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L3[00:01:41] <killjoy1> goddam vanilla bugs!
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L6[00:02:02] <killjoy1> It makes me thing there's something wrong with my code
L7[00:02:19] <killjoy1> 1.8, get on a horse and look behind you in 3rd person
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L45[01:58:55] <ThePsionic> Anyone here still using the old GitHub layout?
L46[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20151117 mappings to Forge Maven.
L47[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20151117-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20151117" in build.gradle).
L48[02:00:16] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L55[02:46:31] <xaero> there's a new github layout?
L56[02:47:46] <xaero> https://github.com/blog
L57[02:48:15] <xaero> "To help make the transition as smooth as possible for you, the new design is opt-in for the next two weeks, and after that, you'll switch over automatically."
L58[02:50:14] <tterrag> and where do I opt in?
L59[02:55:13] <ThePsionic> http://thepsionic.com/#mods ayy
L60[02:55:20] <ThePsionic> tterrag: You should get a notice when visiting any repo
L61[02:55:30] <ThePsionic> Although it's very slowly being made available
L62[02:56:03] <tterrag> yeah I'm not seeing it
L63[02:56:03] <Cypher121> anyone knows of a code example of ore retrogen?
L64[02:56:04] <tterrag> oh well
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L70[03:07:55] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/7eIWiYz.png that's how that works right
L71[03:09:22] <ThePsionic> Why the hell does getMaxHealth() return a float
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L73[03:14:35] <tterrag> because health is a float value?
L74[03:17:38] <ThePsionic> tterrag: ...it's 0-20 I thought
L75[03:17:49] <ThePsionic> Because 1 health = 1/2 heart
L76[03:18:31] <Wuppy> damn artists at our school are good.... https://scontent-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/905639_1643372745934356_9052791515318857689_o.jpg
L77[03:18:50] <TehNut> ThePsionic: http://tehnut.info/share/W1tRQrmVpH.png
L78[03:19:03] <TehNut> From EntityLivingBase
L79[03:19:31] <TehNut> It's always been a float :P
L80[03:19:43] <Wuppy> didn't it chagne to float in 1.7 or 1.8?
L81[03:20:21] <ThePsionic> Oh wait
L82[03:20:43] <ThePsionic> It is a float but it still is between 0-20 normally, with every whole increment being half a heart
L83[03:20:50] <ThePsionic> ergo I can safely cast to int
L84[03:21:22] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: Artists???? don't tell me that is a painting don't fuck with me like that
L85[03:21:31] <Wuppy> that's a render
L86[03:21:42] <Wuppy> game artist
L87[03:21:52] <ThePsionic> fuck me
L88[03:21:56] <ThePsionic> it looks so real
L89[03:22:08] <Wuppy> exactly
L90[03:22:37] <tterrag> it's using photo textures
L91[03:22:41] <tterrag> see: vanishing of ethan carter
L92[03:22:53] <Wuppy> a friend of mine showed me a picture from within his game... thought it was real life as well
L93[03:22:58] <Wuppy> speedtree is amazing
L94[03:23:25] <Wuppy> tterrag, regardless of the technique it's impressive :o
L95[03:24:21] <tterrag> it is
L96[03:24:29] <tterrag> but just explaining that they are NOT hand done textures
L97[03:24:36] <tterrag> and it's kind of a "trick" to make it look photorealistic
L98[03:24:46] <tterrag> if you were actually moving around in game it wouldn't look so photographic
L99[03:24:50] <tterrag> still really good, just not quite THAT good
L100[03:25:13] <ThePsionic> tterrag: just shut up and smell the flowers
L101[03:25:33] <tterrag> no they smell nasty
L102[03:26:32] <ThePsionic> Wake up, mister Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes.
L103[03:27:46] <Wuppy> ThePsionic, did you put chloroform on the flowers again?
L104[03:28:05] <ThePsionic> Yes.
L105[03:28:58] <Wuppy> ThePsionic, I told you last time, stop murdering people :P
L106[03:29:07] <ThePsionic> Whoops
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L110[03:57:27] <Wuppy> ugh why do I have so many shitty games in my steam library :c
L111[03:58:25] <xaero> you must ask yourself... did the games depreciate to shitty over time, or did you buy them as shitty? :P
L112[03:58:39] <Wuppy> why not both?
L113[03:59:37] <Wuppy> I am purposfully trying all the games I dont know by name though :P
L114[04:01:00] <sham1> \o
L115[04:01:00] <xaero> aha, at least you bought them not knowing they were shitty :P
L116[04:01:18] <Wuppy> well I used to buy a lot of bundles witha few good ones in htere
L117[04:01:27] <Wuppy> then the unknown ones grow
L118[04:01:58] <TehNut> I'd do that, but I have too many games in there that I'm absolutely terrified to play
L119[04:02:06] <TehNut> Like "Pahelika"
L120[04:02:23] <Wuppy> never heard of
L121[04:02:35] <TehNut> Judging by the cover art, be glad you haven't
L122[04:02:48] <TehNut> http://tehnut.info/share/DvbYhSO4Hr.png
L123[04:03:04] <Wuppy> lol
L124[04:03:34] <TehNut> the cover for Uriel's Chasm scares me, too
L125[04:03:43] <TehNut> http://tehnut.info/share/ulQKeG9BkI.png
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L127[04:04:06] <Wuppy> I just tried this one: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/55/Death_to_Spies_Cover.jpg
L128[04:04:09] <Wuppy> not much better :c
L129[04:05:10] <ThePsionic> you think you are having a bad time
L130[04:05:10] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/beXIbD6.png
L131[04:05:24] <TehNut> well then
L132[04:05:35] <Wuppy> what the....
L133[04:05:48] <ThePsionic> My friends have too much money to spend on shitty gifts
L134[04:05:51] <TehNut> my brother's library is filled with animeme games
L135[04:06:34] <TehNut> Oh, I'd also have to play through the FEAR series
L136[04:06:41] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L137[04:06:43] <TehNut> Which is a big giant bowl of NOEP
L138[04:07:05] <ThePsionic> On the other side of the spectrum (the good ones), http://i.imgur.com/RllkZM0.png http://i.imgur.com/n2ZZ9vy.png
L139[04:07:55] <Wuppy> I dont know undertale, but transistor is high on my list
L140[04:08:14] <Wuppy> but I'm not at my desktop riht now so I only allow myself to play old/low fidelity games
L141[04:08:23] <Wuppy> otherwise I'd miss out on the proper experience
L142[04:08:26] <TehNut> I don't have Undertale, but it is glorious
L143[04:08:29] <ThePsionic> undertale is one of those games that is one of a kind
L144[04:08:36] <ThePsionic> and it is amazing
L145[04:08:37] <TehNut> I'd recommend picking it up
L146[04:08:54] <Wuppy> steamworld dig is also highly recommended
L147[04:09:01] <ThePsionic> hmm
L148[04:09:11] <Wuppy> oh yeah, that game, it's already on my wishlist
L149[04:09:13] <ThePsionic> i can theoretically buy fallout 4 if i add 20 euros to my steam balance
L150[04:09:21] <Wuppy> I'll probably pick it up during the winter sale
L151[04:09:29] <Wuppy> fallout 4, eh, somewhere next year during a sale
L152[04:09:33] <ThePsionic> probably ye
L153[04:09:43] <Wuppy> I'm going to spend my money on the glorious just cause 3
L154[04:09:49] <ThePsionic> but seriously how do i have 41 euros on steam
L155[04:10:39] <TehNut> I still love the reviews the dev put up for Undertale http://tehnut.info/share/8iAXHW55ys.png
L156[04:11:03] <ThePsionic> :p
L157[04:11:57] <Wuppy> ichi is also a surprisingly nice little game :)
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L159[04:13:34] <Wuppy> it's hurting my brain though
L160[04:14:09] <Cypher121> Wuppy: you can play transistor without a monitor
L161[04:14:13] <Cypher121> just listen to music
L162[04:14:25] <Wuppy> hhaha
L163[04:15:21] <Cypher121> seriously tho, Darren Korb is a genius, Bastion and Transistor have almost the best OST of all games I've ever played
L164[04:17:53] <Wuppy> yep.. my brain is certianly hurting right now
L165[04:19:42] <Wuppy> no clue why I have it though, I dont even like puzzle games :P
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L168[04:30:08] ⇨ Joins: Commodore64 (~Julian@46-198-88-172.adsl.cyta.gr)
L169[04:30:31] <Commodore64> hello everyone
L170[04:31:03] <Wuppy> hi Commodore
L171[04:32:02] ⇨ Joins: psxlover (~psxlover@78-182-193.adsl.cyta.gr)
L172[04:32:19] <Commodore64> hey, it's wuppy!
L173[04:32:24] <Cypher121> would be nice to have a common framework for equipment
L174[04:32:27] <Commodore64> I'm a fan of your tuts
L175[04:32:36] <Wuppy> thank you :)
L176[04:32:45] <Cypher121> sort of like multipart, but for players' bodies
L177[04:33:58] <ThePsionic> How do I add a message to a player? As in a line that appears in his chat log
L178[04:34:25] ⇨ Joins: noiro (~noiro@2601:cd:301:a660:550f:36ef:9978:ec60)
L179[04:34:30] <Cypher121> p.addChatComponentMessage
L180[04:34:41] <Cypher121> where "p" is your EntityPlayer
L181[04:34:54] <ThePsionic> top
L182[04:35:40] <Cypher121> it takes chat component as an argument so for text just pass it `new ChatComponentText("your text")`
L183[04:40:57] <Commodore64> so guys, pertaining to my issue from yesterday, I decompiled the lotr mod again with a different comipler
L184[04:41:17] <Commodore64> but... still there's random errors all over the place
L185[04:41:23] ⇨ Joins: Slikrick (~slikrick9@2601:19c:4201:c40f:a817:2aba:1c10:68ff)
L186[04:41:54] <Cypher121> what was it written in?
L187[04:42:35] <Commodore64> what do you mean? java of course
L188[04:42:50] <Cypher121> of course?
L189[04:42:52] <TehNut> Not all mods are written in Java
L190[04:43:23] <Cypher121> it could be written in Java, Scala, Groovy or one of the shitload of JVM languages
L191[04:43:23] <Wuppy> scala inferior race
L192[04:43:28] <Cypher121> ^
L193[04:43:39] <Commodore64> https://imgur.com/bL8FLZf
L194[04:43:42] <Cypher121> I've recently decompiled a Kotlin class
L195[04:43:48] <Commodore64> one example of an error
L196[04:43:52] <Cypher121> took me a while to regain the ability to sleep
L197[04:43:57] <Commodore64> lol
L198[04:44:07] <Wuppy> Cypher121, it's that bad?
L199[04:44:27] <Cypher121> several stack operations were lost in decompilation
L200[04:44:31] <Commodore64> anyway, I just want to be able to reference lotr mod's classes in my mod in eclipse
L201[04:44:51] <TehNut> Don't decompile it
L202[04:44:55] <Commodore64> and run them for tests
L203[04:44:55] <TehNut> Deobf it with BON2
L204[04:45:02] <TehNut> Stick it in /libs/
L205[04:45:04] <TehNut> Run gradlew eclipse
L206[04:45:19] <Cypher121> and resulting code had about 3 declarations of a single object with same type and name. all in one method scope.
L207[04:45:25] <TehNut> As I told you in your Reddit post >.>
L208[04:45:26] <Commodore64> ok I've deobfed it already
L209[04:45:44] <Commodore64> TehNut? lol I didn't check it yet
L210[04:45:59] <Commodore64> I see it's a tightly knit community
L211[04:46:14] <ThePsionic> When making a new ChatComponentTranslation do I need to provide my modID anywhere?
L212[04:46:20] <Commodore64> ok, I will test and report my results!
L213[04:46:21] <TehNut> You didn't even check to see if your question was answered before asking it..? >.>
L214[04:46:29] <Cypher121> also it did unimaginable atrocities to my small, neat, and cozy lambda { it -> it != null }
L215[04:47:13] <Wuppy> wat
L216[04:47:17] <Wuppy> that doesnt make any sense to me
L217[04:47:27] <ThePsionic> Anyone?
L218[04:47:57] ⇦ Quits: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@149-189.eduroam.rwth-aachen.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L219[04:48:12] <Wuppy> no idea Psionic
L220[04:48:21] <ThePsionic> hrm
L221[04:48:22] <Cypher121> Wuppy:
L222[04:48:22] <Cypher121> Object element = $receiver[i];Object it = element;
L223[04:48:22] <Cypher121> int $i$a$1;
L224[04:48:22] <Cypher121> if ((it != null ? 1 : 0) != 0) {
L225[04:48:29] <Cypher121> whole class http://pastebin.com/wMme5SEm
L226[04:48:35] <TehNut> ThePsionic: No, you don't
L227[04:48:45] <ThePsionic> Okay
L228[04:48:45] <TehNut> Just feed it an unlocalized string
L229[04:48:50] <ThePsionic> And another thing
L230[04:49:10] <ThePsionic> random.nextInt(8) would give a number between 0 and 7 inclusive, right
L231[04:49:16] <masa> yes
L232[04:49:21] <ThePsionic> good
L233[04:49:40] <masa> which you would have been told in the javadoc for it...
L234[04:49:58] <Cypher121> Wuppy: can you guess what it does?
L235[04:50:16] <Wuppy> I havent the slightest clue
L236[04:50:16] <Commodore64> which folder should I run gradlew eclipse in?
L237[04:50:29] <Cypher121> lol
L238[04:50:41] <Cypher121> the one with build.gradle
L239[04:50:47] <Cypher121> and gradlew.bat
L240[04:50:48] <Commodore64> ok
L241[04:53:01] <Commodore64> ok, done that... how should my eclipse sidebar look like?
L242[04:54:00] <Commodore64> https://imgur.com/YzRAeMn
L243[04:54:20] <Commodore64> do I manually add it to the build path?
L244[04:55:01] <Commodore64> and now, how do I import classes from it?
L245[04:55:46] <TehNut> You use them just like all the other classes you use
L246[05:01:25] <ThePsionic> Hmmm
L247[05:01:28] <Commodore64> ok so I look for the names in my decompiled code and then I reference them I assume
L248[05:01:31] <ThePsionic> onItemRightClick seems to trigger twice
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L250[05:01:48] <TehNut> It runs on the client and the server
L251[05:02:11] <TehNut> If you're not checking the side before adding your chat message, it'll send on both threads
L252[05:03:34] <Commodore64> ok thx TehNut, it works
L253[05:04:36] <ThePsionic> Ah yeah
L254[05:04:44] <ThePsionic> How do I check for client-side again
L255[05:04:53] <TehNut> world.isRemote
L256[05:05:09] <ThePsionic> And was true client or false? :p
L257[05:05:21] <TehNut> isRemote = client
L258[05:08:33] <Commodore64> ok so I wrote the required parent in the Mod handler
L259[05:08:37] <Commodore64> with dependencies = "required-after:ParentMod")
L260[05:08:53] <TehNut> The modid for that mod is ParentMod?
L261[05:08:58] <Commodore64> and referencing classes seems to be working, with import
L262[05:09:03] <Commodore64> nope that's the example
L263[05:09:12] <Commodore64> I'm working with the lotr mod :P
L264[05:09:48] <Commodore64> now I just gotta go learn about changing biomes, setting spawnrulew, ets
L265[05:09:57] <Commodore64> *spawnrules
L266[05:11:51] <ThePsionic> hmhmhmhmh
L267[05:12:04] <ThePsionic> How do I style a ChatComponentTranslation
L268[05:14:17] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L269[05:16:50] *** Kolatra[away] is now known as Kolatra
L270[05:22:09] <ThePsionic> oh got it
L271[05:27:12] ⇦ Quits: ThePsionic (~ThePsioni@ (Quit: Leaving)
L272[05:28:46] *** Crystal|AFK is now known as CrystalMare
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L280[05:57:16] <Commodore64> wb
L281[05:57:24] <ThePsionic> ty
L282[06:00:46] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/AG46x2u.png
L283[06:00:57] <ThePsionic> The texture of the Nice Cream is horrendous but at least the messages work
L284[06:01:28] <sham1> Is that a fortune cookie
L285[06:01:59] <ThePsionic> No
L286[06:02:04] <ThePsionic> I just said it's a Nice Cream
L287[06:02:27] <ThePsionic> It's an ice cream with a nice message inside the wrapper, in stead of a joke
L288[06:03:56] *** Gaz is now known as Gaz|Away
L289[06:04:20] *** Gaz|Away is now known as Gaz
L290[06:05:01] <Commodore64> I believe I just digitally barfed at that texture
L291[06:05:31] <Commodore64> since I'm watching some tutorials right now, do any of you guys actually make a lib package
L292[06:06:01] <Commodore64> with a String/ Reference class that contains MOD_NAME, MOD_VER ets?
