Scroll to Bottom
Stuff goes here
L1[00:00:15] <McJty> Ah indeed. That fixes
it. Thanks :-)
L2[00:00:23] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L3[00:00:41] <shadekiller666> ya, the game
wants that done in preInit now
L4[00:00:43] <McJty> Although I will need a
transform. The rock is too small to see well in the inventory
L5[00:01:03] <shadekiller666> (you can get
away with doing it in init in some cases, but thats a little
L6[00:01:36] ⇨
Joins: Brokkoli
L7[00:01:47] <shadekiller666> ok, so make it
"transform": {"gui": {"scale":
L8[00:01:51] <shadekiller666> and see what
you get
L9[00:02:02] ⇨
Joins: Matthew (~matthew@matthewprenger.com)
L10[00:02:05] ⇦
Quits: KanoCodex (~Giratina5@2604:180:0:368::bcd8) (Remote host
closed the connection)
L11[00:02:29] <shadekiller666> having a
single number for "scale" applies that number to x/y/z,
or you can define "x": 1, or two of the direcitions, or
all three
L12[00:02:46] <McJty> Much better (I used 2
L13[00:02:57] ⇨
Joins: Kithio
L14[00:03:22] <McJty> Ah another
L15[00:03:34] <McJty> I have the feeling
that mc now takes the origin of the model elsewhere
L16[00:03:40] <McJty> Because my rock is
actually in the wrong spot
L17[00:03:45] <McJty> One block away from
where it really is
L18[00:03:57] <shadekiller666> uhh
L19[00:03:59] <shadekiller666> kinda
L20[00:04:11] <shadekiller666> theres a
class called TRSRTransformation
L21[00:04:30] <shadekiller666> thats where
the "transform" data is shoved into and stored
L22[00:04:52] <shadekiller666> it has two
modes, one with the "origin" of the block at the corner,
and one with it at the center
L23[00:05:06] <shadekiller666> idk how to
change that, you'll have to talk to fy
L24[00:05:07] <shadekiller666> fry
L25[00:05:13] <McJty> What is the
L26[00:05:32] <shadekiller666> however, you
might want to change the values in the method that randomizes your
XZ axis
L27[00:05:34] <shadekiller666> uhh
L28[00:05:38] <shadekiller666> corner is
L29[00:05:46] <McJty> ok thought so
L30[00:05:51] <McJty> I can also fix the
model for this easily
L31[00:05:58] <McJty> Might be easier in
this case
L32[00:05:59] <shadekiller666> oh
L33[00:06:00] <shadekiller666> also
L34[00:06:26] <shadekiller666> if your .obj
is centered on 0, 0, 0 in your modeling software, that would center
it on the corner in-game
L36[00:06:52] <shadekiller666> so always
center your .obj models on 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 in your modeling
L37[00:07:00] <shadekiller666> so that they
are centered in-game!
L38[00:07:29] <shadekiller666> (that is not
a value that can be changed in-game, which is why you have to do it
in your modeling program :P)
L39[00:07:57] <McJty> I will change it in
blender but can't you set a different translation in the
L40[00:08:12] <shadekiller666> nope,
L41[00:08:20] <shadekiller666> well
L42[00:08:21] <shadekiller666> maybe
L43[00:09:00] ⇨
Joins: techkid6 (techkid6@borealis.voxelstorm.com)
L44[00:09:10] <shadekiller666> try sticking
a "transform": {"translate": {<axis>}} in
the "defaults" block
L45[00:09:20] <shadekiller666> i don't
think you can actually change it though no
L46[00:09:50] <McJty> What is that
translate for then?
L47[00:10:07] <McJty> Hmm
L48[00:10:16] <gigaherz> you can translate
after rotation, you'll just have to translate in "rotated
coordinates" ;P
L49[00:10:17] <McJty> No matter what I do
with my model in blender it keeps having the wrong position in
L50[00:10:36] <gigaherz> blender likes to
"recenter" the model on export, there's no
"export with origin" iirc
L51[00:10:47] <McJty> ugh
L52[00:10:51] <shadekiller666> ...
L53[00:10:52] <McJty> So I cannot fix
L54[00:10:57] <shadekiller666> are you
L55[00:11:05] <gigaherz> I could be wrong,
but I believe so
L56[00:11:13] <McJty> Well it certainly
seems to be like that
L57[00:11:25] <McJty> But nothing changes
no matter how I translate the object in blender
L58[00:11:42] <McJty> That's a big
problem though
L59[00:12:35] <gigaherz> hmmm
L60[00:12:42] <gigaherz> try makingit a
child of a parent object
L61[00:12:50] <gigaherz> and make the
parent object be at 0
L62[00:12:50] <shadekiller666> theres got
to be a way
L63[00:12:57] <gigaherz> then export the
object that way
L64[00:12:58] <shadekiller666> other people
have been able to
L65[00:13:34] <McJty> gigaherz, that's
complicated if I have to do that with all my blend files...
L66[00:13:56] <gigaherz> hmmm
L67[00:13:59] <gigaherz> I'm trying to
L68[00:14:06] <gigaherz> and everything at
googlesays it DOES keep the center
L69[00:14:12] <gigaherz> in fact
L70[00:14:21] <gigaherz> the one page
suggesting giving the object a parent
L71[00:14:25] <gigaherz> was doing the
L72[00:14:41] <gigaherz> it was trying to
export with the pivot set to the center of the object, for easier
handling in game engines
L73[00:15:18] <gigaherz> but I recall
having such an issue in the past :/
L75[00:15:55] <McJty> But in game it seems
to render at x-1,y,z
L76[00:16:06] <shadekiller666> ...
L77[00:16:20] <shadekiller666> move that to
the other side of the green line and re export
L78[00:16:32] <shadekiller666> i have a
sneaking suspicion i know what the problem is
L79[00:16:34] <gigaherz> McJty: hmm keep in
mind mc assumes the contents of the model are between (0,0,0) and
L80[00:16:40] <McJty> Move in edit or
object mode?
L81[00:16:46] <shadekiller666> uhh
L82[00:16:50] <shadekiller666> edit?
L83[00:16:53] <McJty> gigaherz, yes it
L84[00:17:06] <shadekiller666> center it in
the square to the left, however it is you do that
L85[00:17:07] <McJty> Well move the object
or move the vertices (while keeping the object)
L86[00:17:12] *
shadekiller666 uses maya not blender
L87[00:17:17] <shadekiller666> the
L89[00:17:20] *
gigaherz uses rhinoceros
L90[00:17:48] <gigaherz> I only tried
blender once, when checking out b3d
L91[00:18:04] <gigaherz> but back then I
didn't manage to make my item use the b3d so I gave up and
continued using my own obj loader
L92[00:18:05] <gigaherz> XD
L93[00:18:14] <shadekiller666> lol
L94[00:18:26] <McJty> Ah that had an
L95[00:18:30] <McJty> Not the right one but
it did something
L96[00:18:36] <McJty> Let me try to move it
to another spot
L97[00:18:45] <shadekiller666> so i was
L98[00:19:08] ⇦
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(~Kithio@c-f0f970d5.06-330-67626721.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) (Ping
timeout: 192 seconds)
L99[00:19:25] <shadekiller666> a few months
ago i noticed that blender's x or z axis is opposite of
minecraft, or vice versa
L100[00:19:42] <McJty> Ok it is perfect
now. I had to move the object to the bottom-right
L101[00:19:44] <gigaherz> o_O
L102[00:19:49] <McJty> That means positive
x and negative y in blender
L103[00:19:56] <shadekiller666> or some
wonky discrepency
L104[00:19:57] <gigaherz> what o_O
L105[00:20:04] <shadekiller666> wait
L106[00:20:07] <gigaherz> -y?
L107[00:20:10] <shadekiller666>
you're in 2D mode in blender
L108[00:20:17] <McJty> That's top
L109[00:20:21] <shadekiller666> oh
L110[00:20:23] ⇦
Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@x55b13119.dyn.telefonica.de) (Quit: Die
Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen und
das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
L111[00:20:27] <McJty> Ortho top
L112[00:20:29] <shadekiller666> top
L113[00:20:30] <shadekiller666> ?
L114[00:20:36] <shadekiller666> z is
L115[00:20:38] <McJty> yes
L116[00:20:41] <shadekiller666> ...
L117[00:20:44] <shadekiller666> of course
it is
L118[00:20:49] <gigaherz> CAD programs use
z-up often
L119[00:20:57] <gigaherz> it's a
semantic difference
L120[00:20:59] <gigaherz> how do you do
L121[00:21:00] <shadekiller666> minecraft
(and maya) have y up
L122[00:21:02] <gigaherz> you draw on top
of a table
L123[00:21:07] <gigaherz> so the
"flat" is the ground
L124[00:21:10] <gigaherz> so ground is
L125[00:21:13] <gigaherz> and elevatio nis
L126[00:21:19] <gigaherz> how do you work
with cinema/games?
L127[00:21:22] <gigaherz> you have a
L128[00:21:27] <gigaherz> the plane of the
camera is XY
L129[00:21:31] <gigaherz> so Z is
L130[00:21:43] <gigaherz> CAD programs use
Z-up, games use Y-up
L131[00:21:50] <shadekiller666> you can
change that in blender
L132[00:21:55] <gigaherz> and in
L133[00:21:59] <gigaherz> but that's
the "convention"
L134[00:22:02] <gigaherz> ;P
L135[00:22:05] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L136[00:22:28] <gigaherz> IIRC either
3dstudio or maya used Y-up also
L137[00:22:39] <shadekiller666> they both
L138[00:22:39] <gigaherz> (maybe
L139[00:22:51] <shadekiller666>
they're both animation software first
L140[00:22:56] <gigaherz> rhinoceros is
L141[00:23:04] <shadekiller666> AutoCAD is
autodesk's CAD suite
L142[00:23:11] <gigaherz> all the
importers and exporters have their own ZY swapping option
L143[00:23:18] <shadekiller666> though
both 3ds and maya can have any axis up
L144[00:23:25] <gigaherz> maya wasn't
originally autodesk though
L145[00:23:32] <gigaherz> they bought it
after they already had 3d studio ;P
L146[00:23:38] <shadekiller666> correct,
it was Alias/Wavefront
L147[00:23:46] <shadekiller666> the
inventors of OBJs :P
L148[00:23:49] <gigaherz> heh
L149[00:24:05] <gigaherz> was 3d studio
created by autodesk though? I can't remember that
L150[00:24:09] <shadekiller666> yep
L151[00:24:37] <gigaherz> The original 3D
Studio product was created for the DOS platform, by Gary Yost and
the Yost Group, and published by Autodesk.
L152[00:24:43] <shadekiller666> and i can
see them dropping 3ds in the future, they've already merged
other modeling things into maya
L153[00:24:50] <gigaherz> After 3D Studio
DOS Release 4, the product was rewritten for the Windows NT
platform, and renamed "3D Studio MAX".
L154[00:25:05] <gigaherz> I doubt
they'll drop it
L155[00:25:12] <gigaherz> simply because
the workflows are drastically different
L156[00:25:20] <gigaherz> I can manage
myself around 3ds
L157[00:25:20] <shadekiller666> well
L158[00:25:25] <gigaherz> but I have never
been able to handle maya
L159[00:25:26] <gigaherz> XD
L160[00:25:38] <shadekiller666> you can
make maya act like 3ds, and vice versa
L161[00:25:47] <shadekiller666> you just
have to know what you're doing :P
L162[00:25:55] <gigaherz> heh
L163[00:26:02] <gigaherz> also the 3ds
L164[00:26:05] <shadekiller666> i
haven't played with 3ds much, as my school stuff has used
L165[00:26:07] <McJty> I'm a big
blender fan
L166[00:26:11] <gigaherz> has been
practically the same since the original
L167[00:26:11] <gigaherz> XD
L168[00:26:18] <shadekiller666> lol
L169[00:26:24] <shadekiller666>
maya's doesn't change much
L171[00:26:47] <shadekiller666> the one
thing i wish maya had was more window docking flexibility
L173[00:27:09] <McJty> Ok. After all this
work at least my rock works again :-)
L175[00:27:25] <shadekiller666> is
blender's ui based off of 3ds max?
L176[00:27:27] <gigaherz> 1.0 was already
using this UI
L177[00:27:48] <gigaherz> "inspired
by" I suppose
L178[00:27:55] <shadekiller666> ahh
L179[00:27:57] <gigaherz> but it's
Maya-ish in other ways
L180[00:28:00] <shadekiller666> maybe
thats why i hate it
L181[00:28:17] <gigaherz> blender reminds
me of the annoying parts of trying to use maya
L182[00:28:17] <shadekiller666> that and
the fact that everything is named a different thing
L183[00:28:18] <gigaherz> XD
L184[00:28:31] <gigaherz> maybe they got
inspiration from both
L185[00:28:38] <shadekiller666> i'm
sure they did
L186[00:28:41] <gigaherz> and now we both
see in it the parts we don't like of the opposite
L187[00:28:42] <gigaherz> Xd
L188[00:28:47] <shadekiller666> but
they've done none of it well :P
L189[00:29:04] ⇦
Quits: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L190[00:29:08] <gigaherz> meanwhile:
L192[00:29:11] <gigaherz> I do admit
L193[00:29:20] <gigaherz> rhino is NOT a
good program for polygonal modelling
L194[00:29:36] <shadekiller666> is it more
of a curve-based system?
L195[00:29:47] <gigaherz> it's
designed around curved surfaces (NURBS)
L196[00:29:52] <shadekiller666> ahh
L197[00:29:55] <shadekiller666>
L198[00:29:58] <gigaherz> but as a
L199[00:30:08] <gigaherz> I prefer it
because I can easily generate polygons manually
L200[00:30:13] <shadekiller666> i would
assume its original purpose was for like armor right/
L201[00:30:28] <gigaherz> Rhinoceros was
used by Blizzard for a long time
L202[00:30:34] <gigaherz> for their video
trailers and such
L203[00:30:44] <gigaherz> back in the
Warcraft days
L204[00:31:04] <shadekiller666> also, why
are you still on windows 7, you heretic!
L205[00:31:10] <gigaherz> ?
L206[00:31:13] <gigaherz> I'm on
L207[00:31:14] <shadekiller666> nvm
L208[00:31:19] <gigaherz> that's
screenshots off google
L209[00:31:25] <shadekiller666> oh
L210[00:31:37] <shadekiller666> why is
that person still on windows 7?!?!
L211[00:31:49] <shadekiller666> (no need
to explain)
L212[00:31:51] ⇦
Quits: Falk|Away (~Frost@97-121-65-26.omah.qwest.net) (Ping
timeout: 206 seconds)
L213[00:31:55] <gigaherz> because the
screenshot was taken in 2014? ;P
L214[00:32:27] <gigaherz> btw anyone here
used POV-Ray?
L215[00:32:34] <gigaherz> I used to
program 3d scenes in it
L216[00:32:35] <McJty> shadekiller666,
when do you think the support for 'tiling textures' will
be done?
L217[00:32:43] <shadekiller666> no
L218[00:32:50] <shadekiller666> probably
within a month
L219[00:32:53] <McJty> gigaherz, I have
used it a long time ago
L220[00:32:56] <McJty> shadekiller666, hmm
L221[00:32:59] <shadekiller666> assuming i
figure out a nice way to do it
L222[00:33:17] <McJty> It was so easy in
1.7.10 :-)
L223[00:33:22] <gigaherz> shadekiller666:
no way to just allow raw UVs for models loaded for TESR use instead
of items/blocks?
L224[00:33:25] <shadekiller666> as
gigaherz was mentioning earlier, TextureAtlasSprite was not made
for that kind of texture application
L225[00:33:25] <McJty> Just bindTexture
and then render model
L226[00:33:51] <shadekiller666> well
L227[00:34:25] <gigaherz> in mine I
L228[00:34:27] <McJty> btw, can you do uv
animation easily in 1.8.8?
L229[00:34:28] <shadekiller666> i suppose
i could have a "none" in the "custom"
L230[00:34:37] <shadekiller666> uv
animation in 1.8.8?
L231[00:34:38] <shadekiller666> uhh
L232[00:34:41] <shadekiller666> no
L234[00:34:48] <gigaherz> this
L235[00:34:48] <McJty> I need that too for
some of my models
L236[00:35:25] <gigaherz> it wouldn't
work currently
L237[00:35:28] <McJty> Although never for
an OBJ file. I do uv animation manually with opengl
L238[00:35:32] <shadekiller666> basically,
the way that the rendering stuff works now is that IModels bake
into IBakedModels, those IBakedModels have all of the vertex
information and the texture and such needed to render
L239[00:35:34] <gigaherz> because I
don't handle the case where a model has no texture
L240[00:35:41] <gigaherz> but it should be
possible though
L241[00:36:10] <shadekiller666> the game
then calls a single method, and that method takes all of the
model's information and organizes it into a massive ByteBuffer
array thing
L242[00:36:14] <gigaherz> maybe something
like a special code in map_Kd?
L243[00:36:20] <shadekiller666> and spits
that out to minecraft
L244[00:36:29] <shadekiller666> which
shoves it into opengl
L245[00:36:29] <gigaherz> which tells the
obj loader "don't use a texture, it will be bound
L246[00:36:53] <gigaherz> yes but
there's no texture info there
L247[00:36:57] <shadekiller666> when no
map_Kx is defined
L248[00:37:00] <gigaherz> you can still
bindTexture beforehand
L249[00:37:00] <McJty> I do wish there was
still a way to just basically load and render an OBJ and use that
directly from code in a TESR
L250[00:37:07] <shadekiller666> or, when
no mtllib exists
L251[00:37:16] <shadekiller666> a white
texture is automatically applied
L252[00:37:49] <gigaherz> McJty: you oculd
always use my obj loader
L253[00:37:49] <gigaherz> XD
L254[00:37:52] <gigaherz> although
L255[00:37:56] <gigaherz> mine won't
work well for blocks
L256[00:38:01] <shadekiller666> there is a
special name for this "default" texture,
OBJModel.Default.Texture.Name or something like that
L257[00:38:02] <gigaherz> it doesn't
support "transform" and such
L258[00:38:03] <gigaherz> ;P
L259[00:38:23] <gigaherz> if mine
can't find a texture
L260[00:38:27] <gigaherz> it doesn't
try to use any at all
L261[00:38:32] <McJty> I like the new
abstraction layer for models in 1.8.8 but sometimes things are just
easier to just code in java with OpenGL :-)
L262[00:38:37] <gigaherz> just uses raw
texcoords, which will show the whole atlas :D
L263[00:39:15] <shadekiller666> giga,
thats the thing, there has to be SOME TextureAtlasSprite when
organizing the data
L264[00:39:21] <gigaherz> (due to a bug,
because I forgot to query the "purple pattern"
L265[00:39:27] <gigaherz> shadekiller666:
not really
L266[00:39:35] <gigaherz> the TAS is a
L267[00:39:42] <gigaherz> that helps you
"fix" the UV coords
L268[00:39:46] <gigaherz> for use in the
L269[00:39:47] <shadekiller666> true
L270[00:39:49] <gigaherz> if you
don't have an atlas
L271[00:39:55] <gigaherz> you can leave
the RAW UV values
L272[00:39:55] <shadekiller666> its an
L273[00:40:08] <gigaherz> which can
support wrapping and anything else
L274[00:40:15] <gigaherz> since they
aren't bound by the limits of the atlas
L275[00:40:18] <gigaherz> all it
L276[00:40:24] <gigaherz> is allowing the
tas to be null
L277[00:40:30] <gigaherz> and leavingthe
raw UV values in that case
L278[00:40:41] <shadekiller666> i wonder
if the entries inside of a TAS can be moved around like indices in
an array or table...
L279[00:40:55] ***
mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L280[00:41:00] <gigaherz> entries?
L281[00:41:10] <McJty> I'm probably
going to port over the old OBJ loader from 1.7.10 to solve these
cases that I can't currently solve otherwise.
L282[00:41:11] <shadekiller666> the
individual textures
L283[00:41:14] <McJty> Just temporarily
L284[00:41:17] <gigaherz> the atlas is
built once
L285[00:41:19] <McJty> Until a proper
solution can be implemented
L286[00:41:20] <shadekiller666> no no
L287[00:41:23] <shadekiller666> NO
L288[00:41:31] <gigaherz> McJty: ugh
L289[00:41:32] <shadekiller666> 1.7.10
loader is NOT your friend
L290[00:41:34] <gigaherz> at least use
mine instead
L291[00:41:35] <gigaherz> XD
L292[00:41:42] <shadekiller666> and you
have no idea how much more work that would be
L293[00:41:43] <McJty> Just
L294[00:41:44] <shadekiller666> NO
L295[00:41:46] <gigaherz> mine will work
fine for a TESR
L296[00:41:48] <gigaherz> XD
L297[00:42:12] <gigaherz> mine's
already written for 1.8(.8)
L298[00:42:18] <shadekiller666> if
you're going to use a different obj for the time being, use
L299[00:42:22] <McJty> ok
L300[00:42:26] <McJty> Where can I find
L301[00:42:28] <shadekiller666> its what
mine was originally based on
L303[00:42:37] <gigaherz> this
L304[00:42:42] <shadekiller666> though,
now they are almost completely different
L305[00:42:58] ⇦
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L306[00:43:02] <gigaherz> feel free to
rename and butcher ;P
L307[00:43:03] <McJty> gigaherz, and I can
just load a model with that and render it from within a TESR?
L308[00:43:10] <shadekiller666> ...
L309[00:43:16] <gigaherz> I don't see
any reason why you wouldn't be able to XD
L310[00:43:25] <gigaherz> ituses the
ICustomModelLoader interface
L311[00:43:26] <shadekiller666> i could
have swarn theres a way to do that with mine
L312[00:43:40] <McJty> shadekiller666,
well if that's possible then that's perfect too
L313[00:43:45] <McJty> But I wasn't
able to find that
L314[00:43:52] <gigaherz> hmm
L315[00:43:52] <shadekiller666> you
L316[00:43:55] <McJty> And it needs to be
able to just use the texture bound with GL
L317[00:43:56] <gigaherz> how do you DRAW
an IBakedModel?
L318[00:44:00] <McJty> And not try to set
it on its own
L319[00:44:21] <shadekiller666> giga, you
have to know how the data is packed into the ByteBuffer
L320[00:44:30] <shadekiller666> which is
what the VertexFormat is for
L321[00:44:37] <gigaherz> yeah
L322[00:44:40] <gigaherz> that's
available ;P
L323[00:44:43] ⇦
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L324[00:44:51] <shadekiller666> its
organized in a per-vertex fashion
L325[00:44:54] <gigaherz> I meant if
there's some "drawBakedModel(mode here)"
L326[00:44:57] <gigaherz> I assume
L327[00:45:04] <gigaherz> model*
L328[00:45:18] <shadekiller666> so
"vertex coord, color, normal, uvs, vertex coord, color,
normal, uvs, ..."
L329[00:45:21] <shadekiller666> or
something like that
L330[00:46:08] <shadekiller666> you know,
you can obtain an OBJModel by just shoving the resourcelocation
that points to the .obj into OBJLoader.loadModel()
L331[00:46:17] <shadekiller666> though you
would then have to bake the stupid thing...
L332[00:46:57] <shadekiller666>
L333[00:47:25] <shadekiller666>
renderModelAmbientOcclusion, renderModelBrightnessColor
L334[00:47:36] <shadekiller666> there are
multiple methods to render a baked model
L335[00:47:42] <gigaherz> aha
L336[00:48:05] <shadekiller666> theres
also RenderItem.renderModel(IBakedModel, int, ItemStack)
L337[00:48:07] <McJty> Is there an easy
way to have a different model based on some value in a TE or do I
need an actual TESR for that?
L338[00:48:29] <McJty> So not based on
blockstate but based on TE value
L339[00:48:48] <shadekiller666> theres
also ForgeBlockModelRenderer.render()
L340[00:48:49] <gigaherz> McJty: I'm
doing a simple demo
L341[00:48:52] <gigaherz> of how to use
L342[00:49:01] <shadekiller666> uhh
L343[00:49:04] <gigaherz> McJty: yes you
can use getActualState for that
L344[00:49:07] <shadekiller666> there
L345[00:49:18] <gigaherz> to change
IBlockState based on TE
L346[00:49:29] <McJty> No no
L347[00:49:33] <shadekiller666> you would
override getActualState() in your block class, then call out to the
tile entity for the information
L348[00:49:34] <McJty> The blockstate does
not depend on TE
L349[00:49:39] <McJty> The blockstate of
the block is already used for other things
L350[00:49:41] <shadekiller666> then
select the model accordingly
L351[00:49:47] <McJty> The four bits are
used up
L352[00:49:51] <gigaherz> McJty:
getActualState doens't require meta
L353[00:49:55] <gigaherz> you can have
extra states
L354[00:49:55] <McJty> ah
L355[00:49:58] <gigaherz> that are only
used for rendering
L356[00:49:59] <McJty> That I didn't
L357[00:50:03] <gigaherz> getActualState
is onlycalled on the client
L358[00:50:10] <gigaherz> you can use it
for things like deciding the fence "connection"
L359[00:50:11] <shadekiller666>
getActualState doesn't actually store anything
L360[00:50:13] <gigaherz>
L361[00:50:15] <McJty> Ok that seems
perfect for this then
L362[00:50:35] <gigaherz> or as you want,
using TileEntity
L363[00:50:49] <gigaherz> basically,
getActualState is called on rendering, AFTER the chunk is already
in place and the TE has been loaded
L364[00:50:59] <gigaherz> it's called
any time the chunk needs to re-render
L365[00:51:01] <McJty> Ok perfect!
L366[00:51:03] <shadekiller666> and its
not stored
L367[00:51:17] <gigaherz> yeah
L368[00:51:23] <shadekiller666> so its
just a render tick call for a last chance update of the model
L369[00:51:25] <gigaherz> only for the
current rendering pass
L370[00:51:38] <gigaherz> it's
L371[00:51:42] <gigaherz> the replacement
L372[00:51:42] <shadekiller666> works for
all models in the game
L373[00:51:49] <gigaherz> anything
"special" you did in a ISBRH
L374[00:52:04] <gigaherz> you can do in
getActualState if it can be done with just changing
L375[00:52:17] <gigaherz> or using
getExtendedState + IUnlistedProperty + custom state mapper
L376[00:52:20] <gigaherz> if you need
anything fancy
L377[00:52:25] <shadekiller666> lol
L378[00:52:31] <shadekiller666> thats one
step more complicated though
L379[00:52:34] <gigaherz> yeah
L380[00:52:41] <shadekiller666> especially
with IUnlistedProperties
L381[00:52:56] <gigaherz> if all you need
is decide blockstate "details" based on TE -->
L382[00:52:57] <shadekiller666> if not
handled properly, they break block placement
L383[00:53:03] <gigaherz> if you need to
modify or composite models
L384[00:53:04] <gigaherz> based on the
L385[00:53:08] <McJty> It is for a bunch
of sticks on the ground. The TE has a number (from 0 to 64) for the
number of sticks. And there are four models based on this number.
Also the sticks can be burning.
L386[00:53:09] <gigaherz> then you need
L387[00:53:18] <McJty> I'm probably
going to need a TESR for the fire rendering though. Not sure
L388[00:53:26] <gigaherz> and if you need
to dynamically modify rendering properties, then and only then, you
want an unlisted
L389[00:53:49] <gigaherz> fire?
L390[00:53:55] <gigaherz> is it just an
L391[00:53:55] <shadekiller666> there are
things you can change in obj models that doesn't require
L392[00:53:57] <gigaherz> like the
L393[00:54:03] <McJty> No it is rendered
like the vanilla fire block
L394[00:54:14] <gigaherz> fire block is
just animated texture
L395[00:54:22] <McJty> Well more the
L396[00:54:23] <gigaherz> same exact TAS
as the overlay you get when burning
L397[00:54:29] <McJty> It is a number of
animated textures
L398[00:54:35] <McJty> So it looks ok from
all directions
L399[00:54:40] <McJty> At least it was in
L400[00:54:45] <gigaherz> tyhy use thesame
source though, just different planes?
L401[00:54:52] <McJty> yes
L402[00:54:57] <shadekiller666> fire has 8
overlapping planes
L403[00:55:09] <gigaherz> so yeah
L404[00:55:13] <shadekiller666> all
rendering the same texture
L405[00:55:17] <shadekiller666> at the
same time
L406[00:55:17] <gigaherz> you can even use
the same TAS as the fire
L407[00:55:17] <gigaherz> ;P
L408[00:55:23] <gigaherz> you don't
need to worry about animating
L409[00:55:27] <gigaherz> just have a few
L410[00:55:30] <McJty> TAS?
L411[00:55:30] <gigaherz> using the fire
L412[00:55:34] <gigaherz>
L413[00:55:38] <shadekiller666>
L414[00:55:40] <McJty> ok
L415[00:55:49] <shadekiller666> its the
"replacement" for IIcons
L416[00:55:58] <gigaherz> just... refer to
the minecraft:fire in those polygons
L417[00:55:58] <gigaherz> ;P
L418[00:56:02] <shadekiller666> though
IIcons are actually still a thing in 1.8, but they're
L419[00:56:13] <gigaherz>
TextureAtlasSprite implements IIcon
L420[00:56:14] <gigaherz> XD
L421[00:56:26] <shadekiller666> lol
L422[00:56:27] <gigaherz> or at least it
did in 1.7
L423[00:56:28] <shadekiller666>
L424[00:57:51] <shadekiller666> giga, you
said the atlas is stitched once
L425[00:58:03] <shadekiller666> any reason
it couldn't be stitched twice :P
L426[00:58:03] <gigaherz>
L428[00:58:15] <gigaherz> this is all you
need to "load" one of my models if you don't need
L429[00:58:15] <gigaherz> XD
L430[00:58:40] <shadekiller666> lol
L431[00:58:59] <shadekiller666>
you're never going to just use mine are you?
