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L1[00:00:01] <RazerSwift> @Override
L2[00:00:01] <RazerSwift> public void injectData(Map<String, Object> data)
L3[00:00:11] <RazerSwift> This function isn't being called
L4[00:00:38] <gigaherz> McJty: your createBlockState must include all involved properties
L5[00:00:38] <McJty> injectData? Where can I find that?
L6[00:00:46] <gigaherz> that's unrelated to you
L7[00:00:58] <McJty> gigaherz, well I only have one property called FACING
L8[00:01:14] <gigaherz> do you override createBlockstate?
L9[00:01:20] <McJty> no
L10[00:01:42] <gigaherz> @Override
L11[00:01:43] <gigaherz> protected BlockState createBlockState() { return new BlockState(this, DENSITY); }
L12[00:01:46] <gigaherz> that's your problem then ;P
L13[00:01:49] <McJty> Ah
L14[00:01:53] <McJty> Forgot about that
L15[00:05:00] ⇨ Joins: ZZT (~ZZT@ip70-187-150-226.oc.oc.cox.net)
L16[00:05:16] <McJty> Another question. I load WaveFront obj files with this; model = ModelLoaderRegistry.getModel(new ResourceLocation(Gaia.MODID, modelName));
L17[00:05:22] <McJty> But it complains it cannot find a json
L18[00:05:27] <McJty> What should that json contain?
L19[00:05:35] <Wuppy> lol, when a teammate in rocket league calls you bad but he's 10 times worse xD
L20[00:05:36] <McJty> i.e. it tries to load 'whatever.obj.json'
L21[00:05:50] <gigaherz> hmm never used the model loader that way :/
L22[00:05:53] <gigaherz> ah
L23[00:05:54] <gigaherz> wait
L24[00:06:09] <gigaherz> do you call OBJLoader.enableDomain or whatever it's called
L25[00:06:26] <McJty> Nope, where should I do that?
L26[00:06:38] <gigaherz> anywhere before getModel ;P
L27[00:06:50] <gigaherz> preferably during preinit
L28[00:06:53] <McJty> ok
L29[00:07:01] <ZZT> hey now, this'll be annoying but my onWorldTick handler doesn't run serverside... I register it using FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new SeasonTickHandler()); and I just built it on the current version of forge for minecraft 1.7.10
L30[00:07:14] <McJty> And the domain is my mod ID?
L31[00:07:21] <gigaherz> yes
L32[00:07:24] <gigaherz> your resource domain
L33[00:07:29] <gigaherz> which is your modid in lowercase
L34[00:07:39] <McJty> I see it is converted to lower already
L35[00:07:48] <McJty> Anyway my modid is already lowercase anyway
L36[00:07:53] <gigaherz> yup
L37[00:08:18] <McJty> java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: gaia:models/obj/sprinkler.mtl
L38[00:08:29] <McJty> The file has extension .obj
L39[00:08:34] <McJty> Why does it replace the extension?
L40[00:08:36] <gigaherz> your .obj file references a material library
L41[00:08:49] <McJty> um
L42[00:08:55] <McJty> 1.7.10 seemed to ignore that
L43[00:09:05] <McJty> But I don't have such a library. What should it contain?
L44[00:09:54] <gigaherz> hmm not sure how shade's obj loader works in that regard
L45[00:10:02] <Wuppy> hmmm... my ludum dare game would fit really well as a christmas game
L46[00:10:10] <gigaherz> maybe if you edit the .obj file and remove the "mtllib" line, it will work?
L47[00:10:16] <Wuppy> now do I actually want to make an Xmas game...
L48[00:10:17] <shadekiller666> hmm?
L49[00:10:37] <gigaherz> how does your obj loader handle mtl references?
L50[00:10:40] <gigaherz> in mine
L51[00:10:52] <shadekiller666> they do
L52[00:11:01] <gigaherz> I did it so that "map_Kd something" maps to a texture channel with name "something"
L53[00:11:13] <gigaherz> in the corresponding .json ;P
L54[00:11:15] <shadekiller666> if "mtllib" is present in the .obj file, it will try and load the referenced file
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L57[00:11:41] <shadekiller666> thats how the loader is able to pull in texture data without having to rely on the jsons
L58[00:11:45] <foxy> hey i have a question. I'm trying to draw quads, but when i use glColor4ub to set alpha, any alpha under 26 is completely invisible. Help?
L59[00:11:47] <gigaherz> yeah
L60[00:12:04] <gigaherz> but, if mtllib is NOT present, will it map "usemtl" directly to texture channels?
L61[00:12:07] <gigaherz> or will it fail
L62[00:12:08] <shadekiller666> mcjty, its not changing the path
L63[00:12:08] <McJty> gigaherz, having to remove the mtllib all the time is annoying though
L64[00:12:11] <ZZT> sorry, any ideas on the tickHandler issue?
L65[00:12:18] <shadekiller666> mcjty, so make a .mtl
L66[00:12:22] <shadekiller666> its not hard
L67[00:12:23] <gigaherz> McJty: well you should keep the mtl files then
L68[00:12:30] <gigaherz> a mtl file is easy to create
L69[00:12:34] <gigaherz> just make a .txt with
L70[00:12:36] <McJty> Ah blender exports them as well
L71[00:12:39] <gigaherz> newmtl <name>
L72[00:12:39] <McJty> So I can use them
L73[00:12:42] <gigaherz> map_Kd <texture>
L74[00:12:47] <shadekiller666> most obj exporters will export them at the same time
L75[00:12:48] <gigaherz> for each material needed
L76[00:12:56] <Wuppy> can't believe it's already 4 hours :o
L77[00:12:59] <gigaherz> yeah blender will create them ;P
L78[00:13:07] <McJty> They do contain an absolute path to the texture name though]
L79[00:13:10] <shadekiller666> you'll have to change the texture path that "map_Kd" points to so that minecraft can find it
L80[00:13:11] <McJty> Which is a bit annoying
L81[00:13:20] <McJty> And unneeded since I'm binding the texture manually in code
L82[00:13:20] <shadekiller666> can't do anything about that
L83[00:13:31] <shadekiller666> why?
L84[00:13:38] <foxy> help? anyone?
L85[00:13:40] <RazerSwift> So is there any reason my plugin isn't having it's functions called?
L86[00:13:41] <McJty> Because it varies in code (animates depending on situation)
L87[00:13:50] <McJty> shadekiller666, I just need the triangle data
L88[00:14:10] <foxy> hello?
L89[00:14:16] <ZZT> hi
L90[00:14:16] <shadekiller666> you don't have to do that, there are ways to animate the texture with the loader still using it
L91[00:14:19] <shadekiller666> i think
L92[00:14:27] <foxy> transparency is broken
L93[00:14:28] <shadekiller666> hmm
L94[00:14:40] <foxy> i can't draw anything with an alpha less than 26
L95[00:14:57] <foxy> or at least any quads
L96[00:14:59] <foxy> lines work fine
L97[00:15:05] <shadekiller666> mcjty, what do you mean it changes by situation?
L98[00:15:06] <McJty> Perhaps I'll write a script to remove the mtlib then
L99[00:15:11] <shadekiller666> does it just swap textures?
L100[00:15:22] <McJty> yes and some of the models are not even rendered with textures. Just color shading
L101[00:15:31] <shadekiller666> ok
L102[00:15:43] <shadekiller666> you can apply a color to the obj as well via .mtl
L103[00:15:53] <ZZT> i dunno about that transparency issue, but the MC & Forge version might help for someone else to help haha
L104[00:16:12] <shadekiller666> just have "Kd r g b" where r/g/b are 0..1
L105[00:16:38] <McJty> What...
L106[00:16:39] <McJty> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: can't bake vanilla models to the format that doesn't fit into the default one: format: 2 elements: 3,Position,Float 2,UV,Float
L107[00:16:49] <shadekiller666> ...
L108[00:16:52] <shadekiller666> what did you do
L109[00:17:09] <McJty> Trying to port my mod is what I'm doing :-_)
L110[00:17:19] <McJty> lidModel = ModelLoaderRegistry.getModel(new ResourceLocation(Gaia.MODID, "obj/cupboardLid.obj"));
L111[00:17:19] <McJty> bakedLidModel = lidModel.bake(TRSRTransformation.identity(), DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX, location -> Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getAtlasSprite(location.toString()));
L112[00:17:22] <shadekiller666> thats an error from the ByteBuffer that minecraft reads texture data from
L113[00:17:41] <McJty> That's the code I'm using to try to get the model
L114[00:17:44] <shadekiller666> no no no no
L115[00:17:58] <shadekiller666> is this a TESR? or do you want the game to render this for you
L116[00:18:03] <McJty> I need both
L117[00:18:07] <McJty> A few are TESR
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L119[00:18:11] <McJty> But some are overlay renders
L120[00:18:31] <shadekiller666> ok
L121[00:18:38] <shadekiller666> jeeze
L122[00:18:58] <shadekiller666> well that error was the "DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX"
L123[00:19:19] <shadekiller666> don't ever call bake() on your own
L124[00:19:42] <McJty> Well that was suggested to me here earler :-/
L125[00:19:44] <McJty> earlier
L126[00:19:50] <shadekiller666> by whom?
L127[00:19:50] <McJty> Conflicting information alert
L128[00:19:59] <McJty> hmm fry I think. Not sure
L129[00:20:09] <McJty> How do I get the baked model?
L130[00:20:28] <McJty> I'm using this to render my model: Minecraft.getMinecraft().getBlockRendererDispatcher().getBlockModelRenderer().renderModel(world, m, world.getBlockState(tileEntity.getPos()), tileEntity.getPos(), Tessellator.getInstance().getWorldRenderer());
L131[00:20:32] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L132[00:20:47] <McJty> With 'm' the baked model
L133[00:20:55] <shadekiller666> give me a second
L134[00:21:54] <shadekiller666> the game will automatically render any models loaded via the obj loader if they're setup normally
L135[00:22:05] <shadekiller666> now
L136[00:22:17] <shadekiller666> whilst i was designing the OBJLoader
L137[00:22:30] <shadekiller666> and deciding on the features that i wanted to implement
L138[00:23:06] <shadekiller666> i thought about ways that mods, like yours, could interface with various things inside of the model and have the game automatically render the changes
L139[00:23:28] <shadekiller666> directly from within the block/item/tile entity that the game is rendering for
L140[00:24:09] <shadekiller666> one of those things is the ability to modify the parameters of Materials (the things that are read from the .mtl, that define texture information)
L141[00:24:22] <foxy> i feel ignored
L142[00:24:35] <ZZT> welcome to the club haha
L143[00:24:38] <shadekiller666> foxy, submit bug report
L144[00:24:43] <killjoy> Found some really weird code.
L145[00:24:46] <gigaherz> foxy: that may be alpha testing
L146[00:24:47] <killjoy> itemFrame.isSneaking()
L147[00:24:51] <killjoy> Item frames can sneak?
L148[00:24:55] <foxy> how do i disable that?
L149[00:25:01] <shadekiller666> killjoy, they're entities
L150[00:25:10] <killjoy> I found that in vanilla code
L151[00:25:13] <McJty> shadekiller666, ok
L152[00:25:16] <killjoy> when is it sneaking?
L153[00:25:30] <gigaherz> GL11.glDisable(ALPHA_TEST)
L154[00:25:31] <McJty> shadekiller666, I guess I have no idea how to tackle this. It was easy in 1.7.10 :-/
L155[00:25:34] <shadekiller666> mjty, if you give me a second i'll see if i can find the example
L156[00:25:42] <gigaherz> although in 1.8
L157[00:25:43] <shadekiller666> its even easier now :P
L158[00:25:49] <McJty> shadekiller666, note that some of my TESR's use multiple models
L159[00:25:54] <McJty> Transformed independently from each other
L160[00:25:55] *** cpw is now known as cpw|out
L161[00:25:57] <McJty> Keep that in mind
L162[00:26:14] <gigaherz> you should use GlStateManager
L163[00:26:22] <McJty> gigaherz, I'm using that already
L164[00:26:30] <gigaherz> I was talking to foxy ;P
L165[00:26:33] <McJty> ah sorry
L166[00:26:34] <shadekiller666> mcjty, i thought of that too
L167[00:26:38] <gigaherz> hmm
L168[00:26:45] <foxy> alright thank you
L169[00:26:45] <McJty> shadekiller666, ok a good example will help then :-)
L170[00:26:48] <gigaherz> GlStateManager doesn't have alpha testing
L171[00:27:00] <gigaherz> so yeah GL11.glDisable(ALPHA_TEST) then
L172[00:27:09] <shadekiller666> you can move Grouped faces around in a similar manner, assuming you've defined groups in the .obj
L173[00:27:20] <McJty> shadekiller666, well they are different .obj
L174[00:27:25] <McJty> Different blend files
L175[00:27:46] <shadekiller666> hmm
L176[00:27:58] <shadekiller666> don't think that will be an issue
L177[00:28:07] <McJty> And I do not want to change that as that would be very annoying since some of them are shared for multiple TESR
L178[00:28:18] <shadekiller666> fair enough
L179[00:28:26] <shadekiller666> shouldn't have to i don't think
L180[00:28:53] <shadekiller666> the most important thing for me whilst making this, was to put the 1.7.10 loader to shame
L181[00:29:23] <shadekiller666> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelLoaderRegistryDebug.java#L534
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L183[00:29:49] <shadekiller666> that is how you're supposed to obtain the IBakedModel for any given IModel
L184[00:30:34] <shadekiller666> now, the rest of that function is an example of how to change the colors of a Material applied to an OBJ model from within a TileEntity
L185[00:30:58] <shadekiller666> and the change is triggered by a right click in this case, but could be called from a TESR or whatever
L186[00:31:11] <McJty> Ok but that code assumes one bakedmodel per TESR right?
L187[00:31:18] <shadekiller666> no
L188[00:31:20] <McJty> Or per block state that is
L189[00:31:23] <shadekiller666> well
L190[00:31:25] <shadekiller666> hmmm
L191[00:31:35] <shadekiller666> no actually
L192[00:31:58] <shadekiller666> you should be able to use that for as many models as you want
L193[00:32:31] <McJty> How?
L194[00:33:01] <shadekiller666> hmm
L195[00:33:11] <shadekiller666> well, you could use a custom state mapper
L196[00:33:51] <shadekiller666> which allows you to shove resource locations into the map that that method finds the model from
L197[00:34:11] <shadekiller666> ore
L198[00:34:13] <shadekiller666> or*
L199[00:34:32] <McJty> But getModelFromBlockState() can only return one model and a block only has one state active at a given time. No?
L200[00:35:30] <gigaherz> yes
L201[00:35:37] <gigaherz> but every time a block is drawn
L202[00:35:49] <gigaherz> mc calls getExtendedState
L203[00:36:02] <gigaherz> which you can use to provide IUnlistedProperties
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L205[00:36:34] <gigaherz> then pass the info over to the renderer on your state mapper
L206[00:36:39] <shadekiller666> ^
L207[00:36:51] <McJty> ok... This is a big much to digest right now
L208[00:37:04] <shadekiller666> ok
L209[00:37:15] <McJty> Sounds like it might be a solution but right now I don't have a clear idea on how to actually implement it
L210[00:37:24] <shadekiller666> working on it
L211[00:37:52] <McJty> Also I need more information on how to actually do the animation. Some of these models animate independent from each other depending on a number in the tile entitity
L212[00:38:28] <gigaherz> it's 7:37 am here so I should probably be sleeping
L213[00:38:29] <gigaherz> so night ;P
L214[00:38:39] <McJty> i.e. the equivalent of GL11.glRotatef(tileEntity.getRotation(), ...)
L215[00:39:03] <McJty> shadekiller666, I have to be afk for a short while but I'll stay here so I will record whatever you say :-)
L216[00:39:06] <McJty> And thanks for the help
L217[00:39:36] <shadekiller666> what exactly do you mean by "animation"
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L221[00:50:06] <McJty> shadekiller666, well like the glRotatef
L222[00:50:16] <McJty> Some of the models rotate on their axis depending on te state
L223[00:50:27] <shadekiller666> ok
L224[00:50:45] <shadekiller666> that wouldn't even need a TESR, though the multiple models is interesting
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L226[00:51:00] <McJty> Well it is a bit more complicated too
L227[00:51:13] <McJty> I have one TESR that has two models, one animates and in addition it also renders items in the world
L228[00:51:25] <McJty> i.e. like if you throw an item on the ground. That kind of render
L229[00:51:42] <McJty> Actually I have multiple TESR like that
L230[00:52:12] <shadekiller666> hmm
L231[00:52:25] <shadekiller666> what does the obj model itself do?
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L233[00:52:53] <shadekiller666> you can actually have both renderers going at once, in fact its recommended
L234[00:52:56] <McJty> Well this is for a kind of cupboard
L235[00:53:01] <McJty> With a lid that can open
L236[00:53:02] <shadekiller666> have the game render your obj for you
L237[00:53:05] <McJty> So those are the two models
L238[00:53:14] <McJty> But in addition the items in the cupboard have to be rendered too
L239[00:53:21] <McJty> That's all handled by one TESR in the 1.7.10 version right now
L240[00:53:23] <shadekiller666> then have the TESR render the rest
L241[00:53:27] <shadekiller666> ok
L242[00:53:31] <shadekiller666> hmmm
L243[00:54:00] <McJty> I have no clue how to tackle this in 1.8.8 atm
L244[00:54:07] <shadekiller666> well
L245[00:54:13] <McJty> I didn't even know you could have multiple TESR/renderers for a single block
L246[00:54:27] <shadekiller666> you have an obj for the cupboard itself right?
L247[00:54:47] <shadekiller666> just the stationary part that everything gets rendered inside of
L248[00:55:01] <shadekiller666> you can have the game render that for you since it doesn't move at all
L249[00:55:07] <McJty> shadekiller666, yes
L250[00:55:35] <shadekiller666> (you might actually be able to get away with having the door and the cupboard be the same model file)
L251[00:55:53] <McJty> Yes but that I don't want as that door is used on other TESR's as well
L252[00:56:06] <McJty> And this could get ugly real fast. I have more combinations of models like that
L253[00:56:07] <shadekiller666> but keeping them separate, you would then have a TESR to render the door and whatever else
L254[00:56:19] <shadekiller666> ok, then keep the door separate
L255[00:56:37] <shadekiller666> probably be easier with rotations anyway...
L256[00:56:47] <shadekiller666> so
L257[00:57:11] <shadekiller666> there is a way to get an IBakedModel from a ModelResourceLocation
L258[00:57:31] <shadekiller666> assuming said ModelResourceLocation has an IBakedModel loaded for it
L259[00:58:23] <shadekiller666> Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().getModelManager().getModel();
L260[01:02:45] <shadekiller666> i'm trying to think how you would tell the game to load the .obj...
L261[01:03:08] <shadekiller666> oh i know
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L264[01:06:16] <shadekiller666> you would add a variant to your blockstate, as well as its .json, via ModelLoader.registerVariant() i think...
L265[01:06:23] <shadekiller666> idk, i'm tired
L266[01:06:38] <McJty> ok, we can continue this later if needed
L267[01:06:42] <McJty> I have to go myself too
L268[01:06:53] <McJty> Perhaps I can figure it out on my own
L269[01:06:55] <McJty> Thanks in any case
L270[01:07:18] <shadekiller666> i'll talk to fry about it, as well as run some things past him about loading models without requiring .mtls... hmm
L271[01:07:29] <shadekiller666> might be an argument for them
L272[01:07:40] <shadekiller666> but they are nice to have nontheless
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L275[01:39:19] <killjoy> Has anyone used blendFunc for a block (1.8)?
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L280[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20151212 mappings to Forge Maven.
L281[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20151212-1.8.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20151212" in build.gradle).
L282[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L283[02:01:08] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I just now realized that I made a spelling error: https://bitbucket.org/Unh0ly_Tigg/portaportal/src/master/src/main/java/org/unh0lytigg/portaportal/api/IPortalInfo.java#IPortalInfo.java-41
L284[02:04:14] <killjoy> Finally figured it out
L285[02:13:01] ⇦ Quits: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-204-125-173.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L286[02:13:33] ⇨ Joins: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipb2197f03.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L287[02:20:44] <killjoy> I've spent hours on this one thing
L288[02:20:50] <killjoy> rendering sucks
L289[02:22:44] <ThePsionic> yep
L290[02:23:12] <killjoy> Searched everywhere until I realized I had to use GL_CONSTANT_COLOR
L291[02:23:27] <killjoy> but now it's messed up for the items
L292[02:27:48] <killjoy> Here's some shots of what I'm doing. http://imgur.com/a/XpBWe
L293[02:27:55] <killjoy> second image is great
L294[02:28:03] <killjoy> first one is filling too much
L295[02:29:09] <ThePsionic> That's a ponie!
L296[02:29:13] <shadekiller666> I am so glad Senator Ted Cruz knows how to skewer stupid people...
L297[02:30:24] <killjoy> Relevant code https://gist.github.com/killjoy1221/fbdcc3929d98e63cf69c
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L304[02:50:35] MineBot sets mode: +v on CovertJaguar
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L308[02:58:19] <killjoy> I need to find out how chests are rendered as items
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L312[03:03:50] <Wuppy> ugh next time I should really write a basic engine before starting Ludum dare
L313[03:03:58] <ThePsionic> lol
L314[03:04:20] <Wuppy> ThePsionic, what do you think of my character? http://puu.sh/lSr3N/81883f3d66.png
L315[03:04:55] <ThePsionic> she's beauty, she's grace
L316[03:15:02] ⇨ Joins: ShadowChild (~ShadowChi@host81-151-59-190.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)
L317[03:17:13] <Corosus> anyone here know how to setup forge with mcpbot snapshot builds, these renderer namings are too sexy to pass up
L318[03:18:17] <Corosus> oh wait, its an easy gradle file edit
L319[03:18:18] <Corosus> w00t
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L322[03:22:51] <killjoy> I forget how to check gamemode
L323[03:23:50] <ThePsionic> yep
L324[03:24:02] <ThePsionic> (@ Corosus ^)
L325[03:24:02] <killjoy> Thanks for the help
L326[03:24:09] <ThePsionic> lol
L327[03:24:26] <ThePsionic> You should find it in Player
L328[03:25:13] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L329[03:26:37] ⇨ Joins: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@ip-62-235-46-254.dial.scarlet.be)
L330[03:26:57] <OrionOnline> Hello
L331[03:26:59] <OrionOnline> How is everybody
L332[03:27:41] <killjoy> hello
L333[03:28:00] <OrionOnline> How is everybody?
L334[03:28:23] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: Gave up on the Dare? :P
L335[03:33:04] <Corosus> mmmmmmmm, worldRenderer.pos(...).tex(...).color(...).endVertex();
L336[03:33:08] <Corosus> dat clean method chaining
L337[03:33:53] <sham1> it's a monad
L338[03:36:06] ⇨ Joins: bochen415 (~bochen415@
L339[03:36:24] <OrionOnline> Anyone know if it is possible to modify a Quads data?
L340[03:36:37] <OrionOnline> Like setting Its normals to Up?
L341[03:36:44] <sham1> still pondering rotation?
L342[03:36:55] <OrionOnline> sham1, no i got the rotation
L343[03:37:02] <OrionOnline> Now trying to fix lighting issues i have
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L345[03:37:28] <OrionOnline> Cause of the Block Lighting the additional layers gets darkened by a lot
L346[03:37:50] <OrionOnline> So i am trying to set the Normals to upwarts so it would not really matter
L347[03:37:53] <ThePsionic> I always write stuff like that like worldRenderer.pos(~).tex(~).color(~).endVertex();
L348[03:38:02] <ThePsionic> With ~ instead of ... basically lol
L349[03:38:22] <OrionOnline> But as i am looking at the bake method of the ItemLayerModel
L350[03:38:29] <OrionOnline> all methods are private
L351[03:38:35] <ThePsionic> Reflection?
L352[03:38:40] <OrionOnline> and it sets the normals based on the neighboring pixels
L353[03:38:58] <OrionOnline> ThePsionic, No lighting enabled when i donnot want it to be
L354[03:39:08] <Dark> Access Transformers
L355[03:39:18] <sham1> Eww, ATs
L356[03:39:22] <OrionOnline> Dark, that could fix my problem
L357[03:39:31] <OrionOnline> But i am trying to stay a way from them
L358[03:39:33] <Dark> very useful
L359[03:39:43] <sham1> Reflection can be about as fast as ATs if you know what you are doing
L360[03:39:49] <sham1> no
L361[03:39:49] <OrionOnline> I was hoping i could change the Data before or after the baking process of the Quad
L362[03:39:53] <sham1> As fast as ATs
L363[03:39:54] <Dark> if you plan to use relection a lot just use AT
L364[03:40:00] <sham1> Or MethodHandles
L365[03:40:06] <Dark> meh
L366[03:40:14] <Dark> not sure why people do not like them
L367[03:40:19] <OrionOnline> I would have used reflection and cached the method handle
L368[03:40:21] <Dark> its a built in feature by forge to make life easy
L369[03:40:21] <Corosus> could also just make a PR for those methods ;D
L370[03:40:39] <sham1> which one dark
L371[03:40:40] <Corosus> PR to publicize with a forge patch, if they allow those kind of prs...