L293[06:06:04] <Commodore64> *etc
L294[06:07:20] <Commodore64> aaaanyoooone? I'm just wondering if this is actually necessary/useful
L295[06:07:30] <ThePsionic> Commodore64: lol thanks for the nice words
L296[06:07:35] <ThePsionic> i am not an artist
L297[06:09:36] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-46-59-33-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L298[06:11:02] <Ivorius> Commodore64: No, I think it's dumb
L299[06:11:15] <Ivorius> Generally you stick constants where they belong contextually
L300[06:11:31] <Ivorius> Not in some arbitrary constant class
L301[06:11:39] <sham1> ^
L302[06:11:52] <Ivorius> e.g. MOD_ID, VERSION belong in MyMod class
L303[06:12:00] <sham1> I never saw the need for a "Reference"-type class
L304[06:12:26] <ThePsionic> I like them, if you need to change a constant in your code you know exactly where to find it
L305[06:12:53] <Ivorius> ehm, how about
L306[06:12:56] <Ivorius> Constant Search
L307[06:13:02] <ThePsionic> I'm lazy though
L308[06:13:06] <Ivorius> That's stupid
L309[06:13:11] <Ivorius> Hey I need to change a constant
L310[06:13:15] <Ivorius> But I don't know its name
L311[06:13:18] <Ivorius> Or what its used for
L312[06:13:25] <sham1> MAGIC NUMBERS
L313[06:13:44] <ThePsionic> It's more "I need to change a constant. I go to X class because all my constants are there."
L314[06:13:53] <Ivorius> That's still dumb
L315[06:13:58] <Ivorius> You always need to change constant X
L316[06:14:04] <Ivorius> How do you find it? By its reference
L317[06:14:14] <Ivorius> Because if you need to change it you know where it's used
L318[06:14:22] <Ivorius> ctrl click done
L319[06:14:42] <Ivorius> Or even contextually
L320[06:14:47] <Ivorius> You need to change your mod version
L321[06:14:50] <Ivorius> So you go to your mod class
L322[06:14:52] <Ivorius> And edit VERSION
L323[06:15:05] <ThePsionic> eh
L324[06:15:08] <Ivorius> Reference class - where the fuck was the constant again? Scroll up? Down?
L325[06:15:12] <ThePsionic> /shrug
L326[06:15:30] <Ivorius> Honestly, Reference classes are wrong from a design standpoint
L327[06:15:33] <Commodore64> ok lol, I'll just not make it then since I don't see the need
L328[06:15:34] <Quetzi> you can autocomplete an often used string if its a constant, type it in every time and sods law says you'll typo it someplace and screw something up :p
L329[06:16:34] <Ivorius> That's a magic constant
L330[06:16:38] <Ivorius> Of which we do not speak .-.
L331[06:17:21] <Quetzi> that is exactly what you are talking about... MODID/VERSION etc
L332[06:17:47] ⇦ Quits: kashike (kashike@is.a.miserable.ninja) (Remote host closed the connection)
L333[06:17:50] <Ivorius> wat
L334[06:17:55] <Ivorius> No?
L335[06:18:08] <Ivorius> MOD_ID is not a magic constant, it's a constant
L336[06:18:30] <Ivorius> Magic = a literal that should be named
L337[06:18:31] <Quetzi> so why did you call it that then? :p
L338[06:18:43] <Ivorius> I never mentioned the word magic before you did
L339[06:18:53] <Quetzi> i never used that word
L340[06:19:07] <Ivorius> But you described it
L341[06:19:17] ⇨ Joins: kashike (kashike@is.a.miserable.ninja)
L342[06:19:33] <Quetzi> lol, whatever
L343[06:19:44] <Ivorius> .-.
L344[06:20:37] <ThePsionic> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L345[06:20:52] <sham1> Something something I use magic constants sometimes something
L346[06:20:58] <Ivorius> ¯_(ツ)_/¯ *
L347[06:21:07] <ThePsionic> Ivorius: wat
L348[06:21:12] * Ivorius beheads sham1
L349[06:21:26] * sham1 grows the head back
L350[06:22:00] <ThePsionic> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
L351[06:23:26] <ThePsionic> These are all my feelings: ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ヽ( 。ヮ゚)7 7:^] (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
L352[06:23:39] <ThePsionic> Thanks, HexChat, for auto-replace
L353[06:32:16] <Commodore64> back
L354[06:32:20] <ThePsionic> wb
L355[06:32:26] <Commodore64> Psionic, I have your texture
L356[06:32:27] <Commodore64> https://imgur.com/NAQCVNw
L357[06:32:38] <Commodore64> I think it's like, really good
L358[06:32:40] <ThePsionic> That's fuckin amazing
L359[06:33:02] <Commodore64> ikr, and I only use gimp and a normal mouse
L360[06:33:16] <ThePsionic> mind = blown
L361[06:33:53] <Commodore64> hear hear, commodore64 makes the bestest textures! I make textures for coding help
L362[06:34:35] <ThePsionic> :p
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L364[06:38:36] *** Kolatra is now known as Kolatra[away]
L365[06:39:14] <sham1> I'd ask you to help with textures but with the amount of art you would have to do you might as well be part of my mod ' s Dev people
L366[06:39:41] <Upthorn> what even is ヽ( 。ヮ゚)7 ? Drunk affirmation?
L367[06:40:51] *** Kolatra[away] is now known as Kolatra
L368[06:42:56] <ThePsionic> Upthorn: I have no idea. I have it saved as "limp" between {} in my HexChat autoreplace
L369[06:43:55] <Cypher121> looks like a guy on weed with a gun to me
L370[06:44:31] <heldplayer> Looks like a guy having a whale of a time
L371[06:44:50] <heldplayer> Also might have slightly diluted pupils
L372[06:45:37] <Upthorn> It looks like he's saluting in the "sir, yes, sir" style, but also, uh
L373[06:45:45] <Upthorn> definitely not sober.
L374[06:45:59] <ThePsionic> I really wish I could put :tobdog: in IRC
L375[06:46:05] <ThePsionic> it's like the perfect emoticon
L376[06:46:23] <ThePsionic> for everything
L377[06:46:48] <sham1> kappa is all you need
L378[06:47:12] <ThePsionic> but
L379[06:47:13] <ThePsionic> http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/753/391540-%3Atobdog%3A
L380[06:47:14] <ThePsionic> lookit
L381[06:48:35] <sham1> 9 euros on an emoticon
L382[06:48:38] <sham1> The hell
L383[06:49:01] <Commodore64> https://imgur.com/Ldoxr6W
L384[06:49:07] <Commodore64> there you go!
L385[06:49:10] <Commodore64> cake texture
L386[06:49:31] <Commodore64> I just made that in like 10 mins
L387[06:49:41] <Commodore64> I don't mind being part of a dev team
L388[06:49:43] <ThePsionic> :D
L389[06:49:50] <ThePsionic> Commodore64 best commodore
L390[06:49:56] <ThePsionic> I don't care about the other 63
L391[06:50:06] <Wuppy> o__________0 why would anyone pay 9 euros for a steam emo
L392[06:50:49] <Wuppy> I don't even have half of that in my wallet :c
L393[06:50:49] <Commodore64> anyway I gtg got something to do irl
L394[06:51:10] <Commodore64> spread the word about my amazing textures
L395[06:51:25] <Commodore64> bbl
L396[06:51:29] <Wuppy> o7
L397[06:51:38] ⇦ Quits: Commodore64 (~Julian@46-198-88-172.adsl.cyta.gr) (Quit: Leaving)
L398[06:52:34] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: I have 46 euros atm
L399[06:52:37] <ThePsionic> in Steam
L400[06:53:04] <Wuppy> I was talking about my real life wallet, but I don't have that in my steam wallet either :P
L401[06:53:23] <Wuppy> I dont have 3 or more in either of them
L402[06:54:02] <sham1> I have one cent in steam
L403[06:54:05] <sham1> One
L404[06:54:07] <sham1> Cent
L405[06:54:10] <Wuppy> how did you manage that
L406[06:54:22] <ThePsionic> Now I have 47 euros in Steam
L407[06:54:37] <Wuppy> ThePsionic, where do you get all that money from :o
L408[06:54:43] <ThePsionic> Selling old TF2 crap
L409[06:54:46] <ThePsionic> Never play it anymore
L410[06:54:56] <Wuppy> it's worth that much?
L411[06:54:56] <ThePsionic> Had a ton of strange stuff
L412[06:55:07] <ThePsionic> I had an item worth about € 10
L413[06:55:42] <Wuppy> dayum
L414[06:56:07] <ThePsionic> And when I crafted five Undertale badges I got two tobdogs
L415[06:56:11] <ThePsionic> I kept one, sold the other
L416[06:59:59] <Wuppy> I never played TF2 much tbh
L417[07:00:47] <Cypher121> I played it a lot back when it wasn't F2P
L418[07:01:18] <Cypher121> a shame crates are such worthless pieces of shit that they can't possibly accumulate any price
L419[07:03:02] <Upthorn> Oh wow. I just realized something
L420[07:03:21] <Upthorn> you know how, as far as game prices on steam, 1 USD = 1 EUR?
L421[07:03:34] <Wuppy> yep, I feel screwed over :c
L422[07:03:39] <Upthorn> that undertale emoticon shows up a $9.54
L423[07:03:49] <Upthorn> which means that if an EU user buys it
L424[07:03:55] <Upthorn> both sides are getting screwed
L425[07:04:11] <Upthorn> because the seller gets credited as if it sold for $9.54 USD
L426[07:04:12] <Wuppy> europeans are always getting screwed over by about 10-20% though
L427[07:04:21] <ThePsionic> yep
L428[07:04:24] <Upthorn> if the seller is not in EU
L429[07:04:56] <Wuppy> even if the game developer is from the EU we're almost certainly still getting screwd over
L430[07:04:58] <Upthorn> I guess if an EU user sells a thing for 9.54 EUR, and a US user buys it, they're both getting a deal
L431[07:05:40] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L432[07:05:53] <Cypher121> that's why I keep my russian debit card linked to steam
L433[07:06:14] <Cypher121> prices are ridiculously lower than us/eu
L434[07:06:21] <Wuppy> not bad :o
L435[07:06:31] <Upthorn> your Steam account also has to believe you're in Russia for that to work
L436[07:06:35] <Upthorn> doesn't it?
L437[07:06:40] <Cypher121> not really
L438[07:06:47] <Cypher121> I'm in U.S. now
L439[07:06:48] <Wuppy> oh well, I still have a ton of games in my backlog :P
L440[07:06:53] <Upthorn> Huh.
L441[07:07:07] <Cypher121> and it lets me choose what region I'm buying through
L442[07:07:10] <Wuppy> although I've cleared at least 10 in the last few days :P
L443[07:07:33] * Upthorn has always found market segmentation on digital platforms to be both artificial and skeevy as fuck
L444[07:07:35] <Cypher121> I mean, how much undertale costs for you?
L445[07:07:48] <Upthorn> $9.99
L446[07:07:54] <Upthorn> iirc.
L447[07:07:59] <Wuppy> 9.99 eur
L448[07:08:06] <Cypher121> 10 euro
L449[07:08:07] <ThePsionic> 9.99 € for me yeah
L450[07:08:14] <Wuppy> so $10.65
L451[07:08:20] <Cypher121> about 700 rubles
L452[07:08:25] <Cypher121> 250 anyone?
L453[07:08:39] <Upthorn> Man, I keep forgetting that the EUR tanked
L454[07:08:44] <ThePsionic> mhm
L455[07:08:47] <Upthorn> I'm used to it being $1.40
L456[07:09:00] <Wuppy> 750 rub?
L457[07:09:09] <Vigaro> Undertale is R$19.99 for me
L458[07:09:14] <Upthorn> from when I bought minecraft alpha.
L459[07:09:16] <Wuppy> that's more exensive than in the US
L460[07:09:16] <Vigaro> Which equals to ~$6
L461[07:09:20] <Cypher121> https://www.google.com/search?q=10+euro+in+rub&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
L462[07:09:31] <Cypher121> http://i.imgur.com/CgEqohF.png
L463[07:09:43] ⇨ Joins: SSBlur (SSBlur@host-150-216-104-250.ecu.edu)
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L465[07:09:48] <Cypher121> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L466[07:09:50] <Wuppy> I thought you said 7000
L467[07:09:51] <Vigaro> $5
L468[07:09:52] <Wuppy> 700*
L469[07:10:02] * Wuppy moves to russia for cheap games
L470[07:10:24] <Cypher121> not everything is cheaper though
L471[07:10:31] <Upthorn> Vigaro: I have no idea what currency R$ is
L472[07:10:35] <Cypher121> some games choose to keep US prices
L473[07:10:54] <Vigaro> Upthorn: Brazilian Reals
L474[07:11:01] <Upthorn> Ah.
L475[07:11:03] <Cypher121> *cough* Elite: Dangerous *cough*
L476[07:11:32] <Upthorn> There was a moment where I was interested in Elite: Dangerous
L477[07:11:49] <Wuppy> question, do any of you know games with gameplay and/or setting like Assasins creed IV: Black Flag?
L478[07:11:53] <Upthorn> then I checked out some gameplay videos and realized there's nowhere near the depth I was looking for.
L479[07:11:55] <Wuppy> I want more of those games
L480[07:12:41] <SSBlur> Like, pirate games in general, or specifically like that game, or just optional-stealthy games or what?
L481[07:12:50] <Wuppy> mostly the piraty part
L482[07:12:52] <Cypher121> also marketplace is apparently shared, so that emoticon costs about 3 times as much as Undertale itself. lel
L483[07:13:31] <Wuppy> pirate games, games set in the same location/time, that sort of thing
L484[07:13:41] <Vigaro> Cypher121: I buy every cheap game I find just for the cards
L485[07:13:42] <SSBlur> Ah, okay.
L486[07:13:51] <Cypher121> yeah, I do too
L487[07:13:51] <Vigaro> I then sell them for a price higher than that of the game
L488[07:14:07] <Cypher121> difference is I never end up playing them and earning cards
L489[07:14:44] <Wuppy> Assassins creed Rogue is quite similar, but that's about all I can find
L490[07:14:48] <Vigaro> I've got 200~250 cards on market right now, bots ftw
L491[07:15:02] <Wuppy> there seems to be a huge lack of pirate/caribbean themed games at the moment
L492[07:15:44] <SSBlur> @Wuppy Yeah, the PotC MMO is being rekindled at the moment, and shortly will run free, does that qualify?
L493[07:15:54] <Wuppy> PotC?
L494[07:16:04] <Wuppy> I'm not a big fan of MMOs though :(
L495[07:16:06] <SSBlur> @Wuppy Pirates of the Carribean, sorry.
L496[07:16:10] <SSBlur> Ah, okay.
L497[07:16:21] <SSBlur> Nor I, just suggesting things I guess.
L498[07:16:34] <SSBlur> In terms of Indie Games, there are a few.
L499[07:16:37] <Wuppy> yeah, thanks for that :)
L500[07:16:39] <Cypher121> I guess people got tired of pirates
L501[07:16:41] <SSBlur> Like Pixel Pirates.
L502[07:16:55] <SSBlur> But they are mostly roguelikes and kinda eh.
L503[07:17:17] <Wuppy> roguelikes can be cool
L504[07:17:31] <Wuppy> Cypher121, lets hope people want those games to come back again :P
L505[07:19:00] <SSBlur> Sid Meier's Pirates! is kinda dated and you don't really see pirates, but it is pretty fun IMO.
L506[07:19:19] <Wuppy> oh yeah, I have that game, I'll downlload it :D\
L507[07:19:40] <SSBlur> And, as an added bonus, pretty much every time you see the word pirates in the game, there is a free "!"
L508[07:19:46] <Wuppy> wait, I thought I had that game...
L509[07:21:11] <Wuppy> guess I'll have to make a pirate game myself then :P
L510[07:21:30] <SSBlur> *WARNING* Pirate Mods Inbound
L511[07:21:47] <SSBlur> I might make a piratey box or something/
L512[07:22:52] <Wuppy> SSBlur, I dont make mods anymore, I make full games now :)
L513[07:22:58] <SSBlur> Awesome!
L514[07:23:07] <SSBlur> I was kinda talking about myself tho.
L515[07:23:20] <Wuppy> oh a pirate mod would be amazing
L516[07:23:24] <Wuppy> please do :D
L517[07:23:31] <SSBlur> Joking about piratey boxes
L518[07:23:45] <SSBlur> But might make other piratey things in their own mods or something.
L519[07:23:55] <Wuppy> someone should make pirate ships and stuff in MC
L520[07:24:21] <SSBlur> In other moddy news, I seem to have broken something.
L521[07:24:48] <SSBlur> Crane angles seem to be mussed up a bit.
L522[07:24:59] <bspkrs> yar, I support yon idea, wuppy
L523[07:25:36] <SSBlur> atan2 specifically calculates angles of points from origin on a 2d plane, correct? No additional math as in atan?
L524[07:27:51] <SSBlur> For some reason, Math.atan2((xCoord-x1),(zCoord-z1)) seems to break in the 3rd 2d quadrant, top-down.
L525[07:28:20] <Wuppy> for the next few months we're probably making a metal slug inspired game with robots :D
L526[07:28:35] <Wuppy> also with Isaac Newton and Nicola Tesla
L527[07:28:42] <SSBlur> @Wuppy, Nice! Sounds awesome.
L528[07:28:54] <Wuppy> we already have a demo, want to try?
L529[07:29:00] <SSBlur> @Wuppy Wait, Isaac Newton AND Nicola Tesla?
L530[07:29:14] <Wuppy> eventually, yeah
L531[07:29:30] <SSBlur> @Wuppy I think it would be an affront to art for me to turn down such an offer.