L432[00:59:03] <gigaherz> eventually
L433[00:59:15] <gigaherz> but the way you
use item models with mine
L434[00:59:18] <gigaherz> is just so much
less messy
L435[00:59:19] <gigaherz> ;P
L437[00:59:33] <shadekiller666> i
can't do anything about item models
L438[00:59:43] <gigaherz> no need to use
random files, you just call that function
L439[00:59:56] <shadekiller666> ya
L440[00:59:57] <gigaherz> which forces my
loader to append ".obj" to any resourcelocation which is
contained in that list
L441[01:00:06] <gigaherz> ;P
L442[01:00:07] <shadekiller666> mine was
built to fit into forge and vanilla's system
L443[01:00:19] <gigaherz> so is mine,
it's hackier than yours in some ways
L444[01:00:36] <gigaherz> and it's
ONLY designed for items
L445[01:00:45] <gigaherz> but what it
does, it does more seamlessly
L446[01:00:58] <gigaherz> I even support
loading the json alongside the model
L447[01:01:03] <gigaherz> so I can load
transforms and textures from it
L448[01:01:06] <gigaherz> instead ofusing
a blockstates file ;P
L449[01:01:23] <shadekiller666> ya
L450[01:01:34] <shadekiller666> like i
said, mine is built to fit into the system
L451[01:01:36] <gigaherz> I'm not
saying it's better, though
L452[01:01:41] <shadekiller666> and work
like other systems :P
L453[01:01:53] <gigaherz> yeah you fit it
into the mold that was theb3d one ;P
L454[01:02:04] <gigaherz> I made the
system fit mine ,P
L455[01:02:35] <shadekiller666> i've
tried my best to make interaction with the OBJ loader as easy as i
can given the nuances
L456[01:02:45] <gigaherz> yeah and oyu
managed a lot
L457[01:02:50] <gigaherz> in fact
L458[01:02:55] <gigaherz> if I was
creating a whole new project
L459[01:03:00] <gigaherz> and I had to
L460[01:03:10] <gigaherz> I'd
probably choose yours
L461[01:03:26] <shadekiller666> hell, if
you want to be super sneeky, you could extend mine with yours, and
have all this nice front-end stuff yourself, whilst using mine
L462[01:03:35] <gigaherz> yep
L463[01:03:44] <gigaherz> in fact
that's an itneresting idea
L464[01:03:44] <gigaherz> XD
L465[01:03:54] <gigaherz> I could just
override accept() and loadModel
L466[01:04:00] <gigaherz> to do the sneaky
L467[01:04:06] <shadekiller666> well
L468[01:04:13] <gigaherz> when a
resourcelocation is added into the override list
L469[01:04:19] <shadekiller666> i do a
sneeaky append with .mtl kinda
L470[01:04:35] <shadekiller666> thats how
i find the mtl from inside the obj if the path isn't
L471[01:04:56] <gigaherz> same
L472[01:05:01] <gigaherz> I get the
resource path
L473[01:05:06] <gigaherz> cut it off at
the last /
L474[01:05:13] <gigaherz> and then add the
mtl string after that
L475[01:05:16] <shadekiller666> i've
been having trouble with the interfacing part of this
L476[01:05:17] <gigaherz> and rebuild the
L477[01:05:33] <gigaherz> anyhow it's
L478[01:05:36] <gigaherz> I REALLY need to
L479[01:05:37] <gigaherz> xD
L480[01:05:49] <shadekiller666> you know,
one neat, coherent way of modifying the different things in an
OBJModel from within a block or TE class
L481[01:06:21] <shadekiller666> maybe we
can talk about that more later
L482[01:06:21] <gigaherz> you
shouldn't be touching rendering stuffs from the Block/TE
L483[01:06:26] <gigaherz> since a model
can be shared
L484[01:06:43] <shadekiller666> how else
would you change group visibilities
L485[01:06:43] <gigaherz> that's the
whole point of the model state that can be passed to the renderer
from the state mapped
L486[01:06:48] <shadekiller666> or the
colors of materials
L487[01:06:51] <gigaherz> state
L488[01:07:12] <gigaherz> getExtendedState
with the state data in it ;P
L489[01:07:14] <shadekiller666> well
L490[01:07:25] <gigaherz> although I
suppose you could wrap it
L491[01:07:25] <shadekiller666> the group
visibilities are an IUnlistedProperty
L492[01:07:37] <gigaherz> make a default
L493[01:07:51] <gigaherz> that calls
L494[01:07:56] <gigaherz> or something
L495[01:08:05] <gigaherz> and then sends
this data over to the model system
L496[01:08:08] <gigaherz> anyhow
L497[01:08:09] <gigaherz> gotta go
L498[01:08:10] <gigaherz> night
L499[01:08:18] <shadekiller666> the
problem with that though, is that the data for things like material
colors aren't easilly accessed from inside of an OBJState
relative to their storage location in the model
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L501[01:09:04] <McJty> Hmm one thing
L502[01:09:18] <shadekiller666> thanks for
the compliments for my loader gigaherz :P
L503[01:09:39] <McJty> My
'sticks' will have four states from meta (horizontal
orientation). Four states from tileentity (model depending on
number of sticks) and two states for burning or not
L504[01:09:53] <McJty> That is 32
different combinations. Do I have to enumerate all these in my
L505[01:09:59] <shadekiller666> ...
L506[01:10:05] <shadekiller666> well for
one thing you can't
L507[01:10:20] <shadekiller666> that 4 bit
limit on metadata from 1.7.10 still exists
L508[01:10:26] <McJty> no no
L509[01:10:31] <shadekiller666>
blockstates are saved via metadata
L510[01:10:33] <McJty> I mean the states
from the TE are in actual state
L511[01:10:38] <shadekiller666> oh
L512[01:10:38] <McJty>
L513[01:10:39] <shadekiller666> no
L514[01:10:46] <shadekiller666> you
L515[01:10:52] <McJty> I thought you said
that was what it is was for?
L516[01:11:09] <shadekiller666> uhh
L517[01:11:34] <shadekiller666> thats a
complicated quesiont
L518[01:11:37] <shadekiller666>
L519[01:11:43] <shadekiller666> i grammar
L520[01:11:46] ⇦
Quits: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk) (Ping timeout:
186 seconds)
L521[01:12:34] <shadekiller666> and i
don't know
L522[01:12:57] <McJty> Well the earlier
discussion on this seemed to imply that this was the solution
L523[01:13:05] <shadekiller666> it
L524[01:13:24] <shadekiller666> i'm
not sure if you have to define all of the variants in the json
L525[01:13:30] <shadekiller666> i'll
take a look tomorrow
L526[01:13:34] <McJty> ok thanks
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L528[01:16:22] <McJty> Actually the states
for fire are for a seperate model
L529[01:16:28] <McJty> As that is rendered
on top of the sticks
L530[01:16:36] <McJty> So I need to solve
that too :-)
L531[01:18:24] <shadekiller666> that i
think might need a TESR, not sure
L532[01:18:34] <shadekiller666> look at
the stuff in BlockModelRenderer
L533[01:18:52] <Wuppy> mornin
L534[01:21:42] <McJty> shadekiller666, it
would be really nice if you could do multiple models like that too
via the json
L535[01:21:52] <McJty> shadekiller666,
that would make it a really powerful system
L536[01:22:49] <McJty> A full generalized
way to convert states (actual or from meta) to any number of
independently transformed models
L537[01:23:16] <shadekiller666> well
L538[01:23:22] <shadekiller666> there are
L539[01:24:13] <asie> McJty: check out the
forge json format
L540[01:24:26] <shadekiller666> so you
could actually have a PropertyBool and in the json point it to
L541[01:24:53] <McJty> aha
L542[01:25:03] <McJty> asie, where is that
L544[01:25:25] <shadekiller666> mcjty,
you're using forge blockstates already
L545[01:25:33] <asie> examples are in
charsetpipes, too
L546[01:25:43] <asie> (charsetwires uses a
complex ISBM)
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L548[01:26:18] <McJty> Ok, I'll see
if I can get my sticks to burn using that
L549[01:27:03] <shadekiller666> anyway,
i'm gonna go to bed
L550[01:27:15] <shadekiller666> hopefully
fight off this head-cold soon
L551[01:27:19] <shadekiller666>
L552[01:27:46] <McJty> Sleep well and
L553[01:27:52] <shadekiller666> np
L554[01:28:05] <McJty> I'm learning a
lot here :-)
L555[01:28:35] <shadekiller666> thats the
L556[01:29:09] ⇦
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(Quit: Beds explode goodnight)
L562[01:50:24] <McJty> Not me. I'm on
L563[01:53:54] ⇦
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L564[01:55:44] <Wuppy> others already
tested it, works perfectly \o/
L565[01:57:01] <Wuppy> all systems work so
it's time for gameplay :P
L566[01:59:33] <McJty> Does
state.withProperty actually modify the state or does it return a
new one?
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L568[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Pushing snapshot_20151213 mappings to Forge Maven.
L569[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20151213-1.8.8.zip
(mappings = "snapshot_20151213" in build.gradle).
L570[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live
(every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed)
MCPBot mapping exports can be found here:
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Quits: fuj1n (~fuj1n@ (Quit: Sleep)
L577[02:28:50] <karlthepagan> I should
make FML integration tests :P
L578[02:29:24] <karlthepagan> some things
created for modder convenience make unit testing less
L579[02:30:50] ⇦
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L587[02:51:42] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Welp, I just
lost all my faith in humanity... there's a duck dynasty game
for X360...
⇨ Joins: Szernex
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L591[02:59:59] <karlthepagan> Unh0ly_Tigg,
that fine line between the games industry and the gaming
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L593[03:03:35] <McJty> In a blockstate
json, how can you specify a model for a combination of two
different properties?
L594[03:04:16] <asie> Ask fry when he
wakes up - I am pretty sure there is a way but I don't
remember it now
L595[03:06:05] <McJty> I wonder if you can
just nest variant statements
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L598[03:09:04] <McJty> Yes I was looking
at that but can't find any information there
L599[03:09:09] <McJty> About this I
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L602[03:09:47] <masa> isn't the
sub-model section it? the mossy and the pillarcount are different
L603[03:10:26] <masa> and vanilla has them
too, but there they are defined in a really stupid manner in
L604[03:10:50] <masa> multiple properties
defining the variant that is
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186 seconds)
L607[03:13:18] <LexDesktop> no you
L608[03:13:31] <LexDesktop> but you can
always fully qualify the variants
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L640[04:26:24] <sham1> \o/
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L659[04:29:05] <Nitrodev> \o/
L660[04:29:23] <heldplayer> \o/
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L662[04:31:04] <sham1> 3TB HDD
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L664[04:31:22] <sham1> Finally my games
can have a place they can call home
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L667[04:31:30] <Nitrodev> nice
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L670[04:32:02] <Nitrodev> i have 1TB
L671[04:32:10] <sham1> T'was only
L672[04:32:13] <Nitrodev> and i
haven't even used 1/4th of it
L673[04:32:14] <sham1> So I am happy
L674[04:32:31] ⇦
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190 seconds)
L675[04:33:02] <sham1> Only thing about it
was that my familly and I had to drive into Helsinki at evening and
get back home at 3 in the morning
L676[04:33:07] <Wuppy> hai sham1
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L679[04:33:39] <Nitrodev> helsinki?
L680[04:33:48] <Nitrodev> why would you
need to drive there
L681[04:34:00] <sham1> Verkkokauppa
L682[04:34:07] <Nitrodev> ah
L683[04:34:08] <sham1> Was only thing
L684[04:34:40] <Nitrodev> glad i
don't need to get all the way over there
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timeout: 186 seconds)
L688[04:35:00] <Nitrodev> there is a
verkkokauppa like 3 km from where we live
L689[04:35:07] <sham1> Tampere?
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L691[04:35:38] <Nitrodev> Oulu
L692[04:35:46] <sham1> Ah
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L712[04:52:28] <Wuppy> my ears are
starting hurt from hearing my headset :o
L713[04:52:43] <Wuppy> not that strange
though, 20 hours of dev yesterday :P
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L722[05:08:52] ***
fry|sleep is now known as fry
L723[05:09:53] <fry> McJty: porting the
1.7 loader is literally the worst idea you could have; you can
render new models in TESR; and describe "animated
L724[05:23:15] <Rockers> I haven't
done as much as wuppy but I'm nearly finished.
L725[05:23:43] <Wuppy> going from scratch
is so much more work :<
L726[05:23:59] <Rockers> True
L727[05:24:17] <Rockers> I'm also
*probably* alot younger, got school, etc.
L728[05:24:59] <Wuppy> how old are you
L729[05:25:15] <Rockers> heh heh
L730[05:25:24] <Wuppy> I'm only 19
L731[05:25:26] <Rockers> 14.....
L732[05:25:38] <Rockers> Oh
L733[05:25:45] <Wuppy> so also school and
L734[05:25:53] <Rockers> Alright
L735[05:25:58] <Wuppy> but I'm in a
game dev education so this counts as school work :P
L736[05:26:10] <Rockers> Really?
L737[05:26:14] <Wuppy> yip
L738[05:26:21] <Rockers> :|
L739[05:26:25] <Rockers> Ok then
L740[05:27:00] <Rockers> So, what
advancements have you made on your game so far?
L741[05:27:14] <Wuppy> FFS
L742[05:27:15] <Wuppy> dammit
L743[05:27:17] <Wuppy> I hate myself
L744[05:27:31] <Rockers> how?
L745[05:27:42] <Wuppy> was wondering why I
could only jump once even though all variables were set
L746[05:28:21] <Wuppy> except for the fact
that it can only jump if it has a "jump coin" and you
only have 1 at the start :|
L747[05:28:55] <Rockers> I've messed
up like that before.
L748[05:29:21] <Rockers> Having a
"game mechanic" and forgetting about it and then
wondering wtf is going on.
L749[05:29:55] <Wuppy> haha
L750[05:30:14] <Wuppy> ugh I've
already listened to an entire christmas hits list and the hardstyle
top 40
L751[05:30:24] <Wuppy> onto the wrong
music (think happy hardcore, venga boys etc.)
L752[05:30:30] <Rockers> D:
L753[05:30:48] <Rockers> I listen to Grime
or Alternative.
L754[05:32:03] <Wuppy> I listen to almost
L755[05:32:05] <Wuppy> but moslty
hardstyle :D
L756[05:32:13] <Rockers> I don't
think about sticking on Christmas until at least the 20th.
L757[05:32:27] <Rockers> Isn't
hardstyle very... "bouncy"?
L758[05:32:49] <Wuppy> that's one way
to describe it
L759[05:33:00] <Wuppy> think harcore but
slower and with more vocals & melody
L760[05:33:51] ⇦
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and Out!)
L761[05:35:02] <Rockers> I just stuck on
hardstyle and I think this would drive me nuts if it was on for
more that 2 hours... But then again, I guess people have different
L762[05:35:10] <Rockers> I hate dubstep
L763[05:35:33] <Wuppy> so do I
L765[05:36:06] <Rockers> That's not
that bad.
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L768[05:39:16] <Rockers> I would probably
actually listen to those ones, because they aren't annoying.
Even then, the second one doesn't suit my tastes as much as
the first one does. Which is weird considering I like hard-rock and
rap. :| I don't really know.
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L770[05:41:12] <Wuppy> the second one is
so good <3
L771[05:44:42] <Rockers> I just checked,
my PC has been on for 20 hours because I don't switch it off
when I go to sleep. At least when I'm game jamming.
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L777[06:00:24] <McJty> fry, it was not for
that reason. Apparently the new obj model loader in 1.8.8
doesn't support tiled textures yet
L778[06:00:34] <McJty> fry, i.e. uv
coordinates that go beyond 0,1
L779[06:00:51] <McJty> fry, so it was a
temporary solution to have my models who need that work
L780[06:01:37] <fry> tiled textures +
texture sheet won't work together for obvious reasons
L781[06:01:51] <McJty> yes I know
L782[06:01:58] <McJty> That's why
these models should not use the texture sheet
L783[06:01:58] <fry> there are number of
ways to fix that though
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L785[06:02:06] <fry> show the model
L786[06:02:09] <fry> *shot
L787[06:04:03] <McJty> Hmm I can't
show in game as they don't render :-)
L789[06:04:17] <fry> or is this a new
L790[06:04:53] <McJty> I don't have a
1.7 version anymore
L791[06:04:59] <McJty> I can show it in
blender though
L792[06:05:05] <fry> that works
L793[06:05:17] <fry> show the texture view
L795[06:05:39] <McJty> On the right you
can see the texture mapping
L796[06:06:10] <fry> so, you need at most
2x tiling
L797[06:06:21] <McJty> This is just an
example though
L798[06:06:28] <fry> you can easily make
it work by splitting up the faces
L799[06:06:36] <fry> so that wrapping
occurs on the boundary
L800[06:06:43] <McJty> That's
annoying. I very much prefer a solution where I don't have to
use an atlas
L801[06:06:56] <fry> you'll have to
use the TESR though
L802[06:06:58] <fry> which is slow
L803[06:07:07] <McJty> TESR is fine
L804[06:07:16] <fry> and this looks like a
static model
L805[06:07:33] <McJty> Well I need a TESR
in any case for other parts connected to it but this part is static
L806[06:08:03] <McJty> Also I cannot
easily use a 2x2 texture in this case as I'm actually using
the vanilla oak texture here
L807[06:08:21] <McJty> And I want to use
that so that the texture is automatically changed if the resource
pack maker improves that
L808[06:08:31] <McJty> So this block
always looks exactly like the oak planks
L809[06:08:35] <fry> using 2x2 texture is
only 1 possible solution
L810[06:08:48] <fry> another is, as I
said, splitting up the model
L811[06:09:20] <McJty> yes sure that would
work in this case
L812[06:09:31] <fry> in what case
won't it work?
L813[06:09:58] <McJty> Well I am planning
to also use this tiling texture where the tiling will be a lot
more. Splitting the model in that case would make it have a big
amount of quads/triangles
L814[06:10:01] <fry> at some point obj
loader might have an option to do that automatically for you
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L816[06:10:20] <fry> how big?
L817[06:10:33] <McJty> Not decided yet. I
haven't started working on that yet :-)
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L819[06:10:43] <fry> estimate
L820[06:10:43] <McJty> And to be honest,
splitting might be a solution there
L821[06:11:11] <fry> also, be aware that
smooth lighting won't work for anything >~3 blocks in
L822[06:11:14] <McJty> Splitting in
blender is annoying though as I'm still working a lot on these
L823[06:11:32] <McJty> They are not
finished and I might want to retexture and such
L825[06:11:37] <McJty> If the model is
split then that's a lot harder
L826[06:11:44] <McJty> As I need to rejoin
and stuff like that
L827[06:11:52] <fry> save 2 copies
L828[06:11:57] <fry> one split, one
L829[06:12:04] <McJty> Yes yes. They are
always solutions :-)
L830[06:12:29] <fry> all these solutions
are easier, and will produce better code/performance than porting
1.7 loader
L831[06:12:37] <fry> that's just
L832[06:12:40] <McJty> Well that's
not the final solution I hope
L833[06:12:53] <McJty> The final solution
would be to have support for non-atlased textures for this
L834[06:13:04] <McJty> Only for TESR mind
L835[06:13:16] <fry> I might one day go
crazy and write a shader that would do correct atlas sampling with
L836[06:13:32] <McJty> Anyway I have
another blockstate related question for you
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L838[06:13:39] <McJty> How can I define
models based on a combination of states?
L839[06:13:45] <McJty> A combination of
properties I mean
L840[06:13:50] <fry> use the full property
L841[06:14:02] <fry>
L842[06:14:14] <McJty> Well I now have:
"facing": {
L843[06:14:14] <McJty> "north":
{"model": "gaia:sticks.obj"},
L844[06:14:15] <McJty> ... }
L845[06:14:31] <McJty> Would then then
become: "facing=north,amount=all": {...}?
L846[06:14:48] <fry> if you have
"amount" property, then yes
L847[06:15:06] <fry> what properties do
you have?
L848[06:15:13] <Rockers> Anyone here ever
used Adobe Audition?
L849[06:15:26] <McJty> Well there are
three: facing (N, S, W, E), amount (single, double, tripple, all),
and burning (yes/no)
L850[06:15:33] <McJty> For burning I will
use a submodel that adds fire model
L851[06:15:42] <McJty> But the two other
properties result in a single model
L852[06:17:13] <fry> and facing definitely
can't be done with a transformation? you need 4 separate
L853[06:17:24] <fry> (or the same
L854[06:17:26] <fry> *for
L855[06:17:36] <McJty> well I have only
one model
L856[06:17:41] <McJty> But here is what I
had now:
L857[06:17:44] <McJty> "facing":
L858[06:17:44] <McJty> "north":
{"model": "gaia:sticks.obj"},
L859[06:17:44] <McJty> "south":
{"model": "gaia:sticks.obj", "y":
L860[06:17:44] <McJty> "west":
{"model": "gaia:sticks.obj", "y":
L861[06:17:44] <McJty> "east":
{"model": "gaia:sticks.obj", "y":
L863[06:17:52] <fry> pastebin! :P
L864[06:17:52] <McJty> Can I do that
L865[06:17:55] <McJty> oops sorry
L866[06:18:14] <fry> you can have
rotations in 1 property, and model in another, and they should
combine correctly
L867[06:18:28] <McJty> aha
L868[06:18:30] <McJty> Let me try
L869[06:18:41] <fry> so, you'd only
have the "south": { "y": 180}, ... in the
L870[06:18:56] <McJty> yes I get it. That
would be a nice solution
L871[06:26:57] ⇦
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L874[06:31:13] <McJty> fry, it mostly
works but when exactly is getActualState() called?
L875[06:31:24] <McJty> Because the
'amount' and 'burning' properties are
calculated there
L876[06:31:31] <McJty> They are not part
of the metadata but contained in the TE
L877[06:31:44] <fry> you can get the TE in
L878[06:31:49] <McJty> yes I do th
L879[06:31:50] <McJty> that
L880[06:31:58] <fry> make sure you fire a
block update when you update the data :P
L881[06:32:02] <McJty> But the problem is
that the block only updates render side if I place a block adjacent
to it
L882[06:32:14] <McJty> Yes I do that too.
I think
L883[06:32:27] <McJty> markDirty();
L884[06:32:27] <McJty>
L885[06:34:00] <fry>
world.markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate(pos, pos), on the client
L886[06:34:03] <fry> that's what I
L887[06:34:13] <McJty> On the client? But
how does the client know that it has to do that?
L888[06:34:27] <McJty> The number is
changed on the server
L889[06:34:35] <fry> not sure if calling
that on the server world will send the data, let's see
L890[06:36:01] <McJty> Doesn't seem
to do that
L891[06:39:54] <fry> hmm, you do have the
TE on the client though?
L892[06:40:24] <fry> and you do need to
sync the data to it
L893[06:40:30] <fry> so, you should know
when it changes
L894[06:40:49] <fry> and be able to call
markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate on the client world there :P
L895[06:43:55] <McJty> hmm ok that might
work yes
L896[06:44:36] ⇦
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L897[06:44:39] <tterrag> fry: why not just
L898[06:44:45] <tterrag> the range does
nothing extra?
L899[06:45:13] <fry> tterrag: notice the
Render part
L900[06:45:20] <fry> those methods do
different things
L901[06:45:21] <tterrag>
markBlockForUpdate is a render update
L902[06:46:01] <tterrag> fry: see
RenderGlobal line 1981
L903[06:46:08] <tterrag>
markBlockForUpdate is just a proxy through to what you do
L904[06:46:54] <fry> fair enough, this is
true for RenderGlobal
L905[06:47:15] <fry> but nothing in the
World mandates that :P
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L907[06:47:44] <fry> better to rely on
less intrinsic knowledge :P
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L909[06:48:10] <tterrag> no, fact is
it's just a poorly named method
L910[06:48:17] <tterrag> every
implementation treats it as markBlockForRenderUpdate
L911[06:48:22] ⇦
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timeout: 206 seconds)
L912[06:48:40] <fry> no,
WorldManager.markBlockForUpdate sends data
L913[06:48:48] <fry>
WorldManager.markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate doesn't
L914[06:51:56] <tterrag> well, that makes
sense I guess, but in the end markBlockForUpdate just calls a
render update on the client
L915[06:52:27] <fry> only if the
underlying data changed, and the packet was sent :P
L916[06:52:34] <fry> which is the problem
McJty has :P
L917[06:54:16] ***
Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
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L919[06:57:32] <McJty> Well it is solved.
I now force a rerender on client (when needed)
L921[06:59:08] <asie> McJty: What are you
porting today? =)
L922[06:59:41] <asie> Wait
L923[06:59:43] <asie>
L924[06:59:45] <asie> Sounds like a new
L925[07:00:17] <McJty> yep
L926[07:00:22] <McJty> You'll soon
hear more about it :-)
L927[07:00:56] <asie> well it's full
of sticks
L928[07:01:25] <McJty> And rocks!
L929[07:02:13] <McJty> It is a relatively
new mod but already presenting several porting challenges
L930[07:02:19] <McJty> If I can get this
ported the rest will be easy :-)
L931[07:05:34] <boni> McJty: just remember
that doing that rerenders the whole chunk
L932[07:05:55] <McJty> yes but in the
1.7.10 version it was a TESR
L933[07:06:02] <McJty> And this is a
randomly generated thing in the world
L934[07:06:11] <McJty> So this way is
L935[07:06:22] <McJty> And typically the
player will simply pick them all up at once
L936[07:06:43] <McJty> So the one time
cost is better then the all-the-time cost of a TESR
L937[07:06:55] <Unh0ly_Tigg> does anyone
have the link to the readthedocs page?
L938[07:07:03] <tterrag>
L940[07:07:12] <Unh0ly_Tigg> thanks
L941[07:07:40] <boni> people should expand
the forge doc :P
L942[07:07:49] <boni> we still need a
'common pitfalls' page for 1.8/.8
L943[07:07:52] <McJty> Now if I can manage
to get the fire (when the sticks are burning) to render as a
submodel I totally not need a TESR anymore
L944[07:08:32] <McJty> And that would make
this code a LOT easier then the 1.7.10 version
L945[07:08:40] <McJty> Just doing
everything in the json blockstate
L946[07:08:42] <McJty> Almost
L947[07:12:31] <Unh0ly_Tigg> with the
variants section of the forge blockstate, is there a way to use 1
property that acts as a sort of 6-bit flag (which is actually
stored in a tile entity) for the 6 cardinal directions, and which
that flag bit is set, a submodel is used for that direction, but
without having to declare *every* combo of flags?
L948[07:13:38] <tterrag> isn't that
what the submodels are for?
L949[07:14:46] <boni> Unh0ly_Tigg: so..
any combinations of 2 directions are invalid?
L950[07:17:24] <Unh0ly_Tigg> basically, I
want to have a default model of the center of a pipe, and a
submodel of one side connection, but use 1 blockstate property as a
connection map, but what I want to do is "for this property,
when this bit is set, use this submodel property", without
having to declare all 64 possible values for that property.
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L952[07:18:02] <Unh0ly_Tigg> just 6
declarations, which are true when a particular bit is set.
L953[07:18:28] <boni> uh, yeah.. use
L954[07:18:36] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I understand
L955[07:18:43] <boni> i don't
understand your question
L957[07:19:07] <boni> the forge
blockstates example in the docs does exactly that even
L958[07:19:10] <tterrag> basically
L959[07:19:23] <tterrag> yeah, what you
want is pretty much explained exactly on the docs page
L960[07:20:04] <fry> yup, that too
L961[07:20:38] <Unh0ly_Tigg> you
don't get what I'm talking about...
L962[07:20:53] <boni> yes
L963[07:20:53] <boni> 14:18:43 <
boni> i don't understand your question
L964[07:20:55] <boni> i just said
L966[07:20:56] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I want to use
1 property for the connections, not 1 for each connection.
L967[07:21:04] <tterrag> ok
L969[07:21:06] <boni> no you
L970[07:21:08] <Unh0ly_Tigg> yeah...
L971[07:21:10] <Unh0ly_Tigg> darn
L972[07:21:14] <boni> unless you want to
make it an int
L973[07:21:17] <boni> that goes from 0 to
63 :P
L974[07:21:31] <tterrag> ah I think I see
the issue
L975[07:21:33] <fry> how would that
property work?
L976[07:21:36] <tterrag> no the cleanest
way is to do what the wall does
L977[07:21:57] <fry> can you have 2
connections at the same time?
L978[07:21:57] <tterrag> fry: well it
could be a list property, but that wouldn't really solve the
json issue
L979[07:22:01] <fry> or only 1?
L980[07:22:12] <Unh0ly_Tigg> you could
have all 6...
L981[07:22:35] <Unh0ly_Tigg> think of this
like buildcraft pipes, or redpower tubes...
L982[07:22:56] <Unh0ly_Tigg> what would be
the smallest way to represent it in a forge blockstate
L983[07:23:02] <Dark> is there not a way
to store 0-32
L984[07:23:11] <Dark> as you would just
need one number per combination
L985[07:23:19] <tterrag> Unh0ly_Tigg: like
the wall does is the easiest way. a separate propperty for each
L987[07:23:31] <Dark> just take the easy
L988[07:23:34] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ok, I guess
I'll go with that.
L989[07:24:03] <fry> yes, you pretty much
can't have anything simpler than the wall example
L990[07:24:29] ⇦
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L992[07:26:01] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I was
thinking there might be a way for a property in the variants, to do
a bitwise selection, instead of a decimal based sum-of-bits value
L993[07:26:08] <McJty> Oh, seems there is
no model models/block.fire.json
L994[07:26:17] <McJty> But there are many
different models...
L995[07:26:41] <Unh0ly_Tigg> there's
different models based on what part of the fire is visible.
L996[07:26:50] <fry> McJty: yes,
there's a common blockstate one, but you can't nest
L997[07:26:56] <McJty> I want the fire
block as a submodel basically
L998[07:27:01] <McJty> But seems that is
not *that* easy
L999[07:27:18] <Dark> really starting to
see MC's block state system as the wrong way to do
L1000[07:27:38] <fry> Unh0ly_Tigg: move
that bitwise selection into the code, it really doesn't
simplify the model definition :P
L1001[07:27:58] <fry> Dark: to do
L1002[07:28:09] <Dark> fry, in theory if
I used block state on an .obj model would that mean it would reload
my model into memory for each state?
L1003[07:28:28] <Unh0ly_Tigg> fry, if I
had 6 properties for each side connection, and a property for a
type, where the type only changes the texture, with that mesh with
the connection submodels properly?
L1004[07:28:38] <fry> McJty: I'm
sure your blocks don't need all the variants of fire, just one
specific one :P
L1005[07:28:59] <McJty> fry, yes
probably. Just have to figure out what I need :-)
L1006[07:29:13] <fry> Dark: yes and no;
obj model is shared for all states, but different baked rotations
are cached
L1007[07:29:17] <McJty> Dark, I would
hope only if the model actually changed
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timeout: 186 seconds)
L1009[07:29:32] <Dark> Say for example I
had a flat pipe that was a 3D model
L1010[07:29:35] <Dark> and had 1028
L1011[07:29:36] <Unh0ly_Tigg> will that
L1012[07:29:41] <fry> Unh0ly_Tigg: yes,
that should work
L1013[07:30:05] <Unh0ly_Tigg> sweet, that
will really cut down the amount of work I need to do...
L1014[07:30:36] ***
TTFT|Away is now known as TTFTCUTS
L1015[07:30:42] <fry> Dark: default
system will precache 1028 arrays with baked data for each state,
but you can avoid that by using unlisted properties
L1016[07:30:58] <Dark> unlisted
L1017[07:31:02] <Dark> still learning the
1.8 system
L1018[07:31:05] <Unh0ly_Tigg>
L1019[07:31:09] <Dark> ah
L1020[07:31:10] <Unh0ly_Tigg> it's a
forge thing
L1021[07:31:30] <Unh0ly_Tigg>
"It's a Forge thing"(tm) /s
L1022[07:32:14] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I feel like
I'm now going to end up using that phrase a lot now...
L1023[07:32:21] <Dark> lol
L1024[07:32:30] <Dark> if you have a good
IRC client
L1025[07:32:33] <Dark> you can tell it to
auto type it
L1026[07:32:42] <Unh0ly_Tigg> oh, I have
L1027[07:32:48] <Dark> i do it for user
names like Calclavia by typting calc.
L1028[07:32:48] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I can just
make a user command
L1029[07:33:04] <McJty> Ok, it works but
looks like crap :-)
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timeout: 206 seconds)
L1032[07:33:31] <McJty> How can I fix the
L1033[07:33:32] <Dark> fry another
question does this new model system make MC run any better?
