
L1412[14:13:33] <tterrag> dunno if it
would break stuff though
L1413[14:13:35] <diesieben07> why?
L1414[14:13:43] <diesieben07> it serves 0
L1415[14:13:49] <tterrag> extend Gui
-> automatically makes class sideonly
L1416[14:14:00] <diesieben07> but the
class being sideonly is ponitless
L1417[14:14:08] <diesieben07> if you have
it sideonly accessingit on the wrong side will crash
L1418[14:14:20] ***
Cypher|Away is now known as Cypher121
L1419[14:14:22] <diesieben07> if you do
NOT have it sideonly accessing it on the wrong side will crash
because the superclass is sideonly
L1420[14:14:35] <solidDoWant1> So when
updateEntity() is ran on the server, everything works great,
however the client field's aren't automatically updated
when the server changes them. Does that mean anything I want the
client to "know" needs to be sent to it via packet from
the server?
L1421[14:14:47] <diesieben07> yes.
L1422[14:14:50] <tterrag>
w...well....well what about anon classes?
L1423[14:14:59] <tterrag> err, inner
L1424[14:15:06] <Curle> ooh tterag's
L1425[14:15:10] <Curle> we've
cornered 'im!
L1426[14:15:10] <diesieben07> inner
classes are no different from normal classes :D
L1427[14:15:11] <tterrag> because you
know we all have inner GUI classes :P
L1428[14:15:11] <Curle> :3
L1429[14:15:21] <sham1> All anon classes
are inner classes :P
L1430[14:15:24] <diesieben07> they just
have a name prefix
L1431[14:15:24] <tterrag> diesieben07:
except that they are loaded with the outer class so you can't
avoid classloading
L1432[14:15:25] <diesieben07> thats
L1433[14:15:29] <diesieben07> no they are
L1434[14:15:32] <solidDoWant1>
diesieben07 what that yes to me or yalls argument?
L1435[14:15:37] <diesieben07> it was a
yes to you
L1436[14:15:40] <solidDoWant1>
L1437[14:15:41] <tterrag> inner classes
absolutely are (not talking about nested classes)
L1438[14:15:52] <sham1> How do you have
an anon class that is not an inner class
L1439[14:15:59] <diesieben07> inner
classes will load their outer class, yes
L1440[14:16:03] <diesieben07> (nested
classes won't)
L1441[14:16:05] <diesieben07> but not the
other way around
L1442[14:16:22] <tterrag> really?
hm...wonder why it was then
L1443[14:16:25] <tterrag> must have been
something else
L1444[14:16:28] <solidDoWant1> is 256 the
limit for network channels?
L1445[14:16:29] <gigaherz> you can't
even instantiate an inner class without an instance of the
L1446[14:16:31] <tterrag> anyways, I was
mostly being sarcastic :P
L1447[14:16:41] <diesieben07> exactly
L1448[14:16:43] <gigaherz> I meant
it's like "x.new Y()"
L1449[14:16:49] <gigaherz> mean*
L1450[14:16:56] <diesieben07> yup
L1451[14:16:58] <Curle> EntityFX is also
SideOnly, I just noticed#
L1452[14:18:20] <PaleoCrafter> of course
it is :P
L1453[14:18:43] <tterrag> @SideOnly on
vanilla classes is purely a marker
L1454[14:18:53] <tterrag> it means
"this class was only ever referenced on one side so the
stripper removed it for the other"
L1455[14:19:11] <tterrag> it's why
seemingly random stuff is @SideOnly purely because mojang never
HAPPENED to use it on the server
L1456[14:19:16] <tterrag> like a bunch of
the FoodStats methods
L1457[14:19:42] <PaleoCrafter> or various
methods in BlockPos/Vec3 iirc
L1458[14:19:56] <sham1> Or on
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L1460[14:20:24] <tterrag> EnumFacing flat
out has methods missing
L1461[14:20:27] <tterrag> because they
never use them
L1462[14:20:39] <PaleoCrafter> hm ...
drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect definitely needs an update
L1463[14:20:44] <tterrag> like
there's rotateYCCW() but none of the other CCW methods
L1464[14:21:15] <sham1> God damn it
L1465[14:22:40] <Tyler__> Would someone
mind taking a look at a model file I have? For some reason my
custom texture on the up face is displaying as a hopper with
L1466[14:23:01] <PaleoCrafter> don't
ask to ask :P
L1467[14:23:05] <sham1> Well care to
L1469[14:23:49] <Tyler__> Okay
L1470[14:24:19] <PaleoCrafter> some UVs
are out of the 0..16 range :P
L1471[14:24:33] <Tyler__> :P
L1472[14:24:49] <Tyler__> So they must be
between 0..16?
L1473[14:24:53] <PaleoCrafter> yes
L1474[14:24:55] <sham1> Yes
L1475[14:25:00] <PaleoCrafter> otherwise
you'll get other textures bleeding into your face
L1476[14:25:08] <PaleoCrafter> because
everything's on that big ol' atlas
L1477[14:25:15] <Tyler__> Haha, alright
that makes sense.. I had no idea
L1478[14:25:17] <sham1> [0,16]
L1479[14:25:40] <sham1> Let's go all
L1480[14:25:47] <Tyler__> Ready
L1481[14:26:13] <solidDoWant1> did
somebody say math?
L1482[14:26:18] <sham1> I did
L1483[14:26:31] <Tyler__> Does it involve
Calculus or Discrete Math?
L1484[14:27:11] <sham1> Calculus
L1485[14:27:12] <solidDoWant1> I can do
calc, but not discrete :(
⇦ Quits: RedBullWasTaken
(~red@2-107-192-82-static.dk.customer.tdc.net) (Remote host closed
the connection)
L1487[14:27:51] <Tyler__> I'm in
discrete math right now, and it is the most confusing thing of my
life sometimes
⇦ Quits: Curle
(~head@host81-154-121-145.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) (Ping
timeout: 198 seconds)
L1489[14:28:39] <sham1> I like
L1490[14:29:10] <solidDoWant1> Calc is
L1491[14:29:13] <sham1> Especially the
differential kind
L1492[14:29:31] <solidDoWant1>
haven't (and probably wont get to) take discrete math for my
L1493[14:29:58] <solidDoWant1> I kinda
like integrals more, they make you think more
L1494[14:30:15] <solidDoWant1>
differential calc is pretty much just the chain rule w/ a few
others thrown in
L1495[14:31:03] <sham1> The chain rule is
L1496[14:31:16] <sham1> Even in some
L1497[14:31:23] <Tyler__> Integrals make
you think...
L1498[14:31:41] <solidDoWant1> in
programming? Where?
L1499[14:31:41] <Tyler__> I only have the
baiscs of integrals from Calculus in HS, but I'm in Calc 1
right now
L1500[14:32:01] <solidDoWant1> tyler
integrals get even better aftere calc 1
L1501[14:32:04] <sham1> Well if you want
to compose 2 functions together
L1502[14:32:45] <sham1> From type a to
the type b and from the type b to the type c
L1503[14:33:02] <sham1> That can be
expressed as an function that goes from type a to c
L1504[14:33:14] <solidDoWant1> huh, never
thought of it like that before
L1505[14:34:10] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, and
where does the chain rule come in? :P
L1506[14:34:33] <sham1> f :: a -> b
and g :: b -> c
L1507[14:34:42] <sham1> f . G
L1508[14:34:49] <sham1> So you chain
L1509[14:34:57] <PaleoCrafter> and then?
L1510[14:35:06] <Tyler__> The magic
happens :P
L1511[14:35:56] <sham1> Those functions
might be 2x^2 and x+2
L1512[14:36:09] <sham1> Then you derive
them using the chain rule :P
L1513[14:36:22] <PaleoCrafter> how often
do you derive functions in programming? :P
⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be)
(Quit: Leaving)
L1515[14:36:54] <solidDoWant1> how often
do any of you guys use calc for programming?
L1516[14:36:54] <Tyler__> Not unless you
need to calculate the instantaneous slope of something, but could
be useful for modeling I feel like
L1517[14:36:55] <sham1> I misremembered
the term :p
L1518[14:37:00] <PaleoCrafter> :P
L1519[14:37:05] <solidDoWant1>
differential/integral calc that is
L1520[14:37:16] <PaleoCrafter> I think
the go-to solution would just be a numerical solution
L1521[14:37:18] <Tyler__> If you're
modeling I feel like integrals and differentials could help.
L1522[14:37:35] <sham1> I was thinking of
function composition
L1523[14:37:38] <sham1> Fail
L1524[14:38:00] <sham1> Disregard what I
said above
L1525[14:38:23] <solidDoWant1> I could
kinda see how you'd use it if you were doing functional
analysis or something maybe
L1526[14:38:55] <sham1> That would
L1527[14:39:49] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, it
is useful for specific domains
L1528[14:40:04] <solidDoWant1> off topic,
wtf is rust and why should I care/use it?
L1529[14:40:11] <solidDoWant1> the
language not oxidation
L1530[14:40:25] <PaleoCrafter> you should
neither care about it nor use it
L1531[14:40:28] <PaleoCrafter> it's
weird xD
L1532[14:41:01] <solidDoWant1> I keep
seeing things on programming subreddits about it, just wondered
why/where it should be used
L1533[14:41:30] <PaleoCrafter> afaik,
it's basically a C++ alternative, in a way
L1534[14:41:47] <sham1> Anyway
L1535[14:43:24] <Lordmau5|Live> gigaherz,
you there?P
L1536[14:44:48] <unascribed> rust is sort
of like a safe version of C-like languages
L1537[14:44:53] <unascribed> and that
winds up making it weird
L1538[14:45:15] <gigaherz> i'm here
but I got a headache
L1539[14:45:16] <gigaherz> so just
L1540[14:45:20] <Lordmau5|Live> oh
L1541[14:45:21] <gigaherz> and let
everyone read the question
L1542[14:45:28] <gigaherz> you don't
need to ask ME specifically ;P
L1543[14:45:39] <Lordmau5|Live> Uhm,
weren't you the one that helped me out on the dual-side
rendering on the texture for my mod?
L1544[14:45:44] <PaleoCrafter> we need
Overbot back or an alternative :/
L1545[14:45:49] <gigaherz> maybe
L1546[14:45:52] <Lordmau5|Live> well, but
YOU were the one that helped me with that json file, if I remember
correctly :>
L1547[14:45:57] <unascribed>
L1548[14:45:58] <gigaherz> but that
doesn't mean I'm the only person worthy to help you
L1549[14:46:07] <unascribed> ^
L1550[14:46:11] <Lordmau5|Live> well,
L1551[14:46:11] <unascribed> this is a
support channel
L1552[14:46:15] <unascribed> for the most
L1553[14:46:17] <Lordmau5|Live> I know
L1554[14:46:20] <Lordmau5|Live> And
chillout and such, hehe
L1555[14:46:22] <unascribed> so that
basically means
L1556[14:46:24] <unascribed> 1)
don't ask to ask
L1557[14:46:27] <unascribed> 2)
don't ask someone specifically
L1558[14:46:28] <PaleoCrafter> a bot with
some useful commands and it was the only one allowed in here
L1559[14:46:33] <unascribed> ah
L1560[14:46:36] <unascribed> why did it
get nuked?
L1561[14:46:49] <PaleoCrafter> dunno,
Overmind would know
L1562[14:46:56] <unascribed> oh, Overbot,
L1563[14:46:58] <unascribed> that makes
sense now
L1564[14:47:00] <PaleoCrafter> ;)
L1565[14:47:13] <Lordmau5|Live> So,
basically, what'd be the best way to check for a proper inside
variable on the texture? - I can set a EnumFacing on the blockstate
fine, that's not the issue.
L1566[14:47:26] <PaleoCrafter> but it had
stuff like ?ask (= don't ask to ask with a useful link), sed,
?learnjava and a few more
⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 198
L1568[14:48:15] <EeB> fry: Is an
ISmartItemModel supposed to handle 3rd person transforms by default
or are you supposed to use an IFlexibleBakedModel and supply an
explicit TRSRTransformation ?
⇨ Joins: FusionLord
L1570[14:48:47] <solidDoWant1> is the max
size of a minecraft work Integer.MAX_VALUE/Integer.MIN_VALUE?
L1571[14:49:06] <unascribed> the max size
of a Minecraft world is 32000000
L1572[14:49:15] <unascribed> that is
hardcoded in a number of places
L1573[14:49:37] <masa> 30,000,000
L1574[14:49:45] <PaleoCrafter>
that's the world border for players
L1575[14:49:50] <solidDoWant1> why that
L1576[14:49:52] <unascribed> yeah, and is
only as of 1.8
L1577[14:50:00] <solidDoWant1> that seems
like kinda an odd number
L1578[14:50:04] <unascribed> you get
kicked for "Illegal position" if you're outside
L1579[14:50:10] <unascribed> yeah, there
used to not be a limit
L1580[14:50:22] <unascribed> so blocks
disappeared at Integer.MAX_VALUE
L1581[14:50:29] <unascribed> and stuff
got weird when doubles were imprecise
L1582[14:50:32] <diesieben07>
world.setBlock does not allow numbers outside -30000000 /
L1583[14:50:41] <solidDoWant1> but why
that limit?
L1584[14:50:41] <unascribed> huh,
L1585[14:50:46] <unascribed>
solidDoWant1, no particular reason
L1586[14:50:47] <solidDoWant1> why not
L1587[14:50:48] <unascribed>
L1588[14:50:52] <solidDoWant1> :/
L1589[14:51:01] <unascribed> 32000000 is
a pretty sane number though
L1590[14:51:15] <PaleoCrafter> it's
not like you'll ever reach that by foot :D
L1591[14:51:18] <diesieben07> 30000000 is
probably because they can then squeeze xyz coords into a single
long :D
L1592[14:51:18] <unascribed> yeah
L1593[14:51:22] <unascribed> see also:
L1594[14:51:23] <solidDoWant1> ah
L1595[14:51:32] <heldplayer> Kurt!
L1596[14:51:33] <diesieben07> although
you could allow a bit more i think
L1597[14:51:49] <unascribed>
L1598[14:52:00] <gigaherz> they just
chose a round number
L1599[14:52:02] <gigaherz> ;P
L1600[14:52:04] <solidDoWant1> I
L1601[14:52:19] <solidDoWant1> I mmean I
don't really see people going 30M blocks out but just
L1602[14:52:26] <unascribed> y is byte,
so 8, leaving 56 for x and z, so 28 per
L1603[14:52:32] <unascribed> meaning the
"true" limit for packing into a long is 134217727
L1604[14:52:45] <unascribed> is a
L1605[14:52:52] <solidDoWant1> hmm,
that's a little higher I guess:P
L1606[14:53:06] <unascribed>
L1607[14:53:11] <unascribed> to make it a
bit easier to compare
L1608[14:53:51] <Lordmau5|Live> which
model: would I have to take in my json to set different textures
for each side?
⇨ Joins: blood|sleep
L1610[14:54:07] ***
blood|sleep is now known as blood_
L1611[14:54:33] <unascribed>
wouldn't that be the blockstates file
L1612[14:54:40] <unascribed> I
haven't really done 1.8 blocks so I'm not sure
L1613[14:54:46] <Lordmau5|Live> yes, the
blockstates json file
L1614[14:54:54] <Lordmau5|Live> or what
do you mean...? :p
L1615[14:55:37] <unascribed> you want to
set different textures for each si- oh
L1616[14:55:38] <unascribed> as in
L1617[14:55:40] <unascribed> each side of
the block
L1618[14:55:42] <unascribed> not each
L1619[14:56:11] <Lordmau5|Live> yup
L1620[14:56:12] <unascribed> if your
model is currently a cube_all you'll probably need to rewrite
it manually
L1621[14:56:27] <unascribed> not sure if
you can still specify faces individually or if it's
L1622[14:56:45] <unascribed> does my IRC
client have a /shrug?
L1623[14:56:47] <unascribed> no.
L1624[14:56:56] *
mikebald shrugs.
L1625[14:57:14] *
solidDoWant1 slaps solidDoWant1
⇦ Quits: roxox1
(~roxox1@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust11.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Quit:
L1627[14:57:43] <unascribed>
L1628[14:57:44] <unascribed> now it
L1629[14:57:46] <unascribed> wait
L1630[14:57:49] <unascribed> what the
hell did it do
L1631[14:58:06] <PaleoCrafter>
Lordmau5|Live, just use cube rather than cube_all :P
L1632[14:58:19] <Lordmau5|Live> aaah,
that, thanks
L1633[14:58:36] *
unascribed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L1634[14:58:38] <unascribed> there
L1635[14:58:40] <unascribed> that works
L1637[14:58:41] <unascribed> not sure
⇦ Quits: Tyler__
(~Tyler__@c-73-169-160-192.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 194
L1639[14:58:52] <unascribed> test
L1640[14:59:05] <unascribed>
L1641[14:59:06] <unascribed> there
L1642[14:59:10] <unascribed> now I can
stop copy pasting it
L1643[15:01:12] <solidDoWant1> wtf is
that thing
L1644[15:02:02] <unascribed> it's a
⇨ Joins: MattDahEpic
L1646[15:02:28] <unascribed> don't
you know them internet memes
L1647[15:03:23] <Lordmau5|Live> cube_all
not overriding cube?
L1648[15:03:37] <Lordmau5|Live> as in, I
want my block to show some "invalid" texture on
"all" sides if it's not valid.
L1649[15:03:46] <Lordmau5|Live> do I have
to put *that* check at the end of the blockstates file?
L1650[15:04:17] <JustRamon> unascribed,
which client are you using?
L1651[15:04:23] <unascribed>
L1652[15:04:36] <unascribed> wait
L1653[15:04:38] <unascribed>
L1654[15:04:41] <unascribed> as in
JustRamon Videos?
L1655[15:04:49] <JustRamon> :O
L1656[15:04:51] <unascribed> lol
L1657[15:04:52] <JustRamon> Yes
L1658[15:04:54] <JustRamon> Haha
L1659[15:04:59] <JustRamon> That's
my youtube
L1660[15:05:06] <unascribed> I'm
referring to your Google+
L1661[15:05:10] <unascribed> I'm the
Hyperchat dev
L1662[15:05:13] <JustRamon> Yes!!