L532[07:29:38] <Wuppy> the demo we have right now is a very basic thing made in a 4 day gamejam with me as the only programmer
L533[07:29:44] <Wuppy> affront to art?
L534[07:30:08] <SSBlur> A Joke, I am saying I would be crazy to refuse
L535[07:30:32] <SSBlur> In a way that suggests a more serious implication to refusal
L536[07:30:33] <Wuppy> ah yeah, I misread the rest of the sentence :P
L537[07:30:36] <Wuppy> here it is: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59067404/Downloads/Epic%20Megajam%20October%202015/BattleMetal.zip
L538[07:30:49] <SSBlur> Thank You!
L539[07:31:28] <Wuppy> gameplay is far from great yet, but it works (my job \o/) and the art is awesome
L540[07:31:53] <SSBlur> Did you, bychance, exceed your Dropbox traffic limit?
L541[07:31:59] <SSBlur> NVM
L542[07:32:06] <Wuppy> really want to work with the _one_ guy who made the character, enemy and environment art in 4 days
L543[07:32:09] <Wuppy> there's a limit?
L544[07:32:09] <SSBlur> It just took a bit, sorry.
L545[07:32:17] <SSBlur> And, yeah there is a limit.
L546[07:32:34] <Wuppy> honestly, if I would have hit the limit, I'd be happy
L547[07:32:35] <SSBlur> Once you get too many downloads, Dropbox stops letting people download.
L548[07:32:52] <Wuppy> because that probably meansa ton of people are looking at my website/portfolio
L549[07:33:28] <SSBlur> If you don't mind my asking, which language is the engine based in?
L550[07:33:36] <Wuppy> it's done in Unreal, which is C++
L551[07:33:40] <SSBlur> Oh, cool
L552[07:33:51] <Wuppy> although it's almost entirely done in the visual blueprinting system
L553[07:34:01] <SSBlur> Not asking for future mods reasons at all. >.> <.<
L554[07:34:39] <Wuppy> making stuff in Unreal is great if you can get past the crashing, lack of documentation and tutorials
L555[07:34:58] <SSBlur> Oh, is it 2d? It looks cool, but I didn't expect
L556[07:35:06] <SSBlur> *didn't expect 'w' to jump
L557[07:35:17] <Wuppy> well, it's 3d art but only side scrolling, yeah
L558[07:36:26] <SSBlur> Ah, awesome. It seems cool, but will the player's speed be ramped up in a future version? It seems a bit slow, IDK if its just me.
L559[07:36:41] <Wuppy> hmm not sure, I'm not a designer :P
L560[07:36:52] <Wuppy> but the gameplay is a bit slow now, yeah
L561[07:37:53] <SSBlur> But the idea and the base mechanics seem cool at the moment! I look forward to future releases!
L562[07:38:03] <Wuppy> agreed, so am I
L563[07:38:21] <Wuppy> we've got a huge amount of cool ideas as well
L564[07:38:33] ⇨ Joins: HassanS6000 (~Hassan@pool-173-79-220-242.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
L565[07:39:08] <Wuppy> many different enemies, turrets, terrain interaction, different attacks for each mech
L566[07:39:10] <Wuppy> etc.
L567[07:40:26] ⇦ Quits: Szernex (~Szernex@213-240-90-216.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L568[07:40:36] <SSBlur> Cool. Side note, it only reads one input at a time, every time I jump or shoot I grind to a halt otherwise.
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L570[07:40:57] <Wuppy> hmm okay, I'll keep that in mind
L571[07:41:10] <Wuppy> if we're allowed to work on it again, we'll have to remake it though
L572[07:41:18] <Wuppy> so I'll make sure that's fixed :D
L573[07:41:20] <SSBlur> mmm
L574[07:41:25] <SSBlur> Awesome!
L575[07:41:46] <SSBlur> I tried making a game once, but then school happened
L576[07:42:00] <Wuppy> hehe, that's exactly all I do at my school
L577[07:42:05] <SSBlur> And I forgot to back it up before reinstalling windows :|
L578[07:42:05] <Wuppy> we only have to find some artists...
L579[07:42:41] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/eaDoJrM.png
L580[07:42:45] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: rip ^
L581[07:42:59] <SSBlur> Oh dear, my computer's battery may not last longer, if I randomly disconnect please do not take to offense.
L582[07:43:33] <Wuppy> we have a tech lead/gameplay programmer, ai programmer \o/, 2 designers and a producer :D
L583[07:43:43] <ThePsionic> and then there's you
L584[07:43:43] <ThePsionic> :3c
L585[07:43:46] <Wuppy> now for 2 environment/3d artists and a character artist
L586[07:44:54] <Wuppy> ThePsionic, http://puu.sh/loM2D/3d7c703efc.jpg
L587[07:45:21] <ThePsionic> lmao
L588[07:45:42] <SSBlur> What did I just look at
L589[07:45:57] <Wuppy> dutch joke
L590[07:46:55] <SSBlur> Ah
L591[07:47:23] <Wuppy> also a childrens rhyme messed up with swear words :P
L592[07:47:32] <SSBlur> Google autodetected language right for once
L593[07:47:44] <SSBlur> guessing the odd one out here is a swear
L594[07:47:47] <SSBlur> the sun is shining, the sky is blue optyfen soon
L595[07:47:56] <SSBlur> Was Google's guess
L596[07:48:14] <Wuppy> hehe that's close enough, optyfen can be translated as fuck off
L597[07:48:18] <Wuppy> although it looses the joke
L598[07:48:36] <SSBlur> Heh
L599[07:48:55] <SSBlur> I think I get the gist of the idea
L600[07:49:13] <SSBlur> Though grasping is lack in language
L601[07:49:19] <SSBlur> Wow I need to work on phrasing
L602[07:49:28] <SSBlur> Though I don't quite grasp the language
L603[07:49:39] <Wuppy> dutch is a crappy language :<
L604[07:49:46] <SSBlur> bleh that's still bad
L605[07:50:02] <SSBlur> I can't English today, apparently
L606[07:52:21] <SSBlur> Also, correct me if I am wrong, in Java, Math.atan2(x,y) is specifically there to calculate the angle between the line through x,y and the origin and the x-axis, correct?
L607[07:54:50] <SSBlur> Ah, I see the issue, it does not automatically correct itself whenever the angle would be negative.
L608[07:55:04] <SSBlur> Time for custom tests.
L609[08:02:04] *** Gaz is now known as Gaz|Away
L610[08:03:03] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/fBSVUnS.png look at this beautiful snowman piece
L611[08:03:40] * heldplayer cries at the darkness
L612[08:05:27] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/VEmDlJJ.png look at this beautiful snowman piece in daytime
L613[08:06:55] <sham1> heldplayer, why u cry
L614[08:07:20] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L615[08:07:47] <heldplayer> Because you can't see anything from the texture in your hand when it's dark like that
L616[08:08:12] <ThePsionic> heldplayer: I literally made a shitty circle in paint.net by hand and called it a day
L617[08:09:06] ⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-46-59-33-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L623[08:23:10] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L624[08:23:25] <sham1> Anyway
L625[08:23:47] <sham1> I am gonna try ReactOS on a virtual machine
L626[08:24:20] <gigaherz> heh
L627[08:24:47] <sham1> And you can run Steam in it
L628[08:25:14] <gigaherz> don't expect much, we haven't really implemented directX yet ;P
L629[08:25:33] ⇦ Parts: sham1 (~sham1@weneg.de) (Leaving))
L630[08:25:39] <ThePsionic> i just made an ice cream which looks more like a hotdog on a stick than anything
L631[08:25:43] ⇨ Joins: sham1 (~sham1@weneg.de)
L632[08:25:45] <sham1> Wait
L633[08:25:48] <sham1> "we"
L634[08:25:49] <sham1> Wat
L635[08:26:03] <gigaherz> I'm part of the ros team ;P
L636[08:26:09] <sham1> NICE
L637[08:27:01] <sham1> Well I do not expect too much
L638[08:27:22] <sham1> But You'd think that assuming you can install video drivers you could use OpenGL or something awesome
L639[08:27:40] <gigaherz> it's hard to find programmers experienced in the NT architecture, that have free time, and are not undet NDA
L640[08:28:02] <sham1> NDA?
L641[08:28:08] <gigaherz> non-disclosure agreements
L642[08:28:17] <sham1> I see
L643[08:28:30] ⇦ Quits: masa (~masa@86-60-221-191-dyn-dsl.ssp.fi) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L644[08:28:36] <sham1> Being so familiar with NT architecture and non-disclosure really go hand in hand
L645[08:28:41] *** CrystalMare is now known as Crystal|AFK
L646[08:29:22] <sham1> Anyway
L647[08:29:24] <ThePsionic> Yay
L648[08:29:39] <sham1> My respect level just overflowed the counter Gigaherz
L649[08:29:43] <sham1> That is so cool
L650[08:29:49] <ThePsionic> I made a bisicle which changes into a unisicle when eaten
L651[08:30:05] <sham1> how the hell do you eat a bycicle
L652[08:30:10] <ThePsionic> no
L653[08:30:14] <ThePsionic> not bicycle
L654[08:30:22] <ThePsionic> bisicle
L655[08:30:39] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/RzJTKII.png
L656[08:30:40] <sham1> What is that
L657[08:30:48] <sham1> Oh
L658[08:30:51] <ThePsionic> (puns included with no extra payments needed)
L659[08:30:54] <sham1> Two ice creams
L660[08:30:57] <ThePsionic> yes
L661[08:31:07] <ThePsionic> but the pun makes it worth it
L662[08:32:31] ⇦ Quits: simon816 (~simon816@aeons.co) (Quit: Bye for now)
L663[08:32:37] <sham1> I at least think that WINE can run at least DX8 so that will be already a nice achievement
L664[08:35:00] <gigaherz> we do have wined3d in there
L665[08:35:10] <sham1> That's good
L666[08:35:17] <gigaherz> so things that call directdraw or simple d3d8 can sometimes work
L667[08:35:34] <gigaherz> but it's far from perfect, and it doesn't really do any dx9+
L668[08:35:37] <sham1> I realize that it is a lot of work that has gone into that
L669[08:35:43] <sham1> Well
L670[08:35:50] <sham1> As far as Source stuff is concerned
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L687[09:08:46] <Commodore64> hello
L688[09:09:19] ⇦ Quits: Cypher121 (~Thunderbi@c-73-158-248-128.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Cypher121)
L689[09:09:30] <Commodore64> anyone?
L690[09:09:48] <Lumien> ?
L691[09:10:06] <Commodore64> just making sure I'm not alone lol
L692[09:10:16] <sham1> :D
L693[09:12:09] <sham1> If you just talk
L694[09:12:57] <Commodore64> aanyway I'm looking at a tutorial about proxies atm
L695[09:13:06] <sham1> They are fun
L696[09:14:39] ⇦ Quits: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-106-31.buckeyecom.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L700[09:22:37] <Cazzar> http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Proxies
L701[09:24:01] <Commodore64> it says it's for 1.6.4
L702[09:24:10] <Commodore64> I'll have a look anyway
L703[09:24:38] <sham1> Well proxies have not changed that much
L704[09:25:01] ⇦ Quits: Mraof (~mraof@pool-74-110-222-32.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L706[09:25:39] <Commodore64> ok
L707[09:25:54] ⇦ Quits: romibi (~quassel@cable-static-7-174.rsnweb.ch) (Remote host closed the connection)
L708[09:25:54] <Cazzar> I wouldn't link something irrelevant.
L709[09:26:12] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L710[09:26:45] ⇦ Quits: ThePsionic (~ThePsioni@ (Quit: Leaving)
L711[09:27:53] <sham1> Sure you wouldnt
L712[09:28:13] ⇦ Quits: Mraof (~mraof@pool-74-110-222-32.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Client Quit)
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L718[09:42:59] <Commodore64> @NetworkMod is this a 1.6.4 feature
L719[09:43:06] <sham1> ye
L720[09:43:09] <Commodore64> ok
L721[09:43:31] <Commodore64> lol that's what I get from looking at outdated tutorials
L722[09:44:05] <Commodore64> though, never fear, forge irc is here!
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L727[09:54:51] <Commodore64> anyway to rename files inside of eclipse? it doesn't show up on the simple right click context menu
L728[09:55:53] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L729[09:56:34] <Commodore64> or do I have to do it in my file manager?
L730[09:56:44] <sham1> you can rename
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L732[09:57:30] *** K-4U|College is now known as K-4U
L733[09:57:40] <Commodore64> how though? there's no rename option on the right click menu
L734[09:57:53] <Wuppy> Alt Shift R IIRC
L735[09:57:59] <sham1> hold on
L736[09:58:04] <sham1> I will launch eclipse...
L737[09:58:14] <Wuppy> oh files, select the file, F2
L738[09:58:29] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L739[09:58:57] <Commodore64> ah I found it under "Refractor" menu
L740[09:59:03] <Wuppy> or that, yeah
L741[09:59:03] <sham1> yeah
L742[09:59:09] <Commodore64> yes, it says Alt Shift R
L743[09:59:11] <Commodore64> thx
L744[09:59:32] ⇦ Parts: Tombendaweesleep (~Tombenpot@candicejoy.com) ())
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L750[10:07:10] <Techcable> why was I banned?
L751[10:07:21] <Wuppy> did you ping Lex?
L752[10:07:29] <Wuppy> did you ask for an ETA?
L753[10:07:32] <Techcable> um, nope.
L754[10:07:48] <Techcable> I haven't done anything in this channel in a while
L755[10:07:55] <Wuppy> Official API, 'MC would be better in {insert language here}'?
L756[10:08:15] <Techcable> Are you banned if you change your name to an unregistered account?
L757[10:08:26] <Wuppy> you have to have a registered account
L758[10:08:34] <Wuppy> and your account gets unregistered after 30 days of inactivity
L759[10:08:45] <Techcable> I know ;)
L760[10:08:53] <Techcable> My account is registered
L761[10:09:04] <Upthorn> oh, but Techcable|sleep isn't
L762[10:09:04] <Wuppy> well I dont know anymore then
L763[10:09:07] <Techcable> But if i change my nick to one that is not registered, do you get banned?
L764[10:09:16] <Wuppy> no clue tbh
L765[10:09:34] <Techcable> Upthorn: /ns INFO Techcable
L766[10:09:39] <Techcable> I grouped it
L767[10:09:47] <Techcable> But I grouped it after I changed my nick
L768[10:10:01] <Techcable> So would I get banned immediately after I changed my nick?
L769[10:10:09] <Wuppy> try :P
L770[10:10:14] *** Techcable is now known as Super
L771[10:10:16] <Upthorn> I don't see you as having been banned at any point, though
L772[10:10:16] <Super> test
L773[10:10:36] <Super> Upthorn: It may have been registered internally in the server
L774[10:10:43] <Super> An 'effective' ban
L775[10:10:52] <Super> And i'm not being 'effectively' banned
L776[10:11:00] <Upthorn> Occasionally when I'm on an unregistered nick, and try to nick back (in order to rejoin #minecraftforge) I get a message about not being able to change my nick while banned
L777[10:11:15] <Super> Upthorn: Thats what happened to me :o
L778[10:11:25] <Super> How about we say gremlins did it
L779[10:11:33] <Super> And stop asking questions
L780[10:11:41] <Super> When you ask questions, things break
L781[10:11:44] *** Super is now known as Techcable
L782[10:12:56] <Upthorn> And the channel it tells me I'm banned in (which is usually #mystcraft) doesn't seem to have any special modes at all set regarding registered users
L783[10:13:39] <Commodore64> ok I setup the basic proxy files :D
L784[10:13:52] <Commodore64> now Ima learn to make a gui
L785[10:15:05] ⇦ Quits: Eredian (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L786[10:16:21] <Techcable> Upthorn: Don't ask questions
L787[10:16:30] <Techcable> stuff breaks when you ask questions
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L798[10:45:55] <Curle> kayden
L799[10:46:04] <Wuppy> o/
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L802[10:47:19] <Curle> Wuppy
L803[10:47:23] ⇨ Joins: mind (~mind@p4fe7d829.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L804[10:47:27] <Curle> You're like always on when I first join
L805[10:47:28] <Curle> xd
L806[10:47:40] <Curle> Oh yea, I think I've done the Wuppy-on-a-stick :D
L807[10:47:56] ⇨ Joins: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DE7866C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L808[10:48:02] <Wuppy> I'm on here quite a lot around this time :D
L809[10:48:13] <Curle> Except when you aren't :P
L810[10:48:38] <Wuppy> when I'm going out or cooking/eating I'm not but otherwise
L811[10:48:50] <Curle> ye
L812[10:49:02] ⇨ Joins: CovertJaguar (Railcraft@
L813[10:49:03] MineBot sets mode: +v on CovertJaguar
L814[10:49:13] <Curle> Hmm
L815[10:49:19] <Curle> Has anyone here played The Room?
L816[10:49:27] <Wuppy> nop
L817[10:49:40] <Curle> I have a music box here that sounds like the music from that (Generally creepy)
L818[10:49:48] <dangranos> huh
L819[10:49:49] <Wuppy> I just stared Medal of Honor, quite awesome :D
L820[10:49:49] <Curle> The song's called "Love Story", if you're wondering
L821[10:49:57] <dangranos> "As of the epilogue, Project Horizons' has an estimated word count of 1.8 million words, having surpassed that of Fallout: Equestria almost three times over, In other words, it's longer than Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia combined."