L1034[07:33:39] <Dark> vs 1.7
L1035[07:33:48] <fry> define
L1036[07:33:51] <Dark> fps
L1037[07:33:53] <Unh0ly_Tigg> so, now, I
have /iaft which will do that
L1038[07:33:55] <Unh0ly_Tigg>
"It's a Forge thing"(tm)
L1039[07:34:10] <fry> McJty: change the
block layer, it's a method in Block
L1040[07:34:18] <fry> Dark: depends
L1041[07:34:23] <McJty> fry, can I do it
only for that submodel?
L1042[07:34:32] <Dark> assuming the same
content was render in 1.7 vs 1.8
L1043[07:34:42] <Dark> for example a
techne model
L1044[07:34:45] <fry> a lot of things
that were TESRs before are static renderers now, and static
rendering in general is faster, since it's threaded
L1045[07:34:59] <Dark> oh its threaded
L1046[07:35:00] <McJty> Yes I find that
it is a lot easier to convert TESR's to static now in
L1047[07:35:24] <Dark> tbh that does
sound better
L1048[07:35:28] <fry> all custom models
can be static renderers by default now
L1049[07:35:36] <Unh0ly_Tigg> with the
ForgeBlockStatesLoaderDebug 'test' in the preInitClient
method, the event parameter is never used...
L1050[07:35:39] <Dark> been converting
stuff in 1.7 to ISBR and technically json models would be
L1051[07:35:40] <fry> + you get correct
smooth lighting out of the box
L1052[07:35:48] <McJty> fry, I guess I
cannot use a submodel because the model itself can't probably
be in the other block layer
L1053[07:36:07] <Dark> fry you have have
given me the motivation to update to 1.8
L1054[07:36:17] <Dark> been trying to fix
performance issues with my complex models
L1055[07:36:24] <fry> McJty: you can have
multilayered models, but you'll need more than just json
L1056[07:36:40] <Dark> I assume I can use
L1057[07:36:41] <McJty> Dark, it takes a
lot of work to update but I find it fun to work with the new system
once you get over the initial hurdles
L1058[07:36:44] <Unh0ly_Tigg> would it be
possible to use a property as the value of a model rotation with
the forge blockstate json?
L1059[07:36:53] <Dark> McJty prefabs
L1060[07:36:57] <Dark> I know how to make
updating easy
L1061[07:37:07] <fry> Dark: what kinds of
models do you have? :P
L1062[07:37:08] <McJty> fry, hmm ok. I
guess I could also use a TESR for the fire part
L1063[07:37:18] <fry> Unh0ly_Tigg:
L1064[07:37:23] <Dark> fry been working
on a very nice looking wire/pipe tray model
L1065[07:37:31] <Dark> it has a lot of
different rotations and connections
L1066[07:37:37] <Dark> because its a
L1067[07:37:41] <Dark> it sucks for
L1068[07:37:42] <fry> McJty: since
you're writing code anyway, doing that with a smart model is
L1069[07:37:48] <sham1> Unh0ly_Tigg,
L1070[07:38:20] <Unh0ly_Tigg> fry, a
chest like block, that uses a property for the hinge rotation, and
be able to reference that for rotating the lid model (which would
include the latch) appropriately.
L1071[07:38:30] <fry> Dark: everything
you did in ISBRH in 1.7 is doable now, apart from GL access and
stopping the tessellator
L1072[07:38:48] <Dark> what do you mean
by doable?
L1073[07:39:03] <sham1> you can custom
render stuff
L1074[07:39:05] <fry> Unh0ly_Tigg: is the
hinge actually animated? how often does it rotate?
L1075[07:39:07] <McJty> fry, actually in
this case the sticks model can render fine in the CUTOUT layer as
L1076[07:39:16] <McJty> fry, so perhaps I
can just put it completely in that layer
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L1078[07:39:29] <sham1> And if you really
have to manipulate OpenGL, you propably want to do that every frame
L1079[07:39:32] <fry> McJty: yes,
that'll work
L1080[07:39:44] <Unh0ly_Tigg> fry,
"a chest like block" aka, functions exactly like the
vanilla chests do...
L1081[07:40:10] <fry> Dark: full in-code
models are still possible, but discouraged, since resource packs
are a viable thing to have
L1082[07:40:14] <Dark> btw do TESR still
work the same in 1.8?
L1083[07:40:21] <fry> yes, exactly the
L1084[07:40:30] <Dark> \0/ that should
make life easier
L1085[07:40:35] <sham1> Speaking off
L1086[07:40:35] <Unh0ly_Tigg> lid rotates
open every time the number of players accessing it goes from 0 to
1+, and rotates closed when that number goes from 1+ to 0.
L1087[07:40:36] <Dark> if all fails that
L1088[07:40:40] <sham1> What does the
partial ticks mean
L1089[07:40:52] <Dark> fry is there a way
I can combine json models with custom models
L1090[07:41:00] <Dark> as most of my
render is pre-made models
L1091[07:41:05] <sham1> And why are they
L1092[07:41:10] <Dark> only reason I need
logic is connections and pipe placement
L1093[07:41:17] <Dark> as there are 5
pipe objects per connection
L1094[07:41:23] <Dark> that can change
L1095[07:42:06] <fry> Unh0ly_Tigg:
http://gfycat.com/LateIllfatedFish ; one on the left
is vanilla chest, one on the right is B3D chest, with smooth
lighting; bottom is static renderer, top is TESR, all using no
model-specific code and loading from the model
L1096[07:42:38] <fry> Dark: yes, loading
parts from JSON and recombining them in-code is the way to do
L1097[07:42:47] <Dark> :)
L1098[07:42:49] <Dark> also nice
L1099[07:42:54] <Dark> how hard was the
code for that
L1100[07:43:12] <fry> hard code is only
written once, and will be in forge :P
L1101[07:43:29] <Dark> nice
L1102[07:43:38] <fry> users only need to
provide the model and a tiny bit of json :P
L1104[07:44:11] <sham1> Or no JSON if
they really do not want to deal with it as I assume you can also
use a custom resource mapper
L1105[07:44:22] <Dark> fry would I be
able to RGB values with that code?
L1107[07:44:34] <Dark> as I author a
colored chest mod
L1108[07:44:51] <fry> custom color is
really quite simple
L1109[07:44:55] <Dark> :)
L1110[07:45:05] <Dark> love hearing the
word simple
L1111[07:45:12] <Dark> means 10 mins of
L1112[07:45:13] <ThePsionic> Why are XBox
controllers still so expensive
L1113[07:45:19] <sham1> M$
L1114[07:45:20] <ThePsionic> XB360*
L1115[07:45:23] <Dark> because xbox are
still used
L1116[07:45:33] <fry> well, there's
no "color" attribute built-in into the json right now
L1117[07:45:41] <Dark> well I mean
outside of json
L1118[07:45:45] <ThePsionic> Would think
it'd go down with XBone and especially the elite
L1119[07:45:46] <Dark> as the data would
be in the TE
L1120[07:45:56] <fry> TEs can work with
json models
L1121[07:46:02] <Dark> cool
L1122[07:46:05] <McJty> Dark, after
putting my mod in 1.8.8 I spent about 5-6 hours just fixing compile
errors. And many of those fixes involved commenting out code to fix
later :-)
L1123[07:46:05] <sham1> Ye
L1124[07:46:16] <fry> but vanilla models
don't have "color" attributes :P
L1125[07:46:17] <sham1> TEs can work with
L1126[07:46:33] <Dark> McJty that
shouldn't be a problem, I updated a large mod from 1.2.5 to
1.7 in a day
L1127[07:46:35] <sham1> Both by providing
data for the blockstate and in some cases render models
L1128[07:46:40] <fry> shouldn't be
hard to write the code that'll recolor the model in-code
though :P
L1129[07:47:16] <Dark> fry could I use
that lerp code in the chest for gears?
L1130[07:47:21] <ThePsionic> Does anyone
know if all wired XB360 controllers also work on Windows?
L1131[07:47:26] <Dark> just pop states
every X ticks
L1132[07:47:30] <sham1> they should
L1133[07:47:32] <ThePsionic> Or whether
there's a special thing I need to do
L1134[07:47:33] <ThePsionic> Hmm
L1135[07:47:46] <sham1> As I assume they
all have drivers
L1136[07:47:53] <sham1> Because, again
L1137[07:48:02] <ThePsionic> :P
L1138[07:48:17] <McJty>
{ "model": "fire_floor_main" },
L1139[07:48:31] <McJty> What do all these
properties mean? alt?
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(~GildedGam@ec2-23-20-169-112.compute-1.amazonaws.com) (Remote host
closed the connection)
L1141[07:48:39] <McJty> Fire is a really
complicated block it seems :-)
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L1143[07:48:49] <sham1> alt might be
L1144[07:48:51] <McJty> Trying to see
what I need to get a good looking fire for my custom block
L1145[07:48:57] <ThePsionic> Thanks
L1146[07:49:19] <Dark> ty for answering
my questions fry :), I'm off to be afk have to update a java 3
application to java 8 for HW
L1147[07:49:28] <fry> heh
L1148[07:49:29] ***
Dark is now known as Dark|HW
L1149[07:49:37] <Unh0ly_Tigg> fry, what
does '"time": "lerp"' mean in that
prototype syntax json?
L1150[07:49:55] <sham1> it uses lerp
L1151[07:49:57] <fry> "type":
L1152[07:50:07] <fry> there's no
"time": "lerp" :P
L1153[07:50:12] <Unh0ly_Tigg> woops,
typo, my bad
L1154[07:50:22] <ThePsionic> lerp
L1155[07:50:26] <sham1> It interpolates
linearly between the keyframes
L1156[07:50:31] <fry> and
"type": "lerp" means the state should linearly
blend, yes
L1157[07:50:47] <Dark|HW> speaking of
lerp someone should add that to the boats client side
L1158[07:50:55] <Dark|HW> so lag spikes
don;t look bad
L1159[07:51:00] <sham1> >fixed
L1160[07:51:03] <fry> (it actually does
slerp in the gif btw :P)
L1161[07:51:09] <ThePsionic> slerp
L1162[07:51:27] <fry> I'm not
touching entities for some time :P
L1163[07:51:36] <fry> but this system is
designed to work for them too
L1164[07:51:37] <boni> fry: we need to
find a differintial one so we can call it derp
L1165[07:51:40] <Unh0ly_Tigg> oh, Linear
L1166[07:51:56] <Unh0ly_Tigg> LERP
L1167[07:52:01] <fry> and Spherical
Linear intERpolation :P
L1168[07:52:02] <Dark|HW> fry I'l;
have to pick your brain on entities later, Have a lot of them that
could use this system
L1169[07:52:25] <fry> I have an animated
chest entity working :P
L1170[07:52:25] <Unh0ly_Tigg> heh, so...
Dynamic intERPolation would be? /s
L1171[07:52:42] <sham1> derp
L1172[07:52:54] <sham1> and it is just
called linear interpolation
L1173[07:53:03] <sham1> No random
⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L1175[07:53:20] <fry> capitalization
shows where the acronym came from :P
L1176[07:53:26] <sham1> yes
L1177[07:55:04] <sham1> To my question I
presented earlier today, I can use the addScheduledTask for my
Runnables, correct?
L1178[07:55:11] <sham1> Callables*
L1179[07:55:30] <fry> you should be, that
depends on what you want them to do :P
L1180[07:55:41] <sham1> path
L1181[07:56:16] <sham1> Because having it
be parallell is propably better than have the server hang in one
tick just because I need some stuff for my TE to work
L1182[07:56:22] <Falkreon> he's
doing smart routing from mana requestors if it's still the
same thing
L1183[07:56:36] <Falkreon> also hi
L1184[07:56:53] <sham1> yes
L1185[07:57:12] <sham1> Because it is an
interconnected web of nodes, sources and receivers
L1186[07:57:17] <Falkreon> mhm.
L1187[07:57:45] <Falkreon> I kind of wish
we just solved that problem
L1188[07:57:56] <sham1> Mmmm
L1189[07:58:08] <Falkreon> just have a TE
that can do routing information along a particular
L1190[07:58:26] <Falkreon> not even a TE,
because there are too many classes tightly coupled with TE right
L1191[07:58:36] <sham1> It's like it
only ever needs to run once and the path will be cached
L1192[07:58:48] <Falkreon> well, once
unless the blocks change
L1193[07:58:53] <sham1> Ye
L1194[07:59:05] <sham1> in which case it
needs to recalculate it
L1195[07:59:10] <Falkreon> in which case
you might need to forward-path-trace and notify consumers
L1196[07:59:40] <Falkreon> but yeah,
it'd be nice to have an interface on blocks/TEs that can be
part of a path
L1197[07:59:51] <Falkreon> to indicate
which channels it's a path of
L1198[08:00:00] <Falkreon> in your case,
L1199[08:00:11] <sham1> Mmmhmm
L1200[08:00:48] <Falkreon> so you'd
ask it to trace out the mana network and give it a callback for
when it's done. If it's already set up, then the callback
executes immediately. Something like that.
L1201[08:01:11] <Unh0ly_Tigg> when
declaring a model for use in the default model of a forge
blockstate, is it domain aware, or do you have to declare the
domain like with the textures?
L1202[08:01:39] <Falkreon> Not sure we
could ever agree on a specific pattern for network tracing,
L1203[08:01:47] <Falkreon> if we did
it'd have to be open-source
L1204[08:01:54] <Unh0ly_Tigg> if so,
would it be "domain:models/model_name" or
L1205[08:02:09] <Falkreon> I'd never
trust it if I couldn't just look at
L1206[08:02:24] <sham1> Well my mod will
be open source so
⇨ Joins: Kobata_
L1208[08:02:41] <sham1> The algo can be
inspected by others so they can adapt my discoveries
L1209[08:02:47] <Falkreon> heh good
L1210[08:03:11] <Falkreon> hm, what I
should do
⇦ Quits: Kobata
(~Kobata@cpe-24-210-17-81.columbus.res.rr.com) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L1212[08:03:28] <Falkreon> is look at
L1213[08:03:39] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I'm
just going to say this now. If I ever make a moddable game,
I'm going to require that all publicly available mods be open
L1214[08:03:56] <Falkreon> tigg- yeah,
not modding your game
L1215[08:04:02] <Falkreon> moving right
L1216[08:04:22] <Falkreon> idk what EIO
does, but it does it *fast*
⇨ Joins: AndersBillLind
L1218[08:04:29] <AndersBillLind> Where do
I find textures referenced by private static final ResourceLocation
endermanTextures = new
L1219[08:04:51] <AndersBillLind> (from
L1220[08:04:56] <sham1> from
L1221[08:05:06] <Unh0ly_Tigg>
L1222[08:05:12] <sham1> basically
L1223[08:05:24] <fry> Unh0ly_Tigg:
domain:model_name, and it'll be
L1224[08:05:36] <AndersBillLind> Oh, wait
eclipse did not search that archive
L1225[08:05:42] <AndersBillLind>
L1226[08:06:07] <Unh0ly_Tigg>
AndersBillLind, because it's a resource folder, eclipse only
really cares about code source folders
L1227[08:06:34] <AndersBillLind> Strange
L1228[08:06:46] <Unh0ly_Tigg> what
happens with "uvlock": false?
L1229[08:07:01] <fry> nothing
L1230[08:07:03] <sham1> it does not UV
lock :P
L1231[08:07:15] <fry> with
"uvlock": true on the other hand, uvs don't
L1232[08:08:26] <Unh0ly_Tigg> so, if the
default model for the block doesn't rotate as a whole (like,
say, a furnace model), I should keep uvlock as true?
L1233[08:09:39] <Rockers> Can I use
copyright free music in ludums or do I have to make it
⇨ Joins: PitchBright
L1235[08:09:44] <AndersBillLind> Wow,
eclipse cannot even open that resource files
L1236[08:09:50] <AndersBillLind> Or call
an external viewer
L1237[08:09:53] <Falkreon> huh.
L1238[08:10:01] <AndersBillLind> Or
provide me with ctrl+c, ctrl+v
L1239[08:10:16] <Falkreon> so apparently
what EIO does is add conduits individually as you place them
L1240[08:10:48] <Falkreon> I'll need
to figure out in a second here whether and how all of that gets
saved, but there's no scheduling here
L1241[08:10:57] <Unh0ly_Tigg>
AndersBillLind, it's just the vanilla assets, you can access
the minecraft jar with something like winrar or 7zip.
L1242[08:11:14] <AndersBillLind> Of
course I can
L1243[08:11:21] <AndersBillLind> But I
did not complain about those tools
L1244[08:11:31] <Unh0ly_Tigg> you just
can't it inside eclipse
L1245[08:11:43] <Unh0ly_Tigg> eclipse
wasn't built for that kind of archive browsing
L1246[08:12:17] ***
Tombenpotter is now known as Tombenout
L1247[08:12:23] <AndersBillLind> Or open
files any files that it shows in the package explorer
L1248[08:12:52] <sham1> I'm sure
there is a plugin for eclipse to enable that
L1249[08:12:56] <Unh0ly_Tigg> it should
let you open classes from the package explorer.
⇨ Joins: kimfy
L1251[08:13:29] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I tend to
use the navigator view instead of the package explorer.
L1253[08:14:17] <Rockers> Ok
L1254[08:14:51] <sham1> CIV 5 is so god
damn fast with this new rig
L1255[08:14:53] <Ronzan> How is it going
L1256[08:15:01] <sham1> No longer do I
need to wait a minute to have the AI do their thing
L1257[08:15:26] <Ronzan> and Wuppy, how
are your game coming along? :)
L1258[08:15:48] <Ronzan> is*
L1260[08:16:33] <Ronzan> looking good
L1261[08:16:38] <fry> sooo web2.0
⇨ Joins: KanoCodex
L1263[08:16:43] <Wuppy> web2.0?
L1264[08:16:48] <OrionOnline> Anyone in
the chat that has experience with the Forge OBJ Loader for
L1265[08:16:49] <fry> dat round
L1266[08:16:50] <Falkreon> wait
L1267[08:16:56] <Falkreon> don't
tell me ld is going on
L1268[08:17:03] <Falkreon> I don't
want to miss another LD
L1269[08:17:05] <Falkreon> ;_;
L1270[08:17:11] <Wuppy> Falkreon, then I
wont say a thing :(
L1271[08:17:16] <Ronzan> hehe
L1272[08:17:22] <Wuppy> fry, you dont
like round corners?
L1273[08:17:35] <Wuppy> although I
certainly have to redo the texture at the top...
L1274[08:17:43] <Wuppy> really doesnt fit
the style
L1275[08:17:54] <Ronzan> Falkreon, you
still have 1d11h :)
L1276[08:18:03] <Wuppy> I only have 11
L1277[08:18:12] <Unh0ly_Tigg> is there a
way to define an overlay color for a variant texture?
L1278[08:18:16] <Ronzan> ah right, that
was for the jam
L1279[08:18:30] <AndersBillLind> Can I
have minecraft not authenticating with yggdrasil every time I test
run my mod, because yggdrasil will get tired of my flooding, it
L1280[08:18:55] <Ronzan> Unh0ly_Tigg, you
can override colorMultiplier() in the block
L1281[08:19:04] <Falkreon> shoot, can I
go from zero to LD in like 2h?
L1282[08:19:11] <OrionOnline> fry, you
L1283[08:19:12] <Falkreon> hmmmm
L1284[08:19:16] <fry> OrionOnline: yes
L1285[08:19:26] <OrionOnline> You wrote
the B3D loader correct?
L1286[08:19:34] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Ronzan, but
I want to do it for a specific texture, not the whole block.
L1287[08:19:35] <Falkreon> I like these
L1288[08:19:40] <Falkreon> I need to do
L1289[08:19:53] <OrionOnline> And it
works fairly similarly then the OBJ Loader?
L1290[08:19:55] <fry> Unh0ly_Tigg: not as
of right now, since vanilla models don't support that; but
custom models can
L1291[08:20:02] <fry> OrionOnline: yes,
and yes :P
L1292[08:20:25] <Ronzan> Unh0ly_Tigg,
hmm, you could draw a semi-transparent quad on the face you need to
color, and set the correct blending modes
L1293[08:20:36] <OrionOnline> I have a
OBJ model for my Item, not a block, so i talked to shadekiller
yesterday and he said i needed a blockstate file for that
L1294[08:21:16] <OrionOnline> linked the
OBJ model inside and everything
L1295[08:21:31] <OrionOnline> But it
still says: Model definition for location
armory:Armory.Items.SmithingsGuide#inventory not found
L1296[08:21:35] <Falkreon> alright, I
need to breakfast and then panic
L1297[08:21:41] ***
Falkreon is now known as Falk|Panic
L1298[08:22:14] <Unh0ly_Tigg> basically,
I have a pipe, and it has an overlay texture for where the color
goes when the pipe gets colored, I know how to allow that texture
in the forge blockstate json, but I don't want to have to
create a new texture for each valid color.
L1299[08:22:34] <Nitrodev> i should try
to program again
L1300[08:22:53] <Ronzan> ah, like enderIO
conduits :)
L1301[08:22:59] <fry> OrionOnline: your
json should be: blockstates/Armory.Items.SmithingsGuide.json,
L1302[08:23:12] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Ronzan,
L1303[08:23:19] <OrionOnline> no it is
called guide.json
L1304[08:23:33] <OrionOnline> i used this
line to register it:
0, new
ModelResourceLocation(References.General.MOD_ID.toLowerCase() +
":" + "guide", "inventory"));
L1305[08:23:35] <Ronzan> the arrow color
on the conduits
L1306[08:23:52] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Ronzan,
I'm thinking more like redpower tubes.
L1307[08:24:03] <Ronzan> ok
L1308[08:24:39] <fry> OrionOnline: by
default, game looks up the variant location that's the same as
the registry name for the item; you can override that by calling
ModelBakery.addVariantName(item, "modid:guide") in
L1309[08:24:42] <Ronzan> as fry said, you
probably need a custom model
L1310[08:25:15] <OrionOnline> Ah
L1311[08:25:18] <OrionOnline> That is
good to know
L1312[08:25:21] <OrionOnline> Will add
that as well
L1313[08:25:23] <fry> Unh0ly_Tigg: right
now you'll need either separate colored textures, or custom
model/loader, since vanilla models don't support that
L1314[08:25:37] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ok.
L1315[08:25:52] <Unh0ly_Tigg> for now,
separate textures it is.
L1316[08:26:05] <Ronzan> I would still
say you could hack it with a quad and color blending
L1317[08:26:21] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I want to
do as little hacking as possible
L1318[08:26:30] <Unh0ly_Tigg> in terms of
L1319[08:26:30] <Ronzan>
L1320[08:26:35] <fry> Unh0ly_Tigg:
however, if you use obj models, you can have separate materials for
that, probably, since OBJ support color attribute
L1321[08:27:51] <Unh0ly_Tigg> meh, these
are simple boxes, it shouldn't take a full on obj just for
something that can be done with some simple textures.
L1322[08:30:11] <fry> true :P
L1323[08:30:59] <OrionOnline> I got it to
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L1325[08:31:05] <OrionOnline> Alltough it
is completly messed up
L1328[08:35:53] <McJty> OrionOnline, from
top orientation in blender the origin of the model should be at
x=0, y=-1
L1329[08:36:16] <McJty> OrionOnline, and
the actual contents (vertices) in the block defined by x=0 to 1 and
y=-1 to 0
L1330[08:36:18] <OrionOnline> I will try
L1331[08:36:23] <McJty> That's how I
got it fixed in my case
L1332[08:36:27] <McJty> Was just
struggling with that myself
L1333[08:36:43] <OrionOnline> Okey let me
L1334[08:36:53] <OrionOnline> The whole
origin, off all objects in the Model?
L1335[08:36:56] <fry> also, you'll
need a flip-v option
L1336[08:37:06] <fry> lemme find the
L1337[08:37:15] <McJty> OrionOnline, hold
L1338[08:37:54] <fry> OrionOnline:
"custom": { "flip-v}
L1339[08:38:01] <fry> OrionOnline:
"custom": { "flip-v": true }
L1340[08:38:09] <fry> (hit enter too soon
L1342[08:38:32] <McJty> OrionOnline,
that's top view
L1343[08:39:10] <OrionOnline> How do i
set the god damn origin?
L1344[08:39:37] <OrionOnline> And is that
not going to be a problem if i want a specific part of the model to
be rotated around a specifec point in the model?
L1345[08:39:40] <Ronzan> reset
L1346[08:39:44] <Ronzan> oh wait that 3ds
L1347[08:40:28] <OrionOnline> Like this
is book
L1348[08:40:43] <OrionOnline> and in 1.7,
i openened said book when the user rightclicked it
L1349[08:41:12] <McJty> OrionOnline,
setting origin, in edit mode move all your faces
L1350[08:41:20] <McJty> OrionOnline, to
move the origin, move the model in object mode
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L1353[08:41:57] <fry> you can also move
the whole model in the edit mode, I think
L1354[08:42:38] <Dark|HW> anyone know if
you can compile your Main.class in java 1 and the rest of a project
in java 6+
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(~BroadSigh@ip72-216-44-137.pn.at.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 186
L1356[08:43:52] <Dark|HW> have this cool
idea to catch java version errors and point users to the java
download site
L1357[08:44:32] <fry> use javac
L1358[08:44:44] <fry> directly I mean
L1359[08:44:50] <Dark|HW> hmm so no easy
L1360[08:45:13] <fry> you can probably do
weird stuff with projects on the ide
L1361[08:45:15] <Dark|HW> guess that
means I'll need to compile everything else first in 6+ then
the main after
L1362[08:45:37] <fry> but it's
really a tiny command-line line :P
L1363[08:45:40] <Dark|HW> true though
IDEA doesn't like multiple java versions
L1364[08:45:44] <Dark|HW> that is
L1365[08:45:51] <fry> javac Main.java
L1366[08:45:51] *
Dark|HW writes batch script
L1367[08:46:08] <fry>
/path/to/jdk-1/javac Main.java :P
L1368[08:46:12] <Dark|HW> trying to prove
a point to my professor that this is possible
L1370[08:48:09] <fry> *heh :P
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L1373[08:58:47] <Dark|HW> anyone know how
to tell IDEA JUnit to ignore try-catch statements
⇨ Joins: colossali
L1375[09:01:45] <ThePsionic> punch
L1376[09:02:04] <OrionOnline> McJty,
where do i need to add "custom": { "flip-v":
true } in the blockstate file?
L1377[09:02:35] <fry> right after you
specify the "model"
L1378[09:03:33] <Unh0ly_Tigg> when going
from south to east in game, is the rotation on y 90 or 270?
L1379[09:03:52] <asie> i'd guess 270
but it depends on your x IIRC
L1380[09:04:02] <Unh0ly_Tigg> x rotation
would be 0
L1381[09:04:17] <fry> 90, I think
L1382[09:04:37] <fry> try it, change if
it doesn't work :P
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L1384[09:04:56] <Dark|HW> I suggest test
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(Client Quit)
L1386[09:05:02] <fry> you can reload the
models without reloading the game by hitting f3+t
L1387[09:05:08] <Dark|HW> ^
L1388[09:05:35] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I
haven't even started the mod code to add the block
L1389[09:05:49] <fry> heh
L1390[09:05:50] ***
Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1391[09:05:56] <fry> do that then
L1392[09:06:53] ***
Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L1393[09:08:05] <Unh0ly_Tigg> if only we
had a visualizer program, you define your properties, and you can
test different block appearances separate from mc by manipulating
those properties. all without having to load up minecraft...
L1394[09:08:14] <Unh0ly_Tigg> and it
supported forge blockstates.
L1395[09:08:40] <Dark|HW> make an
L1396[09:08:46] <Dark|HW> that inputs and
outputs a .json file
L1397[09:08:51] <fry> you can see the
property by hitting F3
L1398[09:08:53] <Dark|HW> using a
TE's fields
L1399[09:09:05] <fry> and you can see all
blockstates by loading the debug world :P
L1400[09:09:12] *
Dark|HW notes this is theory he is saying, as he has not tried it
L1401[09:09:38] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I mean, so
that I wouldn't even have to load minecraft to do it, but
still have it support everything forge can do.
L1402[09:09:42] *
Dark|HW also notes you should listen to the master fry
L1403[09:09:49] <fry> heh
⇦ Quits: Nitrodev
(~Nitrodev@dcx0f0ybt5-5czzwtz-vy-3.rev.dnainternet.fi) (Ping
timeout: 186 seconds)
L1405[09:10:26] <fry> Unh0ly_Tigg: you
want minecraft, but you don't want minecraft? :P
L1406[09:10:47] <OrionOnline> Hey the
book loaded
L1407[09:10:55] <OrionOnline> Just in the
wrong direction and way to small
L1408[09:10:55] <fry> I guess you're
talking about loading the models without corresponding code
L1409[09:11:02] <fry> \o/
⇨ Joins: Nitrodev
L1411[09:11:29] <OrionOnline> At least
the inventory model is way to small
L1412[09:11:36] <OrionOnline> The model
the player has in the hand is fine
L1413[09:11:53] <fry> that's
probably because it renders as 3d model, like block do
L1414[09:11:55] <Dark|HW> tbh if you have
a lot of time you can clone MC's renderer into an external
modeling tool
L1415[09:12:01] <OrionOnline> And the
model as an Entity i also a bit small
L1416[09:12:05] <Dark|HW> or make a
program that imports MC's code
L1417[09:12:13] <Dark|HW> and uses it to
render models
L1418[09:12:27] <fry> Dark|HW: there are
mods that do it other way around - let you do modelling in game
L1419[09:12:28] <Dark|HW> second option
being more legal
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L1421[09:12:37] <Dark|HW> fry yep
⇦ Quits: Unh0ly_Tigg
(~Robert@c-76-115-95-185.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Killed (NickServ
(GHOST command used by Unh0lyTigg)))
L1423[09:12:45] <Unh0lyTigg> freaking
L1424[09:12:46] <Dark|HW> thinking of
external as they run faster
L1425[09:12:53] ***
Unh0lyTigg is now known as Unh0ly_Tigg
L1426[09:12:58] <OrionOnline> fry, is
there a way to only make the Model in the Inventory bigger, and
rotated differently then when in hand or as Entity?
L1427[09:13:00] <Dark|HW> MC is a bit
slow not matter of good of a computer you have
L1428[09:13:02] <fry> I opt for using
sane model formats though, that you can edit in the editor of your
L1429[09:13:11] <Dark|HW> same
L1430[09:13:16] <Dark|HW> .obj ftw
L1431[09:13:19] <Dark|HW> or write a
L1432[09:13:21] <colossali> Hey guys,
I've a problem I can't solve. I spawn an entity extending
EntityThrowable which should execute some stuff on impact to the
owner, but the owner of the entity turns out to be null.
Here's the code if anyone can help me figure this out
L1433[09:13:25] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ok, so I
missed everything after fry going "\o/" and Dark|HW going
"fry yep"...
L1434[09:13:26] <Dark|HW> like I'm
doing for .blender
L1435[09:13:33] <fry> OrionOnline: yes,
you'll need different transformations for different
L1436[09:13:44] ***
Dark|HW is now known as Dark
L1437[09:13:50] <fry> Unh0ly_Tigg: there
wasn't anything inbetween :P
L1438[09:13:51] <OrionOnline> Does that
work just as with an Item, cause i know how to do that?
L1439[09:13:55] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ok
L1440[09:13:59] <Unh0ly_Tigg> good to
L1441[09:14:06] <fry> OrionOnline: not
exactly the same
L1442[09:14:22] <OrionOnline> Is there a
exmaple for that in the forge github?
