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L4[00:02:41] <FusionLord> anyone work with
BlockBounds based on state?
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L9[00:04:49] <FusionLord> Hello there
L10[00:06:58] <FusionLord> ahh bounds are
not relitive, atleast what i need to supply
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L12[00:11:30] <tterrag|away> They ARE
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L14[00:17:41] <FusionLord> thats what i
meant :P
L15[00:21:06] ⇨
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L16[00:21:51] <xaero> learn to not
contradict yourself yo :P
L17[00:22:30] <xaero> or at least, correct
L18[00:22:56] ⇦
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L20[00:24:27] <FusionLord> xD
L21[00:24:58] ⇦
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L24[00:27:17] <terribleperson> is the
entity tracker worldserver specific?
L25[00:27:39] <terribleperson> because it
looks like it
L26[00:31:01] ⇦
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Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen und
das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
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L33[00:41:35] <Dagarath> Does anyone have a
suggestion for dealing with "Player moved wrongly!" ??
should I maybe just check position after movement to see if they
are in the correct place, and try again?
L34[00:41:54] <killjoy> Dagarath, messing
with player movement?
L35[00:42:20] <Dagarath> Yea moving the
player using player.setPositionAndUpdate
L36[00:42:47] <Dagarath> I have pre-defined
player start positions in my mod, so I need the player to move to
said position
L37[00:42:51] <killjoy> to places inside a
L38[00:43:07] <Dagarath> no, above the
ground some distance away
L39[00:43:13] <killjoy> telepor
L40[00:43:15] <killjoy> teleport
L41[00:43:18] <Dagarath> it works 9/10
times, 10th time it doesnt
L42[00:43:29] <killjoy>
L43[00:43:34] <killjoy> something like
L44[00:43:48] <Dagarath> hrmm ill try it, I
mean I know for certain the chunk is forced to load so its
L45[00:44:04] <killjoy> teleport
doesn't care about loaded chunks
L46[00:44:10] <killjoy> it will load
L47[00:44:29] <Dagarath> hrmm yea that isnt
it hrmm lol
L48[00:44:51] <Dagarath> maybe its a world
thing? player has no teleport except direction etc, in 1.7.10 to
L49[00:45:22] ⇦
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L50[00:45:30] <killjoy> playermp or
L51[00:45:44] <Dagarath> PlayerMP
L52[00:45:55] <Dagarath> doing all the
movement on the server side
L53[00:45:56] ⇦
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L55[00:46:59] <masa> setPositionAndUpdate()
should work
L56[00:47:05] <Dagarath> yea I am using
L57[00:47:10] <Dagarath> and it only works
9/10 times
L58[00:47:22] <killjoy> present your
L59[00:47:23] <masa> and what exactly
happens on that 10th time?
L60[00:47:32] <killjoy> moved wrongly
L61[00:47:32] <Dagarath> "Player moved
L62[00:47:36] <masa> does it not move at
all, with that message?
L63[00:47:52] <Dagarath> yea well it tries
to but then goes right back to the original spot
L64[00:48:06] <masa> I've seen that in
vanilla with pistons etc.
L65[00:48:38] <masa> and player movement is
also client-related, so maybe the client tries to move at the same
time or something?
L66[00:48:46] <Dagarath> it does the whole
flash (no better explanation) that you'd get when you clear
everything from the renderer, then back to the same spot
L67[00:49:38] <Dagarath> maybe.. I guess
that is possible
L68[00:50:19] <masa> do you teleport them
very close to some blocks?
L69[00:50:30] <Dagarath> yes within 2
L70[00:50:33] <masa> maybe the client tries
to move into a block just as you teleport them?
L71[00:50:50] <masa> so then the server
says wtf no, and they get sent back?
L72[00:51:16] <Dagarath> hrmm maybe...
I'll just set the player WAYY above and turn off fall damage
to see
L73[00:51:40] <masa> I'm basically
just using setPositionAndUpdate() myself in my teleport code, and I
don't remember ever seeing that error message
L74[00:52:07] <Dagarath> or rather set fall
distance to 0
L75[00:52:23] <Dagarath> welp testing
L76[00:52:52] <Dagarath> This is my last
problem, and everything (except block break texture) is
working...probably just gonna be some fiddling to get the #s
L77[00:54:17] <Dagarath> got moved wrongly
again... I am going to just have the method that does the moving
check that the players position is correct before it removes the
player from the queue
L78[00:55:03] <masa> did you check the
vanilla tp command code to see if there is anything special
L79[00:56:12] <Dagarath> nope but I will if
this does not remedy the problem
L80[00:56:59] <Dagarath> I think leaving
the player enqued in the position update until the player is in the
specified position SHOULD work.
L81[00:57:02] <Dagarath> enqueued
L82[01:00:47] ⇦
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L84[01:03:59] <masa> seems hacky
L85[01:05:07] <Dagarath> Why would it be
hacky? It is consistantly controllable
L86[01:05:18] <Wuppy> morning
L87[01:05:20] ⇦
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L88[01:05:24] <Dagarath> morning!
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L90[01:06:08] <masa> well i mean if you
just teleport the same player over and over again until they are
where you want them to be...
L91[01:06:18] <masa> it should work on the
first time
L92[01:06:56] <masa> how far are you
teleporting them? an insude the same dimension, right?
L93[01:07:11] <Dagarath> > 2000 blocks,
inside the same dimension
L94[01:07:23] <masa> are you sure none of
the teleport code runs on the client?
L95[01:07:39] <Dagarath> No I said I would
tkae a look if I couldnt get it to work
L96[01:08:00] <Dagarath> I've never
even attempted to look at the teleporter code because it uses a
literal teleporter
L97[01:08:16] <Dagarath> Now I have to
L98[01:08:36] <masa> oh does vanilla use a
teleporter for tp?
L99[01:08:58] ⇦
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186 seconds)
L100[01:09:31] <Dagarath> using the
vanilla code in forge does
L101[01:09:45] <Dagarath> like I said
never looked at the vanilla code
L102[01:09:45] <masa> but anyway,
setPositionAndUpdate() should work, as long as you only do that on
the server side
L103[01:09:55] <Dagarath> doing that,
doesnt work consistantly
L104[01:10:02] <masa> hmpf
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L106[01:10:37] <Dagarath> The issue is
simple, client has to load the chunk, server already has it..soo
theres that lag in between
L107[01:11:13] <Dagarath> I was just
hoping somebody had a workaround.
L108[01:11:59] <terribleperson> what is
theItemInWorld manager?
L109[01:11:59] ⇦
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L110[01:12:59] <terribleperson> the
teleportation code uses
EntityPlayerMP.theItemInWorldManager.setWorld with the destination,
as a worldserver
L111[01:13:23] <terribleperson>
EntityPlayerMP also has .setWorld(world)
L112[01:13:40] <terribleperson> do I need
to touch .setWorld?
L113[01:13:54] <terribleperson> i'm
assuming not
L114[01:13:56] <masa> Dagarath: well
anyway, here is my current code, it's a bit messy, but it has
worked without any apparent issues
L116[01:14:38] <masa> you could at least
test it by just adding that whole class :p
L117[01:15:55] <terribleperson> but then,
it looks like nothing actually calls entity.setWorld, except the
initial connection code
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L120[01:21:34] <terribleperson>
entity.dimension is described as 'which dimension the player
is in'
L121[01:21:46] <terribleperson> is that
correct? because i'd expect that to be in EntityPlayer or
L122[01:21:48] <terribleperson> not
L123[01:21:54] <terribleperson> as a value
that all entities possess
L124[01:22:04] <DarkEvilMac>
terribleperson, give it a test if it's wrong then /query
L125[01:22:17] <DarkEvilMac> and adjust
the doc
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L128[01:27:28] ***
AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L129[01:30:18] <Dagarath> Whoopeee it
L130[01:30:49] <Dagarath> I got my system
to work with a few little tweaks.
L131[01:31:07] <masa> what did you end up
L132[01:31:16] <Dagarath> Totally hacky, I
just send setPositionAndUpdate twice lol
L133[01:31:23] <masa> haha
L134[01:31:42] <Dagarath> and no need to
keep the player queued it just works
L135[01:33:13] <Dagarath> Now one last
problem, I need to resync more than I am because values aren't
updated often enough to avoid complications
L136[01:33:32] <Dagarath> Either that or
one of my if statements is wrong lol
L137[01:33:46] <Dagarath> (probably the
L138[01:36:29] ***
Drullkus is now known as Drull|zzz
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L141[01:38:09] <sham1> I just had a
thought in my head about how deep ackermann functions you could
execute before running out of stack
L142[01:40:12] <sham1> I guess not that
L143[01:40:24] <Techno> So quick question
on something. What would be the root cause of getting a 403 when
trying to download jline-2.13.
L144[01:40:45] <Techno> When I am trying
to install forge 1700-1710 for 1.8.9
L145[01:41:33] ⇦
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L146[01:41:39] <sham1> The route cause
could be with the maven repo
L147[01:42:13] <masa> Techno: via the
forge installer, or how?
L148[01:43:09] <sham1> The MDK or trying
to get it as an end user?
L149[01:43:15] <Techno> I am using the
sklauncher, but that utilizes the forge installer. So yes
L150[01:43:44] <Techno> so I suppose I
should dive into their source
L151[01:44:17] <masa> so it fails to
install and launch, or does it just give the error?
L153[01:44:49] <Techno> Fails on
L154[01:45:13] <Techno> Its looking for a
specific link that is forbidden
L155[01:45:42] <Techno> down by line 104
or so
L156[01:45:53] <sham1> 404...
L157[01:45:53] <sham1> Can't find it
from your comp
L158[01:46:27] <Techno> Well that is
because it can't find it after the download :P
L159[01:46:30] <ThePsionic> 403
L160[01:47:15] <Techno> Since it is
looking for the file on my local computer to make sure the end user
can pick it up off the distribution server.
L161[01:47:31] <Techno> But since it
can't get the file in the first place, I get a 404 on the
local host
L162[01:47:58] ⇦
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L163[01:51:19] <Techno> Figured I'd
ask here if this has been a problem people have seen before.
Otherwise I'll dig into the luancher itself to see if I can
find a source
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L165[01:52:10] <moog> anyone know of a mod
that removes bedrock from world gen?
L166[01:53:30] <McJty> Sounds dangerous to
L167[01:53:35] <McJty> Can easily cause
massive lag
L168[01:53:44] <Techno> Worth it
L169[01:54:20] <killjoy> So I'm doing
some windows 8.1 labs. One of my assignments is to run solitaire
from xp
L170[01:54:29] <killjoy> I think I'll
play a round
L171[01:55:13] <masa> Techno: well, I
created a new clean installation of multimc and it manage to
download and set up everything just fine, got 1.8.9 with forge 1710
running on it
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L174[01:58:43] <Techno> Posted an Issued
on their Github. I figured it was not a forge problem as I have
already deployed a couple 1.8.9 servers. Just didn't know if
someone else had already heard of something along these lines
L175[01:58:52] <Dagarath> Wouldnt a
generator work? replace bedrock with air? lol
L176[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Pushing snapshot_20160120 mappings to Forge Maven.
L177[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160120-1.8.9.zip
(mappings = "snapshot_20160120" in build.gradle).
L178[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live
(every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed)
MCPBot mapping exports can be found here:
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L183[02:09:21] ***
kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L184[02:09:43] <FusionLord> tterrag|away,
do you know the proper way to destroy the grave from one of the
L185[02:10:03] <tterrag|away> grab the
master and let it do it
L186[02:10:06] ***
tterrag|away is now known as tterrag
L187[02:10:56] <moog> oh shit that's
L188[02:11:04] <moog> lighting breaks when
the bedrock is gone doesn't it
L189[02:11:35] <McJty> moog, why would
L190[02:11:44] <McJty> Lighting is not
related to bedrock
L191[02:11:47] <moog> I thought that was
the source of the lag
L192[02:11:52] <moog> when bedrock was
L193[02:11:58] <moog> vague memory from 4
yrs ago
L194[02:12:01] <McJty> No, the source of
the lag is when oceans and gravel/sand falls down into it
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L196[02:12:09] <FusionLord> i just meant
is there a way to properly mark it for removal so that it fires all
L197[02:12:12] <McJty> Which might very
well happen if you remove bedrock from the overworld
L198[02:12:39] <moog> hm, gotcha.
L199[02:13:05] <moog> ah well!
L200[02:15:19] ⇦
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L201[02:16:33] <sham1> why do you want to
remove bedrock
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L203[02:17:29] <moog> was messing with
custom terrain
L204[02:17:37] <moog> I'm a sucker
for floating islands. ~ _~
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L206[02:17:49] <moog> I think there's
still a bit of land down there though. grr.
L207[02:19:16] <moog> I miss the old
proper floating islands.
L208[02:25:37] <FusionLord> tterrag, is it
just me or does this seem like a really round about way of doing
things? new
L209[02:26:29] <sham1> Indeed
L210[02:26:59] <FusionLord> seems to be
the only way to make sure it fires BlockEvent.BreakEvent
L211[02:27:13] <FusionLord> other than
posting the event myself
L212[02:27:45] <masa> and you don't
do that because?
L213[02:28:00] <FusionLord> less code
L214[02:28:58] ***
MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L215[02:29:16] <masa> uh, like one
L216[02:30:12] <tterrag> FusionLord:
don't create an iteminworldmanager
L217[02:30:25] <tterrag> and, the
BreakEvent should handle extra breaks just fine
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L220[02:42:48] <Vorquel> Question: how
might one give a custom color to armor when that color will be
changing constantly?
L221[02:42:59] <VikeStep> hmm, that's
odd, when I ran gradlew genPatches it removed a whole bunch of
lines from a class I didn't even touch (or know existed)
L222[02:43:07] <VikeStep> the class being
L223[02:43:34] <VikeStep> maybe rebase
screwed up somewhere...
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L225[02:44:16] <VikeStep> seems that file
was changed 8 days ago
L226[02:45:24] <Dagarath> Anyone quite
familiar with IEEP? curious if saving NBT whenever it changes is
either good or bad practice or negligible
L227[02:45:34] ⇦
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L231[02:46:38] <sham1> You really should
let minecraft save whenever it wants to
L232[02:47:14] <VikeStep> I pulled the
version of that file from upstream and made sure it was the same as
the one on MinecraftForge
L233[02:47:23] <VikeStep> ran gradlew
setupForge again to double check
L234[02:47:28] <VikeStep> and it undid the
patches again
L235[02:47:34] <VikeStep> this might be a
L236[02:47:47] <killjoy> did you
genpatches first?
L237[02:48:01] <sham1> Notify the game
engine that "hey, this Entity's NBT changed! Can you save
it when you go around saving the world?!"
L238[02:48:11] <Dagarath> thing is sham1
when minecraft saves whenever it wants to, it overwrites changes in
the NBT so it is not syncing
L239[02:48:35] <sham1> How do you mean
L240[02:48:37] <killjoy> I thought there
was a markDirty() method somewhere
L242[02:48:55] <Dagarath> in IEEP? not
seen it myself
L243[02:48:58] ⇦
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L244[02:49:06] <VikeStep> i ran genpatches
and noticed it removed a patch to a class I didn't touch
Killjoy, I then checked out the file from upstream so it was the
same as the one on the main github page. I checked that it the
patch that it got was all correct, then ran setupForge and it
didn't use the patches
L245[02:49:15] <VikeStep> genPatches I
thought only applied your local changes?
L246[02:49:29] <VikeStep> and recreated
the patch files that is
L247[02:49:37] <killjoy> genpatches
compares the Forge project to Clean
L248[02:49:46] <VikeStep> yeah
L249[02:49:53] <VikeStep> at that point,
it should have done nothing
L250[02:50:05] <killjoy> It's
probably something dumb
L251[02:50:54] <VikeStep> I'll do it
again just in case...
L252[02:50:56] <Dagarath> Do I have to
write markDirty myself?? because it does not exist in IEEP
L253[02:51:05] ⇦
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L255[02:52:55] <killjoy> You keep using
IEEP and in this context, I don't think it's
L256[02:52:58] ⇦
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L257[02:53:02] <killjoy> What does that
L258[02:53:35] <Dagarath> no idea that is
not english to me
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L260[02:53:57] <killjoy> I only know it in
the context of IEEE 802.11
L261[02:54:09] <Dagarath>
L262[02:54:20] <ThePsionic> damnit
L263[02:54:28] <killjoy> wut?
L264[02:54:29] <ThePsionic> ur full of bs
L265[02:54:44] <killjoy> Yeah, I bs my way
through life
L266[02:54:50] <Dagarath> I am not
L267[02:54:51] <killjoy> I get by
L268[02:54:51] ⇦
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L269[02:55:08] <ThePsionic> Dagarath: u
should smile more tbh
L270[02:55:10] <Dagarath> you tell me to
use something that does not exist in the context, why bother?
L271[02:55:29] <Dagarath> I smile when I
am not being screwed with by someone giving me incorrect
L272[02:55:51] <killjoy> So who are you
insulting right now?
L273[02:55:55] <killjoy> It's not me,
L274[02:56:03] <ThePsionic> lol
L275[02:56:21] <killjoy> afaik, I
wasn't assisting you.
L276[02:56:27] <Dagarath> how about we
call it an infinite loop
L277[02:56:29] ⇦
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L278[02:56:47] <killjoy> Except for the
markDirty thing
L279[02:56:58] ⇦
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(~thecodewa@75-128-36-18.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) (Ping timeout:
186 seconds)
L280[02:57:10] <Dagarath> except that
doesnt exist in the context I am working within, so it isnt
L281[02:57:27] <killjoy> I mentioned it
because I saw it once. Never actually needed to use it.
L282[02:57:57] <Dagarath> My first
question was 'Anyone quite familiar with IEEP?'
L283[02:58:16] <killjoy> Didn't catch
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L286[03:01:42] <VikeStep> ok, I have done
it twice now...
L287[03:01:50] <Dagarath> well I got it
working.. without doing anything dirty.
L288[03:01:56] ***
ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L289[03:01:57] <VikeStep> setupForge
applies the patches to the Forge project right?
L290[03:02:11] <killjoy> VikeStep,
here's what I recommend. Delete the folder. re-clone
L291[03:02:12] <gigaherz> VikeStep: among
other things
L292[03:02:23] <gigaherz> gradle uses a
hierarchical task system
L293[03:02:26] <VikeStep> killjoy, that
would be good, if I didn't have local changes I wanted to
L294[03:02:31] <gigaherz> where tasks are
only run if they are needed
L295[03:02:40] <killjoy> Then clone
elsewhere and copy the changes
L296[03:02:52] <VikeStep> sorry, i already
have a fork
L297[03:03:01] <VikeStep> and I already
did all the hoops
L298[03:03:02] <VikeStep> twice
L299[03:03:08] <VikeStep> that's what
I was doing
L300[03:03:14] ⇦
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L301[03:03:20] <gigaherz> what's your
issue VikeStep?
L302[03:03:28] <VikeStep> it's not
applying one of the patches
L303[03:03:40] <VikeStep> from
L304[03:03:50] <gigaherz> ah no idea
L305[03:03:53] <VikeStep> I don't
even touch the class, it had a commit to it 8 days ago
L306[03:04:23] <VikeStep> also, what is it
with patch files having src-base and src-work switched? is that
L307[03:04:28] <VikeStep> in the very
first line
L308[03:04:42] <gigaherz> I have been
meaning to check out the forge dev side of things, but I can't
be bothered to install eclipse and all XD
L309[03:05:34] <killjoy> VikeStep, are you
trying to do a merge?
L310[03:05:36] <gigaherz> dunno my
knowledge of forge dev only goes as far as "setupForge ->
work in the Forge project -> genPatches -> commit"
L311[03:05:43] <VikeStep> killjoy, I
rebased and made my changes
L312[03:05:51] <VikeStep> that all went
L313[03:05:58] <VikeStep> but that class
didn't apply the patches
L314[03:06:04] <VikeStep> I have the patch
file right there
L315[03:06:04] <killjoy> have you tried
git reset?
L316[03:06:04] <gigaherz> the intrincacies
of source control are beyond me ;p
L317[03:06:07] <VikeStep> yes
L318[03:06:24] <gigaherz> wort case
L319[03:06:37] <VikeStep> I'm going
to clone from MinecraftForge to a separate directory
L320[03:06:38] <gigaherz> try doing a
"gradle cleanCache"
L321[03:06:42] <VikeStep> not on my fork
and see if I can recreate it
L322[03:07:40] <gigaherz> you have all the
changes commited right? so you wouldn't lose data even if you
had to start over?
L323[03:08:00] <gigaherz> (on a separate
folder, of course)
L324[03:08:03] <VikeStep> the only reason
I had to rebase was because a change upstream on the same patch
file caused a merge conflict
L325[03:08:10] <VikeStep> so the only
change I needed to make was to reapply the patches
L326[03:14:21] ***
Mowmaster is now known as Mowmaster_Mobile
L327[03:18:18] <VikeStep> I can 100%
reproduce this
L328[03:18:21] <VikeStep> in a new
L329[03:18:28] <VikeStep> I will take it
to #ForgeGradle
L331[03:19:25] <gigaherz> I'm
somewhat disappointed
L332[03:19:29] <gigaherz> but not beyond
my expectations
L333[03:20:02] ⇦
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bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
L336[03:23:56] <sham1> stop BSing through
your life killjoy
L337[03:24:11] <killjoy> mmmm... nah
L338[03:24:49] <sham1> Why u no
L339[03:25:44] <sham1> x_x
L340[03:26:50] <Dagarath> so masa i found
the actual fix for my problemo earlier... had to set the players
motionX Y and Z to 0.0D
L341[03:27:27] <sham1> Anyway
L342[03:27:40] <sham1> I am doing a class
that can make FP error handling easier in Java
L343[03:30:34] <killjoy> fp?
L344[03:30:50] <sham1> Functional
L345[03:31:13] <killjoy> so java 8?
L346[03:31:23] <killjoy> do tell
L347[03:32:23] <sham1> You have a safe way
to take exceptions around
L348[03:32:44] <sham1> They are in their
own context in a way that if one calculation fails, all of them
L349[03:32:52] <sham1> You can compose
L350[03:34:19] <sham1> You can for
instance use it to safely get numbers from the user and divide
between them
L351[03:34:42] <sham1> Because in getting
numbers you might get an error and with division you may try to
divide by zero etc
L352[03:35:37] ⇦
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189 seconds)
L353[03:36:10] <sham1> It basically is a
context where you can make calculations that may fail like for
instance fetching stuff from the user or file or socket etx
L354[03:36:46] <killjoy> Remind me again
when you have code. I think I'll understand it better
L355[03:36:53] ***
tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
L356[03:38:03] <sham1> Ye
L357[03:38:09] <sham1> I try to make a
simple test atm
L358[03:40:35] <gigaherz> yeh I'm not
really getting the point/advantage either ,p
L359[03:41:33] <sham1> Similar to
L360[03:43:27] <sham1> Except it gobbles
up the exception and tosses it around until you either want to get
the value of the computation or do something else about it
L361[03:44:00] <gigaherz> ah so it delays
L362[03:44:30] <sham1> Indeed
L363[03:45:04] <gigaherz> so instead of
Optional, or C#'s Nullable, you have an
L364[03:45:05] <gigaherz> XD
L365[03:45:18] <sham1> Well kinda
L366[03:45:24] <sham1> Yeh
L367[03:45:35] <sham1> Best way of putting
L368[03:45:43] <sham1> There are still
some stuff to work out on it but :P
L370[03:53:59] <McJty> It is a block that
is supposed to be TESR only
L371[03:54:06] <McJty> So I added an
'empty' model for it
L372[03:54:10] <McJty> But apparently that
messes up now
L373[03:54:11] <Vorquel> Figured out my
problem. Ended up using a renderPlayerEvent
L375[03:56:03] <gigaherz> hmmm
L376[03:57:05] <gigaherz>
model.getGeneralQuads appears to be null, instead of empty
L377[03:57:12] <McJty> yes
L378[03:57:19] <gigaherz> McJty: maybe
builtin/generated instead of builtin/entity?
L379[03:57:37] <gigaherz> or hmm
L380[03:58:16] <McJty> What exactly is the
difference between these two?
L381[03:58:16] <gigaherz> getRenderType
L382[03:58:25] <McJty> Almost :-)
L383[03:58:28] <McJty> With render type 2
it works
L384[03:58:30] <McJty> TESR only
L385[03:58:37] <gigaherz> aha
L386[03:59:16] <gigaherz> dunno
L387[03:59:24] <gigaherz>
builtin/generated will add layers
L388[03:59:27] <McJty> Oh nice update in
forge 1710! The log spam is solved now
L389[03:59:31] <gigaherz> based on
"layer#" textures
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bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
L566[04:13:41] <ThePsionic> RIP
L567[04:16:29] <sham1> god damn it
L568[04:16:49] <sham1> My comp went
unusable for 5 min
L569[04:18:04] ***
K-4U|Off is now known as K-4U
L570[04:20:59] ***
fry|sleep is now known as fry
L571[04:30:59] <sham1> But I was able to
produce a working example of my little "Errorable"
L572[04:34:34] ⇦
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timeout: 186 seconds)
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iChun is now known as hipsterpig
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189 seconds)
L577[04:48:10] <roxox1> Is there any way
to store stuff in the player's dat file?
L578[04:49:24] <sham1> You can store stuff
in their NBT if that helps you
L579[04:49:36] <sham1> Which in turn gets
stored in the dat files AFAIK
L580[04:50:40] ⇦
Quits: calclavia (uid15812@2001:67c:2f08:6::3dc4) (Quit: Connection
closed for inactivity)
L581[04:50:57] <roxox1> I'm currently
using an ArrayList to store which players are skulled, but this
obviously won't across restarts..etc
L582[04:51:11] <roxox1> Would saving the
data directly to their NBT solve that problem?
L583[04:51:21] <McJty> You can use
WorldSavedData too
L584[04:51:44] <roxox1> I would like it to
store information across worlds :P
L585[04:51:47] <McJty> yes
L586[04:51:50] <McJty> That does
L587[04:51:55] <McJty> You have per world
and global
L588[04:52:02] <roxox1> Ok, I'll take
a look ;)
L589[04:52:19] <McJty> World.mapStorage is
global. Even though it is stored in every world instance
L590[04:52:32] <McJty>
World.perWorldStorage is per world
L591[04:52:33] <roxox1> I'm on
1.7.10, is this available on that versionN?
L592[04:52:36] <McJty> yes
L593[04:52:47] <McJty> That hasn't
L594[04:53:02] *
sham1 queues the question we all want to know the answer
L595[04:54:04] <xaero> but who was
L596[04:54:05] <roxox1> ?
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L598[04:54:15] <sham1> Why 1.7.x
L599[04:54:26] <roxox1> Server I'm
developing the mod for is stuck on 1.7.10
L600[04:54:33] <xaero> re NBT per player,
isnt' IEEP more relevant than WorldSavedData?
L601[04:54:33] <roxox1> But not nearly
enough mods have updated
L602[04:54:42] <roxox1> Because*
L603[04:55:36] <roxox1> McJty, I assume
that I could do something like world.mapStorage.setData(MOD_ID +
PlayerName + "skulled", new
L604[04:55:57] <McJty> roxox1, not really.