L372[03:40:43] <sham1> ATs or reflection
L373[03:40:43] <OrionOnline> Corosus, the problem is that it goes against the nature of the Concept
L374[03:40:48] <Dark> ATs
L375[03:40:59] <Dark> reflection is a java thing, works outside of forge and MC
L376[03:40:59] <OrionOnline> The whole Idea of BakedQuads is that they are immutable
L377[03:41:01] <sham1> well they do have a problem with compatibility
L378[03:41:08] <sham1> ATs
L379[03:41:09] <Corosus> hrm
L380[03:41:11] <Dark> only if you set things to private
L381[03:41:18] <Dark> or remove finals
L382[03:41:46] <Dark> even with caching they are faster
L383[03:41:55] <Dark> as you have edited the code directly
L384[03:41:57] <OrionOnline> And i am having a hard time realising how to modify the data once it is that stupid int[] of the vertex data
L385[03:42:22] <sham1> ask fry when he comes up
L386[03:42:51] <OrionOnline> He told me to modify the normals....
L387[03:42:54] <OrionOnline> But did not say how
L388[03:43:01] <OrionOnline> So i am out of ideas for now
L389[03:43:16] <sham1> <sham1> ask fry when he comes up
L390[03:43:23] <OrionOnline> I was hoping we would have more then one render expert in the channel:P
L391[03:43:31] <Dark> how is the normal data stored
L392[03:43:36] <Dark> as I might be able to help
L393[03:43:38] <OrionOnline> inside the vertex data
L394[03:43:57] <Dark> I mean what exactly does the vertex data look like
L395[03:44:05] <Dark> is it 3 int array
L396[03:44:06] <OrionOnline> One sec i am making pictures :P
L397[03:44:20] ⇦ Quits: Meow-J (uid69628@id-69628.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L398[03:45:04] <OrionOnline> It is generally stored in a UnpackedBakedQuad
L399[03:45:40] <OrionOnline> As long as it is in that state i would be able to modify the data, but only as long as nobody else cals the getVertexData on the Quad
L400[03:46:13] <OrionOnline> Cause that is the moment all data gets somehow pushed into the LightUtil.pack method and floats get turned into a int...
L401[03:47:18] <OrionOnline> If i just would be able to modify the Data before it gets packed
L402[03:47:26] <OrionOnline> I would have accomplished my job
L403[03:51:06] <Ordinastie> OrionOnline, unpack the float and repack it after
L404[03:51:07] <OrionOnline> Dark, this is the vertex normal data of the first vertex of one of my Quads: http://snag.gy/YQGqT.jpg
L405[03:51:24] <Ordinastie> it's a stupid way imo, but that's what MC does
L406[03:51:35] <OrionOnline> I donnot need to unpack it
L407[03:51:44] <OrionOnline> I just need to know how this is interpreted
L408[03:52:00] <OrionOnline> Like where is the normal vector pointing to in this case
L409[03:52:09] <Ordinastie> depends on the vertex format you use
L410[03:52:17] <OrionOnline> VertexFormat.ITEM
L411[03:52:35] <OrionOnline> Is what IDEA told me
L412[03:52:39] <OrionOnline> And fry confirmed
L413[03:52:43] <Dark> hmm thought I could help but guess not
L414[03:52:51] <Ordinastie> then it's the forth element
L415[03:52:59] <Dark> format is so different then my model formats I've created outside of MC
L416[03:53:00] <Ordinastie> *fourth
L417[03:53:20] <Dark> ^
L418[03:53:23] <Dark> might be the case
L419[03:53:25] <OrionOnline> Ordinastie, What do you mean with fourth element?
L420[03:53:28] <Dark> normally you only need 3 points
L421[03:53:32] <Dark> not sure why its 4
L422[03:53:36] <Ordinastie> OrionOnline, open DefaultVertexFormats
L423[03:53:53] <OrionOnline> yes
L424[03:54:16] <Ordinastie> you see what elements are in for the ITEM
L425[03:54:45] <OrionOnline> A position_3F (i think saying that the position of the vertex is stored in 3 floats)
L426[03:55:05] <OrionOnline> A color_4ub indicatting that the color is stored in 4 unsigned bytes
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L428[03:55:23] <OrionOnline> a tex_2f (my gues would be texture but no clue)
L429[03:55:44] <OrionOnline> And then a Normal_3B indicating that the normal is stored in 3 Bytes (signed)
L430[03:55:47] <Ordinastie> I don't know where you see that exactly, but that's what I have : http://puu.sh/lSABW.png
L431[03:56:03] <Ordinastie> so yes, you have 3 floats first for position (x, y, z)
L432[03:56:21] <OrionOnline> Oh i was looking at the wrong float values then
L433[03:56:36] <Ordinastie> a byte for color, then 2 times UVs (one for UVs, 2nd for the light texture)
L434[03:56:48] <Ordinastie> then the normal as 3 floats too
L435[03:56:56] <Ordinastie> *3 bytes
L436[03:56:59] <OrionOnline> This looks more to a normal that is facing a ordinal direction to me: http://snag.gy/os2QP.jpg
L437[03:57:23] <OrionOnline> 1, 0, 0 would be west correct?
L438[03:58:04] <OrionOnline> And all the floats get covnerted to the correct type defined by the VertexFormat and stored in a Int[]
L439[03:58:06] <Ordinastie> except you have 4 slots
L440[03:58:10] <OrionOnline> So that is what LightUtil.pack does
L441[03:58:25] <OrionOnline> Ordinastie, That four is hard coded
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L443[03:58:36] <Ordinastie> ah yes, that would be the padding
L444[03:59:05] <Wuppy> ugh I feel like it's late in the afternoon already...
L445[03:59:07] <OrionOnline> COrrect the fifth component to the VertexFormat is the PAdding
L446[03:59:15] <Wuppy> makes sense though, after 8 hours of work
L447[03:59:24] <OrionOnline> Wuppy, Ludum Dare?
L448[03:59:37] <Ordinastie> but that's why I say MC is really badly coded
L449[03:59:44] <Wuppy> si senor
L450[03:59:59] <OrionOnline> Ordinastie, I donnot think it is that bad coded
L451[04:00:17] <OrionOnline> It is just not documented well enough (understandable, but still)
L452[04:00:26] <Ordinastie> no, it's really bad
L453[04:00:32] <OrionOnline> Yeah okey it is bad
L454[04:00:38] <OrionOnline> But i have seen worse
L455[04:00:40] <OrionOnline> GRanted
L456[04:00:57] <OrionOnline> If i would change those on all vertexes in all quads to 0,1,0,0
L457[04:01:09] <OrionOnline> It would mean that the Normals would be poiunting upwarts correct?
L458[04:01:13] <Ordinastie> I think this is the smart way to do it : https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisCore/blob/1.8/src/main/java/net/malisis/core/renderer/MalisisRenderer.java#L775-L804
L459[04:02:11] <OrionOnline> Ordinastie, Wow that makes somehow sense
L460[04:02:19] <OrionOnline> Alltoughh i donnot think that would help me
L461[04:02:23] <OrionOnline> As you are already rendering
L462[04:02:31] <OrionOnline> And i donnot have acces to the renderer
L463[04:02:31] <Ordinastie> MC code make the bakequads return int[] so all the calculations are to be done on that int[], unpacking and then repacking
L464[04:02:48] <OrionOnline> But need to modify that during the Baking of the model
L465[04:03:11] <Ordinastie> no, I'm just showing how mojang should have done it
L466[04:03:20] <OrionOnline> So technically i could grad the vertex of the quad, remove it, unpack it, modify it, repack it, and add it back?
L467[04:03:31] <OrionOnline> Oh yeah that is much cleaner code
L468[04:03:35] <Ordinastie> I can because I don't use models at all, and my Vertex data already contains the right data
L469[04:03:59] <OrionOnline> Sadly that is not a option for me
L470[04:04:00] <Ordinastie> I don't think vanilla MC has a vertex at all
L471[04:04:12] <OrionOnline> As i really on vanilla models for the first layer of my item
L472[04:04:17] <OrionOnline> And render a temperature bar over it
L473[04:04:43] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@2606:a000:1118:c12c:7dad:7167:6a52:f056) (Quit: Leaving)
L474[04:06:30] ⇦ Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@82-168-99-26.ip.telfort.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L475[04:06:31] <Ordinastie> so, what you need to do is what MC does
L476[04:06:39] <OrionOnline> sadly, yes
L477[04:06:48] <OrionOnline> Which is a bit frustrating right now
L478[04:06:53] <Ordinastie> just insert the ints you want at the hardcoded position in the array
L479[04:06:57] <OrionOnline> As MC does weird stuff.
L480[04:08:02] <Ordinastie> yes, when I had to refactor my rendering system for 1.8, I had to really dig into MC code, and I was baffled by what I saw
L481[04:08:22] <OrionOnline> The thing i donnot get is why it is that HardCoded
L482[04:08:34] <OrionOnline> Like at the start i thought it was flexible and powerfull
L483[04:08:40] <Ordinastie> because when bad code could be blamed on Noth not being that good before, it's no longer the case
L484[04:08:50] <Ordinastie> bad design
L485[04:09:01] <OrionOnline> But the more i get into it the more i realise that the design is just flawed
L486[04:09:08] <OrionOnline> Yeah correct bad design at least on some parts
L487[04:09:19] <OrionOnline> And i think forge tries to make up for it
L488[04:09:26] <OrionOnline> But i am not sure it is succeeding
L489[04:10:11] <OrionOnline> I now actually understand what that vertexData array actually is
L490[04:10:20] <OrionOnline> I could never under stand why it was that big
L491[04:10:39] <OrionOnline> But it is that big because it contains the int[] data of each vertex in order
L492[04:10:49] <Ordinastie> yeah, I don't think patching over MC model system was the right way to go
L493[04:10:50] <OrionOnline> Making the actual array for a vetex 1/4 of that length
L494[04:11:00] <Ordinastie> yes
L495[04:11:19] <OrionOnline> which is equal to seven
L496[04:11:25] <OrionOnline> 3 ints for the position
L497[04:11:28] <OrionOnline> one for the color
L498[04:11:37] <OrionOnline> two for the U and V
L499[04:11:58] <OrionOnline> Hmm that would not fit
L500[04:12:18] <OrionOnline> How would i fit that normals and the padding in that stupid array
L501[04:12:20] <Ordinastie> 7 is for blocks
L502[04:13:15] <Ordinastie> or wait, no
L503[04:13:22] <Ordinastie> I always confuse the counts too
L504[04:13:33] <Ordinastie> and that's why I use a Vertex object :]
L505[04:14:18] <OrionOnline> Sadly not a option for me
L506[04:14:35] <OrionOnline> Allthough i see a pattern in the vertexDataMap
L507[04:14:38] <Ordinastie> yeah, nobody want's hard dep :x
L508[04:17:58] <OrionOnline> I think i am better of, AT the protected away from the unpacked daata
L509[04:18:08] <OrionOnline> set the normals there and setted the packed value to false
L510[04:19:08] <OrionOnline> Making it auto repack the new data the next time it render the mode
L511[04:19:19] <OrionOnline> Would make my life certainly a lot easier
L512[04:19:29] <Ordinastie> can't help you there, I don't know how the models work now
L513[04:19:35] <OrionOnline> No problem man
L514[04:19:43] <OrionOnline> You pointed me in the right direction
L515[04:19:53] <OrionOnline> Which is more then i had before
L516[04:20:19] <Ordinastie> everytime I see someone give a solution using model, it always feels like a big dirty hack that shouldn't exist
L517[04:21:16] <OrionOnline> .... I can follow that... at least after what i had to go trhough this week
L518[04:21:23] <OrionOnline> Like the whole system makes no sense
L519[04:21:28] <OrionOnline> We have perspective aware models
L520[04:21:43] <OrionOnline> But for block we still do the rotation hardcoded in the render? Like what?
L521[04:22:05] <OrionOnline> Eventhrough we call that same method to get the perspectives additional rotation before hand....
L522[04:22:16] <OrionOnline> Like no consistency in that part there
L523[04:24:25] <OrionOnline> Owhh never mind
L524[04:24:32] <OrionOnline> I can actualy not use a AT
L525[04:24:41] <OrionOnline> Because the UnpackedBakedQuad comes from Forge
L526[04:24:59] <OrionOnline> And i donnot think AT's work on Forge
L527[04:25:02] <OrionOnline> Correct?
L528[04:27:50] <Lumien> I think they do, you can asm forge
L529[04:28:07] <OrionOnline> I will try
L530[04:28:11] <Ordinastie> I think they do, but if you need to, you're probably doing something wrong :p
L531[04:29:50] <OrionOnline> Ordinastie, As i sad, the easiest way is to modify the actual data that the int[] is made up of
L532[04:30:02] <OrionOnline> Which i would have acces to were it not that it is protected
L533[04:30:32] <Ordinastie> are you not providing the int[] yourself ?
L534[04:30:55] <OrionOnline> Nope
L535[04:31:01] <OrionOnline> I just have a Quad
L536[04:31:25] <OrionOnline> And i can get the Packed int[] by calliung getVertexData()
L537[04:31:40] <OrionOnline> But that does nothing else then pack the unpackedData
L538[04:31:55] <OrionOnline> Which is stored in a protected float[][][]
L539[04:32:40] <OrionOnline> Okey for reference, you cannot AT a MinecraftForge class
L540[04:32:54] <OrionOnline> Cause ForgeGradle does not know about does at the time it does the AT
L541[04:33:21] <Ordinastie> what object do you have access to ?
L542[04:34:08] <OrionOnline> The class is called: net.minecraftforge.client.model.pipeline.UnpackedBakedQuad
L543[04:34:39] <OrionOnline> The plain for a human readable data is stored in the unpackedData variable
L544[04:35:45] <Ordinastie> can you show me your code ?
L545[04:36:24] <OrionOnline> Sure one sec, will push everything
L546[04:37:21] <OrionOnline> This is the Unbaked model: https://github.com/SmithsModding/Armory/blob/Development-1.8/src/com/SmithsModding/Armory/Client/Model/Item/Unbaked/HeatedItemItemModel.java
L547[04:38:49] <Ordinastie> are you trying to set normals for your base model or for your temperatur quad ?
L548[04:38:51] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L549[04:39:00] <OrionOnline> And somewhere between here i need to set the normals: https://github.com/SmithsModding/Armory/blob/Development-1.8/src/com/SmithsModding/Armory/Client/Model/Item/Unbaked/Components/TemperatureBarComponentModel.java#L84-L86
L550[04:39:05] <OrionOnline> For the temperature thingy
L551[04:39:27] <Ordinastie> and are you not making that quad yourself ?
L552[04:39:33] <OrionOnline> Nope
L553[04:39:38] <OrionOnline> It gets created by the texture loaded
L554[04:39:42] <OrionOnline> texture laoder*
L555[04:39:46] <OrionOnline> loader**
L556[04:40:56] <OrionOnline> And this is what i am trying to fix: http://snag.gy/kXuym.jpg
L557[04:41:00] <Ordinastie> damn that shit looks so complicated, when I could do that in 10min :x
L558[04:41:09] <OrionOnline> The bar on the Blocks should just as bright as on the Item
L559[04:41:38] <Ordinastie> ah, yes, hence the "fix the normal"
L560[04:41:50] <OrionOnline> In 1.7
L561[04:41:57] <OrionOnline> this code four lines
L562[04:42:14] <Ordinastie> with MalisisCore 1.8, it would be too :)
L563[04:42:24] <OrionOnline> granted i can shrink other parts of the code thanks to 1.8
L564[04:42:28] <OrionOnline> I have a base mode
L565[04:42:41] <OrionOnline> Which already grants me more freedom then i normally have
L566[04:42:55] <OrionOnline> What is MalisisCore
L567[04:42:57] <OrionOnline> Actualy?
L568[04:43:11] <Ordinastie> https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisCore
L569[04:43:27] <Ordinastie> like a framework to simplify stuff
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L573[04:43:44] <Ordinastie> (I should update the README ><)
L574[04:44:00] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-212-116-74-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L575[04:44:01] <Ordinastie> you can see demos here : https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisCoreDemos/tree/master/source/net/malisis/demo
L576[04:44:46] <Ordinastie> well, in the 1.8 branch actually
L577[04:45:03] <Ordinastie> one I like : https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisCoreDemos/blob/1.8/source/net/malisis/demo/blockdir/BlockDir.java
L578[04:45:44] <OrionOnline> That is nice
L579[04:46:34] <Ordinastie> but like I said, people don't want hard deps, so they won't use it
L580[04:46:51] <OrionOnline> I would use it if i did not already have one :P
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L582[04:47:53] <Ordinastie> or that excuse :p
L583[04:48:00] <OrionOnline> Sorrrryyyyy :D
L584[04:48:07] <OrionOnline> I just started making my own
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L586[04:48:17] <OrionOnline> So I am not going to give up on it
L587[04:48:36] <OrionOnline> But i might take a peak under the Hood for MalisisCore and see how you solved some stuff
L588[04:49:12] <Ordinastie> yeah, the nice thing about it is that I went so far you can't really just pick just some stuff :p
L589[04:52:02] <OrionOnline> Hmm damn
L590[04:52:13] <OrionOnline> I am not able to acces that dang field
L591[04:52:21] <OrionOnline> No i need to wait until fry is up
L592[04:54:43] <Ordinastie> why don't you just make the int[] yourself for the bar ?
L593[04:56:28] <OrionOnline> I have no idea how
L594[04:56:36] <OrionOnline> Like i have the pixel data
L595[04:56:42] <OrionOnline> But all the methods are private
L596[04:57:17] <OrionOnline> And really i donnot need to modiy the individual pixels
L597[04:57:30] <OrionOnline> I just would like to modify the normals
L598[04:58:05] ⇦ Quits: foxy (~gravityfo@cpe-23-242-168-28.socal.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L599[04:58:07] <OrionOnline> I am stupid
L600[04:58:17] <OrionOnline> There is actually a unpack method....
L601[04:59:04] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L602[05:01:25] <sham1> :D
L603[05:01:42] <OrionOnline> meaning that i can unpack the data and repack it......
L604[05:01:45] <OrionOnline> I am so stupid
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L609[05:04:48] <OrionOnline> Okey time to implement that this afternoon, while my girlfriend makes cookies, yum
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L619[05:32:45] <Ronzan> Hiyas
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L629[05:36:55] <Rockers> Am I voiced now?
L630[05:37:00] <Rockers> Oh, I am.
L631[05:37:16] <Rockers> That's weird. Anyway. I'm awake Wuppy.
L632[05:37:39] <Wuppy> mornin
L633[05:38:08] <Rockers> Morning
L634[05:38:12] <Wuppy> 8 hours in :)
L635[05:38:55] <Rockers> 2 Hours In. (I did some after I left last night.)
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L637[05:40:24] <Wuppy> Rockers, what do you think of my character? http://puu.sh/lSr3N/81883f3d66.png
L638[05:40:32] <Rockers> Insane rn
L639[05:40:38] <Rockers> It's fabulous.
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L668[07:53:07] <Wuppy> Rockers, what do you have so far?
L669[07:53:49] ⇨ Joins: RedBullWasTaken (~red@2-107-192-82-static.dk.customer.tdc.net)
L670[07:53:50] <Rockers> A scene with a camera that goes up forever. In the game, the player will be riding a worm that gets "bigger", so to speak.
L671[07:54:05] <Wuppy> oh yeah, in Unity right?
L672[07:54:09] <Rockers> Yep
L673[07:54:22] <Rockers> I bet you created it from SDL or something like that.
L674[07:54:45] <Wuppy> this is what I have so far :P http://puu.sh/lSJzw/55dffca149.png
L675[07:54:58] <Wuppy> but, stuff is actually working :P
L676[07:55:02] <Rockers> That's good.
L677[07:59:53] <Wuppy> hmm a short break, some fresh air and some just cause really refershed me
L678[08:00:47] <Rockers> I've mostly been creating textures.
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L681[08:12:01] <Rockers> I'm mixing 3d and 2d
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L685[08:39:22] ⇨ Joins: raoulvdberge (uid95673@2001:67c:2f08:6::1:75b9)
L686[08:39:48] <raoulvdberge> what system does MC use for color passing in GUI's? passing 0x4C4C4C does nothing for example
L687[08:43:21] <Ivorius> 0xAARRGGBB
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L689[08:45:26] <raoulvdberge> so something like 0x004C4C4C should work?
L690[08:45:40] <raoulvdberge> I hope 00 doesn't mean its transparent. tried 11 too
L691[08:46:48] <heldplayer> 00 is fully transparent, FF is fully opaque
L692[08:46:57] <raoulvdberge> oh yeah indeed, i'm dumb.
L693[08:52:17] <Wuppy> Ivorius, for some reason SDL likes doing 0xRRGGBBAA :|
L694[08:54:07] <Ivorius> rgba is also common
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L696[08:55:43] <Wuppy> also, I'm writing my first game (outside of an engine) which is not grid based :D
L697[08:56:25] <Ivorius> That's like all I did my first 3 years of programming Java :P
L698[08:56:49] <Rockers> Atm I'm doing 2d character rigging
L699[08:57:16] <Wuppy> Ivorius, how did you do those?
L700[08:57:30] <Ivorius> lol you dont wanna know
L701[08:57:43] <Ivorius> My first attempts were all pre-OGL with java Graphics library
L702[08:57:44] <Ivorius> brrrr
L703[08:58:08] <Wuppy> oh
L704[08:58:48] <sham1> Wuppy use opengl
L705[08:59:22] ⇨ Joins: Shukaro (~Shukaro@
L706[08:59:27] <Wuppy> nah, C++ & sdl
L707[09:06:27] <sham1> ... that does not make it so that you cannot use opengl
L708[09:07:56] ⇨ Joins: DanseMacabreD2 (DanseMacab@host86-180-176-67.range86-180.btcentralplus.com)
L709[09:08:49] <DanseMacabreD2> After seeing ichun's twitter confessions thing, I thought lex's would be in the same vein. NOPE.
L710[09:09:21] <hipsterpig> lmao no
L711[09:09:24] <hipsterpig> I have a lot more followers than lex
L712[09:09:29] <hipsterpig> and well, lex has been through more shit
L713[09:10:32] <Rockers> Confession?
L714[09:10:52] ⇦ Quits: modmuss50 (uid42264@id-42264.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L715[09:11:06] <Rockers> Did he do an ama?
L716[09:11:19] <amadornes> https://twitter.com/LexManos
L717[09:11:33] <amadornes> he's doing the one like -> one confession thing
L718[09:12:38] <hipsterpig> i'm stuck amadornes
L719[09:12:39] <hipsterpig> halp
L720[09:12:46] <amadornes> uhhh
L721[09:12:47] <Rockers> I see it
L722[09:13:01] <amadornes> you gave out invitations to FC at Minecon, hipsterpig :P
L723[09:13:10] <amadornes> say something about that :P
L724[09:13:18] <amadornes> * "you"
L725[09:13:38] <hipsterpig> meh.
L726[09:13:41] <amadornes> I don't actually know what else you could talk about
L727[09:15:34] <DanseMacabreD2> Any hilarious education related shenanigans?
L728[09:16:48] <DanseMacabreD2> lmao @ lex's item number 19
L729[09:17:47] <Ronzan> Is there a simple way to do something like renderBlockAsItem() in an IItemRenderer?
L730[09:18:11] <Ronzan> Or do I have to do it manually with a tessellator
L731[09:18:34] <amadornes> RenderBlocks.getInstance().renderBlockAsItem() ?
L732[09:18:45] <Ronzan> Thank you :)
L733[09:18:55] <amadornes> I'm not sure if it's actually called that way
L734[09:19:01] <amadornes> but it should be something like that :)
L735[09:19:13] <Ronzan> You are spot on :)
L736[09:19:18] <amadornes> \o/
L737[09:19:55] <Ronzan> I'm still a modding noob, so I don't think of these things, like to check for a static instance like here :)
L738[09:23:50] <Ronzan> and it works perfectly, thanks man ;)
L739[09:25:03] <Wuppy> damn, 1.5L of coke isn't even nearly enough for a 1 person 48 hour jam
L740[09:25:28] <Ronzan> Hiya Wuppy, how is it going with the game?