L1443[09:14:25] <Dark> fry is there a way
I can take the render output of an ISBR and convert it into an
.json file
L1444[09:14:38] <Dark> thinking of an
easy button converter
L1446[09:15:03] <fry> the commented-out
L1447[09:15:22] <OrionOnline> and then
use inventory as the key word i suppose?
L1449[09:15:50] <OrionOnline> i mean as
the key word inside the transform array correct?
⇦ Quits: Rockers
(rockers300@host217-35-241-9.range217-35.btcentralplus.com) (Quit:
http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC
L1451[09:16:03] <fry> Dark: not really -
you can do arbtrary things inside ISBRH, and json models are quite
limited; you might be able to hack up an obj dumper for your ISBRH
though :P
L1452[09:17:10] <Dark> hmm obj dumper
could work
L1453[09:17:30] *
Dark writes down sudo code before returning to JUnit
L1454[09:17:56] <fry> OrionOnline:
correct keys are: "thirdperson", "firstperson",
"head", "gui", "ground",
"fixed" (in 1.8.8)
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L1456[09:18:10] <fry> inventory one would
be "gui"
L1457[09:18:12] <OrionOnline> so gui it
is and ground it is
L1458[09:18:19] <Unh0ly_Tigg> is there a
way to make the inventory variant work as if it was a block with
certain properties set?
L1459[09:18:30] <fry> also, I think
GROUND doesn't apply
L1460[09:18:41] <Unh0ly_Tigg> rather than
define a brand new model just for the inventory?
L1461[09:18:42] <fry> so you'll need
a global transformation to affect that
L1462[09:19:16] <fry> Unh0ly_Tigg: use a
custom mesh definition, map to the block property string
L1463[09:19:26] <fry> (in code)
L1464[09:20:05] <Unh0ly_Tigg> custom mesh
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timeout: 192 seconds)
L1467[09:21:32] <fry> Unh0ly_Tigg:
ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition(), in preinit
L1468[09:21:41] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ok
L1469[09:22:13] <Hea3veN> does the OBJ
loader reads the texture coords with the 0,0 on the top left?
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(Quit: Wahoo!)
L1471[09:22:23] <OrionOnline> Ah now it
L1472[09:22:23] <fry> OrionOnline: make
sure you refresh the resources in your IDE
L1473[09:22:30] <OrionOnline> Yeah had to
L1474[09:22:39] <OrionOnline> Is there a
way to refresh the resources in IDEA
L1475[09:22:50] <OrionOnline> without
closing minecraft so i can use F3 + T
L1476[09:22:52] <OrionOnline> ?
L1477[09:23:00] <fry> Hea3veN: yes,
that's what flip-v is for, to switch from DX-style to
L1478[09:23:03] <fry> *style
L1479[09:23:28] <OrionOnline> A reload
changed classes also reloads the resources
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L1481[09:24:22] <fry> OrionOnline: try
ctrl-F5; I don't know for sure though, have little idea
experience :P
L1482[09:24:36] <OrionOnline> Nah just
reloading the classes is enough
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L1484[09:24:43] <OrionOnline> It says
that there is nothing to reload
L1485[09:24:52] <OrionOnline> But it will
still refresh the resources anyway
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Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
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L1493[09:38:16] <OrionOnline> fry, is
there a Method on the Item that allows it to modify it
L1494[09:38:31] <OrionOnline> Cause i
donnot have acces to handleItemState of the OBJ
L1495[09:38:34] <fry> in what way do you
want to modify them?
L1496[09:38:51] <OrionOnline> I need to
rotate one mesh of the model
L1497[09:38:55] <fry> and handleItemState
will be called for you
L1498[09:39:00] <OrionOnline> and
translate all the components to the left
L1499[09:39:11] <OrionOnline> or no to
the right
L1500[09:39:17] <fry> in that case, make
2 variants in the json
L1501[09:39:29] <fry> one for initial
model, one for rotated-parts one
L1502[09:39:38] <OrionOnline> Yeah
L1503[09:39:43] <OrionOnline> But i need
to animate it
L1504[09:39:47] <fry> and use a custom
item model mesher to map the itemstack to the model
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timeout: 186 seconds)
L1507[09:40:03] <OrionOnline> The book
opens and closes
L1508[09:40:06] <fry> animate as in
smootly transition between them?
L1509[09:40:10] <OrionOnline>
L1510[09:40:11] <fry> that'll be
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L1512[09:40:28] <fry> you'll need to
make a custom smart item model
L1513[09:40:49] <fry> put the animation
progress in the itemstack, and rotate the parts based on that
L1514[09:40:58] <fry> or wait for the
forge animation system :P
L1515[09:41:04] <OrionOnline> I will wait
L1516[09:41:20] <OrionOnline> That part
was anyway still onder contruction in the 1.7 variant
L1517[09:41:27] <OrionOnline> So i will
just wait for the release
L1518[09:41:42] <fry> heh
L1519[09:42:07] <OrionOnline> Like i am
porting a part that was only partially released in the 1.7.10
L1520[09:42:32] <OrionOnline> It only had
the book, even though i animated it, it does not really matter as
there is no use for the book yet
L1521[09:43:36] <michael_> Hi! Anyone
have any tutorials on 1.8? I'm trying to update my mod to 1.8,
and can't really find any tutorials except for wuppy's. I
don't know if his tutorials are the best approach and he
doesn't really have anything on subitems
L1522[09:43:52] <Dark> ask the master
L1523[09:44:24] <michael_> Oh mighty
master fry, can you help me?
L1524[09:44:27] <fry> tutorials are
lacking, that's true
L1526[09:44:49] <Dark> fry you really
should write tuts
L1527[09:44:56] <tterrag> there's no
getting started for 1.8 page yet
L1528[09:44:56] <Dark> you seem to know
more than most for 1.8
L1529[09:44:57] <Wuppy> I have been
summoned :o
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(icemna11a@cpe-74-141-48-157.neo.res.rr.com) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L1531[09:45:02] <Wuppy> hello
L1532[09:45:16] <tterrag> Wuppy: you
should put your tutorials on the official site (after they are read
over by fry)
L1533[09:45:16] <fry> I suck at that,
Dark :P
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L1535[09:45:22] <Dark> get helpers
L1536[09:45:28] <Wuppy> tterrag, no time
for tutrials anymore :C
L1537[09:45:29] <tterrag> he has me
L1538[09:45:35] <tterrag> problem is, I
don't understand 1.8 enough to write one :P
L1539[09:45:37] <Dark> its why i have
interns.. I mean volunteers
L1540[09:45:47] <fry> tterrag: we should
try to do it together :P
L1541[09:45:48] <tterrag> Wuppy:
you'd use your existing ones...
L1542[09:46:06] <Dark> wouldn't be a
bad idea for 5 or 6 of you to group up on tuts
L1543[09:46:12] <tterrag> fry: after
L1544[09:46:13] <Dark> really help with
comparing notes
L1545[09:46:29] <Dark> I'd even help
if I have time
L1546[09:46:37] *
fry predicts explosion of modding activity after finals
L1547[09:46:41] <Dark> at least on
generic concepts not MC version specific
L1548[09:46:48] <tterrag> some finals are
already over
L1549[09:46:51] <tterrag> I have mine
this week
L1551[09:46:54] <Dark> same
L1552[09:47:04] <michael_> fry, the docs
you sent don't seem to have anything on items
L1553[09:47:05] <fry> yup, I've
noticed the inflow of people here :P
L1554[09:47:11] <Dark> one of my is
perdicted to take 7 hours minimal to take
L1555[09:47:21] <tterrag> michael_:
wuppy's are fine
L1556[09:47:23] <tterrag> for the most
L1557[09:47:31] <Dark> ya his tuts are
L1558[09:47:35] <Wuppy> yep, they are
showing its age by now :P
L1559[09:47:37] <michael_> what about
L1561[09:47:52] *
Wuppy shoves modding book in michael_'s face
L1562[09:48:13] <Dark> wuppy you have a
link to your tuts, want to review them again
L1563[09:48:22] *
Dark review tuts for fun
L1564[09:48:24] <fry> Wuppy: btw, do you
still say to use getItemModelMesher in your tutorials? :P
L1565[09:48:34] <Wuppy>
L1566[09:48:38] <Dark> ty
L1567[09:48:42] <Wuppy> fry, I honestly
dont know anymore
L1568[09:48:52] <tterrag> yes, he
L1569[09:48:59] <tterrag> I know because
I followed them, then you yelled at me
L1570[09:49:00] <Wuppy> can either be
caused by how long ago I wrote them or by how long I've been
jamming :P
L1571[09:49:05] <Dark> :/ videos
L1572[09:49:13] <sham1> Again, someone
else should take over writing tutorials from Wuppy
L1573[09:49:18] <tterrag> Dark: there are
text tutorials on there
L1574[09:49:22] <Dark> forgot you used
L1575[09:49:25] <fry> Wuppy: yup, you do;
mind changing that quickly? :D
L1576[09:49:29] <Wuppy> exactly
L1577[09:49:33] <Wuppy> fry, I'm in
L1578[09:49:36] <michael_> So what am I
supposed to do instead of getItemModelMesher
L1579[09:50:07] <Wuppy> I don't even
have time to take a shit, let alone chaging tutorials :P
L1580[09:50:12] <Dark> wuppy thought it
was a bad idea to register recipes in preInit?
L1581[09:50:15] <fry> michael_:
ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(), in preInit
L1582[09:50:17] <sham1>
L1583[09:50:20] <sham1> Ninja
L1584[09:50:47] <tterrag> I'm still
not sure why we need to use that at all
L1585[09:50:50] <tterrag> why isn't
it default?
L1586[09:51:06] <sham1> reasons
L1587[09:51:28] <fry> tterrag: because
>1 mapping is possible, and nobody came up with a good way to do
default mappings :P
L1588[09:51:50] <diesieben07> uhh, the
default from before 1.8 worked fine :D
L1589[09:51:50] <fry> I'm not
opposed to the general idea
L1590[09:51:57] <tterrag> I understand if
you need to use it for custom stuff
L1591[09:52:03] <fry> there were no
models/blockstates, diesieben07
L1592[09:52:07] <tterrag> but if you have
to call something called "setCustomModelResourceLocation"
for a DEFAULT item
L1593[09:52:09] <tterrag> that seems
L1594[09:52:16] <diesieben07> and? there
were equivalents
L1595[09:52:39] <diesieben07> although
there was setTextureName...
L1596[09:52:40] <diesieben07> hrm
L1597[09:52:47] *
diesieben07 is too used to his utility code
L1598[09:53:04] <fry> I'm unaware of
any ways of querying the list of items associated with a
L1599[09:53:08] <tterrag> sure, but now
there's no textures, and the model comes from the block
L1600[09:53:23] <fry> it comes from the
item name
L1601[09:53:30] <tterrag> which are the
L1602[09:53:31] <tterrag> so
L1603[09:53:34] <tterrag> (by
L1604[09:53:41] <diesieben07> list of
items? since when does a Block have more than one Item?
L1605[09:53:48] <fry> ItemStacks
L1606[09:54:13] <fry> as in, all valid
itemstacks that have the model for that block
L1607[09:54:23] <sham1> also you could
use different items for the same block
L1608[09:54:42] *
diesieben07 mumbles something about overcomplication and goes back
to youtube
L1609[09:54:52] <fry> again, sensible
default is probably possible, but it's hard :P
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L1611[09:56:35] <michael_> is
setHasSubtypes() still needed
L1612[09:56:36] <michael_> ?
L1613[09:57:26] <fry> probably, the field
is still there
L1614[09:57:43] *
fry has little experience with that though
L1615[09:57:57] <sham1>
L1616[09:58:00] <sham1> Nice name
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ZNC - 1.6.0 - http://znc.in)
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host closed the connection)
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L1621[10:04:18] <michael_> Seriously is
there any documentation for 1.8 items anywhere?!
L1622[10:04:48] <fry> they're
basically the same as 1.7 items, except for the rendering
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L1624[10:05:10] <gigaherz> we have a
work-in-progress documentation repository
L1625[10:05:18] <gigaherz> but so far as
no one writes docs after learning how stuff works
L1626[10:05:23] <gigaherz> it will remain
mostly empty
L1628[10:06:03] <tterrag> if it bothers
you so much maybe you should be the one to write them :P
L1629[10:06:45] <gigaherz> it bothers me
because I know I'm part of the problem ;P
L1630[10:06:52] <tterrag> right
L1631[10:06:56] <tterrag> and complaining
about it does...what exactly?
L1632[10:07:01] <fry> we all are!
L1633[10:07:02] <gigaherz> I didn't
L1634[10:07:10] <gigaherz> I'm
trying to help make people aware
L1635[10:07:22] <gigaherz> like those
people that go on the streets handing out stickers for stuff
L1637[10:07:28] <tterrag> :D
L1638[10:07:43] <fry> we all are the part
of the problem :P
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timeout: 186 seconds)
L1641[10:12:13] <tterrag> has ichun found
another alias to go by or is he actually offline?
L1642[10:12:21] <hipsterpig> what
L1643[10:12:25] <sham1> I would
contribute but I do not know what to contribute
L1644[10:12:32] <tterrag> there he
L1645[10:12:33] <tterrag> :D
L1646[10:12:41] *
hipsterpig whacks tterrag around a bit
L1647[10:12:41] <tterrag> sham1:
literally anything
L1648[10:12:46] <tterrag> hipsterpig: no
I have a real question...
L1649[10:12:55] *
hipsterpig throws Trimps at tterrag
L1650[10:13:03] <tterrag> yes! it's
about that stupid game (pls help)
L1651[10:13:05] <tterrag> what's the
portal for?
L1652[10:13:17] <hipsterpig> lmao
L1653[10:13:21] <hipsterpig> is this your
first playthrough?
L1654[10:13:25] <tterrag> yes
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L1656[10:13:40] <hipsterpig>
L1657[10:13:43] <hipsterpig> you
L1658[10:13:44] <hipsterpig> idle
L1659[10:13:56] <tterrag> ehhh?
L1660[10:13:57] <hipsterpig> restarting
from scratch but with some points to boost
L1661[10:14:12] <hipsterpig> have you
played clicker heroes or tap tap infinity before?
L1662[10:14:30] <tterrag> no
L1663[10:14:31] <fry> or EE2? :P
L1664[10:14:34] <tterrag> I stayed
L1665[10:14:36] <hipsterpig> lol
L1666[10:14:37] <tterrag> BUT YOU GOT
L1667[10:14:39] <hipsterpig>
L1668[10:14:42] <hipsterpig>
L1669[10:14:44] <tterrag> I see it
L1670[10:14:56] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1671[10:14:56] <tterrag> I wasn't
sure it meant that you'd start ALL over, but I guess that is
what it's for
L1672[10:15:15] <hipsterpig> you cash out
and restart from "scratch", but you bring some points
with you from your current playthrough that you can put into some
bonuses, eg more resource production/more attack
L1673[10:15:26] <hipsterpig> those points
persist everytime you restart
L1675[10:15:40] <hipsterpig> so you go
from zone 20 back to zone 1
L1676[10:15:57] <hipsterpig> your first
playthrough of trimps I don't think the game lets you get past
zone 20
L1677[10:16:35] <hipsterpig> woah, 3 days
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(~IceChat9@pool-71-244-115-181.albyny.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: If
you think nobody cares, try missing a few payments)
L1679[10:17:13] <hipsterpig> i'm
still on 2.72
L1680[10:17:18] <hipsterpig> that shows
how long i've had this tab open
L1681[10:17:52] <tterrag> been 3 days
since you ruined my life, yes
L1683[10:18:22] *
gigaherz doesn't get hooked to idle games
L1684[10:18:57] <tterrag> simon816: the
problem is sifting through what's up to date and what's
L1685[10:19:09] <tterrag> at a rough
guess I'd say 80% of the wiki articles are out of date
L1686[10:19:27] <gigaherz> I think
it's because I forget easily, a background tab would
progressively lose my interest until I just close it witha
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MineBot sets mode: +v on PaleoCrafter
L1690[10:22:39] <tterrag> hipsterpig: oh,
and why does the amount of trainers cap out at 97?
L1691[10:22:41] <tterrag> unlike the
other jobs
L1692[10:28:28] <OrionOnline> fry,. what
is the forge animation system?
L1693[10:28:36] <OrionOnline> And how far
is it coming allong?
L1694[10:28:42] <hipsterpig> tterrag:
more food requirement or you run out of workspaces
L1695[10:29:11] <tterrag> neither
L1696[10:29:18] <tterrag> OH right
L1697[10:29:23] <tterrag> I didn't
realize they cost so much food
L1698[10:29:31] <tterrag> the others
don't increase
L1700[10:30:19] <sham1> Are those pistons
I see
L1701[10:30:24] <sham1> wait no
L1702[10:30:31] <OrionOnline> fry, that
is awesome :D
L1703[10:30:31] <sham1> Those look like
Buildcraft engines
L1704[10:30:33] <tterrag> fry: you sure
knwo how to make ugly looking test models
L1705[10:30:42] <tterrag> are those
L1706[10:30:48] <fry> moving parts
L1707[10:30:53] <tterrag> right
L1708[10:30:59] <tterrag> looks
L1709[10:31:09] <sham1> Buildcraft
L1710[10:31:11] <sham1> Seriouslu
L1711[10:31:25] <fry> those are indeed bc
engine models
L1712[10:31:35] <fry> since that's a
simple use case :P
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L1714[10:31:53] <tterrag> fry: you should
see if the railcraft style engine is possible
L1715[10:32:09] <tterrag> where there is
a "shaft" underneath the piston head, that extends with
L1716[10:32:31] <tterrag> that would be a
bit more complicated (because you can't have it clipping out
the bottom of the model when the piston head is down)
L1717[10:32:33] <williewillus> I'm
going to preserve my sanity and not finish porting this
L1718[10:33:22] <OrionOnline> yeah the RC
engines would indeed be a bit better as a test case
L1719[10:33:31] <OrionOnline> But also a
lot harder to implement
L1720[10:33:38] <fry> tterrag: yes,
that's trickier, depending on the texture mapping; it's
possible with the general system, might not be possible with
vanilla json models
L1721[10:33:56] <fry> (what you see in
the gif is vanilla json models + additional metadata :P)
L1722[10:34:17] <gigaherz> you'd
need either segmented data, and progressively "hide"
L1723[10:34:28] <gigaherz> or actively
change the position+uv of the bottom
L1724[10:34:57] <fry> yup yup
L1725[10:34:59] <gigaherz> unless you
want it to stretch, then you don't touch the UV ;P
L1726[10:35:22] <fry> can probably fake
it with 2-3 segments
L1727[10:35:42] <hipsterpig> oh hey I
might actually finish the dimension of anger in <4h
L1728[10:35:57] <gigaherz>
"dimension of anger" sounds like a place I do NOT want to
L1729[10:35:59] <gigaherz> XD
L1730[10:36:44] <sham1> Is there a
dimention of happiness
L1731[10:36:44] <tterrag> I'm on the
last square
L1732[10:37:01] <tterrag> 673M health,
121M damage
L1733[10:37:02] <tterrag> dang
L1734[10:37:03] <gigaherz> sham1: maybe
there's a dimension of tainted happiness
L1735[10:37:11] <gigaherz> where
everything is nice
L1736[10:37:14] <gigaherz>
L1737[10:37:21] <gigaherz> as in
L1738[10:37:34] <gigaherz> there's
nice flowers, but they are all poisonous and emit toxic fumes if
you get close
L1739[10:37:48] *
Dark needs to stop watching ancient aliens, getting a lot of dumb
but cool ideas
L1740[10:37:54] <gigaherz> there's
pretty mobs, that try to crawl under your skin
L1741[10:38:00] <gigaherz> or attach to
L1742[10:38:06] <gigaherz> there's
things in the shadows
L1743[10:38:06] <sham1> CRAWLING IN MY
L1744[10:38:11] <gigaherz> that make you
think you are still happy
L1745[10:38:20] <gigaherz> while sucking
out all your juices
⇦ Quits: michael_
(~michael@89-138-202-253.bb.netvision.net.il) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L1747[10:38:36] <Dark> sounds like that
flesh eating beetle from Egypt
L1749[10:39:04] <gigaherz> I was thinking
of that X-Files episode with the man-eating mushroom
L1751[10:39:42] <Dark> didn't get to
finish taht episode
L1752[10:39:48] <Dark> remember the one
with the spiders though?
L1753[10:39:53] <Dark> micro man eating
L1754[10:40:15] <gigaherz> can't say
I do
L1755[10:40:32] <gigaherz> I didn't
watch all of it back in the day
L1756[10:40:34] <Dark> it wasn't
that good, but involved a dark forest
L1757[10:40:39] <Dark> and millions of
L1758[10:40:44] <gigaherz> and I
haven't gone that far in re-watching it
L1759[10:40:46] <Dark> that swarmed and
drained people of there fluids
L1760[10:40:50] <gigaherz> oh wait
L1761[10:41:02] <Dark> think one of the
main chars almost died in it
L1762[10:41:05] <gigaherz> I think I may
have watched that one recently in the re-watching
L1763[10:41:14] <gigaherz> one of them
"almost died" so many times... ;p
L1764[10:41:39] <Dark> that is true
L1765[10:41:45] <tterrag> hipsterpig:
where does helium come from? or do I only get the 30 I found
L1766[10:41:54] <Dark> one episode one
almost got turned into an alien as well
L1767[10:42:08] <gigaherz> helium is the
first iteration of fusion that happens in the sun
L1769[10:42:18] <gigaherz> converting
hydrogen into helium and thne later into heavier elements
L1770[10:42:18] <gigaherz> XD
L1771[10:42:22] <Dark> you also can
inhale it for fun
L1772[10:42:48] <hipsterpig> only zone
L1773[10:42:59] *
Dark does not endorse or say to inhale helium
L1774[10:44:20] <gigaherz> Dark: in a
very high-pitched voice?
L1775[10:44:34] <tterrag> hipsterpig:
I'm in zone 21 right now...so your theory was wrong :P
L1776[10:44:35] <Dark> :)
L1777[10:44:47] <gigaherz> what was th e
one that's used to make the voice lower?
L1778[10:44:53] <gigaherz>
somethingsomething hexafluoride?
L1779[10:44:53] <hipsterpig> tterrag:
well, it's what I thought, so... gl getting through 21
L1780[10:44:54] <Dark> while saying shake
L1781[10:45:08] <tterrag> currently they
are doing 0 damage to me
L1782[10:45:13] <gigaherz> sulfur,
L1783[10:45:19] <gigaherz> sulfur
L1784[10:45:31] <tterrag> yes, sulfur
L1785[10:45:39] <tterrag> it's
dangerous because it will pool inside your lungs
L1786[10:45:50] <Dark> very bad
L1787[10:45:55] <tterrag> gotta hang
upside down :P
L1788[10:46:01] <gigaherz> XD
L1789[10:46:02] *
Dark notes he has inhaled a lot of stupid things in chem
L1790[10:46:11] <tterrag> mythbusters did
a bit on it
L1791[10:46:12] <Dark> hydrogen burned
just as a note
L1792[10:46:15] <Dark> when inhaled
L1793[10:46:27] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1794[10:46:29] <sham1> Hydrogen is
really reactive
L1795[10:46:35] <Dark> yep
L1796[10:46:36] <tterrag> inhaling random
chemicals is pretty much the first thign they tell you NOT to
L1797[10:46:39] <sham1> Mostly because it
would want that second electron
L1798[10:46:50] <tterrag> hydrogen is
reactive, but I doubt he means elemental hydrogen...
L1799[10:46:51] *
Dark notes his face mask never fitted
L1800[10:47:15] <Dark> had the same
problem first job I worked in a factory
L1801[10:47:19] <Dark> face mask
L1802[10:47:28] <Dark> inhaled toxic
chemicals :(
L1803[10:47:34] <Dark> lungs have never
been the same
L1804[10:48:47] <gigaherz> I worked in a
kibble factory once (they made stuff for cows, pigs and such, no
L1805[10:49:02] <gigaherz> and to help
the cows digest better, they put some acidic stuff in the mix
L1806[10:49:13] <gigaherz> had to open a
bunch of the bags of that stuff
L1807[10:49:22] <Dark> sounds bad
L1808[10:51:19] <gigaherz> yeah those
crappy paper masks did nothing for that
L1809[10:51:20] <gigaherz> XD
L1810[10:51:57] <gigaherz> and they only
had one proper mask and the dude who has the one certified to do
the mixing needed it more than me
L1811[10:52:48] <Dark> my work never gave
me any, so I bought one for the job
L1812[10:53:17] <Dark> after finding out
the chemicals I used to dissolve stuff on circuit boards was bad
for health
L1813[10:54:11] <sham1> Getting back to
the on-topic
L1814[10:54:25] <Dark> ah yes
L1815[10:54:32] <Dark> sorry about
L1816[10:54:36] <sham1> where can I see
what the type is supposed to be in NBTTagCompound#getTagList
L1817[10:54:48] <sham1> As I store
compoundtags there
L1818[10:54:49] <Dark> look at the
L1819[10:54:58] <gigaherz> there's
constants somewhere
L1820[10:54:58] <gigaherz> sec
L1821[10:55:05] <sham1> Nice advice
L1822[10:55:12] <sham1> Was wishing there
would be a cconstant
L1823[10:55:17] <tterrag>
L1824[10:55:17] <Unh0ly_Tigg> "2
Trimps just melted" But they're fighting a chimp...
L1825[10:55:17] <Dark> it works but is
L1826[10:55:18] <sham1> and there
propably is
L1827[10:55:19] <sham1> Ah
L1828[10:55:27] <tterrag> or
L1829[10:55:27] <gigaherz> ah there
tterrag got it first
L1830[10:55:28] <tterrag> not sure
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L1832[10:55:33] <Dark> i think 10 is
L1833[10:55:46] <gigaherz> use "go
to definition" to see which constant has which value ;P
L1835[10:56:04] <Dark> thats what I mean
by look at the code
L1836[10:56:07] <Dark> you can back trace
the calls
L1837[10:56:09] <Dark> to find what MC
L1838[10:56:15] <Dark> its a good habit
to develope
L1839[10:56:30] <Dark> can reverse
engineer any code that way
L1840[10:56:55] <gigaherz> mc code has
the constants inlined though
L1841[10:59:20] <sham1> God damn it
⇨ Joins: shadekiller666
L1843[10:59:27] <sham1> I know what
I'm doing with this cast
L1844[11:00:44] <Wuppy> pizza :D
⇨ Joins: Cojo
L1846[11:01:29] <sham1> Sigh
L1847[11:01:37] <Dark> yes cast it to
pizza, then divide it by 2*pie/4 raidians, then eat the
⇨ Joins: MattDahEpic
L1849[11:01:58] <sham1> I know for a fact
that the type I cast to is correct
L1850[11:01:59] <sham1> IDEA pls
L1851[11:02:09] <Dark> check your
L1852[11:02:19] <sham1> what?
L1853[11:02:20] <sham1> Why
L1854[11:02:27] <Dark> could have
imported the wrong type
L1855[11:02:33] <Dark> do that for Logger
all the time
L1856[11:02:35] <sham1> umn, no
⇨ Joins: Loetkolben
L1858[11:02:41] <diesieben07> may not be
IDEA, java has weird rules :D
L1860[11:02:50] <diesieben07> cast to
Object then to your target type
L1861[11:02:53] <sham1> I'm pretty
sure I imported java.util.List
L1862[11:03:03] <Dark> code?
L1863[11:03:37] <Dark> also you may not
be able to cast List<Object> to List<Type>
L1864[11:03:47] <sham1> Not that you
would need my code...
L1865[11:03:57] <Dark> it helps
L1867[11:04:25] <MattDahEpic> im calling
it now: steve/alex in smashbros to advertise mcwiiu
L1868[11:04:37] <sham1> please no
L1869[11:04:45] <sham1> 7th line
L1870[11:05:05] <tterrag> sham1: why are
you reading a tag list like that?
L1871[11:05:12] <tterrag> just iterate
over the tabs
L1872[11:05:15] <tterrag> why make it a
L1873[11:05:19] <tterrag> tags*
L1874[11:05:22] <Dark> as I said you may
not be able to cast list types to another list type
L1875[11:05:24] <Dark> just for a
L1876[11:05:28] <Dark> and write it into
your list
L1877[11:05:52] <sham1> tterrag, I make
it into list so I can forEach over it
L1878[11:05:54] <Dark> its O(x) operation
so should be fine
L1879[11:06:03] <tterrag> who cares about
L1880[11:06:08] <tterrag> you know
regular for loops work fine
L1881[11:06:38] <sham1> They do
L1882[11:06:54] *
Dark notes you can go old school and use recursive methods instead
of loops
L1883[11:07:26] <sham1> Which is more
old-school though
L1884[11:07:55] <sham1> But lets do the
for way
L1885[11:08:09] <sham1> For I do not want
anything to do with this
L1886[11:08:42] <Cypher121> most
old-school is goto/jmp
L1887[11:08:57] <Dark> you could also
write a ListIterator that takes a NBTTagCompound
L1888[11:09:01] <Dark> and lets you
foreach it
L1889[11:09:29] <Dark> sadly I miss
goto/jump wish java had them for lolz
L1890[11:09:42] <tterrag> java has the
keyword goto
L1891[11:09:45] <tterrag> it does nothing
though :P
L1892[11:09:50] <Dark> yep, does
L1893[11:10:01] <Dark> just there to
troll the trolls
L1894[11:10:06] <diesieben07> except make
an error :P
L1895[11:10:07] <Cypher121> then loop,
then recursion, because recursion is much more complicated with all
the stack operations
L1896[11:10:25] <Dark> sadly
L1897[11:10:36] *
Dark stack overflows his code a lot
L1898[11:10:49] <sham1> I'd use
recursion but I cannot because there is a high change it will just
L1899[11:10:56] *
Dark likes his recursive pathfinders too much
L1900[11:11:08] <gigaherz> I'm not
sure that "recursion" is something less old-school than
L1901[11:11:08] <gigaherz> XD
L1902[11:11:13] <Cypher121> does java
work well with tail recursion?