L1663[15:05:15] <JustRamon> Haha
L1664[15:05:25] <JustRamon> Small
L1665[15:05:26] <JustRamon> Heh
L1666[15:05:31] <unascribed> :P
L1667[15:05:59] <Lordmau5|Live>
https://i.lordmau5.com/1453496723-589.txt - So
it's happily setting all the sides to a specific texture in
the default. But then, when I'm checking if the tile is
invalid at the bottom ("tile_valid" ->
"false"), it's just not applying the model +
L1668[15:07:53] <solidDoWant1> what does
the dcc command do?
L1669[15:08:04] <unascribed> opens a DCC
connection to the bot
L1670[15:08:09] <unascribed> that is, a
peer-to-peer connection
L1671[15:08:13] <solidDoWant1> oh,
⇨ Joins: Mateon1 (Mateon1@bouncer.epickitty.uk)
⇦ Quits: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DC16E62.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
(Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1674[15:14:47] <solidDoWant1> wtf does
this even mean? Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
L1675[15:14:59] <killjoy> missing
L1676[15:15:15] <killjoy> internally, a
constructor is void <init>() {}
L1677[15:15:47] <killjoy> static blocks
are static void <cinit> {}
L1678[15:16:24] <diesieben07>
*<clinit> but yeah :D
L1679[15:16:26] <PaleoCrafter> missing
parameterless constructor, to be specific ;)
L1680[15:16:36] <diesieben07> also it
needs to be public
L1681[15:16:45] <solidDoWant1> so I have
to explicitly define an empty constructor?
L1682[15:16:50] <diesieben07> yes
L1683[15:16:58] <solidDoWant1> wtf
L1684[15:17:03] <unascribed> ...
L1685[15:17:07] <solidDoWant1> isnt java
supposed to take care of this shit for you
L1686[15:17:08] <diesieben07> yeah, the
packet system is not the best in this regard
L1687[15:17:11] <killjoy> Only if you
have a constructor already
L1688[15:17:15] <diesieben07> it does, if
you have no other constructor
L1689[15:17:18] <unascribed> how do you
expect Forge to make the class without a noarg constructor??
L1690[15:17:23] <solidDoWant1> I dotn
have one
L1691[15:17:31] <killjoy>
L1692[15:17:33] <unascribed> I mean, they
could use UnsafeAllocator, but that is such a horrifying hack
L1693[15:17:38] <diesieben07> better
would be: no readBytes but instead a constructor with a ByyteBuf
L1694[15:17:43] <diesieben07> then you
could have final fields.
L1695[15:17:46] <solidDoWant1> here ill
post code one sec
L1697[15:18:29] <diesieben07> if you are
using an inner class make sure it's marked static
L1698[15:18:30] <solidDoWant1> its a
L1699[15:18:33] <solidDoWant1> oh
L1700[15:18:34] <solidDoWant1>
L1701[15:18:37] <solidDoWant1> that was
L1702[15:18:38] <diesieben07> otherwise
it has an implicit cstr argument
L1703[15:18:45] <solidDoWant1> right,
forgot about that
L1704[15:23:21] <Mateon1> Hi, I found a
serious crash involving Forge multipart and botania, where should I
report it?
⇦ Quits: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@ip56572345.direct-adsl.nl)
(Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1706[15:25:28] <ollieread> #vazkii and
wherever multipart calls home I'd imagine
⇨ Joins: Delaxarnyazer
L1708[15:33:48] <solidDoWant1> if I have
a reference Object someObject, that never points to an instance or
is even touched, will the compiler remove the reference competely
from the code?
⇦ Quits: FusionLord
(~FusionLor@ip70-190-176-197.ph.ph.cox.net) (Read error: Connection
reset by peer)
L1711[15:37:09] <tterrag> solidDoWant1:
if it's private...maybe? otherwise, definitely not
L1712[15:37:35] <solidDoWant1> cool,
thanks tterrag
L1714[15:37:41] <diesieben07> javac is
very dumb, it does not optimize anything at all, really
L1715[15:37:46] <JustRamon> Just throwing
this in here
L1716[15:38:04] <diesieben07> the JVM
will inline things and get rid of unused stuff based on what it
knows at runtime tough
L1717[15:38:29] <diesieben07> private and
stuff has nothing to do with that
L1718[15:38:49] <solidDoWant1> lol
⇨ Joins: FusionLord
L1720[15:43:06] <knoxz> What am I doing
wrong when my Experience bar is scrambled when my overlay is drawn?
http://pastebin.com/1skjiEvK anyone? its my last
error I try to clear :D
L1721[15:43:47] <gigaherz> that means you
forget to undo what you did
L1722[15:43:56] <knoxz> but I did undo
L1723[15:44:18] <knoxz> its just popping
the state attribute isnt it?
L1724[15:44:18] <gigaherz> id you
enableBlend, do a disableBlend at the end
L1725[15:44:29] <gigaherz> popAttrib is
L1726[15:44:39] <gigaherz> GlStateManager
sends it to opengl directly
L1727[15:44:43] <gigaherz> but it
doesn't pop its internal state
L1728[15:44:58] <gigaherz> so if you
don't disableBlend/enableLighting
L1729[15:45:07] <gigaherz> it will think
they are still in the old state
L1730[15:45:14] <gigaherz> so it will
ignore subsequent attempts to set them
L1731[15:45:21] <knoxz> no change when
disable or enableing
L1732[15:45:31] <tterrag>
L1733[15:45:36] <tterrag> you need to
rebind the inventory texture
L1734[15:45:38] ***
manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L1735[15:45:39] <tterrag> otherwise
it's using your texture
L1736[15:45:54] <gigaherz> so
.color(1,1,1), bindTexture, disableBlend enableLighting as
L1737[15:46:02] <gigaherz> blame
L1738[15:46:07] <gigaherz> for doing
things half-assed
L1739[15:46:17] <gigaherz> they added the
GlStateManager, which is a good idea
L1740[15:46:25] <gigaherz> but then went
and didn't really make use of it properly
L1741[15:46:33] <gigaherz> they keep
relying on the satte being set beforehand
L1742[15:46:44] <knoxz> it has do with
the the texture loading. How "undo" I that?
L1743[15:46:53] <gigaherz> set back the
previous one
L1744[15:46:55] <gigaherz> as tterrag
L1745[15:47:18] <knoxz> how do I rebind
L1746[15:47:20] <knoxz> save it
L1747[15:47:24] <knoxz> and rebind
L1748[15:47:44] <gigaherz> you have to
know which one was meant to be there
L1749[15:48:51] <knoxz> why isnt there
just a getActiveTexture method?
⇨ Joins: AforAnonymous (bitch2k@
L1751[15:49:19] <knoxz> non of the codes
I found on the internet had to do this... why do I?
⇨ Joins: Poppy
L1753[15:50:05] <diesieben07> you can use
L1754[15:50:49] <diesieben07> with
L1755[15:51:25] <tterrag> tbh the
GlStateManager's pushAttrib is stupid and limited
⇨ Joins: Pennyw95 (~Dr.Benway@
L1757[15:52:53] <diesieben07>
GlStateManager is a bit retarded anyways
⇦ Quits: Elec332 (~Elec332@ip5456d4a5.speed.planet.nl) (Ping
timeout: 198 seconds)
L1759[15:53:29] <knoxz> that work
L1760[15:53:47] <knoxz> lots must have
changed with 1.8 I guess.
L1761[15:54:02] <knoxz> never saw that
one on any code I reviewed.
L1762[15:54:31] <minecreatr> is there any
way to add and keep nbt on an Item that is not from my mod?
L1763[15:54:43] <diesieben07> sure, you
can add NBT data to any ItemStack
L1764[15:57:42] <Pennyw95> diesienbe07:
why do you say it's retarded?
⇦ Quits: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk) (Ping
timeout: 186 seconds)
L1766[15:58:11] <diesieben07> because
it's just piling even more stuff on outdated code without
actually fixing it.
L1767[16:00:20] <solidDoWant1> is there a
newer/better version of
net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration from forge or COFH
or something?
L1768[16:00:37] <diesieben07> wut? no.
L1769[16:00:48] <solidDoWant1> well its
kinda dumb,
L1770[16:01:13] <diesieben07> how
L1771[16:02:06] <solidDoWant1> for one I
can set category names with the getCategory method, but if I use
getFloat/string/whathaveyou it takes the category parameter and
turns it to lowercase, making it not be put into the right
L1772[16:02:27] <solidDoWant1> so if I
say config.getCategory("EMC Engine").setComment("Set
values for the EMC Engine.");
L1773[16:02:39] <solidDoWant1> then
MCEngineTile.maxEMC = config.getFloat("Maxmium stored
EMC", "EMC Engine", 100000f, 1, (float)
Double.MAX_VALUE, null);
L1774[16:03:10] <solidDoWant1> it takes
the "EMC Engine" on getFloat and turns it into lowercase,
so when it compares the strings its fucked
L1775[16:03:50] <diesieben07> use the
constructor that takes a boolean caseSensitiveCustomCategories and
set that to true
L1776[16:03:53] <solidDoWant1> I end up
with an empty EMC Engine category and a "emc engine"
L1777[16:03:57] <MattDahEpic> also the
min and max are just for show, they don't actually clamp the
L1778[16:04:19] <solidDoWant1> also
there's not getDouble method
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L1780[16:04:32] <solidDoWant1> thanks
diesieben07, will try that
L1781[16:04:41] <diesieben07> get the
Property, call getDouble on that
L1782[16:04:43] <solidDoWant1>
MattDahEpic thats good to know
L1783[16:04:49] <diesieben07> but
seriously, in configs nobody needs the precision of doubles.
L1784[16:05:41] <solidDoWant1> double is
longer than long, right?
L1785[16:05:49] <solidDoWant1> or are
they the same max value?
L1788[16:06:24] <diesieben07> if
that's not clamping i don't know what is
L1789[16:06:43] <MattDahEpic> well, it
used to not
L1790[16:07:05] <diesieben07>
solidDoWant1, Long can hold bigger numbers
L1791[16:07:35] <diesieben07> by design,
because long and double both have 64 bits but double needs to
encode more information per number so to speak
L1792[16:07:39] <solidDoWant1> oh,
L1793[16:07:45] <solidDoWant1> that makes
L1794[16:08:34] <Mraof> I wish there was
a good way to have more complex entity hitboxes
L1795[16:08:40] <Mraof> Without just
making multiple entities
⇦ Quits: Pennyw95 (~Dr.Benway@ (Quit:
L1797[16:10:02] <gigaherz> eh double can
hold numbers as large as 10^330ish
L1798[16:10:07] <gigaherz> technically
they are bigger
L1799[16:10:15] <gigaherz> they just
won't have any more than 10-12 digits of precision
L1800[16:10:34] <diesieben07> uh
L1801[16:10:35] <diesieben07> right
L1802[16:10:40] <gigaherz> so if you want
to store an integer
L1803[16:10:42] <diesieben07> FP is
L1804[16:10:54] <gigaherz> a long will
always hold the least significant digit
L1805[16:11:04] <gigaherz> while a double
will happily discard them
L1806[16:11:17] <gigaherz>
L1807[16:11:17] <gigaherz> vs
L1808[16:11:32] <gigaherz>
1.2341234123e+15(or whatever)
L1809[16:11:55] <gigaherz> !!c
L1810[16:11:55] <gigaherz> gigaherz:
Result(s): 1.234123412e+019
L1811[16:11:58] <gigaherz> 19 XD
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(Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1813[16:12:49] <gigaherz> its a matter
of contrast
L1814[16:12:56] <gigaherz> double lets
you have tiny differences
L1815[16:12:59] <gigaherz> or giant
L1816[16:13:00] <gigaherz> but
L1817[16:13:02] <gigaherz> you can have
both at once
L1818[16:13:05] <gigaherz>
L1819[16:13:17] <gigaherz> why the fuck
has my muscle memory decided to start skipping the
"'t" in can't
L1820[16:13:25] <gigaherz> it has
happened a bunch of times lately
L1821[16:13:28] <gigaherz> it's VERY
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L1823[16:14:08] <gigaherz> so if you were
to use a double for the position in a space sim
L1824[16:14:14] <gigaherz> and you
didn't take into account "local coordinates"
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L1826[16:14:29] <gigaherz> and you use
your ship's FTL engines to travel to another galaxy
L1827[16:14:35] <diesieben07> you get
jitter when you are far away ;D
L1828[16:14:40] <diesieben07> happened in
old minecraft
L1829[16:14:42] ***
big_Xplo|AFK is now known as big_Xplosion
L1830[16:14:56] <gigaherz> then the game
would suddenly find itself unable to use increments smaller than
like, meters, or even kms
L1831[16:15:30] <gigaherz> yeah
L1832[16:15:32] <gigaherz> same would
happen in mc
L1833[16:15:37] <gigaherz> if you were to
use floats for distance
L1834[16:15:44] <gigaherz> a lfoat has 6
digits of precision approximately
L1835[16:15:45] <gigaherz> so
L1836[16:15:57] <gigaherz> at around +-10
000 000
L1837[16:16:09] <gigaherz> mc owuld be
unable to have sub-block positions
L1838[16:16:11] <gigaherz> you'd
"jump around"
L1839[16:16:22] <gigaherz> because the
smallest number bigger than your current position
L1840[16:16:30] <gigaherz> would be a
large distance away
L1841[16:17:16] <gigaherz> with a double,
you start seeing that after around 10 billion
L1842[16:17:21] <gigaherz> or more
L1843[16:17:31] ***
Lordmau5|Live is now known as Lordmau5
L1844[16:17:35] <gigaherz> the jitter
would grow progressively
L1845[16:17:39] ***
TehNut|Sleep is now known as TehNut
L1846[16:17:41] <gigaherz> until it was
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(~shadekill@adsl-108-71-38-112.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net) (Ping
timeout: 198 seconds)
L1849[16:18:00] <gigaherz> yep
L1850[16:18:20] <gigaherz> that's
not as bad as the increments being 1 block away
L1851[16:18:29] <gigaherz> but even like
0.1 blocks per increment is still highly noticeable
L1852[16:18:37] <diesieben07> yeah
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L1854[16:21:37] <unascribed> would a
layout manager system be useful in a Minecraft gui lib?
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(~Nitrodev@dcx0f0ydf3cwbjlb04f3y-3.rev.dnainternet.fi) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
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timeout: 204 seconds)
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L1860[16:33:38] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1861[16:34:26] <MattDahEpic> is sea
level always 64 or is there a WorldProvider.getHeight() equilivant
for sea level?
L1862[16:35:27] <gigaherz> there's
probably something
L1863[16:35:30] <PaleoCrafter>
MattDahEpic, World.getSeaLevel
L1864[16:35:32] <gigaherz> since the
"sea level" in the nether is different
L1865[16:35:40] <smbarbour> I know
Twilight Forest sets the sea level different as well.
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L1867[16:37:02] <MattDahEpic>
PaleoCrafter, that doesnt exist in 1.8
L1868[16:37:09] <PaleoCrafter> yes it
L1869[16:37:34] <PaleoCrafter> update
your mappings :P
L1870[16:38:01] <MattDahEpic>
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(~Loetkolbe@ipbcc2d086.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over
and Out!)
L1873[16:42:22] <solidDoWant1> if I
compute a static variable c so that c= a * b, then I later change a
so that a=d, will c now be equal to a*b or d*b?
L1874[16:42:58] <gigaherz> numbers are by
L1875[16:43:06] <gigaherz> they
don't remember where the calculation came from
L1876[16:43:27] <gigaherz> if you want
the value to be interpreted on the fly
L1877[16:43:29] <gigaherz> you need a
L1878[16:43:30] <solidDoWant1> alright,
so if I wanted to change it to a*d I'd need to recompute it
after every time a or b changes?
L1879[16:43:32] <solidDoWant1> I
L1880[16:43:40] <gigaherz> or a different
language that has properties (which are hidden functions)
L1881[16:43:55] <tterrag> or store C as
an IntFunction :P
L1882[16:44:06] <tterrag> functional
programming \o/
⇨ Joins: PBlock96
L1884[16:44:26] <unascribed>
L1885[16:44:29] <unascribed> best thing
L1886[16:45:34] <tterrag> gigaherz: all
of java is by value, btw
L1887[16:45:41] ***
big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L1888[16:45:41] <tterrag> not just
L1889[16:46:01] <gigaherz> well yes, the
references are also by value
L1890[16:46:18] <gigaherz> but yeah
L1891[16:46:18] <gigaherz> XD
⇦ Parts: Mateon1 (Mateon1@bouncer.epickitty.uk)
L1893[16:46:25] <gigaherz> I co9uld
L1894[16:46:29] <gigaherz> could*
L1895[16:46:33] <gigaherz> Java is not a
functional language
L1896[16:46:58] <gigaherz> when you say
a=b+c, a contains the result, not the operation
L1897[16:47:02] <unascribed> is it
important for a serialized GUI format to be plain-text (like XML or
JSON) or would an opaque binary format mainly for network use be
L1898[16:47:30] <gigaherz> the same can
be said of any serialization ever:
L1899[16:47:31] <tterrag> solidDoWant1: I
made a mistake, it would simply be an IntSupplier
L1900[16:47:39] <unascribed> or an
L1901[16:47:42] <tterrag> no---
L1902[16:47:45] <unascribed> that accepts
two ints
L1903[16:47:47] <gigaherz> it's nice
for debugging to be ableto inspect the contents
L1904[16:47:52] <tterrag> public static
final IntSupplier c = () -> a * b;
L1905[16:48:13] <tterrag> he was saying a
and b was already defined, and could change
L1906[16:48:16] <unascribed> gigaherz,
yeah, and I plan to have a verbose toString method that prints the
L1907[16:48:17] <gigaherz> but it's
better for efficiency to keep the actual low-level representation
L1908[16:48:17] <tterrag> ^^ solves that
L1909[16:48:33] <unascribed> but I really
do not like any of the XML APIs I am finding
L1910[16:48:39] <unascribed> and a JSON
gui format sounds... bad
L1911[16:48:40] <solidDoWant1> tterrag:
what? I wasn't paying attention to chat
L1912[16:48:55] <tterrag> well....then
read up
L1913[16:48:57] <gigaherz> this reminds
me of an idea I had ages ago
L1914[16:49:05] <gigaherz> the idea was
to make a semantic UI system
L1915[16:49:16] <solidDoWant1> oh I see
my bad
L1916[16:49:18] <gigaherz> where the
layout would be defined by the current style
L1917[16:49:20] <solidDoWant1>
L1918[16:49:21] <gigaherz> and not by the
UI contents
L1919[16:49:51] <gigaherz> the UI
description would simply consist of data, and actions
L1920[16:50:06] <gigaherz> an hierarchy
of elements with associated verbs
L1921[16:50:50] <gigaherz> then the
display library would decide to use a menu, a groupbox, a combobox,
or whatever, depending on the priority of the elements, the number,
and the type of contents
L1923[16:51:08] <gigaherz> I never
actually developed anything about that though
L1924[16:51:09] <gigaherz> XD
L1925[16:51:41] <PaleoCrafter>
you're on 1.8.9, right, MattDahEpic?