L822[10:50:00] <dangranos> that's a fanfic
L823[10:50:10] <dangranos> MLP/fallout crossover
L824[10:50:29] <Curle> That guy has too much free time
L825[10:50:39] <Wuppy> dangranos, what is that from?
L826[10:50:45] <Curle> And too strange of an imagination to keep that going for 1.8 million words
L827[10:50:47] <dangranos> tvtropes
L828[10:50:53] <dangranos> the "" text
L829[10:50:56] ⇦ Quits: kroeser (~kroeser@2001:4801:7817:72:6f7c:4c10:ff10:1b85) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L830[10:50:57] <Wuppy> I mean, what's that segment about?
L831[10:51:02] <dangranos> a fanfic
L832[10:51:21] <dangranos> http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/FalloutEquestriaProjectHorizons
L833[10:51:22] <Wuppy> it's a book or a game?
L834[10:51:28] <dangranos> book ._.
L835[10:51:35] <Curle> My longest story has only like 1.7k words
L836[10:51:35] <Curle> :P
L837[10:51:43] <dangranos> it's piece of fan literature
L838[10:51:50] <Wuppy> n'awww I'm not a big fan of books
L839[10:52:06] <dangranos> actually a fanfic on another fanfic that is a crossover of MLP (ponies) and Fallout
L840[10:52:29] <Wuppy> almost half a million words for The Witcher 3 as well :o
L841[10:52:43] <dangranos> should read wither series too...
L842[10:52:44] <dangranos> somewhen
L843[10:52:47] <dangranos> and i russian
L844[10:52:49] <dangranos> *in
L845[10:52:56] <Wuppy> I cannot russian
L846[10:53:21] <dangranos> well, it's my native language and lately i have been thinking in english..
L847[10:53:29] <dangranos> so i need some russian to water it down
L848[10:53:49] <Wuppy> I'm dutch and I think I've been thinking in English for ages
L849[10:54:12] <Wuppy> 6 years or so at least
L850[10:54:19] *** fry|sleep is now known as fry
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L852[10:56:18] <Curle> RIP Wuppy
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L857[11:02:52] <SSBlur> You guys figure its worth throwing messy, smaller scripts' and mods' code up on github?
L858[11:03:06] <SSBlur> For the sake of future reverse-engineering or w/e?
L859[11:03:14] <fry> gist.github.com
L860[11:04:07] <SSBlur> Not quite that small, but I will take that as a yes.
L861[11:06:28] <gigaherz> yes.
L862[11:06:42] <Curle> Always
L863[11:06:49] <Curle> It even helps more experienced modders
L864[11:06:55] <Curle> Especially me :P
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L869[11:12:55] <Curle> The only problem is finding the buggers
L870[11:12:57] <Curle> :P
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L874[11:17:57] <SSBlur> Just thought of another benefit: there is a chance that people can catch minor bugs or calculative errors before they or rolled out into official builds.
L875[11:18:31] <SSBlur> That is the reason I am always so hesitant to push updates, and I still end up leaving some in.
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L878[11:23:24] <Curle> You just reminded me, I haven't pushed for like 3k lines now
L879[11:23:25] <Curle> xD
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L899[11:53:48] <Commodore64> a quick question: is this tutorial on tile entities still applicable?
L900[11:53:56] <Commodore64> http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Tile_Entities
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L903[11:56:58] <mort_> Commodore64: can't vouch for the networking part, but the rest is accurate
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L905[12:00:58] *** Morphan1 is now known as MorphFK
L906[12:02:51] <gigaherz> you don't actually have to extend from BlockContainer
L907[12:02:54] <gigaherz> I never do.
L908[12:06:17] <hipsterpig> well it helps
L909[12:06:30] <hipsterpig> ish
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L913[12:09:12] <gigaherz> hipsterpig: not really, the normal block has the breakBlock bit already, so the only difference is onBlockEventReceived, which I never used ;P
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L915[12:10:17] <gigaherz> alo BlockContainer has getRenderType defaulting to -1, so it's designed for TESR usage
L916[12:10:18] <gigaherz> XD
L917[12:10:20] <gigaherz> also*
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L924[12:13:48] <SSBlur> Hey, Wuppy, you still on?
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L926[12:14:17] <SSBlur> The problems I experienced in your game were not actually present, it was just poor performance on the part of my laptop
L927[12:14:21] <SSBlur> Sorry ):
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L930[12:23:35] <Curle> Game?
L931[12:23:51] <Curle> I've just managed to make a bow work, but it won't change texture
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L935[12:28:20] <gigaherz> Curle: yeah Wuppy is coding a game
L936[12:29:31] <alex_6611> and not one :P
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L940[12:33:44] <Curle> wat
L941[12:33:52] <Curle> kden
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L958[13:01:01] <ThePsionic> I call this one, "Cinnamon Bunny"
L959[13:01:02] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/BGKEi9l.png
L960[13:02:17] <alex_6611> yay
L961[13:02:25] <alex_6611> so cute :3
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L967[13:06:43] <Curle> A cinnamon twist with a twist!
L968[13:06:50] <Curle> Oh, close enough. :P
L969[13:07:01] <gigaherz> Disgaea 1 is coming to Steam :D
L970[13:07:08] <gigaherz> "Disgaea PC"
L971[13:07:15] <MoxieGrrl> Yep, February.
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L973[13:08:23] <Curle> Here's one for you, psionic
L974[13:08:23] <Curle> http://i.imgur.com/ID4ReXE.png
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L986[13:30:08] <iceman11a> Does any one know how to read these kind of crash reports http://pastebin.com/iwy5ny4h
L987[13:30:12] *** Crystal|AFK is now known as CrystalMare
L988[13:30:52] <gigaherz> your opengl crashed
L989[13:31:15] <gigaherz> well
L990[13:31:20] <gigaherz> lwjgl
L991[13:31:25] <gigaherz> tried to call something
L992[13:31:35] <gigaherz> whatever "ltc_game64-103398.dll"
L993[13:31:57] <gigaherz> ltc_game64-103398.dll (Raptr In-Game Overlay by Raptr)
L994[13:32:04] <gigaherz> this overlay thing
L995[13:32:07] <gigaherz> tried to do something bad
L996[13:32:22] <gigaherz> made ntdll crash
L997[13:32:27] <gigaherz> so whatever this Raptr thing
L998[13:32:30] <gigaherz> it's misbehaving ;P
L999[13:32:33] <Curle> If you get an error with ACCESS_VIOLATION, just reload, as it means your jvm from the last game didn't shut down, so it can't access some core java files
L1000[13:32:42] <iceman11a> It's just like steam. Is.
L1001[13:32:42] <gigaherz> Curle: nah look down
L1002[13:32:57] <Curle> Raptr I believe is the recording software that comes with AMD graphics
L1003[13:33:00] <gigaherz> iceman11a: well feel free to try again
L1004[13:33:10] <gigaherz> but the crash happened in there ;P
L1005[13:33:15] <gigaherz> that's all I can tell you
L1006[13:33:17] <gigaherz> the WHY, no idea.
L1007[13:33:32] <Curle> http://i.imgur.com/GFgJaHi.png
L1008[13:33:47] <Curle> I keep getting this on my git project when I copy the files over
L1009[13:34:13] <Curle> Before the package declaration, it says it needs com.google.something
L1010[13:34:17] <Curle> On every class I open
L1011[13:34:35] <Curle> And some say the type is already defined
L1012[13:34:38] <Curle> I blame Obama
L1013[13:34:49] <Curle> This is why I don't like using the eGit thing
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L1015[13:35:08] <Curle> Any way to solve it?
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L1020[13:37:34] <Curle> Different projects, so this shouldn't be happening
L1021[13:41:08] <Curle> Nothing?
L1022[13:42:25] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> Curle that means the class you are using isn't on your classpath
L1023[13:44:46] <Curle> Well, I managed to fix most of the "class defined" errors by deleting the source folders and copying them back, but it still errors on the p in package with "The type com.google.common.collect.Multimap cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files"
L1024[13:44:58] <Curle> No idea where that is.
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L1027[13:45:20] <Curle> I tried adding everything in my java stuff to the build path, and the entirety of the .gradle cache
L1028[13:45:22] <Curle> Nothing
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L1030[13:46:24] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> re run gradle eclipse
L1031[13:48:14] <Curle> It just zoomed through and skipped everything
L1032[13:49:14] <Upthorn> this is one of those things where I suspect deleting your whole forge dev environment and redownloading will be faster and easier
L1033[13:49:22] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> refresh the project
L1034[13:49:24] <Upthorn> though is likely not strictly necessary.
L1035[13:49:33] <Curle> Refresh?
L1036[13:49:47] <Curle> F5 refresh or am I a dumb?
L1037[13:50:57] <Upthorn> I haven't worked with forge development in a long while, but I'm guessing there's a refresh command in the gradle scripts somewhere.
L1038[13:51:35] <gigaherz> gradle doesn't really care about that
L1039[13:51:39] <Curle> gradlew refresh - FAILED
L1040[13:51:44] <gigaherz> nah
L1041[13:52:02] <gigaherz> try deleting the eclipse folders and rerunning gradlew eclipse?
L1042[13:52:04] <Curle> It's a command but it dunt work
L1043[13:52:07] <Curle> Erm
L1044[13:52:09] <Curle> Okay?
L1045[13:52:13] <gigaherz> not the PROGRAM folder
L1046[13:52:21] <gigaherz> the one in your mod environment
L1047[13:52:21] <gigaherz> XD
L1048[13:52:28] <Curle> I knoe
L1049[13:52:28] <Upthorn> just the project folders, yeah
L1050[13:52:34] <Curle> workspace/eclipse
L1051[13:52:38] <Curle> The workspace for eclipse
L1052[13:53:42] <gigaherz> worst case you can delete everything BUT src/ and build.gradle
L1053[13:53:54] <gigaherz> unpack the rest of the files from the latest src/mdk zip
L1054[13:54:06] <gigaherz> wipe the gradle cache
L1055[13:54:08] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> ...
L1056[13:54:16] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> right click the project in eclipse
L1057[13:54:17] <gigaherz> and rerun setupDecompWorkspace + eclipse
L1058[13:54:20] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> Hit refresh
L1059[13:54:28] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> Don't clean cache that's a waste of time
L1060[13:54:38] <gigaherz> worst case, though ;P
L1061[13:54:46] <gigaherz> it shouldn't normally be needed
L1062[13:54:54] <gigaherz> specially when your issue appears to be in eclipse.
L1063[13:55:06] <gigaherz> ugh car alarm went off
L1064[13:55:29] <gigaherz> I can't hear my thoughts
L1065[13:56:15] <gigaherz> oh no wonder, itwas TWO separate cars at the same time
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L1068[13:57:38] <Curle> Jezza got strangled?
L1069[13:57:40] <Curle> kayden
L1070[13:57:51] <Jezza> Yeah, I is ded.
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L1072[13:58:15] <Curle> Again, removed the workspace folder, and did gradlew eclipse, zipped through skipping everything and the folder isn't there any more
L1073[14:00:22] <gigaherz> only workspace, not the actual project?
L1074[14:00:35] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> removed the workspace folder??
L1075[14:00:47] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> what does that have to do with anything
L1076[14:00:58] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> I said, run gradle eclipse in your project then refresh the project in eclipse
L1077[14:01:00] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> have you done that yet?
L1078[14:01:01] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
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L1084[14:13:09] <Curle> yes
L1085[14:13:20] ⇦ Quits: RyanKnack (RyanKnack@anarchy.esper.net) (Killed (Eclipse (HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, NERD)))
L1086[14:13:23] <Curle> <gigaherz> try deleting the eclipse folders and rerunning gradlew eclipse?
L1087[14:13:29] ⇨ Joins: RyanKnack (RyanKnack@anarchy.esper.net)
L1088[14:13:39] <Curle> The eclipse folder that eclipse is using as the workspace
L1089[14:13:55] <Curle> in the root where build.gradle is
L1090[14:14:20] <Curle> "zipped through skipping everything and the folder still isn't there"
L1091[14:15:03] ⇦ Quits: RyanKnack (RyanKnack@anarchy.esper.net) (Killed (Zarthus (ALL YOUR CHEESECAKE ARE BELONG TO US. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVEN IF IT'S NOT YOUR BIRTHDAY ANYMORE.)))
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L1093[14:17:14] ⇨ Joins: MageProtocol (~MageProto@cpc65666-newt34-2-0-cust75.19-3.cable.virginm.net)
L1094[14:17:17] <MageProtocol> Hello everyone, I am working on a project and have suddenly got this error, could anyone please help me track down my issue: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/b21e704da800014ee60d
L1095[14:17:47] <tterrag> Curle: the workspace folder is completely irrelevant
L1096[14:17:49] <tterrag> it can be anywhere
L1097[14:18:17] <tterrag> MageProtocol: your Gui/Container is busted
L1098[14:19:44] <Curle> gradlew eclipse creates the folder called "eclipse" in the location of the batch, which you use to point Eclipse to as a workspace location
L1099[14:20:12] <Curle> Delete the folder and rerun the "gradlew eclipse" on the batch, was giga's instruction
L1100[14:20:31] <MageProtocol> It was all working fine before I added slots to my inventory, I will try to see if I can comment them out
L1101[14:20:34] <mort_> MageProtocol: it may seem like you're trying to access an inventory slot which doesn't exist
L1102[14:20:57] <Curle> I did that, and the batch put a yellow "SKIPPED" next to all of the commands(?) and said "BUILD COMPLETED"
L1103[14:21:09] <Curle> The eclipse folder is not there
L1104[14:21:17] <Curle> (The one it's supposed to generate)
L1105[14:22:04] <tterrag> I don't have an eclipse folder in any of my projects...
L1106[14:22:28] <tterrag> gradle eclipse generates a .project
L1107[14:22:42] <tterrag> which is for an eclipse *project*
L1108[14:22:44] <tterrag> not workspace...
L1109[14:23:30] <Curle> I would screenshot it, but IT'S NOT THERE :P
L1110[14:23:35] <Curle> It contains the game files
L1111[14:23:54] <Curle> saves, assets, etc.
L1112[14:23:58] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@d8D872E30.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L1113[14:24:04] <diesieben07> MageProtocol, need to see your code. Block, IGuiHandler, Container, GuiScreen
L1114[14:24:38] <diesieben07> Curle, show your build.gradle please.
L1115[14:24:45] <MageProtocol> It isn't a block, it is for an item
L1116[14:24:51] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L1117[14:24:54] <diesieben07> s/Block/Item then
L1118[14:25:01] <Curle> The contents?
L1119[14:25:05] <diesieben07> yes
L1120[14:25:33] <Curle> https://gist.github.com/343Modding/efbd95240342b2f615b6
L1121[14:25:38] <MageProtocol> It breaks when I add these lines into my Container: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/dd703b199b3d5cd6dfbc
L1122[14:25:40] <Curle> I haven't touched it
L1123[14:26:16] <Curle> "I said, run gradle eclipse in your project then refresh the project in eclipse"
L1124[14:26:22] <diesieben07> Curle, actually, it not generating the eclipse folder is fine.
L1125[14:26:39] <diesieben07> the eclipse *workspace* is never generated by gradle
L1126[14:26:40] <Curle> The project "Minecraft" does not exist anymore
L1127[14:26:47] <tterrag> again, I have no eclipse folder in any of my projects
L1128[14:26:51] <diesieben07> if you deleted it you need to import it again
L1129[14:26:52] <tterrag> you should not have a minecraft project
L1130[14:27:08] <tterrag> how is it that that paradigm has stuck around for nearly 2 years since it was relevant...
L1131[14:27:10] <diesieben07> MageProtocol, I cannot help you if you don't follow instructions. -.-
L1132[14:27:13] <Curle> There we go then
L1133[14:27:35] <Curle> I mean, in Eclipse, all I can see is my (still broken) Git project
L1134[14:27:51] <diesieben07> wat
L1135[14:27:53] <MageProtocol> 1 second, will do
L1136[14:27:58] *** Cypher121 is now known as Cypher|Zz
L1137[14:28:00] <mort_> MageProtocol: I think players have 67 slots, and your code is trying to do things with the 68th slot which causes the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
L1138[14:28:03] <diesieben07> a) what is a "minecraft project". b) what is a "git project"
L1139[14:28:35] <Curle> a "Minecraft project" is a project named "Minecraft", and a "git project" is a project imported from Git
L1140[14:28:46] <diesieben07> what do those *do*?
L1141[14:28:50] <Curle> Y'know, in the Package Explorer?
L1142[14:28:52] <MageProtocol> mort_ that could be the case, in that case, do you know what number slots the armour slots are?
L1143[14:28:57] <Curle> The ones that let you actually use code?
L1144[14:29:01] <mort_> no clue
L1145[14:29:10] <diesieben07> Curle, so you want to make ONE mod, right?
L1146[14:29:14] <mort_> I've never tried to access a player's inventory, I just inferred from the error message
L1147[14:29:30] <tterrag> armor slots are the last 4
L1148[14:29:32] <Curle> Yes, and keep it up to date with Git, but keep it separate for simplicity reasons
L1149[14:29:38] <tterrag> so they would be 36-39 right
L1150[14:29:42] <diesieben07> if you have ONE mod then you have ONE project.