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L1904[11:11:17] <sham1> yes
L1905[11:11:20] <Cypher121> noice
L1906[11:11:24] <sham1> If you only
recurse a little bit that is
L1907[11:11:30] <sham1> It does not get
L1908[11:11:34] <gigaherz> XD
L1909[11:11:37] <Cypher121> now
that's sad
L1910[11:11:39] <gigaherz> so it
doesn't actually do tail recursion
L1911[11:11:39] <gigaherz> ;P
L1912[11:11:47] <Cypher121> yeah, you
lied :D
L1913[11:11:47] <raoulvdberge> hmmm, is
it true that Item.onCreated isn't called in creative mode? My
NBT tags aren't set :P
L1914[11:11:49] <Dark> i'm actually
not sure what tail recursion is
L1915[11:11:56] <sham1> Well it still is
tail recustion if you call it as your last operation
L1916[11:11:59] <gigaherz> Dark:
L1917[11:12:00] <gigaherz> if you
L1918[11:12:04] <gigaherz> func() {
L1919[11:12:06] <gigaherz> work
L1920[11:12:06] <sham1> Does not matter
if it gets optimized or not
L1921[11:12:12] <gigaherz>
L1922[11:12:13] <gigaherz> }
L1923[11:12:17] <gigaherz> you can
optimize it as
L1924[11:12:22] <gigaherz> func(work)
L1925[11:12:26] <gigaherz> while(work)
L1926[11:12:27] <gigaherz> do work
L1927[11:12:29] <gigaherz> setup next
L1928[11:12:30] <gigaherz> }
L1929[11:12:31] <gigaherz> }
L1930[11:12:33] <Cypher121> if you call
method in it's end and do nothing after it, it means you can
throw away part of stack needed for it, before calling it
L1931[11:12:34] <Dark> oh, so its just
java doing its optimization thing cool
L1932[11:12:45] <gigaherz> a tail-call
L1933[11:12:46] <tterrag> raoulvdberge:
use getSubItems to control the NBT on your item in the creative
L1934[11:12:48] <sham1> it just means
that it is not tail-optimiozed
L1935[11:12:51] <gigaherz> means turning
the tail-recursion into a loop
L1936[11:12:57] <Dark> never heard it
called that before
L1937[11:13:10] <raoulvdberge> tterrag:
L1938[11:13:12] <sham1> the tail-part
comes from LISP
L1939[11:13:36] <gigaherz> but
L1940[11:13:38] <gigaherz> the compiler
can do that
L1941[11:13:42] <Dark> LISP? i really
need to read more
L1942[11:13:44] <gigaherz> no need for
the JVM to do the work afterward
L1943[11:13:44] <gigaherz> XD
L1944[11:13:44] <Cypher121> lisp = good
things + parentheses
L1945[11:13:55] <gigaherz> lisp = parens,
L1946[11:13:56] <gigaherz> XD
L1947[11:14:01] <Cypher121> yeah
L1948[11:14:05] <gigaherz> I dislike lisp
because of the lack of variety
L1949[11:14:10] <sham1> much rather
Haskell or ECMAScipt
L1950[11:14:15] <gigaherz> "wait did
I close the paren that started X or was this one Y?"
L1951[11:14:19] *
Dark is lost and confused now
L1952[11:14:28] <Cypher121> )
L1953[11:14:32] <Cypher121> ))
L1954[11:14:34] <Cypher121>
L1955[11:14:34] <sham1> )))
L1956[11:14:35] <gigaherz> Dark: LISP
looks like (a b c d ...)
L1957[11:14:39] <gigaherz> where an
L1958[11:14:42] <gigaherz> can be a list
on itself
L1959[11:14:42] <sham1> (+ 2 3 5)
L1960[11:14:43] <gigaherz> so
L1961[11:14:45] <hipsterpig> tterrag:
how's your zone 21?
L1962[11:14:48] <gigaherz> ((a b) c
L1963[11:14:51] <asie> clojure modding is
L1964[11:14:55] <asie> someone actually
made a forge wrapper for clojure
L1965[11:15:01] <gigaherz> lisp operators
are prexix operators
L1966[11:15:04] <gigaherz> so you
L1967[11:15:05] <sham1> Except that it is
L1968[11:15:09] <gigaherz>
(function/operator args here)
L1969[11:15:13] <gigaherz> (+ 1 2)
L1970[11:15:19] <tterrag> hipsterpig: on
the 3rd to last row :P
L1971[11:15:19] <gigaherz> would be a
function call that sums 1+2
⇨ Joins: Drullkus
L1973[11:15:37] <gigaherz> and now youcan
use your brain to imagine just how annoying the language is
L1974[11:15:38] <gigaherz> XD
L1975[11:15:45] <gigaherz> since
EVERYTHING starts and ends with ()
L1976[11:15:45] <sham1> (deffun
L1977[11:15:50] <Dark> I see...
L1978[11:15:57] <Dark> that would be
L1979[11:16:00] <gigaherz> some people
love lisp for its simplicity
L1980[11:16:07] <gigaherz> I hate it for
the lack of variety ;P
L1981[11:16:09] *
Dark loves that he is just a java and C# coder
L1982[11:16:19] <sham1> Data and code has
no difference in LISP
L1983[11:16:25] <hipsterpig> i'm on
22 :P
L1984[11:16:29] <sham1> Then again,
neither does data and code have any differencce anywere else
L1985[11:16:29] <gigaherz> in that
L1986[11:16:33] <gigaherz> lisp is closer
to lambda calculus ;P
L1987[11:16:38] <hipsterpig> well
actually I'm on DoA but I finished 21 before going for
L1988[11:17:07] <sham1> LISP and its
comperator IO monad
L1989[11:17:21] <Cypher121> btw, how does
forge work with languages that don't have `static`?
L1990[11:17:27] <sham1> scala
L1991[11:17:32] <sham1> So basically
⇦ Quits: Samario
(~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Quit:
L1993[11:18:07] <Dark> forge sorta works
with scala
L1994[11:18:12] <Dark> it like to freak
out every so often
L1995[11:18:12] <Cypher121> I'm just
wondering if I can try modding with Kotlin or not
L1996[11:18:19] <PaleoCrafter> Scala has
"static" :P
L1997[11:18:24] <Dark> you would have to
write an adapter
L1998[11:18:25] <sham1> Meh
L1999[11:18:28] <PaleoCrafter> so does
Kotlin, afaik
L2000[11:18:33] <Cypher121> no
L2001[11:18:42] <Cypher121> it only uses
L2002[11:18:42] <sham1> I'd want to
try Frege for modding
L2003[11:18:43] <Dark> scala technically
has statics, but they are not true statics
L2004[11:18:49] <Cypher121> which is
same, but not same
L2006[11:18:58] <Dark> and very
L2007[11:19:08] <Dark> I suggest avoiding
scala for static stuff
L2008[11:19:12] <PaleoCrafter> as long as
it gets compiled to statics in bytecode :P
L2009[11:19:14] <Dark> just use
L2010[11:19:20] <Dark> only use scala for
its mixens
L2011[11:19:32] <sham1> But using Frege
would be extremely annoying as you do not know where you get your
IO monad and therefor your state from
L2012[11:19:56] <Dark> does it actually
convert to statics in bytecode?
L2013[11:20:05] <sham1> Yes
L2014[11:20:07] <Dark> as scala ->
java is messy
L2015[11:20:16] <Dark> hmm going to need
to decompile some later
L2016[11:20:19] <sham1> Using Scala from
Java is messy
L2017[11:20:24] <Dark> that too
L2018[11:20:26] <sham1> *looks at
L2019[11:20:31] <Dark> was speaking about
L2020[11:20:36] <Dark> as scla -> java
-> bytecode
L2021[11:20:41] <Dark> is how it
L2022[11:20:54] <PaleoCrafter> Scala gets
converted directly to bytecode
L2023[11:21:09] <sham1> Seriously,
ObjectName$.$MODULE$ is not fun for anyone
L2024[11:21:12] <Dark> yes, but meh
L2025[11:21:18] <Dark> its easier to
think of it being java mid way
L2026[11:21:41] <sham1> Or was it
L2027[11:21:44] <Falk|Panic> meh
L2028[11:21:45] <sham1> Either way,
L2029[11:21:47] ***
Falk|Panic is now known as Falkreon
L2030[11:21:53] <Dark> helps my brain
when I'm this out of energy and monster is not helping
L2031[11:22:11] <Falkreon> tail-end
recursion optimization is throwing away part of the stack to skip
repeated "RET" commands
L2032[11:22:28] <Wuppy> woop woop, ludum
is cool :D
L2033[11:22:43] <Falkreon> so if
you've gone three methods deep, but you know that you're
at the end of all of them
L2034[11:22:44] <Wuppy> 8 more hours to
go :D
L2035[11:22:49] <Wuppy> till 3AM :D
L2036[11:22:53] <Falkreon> you just ret
to the original address, instead of RET, RET, RET
L2038[11:23:17] <tterrag> sham1: and
it's just MODULE$ ^^
L2039[11:23:19] <Falkreon> I'm
thinking of making a LD entry where you copypaste together a
monster or a ship
L2040[11:23:22] <sham1> Ye
L2041[11:23:28] <Falkreon> two buttons:
L2042[11:23:30] <sham1> Wasn't it I
who told you about that
L2043[11:23:34] <sham1> Still
L2044[11:23:38] <sham1> Annoying as
L2045[11:23:45] <tterrag> yeah, I
L2046[11:23:48] <Falkreon> but you use
two buttons at a time
L2047[11:23:56] <Falkreon> instead of two
buttons total
L2048[11:24:20] <Falkreon> prolly just
HTML5 it
L2049[11:24:30] <Falkreon> maybe not a
terrible idea?
L2050[11:25:32] <Dark> tterrag what is
that code for?
L2051[11:25:41] <tterrag> my @Handler
L2052[11:25:47] <tterrag> automatically
registers a class as an event receiver
L2053[11:25:51] <Dark> ah
L2054[11:25:57] <tterrag> was more useful
before cpw nuked the FML bus :P
L2055[11:25:58] <tterrag> but still
L2056[11:26:03] <tterrag> (not that it
exists on 1.8 yet)
L2057[11:26:14] <ThePsionic> >modding
for 1.8 and not 1.8.8
L2058[11:26:16] <ThePsionic> psh
L2059[11:26:17] <Dark> surprised I never
noticed it
L2060[11:26:17] <tterrag> Dark: someone
tried to use it on a scala object, and lo and behold it
wouldn't work
L2061[11:26:23] <tterrag> ThePsionic:
>modding for neither
L2062[11:26:24] <Dark> was reading threw
that code last week
L2063[11:26:29] <sham1> Well it is still
useful for 1.8.x and it is easier
L2064[11:26:39] <sham1> As you ever have
to worry about one bus
L2065[11:26:40] ***
Falkreon is now known as Falk|Panic
L2066[11:26:50] ***
colossali is now known as colossali|Away
L2067[11:26:52] <ThePsionic> tterrag:
L2068[11:26:54] <tterrag> sham1: right,
but the best part about using it was that it would infer what bus
to use from the param classes
L2069[11:26:58] <Dark> tbh its extra
overhead that is not really needed
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(Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L2072[11:27:47] <Dark> also a better
option is to hack into the bus
L2073[11:27:50] <Dark> and add your own
listener object
L2074[11:27:55] <Dark> saves time, a lot
of time
L2075[11:27:57] <ThePsionic> hack the
L2077[11:28:03] <Dark> not allowed to do
L2078[11:28:07] <tterrag> there were 4
busses in 1.7.10
L2079[11:28:09] <tterrag> now
there's only 3
L2080[11:28:20] <Dark> 4?
L2081[11:28:24] <Dark> only knew of the
L2082[11:28:42] <tterrag> ORE_GEN_BUS and
L2083[11:28:47] <tterrag> the volume of
events on those busses is massive
L2084[11:28:51] <tterrag> so it would bog
down the main bus
L2085[11:28:55] <fry> iirc each mod
lifefycle is its own bus, no? :P
L2086[11:28:58] <Dark> hmm, never used
them before
L2087[11:29:02] *
Dark does some reading
L2088[11:29:07] <tterrag> fry: yeah, but
you don't use @SubscribeEvent for those
L2089[11:29:13] <fry> true :P
L2090[11:29:14] <tterrag> and they only
work in the @Mod class
L2091[11:29:19] <tterrag> so @handler
would be kiiiinda pointless
L2092[11:29:24] <tterrag> anyways,
L2093[11:29:26] ***
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L2096[11:31:30] <tterrag|away> fry: maybe
you could fix this longstanding annoyance, the @EventHandler events
don't respond when you use a superclass
L2097[11:31:40] <tterrag|away> once upon
a time I wanted to receive *all* FMLEvent events
L2099[11:31:43] <tterrag|away> but it
doesn't work
L2100[11:31:48] <Dark> that would be very
very useful
L2101[11:31:56] <tterrag|away>
@SubscribeEvent works like that
L2102[11:31:58] <fry> make an issue!
L2103[11:31:58] <tterrag|away> idk why
it's different
L2104[11:32:03] <tterrag|away>
L2105[11:32:03] <fry> seriously! :P
L2106[11:32:03] <tterrag|away>
L2107[11:32:04] <tterrag|away> gtg
L2108[11:32:19] <fry> cpw will probably
know better how to fix that :P
L2109[11:32:23] *
Dark will let tterrag make the issue
L2110[11:32:32] <tterrag|away> Dark: by
all means go ahead
L2111[11:32:33] <Dark> should be a simple
L2112[11:32:38] <Dark> I don't make
issues on forge
L2113[11:32:42] <Dark> got shot down too
L2114[11:32:51] <sham1> Well why not try
L2115[11:32:51] <Dark> that being said I
have one PR in forge
L2116[11:33:00] <Dark> all though ti
doesn't show up in the contributions
L2117[11:33:22] <Dark> hmm good point
L2118[11:33:55] <Dark> if tterrag
doesn't do it today I'll do it tomorrow
L2119[11:35:29] <Dark> bbl
L2120[11:35:35] ***
Dark is now known as Dark|Away
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timeout: 186 seconds)
L2122[11:37:44] <asie> I think I know why
it is different, tterrag|away
L2123[11:37:57] <asie> FMLEvents are
registered in the ModContainer using its own internal system
L2124[11:38:06] <asie> and I think it
doesn't catch superclasses, is all
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L2128[11:42:12] <hipsterpig>
tterrag|away: learn to hate snimps
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L2130[11:47:19] <tterrag|away>
hipsterpig: while I was away I got to zone 23 :P
L2131[11:47:23] <tterrag|away> first
playthrough ;D
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L2133[11:47:27] <hipsterpig> what.
L2134[11:47:28] <hipsterpig> how
L2135[11:47:29] <hipsterpig> what.
L2136[11:47:36] <hipsterpig> you just got
to 21 earlier
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L2138[11:47:52] <hipsterpig> oh wait you
have a lot of health buffer
L2139[11:47:52] <hipsterpig> I
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closed the connection)
L2141[11:49:03] <hipsterpig> i should
probably try a run with high HP instead of high block
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L2146[11:50:09] <tterrag|away>
hipsterpig: I've been pretty even really
L2147[11:50:18] <tterrag|away>
haven't really pushed for one or the other
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Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line
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L2162[12:10:43] <Tarig> hey guys, does
anyone know where I can find an example of creating a b3d model
with animation? The only thing I can find is how to utilize the
model after animation is setup
L2163[12:11:05] <gigaherz> that's
because animation is independent of the b3d format
L2164[12:11:12] <gigaherz> you learn how
to animate in blender or similar
L2165[12:11:18] <gigaherz> and then this
animated model, you can export it as b3d
L2167[12:13:28] <gigaherz> note that b3d
uses baked animations
L2168[12:13:39] <fry> not quite :P
L2169[12:13:40] <gigaherz> as opposite to
skeleton-based rigging
L2170[12:13:48] <gigaherz> no?
L2171[12:13:55] <gigaherz> I thought your
loader required baked
L2172[12:13:55] <fry> it has exactly
skeleton-based rigging :P
L2173[12:13:59] <gigaherz> oh
L2174[12:14:02] <gigaherz> nevermind
L2175[12:14:09] <fry> nope, baking
happens after the fact :P
L2176[12:14:28] <fry> and I actually have
working skeletal animation \o/
L2177[12:14:33] <gigaherz> heh
L2178[12:14:34] <gigaherz> nice
L2179[12:15:01] <Tarig> hmm so I need to
skeloten my model to do a simple rotation?
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Connection reset by peer)
L2181[12:15:21] <fry> it's not that
L2182[12:15:22] <gigaherz> just one bone
L2183[12:15:25] <fry> yup :P
L2184[12:15:37] <gigaherz> unless blender
sucks a lot
L2185[12:15:40] <Tarig> doesn't
sound hard
L2186[12:15:46] <fry> my chest model has
a whooping 2 bones
L2187[12:15:47] <gigaherz> the automatic
rigging should be able to match all vertices to the one bone
L2188[12:15:57] <gigaherz> with 1.0
L2189[12:16:07] <Tarig> can you add to
the example the original blend?
L2190[12:16:17] <fry> hmm
L2191[12:16:28] <fry> I didn't find
a way to make it very portable
L2192[12:16:45] <Tarig> the blend file is
not portable?
L2193[12:16:52] <fry> the blend has a lot
of absolute paths
L2194[12:16:57] <Tarig> ah
L2195[12:17:05] <gigaherz> ewh ;p
L2196[12:17:17] <fry> it's possible
to get rid of them, but I'm not quite sure how :P
L2197[12:17:25] <Tarig> my blends have no
paths since, I'm texturing it in my mod code
L2198[12:18:06] <fry> texture paths are
only half of the problem, there's a lot left if you look at
the file itself :P
L2199[12:18:30] <gigaherz> hmmm
L2200[12:18:40] <gigaherz> I was watching
a video from xBCrafted, who's playing FTB Unstable 1.8
L2201[12:18:47] <gigaherz> and he was
just speaking about forge multipart
L2202[12:18:52] <gigaherz> and how
it's not there for 1.8 yet
L2203[12:19:04] <gigaherz> so I Was
wondering if there's any effort ongoing to make that happen
L2204[12:19:17] <fry> yes, no, maybe?
L2205[12:19:45] <gigaherz> XD
L2206[12:19:48] <Tarig> well the camolib
I'm working on might be a good proof of concept for it
L2207[12:19:57] <gigaherz> heh
L2208[12:20:17] <gigaherz> well I know
HOW it would be done, code-wise (at least the model compositing
L2209[12:20:28] <gigaherz> I wasjust
wondering if anyone was already working on it
L2210[12:20:29] <gigaherz> XD
L2211[12:20:47] <fry> I think people are
L2212[12:21:05] <gigaherz> there's
that "chisel bits" mod
L2213[12:21:12] <gigaherz> but it splits
a block into pixel pieces
L2214[12:21:16] <gigaherz> so it's
rather... annoying to work with
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L2216[12:22:36] <gigaherz> well not
L2217[12:22:38] <gigaherz>
L2218[12:23:05] <gigaherz> hmm
L2220[12:23:12] <gigaherz> it seems
it's more powerful than it seems
L2221[12:23:44] <gigaherz> my experience
L2222[12:23:56] <gigaherz> *break bits*,
*place bits*, *give up*
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(~Tarig@cpe-104-230-154-96.columbus.res.rr.com) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L2224[12:24:04] <gigaherz> I never
realized it has other modes xD
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L2226[12:29:10] <MattDahEpic> i think my
stuff should be in the ftb 1.8 packs
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MineBot sets mode: +v on iPixeli
L2229[12:29:17] <MattDahEpic> because my
stuff is cool and is for 1.8
L2230[12:29:42] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic:
suggest it to the FTB people? ;P
L2231[12:30:05] <Wuppy> Ronzan,
how's the game?
L2232[12:31:11] <MattDahEpic> gigaherz,
whats the best way to do that
L2233[12:32:42] <karlthepagan>
MattDahEpic, networking with people who play and promote FTB
probably, show them your mod, build consensus, find someone who
likes it and listen to their feedback
L2234[12:33:05] <karlthepagan> tl;dr
politics basically, good luck
L2235[12:33:29] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic: I
have no idea XD
L2236[12:34:21] <gigaherz> maybe go to
whatever irc channel or forum they may have, and present yourself
and your mods? ;P
L2237[12:35:21] <MattDahEpic> god 4k
skyrims textures take FOREVER to download
L2238[12:36:15] <gigaherz> well they are
4x the pixels than 1080p ;P
L2239[12:36:24] <MattDahEpic>
L2240[12:36:55] <gigaherz> (or well,
4096x4096 is 4x 2048x2048)
L2241[12:40:44] ***
Tombenout is now known as Tombenpotter
L2242[12:41:19] <Ronzan> Wuppy, I'm
not doing the ludum dare ;)
L2243[12:41:31] <Wuppy> sorry, confused
the names then
L2244[12:41:40] <Ronzan> how is your game
coming along?
L2245[12:41:48] <Wuppy> it's been 12
hours of programming already today :p
L2246[12:41:51] <Wuppy> great :D
L2247[12:41:56] <Ronzan> hehe nice
L2248[12:41:57] <Wuppy> almost done
L2249[12:42:03] <Ronzan> awesome
L2250[12:42:26] <gigaherz> when is the
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L2252[12:42:34] <Wuppy> 3AM
L2253[12:42:43] <Ronzan> I'm
contemplating getting started with making the gui for my screen
block, but it is just so tedious
L2254[12:42:46] <Wuppy> 7 hours and 17
minutes from now
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timeout: 206 seconds)
L2256[12:54:03] <raoulvdberge> !gm
Item.addInformation 1.7.10
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L2268[13:28:59] <Ronzan> Do I need to do
anything special to use Gui.drawRect() and other drawing methods in
the Gui class?
L2269[13:29:51] <sham1> nah
L2270[13:30:08] <Dark|Away> might have to
make sure your drawing using the GUI corner pos though
L2271[13:30:14] <Dark|Away> so it
doesn't move when screen res changes
L2272[13:30:17] ***
Dark|Away is now known as Dark
L2273[13:30:56] <Ronzan> ok, yes, I think
I read about that somewhere
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error: Connection reset by peer)
L2275[13:31:32] <Ronzan> hmm, I call
Gui.drawRect(0,0,100,100, 0xff0000) from
drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer() but I get nothing
L2276[13:33:10] <Dark> did you call it
before or after you drew the background texture?
L2277[13:33:14] <Ronzan> but
this.drawTexturedModalRect(guiLeft, guiTop, 0, 0, w, h) works
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L2279[13:33:25] <Ronzan> I commented out
the background texture for now
L2280[13:33:31] <Ronzan> but after
L2281[13:33:36] <Dark> hmm k
L2282[13:33:58] <Dark> try using the
guiLeft and guiTop
L2283[13:34:03] <Ronzan> do you need to
initialize the Gui class or something
L2284[13:34:05] <Dark> you may be drawing
it off screen, not sure tbh
L2285[13:34:08] <Ronzan> just tried that
Dark ;)
L2286[13:34:16] <gigaherz> :3
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L2291[13:35:54] <Ronzan> it is probably
just some noob error...again ;)
L2292[13:37:03] <Dark> try changing the
L2293[13:37:16] <Ronzan> was just
thinking about the color
L2294[13:37:18] <Dark> also debug mode
L2295[13:37:32] <Dark> as you can change
code, refresh GUI, and test without restarting MC
L2296[13:37:35] <Ronzan> I use hex in
other places
L2297[13:37:39] <Ronzan> I do that Dark
L2298[13:37:46] <Dark> :)
L2299[13:37:49] <Ronzan> otherwise, man,
a pain it would be hehe
L2300[13:38:02] <Dark> lost debug mode
for a year
L2301[13:38:05] <Dark> due to avast
L2302[13:38:10] <Ronzan> dang
L2303[13:38:27] <Dark> not that bad
though, learn inventive ways to test code
L2304[13:38:37] <Dark> like GUI buttons
for moving GUI buttons
L2305[13:38:37] <Ronzan> well as they
say, it takes less time to write it correct the first time
L2306[13:38:42] <Ronzan> hehe
L2307[13:38:49] <Dark> that as well
L2308[13:41:18] <Ronzan> the color is RGB
in the gui right? or RGBA?
L2309[13:41:34] <Ronzan> aha!
L2310[13:41:51] <Ronzan> grr, so silly,
thanks Dark :)
L2311[13:41:59] <heldplayer> Usually
it's ARGB
L2312[13:42:08] <Ronzan> yeah, just found
out hehe
L2313[13:42:15] <Dark> just as a
L2314[13:42:22] <Dark> new
L2315[13:42:39] <Ronzan> ok, how
L2316[13:42:40] <heldplayer> That's
not a great tip
L2317[13:42:47] <Dark> it works
L2318[13:42:58] <heldplayer> Yeah, but
you'll be spamming new objects every frame
L2319[13:43:07] <Dark> saves tip
guessing, and IDEA allows editing
L2320[13:43:13] <Dark> assuming you cache
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L2322[13:43:21] <Ronzan> at the moment I
just write it in hex, I assume java can typecast that pretty
L2323[13:43:25] <heldplayer> Usually,
just knowing how to do the colours raw is enough
L2324[13:43:30] <leagris> Hello Forge
L2325[13:43:52] <Dark> i think the
compilier just turns it into an it
L2327[13:45:00] <Ronzan> but tips are
always welcome :)
L2328[13:45:40] <heldplayer> Also,
technically a hex value is still an int, same as decimal, octal,
and binary
L2329[13:45:52] <heldplayer> Appending an
L turns it into a long
L2330[13:46:13] <heldplayer> Not sure you
can append a D or F on anything other than a decimal to turn it
into a double or float respectively
L2331[13:46:25] <Ronzan> aye, dunno why I
was thinking typecasting hehe
L2333[13:47:17] <gigaherz> I guess
I'm excluded ;P
L2334[13:47:35] <Ronzan> heh, I
haven't installed 2015 yet, so sure
L2335[13:47:37] <gigaherz> Wuppy: did you
compile with static runtime option?
L2336[13:47:37] <heldplayer> But yeah, I
think you've got the hang of how to use the colours, as an int
can be contained in 8 hexadecimal digits, so 0xXXXXXXXX, which very
cleanly splits up into 0xAARRGGBB
L2337[13:47:45] <Wuppy> gigaherz,
L2338[13:48:16] <heldplayer> Needlessly
using new Color(rgb).toInto() is... wat
L2339[13:48:25] <heldplayer> *toInt
L2340[13:48:30] <gigaherz> project
properties -> C/C++ -> code generation -> Runtime
L2341[13:48:40] <gigaherz> ensure that
it's "Multi-threaded" and not "multithreaded
L2342[13:48:46] <heldplayer> Especially
seeing as what I can gather from that constructor, rgb is an int
L2344[13:49:49] <Wuppy> dammit
L2345[13:50:40] <Wuppy> gigaherz, what
would that change?
L2346[13:51:03] <gigaherz> Wuppy: the DLL
version requires msvcrt140.dll
L2347[13:51:09] <gigaherz> the other one
does not
L2348[13:51:11] <Ronzan> heldplayer,
yeah, I'm fine with the hex format, just need to learn how
minecraft expects it hehe
L2349[13:52:14] <heldplayer> Was more
commenting on Dark there, Ronzan ;)
L2350[13:52:19] <Wuppy> Ronzan, want to
help debug me a bit here?
L2351[13:52:27] <raoulvdberge> making
things super abstract so you have absolute flexibility is so
L2352[13:52:37] <Ronzan> Sure Wuppy
L2353[13:53:09] <Ronzan> "[20:47]
<heldplayer> But yeah, I think you've got the hang of
how to use the colours" I thought you mean me hehe ;)
L2354[13:53:27] <Wuppy> gigaherz, do you
happen to know how to make sure players can run the game without
having the runtime installed?
L2355[13:53:35] <Wuppy> so with a few
dlls in the folder
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L2358[13:54:29] <Ronzan> Wuppy, same
L2359[13:54:33] <Wuppy> dammit
L2360[13:55:01] <Ronzan> and FYI, I think
MS doesn't allow you to redist parts of the redist ;)
L2361[13:55:34] <Wuppy> I don't know
about htat tbh
L2362[13:55:43] <Ronzan> it used to be
like iirc
L2363[13:56:01] <heldplayer> Ronzan: oh,
that commant was meant for you ;)
L2364[13:56:17] <Ronzan> hehe thought so,
was just a bit slow replying :)
L2365[13:56:39] <Ronzan> my irc-fu is not
what it was 20 years ago hehe
L2366[13:57:21] <Ronzan> Wuppy, but just
keep em coming ;)
L2368[13:59:09] <heldplayer> Aaaah
vertical lines flashing
L2369[13:59:54] <heldplayer> fry: are you
right clicking that block?
L2370[14:00:09] <gigaherz> Wuppy:
that's exactly what I was telling you!
L2371[14:00:09] <gigaherz> XD
L2372[14:00:11] <fry> yup
L2373[14:00:18] <gigaherz> if you compile
with the non-DLL runtime
L2374[14:00:19] <Dark> sorry was afk,
heldplayer by rgb i actually meant r,g,b
L2375[14:00:22] <gigaherz> you don't
need the runtime installed!
L2376[14:00:33] <Dark> so its not
needless, as it saves headache of manually converting
L2377[14:00:41] <Wuppy> gigaherz, I
changed it to the thing you said and you still couldnt
L2379[14:00:58] <Ronzan> Dark, yeah, but
you still have the overhead of creating the object ;)
L2380[14:01:07] <Dark> you do but that is
very very small
L2381[14:01:10] <Ronzan> But as I said,
tips are more than welcome :)
L2382[14:01:10] <Dark> plus if you
L2383[14:01:11] <Dark> your good
L2384[14:01:15] <Ronzan> agreed
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L2386[14:01:28] <Dark> tbh if your
L2387[14:01:31] <Dark> make a CMD
L2388[14:01:38] <Dark> that turns color
into int
L2389[14:02:55] <Ronzan> Wuppy, still no
go, but there are not redist dlls only the redist exe ;)
L2390[14:02:57] <Dark> wuppy you should
add a publisher as Windows thinks "Its a trap"
L2391[14:03:11] <Ronzan> hehe
L2392[14:03:14] <Wuppy> Ronzan, exactly
L2393[14:03:22] <Dark> also missing
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L2395[14:03:30] <Ronzan> want me to
install the redist?
L2396[14:03:34] <Wuppy> don't have
time to mess with builds anymore :c
L2397[14:03:40] <Wuppy> Ronzan, exactly
L2398[14:03:52] <Ronzan> or did you try
compiling like gigaherz suggesged?
L2399[14:03:58] <Ronzan> ok
L2400[14:04:16] <Wuppy> I did, that was
the second one I send
L2401[14:04:28] <Dark> you should make a
quick installer
L2402[14:04:32] <Dark> saves a lot of
time for users
L2403[14:04:44] <Dark> or at least make
your program give an error saying to install
L2404[14:05:49] <Wuppy> Dark, normally
I'd say good advice, will do, but I've got less then 6
hours and still a lot to do
L2405[14:05:56] <Ronzan> Wuppy, yay I won
the game :)
L2406[14:06:03] <Wuppy> awesome :D
L2407[14:06:04] <Dark> lol nice
L2408[14:06:06] <Wuppy> how long did it
take you?
L2409[14:06:11] <Dark> suggest putting it
on the app store
L2410[14:06:23] <Ronzan> hmm, 2 mins or
L2412[14:06:45] <Ronzan> died a few times
to the holes hehe
L2413[14:06:50] <Dark> Might I note its a
bit hard to tell how low the pillars are
L2414[14:07:04] <Ronzan> but nice
gameplay design, simple but fun
L2415[14:07:06] <Wuppy> Dark, it's
already good enough for the app store? :O
L2416[14:07:06] <Dark> as it looks like
you will clear and you pixel touch it
L2417[14:07:17] <Dark> Wuppy I test games
on the app store a lot
L2418[14:07:18] <Wuppy> how should I
improve that?
L2419[14:07:22] <Dark> you above
L2420[14:07:23] <Ronzan> well 2 mins at
the first level that is
L2421[14:07:38] <Wuppy> nice :D
L2422[14:07:50] <Dark> Wuppy a good idea
is to always make the gap a different size then it is possible for
the ball to get
L2423[14:07:58] <Dark> this way eye level
measurement is easy
L2424[14:08:42] ***
bilde2910 is now known as bilde2910|away
L2425[14:09:42] <Wuppy> I'll try to
fix that :)
L2426[14:10:04] ***
tterrag|away is now known as tterrag
L2427[14:10:55] <Wuppy> lol Spotify knows
what's up, it starts playing the final countdown so close to
L2428[14:11:04] <Dark> \0/
L2429[14:11:28] <Wuppy> now to implement
your change, level switching and then design level 2 :D
L2430[14:11:31] <Wuppy> and probably
L2432[14:12:14] <Wuppy> Kata?