L741[09:25:46] <Wuppy> http://puu.sh/lSJzw/55dffca149.png
L742[09:26:13] <Ronzan> nice, getting things done ;)
L743[09:26:24] <Wuppy> still hardly anything gameplay wise
L744[09:26:30] <Wuppy> seriously, there is no input yet xD
L745[09:26:45] <Ronzan> hehe, it takes time when writing stuff from (almost) scratch :)
L746[09:26:56] <Wuppy> it sure does :o
L747[09:27:11] <Wuppy> at least I'm not even nearly halfway :P
L748[09:27:24] <Wuppy> and I did make some nice progress \o/
L749[09:28:12] <Ronzan> I finally got my block basic rendering under control hehe
L750[09:28:23] <Wuppy> you're doing jam as well?
L751[09:28:31] <Ronzan> nope
L752[09:29:22] <Wuppy> now... how am I going to check if the player can or cannot fall...
L753[09:29:37] <Ronzan> I have small kids and I would pull some serious wife aggro if I just disappeared into the computer for several days/nights hehe
L754[09:29:47] <Wuppy> hehe, makes sense
L755[09:29:58] <Ronzan> plane-sphere collision check?
L756[09:30:11] <Wuppy> nop it's not a plane
L757[09:30:11] <Ronzan> or circle if in 2D only
L758[09:30:34] <Wuppy> I've written a circle to box collision but I've gotta figure out when it should fall or not
L759[09:30:57] <Ronzan> what are you doing, platform game thing?
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L761[09:31:07] <Wuppy> pretty much, yeah
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L763[09:31:56] <Ronzan> I hate writing collision detection/reponse hehe
L764[09:32:02] <Wuppy> the theme is 2 button controls, I can only do 2d art-wise, have just 48 hours and had to work with some not 100% familiar things so I did not have a lot of choice
L765[09:32:05] <Wuppy> hey same here :P
L766[09:32:09] <Wuppy> it's extremely educational though
L767[09:32:13] <Ronzan> indeed
L768[09:32:37] <Ronzan> 2 buttons hehe, nice
L769[09:32:50] <Wuppy> hmm I think I've got an idea on how to do this collision
L770[09:33:30] <raoulvdberge> collision detection, always fun
L771[09:33:32] <Ronzan> well I guess you would have to decide a gravity direction
L772[09:34:31] <Wuppy> that's the easy part
L773[09:34:37] <Ronzan> and then just brute force your circle-rectangle collision check
L774[09:34:44] <Wuppy> the hard part is to get the right reaction upon collision
L775[09:34:47] <raoulvdberge> meanwhile my AE clone mod is taking shape :D
L776[09:34:58] <Wuppy> AE?
L777[09:35:02] <Ronzan> it first get more tricky when you have collisions with multiple blocks hehe
L778[09:35:04] <raoulvdberge> Applied Energestics
L779[09:35:15] <Ronzan> contact points, manifolds and all that
L780[09:35:17] <Wuppy> raoulvdberge, your name sounds very dutch, is there a reason for htat? :P
L781[09:35:27] <raoulvdberge> I am pretty Dutch :P
L782[09:35:36] <Wuppy> \o/
L783[09:35:43] <raoulvdberge> Actually Belgian.
L784[09:35:49] <Wuppy> meh
L785[09:35:51] <Wuppy> :P
L786[09:35:54] <raoulvdberge> ahahah
L787[09:36:10] <Wuppy> just kidding, great beers and in the dutch part the people are nice
L788[09:36:23] <Wuppy> I also currently live about 15 minutes from the border so yeah :P
L789[09:36:29] <raoulvdberge> fun :-D
L790[09:36:44] <raoulvdberge> close to Antwerp? ;-)
L791[09:37:23] <raoulvdberge> well, close to the border near Antwerp
L792[09:37:50] <Wuppy> close-ish, Breda
L793[09:38:54] <raoulvdberge> ah :)
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L797[09:43:33] <Ronzan> My progress so far: http://puu.sh/lSOJQ/3abbd5aaf7.png
L798[09:44:01] <Ronzan> just noticed you used puush Wuppy, I've never tried that before, pretty neat :)
L799[09:44:19] <Wuppy> puush is awesome
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L802[09:49:18] <raoulvdberge> My progress: http://imgur.com/OCVmX2x
L803[09:49:23] <Rockers> Added anything else yet Wuppy?
L804[09:49:30] <raoulvdberge> those slots support >64 items btw :)
L805[09:49:33] <Wuppy> nop still nothing :<
L806[09:49:36] <raoulvdberge> well, item quantities
L807[09:49:39] <Wuppy> well, I've improved my level parsing :)
L808[09:50:03] <Rockers> That's cool.
L809[09:50:07] <Ronzan> looking good raoul :)
L810[09:50:20] <raoulvdberge> thanks :)
L811[09:50:34] <Rockers> I've added in custom popup boxes with text.
L812[09:50:50] <Rockers> Dynamic popup boxes*
L813[09:51:00] <raoulvdberge> above player heads?
L814[09:51:11] <Rockers> Oh no, we are ModJamming
L815[09:51:11] <raoulvdberge> or like alerts or something
L816[09:51:17] <Rockers> *Game Jamming
L817[09:51:22] <Rockers> for Ludum
L818[09:51:28] <raoulvdberge> aaaaaaah
L819[09:51:30] <raoulvdberge> awesome
L820[09:51:58] <OrionOnline> fry , you there?
L821[09:52:12] <fry> yes
L822[09:52:18] <OrionOnline> I think i got the normal stuff
L823[09:52:51] <Rockers> Neat, I didn't know that you got structs in c#
L824[09:52:55] <raoulvdberge> what a difficult theme!
L825[09:53:50] <OrionOnline> fry: http://snag.gy/6RVr7.jpg
L826[09:54:01] <OrionOnline> It works brilliantly and it was definitly worth it
L827[09:54:06] <fry> \o/
L828[09:54:30] <OrionOnline> even though i whish there was an accesor for the unpacked data on the unpackedBakedQuad
L829[09:54:46] <OrionOnline> That would allow you to modify it easily and auto repack it on command
L830[09:55:00] <fry> it's immutable by design
L831[09:55:13] <OrionOnline> It is not
L832[09:55:20] <OrionOnline> I can just grab the packed data and modify that
L833[09:55:31] <OrionOnline> So why is the unpacked data just protected by a protected flag
L834[09:55:31] <fry> don't do that
L835[09:55:37] <diesieben07> baked = immutable
L836[09:55:43] <OrionOnline> i have to if i want to change the normals
L837[09:55:49] <fry> no, you don't
L838[09:55:54] <OrionOnline> i donnot have acces to the Quads data before hand
L839[09:55:56] <fry> create a new quad
L840[09:56:04] <fry> pipe the old data to it
L841[09:56:09] <OrionOnline> Hmm
L842[09:56:09] <fry> and transform it in the process
L843[09:56:15] <OrionOnline> That might actually
L844[09:56:16] <OrionOnline> work
L845[09:56:25] <OrionOnline> So instead of writing the new int back to the old one
L846[09:56:33] <OrionOnline> I could just create a new Quad
L847[09:56:41] <OrionOnline> But how do i overwrite the Quad
L848[09:56:44] <OrionOnline> in the model
L849[09:56:49] <fry> only reason modifying packed data works is efficiency
L850[09:56:50] <OrionOnline> As that is a ImmutableMap
L851[09:56:59] <fry> create a new model
L852[09:57:05] <fry> since you're doing that anyway
L853[09:57:15] <OrionOnline> Hmm that might be a fix as well
L854[09:58:42] <OrionOnline> How do i make a model with just Quads?
L855[09:59:00] <OrionOnline> I only see options to create BakedModels with Quads
L856[09:59:28] <Ronzan> Hey diesieben, thanks again for getting me on the right path yesterday, it is working nicely now :=) http://puu.sh/lSPtc/c02c9e171e.png
L857[09:59:45] <diesieben07> glad it works :D
L858[10:00:03] <Ronzan> :)
L859[10:04:04] ⇦ Quits: ProfMobius (~kickban@ (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L860[10:04:24] <Ronzan> Now I just need to figure out how to organize the GUI for the block :)
L861[10:13:34] <OrionOnline> Is there an Exmaple of how to use the OBJ Loader somewhere (for 1.8)?
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L863[10:14:27] <diesieben07> OrionOnline, https://goo.gl/IEaIZj
L864[10:17:34] ⇦ Quits: Matthew (~matthew@matthewprenger.com) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L865[10:18:09] <OrionOnline> diesieben07, what are those OBJModel.OBJProperties ExtendedBlockStates
L866[10:18:10] <OrionOnline> ?
L867[10:18:20] <diesieben07> I do not know :D
L868[10:18:26] <diesieben07> i haven't used it
L869[10:18:49] <OrionOnline> oke
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L871[10:20:46] ⇨ Joins: MrVoltz (~MrVoltz@ip-89-103-213-165.net.upcbroadband.cz)
L872[10:20:50] <MrVoltz> Hi
L873[10:21:00] ⇨ Joins: Matthew (~matthew@matthewprenger.com)
L874[10:21:11] ⇨ Joins: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk)
L875[10:21:15] <sham1> Hello mate
L876[10:21:19] <gigaherz> OrionOnline: they are used in order to specify transformations and sub-model visibility
L877[10:21:42] <OrionOnline> gigaherz, i just came to the part with the rotating eye and realised that
L878[10:21:54] <gigaherz> you can use them from getExtendedState in your block
L879[10:21:57] <gigaherz> but keep in mind
L880[10:22:19] <gigaherz> the non-TESR stuff is drawn in batches, embedded into the world
L881[10:22:26] <OrionOnline> Yeah oke
L882[10:22:29] <gigaherz> so using that for animations would be rather slow ;P
L883[10:22:35] <OrionOnline> But how does the OBJLoader work for items?
L884[10:23:01] <MrVoltz> Anyone has experiences with javasssist runtime patching or tickthreading?
L885[10:23:17] <diesieben07> please don't do either.
L886[10:23:22] <gigaherz> I believe they hacked it so that items can also have a blockstate file
L887[10:23:30] <OrionOnline> hmmm
L888[10:23:30] <gigaherz> but i have no idea
L889[10:23:39] <OrionOnline> I need to ask Shadekiller that then
L890[10:24:06] <gigaherz> in my own obj loader I made a method for it ;P
L891[10:24:28] <OrionOnline> If you are okey with it i might want to take a look at yours
L892[10:24:30] ⇨ Joins: Cojo (~Cojo@2606:a000:1126:8048:d8f4:b991:dfc:22f7)
L893[10:24:33] <MrVoltz> I patched IC2 with it, so it spreads tile entity loads over several ticks, because it was freezing the server
L894[10:24:39] <OrionOnline> Becuase this one has so many limits
L895[10:25:01] <gigaherz> mine is designed for items exclusively
L896[10:25:05] <gigaherz> it may work for blocks
L897[10:25:06] <OrionOnline> good
L898[10:25:13] <OrionOnline> then i might use yours for my book
L899[10:25:17] <gigaherz> but
L900[10:25:24] <gigaherz> in many things, it's even MORE limited
L901[10:25:31] <gigaherz> mine can't hide sub-parts
L902[10:25:34] <gigaherz> or do animations
L903[10:25:50] <OrionOnline> what do you mean with animations
L904[10:25:57] <OrionOnline> Like pre baked animations that are part of the OBJ
L905[10:26:05] <gigaherz> no that isn't a thing
L906[10:26:08] <gigaherz> obj doesn't do animations
L907[10:26:19] <OrionOnline> Oh that was the B3D
L908[10:26:23] <OrionOnline> wasn't it?
L909[10:26:31] <gigaherz> I mean I don't have anything like that "OBJState" that lets you show/hide things, or apply transform matrices
L910[10:26:37] ⇦ Parts: DanseMacabreD2 (DanseMacab@host86-180-176-67.range86-180.btcentralplus.com) ())
L911[10:27:09] <OrionOnline> oke
L912[10:27:18] <MrVoltz> Now I have problem with patching out one if, which is in dynamically created function in dynamically created class
L913[10:27:30] <OrionOnline> then i will have to fall back on the main OBJ Loader
L914[10:27:34] <OrionOnline> or even use the B3D one
L915[10:27:44] <OrionOnline> As i think Blender can export to that as well
L916[10:27:44] <gigaherz> but in any case: https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/tree/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/models
L917[10:28:04] <diesieben07> MrVoltz, what do you mean by "dynamically created class"?
L918[10:28:09] <gigaherz> this is what I meant with an explicit method: https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java#L51
L919[10:28:41] <gigaherz> every ResourceLocation that's added there, gets ".obj" appended to it and loaded as an obj model with my loader ;P
L920[10:29:01] <OrionOnline> yeah okey understood
L921[10:29:10] <OrionOnline> It forces the system to use that model loader
L922[10:29:23] <OrionOnline> Cause the other one wants it to end with *.obj
L923[10:29:32] <gigaherz> sortof, it just tells my loader to return true from accept()
L924[10:29:50] <MrVoltz> diesieben07, can I post screenshot of IC2's decompiled source, or it is against its license?
L925[10:29:51] <gigaherz> the other one only triggers if a blockstate file contains a resourcelocation ending in ".obj"
L926[10:30:02] <OrionOnline> yeah
L927[10:30:16] <Rockers> Is it bad that my ludum game has a "story"
L928[10:30:34] <diesieben07> MrVoltz, the heck do I know, if you want to be save send it in a pm
L929[10:31:00] <MrVoltz> i need to mess with the if (TileEntityBlock.this.enableUpdateEntity()) {
L930[10:31:02] <diesieben07> MrVoltz, there is no "dynamic class there"
L931[10:31:25] ⇨ Joins: Xilef11 (~xilef11@
L932[10:31:29] <MrVoltz> I don't really know java, so...
L933[10:31:40] <diesieben07> then you should NOT be writing a coremod :O
L934[10:32:01] <MrVoltz> I just want to add one condition to the if block
L935[10:32:12] <diesieben07> that does not alter my statement at all.
L936[10:32:27] <diesieben07> do not write a Mod without knowing Java. especially not a coremod.
L937[10:32:43] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: you there?
L938[10:32:46] <Wuppy> yes
L939[10:32:56] <ThePsionic> You know what sucks
L940[10:33:07] <MrVoltz> diesieben07, dont write coremod, just use TickThreading's patcher
L941[10:33:07] <Wuppy> writing collision code?
L942[10:33:12] <ThePsionic> that also
L943[10:33:23] <gigaherz> Rockers: ofc not.
L944[10:33:23] <diesieben07> MrVoltz, the wut.
L945[10:33:28] <Rockers> kden
L946[10:33:30] <ThePsionic> but having a birthday party downstairs while you have to finish two projects before monday
L947[10:33:33] <gigaherz> the only bad thing is overreaching
L948[10:33:35] <Wuppy> :c
L949[10:33:37] <gigaherz> and not being able to finish
L950[10:33:44] <Rockers> It's just a little intro
L951[10:33:50] <gigaherz> if you can do it within the weekend, add ALL the story
L952[10:33:51] <gigaherz> ;P
L953[10:33:53] <MrVoltz> diesieben07, https://github.com/nallar/TickThreading/blob/MC152/resources/patches.xml
L954[10:34:09] <diesieben07> oh jesus christ
L955[10:34:20] <Wuppy> ThePsionic, I've been working for 14 hours straight now \o/
L956[10:34:32] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: You know that's not true
L957[10:34:35] <MrVoltz> in background, it uses javaassist to patch the mods
L958[10:34:37] <ThePsionic> I saw you play Just Cause 3 earlier
L959[10:34:41] <diesieben07> yeah that is ugly AF.
L960[10:34:44] <ThePsionic> (like, this morning)
L961[10:34:45] <Wuppy> well yeah I take short brakes in between
L962[10:34:56] <Wuppy> 14 hours with short brakes
L963[10:35:37] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: http://georgenaterry.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/brakes.jpg
L964[10:35:55] <diesieben07> also MrVoltz if you do not know java you are probably not the right person to fix a performance problem in a mod.
L965[10:36:08] <Wuppy> k
L966[10:36:18] <ThePsionic> short brake :^]
L967[10:36:38] <Xilef11> is there a specific version of Forge I should use for 1.8.8? there's not been a "recommended" build for a while
L968[10:36:52] <MrVoltz> I already fixed the problem, but now there are instances where tile entity is loaded after the chunk it was in was already unloaded
L969[10:36:53] <diesieben07> just latest
L970[10:37:03] <MrVoltz> That will break everything
L971[10:37:16] <Xilef11> thanks
L972[10:37:47] <diesieben07> MrVoltz, ok now. i want you to make a very simple mod. one class. with one anonymous class (like in the code you showed). compile it and look a what it compiles to.
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L975[10:48:39] <MrVoltz> diesieben07, ok, I have it :) actually first time I've coded something in java
L976[10:49:04] <MrVoltz> It compiled to ITestInterface.class MainClazz.class MainClazz$1.class
L977[10:49:06] ⇨ Joins: shadekiller666 (~shadekill@adsl-108-80-77-148.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net)
L978[10:49:17] <diesieben07> exactly
L979[10:49:18] <OrionOnline> Hey shadekiller666
L980[10:49:23] <diesieben07> that shoud tell you how to do what you want.
L981[10:49:29] <OrionOnline> I have some questions regarding the OBJ Loader
L982[10:49:31] <MrVoltz> So I need to target the $1 one
L983[10:49:38] ⇦ Quits: Cypher121 (~Thunderbi@c-73-158-248-128.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Cypher121)
L984[10:50:34] <OrionOnline> shadekiller666, how do i load model for Items and modify the OBJ based of the NBT Data (say rotation) inside a Stack?
L985[10:51:22] <shadekiller666> uhhh
L986[10:51:30] ⇦ Quits: IdleGandalf (~IdleGanda@ofsg.eu) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L987[10:52:22] <shadekiller666> give me a bit to get situated and such
L988[10:52:43] * diesieben07 hands shadekiller a dring
L989[10:52:46] <diesieben07> drink
L990[10:52:57] <OrionOnline> shadekiller666, no problem
L991[10:53:00] <OrionOnline> take your time
L992[10:54:26] <shadekiller666> not exactly what i meant but thanks
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L995[11:00:53] <OrionOnline> shadekiller666, what did you mean then?
L996[11:02:33] * shadekiller666 was referring to diesienben :P
L997[11:02:59] <OrionOnline> Oh lol :D
L998[11:03:15] * gigaherz hands shadekiller666 a coffee
L999[11:03:23] * OrionOnline hands him a cup of soup
L1000[11:03:29] ⇦ Quits: fuj1n (~fuj1n@ (Quit: Sleep)
L1001[11:03:30] * gigaherz goes get a tea for himself
L1002[11:03:46] * diesieben07 already has tea
L1003[11:03:47] <shadekiller666> do you have more sugar and creamer in that coffee than actual coffee?
L1004[11:04:02] <OrionOnline> yes, gigaherz has, as usual :D
L1005[11:04:18] <Xilef11> nice, the new gradle creates the run configs for eclipse
L1006[11:04:18] * shadekiller666 doesn't drink coffee, it is far too bitter
L1007[11:04:19] <OrionOnline> That is the only reason he vibrates at those frequencies
L1008[11:04:39] <OrionOnline> shadekiller666, me neither, i like tea, with milk and sugar
L1009[11:04:46] <diesieben07> ^^ that
L1010[11:04:54] <shadekiller666> i don't like warm leaf juic
L1011[11:04:58] <shadekiller666> juice
L1012[11:05:03] <diesieben07> lol
L1013[11:05:09] <OrionOnline> lol :D
L1014[11:05:15] * shadekiller666 references!!!
L1015[11:05:34] <OrionOnline> I really really really like earl grey with milk and a goob bit of sugar
L1016[11:05:40] <OrionOnline> But the tea has to be really dark
L1017[11:05:47] <shadekiller666> goob bit?
L1018[11:05:58] <OrionOnline> Yeah like 2 or 3 tea spoons
L1019[11:06:08] ⇦ Quits: Hea3veN (~Hea3veN@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1020[11:06:20] <shadekiller666> ok
L1021[11:06:24] <diesieben07> thats pretty much what i drink, too :D
L1022[11:06:32] * shadekiller666 drinks soda
L1023[11:06:40] * diesieben07 highfives OrionOnline
L1024[11:06:51] <OrionOnline> diesieben07, Yeah
L1025[11:06:54] <OrionOnline> It is great
L1026[11:07:10] ⇦ Quits: Kobata (~Kobata@cpe-24-210-17-81.columbus.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1028[11:07:14] <OrionOnline> But when my cup gets as big as a half a liter i go up to like five spoons
L1029[11:07:26] <diesieben07> lol
L1030[11:07:49] <shadekiller666> what do you call 2 or 3 + 5 spoonfuls?
L1031[11:07:49] <diesieben07> i make a 1.2 liter jug always and then pour individual ~300ml cups
L1032[11:08:02] <OrionOnline> diesieben07, nah i make them by cup
L1033[11:08:05] <OrionOnline> Much darker tea
L1034[11:08:11] <diesieben07> nah
L1035[11:08:18] <diesieben07> i have the tea loose, i can put as much in as i like
L1036[11:10:12] <OrionOnline> Yeah okey
L1037[11:10:17] <OrionOnline> Sometimes i do that too
L1038[11:10:34] <OrionOnline> From the tea guy here in my village i can get earl grey with a bit of lavender
L1039[11:10:39] <OrionOnline> It is soooooo good
L1040[11:11:27] ⇦ Quits: ShadowChild (~ShadowChi@host81-151-59-190.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by ShadowWolf)))
L1041[11:11:48] <OrionOnline> So shadekiller666 you settled in yet?
L1042[11:11:58] ⇨ Joins: ShadowChild (~ShadowChi@host81-151-59-190.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)
L1043[11:12:08] <shadekiller666> no, still can't find my blanky
L1044[11:12:27] <shadekiller666> :P
L1045[11:13:21] <shadekiller666> so you wanted to do what
L1046[11:13:50] <gigaherz> back with the tea
L1047[11:13:58] <gigaherz> ans a sandwich
L1048[11:14:00] <gigaherz> and*
L1049[11:14:01] <OrionOnline> I want to load OBJ Models for items
L1050[11:14:18] <OrionOnline> And have a single group rotate based on the NBT Data of the ItemStack
L1051[11:14:27] <OrionOnline> Like a book that opens when the user right clicks
L1052[11:15:03] <shadekiller666> ok
L1053[11:16:25] ⇨ Joins: mikeprimm (~mikeprimm@c8.00.39a9.ip4.static.sl-reverse.com)
L1054[11:17:02] <shadekiller666> so first you would need to obtain the IBakedModel for said item
L1055[11:17:15] ⇨ Joins: Lothendal (~Lothendal@ip5b42c698.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L1056[11:18:15] <shadekiller666> then cast to an OBJBakedModel, get the Group that you want to change out of it, and call its applyTransform() method with a new TRSRTransformation
L1057[11:18:51] <shadekiller666> and then use the returned set to set the Group's face set
L1058[11:19:58] <shadekiller666> or you could do a similar thing with OBJState
L1059[11:20:18] ⇦ Quits: CovertJaguar (Railcraft@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L1063[11:24:47] <shadekiller666> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelLoaderRegistryDebug.java#L534
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L1065[11:28:10] <Rockers> Wait, you can use OBJ models now?
L1066[11:28:16] <OrionOnline> Rockers, yes
L1067[11:28:20] <Rockers> Oh wow
L1068[11:28:21] <Rockers> cool
L1069[11:28:29] <shadekiller666> you're welcome :P
L1070[11:28:39] <Xilef11> any clue on how to fix "Build path contains duplicate entry: 'org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER' for project '.org.eclipse.jdt.core.external.folders'"
L1071[11:28:40] <Wuppy> :o best soup ever
L1072[11:28:49] <Rockers> How far along are you Wuppy?
L1073[11:29:07] <OrionOnline> shadekiller666, i would need to add my resource domain to the OBJLoader
L1074[11:29:09] <Wuppy> managed to get my collision code to work properly
L1075[11:29:13] <OrionOnline> and then register it
L1076[11:29:24] <Rockers> I feel like I'm cheating using unity :/
L1077[11:29:31] <OrionOnline> But what do i register to where,
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L1079[11:29:42] <OrionOnline> For my own model loaders i register a custom ItemMesh to the registry
L1080[11:29:49] <shadekiller666> if you're loading objs it should already be registered
L1081[11:29:50] <OrionOnline> But that would probably not work
L1082[11:29:50] <Rockers> Then again, there are alot of shit unity games.