It is an abstract class
L605[04:56:03] <McJty> You have to make
your own implementation of it
L606[04:56:12] <roxox1> Of
L607[04:56:16] <McJty> yes
L609[04:56:21] <gigaherz> you can use mine
as a template
L610[04:56:35] <gigaherz> although if you
store player data
L611[04:56:39] <gigaherz> you want an IEEP
L612[04:56:43] <roxox1> IEEP?
L613[04:56:57] <roxox1> I'm starting
to realize how stupid I was to use an arraylist to store player
data -_-
L614[04:56:59] <gigaherz>
L615[04:57:06] <gigaherz> you can attach
data to entities
L616[04:57:09] <gigaherz> such as
L617[04:57:16] <gigaherz> and the data
will get saved/loaded from NBT
L618[04:57:20] <roxox1> Would this save
across server restarts, logouts, respawns..etc
L619[04:57:20] <gigaherz> by Forge
L620[04:57:21] <roxox1> ?
L621[04:57:22] <McJty> I have yet to
figure out how to make sure that data gets persisted when the
player dies however
L622[04:57:24] <gigaherz> yes
L623[04:57:33] <gigaherz> McJty: does it
L624[04:57:36] <McJty> gigaherz, well in
rftools I have the problem that it goes away when you die
L625[04:57:40] <gigaherz> hmmm
L626[04:57:42] <McJty> Apparently you need
special tricks for that
L627[04:57:47] <sham1> Yes
L628[04:57:48] <gigaherz> that's a
situation I never came across
L629[04:57:52] <gigaherz> since my data is
L630[04:58:02] <gigaherz> McJty:
L631[04:58:07] <sham1>
L632[04:58:10] <sham1> Nope
L634[04:58:19] <gigaherz> do you
forcefully attach new data on entity creation?
L636[04:58:31] <gigaherz> I do this
L638[04:58:32] <McJty> sham1, aha
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L641[04:59:43] <gigaherz> roxox1
L643[04:59:49] <gigaherz> use this as a
template for your data
L644[05:00:03] <gigaherz> the way you use
L645[05:00:06] <roxox1> You were saying
that this doesn't save across respawns though?
L646[05:00:37] <sham1> it does
L647[05:00:56] <sham1> you just need to do
L648[05:01:01] <gigaherz> there appears to
be one extra thing you have to do
L649[05:01:03] <sham1> copy the data
L650[05:01:07] <gigaherz> that isn't
present in my template
L652[05:01:41] <sham1> ^^
⇨ Joins: Mraof
L654[05:01:54] <roxox1> Ah, I see.
L655[05:02:01] <roxox1> Thanks for the
help guys as always :)
L656[05:02:01] <gigaherz> although
L657[05:02:04] <gigaherz> that tutorial is
L658[05:02:10] <gigaherz> NBT does NOT
imply disk reads/writes
L659[05:02:10] <gigaherz> XD
L660[05:02:14] <sham1> It does not
L661[05:02:23] <gigaherz> it's an
in-memory structure
L662[05:02:30] <sham1> But it is one of
the most notable things about it
L663[05:02:32] <gigaherz> so using
readFromNBT is just fine
L664[05:02:47] <sham1> A binary
key=>value structure that is easy to write into disk
L665[05:02:50] <gigaherz> not the most
efficient, but fine
L666[05:03:04] <gigaherz> yes sham1, but
the tutorial says
L667[05:03:13] <sham1> I dont care what
the tutorial says
L668[05:03:19] <gigaherz> we can improve
efficiency by avoiding the costly disk reads and writes resulting
from the use of NBT. To do so, we simply implement a
'copy' method for our properties that sets the fields
more directly:
L669[05:03:27] <gigaherz> THAT is BS
L670[05:03:30] <sham1> CoolAlias pls
L671[05:03:45] <sham1> But having that
copy-method probably is better
L672[05:03:49] <gigaherz> yes
L673[05:03:51] <gigaherz> it's more
L674[05:03:55] <gigaherz> but there's
no disk access involved XD
L675[05:04:14] <sham1> RAM disk
L676[05:04:41] <sham1> ;P
L677[05:05:11] <terribleperson> maybe
you're in swap space.
L679[05:05:37] <gigaherz> then using NBT
is the least of your problems
L680[05:05:42] <sham1> True
L681[05:05:50] <sham1> But that is an
excuse to say that the tutorial is not BS
L682[05:05:56] <roxox1> Does storedData
have to be a string, or can I turn it into a boolean?
L683[05:05:58] <Dagarath> Question: Is
there a better way to check whether a preferable way to check that
the players position is where it should be? when I do a check
against a sored posX and player.playerLocation.posX I get a server
tick loop
L684[05:06:05] <sham1> roxox1, what
L685[05:06:11] <gigaherz> roxox1: no,
that's just an example
L686[05:06:17] <gigaherz> you can have ANY
L687[05:06:17] <Dagarath> lol I forgot to
delete the first part when I changed my wording
L689[05:06:31] <gigaherz> compare with
this one
L690[05:06:42] <Dagarath> Should I be
maybe making a fakeplayer and checking its position?
L691[05:07:16] <gigaherz> what do you mean
"where it should be"?
L692[05:07:36] <gigaherz> you have a
specific location you want t the player to be in?
L693[05:07:37] <Dagarath> I am moving the
player but it isnt flawless so I have to check after that it is
where it should be
L694[05:07:50] <sham1> *Nothing* is
L695[05:08:08] <Dagarath> yea but 1 flaw
in THIS particular mechanic means nothing works
L696[05:08:10] <gigaherz> that's not
L697[05:08:20] <gigaherz> or
L698[05:08:21] <gigaherz> it is
L699[05:08:25] <gigaherz>
"nothing" is flawless
L700[05:08:25] <gigaherz> as in
L701[05:08:27] <terribleperson> ah, but
what if your swap space is on a storage device which is ACTUALLY an
external ram disk connected through a full PCIE 4.0 x16, in which
case it's capable of data throughput exceeding the max of many
processor? It's a thought exercise. /pedantry
L702[05:08:32] <gigaherz> the concept of
nothingness is the only thing that is flawless
L703[05:08:37] ⇦
Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@2606:a000:1118:c065:38df:3d5a:373d:7994)
(Quit: Leaving)
L704[05:08:38] <sham1> yes
L705[05:08:41] <Dagarath> the player has
to be on its newly spawned skyblock, but actually checking the
position causes a server tick loop
L706[05:09:01] <gigaherz> Dagarath:
"causes a server tick loop" makes no sense
L707[05:09:14] <gigaherz> the sentence, I
L708[05:09:21] <sham1> I'd rather not
go into discussing philosophy in this chat, as I have a class of it
in 6 mins or so
L709[05:09:31] <Dagarath> How does it
L710[05:09:36] <gigaherz> you mean that it
throws an exception on server tick?
L711[05:09:37] <gigaherz> if so
L712[05:09:40] <gigaherz> please provide
L713[05:09:40] <Dagarath> it is a loop in
the server tick
L714[05:09:52] <gigaherz> how does it
cause a loop?
L715[05:09:58] <gigaherz> can you show
your code?
L716[05:10:04] <sham1> A LOOP IN A SERVER
L717[05:10:05] <gigaherz> pastebin the
code you use to move the player?
L718[05:10:05] <Ordinastie> do you mean
infinite loop ?
L719[05:10:16] <Dagarath> I fully told you
already lol I am not looking FOR the problem, I know it. I
don't know how to fix it
L720[05:10:30] <gigaherz> and that's
why I'm asking for code
L721[05:10:33] <Ordinastie> you
didn't describe a "problem"
L722[05:10:54] <gigaherz> to see WTF you
are doing that causes the server to freeze
L723[05:11:21] <Dagarath> if
(player.playerLocation.posX == curPlayerData.xPos ) { is whats
causing the problem
L724[05:11:31] <gigaherz> posX is a
L725[05:11:33] <Dagarath> I remove it, it
works fine
L726[05:11:34] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L727[05:11:41] <gigaherz> you should never
compare floats with ==
L728[05:11:42] <Dagarath> so is that
L729[05:12:00] ***
DarkEvilMac is now known as DarkEvilMac|Away
L730[05:12:01] <Dagarath> so if I want to
do this with the least pain, convert to int, and test?
L731[05:12:08] <Dagarath> well store in
int variables rather
L732[05:12:15] <McJty> Dagarath, floating
point is not accurate. Use Math.abs(f1-f2) < 0.00001 or
L733[05:12:36] <gigaherz> well
L734[05:12:44] <gigaherz> you can use
getPosition() to get a BlockPos
L735[05:12:49] <gigaherz> but still
L736[05:13:00] <gigaherz> it makes no
sense for the server thread to get stuck
L737[05:13:04] <gigaherz> unless oyu did
something VERY wrong
L738[05:13:11] <gigaherz> and that's
what bothers me
L739[05:13:24] <Dagarath> cant do that
gigaherz, 1.7.10
L740[05:13:36] <gigaherz> oh right
L741[05:13:38] <gigaherz> well
L742[05:13:45] <gigaherz> then
L743[05:13:57] <Dagarath> Is there
anything wrong with just pulling the integer values and testing
against that?
L744[05:14:06] <gigaherz> no
L745[05:14:10] <Dagarath> ok ty =)
L746[05:14:14] <McJty> Dagarath, well then
8.99999 will not be equal to 9.00001
L747[05:14:17] <McJty> If that's ok
for you then go for it
L748[05:14:34] <sham1> well 8.9999999 is
not equal to 9.0000001
L749[05:14:36] <Dagarath> Yea, I only need
the data for a total of 3 seconds
L750[05:14:45] <sham1> Assuming that is
the amount of significant digits
L751[05:14:55] <Dagarath> rmm alright so I
want to round
L752[05:15:02] <sham1> Propably
L753[05:15:03] <gigaherz> and yet
L754[05:15:16] <gigaherz> 8.9999~ IS equal
to 9.000~01
L755[05:15:23] <gigaherz> they are both
"9" ;P
L756[05:15:43] <gigaherz> (where ~ denotes
an infinite amount of the digit before)
L757[05:16:01] <sham1> significant
L758[05:16:11] <sham1> sometimes you just
need to round
L759[05:16:15] <gigaherz> yep
L760[05:16:28] <gigaherz> when working
with floats, you don't want exact
L761[05:16:31] <gigaherz> you want
"close enough"
L763[05:16:40] <gigaherz> that's the
whole premise of float numbers
L764[05:16:52] <sham1> Not that you can
ever been "precise" with decimals to begin with
L765[05:17:01] <sham1> But there are
things that are not fractions so...
L766[05:17:11] <McJty> Problem is also
that with floats a * 2 is not always equal to a+a (for
L767[05:17:21] <McJty> i.e. different
calculations can result in different things
L768[05:17:51] <gigaherz> I think the
optimal way to compare floats was something like....
Math.abs(a-b)/Math.max(Math.abs(a),Math.abs(b)) <=
L769[05:18:00] <gigaherz> but I can't
remember if there was another extra thing on top of that
L770[05:18:20] <gigaherz> oh yeah,
comparing for 0 ;P
L771[05:18:51] <gigaherz>
"if(Math.max(Math.abs(a),Math.abs(b)) == 0 ||
Math.abs(a-b)/Math.max(Math.abs(a),Math.abs(b)) <=
L772[05:19:12] <gigaherz> works best as a
helper function ;P
L773[05:20:04] <gigaherz> although at that
point it may be quicker to reinterpret the numbers into
L774[05:20:08] <gigaherz> and do the
comparison using ints
L775[05:20:39] <gigaherz> (that is, the
inderlying bits, not the number contained inside)
L776[05:20:59] <gigaherz>
"if(Math.abs(toInt(a)-toInt(b)) <= 1)"
L777[05:21:43] <gigaherz> not sure how
that's achieved in Java
L778[05:21:50] ⇦
Quits: Delaxarnyazer
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L779[05:22:07] <gigaherz> the efficiency
of the method changes from language to language ;P
L780[05:22:48] <gigaherz> or in short:
comparing floats is hard.
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L782[05:24:13] <Dagarath> Frak.. I just
realized, I can just check player.onGround for what I am doing
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L784[05:26:22] <terribleperson> anyone
know any 2d non-mob entities I can take a look at on like, github
or osmething?
L785[05:26:58] ⇦
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timeout: 186 seconds)
L786[05:29:26] <gigaherz> 2D?
L787[05:30:03] <terribleperson> actually,
to start: can I even make a floating entity that, visually, is a
infinitesimally thin oval. A portal. Not a tile entity, I want it
to be possible to orient and position it freely
L788[05:30:28] <terribleperson> a hole in
L789[05:30:38] <gigaherz> yes being
"flat" is a property of how graphics are done on
L790[05:30:57] <terribleperson> well, I
mean, flat but existing in 3d.
L791[05:31:01] <gigaherz> yes
L792[05:31:07] <terribleperson> A particle
is flat but looks the same no matter where you look at it
L793[05:31:13] <gigaherz> that's done
on purpose
L794[05:31:15] <gigaherz> with extra
L795[05:31:19] <gigaherz> if you were to
remove those extra maths
L796[05:31:20] <terribleperson> okay
L797[05:31:24] <gigaherz> it would look
like waht you are thinking of
L798[05:31:26] <Dagarath> Wooop it works,
flaw reduced.
L799[05:31:39] ***
PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L800[05:32:02] <Dagarath> except I can get
setting the spawn right lol
L801[05:32:09] <Dagarath> can't
L802[05:32:10] <gigaherz> an entity is
basically composed of 2 parts
L803[05:32:15] <gigaherz> the entity class
L804[05:32:17] <gigaherz> and a
L805[05:32:28] <Dagarath> Can you not
actually SET a specific spawn point without a bed or event
L806[05:32:37] <gigaherz> a renderer can
be shared with multiple entities, and is the same for all entities
that have the same renderer assigned
L807[05:32:55] <gigaherz> Dagarath: given
that adventure maps do it all the time, I would assume so ;P
L808[05:33:17] <ThePsionic>
L809[05:33:21] <Dagarath> hrmmm...couldnt
find anything but setSpawnChunk
L810[05:33:23] <gigaherz> there's a
"/setspawn" command or something like that
L811[05:33:34] <gigaherz> check the
handler for that command, to see what it does
L812[05:33:41] <Dagarath> and it doesnt
seem to work, thoo.. I might have applied it incorrectly, let me
L813[05:34:11] <ThePsionic> Here
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L816[05:34:25] <ThePsionic> ./setspawn is
an old Classic command
L817[05:34:43] <Dagarath> Yea it looks
like its the same thing I realized I was doing wrong lol...
EntityPlayerMP NOT EntityPlayer
L818[05:34:54] <gigaherz> ah
L819[05:35:41] <Dagarath> no odd, there
must be something else to it
L820[05:36:25] ***
TehNut is now known as TehNut|Sleep
L821[05:37:14] <terribleperson> oh, right
rendering is client sight
L822[05:37:16] <terribleperson>
L823[05:37:24] <terribleperson>
L824[05:38:49] ***
kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L825[05:38:57] <Dagarath> heh I think I
was getting the wrong coordinates, and hrmmm now the coordinates
are null lol
L826[05:39:09] <terribleperson> although I
think non-oriented 2d is harder than 2d in a 3d space. particles
you can literally take the particle texture and scale it for
distance, and apply occlusion and bam you have a particle. 3d stuff
you need to account for orientation
L827[05:42:04] <gigaherz> ?
L828[05:42:19] <gigaherz> drawing a flat
objecti n 3D is just drawing the flat object as you would any
L829[05:42:26] <gigaherz> there isn't
any special consideration needed
L830[05:42:41] <terribleperson> what the
HELL is the XP orb doing?
L831[05:42:49] <gigaherz> you just happen
to have a mesh that is composed of two quads in opposite directions
(if you want it double-sided)
L832[05:43:05] <gigaherz> the XP orb is
probably orienting itself toward the camera
L833[05:43:47] <terribleperson> but... why
is that necessary... you can literally just draw particles pretty
much in screenspace..
L834[05:44:04] <terribleperson> guh
L835[05:44:10] <terribleperson> I mean, I
guess that makes my job easier
L836[05:44:13] <gigaherz> then they
wouldn't be smaller when they are firther away
L837[05:44:21] <terribleperson> scaling
for distance is pretty trivial
L838[05:44:22] <gigaherz> further*
L839[05:44:25] <gigaherz> yes
L840[05:44:29] <terribleperson> occlusion
is harder
L841[05:44:31] <terribleperson> but..
L842[05:44:31] <gigaherz> but unnecessary
when you can just draw in 3D space
L843[05:44:41] <terribleperson> but...
L844[05:44:43] <terribleperson> so
L845[05:44:45] <gigaherz> with a simple
L846[05:44:53] <gigaherz> the hardware
does it
L847[05:44:56] <gigaherz> it has the
transistors for it
L848[05:45:01] <gigaherz> doing 3D is
L849[05:45:04] <gigaherz> in fact
L850[05:45:09] <terribleperson> sure, but
I've SEEN graphics get overwhelmed by legitimately 2d
L851[05:45:09] <gigaherz> doing 2D is
doing 3D, but ignoring depth
L852[05:45:22] <gigaherz> you do extra
effort to ignore depth
L853[05:45:22] <gigaherz> ;p
L854[05:45:32] ⇦
Quits: RedBullWasTaken
(~red@2-107-192-82-static.dk.customer.tdc.net) (Remote host closed
the connection)
L855[05:45:36] <gigaherz> (well, not
really, you just disable depth testing and depth writing)
L856[05:45:48] <gigaherz> the reason
particles are slow isn't the drawing
L857[05:46:05] <gigaherz> it's the
dynamic nature of the particles
L858[05:46:33] <gigaherz> for static
geometry youcan cache the vertex data in gpu, and just transform
the vertex data based on a matrix
L859[05:46:40] <gigaherz> for particles,
you need position information per particle
L860[05:46:58] ⇦
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L861[05:47:03] <gigaherz> you can do them
with a static vertex buffer, but that implies updating a
L862[05:47:13] <gigaherz> which can also
be slow
L863[05:47:20] <terribleperson> still. it
just... bothers me irrationally.
L864[05:47:23] <terribleperson> but it
does make my job easier.
L865[05:47:31] <gigaherz> but
L866[05:47:34] <gigaherz> you aren't
drawing a 2D object
L867[05:47:45] <gigaherz> you are drawing
a 3D object that happens to be flat
L868[05:47:55] <gigaherz> it's still
a 3D object in all regards
L869[05:48:19] <terribleperson> sorry. I
guess the last time I thought about particles was second life,
where as far as I know they were (at one time) actually
legitimately 2d.
L870[05:48:36] <gigaherz> you mentioned a
portal though, not particles?
L871[05:48:38] <terribleperson> yeah
L872[05:48:42] <PaleoCrafter> Drawing in
2D space and doing all the calculations yourself will end up in the
calculations happening twice, and one round is less efficient
L873[05:49:07] <PaleoCrafter> That round
doesn't happen on the GPU though xD
L874[05:49:45] <terribleperson> yeah, that
I realize.
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L876[05:50:09] <gigaherz> so the point for
you is to stop thinking of your portal as a particle or sprite.
think of it as an impossibly thin cuboid
L877[05:50:10] <gigaherz> ;p
L878[05:50:59] <terribleperson> yeah, I
figured from the start that is how it would be in this case.
just... seeing particles as 3d got me off topic because it was
bothering the hell out of me
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L880[05:51:11] <terribleperson> but okay,
portal. I need to figure out how to draw an ellipse of varying
L881[05:51:25] <gigaherz> make a texture
of a circle
L882[05:51:32] <gigaherz> make a model of
a flat square
L883[05:51:40] <gigaherz> then in the
entity renderer class
L884[05:51:47] <gigaherz> you scale it to
your required size
L885[05:52:02] <gigaherz> if you make it
L886[05:52:14] <gigaherz> you can just use
the GlStateManager.scale(width,height,1)
L887[05:52:24] <gigaherz> to set your size
in world units
L888[05:55:31] <terribleperson> so I still
need a model? because it looks like XP orbs just start
L889[05:55:47] <terribleperson> and
they're the closest preexisting analogue given that
they're just a circle
L890[05:55:54] <terribleperson> a circle
with a gradient, mind you.
L891[05:56:10] <gigaherz> you don't
*need* a model
L892[05:56:19] <gigaherz> youcan just draw
vertices with the tessellator
L893[05:56:41] <gigaherz> I just
don't like hardcoding
L894[05:57:15] <terribleperson> ah.
L895[05:57:48] <terribleperson> is there a
particular reason? I'm not averse to taking advice from
someone on IRC as opposed to the way mojang does things, because
from one day of looking at this stuff..
L896[05:58:09] <terribleperson> the xp orb
just uses the tesselator
L897[05:58:18] <gigaherz> what version of
mc are you coding for?
L898[05:58:27] <terribleperson>
L899[05:58:55] <gigaherz> make a simple
.obj model, you don't really waste much by using one, and I
can help you with drawing it ;P
L901[05:59:22] <gigaherz> I have this
class for that purpose
L902[05:59:27] <terribleperson> also, is a
texture even strictly necessary? I see the reason to use one for
the XP orb, but hypothetically speaking, could one simply draw a
solid color without one?
L903[05:59:35] <gigaherz> yes.
L904[05:59:35] <terribleperson> just,
y'know, hypothetically.
L905[05:59:41] <terribleperson> I'm
sure I'll want one for fancy glowing edges.
L906[05:59:52] <gigaherz> but then you
couldn't use a simple quad
L907[05:59:54] <terribleperson> because
looking fancy is important.
L908[05:59:59] <PaleoCrafter> Really,
gigaherz, RenderingStuffs?
L909[06:00:02] ***
Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L910[06:00:08] <terribleperson> you mean,
without textures i couldn't use a simple quad?
L911[06:00:11] <gigaherz> you'd have
to draw the circle/ellipse using many triangles
L912[06:00:18] <gigaherz> otherwise it
would look square ;P
L913[06:00:30] <gigaherz> if you have the
shape drawn onto the texture
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L915[06:01:01] <terribleperson> you can
just apply the texture to the rectangle?
L916[06:01:05] <gigaherz> yup
L917[06:01:11] <gigaherz> and the
transparent pixels become invisible
L918[06:01:17] <gigaherz> and
L919[06:01:35] <terribleperson> i ASSUME i
can still have an elliptical bounding box
L920[06:01:44] <gigaherz> no
L921[06:01:46] <PaleoCrafter> lol
L922[06:01:47] <terribleperson> no?
L923[06:01:50] <terribleperson> :(
L924[06:01:52] <gigaherz> bounding boxes
are, by definition, boxes.
L925[06:01:55] <terribleperson>
L926[06:01:58] <terribleperson> yeah,
L927[06:02:02] <PaleoCrafter> Not without
a lot of effort ;)
L928[06:02:30] <terribleperson> can I
check for collisions inside an elliptical REGION, then? 'is
center of entity inside this ellipse'
L929[06:02:45] <terribleperson> I'm
averse to things being teleporter by colliding with nothing because
they were at the corner of a portal.
L930[06:02:54] <gigaherz> collisions work
based on bounding box
L931[06:03:01] <gigaherz> regardless of
the shape of the entity
L932[06:03:08] <gigaherz> if you launch
L933[06:03:09] <gigaherz> and do
L934[06:03:11] <gigaherz> F3+B
L935[06:03:16] <gigaherz> you'll show
bounding boxes
L936[06:03:32] <McJty> Note that for your
own purposes you can of course do an elliptical bounds check
L937[06:03:36] <McJty> In some cases that
can be useful
L938[06:03:39] <terribleperson> true
L939[06:03:40] <PaleoCrafter> You can
override collision detection though
L940[06:03:41] <McJty> But then it is your
custom code that does that
L941[06:04:07] <terribleperson> so okay,
rectangle bounding box, and then check if the object is in the
bounds of the ellipse. Which shouldn't be THAT hard, because
ellipses are regular-ish.
L942[06:04:42] <PaleoCrafter> How large is
said ellipse in the world?
L943[06:05:05] <McJty> In one of my mods I
even do quad-tree based collision detection :-)
L944[06:05:19] <gigaherz> lol
L945[06:05:22] <terribleperson> honestly I
haven't even thought about upper and lower bounds yet. Lower
bound is probably 1x1 blocks, upper bound... what's the
largest mobile entity you've ever seen?
L946[06:05:41] <gigaherz> ender
L947[06:05:46] <McJty> I use it to test if
you are within reach of a source of radiation and no blocks are
blocking the path between you and the radiation source
L948[06:05:47] <gigaherz> no wait
L949[06:05:53] <gigaherz> the largest
woudl be the giant zombie
L950[06:06:05] <gigaherz> but that one is
a hack
L951[06:06:06] <gigaherz> XD
L952[06:06:06] <terribleperson> yeah. so
hypothetically one could create a portal large enough to fit a
giant zombie.
L953[06:06:15] <terribleperson> so
rendering stuffs
L954[06:06:16] <terribleperson> looking at
L955[06:06:28] <gigaherz> ignore the
custom vertex format at the top
L956[06:06:41] <terribleperson> you.. feed
it a model and a color and it renders for you?
L957[06:06:44] <gigaherz> the interesting
bit is the model loading cache + model drawing
L958[06:06:51] <gigaherz> yes
L959[06:06:58] <gigaherz> you give it a
model and a color, and it draws
L960[06:07:26] <PaleoCrafter> McJty,
how's that collision detection? :P
L963[06:07:59] <gigaherz> that's how
I make use of it
L964[06:08:07] <gigaherz> this is a TESR,
but the idea is the same in an entity
L966[06:08:25] <gigaherz> this one is an
L967[06:08:29] <gigaherz> note that
L968[06:08:35] <gigaherz> if you have a
custom texture that's not part of a block
L969[06:09:03] <terribleperson>
paleocrafter: collision detection, at it's base, is checking
if one thing is inside another thing.
L970[06:09:09] <terribleperson> well,
L972[06:09:25] <gigaherz> you'd need
a texture stitch event handler
L973[06:10:17] <PaleoCrafter> Sure, but I
wouldn't see the need for anything more complicated than a
distance check in that example
L974[06:10:38] <PaleoCrafter> And a little
raytrace, which MC does for you
L975[06:10:59] <McJty> PaleoCrafter, it is
collision detection because I detect if the player collides with
the shape formed by the radiation
L976[06:11:29] <PaleoCrafter> Ah, so
they're not just spheres? :D
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L979[06:11:38] <McJty> <McJty> I use
it to test if you are within reach of a source of radiation and no
blocks are blocking the path between you and the radiation
L980[06:11:42] <terribleperson>
...d'oh. spent a second going over why you suggest using a
model and NOW it makes sense
L981[06:11:50] <McJty> PaleoCrafter, see
the 'blocking the path' section
L982[06:12:36] <terribleperson> i'm
thinking "but isn't it goign to end up drawing that many
triangles anyways?" no. if I use a square model it literally
draws the circle texture on the square, and graphics cards handle
textures at a hardware level.right?
L983[06:12:47] <PaleoCrafter> Yeah,
that's more like pathfinding, isn't it :P
L984[06:12:49] <terribleperson> i mean
they handle vertices of shapes at a hardware level too but
L985[06:13:04] <gigaherz> terribleperson:
L986[06:13:12] <gigaherz> you can do the
same in code
L987[06:13:14] <terribleperson> okay. so I
want a square shape and a circle texture. With alpha.