L2433[14:12:17] <Dark> yep
L2434[14:12:20] <Wuppy> whats that?
L2435[14:12:27] <Dark> some org that does
L2436[14:12:35] <Dark> not sure but it
was required for a job interview
L2438[14:14:15] <Ronzan> Wuppy, you still
have 5 hours left, go procedural level gen :)
L2439[14:14:22] <Wuppy> lol nope
L2440[14:14:28] <Ronzan> haha
L2441[14:14:30] <Wuppy> well
L2442[14:14:43] <Wuppy> but keep in mind
how long I've already worked, productivity is not 100%
L2443[14:14:44] <Dark> wave form
L2444[14:14:49] <Ronzan> could do it
simple with just basic random numbers
L2445[14:14:57] <Ronzan> true that
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L2447[14:15:30] <Dark> lol flappy bird,
just realized your game reminded me of that
L2448[14:15:44] <raoulvdberge> 267
additions and 257 deletions pfew
L2449[14:16:02] <Wuppy> my game is like
flappy bird? that's not good :c
L2450[14:16:09] <Wuppy> that game is
soooo simple
L2451[14:16:09] <Dark> actually that is
L2452[14:16:17] <Dark> simple games sell
L2453[14:16:20] <Wuppy> that's
L2454[14:16:35] <Wuppy> hmm controls
would also work very well on phone
L2455[14:16:40] <Dark> yep
L2456[14:16:53] <Wuppy> and if I'd
rewrite it in Unity I can actually make a mobile game in a few
hours :P
L2457[14:16:55] <Dark> especially if you
do tilt movement
L2458[14:17:02] <Wuppy> tilt movement for
the rolling?
L2459[14:17:15] <Dark> tilt the phone
left or right
L2460[14:17:17] <Dark> up and down
L2461[14:17:26] <Wuppy> for the rolling
or the growing?
L2462[14:17:35] <Dark> up or down for
L2463[14:17:42] <Dark> left or right for
L2464[14:17:52] <Wuppy> wouldn't
that get a bit confusing?
L2465[14:17:57] <Dark> not really
L2466[14:18:01] <Wuppy> why not left
thumb for smaller, right for bigger
L2467[14:18:08] <Dark> that would work as
L2468[14:18:16] <Wuppy> I wonder
what's better :P
L2469[14:18:20] <Dark> just suggesting,
since I don't see a lot of games use tilt sensors
L2470[14:18:26] ***
Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L2471[14:18:40] <Dark> could make two
versions of the game
L2472[14:18:44] <Dark> sell both
L2473[14:18:53] <Wuppy> you think
it's good enough to actually ask money for?
L2474[14:18:59] <Dark> its the app
L2475[14:19:07] <Dark> you can throw shit
on it and get money
L2476[14:19:10] <Wuppy> can't market
it though
L2477[14:19:14] <Dark> don't need
L2478[14:19:20] <Wuppy> it's that
L2479[14:19:20] <Dark> just need to add
to app store
L2480[14:19:22] <Wuppy> ?
L2481[14:19:48] <Dark> honestly games do
well on it without zero effort
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L2483[14:19:58] <Dark> your not going to
make bank but maybe coffee money
L2484[14:20:19] <Wuppy> certainly not bad
for 2 hours of work :P
L2485[14:20:21] <Dark> also you can add a
free and payed for version
L2486[14:20:34] <Dark> free having ads
that generate constant rev per day
L2487[14:20:36] <Wuppy> free= 2 levels or
L2488[14:20:41] <Dark> or that
L2489[14:21:36] <raoulvdberge> Is
Storagium Ore too much of a cheesy name for a storage mod? :P
L2490[14:21:49] <Ronzan> hehe
L2491[14:21:58] <Dark> a little because
the word is hard to say
L2492[14:22:09] <raoulvdberge> maybe
L2493[14:22:13] <raoulvdberge> that is
easier to say
L2494[14:22:35] <Dark> try Storing that
L2495[14:22:44] <raoulvdberge> huh?
L2496[14:22:55] <Dark> for a mod
L2497[14:22:57] <Ronzan> Does anyone know
of a good gui lib or is everyone making their own?
L2498[14:23:13] <Dark> everyone normal
makes there own
L2499[14:23:28] *
tterrag likes his own
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L2501[14:23:36] *
tterrag 's is public domain
L2503[14:23:51] <Dark> I have some
prefabs in my lib/mod
L2505[14:24:33] <tterrag> might as well
throw it in there :P
L2507[14:25:02] <Dark> tbh I normal avoid
GUIs when I can
L2508[14:25:11] <Ronzan> Thanks guys,
I'm not really in the mood for rolling my own (again)
L2509[14:25:12] <Dark> can do a lot with
right and left clicking
L2510[14:25:24] <Dark> Ronzan always feel
free to use VE
L2511[14:25:28] <Dark> its designed for
making modding easy
L2512[14:25:38] <Dark> sadly its 1.7
L2513[14:25:56] <tterrag> as is
L2514[14:25:59] <tterrag> not that GUIs
have changed much
L2515[14:26:11] <Ronzan> I am using 1.7
so, not a problem :)
L2516[14:26:20] <Dark> :)
L2517[14:26:33] <Dark> suggest using VE
then, need more developers to help market it
L2518[14:26:37] <MattDahEpic> is the int
returned in Item.getColorFromItemStack one that could come from
awt.Color.getRGB() ?
L2519[14:26:47] <Dark> I think so
L2520[14:27:04] <raoulvdberge> Dark: I
was talking about the ore itself :P it's a storage mod, that
should have an ore
L2521[14:27:05] <Ronzan> I looked a bit
at McJty's or whats his name, RFTools dev, that looks pretty
L2522[14:27:22] <raoulvdberge> was a bit
vague indeed :P
L2523[14:27:26] <Dark> ah
L2524[14:27:30] <Dark> ya avoid ores for
a simple mod
L2525[14:27:43] <raoulvdberge> No no,
it's not a simple mod :P
L2526[14:27:53] <raoulvdberge> Applied
Energistics clone basically
L2527[14:27:54] <Dark> ok, avoid
L2528[14:28:04] <tterrag> MattDahEpic: MC
typically uses (A)RGB for int colors, yes
L2529[14:28:13] <raoulvdberge> why you
hatin' on ores?
L2530[14:28:17] <Dark> tbh requiring
extra ores paste normal ones is hard on the player
L2531[14:28:30] <Dark> I mean you can use
copper, tin, etc
L2532[14:28:37] <tterrag> raoulvdberge:
why are you cloning an in-development opensource mod?
L2533[14:28:38] <Dark> but don't add
ore for the sake of ore
L2534[14:28:53] <Dark> its something
extra for the player to mine
L2535[14:28:59] <Dark> when they really
should be building
L2536[14:29:07] <raoulvdberge> tterrag:
I'm not cloning any code, I'm just cloning the
L2537[14:29:13] <tterrag> that's
what I mean
L2538[14:29:15] <tterrag> why?
L2539[14:29:21] <raoulvdberge> learning
L2540[14:29:24] <Dark> tbh tterrag I can
call EnderIO a clone of AE
L2541[14:29:29] <tterrag>
L2542[14:29:29] <Dark> your wires are
slowly becoming that
L2543[14:29:37] *
Dark points at storage monitor
L2544[14:29:41] <raoulvdberge> tterrag:
L2545[14:29:58] <tterrag> raoulvdberge:
that wasn't directed at you. still, I find it more rewarding
to work on my own ideas
L2546[14:30:22] <raoulvdberge> I wanted
to make an AE style mod already long, and now that I'm able to
do it, it's pretty rewarding.
L2547[14:31:00] <Dark> if it helps
tterrag I like your mod over AE
L2548[14:31:09] <Dark> though you should
look at multi-threading
L2549[14:31:09] <Ronzan> well, I am
"cloning" the nuclear control information panel at the
moment hehe
L2550[14:31:20] <Dark> 15% of the server
I use is just enderIO wires
L2551[14:31:53] <raoulvdberge> hmm, Dark
you have a point. what if there is no tin / copper though? Then I
would still add a ores.
L2552[14:32:08] <Dark> in that case you
can add your own tin and copper
L2553[14:32:13] <Dark> just avoid adding
random ores
L2554[14:32:18] <Dark> unless they are
well define
L2555[14:32:24] <Dark> and have a purpose
in the lore
L2556[14:32:30] <raoulvdberge> I agree
with you.
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L2558[14:32:40] <Dark> seen too many devs
add ore "Just because"
L2559[14:32:41] <tterrag> which kind of
L2560[14:32:43] <tterrag> redstone is
particularly bad
L2561[14:32:46] <Dark> items
L2562[14:32:58] <Dark> ya your redstone
wires act up a lot
L2563[14:32:59] <tterrag> I would
honestly advise you get rid of all redstone conduits
L2564[14:33:01] <tterrag> use something
L2565[14:33:02] <Dark> mainly with
L2566[14:33:05] <tterrag> they are
HORRIBLE at orphaning chunks
L2567[14:33:08] <tterrag> I've
improved it some, but it's bad
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L2569[14:33:36] <Dark> look at mekanism
think they have a solution to orphaning chunks
L2570[14:33:41] <Dark> using the chunk
unload and load even
L2571[14:33:43] <Dark> *event
L2572[14:34:00] <Dark> also tterrag think
you can add an Item name filter for items
L2573[14:34:06] <Dark> been trying to
sort tinkers items for days
L2575[14:34:15] <Dark> but he has an item
for each type
L2576[14:34:22] <tterrag> no, redstone
conduits need a rewrite
L2577[14:34:26] <tterrag> I just
don't have the motivation
L2578[14:34:35] <Dark> ah, maybe if I get
really bored
L2579[14:34:41] <Dark> I'll try to
L2580[14:34:54] <tterrag> everything
I've done on them has been bandaids
L2581[14:35:00] <tterrag> patching over a
fundamentally broken system
L2582[14:35:09] <tterrag> they were not
coded with chunkloading in mind, at all
L2583[14:35:17] <Dark> nothing really
L2584[14:35:29] <tterrag> it should have
L2585[14:35:29] <Dark> might have to
recode your wire networks to solve
L2586[14:35:40] <tterrag> no, the
networks are fine, other conduits unload just fine
L2587[14:35:41] <Dark> could in theory
write a network that keeps track of chunks
L2588[14:35:55] <Dark> hmm
L2589[14:36:04] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L2590[14:36:09] <Dark> what does the
redstone do different?
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L2593[14:37:18] <tterrag> just the way
signals are handled, they essentially throw out the entire network
and rebuild every time anything changes
L2594[14:37:40] <tterrag> which of course
causes polling along the entire network, causing chunks to
L2595[14:37:53] <Dark> hmm
L2596[14:37:57] <Dark> that is bad
L2597[14:38:06] <Dark> try changing it to
keep track of inputs and outputs
L2598[14:38:12] <Dark> then doing a get
that returns if high or low
L2599[14:38:18] <tterrag> yes,
that's what the others do
L2600[14:38:21] <Dark> simply it in other
L2601[14:38:44] <tterrag> crazypants does
not like redstone, and I'm inclined to agree with him
L2602[14:38:48] <tterrag> it's a
L2603[14:38:52] <Ronzan> hehe
L2604[14:39:27] <asie> 37ttwho
L2605[14:39:39] <asie> i'm writing
my own wires right now
L2606[14:39:40] <asie> it's
L2607[14:40:05] <asie> i'm going to
be on my fourth rewrite in 9 days tomorrow, "fun"
L2608[14:40:13] <Dark> lol
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(Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L2610[14:40:21] <Dark> rewrites are
L2611[14:40:27] <Dark> code
L2612[14:40:30] <Dark> mod becomes
L2613[14:40:35] *
fry will someday write a fast connectivity library, that'll
give you log(n) for insertion/deletion, and for checking if any 2
blocks are connected
L2614[14:40:38] <Dark> users complain
L2615[14:40:52] <Dark> fry that would be
L2616[14:41:03] <tterrag> fry: logn for
insertion? good luck, you'll get users complaining about not
inserting into existing stacks
L2617[14:41:16] <fry> what?
L2618[14:41:23] <Dark> also
L2619[14:41:25] <fry> what stacks?
L2620[14:41:26] <tterrag> what kind of
insertion you talking about?
L2621[14:41:26] <tterrag> :P
L2622[14:41:29] <Dark> log(1)
L2623[14:41:37] <fry> insertion of blocks
into the network :P
L2624[14:41:44] <tterrag> yeah, nevermind
L2625[14:41:58] <tterrag> inventory
insertion can be a bane to item transfer
L2627[14:42:08] <tterrag> because it
typically needs two iterations over the target inventory
L2628[14:42:16] <Dark> have a theory how
to improve inventory wire networks
L2629[14:42:19] <tterrag> which can be
stupidly huge if using certain mods (*cough* draconic
L2630[14:42:19] <fry> N being the total
number of blocks, so you should be able to have millions of blocks
in the network :P
L2631[14:42:21] <Dark> using event type
L2632[14:42:36] <Dark> and ASM
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L2634[14:44:42] <Dark> that being said
most networks really do not need to know what blocks are
L2635[14:44:44] <Dark> just end
L2636[14:45:04] <Dark> so once you build
the paths you can discard blocks contained
L2637[14:45:09] <Dark> and focus just on
the end points
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(~Nitrodev@dcx0f0yytkr32z64vrlpt-3.rev.dnainternet.fi) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L2639[14:45:17] <fry> but maintaining
connectivity between endpoints implies keeping track of all the
block inbetween :P
L2640[14:45:27] <Dark> yes but
pathfinders are very fast
L2641[14:45:33] <Dark> especially when
L2642[14:45:35] <fry> not fast enough
L2643[14:45:46] <fry> still O(n)
L2644[14:45:50] <Dark> yes
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L2646[14:45:58] <Dark> but you only run
once and update
L2647[14:46:02] <Dark> most wire networks
do not update
L2648[14:46:09] <Dark> especially power
grids and item grids
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(~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-106-31.buckeyecom.net) (Ping timeout: 186
L2650[14:46:30] <fry> eh, people build
stuff all the time :P
L2651[14:46:47] <Dark> yep, but while a
user is building you do not have to update the system right
L2652[14:46:52] <fry> and would be nice
to not care about performance at all during gameplay
L2653[14:46:53] <Dark> can wait X
L2654[14:47:28] <fry> yes, but
million-block pathfinding will still take a lot of time
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L2656[14:47:41] <Dark> normally you do
not have a million-block pathfinder
L2657[14:47:50] <Dark> largest wire grid
I've seen is 100K wires
L2658[14:47:50] <fry> would be nice to
have fast insanely big networks :P
L2659[14:48:10] <Dark> also most of the
speed is lost from world.getBlock
L2660[14:48:18] <fry> 100K is big enough
for the update lag to be noticable
L2661[14:48:40] <Dark> something tells me
I'm going to need to write one
L2662[14:48:43] <Dark> and show
performance tests
L2663[14:48:48] <fry> heh :P
L2664[14:48:51] *
fry too :P
L2665[14:49:00] <Dark> actually in theory
I could use ICBM
L2666[14:49:03] <Dark> it pathfinds a
L2667[14:49:14] <Dark> think it does 2000
blocks in 12ms
L2668[14:49:32] <Dark> hmm give me a sec
L2669[14:50:14] <fry> still not fast
enough :P
L2670[14:50:27] <Dark> can only make
something so fast
L2671[14:50:32] <Dark> after all methods
have a call time
L2672[14:50:52] <fry> I'm telling
you that it's possible to make it radically faster :P
L2673[14:50:53] <Dark> which in theory I
could drop it to 6ms if i went from recursive to iterative
L2674[14:50:56] <fry> it's just hard
L2675[14:51:13] <Dark> though I lose too
much abstraction
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L2679[14:58:21] <williewillus> are all
the records using one texture?
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L2681[15:01:02] <MattDahEpic>
williewillus, they're using the same base texture, with the
center color changed by Item.getColorFromItemStack
L2682[15:01:02] <tterrag> has anyone done
a json item/block/whatever mod for 1.8.x yet?
L2683[15:01:07] <tterrag> seems like it
would be a bit trickier
L2684[15:01:16] <MattDahEpic> tterrag, im
doing that right now
L2685[15:01:20] <gigaherz> ?
L2686[15:01:23] <tterrag> for records
L2687[15:01:26] <gigaherz> what do you
mean a json mod?
L2688[15:01:26] <tterrag> I mean for
general stuff
L2690[15:01:44] <gigaherz> this one has a
json-only block, and a json-only item ;P
L2692[15:01:50] <MattDahEpic> poke
dmillerw to update Quandrum
L2693[15:01:50] <tterrag> like that
L2694[15:01:55] <gigaherz> Oh
L2695[15:02:00] <gigaherz> you mean
dynamically adding stuff
L2696[15:02:19] <tterrag> yeees
L2697[15:02:30] <gigaherz> hmmm
L2698[15:02:37] <gigaherz> should be
L2699[15:02:43] <williewillus> why is
simpleimpl calling the completely wrong packet handler wtf
L2700[15:02:43] <gigaherz> you'd
need to read the config in pre-init
L2701[15:02:57] <gigaherz> then build a
list of items with their respective model names
L2702[15:03:06] <MattDahEpic> i do
L2703[15:03:06] <gigaherz> register
L2704[15:03:10] <gigaherz> then on client
L2705[15:03:22] <gigaherz> call
setcustomModelresourcelocation for each item in the list
L2706[15:03:53] <MattDahEpic> i do that
L2707[15:03:54] <gigaherz> so long as the
models are present in some resource pack
L2708[15:03:58] <tterrag> yeah, I know
how I'd do it
L2709[15:03:59] <gigaherz> it should
L2710[15:04:01] <tterrag> just wondering
if it had been done
L2711[15:04:10] <MattDahEpic> but it only
works for the first item registered
L2712[15:04:23] <tterrag> williewillus:
typically because the packet isn't registered, I find
L2713[15:04:27] <tterrag> it will use
descriminator 0
L2714[15:04:31] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic:
are you using metadata values on a dingle item
L2715[15:04:34] <tterrag> can be very
confusing :P
L2716[15:04:39] <gigaherz> or separate
item names?
L2717[15:04:49] <williewillus> but
it's only in lan
L2718[15:04:59] <williewillus> and only
on 1.8.8 not 1.8.0
L2719[15:05:05] <williewillus> actually
nvm have had reports on 1.8.0
L2720[15:05:09] <MattDahEpic> gigaherz,
im using new items, like extrarecords:record0 and
L2721[15:05:37] <tterrag> williewillus:
what packet handler is it calling?
L2722[15:05:43] <williewillus>
discriminator 0
L2723[15:05:44] <tterrag> does it happen
to be the one that's id 0 ? :P
L2724[15:05:52] <tterrag> then yeah,
it's not registered on the receving end
L2725[15:05:59] <williewillus> yeah but I
can reproduce it in lan with two instances of the same code
L2726[15:06:12] <tterrag> I understand
L2727[15:06:12] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic:
hmm duno why it woudl fail then
L2728[15:06:16] <tterrag> but check the
registration side
L2729[15:06:23] <tterrag> you register it
to the side it's being received on
L2730[15:07:53] <gigaherz> williewillus:
just because it works elsewhere, doesn't mean you didn't
do it slightly wrong
L2731[15:07:53] <gigaherz> ;P
L2732[15:08:16] <gigaherz> there is such
a thing as making use of unintended features
L2733[15:08:29] <williewillus> yeah but
this code has worked for dedicated MP forever, so everything is
registered right. Just rechecked in case. How can it work in one
client scenario and not another??
L2734[15:08:41] <gigaherz> it gave
Microsoft lots of troubles when they switched from NT5 to NT6
L2735[15:08:42] <gigaherz> ;P
L2737[15:09:08] <gigaherz> Unh0ly_Tigg:
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L2739[15:09:27] <gigaherz> if firefox
L2740[15:09:40] <Unh0ly_Tigg> oh, and I
fixed my missing comma near line 70.
L2741[15:11:19] <Unh0ly_Tigg> oh, and I
need to add the straight pipe variants (where 2 opposite sides have
connections, but not the others.
L2742[15:11:49] <tterrag> Unh0ly_Tigg:
rogue space line 82
L2743[15:11:52] <tterrag> bothering me
L2744[15:12:06] <Unh0ly_Tigg> huh?
L2745[15:12:17] <Unh0ly_Tigg> OH
L2746[15:12:20] <Unh0ly_Tigg> geez,
L2747[15:12:47] <Unh0ly_Tigg> fixed on
the gist
L2748[15:12:48] <tterrag> seems
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(~Szernex@62-47-184-58.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L2751[15:13:22] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Is there a
way to (without writing code to handle it) a way to in the forge
blockstate variants to select multiple, but not all properties for
a variant?
L2752[15:14:08] <ThePsionic> Unh0ly_Tigg:
The most amazing thing about that sentence is that you wrote
"to" three times while only needing it once
L2753[15:14:28] <Unh0ly_Tigg> like if I
it won't yell at me for not including the type, and color
⇦ Quits: Cojo
(~Cojosan@2606:a000:1126:8048:54b4:2dd5:c4a7:5150) (Quit: Beds
explode goodnight)
L2755[15:14:55] <gigaherz> Unh0ly_Tigg:
nope you have to include all values of all variants
L2756[15:15:05] <gigaherz> you can leave
them empty
L2757[15:15:17] <gigaherz> as in
L2758[15:15:27] <gigaherz> using the
"property":{ "value": {} }
L2759[15:15:42] <gigaherz> but all
propreties need to be present, with all the values
L2760[15:16:34] <Unh0ly_Tigg> so like
(or something like that for a wildcard) won't work in the
variants section for qualifying multiple properties against each
L2761[15:17:08] <tterrag> no, but that
would be nice
L2762[15:17:16] <tterrag> unfortunately
it just doesn't work like that
L2763[15:17:22] <tterrag> it looks up the
model by the serialized state
L2764[15:17:40] <Unh0ly_Tigg> yeah,
because the property value could be anything, if you use a custom
L2765[15:18:00] <tterrag> it's not
actually parsing the individual properties from the state
L2766[15:18:02] <gigaherz> yo ustill need
to include all possible values sadly
L2767[15:18:04] <tterrag> it's just
looking up by the string
L2768[15:18:10] <gigaherz> really all it
does is
L2769[15:18:12] <williewillus> okay this
is weird I tried to make a test mod to test this and even in SSP
attempting to send a packet with a single long with it to the
client makes it throw up a stacktrace
L2770[15:18:15] <williewillus> but not
L2771[15:18:17] <gigaherz> enumerate ALL
blockstate items
L2772[15:18:26] <gigaherz> which are
generated by enumerating all combinations of property values
L2773[15:18:36] <gigaherz> and it obtains
the string for each one
L2774[15:18:38] <gigaherz> and looks up
the model
L2775[15:19:00] <masa> how does it
construct the string, ie. in what order will the properties be in
L2776[15:19:10] <gigaherz> alphabetical,
last I checked
L2777[15:19:15] <masa> ok
L2778[15:19:24] <tterrag> yeah, it's
not smart about it at all
L2779[15:19:37] <gigaherz> side-effect of
storing the properties in a map, I suppose
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L2781[15:19:50] <Dark> bummer fry, forgot
my explosive pathfinder stack overflows
L2782[15:19:59] <Unh0ly_Tigg> because
adding 204 fully qualified variants just to handle a different
model for straight pipes is insane...
L2783[15:20:22] <Dark> fry you
wouldn't happen to have an iterative pathfinder?
L2784[15:20:31] <Dark> rather not open a
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L2786[15:20:49] <fry> Dark: you can have
both recursive api and no stack overflow if you use free monads
L2787[15:20:52] <masa> Unh0ly_Tigg:
ISmartBlockModel ftw?
L2788[15:20:54] *
fry runs away
L2789[15:20:58] <OrionOnline> Dark i have
a AStar if it helps you?
L2790[15:21:02] <Unh0ly_Tigg> 3 straight
pipes * 17 color variants (no color included as an option) * 4
L2791[15:21:14] <fry> and no, sadly, I
don't have a handy pathfinding implementation on hand :P
L2792[15:21:15] <Dark> i think AStar is
also recursive
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(~primetoxi@ip68-107-226-229.hr.hr.cox.net) (Read error: Connection
reset by peer)
L2794[15:21:23] <Dark> also no clue what
monads is
L2795[15:21:29] <ThePsionic> Unh0ly_Tigg:
204 :D
L2796[15:21:31] <OrionOnline> Might
L2797[15:21:36] <Unh0ly_Tigg> masa,
"Is there a way to (without writing code to handle
L2798[15:21:48] <masa> oh... but
L2799[15:22:06] <Unh0ly_Tigg> trying to
make it as friendly as possible to resource pack makers
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(~pixlepix@cpe-67-252-38-34.nycap.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 206
L2802[15:22:20] <masa> but doesn't
forgeblockstate sub-model or whatever handle stuff like that?
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L2804[15:22:44] <Dark> ouch 2 lines in
and I think I know what your implying fry
L2805[15:22:54] <masa> so you add parts
of the model based on the properties
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L2808[15:24:08] <Unh0ly_Tigg> masa, do
you know how redpower tubes looked, trying to replicate that sort
of look (in terms of how various properties affect the look of the
L2809[15:24:35] <masa> ok
L2810[15:24:37] <Unh0ly_Tigg> when you
have straight tubes, it used a different texture for the
L2811[15:24:55] <masa> hmm
L2812[15:25:25] <fry> Unh0ly_Tigg: if
everything else fails, you can load various parts via json system,
and combine them in code - will give you both flexibility of
resource pack customization and sanity of not having to define
complex combinations in the json :P
L2813[15:26:09] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I may just
have another unlisted property, that it's variants override
the model completely...
L2814[15:26:45] <raoulvdberge> does forge
or MC have a way to compare 2 NBTTagCompounds if they are
L2815[15:27:13] <masa> yes
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L2817[15:27:20] <tterrag>
L2818[15:27:24] <tterrag> which probably
calls something else
L2819[15:27:30] <raoulvdberge>
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L2821[15:27:47] <tterrag> ehh no, they
just call tag1.equals(tag2)
L2822[15:27:54] <raoulvdberge> ah
L2823[15:27:54] <tterrag> with a bit of
defensive null checking
L2824[15:29:11] <fry>
Objects.equald(tag1, tag2) :P
L2825[15:29:16] <fry> *equal :P
L2826[15:29:39] <tterrag> hipsterpig:
zone 24 >:D
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(~vsg1990@cpe-67-241-148-119.buffalo.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 192
L2828[15:30:57] <Unh0ly_Tigg> when you
use a variant to override the base model, what happens to the
submodels used by other variants that may be active?
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L2830[15:31:48] <Unh0ly_Tigg> wait,
L2831[15:32:36] <Unh0ly_Tigg> wait,
nevermind again, what I thought might fix it, won't
L2832[15:33:09] <MattDahEpic> what
happens if you set 2 items to have the same variant?
L2833[15:34:16] <fry> they both get the
L2834[15:34:30] <fry> it's a map
internally at some point :P
L2835[15:34:41] <MattDahEpic> well that
doesnt work for my stuff
L2836[15:35:07] <fry> are you using
L2837[15:35:12] <MattDahEpic> yup
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L2839[15:38:35] <Unh0ly_Tigg> what
happens if 2 active variants for a forge blockstate override the
same texture?
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L2842[15:39:57] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L2843[15:40:15] <fry> later one wins, I
L2844[15:40:48] <Unh0ly_Tigg> as in if
it's declared in the variants list later, or if the property
name is considered later?
L2845[15:41:20] <fry> first one, I
L2846[15:42:00] <Unh0ly_Tigg> hmm, then
it's a good thing that I'm putting the straight pipes at
the end of the list...
L2847[15:42:08] <OrionOnline> Oke
L2848[15:42:16] <OrionOnline> Dang wrong
L2849[15:43:33] <Unh0ly_Tigg> tterrag,
I've been playing for ~5.5 hours, and I'm on zone 13,
first run.
L2850[15:47:17] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
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L2853[15:55:51] <Unh0ly_Tigg> and I just
realized how I can solve my issue, I set the type property to to
normal, and change the straight property to have x, y, and z for
the other types...
L2854[15:56:13] <Unh0ly_Tigg> and set the
direction properties to false
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L2858[15:59:25] <Pennyw95> is it possible
to have a block, when right clicked by a player, pass that click to
another block?
L2859[16:00:09] <Unh0ly_Tigg> yeah, you
just need to call the same method for the other block, and adjust
the various values properly to adjust for location and such.
L2860[16:00:45] <Pennyw95> well, the
method is onBlockActivated, right? 1.8
L2861[16:01:22] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I would
also suggest, that if it's a tile entity you're right
clicking, and a tile entity that you need to pass the click to, and
you have control over both, you have a onClicked method or
something for the target tile entity, and use that.
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L2863[16:02:16] <Pennyw95> I want to make
a te holding a tank and using a tesr to tessellate the fluids...the
surrounding blocks, without TEs, make the cup
L2865[16:02:44] <Pennyw95> so, I want the
cup blocks to redirect the right click to the block with the
L2866[16:03:18] <Pennyw95> so, no te for
the first block but I'll know all the positions
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(~Loetkolbe@ipb2197f03.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over
and Out!)
L2868[16:04:24] <fry> Unh0ly_Tigg: split
straightness in 2 properties :P
L2869[16:04:28] <Pennyw95> wait, in 1.8
onBlockActivated => onBlockClicked?
L2870[16:04:35] <Unh0ly_Tigg> fry,
L2871[16:04:52] <Unh0ly_Tigg> also,
L2872[16:04:52] <fry> you duplicate all
the model and texture data
L2873[16:05:03] <fry> just like you do
with all other properties
L2874[16:05:03] ***
Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
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host closed the connection)
L2876[16:05:36] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I'm
not really catching on to what you mean exactly...
L2877[16:05:37] <fry> model + texture in
1 property, rotation into another
L2878[16:06:17] <Unh0ly_Tigg> also,
I've been awake for 17 hours, I need sleep...
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(~Robert@c-76-115-95-185.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit:
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timeout: 186 seconds)
L2882[16:12:39] <Zaggy1024> time to mess
with IPlantable finally
L2883[16:13:04] <Zaggy1024> ...once it
finishes building :P
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L2885[16:15:56] <OrionOnline> How much
regarding TE did change in 1.8?
L2886[16:16:07] <MattDahEpic>
OrionOnline, ITickable
L2887[16:16:16] <fry> almost nothing, but
that, yes
L2888[16:16:28] <OrionOnline>
MattDahEpic, Which does what exactly? Makes the TE actually
L2889[16:16:41] <fry> yup
L2890[16:16:46] <OrionOnline> Okey
L2891[16:16:53] <MattDahEpic> its a
rename for the provider of void update()
L2892[16:16:57] <fry> replacement for
shouldUpdate in 1.7, or what was it called :P
L2893[16:17:13] <OrionOnline> I have a
other question, cause i ran into it when i made the block in
L2894[16:17:29] <OrionOnline> My TE has a
model that has parts that are madeup of glass
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L2896[16:17:56] ***
rockers3000 is now known as Rockers
L2897[16:18:00] <OrionOnline> Because of
that in 1.7 i had to make it a MultiBlock structure
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L2899[16:18:31] <fry> normal glass or
colored glass?