L1083[11:30:06] <OrionOnline> No it will be the first OBJ i personally load
L1084[11:30:26] <shadekiller666> you call ModelLoaderRegistry.addDomain() before you load your models
L1085[11:30:40] ⇦ Quits: Corosus (~Corosus@135-23-126-120.cpe.pppoe.ca) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Corosauce)))
L1086[11:30:49] <shadekiller666> check that link i gave you
L1087[11:30:58] <shadekiller666> at the top is the domain registration stuff
L1088[11:31:04] <OrionOnline> okey
L1089[11:31:05] ⇦ Quits: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Samario2)))
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L1091[11:31:37] <shadekiller666> every example is in that file
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L1093[11:31:47] <OrionOnline> so just the same
L1094[11:31:56] <OrionOnline> But instead of having it end with .json
L1095[11:32:02] <OrionOnline> I end it with .obj?
L1096[11:32:16] <shadekiller666> ?
L1097[11:32:54] <shadekiller666> no, that points to the blockstate json, which then grabs the "model" path and shoves it into the OBJLoader
L1098[11:33:04] <shadekiller666> which then shoves it into the OBJModel.Parser
L1099[11:33:11] <OrionOnline> yeah but that does not work for items
L1100[11:33:19] <OrionOnline> as it does not have a BlockState file
L1101[11:33:25] <shadekiller666> it has to
L1102[11:33:36] <shadekiller666> its confusing i know
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L1105[11:33:53] <shadekiller666> but theres not much that can be done until "ItemStates" become a thing
L1106[11:34:02] <OrionOnline> You mean like this: https://github.com/SmithsModding/Armory/blob/Development-1.8/resources/assets/armory/models/item/Armor/Armory.Chestplate.Medieval.MLA-Armory.json
L1107[11:34:19] <shadekiller666> nope
L1108[11:34:29] <shadekiller666> a "blockstate" of the forge variety
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L1141[11:34:45] <OrionOnline> then how?
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L1145[11:35:07] <shadekiller666> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/resources/assets/forgedebugmodelloaderregistry/blockstates/OBJVertexColoring1.json
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L1150[11:35:35] <shadekiller666> thats for a block, but instead of "transform": "forge:default-block" make it "forge:default-item"
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L1152[11:35:47] <OrionOnline> okey
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L1154[11:35:56] <OrionOnline> that i understand now
L1155[11:36:06] <shadekiller666> the game doesn't give a shit weather or not there is a block associated with the item, it stores the item.delegate as the map key
L1156[11:36:21] <shadekiller666> so "blockstates" apply to items primarily
L1157[11:36:30] <OrionOnline> Ah oke
L1158[11:36:37] <OrionOnline> So how do i tell it which texture to use
L1159[11:36:44] <OrionOnline> I need a materials file correct?
L1160[11:36:45] <shadekiller666> ell
L1161[11:36:48] <shadekiller666> yes
L1162[11:37:01] <shadekiller666> hmm
L1163[11:37:13] <shadekiller666> ya you do need a .tml
L1164[11:37:16] <shadekiller666> .mtl*
L1165[11:37:32] <OrionOnline> hmm that gets created automatically when i use Blender
L1166[11:37:40] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L1167[11:37:47] <OrionOnline> But how do i tell blender what texture to use
L1168[11:37:51] <shadekiller666> you'll have to open it in a text editor
L1169[11:37:57] <shadekiller666> its easier to just do it manually
L1170[11:38:10] <shadekiller666> you'll see a "map_Kd" key
L1171[11:38:18] <shadekiller666> the string following that is the texture path
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L1173[11:38:42] <shadekiller666> you want it to be "<modid>:item/texture"
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L1175[11:39:01] <shadekiller666> or whatever the textures/ subdirectory is for the texture
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L1179[11:39:27] <shadekiller666> if you don't have "map_Kd", look for "map_Ka" or "map_Ks"
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L1181[11:39:57] <shadekiller666> they all end up meaning the same thing, but Kd has priority if more than one is defined
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L1186[11:40:51] <OrionOnline> none of the above are in the file: https://gist.github.com/OrionDevelopment/42e1bc1f689f923c1e92
L1187[11:41:17] <shadekiller666> k, so add one
L1188[11:41:29] <shadekiller666> well, one per material
L1189[11:41:31] <OrionOnline> anywhere?
L1190[11:41:37] <OrionOnline> or under one of the materialy?
L1191[11:41:50] <shadekiller666> well, one for each "newmtl"
L1192[11:41:57] <shadekiller666> you don't have to have one per mtl
L1193[11:42:03] <shadekiller666> per newmtl*
L1194[11:42:10] <OrionOnline> okey
L1195[11:42:34] <shadekiller666> if you don't have a "map_Kx" the OBJLoader will apply a white texture and will assume you want to use vertex coloring
L1196[11:42:42] <shadekiller666> for that material though
L1197[11:42:48] <OrionOnline> Okey
L1198[11:42:51] <shadekiller666> other materials can have textures applied
L1199[11:42:52] <OrionOnline> so i can solve that
L1200[11:42:59] <OrionOnline> How about duplication of groups
L1201[11:43:03] <OrionOnline> In my old IItemRender
L1202[11:43:09] <OrionOnline> i rendered the same group twice
L1203[11:43:09] <shadekiller666> duplication?
L1204[11:43:13] <shadekiller666> hmm
L1205[11:43:16] <OrionOnline> Just in a different position
L1206[11:43:26] <shadekiller666> you might be able t
L1207[11:43:29] <shadekiller666> able to
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L1209[11:43:36] <OrionOnline> With both having different textures
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L1211[11:43:40] <OrionOnline> (one front, on back)
L1212[11:44:07] <OrionOnline> Would it be easier to just add the duplicate of the side, so the OBJ has two sides
L1213[11:44:11] <OrionOnline> each with there own material
L1214[11:44:19] <OrionOnline> and then rotate only the front?
L1215[11:44:25] <shadekiller666> ?
L1216[11:44:33] <OrionOnline> Like instead of rendering it twice
L1217[11:44:39] <shadekiller666> at that point it would be easier to make all the groups in blender
L1218[11:44:42] <OrionOnline> Oke
L1219[11:44:43] <shadekiller666> then just name them
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L1221[11:44:51] <OrionOnline> Then i will create all the groups in blender
L1222[11:44:52] <shadekiller666> and move them in the game
L1223[11:45:20] <shadekiller666> materials are applied relative to faces, and are state setting
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L1225[11:45:48] <OrionOnline> Which means after it has been applied it stays right, until i set a different one?
L1226[11:45:50] <shadekiller666> so every "f" defined in the .obj will have the last-defined "usemtl" applied to it
L1227[11:46:01] <OrionOnline> ah okey
L1228[11:46:05] <OrionOnline> that is good to know
L1229[11:46:08] <shadekiller666> until another "usemtl" is defined
L1230[11:46:14] <OrionOnline> I will keep that in mind
L1231[11:46:28] <shadekiller666> so if you want 1 face to have a different material than the rest, put a "usemtl" above it
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L1234[11:46:49] <OrionOnline> okey nice
L1235[11:46:57] <shadekiller666> (and below it if that face has others below it)
L1236[11:47:02] <OrionOnline> I am going to give this a try tomorrow evening
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L1239[11:47:26] <OrionOnline> For now i am going to spend some quality time with the GF
L1240[11:47:31] <OrionOnline> So see yeah all
L1241[11:47:35] <OrionOnline> Have a good night
L1242[11:47:38] <shadekiller666> you do that
L1243[11:47:41] <shadekiller666> night
L1244[11:47:55] * OrionOnline gives diesieben07 a nice cup of warm tea before he leaves
L1245[11:47:59] <diesieben07> awww
L1246[11:48:01] <diesieben07> :D
L1247[11:48:02] <diesieben07> thanks
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L1257[11:55:00] <Xilef11> now that is strange... my built jar includes an empty com.examplemod folder
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L1259[11:55:32] <gigaherz> Xilef11: check your filesystem, you probably have the folder there
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L1261[11:55:53] <Xilef11> I don't see it
L1262[11:55:56] <gigaherz> then you may want to refresh eclipse/idea/gradle
L1263[11:56:04] <Mimiru> I guess I should try a 1.8 tutorial or something to see if I can figure out wtf is up with this huge 3rd person model ¬_¬
L1264[11:56:15] <gigaherz> Mimiru: huge model?
L1265[11:56:26] <Mimiru> Yes, the issue I've been having for... 4? days no? lol
L1266[11:56:29] <gigaherz> item or block?
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L1268[11:56:45] <Mimiru> Well, it's an ItemBlock, it only happens when I'm holding it in hand
L1269[11:56:48] <Mimiru> and only in 3rd person view
L1270[11:57:09] <Mimiru> I don't have my dev env installed ATM just did a repair install so I'm still getting stuff setup
L1271[11:57:11] <gigaherz> do you have a models/item/blockname.json?
L1272[11:57:16] <Mimiru> Yep
L1273[11:57:24] <Mimiru> and it seemingly ignores it
L1274[11:57:29] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/PackingTape/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/packingtape/models/item/packagedBlock.json#L4
L1275[11:57:33] <Mimiru> cause *nothing* I change in there makes any difference
L1276[11:57:44] <gigaherz> does the thirdperson transform look like this?
L1277[11:57:51] <shadowfacts> Mimiru: do you register it?
L1278[11:58:00] <Mimiru> shadowfacts, yes
L1279[11:58:21] <gigaherz> odelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.getItemFromBlock(block) ?
L1280[11:58:24] <gigaherz> Model*
L1281[11:58:26] <Mimiru> Well, I registered something... I have no idea if I did it right hold on
L1282[11:58:37] <shadowfacts> so even if you change one of the textures to "items/diamond" nothing changes?
L1283[11:58:51] <Mimiru> https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenFM/blob/1.8/src/main/resources/assets/openfm/models/items/Radio.json.old Ignore the .old I got pissed and commited before I did the reset
L1284[11:58:52] <gigaherz> it should look like ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), meta, new ModelResourceLocation(ModPackingTape.MODID + ":" + blockName, "inventory"));
L1285[11:59:17] <Mimiru> http://git.io/v0Gf8
L1286[11:59:20] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/PackingTape/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/packingtape/client/ClientProxy.java#L28
L1287[11:59:23] <gigaherz> thisi s how I do it
L1288[11:59:39] <gigaherz> ah you are using the old method
L1289[11:59:46] <Mimiru> Old... method ¬_¬
L1290[11:59:47] <Mimiru> lol
L1291[11:59:48] <gigaherz> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation is the preferred one
L1292[11:59:57] <gigaherz> note that it's meant to run on pre-init phase
L1293[12:00:07] <gigaherz> yeah look at my link
L1294[12:00:33] <Mimiru> Oh.. preint..
L1295[12:00:35] <Mimiru> init*
L1296[12:00:36] <gigaherz> (the old method was used in init IIRC)
L1297[12:00:49] <Mimiru> Yeah I'm running the old one in Init
L1298[12:00:58] <Mimiru> And the new one runs in pre?
L1299[12:00:59] <gigaherz> yeah I suggest you "adopt" my methods
L1300[12:01:02] <gigaherz> and move them to pre
L1301[12:01:28] <gigaherz> big note: the model name for a block MUST match the registration name
L1302[12:01:54] <gigaherz> as annoying as it was for me, it's not possible to have a block registered as "packingTape", that makes use of a model called "packing_tape.json"
L1303[12:02:00] <Mimiru> I guess it does.... I honestly have no idea any more at this point.
L1304[12:02:56] <Mimiru> I got put on new AS Meds a week ago, and since then modding has become very difficult :/
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L1306[12:03:35] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1307[12:03:43] <Mimiru> I'm not sure which is worse, Constant migraines, or everything being in a damn fog.
L1308[12:04:36] <gigaherz> I don't suffer from migraines, but I'd assume the crippling headaches are worse?
L1309[12:04:49] <Mimiru> In theory, yes.
L1310[12:05:36] <dangranos> ...those are two different things?
L1311[12:05:50] <shadekiller666> no
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L1314[12:06:18] <gigaherz> dangranos: which two?
L1315[12:07:01] <dangranos> okaaay
L1316[12:07:10] <dangranos> welp, hello and bye
L1317[12:07:13] <dangranos> going to sleep
L1318[12:08:04] <gigaherz> Mimiru: and I assume a lower dose wouldn't be effective?
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L1320[12:08:20] <Mimiru> This IS the low does... lol
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L1323[12:08:27] <Mimiru> I don't bump up for another 2 days
L1324[12:08:34] <gigaherz> ah sucks
L1325[12:08:35] <gigaherz> :/
L1326[12:08:50] <Mimiru> A friend was on the same meds for a few years, she said it started getting better after a few weeks
L1327[12:08:55] <Mimiru> So I'm hoping...
L1328[12:09:00] <Mimiru> Lots of people say it never goes away
L1329[12:09:02] <Mimiru> so... idk
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L1331[12:14:57] <Ronzan> Hi again :)
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L1333[12:15:23] <Wuppy> \o/ my collision code is great :D
L1334[12:15:37] <Ronzan> is setBlockBoundsBasedOnState() the correct place to set block bounds when you want to have different bounds for different TileEntities?
L1335[12:15:58] <shadekiller666> different tile entities?
L1336[12:16:00] <shadekiller666> uhh sure
L1337[12:16:07] <Ronzan> Nice Wuppy :)
L1338[12:16:17] <Wuppy> finally, took ages to get it right :P
L1339[12:16:21] ⇦ Quits: manmaed (~Ender@97e11aeb.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1340[12:16:28] <Ronzan> different as in each placed block has its own TE instance
L1341[12:16:30] <Wuppy> rewrote that code like 3 times
L1342[12:16:33] <Ronzan> hehe
L1343[12:16:40] <Wuppy> and I had to rewrite all positions in the entire project once
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L1349[12:21:23] <Ronzan> I want to have different bounds for different instances of my block, but setting block bounds changes the bounds for the block=all instances, if I understand it correctly
L1350[12:25:24] <Ronzan> So any ideas on how I get around that?
L1351[12:25:39] <shadekiller666> dunno
L1352[12:25:46] <Ronzan> if it makes any sense at all hehe
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L1356[12:35:45] <Mimiru> Oh hmm, my preinit isn't even being called.... o_O
L1357[12:35:51] <Mimiru> special...
L1358[12:36:14] <Mimiru> Or.. it is.. but the call to my proxy isn't falling through some how
L1359[12:36:19] <Mimiru> as my breakpoint is never hit
L1360[12:37:27] <gigaherz> do you call your proxy from your mod's preinit?
L1361[12:37:41] <gigaherz> I call proxy.preInit() from my @Mod's preinit handler
L1362[12:38:27] ⇦ Quits: manmaed (~Ender@97e11aeb.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1363[12:38:33] <Mimiru> Well I have proxy.registerItemRenders(); in my preinit...
L1364[12:38:54] ⇨ Joins: mikeprimm (~mikeprimm@cpe-24-55-26-150.austin.res.rr.com)
L1365[12:38:55] <Mimiru> I have that method in both common and client proxies, common is empty, client has my call to register it
L1366[12:39:13] <Mimiru> but the breakpoint in my client proxy is never called. Other breakpoints in my client proxy work though.. so I know IT works
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L1368[12:39:44] <colossali1> I've been looking for a link to the latest forge javadocs but couldn't find them, can anyone throw me a link please?
L1369[12:40:06] <diesieben07> there aren't any
L1370[12:40:07] <shadekiller666> mimiru, that means the breakpoint is applied to the server thread
L1371[12:40:07] <gigaherz> we don't have a link
L1372[12:40:11] <diesieben07> they are not built anymore
L1373[12:40:33] <diesieben07> shade, there is no server thread in preInit
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L1376[12:40:56] <colossali> oh damn that's a shame
L1377[12:41:07] <diesieben07> just look at the source code
L1378[12:41:28] <colossali> Yup
L1379[12:41:44] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
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L1381[12:43:17] <Mimiru> Well, my prints also aren't happening in that function... so IDK what the issue is
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L1383[12:43:41] <gigaherz> if you place a print in your preinit
L1384[12:43:43] <gigaherz> does THAT work?
L1385[12:43:51] <gigaherz> right before the proxy call
L1386[12:45:02] <Mimiru> "[12:44:48] [Client thread/INFO] [openfm]: Testing"
L1387[12:46:11] ⇦ Parts: colossali (~Ivan@ ())
L1388[12:46:19] <diesieben07> do you have @Override on that method in your ClientProxy?
L1389[12:46:37] <diesieben07> if not, put it on. does it make an error?
L1390[12:47:14] <gigaherz> Mimiru: by the way, it's better to use an interface for proxies, instead of Common+Client
L1391[12:47:21] <gigaherz> this way if you don't implement a method, it tells you ;P
L1392[12:47:47] <Mimiru> That's way above my paygrade. :P
L1393[12:47:50] ⇦ Quits: Azanor (~Azanor@196-210-106-126.dynamic.isadsl.co.za) ()
L1394[12:48:01] <diesieben07> lol
L1395[12:49:38] ⇦ Quits: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@f053006002.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Quit: Lost terminal)
L1396[12:49:42] <gigaherz> interface ISideProxy { void something(); } --> class ClientProxy implements ISideProxy // class ServerProxy implements ISideProxy
L1397[12:49:46] <gigaherz> not THAT hard ;P
L1398[12:50:43] <Mimiru> lol
L1399[12:50:53] <Mimiru> Well.... your method made a pretty crash report... now to decode it
L1400[12:51:13] <gigaherz> o_O
L1401[12:51:30] <gigaherz> look at the last "caused by" ;P
L1402[12:52:04] <Mimiru> https://gist.github.com/CaitlynMainer/ca6e95de1fbc1f1cb035 :P
L1403[12:52:31] <gigaherz> t pcl.OpenFM.ClientProxy.registerItem(ClientProxy.java:28)
L1404[12:52:32] <gigaherz> ;P
L1405[12:52:33] <Mimiru> so yeah a NPE trying to set the item location
L1406[12:52:51] <gigaherz> what does that line look like? ;P
L1407[12:54:05] <Mimiru> That's the "ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation" line
L1408[12:54:28] <gigaherz> yeah one of the params you pass
L1409[12:54:30] <gigaherz> is null
L1410[12:54:46] <gigaherz> most probably
L1411[12:54:47] <Mimiru> Oh crap right
L1412[12:54:54] <gigaherz> you are calling registerrenderers BEFOPRE creating your instances
L1413[12:54:54] <gigaherz> XD
L1414[12:54:54] <Mimiru> I'm stupid.
L1415[12:54:58] <gigaherz> -P
L1416[12:56:48] <Mimiru> It's still broken though lolol
L1417[12:57:02] <Mimiru> damn I need my ShareX ¬_¬
L1418[12:57:12] <Mimiru> puush will work for now
L1419[12:57:23] *** Lex_ is now known as LexLap
L1420[12:58:39] <Ronzan> Can someone give me a hint as to how I can implement TE specific block bounds? if it is possible at all
L1421[12:58:53] <Mimiru> Oh yay sharex configs \o/
L1422[12:58:54] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.8_2015-12-12_12-58-29.jpg
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L1425[13:03:07] <Zaggy1024> sooo..is anything going to be done about IPlantable? or should I try and make a PR for it?
L1426[13:03:35] <Zaggy1024> (specifically, IPlantable having block methods but being used for items)
L1427[13:04:40] ⇦ Quits: darkfusion58 (~darkfusio@71-85-51-90.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L1428[13:05:00] <sham1> what about IPlantable
L1429[13:05:47] <Zaggy1024> what I said in parentheses :P
L1430[13:05:59] <Zaggy1024> it's not ItemStack aware
L1431[13:06:07] <sham1> You should make it PR
L1432[13:06:20] <sham1> Preferably for 1.8.8
L1433[13:06:20] <Mimiru> So yeah... the Item Renderer is registered.. but I still get giant block..
L1434[13:06:30] <Zaggy1024> well, last time people discussed it, it kind of sounded like Lex might've wanted to look at it
L1435[13:06:49] <Zaggy1024> and tterrag was saying it could use more than just a new interface for items
L1436[13:06:51] <Zaggy1024> IIRC
L1437[13:06:57] <sham1> that does not make it so that you cannot make a PR for it
L1438[13:07:08] <Zaggy1024> true
L1439[13:08:44] <sham1> time to tinker around just how to implement a request-based system
L1440[13:09:01] <sham1> And great, my keyboard layout has changed to the US layout...
L1441[13:09:52] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> I was thinking there should be an interface for farmland, "seeds", and "plants"
L1442[13:10:04] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> but lex said there were apparently already hooks for farmland, so maybe just the second two
L1443[13:10:10] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
L1444[13:10:21] <tterrag> IGrowable and IPlantable try to fit the bill, but they are pretty limiting
L1445[13:10:51] ⇦ Quits: psxlover (~psxlover@athedsl-4426595.home.otenet.gr) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1446[13:11:05] <shadekiller666> word of advice, don't lean on your keybaord... else pages might continuously scroll
L1447[13:11:43] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Drullkus@2601:646:8301:c41e:1469:ab57:238b:8b0c) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1448[13:11:55] <sham1> Well farmland just implements a method in Block
L1449[13:11:55] <sham1> that tells the crop that it can grow there
L1450[13:12:45] <Zaggy1024> that method is also lacking, I'd say
L1451[13:13:18] <Zaggy1024> well, actually, the one for plants is
L1452[13:13:22] * Mimiru sighs
L1453[13:13:25] <Zaggy1024> because plants can't grow on desert and plains
L1454[13:13:37] <Zaggy1024> unless you override canPlantStay or whatever
L1455[13:13:45] <Zaggy1024> but mods won't necessarily use that, I expect
L1456[13:14:04] <tterrag> one of the lacking points for farmland is when it is "hydrated"
L1457[13:14:09] <tterrag> imo hydration should be reactive, not active
L1458[13:14:19] <tterrag> hydration sources should seek out and hydrate surrounding blocks
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L1460[13:14:27] <tterrag> instead of the current way, where farmland is constantly searching for water
L1461[13:14:37] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L1462[13:14:37] ⇦ Quits: sham1 (~sham1@weneg.de) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1463[13:14:53] <Zaggy1024> but that's a vanilla thing, wouldn't that be rather difficult to switch?
L1464[13:15:06] <diesieben07> one thing that always irks me: who decides where a plant can grow? the plant. but Block has canSustainPlant
L1465[13:15:31] <Zaggy1024> I'd guess the reason for that is because of all the special cases in vanilla
L1466[13:15:54] <Zaggy1024> "special cases" meaning hardcoded stuff :P
L1467[13:16:04] *** Cojo is now known as Cojo|AFK
L1468[13:16:24] <shadekiller666> diesie, but aren't there situations where a block that plants can grow in aren't suitable for some reason
L1469[13:16:27] <tterrag> the whole plants system is a mess
L1470[13:16:29] <diesieben07> there should be a "ground type" which the ground block descides
L1471[13:16:32] <tterrag> like I said, it needs rethinking from a base level
L1472[13:16:35] <tterrag> and now is the time to do it
L1473[13:16:37] <tterrag> but the window is closing
L1474[13:16:39] <diesieben07> and then the plant decides which ground typs i can grow on
L1475[13:16:50] <shadekiller666> like farmland, can be dry and unsuitable, or can be watered
L1476[13:17:03] <diesieben07> then it woudn't be the same block :P
L1477[13:17:05] <tterrag> unfortunately I know a few other systems are currently being reworked (inventories come to mind) so this may take a back seat
L1478[13:17:08] <gigaherz> dry farmland turnsto dirt when it's unsuitable
L1479[13:17:09] <Zaggy1024> nice thing about canSustainPlant though is that then you can make your plant do multiple ground types
L1480[13:17:09] <gigaherz> ;p
L1481[13:17:16] <Zaggy1024> or force a mod plant to be plantable
L1482[13:17:22] <diesieben07> there would be 2 ground types: dry farmland and wet farmland
L1483[13:17:35] <gigaherz> this would require more of a hierarchical system
L1484[13:17:38] <Zaggy1024> (hopefully, although the annoyingness of IPlantable may contribute to people not using canSustainPlant)
L1485[13:17:47] <gigaherz> or an oreDictionary-style thing
L1486[13:17:51] <ThePsionic> diesieben07: General IDEA question, would you know how to mark a directory as web source
L1487[13:17:59] <diesieben07> web source? :O
L1488[13:18:16] <ThePsionic> Doing EE stuff with Tomcat
L1489[13:18:16] <Zaggy1024> Okay, I guess this is what I'll do
L1490[13:18:31] <diesieben07> i have never done that and i hope i never have to
L1491[13:18:33] <Zaggy1024> I'll make my PR with what *I* want, and then everyone who wants to can put their comments in as to what's missing
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L1493[13:19:28] ⇨ Joins: sham1 (~sham1@weneg.de)
L1494[13:20:39] <sham1> My bouncer is doing some really stupid things all the sudden
L1495[13:22:12] <Mimiru> So, someone asked if I was sure my item's .json was being ignored, I just changed it to this https://gist.github.com/141f51b38cdcf9f822e3 and it still uses my block model. I was told having an #inventory in my blockstate override this, but if I remove it I get the pink/black checker box (Still huge)
L1496[13:22:52] <Mimiru> The Item Renderer is called, afaik everything matches name wise
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L1501[13:24:20] <diesieben07> sham1, that's what a netsplit looks like when you are on a bouncer
L1502[13:24:30] <diesieben07> actually nvm
L1503[13:24:34] * diesieben07 is being an idiot
L1504[13:24:59] <tterrag> huh
L1505[13:25:03] <tterrag> seems the docs page has finally updated proper
L1506[13:25:07] <tterrag> still some weird interlinking going on though
L1507[13:25:23] <Ronzan> Do I need to override anything else other than getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool() and getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool() to have custom collision bounds and render bounds for my block/TE?