L988[06:13:17] <gigaherz> with the
L989[06:13:17] <PaleoCrafter> Or a simple
raytrace if you want a straight line
L990[06:13:27] <gigaherz> but it takes
more effort with no benefit
L991[06:13:35] <McJty> PaleoCrafter,
raytrace is not efficient enough as I have to test with this a
L992[06:13:38] <gigaherz> you can just
make a basic .obj file, even if you write it by hand
L993[06:13:49] <gigaherz> and draw
L994[06:14:08] <gigaherz> and thne you
have the added bonus that if someone wants to customize your model
in a resourcepack
L995[06:14:09] <gigaherz> they can.
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L997[06:14:38] <terribleperson> now, on
the other hand: I understand a generalized drawing tool for a mod
using a bunch of things. But since the generalized drawing tool is
still a per-mod thing, and I only expect to be drawing A: portals
and B: normal blocks, mightn't I want to just do it in the
L998[06:15:07] <terribleperson> but you
were saying something about... texture stitch event handler? I
understand the words but they are making no sense to me.
L999[06:15:24] <PaleoCrafter> You test
more often than MC does with ray tracing? Oo
L1000[06:15:31] <roxox1> Can I use
something like.. ItemStack[] in NBT Tags?
L1001[06:15:43] <gigaherz> Minecraft
optimizes drawing by stitching all the little textures into a big
L1002[06:15:49] <McJty> roxox1, you can
convert ItemStacks to NBT if that's what you're
L1003[06:15:55] <gigaherz> think of a
L1004[06:16:16] <roxox1> Nah, I'm
trying to store the player saved items into his NBT.. Like I am
doing with the isSkulled boolean.
L1005[06:16:33] <gigaherz> then it can
batch all the drawing code so that it doesn't need to switch
textures so often
L1006[06:16:36] <McJty> roxox1, then you
will need to convert itemstacks to NBT
L1007[06:16:37] <gigaherz> which is a
rather heavy operation on the gpu
L1008[06:16:47] <McJty> roxox1,
ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT and stack.writeToNBT
L1009[06:16:58] <PaleoCrafter> You want
an NBTTagList of tag compounds from that ^
L1010[06:17:04] <terribleperson> okay,
the texture atlas I know of. I need to.. have a texture stich event
handler so when it stitches an atlas, my texture gets added
L1011[06:17:11] <gigaherz> yep
L1012[06:17:17] <gigaherz> if your
texture is in a block or item
L1013[06:17:20] <gigaherz> it happens
L1014[06:17:26] <terribleperson> you just
add it to the.. yeah.
L1015[06:17:29] <gigaherz> but for models
used outside the block/item model system
L1016[06:17:35] <terribleperson>
L1017[06:17:35] <gigaherz> you haveto add
it to the list of pieces to stitch
L1018[06:17:35] <roxox1> Ah, I see. Thank
L1019[06:17:41] <gigaherz> either
L1020[06:17:46] <gigaherz> or you use a
completely separate texture
L1021[06:17:49] <gigaherz> and you bind
it separately
L1022[06:17:58] <terribleperson> xp orbs
do that.
L1023[06:18:00] <gigaherz> but as I said,
the atlas exists to make the process more efficient
L1024[06:18:10] <terribleperson>
L1025[06:18:15] <gigaherz> so if your
texture can be made to be something like 16x16 or 32x32
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L1027[06:18:21] <McJty> In OpenGL texture
switching is rather inefficient
L1028[06:18:21] <gigaherz> you can just
put it in th e atlas
L1029[06:18:29] <McJty> If you have
everything in one texture you can render much faster
L1030[06:18:31] <gigaherz> McJty: not
just opengl
L1031[06:18:35] <McJty> indeed
L1032[06:18:38] <gigaherz> when switching
textures from the cpu side
L1033[06:18:45] <gigaherz> you force the
gpu to flush the previous drawing operation
L1034[06:18:48] <gigaherz> and start a
new one
L1035[06:18:57] <roxox1> This NBT stuff
is a lot easier than it originally looks
L1036[06:19:00] <gigaherz> that's
why bindless textures are so important thesedays
L1037[06:19:02] <roxox1> Once you get the
hang of it
L1038[06:19:10] <gigaherz> they let you
switch textures from a shader
L1039[06:19:13] <gigaherz> instead of
doing it on cpu
L1040[06:19:38] <gigaherz> but Minecraft
can't afford to use modern opengl
L1041[06:19:58] <gigaherz> they
can't even properly rely on 2.0/2.1 to be present
L1042[06:19:58] <gigaherz> ;P
L1043[06:20:14] <diesieben07> well, they
L1044[06:20:22] <diesieben07> if eveyone
could just agree that MC is a game like every other
L1045[06:20:36] <diesieben07> but NOOO,
its "just minecraft" so it must run on my potato!
L1046[06:20:50] <terribleperson> shit,
minecraft hasn't run on potatoes in its entire existence
L1047[06:20:57] <diesieben07> oh it
L1048[06:21:02] <diesieben07> it does so
horribly, but it does
L1049[06:21:06] <gigaherz> yep
L1050[06:21:07] <terribleperson> sure, I
ran it on a latitude d620, but that was fairly new at the
L1051[06:21:12] <terribleperson>
L1052[06:21:26] <terribleperson> although
the scary thing on the d620s was that linux had better graphics
L1053[06:21:28] <gigaherz>
terribleperson: you subestimate the lengths people go to, to play
L1054[06:21:29] <gigaherz> XD
L1055[06:21:32] <gigaherz> eh
L1056[06:21:35] <gigaherz>
L1057[06:21:48] <diesieben07> they play
it on a core2duo with integrated intel graphics
L1058[06:21:52] <gigaherz> they'll
put optifine, fastcraft, and other hacks
L1059[06:21:54] <diesieben07> and then
complain if the loading screen breaks
L1060[06:22:19] <gigaherz> I think it was
a couple years ago
L1061[06:22:31] <gigaherz> when either
jeb or dinnerbone tweeted something like
L1062[06:22:33] <terribleperson> d620s
HAVE a core 2 duo with integrated graphics. But minecraft
didn't play great on it in 2009.
L1063[06:22:47] <terribleperson>
expecting it to play on one in 2015 is..
L1064[06:22:49] <gigaherz> "I
thought I could get away with switching to opengl 2.0, but it turns
out over 50% of the users can only do 1.5"
L1065[06:22:50] <terribleperson>
L1066[06:22:55] <terribleperson> is
L1067[06:22:59] <gigaherz> eh
L1068[06:23:00] <gigaherz> over 5%
L1069[06:23:03] <gigaherz> that 0
wasn't meant to be typed
L1070[06:23:15] <diesieben07> you forget
L1071[06:23:17] <PaleoCrafter>
diesieben07, and they obviously can't play with a 512x512
texture pack xD
L1072[06:23:25] <diesieben07> "i
have a mac,what do you mean this is a horrible pc?"
L1073[06:23:39] <diesieben07> you bought
it 5 years ago, dude.
L1074[06:23:54] <gigaherz> people like to
forget that macs
L1075[06:23:59] <gigaherz> are mediocre
L1076[06:24:01] <gigaherz> with a shiny
L1077[06:24:12] <diesieben07> very
L1078[06:24:23] <diesieben07> there is
some guyy on youtube who has a mac repair shop and makes videos
about it
L1079[06:24:31] <terribleperson> 5 years
ago is silly. The d620 uses a 945GM integrated graphics chipset
released in 2006
L1080[06:24:33] <diesieben07> he is
constantly complaining how they are pieces of shit
L1081[06:24:34] <terribleperson>
that's a DECADE ago.
L1082[06:24:49] <gigaherz> yeah
L1083[06:24:51] <terribleperson>
expecting a modern game to play on decade-old integrated graphics
in a business LAPTOP
L1084[06:24:52] <terribleperson> is
L1085[06:24:53] <gigaherz> but don't
tell people that
L1086[06:24:55] <terribleperson> well,
L1087[06:25:02] <gigaherz> "alpha 1
worked, so why would 1.8 not work?"
L1088[06:25:09] <gigaherz> or in other
L1089[06:25:19] <gigaherz> "when I
paid for it, i could play, I demand to still be able to
L1090[06:25:40] <gigaherz> that's
the biggest flaw with a continuously-evolving game
L1091[06:25:55] <terribleperson> of
course nowadays you can literally play the old versions from the
L1092[06:25:56] <terribleperson> so
L1093[06:26:09] <terribleperson> the
answer is 'when you paid for it, it was alpha 1. go play alpha
L1094[06:26:10] <diesieben07> the biggest
flaw with MC is that they don't put up an actual "this is
what you need" system spec list
L1095[06:26:36] <terribleperson> but
okay. so a model is stored in a ...obj file, you said?
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L1097[06:27:24] <terribleperson> wow you
can literally hand-write this
L1098[06:27:30] <diesieben07> sure
L1099[06:27:38] <diesieben07> but its a
pain in the ass to do that
L1100[06:27:44] <PaleoCrafter> Hm, MC
still doesn't have a reasonably well designed website Oo
L1101[06:28:08] <terribleperson> I'm
just glad I'm allowed to keep my legacy username.
L1102[06:28:09] <diesieben07> they are
still using tumblr for the launcher page :P
L1103[06:28:15] <gigaherz>
terribleperson: yeah but it's easier to slaptwo flat planes
one against the other in a 3d program ;P
L1104[06:28:18] <terribleperson>
i'll switch over to logging in with email one day..
L1105[06:28:30] <gigaherz> and I mention
2, becauseyou probably want it double-sided
L1106[06:28:38] <gigaherz> if you
don't want it double-sided (only visible from the front)
L1107[06:28:41] <gigaherz> then one plane
is enough
L1108[06:28:42] <gigaherz> XD
L1109[06:28:48] <terribleperson>
gigaherz: the only modelling program I use regularly is openscad,
and as a CSG-based program it doesn't take well to that
L1110[06:28:53] <terribleperson> planes
and lines are a nope.
L1111[06:28:59] <gigaherz> heh
L1112[06:29:04] <terribleperson> i do
love openscad though, for exactly that reason
L1113[06:29:09] <terribleperson> models
that can't exist.. can't exist.
L1114[06:29:14] <gigaherz> Blender is the
top suggestion, but it has a steep learning curve
L1115[06:29:29] <gigaherz> I personally
use rhinoceros3d
L1116[06:29:33] <gigaherz> but it's
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L1118[06:29:46] <McJty> I'm a big
blender fan
L1119[06:29:49] <gigaherz> but it lets me
create models as a programmer
L1120[06:29:55] <roxox1> McJty, sorry I
didn't quite understand your explanation earlier. To
re-iterate, I have an IExtendedEntityProperites class, I want to
use that to store a list of ItemStack's in my players
properties. If it matters, I am also storing 2 booleans in there as
L1121[06:29:56] <McJty> But I have been
using it a lot already in the past too
L1122[06:29:57] <gigaherz> basically the
way I model is
L1123[06:29:58] <terribleperson>
downloading blender for the upteenth time so I can fail to
understand it again.
L1124[06:30:18] <McJty> terribleperson,
it is crucial that you go through tutorials.
L1125[06:30:19] <gigaherz> I draw the
basicshapes using lines andcurves
L1126[06:30:21] <McJty> There are plenty
of those
L1127[06:30:29] <gigaherz> and then fill
in the spaces myself
L1128[06:30:44] <gigaherz> i try to make
use of geometric shapes so that I can replicate faces
L1129[06:31:05] <gigaherz> but basically
instead of modelling the "standard" way, through
L1130[06:31:13] <terribleperson> of
course in the case that my model is literally a plane...Ijust need
two faces and four vertices, right? two faces and 8 vertices?
L1131[06:31:25] <gigaherz> I build the
models piece by piece
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L1133[06:31:36] <McJty> terribleperson, 4
vertices should be sufficient
L1134[06:31:44] <gigaherz> hmm
L1135[06:31:44] <terribleperson> mcjty:
i've tried like... three times now. I don't blame
blender, though. I LOVE function-over-form software.
L1136[06:32:01] <terribleperson> I mean,
I figured out the gimp, why can't I figure out blender?
L1137[06:32:03] <McJty> I also had a few
failed attempts in the past
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L1139[06:32:21] <McJty> You really need
to sit down and say: 'now I'm going to learn this *** and
do nothing else' :-)
L1140[06:32:22] <gigaherz> because
blender assumes that you already know Blender
L1141[06:32:22] <gigaherz> ;P
L1143[06:32:43] <McJty> Once you know it
it is very nice and easy to use
L1144[06:32:56] <gigaherz> I have a
strong dislike for the selection system
L1145[06:33:13] <gigaherz> in order to
drag an object
L1146[06:33:18] <gigaherz> you start
draggin with a rightclick
L1147[06:33:22] <McJty> The blender user
interface is designed around the principle: left hand on keyboard,
right hand on mouse
L1148[06:33:26] <gigaherz> but thenyou
have to drop it with a leftclick
L1149[06:33:30] <gigaherz>
becuaserightclick cancels dragging
L1150[06:33:44] <gigaherz> that was
annoying enough for me that I decided not to even bother
L1151[06:33:55] <McJty> It is something
you get used too in the end
L1152[06:34:01] <McJty> But yes, it has a
non standard UI
L1153[06:34:43] <PaleoCrafter> Isn't
that the default principle for pretty much everything that
isn't mainly using text? :P
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L1155[06:35:31] <gigaherz> well a nice UI
you use it forthe first time, and the motions sortof flow on their
L1156[06:35:51] <terribleperson> okay so
if I hand-wrote the .obj file I would need... four vertices, then I
create the two polygonal face elements with the four vertices and
two separate normal indices, and I need... vertex texture
coordinate indices..
L1157[06:35:54] <gigaherz> "I want
to do X, oh look there's here a thing that looks like X,
*click* yep okay now I want to do Y..."
L1158[06:35:57] <gigaherz> in
L1159[06:36:03] <gigaherz> you need to
rewire yourself first
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L1161[06:36:23] <gigaherz> most things,
there's no indication that they can be done, let alone
L1162[06:36:43] <terribleperson>
basically if the xkcd tech support flowchart doesn't work
something's wrong?
L1163[06:36:49] <McJty> Granted, I only
know enough of Blender to do static models. Never bothered to learn
animation, rigging and stuff like that
L1164[06:36:51] <gigaherz> I can do
enoguh blender to load a model, andexport as .obj
L1165[06:36:58] <gigaherz> XD
L1166[06:37:13] <terribleperson> oh
here's another thing
L1167[06:37:30] <terribleperson> my .obj
file, do I want the origin (0,0,0) to be the corner of the model or
the center of the modeL?
L1168[06:37:38] <PaleoCrafter> Blender is
pretty much unusable without the spacebar search xD
L1169[06:37:45] <gigaherz> if it was a
L1170[06:37:49] <gigaherz> I'd say a
L1171[06:37:52] <gigaherz> but you have
an entity
L1172[06:38:03] <gigaherz> so you want
0,0,0 to be where the origin of the entitiy woudl be
L1173[06:38:06] <gigaherz> which is
usually at the feet
L1174[06:38:33] <terribleperson> what
does the origin of the entity effect? because in my case I suspect
making it the center is easiest.
L1175[06:38:50] <terribleperson> in which
case I want my .obj's origin in the middle of the
L1176[06:38:59] <gigaherz> it's up
to you
L1177[06:39:17] <gigaherz> the advantage
of making the origin the center of the feet
L1178[06:39:25] <gigaherz> is that when
you spawn the entity "on top of a block"
L1179[06:39:34] <gigaherz> the entity
gets spawned actually on top
L1180[06:39:37] <terribleperson> you end
up on top of the block and not in it
L1181[06:39:38] <terribleperson>
L1182[06:39:40] <gigaherz> if the origin
of the entity was in the middle
L1183[06:39:46] <gigaherz> it would spawn
halfway into the ground
L1184[06:39:56] <terribleperson> i can
account for that.
L1185[06:40:03] <terribleperson> i think
i'll go with center then.
L1186[06:41:59] <terribleperson> okay,
for entities what is generally considered the forward
L1187[06:42:00] <terribleperson> X?
L1188[06:42:31] <gigaherz> Z
L1189[06:42:38] <gigaherz> I think
L1190[06:42:58] <gigaherz> minecraft is
L1191[06:43:02] <gigaherz> (as most games
L1192[06:43:19] <terribleperson> that
forever screws with my. my first exposure to x y and z was second
life. thanks, second life.
L1193[06:43:26] <terribleperson> Z-up
L1194[06:43:38] <gigaherz> yeah
L1195[06:43:50] <gigaherz> many 3D
modelling apps, specially those originating from the CAD world, are
L1196[06:43:57] <gigaherz> it's a
change of perspective
L1197[06:44:06] <sham1> In Math it
usually is Z-up
L1198[06:44:14] <gigaherz> videogames
originated from the idea of movies
L1199[06:44:18] <gigaherz> where the
"canvas" is a camera
L1200[06:44:21] <gigaherz> it's
L1201[06:44:36] <gigaherz> so the XY
correspond to the horizontal and upward direction
L1202[06:44:40] <gigaherz> and the Z is
the distance from the camera
L1203[06:44:45] <terribleperson> but
okay, so for entities you think Z is 'forward'?
L1204[06:44:46] ***
Darkhax is now known as Darkhoax
L1205[06:44:57] <gigaherz> while CAD
programs are seen from above
L1206[06:45:01] <terribleperson> i mean,
I don't mind. I LIKE z-forward
L1207[06:45:01] <gigaherz> the canvas is
the "map"
L1208[06:45:06] <gigaherz> or
L1209[06:45:16] <sham1> Like my graphing
calculator renders Z up which really screws with my head
L1210[06:45:17] <gigaherz>
terribleperson: I think, but I'm not certain
L1211[06:45:26] <gigaherz> so with
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L1213[06:45:32] <gigaherz> X,Y is the
paper on top of the table
L1214[06:45:35] <gigaherz> and Z is the
L1215[06:45:38] <sham1> Mmm
L1216[06:45:51] <gigaherz> literally:
L1217[06:46:01] <gigaherz> upright camera
(in a movie)
L1218[06:46:01] <gigaherz> vs
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L1220[06:46:05] <roxox1> I need to write
an ItemStack[] to my Player's NBT. I am already writing two
booleans into the Player's NBT, but obviously NBTTagCompound
has no method for adding ItemStack[].
L1221[06:46:07] <gigaherz> top-down view
(in a map)
L1222[06:46:18] <McJty> roxox1, I
answered that already didn't I?
L1223[06:46:30] <McJty> McJty> roxox1,
ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT and stack.writeToNBT
L1224[06:46:32] <sham1> You can write
ItemStack go NBT
L1225[06:46:38] <gigaherz> roxox1:
ItemStack has methods for it
L1226[06:46:40] <diesieben07> that +
L1227[06:46:41] <gigaherz> you just have
to store a list
L1228[06:46:44] <sham1> And there is a
thing called NNBTTagList
L1229[06:46:55] <gigaherz> check the
L1230[06:46:55] <sham1> Damn it
L1231[06:47:01] <gigaherz> how it writes
the inventory to NBT
L1232[06:48:24] <terribleperson> yeah,
looks like Z-forward
L1233[06:48:37] <terribleperson> okay now
how to set up the texture mapping in blender..
L1234[06:48:47] <terribleperson> it
shouldn't be hard, I just want 1:1 on each face..
L1235[06:49:43] <gigaherz> ask
L1236[06:49:44] <gigaherz> XD
L1237[06:49:46] <sham1> Anyways, how has
everyone's day been
L1238[06:49:52] <gigaherz> I never did
texturing in blender myself
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L1240[06:50:16] <McJty> Go to edit mode,
select 'a' to select all tris or manually select the tris
you want to texture
L1241[06:50:31] <McJty> Then press
'u' and chose a texture method. Reset usually works if
you want a perfect quad match
L1242[06:50:36] <McJty> In the uv editing
window you can load a texture
L1244[06:50:50] <McJty> And actually move
uv vertices around using same selection principles
L1245[06:52:27] <diesieben07> roxox1, you
should probably check for null NBT stacks
L1246[06:52:33] <diesieben07> not nbt
L1247[06:52:35] <diesieben07>
L1248[06:52:58] <roxox1> Ok, other than
that, is the code correct? I feel like it's too easy
L1249[06:53:14] <roxox1> Not that I find
it easy, but I was expecting some complex algorithm bs
L1250[06:53:21] <diesieben07> lol no it
is correct
L1251[06:54:00] <sham1> We usually
don't want to do complex algo BS unless we have to
L1252[06:54:16] <McJty> Simple is
L1253[06:54:23] <sham1> ^
L1254[06:54:45] <sham1> Yet I decided to
ditch scala, so I am conflicted :C
L1255[06:54:51] <terribleperson> alright,
downloading gimp to make the texture so I can SEE my
L1256[06:55:06] <McJty> Scala is both
simple and complex
L1257[06:55:13] <sham1> Hey
L1258[06:55:17] <roxox1> Anybody know how
to get the NBTBase type id? I assume there is an enum/list of
finals somewhere
L1259[06:55:24] <sham1> I made a Web
server in haskell
L1260[06:55:32] <sham1> I think I'll
L1261[06:55:36] <PaleoCrafter> I'd
have expected the standard 'ew, Scala' answer
L1262[06:55:44] <roxox1> ew, Scala
L1263[06:55:52] <sham1> There you
L1264[06:55:58] <roxox1> :)
L1265[06:56:30] <sham1> But 1.8.8 was the
reason why I decided to do it
L1266[06:56:55] <PaleoCrafter> Generics?
L1267[06:57:03] <sham1> That and the fact
that I can use java lambdas where scala says "no can
L1268[06:57:10] <terribleperson> heeey
gimp still takes all eternity to look for fonts on first
L1269[06:57:40] <terribleperson> well
okay that was actually pretty fast.
L1270[06:57:46] <sham1> Like I could make
my implicit converter from scala functions to runnable and stuff
but meh
L1271[06:57:49] <terribleperson>
recommended texture format?
L1272[06:57:55] <sham1> Png
L1273[06:57:56] <McJty> PNG
L1274[06:58:14] <sham1> And yes
L1275[06:58:19] <sham1> Generics
L1276[06:58:33] <PaleoCrafter> Oi, first
scala 2.12 RC at end of Q2 :O
L1277[06:58:46] <McJty> Generics + Lambda
are making my 1.8.9 modding so much nicer.
L1278[06:59:02] <sham1> Ye
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L1280[06:59:38] <roxox1> NBTCompound
requires an int as it's second argument (NBTBase Type). How
can I find this?
L1281[07:00:04] <diesieben07> wat
L1282[07:00:07] <sham1>
L1283[07:00:13] <PaleoCrafter> But the
only real problem in Scala are the raw types and (what I've
found, at least) arrays
L1284[07:00:19] <sham1>
L1285[07:00:20] <roxox1> Ah, I followed
the code along, and found that private byte tagType = 0;
L1286[07:00:29] <sham1> Raw types suck in
L1287[07:00:39] <diesieben07> Raw types
suck period
L1288[07:00:44] <PaleoCrafter> Because
they shouldn't be a thing ;)
L1289[07:00:45] <sham1> True
L1290[07:00:47] <PaleoCrafter> ^
L1291[07:01:24] <terribleperson> why is
the gimp doing edge softening on my bucket fill?
L1292[07:01:41] <sham1> Antialias
L1293[07:01:50] <PaleoCrafter> Just wait
for the dotty stuff to get into mainstream, it'll have better
raw type support, iirc
L1294[07:02:20] <PaleoCrafter> (Basically
existential types will be no more)
L1295[07:02:38] <terribleperson> sham1:
yep, AA in the selection tool
L1296[07:03:13] <terribleperson> ew. a
16x16 portal texture is going to be ugly as hell
L1297[07:03:14] <sham1> And the fact that
I have to do my enums in java makes me Nope.Avi very
L1298[07:03:32] <diesieben07> are they
fixing that in 2.12?
L1299[07:04:37] <wlhlm> Hi, I'm
working on a custom WorldType/generator. Is it possible to force
the initial spawnpoint to specific coordinates? I tried using
world.setSpawnPoint(), but that doesn't seem to affect
L1300[07:05:33] <PaleoCrafter> You
don't, sham1? Oo
L1301[07:05:43] <sham1> Wait what
L1302[07:05:45] <PaleoCrafter> Don't
think so, diesieben07
L1303[07:05:50] <diesieben07> ok then
L1304[07:05:58] <diesieben07> not
switching then.
L1305[07:06:05] <sham1> Wyen did they add
L1306[07:06:06] <PaleoCrafter> Odersky
doesn't deem it necessary
L1307[07:06:22] <diesieben07> odersky can
go fuck himself
L1308[07:07:21] <PaleoCrafter> Eh, be
brought you generics, so shush :P
L1309[07:07:34] <diesieben07> meh
L1310[07:07:50] <sham1> Did he also do
L1311[07:08:00] <PaleoCrafter> Nope
L1312[07:08:18] <PaleoCrafter> Pizza
didn't erase, iirc
L1313[07:08:46] <PaleoCrafter> It also
added pattern matching, but that unfortunately didn't make it
into Java
L1314[07:08:50] <terribleperson> so a
16x16 portal texture is ugly as hell. Any suggestions? what are the
limitations on textures in the atlas?
L1315[07:09:08] <sham1> Powers of 2 and
L1316[07:09:32] <terribleperson> okay,
that's pretty simple. now.. what are the SANE limits?
L1317[07:09:48] <sham1> No idea
L1318[07:09:49] <terribleperson> what is
the point at which people will go "wow that guy's an
asshole for using a texture that big"
L1319[07:10:05] <ThePsionic> 1024px or
so? :P
L1320[07:10:13] <PaleoCrafter> You
shouldn't make it too big though, as the atlas packs textures
in squares the size of the largest individual texture
L1321[07:10:14] <ThePsionic> Generally
32px is fine
L1322[07:10:19] <PaleoCrafter> iirc
L1323[07:10:20] <wlhlm> terribleperson:
look at gemmary xD
L1324[07:11:48] <sham1> But yeah, scala
could have enums and after that it would be pretty much
L1325[07:11:55] <PaleoCrafter> Jesus
L1327[07:12:18] <terribleperson> paleo:
what's the largest texture that's in the atlas
L1328[07:12:20] <sham1> Java compatible
enums that it
L1329[07:12:24] <PaleoCrafter> Look at
that art
L1330[07:12:29] <terribleperson>
L1331[07:12:45] <PaleoCrafter> Probably
16 in vanilla, terribleperson
L1332[07:12:45] <ThePsionic> Wait
L1333[07:12:53] <ThePsionic> Did they
just take Google Images results
L1334[07:12:58] <ThePsionic> And put them
in Minecraft
L1335[07:13:06] <PaleoCrafter> Looks like
L1336[07:13:10] <terribleperson>
that's kinda what that looks like yeah
L1337[07:13:14] <ThePsionic> I'm
laughing so hard
L1338[07:13:17] <PaleoCrafter> The ores
L1339[07:13:20] <ThePsionic>
"Artist: Allinkhantzeyar123456789"
L1340[07:13:22] <ThePsionic> yeah
L1341[07:13:23] <terribleperson> paleo:
are mob textures not in the atlas?