L1926[16:51:49] <MattDahEpic> yes
L1927[16:52:31] <tterrag> !gm
L1928[16:52:37] <tterrag> it's there
L1929[16:52:42] <tterrag> mcpbot
doesn't lie!
L1930[16:52:58] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic:
do you actually have a World
L1931[16:53:01] <gigaherz> or an
L1932[16:53:09] <tterrag> it's
showing him setBlockToAir
L1933[16:53:11] <tterrag> so it's a
L1934[16:53:13] <gigaherz> aha
L1935[16:54:00] <gigaherz> I can see
World#getSeaLevel and World#setSeaLevel(int)
L1936[16:54:06] <tterrag> MattDahEpic:
try func_181545_F
L1938[16:54:47] <gigaherz> did you rerun
setupDecompWorkspace after changing mappings MattDahEpic? and did
you refresh the gradle projects after that?
L1939[16:54:49] <unascribed> basic
concept of the two text formats
L1940[16:55:00] <unascribed> XML just
works so much better for this
L1941[16:55:08] <unascribed> but XML libs
suck ;_;
L1942[16:55:23] *
gigaherz lovs XAML ui language
L1943[16:55:25] <gigaherz> loves*
L1944[16:55:31] <MattDahEpic> gigaherz,
im trying all the things. atm its cleaning
L1945[16:55:36] <unascribed> XML-based
languages where they make sense are fine
L1946[16:55:38] <unascribed> but XML libs
are horrible
L1947[16:55:39] <tterrag> there was some
XML lib that henry was going on about
L1948[16:55:41] <tterrag> let me see if I
can find it
L1949[16:57:31] <gigaherz> unascribed:
XML libs try to follow the standard interfaces ;P
L1950[16:57:44] <unascribed> well the
standard interfaces suck
L1952[16:58:04] ***
bilde2910 is now known as bilde2910|away
L1953[16:58:14] <gigaherz> there's
two major sets
L1954[16:58:19] ***
SnowShock35 is now known as zz_SnowShock35
L1955[16:58:19] <gigaherz> those that
work at DOM level
L1956[16:58:25] <gigaherz> where you have
elements with sub-elements
L1957[16:58:32] <gigaherz> and can do
stuff lile XPath queries
L1958[16:58:40] <gigaherz> and those that
work at token level
L1959[16:58:47] <gigaherz> where you can
scan the elements as they are parsed
L1960[16:58:53] <gigaherz> and obtaining
a DOM element is optional
L1961[16:59:00] <gigaherz> the latter is
optimized for scanning huge files
L1962[16:59:08] <unascribed> why
can't I have the Gson of XML
L1963[16:59:15] <gigaherz> you can
L1964[16:59:17] <unascribed> where
L1965[16:59:26] <gigaherz> but you need
to find some sort of wrapper that dumbs down xml
L1966[16:59:32] <unascribed>
L1967[16:59:40] <unascribed> finding said
wrapper is where I'm having troubl
L1968[16:59:41] <unascribed> e
L1969[16:59:55] <gigaherz> did you check
L1970[17:00:01] <gigaherz> Ididn't
use any of those in Java
L1971[17:00:09] <gigaherz> in C#, my
personal choice is the XElement api
L1972[17:00:15] <gigaherz> which
integrates with linq
L1973[17:00:38] <gigaherz> but I
don't know how the Java libs look like
L1974[17:01:38] <unascribed> JDOM looks
L1975[17:01:46] <unascribed> I'm
fine with low level as long as I can actually use it
L1977[17:01:52] <gigaherz> check this one
L1978[17:02:01] <unascribed> the W3C DOM
API uses interfaces for *****EVERYTHING***** and it is so painful
to use
L1979[17:02:33] <gigaherz> it seems
optimized for serialization
L1980[17:02:39] <gigaherz> works mostly
through annotations
L1981[17:02:52] <unascribed> :o
L1982[17:02:59] <solidDoWant1> !minebot
L1983[17:03:02] <unascribed> this is like
exactly what I thought JAXB was supposed to be
L1984[17:03:05] <unascribed>
solidDoWant1, wat
L1985[17:03:17] <solidDoWant1> isnt that
what you guys do to get info on method params?
L1986[17:03:22] <gigaherz> no
L1987[17:03:23] <unascribed>
L1988[17:03:25] <gigaherz> it'sj ust
L1989[17:03:28] <unascribed> yeah
L1990[17:03:28] <gigaherz> and it's
L1991[17:03:31] <solidDoWant1>
L1992[17:03:47] <unascribed> !gm
L1993[17:04:00] <solidDoWant1> !gm
L1994[17:04:16] <solidDoWant1> !gc
L1995[17:04:22] <unascribed> gc = get
L1996[17:04:24] <unascribed> gm = get
L1997[17:04:25] <gigaherz> gc is for a
L1998[17:04:26] <unascribed> gf = get
L1999[17:04:28] <solidDoWant1> oh
L2000[17:04:29] <solidDoWant1>
L2001[17:04:47] <solidDoWant1> what if I
want it for 1.7.10 not 1.8.9?
L2002[17:04:52] <gigaherz> add the
version at the end
L2003[17:05:00] <solidDoWant1> !gc
Minecraft.getMinecraft 1.7.10
L2004[17:05:08] <solidDoWant1> :/
L2005[17:05:10] <unascribed> gm.
L2006[17:05:15] <solidDoWant1> im
L2007[17:05:21] <solidDoWant1> !gm
Minecraft.getMinecraft 1.7.10
L2008[17:05:26] <solidDoWant1> there we
go thanks
L2009[17:05:35] <MattDahEpic> 1.8.9 is
the future and/or present
L2010[17:06:07] <solidDoWant1> I know but
im staying on 1.7.10 for the time being
L2011[17:06:10] <unascribed> 1.8.9 is the
L2012[17:06:12] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic:
Lex wants to release a recommended build for 1.8.9 on monday
L2013[17:06:12] <unascribed> 1.7.10 is
the past
L2014[17:06:15] <unascribed> 1.9 is the
L2015[17:06:15] <gigaherz> 1.8.9 is
⇨ Joins: sinkillerj
L2017[17:06:28] <solidDoWant1> yep
L2018[17:06:28] <unascribed> 1.7.10 has
EOL'd, people
L2019[17:06:32] <unascribed> get with the
L2020[17:06:34] <LatvianModder> and 1.8
is shit
L2021[17:06:37] <unascribed> no
L2022[17:06:38] <unascribed> it's
L2023[17:06:39] <killjoy> don't
dwell on the past and don't fret aabout the future. The
present is nnow
L2024[17:06:42] <unascribed> you're
shit for not giving it a chance
L2025[17:06:58] <MattDahEpic> 1.8.0 is
worse then 1.8.9
L2026[17:06:58] <LatvianModder> I did
L2027[17:07:11] <unascribed> have you
tried the new Forge blockstates + smart models, etc, etc?
L2028[17:07:15] <LatvianModder> I ported
3 of my mods to 1.8.0
L2029[17:07:15] <solidDoWant1> ill stay
on 1.7.10 until my modpack is mostly on 1.8
L2030[17:07:23] <LatvianModder> dude, im
on 1.8.9 now
L2031[17:07:28] <gigaherz> solidDoWant1:
your modpack can't possibly be partial
L2032[17:07:29] <LatvianModder> I was
talking about 1.8.0
L2033[17:07:33] <gigaherz> either your
modpack is all 1.8, or all 1.7
L2034[17:07:33] <gigaherz> XD
L2035[17:07:45] <gigaherz> the recent
1.8.0 were not that bad
L2036[17:07:49] <solidDoWant1> gigahertz
I mean when most of the mods are updated to 1.8
L2037[17:07:51] <gigaherz> they had the
forge blockstates
L2038[17:07:57] <Darva> It might be EOL,
but the community likes still having it on Life Support.
L2039[17:08:12] <Darva> Java 1.6 has been
EOL for how long, but we're still all using it?
L2040[17:08:19] <MattDahEpic> because
L2041[17:08:20] <PaleoCrafter> I'm
not using it :P
L2042[17:08:23] <LatvianModder> 01:07:27
<gigaherz> solidDoWant1: your modpack can't possibly be
L2043[17:08:23] <LatvianModder> Not with
that attitude!
L2044[17:08:36] <unascribed> inb4
Intermediary for 1.7.10 mods on 1.8
L2045[17:08:44] <gigaherz> ewh
L2046[17:08:58] <PaleoCrafter> you should
be ashamed for using Java 6 these days, Darva (unless you're
L2047[17:09:11] <Darva> That was actually
my point, i thought i was less subtle than that. *sigh*
L2048[17:09:15] <gigaherz> if MC runs on
it, Forge runs on it
L2049[17:09:23] <gigaherz> xcept for when
the gpu drivers don't support hte loading progressbar
L2050[17:09:27] <Darva> So... My android
L2051[17:09:29] <MattDahEpic> wasnt there
something going on about coremods not being a thing in 1.8.9?
L2052[17:09:36] <gigaherz> Darva: if it
runs java mc, sure?
L2053[17:09:37] <gigaherz> ;p
L2054[17:09:48] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic:
lol no
L2055[17:09:50] <unascribed> it does
thanks to this horrifying hacky mess known as Boardwalk
L2056[17:10:04] <unascribed> it
recompiles Minecraft to dex format at runtime e.e
L2057[17:10:09] <gigaherz> there's
still need for them in special circumstances
L2058[17:10:10] <unascribed> it's so
terribly laggy
L2059[17:10:17] <gigaherz> they are just
not "well regarded"
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closed the connection)
L2061[17:10:28] <gigaherz> unascribed:
ewh ;P
L2062[17:10:30] <gigaherz> although
L2063[17:10:37] <solidDoWant1> is there
any way to get a copy of the player's camera/create a new
instance of the camera object
L2064[17:10:45] <gigaherz> IKVM is the
same xcept it compiles to .net
L2065[17:10:57] <PaleoCrafter> there may
be a more sane coremodding API (or actually an API in the first
place) in the future though
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L2067[17:11:17] <PaleoCrafter> the player
*is* the camera, solidDoWant1
L2068[17:11:36] <gigaherz> solidDoWant1:
all mc does is render from the player's head position
L2069[17:11:38] <gigaherz> or if third
L2070[17:11:41] <gigaherz> head+Z
L2071[17:11:57] <LatvianModder> minus the
player model
L2072[17:12:00] <LatvianModder> + the
L2074[17:12:09] <gigaherz> yeah the
rendering path is different
L2075[17:12:30] <gigaherz> ?
L2076[17:12:45] <LatvianModder> lol yes?
lol yes indeed
L2077[17:14:09] <gigaherz> jsut because
they WANT to get rid of coremods (for good reasons), doesn't
mean it has landed yet
L2078[17:14:10] <gigaherz> ;P
L2081[17:14:43] <unascribed> please vote
and help me decide :P
L2084[17:15:14] <unascribed>
L2085[17:15:29] <gigaherz> unascribed: -1
to json
L2086[17:15:33] <gigaherz> not sure about
the other options
L2087[17:15:47] <unascribed> yeah, I
don't like the JSON one either
L2088[17:15:52] <unascribed> but a lot of
people I've asked do
L2089[17:15:53] <unascribed> so
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error: Connection reset by peer)
L2091[17:16:15] <gigaherz> Id'
propose my own language
L2093[17:16:30] <gigaherz> but it's
not really polished
L2094[17:17:13] <gigaherz> and I have no
serializer ;P
L2095[17:17:30] <unascribed>
L2096[17:17:49] <solidDoWant1> what
version of opengl does mc use?
L2097[17:18:01] <gigaherz> 1.4ish
L2098[17:18:18] <gigaherz> the most
advanced feature it makes use of, are VBOs
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L2100[17:18:37] <unascribed> added a Java
example to the gist
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L2102[17:19:05] <solidDoWant1> the fuck
1.4 what is this 2000?
L2103[17:19:11] <unascribed> yes
L2104[17:19:12] <gigaherz> for some
users, yes
L2105[17:19:22] <gigaherz> XD
L2106[17:19:58] <solidDoWant1> so it
doesnt even support buffer arrays?
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L2108[17:20:16] <unascribed> everything
in pre-1.8 is display lists
L2109[17:20:36] <unascribed> 1.8 has VBO
support but that's about it
L2110[17:21:16] <unascribed> well, the
JSON format is winning
L2111[17:21:27] <unascribed> that'd
be the easiest to write which is convenient
L2113[17:21:36] <gigaherz> XD
L2114[17:21:55] <gigaherz> oops forgot a
couple commas
L2115[17:22:15] <unascribed> -4
L2116[17:22:17] <unascribed> no version
L2117[17:22:27] <gigaherz> oops I forgot
L2118[17:22:45] <gigaherz> done
L2119[17:23:06] <unascribed> well
it's certainly interesting
L2120[17:23:24] <gigaherz> the basic
element of my langauge is the "set"
L2121[17:23:29] <gigaherz> it's an
ordered list of elements
L2122[17:23:33] <unascribed>
L2123[17:23:34] <gigaherz> but where some
of them can be optionally named
L2124[17:23:34] <unascribed>
L2125[17:24:05] <gigaherz> I
couldn't think of a better name at the time, so it stuck
L2126[17:24:10] <unascribed> it's a
list :P
L2127[17:24:28] <gigaherz> more liek a
L2128[17:24:36] <gigaherz> like*
L2129[17:24:49] <gigaherz> a list sortof
implies sameness, and the elements are varied
L2130[17:24:54] <gigaherz> anyhow
L2131[17:24:54] <unascribed> well, it
looks like JSON won
L2132[17:25:04] <unascribed> I'll do
binary and JSON for now
L2133[17:25:05] <solidDoWant1> is it even
remotely feasible to create a camera type mod?
L2134[17:25:06] <gigaherz>
L2135[17:25:10] <unascribed>
solidDoWant1, yes
L2136[17:25:18] <gigaherz> people chose
json?! >_<
L2137[17:25:23] <solidDoWant1> without
rewriting all of minecraft that is
L2138[17:25:27] <unascribed> well
L2139[17:25:31] <unascribed> if you mean
a camera from the player's viewpoint
L2140[17:25:33] <unascribed> it's
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L2142[17:25:37] <unascribed> if you mean
from an arbitrary viewpoint
L2143[17:25:39] <unascribed> no not
L2144[17:25:43] <solidDoWant1>
L2145[17:25:48] <unascribed> unless you
changed the renderViewEntity
L2146[17:25:49] <gigaherz> someone made a
mod for that
L2147[17:25:51] <unascribed> drew it to
the back buffer
L2148[17:25:56] <unascribed> and then
continued with normal drawing
L2149[17:25:58] <unascribed> but
that'd be super slow
L2150[17:25:59] <gigaherz> lets the
player have more than one "view entity"
L2151[17:26:04] <gigaherz> even in
different dimensions
L2152[17:26:08] <gigaherz> was it
L2153[17:26:14] <solidDoWant1> yea, back
in 1.2.5
L2154[17:26:17] <gigaherz> no
L2155[17:26:19] <gigaherz> for
L2156[17:26:27] <solidDoWant1> ?
L2157[17:26:39] <gigaherz> I'd have
to scan the logs
L2158[17:26:47] <Ordinastie> what?
L2159[17:26:47] <unascribed> Ordinastie
confirmed god
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(Quit: If we wish to explore, if we wish to see what's over
the next hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want
it enough.)
L2161[17:26:58] ***
Vigaro is now known as V
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V is now known as Vigaro
L2163[17:27:44] <solidDoWant1> actually I
might remember something like that , but it was per client
L2164[17:27:49] <Ordinastie> gigaherz, if
you mean camera stuff, it's not me, it's diesiebot
L2165[17:27:49] <solidDoWant1> or
something like that
L2166[17:27:55] <gigaherz> Ah
L2167[17:28:06] <gigaherz> you both are
thesame color in my irc client
L2168[17:28:06] <gigaherz> ;P
L2169[17:28:09] ***
kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L2170[17:28:15] <unascribed> diesie is
blue for me and ordinastie is orange
L2171[17:28:20] <unascribed> so
L2172[17:28:25] <gigaherz> they are tan
L2173[17:28:35] ***
K-4U is now known as K-4U|Off
L2174[17:32:08] <solidDoWant1> so, if I
wanted to create a camera mod or similar, I'd have to create a
new renderer, tie it to a camera block/tile entity/whatever, then
check whenever a screen is being rendered, and if so, take any
render data from the camera, adjust it for the block's view
angle on the player's screen, then send the data to the normal
L2175[17:32:24] ***
MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L2176[17:32:35] <unascribed> no
L2177[17:32:39] <gigaherz> or speak with
diesieben07 and use his lib? ;P
L2178[17:32:41] <unascribed> set the
renderViewEntity to your camera
L2179[17:32:47] <unascribed> render it on
RenderTickEvent PRE
L2180[17:32:52] <unascribed> set it back
to the player
L2181[17:32:53] <unascribed> and
L2182[17:33:03] <unascribed> and
somewhere in there do a glReadPixels
L2183[17:33:05] <unascribed> or bind an
L2184[17:34:01] <solidDoWant1> wont that
slow down the render way more though?