L1508[13:25:32] <tterrag> Ronzan: no
L1509[13:25:34] <Mimiru> I feel like I'm missing something stupidly simple
L1510[13:25:45] <Ronzan> tterrag ok :(
L1511[13:26:32] <Ronzan> grrrr, why isn't it working then!
L1512[13:26:53] ⇦ Quits: tips48|away (~tips48@nope.bz) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1513[13:27:42] <tterrag> Ronzan: define not working
L1514[13:28:25] <Ronzan> tterrag: I get no bounds at all and the rendering is full block size
L1515[13:28:25] <Wuppy> we're 17 hours in so far :o
L1516[13:29:11] <tterrag> Ronzan: those methods have nothing to do with block rendering
L1517[13:29:15] <tterrag> also, post code
L1518[13:29:54] ⇦ Quits: flappy (~flappy@85-76-10-84-nat.elisa-mobile.fi) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1519[13:30:05] <Wuppy> suchs progress: http://puu.sh/lT1rk/6300207fc0.png
L1520[13:30:09] <Ronzan> the TileEntity.getRenderBoundingBox() method uses Block.getRenderBoundingBox() as far as I can see
L1521[13:30:27] <tterrag> Ronzan: that method is for frustum calculation
L1522[13:30:31] <Ronzan> ah ok
L1523[13:30:43] <tterrag> not actual block rendering
L1524[13:31:11] <Ronzan> I see, but if I use setBlockBounds() it does affect the rendering
L1525[13:32:02] <Ronzan> anyways in getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool and getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool I'm just testing right now with: return AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 1.0f);
L1526[13:32:02] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: SDL tutorial? x)
L1527[13:32:11] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L1528[13:32:18] <Wuppy> it's way more than that by now x|
L1529[13:32:28] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L1530[13:32:28] <Wuppy> still no interaction with the game though :P
L1531[13:32:46] <ThePsionic> tell the game to listen to the arrows
L1532[13:32:52] <Wuppy> I have that
L1533[13:32:58] <Wuppy> but they dont actually do anything yet
L1534[13:33:01] <ThePsionic> l
L1535[13:33:40] <Ronzan> tterrag: what I want to do is have my TE store the bounds info so each placed block/TE can have different bounds
L1536[13:33:56] <tterrag> bounds meaning...what?
L1537[13:34:10] <Ronzan> collision bounds
L1538[13:34:17] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: Just now I explained my atechnic uncle what Minecraft, GitHub and Ludum Dare are
L1539[13:34:20] <ThePsionic> He lost his mind
L1540[13:34:20] <Ronzan> bounds in bounding box
L1541[13:34:51] <Wuppy> hehe
L1542[13:34:54] <tterrag> Ronzan: and this is 1.7, I'm guessing by the method names
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L1544[13:35:03] <Ronzan> tterrag: yes
L1545[13:35:20] <tterrag> then all you need is getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool
L1546[13:35:25] <tterrag> taht is the only thing that controls collision
L1547[13:35:31] <Wuppy> ThePsionic, this game actually contains level parsing (not grid based for the first time for me) multiple ways to render cubes and good collision detection I had to write
L1548[13:35:42] <ThePsionic> Nice
L1549[13:35:56] <Wuppy> interaction, art and sound are coming soon (tm)
L1550[13:36:05] <Ronzan> tterag: so I shouldn't even override getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool and setBlockBoundsBasedOnState for that matter?
L1551[13:36:23] *** Vigaro is now known as 2RRAAA800
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L1553[13:36:41] <tterrag> Ronzan: if you only care about collision, no
L1554[13:37:42] <Ronzan> tterrag: ok, I'll try that. I started doing it by setting the bounds with setBlockBounds(), but that sets all instances' bounds hehe
L1555[13:37:59] <sham1> Well, I am no longer inside a netsplit
L1556[13:38:00] <Ronzan> but it did change the rendering to match the bounds for free though
L1557[13:38:20] ⇦ Quits: zam (webchat@173.68-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1558[13:38:55] <tterrag> Ronzan: that's what setBlockBoundsBasedOnState is for
L1559[13:39:10] <tterrag> it gives you a hook to edit the bounds before any rendering/collision/selection stuff is done
L1560[13:39:44] <Ronzan> tterrag: yeah, it also sets the min/max values used in the default ..FromPool() methods
L1561[13:41:03] <Lumien> I don't have to clean up opengl resources like buffers right? They get cleaned up automatically when minecraft closes?
L1562[13:41:09] <Mimiru> gigaherz, All I should have to do is register my block with this method right? It doesn't matter that it has an ItemBlock or anything?
L1563[13:42:10] *** 2RRAAA800 is now known as Vigaro
L1564[13:42:10] <tterrag> Lumien: it's all part of the JVM, right?
L1565[13:42:15] <diesieben07> Lumien, if you allocate them like once and then use them permanently: yes. but if it's things that come and go, they do NTO get cleaned up
L1566[13:42:23] <tterrag> O.o
L1567[13:42:25] <diesieben07> things get cleaned up when the game closes thaat is
L1568[13:42:28] <Lumien> ehhhh?
L1569[13:42:33] <Lumien> I mean stuff that's in graphic memory
L1570[13:42:38] <Lumien> like vbos
L1571[13:42:43] <diesieben07> yes, that gets cleaned up when the game closes
L1572[13:42:47] <Lumien> ok :)
L1573[13:42:52] <diesieben07> so if you use many of them don't just leave the lying around :P
L1574[13:42:53] <Ronzan> gets cleared when the process terminates
L1575[13:43:19] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@85-76-10-84-nat.elisa-mobile.fi)
L1576[13:43:41] <tterrag> Ronzan: this is what I do https://github.com/creatubbles/ctb-mcmod/blob/1.8/src/main/java/com/creatubbles/ctbmod/common/painting/BlockPainting.java#L156-L186
L1577[13:43:47] <tterrag> it's 1.8 code but pretty much the same
L1578[13:45:02] <Ronzan> tterrag: that was how I was doing it, but the the bounds change for all blocks based on what block I am _looking_ at
L1579[13:45:15] <Ronzan> then the*
L1580[13:45:19] <AbrarSyed> someone willing to be a test dummy with the forge workspace and idea?
L1581[13:45:41] <tterrag> Ronzan: blocks aren't re rendered every frame
L1582[13:45:47] <tterrag> so what exactly do you mean? what bounds are changing?
L1583[13:47:02] <Ronzan> tterrag: say I stand on one block instance (TE) with full bounds and then look at another block instance with smaller/different bounds, then the block I am standing on changes bounds and I fall through it
L1584[13:47:20] <diesieben07> abrar, i'm here. what do?
L1585[13:47:20] <tterrag> right
L1586[13:47:23] <tterrag> see my above link?
L1587[13:47:25] <tterrag> the second method?
L1588[13:47:26] <tterrag> do that
L1589[13:47:34] <tterrag> you need to recalc the bounds before getting the collision box
L1590[13:47:44] <shadowfacts> !latest
L1591[13:49:00] <Ronzan> tterrag: ok, let me try that, thank you
L1592[13:49:10] <AbrarSyed> diesieben07, clean forge master, setup, then import the projects.ipr
L1593[13:49:14] <Ronzan> think that was what I was doing ealier hehe
L1594[13:49:20] <AbrarSyed> and tell me whats wrng with it.. because nothing is wrong in my testing..
L1595[13:49:30] <diesieben07> ok
L1596[13:50:17] ⇨ Joins: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk)
L1597[13:52:12] <Ronzan> tterrag: do I need to do the stuff you do in getSelectedBoundingBox() too?
L1598[13:52:37] <tterrag> Ronzan: no
L1599[13:53:07] <Ronzan> tterrag: yay!
L1600[13:53:46] <Ronzan> geez, I did "exactly" like you, but in getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool() client side only :)
L1601[13:54:07] <tterrag> selection box *is* clientside only
L1602[13:54:08] <tterrag> ?
L1603[13:54:40] <Ronzan> yeah, but the call to setBlockBoundsBasedOnState() should be in getCollisionBoundingBox()
L1604[13:54:46] <Ronzan> and now everything is working
L1605[13:54:57] <tterrag> ah
L1606[13:55:06] <tterrag> well collision and selection have nothing to do with each other
L1607[13:55:32] <Ronzan> got it (well, kinda I think) :)
L1608[13:55:52] <Ronzan> tterrag: thank you very much, again :)
L1609[13:56:04] <tterrag> collision is how entities hit the block, selection is the box that renders when a player highlights your block
L1610[13:56:12] <tterrag> they do not depend on one another in any way
L1611[13:56:13] <tterrag> and np
L1612[13:56:17] <Ronzan> gotcha :)
L1613[13:56:34] ⇦ Quits: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1614[13:56:43] <tterrag> you can get very fancy with selection boxes, but collision is pretty basic
L1615[13:57:33] <Ronzan> finally I can move on hehe
L1616[13:57:48] <Ronzan> making a nuclear craft info panel clone: http://puu.sh/lT393/75cf1087bf.png
L1617[13:58:07] <diesieben07> AbrarSyed, seems to work just fine.
L1618[13:58:12] <tterrag> that texture...
L1619[13:58:18] <Ronzan> well a simple clone hehe
L1620[13:58:19] <Mimiru> I have a partially implemented one in my mod as well Ronzan.. lol
L1621[13:58:27] <diesieben07> off to eat now
L1622[13:58:44] <Ronzan> Mimiry: I love that mod, but I don't want to have IC2 in my pack at the moment :)
L1623[13:58:50] <Mimiru> Right?
L1624[13:59:20] <Ronzan> tterrag: what texture? :)
L1625[13:59:46] <tterrag> the bright green 32x-for-no-reason texture
L1626[14:00:14] <Ronzan> hey! its dev art ;)
L1627[14:00:50] <Mimiru> So, who else wants to try to figure out my huge block in 3rd person issue? :P
L1628[14:00:53] <hipsterpig> psssh dev art is bright magenta with black
L1629[14:01:15] <Ronzan> actually the texture is white, but I was testing how to use that color overlay method
L1630[14:02:31] <Mimiru> Actually I think the issue is that unless I have an inventory variant in the blockstate the inventory rendering is broken even though I register the item from the block.
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L1632[14:03:27] <Rockers> I've nearly finished the intro section Wuppy. The main game mechanic has already been created too.
L1633[14:03:47] <Wuppy> nice, I've got most things but the main game mechanic :P
L1634[14:04:27] <Ronzan> is it 1.8 Mimiru?
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L1636[14:04:32] <Mimiru> Ronzan, yes
L1637[14:04:55] <Ronzan> aw, I know even less of 1.8 than 1.7 hehe
L1638[14:04:58] <Mimiru> lol
L1639[14:05:01] <Mimiru> Same :P
L1640[14:05:09] <Mimiru> This is why most of my mods are 1.7 still
L1641[14:05:23] <sham1> I actually like to use the missing textures as long as possible
L1642[14:05:24] <Mimiru> I thought Oh... I'll just port my tiny 2 block mod to 1.8 it'll be EASY right?
L1643[14:05:25] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
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L1645[14:06:46] <gigaherz> Mimiru: generally speaking, it's only hard once ;P
L1646[14:06:54] <gigaherz> once you get it right, it becomes smoother
L1647[14:06:54] <Mimiru> Per mod. :P
L1648[14:07:04] <Mimiru> But yeah...
L1649[14:07:05] <gigaherz> second mod you know what you are doing ;P
L1650[14:07:18] <Mimiru> I just don't get why this isn't working ¬_¬
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L1653[14:10:55] <Mimiru> Yeah ok... even my simple block without an ItemBlock doesn't work ¬_¬
L1654[14:11:04] <gigaherz> :/
L1655[14:11:15] <gigaherz> does ANY resource work?
L1656[14:11:29] <gigaherz> or has worked at any point in time since you upgraded to 1.8
L1657[14:12:08] <Mimiru> It works fine in world.... just not in inventory/in hand UNLESS I add a inventory blockstate... which I've been told overrides the Item.json
L1658[14:12:09] <Wuppy> I'm really, really impressed that I'm still not tired :o
L1659[14:12:28] ⇦ Parts: sham1 (~sham1@weneg.de) ())
L1660[14:12:31] <Mimiru> even with the inventory blockstate the block renders upside down and big
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L1663[14:14:12] <tterrag> Mimiru: you are adding the custom model resource location right?
L1664[14:14:43] <tterrag> this ? https://github.com/creatubbles/ctb-mcmod/blob/1.8/src/main/java/com/creatubbles/ctbmod/client/ClientProxy.java#L20-L21
L1665[14:14:43] <Mimiru> I.. have no idea?
L1666[14:15:06] <Mimiru> http://git.io/v0Gix
L1667[14:15:51] <gigaherz> do you call registerItemRenderers though?
L1668[14:15:59] ⇦ Parts: sham1 (~sham1@weneg.de) ())
L1669[14:16:25] <Mimiru> Yes
L1670[14:16:27] <tterrag> https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenFM/blob/1.8/src/main/java/pcl/OpenFM/OpenFM.java#L69
L1671[14:16:31] <Mimiru> I get the debug output
L1672[14:16:35] ⇨ Joins: sham1 (~sham1@weneg.de)
L1673[14:16:38] <gigaherz> and the name of the item
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L1675[14:16:42] <gigaherz> is EXACTLY the same asyou use there?
L1676[14:16:42] <Mimiru> yep
L1677[14:16:43] <sham1> THis bloody bouncer is acting weird
L1678[14:16:57] *** Cojo|AFK is now known as Cojo
L1679[14:17:01] <Mimiru> gigaherz, afaik, yes, it's exactly the same
L1680[14:17:06] <gigaherz> you register it as "Radio" not "radio" or anything else
L1681[14:17:14] ⇨ Joins: Maruchan (bnc@2001:41d0:1:68a3::14)
L1682[14:17:33] <gigaherz> I mean in the GameRegistry.registerBlock
L1683[14:17:33] <Mimiru> Yes.. in 1.7 I used Radio... which screwed me on renaming it to lowercase and keeping the blocks in world ¬_¬
L1684[14:17:45] <gigaherz> just making sure
L1685[14:17:47] <gigaherz> also you can rename
L1686[14:17:51] ⇨ Joins: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-106-31.buckeyecom.net)
L1687[14:17:54] <Mimiru> https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenFM/blob/1.8/src/main/java/pcl/OpenFM/ContentRegistry.java#L51
L1688[14:17:56] <gigaherz> there's an option to have two names at once
L1689[14:17:59] <gigaherz> but prefer one over the other
L1690[14:18:06] <Mimiru> Oh..? no way..
L1691[14:18:26] <gigaherz> GameRegistry.addSubstitutionAlias();
L1692[14:18:38] <gigaherz> you can add the "old names" there
L1693[14:18:40] <Mimiru> Ooooh
L1694[14:19:13] <Mimiru> Neat... I'll do that... IF I CAN EVER FIX THIS.. lmao
L1695[14:19:27] <gigaherz> it looks like... GameRegistry.addSubstitutionAlias("minecraft:end_stone", GameRegistry.Type.BLOCK, testBlock);
L1696[14:19:51] <Mimiru> kk, seems easy enough.. I'll add a comment.. otherwise I'll forget
L1697[14:20:02] <gigaherz> heh
L1698[14:20:07] <tterrag> Mimiru: any missing model errors in the log?
L1699[14:20:14] <gigaherz> okay yeah your block issue
L1700[14:20:36] <Mimiru> tterrag, https://gist.github.com/7a3b4a0463f0d7e864f6
L1701[14:21:10] <gigaherz> do you have a blockstates file?
L1702[14:21:13] <Mimiru> if I add inventory to my BlockState for Radio/Speaker those go away
L1703[14:21:16] <tterrag> openfm:Radio
L1704[14:21:19] <Mimiru> but it still doesn't fix the huge block
L1705[14:21:21] <tterrag> shouldn't that be openfm:radio ?
L1706[14:21:39] <gigaherz> no the registratio nname is Radio XD
L1707[14:21:41] <tterrag> I thought you changed the uppercase
L1708[14:21:42] <gigaherz> -n
L1709[14:21:42] <Mimiru> I've switched it to all lowercase and it made no difference, and broke worlds
L1710[14:21:48] <gigaherz> https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenFM/blob/1.8/src/main/resources/assets/openfm/blockstates/Radio.json
L1711[14:21:49] <gigaherz> hmmm
L1712[14:21:54] <tterrag> always use all lowercase
L1713[14:21:56] <gigaherz> you need an explicit "inventory" there
L1714[14:22:03] <tterrag> mc lowercases paths in many places
L1715[14:22:03] <gigaherz> the automatic one only works for non-blockstate jsons
L1716[14:22:06] <Mimiru> gigaherz, I was told that overrode the item.json
L1717[14:22:18] <Mimiru> but I'll add it back
L1718[14:22:36] <gigaherz> "inventory": { "model": "openfm:item/Radio" }
L1719[14:22:44] <tterrag> no you don't
L1720[14:22:52] ⇦ Quits: Maruchan (bnc@2001:41d0:1:68a3::14) (*.net *.split)
L1721[14:22:55] <tterrag> https://github.com/creatubbles/ctb-mcmod/blob/1.8/src/main/resources/assets/ctbmod/blockstates/creator.json
L1722[14:22:58] <tterrag> that works just fine
L1723[14:23:14] <Mimiru> Adding that fixes the pink/black box
L1724[14:23:16] <gigaherz> tterrag: it works for "normal" because mc maps "inventory" to "normal"
L1725[14:23:18] <Mimiru> but the model is still huge
L1726[14:23:24] <gigaherz> but if you have blockstates, that doesn't happe nanymore
L1727[14:23:28] <gigaherz> you need an explicit one
L1728[14:23:46] <tterrag> gigaherz: explain this then https://github.com/creatubbles/ctb-mcmod/blob/1.8/src/main/resources/assets/ctbmod/blockstates/painting.json
L1729[14:23:48] <tterrag> that one works as well
L1730[14:23:52] <tterrag> no normal or inventory
L1731[14:23:58] <gigaherz> in item form?
L1732[14:24:03] <gigaherz> and which aspect does it take?
L1733[14:24:08] ⇨ Joins: Maruchan (bnc@2001:41d0:1:68a3::14)
L1734[14:24:08] <tterrag> https://github.com/creatubbles/ctb-mcmod/blob/1.8/src/main/resources/assets/ctbmod/models/item/painting.json
L1735[14:24:10] <tterrag> it looks like that
L1736[14:24:13] <gigaherz> hmmm
L1737[14:24:25] <gigaherz> then this has changed since I wrote my branch mod
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L1740[14:26:05] <sham1> Hmm
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L1742[14:27:14] <shadekiller666> erll vtsp
L1743[14:27:17] <shadekiller666> well crap
L1744[14:29:16] <Mimiru> Ok now wдt
L1745[14:29:25] <Mimiru> Unable to load block model: 'openfm:block/item/Speaker' for variant
L1746[14:29:29] <Mimiru> That's new ¬_¬
L1747[14:29:44] <sham1> Umn
L1748[14:29:50] <tterrag> seems like it's assuming the block folder to be used
L1749[14:29:52] <sham1> Why is there a random Cyrilic letter on your message
L1750[14:30:13] <Mimiru> blame my autoreplace... I imported old settings and didn't remove it
L1751[14:30:19] ⇨ Joins: Hassan (~Hassan@pool-173-79-220-242.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
L1752[14:30:21] <shadekiller666> i am seriously considering making a video on how to set up and use the obj loader...
L1753[14:30:50] <Mimiru> tterrag, well... that's the thing It's supposed to use the block model as the parent
L1754[14:30:55] <Mimiru> does that not work now or something?
L1755[14:31:02] <shadekiller666> what?
L1756[14:31:32] <shadekiller666> put the console log on gist and link to the relavent code/jsons
L1757[14:32:06] <Mimiru> https://gist.github.com/1530031e518291de1bdf [14:28:42] [Client thread/WARN] [FML]: Unable to load block model: 'openfm:block/item/Radio' for variant: 'openfm:Radio#inventory': java.io.FileNotFoundException: openfm:models/block/item/Radio.json
L1758[14:32:12] ⇨ Joins: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@75-166-140-155.hlrn.qwest.net)
L1759[14:32:19] <tterrag> someone who actually understands all the nonsense about where to put your model files and such, should REALLY WRITE A DOC PAGE ABOUT IT
L1760[14:32:31] <tterrag> not a day goes by in thsi channel where we don't have a discussion like the one Mimiru is having now
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L1763[14:32:50] <tterrag> and it's getting old
L1764[14:32:51] <Mimiru> https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenFM/tree/1.8/src/main/resources/assets/openfm/models
L1765[14:32:51] <shadekiller666> tterrag, i started one, just not sure how to format it into something coherent
L1766[14:32:54] <Mimiru> and theres my models.
L1767[14:33:00] ⇦ Quits: HassanS6000 (~Hassan@pool-173-79-220-242.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L1769[14:33:09] <tterrag> Mimiru: there's no Speaker.json in that repo
L1770[14:33:09] <shadekiller666> ...
L1771[14:33:20] <Mimiru> well... I've not pushed in the last 5 or so minutes..
L1772[14:33:21] <shadekiller666> why is it looking for "models/block/item/Radio.json"
L1773[14:33:24] <Mimiru> but Radio as a standin :P
L1774[14:33:25] <sham1> this discussion feels like something someone would say if 1.8 was new
L1775[14:33:27] <sham1> But it aint
L1776[14:33:28] <Mimiru> as that's there.
L1777[14:33:35] <tterrag> sham1: preciesely
L1778[14:33:41] <ThePsionic> Enough JavaEE for tonight
L1779[14:33:44] <tterrag> 1.8 has been our for months and still almost no one knows how to use it
L1780[14:33:50] <tterrag> bit telling, don't you think?
L1781[14:33:51] <shadekiller666> fine
L1782[14:34:00] <sham1> BeanFactoryFactoryBeanFactorySingletonFactory
L1783[14:34:02] <Mimiru> I'm pushing speaker stuff now
L1784[14:34:04] <shadekiller666> i'll write a doc page for it
L1785[14:34:16] <sham1> J2EE naming everyone
L1786[14:34:18] <shadekiller666> it will likely be long and incoherent at first
L1787[14:34:22] <shadekiller666> but fine
L1788[14:34:32] <sham1> or maybe Spring, but whatever
L1789[14:34:33] ⇦ Quits: raoulvdberge (uid95673@2001:67c:2f08:6::1:75b9) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1790[14:34:43] <Mimiru> Also shadekiller666 as to WHY it's looking for that path, I have no idea.
L1791[14:34:53] <Rockers> Is this JSON files or OBJ files, because there are lots of tutorials on YouTube about JSON files.
L1792[14:35:13] <Mimiru> JSON, and the tutorials I've followed have got me to this.... not really working point.
L1793[14:35:24] ⇦ Quits: mezz (~quassel@2601:641:4080:6bf:d1aa:c09e:76c4:b584) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1794[14:35:47] <Mimiru> omfg git push faster it's like 5 files.