L1342[07:13:32] <PaleoCrafter> They
literally masked just these images
L1343[07:13:56] <PaleoCrafter> Don't
think entities get stitched, no
L1344[07:14:11] <terribleperson> ew.
alright, I guess I'll stick with 16x16
L1345[07:14:58] <PaleoCrafter> You can
technically have multiple 16x16 textures
L1346[07:14:59] <terribleperson>
L1347[07:15:01] <terribleperson> or i
could bind it
L1348[07:15:07] <PaleoCrafter> And just
subdivide your plane
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L1352[07:21:34] ***
zz_SnowShock35 is now known as SnowShock35
L1353[07:22:00] <terribleperson>
L1354[07:22:12] <terribleperson> 256x256
is where it starts looking nice
L1355[07:25:36] <gigaherz> then
you'll want a separate texture
L1356[07:25:50] ***
big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L1357[07:29:00] <terribleperson> and just
bind it?
L1358[07:31:18] ***
Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1359[07:31:29] <gigaherz> yep you bind
the resourcelocation, mc takes care of the loading
L1360[07:31:44] <gigaherz> bbl
L1361[07:31:47] ***
gigaherz is now known as ghz|afk
L1362[07:37:30] <AEnterprise> could
someone explain to me what this new "capabilities" system
if forge is suposed to be and how it could/should be used?
L1363[07:39:05] <AEnterprise> i've
seen commits and people refering to it but i can't find an
explanation of what it actually is
L1364[07:40:04] <fry> instead of checking
(tileEntity instanceof IInventory), you would query the capability
L1365[07:40:22] <fry> same for
L1366[07:40:24] <fry> e.t.c.
L1367[07:40:25] <sham1> How would that
L1368[07:40:42] <fry> it already does
L1369[07:40:58] <sham1> Well, how does it
L1370[07:40:59] <AEnterprise> any
documentation or something similar on it then?
L1371[07:41:07] <sham1> ^
L1372[07:41:32] <fry> read the source
L1373[07:41:35] <AEnterprise> as google
isn't showing anything to me, might be because it's a new
thing and to low in the results list to be found but i can't
find anything about it
L1374[07:41:43] <sham1> care to
L1375[07:41:44] <fry> yes, it's very
L1377[07:42:44] <fry> (if you want an
example of capability implementation)
L1378[07:43:19] <AEnterprise> reading
through the forge sources to figure things out isn't always
that easy, i don't know much about the massive codebase, also
it's filled with obfuscated functions and that doesn't
help eighter
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(~PrinceCat@124-170-179-128.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Quit: My Mac has
gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
L1380[07:45:38] <AEnterprise> so
there's the 'getCapability' function that you pass
the class of the capability you are trying to get and if it has the
capability it returns it?
L1382[07:46:16] <sham1> so they are in if
I understand you correctly fry
L1383[07:46:55] <AEnterprise> fry: i only
see one problem with this: we'll still have to check for both
for compatibility
L1384[07:48:14] ***
V is now known as Vigaro
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L1389[07:52:58] <fry> yes, they are
L1390[07:53:14] <fry> AEnterprise: check
for both?
L1391[07:53:44] <AEnterprise> for example
for the itemhandler in that pr, we'll have to check for both
the capability and fall back to IInventory if not present
L1392[07:54:16] <fry> for now - yes
L1393[07:54:17] <AEnterprise> and i guess
the intention is that mod api's don't provide interfaces
anymore but capabilities instead?
L1394[07:54:37] <sham1>
L1395[07:54:38] <fry> just like you have
to fallback to IInventory if ISidedInventory is not present
L1396[07:54:53] <fry> and yes, the
intention is for mods to only provide capabilities
L1397[07:55:13] <AEnterprise> i'm
doing that ISided and the IInventory but lots of mods don't
L1398[07:55:29] <sham1> Well if for
instance we get a capability for fluid containers
L1399[07:55:39] <sham1> How would that
work as far as the TE is concirned
L1401[07:57:08] <sham1>
L1402[07:57:17] <sham1> nice
L1403[07:57:38] <fry> from my
understanding, ideally, you should store the capability in the
L1404[07:58:05] <fry> and do something
like if(capability == SOME_CAPABILITY) return
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L1406[07:58:18] <sham1> This is so
confusing :P
L1407[07:58:25] <AEnterprise> if this is
to be used in api's i think some kind of wiki/doc thing will
be needed as it'll probably become a mess otherwise
L1408[07:58:35] <fry> yes, docs are
L1409[07:58:44] <sham1> speaking of
L1410[07:58:50] <fry> this thing is
barely a week old, give it time :P
L1411[07:59:23] <AEnterprise> alright,
just heard people talk about it so wanted to know what it is for in
case it's something i should be using in my 1.8.9 mod
L1412[07:59:32] <sham1> I'd use
L1413[07:59:42] <sham1> If I would
understand it
L1414[08:00:07] <AEnterprise> for now i
don't realy need it yet so i'm not gona use it yet as my
mod doesn't have an api for others to use at this point
L1415[08:00:35] <roxox1> Starting to get
close to a release version for my mod :0
L1416[08:00:37] <AEnterprise> so
i'll wait with looking into it in depth until later so it gets
time to be fully fleshed out
L1417[08:00:43] <roxox1> Thanks again
guys for all the help
L1418[08:00:52] <sham1> No
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L1420[08:10:21] <Lordmau5> Uhm
L1421[08:10:37] <Lordmau5> Why does
"Fluid.getLocalizedName" require a "FluidStack"
parameter, if it's not going to use it anyway?
L1422[08:11:19] <McJty> Some
implementations might use it
L1423[08:11:23] <Lordmau5> urgh
L1424[08:11:27] <Lordmau5> so passing
null is a bad idea >_>
L1425[08:11:35] <McJty> Probably
L1426[08:11:38] <Lordmau5> grr... alright
L1427[08:11:49] <Lordmau5> Was just
wondering :p
L1428[08:11:51] <sham1> Optiona
L1429[08:12:03] <sham1> fail
L1430[08:12:12] <Lordmau5> Optiona!
L1431[08:12:19] <sham1> Optional :P
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L1433[08:13:12] <Lordmau5> so what, I
gotta do a bloody FluidStack with amount of 1000 just to make other
people happy that rely on that function or something?
L1434[08:13:31] <fry> why are you calling
it anyway?
L1435[08:13:44] <Lordmau5> Locking tanks
to fluids - I want to show the localized fluid name
L1436[08:14:04] <luacs1998> generating a
forge workspace
L1438[08:14:20] <luacs1998> updating my
sign event PR
L1439[08:14:27] <luacs1998> then maybe
i'll look into slot events
L1440[08:14:46] <luacs1998> fry, would
there be any interest in an event that fires whenever the contents
of an inventory slot is changed?
L1441[08:14:57] <fry> no idea
L1442[08:15:10] <fry> don't know
much about inventories
L1443[08:16:06] <fry> Lordmau5: well, you
can call
L1444[08:16:19] <Lordmau5> But then
I'm not relying on stuff properly again, am I?
L1445[08:16:35] <Lordmau5> I changed my
implementation to
"FluidRegistry.getFluidStack(tag.getString(...), 1000);"
L1446[08:16:39] <Lordmau5> as in,
returning the FluidStack
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L1450[08:22:18] <Lordmau5> I'm
coding too much stuff again... seeing the word "fluid"
all the time, I'm currently unsure of whether or not it is
actually a real word...
L1451[08:23:15] ***
AEnterprise is now known as AEnterpriseAFK
L1452[08:24:14] <roxox1> lol.
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L1454[08:24:22] <sham1> it is
L1455[08:24:40] <sham1> It is a word that
describes both liquids and gasses because they are fluid
L1456[08:24:44] <sham1> They move
L1457[08:24:51] <roxox1> Ik how you feel.
I just went to the fridge to get some pop, and started trying to
decipher what flavour they were by their NBT Tags.
L1458[08:25:04] <sham1> >pop
L1459[08:25:30] <roxox1> I'm from
the UK, I don't actually use the word pop, but the internet is
L1460[08:25:47] <sham1> Well I am Finn
and I never hear that word used
L1461[08:25:49] <sham1> Like ever
L1462[08:26:02] <Quetzi> pop is a
northern term for it
L1463[08:26:02] <roxox1> It's
american's word for fizzy drinks.
L1464[08:26:05] <sham1> I usually just
hear the brand
L1465[08:26:10] <sham1> I know what it
L1466[08:27:23] <roxox1> Anyway...
I'm trying to save player NBT when they die. I have an event
which is called on death, this get's the players current NBT
and puts it into a hashmap temporarily
L1467[08:28:02] <roxox1> When I get the
NBT back out of the hashmap when the player respawns, I get the
correct NBT stuff that I want
L1468[08:28:04] <sham1> PlayerEvent.Clone
is the event you want
L1469[08:28:33] <roxox1> However,
immediately after that, I do a check to see if I owe the player any
items (via the NBT tags), and it gives the wrong value
L1470[08:29:14] <roxox1> My apologies,
the NBT data that comes out of the hashmap is incorrect.
L1471[08:29:29] <roxox1> Oh no wait,
it's not
L1472[08:29:30] <roxox1> Sorry
L1474[08:30:03] <sham1> That's how
you copy NBT over with IEEP
L1475[08:30:49] <roxox1> Wait. What the
hell. I'm sitting here storing shit into a hashmap and
everything, and the entire thing can be done in one line?
L1476[08:31:10] <sham1> Yep :p
L1477[08:31:23] <roxox1> Goddamn, I need
to stop trying to figure stuff out myself
L1478[08:31:42] <sham1> Try to figure out
and if you don't know the answer then we will
L1479[08:31:46] <sham1> Someone WILL
L1480[08:32:54] <sham1> Speaking of
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L1482[08:33:58] <sham1> I am having a
real hard time figuring out this capability nonsense
L1483[08:35:11] ***
Vigaro is now known as V
L1484[08:37:06] <luacs1998> !gm 180434
L1485[08:38:13] <simon816> Is JsonToNbt
supposed to handle _real_ JSON?
L1486[08:38:26] <simon816> it
doesn't seem to handle quotes properly
L1487[08:38:34] <sham1> define "Real
L1488[08:38:35] <masa> Dagarath: oh ok (a
little late reply :p)
L1489[08:38:45] <sham1> BEcause any
Non-javascript JSON is not real
L1490[08:38:58] <simon816> real json
L1491[08:39:06] <roxox1> Will PlayerClone
event run before the PlayerRespawnEvent?
L1492[08:39:29] <simon816> but it takes
the quotes literally
L1493[08:40:39] <simon816> so calling
nbt.getInteger("key") returns 0
L1494[08:40:52] <simon816> but
nbt.getInteger("\"key\"") returns 1
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L1496[08:48:09] ***
Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
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L1500[08:53:17] <yopu> Hey guys, is
"onPostBlockPlaced" gone? Or just rolled into
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L1502[08:56:48] <terribleperson> simon:
is there no way to just escape the whole thing?
L1503[08:57:26] <simon816> I could strip
quotes (") but that's a bad idea
L1504[08:57:55] <simon816> alternatively
I can just use Gson
L1505[08:58:21] <simon816> but JsonToNBT
is missleading if it does not accept real JSON
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L1507[09:02:06] <terribleperson> that is
a little weird.
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L1509[09:12:46] <sham1> Well in JS you
can have properties like {"property":
L1510[09:13:22] <sham1> So yeah, you have
to escape them with"real json"
L1512[09:15:13] <luacs1998> nothing but
forge and fml
L1513[09:15:21] <luacs1998> clean
workspace, usign gradlestart
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L1515[09:18:05] <luacs1998> it started
properly once, now this -.-
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L1518[09:22:19] <Skuli> I remember seeing
that error ages and ages ago
L1519[09:22:35] <Skuli> it was a java
version issue as I recall? Like early 1.8 java problem?
L1520[09:22:45] <luacs1998> i'm
running 8u66
L1521[09:22:48] <Skuli> doubtful
it's your problem though
L1522[09:22:49] <Skuli> yeah
L1523[09:23:01] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1524[09:23:40] <luacs1998> trying
another JDK anyway
L1525[09:23:53] <luacs1998> thank god i
didn't uninstall jdk7
L1526[09:24:59] <Skuli> Maybe a mod
version issue
L1527[09:25:04] <Skuli> I don't
really know, sorry
L1528[09:25:10] <Skuli> i just remember
encoutnering that a lot a while back
L1529[09:25:35] <luacs1998> oh what the
L1530[09:25:47] <luacs1998> i just
realized intellij was compiling for java 1.3 compatibility
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and Out!)
L1532[09:25:56] <Skuli> well
L1533[09:25:59] <terribleperson>
L1534[09:26:52] <Skuli> Tell 1999 i said
L1535[09:27:06] <terribleperson>
L1536[09:27:14] <terribleperson>
that's way fucking older than minecraft itself
L1537[09:27:43] <Skuli> It's way
older than most people who PLAY minecraft
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L1539[09:28:04] <terribleperson>
L1540[09:28:08] <Skuli> I do feel better
knowing that it actually was a perverted sort of java version
L1541[09:28:16] <Skuli> my gut instinct
was right!
L1542[09:28:20] <terribleperson> java 5.0
(effectively 1.5) is older than minecraft
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timeout: 198 seconds)
L1544[09:28:57] <TechDG> sooo I have an
issue. When my mod is in eclipse everything works just fine, but
when I compile the machine's gui doesn't haev its texture
and it isnt processing items
L1545[09:29:00] ***
big_Xplo|AFK is now known as big_Xplosion
L1546[09:30:47] <TechDG> wait might have
found the issue
L1547[09:31:28] <TechDG> nope
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L1551[09:32:22] <TechDG> any ideas?
L1552[09:33:09] <TechDG> actually its
jsut the texture
L1553[09:33:17] <TechDG> forgot in
testing it wasnt running cuz no RF xD
L1554[09:33:37] <Skuli> well I don't
code but I'd guess it's looking for your texture in the
wrong location
L1555[09:33:38] <luacs1998> lol
L1556[09:33:46] <TechDG> skuli how come
it works in eclipse then
L1557[09:33:50] <TechDG> thats what I
dont get
L1558[09:33:59] <TechDG> adn the other
textures work fine
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L1560[09:40:03] <TechDG> got it :D
L1561[09:40:08] <TechDG> well ty myself
L1562[09:40:30] <TechDG> except dont got
the energy bar :/
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L1569[10:01:12] <williewillus> are
recipes supposed to be done in init?
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L1571[10:03:38] ***
Ash|Work is now known as Ashlee
L1572[10:04:12] <sham1> Yes
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kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
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Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
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L1583[10:26:01] <roxox1> Is there a limit
to how much stuff I put in a players NBT?
L1584[10:26:45] <diesieben07> Using
L1585[10:26:56] <diesieben07> Then no
L1586[10:27:48] <roxox1> Ok, I was
getting worried. Starting to store quite a few things in
L1587[10:28:27] <roxox1> K/D,
Killstreaks, skulled, saved items, owed items..etc
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L1589[10:29:01] <diesieben07> Of course
there's always hard limits like hdd space and ram
L1590[10:29:31] <roxox1> Oh, I doubt a
couple int's is going to bother HDD and ram :P. Was more
worried if the NBT had a specific limit
L1591[10:29:31] <Skuli> Back up the
current map in each player's nbt as a safeguard.
L1592[10:29:37] <roxox1> lol ^
L1593[10:30:00] <roxox1> Wait,
that's not a bad idea if it was only used for like, one player
L1594[10:30:29] <Skuli> you know that
might actually be interesting for like a "private
dimension" mod
L1595[10:30:34] <Skuli> a chunk is what,
7 - 10k?
L1596[10:30:54] <roxox1> I think AE does
something like that, but uses the items NBT data
L1597[10:30:59] <diesieben07> Backup the
world inside itself. Great idea
L1598[10:31:18] <roxox1> Oh, NBT is
stored in the world files? I figured it would be stored in the
player files.
L1599[10:31:34] <diesieben07> Well those
are part of the world.
L1600[10:31:34] <williewillus> AE's
personal dimension thing is a real dimension
L1601[10:31:40] <williewillus> the item
just stores the dim number
L1602[10:31:48] <roxox1> Oh.
L1603[10:31:51] <Skuli> yeah I wonder if
it'd be possible to have like a meta-dimension
L1604[10:31:59] <Skuli> And just build it
out of the dim data stored in the player file
L1605[10:32:07] <Skuli> just ruminating
is all.
L1606[10:32:21] <Skuli> one of the big
complains with dimdoors was that you end up with 10,000 dimensions
on your server
L1607[10:32:27] <Skuli> *complaints
L1608[10:32:57] <roxox1> Someone was
pitching an idea to me for a ghost world earlier today. Wherein
every player is theoretically in the same world, but they cannot
see each other.
L1609[10:33:07] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
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L1613[10:42:51] ***
AEnterprise is now known as AEnterpriseAFK
L1614[10:43:13] <AndersBillLind> I want
to "place" a stack on a block and when someone places it,
a whole building is built
L1615[10:45:11] <modmuss50> How would I
go about finding the model definition location of an item?
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L1617[10:46:29] ***
Curle|Gone is now known as Curle
L1619[10:47:30] ***
kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L1620[10:47:31] <modmuss50> ive got it
now, sorry :)
L1621[10:47:44] <Curle> Anders,
onRightClick of the block, check the item stack, if it has >63,
remove the block and build the structure
L1622[10:48:41] <AndersBillLind> I start
with just placing a block of dirt, do I have to create a BlockDirt
L1623[10:48:59] <AndersBillLind> It does
not even have a visible ctor
L1624[10:50:04] <Curle> You've lost
me already. What do you mean, DirtBlock instance? If you have a
defined block, that you place in the world and right-click with a
stack of blocks to build a structure, then it's like 10 lines
of code
L1625[10:50:15] <Curle> If not, then
explain :P
L1626[10:50:46] <AndersBillLind> Ah, I
see that BlockDirt only has one instance, it is not representing a
block of dirt
L1627[10:50:58] <Curle> ...
L1628[10:51:09] <AndersBillLind> Only
part of registration, as items
L1629[10:54:12] <masa> every block and
item class only have one instance
L1630[10:55:45] <sham1> nope
L1632[10:56:11] <sham1> You can have
multiple instances of the same block or item
L1633[10:56:34] <sham1> or the same block
or item class
L1634[10:56:44] <AndersBillLind> You
never told us in which occasions
L1635[10:56:45] <sham1> For reference,
look at stone
L1636[10:56:51] <AndersBillLind>
L1637[10:57:30] <sham1> All those stone
variants are instances of BlockStone
L1638[10:57:53] <diesieben07> Think of a
block instance as block type. That's the best explanation I
can give
L1639[10:58:14] <AndersBillLind> I
searched for extends BlockStone, did not get any hits, you only try
to confuse :)
L1640[10:58:53] <sham1>
<AndersBillLind> I searched for extends BlockStone, did not
get any hits, you only try to confuse :)
L1641[10:58:56] <sham1> No
L1642[10:59:00] <AndersBillLind> Whats
more confusing is that there is World.setBlockToAir(), but not
World.setBlockTo(Block b);
L1643[10:59:04] <sham1> instance !=
L1644[10:59:18] <sham1> And also,
L1645[10:59:24] <AndersBillLind> I do not
appreciate getting quoted on irc
L1646[10:59:24] <Curle> anders, it's
world.setBlock(x, y, z, block)
L1647[10:59:33] <AndersBillLind>
L1648[10:59:39] <AndersBillLind> How did
I miss that
L1649[10:59:45] <sham1> wait
L1650[10:59:52] <sham1> U ON
L1651[10:59:56] <Curle> wot
L1652[11:00:07] <Curle> I'm certain
that's 1.8
L1653[11:00:07] <AndersBillLind>
world.setBlock does not come up
L1654[11:00:13] <AndersBillLind> I am on
L1655[11:00:13] <Curle> Oh?
L1656[11:00:13] <Curle> Well, shit
L1657[11:00:17] <Curle> So am I
L1658[11:00:19] <Curle> :P
L1659[11:00:22] <sham1> there is no such
thing in 1.8 as setBlock
L1660[11:00:32] <sham1> you set your
L1661[11:00:37] <AndersBillLind> I
already concluded that, but thanks for telling :)
L1662[11:00:41] <AndersBillLind> Ah,
L1663[11:00:42] <Curle> :P
L1664[11:00:45] <shadekiller666> fry, i
found a fairly complicated bug, and i have no idea how to fix
L1665[11:00:58] <Curle> That has really
confused me, I'll have to reconsider my modding career
L1666[11:01:01] <Curle> :P
L1667[11:01:56] ***
Drull|zzz is now known as Drullkus
L1669[11:03:00] <roxox1> If I want to
draw something over a players head, and have all players see it,
would I be correct in using RenderLivingEvent?
L1670[11:03:23] <AndersBillLind> Is there
something like a midding career?
L1671[11:03:28] <AndersBillLind> oops,
modding :)
L1672[11:03:34] <roxox1> Game
L1673[11:03:42] <Curle> Well, yea. I was
joking fyi.
L1674[11:04:06] <Curle> I did actually
join a company where I literally got paid for making a mod for the
team to use in their spare time
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L1679[11:05:21] <AndersBillLind> :)
L1680[11:05:32] <Curle> o/ temp
L1681[11:06:08] <modmuss50> actually, How
would I find the Model definition location for a stack?
L1682[11:07:22] <Temportalist> \o
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L1685[11:09:28] <roxox1> Is there any way
to tell the client to render something without the client having
the mod installed?
L1686[11:09:52] <Curle> ^ This. I'll
need this too.
L1687[11:10:16] <roxox1> Trying to make a
skull appear above skulled players heads
L1688[11:10:17] <roxox1> :P
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Lost terminal)
L1690[11:10:35] <Curle> I'm making
just a general server-side utility mod
L1691[11:10:35] <Temportalist> roxox1:
why not make it a univeral mod?
L1692[11:10:38] <AndersBillLind> Hm,
BlockState does not implement IBlockState, confusing
L1693[11:10:43] <Temportalist>
AndersBillLind: yes
L1694[11:10:45] <Temportalist> it
L1695[11:10:58] <Temportalist> BlockState
lets you fetch an IBlockState
L1696[11:11:06] <shadekiller666>
AndersBillLind, they're two different things
L1697[11:11:12] <Temportalist>
L1698[11:11:18] <shadekiller666>
BlockState is a container for IBSs
L1699[11:11:22] <AndersBillLind> But the
name suggests that one implements the other
L1700[11:11:23] <roxox1> Temportalist
Because this is the only part of my mod which will need client
stuff. I'd rather not install the mod on the client just for
one thing.
L1701[11:11:31] <roxox1> I will if I have
to, but would be nice not to have to
L1702[11:12:42] <Temportalist> roxox1:
you could easily make it universal and let forge take care of which
side it is loaded on
L1704[11:13:25] <AndersBillLind>
world.setBlockState(pos.up(), Blocks.dirt.getDefaultState());
L1705[11:13:26] <Temportalist> roxox1:
buy I think you will need to make it universal
L1706[11:13:33] <roxox1> Hmm, ok. I need
to figure out how I'm going to tell my clients which players
to render then
L1707[11:14:20] <ghz|afk> roxox1:
"just for one thing" > 0 things, so installing the mod
is worth it
L1708[11:14:21] <ghz|afk> XD
L1709[11:14:25] ***
ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
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L1711[11:15:17] <roxox1> I have a feeling
I'm going to have to do a bunch of packety servery connectiony
stuff aren't I?
L1712[11:15:30] <Temportalist> roxox1:
L1713[11:15:39] <roxox1> Fun times
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⇨ Joins: Tyler__ (~Tyler__@
L1716[11:23:13] <Tyler__> Hello
L1717[11:29:14] <Temportalist> heeeeyyyy,
sooooooo my IRenderFactory is called to create a Render, but the
Render.doRender is never called....
L1718[11:29:40] <AndersBillLind> Can I
reuse a blockstate to place two blocks?
L1719[11:29:50] <AndersBillLind> Oh, I
must be able to do that, forget the question
L1721[11:30:02] ***
Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1722[11:30:18] <shadekiller666> fry you
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L1724[11:30:30] <sham1> UK, go home,
you're drunk
L1726[11:30:33] <Curle> RIP logic
L1727[11:32:17] <roxox1> Why are you
still using 1.7.10 scrub?
L1728[11:32:48] <sham1> :P
L1729[11:32:57] <gigaherz> weren't
you using 1.7?
L1730[11:33:21] <roxox1> Yes :(
L1731[11:33:46] <Temportalist> what is
the proper way to update forge mod environment to java 1.8?
L1732[11:33:58] <gigaherz> Temportalist:
in your build.gradle
L1733[11:34:09] <Temportalist> gigaherz:
more explanation?
L1734[11:34:15] <gigaherz> compileJava
L1735[11:34:15] <gigaherz>
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
L1736[11:34:15] <gigaherz>
targetCompatibility = 1.8
L1737[11:34:15] <gigaherz> }
L1738[11:34:22] <gigaherz> had to copy
first ;P
L1739[11:34:31] <sham1> No need to have
it under compileJava
L1740[11:34:36] <sham1> You can have it
in the root
L1741[11:34:37] <gigaherz> yes need
L1742[11:34:47] <sham1> of your gradle
L1743[11:34:49] <gigaherz> unless this
changed in fg2.1
L1744[11:34:50] <sham1> umn, no
L1745[11:34:56] <gigaherz> I had it in
the root, and it did nothing
L1746[11:35:03] <gigaherz> hadto move it
inside compileJava before it actually worked
L1747[11:35:03] <gigaherz> XD
L1748[11:35:05] <Curle> roxox1: Most mods
are for 1.7.10 nowadays, and my mod is designed to compliment
L1749[11:35:07] <IoP> also check ide if
it does not understand vhange jdk automatically
L1750[11:35:15] <Curle> I could only find
like 3 mods for 1.8
⇨ Joins: Noppes
L1752[11:35:26] <Tyler__> If I were to
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing and attempt to use that in my
code, I get an error stating I need
L1753[11:35:27] <gigaherz> Curle: lots of
people are updating
L1754[11:35:40] <Curle> Not many people
have been successful, then
L1755[11:35:42] <gigaherz> thaumcraft,
builcraft, blood magic, rftools
L1756[11:35:58] <gigaherz> that's
just the names I know off the top of my head
L1757[11:36:00] <gigaherz> I know
there's more
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L1760[11:36:16] <sham1> You just need it
in the root
L1761[11:36:27] <gigaherz> I think
twilight forest was getting an update also? or am I remembering
L1762[11:36:38] <Curle> Okay, okay!
L1763[11:36:50] <Curle> I'm just
going to stick with 1.7 until a proper modpack is released
L1764[11:37:02] <gigaherz> computercraft
has 1.8.9,
L1765[11:37:03] <Curle> FTB is working on
one atm
L1766[11:37:19] <gigaherz> randomthings,
L1768[11:37:22] <sham1> :P
L1770[11:37:23] <gigaherz> ;P
L1771[11:37:34] <Curle> Woah, what?