L1151[14:29:57] <Curle> Technically 2 mods, carbon-copies
L1152[14:30:02] <diesieben07> wat
L1153[14:30:13] <Curle> Only one is loaded
L1154[14:30:24] <Curle> Y'know, the one in "Minecraft"
L1155[14:30:29] <Curle> Not the other one
L1156[14:30:33] <tterrag> delete the minecraft project
L1157[14:30:36] <tterrag> nuke it from orbit
L1158[14:30:37] <diesieben07> why is your mod called Miencraft o.O
L1159[14:30:39] <Curle> There isn't one
L1160[14:30:47] <tterrag> there has been no need for any "Minecraft" project since 1.6
L1161[14:30:50] <Curle> That's my problem
L1162[14:30:54] <Curle> ...
L1163[14:30:54] <diesieben07> *1.5
L1164[14:31:01] <diesieben07> 1.6.4 has forgegradle :P
L1165[14:31:04] <tterrag> diesieben07: only late 1.6 versions had gradle
L1166[14:31:08] <diesieben07> i know
L1167[14:31:13] <diesieben07> </nitpick>
L1168[14:31:15] <tterrag> like
L1169[14:31:17] <tterrag> the very last one
L1170[14:31:21] <diesieben07> meh :P
L1171[14:31:35] <Curle> A project file called "Minecraft" that has the folders "src/main/java" and "src/main/resources" in it, which you use to make mods
L1172[14:31:40] <Curle> That
L1173[14:31:47] <Curle> Yea, it's gone.
L1174[14:31:50] <diesieben07> that should not be called minecraft, but ok
L1175[14:31:58] <diesieben07> what is your eclipse workspace folder?
L1176[14:32:12] <Curle> the one called "eclipse" that isn't there anymore
L1177[14:32:17] <Curle> I told you this earlier
L1178[14:32:20] <Curle> The workspace folder
L1179[14:32:27] <diesieben07> in that same folder that contains src/main/java right?
L1180[14:32:42] <Curle> That contains src, yes
L1181[14:32:46] <Curle> src to main to java
L1182[14:32:47] <diesieben07> and if you boot up eclipse pointing to a non-existing folder, it will create that folder
L1183[14:32:58] <Curle> It hasn't, that's my point.
L1184[14:32:59] <diesieben07> so if you have eclipse pointing there it is not possible that the folder does not exist
L1185[14:33:05] ⇦ Quits: MageProtocol (~MageProto@cpc65666-newt34-2-0-cust75.19-3.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1186[14:33:08] <diesieben07> then your eclipse is broken or it cannot access the folder for some reason
L1187[14:33:15] <Curle> There we are then
L1188[14:33:15] <diesieben07> (or you screwed up)
L1189[14:33:18] <tterrag> Curle: eclipse will not create an "eclipse" folder
L1190[14:33:24] <tterrag> he's saying it will create wahtever folder you point it at
L1191[14:33:32] <tterrag> the only data that exists in a workspace folder is a .metadata folder
L1192[14:33:34] <tterrag> whcih is hidden
L1193[14:33:48] <Curle> Except when i've told it to use a folder called "eclipse", in the root folder where build.gradle is
L1194[14:33:55] ⇦ Quits: RedBullWasTaken (~RedBull@2-107-192-82-static.dk.customer.tdc.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1195[14:33:56] <Curle> I would show you, but again, IT'S GONE
L1196[14:33:57] <Curle> xD
L1197[14:34:11] <tterrag> why would you have your workspace inside your project?
L1198[14:34:12] <tterrag> that makes no sense to me
L1199[14:34:16] <Curle> Hmm?
L1200[14:34:26] <tterrag> why would you have folder/project/workspace
L1201[14:34:29] <Curle> This is going round in circles
L1202[14:34:31] <tterrag> instead of workspace/project/
L1203[14:34:42] <tterrag> yes, it is
L1204[14:34:45] <tterrag> it's really quite simple
L1205[14:34:52] <tterrag> you can create an eclipse workspace literally anywhere
L1206[14:34:53] <diesieben07> i think the easiest way out of this is: redownload the MDK
L1207[14:34:55] ⇨ Joins: RedBullWasTaken (~RedBull@2-107-192-82-static.dk.customer.tdc.net)
L1208[14:34:56] <diesieben07> and copy your wstuff over
L1209[14:34:58] <Curle> https://gyazo.com/f9a9a8333abb7f491e7e0b11903abfcb
L1210[14:34:59] <tterrag> and you can clone a gradle project literally anywhere
L1211[14:34:59] <Curle> MDK?
L1212[14:35:04] <Curle> wat
L1213[14:35:06] <tterrag> all that matters is that you import the project into eclipse
L1214[14:35:07] <diesieben07> that is WAY easier than us trying to explain this REALLY BASIC shit to you
L1215[14:35:11] <diesieben07> ModDevelopmentKit
L1216[14:35:16] <Curle> That's new?
L1217[14:35:16] <diesieben07> or Source for pre 1.8
L1218[14:35:21] <diesieben07> if so, why are you not on 1.8
L1219[14:35:35] <Curle> We've been through this before, diesie
L1220[14:35:44] <diesieben07> No, we haven't :D but meh.
L1221[14:35:45] <Curle> Because json is devil
L1222[14:35:54] <diesieben07> a) no it's not.
L1223[14:35:57] <diesieben07> b) 1.8 != json
L1224[14:36:05] <Curle> And because it's easier for me in 1.7.10 because the methods have names
L1225[14:36:13] <diesieben07> update your mappings.
L1226[14:36:21] <diesieben07> models in json i will agree with you though, that is the devil
L1227[14:36:26] <Curle> Where before I've tried and it's all func_120301358345245298341234_hasdba
L1228[14:36:33] <Zaggy1024> what's the best way to set up an AT in a non-coremod? setting FMLAT in the manifest doesn't seem to be working, as the forge wiki page on ATs says it should
L1229[14:36:45] <diesieben07> the best way to set up an AT is to not do it.
L1230[14:36:54] <Curle> src/main/resources/modid_AT.something
L1231[14:36:56] <diesieben07> Curle, again, update your mappings.
L1232[14:37:06] <Curle> I would if I still had it :P
L1233[14:37:53] <Curle> modid_at.cfg, Zaggy
L1234[14:37:57] <Curle> It automatically loads
L1235[14:37:57] <Zaggy1024> diesieben07, even if the alternative is using reflection in very many places?
L1236[14:38:00] <Curle> Because Forge
L1237[14:38:07] <tterrag> actually no, it doesn't
L1238[14:38:09] <Zaggy1024> I've done that, but the build doesn't seem to be using it
L1239[14:38:17] <tterrag> Zaggy1024: is the AT file in META-INF ?
L1240[14:38:23] <diesieben07> yes zaggy
L1241[14:38:31] <Zaggy1024> http://i.imgur.com/WKJ20W9.png
L1242[14:38:32] <Curle> META-INF?
L1243[14:38:38] <Zaggy1024> diesieben07, why?
L1244[14:38:45] <Zaggy1024> isn't reflection slower if used a lot?
L1245[14:38:48] <diesieben07> because ATs suck balls, as you are discovering right now
L1246[14:38:50] <tterrag> Zaggy1024: first off, use gradle for manifest gens
L1247[14:38:52] <Curle> Okay, I'll leave 1.8 for next year
L1248[14:38:53] <Curle> :P
L1249[14:38:58] <Zaggy1024> tterrag, I am
L1250[14:38:59] <diesieben07> yes, it is slower
L1251[14:39:06] <tterrag> ok
L1252[14:39:08] <diesieben07> but if you must have the absolute speed there are other ways
L1253[14:39:12] <tterrag> Zaggy1024: but the actual .cfg file
L1254[14:39:15] <tterrag> is that in META-INF ?
L1255[14:39:21] <Zaggy1024> not in the build
L1256[14:39:23] <Zaggy1024> should it be?
L1257[14:39:25] <tterrag> yes
L1258[14:39:32] <Zaggy1024> the build command is placing it in the jar's root
L1259[14:39:40] <tterrag> because you have it in src/main/resources
L1260[14:39:45] <tterrag> put it in src/main/resources/META-INF
L1261[14:39:50] <Zaggy1024> ah
L1262[14:40:08] <tterrag> I recommend reflection as well though
L1263[14:40:15] <tterrag> unless you are doing something that is impossible with reflection
L1264[14:40:19] <Curle> https://gyazo.com/7f2e6df409a69ccffe159b036f96553b
L1265[14:40:22] <Zaggy1024> hm
L1266[14:40:23] <tterrag> ATs are a pain for everyone to set up
L1267[14:40:27] <Curle> It does automatically find ats
L1268[14:40:35] <tterrag> Curle: for dev, yes
L1269[14:40:37] <Curle> That's in my gradlew eclipse log
L1270[14:40:38] <tterrag> build out your mod and see :)
L1271[14:40:49] <diesieben07> wow since when have i converted you tterrag? :D
L1272[14:40:56] <Curle> Ah
L1273[14:41:28] <tterrag> ATs suck, that doesn't mean I don't know how to use them
L1274[14:41:41] <Zaggy1024> our ATs have been working for a while now in dev
L1275[14:41:51] <Zaggy1024> as long as the build functions once I get it set up again, it should be fine, no?
L1276[14:42:10] <tterrag> gradle AT search is different from FML AT search
L1277[14:42:11] <diesieben07> ATs are coremods just like any other coremod.
L1278[14:42:12] <tterrag> which is annoying
L1279[14:42:16] <diesieben07> They are just as awful
L1280[14:42:20] <tterrag> so in dev the AT can be anywhere in resources
L1281[14:42:22] <tterrag> and gradle will automatically find it
L1282[14:42:26] <tterrag> this is not so easy out of dev
L1283[14:42:31] <tterrag> so FML requires the manifest entry
L1284[14:42:37] <Zaggy1024> how are they just like any other coremod?
L1285[14:42:49] <tterrag> ATs are ready by an FML transformer to be applied
L1286[14:42:52] <Zaggy1024> they're not doing something that could really conflict unless they restrict permissions on something
L1287[14:42:54] <tterrag> it's just more ASM in the end
L1288[14:42:57] <tterrag> albeit simple ASM
L1289[14:43:00] <Curle> I used the latest 1.7.10, setupDecompWorkspace, eclipse, all that good stuff, pointed Eclipse at the .project folder, and nothing.
L1290[14:43:07] <diesieben07> not true zaggy, they modify the class
L1291[14:43:14] <diesieben07> that can break forge patches
L1292[14:43:15] <tterrag> Curle: just import that folder as a *project*
L1293[14:43:19] <Curle> I did!
L1294[14:43:22] <tterrag> don't put the eclipse workspace there...
L1295[14:43:25] <tterrag> what do you mean "nothing"
L1296[14:43:50] <Curle> The project is a normal folder, no src stuff, no java stuff
L1297[14:43:55] <Zaggy1024> they can? how? I thought patches were applied when forge is built, not at runtime
L1298[14:44:05] <Curle> Import as.. Java project
L1299[14:44:15] <diesieben07> forge patches at runtime as well
L1300[14:44:21] <diesieben07> the installer does NOTHING to the vanilla jar
L1301[14:44:25] <diesieben07> it all happens at runtime
L1302[14:44:26] <Zaggy1024> ah
L1303[14:44:32] <Curle> I get the feeling that I should take a break from modding for a bit with this community around :P
L1304[14:44:32] <Zaggy1024> hm
L1305[14:44:39] <Curle> Actually, good idea, me!
L1306[14:44:41] <Zaggy1024> well I guess I should make some reflection code them
L1307[14:44:42] <Zaggy1024> *then
L1308[14:44:44] <Curle> Adios, amigos!
L1309[14:44:50] *** Curle is now known as Curle|GONE
L1310[14:44:52] <diesieben07> and if your AT modifes the class at a place where the forge patch is... you might break it
L1311[14:45:00] <ThePsionic> Je suis retourné
L1312[14:45:18] <diesieben07> and, if you must have the speed because it turns out to be a performance problem: MethodHandles to the rescue.
L1313[14:50:07] <Zaggy1024> whatwhat? :P
L1314[14:50:57] <Curle|GONE> Fun fact: The src rar you get from the site has an "eclipse" folder that you are supposed to point Eclipse at to get the project working
L1315[14:51:41] ⇦ Quits: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@ip56572345.direct-adsl.nl) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1316[14:52:10] <diesieben07> Zaggy: MethodHandle = "thing you can call with arguments", sortof like a reflection Method with invoke() but can also point to a Field or *anything* really and additionally is just fast (when used properly) when calling methods as just directly calling the method/reading the field
L1317[14:52:14] ⇨ Joins: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@2a02:a44e:91ce:0:215:5dff:fe02:300)
L1318[14:52:37] <diesieben07> Curle|GONE, no. as everything in that zip file (!), that is an *example*.
L1319[14:53:13] ⇦ Quits: Ashlee (~AshleeRee@victorianfox.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1320[14:53:14] * Curle|GONE mutters something about there being no winning with some people
L1321[14:53:19] <Curle|GONE> Sorry, what? :3
L1322[14:53:29] <diesieben07> yes indeed that is true :D
L1323[14:53:40] <diesieben07> i think we have a different opinion about who "some people" are though :P
L1324[14:53:47] <ThePsionic> Curle|GONE: What was that texture you linked earlier :D
L1325[14:55:23] <ThePsionic> Curle|GONE: DCC pls
L1326[14:55:32] <ThePsionic> Couldn't a query have sufficed :P
L1327[14:55:41] <diesieben07> oh crist almighty. i know i am late to the party but i for the first time booted up a large-ish modpack with the loading screen
L1328[14:55:53] <diesieben07> some of these mods are taking SECONDS to preInitialize, what the fuck are these retards doing...
L1329[14:56:11] <Curle|GONE> Tell me, if "everything in that rar, it is an example" is true, then how is the gradlew an *example*?
L1330[14:56:17] <Curle|GONE> Christ
L1331[14:56:30] <diesieben07> you can set it up yourself if you wish to.
L1332[14:56:37] <Curle|GONE> Also, psionic, I have no idea what I am doing. I saw an option called chat and I clicked it :P
L1333[14:56:38] <diesieben07> you can also install gradle directly,
L1334[14:56:45] <ThePsionic> lol
L1335[14:56:54] <Curle|GONE> Query it is
L1336[14:56:55] <Curle|GONE> xD
L1337[14:56:55] <ThePsionic> Just /query ThePsionic message
L1338[14:56:58] <ThePsionic> rofl
L1339[15:00:03] <tterrag> Curle|GONE: diesieben07 is right, nothing in there is necessary for mod dev
L1340[15:00:05] <tterrag> it's a useful template
L1341[15:00:06] ⇨ Joins: Ashlee (~AshleeRee@victorianfox.com)
L1342[15:00:07] <tterrag> but that's it
L1343[15:00:25] <tterrag> all you need to set up a new mod project is a gradle script that pulls in FG2, the one included in the mdk/src does that nicely
L1344[15:00:35] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1345[15:00:37] <Curle|GONE> diesieben, tterrag, this is the "Minecraft" project, that the gradlew generates: https://gyazo.com/54168acfc2580869a381c55f9d894581
L1346[15:00:37] <tterrag> s/FG2/FG*
L1347[15:00:57] <tterrag> god, I don't know how to explain this any other way...
L1348[15:01:04] <Curle|GONE> I find it's the best because batch is worse for me than jsons xD
L1349[15:01:08] <tterrag> if you have a minecraft project, you did it wrong
L1350[15:01:14] <Curle|GONE> Wait, what?
L1351[15:01:23] <Curle|GONE> That's how LITERALLY EVERYTHING says to do it!
L1352[15:01:26] <Curle|GONE> Even Wuppy!
L1353[15:01:38] <tterrag> <tterrag> you can create an eclipse workspace literally anywhere
L1354[15:01:48] <tterrag> <tterrag> and you can clone a mod project literally anywhere
L1355[15:02:00] <tterrag> then just import the project into eclipse after running `gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse`
L1356[15:02:02] <tterrag> that's it
L1357[15:02:04] <tterrag> full stop
L1358[15:02:34] <Curle|GONE> I just think it's the easiest for me, even though some people more than agressively disagree with convention
L1359[15:02:38] <Curle|GONE> xd
L1360[15:02:42] *** Curle|GONE is now known as Curle
L1361[15:03:08] <tterrag> it's not convention, it's fact
L1362[15:03:14] <tterrag> the Minecraft project is dead and gone
L1363[15:03:20] <Curle> to you
L1364[15:03:25] <tterrag> no, not to me
L1365[15:03:28] <tterrag> it is gone
L1366[15:03:38] <tterrag> what you've done is set up the "example" project that comes in the src zip
L1367[15:03:42] <tterrag> which accomplishes nothing
L1368[15:03:59] <Curle> Except give you a ready-to-use framework for doing nearly everything else
L1369[15:04:10] <tterrag> the framework is the gradle script
L1370[15:04:13] <tterrag> that ONE file
L1371[15:04:27] <Curle> It literally gives you a mod-in-a-box!