L1795[14:36:39] <sham1> Does it have binary files
L1796[14:36:39] <Rockers> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlYDgbJ4beQ
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L1798[14:37:31] <Mimiru> k, there my speaker jsons are up
L1799[14:37:33] <Rockers> That video helped ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
L1800[14:37:34] <ThePsionic> sham1: http://www.classnamer.com/
L1801[14:37:58] <Mimiru> and I think I'm an idiot.
L1802[14:38:05] <ThePsionic> Or even better http://projects.haykranen.nl/java/
L1803[14:38:47] <Rockers> WorkerImporterExpressionListenerModelTestMapperProxyStubTestsCloneMockBridgePrinter
L1804[14:39:00] <sham1> Yes
L1805[14:39:22] <shadekiller666> ohhhhhh
L1806[14:39:25] <shadekiller666> hmmm
L1807[14:39:27] <sham1> Anyway, I think I will start to learn some pixel art so I can actually start making decent textures
L1808[14:39:39] <Rockers> <T extends Map<T, T>, T implements ImportListener<T, T, T_T extends <T>>
L1809[14:39:46] <sham1> "T_T"
L1810[14:39:49] <ThePsionic> T_T
L1811[14:39:51] <Rockers> (jk idk java that well)
L1812[14:39:58] <Rockers> That was subliminal messaging
L1813[14:40:00] <Rockers> T_T
L1814[14:40:08] <shadekiller666> mimiru, its looking in "block/item/Radio" because you have "item/Radio" as the path for the "model" key in your blockstate json
L1815[14:40:14] <Mimiru> This one goes to 12... cause screw 11 http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.8_2015-12-12_14-39-50.jpg
L1816[14:40:17] <Mimiru> Yes, I fixed that
L1817[14:40:23] <Mimiru> but it's still... not right as you can see
L1818[14:40:32] <Mimiru> it's also still upside down.
L1819[14:40:41] <shadekiller666> if you fixed it, then push to your github
L1820[14:40:42] <Mimiru> and it still ignores values in the item jsons
L1821[14:40:45] <Mimiru> I did.
L1822[14:40:45] <ThePsionic> Rockers: List<Iterable<ArrayList<HashMap<int[],String[]>>>>
L1823[14:41:00] <Rockers> That's not too bad ThePsionic
L1824[14:41:04] <shadekiller666> why aren't you using forge blockstates
L1825[14:41:09] <shadekiller666> this is so much easier
L1826[14:41:10] <Mimiru> I.. am..?
L1827[14:41:13] <ThePsionic> I did worse once but I lose those IRC logs
L1828[14:41:14] <shadekiller666> no
L1829[14:41:20] <shadekiller666> you're actually not
L1830[14:41:21] <ThePsionic> lost*
L1831[14:42:06] <Mimiru> Then tell the people who write the tutorials that say this is how you do X that they're wrong ¬_¬
L1832[14:42:54] <Rockers> List<List<List<List<List<List<HashMap<List<int[]>,List<int[]>>>>>>>>
L1833[14:43:03] <sham1> The generics
L1834[14:43:49] <Rockers> I will give someone a cookie if they utilize that in one of their mods/games
L1835[14:44:29] <sham1> Or any application ever
L1836[14:44:45] <ThePsionic> Rockers: Prepare Uranus
L1837[14:44:46] <ThePsionic> List<HashMap<HashMap<HashMap<HashMap<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>,<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>,HashMap<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>,<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>>,HashMap<HashMap<HashMap<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>,<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>,HashMap<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>,<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>>>>
L1838[14:44:51] <Rockers> holy fuck
L1839[14:45:02] <ThePsionic> (And yes, it's correct code)
L1840[14:45:26] <Rockers> And this is why <> should never have been a thing.
L1841[14:45:43] <Rockers> kek
L1842[14:45:55] <MattDahEpic> you all do realise that there is no rational use for any of those
L1843[14:46:04] <sham1> Better than the bilions of parenthesis on LISP
L1844[14:46:05] <sham1> )))))))))))))))))))
L1845[14:46:11] <Rockers> oh rly?
L1846[14:47:16] <shadekiller666> mimiru: remove the contents of "Radio.json" in your blockstates/ folder, and replace it with this
L1847[14:47:33] <Rockers> I bet you £10 that ThePsionic is writing an unnecessary generic string right now.
L1848[14:47:44] <shadekiller666> you can then get rid of both model jsons from model/blocks and model/items
L1849[14:47:48] <ThePsionic> Nope, I'm actually fixing up the one I posted above
L1850[14:47:54] <ThePsionic> Seems it's not quite correct
L1851[14:48:12] <Zaggy1024> I'm not surprised one bit that you got something wrong in that :P
L1852[14:48:46] <shadekiller666> mimiru, that is what a forge blockstate json looks like
L1853[14:49:01] <Mimiru> shadekiller666, I.. don't see a link?
L1854[14:49:04] <shadekiller666> wait, theres one more thing mimiru
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L1859[14:50:20] <Rockers> ThePsionic, you don't need this much http://www.amazon.com/Norpro-942-Cotton-Twine/dp/B000ST1EW6/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1449953390&sr=8-2&keywords=String
L1860[14:50:31] <ThePsionic> pls
L1861[14:50:44] <Rockers> neh senpeh
L1862[14:50:53] <Rockers> 3muchstring
L1863[14:52:00] <MattDahEpic> how do you make a IModel from a json
L1864[14:52:10] <MattDahEpic> like convert jaon to IModel
L1865[14:52:17] <Rockers> Like this:
L1866[14:52:18] <Rockers> List<HashMap<HashMap<HashMap<HashMap<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>,<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>,HashMap<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>,<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>>,HashMap<HashMap<HashMap<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>,<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>,HashMap<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>,<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>>>>
L1867[14:52:21] <Rockers> jkjk
L1868[14:53:01] <Zaggy1024> MattDahEpic, why would you even do that
L1869[14:53:19] <Zaggy1024> you would have to make a bunch of BakedQuads or something
L1870[14:53:40] <heldplayer> Rockers: *cries*
L1871[14:53:42] <Zaggy1024> well, I only say "or something" because it's been a while since I looked at that code
L1872[14:54:14] <MattDahEpic> because i have a mod that allows people to create infinite items with slightly varied textures and i dont want to copy the json and rename it infinite times
L1873[14:54:25] <shadowfacts> why does using a log4j log result in [15:52:48] [Client thread/INFO]: {whatever}
L1874[14:54:44] <Zaggy1024> MattDahEpic, then use a forge blockstates json :P
L1875[14:54:51] <shadowfacts> the logger name should be printed, and IIRC this was the behavior in 1.7.10
L1876[14:55:15] <MattDahEpic> shadowfacts, try using the gradle runClient and see if its still there
L1877[14:55:21] <ThePsionic> Rockers: Have fun debugging this http://i.imgur.com/yt7gfwk.png
L1878[14:55:35] <Rockers> Why would you even bother.
L1879[14:55:52] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1880[14:56:01] <ThePsionic> Because I can
L1881[14:56:31] <Rockers> "Just because they can, doesn't mean they should."-some dude
L1882[14:57:15] <shadowfacts> o_O Matthew, it works with runClient but not in IDEA
L1883[14:57:46] <shadowfacts> That's really weird, do you know why that is?
L1884[14:57:48] <MattDahEpic> i am Matthew
L1885[14:57:53] <MattDahEpic> Matthew is me
L1886[14:58:12] <shadowfacts> debugging in IDEA would be much easier if the proper labels would show up
L1887[14:58:16] *** MorphFK is now known as Morphan1
L1888[14:58:40] <ThePsionic> Okay I got it Rockers
L1889[14:58:41] <ThePsionic> ArrayList list = new ArrayList<List<HashMap<HashMap<HashMap<HashMap<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>, HashMap<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>>, HashMap<HashMap<HashMap<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>, HashMap<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>,
L1890[14:58:41] <ThePsionic> List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>>, HashMap<HashMap<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>, HashMap<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>>>>, HashMap<HashMap<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>, HashMap<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>>>>>();
L1891[14:58:49] <MattDahEpic> stahp
L1892[14:58:51] <ThePsionic> k
L1893[14:58:52] <Rockers> http://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/57997219.jpg : My answer.
L1894[14:59:07] <ThePsionic> Basically
L1895[15:00:59] ⇦ Quits: TTFTCUTS (~ttftcuts@2001:41d0:a:2dcf::) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1896[15:01:16] <Rockers> Or in c# ::::::::::::::::::
L1897[15:01:17] <Rockers> List<List<Dictionary<Dictionary<Dictionary<Dictionary<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>, Dictionary<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>>, Dictionary<Dictionary<Dictionary<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>, Dictionary<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>,
L1898[15:01:17] <Rockers> List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>>, Dictionary<Dictionary<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>, Dictionary<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>>>>, Dictionary<Dictionary<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>, Dictionary<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>
L1899[15:01:18] <Rockers> >>>>>> list = new List<List<Dictionary<Dictionary<Dictionary<Dictionary<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>, Dictionary<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>>, Dictionary<Dictionary<Dictionary<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>, Dictionary<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>,
L1900[15:01:18] <Rockers> List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>>, Dictionary<Dictionary<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>, Dictionary<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>>>>, Dictionary<Dictionary<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>>, Dictionary<List<List<List<List<int[]>>>>, List<List<List<List<int[]>>>
L1901[15:01:18] <Rockers> >>>>>>();
L1902[15:01:50] <ThePsionic> pls
L1903[15:02:10] ⇨ Joins: AndersBillLind (~anders@217-211-66-29-no23.tbcn.telia.com)
L1904[15:02:30] <Mimiru> ._.
L1905[15:02:31] <Zaggy1024> I think if your code looks like that you need to rethink your data structure :P
L1906[15:02:49] <MattDahEpic> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWC2lwYWoAEdy73.png
L1907[15:03:07] <Rockers> Basically anybody that uses Unreal engine.
L1908[15:03:51] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/LeiGDK3.png
L1909[15:03:53] <ThePsionic> :3c
L1910[15:04:04] ⇨ Joins: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipb2197f03.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L1911[15:04:45] <Zaggy1024> uh
L1912[15:04:51] <Zaggy1024> ok
L1913[15:05:00] <ThePsionic> Sometimes I scream into the void
L1914[15:05:42] <Rockers> Anyone interested in Game enignes? Unity got a huge lighting update a few months ago and even I noticed it in my projects. This is what it changed:
L1915[15:05:43] <Rockers> http://imgur.com/DDSJPpg
L1916[15:05:58] <Zaggy1024> GO! :)
L1917[15:05:59] <ThePsionic> Zaggy1024: If you're interested, you too can scream into #the_void
L1918[15:06:00] <Zaggy1024> er GI
L1919[15:06:02] <Zaggy1024> lol
L1920[15:06:06] <Zaggy1024> gg brain
L1921[15:06:08] <shadowfacts> oops, sorry Matthew
L1922[15:06:11] <Mimiru> Well, thanks to shadekiller666, all I have left is rewriting my getDescriptionPacket method...
L1923[15:06:15] <shadowfacts> I typed Matt and pressed tab
L1924[15:06:30] <ThePsionic> Correct usage, Rockers
L1925[15:06:47] <shadowfacts> MattDahEpic, any idea why that happens?
L1926[15:06:49] <Zaggy1024> Rockers, I assume the main thing there is GI/SSAO, right?
L1927[15:07:06] <Rockers> Nope
L1928[15:07:12] <Zaggy1024> wut
L1929[15:07:15] <MattDahEpic> shadowfacts, no idea, but i set my loghelper to prepend the modid in deobf
L1930[15:07:18] <Rockers> New lighting engine.
L1931[15:07:26] <shadowfacts> :V
L1932[15:07:28] <Zaggy1024> I'm talking about the features of the engine
L1933[15:07:31] <Zaggy1024> shaders
L1934[15:07:36] <Rockers> Oh
L1935[15:07:44] <Rockers> I don't mess with shaders.
L1936[15:07:53] <Rockers> They have their own shader system
L1937[15:07:55] <Zaggy1024> Global illumination and screen space ambient occlusion
L1938[15:07:58] <Zaggy1024> that's what I see
L1939[15:07:58] <gigaherz> lots of shading these days ;P
L1940[15:07:59] <Rockers> It uses DX and OpenGL
L1941[15:08:11] <Zaggy1024> erm
L1942[15:08:17] <Zaggy1024> their own shader system?
L1943[15:08:22] <Rockers> ShaderLab
L1944[15:08:27] <Rockers> Well
L1945[15:08:28] <Rockers> No
L1946[15:08:28] <Zaggy1024> it's gotta use DX or GL shaders
L1947[15:08:39] <Zaggy1024> does it compile some weird thing to DX and GL?
L1948[15:08:44] <gigaherz> unity?
L1949[15:08:49] <gigaherz> it uses Cg language
L1950[15:08:55] <Rockers> But, because they have both DX and GL it needs a crossplatform shader language.
L1951[15:08:57] <Zaggy1024> never heard of it :P
L1952[15:09:03] <Rockers> ShaderLab
L1953[15:09:03] <gigaherz> with a custom hlsl->glsl converter
L1954[15:09:12] <Zaggy1024> ah
L1955[15:09:31] <gigaherz> then there's the whole surface shaders system
L1956[15:09:38] <Rockers> I don't know anything about shaders at all.
L1957[15:09:41] <gigaherz> which is an abstraction on top of normal shaders
L1958[15:09:50] <Zaggy1024> Rockers, look up SSAO :P
L1959[15:10:02] <Rockers> I know what SSAO is
L1960[15:10:07] <fry> engines do all the fun stuff for you :/
L1961[15:10:18] <gigaherz> fry: what's when you become an engine developer ;P
L1962[15:10:20] <Zaggy1024> then you know something about shaders :P
L1963[15:10:36] <Rockers> I don't know about *programming custom* shaders.
L1964[15:10:44] <Zaggy1024> haha yeah
L1965[15:10:49] <Wuppy> I guess I'm going to do 1 more thing today and then call it a day... this is hour #19
L1966[15:10:52] <fry> it's insanely fun :P
L1967[15:10:57] <gigaherz> it's fun ;P
L1968[15:11:06] <Rockers> I will learn then :p
L1969[15:11:22] <gigaherz> I used a custom lighting system for my game
L1970[15:11:22] <gigaherz> http://dogforce-games.com/throw
L1971[15:11:30] <shadowfacts> MattDahEpic: http://puu.sh/lT7Wi.png
L1972[15:11:39] <shadowfacts> >.<
L1973[15:11:45] <gigaherz> it prerenders the light information into a texture, and then uses this light texture from the material shaders
L1974[15:11:54] <shadekiller666> fry, have you done anything with custom data for the b3d loader?
L1975[15:12:00] <Rockers> Nice
L1976[15:12:02] <fry> yes
L1977[15:12:16] <shadekiller666> what all have you done?
L1978[15:12:30] <fry> part selection
L1979[15:13:02] <shadekiller666> i seem to be having issues with custom data being applied to OBJModels that didn't even define a "custom" tag
L1980[15:13:12] <Zaggy1024> I've never written a shader from scratch but I have fiddled with a lot of bokeh shaders
L1981[15:13:37] <gigaherz> it's generally the same idea
L1982[15:13:42] <gigaherz> you know what you want to otuput
L1983[15:13:46] ⇨ Joins: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-204-125-173.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)
L1984[15:13:55] <gigaherz> then you modify the textures and inputs accordingly
L1985[15:14:12] <fry> "modify the textures" - no :P
L1986[15:14:21] <gigaherz> texel data*
L1987[15:14:22] <gigaherz> ;P
L1988[15:14:24] <gigaherz> and yes
L1989[15:14:28] <gigaherz> there's writable textures these days
L1990[15:14:29] <gigaherz> XD
L1991[15:14:33] <gigaherz> and framebuffer reading
L1992[15:14:35] <shadekiller666> fry, what is "part selection"
L1993[15:14:43] <fry> *fragment data :P
L1994[15:14:44] <gigaherz> it's all slowly becoming blurry ;P
L1995[15:14:57] <gigaherz> nah fragment is the output
L1996[15:15:04] <gigaherz> ;P
L1997[15:15:11] <gigaherz> and I don't like the term anyhow ;P
L1998[15:15:15] ⇨ Joins: Yuken (~yuken@cpe-24-166-64-151.neo.res.rr.com)
L1999[15:15:18] * gigaherz learned with D3D
L2000[15:15:20] <Zaggy1024> SEMANTICS
L2001[15:15:21] <fry> it's the input too, in GL :P
L2002[15:15:25] <Zaggy1024> :)
L2003[15:15:31] <Yuken> Simply need help with installing Forge to a server on Debian 8.
L2004[15:16:02] ⇨ Joins: techbrew (sid72171@id-72171.highgate.irccloud.com)
L2005[15:16:14] <gigaherz> Yuken: run the installer jar, choose server, then run "java -jar forgewhatever.jar" and let it run?
L2006[15:16:39] <Zaggy1024> hey fry, off the top of your head, anything you think I can do about this?
L2007[15:16:39] <Zaggy1024> http://i.imgur.com/iW44wQV.png
L2008[15:16:42] <Yuken> gigaherz, would that create the server files, or would I have to have the vanilla server files available?
L2009[15:16:54] <gigaherz> forge does it for you
L2010[15:17:04] <sham1> D3D requires interaction with winapi, so no
L2011[15:17:05] <fry> what about it, Zaggy? leaves?
L2012[15:17:06] ⇦ Quits: PeterRabbit (~Peter@pool-173-76-139-148.bstnma.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L2013[15:17:16] <Zaggy1024> well, it's lit up weird
L2014[15:17:25] <Yuken> gigaherz, thanks.
L2015[15:17:30] <Zaggy1024> with shaders
L2016[15:17:46] <Zaggy1024> I'm assuming it's because SEUS makes torches really bright and reddish yellow
L2017[15:17:58] <gigaherz> Yuken: you can even use the installer without a gui, using -installServer, I believe
L2018[15:18:10] <Zaggy1024> but the edge of the portal looks weird against the leaves
L2019[15:18:12] <Yuken> gigaherz, was just about to ask that, thanks :o
L2020[15:19:01] <Zaggy1024> I don't suppose you have much experience specifically with the shaders mod
L2021[15:19:20] <Zaggy1024> I know I don't, at least on the modding end of things :P
L2022[15:20:02] ⇦ Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2023[15:22:33] <shadekiller666> does "normal" json not support // as being a comment
L2024[15:22:49] <shadekiller666> every json syntax highlighter i see marks them as red
L2025[15:22:56] <Rockers> Isn't it "_comment" : "" ?
L2026[15:23:04] <mikebald> json doesn't have comments...
L2027[15:23:12] ⇨ Joins: TTFTCUTS (~ttftcuts@2001:41d0:a:2dcf::)
L2028[15:23:20] <shadekiller666> it ignores // though
L2029[15:23:35] <gigaherz> "_comment" isn't actually a comment
L2030[15:23:41] <gigaherz> it's just unlikely to be used for actual data
L2031[15:23:41] <gigaherz> XD
L2032[15:23:52] <gigaherz> json does NOT define any syntax for comments
L2033[15:23:54] <gigaherz> if some parser does
L2034[15:23:59] <gigaherz> then it's up to the parser
L2035[15:24:04] <gigaherz> it's an "unofficial extension"
L2036[15:24:08] <shadekiller666> :/
L2037[15:24:13] <shadekiller666> i know GSON ignores //
L2038[15:24:32] <mikebald> so like gigaherz said, it's parser specific
L2039[15:24:33] <gigaherz> then //comments may be ok for minecraft
L2040[15:24:41] <gigaherz> but you can't expect the same file to work elsewhere
L2041[15:24:46] <shadekiller666> but on the documentation having a bunch of red lines is problematic
L2042[15:24:57] <gigaherz> then use the _comment trick
L2043[15:28:15] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L2044[15:29:29] <shadekiller666> fry am i correct in saying that there can only be one registered model loader for any file type?
L2045[15:29:40] <shadekiller666> like one .obj, one .b3d,...
L2046[15:29:52] <gigaherz> no
L2047[15:29:56] <fry> not right now
L2048[15:29:59] <gigaherz> it's just the accept()
L2049[15:30:04] <gigaherz> the first one to return true
L2050[15:30:08] <fry> you need to register a modid per loader too
L2051[15:30:12] <gigaherz> "keeps" the rights to the resourcelocation
L2052[15:30:16] <fry> (for all common loaders)
L2053[15:30:37] <shadekiller666> ahh
L2054[15:30:55] <gigaherz> basically
L2055[15:30:58] <gigaherz> I can use my own obj loader
L2056[15:31:01] <gigaherz> alongside yours without problems
L2057[15:31:08] <shadekiller666> so if there is more than 1 registered loader for a file type, it will use the one that accepts the modid
L2058[15:31:22] <gigaherz> it will use the first that returns true from accept()
L2059[15:31:30] <gigaherz> which in general terms
L2060[15:31:35] <gigaherz> will be the first that has the domain enabled
L2061[15:31:41] <gigaherz> AND recognizes the extension
L2062[15:32:16] <gigaherz> since I believe both the b3d loader, your obj loader
L2063[15:32:20] <gigaherz> (and my own)
L2064[15:32:29] <gigaherz> register themselves on the first reference
L2065[15:32:41] <gigaherz> which loader is chosen will depend on the initialization order
L2066[15:32:43] <gigaherz> so like
L2067[15:32:57] <fry> nope, forge loaders register always now
L2068[15:33:01] <gigaherz> ah
L2069[15:33:04] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Quit: Leaving.)
L2070[15:33:10] <fry> there's an issue of using pure resourcepacks
L2071[15:33:15] <fry> with custom models
L2072[15:33:21] <gigaherz> yeah
L2073[15:33:23] <gigaherz> that always bothered me
L2074[15:33:33] <gigaherz> having to explicitly call enableDomain
L2075[15:33:38] <fry> there needs to be at least 1 default domain, yes
L2076[15:33:45] <gigaherz> means a resourcepack author can't .obj-ify an existing model
L2077[15:33:45] <fry> or something radically different
L2078[15:33:56] <gigaherz> they can't take the crafting table
L2079[15:34:01] <gigaherz> and change the model to a .obj or .b3d
L2080[15:34:02] <gigaherz> :/
L2081[15:34:05] <fry> this is an unsolved problem right now
L2082[15:34:12] <shadekiller666> hmm
L2083[15:34:21] ⇨ Joins: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be)
L2084[15:34:41] <gigaherz> a nice solution wouldbe something like
L2085[15:34:44] <gigaherz> in the forge blockstates
L2086[15:34:47] <shadekiller666> well, having the loader tied to the modid means that you avoid issues with differences between loaders
L2087[15:34:56] <gigaherz> "modelloader":"OBJ"
L2088[15:35:06] <gigaherz> then having a "registration name" for the loaders
L2089[15:35:16] <shadekiller666> so say giga's loader was registered alongside mine, the means by which one interacts with those loaders is different
L2090[15:36:13] <MattDahEpic> is there a wa yt ouse the same item jso nfor multiple items?
L2091[15:36:21] ⇦ Quits: MrIbby (~MrIbby@ (Quit: MrIbby)
L2092[15:36:25] <sham1> oh god
L2093[15:36:37] <sham1> Your spaces are misplaced up the wazoo
L2094[15:36:40] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L2095[15:36:43] <gigaherz> hmmm "modelLoader":"gigaherz.elementsofpower.models.ObjModelLoader"
L2096[15:36:47] <Rockers> I've got a come jock in my ludum game
L2097[15:36:47] <MattDahEpic> my space bar is glitchy
L2098[15:36:51] <Rockers> *joke
L2099[15:37:00] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic: yes
L2100[15:37:06] <MattDahEpic> hao
L2101[15:37:13] <shadekiller666> fry, could i get your help with writing documentation for the custom model loaders
L2102[15:37:15] <gigaherz> on the registration
L2103[15:37:20] <gigaherz> use the same ModelResourceLocation for all
L2104[15:37:20] <gigaherz> ;P
L2105[15:37:28] <gigaherz> but it's best to use inheritance in models
L2106[15:37:29] <gigaherz> so like
L2107[15:37:34] <gigaherz> baseitemmodel.json
L2108[15:37:43] <shadekiller666> i'm not exactly sure how to explain things broadly, nor exactly what to explain
L2109[15:37:46] <gigaherz> itemmodel1.json --> "parent" : "baseitemmodel"
L2110[15:37:53] <shadekiller666> i have some starting documentation written
L2111[15:38:19] <gigaherz> like this MattDahEpic
L2112[15:38:19] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/elementsofpower/models/item/orb_base.json
L2113[15:38:27] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/elementsofpower/models/item/orb_fire.json
L2114[15:38:45] ⇨ Joins: zam (webchat@173.68-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be)
L2115[15:38:48] <ThePsionic> https://github.com/void-to-scream-into/scream :3c
L2116[15:39:11] <gigaherz> lol
L2117[15:40:26] ⇦ Quits: MrVoltz (~MrVoltz@ip-89-103-213-165.net.upcbroadband.cz) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L2123[15:52:05] <gabizou> I'm trying to add translation keys for my mod, I've got the assets/sponge/lang/en_US.lang file and it's shown in the jar, I'm using the appropriate key, but I don't see it being used in game. Thoughts?