L1772[11:37:40] <Tyler__> Mods are far
behind on versions and always will be lol
L1773[11:37:53] <gigaherz> there's a
few that didn't do 1.8.9, butexist on 1.8.0
L1774[11:37:56] <gigaherz> but they are
L1775[11:38:01] <Tyler__> Wait until 1.9
comes out
L1776[11:38:03] <gigaherz> since 1.8.9 is
almost 1:1 update
L1777[11:38:11] <gigaherz> Tyler__: 1.9
won't have Forge available from launch
L1778[11:38:20] <Tyler__> I know but
I'm saying
L1779[11:38:21] <gigaherz> 1.8.9 is the
next major modding platform
L1780[11:38:21] <sham1> well 1.8.9 really
was insignificant as far as modding is concerned
L1781[11:38:27] <Tyler__> It will take
forever for mods to catch up
L1782[11:38:33] <gigaherz> sham1: yes but
1.8.0 to 1.8.8 was not
L1783[11:38:34] <sham1> So why not start
L1784[11:38:38] <sham1> Well yeah
L1785[11:38:39] <gigaherz> Tyler__: I
doubt it
L1786[11:38:39] <sham1> Generics
L1787[11:38:47] <gigaherz> the biggest
hurdle was the model system
L1788[11:38:55] <Curle> What even is the
differences between 1.8.0 and 1.8.9? I've seen some people
literally quit forums when people refued to update to a minor
L1789[11:38:58] <gigaherz> and
that's 1.8
L1790[11:39:07] <Curle> refused*
L1791[11:39:15] <gigaherz> Curle:
generics metadata
L1792[11:39:31] <gigaherz> which allows
seeing "List<String>" or
L1793[11:39:45] <gigaherz> and some
changes to the tesellator's interface
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L1795[11:40:02] <gigaherz> 1.8.8 and
1.8.9 are 99% cross-compatible
L1796[11:40:07] <gigaherz> to the point
forge makes an exception to allow both
L1797[11:40:23] <gigaherz> (1.8.8 mods in
1.8.9 forge, that is)
L1798[11:40:25] <sham1> Well the change
between 1.8.8 and 1.8.9 was Realms stuff
L1799[11:40:29] <Temportalist> gigaherz:
so add those to the build.gradle and reimport to idea?
L1800[11:40:34] <gigaherz>
L1801[11:40:35] <sham1> ye
L1802[11:40:46] <gigaherz> well no need
to reimport
L1803[11:40:48] <gigaherz> just refresh
L1804[11:40:58] <gigaherz> and MAYBE, set
the source level in the config
L1805[11:41:12] <Temportalist> should I
install java 8?
L1806[11:41:17] <gigaherz> well
L1807[11:41:19] <sham1> YES
L1808[11:41:22] <gigaherz> if you want to
compile java8... of course?
L1809[11:41:27] <Temportalist> figured
L1810[11:41:27] <sham1> By god yes
L1811[11:41:30] <sham1> Lambdas man
L1812[11:41:31] <gigaherz> you'll
want JDK8 with JRE
L1813[11:41:32] <Temportalist> where is
L1816[11:42:01] <gigaherz> google
"jdk 8"
L1817[11:42:04] <gigaherz> first
L1818[11:42:04] <gigaherz> XD
L1819[11:42:20] <Tyler__> Hey would
someone be willing to help me? I get a error saying I need
com.google.common.base.Predicate, because it is indirectly
referenced. I have imported net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing for
working with block directions. Am I heading the right direction or
am I better off directly handling block rotation?
L1820[11:42:36] <sham1> you are heading
the right direction
L1821[11:42:38] <sham1> Show your
L1822[11:43:06] <Curle> No, it's a
referenced library.
⇦ Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@82-168-99-26.ip.telfort.nl) (Ping
timeout: 198 seconds)
L1824[11:43:20] <Curle> Do you have Scala
in your build path?
L1825[11:43:29] <Curle> I had this
problem too
L1826[11:43:48] ***
Curle is now known as Curle|Away
L1827[11:43:48] <sham1> Why would Scala
libs go mixed up with Guava?
L1828[11:43:55] <Tyler__> ^
L1830[11:44:00] <Curle|Away> Oh, damn.
Was typing quickly
L1831[11:44:06] <Curle|Away> GTG
L1832[11:44:15] <Tyler__> All I have
right now for that class is the basics I've gotten from
L1833[11:44:42] <Tyler__> By all means
tell me if I am going about this in completely the wrong way
L1834[11:44:43] <sham1> where does it
need Predicate at
L1835[11:44:54] <sham1> Because this
looks okay
L1836[11:44:57] <Tyler__> Line 14
L1837[11:45:08] <Tyler__> public static
final PropertyDirection FACING =
⇨ Joins: Unh0lyTigg
L1839[11:45:14] <sham1> Well it already
has a predicate...
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(GHOST command used by Unh0lyTigg)))
L1841[11:45:48] <Tyler__> The error
L1842[11:45:51] <Tyler__> "The type
com.google.common.base.Predicate cannot be resolved. It is
indirectly referenced from required .class files"
L1843[11:46:07] <sham1> Something is
wrong with your setup
⇦ Quits: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk) (Ping
timeout: 189 seconds)
L1845[11:46:15] ***
Unh0lyTigg is now known as Unh0ly_Tigg
L1846[11:46:16] <Tyler__> Gah, I
L1847[11:46:25] <sham1> Because the code
is like it should be
L1848[11:47:01] <Tyler__> Alright is
there any guide on getting the latest version of forge and setting
up Eclipse with gradle again? Because obviously the last tutorial I
followed was incorrect
L1849[11:47:45] <Tyler__> Brb moving
L1850[11:48:14] <FireBall1725> Tyler__:
gradew setupdecompworkspace eclipse ?
L1851[11:48:40] <FireBall1725> i mean
that is all i have to do, but i use idea instead of eclipse
L1852[11:48:50] <sham1> That's mah
L1853[11:49:58] <Temportalist> So what
are Java Lambdas?
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(~Drullkus@c-67-180-188-243.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host
closed the connection)
L1856[11:51:02] <sham1> so for
⇦ Quits: Tyler__ (~Tyler__@ (Ping timeout: 198
L1858[11:51:23] <Temportalist> so
basically some fancy scala things for java?
L1859[11:51:32] <sham1> Basically
L1860[11:52:13] <PaleoCrafter>
they're just a tad more efficient and produce less
L1861[11:52:32] <PaleoCrafter> but
that's because Java can exploit all new JVM features just
L1862[11:52:47] <smbarbour> That article
reads very much like "Use lambda expressions to do things you
could already do that look nicer to people who aren't familar
with Java"
L1863[11:52:59] <sham1> Well that is
because the jvm is made java in mind mostly
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L1865[11:53:34] <PaleoCrafter> it's
because Scala wanted to stay Java 6 compatbile for now :P
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(GHOST command used by Unh0lyTigg)))
L1867[11:53:42] <sham1> Dunno why
L1868[11:53:55] <sham1> What about
L1869[11:54:26] <PaleoCrafter> I
don't know what bytecode that compiles to
L1870[11:54:35] <sham1> Mmmm
L1871[11:55:24] <sham1> But yeah
L1872[11:55:41] <sham1> As far as I am
concerned, java does what it does and it does it well
L1873[11:55:44] ***
Unh0lyTigg is now known as Unh0ly_Tigg
L1874[11:56:03] <PaleoCrafter>
considering the backwards compatbility, yes :P
⇨ Joins: Tyler__ (~Tyler__@
L1876[11:56:25] ***
AEnterpriseAFK is now known as AEnterprise
L1877[11:56:26] <Tyler__> I'm
L1878[11:56:34] <sham1> wards
L1879[11:57:16] <smbarbour> I just did a
cursory glance at Kotlin (JetBrains' JVM-based language)...
and it looks like a bastard stepchild of Java, Perl, and Visual
L1880[11:57:37] <sham1> and
⇨ Joins: Drullkus
L1882[11:57:51] <PaleoCrafter> mostly
Scala xD
L1883[11:58:00] <sham1> Which already is
a bastard child of Haskell and java
L1884[11:58:05] <sham1> Or would that be
⇨ Joins: thecodewarrior
L1886[11:58:21] <PaleoCrafter> eh,
there's a lot more similarities to the ML family, I think
L1887[11:58:31] <sham1> meh
L1888[11:59:20] <Tyler__> Hey so sham1 if
my setup is incorrect could you put more towards the right
direction of setting up my forge+eclipse enviroment?
⇨ Joins: rhilenova
L1890[11:59:44] <PaleoCrafter> actually,
Scala just took a fair amount of Java and added a few bits and bobs
from pretty much every functional language xD
L1891[11:59:51] <sham1> gradlew
setupDecompWorkspace eclipse
L1892[11:59:55] <sham1> Ye
L1893[12:00:37] <Temportalist>
PaleoCrafter: it is the best
L1894[12:00:43] <Tyler__> And from Forge
downloads I want MDK correct? And run that out of a console from
the extracted folder set?
L1895[12:00:51] <PaleoCrafter> there are
a few quirks :P
L1896[12:01:00] <sham1> indeed
L1897[12:01:06] <Tyler__> Alright
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(~thecodewa@75-128-36-18.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) (Ping timeout:
189 seconds)
L1899[12:02:51] <gigaherz> [18:51]
(Temportalist): so basically some fancy scala things for
L1900[12:02:56] <gigaherz> that's a
funny way to describe them
L1901[12:02:56] <gigaherz> XD
L1902[12:02:57] <Tyler__> And then just
to confirm Server Side and Client Side proxies are still
L1903[12:03:04] <sham1> yes
L1904[12:03:09] <sham1> because they are
L1905[12:03:21] <PaleoCrafter>
L1906[12:03:50] <Tyler__> Alright
L1907[12:04:00] <sham1> they might as
well be required seeing as there is no reason not to have
L1908[12:04:45] <gigaherz> theya re
needed for any mod that interacts visually with the client
L1909[12:05:22] <gigaherz> the only kind
of mod that would work without a proxy may be something which is
only server-side
L1910[12:05:41] <gigaherz>
server-thread-side, that is
L1911[12:05:48] <Tyler__> Oh okay
⇨ Joins: KGS
L1913[12:06:12] <Tyler__> And so I would
want to set my workspace in eclipse to the eclipse directory?
L1914[12:06:31] <masa> oh ffs this
can't be this complicated... I better take a break and eat
somethin gand come back to this, this is going nowhere...
L1915[12:06:31] <gigaherz> you can put
the workspace anywhere
L1916[12:06:39] <gigaherz> then you add
the existing project
L1917[12:06:42] <gigaherz> from the
eclipse folder
L1918[12:06:57] <smbarbour> None of my
mods have proxies.
L1919[12:07:09] <sham1> BURN THE
L1920[12:07:20] <Tyler__> Okay, thats how
I set it up last time... Strange
L1921[12:07:52] <gigaherz> smbarbour: so
either you purposefully avoid registering any renderer or
L1922[12:08:04] <gigaherz> or you limit
yourself to like, command handlers and server ticking
L1923[12:08:34] <smbarbour> All of my
blocks are standard full-block cubes.
L1924[12:08:38] <gigaherz> either that or
your jar is client-only
L1925[12:08:54] <gigaherz> hmm
L1926[12:08:59] <gigaherz> you can also
avoid thep roxy if you are on 1.7
L1927[12:09:24] ***
Cojo is now known as Cojo|noms
L1928[12:09:24] <gigaherz> in 1.8+ you
owuldn't even be able to have proper blocks
L1929[12:09:37] <gigaherz> since
registering the model for the inventory variant is
L1930[12:10:36] <smbarbour> Well, I
haven't updated to 1.8.9 yet. I'm still watching for the
inventory code to get merged in.
L1931[12:11:15] <Tyler__> Alright so just
to make sure my setup is correct, I have a folder "Minecraft
Modding". Inside I have a workspace folder, and my
"forge" folder with gradle and all the other
L1932[12:11:33] <gigaherz> that's up
to you
L1933[12:11:45] <gigaherz> although
it's bad practice to have java things in folders with
L1934[12:11:46] <gigaherz> ;P
L1935[12:11:53] <PaleoCrafter> and
don't call it "forge"
L1936[12:11:54] <Tyler__> :P
L1937[12:11:58] <gigaherz> they have a
tendency to fail
L1938[12:12:02] <gigaherz> and yeah
L1939[12:12:07] <gigaherz> cal lthe
folder basedon your mod's name
L1940[12:12:12] <Tyler__> Alright
L1941[12:12:12] <gigaherz> or your
internal codename at least ;P
L1942[12:12:14] <PaleoCrafter> that
concept hasn't been a thing since 1.6 :P
L1943[12:12:32] <PaleoCrafter> (or 1.5
for early adopters, iirc xD)
L1944[12:12:44] <Tyler__> So rename forge
to "logicgateblocks"
L1945[12:12:52] <gigaherz> in my system I
L1946[12:13:01] <gigaherz>
L1947[12:13:10] <gigaherz> next to
L1948[12:13:10] <Tyler__> Oh okay
L1949[12:13:16] <gigaherz>
L1950[12:13:37] <smbarbour> On my own
system I use ~/workspace-mc/{modname}/
L1951[12:14:02] <Tyler__> And gradle and
forge's files are inside of "modname"
L1952[12:14:24] <gigaherz> yes
L1953[12:14:35] <Tyler__> Aw okay,
L1954[12:14:55] <gigaherz>
f:\modding\modname\build.gradle, f:\modding\modname\src\
L1955[12:14:58] <gigaherz> etc
L1956[12:14:59] <smbarbour> Gradle is.
Forge kinda winds up in Gradle's cache folders, but it's
not something you need to concern yourself with.
L1957[12:15:28] ***
Curle|Away is now known as Curle
L1958[12:15:29] <Tyler__> I noticed that
earlier, but I ignored it.
L1959[12:16:13] <Tyler__> I don't
entirely understand what gradle is or what it does so I've
chosen to ignore it besides using it for what I need
L1960[12:16:33] <Curle> Try C:\Users\The
Catalyst\Desktop\ Folder Folder Folders Folder\Folder Folders
Folder\Other Folders\Coding\Java\Minecraft 1.7.10\Workspace
L1961[12:16:40] <Curle> :P
L1962[12:17:07] <Tyler__> So I would be
fine setting my workspace to "modname"/eclipse
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⇦ Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be) (Ping
timeout: 194 seconds)
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(~Loetkolbe@ipbcc2d086.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over
and Out!)
L1966[12:19:29] <Curle> I just noticed
how unconventional my setup is
⇨ Joins: untamemadman
L1968[12:20:00] <smbarbour> Gradle is
basically a kind of build script system that, in general, makes
certain assumptions about what you want to do and you can override
those assumptions.
L1969[12:20:05] <Curle> On my desk, I
have my desktop, then a monitor, connected to my laptop on the
other side of my monitor for my desktop :P
L1970[12:20:30] <Curle> desktop >
Monitor (Laptop) > Monitor (Desktop) > laptop
L1971[12:20:41] <Curle> rip logic
L1972[12:21:00] <Tyler__> Eclipse
doesn't like me trying to set my workspace to the eclipse
folder. The only thing that shows up is MDKExample and I can't
even open the project
L1973[12:21:37] <Curle> I believe your
workspace is the root folder, where .project is
L1974[12:21:54] <Curle> the eclipse
folder is used by eclipse for game files
L1975[12:22:02] <Curle> iirc
L1976[12:23:28] <Tyler__> Gah I am so
noob. Oh well gotta start somewhere
L1977[12:24:51] <Curle> Don't worry,
I'm really experienced and the first thing I do with a new
modding setup is workspace > eclipse
L1978[12:24:52] <Curle> :P
L1979[12:25:19] <Tyler__> Lol
L1980[12:25:36] <roxox1> Ok, I gave it my
best shot
L1981[12:25:42] <roxox1> I have no idea
what the hell I'm doing
L1982[12:25:48] <Curle> Doing what,
L1983[12:26:24] ***
AEnterprise is now known as AEnterpriseAFK
L1984[12:26:27] <Tyler__> Lmao, so inside
my project "LogicGateBlocks" I have 2 source folders,
"src/resources", and "src/java"
L1985[12:26:28] <roxox1> Trying to
display something above players heads (that everyone can see),
depending on whether a boolean value is true/false. The boolean
value is only stored on the server
L1986[12:26:50] <Curle> Tyler_, it's
src/main/java and src/main/resources
L1987[12:26:52] <Curle> :P
L1988[12:26:57] <Tyler__> God
L1989[12:27:24] <Tyler__> I'm just
going to start over
L1990[12:27:25] <Tyler__> Again
L1991[12:27:27] <Curle> :P
L1992[12:27:41] <Tyler__> Alright
L1993[12:27:52] <Tyler__> I have The
Forge MDK Zip File
L1994[12:28:03] <Tyler__> I have a
directory C:/Mod_Dev
⇨ Joins: danielm59
L1996[12:28:12] <Curle> Trust me,
it's more annoying when you're teaching modding to people
that haven't seen the word programming before and associate it
with hacking and the command prompt D:<
L1997[12:28:26] <Tyler__> Lmao
L1998[12:28:33] <Tyler__> People piss me
off with that all the time.
L1999[12:28:45] <Tyler__> I'm only a
Freshmen in Computer Science
L2000[12:29:14] <Curle> gg
L2001[12:29:31] <Tyler__> Anyway inside
of "Mod_Dev" I have a folder
⇨ Joins: Unh0lyTigg
L2003[12:29:41] <Curle> ye
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(GHOST command used by Unh0lyTigg)))
L2005[12:29:54] <Curle> Inside of that,
extract the MDK
L2006[12:30:13] <Tyler__> OKay
L2007[12:30:14] <Curle> And do the gradle
L2008[12:30:44] <Tyler__> "gradlew
setupDecompWorkspace eclipse"
L2009[12:30:52] <Curle> ah
L2010[12:31:00] <Tyler__> Correct?
L2011[12:31:02] <Curle> do them
L2012[12:31:13] <Tyler__> ...
L2013[12:31:17] <Curle> Gradlew
L2014[12:31:19] <Tyler__> Okay give me a
L2015[12:31:22] <Curle> Then gradlew
L2016[12:31:23] <gigaherz> no need
L2017[12:31:31] <gigaherz> you can give
gradle both at once
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L2019[12:31:38] <gigaherz> and it will
run the targets in a sequence
L2020[12:31:56] <Curle> i remember
reading that it doesn't work if you run them both at the same
L2021[12:32:04] <Tyler__> Alright
hopefully my last noob question
L2022[12:32:06] <Tyler__> Workspace
L2023[12:32:10] <Curle> root
L2024[12:32:12] <Curle> .project
L2025[12:32:23] <Curle>
L2026[12:32:23] <Tyler__> Ohhh
L2027[12:32:29] <gigaherz> the workspace
can go literally anywher you want it to be.
L2028[12:32:37] <Tyler__> So
L2029[12:32:46] <Curle> Yea.
L2030[12:32:51] <Curle> Giga, shush.
L2031[12:32:59] <Curle> This is a noob
we're talking to
L2032[12:33:05] <Tyler__> ^^
L2033[12:33:06] <Curle> No need to
complicate it xD
L2034[12:33:07] <gigaherz> yes, but
it's still true ;P
L2035[12:33:19] <Tyler__> Alright
L2036[12:33:27] <Tyler__> I got eclipse
open from that as my workspace
L2037[12:33:33] <Tyler__> Now I need to
import Forge?
L2038[12:33:52] <Curle> What I still do
is just put the workspace in the folde from the download
L2039[12:33:53] <Curle> Erm
L2040[12:34:00] <Curle> It should already
be imported
L2041[12:34:03] <Tyler__> ...
L2042[12:34:06] <Tyler__> It's
L2043[12:34:27] <Tyler__> Let me double
check the spelling on my workspace
L2044[12:34:28] <Curle> Well, shit
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L2046[12:34:30] <Curle> Anybody?
L2047[12:34:42] <Curle> That worked for
L2048[12:34:44] <gigaherz> Tyler__: add
existing project
L2049[12:34:53] <gigaherz> idon't
know the exact name in eclipse
L2050[12:34:58] <gigaherz> but you can
add a project into a workspace
L2051[12:35:28] <Tyler__>
File>Import>General>Existing Projects Into
L2052[12:35:33] <Curle> ye
L2053[12:35:42] <Curle> What is with
these spaces :/
L2054[12:35:55] <gigaherz> ?
L2055[12:36:09] <Tyler__> It's an
option, I have no spaces in my file names that's just the way
I read it from eclipse
L2056[12:36:12] <Curle> Two spaces before
each message
L2057[12:36:20] <Curle> On IRC
L2058[12:36:23] <Tyler__> Ph
L2059[12:36:23] <gigaherz> oh i
owuldn't know
L2060[12:36:23] <Curle> wut
L2061[12:36:25] <Tyler__> Lmao
L2062[12:36:39] <gigaherz> my irc
re-formatter trims all text
L2063[12:36:43] <gigaherz> and removes
extra intermediate spaces
L2064[12:36:44] <gigaherz> XD
L2065[12:36:54] <Curle> reirc
L2066[12:36:55] <Curle> :P
L2067[12:37:05] <gigaherz> it's a
L2068[12:37:17] <Tyler__> Alright so do I
need to tell Eclipse to Search for Nested Projects, Copy Projects
into workspace, or any other option it gives me?
L2069[12:37:20] <gigaherz> the main
purpose is to change the way mirc displays the chat messages
L2070[12:37:21] <gigaherz> from
L2071[12:37:25] <gigaherz> <nick>
L2072[12:37:27] <gigaherz> to
L2073[12:37:30] <gigaherz> (nick):
L2074[12:37:40] <gigaherz> including
colors based on a hash of the nickname
L2075[12:37:46] <Curle> For me it's
just nick | message
L2076[12:37:48] <Curle> rip
L2077[12:37:56] <gigaherz> I don't
like that style
L2078[12:38:01] <gigaherz> XD
L2079[12:38:09] <Tyler__> Pretty sure
that's how mine is
L2080[12:38:09] <Curle> I'm using
Hexchat, I also have mIRC installed
L2081[12:38:13] <gigaherz> specially
dislike the irc clients that show one long vertical bar
L2082[12:38:13] <Tyler__> ^
L2083[12:38:18] <gigaherz> and align
nicknames to the right
L2084[12:38:32] <Tyler__> ...
L2086[12:38:39] <Curle> Like this?
L2087[12:38:41] <Tyler__> I get an error
trying to import Forge
L2088[12:38:56] <Curle> no, this:
L2090[12:39:01] <Curle> Gyazo
L2091[12:39:18] <Tyler__> "Some
projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the
workspace or their project description file is
L2092[12:39:26] <Curle> Thought so
L2093[12:39:44] <gigaherz> yes Curle:
that's my least favorite way to show irc ;P
L2094[12:40:00] <roxox1> Anyone know of a
good tutorial on packet handlers?
L2095[12:40:08] <Tyler__> I cannot even
get Eclipse setup...
L2096[12:40:09] <Tyler__> RIP
L2097[12:40:23] <Curle> roxox1, try the
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timeout: 204 seconds)
L2101[12:43:02] <Tyler__> Well I
didn't know forgedocs existed, I'm just going to follow
those for now
L2102[12:43:23] <Curle>
readthedocs.forge.com iirc
L2104[12:45:46] <Curle> ye
L2105[12:45:57] <Curle> Haven't
actually used them for ages
L2106[12:46:09] <Curle> I have the
javadoc for my Forge version on my comp
L2107[12:46:15] <Curle> I could actually
upload them to my site
L2108[12:46:29] <Curle> Does a copy exist
L2109[12:46:57] ***
Cojo|noms is now known as Cojo
L2110[12:51:18] <Tyler__> Well looks like
I actually got my project setup right for once
L2111[12:51:25] <Curle> :D
L2112[12:51:29] <Tyler__> :D
L2113[12:51:35] <Tyler__> Now to start
from scratch on my mod ;c
L2114[12:51:43] <Curle> rip the
L2115[12:51:57] <roxox1> Could anyone
recommend an event I would use for Rendering things to the player
(i.e, on top of a players head)?
L2116[12:52:03] ***
AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L2117[12:54:00] <PaleoCrafter> roxox1,
uhm... how about RenderPlayerEvent?
L2118[12:55:29] <Tyler__> Where would be
a good guide to beginning a mod, IE: Main, Etc.
L2119[12:55:37] <Curle> Wuppy
L2120[12:55:42] <Tyler__> Wuppy
L2121[12:55:49] <Tyler__> Are his
tutorials for 1.8+
L2122[12:55:53] <Curle> Sorry for the
ping, but he has EPIC tutorials
L2123[12:55:56] <Curle> Pretty sure
L2124[12:56:05] <roxox1> When does that
fire Paleo
L2125[12:56:06] <roxox1> ?
L2126[12:56:13] <Tyler__> Alright I found
them before but I wasn't sure if they were for 1.8
L2127[12:56:35] <Curle> if not,
L2128[12:56:49] <Curle> Still by Wuppy,
but updated :3
L2129[12:57:24] <Tyler__> Awesome!
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L2131[12:57:57] <Temportalist> Hey, so I
have an entityliving, but it isnt rendering....
L2132[12:57:59] <Curle> iirc he gave me
permission to make a more updated version of his tutorials on my
L2134[12:58:38] <Temportalist> gigaherz:
shadekiller666 PaleoCrafter: any ideas?
L2135[13:00:12] <PaleoCrafter> I'd
say that's a lot of anonymous classes :P
L2136[13:00:38] <Curle> Hey temp, do you
have any released mods by any chance?
L2137[13:00:41] <Temportalist> well yeah,
but the createRenderFor is called, just not doRender...
L2138[13:00:41] <sham1> Oh god
L2139[13:00:47] <Temportalist> Curle: a
lot actually
L2140[13:00:47] <sham1> OH GOD
L2141[13:00:54] <Temportalist> sham1:
what haha?
L2142[13:00:56] <sham1> Holy hell
L2143[13:01:07] <shadekiller666> is it
getting rendered whilst the game is running?
L2144[13:01:09] <sham1> that level of
L2145[13:01:25] <Temportalist>
shadekiller666: no
L2146[13:01:28] <Curle> I'd say
it's appropriate
L2147[13:01:33] <Temportalist> event
though the entity is spawned
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L2149[13:01:36] <Curle> sham, don't
blam :3
L2150[13:01:56] <sham1> Also, you want
propably to have that inside a proxy
L2152[13:02:11] <Temportalist> sham1: it
is, it is my ProxyClient
L2153[13:02:29] <sham1> preInit
L2154[13:02:34] <Temportalist> but im
confused why it isnt doing the thing
L2155[13:02:39] <Tyler__> I can't
stand that style of Java
L2156[13:02:41] <roxox1> If I only
register an event in the client proxy, will the server not receive
that event?
L2157[13:02:49] <Curle> Tyler, it's
L2158[13:02:49] <sham1> Tyler__,
that's no java
L2159[13:02:54] <Tyler__> Oh lmao
L2160[13:03:00] <Tyler__> Shows how much
I know
L2161[13:03:13] <Curle> Don't worry,
I can't do scala to save my life
L2162[13:03:19] <Tyler__> Alright well
thanks for the help, I'm leaving for now
L2163[13:03:20] <Curle> And I know quite
a few good mods in Scala
L2164[13:03:24] <Curle> Thaumic
L2165[13:03:26] <Curle> erm
L2166[13:03:32] <Curle> Any others?