L1372[15:04:34] <tterrag> if you copied that gradle script to any folder on your PC (perhaps with the wrapper, if you do not have gradle installed) it would do the exact same thing
L1373[15:04:44] <tterrag> none of the other files matter
L1374[15:04:52] <Curle> That's quite obvious with the fact it's a .bat
L1375[15:04:54] <Curle> xd
L1376[15:05:57] <Curle> Okay, how about this: I use my highly controversial (though easy) way of modding, and you use your slightly more than slightly more complicated way, and this stops.
L1377[15:06:10] <tterrag> iirc, you came in here because something wasn't working
L1378[15:06:13] <Curle> Yea
L1379[15:06:19] <Curle> It still doesn't, fyi.
L1380[15:06:19] <tterrag> excuse me for trying to get you set up the proper way, and fix your problem
L1381[15:06:21] *** CrystalMare is now known as Crystal|AFK
L1382[15:06:23] <tterrag> have fun on your own, I guess
L1383[15:06:47] <Curle> We went from having trouble with Git, to having a heated argument over what gradlew does
L1384[15:07:02] <tterrag> it's not an argument
L1385[15:07:07] <tterrag> I know what gradlew does
L1386[15:07:13] <Curle> So do I (now)
L1387[15:07:14] <Curle> xd
L1388[15:07:30] <Curle> Also, if you can use it anywhere, why did you even mention it?!
L1389[15:07:37] <Curle> xD
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L1391[15:08:02] <tterrag> what?
L1392[15:08:11] <Curle> "oh, there's no point putting it here because it can go anywhere, but even here, it's useless because you can put it here"
L1393[15:08:29] <Curle> That's literally what I took from that (STOPPING THIS NOW! QUIT IT!)
L1394[15:08:33] <tterrag> you are making no sense
L1395[15:08:39] <tterrag> like I said, if you won't listen to me, I'm done
L1396[15:08:57] <Curle> "if you copied that gradle script to any folder on your PC it would do the exact same thing"
L1397[15:09:19] <Curle> Including the one it came in, eliminating the reason for me to listen :P
L1398[15:09:45] ⇦ Quits: Meow-J (uid69628@id-69628.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1399[15:10:04] <tterrag> the problem is that the src zip has a bunch of useless stuff
L1400[15:10:08] <tterrag> and is not where you cloned your mod source
L1401[15:10:25] <tterrag> take the gradle script you got from the src zip, place it in your cloned project, run commands
L1402[15:11:02] <Curle> The problem was: a file in Git told me that "com.google.something.HashMapKey (or similar) is needed", and you told me to refresh the eclipse folder (where eclipse is pointed to) and try again)
L1403[15:11:23] <Curle> Which removed the project I was using at the time, which was called "Minecraft"
L1404[15:11:32] <Curle> Better?
L1405[15:11:51] <Curle> I got it back now, by reinstalling everything (Even had to reinstall Eclipse)
L1406[15:12:01] <Curle> Although the git still errors
L1407[15:12:38] *** bilde2910 is now known as bilde2910|away
L1408[15:12:44] <Curle> Now, can you at least try to help me? :P
L1409[15:13:15] <diesieben07> Can you link your github repo?
L1410[15:13:47] <Curle> One second
L1411[15:14:02] <Curle> I need to push it first, which it wouldn't let me do because it was errored
L1412[15:14:03] <Curle> xd
L1413[15:14:07] <tterrag> I don't know what else I can tell you
L1414[15:14:11] ⇦ Quits: HassanS6000 (~Hassan@pool-173-79-220-242.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1415[15:14:18] <diesieben07> git doesn't give a crap about if your code ahs errors or not
L1416[15:14:24] <ThePsionic> ^
L1417[15:15:42] ⇦ Quits: Cojo (~Cojo@2606:a000:1126:8048:d978:5b69:98f8:133d) (Quit: If we wish to explore, if we wish to see what's over the next hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want it enough.)
L1418[15:15:50] <Curle> Pushing
L1419[15:16:48] <Curle> https://github.com/343Modding/sparkaid
L1420[15:16:56] <Curle> the file "SparkSword" gives the error
L1421[15:17:12] <diesieben07> ok that repo is first of all broken
L1422[15:17:18] <diesieben07> src needs to be in the root of the repo
L1423[15:17:20] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1424[15:17:26] <Curle> It does no difference
L1425[15:17:26] <Curle> xd
L1426[15:17:31] <diesieben07> YES IT FUCKING DOES
L1427[15:17:39] <diesieben07> if you want help do not say "NO" to everything we say to help you
L1428[15:17:44] <Curle> I can add the folder "SparkAid" as the existing project and it works!
L1429[15:17:53] <Curle> https://gyazo.com/64d2501ceedcd00aa4e14b9534264546
L1430[15:17:55] * diesieben07 bangs head against wall violently
L1431[15:18:01] <Curle> xD
L1432[15:18:09] <Curle> IT DOES WORK!
L1433[15:18:10] ⇦ Quits: RyanKnack (RyanKnack@anarchy.esper.net) (Killed (eofpi (NOBODY EXPECTS BELATED BIRTHDAY KILLS)))
L1434[15:18:19] ⇨ Joins: RyanKnack (RyanKnack@anarchy.esper.net)
L1435[15:18:25] <Cazzar> Gradle looks in src/main/java for main sources by default
L1436[15:18:37] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be)
L1437[15:18:43] <Curle> It's pointed to the SparkAid folder in the repo
L1438[15:18:48] <Curle> Ignore anything before that.
L1439[15:19:00] <Curle> go into that and that's what Gradle sees.
L1440[15:19:02] <Cazzar> Also, it is POINTLESS putting the main folder like that in git.
L1441[15:19:20] <Curle> I had no other options without completely breaking what I had already :(
L1442[15:19:31] <Cazzar> Another one, usually you want to commit build.gradle
L1443[15:19:38] <Curle> It's complicated, can't explain, just trust me
L1444[15:19:40] <tterrag> s/usually/always
L1445[15:19:53] <Curle> wat
L1446[15:20:12] <Cazzar> And never commit your .classpath and .settings
L1447[15:20:28] <tterrag> inb4 "but I have to for [insert stupid reason]"
L1448[15:20:45] <ThePsionic> that entire repo is bad practice holy shit
L1449[15:20:54] <Curle> Pushed, will remove those. I haven't touched the build yet tho
L1450[15:20:54] <Curle> xD
L1451[15:21:19] <Cazzar> https://github.com/Cazzar/MinecraftFrame/tree/develop?files=1
L1452[15:21:24] <Cazzar> Example
L1453[15:21:27] <Curle> ThePsionic, look at my others, one of them was just all of the classes in one package
L1454[15:21:55] <ThePsionic> i'm not saying that's not bad practice, too
L1455[15:21:57] <Cazzar> All my classes are a derivative of one package.
L1456[15:22:41] <Curle> net.group.name.category
L1457[15:22:49] <Curle> Isn't that proper practive?
L1458[15:22:53] <Curle> practice*
L1459[15:22:58] * Cazzar actually owns cazzar.net
L1460[15:22:59] <tterrag> do you own group.net?
L1461[15:23:07] <Curle> tagteam.net, no.
L1462[15:23:10] * ThePsionic actually owns thepsionic.com
L1463[15:23:11] <tterrag> then no
L1464[15:23:13] <Curle> tagteam.org, yes.
L1465[15:23:18] <Curle> That was recent though
L1466[15:23:18] <Curle> xd
L1467[15:23:20] <tterrag> so it should be org.tagteam.[project]
L1468[15:23:24] <ThePsionic> then org.tagteam.project ye
L1469[15:23:37] <Curle> Made this ages ago, the site was a few weeks ago
L1470[15:23:38] <Curle> xD
L1471[15:23:55] <Curle> Can't update, will ruin some of the other guys' mods xD
L1472[15:24:20] <Curle> Bad practice? Don't care, to be honest, with that one.
L1473[15:24:27] <Curle> It's something that had to be done
L1474[15:24:36] <diesieben07> To all Modders: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,35018.msg184745.html#msg184745
L1475[15:24:39] <Cazzar> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/package/namingpkgs.html
L1476[15:25:29] <ThePsionic> diesieben07: That's Flan for ya
L1477[15:25:30] <tterrag> diesieben07: I'm with you on the useless log spam
L1478[15:25:34] <TehNut> but
L1479[15:25:38] <Thutmose> one of my mods takes 5 minutes in the initialization phase, the first time it is run
L1480[15:25:43] <TehNut> i need to sleep the thread to make it seem like i'm doing something
L1481[15:25:45] <Thutmose> it has to parse lots and lots of input images
L1482[15:25:45] <tterrag> gregtech? :p
L1483[15:25:49] * ThePsionic looks at FTB
L1484[15:25:50] <tterrag> Thutmose: so thread it
L1485[15:25:54] <tterrag> you should not lock the main thread
L1486[15:25:54] <TehNut> longer time = doing more things
L1487[15:26:11] <Thutmose> how should I make sure that it is done before world gen starts?
L1488[15:26:12] <Cazzar> diesieben07 that reminds me when my mod could lock up some of the booting for a few minutes initially, though it was downloading files to cache.
L1489[15:26:19] <tterrag> does it need to be?
L1490[15:26:23] <Thutmose> yes
L1491[15:26:26] <tterrag> if so, add a lock wait in FMLLoadComplete
L1492[15:26:29] <tterrag> at least then it won
L1493[15:26:33] <Thutmose> ok
L1494[15:26:33] <tterrag> won't hold up everything so much
L1495[15:26:47] <Cazzar> I don't do that anymore.
L1496[15:26:49] <Thutmose> I wasn't sure how to do that, so I just kept it in main thread
L1497[15:26:53] ⇦ Quits: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DE7866C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1498[15:27:02] <tterrag> Thutmose: what images are you downloading?
L1499[15:27:14] <Thutmose> not downloading, processing
L1500[15:27:19] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L1501[15:27:20] <Curle> Okay, can someone be kind enough to point out what is wrong with my repo, to end another aggressive rampage from the baderator?
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L1503[15:27:36] <Curle> The un-moderator?
L1504[15:27:37] <Curle> xD
L1505[15:27:37] <tterrag> Thutmose: but what for?
L1506[15:27:39] <Thutmose> https://github.com/Thutmose/dorfgen up to several thousand sites in dwarf fortress for building and walll locations
L1507[15:27:41] <gigaherz> Curle: what are the symptoms?
L1508[15:27:44] <diesieben07> Curle, your repo should look somethign liek this: https://github.com/diesieben07/CameraCraft3
L1509[15:27:57] <diesieben07> then you clone it and run "gradlew sDecW eclipse"
L1510[15:27:58] <diesieben07> thats ALL.
L1511[15:28:41] <Curle> For the folder structure, close enough, but root is main, and the files at root can be fixed relatively easily
L1512[15:28:42] <gigaherz> you don't even need the gradle files included if you use the stock ones from the mdk, just src/ and build.gradle
L1513[15:28:46] <Thutmose> the mod imports the dwarf fortress legends mode exports, and generates them accordingly in minecraft
L1514[15:28:46] <ThePsionic> diesieben07: I'm now interested whether sDecW actually works like that
L1515[15:28:53] <diesieben07> it does.
L1516[15:28:54] <TehNut> That's all unless you want to provide a README and LICENSE
L1517[15:29:00] <ThePsionic> amazing
L1518[15:29:01] <gigaherz> Curle: if you have the repo from main,
L1519[15:29:02] <ThePsionic> never knew
L1520[15:29:08] <diesieben07> gradle is amazing indeed :D
L1521[15:29:13] <gigaherz> you won't have your build.gradle in it
L1522[15:29:16] <gigaherz> and you need that there
L1523[15:29:18] <Cazzar> One benefit to that: people with different setups have an automated way, of creating a working environment.
L1524[15:29:24] <ThePsionic> tbh I only ever use the gradle sidebar in IDEA
L1525[15:29:28] <ThePsionic> so I don't really care
L1526[15:29:33] <Curle> Like, where his would be com.name.mod.file, mine is com.name.mod.main.file
L1527[15:29:34] <ThePsionic> just a fun lil tidbit
L1528[15:29:39] * diesieben07 throws a keyboard at ThePsionic
L1529[15:29:46] <Cazzar> Also, another reason to put the folder in its own... By default git clones into a folder.
L1530[15:29:46] <TehNut> Oh and a settings.gradle if you want your Idea project to be named something other than the parent folder name
L1531[15:29:49] <ThePsionic> thanks, diesieben07
L1532[15:29:49] <gigaherz> Curle: what?
L1533[15:29:53] <gigaherz> what about the resources?
L1534[15:29:59] <Curle> Yea, the exact same
L1535[15:30:03] <gigaherz> but
L1536[15:30:12] <Curle> assets.modid.category
L1537[15:30:14] <Curle> .file
L1538[15:30:28] <gigaherz> what I mean is
L1539[15:30:35] <gigaherz> the forge environment looks like
L1540[15:30:37] <gigaherz> build.gradle
L1541[15:30:41] <khumps> is it possible to change where gradle installs when i first set up a forge workspace?
L1542[15:30:47] <gigaherz> src/main/java/<your code>
L1543[15:30:55] <gigaherz> src/main/resources/<your assets>
L1544[15:31:00] <tterrag> khumps: you mean where the cache is?
L1545[15:31:04] <khumps> yes
L1546[15:31:06] <Thutmose> tterrag here is an example of one of the images it processed, and the result in minecraft: http://imgur.com/a/9U89f
L1547[15:31:08] <tterrag> hmm, not sure
L1548[15:31:08] <gigaherz> your repository should contain THOSE items
L1549[15:31:16] <gigaherz> do you have a link to it?
L1550[15:31:21] <tterrag> Thutmose: ahh, I see
L1551[15:31:24] <tterrag> neato
L1552[15:31:24] <Curle> My repo?
L1553[15:31:24] <gigaherz> I just came back and I missed it if you pasted
L1554[15:31:28] <diesieben07> khumps, http://goo.gl/960K4d
L1555[15:31:32] <Cazzar> Khumps: environment variable GRADLE_USER_HOME or the - D flag iirc
L1556[15:31:38] <Thutmose> so I need to go and process the image for each rectangle
L1557[15:31:40] <Cazzar> -d *
L1558[15:31:43] <Thutmose> and that takes a while
L1559[15:31:47] <Curle> I have the build.gradle file, but it's unchanged
L1560[15:31:55] <gigaherz> well you'll havet o change it
L1561[15:32:08] <Curle> I have no need to yet :(
L1562[15:32:14] <gigaherz> eventually ;P
L1563[15:32:17] <Curle> ye
L1564[15:32:27] <gigaherz> and yes I meant your repo, if you can link to it
L1565[15:32:29] <Curle> Shall we take this to pm, so we can see each other's chat?
L1566[15:32:30] <tterrag> Thutmose: yeah I'd download/start in preinit, then pass it off to a worker thread, then wait on the thread to complete in FMLLoadComplete
L1567[15:32:33] <tterrag> you could use a Future for that
L1568[15:33:02] <gigaherz> Curle: I prefer to speak in the public channel, so that if I say something stupid, the rest can slap me
L1569[15:33:13] <Cazzar> <3
L1570[15:33:15] * ThePsionic slaps gigaherz
L1571[15:33:18] <Curle> Also, I can't remove the files at root (Can't see them :P
L1572[15:33:25] * Curle slaps gigaherz around a bit with a large trout
L1573[15:33:35] <khumps> not sure if that way will work. I intend on putting my entire eclipse installation as well as forge on a flash drive
L1574[15:33:48] <ThePsionic> whatever happened to the good old days of slapping with fishbot
L1575[15:33:49] <khumps> so the path may change depending on what computer i plug it into
L1576[15:33:56] * Curle slaps ThePsionic around a bit with a large trout
L1577[15:34:00] <Curle> That did
L1578[15:34:02] <Curle> xD
L1579[15:34:06] <ThePsionic> plx
L1580[15:34:17] <gigaherz> troutslap is at least as old as irc itself ;P
L1581[15:34:22] <diesieben07> that cannot work, sadly khumps. the gradle cache is refered to by absolute paths
L1582[15:34:31] <diesieben07> so the paths must stay the same
L1583[15:34:33] <gigaherz> khumps: I have the .gradle folder symlinked
L1584[15:34:36] * Curle slaps gigaherz around the room with a blue whale
L1585[15:34:40] <Cazzar> diesieben07 you can change it.
L1586[15:34:51] <diesieben07> well, yes you can
L1587[15:34:58] <gigaherz> mklink /D %userprofile%\.gradle f:\.gradle
L1588[15:34:59] <diesieben07> but the eclipse project contains the absolute hardcoded paths
L1589[15:35:09] ⇨ Joins: killjoy (~killjoy@2606:a000:1118:c04e:a04f:3afd:5fd:6c96)
L1590[15:35:20] <Curle> giga, this is the folder (THAT GRADLE SEES): https://github.com/343Modding/sparkaid/tree/master/SparkAid
L1591[15:35:21] <Matthew> khumps, use the -g flag to change the gradle user home (caches and stuff) to wherever you want
L1592[15:35:41] <Matthew> gradle -g /mnt/flashdrive/gradle sDecW
L1593[15:35:44] <khumps> so if i copied the .gradle folder to my flash drive and then relinked it in eclipse it should work?