L2185[17:34:04] <unascribed> yes
L2186[17:34:08] <unascribed> what did you
L2187[17:34:15] <unascribed> you're
now rendering two frames per frame
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L2189[17:35:07] <gigaherz> I gave up
searching the logs
L2190[17:35:11] <unascribed> 10/10
L2191[17:35:48] <gigaherz> but I did find
a comment there where diesieben said how he had found more than one
instance where things assumed that the camera is tied to an
L2192[17:35:52] <PaleoCrafter>
LookingGlass can be used as a reference
L2193[17:35:59] <asie> or Morph
L2194[17:36:07] <asie> the older version
is still up on GitHub AFAIK
L2195[17:36:15] <solidDoWant1> well
instead of rendering the whole thing, I'd get what's in
the frustrum, cull it, then for every object in the frustrum that
needs to be rendered, I'd take/intercept it's data before
it gets sent to opengl shaders/gpu and send it to the shaders/gpu
when the render is normally done
L2196[17:36:54] <unascribed> or you could
just use the standard render pipeline
L2197[17:36:59] <unascribed> which
already does all this for you
L2198[17:37:12] <solidDoWant1> but then
itd be rendering the same data twice
L2199[17:37:18] <unascribed> no..
L2200[17:37:22] <unascribed> it'd
render what's at your camera once
L2201[17:37:25] <unascribed> put that in
a texture
L2202[17:37:28] <unascribed> then render
what's at the player
L2203[17:37:35] <unascribed> and render
the texture on the camera display
L2204[17:37:48] <gigaherz> solidDoWant1:
wait do you want just something that modifies the camera, or you
want a mod that adds cameras and can show you what they are
L2205[17:37:57] <gigaherz> what they are
L2206[17:38:00] <solidDoWant1> the second
L2207[17:38:16] <gigaherz> that's
already done, then
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(Quit: Leaving)
L2210[17:40:12] <unascribed> well,
I'm going to go with JSON and binary formats
L2211[17:40:20] <unascribed> maybe later
I'll add XML or a PR can add it
L2212[17:40:41] <killjoy> json is the
L2213[17:40:55] <gigaherz> there's
some tasks where json is NOT optimal
L2214[17:40:56] <killjoy> it should be
called ajaj
L2216[17:41:02] <gigaherz> sone of those
are UI descriptions.
L2217[17:41:02] <unascribed> this is what
I'm talking about, killjoy
L2218[17:41:14] <killjoy> pfft, css
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(~Tyler__@c-73-169-160-192.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Quit:
L2221[17:44:47] <unascribed> hm
L2222[17:44:51] <unascribed> an
interesting side effect of this
L2223[17:44:59] <unascribed> is that
resource packs can override guis
L2224[17:45:24] <killjoy> maybe merge
L2225[17:45:31] <unascribed> ?
L2226[17:45:39] <killjoy> like with
L2227[17:45:42] <unascribed> oh
L2228[17:46:00] <unascribed> not entirely
sure how you'd do that
L2229[17:46:05] <unascribed> sounds.json
merging is pretty well defined
L2230[17:46:09] <killjoy> use the
L2231[17:46:11] <unascribed> GUIs... not
so much
L2232[17:46:39] <killjoy> but you really
should think about using css. It's much better for gui
L2233[17:46:46] <unascribed> ??
L2234[17:46:52] <unascribed> CSS is for
L2235[17:46:56] <unascribed> you
can't make an entire GUI in CSS
L2236[17:47:08] <killjoy> do html
L2237[17:47:20] <unascribed>
L2238[17:47:29] <killjoy> ;p
L2239[17:48:04] <solidDoWant1> that
project is exactly what i was looking for, thanks
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Connection reset by peer)
L2242[17:54:52] <Darva> Is the way
RenderItemFrame does rendering items on the itemframe a reasonable
way to do it? I know vanilla doesn't always do things in the
most efficient ways.
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error: Connection reset by peer)
L2245[18:07:52] <TehNut> Darva:
That's how we render items for the altar in BM, seems
L2246[18:08:04] <TehNut> Could also look
at the Crystal Chest in IronChests
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(~Szernex@212-197-134-242.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L2248[18:09:37] <Darva> kk, thanks.
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L2252[18:20:32] ***
PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L2253[18:20:52] <unascribed> I just
traced the glass texture into an SVG
L2254[18:20:54] <unascribed> I don't
know why
L2255[18:21:11] <gigaherz> lol
L2256[18:22:58] ***
manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L2257[18:23:48] <MattDahEpic> is there a
way to detect if a block was placed by a player or if it's
L2258[18:26:56] <unascribed> not without
special handling on the block
L2259[18:27:34] <Darva> (horrible evil,
bad sarcasm) Regen the chunk and see if it's still there?
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189 seconds)
L2261[18:31:41] <unascribed> nopls
L2262[18:34:16] <MattDahEpic> but is
there a way to just get the populated chunk object and compare it
to the world?
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L2264[18:34:50] <unascribed> uh
L2265[18:34:50] <unascribed> no
L2266[18:34:54] <unascribed> not without
generating it again
L2267[18:34:57] <unascribed> which is
super slow
L2268[18:35:00] <unascribed> and has all
sorts of side effects
L2269[18:35:26] *
Darva points at the bit in ()'s. BAAAD.
L2270[18:38:50] <gigaherz> oh hey
that's nice
L2272[18:38:56] <gigaherz> 0.3 got over
500 downloads :D
L2273[18:39:06] <unascribed> +500
L2274[18:40:52] <masa> I only have 167
downloads on my best mod of all time ;D
L2276[18:41:18] <gigaherz> I have more
days in it though ;P
L2277[18:41:24] ***
Firedingo|zzzz is now known as Firedingo
L2278[18:41:31] <gigaherz> nice mod
L2279[18:41:32] <Darva> Hehe. My current
project barely breaks 300, and less than 50 on the 1.8.9
L2280[18:42:21] <masa> I have 345k on my
main mod
L2281[18:42:41] <masa> although it is
mostly useless atm
L2282[18:42:53] <masa> all the useful
stuff is in the dev version
L2283[18:43:00] <gigaherz> which one was
L2284[18:43:05] <gigaherz> Ihave a hard
time associating people to projects
L2285[18:43:06] <gigaherz> XD
L2287[18:43:27] <Darva> I've got two
over 3000... But one's a dry boring utility, and the other i
decided a long time ago i didn't really like the concept.
L2288[18:43:35] <gigaherz> ah, i'm
not familiar with it
L2289[18:43:56] <gigaherz> well my
biggest mod is by far
L2291[18:43:59] <gigaherz> but
L2292[18:44:08] <gigaherz> the 1.7.10
version simply was there for longer
L2293[18:44:30] <Darva> That 5k+ does
look nice tho. hehe.
L2294[18:45:07] <Darva> The only mod
i've ever done that had a chance of getting big numbers was a
bugfix patch on TE back in 1.6.4, and they released an official fix
like 2-3 days later, so no go.
L2295[18:45:22] <gigaherz> heh
L2296[18:45:47] <Darva> Of course, for
like the first two weeks, their fix caused MC to crash.
L2298[18:45:57] <masa> hehe
L2299[18:46:07] <gigaherz> there's
some essential missing features
L2300[18:46:14] <gigaherz> that I need to
get done before I can make it beta/release
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L2302[18:47:20] <Darva> I actually think
people would enjoy my current mod if it got some attention.
It's a skyblock resouces mod, designed not to be easily
automatable.. But not irritating about it either. heh.
L2303[18:47:30] <Darva> Hopefully as i
get some more features.
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L2305[18:56:18] <masa> I'm planning
to start a new mod at some point, which will add vanilla-style
simple things
L2306[18:56:41] <masa> probably
won't get much attention or use since most modded players go
for the mainstream hi-tech stuff
L2307[18:56:51] <gigaherz> I quite enjoy
"rustic" mods
L2308[18:56:56] <gigaherz> stuff that
adds new mechanics
L2309[18:56:59] <gigaherz> but no magic
or high-tech
L2310[18:57:02] <gigaherz> or subtle
L2311[18:57:25] <gigaherz> but for me to
truly enjoy that kind of mod
L2312[18:57:32] <gigaherz> it needs to
fit the Minecraft feel
L2313[18:57:37] <gigaherz> like
L2314[18:57:55] <gigaherz> Ancient
Warfare 2 was fun up to a certain point, but the machine models
were too fancy
L2315[18:58:27] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
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(uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed
for inactivity)
L2317[19:03:45] ***
gr8pefish is now known as gr8pefish|away
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L2319[19:20:45] <shadekiller666> if a
class is overriding a method that is defined as the default
implementation of a method in an interface, how would the
overriding method call the default implementation?
⇦ Parts: netz
(ntzrmtthih@Join.The.DarkSide.We.Have.Coookies.Space) (WeeChat
L2321[19:22:31] <williewillus> I
don't think you can
L2322[19:22:38] <williewillus> default
methods are very weak by design
L2323[19:22:51] <williewillus> does super
not work?
L2324[19:23:08] <mikebald> ^ ^
L2325[19:23:18] <shadekiller666> super
does not work
L2326[19:23:35] <williewillus> yeah then
there isn't a way
L2327[19:24:01] <mikebald> you should be
able to do interfacename.super.functionName() I thought
L2328[19:24:16] <williewillus> i thought
that was only if you had a name clash
L2329[19:24:19] <williewillus> idk
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L2333[19:26:51] <FusionLord> How are all
of my favorite people!
L2334[19:27:05] <tterrag> yes, you can
call super
L2335[19:27:08] <tterrag> just like
mikebald said
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L2338[19:30:14] <shadekiller666>
L2339[19:30:18] <shadekiller666> that
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(~thecodewa@75-128-36-18.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) (Remote host
closed the connection)
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L2342[19:31:05] <shadekiller666> the
class i'm @Overriding in implements multiple child interfaces
of the one that defines the default implementation
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198 seconds)
L2344[19:32:46] ***
Darkhoax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
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Cypher121 is now known as Cypher|Away
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198 seconds)
L2347[19:35:20] <Darva> Hrrm, someone
with more thaumcraft experience than me... Is the thaumcraft
Obelisk necessary to progress in the mod? (In 1.8.9)
L2348[19:37:32] ***
mumfrey is now known as Mumfrey
L2349[19:38:46] <gigaherz> Darva:
L2350[19:38:57] <gigaherz> there's
two "phases" in thaumcraft
L2351[19:39:07] <gigaherz> the nice
L2352[19:39:20] <gigaherz> where you do
nice knowledge stuff
L2353[19:39:22] <Darva> Heh, i'm not
trying to play it, i'm trying to add support for it, so
it's possible to get access to all the stuff necessary to
progress in a world with no worldgen.
L2354[19:39:39] <gigaherz> and the
eldritch phase
L2355[19:39:55] <gigaherz> where you
start unlocking forbidden knowledge and making use of the dark side
of thaumaturgy
L2356[19:40:08] <gigaherz> I remain in
the light.
L2357[19:40:15] <gigaherz> so I
don't know exdactly what you need and when
L2358[19:40:45] *
Darva has never actually enjoyed thaumcraft..
L2359[19:40:49] <unascribed> the dark
side is the only side
L2360[19:40:55] <unascribed> the light
side is only useful to unlock the dark side
L2361[19:40:58] <gigaherz> I enjoy the
wands bit
L2362[19:41:07] <unascribed> I have never
played TC5 though so I don't know how that goes
L2363[19:41:08] <gigaherz> Thaumcraft5
research system is nice enough
L2364[19:41:15] <unascribed> I know end
end end end end game TC4 requires the obelisk
L2365[19:41:39] <Darva> Hrrm. I guess
i'll have to go search and see if anyone has a spotlight that
goes further than DW's.
L2366[19:41:56] <Darva> So far i'm
only providing ways to get the saplings, the plants, the ores, and
the crystals.
L2367[19:41:59] <gigaherz> so I generally
get a nice staff with some upgraded cores, as a weapon
L2368[19:42:24] <unascribed> I should set
my mod's names as pingwords
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L2370[19:43:49] <unascribed> tgere
L2371[19:43:50] <unascribed> there*
L2372[19:43:58] <M4thG33k> Is there a way
to check if the player is using any shaders during rendering?
L2373[19:44:18] <unascribed> do you mean
super secret settings shaders, or shaders mod shaders
L2374[19:44:28] <M4thG33k> mod
L2375[19:48:09] <gigaherz> ask the shader
mod people if they have an api for that?
L2376[19:48:10] <gigaherz> ;p
L2377[19:48:35] <M4thG33k> Yeah...well, I
think I may have found another work-around for what I was trying to
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L2379[20:00:49] <FusionLord> what is the
proper way to reverse GlStateManager.scale?
L2380[20:01:14] <unascribed> push and pop
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(Quit: Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr
klingen und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George
L2382[20:01:23] <unascribed> so
pushMatrix(); scale(); popMatrix()
L2383[20:02:29] <tterrag> yes
L2384[20:02:30] <tterrag> well
L2385[20:02:38] <tterrag> also render
things :P
L2386[20:02:54] <M4thG33k> ^^
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L2390[20:22:38] <williewillus> asking
again in hopes someone knows :p some praticles in botania that were
manually added to EffectRenderer are now culled approx 170 ish
blocks from the player, however I need them to be visible at ALL
L2391[20:22:50] <williewillus> does
anyone know where this culling happens and if I can get around
L2392[20:23:32] <williewillus> context:
the mana beacon shoots out particles that spawn at y 256 do not use
depth, and thus are visible basically anywhere within render
distance of the beacon
L2393[20:23:51] <williewillus> except if
you're anywhere below 256 - 170 ish the top particles get
culled away
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L2402[20:48:08] ***
Mumfrey is now known as mumfrey
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L2404[20:51:18] <TechDG> hey hows it
L2405[20:51:33] <PitchBright>
L2406[20:51:45] <TechDG> hi
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L2408[20:58:32] <TechDG> wow quite
L2409[20:59:38] <mikebald> it's
quiet too
L2410[20:59:53] <M4thG33k> ^^
L2411[21:00:10] <TechDG> there I killed
quietness :P
L2412[21:00:30] <mikebald> quite =D
L2413[21:00:31] <TechDG> I should make a
banana gun cuz who doesnt want that
L2414[21:00:52] <TechDG> wow jus
trealized that typo xD fail
L2415[21:00:58] <mikebald> ohh, is it
going to shoot the bananas like from Worms?
L2416[21:01:11] <TechDG> not my worst
typo though, at one time I was typing something and it turned into
sex xD
L2417[21:01:14] <TechDG> might have been
L2418[21:01:33] <TechDG> no its gonna be
a banna that u left click to pealt he front then its a gun :P
L2419[21:01:34] <TechDG> xD
L2420[21:01:56] <mikebald> that's...
uhm... creative =)
L2421[21:02:00] <M4thG33k> Does anyone
know if it's possible to retexture an OBJModel with a solid
color that is determined by a variable input?
L2422[21:02:17] <TechDG> m4th I would
imagine, im assuming u mean without seperate models?
L2423[21:02:25] <TechDG> and the variable
determaning which model it uses
L2424[21:02:47] <M4thG33k> Yeah - I just
want to retexture the same model with different colors depending on
certain parameters
L2425[21:03:19] <TechDG> tbh I havnt used
OBJModel yet
L2426[21:03:25] <TechDG> but does it use
a texture map?
L2427[21:03:35] <TechDG> or is it stored
int he model file
L2428[21:05:03] <gigaherz> M4thG33k:
"retexture" and "solid color" don't really
make sense
L2429[21:05:04] <gigaherz> ;P
L2430[21:05:15] <gigaherz> you can
specify the "minecraft:white" texture as a base
L2431[21:05:19] <gigaherz> and then use
block/item tint
L2432[21:05:33] <gigaherz> or in a
L2433[21:05:34] <TechDG> I have an idea
but IDK if it works with OBJModel
L2434[21:05:39] <gigaherz> you can draw
it with a color directly
L2435[21:05:43] <gigaherz> so...
L2436[21:05:44] <gigaherz> which is
L2437[21:05:49] <TechDG> wait m4 what
about using blockstates?
L2438[21:06:03] <TechDG> just a
L2439[21:06:22] <M4thG33k> would I use
"minecraft:white" then as the second parameter in my
immutablemap for the input of the #retexture method?
L2440[21:06:44] <M4thG33k> and
blockstates are of no use to me in this specific application, but
thanks for the idea :)
L2441[21:06:56] <TechDG> ok
L2442[21:07:06] <TechDG> my other idea
was just use texture maps
L2443[21:07:15] <TechDG> but gig's
seems better
L2444[21:08:00] <gigaherz> M4thG33k:
question is, where do you use the model? XD
L2445[21:08:21] <M4thG33k> I have the
model being used in a TESR
L2446[21:09:20] <M4thG33k> Basically I
want to repaint the model with the color of the fluid inside. I can
do this using the texture of the fluid easily enough...until people
start using shaders...
L2447[21:09:33] <gigaherz> o_O
L2448[21:09:46] <gigaherz> how so?