L2900[16:18:34] <OrionOnline> And render
it from a single Block out in one go to prevent it from being
partially seethrough thanks to the render info
L2901[16:18:37] <OrionOnline> colored
L2902[16:18:48] <OrionOnline> not render
L2903[16:18:50] <OrionOnline> render
order i mean
L2904[16:19:21] <fry> yup, no easy fix
for that - you'll need to sort the faces
L2905[16:19:30] <OrionOnline> Sorting
faces does not really help
L2906[16:19:31] <fry> translucency is
hard :P
L2907[16:19:43] <fry> sorting according
to camera position
L2908[16:19:48] <OrionOnline> Yeah
L2909[16:20:07] <OrionOnline> I still
have a TileEntitySpecialRenderer correct?
L2910[16:20:11] <OrionOnline> So i could
go the same rout
L2911[16:20:12] <OrionOnline> e
L2912[16:20:19] <fry> yup
L2913[16:20:25] <OrionOnline> Have one TE
(The master entity) render all of them in one go
L2914[16:20:28] <fry> is the model
L2915[16:20:46] <OrionOnline> like static
in the way that it has no animation
L2916[16:21:04] <fry> yup, is it?
L2917[16:21:07] <OrionOnline> but it is
environmentally aware and hides parts if its neighbor is of the
same block
L2918[16:21:26] <Zaggy1024> that can be
done with getActualState and a block model :)
L2919[16:21:39] <OrionOnline> Zaggy1024,
would not fix the render order problem
L2920[16:22:05] <OrionOnline> so yeah fry
it is a static model
L2921[16:22:07] <Zaggy1024> block models
are sorted pretty effectively AFAIK
L2922[16:22:19] <fry> if you render in
TRANSLICENT layer, faces will be sorted for you
L2923[16:22:34] <OrionOnline> Is there a
way to render in the Translucent layer
L2924[16:22:38] <fry> it'll work
semi-well, assuming you don't have crazy overlaps
L2925[16:22:48] <OrionOnline> There is no
L2926[16:22:52] <fry> these layers are
for normal block models
L2927[16:22:52] <RazerSwift> !gm
L2928[16:23:01] <fry> override
L2929[16:23:08] <OrionOnline> The model
of each block is a 1, 1, 1
L2930[16:23:08] <fry> (or what was is
called :P)
L2931[16:23:08] <RazerSwift> !gm
isAltKeyDown 1.8
L2932[16:23:29] <OrionOnline> The only
problem was that thanks too the glass you could see the Fire
burning inside (if it was on)
L2933[16:23:39] <RazerSwift> If the
mapping for a method exists in MCPBot, why isn't it remapped
in MDK?
L2934[16:24:16] <OrionOnline> But
depending on the way you were looking it was not rendered because
you saw the fire of the block behind the one your were looking
L2935[16:24:18] <MattDahEpic> RazerSwift,
update your mappings
L2936[16:24:49] <fry> fire should work
fine with it, I think
L2937[16:24:49] <OrionOnline> So i will
see if i can use the translucent layer, else i will just use a TESR
and render them using the structure, as the blocks act
L2938[16:24:51] <RazerSwift> Got a link
on how that's typically done? Gradle command? Sorry really new
to all of this.
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L2940[16:25:00] <OrionOnline> It is a
single textured plane
L2941[16:25:08] <OrionOnline> That has a
fire texture
L2942[16:26:33] <OrionOnline> So i will
try that first then
L2944[16:27:17] <Zaggy1024> OrionOnline,
you should use block models for static stuff anyway
L2945[16:27:28] <Zaggy1024> a TESR sounds
like a bad option, even for 1.7
L2946[16:27:37] <RazerSwift> add this to
my build.gradle? mappings = 'stable_18'?
L2947[16:27:38] <OrionOnline> Zaggy1024,
it was the only option
L2948[16:27:53] <Zaggy1024> you could use
a block renderer?
L2949[16:28:04] <OrionOnline> As in 1.7
there is no other way of rendering an OBJ
L2950[16:28:29] <fry> there was! :P
L2951[16:28:33] <Zaggy1024> oh, well, if
you're using an obj, then the block model system is even
better for you :P
L2952[16:28:45] <OrionOnline> fry, there
L2953[16:29:05] *
fry digs through old scrolls
L2954[16:29:45] *
OrionOnline waits patiently as me reminds himself that fry was the
one telling me how to implement this me thinks
L2956[16:31:00] <OrionOnline> fry lol
L2957[16:32:02] <Zaggy1024> but I believe
now there's a way to reference an obj in a blockstates json
and disable parts of the model according to the state
L2958[16:32:07] <Zaggy1024> just added by
fry, I think
L2959[16:32:08] <OrionOnline> yeah
L2960[16:32:25] <RazerSwift> Should I be
concerned about this? [ant:javac] warning: [options] bootstrap
class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6
L2961[16:32:35] <Zaggy1024> so that
combined with an already existing implementation of sorting would
be your best option, I believe
L2962[16:32:54] <MattDahEpic> RazerSwift,
L2963[16:33:02] <RazerSwift> Okay, how
about this one: [ant:javac] Note: Some input files use or override
a deprecated API.
L2965[16:33:10] <Pennyw95> I guess tabula
models are TESR only though?
L2966[16:33:11] <RazerSwift> All I did
was change mappings = 'stable_18'
L2967[16:33:44] <MattDahEpic> that
happens if your project is set to higher than java 6 since mc
compiles to java 6
L2968[16:33:53] <RazerSwift> Oh ok
L2969[16:34:04] <OrionOnline> Fry, that
is great
L2970[16:34:14] <fry> also, yes, OBJ
loader supports disabling parts of the model
L2971[16:34:15] <OrionOnline> I did not
even know that it was possible
L2972[16:34:33] <MattDahEpic> fry, all i
can think is 70s batman transition SOMEWHERE IN CLIENT
L2973[16:34:44] <fry> lol
L2974[16:35:50] <OrionOnline> Hmm
L2975[16:36:05] <RazerSwift>
GuiScreen.isAltKeyDown() still doesn't exist in my source
after changing my mappings :\ I'm trying to figure out how
Biomes o' Plenty works.
L2976[16:36:15] <RazerSwift> For
L2977[16:36:16] <OrionOnline> Then
tomorrow i will start working on the Blocks
L2978[16:36:29] <OrionOnline> Which means
that i ported Armories items to 1.8 in a week
L2979[16:38:23] <RazerSwift> I downloaded
MDK 1.8 and BOP 1.8 Source. Unzipped the source into src/main/java.
Changed buildfile to have mappings = 'stable_18' as per
MCP_Reborn page. Ran setupDecompWorkspace and eclipse. Anything
else I should be doing?
L2980[16:38:59] <RazerSwift> Is there a
way to tell which version of MDK a mod was created with?
L2981[16:39:13] <RazerSwift> And if so
should I be using that one?
L2982[16:42:34] ***
MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
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the connection)
L2984[16:43:58] <RazerSwift> How am I
supposed to learn if I can't even download an open source mod
and compile it. -.-
L2985[16:44:49] <Zaggy1024> mapping may
have changed
L2986[16:45:11] <RazerSwift> Do I need to
clearCache after changing mappings?
L2987[16:45:17] <RazerSwift> Trying that
now :P
L2988[16:45:34] <Zaggy1024> are you using
the same mappings as the mod you're trying to compile?
L2989[16:45:49] <RazerSwift> The mod
didn't come with mappings. Just with sourcecode.
L2990[16:45:53] <masa> RazerSwift:
"version of MDK" is irrelevant, just look at their
build.gradle t osee which forge and mappings versions they
L2991[16:46:30] <masa> the difference
between MDK versions is basically just the version in the shipped
build.gradle afaik
L2992[16:46:30] <gigaherz> !!latest
L2993[16:46:31] <MCPBot_Reborn> ===
Latest Mappings ===
L2994[16:46:32] <MCPBot_Reborn> MC
Version Forge Gradle Channel
L2995[16:46:33] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.8.8
L2996[16:46:33] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.8
L2997[16:46:34] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.8
L2998[16:46:35] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.7.10
L2999[16:46:35] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.7.10
L3000[16:46:46] <gigaherz> where it says
L3001[16:46:50] <gigaherz> you want the
latest for your version of mc
L3002[16:46:56] <gigaherz> if 1.8, then
stable_18 is the latest
L3003[16:47:07] <gigaherz> (snapshot is
== the latest for 1.8)
L3004[16:47:16] <gigaherz>
snapshot==stable I meant
⇨ Joins: Cooler (~CoolerExt@
L3006[16:47:53] <RazerSwift> Okay.
I'm already in the process of trying that one because
stable_18 apparently didn't work. Do I need to clearCache or
reopen Eclipse to see the updated mappings?
L3007[16:48:14] <gigaherz> stable_18 and
snapshot_20151128 have the same contents
L3008[16:48:21] <gigaherz> so if
stable_18 didn't work, neither will the snapshot
L3009[16:48:32] <gigaherz> you may need
to refresh eclipse, yes
L3010[16:48:32] <Zaggy1024> you
don't want the latest mappings if you're trying to set up
an existing mod in your workspace
L3011[16:48:38] <Zaggy1024> youw ant the
mappings that mod uses
L3012[16:48:59] <RazerSwift> Essentially
BOP calls GuiScreen.isAltKeyDown which doesn't exist in my
Eclipse workspace. And I don't know how to fix that.
L3013[16:49:17] <gigaherz> !gf
GuiScreen.isAltKeyDown 1.8
L3014[16:49:22] <gigaherz> !gf
GuiScreen.isAltKeyDown 1.7
L3015[16:49:24] <RazerSwift> I get how to
find the method.
L3016[16:49:26] <gigaherz> !gf
GuiScreen.isAltKeyDown 1.8.8
L3017[16:49:29] <gigaherz> hmmm
L3018[16:49:32] <RazerSwift> So what, I
just replace it?
L3019[16:49:40] <gigaherz> you'd
need to know which mappings they used
L3020[16:49:51] <Zaggy1024> you're
doing get field gigaherz
L3021[16:49:56] <Zaggy1024> it's a
L3022[16:49:57] <RazerSwift> !gm
L3023[16:50:05] <gigaherz> Oh
L3024[16:50:07] <gigaherz> then
L3025[16:50:18] <gigaherz> !mh
L3026[16:50:30] <gigaherz> [23:50]
-MCPBot_Reborn- [1.8 GuiScreen.func_175283_s, Committed 2014-12-07
16:15:53.362730-05:00] victorious: func_175283_s =>
L3027[16:50:38] <RazerSwift> I get how to
find the mapping. I just don't understand how *they* had a
mapping that MCP_Reborn has that's somehow not in my Eclipse
L3028[16:50:45] <gigaherz> so yeah any
mappings >= 2014-12-07
L3029[16:50:47] <gigaherz> should contain
the field
⇦ Quits: Cooler (~CoolerExt@ (Client
L3031[16:51:01] <gigaherz> RazerSwift:
you need to *refresh* eclipse, not just reload it
L3032[16:51:08] <gigaherz> you need to
get eclipse to rescan for changed files
L3033[16:51:13] <gigaherz> I don't
know how you do that in eclipse though
L3034[16:51:25] <Zaggy1024> right click
on a folder and click Refresh
⇨ Joins: MikrySoft
L3036[16:51:28] <RazerSwift> I ran
.\gradlew elcipse, right click refresh, and reopend workspace
L3037[16:51:37] <gigaherz> hmmm
L3038[16:51:43] <gigaherz> and you have
the latest 1.8 mappings in your build.gradle?
L3039[16:51:45] <RazerSwift> One sec,
clearCache and decomp just finished. Trying again.
L3040[16:51:46] <Zaggy1024> is stable 18
after that change?
L3041[16:51:49] <gigaherz> and you reran
L3042[16:52:01] <Zaggy1024> he said
he's using stable_18, those are usually pretty far
⇨ Joins: Benimatic
L3044[16:52:09] <RazerSwift> I'm
trying with snapshot now.
L3045[16:52:21] <gigaherz> snapshot is
identical to stable
L3046[16:52:25] <Zaggy1024> but like I
and masa said, just look at BOP's build.gradle to find out
what they use
L3047[16:52:43] <RazerSwift> They
don't offer their build.gradle
L3048[16:52:51] <gigaherz> they suck,
then XD
L3049[16:52:52] <Zaggy1024> 0.o
L3050[16:53:22] <RazerSwift> They just
have a src zip with MANIFEST or whatever.
L3051[16:53:25] <RazerSwift> And the
source files
L3053[16:53:38] <Zaggy1024> dude use
L3054[16:53:50] <RazerSwift> I looked for
a github link all over. Thank you
L3055[16:53:58] <RazerSwift> I guess
google = friend
L3056[16:54:18] <Zaggy1024> I used
DuckDuckGo :P
⇦ Quits: pugi (~pugi@host-091-097-097-055.ewe-ip-backbone.de)
L3058[16:54:37] <RazerSwift> I do too! :)
I love DGG. !commands are awesome.
L3059[16:54:38] <Zaggy1024> I don't
see a mappings entry in there though >.>
L3060[16:54:41] <gigaherz> there's
no mappings line in there
L3061[16:54:43] <gigaherz> O_O
L3062[16:54:56] <RazerSwift> Does that
not imply use latest?
L3063[16:55:13] <Zaggy1024> who knows,
I've never seen anyone not specify it before
L3064[16:55:17] <Zaggy1024> that's a
really stupid thing to do
L3065[16:55:23] <gigaherz> never heard of
that possibility
L3066[16:55:29] <RazerSwift> Hey look,
alt key works in my workspace. Clear cache I guess was the magic
L3067[16:55:34] <Zaggy1024> mod could
stop compiling randomly if you update your workspace
L3068[16:55:39] <RazerSwift> Or
L3069[16:55:48] <Zaggy1024> hm
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L3071[16:55:58] <Zaggy1024> probably
snapshot :P
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L3073[16:56:07] <RazerSwift> !gf
func_175320_a 1.8
L3074[16:56:12] <Zaggy1024> I think FG is
smart enough to check if the mappings changed
L3075[16:56:32] <RazerSwift> !gm
func_175320_a 1.8
L3076[16:56:45] <gigaherz> woudl be
interesting if there was a way to have the srg-named sources in the
L3077[16:56:57] <gigaherz> and get the
mappings applied and un-applied automatically somehow
L3078[16:56:57] <gigaherz> XD
L3079[16:57:28] <RazerSwift> !gm
func_175319_a 1.8
L3080[16:58:56] ***
Ronzan is now known as Ronz^afk
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(~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 192
L3082[17:00:42] <Zaggy1024> that would
probably be really nice for the Forge repo, yeah
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(~ShadowChi@host81-151-59-190.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Quit:
L3084[17:01:56] <RazerSwift> Their source
called selectedindex directly, which is a private field in
GuiCreateWorld. Will this fix itself on compile or do I have the
wrong version of 1.8 or.. ?
L3086[17:02:26] <Zaggy1024> RazerSwift,
do they have an AT?
L3088[17:02:37] <RazerSwift> I don't
know what an AT is I'm sorry.
L3089[17:02:43] <Wuppy> position is top
left and size is radius
L3090[17:02:44] <Zaggy1024> access
transformer, sorry
L3091[17:02:57] <RazerSwift>
L3092[17:02:58] <RazerSwift>
@SubscribeEvent These?
L3093[17:03:21] <gigaherz> Access
transformer lets you mark a member to become higher visibility than
it was
L3094[17:03:22] <Zaggy1024> no, it's
something to change the access on (mainly) vanilla fields
L3095[17:03:26] <gigaherz> so like
L3096[17:03:28] <Zaggy1024> yeah that
L3097[17:03:31] <gigaherz> a
private/protected can become public
L3098[17:03:35] <gigaherz> a private can
become protected
L3099[17:03:49] <Zaggy1024> and final can
become non-final
L3100[17:04:02] <gigaherz> FML basically
changes the methods during class loading
L3101[17:04:06] <gigaherz> members*
L3102[17:04:25] <gigaherz> it lets you
avoid reflection, at the expense of requiring more load-time
L3103[17:04:33] <Zaggy1024> it
doesn't *appear* to have one
L3104[17:04:42] <Zaggy1024> where is this
L3105[17:04:53] <Zaggy1024> and where
does BOP reference it?
L3106[17:05:55] <RazerSwift> Okay, I
understand now. One second. GuiEventHandler accesses
L3107[17:06:17] <RazerSwift> I'm
looking for a transformer now
L3108[17:06:37] <RazerSwift> Because
that's more or less the rest of the errors
L3109[17:07:25] <Zaggy1024> it should be
in meta-inf
L3110[17:07:35] <Zaggy1024> in the built
L3111[17:09:08] <RazerSwift>
biomesoplenty_at.cfg looks like it
⇦ Quits: AforAnonymous (bitch2k@dyn-042-143.vix1.mmc.at)
(Quit: Try not to think not.)
L3113[17:09:28] <Zaggy1024> sound like
it, yeah
L3114[17:09:37] <RazerSwift> So what does
that mean for my workspace, ignore such errors?
L3115[17:09:38] <Zaggy1024> yet again,
something is missing from the repo, it seems
L3116[17:09:51] <Zaggy1024> no,
it'll crash if you ignore them, I believe
L3117[17:09:59] <Zaggy1024> you have to
give Forge that AT
L3118[17:10:06] <RazerSwift> Ahh
L3119[17:10:09] <RazerSwift> I'll
try and find it.
L3121[17:10:33] <RazerSwift> Thank you
for your and others help.
L3122[17:10:46] <RazerSwift> There's
such a steep learning curve!
⇦ Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@82-168-99-26.ip.telfort.nl) (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
L3124[17:11:06] <gigaherz> RazerSwift:
yeah you'll have to make use of the same transforms, and tell
gradle/forge to apply them
L3125[17:11:14] <gigaherz> then refresh
your environment
⇨ Joins: MikrySoft
L3127[17:13:07] <Soni> can we get HTTPS
on files.minecraftforge.net ?
L3128[17:13:50] <Soni> minecraft.net has
HTTPS, if forge had HTTPS it would be more legitimate
L3129[17:14:07] <Soni> or something like
that, not sure what's the correct word to use there
⇦ Quits: c233 (~c233@ (Quit:
L3131[17:16:14] <Zaggy1024> I don't
think there's any reason to use https for that
⇦ Quits: MikrySoft (~MikrySoft@89-76-18-43.dynamic.chello.pl)
(Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L3133[17:16:41] <Zaggy1024> you
don't have to log into the site to download Forge, so there
isn't any private information to protect
L3134[17:17:00] <RazerSwift> gm
L3135[17:17:02] <RazerSwift> !gm
L3136[17:17:16] <gigaherz> well, https
would help ensure thast the file you get
L3137[17:17:17] <gigaherz> is the right
L3138[17:17:25] <gigaherz> and
hasn't been tampered with
L3139[17:17:33] <gigaherz> but it also
costs money
L3141[17:18:04] <gigaherz> which gives
you the ability to get https certificates for any website, for
L3142[17:18:17] <Soni> gigaherz,
L3143[17:18:19] <gigaherz> the one single
verification system they use
L3144[17:18:28] <gigaherz> is that you
must request the certificate FROM the domain you want to
L3145[17:18:33] <gigaherz> which is proof
that you control said domain
L3146[17:18:57] <H1N1theI> You could just
pass everything through cloudflare.
L3147[17:20:00] <Soni> H1N1theI, yes,
ofc... .-.
L3148[17:20:07] <RazerSwift> In MIRC ,
how do I get output from MCPBot to display in my PM window with
L3149[17:21:55] <gigaherz> you don't
mirc is stupid xD
L3150[17:22:05] <gigaherz> although
L3151[17:22:10] <gigaherz> did mcpbot has
a !dcc command?
L3152[17:22:22] <gigaherz> have*
⇨ Joins: Lapiman
L3154[17:23:09] <RazerSwift> Ahh, I think
that did it. thank you
⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 186
L3156[17:24:19] <RazerSwift> So I
downloaded the github version and ran decomp and eclipse, but
there's no eclipse folder. There is however a .project in the
root folder. Should I point eclipse to the root folder?
L3157[17:24:32] <Soni> no
L3158[17:24:47] <RazerSwift> Then
L3159[17:24:53] <Soni> make an eclipse
workspace, then import the project
L3160[17:25:00] <Soni> when importing the
project you use the root folder
⇨ Joins: MikrySoft
L3162[17:25:41] <RazerSwift> Okay, that
actually makes sense. Thank you.
L3163[17:26:12] <RazerSwift> How do you
configure forge to make a project only instead of a
L3164[17:27:23] <RazerSwift> I import as
a gradle project?
L3165[17:27:34] <RazerSwift> Doing the
build model thing and whatever?
L3166[17:27:37] <Soni> oh wait
you're talking about the...
⇦ Quits: MikrySoft (~MikrySoft@89-76-18-43.dynamic.chello.pl)
(Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L3168[17:27:53] <Soni> uhh there's a
manual for it if you read the README.md file included
L3169[17:28:23] ***
gravityfox is now known as foxy
L3170[17:29:23] <Lapiman> What's the
best way to do a generated structure where the shape never changes
(all the blocks are in the same place relative to each other)
L3171[17:29:30] <Lapiman> But the
structure can generate facing all four cardinal directions?
L3172[17:29:46] <Soni> RazerSwift,
apparently you're supposed to use gradlew setupForge
L3173[17:30:26] <RazerSwift> instead of
eclipse or before or when?
⇦ Quits: Pennyw95 (~Dr.Benway@ (Quit:
L3175[17:31:08] <Rockers> 2 hours before
ludum dare comp finished.
L3176[17:31:21] <Rockers> *finishes....
Hard drive folder system bugged.
L3177[17:31:27] <Rockers> kill me
L3178[17:31:29] <Soni> RazerSwift,
re-download the github version (which's the version for
contributors - do not use the github version if you're not a
contributor, use the latest release instead.) and run "gradlew
setupForge" instead of whatever you did before
L3179[17:32:00] <RazerSwift> I need the
1.8 version.
⇨ Joins: killjoy
L3181[17:32:19] <Soni> RazerSwift,
L3182[17:32:27] ***
kashike is now known as Kashike
L3183[17:32:36] <RazerSwift> No I know,
but I'm saying I need their 1.8 version on Github
L3184[17:32:39] ***
Kashike is now known as kashike
L3185[17:32:52] <Soni> RazerSwift, what
do you mean? what for?
L3186[17:32:57] <Rockers> brb
L3187[17:32:58] <Soni> what are you
trying to do?
L3188[17:33:00] <RazerSwift> I'm
trying to learn world generation
L3189[17:33:04] <RazerSwift> in 1.8
L3190[17:33:25] <Soni> RazerSwift, then
you don't, grab the MDK from files.minecraftforge.net
L3191[17:33:27] <killjoy> It hasn't
changed much from 1.7
L3192[17:33:31] <killjoy> i've been
L3193[17:33:55] <killjoy> Session servers
are down :(
⇦ Quits: Rockers
(rockers300@host217-35-241-9.range217-35.btcentralplus.com) (Quit:
http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC
L3195[17:34:19] <Soni> killjoy, you
don't need them for modding tho
L3196[17:34:29] <killjoy> But I want to
play on servers :(
L3197[17:35:38] <Soni> killjoy, get their
private key, DNS injection, ??? and stuff
L3198[17:35:50] <killjoy> Don't
think that would help
L3199[17:36:00] <Soni> killjoy, it'd
let you run your own session servers
L3200[17:36:13] <killjoy> I don't
own the server I want to play
L3201[17:36:27] <Soni> the DNS injection
step takes care of that
L3202[17:36:47] <killjoy> I'll just
go bug @MojangSupport
L3203[17:36:47] <Soni> you just need the
server you want to play to see you as the session servers
L3204[17:37:02] <Soni> then you send the
reply that you're logged in and stuff
L3205[17:37:14] <killjoy> so you're
telling me to hack the server?
L3206[17:37:29] <Soni> well more like
L3208[17:39:02] <Soni> Wuppy, you should
look into cygwin and mingw
L3209[17:39:09] <Soni> and
L3210[17:39:22] <Wuppy> what are
⇦ Quits: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk) (Ping
timeout: 186 seconds)
L3212[17:40:10] <killjoy> Why isn't
xpaw.ru/mcstatus as accurate as help.mojang.com?
L3214[17:40:46] <Wuppy> oh that's
porting stuff
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(~Terje@cm- (Quit:
L3216[17:41:29] <Wuppy> okay so cygwin is
to release on linux, what does mingw do?
L3217[17:41:34] <Soni> killjoy, xpaw.ru
is more accurate during DDoS
L3218[17:42:03] <Soni> Wuppy, GCC for
Windows basically
L3219[17:42:16] <Wuppy> what's gcc
L3220[17:42:30] <Soni> Wuppy, also cygwin
still compiles for windows but it lets you check your code
L3221[17:42:44] <Wuppy> what does cygwin
do then?
L3222[17:42:47] <Soni> Wuppy, GNU
Compiler Collection or GNU C Compiler
L3223[17:42:54] <Soni> (depends on
L3224[17:43:07] <Wuppy> what can I use
cygwin and mingw for then?
L3225[17:43:14] <RazerSwift> setupForge
doesn't exist Soni
L3226[17:43:17] <Soni> Wuppy, cygwin is a
port of all linux APIs for Windows
L3227[17:43:21] <killjoy> i use
L3228[17:43:28] <Zaggy1024> is there any
use to an IBlockState ISeed.getPlant()?
L3229[17:43:36] <Soni> RazerSwift, for
stuff from files.minecraftforge.net you use
L3230[17:43:53] <Soni> Wuppy, cygwin
includes mingw I think
L3231[17:44:00] <Wuppy> so what can I do
with all linux APIs?
L3232[17:44:06] <Soni> (well it includes
its own copy of GCC at least)
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L3234[17:44:20] <Soni> Wuppy, you can
test your programs to see if they can be compiled on linux
L3235[17:44:26] <RazerSwift> Okay.. and
so what do I do after that to load it in Eclipse? It doesn't
make an eclipse workspace
L3236[17:44:29] <Wuppy> and then how does
one compile on linux?
L3237[17:44:51] <Soni> Wuppy, well if you
have all the APIs it should be simple to do cross-compilation, let
me look it up
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L3239[17:45:02] <Wuppy> thanks :)
L3240[17:45:04] <Soni> RazerSwift, the
MDK includes an eclipse dir, use that
L3241[17:45:27] <RazerSwift> Copy and
paste it?
L3242[17:46:31] ***
mumfrey is now known as Mumfrey
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Connection reset by peer)
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L3245[17:48:05] <Kolatra> What can I use
to register a model to an item in 1.8?
L3247[17:48:26] <Soni> Wuppy, hmm
I'm having a hard time finding an up to date tutorial
L3248[17:49:47] <Wuppy> thanks for trying
L3249[17:49:51] <Wuppy> I'll look
into it tomorrow
⇨ Joins: colossali|Away
L3251[17:50:03] <RazerSwift> I want to
fucking cry. -.- every thing I'm trying to do I just
can't. I feel fucking useless. This can't be this fucking
hard. 12 year old make mods.
L3252[17:50:24] <Wuppy> RazerSwift,
everybody has a hard time at the start
⇨ Joins: Cojo
L3254[17:52:01] <colossali|Away>
RazerSwift, I've just spent the last two days figuring out how
to fix one entity. I've been making mods on and off for 3
years and I still suck sometimes, everyone has a hard time every
now and again
L3255[17:52:08] ***
colossali|Away is now known as colossali
L3256[17:52:15] <RazerSwift> Thanks.
I'm sorry.
⇦ Quits: MikrySoft (~MikrySoft@89-76-18-43.dynamic.chello.pl)
(Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L3258[17:52:57] <RazerSwift> Should I
rerun gradlew eclipse anytime I run gradlew decompBlabla
L3259[17:53:28] <colossali> You've
nothing to apologise for RazerSwift
L3260[17:55:17] <colossali> AFAIK, yeah
run eclipse after setupDecompWorkspace
L3261[17:55:37] <colossali> you can do it
in one command too, just run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace
L3262[17:58:00] <Soni> Wuppy, easiest
way, install VirtualBox, then put Arch Linux (farily lightweight
poweruser-oriented distro) on it
L3263[17:58:05] <RazerSwift> Oh,
L3264[17:58:13] <Wuppy> oh god....
L3265[17:58:14] <RazerSwift> Good to know
you can do it in one line
L3266[17:58:27] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L3267[17:58:29] <Wuppy> Soni, what about
Mac? can't do that unless I've got an iMac I
L3268[17:58:40] <Soni> Wuppy, I
don't know
L3269[17:58:45] ***
lxkm is now known as lxkm|work
L3270[17:58:59] <RazerSwift> What do I do
if there's a line like Entityliving.onSpawnFirstTime (except
lower case e because it's instantialized) that MCPBot_Reborn
doesn't know about?
L3271[17:59:08] <williewillus> Kolatra:
is ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation not working?
L3272[17:59:09] <Soni> Wuppy,
"compile from source" is always an option
L3273[17:59:09] <RazerSwift> !gm
L3274[17:59:18] <RazerSwift> reutrns
L3275[17:59:19] <Kolatra> williewillus,
L3276[17:59:29] <Wuppy> Soni, for people
who want to play it you mean?
L3277[17:59:35] <Soni> Wuppy, yeah
L3278[17:59:41] <williewillus> what does
your ModelResourceLocation constructor look like
L3279[18:00:20] <Kolatra> new
ModelResourceLocation(Reference.MODID + "item")
L3280[18:00:29] <Soni> Wuppy, you could
setup a hackintosh, I guess, but not without violating a few
L3281[18:00:59] <williewillus> you need a
second parameter "inventory". e.g. new
MRL("foo:bar", "inventory") will resolve to
⇦ Parts: colossali
L3283[18:02:15] <Wuppy> dang... I'm
getting unclear in my head at this point
L3284[18:03:01] <Kolatra> williewillus,
still shows as a pink and black square. I'm gonna take a look
at my jsons.
L3285[18:03:56] <williewillus> ive had
problems with case sensitive files (because windows was dumb) in
the past so check that too
L3286[18:04:29] <Kolatra> Both the json
and texture png are lowercase at the moment.
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L3288[18:04:58] <williewillus> did you
L3289[18:05:10] <RazerSwift> For future
reference, onSpawnFirstTime is now onInitialSpawn
L3290[18:05:21] <RazerSwift> No errors in
project, here goes nothign
L3291[18:05:26] <Wuppy> also... I'm
hungry at 1AM
L3292[18:05:40] <williewillus>
RazerSwift: porting? :p inb4 crash
L3293[18:05:42] <Kolatra> Nope I did
L3294[18:06:19] <williewillus> yeah you
need to do ModelLoader.addVariantName(item, String...) for every
model name that item will use
L3295[18:06:32] <williewillus> the item
mechanisms for models are a lot more clunky than the blockstate
ones right now
L3296[18:07:06] <RazerSwift> No, just
trying to get BOP to build for 1.8. In theory it already works, but
their github version does not setup a workspace nor build out of
the box
L3297[18:07:11] <RazerSwift> Crash
L3298[18:08:00] <Kolatra> williewillus,
is that also in init?