L1594[15:35:44] <Matthew> for example
L1595[15:35:46] <gigaherz> Curle: ok the root looks fine ;P
L1596[15:35:54] <Curle> xD
L1597[15:36:07] <Curle> Just don't go back, because it's unnecessary
L1598[15:36:08] <Curle> xD
L1599[15:36:14] <Matthew> khumps, you would have to resetup eclipse so it points to the new path
L1600[15:36:15] <Cazzar> gigaherz next time I suggest reading https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/gradle_command_line.html
L1601[15:36:29] <Matthew> but if you run with --offline it should work if you don't have an interent connection
L1602[15:36:34] <Matthew> which I assume is the reason for this
L1603[15:36:45] <gigaherz> Cazzar: I did that on purpose, then I don't have to worry if I ever recreate gradle stuffs ;P
L1604[15:37:12] <Cazzar> Static environment variables!
L1605[15:37:27] ⇦ Quits: RyanKnack (RyanKnack@anarchy.esper.net) (Killed (mr_flea (HAPPY YESTERDAY BIRTHDAY)))
L1606[15:37:28] <gigaherz> that could have worked, too
L1607[15:37:34] <gigaherz> XD
L1608[15:37:35] ⇨ Joins: RyanKnack (RyanKnack@anarchy.esper.net)
L1609[15:37:40] <Curle> gigaherz: The problem is in the file called "SparkSword.java", which gives this error on the p: http://i.imgur.com/aqjRL1r.png
L1610[15:37:59] <gigaherz> that doesn't look like a git issue
L1611[15:38:02] <Curle> The thing that started this all
L1612[15:38:18] <Curle> I did the gradlew commands in that project's folder
L1613[15:38:20] <Curle> No change
L1614[15:38:36] ⇦ Quits: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@2a02:a44e:91ce:0:215:5dff:fe02:300) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1615[15:38:40] <gigaherz> does that file actually NEED to import that class?
L1616[15:38:48] <Curle> Nope, it does anyway
L1617[15:38:51] <Curle> Can't change it
L1618[15:38:55] <gigaherz> what? O_O
L1619[15:38:58] <tterrag> something else is referencing it
L1620[15:39:00] <tterrag> that's the problem
L1621[15:39:04] <Cazzar> Oh god, 1 hour and I'll be in a networking exam x3
L1622[15:39:05] <Curle> It's on the first character
L1623[15:39:06] <gigaherz> oh wait
L1624[15:39:07] <tterrag> you have a transitive reference, but the root lib is not on your classpath
L1625[15:39:09] <gigaherz> INDIRECTLY referenced
L1626[15:39:13] <gigaherz> nevermind
L1627[15:39:17] <gigaherz> that's beyond my java expertise
L1628[15:39:30] <tterrag> Curle: expand the "Referenced Libraries" please
L1629[15:39:41] <Curle> ForgeSrc
L1630[15:39:48] <Curle> but..
L1631[15:39:50] <Curle> wat
L1632[15:40:02] <Curle> Okay, I might be able to fix this, I see the lack of jars
L1633[15:40:11] <Curle> they're all in the build path but not there
L1634[15:40:19] <tterrag> again, gradle eclipse adds all the jars to your .project
L1635[15:40:24] <tterrag> so something in your setup is horribly broken
L1636[15:40:31] <gigaherz> isn't gradle eclipse meant to do that?
L1637[15:40:39] <Curle> I'll assume me, by diesie's reaction :3
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L1639[15:41:05] <tterrag> but first off, we need to address the biggest issue I see
L1640[15:41:10] <tterrag> you are usimg mIRC?!?!?
L1641[15:41:18] <gigaherz> tterrag: hey I use mirc too ;P
L1642[15:41:26] <gigaherz> just not the stock colors
L1643[15:41:29] <gigaherz> or font
L1644[15:41:29] * tterrag burns the heretics
L1645[15:41:33] <gigaherz> or drawing style
L1646[15:41:34] <gigaherz> ...
L1647[15:41:34] <Cazzar> tterrag mIRC is fine!
L1648[15:41:37] <Curle> It's slightly better than HexChat, because it's paid for!
L1649[15:41:44] <Curle> And I wasted money so I want to use it
L1650[15:41:46] <Curle> xD
L1651[15:41:47] <ThePsionic> except not
L1652[15:41:48] <tterrag> "I paid for it so it must be better"
L1653[15:41:49] <ThePsionic> wait
L1654[15:41:49] <tterrag> .-.
L1655[15:41:54] <ThePsionic> you actually bought it
L1656[15:41:56] <Cazzar> That is a horrible thought process.
L1657[15:41:58] * ThePsionic shrieks
L1658[15:42:00] <Curle> xD
L1659[15:42:02] <gigaherz> I did!
L1660[15:42:05] <gigaherz> as I was explaining yesterday
L1661[15:42:11] <tterrag> it's like paying for winrar
L1662[15:42:12] <gigaherz> I paid for mirc and winrar, for services rendered
L1663[15:42:13] <ThePsionic> i a m d y i n g
L1664[15:42:13] <gigaherz> ;P
L1665[15:42:13] <Cazzar> ThePsionic as did I
L1666[15:42:23] <ThePsionic> i j u s t d i e d
L1667[15:42:30] <Curle> I realize that I wasted on it, and I want to use it so I didn't waste, get me? :P
L1668[15:42:39] <tterrag> gigaherz: https://www.reddit.com/r/paidforwinrar
L1669[15:42:40] <ThePsionic> g o o d b y e f r i e n d s i a m g o n e
L1670[15:42:43] * Curle thinks ThePsionic is dead as a doornail
L1671[15:42:51] <Curle> Good riddance!
L1672[15:42:55] <Curle> Send him packing!
L1673[15:43:01] <gigaherz> for many long years
L1674[15:43:04] <gigaherz> I didn't have a job yet
L1675[15:43:10] <gigaherz> I used everything either free or pirated
L1676[15:43:16] <gigaherz> xcept two pieces of software
L1677[15:43:19] <gigaherz> mirc, andwinrar
L1678[15:43:21] <Curle> xD
L1679[15:43:23] <gigaherz> that allowed me to skip the nagging
L1680[15:43:50] * Cazzar looks at sublime
L1681[15:43:59] <gigaherz> when I got paid for the first time, I had no choice but to acknowledge the time I had already spent using those two apps
L1682[15:44:03] <ThePsionic> Cazzar: don't tell me
L1683[15:44:05] <gigaherz> and I had nothing against their price
L1684[15:44:08] <ThePsionic> DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME
L1685[15:44:08] <gigaherz> so I bought licenses
L1686[15:44:10] * Cazzar then looks at the next version of VSCode
L1687[15:44:14] <ThePsionic> DO NOT
L1688[15:44:17] <ThePsionic> TELL ME
L1689[15:44:18] <khumps> i set enviroment variable and its setting up gradle in right place now :P so in theory i shoulld be able to plug into any computer as long as it mounts on the right drive letter
L1690[15:44:24] <Cazzar> I actually use vscode
L1691[15:44:29] <gigaherz> I couldn't use VSCode
L1692[15:44:33] <gigaherz> I hate minimalistic UIs
L1693[15:44:40] <Cazzar> Theme it
L1694[15:44:42] <ThePsionic> Cazzar: Did you really buy Sublime though
L1695[15:44:45] <gigaherz> it felt like notepad++ without the toolbars
L1696[15:44:46] <tterrag> khumps: as long as you set up using -g path/to/gradle/cache it doesn't matter where it mounts
L1697[15:44:48] <gigaherz> so I keep using notepad++
L1698[15:44:49] <Cazzar> Np
L1699[15:44:49] <tterrag> like Matthew said
L1700[15:44:53] <Cazzar> No*
L1701[15:44:56] <ThePsionic> Thank god
L1702[15:45:03] <Cazzar> Would though, decent product
L1703[15:45:24] <khumps> tterrag: meaning gradlew setupDecompWorkspace -g path
L1704[15:45:28] <ThePsionic> Okay here's my reasoning for never buying any piece of software I can get for free:
L1705[15:45:31] <ThePsionic> College student
L1706[15:45:36] <Thutmose> ok tterrag, now it just holds on this screen for a few minutes as it processes the maps: http://imgur.com/m5oZlrj the hammer does move though, so it shows that it is still doing something
L1707[15:45:47] <tterrag> yeah
L1708[15:45:47] <khumps> is that what you meant?
L1709[15:45:55] <tterrag> if you want Thutmose, you could add a progress bar for your mod :P
L1710[15:46:00] <Cazzar> ThePsionic and I am in 2nd year uni... I have an exam in 45 mins
L1711[15:46:07] <tterrag> the API is unstable for that though, so only do it if you feel like having "fun" :P
L1712[15:46:17] <ThePsionic> Where did you get all that money from Cazzar
L1713[15:46:27] <gigaherz> Thutmose: one basic UI design principles, is the interactivity rule
L1714[15:46:32] <Thutmose> na, I'll just let it stick there
L1715[15:46:35] <fry> hammer renders in a different thread, so the main thread might be locked up :P
L1716[15:46:37] <gigaherz> if a task should take more than an imperceptible amount of time
L1717[15:46:39] <Thutmose> it only takes long the first time
L1718[15:46:39] <gigaherz> add a throbber
L1719[15:46:41] ⇦ Quits: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1720[15:46:48] <gigaherz> if it should take more than a few seconds, add a progressbar
L1721[15:47:01] <gigaherz> it avoids users becoming impatient and dumping your product for something else
L1722[15:47:01] <gigaherz> ;P
L1723[15:47:18] <Cazzar> ThePsionic luckily I live In Australia
L1724[15:47:24] <Thutmose> good luck finding a different Dwarf fortress world loading mod that handles large worlds :D
L1725[15:47:38] <ThePsionic> Cazzar: That explains nothing to me, elaborate
L1726[15:47:38] <Cazzar> So, HECS-HELP and high wages.
L1727[15:47:40] <Thutmose> the only current alternative pre-generates the entire map, and takes days for large ones
L1728[15:47:43] <ThePsionic> Ah
L1729[15:47:47] <ThePsionic> Well fair enough
L1730[15:47:51] <gigaherz> Thutmose: "I'm the only one doing this" has never been a valid reason to make people annoyed ;P
L1731[15:47:52] <Thutmose> literally takes days, DF maps are large
L1732[15:47:58] <ThePsionic> I'm just happy I made € 100,- this month
L1733[15:48:00] <Thutmose> oh, it only takes a while the first time
L1734[15:48:04] <Thutmose> after that is is fast
L1735[15:48:08] <Thutmose> it caches all of the stuff
L1736[15:48:17] <Thutmose> in a quick to load manner
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L1738[15:48:31] <Cazzar> TLDR right now, I owe the government ~13k
L1739[15:48:32] <gigaherz> ThePsionic: lucky you. I released a game and made 2eur in 3 weeks
L1740[15:48:33] <gigaherz> ;P
L1741[15:48:41] <ThePsionic> ouch
L1742[15:48:51] <Cazzar> Thats my uni fees
L1743[15:48:53] <ThePsionic> Yeah, being a mailman is a bit more of a stable salary for the time being
L1744[15:48:57] <Cazzar> And gets taken out of tax
L1745[15:49:10] <gigaherz> ----> https://dogforce-games.com/throw
L1746[15:49:25] <gigaherz> need to make new screenshots
L1747[15:49:30] <gigaherz> those are using the old UI still
L1748[15:49:47] <ThePsionic> gigaherz: Did you not add ads to the app
L1749[15:49:53] <gigaherz> yes
L1750[15:49:54] <MattDahEpic> so my config is just writing out a blank file: https://gist.github.com/MattDahEpic/c1960338d874645e0f69
L1751[15:50:02] <gigaherz> but non-intrusive ones
L1752[15:50:11] <gigaherz> I get a handful of video views per day
L1753[15:50:11] <ThePsionic> Still
L1754[15:50:28] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Quit: Leaving.)
L1755[15:50:35] <gigaherz> I'd need like 10k users to feed myself
L1756[15:50:37] <gigaherz> instead of just 100ish
L1757[15:51:38] <ThePsionic> rip
L1758[15:52:07] <ThePsionic> In other news, IDEA has been open in the background for the last 2 hours, untouched
L1759[15:52:44] <MattDahEpic> http://www.baconsizzling.com/
L1760[15:53:07] *** cpw is now known as cpw|out
L1761[15:53:16] <tterrag> MattDahEpic: what is the point of https://gist.github.com/MattDahEpic/c1960338d874645e0f69#file-config-java-L24
L1762[15:54:30] <MattDahEpic> so sub.processConfig(config); doesnt error out
L1763[15:57:13] <tterrag> uhh
L1764[15:57:16] <tterrag> then why is it static...?
L1765[15:57:22] <tterrag> shouldn't it be abstract?
L1766[15:58:59] ⇨ Joins: Dan_Yeomans (~Dan___Yeo@135-23-231-89.cpe.pppoe.ca)
L1767[15:59:04] <tterrag> you can't override static methods MattDahEpic
L1768[15:59:24] <Dan_Yeomans> never tried it, but does anyone know if external libs can be used with minecraft mods?
L1769[15:59:35] <Dan_Yeomans> my terminology is all c so that might not be the right term
L1770[15:59:37] <tterrag> in what way Dan_Yeomans?
L1771[15:59:56] <tterrag> I mean, yes they can, but what were you expecting?
L1772[16:00:15] <Dan_Yeomans> well my thoughts were an IO package that allows you to get microphone input
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L1774[16:00:42] <diesieben07> you should read about shading: http://forgegradle.readthedocs.org/en/FG_1.2/user-guide/shading/
L1775[16:00:46] <tterrag> you would probably have to shade it, or some other way of stuffing it into the mod jar
L1776[16:00:47] <tterrag> ^^
L1777[16:01:23] <Dan_Yeomans> oh so you have to i guess mask it as part of your mod else forge won't accept it?
L1778[16:01:31] <tterrag> nothing to do with forge
L1779[16:01:37] <tterrag> but how else do you expect it to be available at runtime?
L1780[16:01:41] <diesieben07> you just have to get the library code to the end user somehow
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L1782[16:01:47] <diesieben07> and the best way is to include it in your mod jar
L1783[16:01:48] <Dan_Yeomans> makes sense
L1784[16:02:43] <tterrag> had to shade AWS sdk into one mod...for like one class
L1785[16:02:45] <tterrag> it's freakin huge
L1786[16:02:49] <tterrag> wish I could do it manually
L1787[16:03:12] <diesieben07> you should be able to use something like Retroguard
L1788[16:03:19] <tterrag> for?
L1789[16:03:34] <tterrag> I just want to be able to do this without the sdk https://github.com/creatubbles/api/blob/master/src/main/java/com/creatubbles/api/request/amazon/UploadS3ImageRequest.java
L1790[16:03:34] <Matthew> shrinking the jar
L1791[16:03:35] <diesieben07> it optimizes away unused classes if you tell it to
L1792[16:03:39] <tterrag> ah
L1793[16:03:42] <tterrag> maybe
L1794[16:04:03] <tterrag> not sure how well that would work
L1795[16:04:08] <tterrag> sdk uses services
L1796[16:04:12] <tterrag> which are never technically "referenced"
L1797[16:04:21] <diesieben07> you can tell it to not remove class X
L1798[16:04:29] <diesieben07> and it then sees tht as a new root so to speak
L1799[16:04:36] <tterrag> hm
L1800[16:04:38] <tterrag> well maybe
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L1802[16:04:41] <tterrag> I mean the mod is ~7MB atm
L1803[16:04:44] <tterrag> it's not that ridiculous
L1804[16:04:47] <tterrag> but it should be <1
L1805[16:04:54] <diesieben07> i have only ever dealt with it in context of android though
L1806[16:04:58] <diesieben07> so i have never done the setup myself :D
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L1808[16:06:18] <tterrag> yeah I probably won't be bothering
L1809[16:06:52] <tterrag> mod functions right now, and with all the stuff we hook into, that's quite a feat, so I'm not going to blow on the house of cards
L1810[16:07:01] <diesieben07> haha
L1811[16:07:23] <diesieben07> // DONT touch this i have no idea how it works or why it works
L1812[16:07:38] <tterrag> ehh not so much that
L1813[16:07:44] <tterrag> it's just that we use a lot of web API stuff
L1814[16:07:47] <diesieben07> aha
L1815[16:07:49] <tterrag> I know how it works, but that doesn't mean it's not fragile
L1816[16:08:00] <ThePsionic> At least I've been slightly productive tonight
L1817[16:08:01] <ThePsionic> [thepsionic.github.io] ThePsionic pushed 1 new commit
L1818[16:08:24] <tterrag> I haven't updated my website in so long
L1819[16:08:45] <tterrag> https://github.com/tterrag1098/Website
L1820[16:08:46] <tterrag> january :/
L1821[16:10:08] <ThePsionic> To be honest all I did was change a font in a visual
L1822[16:10:51] <ThePsionic> http://thepsionic.com/#mods
L1823[16:10:52] <ThePsionic> :P
L1824[16:11:07] <tterrag> snazzy
L1825[16:11:38] <ThePsionic> Couldn't think of any good graphics for Ingens and Astus so I just slapped the names on a gradient and called it a day lmao
L1826[16:12:02] <tterrag> more than I could do
L1827[16:12:05] <tterrag> <- not a web dev
L1828[16:12:26] ⇦ Quits: CptRageToaster (~CptRageTo@2602:306:ccba:9f70:21e:8cff:fe36:4c5) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1829[16:12:33] <ThePsionic> <- not creative whatsoever
L1830[16:12:36] <tterrag> I recolored my maven listings, so I guess I'm an expert now
L1831[16:12:37] <tterrag> http://maven.tterrag.com/
L1832[16:12:48] <diesieben07> pwetty
L1833[16:12:51] <ThePsionic> nice
L1834[16:13:05] ⇦ Quits: Seppon (~Noppes@82-168-99-26.ip.telfort.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1835[16:13:06] <MattDahEpic> compared to others, mine is just ok...: http://mattdahepic.com/code/mods/
L1836[16:13:13] <tterrag> the html that nginx generates is pretty limited
L1837[16:13:15] <tterrag> or I would have done more
L1838[16:13:37] <PitchBright> MattDahEpic: Hey man… question for ya
L1839[16:13:44] <diesieben07> now all look at mine!!! http://mods.take-weiland.de/
L1840[16:13:48] <MattDahEpic> what is it?