L2167[13:03:34] <sham1> Redpower
L2168[13:03:38] <Curle> ye
L2169[13:03:41] <sham1> Chicken
L2170[13:03:44] <Curle> oh bby
L2171[13:03:46] <Temportalist> sham1:
should it be in the init method instead?
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L2173[13:03:48] <Curle> yeah 3x is
L2174[13:03:54] <Zaggy1024> anonymous
class entity renderer...haven't seen that one before
L2175[13:04:01] <sham1> Never got why
people have preInit and stuff in their proxies
L2176[13:04:03] <Temportalist> but I know
createRenderFor is being called
L2177[13:04:05] <sham1> I never do that
L2178[13:04:16] <Curle> I always put it
in my @Mod file
L2179[13:04:23] <Curle> Which I normally
call Identify
L2180[13:04:26] <Curle> Don't
L2181[13:04:57] <PaleoCrafter> Curle, if
the language made a difference in the outcome, the modder
isn't worthy of it :P
L2182[13:05:11] <Curle> :P
L2183[13:05:26] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, why
wouldn't you?
L2184[13:05:39] <Curle> Still, it'd
be nifty to be able to write "Hello World" in Scala, just
for the point of saying I know it :3
L2185[13:05:55] <Curle> Alas, no such
luck. I'm a Java native :P
L2186[13:05:59] <PaleoCrafter>
println("Hello World ") :P
L2187[13:06:02] <PaleoCrafter> Done
L2188[13:06:10] <sham1> object NewProgram
extends App { println("Hello World!") }
L2189[13:06:11] <sham1> Also done
L2190[13:06:22] <PaleoCrafter> So
L2192[13:06:27] <Curle> object
<name> extends App
L2193[13:06:27] <PaleoCrafter> xD
L2194[13:06:32] <Curle> That's the
stuff :3
L2195[13:06:54] <sham1> It is somewhat
verbose but not too much
L2196[13:07:02] <sham1> It is easier
L2197[13:07:05] <sham1> ;P
L2198[13:07:11] <Curle> Ah
L2200[13:07:30] <Temportalist> so does
anyone know about the render entity thing?
L2201[13:07:31] <sham1> If you really
like haskell that is :P
L2202[13:07:36] <Curle> riphub
L2203[13:08:07] <shadekiller666>
FusionLord, you around?
L2204[13:08:23] <PaleoCrafter> Geez, when
did functional stuff begin to obsess you, sham1?
L2205[13:08:39] <PaleoCrafter> Did you
let fry enter your mind?
L2206[13:08:45] <sham1> Probably
L2207[13:08:49] <sham1> I also tried some
L2208[13:08:50] <Curle> that's not
L2209[13:08:52] <Curle> :P
L2210[13:09:42] <PaleoCrafter> But
really, why would you not just have preInit etc in your proxies?
L2211[13:10:08] <Temportalist>
PaleoCrafter: but really, whats up with the render?
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L2213[13:10:27] <Curle> Because it's
nice to have all the main stuff in "main" and the proxies
in "network"
L2214[13:10:51] <sham1> And because I
like to seperate my client-only code and my main stuff
L2215[13:11:08] <sham1> For me the
proxies provide bunch of methods that do side-only stuff
L2216[13:11:20] <Curle> Like mob
L2217[13:11:21] <Curle> :3
L2218[13:11:22] <sham1> While the
@Mod-file just there
L2219[13:11:24] <sham1> Yeah
L2220[13:12:05] <PaleoCrafter> Yeah, and
you usually call the proxy from preInit, don't you?
L2221[13:12:13] <sham1> yes
L2222[13:12:27] <Curle> It's easier
than calling ModBlocks from the proxy
L2223[13:12:32] <PaleoCrafter> Like
proxy.registerRenderers? :P
L2224[13:12:34] <Curle> And all the other
23 main classes
L2225[13:12:43] <PaleoCrafter> I'm
not doing *that*
L2226[13:12:50] <Temportalist>
PaleoCrafter: I feel like you might be interested in my setup
L2227[13:12:51] <sham1> Exactly that
L2228[13:13:23] <PaleoCrafter>
That's cluttering a mixed environment with side side specific
calls :P
L2230[13:13:33] <FusionLord>
shadekiller666, yes
L2232[13:13:53] <sham1> >mfw calls an
abstract class an I-class
L2233[13:13:53] <shadekiller666> i have
some questions about that bug you found yesterday with the breaking
L2234[13:14:15] <PaleoCrafter>
That's the way to go, gigaherz :D
L2235[13:14:23] <shadekiller666> that
structure that you were breaking, is that all one model? are all of
the blocks the same?
L2236[13:14:39] <FusionLord> 2 objs
L2237[13:14:52] <sham1> You can read of
my setup in this doc :P
L2238[13:14:52] <PaleoCrafter> Maybe with
a bit of Java 8 default methods, but eh xD
L2240[13:14:55] <shadekiller666> and
those are?
L2241[13:15:09] <PaleoCrafter> Fuck the
L2242[13:15:19] <shadekiller666> if you
have a github with all of this stuff that would be nice
L2243[13:15:21] <FusionLord> so it is one
block that uses a model and a sub model
L2244[13:15:27] <FusionLord> 1 sec
L2245[13:15:29] <shadekiller666> ok
L2246[13:15:32] <PaleoCrafter> Oh,
that's not even official xD
L2248[13:15:57] <PaleoCrafter>
That's some bad practises right there, sham1 ;)
L2249[13:16:03] <sham1> :P
L2250[13:16:06] <gigaherz> my @Mod class
is an OCD nightmare though
L2252[13:16:25] <sham1> All the imports
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L2254[13:16:49] <sham1> I dont
L2255[13:16:53] <shadekiller666>
FusionLord, and in that video you made, you're punching the
gravestone_lid right?
L2256[13:17:12] <gigaherz> sham1: idea
collapses the block
L2257[13:17:19] <sham1> yes
L2258[13:17:28] <gigaherz> I'm not a
fan of having explicit imports like that
L2259[13:17:30] <sham1> But then I scroll
down and die
L2260[13:17:30] <gigaherz> for such big
L2261[13:17:32] <gigaherz> but
L2262[13:17:53] <FusionLord>
shadekiller666, there is only 1 block
L2263[13:18:07] <shadekiller666>
L2264[13:18:21] <FusionLord> so i'm
punching the block not the lid
L2265[13:18:34] <shadekiller666> is this
a multiblock structure? or is that the only actual block and the
rest is just the model?
L2266[13:19:15] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz,
you could at least arrange blocks and items into inner
L2267[13:19:33] <Drullkus> In IRecipe,
there's the methods getCraftingResult(InventoryCrafting) and
getRecipeOutput(), which are used when?
L2268[13:19:43] <FusionLord> at the time
of the video it was only one block and the rest was model, now I
have "slave" blocks but the model is still only bound to
the one block
L2269[13:20:02] <shadekiller666> ok,
thats what i expected
L2270[13:20:08] <Curle> rip
L2271[13:20:16] <shadekiller666> if you
break the slaves does a similar thing happen?
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L2274[13:21:10] <FusionLord> there is no
break animation for the slave as their renderType is -1
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L2276[13:22:28] <FusionLord> so the
master renders the slaves do NOT render
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L2278[13:25:31] <Curle> Uploading the
latest 1.7 forgedocs to my site :3
L2279[13:25:56] <Curle> For my team,
don't get mad, any forge guys :P
L2280[13:26:49] <shadekiller666>
FusionLord, ok
L2282[13:27:48] <shadekiller666> i would
have made it such that the "slaves" were the same block
as the master, but didn't render their models (with objs you
can set all groups to false, which renders nothing), and that way
it would render breaking particles :P
L2283[13:28:36] <shadekiller666> i'm
L2284[13:29:50] <shadekiller666> you
know, superflat worlds on the redstone ready preset are pretty nice
for test worlds :P
L2285[13:29:59] <FusionLord> :P
L2286[13:30:21] <shadekiller666> unless
you're testing world gen :P
L2287[13:30:36] <FusionLord> i'm not
just forgot to change the gen type
L2288[13:30:40] <shadekiller666>
L2289[13:31:57] <shadekiller666> i have
an idea of what the problem is, i'm just not sure how to fix
it yet
L2290[13:32:02] <FusionLord> I recently
changed my stream settings does it look good?
L2291[13:32:13] <shadekiller666> ya looks
pretty good
L2292[13:32:19] <FusionLord> ok
L2293[13:32:31] <shadekiller666> at least
when you're in daylight, though minecraft has always been a
dark game :P
L2294[13:33:14] <Curle> Brightness
L2295[13:33:15] <Curle> m8
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L2297[13:34:39] <Curle> 1250 files
L2298[13:34:41] <Curle> ..
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L2301[13:36:03] <shadekiller666>
FusionLord, i'm still watching your stream, though i'm
working on figuring out whats wrong, so if theres something you
want to show me let me know in here
L2302[13:37:54] <FusionLord> ok
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L2305[13:47:46] <shadekiller666> O.O cpu
is at 65C...
L2306[13:47:52] <Curle> rip
L2307[13:47:55] <shadekiller666> be back
in a bit...
⇦ Quits: shadekiller666
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⇦ Quits: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk) (Ping
timeout: 194 seconds)
L2310[13:49:28] <Curle>
anter-gerang.org/forgedocs for anyone that can't be assed to
get the docs
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L2312[13:49:29] <Curle> :3
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L2315[13:49:54] <shadekiller666>
apparently theres a bug with windows explorer...
L2316[13:49:59] <Curle> Which is?
L2317[13:50:08] <shadekiller666> some
sort of memory leak or something
L2318[13:50:24] <Curle> taking
L2319[13:50:30] <shadekiller666> pegged
HD at 95%, and cpu at 90&
L2320[13:50:32] <shadekiller666>
L2321[13:50:34] <Curle> Cmd > net stop
L2322[13:50:46] <Curle> as admin
L2323[13:51:33] <shadekiller666> killed
the two explorer windows i had open, disk usage dropped to 3%
instantly, and cpu to 30% right after...
L2324[13:54:49] <Curle> Was one of them
by any chance indexing a drive?
L2325[13:55:04] <Temportalist>
L2326[13:55:07] <Curle> (was it not
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L2331[13:57:36] <Temportalist> rope
bridge/line sag
L2332[13:57:45] <Temportalist> where l =
length of the line/bridge
L2333[13:57:55] <Temportalist> and a=
slope coefficient
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L2340[14:11:09] <FusionLord> if the
collision of a block is 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 then should the player
suffocate in the block?
L2341[14:12:08] <Temportalist>
L2342[14:13:39] <FusionLord>
Temportalist, something happen?
L2343[14:13:53] <Temportalist>
FusionLord> if the collision of a block is 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 then
should the player suffocate in the block?
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Connection reset by peer)
L2345[14:14:04] <FusionLord> oh ok
L2346[14:14:16] <FusionLord> then why am
i suffocating :P
L2347[14:14:25] <Temportalist>
L2348[14:15:02] <diesieben07> FusionLord,
use null
L2349[14:15:17] <diesieben07> null means
walk through like flowers, etc.
L2350[14:15:21] <heldplayer> FusionLord:
Is your block an opaque cube?
L2351[14:15:28] <FusionLord> yes
L2352[14:15:29] <Curle> DIE sieben! How
are you?
L2353[14:15:34] <heldplayer> (As in, does
it override the method?)
L2354[14:15:45] <FusionLord> ik
L2355[14:16:00] <diesieben07> I am fine,
suffering from horrible mobile internet
L2356[14:16:01] <FusionLord> i override
and return false
L2357[14:16:08] <heldplayer> Hmmm,
L2358[14:16:12] <Curle> I'm
suffering from small-desk syndrome
L2359[14:16:47] <FusionLord> Curle, been
there, I feel for you
L2360[14:16:57] <diesieben07> hah
L2361[14:17:02] <diesieben07> there is no
such thing as a big enoug desk, really
L2362[14:17:24] <ThePsionic> I have a
sufficiently sized desk
L2363[14:17:28] <ThePsionic> Thanks
L2364[14:17:31] <Curle> I can't fit
a laptop and a keyboard on my desk :/
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L2366[14:17:50] <diesieben07> that is
definitely too small then.
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L2369[14:18:41] <Curle> It was big enough
for soldering
L2370[14:18:48] <Curle> Maybe I just have
a big laptop :/
L2371[14:19:42] <diesieben07> are you
intending to use the laptop screen?
L2372[14:20:25] <ThePsionic> Why are you
using an external keyboard with your laptop
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L2374[14:20:41] <Curle> I have a laptop
and a desktop
L2375[14:20:45] <ThePsionic> O
L2376[14:20:50] <diesieben07> because
external keyboards are almost always better.
L2377[14:20:52] <Curle> Laptop not
powerful enough for coding
L2378[14:21:02] <Curle> At least,
running/testing the game
L2379[14:21:04] <Curle> 32 bit
L2380[14:21:09] <ThePsionic> RIP
L2381[14:21:17] <Curle> So i got an old
school computer
L2382[14:21:26] <Curle> Using that now
L2383[14:21:34] <Curle> laptop for code
reference and music
L2384[14:21:39] *
diesieben07 has an i7, 8gig, 840M beast for a laptop
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L2386[14:22:07] <diesieben07> well, maybe
not really a beast.
L2387[14:22:09] <diesieben07> but its
nice :D
L2388[14:22:20] *
Curle has a 4Ghz i7, 16GB RAM, GeForce 970 for a gaming computer in
the other side of the room
L2389[14:22:29] <diesieben07> shuu
L2390[14:22:29] <Curle> This is my work
computer so I use it to program
L2391[14:22:48] <diesieben07> i still
need to buy & build my desktop computer
L2392[14:23:00] <diesieben07> but so muc
money -.-
L2393[14:23:04] <Curle> This is a stock
standard Dell Optiplex 780
L2394[14:23:09] <Curle> £60
L2395[14:23:19] <diesieben07> haha
L2396[14:23:21] <Curle> Better than a
£210 laptop
L2397[14:23:24] <Curle> Somehow...
L2398[14:23:32] <diesieben07> Lenovo Z50
L2399[14:23:43] <Curle> Laptop is Acer
L2400[14:23:51] <diesieben07> oh god
L2401[14:23:52] <Curle> Forget the
L2402[14:23:54] <diesieben07> kill it
with fire
L2403[14:23:59] <Curle> can't
L2404[14:24:00] <Curle> not mine
L2405[14:24:04] <Curle> :P
L2406[14:24:12] <diesieben07> doesnt
L2407[14:24:12] <Curle> it was given to
me by the other person in the room
L2408[14:24:17] <Curle> staring at this
L2409[14:24:18] <diesieben07> the owner
will thank you
L2410[14:24:19] <Curle> rip
L2411[14:24:23] <Curle> not really
L2412[14:24:41] <diesieben07> acer
laptops are pieces of junk
L2413[14:24:53] <Curle> that's why
i'm using a desktop to code
L2414[14:24:54] <Curle> It's good
L2415[14:24:56] <Curle> Youtube
L2416[14:24:59] <diesieben07> haha
L2417[14:24:59] <Curle> That's about
L2418[14:25:00] <Curle> :P
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L2420[14:25:12] <Curle> oh yea, WMC
L2421[14:25:17] <diesieben07> probably
not even 1080@60
L2422[14:25:26] <Curle> it's
L2423[14:25:31] <diesieben07> i mean
L2424[14:25:31] <Curle> Weird LCD
L2425[14:25:37] <Curle> oh, it can do
L2426[14:25:41] <Curle> with screen
L2427[14:25:45] <Curle> The screen is
L2428[14:25:50] <diesieben07> oh
L2429[14:25:53] <FusionLord> anyone know
the steves factory cable that allows you to change the collision
L2430[14:26:04] <diesieben07> my old
crappy laptop has an i3 without dedi graphics
L2431[14:26:15] <Curle> same as the acer
L2432[14:26:16] <diesieben07> if you
watch YT 1080@60 on there it overheats and throttles and the breaks
L2433[14:26:28] <diesieben07> breaks down
as in has framedrops like crazy
L2434[14:26:42] <Curle> it can handle
minecraft vanilla 1.8 at low settings
L2435[14:26:44] <Curle> say, 15
L2436[14:26:47] <diesieben07> haha
L2437[14:26:54] <Curle> Before
overheating after 5 minutes
L2438[14:26:59] <Curle> The
L2439[14:27:06] <Curle> max settings
L2440[14:27:11] <diesieben07> lol
L2441[14:27:14] <Curle> Really good for a
cheap school computer
L2442[14:27:22] <diesieben07> i sold this
thing to my brother :D
L2443[14:27:22] <Curle> That's on
the DW20 pack
L2444[14:27:37] <diesieben07> since he
started to go to uni now
L2445[14:28:07] <Curle> rip
L2446[14:28:17] <diesieben07> meh its
enough for him :D
L2447[14:28:23] <Curle> I think we should
take this to pm, we're spamming the chat like mad :P
L2448[14:28:25] <diesieben07> athough he
actually tried to play GTA V on it.
L2449[14:28:28] <diesieben07> meh
L2450[14:28:28] <Curle> wat
L2451[14:28:44] <Curle> To be fair, I
bought GTA V the day it came out on Steam,
L2452[14:28:47] <Curle> tried to run
L2453[14:28:56] <Curle> got 30FPS, but
the map didn't load
L2454[14:28:58] <Curle> At all.
L2455[14:29:05] <Curle> Got peds, no
L2456[14:29:22] <diesieben07> ha
L2457[14:30:25] <Curle> I eventually got
a refund and bought in verbis virtus
L2458[14:30:26] <Curle> :P
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L2460[14:33:47] <Temportalist> is there a
lib which evaluates mathematical expressions from strings in
L2461[14:34:13] <Temportalist> so pass
expression string & vars & output expression value
L2462[14:34:25] <Curle> Math?
L2463[14:34:27] <Cypher121> nashorn
L2464[14:34:28] <Cypher121> lel
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L2467[14:36:25] <gigaherz> Temportalist:
if you do that you may as well embed lua or js
L2468[14:36:26] <gigaherz> ;P
L2469[14:36:45] <gigaherz> use the
equivalent of "eval("expr")"
L2470[14:36:46] <gigaherz> XD
L2471[14:37:38] <Cypher121> as I said.
nashorn -> eval
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L2473[14:39:08] <gigaherz> ah nashorn is
a js runtime
L2474[14:39:09] <gigaherz> XD
L2475[14:39:15] <Curle> rip
L2476[14:39:29] <diesieben07> or even
just java scripting framework
L2477[14:39:34] <diesieben07> would give
you Rhino in older versions
L2478[14:39:46] <diesieben07> and nashorn
in newer
L2479[14:40:15] <Cypher121> or that
L2480[14:40:54] <thor12022> OpenMaple if
you believe in Severe Over Kill.
L2481[14:42:26] <Cypher121> distributing
a scripting engine with your mod because you want eval?
L2482[14:43:05] <diesieben07> java
already comes with one for JS
L2483[14:43:15] <Cypher121> <
thor12022> OpenMaple
L2484[14:43:31] <diesieben07> oh
L2485[14:43:52] <thor12022> a proprietary
one at that
L2486[14:44:19] <Cypher121> bringing
enterprise to modding: the best way
L2487[14:45:11] <KaseiFR> Hi. I've
got some import errors from the Botania source when I try to launch
mc. Is there a gradle command to setup the external dependencies
(bauble, ...)?
L2488[14:48:03] <Temportalist> is there a
testing profile for scala somewhere out there?
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tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
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L2492[14:53:19] <minecreatr> how is the
BakedQuad vertexData a list of ints when some of the fields are
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L2495[14:53:44] <Curle>
L2496[14:54:06] <diesieben07>
Float.floatToIntBits / intBitsToFloat
L2497[14:54:20] <Curle> Or that
L2498[14:54:24] <diesieben07> the int
values are basically meaningless
L2499[14:54:42] <diesieben07> but they
can be converted back to a float losslessly
L2500[14:54:56] <diesieben07> Double has
similar methods for long
L2501[14:55:18] <minecreatr> how could I
convert the int back into a float then?
L2502[14:55:33] <Cypher121> anyone here
tried using idea debugger with mc on linux?
L2503[14:55:38] <diesieben07>
L2504[14:55:42] <diesieben07> like I said
L2505[14:56:31] <Cypher121> a bit of a
problem with mouse. it's stuck in paused mc window
L2506[14:56:41] <Curle> any text-based
tutorials for making a custom furnace in 1.7?
L2507[14:59:06] <Curle> (I hate video
tutorials, most of the time they hardly get anything done,
that's what makes Wuppy awesome, he puts effort into it and
sits down, so people can learn :D)
L2508[14:59:09] <diesieben07> Cypher121,
put MouseHelper.ungrabMouseCursor() into the "log evaluated
expression" thingy of the breakpoint
L2509[14:59:13] <diesieben07> a bit of a
hack but it shuld work.
L2510[14:59:51] <Cypher121> "a
bit" ._.
L2511[14:59:53] <Cypher121> but
L2512[15:00:10] <diesieben07> well, sadly
there is no "run this whenever you suspend" box
L2513[15:00:18] <Temportalist> is there a
good scala equivalent of java's enum?
L2514[15:00:27] <diesieben07> nope
L2515[15:00:39] <IoP> use use remote
machine to run ide ;)
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L2517[15:02:12] <AndersBillLind> Is
rotationYaw the direction a player is looking at?
L2518[15:03:08] <diesieben07> well, it is
the rotation around the vertical axis
L2519[15:03:20] <diesieben07>
rotationPitch is the rotation around the horizontal axis
L2520[15:04:02] <diesieben07> both in
L2521[15:06:19] <AndersBillLind> Seems to
be degrees, where 0 is south
L2522[15:06:30] <AndersBillLind> Also, it
seems to always be a negative value
L2523[15:06:35] <diesieben07> yeah thats
what i meant... not angles
L2524[15:07:02] <Curle> I have an entity
here, being summoned from an item onRightClick, and it doesn't
render, but it does the effect :/
L2525[15:09:48] <shadekiller666> how many
frames are in the block breaking animation?
L2526[15:09:52] <shadekiller666> the
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L2530[15:10:29] <Curle> Are you talking
to me or am I being ignorant? :P
L2531[15:10:43] <shadekiller666> i
don't car who answers :P
L2532[15:11:05] <Curle> :
L2533[15:11:09] <Curle> :P*
L2534[15:12:20] *
diesieben07 is not a car either
L2535[15:12:35] <shadekiller666>
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L2538[15:17:25] <FireBall1725> 10
L2539[15:19:17] <Curle> 5/7
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L2558[15:45:16] <Zaggy1024> are there any
vanilla blocks with models that leave block bounds?
L2559[15:45:16] <Curle> Gah, have to
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L2561[15:45:35] <Zaggy1024> breaking
textures on models that are larger than a block area don't
work properly :\
L2562[15:46:22] <Zaggy1024> (they show
the sprites that neighbor the breaking texture)
L2563[15:50:53] <Zaggy1024> and I guess
the only way to override the block breaking texture is to use a
L2564[15:51:19] <Zaggy1024> or perhaps to
use a post render handler, but I'm not sure how well that
would work..
L2565[15:52:07] <Zaggy1024> would be nice
to have a hook in BlockRendererDispatcher.renderBlockDamage
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L2567[15:53:53] <gigaherz> Zaggy1024: yo
ucan access UV coords beyond the 0..1 range
L2568[15:53:54] <gigaherz> also
L2569[15:54:06] <Zaggy1024> er
L2570[15:54:10] <gigaherz> you
L2571[15:54:30] <Zaggy1024> I'm not
the one doing it, SimpleBakedModel is
L2572[15:54:38] <AtomicStryker> ahoy.
what librarby could you recommend for me to get a super simple
sheet printed - basically i just need 2 colums, first name second
some numeric value, so i can click the numeric column and have it
sorted etc
L2573[15:55:08] <AtomicStryker> apache
poi is being a massive pain
L2574[15:55:50] <SkySom> Export as csv
and use one of the CSV libraries.
L2576[15:56:31] <AtomicStryker> i need
data printed, not loaded
L2577[15:56:51] <AtomicStryker> doesnt
csv mean anything, anything at all, that has comma in it
L2578[15:57:17] <gigaherz> csv means
plain old ascii
L2579[15:57:19] <Zaggy1024> fry, can you
think of a way to make the UV mappings SimpleBakedModel creates
work with models that leave block bounds?
L2580[15:57:27] <gigaherz> where data is
structured as rows of text
L2581[15:57:33] <Zaggy1024> or would it
be better to have a hook for drawing breaking textures for a
L2582[15:57:47] <gigaherz> where comma
(or someother langauge in cultures where comma is used for decimal
L2583[15:57:53] <gigaherz> separates
L2584[15:57:58] <gigaherz> and carraige
return separates the rows
L2585[15:57:59] ***
big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L2586[15:58:18] <gigaherz> but yeah
it's not useful if you want to display the data in an
L2587[15:58:28] <gigaherz> so
L2588[15:58:39] <gigaherz> do you mean
display it directly in Minecraft, or elsewhere? ;P
L2589[15:58:46] <AtomicStryker>
L2590[15:58:55] <AtomicStryker> i have a
huge data set in mc i need to look at
L2591[15:59:10] <gigaherz> Swing
L2592[15:59:22] <AtomicStryker> uhm ...
remotely? :P
L2593[15:59:27] <gigaherz> eh
L2594[16:00:00] <gigaherz> I assumed you
wre building the app to display it, since you asked for a
L2595[16:00:05] <AtomicStryker> i wouldnt
L2596[16:00:27] <gigaherz> so wait you
want it server-side or something? ;P
L2597[16:01:26] <AtomicStryker> it has to
"fit" into a modfile, i call it from a server command, it
receives a huge set of pairs, i want them exported to some kind of
sheet or sheet-compatible file
L2598[16:01:27] <gigaherz> because if
it's just save and display, you could make use of CSV or like,
XLS, and load it into excel/openoffice
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L2601[16:03:58] <gigaherz> (if it's
really large, you could use a zip encoder and put the csv file
inside the zip ;P)
L2602[16:05:02] <AtomicStryker> so what
you're saying is, just print each pair to one line in a text
L2603[16:05:06] <AtomicStryker> and get
excel to do the rest
L2604[16:05:28] <mikebald> Excel will
treat a CSV like an excel file [columens and rows] so... yah
that'd work just fine
L2605[16:05:34] <mikebald> *columns
L2606[16:05:58] <AtomicStryker> and each
comma will denote the next column? ok i see
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L2612[16:21:37] <Temportalist> how do you
clamp the pinnacle of a quadratic function to a max/min?
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kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
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L2619[16:27:55] <Temportalist> nvm
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L2631[16:56:22] <shadekiller666> when
rendering text inside of a TESR, how does one make the text not
render on top of everything?