L3299[18:08:14] <williewillus> at the
same time you do the setCustomMRL
L3300[18:08:51] <RazerSwift> Does anybody
have a simple example of 1.8 world gen? -.- I just want to make a
skygrid mod for 1.8
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L3302[18:09:03] <williewillus> it
shouldn't have changed much vs 1.7
L3303[18:09:11] <williewillus> things got
renamed and transferred to blockstates but that's it
L3304[18:09:38] <RazerSwift> Okay, how
about your best example for 1.7.10 then
L3305[18:10:09] <williewillus> uhhhh idk
the ticon floating islands
L3306[18:10:21] <Kolatra> williewillus,
where did you call those methods in ProjectE? I could look at that
as well.
L3307[18:10:49] <williewillus>
ClientProxy.registerModels or somewhere in that class
L3308[18:11:33] <RazerSwift> Doesn't
TiCon just alter existing world gen
L3309[18:11:43] <RazerSwift> I need to
make a new world gen type
L3310[18:11:49] <williewillus> oh a whole
new world type
L3311[18:12:09] <killjoy> RazerSwift,
looked at BiomesOPlenty?
L3312[18:12:11] <williewillus> that
shouldn't have been much different, how did bop do it?
L3313[18:12:35] <RazerSwift> That's
what I've been trying to get a workspace up and running for
for the last four hours
L3314[18:12:52] <RazerSwift> They have a
github version, which doesn't create a workspace.
L3315[18:13:02] <williewillus> well you
could just look at the code right haha
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L3317[18:13:23] <killjoy> RazerSwift,
gradlew eclilpse
L3318[18:13:29] <killjoy> import the
project file it creates
L3319[18:13:55] <killjoy> the eclipse
folder that comes with the mdk is just for the lazy
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L3326[18:24:50] ***
amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L3327[18:34:20] <Zaggy1024> tterrag, I
don't feel like a hydrate function would really work as an
alternative to random ticking, since each block would have to store
whether there's water around it as well as what moisture stage
it's at
L3328[18:34:38] <Zaggy1024> unless you
can think of some other way
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L3330[18:38:40] <foxy> hey, how in the
world does minecraft get multiple layers of transparency?
L3331[18:38:54] <Zaggy1024> what do you
mean multiple layers of transparency?
L3332[18:39:10] <foxy> like when you have
different colors of glass side by side
L3333[18:39:20] <foxy> they blend
L3334[18:39:24] <Zaggy1024> that's
not transparency
L3335[18:39:28] <Zaggy1024> and they
don't blend in vanilla
L3336[18:39:36] <foxy> ???
L3337[18:39:38] <Zaggy1024> the color
just changes gradually from block to block
L3338[18:39:44] <Zaggy1024> rather than
within the block
L3339[18:39:50] <foxy> yeah
L3340[18:39:52] <foxy> i know
L3341[18:40:00] <foxy> but if you put red
next to blue
L3342[18:40:03] <Zaggy1024> it's the
color multiplier function and a tint face in the model
L3343[18:40:24] <foxy> right but it works
from both sides
L3344[18:40:30] <foxy> so how...?
L3345[18:41:01] <RazerSwift> Cool, I got
BOP to run from Eclipse.. Does BOP invade Vanilla world gen by
default? (I.e. affect non-explicitly-defined-BOP-worlds by
L3346[18:41:13] <foxy> the issue i'm
having is when i draw two faces that are semi transparent
L3347[18:41:28] <foxy> one is in front of
the other
L3348[18:41:36] <foxy> if i draw the back
one first it's fine
L3349[18:41:42] <Zaggy1024> screenshot
please :P
L3350[18:42:05] <Zaggy1024> also how are
you rendering these colored blocks?
L3352[18:43:03] <foxy>
L3353[18:43:34] <RazerSwift> Where do
mods store their default config files? Or are they generally
generated in the code somewhere?
L3354[18:43:59] <foxy> the red is drawn
first, magenta last
L3355[18:44:08] <Zaggy1024> erm
L3356[18:44:19] <Zaggy1024> are those
supposed to be blocks? or what are they for?
L3357[18:44:25] <foxy> highlight
L3358[18:44:37] <Zaggy1024> you need to
sort them according to distance
L3359[18:44:39] <foxy> they aren't
L3360[18:44:41] <Zaggy1024> to the
L3361[18:44:47] <foxy> that's what i
was afraid of
L3362[18:44:55] <foxy> minecraft does
that doesn't it?
L3363[18:45:05] <Zaggy1024> not if
you're rendering it with GL calls
L3364[18:45:11] <Zaggy1024> Minecraft
sorts stuff it knows about
L3365[18:45:18] ***
Kobata_ is now known as Kobata
L3366[18:45:18] <foxy> i mean
L3367[18:45:19] <Zaggy1024> TEs and block
models that stay within their bounds
L3368[18:45:24] <foxy> mc does that with
it's own blocks
L3369[18:45:32] <Zaggy1024> what
you're doing isn't a block or TESR
L3370[18:45:43] <Zaggy1024> so that
sorting does not apply
L3371[18:45:44] <foxy> so i have to sort
it manually
L3372[18:45:47] <Zaggy1024> yes
L3373[18:45:54] <foxy> okay, that's
what i needed to know
L3374[18:46:04] <foxy> thanks
L3375[18:46:08] <Zaggy1024> np
L3376[18:46:25] <foxy> i didn't know
if mc used some screwy gl call i didn't know about
L3377[18:46:39] <Zaggy1024> GL
doesn't sort faces
L3378[18:46:49] <foxy> damn okay
L3379[18:47:03] <gigaherz> gpus
don't sort.
L3380[18:47:03] <gigaherz> XD
L3381[18:47:09] <gigaherz> they are
rather bad at it, in fact
L3382[18:47:21] <gigaherz> when you draw
on gpu
L3383[18:47:46] <gigaherz> you rely on
the z-buffer telling you if the "pixel" it's
calculating would be behind the existing data
L3384[18:47:57] <gigaherz> and for
transparency, it simply takes the existing data, and blends
L3385[18:48:03] <foxy> yep
L3386[18:48:17] <gigaherz> so you get all
the issues ;P
L3387[18:48:18] <RazerSwift> Anybody?
:'( I need to change BOPs default from "Yes, invade
vanilla worlds", to no.
L3388[18:48:24] <foxy> i've done a
fair bit of learning about opengl
L3389[18:48:25] <Zaggy1024> yeah,
anything below the alpha clip threshold doesn't get put into
the depth buffer
L3390[18:48:32] <foxy> i just wanted to
know if there was another way
L3391[18:48:35] <Kobata> nV 900 series
and intel integrated for at least the past two or three versions
*does* have an ability to re-order pixels... it's a little
slow though
L3392[18:48:38] <gigaherz> Zaggy1024:
alpha testing is a separate feature
L3393[18:48:39] <gigaherz> XD
L3394[18:48:42] <Zaggy1024> RazerSwift,
you could always modify their code
L3395[18:48:50] <foxy> wait wait
L3396[18:48:52] <foxy> hold on
L3397[18:48:56] <Zaggy1024> gigaherz, but
it affects transparency... >.>
L3398[18:48:59] <gigaherz> yes
L3399[18:49:00] <Kobata> (Or you can play
with buffers and do a gpu-linked list, but that's even
L3400[18:49:05] <gigaherz> but it's
unrelated to depth testing XD
L3401[18:49:12] <RazerSwift> Right, but I
want to know where configs are stored in a forge gradle
L3402[18:49:27] <gigaherz> depth testing
discards data based on the contents that are already in the depth
L3403[18:49:32] <foxy> when i put colored
glass in front of and when i put it behind my rendering
L3404[18:49:36] <Zaggy1024> RazerSwift,
eclipse folder maybe?
L3405[18:49:37] <gigaherz> alpha testing
discards data based solely on the fragment alpha output
L3406[18:49:39] <foxy> they play nice as
you would expect
L3407[18:49:41] <foxy> how?
L3408[18:49:54] <Zaggy1024> RazerSwift,
or projects folder
L3409[18:50:46] <Zaggy1024> gigaherz,
I'm saying alpha clip affects what of a transparent texture is
added to the depth buffer
L3411[18:51:15] <foxy> all of the colors
are being drawn after the world has been drawn
L3412[18:51:30] <Kobata> It looks like
those are being drawn infront of everything?
L3413[18:51:34] <Zaggy1024> yes of course
they are
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Connection reset by peer)
L3415[18:51:49] <foxy> are they?
L3416[18:51:52] <Zaggy1024> there's
no way to make your cubes render in between blocks in the
L3417[18:51:58] <Kobata> That red stained
glass in front of it would be more red if it was ordered
L3418[18:52:08] <Zaggy1024> each chunk is
rendered in one big bulk call
L3419[18:52:11] <foxy> oh yeah i guess
L3420[18:52:27] <foxy> wait then why
isn't it failing the depth test?
L3421[18:52:38] <Zaggy1024> what depth
L3422[18:52:54] <Kobata> The transparent
pass probably disables depth-write
L3423[18:52:56] <Zaggy1024> neither the
glass nor your cubes are affected by depth
L3424[18:53:09] <Zaggy1024> Kobata,
really? no alpha clip?
L3425[18:53:15] <foxy> must be
L3426[18:53:50] <Kobata> If you're
sorting nothing you're rendering will effect the depth-test
L3427[18:54:04] <Kobata> (Unless someone
tries to do more later, but...)
L3428[18:54:24] <Kobata> So you can just
keep depth-test on but depth-write off
L3429[18:54:25] <foxy> weird...
L3430[18:54:30] <Zaggy1024> anything
below...something like 0.9 alpha is not put into the depth
L3431[18:54:52] <Zaggy1024> I
L3432[18:55:19] <foxy> no
L3433[18:55:35] <foxy> cause look in the
screenshot where the inbetween panels weren't there
L3434[18:55:52] <foxy> they weren't
drawn on top
L3435[18:56:00] <Wuppy> it's
finished :D
L3436[18:56:03] <Zaggy1024> inbetween
panels? >.>
L3437[18:56:15] <Kobata> In the normal
pass there's an alpha-test (like normal glass, to skip over
the 'transparent' part of it entirely)
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L3439[18:56:27] <Kobata> In the
transparent pass it makes less sense to do that though
L3440[18:57:20] <Zaggy1024> foxy, I
don't know what you mean
L3442[18:57:28] <Zaggy1024> that image
shows exactly what I expected
L3443[18:57:34] <Zaggy1024> ...the old
one :P
L3444[18:57:35] <foxy> right
L3445[18:57:42] <Zaggy1024> as do
L3446[18:57:42] <foxy> those are the
L3447[18:57:49] <foxy> as earlier
L3448[18:57:59] <rockers3000> Just
submitted my game to the ludums
L3450[18:58:11] <foxy> in one of them you
can see the surfaces in between cubes
L3451[18:58:12] ***
rockers3000 is now known as Rockers
L3452[18:58:14] <Zaggy1024> all those
images are what I would expect when you're rendering your
cubes after the world render, foxy
L3453[18:58:22] <foxy> right...
L3454[18:58:32] <Zaggy1024> so what are
you asking?
L3455[18:58:43] <foxy> so how do i
disable writing to the z buffer?
L3456[18:58:51] <Zaggy1024> it isn't
writing to the z buffer
L3457[18:58:59] <Zaggy1024> except maybe
for the edge lines
L3458[18:59:10] <foxy> but it IS
L3459[18:59:10] <Zaggy1024> why do you
want it not to?
L3460[18:59:19] <Zaggy1024> er
L3461[18:59:27] <foxy> i would rather it
show surfaces in the wrong order than not show them at all
L3462[18:59:32] <Rockers> Wuppy
L3463[18:59:38] <Wuppy> yo
L3464[18:59:42] <Rockers> how you gettin
L3465[18:59:45] <Zaggy1024>
GL11.depthMask(false) maybe?
L3466[18:59:50] <Wuppy> finished 5
minutes ago
L3467[18:59:52] <Rockers> I've
already submitted.
L3469[18:59:54] <Rockers> Ok
L3470[18:59:55] <Zaggy1024> er
GlStateManager sorry
L3471[19:00:00] <Wuppy> or, I've
stopped working because too damn tire
L3472[19:00:08] <Rockers> This is
L3474[19:00:23] <Wuppy> I've got
ideas for at least 3 more levels, but I'm just done
L3475[19:00:37] <Rockers> I'll play
L3476[19:00:44] <Rockers> Mine's is
utter crap.
L3477[19:00:46] <Wuppy> Rockers, will
play it tomorrow, too tired right now
L3478[19:00:48] <foxy>
L3479[19:00:50] <Rockers> Ok
L3480[19:01:12] <Rockers> I'm
waiting on MediaFire finishing.
L3481[19:01:21] <Zaggy1024>
GlStateManager.depthMask(false) is what I meant
L3482[19:01:31] <Zaggy1024> I'm not
sure whether that stops it writing to the depth though
L3483[19:01:37] <Zaggy1024> I
haven't ever tried that
L3484[19:01:56] <Kobata>
"glDepthMask — enable or disable writing into the depth
L3485[19:01:56] <Kobata> "
L3486[19:01:56] <Zaggy1024> foxy,
what's the alpha on those cube faces?
L3487[19:02:00] <Rockers> Chrome says
that your game is dangerous Wuppy.
L3488[19:02:05] <Wuppy> idk why
L3489[19:02:06] <Rockers> I know
it's not.
L3490[19:02:08] <Wuppy> but it
L3491[19:02:09] <Rockers> .exe
L3492[19:02:10] <Zaggy1024> Kobata, heh,
L3493[19:02:11] <Rockers> and
L3494[19:02:12] <Rockers> .dll
L3495[19:02:20] <Wuppy> yep doesnt get
much worse :P
L3496[19:02:30] <foxy> anywhere from
L3497[19:02:36] <foxy> 63*
L3498[19:02:38] <Kobata> I just pulled up
the main render code, and yeah they toggle it to false before the
translucent pass
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L3500[19:03:03] <Rockers> I don't
want to touch a keyboard again.
L3501[19:03:14] <Kobata> Apparently the
alpha test is still on to discard anything less than 0.1 alpha
L3502[19:03:15] <Rockers> Or at least
L3503[19:03:27] <Rockers> At least with
SDL, it either works or it doesn't work.
L3504[19:03:30] <Zaggy1024> foxy, in
decimal :P
L3505[19:03:34] <Zaggy1024> 0-1
L3506[19:03:39] <Rockers> No locking up
your harddrive for you.
L3507[19:03:53] <foxy> 0-0.25
L3508[19:03:55] <Rockers> (My hard-drive
folder system locked.)
L3509[19:04:00] <Zaggy1024> how is it
L3510[19:04:22] <Zaggy1024> don't
you have each face with the same alpha?
L3511[19:04:35] <foxy> nope
L3512[19:04:39] <foxy> it's actually
L3513[19:04:50] <foxy> final float alpha
= 1f - ((System.currentTimeMillis()) % 1000) / 1000f;
L3514[19:04:59] <foxy> i'm horrible
i know
L3515[19:05:10] <foxy> i just divide that
by 4 for the faces
L3516[19:05:28] <Zaggy1024> ah
L3517[19:05:55] <Rockers> Wuppy, you
can't beat the first level.
L3518[19:06:00] <Zaggy1024> well try
disabling depth mask like I said
L3519[19:06:01] <Wuppy> yes you can
L3520[19:06:09] <foxy> it worked
L3521[19:06:10] <Wuppy> me and a friend
of mine did it
L3522[19:06:14] <Wuppy> where're you
L3523[19:06:15] <Rockers> I have no jumps
L3524[19:06:18] <foxy> yay
L3525[19:06:25] <foxy> it looks a LITTLE
L3526[19:06:28] <Wuppy> where are you
L3527[19:06:32] <Rockers> Oh you make
yourself bigger
L3528[19:06:34] <foxy> but the alpha is
so low it's barely noticeable
L3529[19:06:36] <Wuppy> yes :P
L3530[19:06:47] <Wuppy> you cant fall
down a hole if you're too big for it :P
L3531[19:07:27] <Rockers> I just got
L3532[19:07:32] <Rockers> Wow I'm
L3533[19:09:27] <Wuppy> Rockers, managed
to get through all the levels
L3534[19:09:28] <Wuppy> ?
L3535[19:09:32] <Zaggy1024> foxy, you
mean it stops rendering below a threshold?
L3536[19:09:51] <foxy> no
L3537[19:09:59] <foxy> i disabled the
alpha test
L3538[19:09:59] <Rockers> no
L3539[19:10:05] <Zaggy1024> then
what's derpy? :P
⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-212-116-74-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping
timeout: 206 seconds)
L3541[19:10:25] <foxy> i mean that the
alpha is low enough that it's hard to notice that the yellow
renders over the red
L3542[19:10:35] <foxy> even though it
looks a little funny
L3543[19:10:37] <Wuppy> still trying or
did you give up Rockers?
L3544[19:10:46] <Rockers> I'm not
giving up yep
L3545[19:10:49] <Rockers> actually
L3546[19:10:52] <Rockers> I'm going
to bed
L3547[19:11:04] <Rockers> goodnight
L3548[19:11:08] <foxy> lol
L3550[19:11:33] <foxy> you can tell
it's rendering out of order, but it's barely
L3551[19:11:51] <Wuppy> same here, good
night everyone
⇦ Quits: Rockers
(rockers300@host217-35-241-9.range217-35.btcentralplus.com) (Quit:
http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC
L3553[19:13:11] <Zaggy1024> foxy, you can
tell with the borders :P
L3554[19:13:20] <Zaggy1024> especially
the farther ones
L3555[19:14:02] <Kobata> If you wanted to
go for a more glowy look you can make the order not matter by
switching the blend mode around a bit
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timeout: 195 seconds)
L3557[19:16:13] <foxy> yeah
L3558[19:16:28] <foxy> it's actually
supposed to be more functional than anything
L3559[19:16:53] <foxy> it's a client
mod for interfacing with a server plugin
L3560[19:16:58] <foxy> sponge
L3561[19:17:33] <foxy> those blocks are
for highlighted positions
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L3564[19:19:16] ***
bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
L3565[19:21:19] <foxy> i just happen to
be anal about transparency and prettyness
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L3567[19:22:20] <Zaggy1024> hey fry, any
idea why a clone of the latest Forge 1.8.8 with a contrib workspace
has non-working block model offsets?
L3568[19:22:34] <fry> what offsets?
L3569[19:22:37] <Zaggy1024> sunflowers
seem to all be in the northwest corner
L3570[19:22:43] <fry> strange
L3571[19:22:44] <Zaggy1024> randomized
offsets based on location seed
L3572[19:23:01] <Zaggy1024> as do yellow
flowers after a cursory check
L3573[19:23:04] <fry> nothing
should've touched that
L3574[19:23:14] <fry> does tall grass
L3576[19:24:09] <Zaggy1024> :P
L3577[19:24:31] <Zaggy1024> yeah tall
grass works
L3578[19:24:41] <Zaggy1024> looks like
you set the random variable in the wrong place :P
L3579[19:24:56] <fry> disable forge
pipeline and check if that works
L3580[19:25:15] <Zaggy1024> but...I just
showed you what's wrong >.>
L3581[19:25:47] <Zaggy1024> yeah it works
without forge lighting
L3582[19:26:28] <fry> ah, I see, XZ is
L3583[19:26:34] <fry> see the FIXME?
L3584[19:26:48] <fry> thanks for the
report :P
L3585[19:27:04] <Zaggy1024> I figured
that *might* be related to this, but then you didn't remember
the problem
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186 seconds)
L3587[19:27:34] <fry> the problem I had
was different
L3588[19:27:53] <fry> positions from
vanilla didn't match up with the forge ones for some
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L3590[19:28:38] <Zaggy1024> oh
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L3595[19:47:49] <RazerSwift> Instead I
get an empty world. I've completely destroyed anything the BOP
ChunkProvider does, and tried to make it provide one stone block
every 4x4x4 piece of a chunk.
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L3598[19:58:57] <oitsjustjose> Quick
Question: My two tools I'm adding have custom ToolMaterials...
but now when I enchant anything at all (my tool, or vanilla ones),
I get several of the SAME enchantment over and over. Is there
something I'm doing wrong? I used to do it exactly how
I'm doing it now...
L3599[19:59:24] <MattDahEpic> is there a
way to reduce/remoe the spinup of the neasua effect?
L3600[20:00:25] ***
Mumfrey is now known as mumfrey
L3601[20:03:48] <Zaggy1024> hm, why
doesn't forge lighting switch on and off when you change it in
mod options in-game?
L3602[20:04:34] <fry> you mean pause
L3603[20:05:59] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L3604[20:06:18] <Zaggy1024> seems as
though the field isn't being updated when I change the
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L3606[20:07:04] <Zaggy1024> ah
L3607[20:07:09] <Zaggy1024> that's
L3608[20:07:37] <Zaggy1024> would be nice
if settings that can be changed in-game would update
L3609[20:09:47] <RazerSwift> Does anybody
know how BOP is inserting it's ChunkProvider/WorldGenerator
into minecraft? I can't find "the entry point" so to
L3611[20:11:26] <Zaggy1024> actually, it
looks like individual entries in the config are disabled according
to whether they require a world reload...so why doesn't forge
allow the config to update in-game?
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L3618[20:25:44] <Zaggy1024> apparently
non-AO models don't use the getPositionRandom function
L3619[20:26:07] <Zaggy1024> at least
that's my guess as to what the problem is, I haven't
actually tested it
L3620[20:26:28] <fry> eh, it's not
that important to match them up :P
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L3622[20:27:45] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L3623[20:27:59] <Zaggy1024> I was just
curious enough to find out why it is :P
L3624[20:28:07] <Zaggy1024> maybe
it's worth telling grum though
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L3626[20:28:37] <Zaggy1024> still, now
you know that it's not your fault and so you can remove that
L3627[20:29:24] <fry> still need to fix
the bug you found :P
L3628[20:29:42] <Tarig> hey guys, I think
I figured out how to do animations using the b3d, but I think the
implementation won't work for what I need
L3629[20:30:04] <fry> what do you need?
L3630[20:30:09] <Tarig> I'm trying
to make a 45 degree slope that I can rotate
L3631[20:30:21] <Tarig> into 12 descret
L3632[20:30:31] <fry> even obj should
work for that
L3633[20:30:48] <fry> rotations work for
any model
L3634[20:31:06] <Tarig> where should I
put the rotations
L3635[20:31:22] <fry> in the blockstate
L3636[20:31:24] <Tarig> when I setup the
b3d animation it created a single frame animation with just my
first frame
L3637[20:31:30] <Zaggy1024> fry,
isn't it as simple as EnumOffsetType != NONE ?
L3638[20:32:03] <Zaggy1024> looks as
though StandardQuads is trying not to use the y value in the
L3639[20:32:27] <Zaggy1024> so I guess
that means that XY blocks with AO won't match up vertically
like they're supposed to ^.~
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L3641[20:34:44] <Zaggy1024> yup, forcing
AO for all models causes vanilla XY offset to not match up on
L3642[20:34:49] <Zaggy1024> danget
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190 seconds)
L3644[20:37:41] <Zaggy1024> how about
block$enumoffsettype == Block.EnumOffsetType.XYZ ?
blockPosIn.getY() : 0, blockPosIn.getZ())"?
L3645[20:37:48] <Zaggy1024> except in a
more compact form hopefully :P
L3646[20:39:05] <Zaggy1024> should result
in the same thing as the standard quads' random function in
cases where it should
L3647[20:39:41] <Zaggy1024> What
d'you think, fry?
L3648[20:43:07] ***
cpw is now known as cpw|out
L3649[20:43:31] <foxy> yay my colors
apply the right way now
L3650[20:43:54] <foxy> only costing a
crapton of cpu power...
L3651[20:44:08] <Zaggy1024> what
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timeout: 206 seconds)
L3653[20:48:44] <Zaggy1024> might
actually be nice to have a getCoordinateRandom callback for blocks
so that sunflowers and the like don't use the same variant and
offset in a vertical column
L3654[20:49:06] <Zaggy1024> with just pos
and state parameters
L3655[20:50:08] <Zaggy1024> anyway,
enough being distracted from what I'm actually doing
L3656[20:50:41] <Tarig> anyway to do
discreate rotations on b3d? got the rotation to work on the obj
model but my texture system doesn't like it
L3657[20:51:33] <Zaggy1024> block
L3658[20:51:40] <Tarig> yep
L3659[20:51:50] <Zaggy1024> if I
understand your meaning, you can use the forge blockstates format
to rotate your model
L3660[20:51:59] <Tarig> b3d throws them
L3661[20:52:18] <Zaggy1024> oh
L3662[20:52:19] <Tarig> or at least the
b3d loader does
L3663[20:52:26] <Zaggy1024> gosh, I feel
like there was a discussion about that a while back
L3664[20:52:31] <Zaggy1024> I don't
remember whether it was fixed though
L3665[20:52:45] <Tarig> got an issue on
github for f ry
L3666[20:53:00] <Tarig> just recently
went up
L3667[20:54:07] <foxy> the block
L3668[20:54:17] <foxy> it renders it in
the correct order now ^^
L3669[20:54:46] <Zaggy1024> oh
L3670[20:54:53] <Zaggy1024> why is it
using a crapton of power?
L3671[20:55:37] <Zaggy1024> you should be
able to make a sorted map of distance -> location in an
efficient manner, I would htink
L3672[20:56:04] <Zaggy1024> although
there are probably even faster ways than using a map :P
L3673[20:56:13] <Zaggy1024> I'm no
expert on the subject
L3674[20:57:42] <foxy> it wasn't
L3675[20:57:51] <foxy> i hadn't
rearranged my code yet
L3676[20:57:59] <Zaggy1024> hm, I just
discovered a bug with IPlantable changing vanilla behavior,
L3677[20:58:00] <foxy> so i was making a
new list every frame
L3678[20:58:09] <foxy> go me xD
L3679[20:58:29] <Zaggy1024> ah
L3680[20:59:05] <Zaggy1024> not actually
sure how to fix the bug
L3681[20:59:26] <Zaggy1024> the bug is
that any plant that can stay on crops prevents the farmland below
from turning to dirt
L3682[20:59:32] <Zaggy1024> even plain
tall grass
L3683[20:59:52] <Zaggy1024> whereas
vanilla only did that for proper crops (BlockCrops and
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L3685[21:00:31] <Zaggy1024> I think a
solution may be to make it so that if the plant types contains Crop
and not Plains it should keep the farmland
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L3688[21:04:00] <Tarig> think it would be
better to do getPlantType != crop
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186 seconds)
L3690[21:05:01] <ZaggyMobile> I'm
making it use a Set
L3691[21:05:43] <ZaggyMobile> And Plains
wrong include farmland unless someone objects
L3692[21:06:08] <ZaggyMobile> That way
default can be Crops and Plains together
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L3701[21:25:09] <Tarig> hmm correct me if
I'm wrong but the forgestate doesn't support tiered
states right?
L3702[21:25:14] <Tarig> for example
L3703[21:25:42] <Tarig> shape = slope,
facing = north,south
L3704[21:26:09] <Tarig> where the full
state would be
L3705[21:26:22] <Tarig>
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(~tcmzeal@pool-108-31-94-45.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L3707[21:30:22] <ZaggyMobile> You either
have to specify each property and its possible values, a full block
state string, or both
L3708[21:30:58] <ZaggyMobile> Block state
strings take precedence over the permutated states
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(~Tarig@cpe-104-230-154-96.columbus.res.rr.com) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
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the next hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want
it enough.)
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L3721[22:07:30] ***
Tahgtahv is now known as Tahg
L3722[22:08:43] <Zaggy1024> soooo...I
realized that checking if the plant types contains crop and nothing
else isn't the best way to check it
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fry is now known as fry|sleep
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L3725[22:11:34] <Zaggy1024> because of
course some mods will want to make plants keep crops around
L3726[22:11:50] <Zaggy1024> but I'm
wondering if that's something that should be more generalized,
or if a isCrop method would be in order
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L3735[22:32:29] <Zaggy1024> I'm
trying to think of cases in which a "primary" plant type
for an IPlantable/ISeed would be useful other than checking if a
plant should stop farmland turning into dirt if there's no
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L3748[23:05:54] <McJty> What is the
proper way to render an itemstack (any itemstack) in the
L3750[23:06:07] <McJty> Which is almost a
direct translation from 1.7.10 code but it isn't working
L3751[23:07:54] <gigaherz> hmmm
L3753[23:08:30] <gigaherz> here
L3754[23:08:39] <gigaherz> this is what I
use to render the throwables
L3755[23:08:41] <McJty> BTW, before
entering this function the transform is set as:
GlStateManager.translate(x, y, z) (with x,y,z given to the
L3756[23:08:50] <McJty> ok let me
L3757[23:09:23] <gigaherz> they face the
player, like the other throwables, hence the transforms
L3758[23:09:36] <gigaherz> I don't
know if the TESR has easy access to the renderitem thing
L3759[23:09:40] <McJty> What is that
Render class you are inheriting from?
L3760[23:09:47] <gigaherz> entity
L3761[23:10:53] <McJty> I can get a
RenderItem from Minecraft.getMinecraft()
L3762[23:10:55] <McJty> Let me try with
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L3764[23:13:03] <McJty> It isn't
working but then that might be because I'm transforming
L3765[23:13:07] <McJty> Will experiment a
L3766[23:13:47] <gigaherz> remember to
also do the
L3767[23:13:48] <gigaherz>
L3768[23:13:49] <gigaherz> bit
L3769[23:13:55] <McJty> aha
L3770[23:13:59] <McJty> Forgot that
L3771[23:14:16] <Zaggy1024> McJ, what are
you rendering in?
L3772[23:15:00] <McJty> Zaggy1024, the
L3773[23:15:07] <McJty> It is part of a
L3774[23:15:55] <McJty> Ah it
L3775[23:16:03] <McJty> Offset is wrong
but that's easy to fix
L3776[23:16:15] ***
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L3777[23:18:10] <gigaherz> :)
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L3779[23:21:40] <Zaggy1024> McJty, I call
L3780[23:21:43] <Zaggy1024> no entity
L3781[23:21:59] <Zaggy1024> just
L3782[23:22:28] <McJty> I'm using
NONE and that seems to work. What does FIXED do exactly?
L3783[23:23:26] <gigaherz> no idea, I
copied from the snowball, and it used NONE
L3784[23:23:29] <Zaggy1024> I don't
L3785[23:23:41] <Zaggy1024> I believe
it's for item frames
L3786[23:24:03] <gigaherz> anyhow, gotta
sleep, night
L3787[23:24:03] <Zaggy1024> I was using
it for somethign similar so I sued it
L3788[23:24:05] <Zaggy1024> used
L3789[23:24:17] ***
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L3796[23:48:13] <LexDesktop> !gm
L3797[23:48:18] <LexDesktop> !gm
L3798[23:48:25] <LexDesktop> -.-
L3799[23:48:36] <LexDesktop> !gm
L3800[23:49:19] <foxy> hey
L3801[23:49:26] <foxy> if i register a
message channel
L3802[23:49:44] <foxy> how i can get
access to that same channel from another mod/sponge plugin?
L3803[23:50:21] <foxy> right now on
client mc, both the mod and sponge plugin are being loaded
L3804[23:50:42] <foxy> but then forge
screams at me for trying to register an already existing
L3805[23:50:45] <foxy> so what do i
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