L2124[15:53:03] <ThePsionic> gabizou: link your file pls
L2125[15:53:28] ⇨ Joins: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk)
L2126[15:53:28] <gabizou> https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeForge/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/sponge/lang/en_US.lang
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L2129[15:55:32] <shadekiller666> fry, why is it that in the blockstate json for your CustomModelBlock, for the "facing" directions, you don't have to specify a "model" for each, but when i try doing so with my directional block it crashes the game on NPEs?
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L2131[15:56:02] <fry> idk
L2132[15:56:31] <ThePsionic> gabizou: and where do you use these keys?
L2133[15:56:53] <shadekiller666> fry, this is what mine looks like: https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/e8200cccdf7e50aeccfe
L2134[15:57:02] <gabizou> https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeCommon/blob/master/src/main/java/org/spongepowered/common/world/type/SpongeWorldType.java#L34 the parent class
L2135[15:57:13] <gabizou> https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeCommon/blob/master/src/main/java/org/spongepowered/common/world/type/SpongeWorldTypeEnd.java#L37
L2136[15:57:16] <gabizou> there's "end"
L2137[15:57:18] <shadekiller666> could it be the "custom" in the "defaults"?
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L2140[15:57:44] <gabizou> which transitively is the translation key
L2141[15:57:51] <gabizou> "generator.end"
L2142[15:58:03] <gabizou> because of how WorldType has the getTranslation()
L2143[15:59:18] <ThePsionic> Mhm, I see it
L2144[15:59:19] <gabizou> ThePsionic the translation should happen properly when in single player selecting the world type
L2145[15:59:25] <ThePsionic> Hmmmm
L2146[15:59:30] <gabizou> but the button just ends up showing the translation key
L2147[15:59:46] <gabizou> http://puu.sh/lTbiH/bf89801034.png
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L2149[15:59:54] <shadekiller666> now its crashing because it can't load the "normal" variant
L2150[16:00:05] <shadekiller666> after having removed "custom" from the "defaults" block
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L2156[16:12:23] <VoxelV> hello, I'm just getting started with modding. Can someone point me to the online api and/or an up-to-date tutorial?
L2157[16:13:14] <VoxelV> haha, it's in the topic, should've read that first...
L2158[16:13:32] <Rockers> I'll give you a good tutorial.
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L2161[16:14:19] <Rockers> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy11IosblXIFDFAT3wz_5Nve05wIVKFSJ
L2162[16:14:50] <VoxelV> sweet thank you
L2163[16:15:05] <gigaherz> I always preferred text-only tutorials
L2164[16:15:06] <gigaherz> XD
L2165[16:15:27] <Rockers> It all depends for me
L2166[16:15:55] <VoxelV> btw, what is the consensus about 'waiting for 1.9'?
L2167[16:16:02] <gabizou> ThePsionic any ideas?
L2168[16:16:07] <ThePsionic> We wait, VoxelV
L2169[16:16:08] <fry> there's no consensus
L2170[16:16:19] <ThePsionic> Sorry gabizou for not replying but I'm stumped
L2171[16:16:22] <ThePsionic> No clue tbh
L2172[16:16:45] <gabizou> I mean, I'm pretty sure that we could use the language registry, but we wanted to allow translations to exist :P
L2173[16:17:43] <gabizou> rather, our translation peeps to help us provide more files
L2174[16:17:47] <VoxelV> I suppose my question is, which minecraft version will be most popular in 2 months?
L2175[16:17:55] <Rockers> 1.8.8
L2176[16:17:56] <VoxelV> for modding that is
L2177[16:18:05] <fry> 1.8.9 :P
L2178[16:18:14] <fry> unless we get 1.8.10
L2179[16:18:14] <gabizou> 1.8.banana
L2180[16:18:18] <Rockers> For mods, 1.8 will phase in anytime now.
L2181[16:18:27] <Rockers> I suggest writing for 1.8.8
L2182[16:18:31] <VoxelV> cool thanks
L2183[16:18:35] <Rockers> but, it requires setup
L2184[16:18:43] <fry> if you're making a new mod - definitely 1.8.8
L2185[16:18:51] <Rockers> You need to altar your build.gradle file
L2186[16:19:03] <Rockers> alter*
L2187[16:19:17] <VoxelV> lol put the build.gradle file on the altar
L2188[16:19:19] <VoxelV> :P
L2189[16:19:24] <gabizou> dafuq... how is LanguageRegistry.getInstance() returning null?
L2190[16:19:34] * ThePsionic prints out the file and lays the paper down
L2191[16:19:45] <ThePsionic> Start prayin', boys
L2192[16:20:16] <gabizou> ThePsionic thoughts on using LanguageRegistry.instance().loadLanguagesFor(this, Side.CLIENT);?
L2193[16:20:32] <gabizou> might be a little forceful, but thinkt hat'd work?
L2194[16:21:46] <ThePsionic> Should work ye gabizou
L2195[16:22:11] <gabizou> ah, the npe is happening because this is a dummymodcontainer and returning null for the source file
L2196[16:23:09] <gabizou> hmmmm.
L2197[16:24:05] <ThePsionic> RIP
L2198[16:25:11] * gabizou grumbles about not knowing how to fix this.
L2199[16:25:42] <gabizou> I mean, the files should work, right? unless the fact that this is a coremod and a dummymodcontainer
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L2201[16:27:09] <heldplayer> Hasn't the usage of LanguageRegistry been discouraged and deprecated since forever now?
L2202[16:27:44] <VoxelV> so the current files.minecraftforge.net doesn't seem to have a "src" download link. Where would I find that? or is it in the Universal.zip?
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L2204[16:28:20] <Mimiru> mdk for the 1.8.8 builds
L2205[16:28:30] <Mimiru> 1.8/1.8.8
L2206[16:28:38] <VoxelV> cool thanks
L2207[16:28:49] <gabizou> heldplayer if it has been, ok. but why aren't my language keys being used?
L2208[16:29:04] <heldplayer> Are you using a coremod?
L2209[16:29:08] <gabizou> yes
L2210[16:29:15] <heldplayer> That's why :P
L2211[16:29:18] <gabizou> ?
L2212[16:29:41] <heldplayer> I don't remember exactly how to make it load the language files if you're using a coremod
L2213[16:29:59] <heldplayer> Do you have a regular mod in the same space as the coremod?
L2214[16:30:15] <gabizou> we have a regular mod that directly extends DummyModContainer
L2215[16:30:34] <gabizou> https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeForge/blob/master/src/main/java/org/spongepowered/mod/SpongeMod.java#L94
L2216[16:34:30] <heldplayer> I think you need to override getCustomResourcePackClass() in there
L2217[16:34:53] <gabizou> class? why a class?
L2218[16:34:58] <heldplayer> See
L2219[16:35:02] <sham1> Was wonding about how I would be able to make a calculation take place parallel to everything else
L2220[16:35:14] <heldplayer> *See ForgeModContainer for what you need
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L2223[16:36:05] <heldplayer> Not sure why it needs a class
L2224[16:36:18] <gabizou> heldplayer the thing is, how do I get the file of the mod?
L2225[16:36:31] <VoxelV> is this: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=21354.0 the correct way to set up forge 1.8 for intellij?
L2226[16:36:32] <gabizou> cause atm, it's just null :P
L2227[16:37:18] <ThePsionic> Yes VoxelV
L2228[16:38:20] <heldplayer> Is SpongeMod used for every Sponge plugin, or just for the core SpongeForge container?
L2229[16:38:32] <gabizou> core spongeforge container
L2230[16:38:37] <sham1> you usually should trust on what diesieb says VoxelV, for he knows what he does
L2231[16:38:43] <gabizou> SpongeModPluginContainer is used for plugins
L2232[16:39:13] <VoxelV> cool, thank you. I just wasn't sure since it was dated for 2014
L2233[16:39:57] <gabizou> also at one point I heard that it wasn't necessary to extend DummyModContainer
L2234[16:39:59] <heldplayer> Then "if (getSource().isDirectory()) { return FMLFolderResourcePack.class; } else { return FMLFileResourcePack.class; }" should work for you
L2235[16:40:01] <sham1> Well is propably would have been updated if there have been any significant changes
L2236[16:40:02] <gabizou> for core mods at elas
L2237[16:40:05] <sham1> :P
L2238[16:40:40] <heldplayer> You don't need a DummyModContainer, but if you don't have one and you don't have a regualar @Mod, you won't have resources loaded
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L2240[16:43:21] <gabizou> still an issue that SpongeMod doesn't know what file it itself is.
L2241[16:43:25] <VoxelV> Rockers, were you saying I have to edit build.gradle somehow for 1.8?
L2242[16:43:33] <gabizou> i'll try and see about converting it to just @Mod
L2243[16:43:34] *** Falk|Away is now known as Falkreon
L2244[16:43:45] <Falkreon> why does spongemod need to know what file it is?
L2245[16:43:55] <sham1> VoxelV: what MDK did you download
L2246[16:44:04] <sham1> 1.8.8, 1.8 or 1.7.x?
L2247[16:44:04] <VoxelV> the 1.8.8 latest
L2248[16:44:47] <sham1> well no
L2249[16:44:48] <Falkreon> I mean, part of the bonus of the modloader system is that you don't need to know where the files are coming from
L2250[16:45:18] <Falkreon> granted, sponge is then going to turn around and provide modcontainers
L2251[16:45:32] <sham1> other than the idea change to get assets to work
L2252[16:45:33] <Falkreon> but I think you folks have that part of the equation covered?
L2253[16:45:47] <VoxelV> thanks sham1
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L2255[16:47:35] <sham1> No problem
L2256[16:47:47] <sham1> Glad to be helpful for once
L2257[16:48:03] <gabizou> Falkreon because spongemod needs to provide language files and since it's a core mod, you get the picture
L2258[16:48:33] <Falkreon> I guess I don't get the picture.
L2259[16:48:44] <Falkreon> isn't Forge still loading the whole thing
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L2261[16:48:51] <gabizou> coremods don't have language files loaded by default
L2262[16:49:04] <Falkreon> ok.
L2263[16:49:04] <gabizou> so core mods need to load them themselves.
L2264[16:49:14] <gabizou> and Sponge is a coremod
L2265[16:49:17] <Falkreon> so you need to find the jar or folder
L2266[16:49:27] <Falkreon> so you can pull the lang files in. Hmm.
L2267[16:49:32] <gabizou> right.
L2268[16:49:48] <kashike> https://github.com/Chicken-Bones/NotEnoughItems/blob/master/src/codechicken/nei/asm/NEICorePlugin.java#L32
L2269[16:50:18] <Falkreon> I mean you could always be messy and say SomeSpongeClass.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream
L2270[16:50:22] <Falkreon> ^_^
L2271[16:50:27] <gabizou> oh hey
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L2275[16:58:11] <sham1> So back to my question
L2276[16:58:35] <sham1> Is there any way I could have a calculation be executed in parallell to anything else
L2277[16:58:58] <fry> yes
L2278[16:59:39] <sham1> Like I have a Callable to represent my calculation, but it has the problem that it looks stuff up from the World and other stuff
L2279[16:59:45] <sham1> Which is not thread-save
L2280[16:59:49] <fry> yes
L2281[16:59:53] <sham1> :p
L2282[17:01:03] <shadekiller666> stupid persistant data...
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L2284[17:02:15] <Falkreon> yeah, at that point you need to have a thread handoff to the minecraft main thread
L2285[17:02:17] <sham1> Something to do with addSchedueledTask?
L2286[17:02:19] <Falkreon> to look up the data
L2287[17:02:46] <Falkreon> but then you need to wait for a response. This is why minecraft is single-threaded, because multithreading can be hard ^_^
L2288[17:03:03] <Falkreon> well, it's not
L2289[17:03:12] <heldplayer> gabizou: Did you try the getCustomResourcePackClass() method?
L2290[17:03:25] <sham1> Well I know that MC is not thread safe, thus I ask this
L2291[17:03:30] <Falkreon> ehh
L2292[17:03:36] <Falkreon> chat is async.
L2293[17:03:41] <Falkreon> so in some ways it *is*
L2294[17:03:49] <gabizou> heldplayer nah, I went the route of the coremod getting the file and telling the LanguageRegistry to register the language resources
L2295[17:03:54] <sham1> Huzzah
L2296[17:03:55] <Falkreon> what I do to help
L2297[17:03:59] <gabizou> https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeForge/commit/fbf4f13189a42ffeb3fa4c8212391459033dc5b0
L2298[17:04:14] <Falkreon> is package up as much of the data I need to share in immutable objects.
L2299[17:04:24] <Falkreon> if it's immutable, it's inherently threadsafe.
L2300[17:04:32] <sham1> Well yeah
L2301[17:04:33] <heldplayer> But... you shouldn't use LanguageRegistry
L2302[17:04:48] <kashike> don't need to call loadLanguagesFor, forge will for you
L2303[17:04:54] <sham1> But Minecraft has a very mutable state
L2304[17:04:58] <Falkreon> it does.
L2305[17:05:15] <Falkreon> see also OpenGL state shenanigans :/
L2306[17:05:20] <gabizou> thing is, it wasn't doing anything when using the customresourcepackclass
L2307[17:05:33] <sham1> Not just OpenGL
L2308[17:05:46] <Falkreon> so what is the calculation?
L2309[17:06:03] <sham1> Path finding between my mod's blocks
L2310[17:06:08] <Falkreon> oh.
L2311[17:06:21] <sham1> And I feel it would be rude to execute it in 1 tick
L2312[17:06:30] <sham1> As it would make the server kinda hang
L2313[17:06:31] <Falkreon> you know, what you could do is keep that on the main thread, but spread it over multiple ticks.
L2314[17:06:38] <sham1> Hmm
L2315[17:06:42] <sham1> true
L2316[17:06:55] <Falkreon> because you're right, you'd need to load in map data for every single bit of work.
L2317[17:07:18] <Falkreon> I really like spreading tasks over what would have been syncRepeatingTasks in bukkit.
L2318[17:07:44] <Falkreon> ask the WorldEdit folks, who are probably sick of me asking about the OpsRedux branch ^_^
L2319[17:08:20] <Falkreon> actually don't ask them. They'll be annoyed and I don't want that.
L2320[17:08:22] <Falkreon> hehe
L2321[17:10:15] <sham1> The reason BTW why I am doing this is because I am making a request-based transfer system for my Mana, and it obviously needs to know a route from the mana source into the receiver
L2322[17:10:17] <gabizou> heldplayer there, not using the language registry
L2323[17:10:45] <heldplayer> And does it work?
L2324[17:10:53] <heldplayer> What did you change?
L2325[17:11:02] <gabizou> yeah, it didn't work before because the getSource() was null
L2326[17:11:03] <gabizou> :P
L2327[17:11:09] <heldplayer> heh :P
L2328[17:11:24] <heldplayer> Glad you got it sorted :D
L2329[17:11:50] <gabizou> now to get back to being productive.
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L2351[18:17:05] <Rockers> http://imgur.com/gallery/ujAO1Dl
L2352[18:18:14] <Rockers> Does anybody know how to use a ProxyTestsServiceDatabaseTagField(Clazz); ?
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L2361[18:45:39] <Soni> anyone willing to rewrite MC's particle system?
L2362[18:49:45] <Soni> with JSON
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L2370[19:16:13] <Mimiru> Did SimpleNetworkWrapper change much in 1.8?
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L2377[19:33:47] <Mimiru> ok... my networking works..
L2378[19:34:05] <Mimiru> now to figure out why my text is rendering dark in world...
L2379[19:34:12] <Mimiru> my fix for this from 1.7 isn't working
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L2384[20:29:13] <Mimiru> Thanks everyone who helped me! I got everything working
L2385[20:30:01] <karlthepagan> anti-spam rules in 3 file formats: Java, json, yaml -- https://gist.github.com/karlthepagan/69fb20162f9a51173269
L2386[20:30:24] <karlthepagan> last feature request was server-side... so I guess that will be a thing
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L2403[21:40:46] <MattDahEpic> how does spawn egg coloring work
L2404[21:41:32] <MattDahEpic> ang spawn egg texture making
L2405[21:41:49] <MattDahEpic> avatar spawn egg texture making
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L2407[21:46:31] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic: didn't I link you to the exact function that does it?
L2408[21:47:07] <gigaherz> there's a getColorFromItemstack (or something like that) method in Item
L2409[21:47:28] <MattDahEpic> thats not working though
L2410[21:47:30] <gigaherz> it returns a color from a table, based on which meta value the stack has
L2411[21:50:18] <MattDahEpic> also on another note, is there a way to assign an item json that isnt the same name as the item?
L2412[21:51:03] <MattDahEpic> because that doesnt seem to be workign for me
L2413[21:51:10] <gigaherz> that should work just fine
L2414[21:51:36] <gigaherz> for items only though
L2415[21:51:54] <gigaherz> inventory blocks must use the same name as the registration
L2416[21:51:56] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/PackingTape/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/packingtape/client/ClientProxy.java#L27
L2417[21:52:12] <gigaherz> my tape item is registered as "itemTape"
L2418[21:52:21] <gigaherz> but uses packing_tape.json
L2419[21:55:19] <gigaherz> well getColor worked just fine for me,
L2420[21:55:24] <gigaherz> although Ididn't try layer1
L2421[21:55:38] <gigaherz> public int getColorFromItemStack(ItemStack stack, int renderPass) { return 0x7f007f; }
L2422[21:55:42] <gigaherz> makes my item dark purple
L2423[21:55:57] <gigaherz> you probably want to return your custom color ONLY in renderPass==1 though
L2424[21:56:15] <gigaherz> I assume layer1 is renderpass=1
L2425[21:57:16] <gigaherz> yeap
L2426[21:57:16] <gigaherz> return entityegginfo != null ? (renderPass == 0 ? entityegginfo.primaryColor : entityegginfo.secondaryColor) : 16777215;
L2427[21:57:26] <gigaherz> spawn egg item uses that
L2428[21:57:36] <gigaherz> so in your case
L2429[21:57:39] <gigaherz> you'd want something like
L2430[21:58:06] <gigaherz> return renderPass == 0 ? 0xFFFFFF : color_from_subitem[stack.getMetadata()];
L2431[21:58:55] <MattDahEpic> https://github.com/MattDahEpic/ExtraRecords/blob/1.8.8/src/main/java/com/mattdahepic/extrarecords/ClientProxy.java is my register code
L2432[21:59:08] <MattDahEpic> but i get Model definition for location extrarecords:record0#inventory not found
L2433[21:59:20] <MattDahEpic> and then later i get Model definition for location extrarecords:record#inventory not found
L2434[22:00:00] <gigaherz> yo uhave subitems
L2435[22:00:04] <gigaherz> you need one line for each subitem
L2436[22:00:17] <gigaherz> one variant
L2437[22:00:24] <MattDahEpic> for loop?
L2438[22:00:32] <gigaherz> wait
L2439[22:00:33] <gigaherz> yeah
L2440[22:00:38] <gigaherz> hmmm
L2441[22:01:31] <MattDahEpic> im preparing for that guy who decides to make like 700 records
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L2452[22:23:03] <killjoy> Is there a way to render a particle client-side without spawning it in the world?
L2453[22:23:19] <Ordinastie> look at furnace?
L2454[22:23:38] <Ordinastie> or torches
L2455[22:23:49] <MattDahEpic> tor shas
L2456[22:25:05] <gigaherz> killjoy: particles are special entities, they aren't done server-side
L2457[22:25:26] <killjoy> I know, but the server still usually tells the client to spawn them
L2458[22:25:29] <gigaherz> I mean management-wise
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L2460[22:26:44] <killjoy> Oh well, it's not a priority for me right now anyway
L2461[22:27:21] <killjoy> Yesterday I was trying to make held items have an aura around them. Now I want them to spawn some particles
L2462[22:27:55] <killjoy> It would require some math in order to find the correct location of the held item relative to the world
L2463[22:32:58] <Kolatra> How can you check if the F3 screen is up?
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L2465[22:37:11] <gigaherz> killjoy: some reflection possibly, basically reach the ingame GUI "hotbar slots", or the current GUIContainer slots, and get their location
L2466[22:37:29] <killjoy> No, held item in world
L2467[22:37:32] <gigaherz> OH
L2468[22:37:34] <killjoy> it's part of the entity
L2469[22:37:38] <gigaherz> right
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L2472[22:37:51] <gigaherz> is there even a hook for that? XD
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L2474[22:39:44] <McJty> Hi shadekiller666 , finally got time again to continue to work on this.
L2475[22:39:58] <McJty> Do you happen to have links or examples to show how to work with OBJ files in 1.8.8 in general?
L2476[22:40:08] <McJty> Both for static models as well as TESR.
L2477[22:40:19] <McJty> Perhaps I should start with the basics and go more complicated from that
L2478[22:40:50] <shadekiller666> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelLoaderRegistryDebug.java
L2479[22:41:11] <shadekiller666> VertexColoring is the most simple block in that file
L2480[22:41:24] <killjoy> task installMod(type:Copy) {
L2481[22:41:24] <killjoy> from jar.archivePath
L2482[22:41:24] <killjoy> to file("%APPDATA%/.minecraft/mods")
L2483[22:41:24] <killjoy> }
L2484[22:41:29] <shadekiller666> the code presented there should work the same on 1.8.8
L2485[22:41:38] <killjoy> oops, wrong channel
L2486[22:41:46] <McJty> shadekiller666, ok. Let me go through that. Thanks
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L2488[22:44:11] <McJty> shadekiller666, ok, one question about that already. Say setCustomModelResourceLocation has a second meta parameter. What if I use meta for rotating the model. Should I link every possible meta to the same model file?
L2489[22:44:58] <shadekiller666> uhh
L2490[22:45:11] <shadekiller666> hmm
L2491[22:45:27] <shadekiller666> are you rotating only rendering the block in-world?
L2492[22:46:39] <McJty> What?
L2493[22:46:50] <shadekiller666> you can pretty much ignore that metadata value if you aren't changing the model based on the item's metadata
L2494[22:46:54] <McJty> I mean I use meta in the block for orientation (FACING property for the block state)
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L2496[22:47:45] <shadekiller666> if you wanted to have, say, an item that uses model A for meta 0, and model B for meta 1, you'd register both with setCustomModelResourceLocation
L2497[22:48:09] <McJty> But if there is only one then just keeping it 0 will work right?
L2498[22:48:14] <shadekiller666> yep
L2499[22:48:29] <shadekiller666> theres a couple of blocks in that file that use PropertyDirection
L2500[22:49:43] <McJty> Also setCustomModelResourceLocation takes a resource location that points to my OBJ file?
L2501[22:49:54] <karlthepagan> is there a logging convention for forge? FMLLog? log4j2?
L2502[22:49:55] <shadekiller666> points to the blockstate
L2503[22:50:18] <shadekiller666> modid:<name of blockstate file>, "inventory"
L2504[22:51:03] <McJty> shadekiller666, and where can I find those (for this example)?
L2505[22:51:15] <Falk|Away> karlthepagan, look at getModLog in the PreInit event. IIRC it's an apache logger
L2506[22:51:29] <shadekiller666> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/tree/master/src/test/resources/assets/forgedebugmodelloaderregistry
L2507[22:51:47] <shadekiller666> mcjty ^
L2508[22:52:10] <McJty> ok thanks
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L2510[22:53:40] <Falk|Away> I'm really disappointed at the number of logging api's there are in java, given that it's got one built in.
L2511[22:53:45] *** Falk|Away is now known as Falkreon
L2512[22:54:20] <Falkreon> like, slf4j - https://xkcd.com/927/
L2513[22:54:30] <McJty> shadekiller666, also it seems you only set custom models for the 'inventory'. What about in-world renderer? Where is that covered in your example?
L2514[22:55:04] <shadekiller666> thats it
L2515[22:55:17] <shadekiller666> its a bit strange
L2516[22:55:22] <McJty> What does that 'inventory' mean exactly then?