L1841[16:13:52] <PitchBright> did you shut down ODC?
L1842[16:13:53] ⇦ Quits: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@2a02:a44e:91ce:0:215:5dff:fe02:300) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1843[16:13:55] <ThePsionic> MattDahEpic: My main problem there is everything is all over the place :(
L1844[16:13:57] <PitchBright> I loved that mod
L1845[16:14:07] <ThePsionic> diesieben07: best website 2k15
L1846[16:14:12] <diesieben07> ikr
L1847[16:14:12] <ThePsionic> 11/10 would browse again
L1848[16:14:25] <diesieben07> i mean its html5 so it must be good right
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L1850[16:14:36] <ThePsionic> lol
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L1852[16:15:07] <MattDahEpic> PitchBright, i didnt make ODC, i made a hotkey converter and a one thats automatic
L1853[16:15:18] <PitchBright> yeah that one… sorry
L1854[16:17:46] <gigaherz> osh... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRlyMAzV698
L1855[16:17:50] <tterrag> MattDahEpic: you see your problem with the config class I hope
L1856[16:18:00] <MattDahEpic> tterrag, yep i fixed it
L1857[16:18:17] <PitchBright> I always confuse it with ODC because the commands in in your mod start with "/odc"
L1858[16:20:56] <PitchBright> but yeah… it's "hotkeyoredictconv-1.1-2.jar" that I love and use… and I went looking to see if there was a more recent release… and the project page was removed
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L1860[16:21:28] <PitchBright> did you combine it with the Auto one, or just shut it down?
L1861[16:23:16] <MattDahEpic> the hotkey is an option in auto now
L1862[16:23:25] <PitchBright> awesome… thanks dude
L1863[16:23:33] <PitchBright> I was worried for awhile there ;)
L1864[16:24:19] <MattDahEpic> im in the process of getting all my stuff ready for 1.8.8, updating old code and such so there might be a new version of auto soon
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L1866[16:25:49] <MattDahEpic> dang i still cant figure out the gui. https://gist.github.com/MattDahEpic/e4849bcaaca7bb32d791
L1867[16:26:19] <khumps> im getting java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set static khumps.firstmod.FirstMod field khumps.firstmod.FirstMod.instance to com.example.examplemod.ExampleMod whenever I try to run with a second mod in the workspace. is it possible to run with 2 mods?
L1868[16:26:50] <MattDahEpic> build one and put in in libs
L1869[16:26:53] <Thutmose> you need to change your modid it seems to me
L1870[16:27:07] *** K-4U is now known as K-4U|Off
L1871[16:27:22] <khumps> they are using different modids
L1872[16:27:31] <khumps> and they are in seperate packages
L1873[16:27:43] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/cmvsrFN.png This seems a bit unrealistic
L1874[16:27:56] <Thutmose> something is the same in both mods
L1875[16:28:08] <Thutmose> if it is trying to set the instance of one to the other mod
L1876[16:28:50] <khumps> @Mod for firstmod @Mod(modid = Strings.MODID, version = Strings.VERSION)
L1877[16:28:55] <Thutmose> 27 53 hour 20 minute segments a day?
L1878[16:29:05] <khumps> @Mod for example @Mod(modid = ExampleMod.MODID, version = ExampleMod.VERSION)
L1879[16:29:45] <Thutmose> what about the @Instance?
L1880[16:29:55] <khumps> oooh
L1881[16:29:57] <Thutmose> there is where you probably have the wrong mod id
L1882[16:30:20] <khumps> they are both named instance?
L1883[16:30:28] <Thutmose> that isn't the problem
L1884[16:30:36] <khumps> the annotation is just @Instance
L1885[16:30:43] <khumps> is there more args?
L1886[16:31:22] <Thutmose> i thought it took modid as arg
L1887[16:31:34] <khumps> also ExampleMod doesnt have any instance
L1888[16:31:58] <tterrag> it can take the modid
L1889[16:32:00] <TehNut> It takes a modid as an optional arg
L1890[16:32:08] <khumps> that might help then
L1891[16:33:14] <khumps> the only arg it can take is value
L1892[16:33:37] <Thutmose> give it modid as arg
L1893[16:34:03] <khumps> i tryed modId = Strings.MODID but it said modId isnt valid
L1894[16:34:07] <khumps> oh
L1895[16:34:22] <khumps> the comment on value is The mod object to inject into this field
L1896[16:34:35] <khumps> so i guess i just set value to modId?
L1897[16:34:51] <Thutmose> yes
L1898[16:35:05] <tterrag> @Instance("modid")
L1899[16:35:32] <khumps> odd that it is value and not modId when that is essentially what it is looking for :P
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L1901[16:36:35] <khumps> well it worked, thanks :P
L1902[16:36:43] <tterrag> value is specia;
L1903[16:36:47] <tterrag> because you don't need to specify it
L1904[16:36:50] <khumps> ah
L1905[16:37:24] ⇦ Quits: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1906[16:37:59] <khumps> going to go plug my flash drive into another computer and see if everything runs without a hitch
L1907[16:38:09] <khumps> fully portable forge would be awesome
L1908[16:38:14] <khumps> for modidng on the go :P
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L1914[16:54:24] <GeoDoX> What's the @Instance used for? I know you define it on an instance of your Mod class but what does it do? Is it needed?
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L1918[16:56:47] <Matthew> GeoDoX, it's a way to get at the instance of your mod. iirc it's required for gui stuff
L1919[16:56:58] <Matthew> and you don't define the instance. fml sets the field for you
L1920[16:57:37] <GeoDoX> Ahhh, alright
L1921[16:57:54] <GeoDoX> Thanks Matthew
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L1930[17:26:00] <ThePsionic> the joys of html http://i.imgur.com/pmJQEcw.png
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L1957[18:59:46] <Thutmose> Lex, should I include a patch for the RenderVillager into my PR, which swaps over to a different method for getting the texture, using the profession instead?
L1958[19:01:13] <Cazzar> \o/ exams over!
L1959[19:01:46] <Cazzar> Thutmose: if it's within the scope of the PR I wouldn't see why not.
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L1963[19:15:01] <ThePsionic> congrats Cazzar
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L1965[19:18:02] <LexManos> Thut: Probably iut should be a simpler 1 line patch
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L1968[19:20:00] *** diesieben07 was kicked by LexManos (http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,35018.msg184745.html#msg184745 Hakuna Your Cussing Tatas))
L1969[19:20:38] <Thutmose> I commited that change. also re-added the comment mentioning that the deprecated method does nothing.
L1970[19:20:51] <Thutmose> since now it is never used anywhere
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L1972[19:21:32] <LexManos> anyway to support both for copmpleteness and backwards compatibilities sake?
L1973[19:21:56] <Thutmose> well, the vanilla system cannot add new professions or skins anyway
L1974[19:22:16] <Thutmose> the 1.7 system could, but not the 1.8
L1975[19:23:17] <gigaherz> they made the villager system worse in 1.8?
L1976[19:23:40] <Thutmose> they made it impossible to add trades (without direct nbt editing) or professions
L1977[19:24:07] <Thutmose> it got more advanced, in the sense that it now has a profession/career/level system
L1978[19:24:19] <Thutmose> but those were all hardcoded in, as an ugly array for vanilla stuff
L1979[19:24:33] <gigaherz> oh
L1980[19:24:44] <gigaherz> so they just half-assed it as usual ;P
L1981[19:25:21] <LexManos> THats not 'imposible' to add new things
L1982[19:25:28] <LexManos> its actually quite easy, because reflection
L1983[19:25:48] <Thutmose> you cannot add new professions without editing the getProfession method in the villager
L1984[19:26:06] <Thutmose> as every time it reads it above 4, it resets to 0
L1985[19:26:48] <Thutmose> reflection could be used to edit the existing trades, but editing the giant array of trades
L1986[19:28:24] <Thutmose> but for textures, you would need to override the vanilla renderer, to handle say career based textures, since professions could not be added, and then use reflection to edit the array
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L1991[19:37:57] <RX14> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10584956
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L1993[19:39:18] <RX14> Might be nice to have some information spread around that link
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L1998[19:49:02] <gigaherz> lol someone doesn't understand the complexity involved in modding Minecraft XD
L1999[19:50:12] <gigaherz> if I could be bothered to create an account in that site, I may decide to write a reply why all those points are the way they are
L2000[19:50:18] <gigaherz> but whatever ;P
L2001[19:55:32] <LexManos> the hell? Information spread around that link? what?
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L2004[20:00:20] <ltp> feels good to finally be out of hiatus and back on coding Quantum API ;)
L2005[20:01:19] <gigaherz> heh
L2006[20:03:54] <ltp> :P
L2007[20:05:39] * LexManos 's ban finger is itching.
L2008[20:05:57] <ltp> :L
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L2010[20:06:25] <ltp> That... doesn't make sense if you were going to ban someone (me) right now...
L2011[20:17:19] <gigaherz> itching in anticipation
L2012[20:17:59] <ltp> oh
L2013[20:19:04] <ltp> I was thinking more that it would make sense if he sade *LexMan~'s ban finger is twitching
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L2017[20:34:44] <AbrarSyed> lol..
L2018[20:34:58] <AbrarSyed> sometimes people do the most pointless things.. why would you want to manage docker with MC?
L2019[20:35:09] <AbrarSyed> thats.. a terrible idea
L2020[20:35:35] <illyohs> umm wat?
L2021[20:36:03] <AbrarSyed> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10584956
L2022[20:36:23] <Mimiru> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZDlJgJf55o
L2023[20:37:24] <LexManos> Who wouldnt want to hack the gibson?
L2024[20:37:28] <AbrarSyed> and its really not that hard.... just hook some events to your docker management utility.. no harder than a web UI...
L2025[20:37:35] <AbrarSyed> gibson?
L2026[20:37:53] <fry> the most powerful supercomputer
L2027[20:37:59] <LexManos> Oh that's adorible, go watch Hackers.
L2028[20:38:05] <AbrarSyed> gitta say though, that dude has some neat art on that github page..
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L2032[20:46:12] <Matthew> "A custom Minecraft compatible game server written in C++" oh god why
L2033[20:46:23] <ltp> because it's faster
L2034[20:46:47] <ltp> custom because custom reasons
L2035[20:46:54] <tterrag> everyone knows java is a slow language for babies, right?
L2036[20:47:01] <ltp> no, it's not
L2037[20:47:18] <ltp> but it takes a while for java to finally compile all that code ;)
L2038[20:47:27] <Matthew> java can be plenty fast :P
L2039[20:47:41] <ltp> Not in -Xint mode
L2040[20:47:46] <ltp> :P
L2041[20:48:05] <tterrag> Matthew: was joke
L2042[20:50:18] <gigaherz> the higher the level of a language the larger the overhead from safety checks and other work needed to get things running, Java is just no exception
L2043[20:50:50] <ltp> everyone knows J.a.v.a. stands for Just another virtual arena
L2044[20:51:10] <gigaherz> they say C++ lets you shoot yourself in the foot, but i like to think it's more like in C++, it's easy to grab the gun backwards
L2045[20:51:40] <gigaherz> and in C, the gun has no clear indication of which side is which
L2046[20:53:41] <ltp> In D, your gun is a sniper with multivariable scope and ergonomic adjustable grip with extendable clip that doesn't flinch or recoil when you fire...
L2047[20:53:59] <ltp> probably overexaggerated
L2048[20:54:39] <ltp> Though currently the accuracy of the sniper is a bit off (the language's auto feature is unstable right now)
L2049[20:55:42] <gigaherz> ltp: but dud bullets?
L2050[20:56:01] <ltp> armor piercing/tank rounds
L2051[20:56:19] <gigaherz> I heard the worst part of D was the standrd librery being so buggy
L2052[20:56:23] <ltp> you would not believe the performance (on par with C code)
L2053[20:56:47] <gigaherz> I considered D for a while, some years ago
L2054[20:56:47] <Cazzar> Java is close to C in some cases.
L2055[20:56:51] <ltp> gigherz: probably. I haven't used D in a while, mostly because of obvious reasons *cough* my API *cough*
L2056[20:56:54] <Cazzar> It's just the startup overhead is a pain
L2057[20:56:56] <gigaherz> went with C# simply because D didn't have any working IDE
L2058[20:57:08] <ltp> Cazzar, now that I can agree on
L2059[20:57:43] <ltp> but it's because D is put into the program as standalone because C++ environment is on the machine, where D isn't, so the entire library is compiled into your program too
L2060[20:58:16] <Cazzar> Why is this. One of my wallpapers: http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1447815483
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L2062[21:02:21] <ltp> "I got a glock in my 'rari, 17 shots, no 38"
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L2068[21:12:11] * AbrarSyed starts extoling the virtues of go
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L2072[21:18:15] <ltp> lol AbrarSyed
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L2077[21:25:50] <killjoy> Why must I fail at every attempt at POST?
L2078[21:26:13] <ltp> That's why you don't eat Kellogs cereal!
L2079[21:26:25] <killjoy> http POST
L2080[21:26:32] <ltp> (Post brand? No? k... :( _
L2081[21:26:38] <killjoy> not post cereal
L2082[21:26:44] <killjoy> and not Power On Self Test
L2083[21:27:03] <ltp> you just killed all the joy in this room
L2084[21:27:16] <killjoy> Well I'm not happy
L2085[21:27:29] <ltp> ...because of me?
L2086[21:27:35] <killjoy> No.
L2087[21:27:45] <killjoy> Twitter's giving me 301 errors while I'm trying to authenticate
L2088[21:28:57] <AbrarSyed> killjoy, because you're not using postman
L2089[21:29:05] <killjoy> I'm using signpost
L2090[21:29:15] <AbrarSyed> 301 means you got the wrong url...
L2091[21:29:24] <AbrarSyed> old api/
L2092[21:29:27] <AbrarSyed> ?
L2093[21:29:42] <killjoy> Curse you, signpost wiki!
L2094[21:30:20] <killjoy> Every other tutorial for posting to twitter wants to use either GET or twitter4j
L2095[21:33:21] ⇦ Quits: Mraof (~mraof@pool-74-110-222-32.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L2098[21:37:05] <ltp> I would think twitter would have a simple Auth API just like Google+ or pastebin and stuff...
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L2100[21:38:11] *** MineBot sets mode: +b *!*@mobile-166-172-191-020.mycingular.net
L2101[21:38:11] *** ltp was kicked by MineBot (Banned: I said it was itching and you start a language argument? (1d)))
L2102[21:41:57] <AbrarSyed> lol, oh cmon lex, the language ware lasted like a whole 5 minutes
L2103[21:48:23] <Cypher121> lol https://i.imgur.com/f94GqWM.jpg
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L2120[22:28:49] <killjoy> ooh, it works :)
L2121[22:28:58] <killjoy> https://twitter.com/killjoy1221_/status/666835269262385153
L2122[22:37:53] <gabizou> killjoy lol
L2123[22:38:01] <gabizou> you just had to make sure it was possible to do so
L2124[22:38:17] <gabizou> now release that plugin so that I can use it to upload screenshots to imgur
L2125[22:38:17] <gabizou> :P
L2126[22:38:26] <gabizou> er mod
L2127[22:39:03] <killjoy> Oh, it's already done.
L2128[22:39:10] <killjoy> I'm just making it better
L2129[22:39:15] <killjoy> not use twitter4j
L2130[22:39:39] <killjoy> It's voxelcam
L2131[22:40:28] <killjoy> Here's a build from a few days ago. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4n30wt4fseoxnz1/mod_VoxelCam-1.4.0-mc1.8.litemod?dl=0
L2132[22:40:55] <gabizou> .... voxelcam
L2133[22:41:13] <killjoy> It's not my mod, just a fork
L2134[22:41:15] <gabizou> i know
L2135[22:41:19] <gabizou> I know that very well.
L2136[22:41:30] <killjoy> heh
L2137[22:47:33] <gigaherz> lol
L2138[22:47:33] <gigaherz> https://twitter.com/bigthingist/status/666767477695627264
L2139[22:47:41] <gigaherz> eh
L2140[22:47:41] <gigaherz> https://twitter.com/zorinlynx/status/666781617545854976
L2141[22:47:47] <gigaherz> I meant to paste this reply
L2142[22:47:49] <gigaherz> ;P
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