L2632[16:56:43] <tterrag> enable depth
⇦ Quits: Seppon (~Noppes@82-168-99-26.ip.telfort.nl) (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
L2634[16:58:26] <LatvianModder> Enable
alpha blending too
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(~Subconcio@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 194
L2636[16:58:45] <LatvianModder> And set
function to 770, 771
L2637[16:58:59] <LatvianModder> If just
depth doesnt work
L2638[16:59:17] <tterrag> don't use
raw numbers -.-
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(Quit: Leaving)
L2640[16:59:42] <shadekiller666> also,
how does one prevent the game from switching back to the block
texture map when rendering more than one instance of text?
L2641[16:59:54] <tterrag> what?
L2642[17:00:54] <tterrag> LatvianModder:
L2643[17:00:57] <tterrag> please use
L2644[17:00:59] <shadekiller666> i'm
helping FusionLord with rendering text in his TESR, and if there is
more than 1 of the blocks on screen, only one of the blocks renders
the text properly, and the others render the text using the block
texture map
L2645[17:01:05] ***
Cypher|Away is now known as Cypher121
L2646[17:01:13] <LatvianModder> Im on
phone tterrag :D
L2647[17:01:17] <tterrag> shadekiller666:
is he rendering a block model in between?
L2648[17:01:30] <tterrag> he needs to
bind the font sheet
L2649[17:01:37] <LatvianModder> Does
L2650[17:01:43] <LatvianModder> Ive never
done that
L2651[17:01:55] <LatvianModder> I think
font renderer does it itself
L2652[17:02:07] <shadekiller666>
he's rendering only the text in the TESR
L2653[17:02:16] <shadekiller666> the
block model itself is handled by the game
L2654[17:02:20] <shadekiller666> via json
and obj
L2655[17:02:23] <FusionLord> tterrag, I
am binding the font sheet and it doesn't make a
L2656[17:02:33] ***
K-4U is now known as K-4U|Off
L2657[17:02:38] <Cypher121> anybody here
using travi? I need to take a look at a working yml
L2658[17:02:46] <Cypher121>
L2659[17:02:49] <tterrag> huh
L2660[17:02:50] <tterrag> idk
L2661[17:02:53] <tterrag> Cypher121:
L2663[17:03:58] ***
tterrag is now known as tterrag|away
L2664[17:04:40] <Cypher121> thx
L2665[17:09:42] <Cypher121> doesn't
it need workspace setup or is it done somewhere else? or is it all
just in repository?
L2666[17:15:35] <tterrag|away> afaik
that's all you need
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closed the connection)
L2672[17:34:53] <shadekiller666> fry you
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timeout: 198 seconds)
L2674[17:36:19] ***
Vaht is now known as Tahg
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(~thecodewa@75-128-36-18.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) (Quit:
L2676[17:40:01] ***
Kaiyouko is now known as Kaiyouka
L2677[17:40:41] ***
TehNut|Sleep is now known as TehNut
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(~anders@217-211-66-29-no23.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 189
L2680[17:48:37] <Cypher121> uh, travis
logs are broken can't even see the error
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(~AtomicStr@ip-37-201-235-93.hsi13.unitymediagroup.de) (Quit:
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L2684[18:02:17] ***
Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
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(~Dagarath@198-91-147-178.cpe.distributel.net) ()
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L2687[18:10:03] ***
gr8pefish is now known as gr8pefish|away
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(~aesen@everybody.do.the.net.split.unascribed.com) (Ping timeout:
198 seconds)
L2689[18:17:00] <Temportalist>
L2690[18:17:06] <Temportalist> that regex
der do
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⇨ Joins: TechDG
L2693[18:19:24] <Ordinastie> FusionLord,
make sure your renderText stuff triggers a draw
L2694[18:19:29] <TechDG> hey. my mod is
fine in eclipse but when it compiles the energy bar is missing from
the compressor gui. any ideas?
L2695[18:19:43] <Ordinastie> TechDG,
capitalization error
L2696[18:20:07] <TechDG> how come it
works in eclipse then
⇨ Joins: Something12
L2698[18:20:08] <Cypher121> Temportalist:
if my laptop stops working because I threw up on it, it's on
you to buy me a new one
L2699[18:20:37] <Temportalist>
L2700[18:20:50] *
Temportalist is still learning regex
L2701[18:21:09] <Temportalist> but that
was quick and dirty, still trying to simplify
L2702[18:21:10] <FusionLord> Ordinastie,
following the rabbits hole it does call FontRenderer.doDraw
L2703[18:21:15] <TechDG> Ordinastie, how
come it works in eclipse then?
L2704[18:21:40] ***
SnowShock35 is now known as zz_SnowShock35
L2705[18:21:47] <VikeStep> all the escape
characters o.o
L2706[18:21:56] <Temportalist> VikeStep:
L2708[18:22:26] <Temportalist> basically
matching to anything in brackets/parenthesis but only capturing the
inner most
L2709[18:23:04] <VikeStep> how does it
handle [[], []]
L2710[18:23:09] <VikeStep> there are two
L2711[18:23:29] <Ordinastie> TechDG,
because you're on windows and windows filesystem doesn't
care about capitals ?
L2712[18:23:29] <Temportalist> doesnt
match, nothing inside the brakets
L2713[18:23:33] <Drullkus> FusionLord:
⇨ Joins: Gigabit101
L2716[18:23:53] <Ordinastie> FusionLord
make a close up screen of the right one, with white color instead
of black
L2717[18:23:59] <Temportalist> VikeStep:
this matches though: [[a], [a]]
L2718[18:24:28] <VikeStep> hmm
L2719[18:25:03] <VikeStep> I'm
currently trying to wrestle with Entity Framework Migrations
L2720[18:25:09] <VikeStep> always a
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(Quit: If we wish to explore, if we wish to see what's over
the next hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want
it enough.)
L2722[18:26:09] <Temportalist> VikeStep:
when I put that in a scala string
L2723[18:26:12] <Temportalist> oh. my.
L2724[18:26:18] <Temportalist> val regex
L2725[18:26:30] <TechDG> Ordinastie, can
the file names not be in caps?
L2726[18:26:58] <TechDG> because the gui
image itself works
L2727[18:27:00] <TechDG> and thats also
L2728[18:27:16] <Ordinastie> make sure it
L2729[18:27:28] <TechDG> ok im
recompiling now
⇨ Joins: Sollux-Captor
L2731[18:28:01] <VikeStep> if only Java
had raw strings Temportalist
L2732[18:28:06] <Temportalist> VikeStep:
L2733[18:28:07] <TechDG> poop i did
setupDecompWorkspace xD instead of build
L2734[18:28:08] <TechDG> fail
L2735[18:28:22] <VikeStep> it's
probably easier to do .replace("\", "\\")
L2736[18:28:31] <Temportalist>
L2738[18:29:08] <VikeStep> Temportalist,
also, I don't think regex is really the right thing to be
using for this haha
L2739[18:29:15] <Cypher121> aren't \
going to be replaced compile-time, before replace is called?
L2740[18:29:22] <Cypher121> also what
Vike said
L2741[18:29:23] <Temportalist> VikeStep:
for what?
L2742[18:29:32] <Sollux-Captor> what is a
recommended forge version i should use for a 1.8.9 mod? im in the
process of updating the forge
L2743[18:29:36] <VikeStep> for finding
the inner-most parentheses/brackets
L2744[18:29:43] <Temportalist> VikeStep:
why not? haha
L2745[18:29:52] <Temportalist> is there a
better way than looping?
L2746[18:29:57] <Cypher121> usually if
you use regex to solve a problem, you end up with two problems. in
your case it's more like 1 problem per escaped symbol
L2747[18:30:02] <gigaherz> Sollux-Captor:
so far as 1.8.9 is in beta and no recommended exists, latest.
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(Remote host closed the connection)
L2749[18:30:20] <Sollux-Captor> ok
L2750[18:30:26] <TechDG> what the poop
L2751[18:30:33] <TechDG> still cant find
L2752[18:30:37] <TechDG> i copied the
name directly :/
L2753[18:30:39] <TechDG> WORKKK
L2754[18:32:32] <gigaherz> can you show
your code? ;P
L2755[18:32:37] <TechDG> pushing now
L2756[18:32:43] <tterrag|away> VikeStep:
you can't do that replace
L2757[18:32:45] <Ordinastie> still
doesn't work ?
L2758[18:32:53] <tterrag|away> the string
errors because "\(" is not a valid escape
L2759[18:32:55] <TechDG> nope not even
with direct copied name from rename
L2760[18:33:00] <tterrag|away> so you
need to escape the backspace
L2761[18:33:09] <Ordinastie> TechDG,
check that the file is actually inside the JAR
L2762[18:33:15] <TechDG> did
L2763[18:33:19] <Temportalist> Is there a
better way to get inner most charactesr?
L2764[18:33:20] <TechDG> still nothing
wrong that I can see
L2767[18:34:13] <FusionLord> Ordinastie,
any ideas?
L2768[18:34:24] <TechDG> ur
L2769[18:34:32] <TechDG> sollux u
updating to 1.8.9?
L2770[18:34:34] <TechDG> if so Il help
L2771[18:34:40] <Sollux-Captor> ye im
L2772[18:34:40] <TehNut> read your
L2773[18:34:45] <TechDG> go to
L2774[18:34:45] <TehNut> it tells you
exactly what went wrong
L2775[18:34:55] <TechDG> find where ti
sayins mappings = "someversion"
L2776[18:35:12] <TechDG> and change the
stuff in quotes to snapshot_20160119
L2777[18:35:17] <TechDG> thats the build
from last night
L2778[18:35:35] <TechDG> or if you want
the one I use that i know works, its snapshot_20160112
L2779[18:35:51] <TechDG> then rerun
setupDecompWorkspace and eclipse
L2780[18:36:18] <Sollux-Captor> it is
fixed. thanks
L2781[18:36:21] <TechDG> :)
L2782[18:36:27] <Sollux-Captor> i was
doing it correctly at first
L2783[18:36:32] <Sollux-Captor> forgot to
change the mapping though
L2784[18:36:44] <TechDG> ah ok
L2785[18:36:57] <TechDG> any ideas yet
Ordinastie or gigaherz?
L2786[18:37:11] <TechDG> its
gigaherz's system for hte energy bar in the first place sooooo
L2787[18:38:11] <Ordinastie> TechDG,
"mysttech:/textures/gui/Energy.png" <= that one
L2789[18:38:59] <Drullkus> gj
L2790[18:39:01] <Ordinastie>
Sollux-Captor, make sure you use the right gradle version
L2791[18:39:23] <Sollux-Captor> what IS
the right gradlew version
L2792[18:39:44] <TechDG> sollux looking
what I use for forhe 1.8.9-
L2793[18:39:49] <TechDG> forge*
L2794[18:40:04] <Sollux-Captor> im using
L2795[18:40:18] <TechDG> ok so go
download the zip
L2796[18:40:18] <Ordinastie> take the one
shipped with that version
L2797[18:40:22] <TechDG> yeah
L2798[18:40:40] <TechDG> download the zip
and replace your gradlew and gradlew.bat with it's gradlew and
⇦ Quits: iari (~iari@evana.futhark24.org) (Ping timeout: 189
L2800[18:40:56] <TechDG> Ordinastie:
L2801[18:41:05] <TechDG> thats the one
that it cant find
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(~RhileNova@pool-96-230-106-121.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Quit:
L2803[18:41:49] <gigaherz> TechDG: what
is it that doesn't draw?
L2804[18:41:50] <Ordinastie> TechDG,
remove first /
L2805[18:41:59] <TechDG> oh god I
L2806[18:42:05] <TechDG> gig it was the
energy bar, ty Ordinastie!
L2807[18:42:18] <gigaherz> aha yeah I
suspected as much
L2808[18:42:32] <Sollux-Captor> i dont
see any src download for this version on
⇦ Quits: untamemadman
(Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2810[18:42:39] <gigaherz> the / seemed
out of place but I needed to confirm ;P
L2811[18:42:41] <TechDG> sollux il link
L2812[18:42:46] <gigaherz> Sollux-Captor:
"src" was renamed to "mdk"
L2813[18:42:51] <Sollux-Captor> ok
L2814[18:42:55] <TechDG> ug i keep doing
setupDecompWorkspace instead of build xD
L2815[18:43:07] <Sollux-Captor> :P
L2817[18:43:22] <gigaherz> TechDG: well
then be thankful gradle caches the results
L2818[18:43:23] <gigaherz> ;p
L2819[18:43:24] <TechDG> thats the
L2820[18:43:29] <Sollux-Captor> guessing
mdk stands for Mod Dev Kit ?
L2821[18:43:31] <TechDG> yeah
L2822[18:43:34] <gigaherz> yep
L2823[18:43:35] <TechDG> I rhink
L2824[18:43:37] <TechDG> sollux*
L2825[18:44:17] <Ordinastie> FusionLord,
I don't see why it wouldn't bind
L2826[18:44:29] <Ordinastie> but first, I
would fix that renderTextOnHeadstotne method :x
L2827[18:44:39] <Ordinastie> (yep, the
typo isn't mine)
L2828[18:45:22] <TechDG> xD
L2829[18:45:41] <Ordinastie> and I
don't mean only the typo
L2830[18:45:58] <TechDG> how hard is it
to use the JEIAPI to add recipe types for machines
L2831[18:46:07] <Ordinastie> bind the
texture only once, remove all the uncessary pushMatrix
L2832[18:46:09] <tterrag|away> not
L2833[18:46:13] ***
tterrag|away is now known as tterrag
L2834[18:46:15] <TechDG> is there any
L2835[18:46:26] ***
Cypher121 is now known as Cypher|Away
L2836[18:46:45] <tterrag> yes, plenty of
javadocs and examples
L2837[18:46:48] <TechDG> ok
L2838[18:46:54] <TechDG> brb gotta go do
something, how do I do the away thing?
L2839[18:47:19] <TechDG> wait ik
L2840[18:47:24] ***
TechDG is now known as TechDG|Away
L2841[18:47:26] <TechDG|Away> ok
L2842[18:47:27] <TechDG|Away> brb
L2843[18:48:10] <Temportalist> VikeStep:
how well do you know regex?
L2844[18:50:03] <Sollux-Captor> thx i got
it up
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L2847[18:53:24] <Temportalist> so, trying
to match groupings of math expressions
L2848[18:53:25] <TechDG|Away> back
L2849[18:53:30] ***
TechDG|Away is now known as TechDG
L2850[18:53:38] <Sollux-Captor> eclipse
is saying there is an error within my project but it isnt pointing
it out :I
L2851[18:53:41] <Temportalist> need to
fix for that last one though
L2853[18:55:12] <Unh0ly_Tigg> go to the
problems tab at the bottom.
L2855[18:55:52] ***
gr8pefish|away is now known as gr8pefish
L2856[18:56:15] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L2857[18:57:47] <Sollux-Captor> ye idk
how to fix buildpath errors :/
L2858[18:57:52] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ok, so,
you're going to want to open the Navigator view (Window >
Show View > Navigator), then you're going to want to open
up the .classpath file listed there. and there should be 2 lines
that say "<classpathentry ..." that include
L2859[18:57:55] <Unh0ly_Tigg> woops
L2860[18:58:02] <Sollux-Captor> probably
a good thing to learn i guess
L2861[18:58:17] <shadekiller666> i never
noticed just how broken the block breaking texture animation
L2862[18:59:39] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ok, so,
you're going to want to open the Navigator view (Window >
Show View > Navigator), then you're going to want to open
up the .classpath file listed there. and there should be 2 lines
that say "<classpathentry ..." that include
"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER" on the line,
you're going to want to remove only 1 of those lines (I prefer
to keep the one that doesn't have "exported" on it).
And then just save
L2863[18:59:39] <Unh0ly_Tigg> the file,
and it should fix your error.
L2864[19:00:14] <TechDG> tterrag can u
link me to a javadoc?
L2865[19:00:18] <TechDG> for
L2866[19:00:23] <TechDG> or an
L2867[19:00:47] <tterrag> um...javadoc is
in the code
L2868[19:00:51] <tterrag> examples are in
L2869[19:00:56] <TechDG> k
L2871[19:02:26] <TechDG> yeah there
L2872[19:02:44] <VikeStep> Temportalist,
I usually have to use google when I do anything apart from
searching a basic string tbh
L2873[19:02:53] <Sollux-Captor>
Unh0ly_Tigg, thanks. that worked
L2874[19:03:15] <Unh0ly_Tigg>
Sollux-Captor, no problem, that issue tends to arise with gradle a
lot for me.
L2875[19:03:16] <VikeStep> although, I
can usually try and understand a regex string if I see one
L2876[19:03:35] <Sollux-Captor> welp. . .
time to browse the Fluid API so i can utilize mB
L2877[19:04:01] <shadekiller666> tterrag,
i'm trying to think of a good way to fix that breaking texture
bug that i was talking about yesterday, and i'm wondering what
should happen if the model of the block being broken is larger than
L2878[19:04:46] <tterrag> shadekiller666:
it should tile the texture, like it does on the chest, no?
L2879[19:05:00] <shadekiller666> thats
what i was thinking
⇦ Quits: Szernex
(~Szernex@178-191-98-167.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L2881[19:05:20] <shadekiller666> but
chests handle their own breaking animation
L2882[19:05:28] <shadekiller666> and they
also handle it wrong btw
L2883[19:05:46] <shadekiller666> none of
the faces on a chest render the breaking animation correctly
L2884[19:09:59] <tterrag> really?
L2885[19:10:00] <tterrag> pic?
L2886[19:10:20] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: didn't fry say that blocks > 1x1x1 are not
a supported scenario?
L2887[19:10:51] <FusionLord> tterrag, the
faces render them off 1px on singles and 2px on doubles
L2888[19:10:55] <tterrag> shadekiller666:
honestly for now you should just disable breaking anim if a vert is
outside the block bounds
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L2892[19:13:04] <tterrag> well,
that's almost correct, it'
L2893[19:13:09] <tterrag> it's just
not offset to match the model
L2894[19:13:16] <tterrag> it should be
translated over 2px
L2895[19:13:18] <shadekiller666> no thats
not it
L2896[19:13:30] <shadekiller666> its
actually scaled 4x
L2897[19:13:42] <shadekiller666> 8x for
double chests... because hardcoded :/
L2898[19:13:54] <tterrag> I don't
see that
L2899[19:14:34] <Sollux-Captor> do fluid
tanks need nbt? like what are the specifics for fluid
L2900[19:14:46] <shadekiller666> well, it
does need translation yes, but i think its also a bit larger
L2901[19:15:03] <gigaherz> Sollux-Captor:
fluidcontainers work a bit like inventory stacks
L2902[19:15:12] <gigaherz> there's
FluidStacks that can be transferred around
L2903[19:15:17] <gigaherz> and when you
save/load the fluid
L2904[19:15:17] <tterrag> !gm
L2905[19:15:20] ***
gr8pefish is now known as gr8pefish|gone
L2906[19:15:25] <gigaherz> you of course
save/load the fluid from NBT
L2907[19:15:48] <Sollux-Captor>
transferred in what way?
L2908[19:15:59] <gigaherz> pipes,
buckets, ...
L2909[19:16:07] <Sollux-Captor> i
L2910[19:16:18] <shadekiller666> for the
double chest, TileEntityChestRenderer cheats and tells the neighbor
to also render its breaking texture
L2911[19:16:34] ***
MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L2912[19:16:39] <Sollux-Captor> would
using FluidStack be the more versitile of the two?
L2913[19:16:44] <Sollux-Captor> as in mre
to utilize?
L2914[19:16:48] <Sollux-Captor>
⇨ Joins: Cojo
L2916[19:17:56] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: the chest breaking textureisn't scaled
L2917[19:17:57] <gigaherz> it's just
L2918[19:18:30] <gigaherz> the pixels
still match 1:1 with the chest texture
L2919[19:18:34] <gigaherz> it's just
not drawing centered
L2920[19:18:40] <shadekiller666>
L2921[19:18:50] <tterrag> as I said
L2922[19:19:27] <gigaherz> weirdly
L2923[19:19:36] <gigaherz> it's
offset in such a way that it overflows into the next face
L2924[19:20:16] <gigaherz> hmmm
L2925[19:20:26] <gigaherz> is the
breaking texture rendered using the lightmap channel?
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L2927[19:23:14] <shadekiller666>
L2928[19:23:22] <shadekiller666>
don't think so
L2929[19:23:27] <williewillus> wtf I just
reset my gradle workspace like I've done millions of
L2930[19:23:33] <williewillus> but this
time none of the libraries got pulled in
L2931[19:23:41] <gigaherz> then I have no
idea how it manages to wrap around
L2932[19:23:44] <williewillus> welp jk
L2933[19:23:47] <williewillus> idea
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L2936[19:25:10] <gigaherz> night
L2937[19:25:16] ***
gigaherz is now known as ghz|afk
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L2940[19:26:36] <shadekiller666> well,
the chest model extends ModelBase, so i'm guessing that has
something to do with it
L2941[19:27:02] <Sollux-Captor>
FluidContainerRegistry.class is that for initialization or when
ever a container intakes/outakes a liquid?
L2942[19:28:48] <shadekiller666> tterrag,
unfortunately disabling the breaking animation requires that your
block either extend one of the BlockChest classes, BlockSign, or
BlockSkull, or that it has a TileEntity that overrides
L2943[19:28:59] <shadekiller666> because
the TileEntity is the perfect place to put that...
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L2945[19:31:47] <FusionLord>
shadekiller666, shouldn't that be in the json somewhere ? just
a thought
L2946[19:31:49] <tterrag> shadekiller666:
I mean add a forge patch
L2947[19:31:50] <tterrag> .-.
L2948[19:32:49] <shadekiller666>
FusionLord, at least in the block...
L2949[19:33:40] <netz> tterrag:
mechanical keyboard!!!
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(Quit: If we wish to explore, if we wish to see what's over
the next hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want
it enough.)
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Connection reset by peer)
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L2956[19:44:12] <Sollux-Captor> so should
i use nbt to store the ammount of liquid an item is holding?
L2957[19:48:11] <williewillus> yes
L2958[19:50:01] <Sollux-Captor> ok
L2959[19:50:08] <Sollux-Captor> welp time
to learn how to use nbt xD
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L2962[19:55:56] <dmf444> How can I change
the particles that spawn when a block breaks? Specifically,
it's a TESR and the particles are currenlty Missingo
L2963[19:56:43] <williewillus> dmf444:
theres overrides in Block class
L2964[19:57:39] <williewillus>
L2965[19:58:44] <dmf444> didn't
notice, thanks!
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L2967[20:05:00] ***
TehNut is now known as TehNut|Gone
L2968[20:08:30] <Sollux-Captor> how do
you apply nbt to an item?
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timeout: 186 seconds)
L2970[20:09:28] <williewillus> NBT is
through NBTTagCompound objects
L2971[20:09:41] <williewillus> stacks
have get/setNBTTagCompound
L2972[20:09:44] <unascribed> yeah,
there's a method on ItemStack to get the tag
L2973[20:09:47] <unascribed> but it can
return null
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(Quit: Nii-san is watching you.)
L2975[20:09:53] <williewillus> so if
it's null
L2976[20:09:54] <williewillus> make a new
L2977[20:09:57] <williewillus> :p
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L2980[20:10:22] <unascribed> sorry for
the redundancy, I didn't notice your message about stacks
L2981[20:10:46] <Sollux-Captor> ok
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(~gr8pefish@24-121-240-63.flagcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
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L2984[20:13:00] <Sollux-Captor> where can
i find a tutorial on nbt? im a noob to it but i want to find out
how to use it to store the ammount of liquid in an item im
L2985[20:14:30] <williewillus>
L2986[20:14:42] <Sollux-Captor> well i
mean like uses in code
L2987[20:15:16] <tterrag> vanilla
L2988[20:20:13] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
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willieaway is now known as williewillus
L2995[20:25:18] ***
Cypher|Away is now known as Cypher121
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(Quit: If we wish to explore, if we wish to see what's over
the next hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want
it enough.)
L2997[20:28:14] <FusionLord>
shadekiller666, found out what the issue with the font was
L2998[20:29:03] <shadekiller666>
L2999[20:29:38] <FusionLord> yeah there
was some code that I didn't write that was restoring the block
L3000[20:35:20] <shadekiller666> of
course there was
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(~aesen@everybody.do.the.net.split.unascribed.com) (Quit: Your
warranty is now void.)
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L3003[20:36:10] <FusionLord> anyone know
how to flip a face in blender?
L3004[20:40:46] <Sollux-Captor> how do i
go from item to ItemStack?
L3005[20:41:08] <FusionLord> new
ItemStack(item, amount, meta);
L3006[20:41:57] <Drullkus> Let's say
I want to do a custom renderer on an item
L3007[20:42:21] <Drullkus> As in, I have
an item that's actually a wrapper containing a different
L3008[20:42:27] <Drullkus> How would I
render that different item?
L3009[20:42:36] <williewillus> steal its
model and combine it with yours
L3010[20:42:38] <killjoy> Like
L3011[20:42:50] <Drullkus> williewillus:
How would I do it?
L3012[20:42:53] <williewillus> yeah like
repeaters or do you mean something else
L3013[20:43:21] <Drullkus> Basically, I
have a mod that lets you put RF Equipment onto a tool
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L3015[20:43:32] <Drullkus> I want to
render the tool then an overlay
L3016[20:43:38] <Drullkus> This is 1.8
L3017[20:44:06] <williewillus> okay so,
the botania floating flowers. Are composed of an "island"
model and of some arbitrary special flower model. I basically have
a smart model that loads all the island models, then it grabs the
item model it needs, transforms it, combines it with the island,
then caches it. I'll get the code, hold on
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L3020[20:45:48] <Drullkus> Oooh, botania
is on 1.8, ok
L3021[20:46:19] <Drullkus> Thank you for
your help williewillus, I'll have a look at it :D
L3022[20:46:24] <williewillus> no
L3023[20:46:28] <williewillus> botania is
basically a 1.8 case study lol
L3024[20:46:32] <williewillus> so many
good examples of things
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L3026[20:51:35] <Drullkus> Wait
L3027[20:51:37] <Drullkus> Er...
L3028[20:51:48] <williewillus> not waht
you were looking for? :p
L3029[20:51:50] <Drullkus> What I'm
using is an Item -- This class is for a model?
L3030[20:51:56] <williewillus> yes
L3031[20:51:58] <Drullkus> Block, not
model, sorry
L3032[20:52:08] <williewillus> it's
for both the block and model
L3033[20:52:15] <williewillus> just
ignore the block parts
L3034[20:52:19] <williewillus> *block and
L3035[20:52:45] <williewillus> the
item/block forms of the floating flowers share models
L3036[20:55:55] <SSBlur> To have multiple
models for different damage values on an item in 1.8, one would use
[Damage/Metadata], new ModelResourceLocation([Domain] +
":" + [Model Path (without the /item)],
"inventory"));, correct?
L3037[20:56:04] <williewillus> nope
L3038[20:56:07] <SSBlur> Ah
L3039[20:56:09] <williewillus> dammit
who's teaching that ;p
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L3041[20:56:13] <shadekiller666> has
anyone had issues with FG2.1 and windows firewall?
L3042[20:56:17] <SSBlur> Knew I was doing
something wrong
L3043[20:56:28] <williewillus> its not
wrong, it's just way outdated
L3044[20:56:32] <SSBlur> Really?