L2517[22:55:38] <karlthepagan> Falkreon, ty commons is easy
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L2519[22:55:47] <shadekiller666> that "inventory" is the "inventory" in the "variants" block in the corresponding json
L2520[22:55:54] <gigaherz> McJty: "inventory" is a generic term that menas "not a placed block in the world"
L2521[22:56:07] <gigaherz> item-entities use inventory variant
L2522[22:56:13] <gigaherz> in-hand items use inventory
L2523[22:56:16] *** Falkreon is now known as Falk|Away
L2524[22:56:19] <shadekiller666> its weird the entire system is designed for items
L2525[22:56:22] <gigaherz> basically 1.8 unified all item rendering
L2526[22:56:27] <karlthepagan> Falkreon, the built in one touches synchronized :(
L2527[22:56:30] <gigaherz> into using the SAME model for ALL views of an item
L2528[22:56:31] <karlthepagan> the build in logging
L2529[22:56:33] <shadekiller666> but blocks are a pseudo-exension thing of items
L2530[22:56:49] *** Falk|Away is now known as Falkreon
L2531[22:56:59] <Falkreon> huh?
L2532[22:57:06] <shadekiller666> and it extends the item model onto the block rendering
L2533[22:57:14] <Falkreon> do you mean that it spends the cycles to be threadsafe? Because that's good if it does.
L2534[22:57:24] <McJty> Another thing. I'm now porting my simplest TESR over. It is just a single static model. Should be easy
L2535[22:57:28] <McJty> However it has one special thing
L2536[22:57:36] <shadekiller666> ok
L2537[22:57:41] <karlthepagan> Falkreon, log4j2 is fully async... you can be threadsafe without contention
L2538[22:57:42] <McJty> It has a random offset depending on the x,y,z location in the world.
L2539[22:57:50] <gigaherz> so like flowers?
L2540[22:57:52] <shadekiller666> ok
L2541[22:57:53] <McJty> To make it look less regular when place in the world
L2542[22:57:58] <shadekiller666> thats doable
L2543[22:57:58] <gigaherz> that should be no issue
L2544[22:58:00] <McJty> gigaherz, ah do they do that too?
L2545[22:58:07] <karlthepagan> bbiab... Muse is in Seattle
L2546[22:58:07] <gigaherz> well flowers are not TESR
L2547[22:58:15] <gigaherz> but they have a random offset based on position in the world, yes
L2548[22:58:21] <McJty> Well this particular one doesn't have to be a TESR
L2549[22:58:26] <shadekiller666> hmmm
L2550[22:58:38] <Falkreon> java.util.logger says "All methods on Logger are multi-thread safe."
L2551[22:58:46] <McJty> In the 1.7.10 version I had everything TESR but I'm now trying to make it more sensible
L2552[22:58:50] <Falkreon> java.util.logging.Logger*
L2553[22:59:34] <gigaherz> McJty
L2554[22:59:34] <gigaherz> public Block.EnumOffsetType getOffsetType()
L2555[22:59:34] <gigaherz> {
L2556[22:59:34] <gigaherz> return Block.EnumOffsetType.XZ;
L2557[22:59:34] <gigaherz> }
L2558[22:59:39] <gigaherz> oops meant to paste as one line
L2559[22:59:41] <Falkreon> so I'm going to go with no, there's no reason for logging utils that don't just subclass Logger.
L2560[22:59:43] <gigaherz> flowers have that
L2561[22:59:47] <McJty> ok thanks
L2562[22:59:51] <gigaherz> presumably if your block implements the same method
L2563[22:59:54] <gigaherz> you'd get the same offset
L2564[22:59:55] <shadekiller666> huh
L2565[23:00:01] <karlthepagan> Falkreon, check out LMAX Reactor pattern, that's what inspired log4j2
L2566[23:00:03] <shadekiller666> i wonder if that actually would work
L2567[23:00:10] * karlthepagan mic drop's
L2568[23:00:13] <Falkreon> do what now?
L2569[23:00:18] <shadekiller666> its simpiler than how i was thinking of doing it :P
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L2571[23:00:55] <McJty> If that works it is certainly very simple
L2572[23:01:02] <McJty> But I wonder how big the offset will be though
L2573[23:01:09] <gigaherz> checking
L2574[23:01:14] <gigaherz> shx = ((float)((rand >> 16) & 0xF) / 0xF - .5f) * .5f;
L2575[23:01:15] <gigaherz> shz = ((float)((rand >> 24) & 0xF) / 0xF - .5f) * .5f;
L2576[23:01:27] <shadekiller666> no more than half a block
L2577[23:01:33] <McJty> ok
L2578[23:01:41] <shadekiller666> prob no more than a 1/4 off of center
L2579[23:01:42] <McJty> Anyway, I'm a bit confused about the blockstate json's
L2580[23:01:46] <shadekiller666> ok
L2581[23:01:53] <shadekiller666> how so
L2582[23:02:01] <gigaherz> yeah it's +-0.5 blocks
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L2584[23:02:24] <McJty> shadekiller666, which of these json's is the best example for a simple textured OBJ with nothing special otherwise
L2585[23:02:25] <gigaherz> eh
L2586[23:02:28] <gigaherz> +-0.25**
L2587[23:02:42] <gigaherz> it calculates a nubmer between -0.5 and 0.5, then does *0.5 again,
L2588[23:02:47] <shadekiller666> mcjty, OBJTesseract
L2589[23:02:48] <gigaherz> so the result is -0.25 to 0.25
L2590[23:03:13] <McJty> Ok let me try that
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L2592[23:03:21] <shadekiller666> though, the actual code for that block is a bit complicated, the json is simple
L2593[23:05:35] <Falkreon> karlthepagan, so what you're saying is it's supposed to be faster. That doesn't illustrate to me any deficiencies in the *api*
L2594[23:07:00] <Falkreon> so like I said, there's no reason for a logging framework that doesn't just subclass the java builtin logger.
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L2598[23:09:47] <McJty> [06:07:29] [Client thread/ERROR]: Model definition for location gaia:rock#facing=east not found
L2599[23:09:54] <McJty> Ok so I guess I messed something up there
L2600[23:09:55] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L2601[23:10:26] <McJty> Also:
L2602[23:10:27] <McJty> [06:07:29] [Client thread/ERROR]: MultiModel gaia:block/chest.obj is empty (no base model or parts were provided/resolved)
L2603[23:10:46] <McJty> What does that mean?
L2604[23:10:51] ⇦ Quits: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5f9a1c39.rev.sefiber.dk) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L2605[23:11:26] <shadekiller666> uhh
L2606[23:12:40] <shadekiller666> the first one means you're missing variants in your blockstate json (see OBJDirectionBlock.json), and the second is a result of the ModelLoaderRegistry getting an invalid (likely the "missing") model
L2607[23:12:49] <McJty> Hmm also:
L2608[23:12:50] <McJty> [06:11:48] [Client thread/INFO]: OBJLoader.MaterialLibrary: key 'Ns' (model: 'gaia:models/block/rock.mtl') is not currently supported, skipping
L2609[23:12:50] <McJty> [06:11:48] [Client thread/INFO]: OBJModel: A color has already been defined for material 'None' in 'gaia:models/block/rock.mtl'. The color defined by key 'Ks' will not be applied!
L2610[23:12:50] <McJty> [06:11:48] [Client thread/INFO]: OBJLoader.MaterialLibrary: key 'illum' (model: 'gaia:models/block/rock.mtl') is not currently supported, skipping
L2611[23:12:51] <McJty> [06:11:48] [Client thread/INFO]: OBJLoader.Parser: command 's' (model: 'gaia:models/block/rock.obj') is not currently supported, skipping
L2612[23:12:55] <McJty> Oops that was a bit big
L2613[23:12:56] <McJty> Sorry
L2614[23:13:05] <McJty> These models all worked in 1.7.10 btw
L2615[23:13:06] <shadekiller666> does your chest.obj file have "vt" values that are either < 0 or > 1?
L2616[23:13:26] <McJty> The chest yes
L2617[23:13:31] <McJty> But not the rock
L2618[23:14:10] <shadekiller666> those "key 'x' is not supported" just means the obj loader doesn't know what to do with them, you can safely ignore them, if you want it to not complain, remove those lines from the .obj/.mtl
L2619[23:14:27] <shadekiller666> the chest does have "vt" values < 0 or > 1?
L2620[23:14:44] <McJty> yes it has
L2621[23:14:51] <shadekiller666> thats your problem
L2622[23:15:06] <McJty> It was fine in 1.7.10
L2623[23:15:22] <McJty> And I actually cannot avoid that. It is how the model is textured
L2624[23:15:24] <shadekiller666> atm, the version of the obj loader thats in forge doesn't like "vt" (which are UV coordinates) outside of 0..1
L2625[23:15:32] <McJty> ugh
L2626[23:15:36] <gigaherz> Minecraft can't do that at all
L2627[23:15:40] <gigaherz> so whatever 1.7.10 did
L2628[23:15:40] <McJty> gigaherz, it could
L2629[23:15:42] <gigaherz> it was a hack
L2630[23:15:42] <shadekiller666> this was a bandage
L2631[23:15:51] <gigaherz> not since MC implemented the texture atlas
L2632[23:15:55] <gigaherz> you just can't do atlas + wrapping
L2633[23:16:02] <gigaherz> hmm
L2634[23:16:03] <McJty> Well this is for a TESR. Those are not on an atlas
L2635[23:16:05] <shadekiller666> my obj loader is completely different from 1.7.10'z
L2636[23:16:08] <McJty> At least they were not in 1.7.10
L2637[23:16:10] <gigaherz> unless your texcoords are 0..16?
L2638[23:16:16] <shadekiller666> giga, it might be possible
L2639[23:16:17] <gigaherz> thne it would be an issue ofscale, not of wrapping
L2640[23:16:17] <gigaherz> XD
L2641[23:16:49] <McJty> No they are actually wrapping. That's how it is supposed to be. I made the model like that
L2642[23:16:49] <shadekiller666> mcjty, i am currently working on implementing uv processing
L2643[23:17:04] <gigaherz> McJty: then I have no idea how the F 1.7.10 did it
L2644[23:17:06] <shadekiller666> what you mean "wrapping?
L2645[23:17:15] <McJty> gigaherz, I just used OpenGL in my TESR
L2646[23:17:18] <gigaherz> the would wrapp ALL the way around
L2647[23:17:19] <McJty> gigaherz, and OpenGL can do that just fine
L2648[23:17:23] <gigaherz> through the whole of the atlas
L2649[23:17:30] <McJty> There was no atalas
L2650[23:17:31] <McJty> atlas
L2651[23:17:35] <gigaherz> ah
L2652[23:17:42] <gigaherz> if you are using a separate texture
L2653[23:17:45] <gigaherz> then yes, that would work
L2654[23:17:45] <shadekiller666> ...
L2655[23:17:50] <McJty> That's what I was using yes
L2656[23:17:58] <shadekiller666> mcjty, how is the texture applied?
L2657[23:18:01] <McJty> It cannot be avoided in this case. You cannot do this with an atlas
L2658[23:18:02] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: if atlas == null, use raw texcoords
L2659[23:18:05] <gigaherz> ;P
L2660[23:18:18] <gigaherz> that's what I did in mine
L2661[23:18:18] <shadekiller666> giga, atlas can't be null
L2662[23:18:20] <williewillus> what was the method call to register item models again
L2663[23:18:26] <McJty> shadekiller666, it is a tiling texture wrapped on the model
L2664[23:18:27] <gigaherz> yes it can, if you bake externally
L2665[23:18:28] <gigaherz> XD
L2666[23:18:33] <williewillus> I always used ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation but apparently there's another
L2667[23:18:37] <shadekiller666> mcjty, ok
L2668[23:18:47] <shadekiller666> do you have an image?
L2669[23:19:10] <McJty> shadekiller666, not at the moment since I can't run my mod :-/
L2670[23:19:35] <shadekiller666> willie, Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getModelManager().getModel(), that will give you an IBakedModel for the resource location
L2671[23:19:44] <McJty> But basically I have a texture that wraps around in all directions so you can apply it smaller on the model.
L2672[23:19:53] <shadekiller666> ok
L2673[23:20:03] <shadekiller666> so i need to implement tiling too
L2674[23:20:09] <shadekiller666> thought i was forgetting something
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L2676[23:21:52] <shadekiller666> hmmm
L2677[23:22:06] <shadekiller666> for the time being, that block will be the missing block
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L2679[23:22:32] <McJty> ok
L2680[23:22:44] <shadekiller666> or, you can make a copy of the .obj file, remove the "vt" lines, and just deal with the improperly applied texture
L2681[23:22:47] <shadekiller666> i'm working on it
L2682[23:22:55] <McJty> About the variants and facing. Do you need to specify a model for every possible variant even though some of these variants have nothing to do with rendering? Like redstone signal or something
L2683[23:23:03] <McJty> ok thanks for working on it :-)
L2684[23:23:06] <shadekiller666> uhh
L2685[23:23:45] <shadekiller666> i think you need to have each IProperty possible state defined in the blockstate json
L2686[23:24:00] <shadekiller666> you don't have to provide any model but the key has to be there
L2687[23:24:33] <shadekiller666> like, if you want your block to not render a model when facing east, you would have "facing": { "east": {}}
L2688[23:25:04] <McJty> Ok, at least my rock model works now. It is the simplest one I have :-)
L2689[23:25:04] <shadekiller666> (technically you don't need to have "model" defined in each of those, assuming you define it in the "defaults" block)
L2690[23:25:07] <McJty> Still have to fix the texture
L2691[23:25:49] <McJty> Would be nice if I could have blender export with a relative texture in the mtl file
L2692[23:25:59] <McJty> Exactly what should the path for the texture be there?
L2693[23:26:05] <McJty> Now I have: map_Kd /home/jorrit/projects/mcmods/gaia/src/main/resources/assets/gaia/textures/blocks/furnace.png
L2694[23:26:13] <shadekiller666> oh god
L2695[23:26:15] <shadekiller666> lol
L2696[23:26:26] <McJty> Which is obviously not good :-)
L2697[23:26:31] <shadekiller666> it would be "<modid>:blocks/furnace"
L2698[23:26:36] <McJty> Hmm
L2699[23:26:43] <McJty> Blender will never be able to export that
L2700[23:26:47] <McJty> I probably need a script or something
L2701[23:26:49] <shadekiller666> the game looks in textures/ by default
L2702[23:27:08] <shadekiller666> or you could do it by hand "P
L2703[23:27:09] <shadekiller666> :P
L2704[23:27:14] <shadekiller666> they're just text files
L2705[23:27:27] <McJty> Yes I suppose I don't have to copy them over when I re-export the model again
L2706[23:28:17] <McJty> Ok the texture doesn't work:
L2707[23:28:17] <McJty> [06:27:43] [Client thread/ERROR]: textures/blocks/furnace.png.png
L2708[23:28:31] <McJty> mtl file: map_Kd gaia:blocks/furnace.png
L2709[23:28:40] <shadekiller666> whats wrong with that printed path?
L2710[23:28:45] <shadekiller666> think about it
L2711[23:28:48] <shadekiller666> and correct it
L2712[23:28:49] <McJty> ah oops
L2713[23:28:54] <shadekiller666> :P
L2714[23:28:57] <McJty> Seems I don't need a png added :-)
L2715[23:29:07] <shadekiller666> no you do not :P
L2716[23:29:35] <shadekiller666> out of curiosity, what is the path following the "mtllib" in your .obj
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L2718[23:29:53] <McJty> mtllib rock.mtl
L2719[23:30:03] <shadekiller666> ok
L2720[23:30:45] <McJty> At least I got some progress today :-)
L2721[23:30:59] <McJty> But porting all the TESR's here is going to be a big job. Just have a simple rock right now
L2722[23:31:07] <shadekiller666> i asked cuz that used to not work, and i made the loader specifically look for that as the .mtl path, cuz it has to rip the path off of the one for the .obj model, then append the .mtl to it in order to actually obtain that file
L2723[23:31:28] <shadekiller666> you were asking about multiple models per block right
L2724[23:31:39] <McJty> yes I will need that eventually
L2725[23:31:52] <shadekiller666> you might be able to do that with that metadata value in setCustomModelResourceLocation
L2726[23:31:53] <McJty> For my chest I'm now thinking: one static model, one dynamic model (the lid) + items in the chest
L2727[23:31:58] <shadekiller666> not 100% sure
L2728[23:32:15] <McJty> Well if I have a static model and then a model for my TESR it should work too right?
L2729[23:32:26] <shadekiller666> ya
L2730[23:32:43] <shadekiller666> that would also work
L2731[23:32:46] <gigaherz> yeah you can have both static + tesr in one
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L2733[23:33:48] <McJty> For the chest that's a solution. I still have a few cases where I actually need multiple obj files too but that's for later
L2734[23:33:55] <McJty> BTW, my rock is rendered wrong in hand
L2735[23:34:03] <McJty> It is ok in the world but how do I fix the inventory rendering?
L2736[23:34:36] <shadekiller666> "transform" in the blockstate json
L2737[23:34:50] <shadekiller666> instead of pointing it at "forge:default-block"
L2738[23:35:49] <shadekiller666> point it at {}
L2739[23:35:55] <shadekiller666> inside of that
L2740[23:36:03] <McJty> ok... That's weird
L2741[23:36:06] <McJty> What has this to do with transform?
L2742[23:36:14] <shadekiller666> you can have "translation", "rotation", "scale", and/or "left-rotation"
L2743[23:36:33] <McJty> So like this:
L2744[23:36:34] <McJty> "transform": {}
L2745[23:36:38] <shadekiller666> each of those takes either an array, or an object
L2746[23:36:41] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L2747[23:36:51] <shadekiller666> inside of the {} you do what i just mentioned
L2748[23:36:57] <shadekiller666> you don't need all of them
L2749[23:37:07] <shadekiller666> wait
L2750[23:37:10] <shadekiller666> actually
L2751[23:37:21] <shadekiller666> you want "transform": { "gui": {}}
L2752[23:37:36] <shadekiller666> then inside of the "gui" you want the translation/rotation/scale stuff
L2753[23:38:15] <McJty> ok... Going to need an example of that
L2754[23:38:16] <gigaherz> McJty: like this, xcept instead on a "display" block ,you have a "transform" https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/elementsofpower/models/item/orb_base.json#L5
L2755[23:38:26] <shadekiller666> say you wanted to translate the model, "gui": {"translation": [0, 1, 0]} or "gui": {"translation": {"y": 1}}
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L2757[23:38:51] <McJty> But it now renders a block. Will it then render my rock obj instead?
L2758[23:39:11] <shadekiller666> if you wanted to rotate, you would do a similar thing, keeping in mind that rotations are applied in the order defined left to right
L2759[23:39:19] <shadekiller666> ?
L2760[23:39:38] <McJty> My problem is that I see the purple block in my inventory
L2761[23:40:48] <shadekiller666> the heirarchy should be "variants": {"normal": [{}], "inventory": [{"transform": {"gui": {<translation/rotation/scale stuff goes here>}}}]}
L2762[23:41:03] <McJty> http://i.imgur.com/uYy269o.png
L2763[23:41:25] <shadekiller666> show me the blockstate json
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L2765[23:41:36] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/d34b007af8dc
L2766[23:41:46] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L2767[23:42:22] <shadekiller666> ok
L2768[23:42:37] <shadekiller666> add whatever change you want to make into the "gui" block
L2769[23:42:44] <shadekiller666> like "translation" or something
L2770[23:42:54] <McJty> I don't want to change anything
L2771[23:42:59] <McJty> Except that it should show my obj :-)
L2772[23:43:07] <shadekiller666> also, i don't think you need "model" for the "down"-"east" stuff
L2773[23:43:09] <McJty> And not the purple block you can see in that screenshot
L2774[23:43:41] <shadekiller666> show it to me again, the blockstate
L2775[23:43:49] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/d34b007af8dc
L2776[23:44:17] <shadekiller666> what change do you want to make to the model in the inventory?
L2777[23:44:31] <McJty> Did you look at the screenshot?
L2778[23:44:38] <shadekiller666> ...
L2779[23:44:44] <McJty> http://i.imgur.com/uYy269o.png
L2780[23:44:54] <McJty> Look at the purple block in my hotbar (left position)
L2781[23:44:56] <McJty> That's the rock
L2782[23:44:59] <shadekiller666> did the model render in-hand before changing the "transform"?
L2783[23:45:03] <McJty> no
L2784[23:45:11] <shadekiller666> ...
L2785[23:45:28] <shadekiller666> show me the block class for that
L2786[23:46:05] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/ac84aae37acd
L2787[23:46:06] <shadekiller666> and you can change the "transform" back to "forge:default-block"
L2788[23:47:06] <shadekiller666> setMetaUsage?
L2789[23:47:12] ⇦ Quits: HassanS6000 (~Hassan@pool-173-79-220-242.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2790[23:47:16] <McJty> That's from the 1.7.10 code. Going to be removed
L2791[23:47:22] <McJty> As it is now with properties
L2792[23:47:42] <shadekiller666> i think thats part of your problem
L2793[23:47:53] <shadekiller666> though i wonder why its rendering in-world though...
L2794[23:48:20] <McJty> Why wouldn't it?
L2795[23:48:21] <shadekiller666> usually an error caused by incorrect data in the IBlockState causes both models to be missing
L2796[23:48:40] <McJty> Well that setMetaUsage is not used anymore
L2797[23:48:44] <McJty> Just didn't get rid of the function
L2798[23:48:48] <shadekiller666> i know
L2799[23:49:03] <shadekiller666> but you don't have the proper 1.8 replacements for it
L2800[23:49:11] <McJty> I have
L2801[23:49:12] <shadekiller666> (see OBJDirectionBlock)
L2802[23:49:13] <McJty> In the superclass
L2803[23:49:17] <shadekiller666> ...
L2804[23:49:20] <shadekiller666> then show me that
L2805[23:49:59] <shadekiller666> also, why does a rock need a tile entity?
L2806[23:50:07] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/91e6c51d1b9d
L2807[23:50:12] <McJty> shadekiller666, well it was a TESR in 1.7.10
L2808[23:50:21] <McJty> Not anymore so it can be removed
L2809[23:52:06] <shadekiller666> you shouldn't need your "getFacing" method either
L2810[23:52:31] <shadekiller666> as you shouldn't be manipulating metadata directly outside of getmetafromstate and getstatefrommeta
L2811[23:52:35] <McJty> I think I got that from the furnace block in MC itself
L2812[23:52:45] <McJty> Well this is for usage in getStateFromMeta
L2813[23:52:49] <shadekiller666> oh
L2814[23:52:52] <McJty> It is only call there (shouldn't be public)
L2815[23:52:54] <shadekiller666> ...
L2816[23:52:57] <shadekiller666> kinda pointless
L2817[23:53:04] <shadekiller666> anyway
L2818[23:53:26] <McJty> Well this is all very WIP
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L2820[23:53:34] <McJty> I want to first get this to work and then I will clean up
L2821[23:53:35] <shadekiller666> word of warning, you're probably not going to be able to have all of your blocks extending this one file
L2822[23:53:45] <McJty> shadekiller666, why not?
L2823[23:53:54] <shadekiller666> as the IProperties are likely going to be different
L2824[23:54:04] <shadekiller666> and their values as well
L2825[23:54:27] <McJty> How so?
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L2830[23:55:07] <shadekiller666> well, if you have a block that isn't a rotation block, but uses say, a PropertyEnum
L2831[23:55:12] <McJty> My blocks already extend this and it seems to be working just fine
L2832[23:55:20] <shadekiller666> the interfacing with IBlockState is different
L2833[23:55:25] <McJty> Well if it isn't a rotation block then indeed.
L2834[23:55:32] <McJty> But all my blocks are currently like this so
L2835[23:55:36] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@x55b1615a.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L2836[23:55:46] <shadekiller666> instead of doing "getDefaultState().withProperty("facing", EnumFacing.NORTH)"
L2837[23:55:49] <McJty> Anyway, why does my block not render correctly in the inventory?
L2838[23:56:00] <shadekiller666> withProperty() would have a different property and value
L2839[23:57:20] <shadekiller666> idk, can i see the code where you're calling setCustomModelResourceLocation
L2840[23:57:38] <McJty> It is just:
L2841[23:57:39] <McJty> Item i = Item.getItemFromBlock(ModBlocks.rockBlock);
L2842[23:57:39] <McJty> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(i, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(Gaia.MODID + ":" + ModBlocks.rockBlock.getUnlocalizedName().substring(5), "inventory"));
L2843[23:58:13] <shadekiller666> ok
L2844[23:58:35] <shadekiller666> where are you calling that? in your ClientProxy during preInit()?
L2845[23:59:09] <McJty> Actually in init. Should it be preInit?
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