L2449[21:09:55] <M4thG33k> My model then
fails to render completely. Haha
L2450[21:10:16] <TechDG> is it possible
to detect if people are using shaders? if so you can just say if
they arent use the fluid then if they are log that it is
unsupported then use a water texture, but thats just a worst
L2451[21:10:19] <TechDG> if you cant
figure this out
L2452[21:10:28] <TechDG> at least untill
u can some up with something
L2453[21:11:09] <M4thG33k> My plan is to
have a config option so they can toggle the use of the fluid
texture or a solid color; I just need to figure out how to apply
that solid color
L2454[21:11:18] <TechDG> oh
L2455[21:11:25] <TechDG> well hmm
L2456[21:11:50] <TechDG> if its fluid,
are you trying to do fluid levels or just a solid cube
L2457[21:12:00] <M4thG33k> and now I did
something to my code and don't know what I did...haha
L2458[21:12:08] <M4thG33k> I don't
understand your question
L2459[21:12:14] <TechDG> xD
L2460[21:12:21] <TechDG> ok so you said
it holds a fluid
L2461[21:12:27] <TechDG> and thats how u
normally render it
L2462[21:12:39] <TechDG> are you trying
to change how it renders per how much fluid is inside?
L2463[21:12:51] <TechDG> when doing it
the solid way
L2464[21:12:55] <TechDG> or just a solid
L2465[21:13:49] <M4thG33k> I already have
that much sorted out - here's the current project page so you
can see a picture of what I currently have -
L2466[21:14:13] <TechDG> btw nice
L2467[21:14:31] <M4thG33k> Thanks! It was
a tad of a pain getting that much to work in 1.8...
L2468[21:14:42] <TechDG> ok well in this
case could you nust just do multiple layers? and have an inner
layer for color of the fluid then the outer layer for other
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L2470[21:14:48] <TechDG> yeah I would
L2471[21:15:37] <M4thG33k> I'm
afraid I haven't had much training in this whole
modeling/texture thing - everything I've done is basically
self-taught up to this point, so I'm not sure how I would go
about doing that
L2472[21:17:15] <TechDG> yeah I know
layers are possible but i dont know how
L2473[21:17:25] <TechDG> and your objects
are circles which can make it harder
L2474[21:18:23] <M4thG33k> Well, assuming
I can figure out how to add color that won't be an issue.
I've been able to turn them white now :)
L2475[21:19:11] <TechDG> thats good
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L2477[21:19:39] <MattDahEpic> how would
one go about adding a shader in 1.8.9?
L2478[21:19:44] <TechDG> yeah Id ont know
nearly as much as all of u, but I feel bad asking for help and not
giving help so I do my best to think of logical things even if Id
ont know exact methods
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L2480[21:19:58] <TechDG> here goes
L2481[21:20:07] <TechDG> please dont
crash mc please dont crash... xD
L2482[21:20:36] <TechDG> well it didnt
L2483[21:20:40] <TechDG> but its
returning two items...
L2484[21:20:42] <TechDG> oh IK
L2485[21:20:44] <M4thG33k> Sometimes you
just need to bounce ideas off people for them to figure things out.
L2486[21:20:49] <TechDG> yeah
L2487[21:21:20] <mikebald> it's like
Rubber Duck debugging... but, with people! =)
L2488[21:21:58] <TechDG> xD
L2489[21:22:11] <TechDG> lets see if that
fixes it
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L2492[21:22:43] <TechDG> oks o it fixes
L2493[21:22:53] <TechDG> how is it
returning that else...
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(~thecodewa@75-128-36-18.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) (Ping timeout:
189 seconds)
L2495[21:23:04] <TechDG> ah I see
L2496[21:23:26] <TechDG> derp xD
L2497[21:24:01] <terribleperson> okay,
I'm looking at renderXPOrb. what is going on here? I
understand how it is connected to the entity, and the model, and
how it gets called and so on now, but what's doRender actually
doing? I think I understand the stuff it's doing with
L2498[21:24:17] <terribleperson> but I
have no idea what it's doign with glstatemanager, or
L2499[21:24:33] <TechDG> sorry, but I
have no clue xD
L2500[21:24:47] <EwyBoy> Anyone know
where I can find some info or examples on overrideing events such
as onPlayerJoinWorld?
L2501[21:25:07] <MattDahEpic>
L2502[21:25:07] <TechDG> ewy I do
L2503[21:25:09] <TechDG> what are u
trying to do?
L2504[21:25:17] <MattDahEpic> or
L2505[21:25:22] <TechDG> yeah I
L2506[21:25:31] <TechDG> are you trying
ot make something happen when a player joins?
L2507[21:25:41] <EwyBoy> I just need to
find out how I can do somehting when a playe rjoins and leaves a
L2508[21:25:48] <EwyBoy> yes indeed
L2509[21:26:00] <TechDG> ok so first make
a new class called (ModID)EventHandler in your main package
L2510[21:26:00] <MattDahEpic> subscribe
to join and leave events
L2511[21:26:01] <terribleperson> you
start drawing quadrilaterals (in this case, only one), the world
render draws four vertexes, sets a normal, sets a color for the
quad (at least, i assume it's for the quad. since you tell it
that you're drawing quadrilaterals it probably breaks things
up on a per-quad basis)
L2512[21:26:08] <EwyBoy> okey
L2513[21:26:46] <TechDG> now in your init
do MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new
L2514[21:26:49] <williewillus>
terribleperson: what part is confusing?
L2515[21:26:59] <EwyBoy> yeah
L2516[21:27:26] <TechDG> now let me get
an example in pastebin
L2517[21:27:34] <EwyBoy> ohh fanzy
L2518[21:27:46] <terribleperson> i have
no idea what the glstatemanager stuff is doing. pushmatrix,
translate (why are you tellign it to translate to the position of
the entity?), set a color (white), do some rotations (I assume
it's rotating to face the player, but rotating WHAT?)
L2519[21:28:03] <gigaherz> "the
L2520[21:28:04] <williewillus> uhh
L2521[21:28:08] <williewillus> the entire
L2522[21:28:11] <gigaherz> opengl
transforms change the world
L2523[21:28:16] <williewillus> you
aren't translating an object
L2524[21:28:17] <gigaherz> everything
that's drawn afterward
L2525[21:28:19] <williewillus> you are
trnalsating the viewpoint
L2526[21:28:21] <terribleperson>
L2527[21:28:25] <terribleperson> is the
xp orb translating the viewpoint?
L2528[21:28:26] <gigaherz> that's
how opengl works
L2530[21:28:36] <EwyBoy> thanks!
L2531[21:28:37] <TechDG> thats for on
player logged in
L2532[21:28:40] <gigaherz> well
L2533[21:28:40] <terribleperson> is..
that oh
L2534[21:28:43] <terribleperson>
L2535[21:28:44] <gigaherz> that's
how computer graphics work
L2536[21:28:48] <TechDG> for logged out
its the same thing, but you already have the lass and the event
L2537[21:28:51] <terribleperson>
you're setting the viewpoint to the entity
L2538[21:28:57] <TechDG> so just
subscribeevent to the logging out event
L2539[21:29:03] <terribleperson> and
that's why the worldrenderer stuff is all relative
L2540[21:29:23] <terribleperson>
L2541[21:29:34] <EwyBoy> thanks a lot
L2542[21:29:41] <williewillus> i guess
you could call it that lol
L2543[21:30:02] <terribleperson> ..but
why do that? what happens if I, say, set the viewpoint 100 meters
L2544[21:30:11] <gigaherz> it won't
show up
L2545[21:30:12] <TechDG> yup :) I think
thats the first time I have actually helped someone on this!
L2546[21:30:14] <terribleperson> and then
do my addVertex stuff -100 meters
L2547[21:30:20] <gigaherz> thne it will
show up again
L2548[21:30:33] <gigaherz> the thing
L2549[21:30:37] <gigaherz> doing
addVertex yourself is "wrong"
L2550[21:30:39] <terribleperson> so is
setting the viewpoint to the entity's position just for..
L2551[21:30:45] <gigaherz> normally
L2552[21:30:51] <gigaherz> games use
L2553[21:30:54] <gigaherz> that have been
calculated beforehand
L2554[21:31:01] <gigaherz> so the
coordinates are constant numbers
L2555[21:31:09] <gigaherz> while the
position of the objects on screen changes
L2556[21:31:14] <terribleperson> i am
drawing two quadrilaterals. I HAVE the .obj, I just.. two
quadrilaterals. two.
L2557[21:31:26] <TechDG> great my
compressor is stuck on chicken nuggets xD
L2558[21:31:34] <gigaherz> if you
didn't use opengl transforms
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(~Subconcio@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Quit: I am the
forgotten eye.)
L2560[21:31:48] <gigaherz> you'd
have to have one model for each possible location of the object on
L2561[21:31:51] <gigaherz> it
wouldn't work.
L2562[21:31:57] <terribleperson>
L2563[21:32:03] <gigaherz> so you shift
the location of the object accordingly
L2564[21:32:13] <TechDG> ok thats
L2565[21:32:20] <TechDG> its stuck on
whatever recipe I check last
L2566[21:32:28] <terribleperson> but in
the case of renderXPOrb it IS drawing the vertexes (all four of
them) manually
L2567[21:32:33] <terribleperson> so
settign the viewpoint is just convenience?
L2568[21:32:34] <gigaherz> yes
L2569[21:32:42] <terribleperson>
L2570[21:32:50] <gigaherz> pretty
L2571[21:33:30] <williewillus> wait if
you have an obj..
L2572[21:33:36] <terribleperson> because
it's two quadrilaterals
L2573[21:33:37] <terribleperson>
L2574[21:33:38] <williewillus> why deal
with the tess by hand? :p
L2575[21:33:41] <terribleperson>
L2576[21:33:43] <williewillus> wat
L2577[21:33:54] ***
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L2579[21:34:13] <williewillus> I
don't get what an OBJ model has to do with quadrilaterals and
the tessellators? :v
L2580[21:34:19] <terribleperson> the
entire thing i'd have to draw
L2581[21:34:23] <terribleperson> if i
throw away the model
L2582[21:34:24] <M4thG33k> I'm still
trying to figure out how to add a solid color to a rendered
OBJModel over here...any ideas?
L2583[21:34:26] <terribleperson> is two
L2585[21:34:55] <EwyBoy> @TechDG will the
SubscribeEvents just trigger automaticly because of the new
eventbus thing? or do I have to call those functions?
L2586[21:35:00] <williewillus> M4thG33k:
Im not sure, but do OBJ's have a way to tint faces?
L2587[21:35:01] <TechDG> M4thG33k, I
really have no clue... Not really a good reference in vinill
L2588[21:35:09] <williewillus>
there's a way in vanilla
L2589[21:35:10] <TechDG> EwyBoy yes it
L2590[21:35:14] <terribleperson> although
if I use my model I'll just ask about borrowing
L2591[21:35:15] <EwyBoy> okey
L2592[21:35:16] <williewillus> you use
tinted faces in the model json
L2593[21:35:23] <TechDG> ik but theres
not a good example
L2594[21:35:30] <williewillus> Botania
1.8 mana pools
L2595[21:35:32] <williewillus> :p
L2596[21:35:39] <TechDG> in vinilla
L2597[21:35:45] <TechDG> xD
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L2599[21:35:48] <williewillus> *vanilla
L2600[21:35:53] <TechDG> w/e :P
L2601[21:35:55] <M4thG33k> it always
comes back to Botania...
L2602[21:36:00] <TechDG> "same
L2603[21:36:05] <williewillus> botania is
a case study in 1.8 :p
L2604[21:36:07] <TechDG> yeah, or if its
a machine EnderIO xD
L2605[21:36:20] <M4thG33k> haha
L2606[21:36:20] <unascribed> EIO is
L2607[21:36:21] <unascribed> :o
L2608[21:36:28] <williewillus> render
camo blocks? you got it. render any arbitrary model in one block
id? got it
L2609[21:36:32] <TechDG> except enderio
isnt for 1.8 *looks at
L2610[21:36:34] <williewillus> mashing
models together? got that too
L2611[21:36:37] <TechDG> no its not
L2612[21:36:38] <tterrag> too bad
L2613[21:36:42] <TechDG> oh you are
L2614[21:36:44] <unascribed> lol
L2615[21:36:45] <williewillus> lol
L2616[21:36:48] <TechDG> then *looks at
L2617[21:36:49] <unascribed> generally
nobody cares about pinging
L2618[21:36:50] <unascribed> except
L2619[21:36:51] <williewillus> ping
avoidance fails
L2620[21:36:55] <EwyBoy> Does anyone know
if Minecraft have a way to know if it is the first time a new
player joins a world? Or do I have to fix that myself?
L2621[21:36:56] <unascribed> lex will
stab you with a rusty spork if you ping him
L2622[21:37:05] <tterrag> patience
L2623[21:37:06] <TechDG> ewy
L2624[21:37:08] <williewillus> EwyBoy:
most mods use a nbt tag on the player
L2625[21:37:16] <williewillus> to give
them books and stuff
L2626[21:37:22] <EwyBoy> ahh okey
L2627[21:37:28] <TechDG> ewyboy you could
probably check if its a newly generated player.dat
L2628[21:37:35] <williewillus> TechDG:
and how would you do that
L2629[21:37:37] <williewillus> :p
L2630[21:37:38] <TechDG> through
L2631[21:37:41] <williewillus> no
L2632[21:37:50] <TechDG> no clue, I would
be suprised if forge doesnt haev it though
L2633[21:37:51] <EwyBoy> hmm or I can
just list em in a Json
L2634[21:37:57] <TechDG> yeah that
L2635[21:37:58] <tterrag> no...pls
L2636[21:38:03] <tterrag> just use an NBT
tag like a sane person
L2637[21:38:03] <williewillus> doing file
I/O for that purpose is 1. slow 2. unreliable
L2638[21:38:06] <williewillus> just use a
an NBT
L2639[21:38:07] <EwyBoy> hahaha
L2640[21:38:19] <terribleperson> but
williewillus: Since I only have one entity, and it's getting
drawn manually SOMEWHERE regardless (either by myself, or in
renderingstuffs (if I were to ask if I could use it)) or an
alternative, and there are only two quadrilaterals I need to
L2642[21:38:32] <terribleperson> If i had
more than one entity I'd consider generalizing it
L2643[21:38:37] <EwyBoy> thanks
L2644[21:38:47] <williewillus>
terribleperson: I have no idea about your context and why
you're talking about quadrilaterals :p
L2646[21:38:57] <williewillus>
background? what kind of mod is this? what kind of entity?
L2647[21:39:05] <gigaherz>
terribleperson: if you want to do it manually
L2648[21:39:07] <gigaherz> do it
L2649[21:39:09] <terribleperson> well,
you asked if I have a .obj why am I talkign about drawling
L2650[21:39:10] <gigaherz> no need to
behere sulking
L2651[21:39:11] <gigaherz> XD
L2652[21:39:18] <terribleperson>
L2653[21:39:20] <terribleperson>
L2654[21:39:22] <williewillus> I would
just use a model lol
L2655[21:39:25] <terribleperson> not
sulking :P
L2656[21:39:28] <williewillus> the point
of models is so that you don't have to do manual shit
L2657[21:39:37] <terribleperson> mostly
i'm in here so I can listen to the things people say and try
to understand what's going on
L2658[21:39:43] <terribleperson> which,
for the most part, i don't.
L2659[21:39:56] <TechDG> im here because
I have questions every 2.5 minutes :P
L2660[21:40:01] <terribleperson> but now
I know what glstatemanager is doing
L2661[21:40:16] <terribleperson> which is
the other reason I'm in here. I don't like calling things
that I don't understand.
L2662[21:40:19] <williewillus> TechDG:
you are running all three of your recipes every tick
L2663[21:40:26] <williewillus> :p
L2664[21:40:34] <TechDG> so I should
every tick go downt he list?
L2665[21:40:41] <williewillus> no you
don't even verify the recipe
L2666[21:40:49] <williewillus> where do
you compare the input to the reqInput?
L2667[21:40:52] <williewillus> to make
sure they're equal?
L2668[21:40:58] <williewillus> you
don't :p
L2669[21:41:03] <TechDG> oh xD
L2670[21:41:10] <TechDG> when i redid the
method I forgot that
L2671[21:41:12] <TechDG> xD fail
L2672[21:41:52] <TechDG> if
(parItemStackInput == reqItemStackInput) {, will that work?
L2673[21:42:12] <williewillus> no
L2674[21:42:17] <TechDG> I feel like I
used to use another way of compairing
L2675[21:42:20] <TechDG> cuz us aid htat
was bad
L2676[21:42:24] <williewillus> not
L2677[21:42:29] <williewillus> just the
wrong one to use in this case
L2678[21:42:30] <terribleperson> one last
xporb question: why does it scale the viewpoint by (0.3,0.3,0.3)?
What effect does that have? I assume that means that two vertexes
that are 1 apart are in fact 0.3m apart?
L2679[21:42:31] <terribleperson> or
L2680[21:42:32] <williewillus>
that's reference equality
L2681[21:42:40] <williewillus>
terribleperson: sure
L2682[21:42:40] <TechDG> would you
L2683[21:42:52] <terribleperson> oh right
and what the heck are push and popmatrix
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L2685[21:42:52] <TechDG> for comparing
itemstacks regardless of quantity
L2686[21:42:53] <williewillus> I would
try to avoid attempting to understand every line
L2687[21:42:57] <gigaherz> TechDG: when
you use == in java, it checks if it's the same
L2688[21:43:02] <williewillus> you are
reading deobfuscating decompiled code
L2689[21:43:03] <gigaherz> not "one
that's equivalent"
L2690[21:43:05] <gigaherz> just "the
L2691[21:43:15] <TechDG> yeah now it
doesnt work
L2692[21:43:16] <williewillus> ItemStack
has static methods
L2693[21:43:19] <williewillus> to check
L2694[21:43:41] <gigaherz>
terribleperson: you know how in order to get the object in the
right position, you shift things?
L2695[21:43:44] <williewillus>
terribleperson: push and pop matrix restore changes to the
transform matrix of the render
L2696[21:43:56] <gigaherz> pushmatrix
saves the state of the transforms
L2697[21:44:01] <gigaherz> and popmatrix
restores it
L2698[21:44:02] <williewillus> e.g. if I
translate , push matrix, then rotate, then pop matrix, then
it's like the rotate is undone
L2699[21:44:03] <terribleperson> ah
L2700[21:44:04] <unascribed> and only the
L2701[21:44:07] <TechDG> does isItemEqual
require equal quantity?
L2702[21:44:13] <TechDG> or just the same
L2703[21:44:15] <williewillus> look at
the source :p
L2704[21:44:23] <unascribed> don't
try to use it to save the state of stuff like GL_LIGHTING
L2705[21:44:28] <unascribed> because it
doesn't do that
L2706[21:44:31] <unascribed> hence
L2707[21:44:35] <TechDG> fineeee
L2708[21:44:44] <terribleperson>
gigaherz: so the xp orb (and renderingstuffs) push the matrix,
change the viewpoint, draw their stuff, then restore the viewpoint
back to where it was?
L2709[21:44:48] <gigaherz> TechDG: I
suggest using ItemStack.areItemsEqual instead of
L2710[21:44:53] <TechDG> ok
L2711[21:44:53] <gigaherz> since the
static one will check for nulls
L2712[21:45:07] <gigaherz>
terribleperson: yes
L2713[21:45:19] <gigaherz> that's
how opengl programs work
L2714[21:45:26] <gigaherz> you backup the
previous state
L2715[21:45:28] <gigaherz> do work
L2716[21:45:30] <gigaherz> then restore
L2717[21:45:35] <terribleperson> ...what
happens if you don't do that? you screw up everything
else's rendering?
L2718[21:45:42] <gigaherz> yup
L2719[21:45:43] <unascribed> yes.
L2720[21:45:46] <unascribed> extremely
L2721[21:45:57] <terribleperson> okay,
cool. Thank you.
L2722[21:46:07] <gigaherz> imagine you
have an object at 2,2 then one at 2,3
L2723[21:46:09] <gigaherz> if you
didn't pop
L2724[21:46:17] <gigaherz> you may end up
moving the second one to 4,5
L2725[21:46:56] <gigaherz> and
that's if you just move, imagine when you also do rotations
and scales
L2726[21:46:59] <gigaherz> thigns go bad,
L2727[21:47:13] <TechDG> ok so im doing
somethign wrong, but bug is better then crash
L2728[21:47:16] <TechDG> cuz then I can
L2729[21:48:08] <TechDG> aha found
L2730[21:48:21] <tterrag> matrix
transformations are easy to solve with a matrix push/pop
L2731[21:48:35] <tterrag> attrib
transformations are trickier, you can use attrip push/pop but
it's expensive
L2732[21:49:02] <gigaherz> and it messes
up the gl state regardless
L2733[21:49:08] <gigaherz> the
glstatemanager state*
L2734[21:49:19] <gigaherz> if you
L2735[21:49:24] <gigaherz>
L2736[21:49:25] <gigaherz>
L2737[21:49:29] <gigaherz>
L2738[21:49:36] <gigaherz> the gpu will
have blending disabled
L2739[21:49:40] <gigaherz> but
glstatemanager still thinks it's on
L2740[21:49:51] <tterrag> then why does
the statemanager even have a push/pop attrib method?
L2741[21:49:55] <gigaherz> no idea
L2742[21:49:59] <TechDG> andddd
L2743[21:50:01] <gigaherz> but it
forwards directly to ogl
L2744[21:50:12] <williewillus> it's
L2745[21:50:28] <williewillus>
GlStateManager is obviously the start of some sort of gl
L2746[21:50:34] <williewillus> but we
don't get to see that in progress
L2747[21:50:36] <unascribed> yeah, but
only the start
L2748[21:50:44] <williewillus> we just
see a wrapper right now
L2749[21:50:54] <gigaherz> it feels like
they learned about gl state trackers
L2750[21:51:00] <gigaherz> but half-assed
their own
L2752[21:51:06] <williewillus> probably
because mog left :p
L2753[21:51:10] <TechDG> any ideas?
L2754[21:51:24] <williewillus> reading
the stacktrace would be good ;p
L2755[21:51:28] <unascribed> nice twitch
access token
⇦ Quits: gr8pefish|away (~gr8pefish@ (Quit:
I'm outta here)
L2757[21:51:50] <williewillus> rip
L2758[21:51:50] <unascribed> you're
dereferencing a null at line 319 of CompressorTileEntity
L2759[21:52:04] <williewillus> l169 170
in the log
L2760[21:52:13] <terribleperson> Okay. I
see you (in tesrenderrift) call
disablelighting,disablealpha,disablerescalenormal, enableblend.
XPOrb calls disableblend and disablerescalenormal, but at the end,
before popmatrix. it never enables blend in the first place.You
never disable blend.
L2761[21:52:15] <williewillus> also go
invalidate your twitch token because you just publicized it
L2762[21:52:30] <TechDG> oh poop
L2763[21:52:31] <gigaherz> XD
L2764[21:52:35] <williewillus> why are
you using the builtin twitch anyway, moreover in dev env?
L2765[21:52:35] <TechDG> how do I do
that? xD I dont use twitch so
L2766[21:52:40] <williewillus> then why
is it in there....
L2767[21:52:46] <TechDG> oh u mean my
L2768[21:52:46] <gigaherz> go to
L2769[21:52:47] <TechDG> ?
L2770[21:52:50] <gigaherz> reset your
token from there
L2771[21:52:51] <gigaherz> no
L2772[21:53:02] <gigaherz> the twitch
token allows others to stream to your channel without knowing your
L2773[21:53:02] <TechDG> oh yeah at one
point I linke dit with my account
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L2775[21:53:06] <terribleperson> what is
blend, and what is the affect of didsablelighting, alpha? I assume
it prevents those things from being applied to the rendering
you're doing in tesrenderrift?
L2776[21:53:11] <gigaherz> yeah so go to
L2777[21:53:14] <gigaherz> and reset
L2778[21:53:14] <williewillus> blend,
well, blends
L2779[21:53:17] <williewillus> alpha is
L2780[21:53:24] <terribleperson> yeah, I
know what alpha is, at least.
L2781[21:53:25] <williewillus> lighting
L2782[21:53:25] <gigaherz> unless you
want others to stream theyr dicks on your channel
L2783[21:53:26] <gigaherz> ;P
L2784[21:53:32] <gigaherz> their*
L2785[21:53:34] <terribleperson> and
lighting :P
L2786[21:53:36] <terribleperson> but why
L2787[21:53:47] <williewillus> if you
don't want things affected by the ambient lighting?
L2788[21:53:50] <gigaherz> blend is alpha
blending (transparency)
L2789[21:53:53] <unascribed> it's
faster to have it disables when not needed
L2790[21:53:55] <unascribed> for alpha at
L2791[21:53:57] <gigaherz> alpha is alpha
testing (cutoff)
L2792[21:54:00] <unascribed>
L2793[21:54:09] <gigaherz> you
enable/disable as needed
L2794[21:54:15] <TechDG> what line is it
showing my token anyway?
L2795[21:54:18] <terribleperson> what
happens when you disable them, and since you don't reenable
them, why doesn't that affect things rendered
L2796[21:54:26] <terribleperson> or is
'good practice' to enable them whenever you need
L2797[21:54:34] <gigaherz> TechDG: line
L2798[21:54:44] <TechDG> damn ok
L2799[21:54:54] <gigaherz> as we
L2800[21:54:57] <terribleperson> or is
that among the things reverted by popmatrix
L2801[21:55:05] <unascribed> matrix
**only** reverts transforms
L2802[21:55:06] <gigaherz> log into the
twitch website, go to the channel management stuff
L2803[21:55:09] <gigaherz> and reset your
L2804[21:55:10] <unascribed> like
translate, scale, rotate, etc
L2805[21:55:19] <unascribed> as I
L2806[21:55:20] <TechDG> i am
L2807[21:55:23] <TechDG> iuf I can
remember my login xD
L2808[21:55:28] <unascribed> disabling
alpha test, blending, etc is faster when you don't need
L2809[21:55:35] <unascribed> and all the
code expects it to be off when it starts rendering
L2810[21:55:42] <unascribed> so they turn
it on if they need it
L2811[21:55:46] <unascribed> and turn it
back off when they're done
L2812[21:55:51] <terribleperson> ah.
L2813[21:55:56] <terribleperson> and you
just disable it anyways to be sure it IS off?
L2814[21:56:01] <terribleperson> because
someone probably didn't?
L2815[21:56:04] <unascribed> ?
L2816[21:56:08] <unascribed> if you
enable it it has to be disabled again
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L2818[21:56:51] <gigaherz> TechDG: wait,
that actually doesn't look like a twitch stream key
L2819[21:56:57] <terribleperson>
gigaherz's? tesreenderrift enables blend, and doesn't
disable it (that i can see), unless calling blendfunc disables it.
XpOrb for some strange reason disables it without ever enabling
L2820[21:57:08] <unascribed> weird
L2821[21:57:10] <terribleperson> as in,
disables it at the very end.
L2822[21:57:25] <gigaherz> you may still
want to reset yours
L2823[21:57:28] <TechDG> gigaherz I
L2824[21:57:29] <gigaherz> but it may
just be an auth token
L2825[21:57:34] <gigaherz> in which case
it would be ok
L2826[21:58:07] <TechDG> i dont remember
my ligin xD
L2827[21:58:15] <TechDG> login*
L2828[21:58:16] <gigaherz>
terribleperson: most code enables/disables the blend mode at the
L2829[21:58:21] <gigaherz> so it's
L2830[21:58:25] <gigaherz> but it's
not fully correct
L2831[21:58:39] <TechDG> andd I foudn
L2832[21:58:42] <gigaherz> this is
annoying to explain correctly
L2833[21:59:03] <gigaherz> the gl state
manager is a tool that caches state changes
L2834[21:59:12] <gigaherz> so that if
someone sets the same thing twice
L2835[21:59:19] <gigaherz> it
doesn't do unnecessary opengl calls
L2836[21:59:30] <gigaherz> when people
use state managers
L2837[21:59:39] <gigaherz> they usually
set all the states at the beginning
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L2839[21:59:50] <williewillus> anyways
from now on pastebin things under a user or use gist
L2840[21:59:52] <gigaherz> so that they
don't need to turn things off at the end
L2841[21:59:56] <williewillus> so if this
happens you can just delete it :p
L2842[22:00:00] <gigaherz> but Minecraft
doesn't always do that
L2843[22:00:05] <gigaherz> so you have to
reset things
L2844[22:00:06] <gigaherz>
L2845[22:00:15] <terribleperson> okay, so
if I'm manually rendering I should (properly) always turn
things on at the start and off at the end?
L2846[22:00:22] <terribleperson> or
L2847[22:00:24] <gigaherz> yeah
L2848[22:00:24] <terribleperson> things I
need, anyways
L2849[22:00:28] <gigaherz> leave things
as they were before
L2850[22:00:34] <gigaherz> if you need
something on
L2851[22:00:35] <gigaherz> set it
L2852[22:00:41] <gigaherz> and then set
it back off
L2853[22:01:04] <gigaherz> unless that
doesn't work
L2854[22:01:06] <gigaherz> then leave it
on ;P
L2855[22:01:12] <gigaherz> it's a
bit hit&miss
L2856[22:01:40] <gigaherz> TechDG: if you
go to your dashboard -> stream key
L2857[22:01:48] <gigaherz> you'll
probably notice that the key you see there is NOT the
L2858[22:01:59] <terribleperson> and
it's faster to turn off things you don't need. if you
don't need lighting (for this particular stuff), turn it off,
if you don't need alpha, turn it off, if you don't need
blending, turn it off,.. what the hell is rescale normal?
L2859[22:02:02] <TechDG> I forgot my
twitch login xD sending them a support now
L2860[22:02:15] <gigaherz> actually
TechDG: do it from minecraft
L2861[22:02:19] <terribleperson>
gigaherz: because sometimes minecraft's internal stuff
doesn't actually SET things at the start?
L2862[22:02:22] <gigaherz> unlink it so
that the token is invalidated
L2863[22:02:23] <terribleperson> for..
some reason
L2864[22:02:25] <TechDG> oh
L2865[22:02:37] <gigaherz>
terribleperson: exactly
L2866[22:02:39] <terribleperson>
L2867[22:02:43] <gigaherz> since THEY do
not always set things at the start
L2868[22:02:46] <terribleperson> that is
so dumb.
L2869[22:02:54] <gigaherz> yo ucan't
just "do it right" yourself
L2870[22:03:00] <TechDG> says im not
connected to a twitch account
L2871[22:03:04] <terribleperson> ..can I
check the state of the values and return them? or is that
L2872[22:03:07] <gigaherz> hmf
L2873[22:03:14] <TechDG> that good?
L2874[22:03:29] <gigaherz> ah
L2875[22:03:35] <gigaherz> once you can
login to the website,
L2877[22:03:38] <gigaherz> go there
L2878[22:03:42] <gigaherz> see if you
ahve Minecraft in it
L2879[22:04:01] <TechDG> ok well first i
gotta get them to reset my email
L2880[22:04:01] <gigaherz> under
"authorized apps"
L2881[22:04:08] <gigaherz> sure
L2882[22:04:23] <gigaherz> but if
Minecraft is in it, you could de-authorize it
L2883[22:04:24] <gigaherz> ;P
L2884[22:04:49] <TechDG> when I enter my
login it just says reset your password and gives me a way to send
to an email I dontr habve anymore
L2886[22:05:47] <terribleperson> so I can
at least be sure *I* am not the one who broke something, if it ends
up broken? but.. really, what is rescalenormal? also, disabling
lighting: what does that actually mean? If I disable lighting, and
then render something, will it be unlit, or is that disabling it
(potentially) being a light source? If I disable lighting and it
leaves my rendering unlit, what does that actually result in?
completely black?
L2887[22:05:47] <terribleperson>
fullbright (second life term for ignoring lighting on an object and
making it permanently lit), what?
L2888[22:06:10] <TechDG> but only if I
use a certian email
L2889[22:06:27] <unascribed> disabling
lighting makes everything render full brightness
L2890[22:06:30] <unascribed> well
L2891[22:06:32] <unascribed> if it's
not a block
L2892[22:06:36] <gigaherz>
terribleperson: disableLighting ensures that the lighting system is
off, which means your pixels render full brightness always
L2893[22:06:38] <TechDG> password*
L2894[22:07:07] <gigaherz> never sen that
website, I just login from the front page
L2895[22:07:08] <TechDG> so gig it says
my pass is wrong unless I enter a certian one
L2896[22:07:11] <TechDG> then it wants me
to reset it
L2897[22:07:18] <TechDG> :/
L2898[22:07:20] <TechDG> what od I
L2899[22:07:25] <gigaherz> no idea
L2900[22:07:30] <terribleperson>
gigaherz: Okay, cool. so they will be subject neither to shadow nor
light, and the texture will look.. exactly as it does? So perfect
for my portal.
L2901[22:07:42] <gigaherz> yup
L2902[22:07:50] <TechDG> if I make a new
account I link MC to will it unlink fromt he old?
L2903[22:08:17] <gigaherz> I don't
even know if the token is still valid
L2904[22:08:33] <terribleperson> also, i
asked up there but can I check the values of things like alpha or
blend so I can return them to their starting values at the end, or
is that slow? Or am I just stuck with 'i might be breaking
stuff by disabling things, might now'
L2905[22:08:33] <gigaherz> Idon't
even know if the token can be used without your mc account
L2906[22:08:41] <gigaherz> I don't
even know if the token works outside your computer
L2907[22:08:54] <TechDG> damn
L2908[22:09:28] <gigaherz>
terribleperson: you just try
L2909[22:09:36] <gigaherz> if other
things look wrong when your stuff is drawing
L2910[22:09:40] <gigaherz> that means you
messed up ;P
L2911[22:09:49] <gigaherz> like
L2912[22:09:52] <gigaherz> i had a funny
L2913[22:09:55] <gigaherz> where the
debug overlay
L2914[22:09:58] <gigaherz> (the F3
⇦ Quits: thecodewarrior
(~thecodewa@75-128-36-18.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) (Remote host
closed the connection)
L2916[22:10:07] <gigaherz> wouldn't
be properly transparent
L2917[22:10:14] <gigaherz> becuase I
forgot to call disableBlend
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⇦ Quits: mikebald
(~mikebald@99-3-169-16.lightspeed.rlghnc.sbcglobal.net) (Quit:
Coyote finally caught me)
L2920[22:11:11] <gigaherz> gotta
L2921[22:11:12] <gigaherz> night
L2922[22:11:15] <terribleperson>
L2923[22:11:17] <terribleperson>
L2924[22:11:21] ***
gigaherz is now known as ghz|afk
L2925[22:13:40] ***
lxkm|sleep is now known as lxkm
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(~thecodewa@75-128-36-18.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) (Ping timeout:
198 seconds)
L2927[22:14:36] <TechDG> there mailed
L2928[22:14:49] <TechDG> ima go for the
night, cya
⇦ Quits: TechDG
(~TechDweeb@2601:1c0:5100:35f6:e4ea:e968:77a7:b8e1) (Quit:
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L2933[22:18:22] <M4thG33k> what does the
GLStateManager#color method do exactly?
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L2935[22:21:01] <terribleperson>
that's.. a really good question :P
L2936[22:21:04] <terribleperson> i should
have asked
L2937[22:21:05] <terribleperson> s
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L2939[22:22:44] <terribleperson>
renderXPOrb sets it to 1,1,1,1, so I'd assume that it's
setting it back to a 'default' state. But what is it
setting? Since XP Orb doesn't actually use it, I'd guess
maybe it's a tint? but I have no idea.
L2940[22:23:02] <terribleperson> or
it's the current color of the thing it's drawing, but
that makes no sense because you can't have color without
textures, right?
L2941[22:23:25] <terribleperson> unless
you can tint a section of a model?
L2942[22:23:47] <M4thG33k> yeah, I have
no idea; I see people using it all over the place but it
doesn't seem to do anything for me...
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L2944[22:24:44] <unascribed> color
1,1,1,1 is white
L2945[22:24:47] <unascribed> R, G, B,
L2946[22:24:47] <terribleperson> yeah, I
L2947[22:24:53] <terribleperson>
that's why my thought was a default setting :P
L2948[22:24:58] <unascribed> the color is
a tint, yes
L2949[22:25:08] <unascribed> textures are
multiplied by it
L2950[22:25:18] <terribleperson> awesome!
so I wasn't far off, then.
L2951[22:25:19] <unascribed> so a white
texture with color 1, 0, 1 is a bright magenta
L2952[22:25:30] <williewillus> you
can't use glColor on baked models though
L2953[22:25:31] <williewillus> just an
L2954[22:25:40] <williewillus> not
directly at least
L2955[22:25:45] <terribleperson> but you
CAN use it on stuff you're drawing yourself?
L2956[22:25:48] <williewillus> yes
L2957[22:26:20] <unascribed> this is
probably a terrible idea
L2958[22:26:33] <unascribed> but I'm
going to try to make this mod use one jar and work on
L2959[22:26:35] <unascribed> 1.8.9*
L2960[22:26:51] <unascribed> first step:
abstracting GL calls
L2961[22:27:10] <williewillus> it is a
terrible idea
L2962[22:27:15] <terribleperson> ...yep,
xporb uses it.
L2963[22:27:17] <williewillus> how are
you going to deal with states?
L2964[22:27:19] <M4thG33k> how would you
go about applying a color to a baked model then? I've been
reading for the last few hours and can't figure it
L2965[22:27:23] <unascribed> I'm
L2966[22:27:26] <unascribed> this mod
doesn't add blocks or items
L2967[22:27:28] <unascribed> it's a
GUI lib
L2968[22:27:31] <terribleperson> or no,
it doesn't..
L2969[22:27:38] <unascribed> and guis
have changed very very little between 1.7 and 1.8
L2970[22:27:53] <williewillus> M4thG33k:
brightness, packed color)
L2971[22:28:11] <williewillus> see:
botania mana pool TESR
L2972[22:28:17] <M4thG33k> I did that,
but it did not have the desired effect at all
L2973[22:28:25] <williewillus> how did
you pack the color?
L2974[22:28:31] <unascribed> "see:
botania" is williewillus' mantra
L2975[22:28:40] <williewillus> literally
it has all the examples
L2976[22:28:40] <M4thG33k> I was assuming
you use hex
L2977[22:28:44] <unascribed> it
L2978[22:28:46] <unascribed> but
L2979[22:28:50] <williewillus> :p
L2980[22:29:08] <williewillus> I learned
basically everything I know about 1.8 rendering from one port,
which means it's a pretty great example
L2981[22:29:15] <williewillus> hold on
lemme fetch code
L2982[22:29:32] <unascribed> botania is a
big and complicated mod
L2983[22:29:40] <terribleperson> okay, so
if xporb could set its color through opengl, why does it use
worldrenderer.SetColorRGBA_I instead?
L2985[22:30:09] <terribleperson> woah
woah woah wait does botania have a github? botania has a github?
L2986[22:30:10] <williewillus> the color
L2987[22:30:13] <unascribed> yeah
L2988[22:30:30] <williewillus> it's
been open source since its birth in the 1.6 days, but yeah :p
L2989[22:31:11] <M4thG33k> Yup...that
does not add any color at all...it shades my model different colors
of grey on different sides of the block though...
L2990[22:31:25] <williewillus> did you
divide by 255?
L2991[22:31:32] <williewillus> show
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Connection reset by peer)
L2993[22:31:44] <M4thG33k> I'm
manually entering RGB values between 0 and 1 for testing
L2994[22:31:51] <M4thG33k> just a
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L3000[22:34:56] <M4thG33k> Those
aren't supposed to be grey...
L3001[22:35:04] <williewillus> try
glcoloring to white before you render
L3002[22:35:35] <M4thG33k> didn't
change anything
L3003[22:36:20] <williewillus>
L3004[22:36:21] <unascribed>
L3005[22:36:31] <unascribed> the
L3006[22:36:31] <williewillus> oh woops
vaz's bot isn't here :p
L3007[22:36:36] <unascribed>
L3008[22:36:41] <williewillus> there we
L3009[22:37:16] <M4thG33k> that
didn't do anything either...you'd think this
wouldn't be that difficult...haha
L3010[22:37:38] <williewillus> idk why,
the same thing is working for me
L3011[22:38:36] <M4thG33k> I know...I was
staring at the Botania code for a good long time...
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L3014[22:39:02] <terribleperson> oh
L3015[22:39:03] <terribleperson>
L3016[22:39:11] <terribleperson>
you're the person handling botania in 1.8?
L3017[22:39:17] <williewillus> yes
L3018[22:39:18] <terribleperson>
unofficially but with blessing?
L3019[22:39:27] <terribleperson>
what's up with that, anyways?
L3020[22:39:27] <williewillus> will be
official soon(tm)
L3021[22:39:40] <williewillus> vaz tried
to but gave up so I did
L3022[22:39:44] <williewillus>
that's basically it
L3023[22:39:53] <williewillus> it's
really hard to port something existing than start something
L3024[22:40:00] <terribleperson> is.. is
botania changing hands? or are you just basically handling the
L3025[22:40:04] <williewillus> so while I
was porting he started Psi
L3026[22:40:08] <williewillus> no
I'm giving it back after it's done
L3027[22:40:16] <terribleperson> ah
L3028[22:40:22] <unascribed> yeah, and
vazkii loves 1.8 now
L3029[22:40:25] <williewillus> he seems
to have a good handle on 1.8 modding now
L3030[22:40:27] <williewillus> ;p
L3031[22:40:37] <unascribed> I don't
care for psi but it has convinced vazkii that 1.8 is The Way
L3032[22:40:42] <terribleperson> then i
have to thank you because botania is like... one of the coolest
mods ever and the idea that it might have died in transition
L3033[22:40:48] <unascribed> ^
L3034[22:41:01] <williewillus> i'm
sure someone else would've done it :p
L3035[22:41:06] <unascribed>
L3036[22:41:09] <terribleperson> also if
all the code i'm reading is anything to go by, 1.8 is still a
mess. if 1.7 was worse... jeeze.
L3037[22:41:21] <terribleperson> not
botania, i mean
L3038[22:41:23] <terribleperson> but
L3039[22:41:28] <terribleperson>
minecraft is a giant mess.
L3040[22:41:45] <williewillus> it's
deobfuscated decompiled code
L3041[22:41:50] <williewillus> can't
really judge
L3042[22:41:50] <terribleperson> oh i
L3043[22:42:04] <terribleperson> but
decompiling still leaves some clues to the function of the original
L3044[22:42:11] <williewillus>
MattDahEpic: I don't see where you actually use your
L3045[22:42:17] <williewillus> yeah, but
it's in transition
L3046[22:42:29] <unascribed> but keep in
L3047[22:42:33] <unascribed>
Mojang's obfuscator also optimizing
L3048[22:42:35] <unascribed>
L3049[22:42:38] <unascribed> and that
means a lot of inlining
L3050[22:42:43] <williewillus> it
L3051[22:42:45] <unascribed> and other
such strangifying of everything
L3052[22:42:59] <williewillus> static
java tools almost never do things like inlining
L3053[22:43:00] <unascribed> well, 98% of
obfuscators also optimize
L3054[22:43:04] <unascribed> because
while we're in the code, why not
L3055[22:43:05] <williewillus>
you're supposed to leave it to the JIT
L3056[22:43:06] <williewillus> oh
L3057[22:43:06] <unascribed> see:
L3058[22:43:13] <williewillus> well, they
use proguard so I guess it does
L3059[22:43:35] <terribleperson> also
yeah I thought NOT leaving things to the JIT was frowned upon
L3060[22:43:39] <unascribed> it is
L3061[22:43:45] <unascribed> but the
obfuscators generally do help
L3062[22:43:54] <unascribed> especially
for newer VMs like ART and Dalvik
L3063[22:44:06] <unascribed> more the
L3064[22:44:15] <williewillus> why
L3065[22:44:16] <unascribed> is writing
crap like "<< 2" in your code is frowned upon
L3066[22:44:27] <unascribed> or
"myBoolean ^ yourBoolean" as opposed to !=
L3067[22:44:31] <unascribed> because the
JIT will do that
L3068[22:44:37] <unascribed> but doing it
in the bytecode is okay
L3069[22:44:37] <williewillus> stripping
unused classes and bytecode won't make your program that much
L3070[22:44:40] <williewillus> before JIT
kicks in
L3071[22:44:43] <unascribed> nobody has
to read the bytecode (usually)
L3072[22:44:43] <williewillus>
L3073[22:45:01] <unascribed> (and yes,
for booleans XOR is equivalent to !=)
L3074[22:45:21] <unascribed> (this is why
I advocate calling the XOR gate a DIFFERS gate in redstone)
L3075[22:46:13] <williewillus> hm
L3076[22:46:23] <williewillus> I
can't seem to render a semi-transparent ghost baked
L3077[22:46:27] <williewillus> since
glcoloring doesn't work on them
L3078[22:46:34] <unascribed> 11/10
L3079[22:46:51] <shadekiller666> but an
XOR gate's primary use isn't to compare two booleans, its
to be part of an adder or ALU
L3080[22:46:55] <MattDahEpic>
williewillus, its a holdover from old, pre-translated versions. any
idea whats causing the format error though?
L3081[22:47:20] <unascribed>
shadekiller666, sure, but it helps the newbies know what it does if
you call it a DIFFERS gate
L3082[22:47:26] <unascribed> and my main
endeavour in redstone was running a server
L3083[22:47:32] <shadekiller666>
L3084[22:47:34] <unascribed> and we had
people all the time like "TECH ME TEH REDSOTNEZZZZ"
L3085[22:47:36] <unascribed> and we
L3086[22:47:40] <unascribed> and it
actually went rather well
L3087[22:47:47] <terribleperson> redstone
was fun
L3088[22:47:49] <shadekiller666> what
server was that?
L3089[22:47:52] <williewillus> I
don't like vanilla redstone just because of all the strange
rules and how uncompact it is
L3090[22:47:55] <williewillus> I love
logic tiles though
L3091[22:48:04] <williewillus> let you
think at a high level conceptually without the cruft
L3092[22:48:06] <unascribed> old brand
I've abandoned and wish not to associate with anymore
L3093[22:48:08] <terribleperson> learning
complex circuits WITHOUT reading guides was the most fun I ever
L3094[22:48:14] <terribleperson> in
redstone, anyways.
L3095[22:48:23] <unascribed> yeah, we
always did something we called the "hall light
L3096[22:48:27] <terribleperson> but I
think most stuff I would have done with redstone in vanilla I would
just use CC or OC for.
L3097[22:48:29] <unascribed> the answer
was a differs gate
L3098[22:48:41] <shadekiller666>
williewillus, see, figuring out how to compact an ALU into a 2x10x5
space is where the fun begins
L3099[22:48:49] <unascribed> so if you
came on and demanded building permissions, not tutoring
L3100[22:48:52] <unascribed> we'd
give you the challenge
L3101[22:49:02] <terribleperson> and if
you passed you got em? :P
L3103[22:49:02] <unascribed> if you
passed, you probably know your stuff because XORs are
L3104[22:49:05] <shadekiller666>
L3105[22:49:09] <williewillus> if you use
printf or string.format
L3106[22:49:12] <shadekiller666>
L3107[22:49:12] <williewillus> you need
to escape the %
L3108[22:49:14] <unascribed> and you got
L3109[22:49:16] <unascribed> if not
L3110[22:49:19] <unascribed> we suggested
L3111[22:49:31] <unascribed> it was fun
watching people struggle with it :D
L3112[22:49:36] <williewillus> or else it
thinks you want "%)" as a format code
L3113[22:49:42] <shadekiller666> i was a
member of the Redstone Development Foundation, which became the
Open Redstone Engineers
L3114[22:49:57] <shadekiller666> regarded
by many as being the bleeding edge of redstone innovation
L3115[22:50:02] <unascribed> honestly
never heard of them other than the other time you mentioned
L3116[22:50:03] <unascribed> so
L3117[22:50:27] <unascribed> probably
just not with the times :P
L3118[22:50:35] <unascribed> I've
always sort of just hung out in my own little corner of the
L3119[22:50:39] <shadekiller666> the test
required to get into that server was to build at least a 4 bit ALU
in an hour
L3120[22:50:43] <unascribed> lol
L3121[22:50:52] <unascribed> I ran a
really casual redstone inventions server
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L3123[22:50:58] <unascribed> we had a few
L3124[22:51:07] <williewillus>
MattDahEpic: see my msgs above ^
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timeout: 198 seconds)
L3126[22:51:14] <unascribed> but most
stuff was 7seg displays, fun sand stuff, etc
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L3128[22:51:29] <unascribed> 90% of the
complicated stuff was built by our lead admin Falkreon
L3129[22:51:32] <shadekiller666> all the
designs that are standard with regards to logic gates, alus,
calculators, cpus, were all invented on the RDF/ORE
L3130[22:51:36] <unascribed> who hops in
here from time to time
L3131[22:52:06] <terribleperson>
shadekiller: did this have a connection to the ORIGINAL great
redstone thread, which was the original heart of people figuring
out stuff with redstone?
L3132[22:52:33] <williewillus> im too
late to the game for that ;p
L3133[22:52:38] <williewillus> joined at
L3134[22:52:43] <VikeStep> what operation
set did the ALU need to be able to do?
L3135[22:52:48] <williewillus> started
playing modded in 1.2/4, started modding in 1.7
L3136[22:53:47] <terribleperson> the
original redstone thread was so old it had people bitching about
the 1.0.2_01 change
L3137[22:53:53] <terribleperson> because
it killed certain compact circuits
L3138[22:54:22] <shadekiller666>
terribleperson, uhhh, possibly, i don't remember what the RDF
was before it was the RDF, but it had been around for a loooong
time; around the release of 1.7 a bunch of the members of the RDF
decided to make their own server, for various admin-related
reasons, and started ORE
L3139[22:54:26] <terribleperson> I am not
QUITE that old, minecraft-wise
L3140[22:54:45] <unascribed> I joined
right when they made chickens not take fall damage :P
L3141[22:54:56] <terribleperson> I think
I joined around.. 1.1?
L3142[22:55:06] <unascribed> I don't
remember the exact version but I remember seeing a chicken fall off
a cliff and die on day one
L3143[22:55:12] <unascribed> and the next
day they floated gracefully down
L3144[22:55:22] <williewillus> fry: is
there a way to render a semi-transparent "ghost"
bakedmodel like this:
https://imgur.com/urfFtd2? glcoloring
doesn't work obviously for bakedmodels
L3145[22:55:23] <shadekiller666>
vikestep, add, sub, xor, or, and, not, nor, nand, extra points for
implies, mult, div, and bit shifting
L3146[22:55:30] <VikeStep> all that in an
L3147[22:55:32] <VikeStep> damn
L3148[22:55:35] <terribleperson>
L3149[22:55:48] <shadekiller666> well,
wasn't THAT strict
L3150[22:56:00] <fry> williewillus:
L3151[22:56:04] <VikeStep> I know on a
surface level how to implement a few in logic gates
L3152[22:56:09] <williewillus> no, but I
have GL control
L3153[22:56:12] <williewillus>
(RenderWorld event)
L3154[22:56:21] <VikeStep> like how you
can make any gate from xnor gates
L3155[22:56:40] <VikeStep> or was it
L3156[22:56:51] <shadekiller666> the
point was, show that you're competent enough to A: build the
thing, B: explain how it works, and C: extra points for designs of
your own
L3157[22:58:24] <terribleperson>
it's sad but the last time I was on a public server was when
multiplayer was still called SMP. My first server was when you
couldn't die by drowning :P
L3158[22:58:28] <shadekiller666> an alu
is typically 2 xnor gates -> an adder (xor | xor + and for carry
logic) -> xnor
L3159[22:58:42] <terribleperson> actually
you couldn't die at all, iirc..
L3160[22:58:58] <williewillus> they still
call it SMP :p
L3161[22:59:02] <williewillus> even
though its not survival
L3162[22:59:05] <VikeStep> I'm doing
a course this semester where I will be learning about ALUs and
stuff I believe
L3163[22:59:07] <terribleperson> sorry,
SMP was all there was :P
L3164[22:59:12] <VikeStep> well, you also
learn C and assembly at the same time
L3165[22:59:19] <shadekiller666> i miss
being active on ORE... that was fun :/
L3166[22:59:21] <williewillus> VikeStep:
L3167[22:59:41] <VikeStep> it's
Intro to CompSci at my uni haha
L3168[22:59:46] <terribleperson> my first
server was Hexagon, a european server that I believe is still
around (but its later incarnations became German only, I
L3169[22:59:48] <williewillus> ah,
L3170[22:59:50] <williewillus> what
L3171[22:59:55] <VikeStep> University of
L3172[22:59:58] <shadekiller666> one of
hte other members and i built this massive sudoku board
L3173[23:00:10] <shadekiller666> had
everything except for puzzle generation
L3174[23:00:20] <VikeStep> I've
already done a year at uni though, where I covered other stuff like
discrete maths and python
L3175[23:00:22] <terribleperson> I never
had the patience for large redstone projects..
L3176[23:00:39] <VikeStep> but now
I'm getting into the stuff I didn't know already :D
L3177[23:00:53] <shadekiller666> it was
really cool because we did this right after comparators were
L3178[23:01:30] <williewillus> yeah not
much of a redstoner myself
L3179[23:01:41] <williewillus> I like
making contraptions that exploit werid vanilla mechanics
L3180[23:02:03] <shadekiller666> so we
had to figure out how to get 4 bits worth of data 128+ block
distances without adding crazy amounts of redstone delay
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L3182[23:02:09] <terribleperson> my
biggest redstone project was making a non-sticky-piston door with a
toggle button :P
L3183[23:02:19] <Darva> I'm always
amused how rarely modded players know that you can make water flow
uphill with stairs and signs.
L3184[23:02:19] <terribleperson> 1 wide 2
high, 2 pistons on each side :P
L3185[23:02:19] <williewillus> my
favorite was using projecte philstone to transmute the obsidian
platform in the end into lava, then using ic2 pumps to suck it up.
Since the obsidian platform regenerates every time ANY entity
enters the portal
L3186[23:02:20] <williewillus> man
L3187[23:02:21] <shadekiller666> (hint:
analog with comparators :P)
L3188[23:02:24] <williewillus> so much
L3189[23:02:36] <williewillus> but then
my teammates patched it out x-x
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194 seconds)
L3191[23:03:33] <flappy> williewillus:
wait, you can't untransmute obsidian?
L3192[23:03:56] <terribleperson> *but* i
did design the t flip-flop without looking at outside
L3193[23:04:03] <flappy> that's a
downgrade :V
L3194[23:04:04] <terribleperson> darva:
vanilla minecraft has and had so many weird quirks
L3195[23:04:09] <terribleperson> which
most people never know about
L3196[23:04:12] <terribleperson> even if
they ONLY play vanilla
L3197[23:04:37] <Darva> Very true.
L3198[23:05:08] <terribleperson> also, if
you're the sort of person who learns about those things
L3199[23:05:11] <williewillus> flappy:
idk who removed it but apparently it was removed
L3200[23:05:15] <terribleperson> you
generally end up being one of those people who goes and installs
L3201[23:05:20] <terribleperson>
especially now that mods are so easy to install
L3202[23:05:21] <shadekiller666> the
board itself was roughly 120 blocks wide and tall
L3203[23:05:36] <terribleperson> and you
don't have to drop them into a jar file :P
L3204[23:05:54] <Darva> I didn't get
into modded until 1.6.4, and i started playing in alpha... so i
spent a decent amount of time with vanilla.
L3205[23:05:58] <terribleperson> or use
*gasp* hmod.
L3206[23:06:05] <shadekiller666> the
control room was somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2 a plot in front of
that (a plot was 256x256)
L3207[23:06:14] <williewillus> fry: I
have GL access from a renderworld event, could I just copy
renderModelBrightnessColor and change it to accept alpha? or is
there a better way :p
L3208[23:06:15] <terribleperson> ...does
anyone even remember hmod?
L3209[23:06:19] <Darva> Yes.
L3210[23:06:22] <williewillus> I've
only ever heard of it
L3211[23:06:24] <williewillus> :p
L3212[23:06:34] *
fry is looking stuff up
L3213[23:06:38] <Darva> I actually set up
a server running it.
L3214[23:06:46] <terribleperson>
L3215[23:06:50] <terribleperson> i'm
told it was terrible
L3216[23:06:56] <terribleperson> I
didn't mess with server admin at all until bukkit
L3217[23:06:59] <shadekiller666> do you
guys know about the trick with glowstone/slabs to run redstone wire
L3218[23:07:03] <Darva> It wasn't
too bad.
L3219[23:07:12] <williewillus> started
playing in 1.0, managed a bukkit server from 1.1 to 1.2, then a
modded 1.2 server, then I played ultimate alone, skipped 1.5/6
mostly, and came back to 1.7 with infinity and started
L3220[23:07:12] <terribleperson> but my
first server was a very small server running hmod so we got to hear
the complaints of the admin :P
L3221[23:07:16] <shadekiller666> that
trick was discovered on ORE :P
L3222[23:07:38] <Darva> I loved the
minecart mod i had on my hmod server... oh how i miss old style
L3223[23:07:49] <shadekiller666> oh
L3224[23:07:53] <terribleperson>
L3225[23:07:55] <williewillus> there
isn't a good "bring back the old behaviors" mod for
L3226[23:07:56] <shadekiller666> there
was something about them
L3227[23:08:03] <Darva> They were just
L3228[23:08:06] <williewillus>
legacycraft is one, but that being "good" is
L3229[23:08:10] <Darva> The felt
L3230[23:08:14] <williewillus> plus, the
dragonAPI dep :p
L3231[23:08:17] <terribleperson> we had a
massive minecart 'subway'
L3232[23:08:34] <shadekiller666>
williewillus, problem is, a lot of code has been put in place to
*fix* those bugs :P
L3233[23:08:39] <terribleperson> the
original Hexagon server had enormous land area, even by modern
L3234[23:09:01] <williewillus>
shadekiller666: which bugs would players likely want back?
L3235[23:09:17] <terribleperson> so there
had to be a way to get between (very, very far apart) towns in the
days when diamonds were rare-ish and the nether didn't work on
L3236[23:09:26] <shadekiller666>
couldn't you get minecarts moving at like 10 chunks per second
or some rediculously high speed with boosters?
L3237[23:09:31] <williewillus> reminds of
that super hacky mod in 1.6
L3238[23:09:48] <williewillus> called
OldDays, that required an EXTREMELY hacky jarmod to rip out the
internal server
L3239[23:09:50] <terribleperson> i
don't really MISS old minecraft
L3240[23:09:52] <terribleperson> I miss
some mods
L3241[23:09:56] <flappy> williewillus:
afaict, it's still a two-way lava-obsidian transmute
L3242[23:09:57] <williewillus> what
L3243[23:10:09] <shadekiller666>
williewillus, well, the booster minecart bug
L3244[23:10:09] <williewillus> flappy: i
think the lava->obsidian didn't work in 1.7 so someone just
axed it
L3245[23:10:13] <williewillus> I might
sneak it back into 1.8
L3246[23:10:16] <terribleperson> I miss
towny, the original 'property management' mod
L3247[23:10:20] <terribleperson>
L3249[23:10:30] <terribleperson> mcmmo
(think it's still around, kinda)
L3250[23:10:39] <terribleperson>
craftbook is.. obsolete.
L3251[23:10:42] <terribleperson> but it
sure was fun :P
L3252[23:10:53] <shadekiller666>
williewillus, "didn't work"? how could one specific
type of transmutation not work where every other one works?
L3253[23:10:57] <terribleperson> that was
the ORIGINAL 'complex machines' mod, pretty much.
L3254[23:11:01] <shadekiller666> how much
hardcoding was there?
L3255[23:11:04] <williewillus> flappy:
notice there's no reverse recipe
L3256[23:11:22] <williewillus>
shadekiller666: 1.7 had a VERY minor MOP bug
L3257[23:11:31] <shadekiller666>
you'd think that the system would consist of turning arbitrary
block A into arbitrary block B
L3258[23:11:32] <sinkillerj> I still say
its a odd transmutation to begin with
L3259[23:11:38] <williewillus> ping
L3260[23:11:39] <williewillus> :p
L3261[23:11:44] <shadekiller666> and
wouldn't give a shit about what those blocks were :P
L3262[23:11:46] <williewillus> I still
want it back for dah exploits
L3263[23:11:46] <shadekiller666>
L3264[23:11:50] <williewillus>
L3265[23:11:58] <flappy> williewillus:
there's no reverses for any of the others
L3266[23:12:01] <terribleperson>
williewillus ping?
L3267[23:12:09] <williewillus> flappy:
that's because there aren't any
L3268[23:12:10] <sinkillerj> For the
exploits is not a valid reason, outside of your own personal builds
L3269[23:12:19] <flappy> wait what
L3270[23:12:21] <shadekiller666> what was
the bug?
L3271[23:12:34] <williewillus>
shadekiller666: shifting at the edge of a block screws up raytrace
in 1.7
L3272[23:12:44] <williewillus> stupid bug
an dstupid reason to remove a transmute but ?shrug
L3273[23:13:03] <williewillus> flappy:
all the "reverse recipes" are hardcoded there
L3274[23:13:06] <sinkillerj> Its less a
bug issue for me and more a logic issue
L3275[23:13:09] <shadekiller666>
L3276[23:13:09] <flappy> williewillus: i
didn't notice the 5 topmost ones somehow
L3277[23:13:10] <williewillus> every
register call is a forward recipe
L3278[23:13:20] <flappy> tiredness is
making me blind
L3279[23:13:22] <shadekiller666> it
raytraced slightly differently...
L3280[23:13:29] <flappy> i should really
sleep at times
L3281[23:13:39] <williewillus>
"logic issue" the whole mod is a logic issue in that
regard lol
L3282[23:13:52] <sinkillerj> A fact which
drives me nuts every day
L3283[23:13:58] <shadekiller666> ?
L3284[23:14:02] <flappy> williewillus: i
assumed they were cyclical due to not looking at it fully
L3285[23:14:05] <fry> williewillus: how
did you do it in 1,7 anyway?
L3286[23:14:05] <sinkillerj> One of these
days I'm gonna go mad and make a overhauled fork
L3287[23:15:15] <williewillus> fry:
literally glColor4f
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L3291[23:15:43] <unascribed> maybe this
will work
L3292[23:15:45] <unascribed> MAYBE
L3293[23:15:52] <fry> ah, so the original
color wasn't used
L3294[23:15:56] <williewillus>
unascribed: wtf
L3295[23:15:59] <terribleperson> should I
do glstatemanager.scale(1,1,1) or something at the start of my
L3296[23:16:03] <fry> you can probably
try glSecondaryColor
L3297[23:16:04] <sinkillerj> Hackey
L3298[23:16:28] <terribleperson> meh,
enderrift doesn't so it must not be needed..
L3299[23:16:31] <williewillus> eh
secondary color didn't work last time, but we'll
L3300[23:17:02] <unascribed> no
L3301[23:17:02] <unascribed> scale(1,1,1)
has absolutely no effect
L3302[23:17:10] <williewillus> also,
secondary color doesn't take alpha
L3303[23:17:10] <williewillus> lol
L3304[23:17:16] <terribleperson>
unascribed: it's relative?
L3305[23:17:21] <unascribed> yes
L3306[23:17:32] <shadekiller666> by
L3307[23:17:53] <terribleperson> what
affect does scaling have? It must have an affect since it's
used, but you'd expect there to be some way to restore
otherwise behaviour would be unpredictable..
L3308[23:18:05] <terribleperson> what
does scale actually mean in the context of glstatemanager?
L3309[23:18:12] <tterrag> it scales the
L3310[23:18:17] <williewillus> it scales
the view
L3311[23:18:17] <tterrag>
L3312[23:18:17] <shadekiller666> same
thing it means everywhere else
L3313[23:18:19] <williewillus> :p
L3314[23:18:36] <tterrag> the reason
1,1,1 does nothing is because that's multiplying the matrix by
[1, 1, 1]
L3315[23:18:44] <tterrag> aka the
identity matrix...aka does nothing
L3316[23:19:10] <terribleperson> yeah,
okay, but how do I know that the view hasn't already been
scaled elsewhere?
L3317[23:19:16] <tterrag> you
L3318[23:19:19] <shadekiller666> if the
matrix has a box thats 32x32x32, and something calls scale(0.5,
0.5, 0.5), the box becomes 16x16x16
L3319[23:19:53] <terribleperson> so if I
draw something, and then scale
L3320[23:19:57] <terribleperson> oh
L3321[23:19:57] <tterrag> terribleperson:
the view has always been "scaled"
L3322[23:20:01] <shadekiller666> to get
back to the 32x32x32 you'd call scale(2, 2, 2)
L3323[23:20:06] <terribleperson>
it's applied to stuff that already exists?
L3324[23:20:10] <tterrag> no
L3325[23:20:35] <williewillus> the only
"thing" it applies to is the entire view matrix
L3326[23:20:36] <tterrag> it's
applied to the current matrix...when you do something like
glVertex3f that adds a vertex and applies the current matrix to
L3327[23:20:46] <shadekiller666> also,
glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix as the first and last gl calls is
generally a good thing to do
L3328[23:20:57] <tterrag> remember,
OpenGL is a state machine. once you've added something you
can't "change" it
L3329[23:21:48] <terribleperson> but
then, how do I make sure that my current scale is
'normal'? oh. is that insured by pushing the
L3330[23:21:51] <terribleperson>
L3331[23:21:52] <terribleperson> *
L3332[23:22:12] <terribleperson> i want
one to be one, not two or 0.5 :P
L3333[23:24:28] <williewillus>
that's not how it works
L3334[23:24:32] <williewillus> it's
all relative
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L3336[23:24:38] <fry> williewillus: try
L3337[23:25:34] <tterrag> terribleperson:
no, you're effected by any matrix that was pushed onto the
stack before you render
L3338[23:25:41] <tterrag> which is good -
because you need to render relatively
L3339[23:25:44] <unascribed> (which is
how *all* the rendering works)
L3340[23:25:44] <unascribed> yeah
L3341[23:26:02] <tterrag> if you were
rendering on the identity matrix you'd be WAAYYY off
L3342[23:26:09] ***
Vigaro is now known as V
L3343[23:26:16] <unascribed> ohhh,
that's what glLoadIdentity means
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L3345[23:26:39] <shadekiller666>
you'd be centered on the player's feet
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(~sinkiller@nc-67-232-14-71.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) (Quit:
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L3348[23:27:24] <tterrag> really? I
figured you'd be centered on the camera
L3349[23:27:42] <shadekiller666>
L3350[23:28:00] <shadekiller666> might be
the camera
L3351[23:28:04] <unascribed> yeah,
L3352[23:28:28] <shadekiller666> hard to
tell since, you know, its kinda difficult to move them
L3353[23:28:48] <unascribed> I wonder how
broken the game would look if you blanked the method bodies of
translate, scale, etc
L3355[23:31:42] <shadekiller666>
unascribed, likely wouldn't see anything, as the camera would
be inside of things
L3356[23:31:47] <unascribed> shh
L3357[23:32:25] <williewillus> actually
this could work
L3358[23:32:32] <williewillus> need to
toy around with the alpha and brighness a bit
L3359[23:32:56] <williewillus> actually
L3360[23:33:05] <williewillus> passing
alpha 1 for an opaque render for the lexicon makes it
L3361[23:33:13] <williewillus> or
L3362[23:33:59] <shadekiller666> how does
one "subdivide" a line into N number of equal parts
L3363[23:34:20] <shadekiller666> with the
line being two Vector3f endpoints
L3364[23:34:20] <solidDoWant1> shade a
string or a some mc object?
L3365[23:34:38] ***
Darva is now known as darvaSleep
L3366[23:34:54] <williewillus> oh seems
like the alpha value I pass in has no effect
L3367[23:34:55] <unascribed> where J is
L3368[23:35:01] <williewillus> *I color
L3369[23:35:04] <unascribed>
vectorA.lerp(vectorB, J)
L3370[23:35:12] <unascribed> there's
probably not a lerp method
L3371[23:35:15] <unascribed> but
it'd be super easy to write
L3372[23:35:28] <solidDoWant1> whats lerp
stand for again??
L3373[23:35:32] <unascribed> linear
L3374[23:35:41] <solidDoWant1> there we
L3375[23:35:49] <unascribed> so 0 is the
first vector, 1 is the second, 0.5 is halfway between the two
L3376[23:35:51] <solidDoWant1> yall
talking about opengl via lwjgl?
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(~Cojosan@2606:a000:1126:8048:45b5:f9f9:96a4:905) (Quit: Beds
explode goodnight)
L3378[23:38:08] <M4thG33k> williewillus,
I can't find where you bake the mana pool models, could you
point me in the right direction?
L3379[23:38:13] <williewillus> I
L3380[23:38:15] <williewillus>
they're json
L3381[23:38:46] <M4thG33k> so Minecraft
bakes them for you. okay
L3382[23:38:46] <williewillus> I use the
straight json model for the item form, I just need a tesr in world
for the coloring of the fab pool, and to render the mana
L3383[23:38:55] <williewillus> and any
L3384[23:39:20] <M4thG33k> I'm still
trying to figure out why these models of mine just want to stay
L3385[23:39:46] <shadekiller666>
M4thG33k, what kind of models
L3386[23:39:56] <shadekiller666> and are
you assigning them a texture?
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L3388[23:40:13] <williewillus> he's
trying to dynamically recolor bakedmodels using
renderModelBrightnessColor, but they're always gray
L3389[23:40:20] <M4thG33k> I have OBJ
models that I'm trying to dynamically apply a solid color
L3390[23:40:58] <shadekiller666> ok
L3391[23:41:18] <shadekiller666> so you
want them to be white, thats the base texture for vertex
L3392[23:41:19] <williewillus> as a side
note: my json pool model needed to specify
L3393[23:41:24] <williewillus> for the
dynamic recoloring to work
L3394[23:41:34] <williewillus> idk how
that works in OBJ
L3395[23:41:39] <shadekiller666>
L3396[23:41:40] <M4thG33k> that may be
something I can do...
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L3398[23:41:56] <williewillus> idk how to
declare that in an OBJ model
L3399[23:42:04] <williewillus> or even at
L3400[23:42:07] <shadekiller666> well i
think tintIndex is needed (?) obj models don't touch tintIndex
L3401[23:42:33] <shadekiller666>
tintIndex is a variable for all IBakedModels isn't it?
L3402[23:43:00] <williewillus> yea,
it's in BakedQuad
L3403[23:45:07] ***
mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L3404[23:45:46] <shadekiller666>
M4thG33k, you may or may not have to rebake the OBJBakedModel with
the color changes applied via OBJState
L3406[23:47:32] <M4thG33k> I'm not
sure I follow. That could just be because I'm tired though
L3407[23:47:34] <M4thG33k> -_-
L3408[23:48:27] <shadekiller666> obj
models have built-in color remapping
L3409[23:49:30] <M4thG33k> ok
L3410[23:49:38] <shadekiller666> done by
passing an OBJState into OBJBakedModel's constructor (or
passing one back from getExtendedState()), you essentially give
OBJState a material name and a color vector
L3411[23:50:00] <shadekiller666> for the
white texture, the name is OBJModel.Material.WHITE_NAME
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error: Connection reset by peer)
L3413[23:54:39] <M4thG33k> Ok, I'm
still not understanding OBJState - are there default ones I'm
supposed to pass in or create my own?
L3414[23:54:50] <M4thG33k> wait...you
already said that...
L3415[23:55:40] <M4thG33k> I'm too
tired for this tonight. Thanks for the help!
L3416[23:56:07] <shadekiller666>
L3417[23:56:07] <shadekiller666> no there
are no default ones
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(Quit: I've derivatives to take...adios!)
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L3420[23:57:46] <terribleperson> coding
while sleepy
L3421[23:57:48] <terribleperson>
don't work.
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