L3045[20:56:32] <williewillus> like from
the early days of 1.8.0
L3046[20:56:34] <SSBlur> Huh
L3047[20:56:48] <SSBlur> How might I go
about updating this?
L3048[20:56:51] <Drullkus> williewillus:
Ok so I can't use this if I want to have a tool Icon with an
L3050[20:57:11] <williewillus> Drullkus:
why can't you?
L3051[20:57:20] <williewillus> take the
base model of the tool and combine it with whatever overlay
L3052[20:57:21] <SSBlur> @Williewillus
L3053[20:57:25] <Drullkus> oooh
L3054[20:57:39] <Drullkus> How would I
render the 2d icon then? :S
L3055[20:58:02] <williewillus> the 2d
icon is the 3D model, it's just facing you flat-on :p
L3056[20:58:02] <Drullkus> I'm
literally new to 1.8, this is my first 1.8 mod
L3057[20:58:07] <Drullkus> Wha-
L3058[20:58:09] <Drullkus> Wow, ok
L3059[20:58:17] <Drullkus> That's
really fucking weird but ok thanks XD
L3060[20:58:26] <williewillus>
that's what the "isgui3d" call in those model
classes are
L3061[20:58:36] <williewillus> if
it's false mc rotates it to face you, I think
L3062[20:58:42] <Drullkus> oooh
L3063[20:58:48] <FusionLord>
williewillus, i think it is called orthographic...
L3064[20:58:56] <Drullkus> What is
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L3066[20:58:58] <Temportalist> is there a
way to have an IProperty which is not used in the blockstate json
aside from IUnlistedProperty?
L3067[20:59:12] <williewillus>
Temportalist: custom statemapper ignore it
L3068[20:59:18] <Temportalist> ?
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L3071[21:01:22] <williewillus> ambient
occlusion is the darkening of inner corners of the model, it's
usually more used for blocks and their itemblock models
L3072[21:01:29] <williewillus> not as
much for items since those rarely have corners to darken
L3073[21:04:14] <shadekiller666> does
anyone else have to turn off windows 10 firewall when running
gradlew setupForge or setupDecompWorkspace?
L3074[21:04:27] <dmf444> nope
L3075[21:04:30] <SSBlur> @williewillus:
Thanks, that cleaned up my code quite a bit. From what I have read,
it takes identical parameters to the other function?
L3076[21:04:32] <williewillus> i dont,
the first time it just warns me and then I let it through
L3077[21:04:38] <williewillus> SSBlur:
⇨ Joins: Cojo
L3079[21:04:57] <SSBlur> Hmm
L3080[21:05:13] <SSBlur> Just loaded it
up after switching, every custom inventory model is gone.
L3081[21:05:17] <SSBlur> Debug time
L3082[21:05:37] <williewillus> are there
errors in the log?
L3083[21:06:14] <SSBlur> Absolutely
L3084[21:06:31] <SSBlur> Do I need to add
the item/ prefix now?
L3085[21:06:52] <SSBlur> No, it does
appear to be the same
L3086[21:06:58] <Temportalist>
williewillus: even though I call ModelLoader.setcustomStatemapper
in preinit, it isnt going into effect
L3087[21:07:01] <SSBlur> Thank you for
the help, nonethe less.
L3088[21:07:03] <shadekiller666>
williewillus, it doesn't even tell me that it blocked
L3089[21:07:15] <williewillus>
Temportalist: what kind of statemapper do you pass it?
L3091[21:07:26] <shadekiller666> i just
have to turn off the firewall before running the command
L3092[21:07:28] <williewillus> if you use
ignore() itll treat the block like it doesnt even have that
L3093[21:07:38] <Temportalist>
L3094[21:07:45] <williewillus> errors in
the log?
L3095[21:07:55] <williewillus> also
define "going into effect" :P
L3096[21:07:57] <Temportalist> hold on, i
might ahve derped
L3097[21:08:04] <Temportalist> nope
L3098[21:08:05] <williewillus> make sure
your blockstate json is updated to support this change
L3101[21:08:44] <williewillus> are you
doing BlockRope or BlockRopeBridge
L3102[21:08:54] <Temportalist> both
L3103[21:08:56] <Temportalist> same
L3105[21:09:11] <Temportalist> rope
bridge extended rope
L3106[21:09:33] <williewillus> and you
ignored both bridge_length and bridge_index?
L3107[21:09:39] <Temportalist> yes
L3108[21:10:24] <williewillus> idk, that
should work. Check it's actually beign called
L3109[21:10:31] <Temportalist> i
L3110[21:10:37] <Temportalist>
println("load mapper\n")
L3112[21:11:35] <williewillus> idk then,
doing that always works for me, show the code where you do
L3114[21:13:05] <williewillus> not sure
if this matters, but try instantiating a new one instead reusing
the old one
L3115[21:14:08] <Temportalist> Nope
L3117[21:15:30] <williewillus>
FusionLord: setCustomMRL?
L3118[21:16:00] <FusionLord> i'll
double chheck
L3119[21:18:22] <FusionLord> that is the
one step i missed
L3120[21:18:24] <FusionLord> ty
L3122[21:20:56] <williewillus> nice
L3123[21:21:08] <williewillus> a little
too un-boxy / un-minecrafty but still good
L3124[21:21:11] <williewillus> *for my
L3125[21:22:05] <FusionLord> no i have to
learn Smartmodels to render text on my item, is the lexicabonania
doing that yet?
L3126[21:22:22] <williewillus> no,
I'm waiting on the animation API
L3127[21:22:37] <FusionLord> oh for page
L3128[21:23:14] <williewillus> and for
the rendering text on smartmodel thing ask fry, I don't think
it's completed yet, or I don't remember how to do it
L3129[21:23:41] <FusionLord> ahh, well it
isn't that big of a deal as of yet
⇦ Quits: blood_ (unknown@ool-182e0a55.dyn.optonline.net)
(Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L3131[21:26:22] <FusionLord> to continue
working or go to bed
⇨ Joins: calclavia
L3133[21:26:57] <williewillus> rwesists
urge to keep working on botania 1.8 and do hw for school :p
L3134[21:27:08] <FusionLord> lol
L3135[21:27:30] ***
Vigaro is now known as V
L3136[21:27:45] <FusionLord> I don't
work til 2:15 tomorrow so I'm in a real debate, I could go to
bed now and get up early and start up again tomorrow
L3137[21:27:55] <FusionLord> and I did
get tons done today
L3138[21:28:35] <williewillus> !gm
L3139[21:29:26] <FusionLord> I also
streamed today for 5 hours @ 60fps, 1920x1080 just looked at the
local recording and its 8.1GB
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(NickServ (GHOST command used by Firedingo5)))
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L3142[21:32:51] <netz> fun :P
L3143[21:33:31] <dmf444> How do you get a
boundingbox to properly fit a model? I return an AABB that's
smaller than the block, but it still gets "selected" when
I'm pointing to an area outside the AABB
L3144[21:35:31] <SSBlur> Hate to ask you
again @williewillus, but according to this guide I should use
ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation, is there any difference
at all between its arguments and the arguments to the previous
function, or any prepwork I have to do? It is not playing nicely
with the parameters I had used for Item models before.
L3145[21:35:40] <SSBlur> Again, hate to
bug you so much about this.
L3146[21:35:52] <williewillus> no
problem. it should work exactly same. WHat forge version are you
L3147[21:36:05] <williewillus> dmf444:
L3148[21:36:08] <SSBlur> 1699
L3150[21:36:54] <SSBlur> I updated and
rerolled models in case those were issues.
L3151[21:36:59] <williewillus> not sure
then, that should be exactly the same. are you defining your item
model inside the forge blockstate json or separately?
L3152[21:37:09] <dmf444> thanks
L3153[21:37:15] <williewillus> also, no
errors in the log at all?
L3154[21:37:31] <FusionLord> again did
you thank a first time :P
L3155[21:37:51] <williewillus> sp
demanding ;p
L3156[21:38:01] <FusionLord>
L3157[21:38:08] <FusionLord> aww
L3158[21:39:06] ***
AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L3159[21:39:08] <SSBlur> Um, I am
defining the model using the json format, but I am referring to the
models directly. Models are located in
"[domain]/models/item", I am calling [modelname] for
[modelname].json, with variant "inventory" and no
"item/" prefix.
L3160[21:39:34] <SSBlur> In the
ModelResourceLocation, that is
L3161[21:39:49] <SSBlur>
0, new ModelResourceLocation(ParcelsAndPackagesMod.MODID +
":" + i.getName(), "inventory"));
L3162[21:39:54] <SSBlur> This is an
L3163[21:40:08] <SSBlur> Where my Custom
Block Base has a property .getName()
L3164[21:40:12] <williewillus> is there
an error in the log?
L3165[21:40:19] <SSBlur> Which
corresponds to item name.
L3166[21:40:30] <SSBlur> And no, the
models *appear* to load fine.
L3167[21:40:37] <FusionLord> is that code
getting called at all? debug messages
L3168[21:40:38] <SSBlur> No errors/
L3169[21:40:44] <williewillus> what shows
up in world?
L3170[21:40:48] <SSBlur> Yes, debug
messages are going off
L3171[21:40:54] <SSBlur> And the models
load fine in the world
L3172[21:41:09] <SSBlur> But in the
inventory they are default p/b cubes
L3173[21:41:46] <williewillus> no idea
currently, I define all my itemblock models using the blockstate
json, so there might be some additional caveat I'm not aware
of. But afaik that should've worked
L3174[21:41:55] <FusionLord> SSBlur, do
you have this before registering the model to the block?
L3175[21:42:04] <FusionLord> or the
L3176[21:42:08] <williewillus> of
L3177[21:42:15] <williewillus> or else
the block form wouldn't load right
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(~sinkiller@nc-67-232-14-71.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) (Quit:
L3179[21:42:29] <SSBlur> Yeah, my domain
is properly added.
L3180[21:42:29] <williewillus> unless you
used some sort of smartmodel for the block
L3181[21:42:56] <FusionLord> SSBlur, can
you pastebin your log
L3182[21:43:23] <SSBlur> One second, I am
going to try one more thing.
L3183[21:43:33] <SSBlur> If this
doesn't work I will pastebin.
L3185[21:47:10] <SSBlur> That is the
⇨ Joins: TechDg
L3187[21:49:12] ***
TechDg is now known as TechDG
L3188[21:49:13] <TechDG> hey
L3189[21:49:39] <SSBlur> Hello
L3190[21:50:34] <FusionLord> SSBlur, may
i see one of your blockstates
L3191[21:50:43] <TechDG> fusion how is
your mod going?
L3192[21:51:07] <FusionLord> its going
L3193[21:51:26] <FusionLord> mostlikly a
new release in a little while
L3194[21:51:35] <TechDG> nice! can't
wait to check it out
L3195[21:51:47] <FusionLord> and
it's not 'my' mod, it more FireBall1725's
L3196[21:51:51] <TechDG> oh
L3197[21:51:54] <TechDG> well still
L3198[21:51:58] <TechDG> you seem to be
doing a lot of work on it
L3199[21:52:33] <TechDG> I did an alpha
release of whats in my mod so far (so almost nothing) :P
L3200[21:52:34] <FusionLord> i am
L3201[21:52:39] <TechDG> yeah
L3202[21:52:59] <SSBlur> Here is one of
the Item Models
L3204[21:53:27] <SSBlur> Accidentally put
Java highlighting on it
L3205[21:53:32] <SSBlur> Instead of
L3206[21:53:37] <FusionLord> its
L3207[21:54:18] <dmf444> Is there a way
to reflect a TextureAtlasSprite on the Y axis?
L3208[21:54:19] <FusionLord> i don't
see anything wrong
L3209[21:54:46] <SSBlur> The JSON
isn't broken, I know that the model works.
L3210[21:54:59] <SSBlur> Its something in
registration, I suppose.
L3211[21:55:09] <SSBlur> I will poke
around and look for a cause.
L3212[21:55:17] <FusionLord> can i see
the client proxy
L3213[21:56:44] <williewillus> dmf444: in
what context?
L3214[21:56:55] <williewillus> if
you're drawing it in the tessellator just switch some of the
vertices around
L3215[21:56:59] <williewillus>
L3216[21:58:54] <dmf444> It's an
ISmartItemModel, under getFaceQuads
L3217[21:59:25] <williewillus> uhh unpack
the quad and reverse the uv's
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L3220[22:00:34] <williewillus> instead of
POSITION put whatever that enum is for UV's (I think it's
L3221[22:00:42] <williewillus> and then
swap them around someohow
L3222[22:01:35] <williewillus> and ignore
the stuff about TRSR's and matrices. and itll probably be a
vector2f or something for uv's
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L3224[22:02:02] <dmf444> ty
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L3226[22:03:22] <SSBlur> For the moment,
I have switched back to the older registration method
L3227[22:03:35] ***
TehNut|Gone is now known as TehNut
L3228[22:03:37] <SSBlur> I will toy
around with the newer one at a later date.
L3229[22:04:22] <moog> hmmm.
L3230[22:04:35] <moog> how feasibly do
yall think it would be to like
L3231[22:04:46] <moog> make water more
opaque the deeper it is
L3232[22:04:48] <SSBlur> Also, @TehNut, I
fixed the issue you encountered with P&P. Terribly sorry about
L3233[22:05:05] <shadekiller666> dmf444,
just set each uv to (uv.u, 1 - uv.v)
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timeout: 198 seconds)
L3235[22:05:16] <moog> like there's
the fog effect underwater but it feels a little immersion breaking
to be in a glass bubble and be able to see the surface of the
L3236[22:05:34] <williewillus> eh the fog
is already annoying enough to me :p
L3237[22:05:56] <williewillus> they
actually removed the ability to see the top face but then people
bitched so they put it back
L3238[22:06:09] <moog> really?
L3239[22:06:25] <moog> I want my
underwater dome to feel properly underwater.
L3240[22:06:27] <moog> its like
L3241[22:06:32] <moog> theres no light
down there
L3242[22:06:38] <moog> but you can look
up and see bright blue
L3243[22:08:59] <TechDG> whats a good
example of a block that rotates (no special model, just a block)
with how you place it htat I can reference?
L3244[22:09:23] <moog> furnace?
L3245[22:09:30] <TechDG> oh xD good
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L3247[22:12:12] <williewillus> if
you're doing models don't look at vanilla ones
L3248[22:12:25] <williewillus> they split
everything out and have 3x more jsons than you actually need
L3249[22:13:46] <TechDG> Im doing it with
3 jsons xD
L3250[22:13:49] <TechDG> cuz its how I
L3251[22:13:55] <TechDG> im just trying
to do rotating textures
L3252[22:14:06] <williewillus> you need
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L3254[22:14:31] <williewillus> people
still not knowing the fact that you can literally cut your json
count in a third with the forge format make me sad
L3255[22:14:45] <williewillus> or more
than a third even
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L3258[22:18:29] <TechDG> woot! it rotates
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L3260[22:19:12] <TechDG> williewillus,
how do I make it so the particles it uses when it breaks
aren't the missing texture particles :P
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L3262[22:19:23] <TechDG> cuz its rlly
L3263[22:19:25] <williewillus> set the
"particle" texture in your json
L3264[22:19:37] <williewillus> though
that shouldve been done for you
L3265[22:19:42] <TechDG> hm
L3266[22:19:44] <williewillus> if you
used block/orientable
L3267[22:19:53] <TechDG> which I dont
think i did
L3268[22:19:59] <williewillus> did your
model ahve a parent?
L3269[22:20:06] <TechDG> yes,
L3270[22:20:28] <williewillus> uh
L3271[22:20:36] <williewillus> how did
you rotate the textures if you used cube all.....
L3272[22:20:47] <TechDG>
L3273[22:20:58] <TechDG> varients per how
its rotated
L3274[22:21:02] <williewillus>
that's not roating the texture that's rotating the model
L3275[22:21:04] <williewillus>
L3276[22:21:06] <TechDG> still
L3277[22:21:09] <TechDG> it works
L3278[22:21:10] <williewillus> the
particle should ahve been set
L3279[22:21:14] <TechDG> they
L3280[22:21:23] <TechDG> :/
L3281[22:21:25] <williewillus> i
don't know how you did it so idk what to say
L3282[22:21:33] <williewillus>
you're doing everything the hard, 50 million json way ;p
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L3284[22:21:44] <TechDG> which file do
you need?
L3285[22:21:53] <williewillus> blockstate
and block model
L3287[22:23:23] <williewillus> lol
L3288[22:23:28] <williewillus>
that's not how you use cube_all
L3289[22:23:39] <TechDG> what did I do
L3290[22:23:40] <williewillus> cube_all
means that "ALL" the textures on every side are the
L3291[22:23:48] <TechDG> well how do I do
it like this then :/
L3292[22:23:49] <TechDG> cuz this
L3293[22:24:22] <williewillus> inherit
from cube
L3295[22:24:27] <williewillus> not
L3296[22:24:40] <TechDG> so
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L3298[22:25:20] <TechDG> do I need to add
other stuff then?
L3299[22:25:37] <williewillus> yes, and
then define texture "particle" to be whatever you want to
be the particle texture
L3300[22:25:49] <williewillus> it can be
one of the other texture vars too
L3301[22:26:05] <williewillus> e,g,
"particle": "#west" and it'll use the
texture for "west" as particle
L3302[22:26:12] <TechDG> ok
L3303[22:26:13] <TechDG> ty
L3304[22:26:25] <TechDG> do I do it
between parent and textures?
L3305[22:26:36] <williewillus> wat
L3306[22:26:41] <TechDG> where I set
L3307[22:26:41] <williewillus> no,
particle is the name of a texture
L3308[22:26:46] <TechDG> ok
L3309[22:26:47] <williewillus> so it goes
in textures
L3310[22:28:00] <TechDG> that makes it
not haev a texture
L3311[22:28:12] <TechDG> nvm i see
L3312[22:28:15] <TechDG> comma issue
L3313[22:28:18] <williewillus> lol no
way, jsonlint your thing
L3314[22:28:20] <williewillus> yeah
L3315[22:28:36] <TechDG> I h8 json
L3316[22:28:52] <TechDG> so much easier
then 1.7 once u learn it but annoying to format
L3317[22:29:04] <TechDG> well texture is
back but no particle
L3318[22:29:21] <williewillus> you did it
wrong then :p
L3320[22:29:49] <TechDG> [20:28:27]
[Client thread/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture due to upward
reference: #north in mysttech:models/block/Compressor
L3321[22:29:57] <TechDG> do I just use
like west or something?
L3322[22:29:59] <williewillus>
actually...I'm not sure if the stupid vanilla system knows how
to do that
L3323[22:30:03] <williewillus> so sepcify
a full texture path
L3324[22:30:05] <williewillus> not a
L3325[22:30:22] <williewillus> the forge
json is probably smart enough to figure that out
L3326[22:30:30] <williewillus> but since
youre using the vanilla way :p
L3327[22:31:01] <TechDG> i gtg in 10 mins
so I cant now, but if you can help il migrate it tomorrow
L3328[22:31:07] <TechDG> yay
L3329[22:31:28] <williewillus> its great,
youll save many jsons going forward :p
L3330[22:31:45] <TechDG> yay, 6 bytes
worth of space saved! xD
L3331[22:31:54] <williewillus> well it
can pile up
L3332[22:31:54] <TechDG> on my 2.36 TB
comp :P
L3333[22:32:11] <TechDG> one of which
TB's is enterprise quality SSD :p
L3334[22:32:11] <williewillus> if I didnt
use the forge json on botania 1.8 whoo boy
L3335[22:32:19] <TechDG> well yeah
botania is huge
L3336[22:32:22] <williewillus> we'd
probably have about 15x more jsons
L3337[22:32:25] <williewillus> no
L3338[22:32:31] <TechDG> this is what, 2
blocks? xd
L3339[22:32:38] <williewillus> i know
L3340[22:32:39] <TechDG> 2 blocks and 2
items :/
L3341[22:32:43] <TechDG> cuz im a
L3342[22:32:48] <williewillus> just
saying that it's good to ditch the stupid vanilla system
L3343[22:32:50] <TechDG> I wanna make a
generator soon
L3344[22:32:55] <TechDG> and a power
L3345[22:33:00] <TechDG> so its
standalone without any other mods
L3346[22:33:07] <TechDG> shouldn't
be as hard as a machine
L3347[22:33:22] <TechDG> but I got away
with intant processing with the machine, generator cant to
L3348[22:33:39] <TechDG> thats also
something I hate, how I process items
L3349[22:33:54] <TechDG> if u think how I
use jsons is bad u will h8 this
L3350[22:34:12] <williewillus> its not
bad, I'm just saying there's a less tedious path ;p
L3351[22:34:33] <sham1> The vanilla json
stuff is decent
L3352[22:34:49] <williewillus> not
L3354[22:35:10] <williewillus> each
stupid subtype of a block need two more jsons
L3355[22:35:37] <TechDG> notice anything
wrong with that system?
L3356[22:35:38] <williewillus> got a
block with a full 16 different variants? better have 32 jsons to
back it up + the blockstate json!
L3357[22:35:43] <sham1> Well if you
don't have subtypes...
L3358[22:35:57] <williewillus> its still
beneficial to use the forge one
L3359[22:35:58] <sham1> Yeah
L3360[22:36:06] <williewillus> because
you can declare the inventory variant in it
L3361[22:36:13] <TechDG> that is just
about the WORST crafting handler I have ever seen
L3362[22:36:13] <williewillus> and skip
the item model json as well
L3363[22:36:13] <sham1> Your recipe
registering happens every tick
L3364[22:36:18] <williewillus> lol
L3365[22:36:21] <TechDG> its not really
registering :P
L3366[22:36:24] <TechDG> its more like
L3367[22:36:40] <TechDG> because IDK how
to do it the right way
L3368[22:36:44] <TechDG> that isnt
L3369[22:37:04] <TechDG> because of how I
do it I cant process over time :/
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klingen und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George
L3371[22:37:18] <williewillus> sham1:
there is no registering, it just checks
L3372[22:37:41] <williewillus> and check
out some open source mods on how to do machine recipes
L3373[22:37:47] <williewillus> EnderIO,
Botania, etc.
L3374[22:37:56] <TechDG> botania has gui
L3375[22:38:08] <TechDG> and ender IO is
all weird because of its buttons nad multi slots and stuff
L3376[22:38:10] <TechDG> thats my
L3377[22:38:20] <TechDG> theres nothing
thats just a simple machine like this (why cant ic2 be opensource
L3378[22:38:29] <williewillus> it doesnt
matter that it has a gui or not
L3379[22:38:32] <TechDG> or thermal
L3380[22:38:33] <williewillus> it has a
recipe system
L3381[22:38:36] <williewillus> which is
what you want
L3382[22:38:39] <TechDG> really? what
block should I look at
L3383[22:39:05] <williewillus> any of
them, the SAG Mill, Brewery, mana infusion, etc.
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L3385[22:39:17] <TechDG> k
L3386[22:39:36] <SSBlur> Got the item
variants working, I had forgotten to register Variants for one of
my items, so it didn't render correctly.
L3387[22:39:38] <SSBlur> :|
L3388[22:40:33] <TechDG> anyway I gtg,
maybe I can unfail this failed recipe system tomorrow and do it the
proper way so I can have an api and do stuff over time
L3389[22:40:34] <TechDG> ok cya!
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L3391[22:53:23] ***
fry is now known as fry|sleep
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L3396[23:14:17] <Zaggy1024> can anyone
think of vanilla blocks with models that exceed 1x1x1 bounds?
L3397[23:14:31] <Drullkus> williewillus:
How do I get the model from a different item?
L3398[23:14:32] <Drullkus> xD
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L3400[23:14:54] <williewillus>
or something like that
L3401[23:15:13] <FusionLord> Zaggy1024,
double chest if that isn't what you want then no there
isn't one
L3402[23:15:17] <Drullkus> Jesus
that's a long string of stuff
L3403[23:15:18] <williewillus> Zaggy1024:
afaik there aren't any
L3404[23:15:26] <williewillus>
FusionLord: chests arent models though :p
L3405[23:17:49] <Drullkus> How do I
register it...?
L3406[23:19:30] <williewillus> your
L3408[23:20:14] <williewillus> most
everything to do with 1.8 rendering basics is there :p (ctrl + f
L3409[23:22:21] ***
Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
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L3411[23:30:22] <Zaggy1024> guess we
really need a hook for normal blocks to render their breaking
L3412[23:30:31] <williewillus> ?
L3413[23:30:42] <williewillus> what do
you mean?
L3414[23:31:05] <Drullkus> williewillus:
n-none of this makes sense to me ;-;
L3415[23:31:12] <williewillus> the
L3416[23:31:15] <Drullkus> yeah
L3417[23:31:22] <williewillus> did you do
1.7 modding?
L3418[23:31:34] <Drullkus> It's a
lot of information, I seriously do not know what to actually read
L3419[23:31:36] <Drullkus> Yes
L3420[23:31:43] <williewillus> it was
kinda targeted at people porting :p what part do you not get?
L3421[23:31:46] <Drullkus> I barely
touched GL stuff
L3422[23:31:53] <williewillus> you still
won't ahve to :p
L3423[23:32:39] <Drullkus> I don't
see anything about binding the ISmartItemModel class to an
L3424[23:32:52] <williewillus> ctrl +f
"registering your smartmodel"
L3425[23:33:02] <Drullkus> :|
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L3427[23:33:38] <williewillus> baked
models are mapped to variants, you have to map item+meta to
variants yourself using setCUstomModelResourceLocation
L3429[23:34:04] <williewillus> I think if
you read the whole thing top to bottom it'll be easier to
L3430[23:34:08] <williewillus> instead of
cherry picking the midle
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L3433[23:35:29] <Drullkus> It's a
big wall of text, kinda intimidating tbh lol
L3434[23:35:45] <williewillus> it's
not formatted perfectly rn
L3435[23:35:52] <williewillus> because it
was copied from google docs
L3436[23:36:02] <williewillus> but just
read it it'll all be good :
L3437[23:36:03] <williewillus> :p
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error: Connection reset by peer)
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L3440[23:37:48] <minecreatr>
williewillus, I noticed that your botania platform dosn't take
into acount if the model it is mimicking is a weighted model
L3441[23:38:05] <williewillus> there is
no way to really
L3442[23:38:16] <williewillus> I
can't just hardcode a case for every special model type
L3443[23:38:32] <williewillus> i have
support for smartmodels rn, but what if that smartmodel is actually
a container for other smartmodels? etc.
L3444[23:38:48] <minecreatr> well, just
every special model type that the dispatcher supports
L3445[23:38:58] <minecreatr> it really is
only smart and weighted
L3446[23:39:11] <williewillus> I'll
see then
L3447[23:39:19] <williewillus> what
method in what class does that?
L3448[23:40:32] <minecreatr> look in
L3449[23:40:36] <minecreatr>
williewillus, ^
L3450[23:41:00] <minecreatr> actually
wait, maybe I am wrong
L3451[23:41:08] <minecreatr> maybe I was
thinking of an old version of forge xD
L3452[23:41:44] <minecreatr> actually its
BlockRendererDispatcher.getModelFromBlockstate williewillus
L3453[23:41:47] <minecreatr> it checks
for smart and weighted
L3454[23:53:47] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway