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L24[01:16:47] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L25[01:17:19] <Wuppy> o/
L26[01:19:06] <gabizou> \o
L27[01:22:21] *** CrystalMare is now known as Crystal|AFK
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L29[01:31:46] <sham1> o|
L30[01:38:35] <mort_> |o|
L31[01:46:06] <Cypher121> \_[T]_/
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L33[01:51:30] <Cazzar> So, apparently a computer component reseller, thought that 6:30 PM was a good time to some maintanance.
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L36[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20151116 mappings to Forge Maven.
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L38[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L60[02:41:51] <Subaraki> unrelated to minecraft : java swing anyone ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33724788/rotate-a-bufferedimage-around-it-center-point
L61[02:46:48] <ThePsionic> swing batta batta
L62[02:49:09] <ThePsionic> Subaraki: X is better to make games in
L63[02:49:10] <ThePsionic> :3c
L64[02:51:24] <gabizou> ThePsionic you mean F?
L65[02:51:33] <gabizou> sorry, F#
L66[02:51:33] <gabizou> :P
L67[02:51:53] <ThePsionic> gabizou: No, I pressed X to JSON
L68[02:51:56] <ThePsionic> hueeuheheuhe
L69[02:51:58] <ThePsionic> </lame>
L70[02:53:42] <Subaraki> lol ThePsionic
L71[02:54:03] <ThePsionic> disclaimer: i have literally 0 experience with swing
L72[02:54:26] <ThePsionic> i know it's the javax.swing package but it ends there
L73[02:54:29] <gabizou> the only swing I played with was the swingset in parks
L74[02:55:00] <ThePsionic> lol
L75[02:55:27] <Cypher121> Subaraki: can you try rotating it on screen instead of rotating the image itself?
L76[02:55:43] ⇨ Joins: Szernex (~Szernex@213-240-95-45.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L77[02:55:50] <Cypher121> so you're not rotating and drawing, but rather drawing at angle. or does swing not allow that?
L78[02:55:51] <ThePsionic> just rotate the entire game world instead
L79[02:55:57] <ThePsionic> no one will notice
L80[02:56:28] <ThePsionic> it's 10am and i haven't had nearly enough coffee
L81[02:59:57] <Subaraki> Cypher121, ?
L82[03:00:00] <Subaraki> oh
L83[03:00:05] <Subaraki> like, uhm
L84[03:00:07] <Subaraki> *is kinda lost*
L85[03:00:11] <Subaraki> rotate it o nthe screen ?
L86[03:00:34] <Cypher121> so it looks like you have X by Y buffer
L87[03:00:45] <Cypher121> you rotate image inside it and it rescales itself
L88[03:01:11] <Cypher121> why not just put whole buffer without changing its contents at a different angle?
L89[03:01:14] <ThePsionic> alternatively, make the image square :P
L90[03:02:16] <Subaraki> the image is square
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L92[03:02:34] <Subaraki> ill try Cypher121
L93[03:02:36] <Subaraki> ill get back to you
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L95[03:02:50] <ThePsionic> oh yeah nvm i m dum
L96[03:02:55] <ThePsionic> as i said, more coffee needed
L97[03:03:00] <Subaraki> x)
L98[03:04:51] <Subaraki> <Cypher121> why not just put whole buffer without changing its contents at a different angle?
L99[03:05:05] <Subaraki> the AffinetransformOP is the one that applies the transformation
L100[03:05:26] <Subaraki> im still generaly confused
L101[03:05:37] <ThePsionic> welcome to programming, Subaraki
L102[03:07:49] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@
L103[03:14:59] <Wuppy> life of a game developer.. getting distracted with the desing + programming of a game while playing it
L104[03:15:35] <Subaraki> that too yeah xD
L105[03:16:19] <Wuppy> I was playing Super Motherload
L106[03:16:34] <Wuppy> is has some great ideas and the game is fun, but some design choices are so incredibly stupid
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L108[03:16:52] <ThePsionic> I've found out something strange about Tumblr lately
L109[03:17:02] <Wuppy> Tumblr :|
L110[03:17:12] <ThePsionic> If you go to [blog].tumblr.com/40%dax then you get strange posts
L111[03:17:13] <ThePsionic> https://web.archive.org/web/20151116091550/http://tumblr.thepsionic.com/40%dax
L112[03:17:18] <ThePsionic> On any blog
L113[03:17:26] <ThePsionic> It changes periodically but is the same on every blog
L114[03:17:27] <Wuppy> 4chan/reddit pls
L115[03:17:33] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: nah fuck that
L116[03:17:34] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L117[03:18:46] <ThePsionic> I made two snapshots earlier but they got removed
L118[03:18:46] <ThePsionic> Wat
L119[03:18:53] <ThePsionic> gg wayback
L120[03:30:33] <Wuppy> hmm guess I'm going to change browsers :o
L121[03:30:59] ⇦ Quits: WinterGuardian (~Winter@modemcable155.7-22-96.mc.videotron.ca) (Quit: Leaving)
L122[03:31:47] <ThePsionic> rip Wuppy
L123[03:31:53] <Wuppy> rip chrome
L124[03:32:17] <Wuppy> chrome has been rather sucky
L125[03:35:43] <Cazzar> Once firefox gets ES6 and U2F I might move back
L126[03:38:59] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: you worked with C# before right
L127[03:40:13] <Cazzar> C# <3
L128[03:40:55] <ThePsionic> Have you, Cazzar? I guess you can answer my questions as good as Wuppy can
L129[03:42:16] <Cazzar> And what is it?
L130[03:42:35] <ThePsionic> 1) If you know a decent amount of Java, can you C#? 2) What IDE?
L131[03:44:22] <Cazzar> C# and java have a lot of similarities, though some to note, a stream in C# is bi-directional (both in and out), packages are namespaces, and imports are using. And personally for C# dev, I usually use Visual Studio, with ReSharper
L132[03:44:47] <ThePsionic> hmm
L133[03:51:00] <Wuppy> ThePsionic, I've worked for a year with C# in Unity
L134[03:51:11] <ThePsionic> ah
L135[03:51:26] <Wuppy> but yeah, if you know Java, learning C# is about an hour or 2 of work
L136[03:51:42] <Wuppy> there are a few small differences in common syntax but that's about it
L137[03:52:07] <Wuppy> IDE: Visual Studio
L138[03:52:34] <Wuppy> and also add Visual Assist to VS
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L140[03:56:50] <Cypher121> can git show changes in file from commit A to commit B?
L141[03:56:57] <Wuppy> yes
L142[03:57:19] <Wuppy> no clue how to do it in the cmd though :P
L143[03:57:36] <Cypher121> in IDEA?
L144[03:57:49] <Wuppy> git != IDEA
L145[04:00:36] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L146[04:02:41] <Wuppy> \o/ time to continue learning web development
L147[04:04:14] <Cypher121> Wuppy: yeah, I meant, you said you have no clue how to do that in cmd, so I asked you if you know how to do that through IDEA's git interface
L148[04:04:31] <Wuppy> I have never used IDEA so i don't know that either :C
L149[04:04:39] <Wuppy> Eclipse masterrace
L150[04:04:44] * Wuppy runs and hides from the IDE war
L151[04:05:01] <ThePsionic> Hrm
L152[04:05:10] <ThePsionic> Cazzar: ReSharper isn't free?
L153[04:05:21] <Cazzar> It isn't
L154[04:05:28] <ThePsionic> bleh
L155[04:05:31] <Wuppy> ThePsionic, Visual studio is free :)
L156[04:05:33] <Cazzar> It also requires non-community vs
L157[04:05:36] <ThePsionic> oh
L158[04:05:39] <ThePsionic> nvm then rofl
L159[04:05:44] <Wuppy> Visual Assist is only free if you go to the proper websites :P
L160[04:06:06] <ThePsionic> isn't Visual Studio good just like that then?
L161[04:06:17] <Wuppy> Visual Studio is good
L162[04:06:25] <Cazzar> it is, ReSharper just complements it a lot more.
L163[04:06:29] <Wuppy> Visual Assist adds some features to make it even better
L164[04:06:38] <Wuppy> such as variable renaming in C++ :)
L165[04:07:03] <Cazzar> Wuppy: https://www.jetbrains.com/resharper-cpp/
L166[04:08:05] <Wuppy> Cazzar, I guess those two do the same thing then
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L168[04:10:11] <Cypher121> if you go to proper websites, all software is free
L169[04:10:30] <Wuppy> yep, said that a few minutes ago :P
L170[04:10:32] <Cazzar> Legality of such is questionable though
L171[04:10:41] <Wuppy> in the Netherlands, it's legal
L172[04:10:44] <Wuppy> or legal-ish
L173[04:11:25] <Cazzar> http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1447668683
L174[04:11:27] <Cazzar> Meh
L175[04:11:37] <Cypher121> I mean VPNs are legal almost everywhere...
L176[04:12:02] <Wuppy> Cazzar, I used to get Visual Studio licenses, now it's just the community one I think :c
L177[04:13:21] <Cazzar> Cypher121: heh, tell that to the UK
L178[04:13:34] <Cypher121> fuck UK
L179[04:13:49] <Wuppy> actually, for some reason there are now two Dreamsparks
L180[04:13:59] <Wuppy> not sure who thought that was a good idea, but oh well
L181[04:14:43] <luacs1998> Wuppy, two dreamsparks?
L182[04:14:53] <luacs1998> one is for students, one is for institutions
L183[04:15:04] * Cazzar has both
L184[04:15:13] <Wuppy> you're right
L185[04:15:13] <luacs1998> so do i
L186[04:15:17] <Wuppy> why is there a differnece though?
L187[04:15:56] <Cazzar> The student Dreamspark is more limited, whereas the Institutionalised one is usually linked to an MSDN account
L188[04:16:08] <Cazzar> And therefore gives you more content.
L189[04:16:22] <luacs1998> Cazzar, linked to an MSDN account?
L190[04:16:47] <luacs1998> i remember they were giving out free dreamspark standard/premium for schools who signed up for office 365 and all that
L191[04:16:54] <Wuppy> Dreamspark student is linked to my Microsoft account while the Institute one is directly on my school account
L192[04:17:05] <Wuppy> oh yeah, we also have free office 365 :)
L193[04:17:08] <Cazzar> luacs1998: if I am to be technically accurate, that's wrong, though, close enough.
L194[04:17:26] <Wuppy> but my studnet dreamspark email is messed up though, I think it redirects from my primary email to an old email to my school email
L195[04:17:47] <luacs1998> lol
L196[04:18:09] <luacs1998> my school uses some weird script to tie student dreamspark accounts to the school intranet
L197[04:18:11] <Wuppy> I cry evry tim
L198[04:18:33] <Wuppy> luacs1998, so you can only access it at school?
L199[04:18:49] <luacs1998> not exactly
L200[04:19:00] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
L201[04:19:13] <luacs1998> the passwords are synced between intranet, o365 and dreamspark
L202[04:19:36] <Wuppy> our passwords are also synced
L203[04:19:49] <Wuppy> which is good, because our school decided to use at least 500 different systems
L204[04:19:49] <Cazzar> My uni has a custom o365 login that uses the uni's ActiveDirectory
L205[04:20:00] <Wuppy> I'm not kidding when I say that each studnet has 3 different email accounts
L206[04:20:02] <luacs1998> heh, same here
L207[04:20:06] <Wuppy> all with a different thing after the @
L208[04:20:17] <luacs1998> blackboard and such are also gated into the school AD
L209[04:20:30] <luacs1998> my school has 2 accounts per student
L210[04:20:31] <Cazzar> Ew blackboard :P
L211[04:20:32] <Wuppy> we don't use blackboard (thankfully considering what I hear from it :P)
L212[04:20:41] <luacs1998> fortunately they all forward to the main student email
L213[04:20:50] <Wuppy> we use portal, natschool, osiris, outlook and a few otehr systems
L214[04:20:57] <luacs1998> then the school also recommends students forward mails to their private accounts
L215[04:21:05] <Wuppy> same same
L216[04:21:22] <luacs1998> but anyway
L217[04:21:37] <luacs1998> i just came out of a IDE debate against my programming teacher
L218[04:21:43] <Cazzar> My uni just half the time, email's both :/
L219[04:21:49] <Wuppy> luacs1998, which language?
L220[04:21:56] <luacs1998> he says you need clearance from IT to check out a VS enterprise license
L221[04:21:58] <luacs1998> C++
L222[04:22:07] <luacs1998> clearly he hasn't heard of VS community ;)
L223[04:22:09] <Wuppy> C++ must be written in VS
L224[04:22:24] <luacs1998> we use this odd thing called codeblocks
L225[04:22:29] <Wuppy> oh god :'(
L226[04:22:34] <Wuppy> I used that at one point
L227[04:22:35] <Cazzar> My lecturer once reccomended using VS 2012 for a course this year
L228[04:22:40] * Wuppy performs sepukku
L229[04:22:43] <luacs1998> whut
L230[04:22:53] <Cazzar> I was the only one who went "I have VS 2015 enterprise, fk it, I am using it"
L231[04:22:54] <luacs1998> well, we were asked to install VS2010
L232[04:22:58] <luacs1998> that's the greater joke
L233[04:22:59] <luacs1998> same here
L234[04:23:14] <luacs1998> i only use codeblocks because that's how the school teaches
L235[04:23:17] <Cazzar> my lecturer just didn't care, as long as he could read the .cs files.
L236[04:23:23] <luacs1998> to get real work done i'd use VS
L237[04:24:03] <Cazzar> Also, had another student that thought .java files made by IDEA were different somehow to .java files made my eclipse... I had to explain to him, that they were both... plaintext sourcecode.
L238[04:24:28] <kashike> ._o
L239[04:24:42] <luacs1998> wtf
L240[04:24:44] <luacs1998> idiots
L241[04:24:46] <Wuppy> some people really need to learn the basics of computers before starting progrmaming
L242[04:24:50] <luacs1998> are you in a degree course?
L243[04:25:04] <Cazzar> Yeah, Bachelor of Information Technology
L244[04:25:05] <luacs1998> i'm only at technical college and all my friends are asking the same questions
L245[04:25:11] <luacs1998> programming class is an easy A for me
L246[04:25:22] <Cazzar> funner thing, is he is staff for IT helpdesk.
L247[04:25:23] <Wuppy> ugh :(
L248[04:25:27] <Wuppy> :'(
L249[04:25:53] <Wuppy> how does someone get in a bachelor of IT
L250[04:26:00] <Wuppy> someone like that*
L251[04:26:19] <Cazzar> Welcome to "easy access universities"
L252[04:26:38] ⇦ Quits: Kaiyouka (~IdiotNono@c-75-71-231-133.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L253[04:26:47] <Wuppy> the school I'm in is all but easy to access
L254[04:27:00] <Wuppy> there's like 1000 applications in a year, only 200 or so places
L255[04:27:29] <luacs1998> whaaaat
L256[04:28:21] <Wuppy> luacs1998, is that to me or Cazzar?
L257[04:28:40] <luacs1998> to you and cazzar
L258[04:28:54] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L259[04:29:05] <Wuppy> the reason why we have so many is because game development isn't a common course in NL
L260[04:29:13] <Wuppy> and we also have some great teachers + tech
L261[04:29:33] <ThePsionic> rip in pieces
L262[04:29:46] <kashike> rip in pepperoni
L263[04:29:57] <Wuppy> \o/ pepperoni
L264[04:30:07] <luacs1998> oh...
L265[04:30:11] <luacs1998> in bloody retrospect
L266[04:30:21] <luacs1998> i should have used VS to do my homework
L267[04:31:08] <Cazzar> Why did i just open a 1GB .txt file in notepad...
L268[04:31:16] <kashike> poor you
L269[04:31:31] <ThePsionic> RIP Cazzar
L270[04:31:44] <ThePsionic> may his computer recover peacefully
L271[04:31:46] <Cazzar> I can close it easy.
L272[04:32:12] <Cazzar> Plus, the system can EASILY load that much into memory anyway
L273[04:32:52] <Cazzar> heh: http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1447669968
L274[04:33:31] <ThePsionic> lmao
L275[04:34:05] <Cazzar> And sublime opens it as a binary blob
L276[04:34:08] <Cazzar> :/
L277[04:34:17] <ThePsionic> top kek
L278[04:35:35] <Wuppy> I dont speak any france, but I do like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwGGcZoRs-k
L279[04:36:05] <ThePsionic> je ne parle pas francais
L280[04:36:12] <ThePsionic> also
L281[04:36:19] <ThePsionic> <Wuppy> I dont speak any france
L282[04:36:27] <Wuppy> Anonymous declared war on IS
L283[04:36:28] <ThePsionic> no one speaks france
L284[04:36:39] <ThePsionic> people speak french
L285[04:36:41] <ThePsionic> but not france
L286[04:36:41] <Wuppy> I know, but I can't really link a dutch news website either now can I :P
L287[04:36:46] <ThePsionic> sure you can
L288[04:36:59] <Wuppy> oh derp, I apperantly can't speak england either :P
L289[04:36:59] <ThePsionic> chrome still has google translate built in
L290[04:37:03] <ThePsionic> rofl
L291[04:37:44] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: hmu with the link in pm pls
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L293[04:38:01] <kashike> Wuppy: do you speak human
L294[04:38:02] <Wuppy> http://www.spitsnieuws.nl/geek/2015/11/anonymous-verklaart-is-de-oorlog
L295[04:38:31] <Wuppy> kashike, not sure, what I do know is that I speak wuppy
L296[04:49:39] <Drullkus> At what part of the game load does FML register textures
L297[04:52:55] <ThePsionic> I would very carefully say preInit
L298[04:53:46] <ThePsionic> https://github.com/ThePsionic/Ingens/blob/master/src/main/java/com/thepsionic/ingens/IngensMod.java#L83 ha, no, init
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L301[05:02:18] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: Did you have a minute of silence?
L302[05:06:42] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/GZvljN2.png I'm so good at commit messages
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L325[05:58:46] <Unh0ly_Tigg> lol, I hit E to open my inventory for the first time after updating... completely forgot about the new icons...
L326[06:00:22] <Unh0ly_Tigg> woops
L327[06:00:25] ⇨ Joins: FR^2 (~frquadrat@2001:41d0:1:f924::1)
L328[06:00:31] <Unh0ly_Tigg> wrong freaking channel...
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L345[06:30:35] <Wuppy> ugh... only getting matched with morons in Rocket League really makes the game less fun
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L350[06:40:41] <MalkContent> welcome to multiplayer :D
L351[06:41:24] <Wuppy> true :c
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L355[06:50:48] <MalkContent> o neat. i just discovered gui factories
L356[06:51:31] <sham1> ribz
L357[06:52:00] <sham1> also, what does the gui factory does
L358[06:53:56] <MalkContent> far as i understand it it allows you to change config settings from the mods menu
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L360[07:08:55] <Wuppy> damn... after listening to videos at 1.5x speed for an entire day, normally talking people are slooooooow
L361[07:09:11] <FR^2> Wuppy: *lol*
L362[07:10:01] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L363[07:10:13] <Wuppy> to be fair, this guy actually does talk quite slow
L364[07:11:26] <sham1> You need to slow down your life once in a while
L365[07:14:54] <MalkContent> don't judge the caffeeinated bewerages masterrace sham
L366[07:15:11] <MalkContent> o lok its spelled with a v
L367[07:15:18] <MalkContent> look*
L368[07:16:08] <Wuppy> heh, I'm already at 46% for a course on javascript I just started this mornig
L369[07:16:55] <mort_> Hi
L370[07:17:06] <Wuppy> hello Mort
L371[07:17:14] <mort_> How are you finding js so far?
L372[07:17:26] ⇦ Quits: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@ip-80-236-234-19.dsl.scarlet.be) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L373[07:17:35] <Wuppy> it works
L374[07:17:50] <mort_> True
L375[07:17:50] <Wuppy> not a big fan though
L376[07:18:01] <Wuppy> ugly language
L377[07:18:10] <Wuppy> plus it's not strict enough
L378[07:18:34] <mort_> I completely agree, I hate the complete lack of any kind of type safety
L379[07:18:58] <Wuppy> you don't even have to write the "var"
L380[07:19:11] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I wonder how long it would take me to build a browser that supports lua as a valid script language to use for the page...
L381[07:20:21] <Wuppy> I've never programmed in lua myself, but I think that'd be great :D
L382[07:20:36] <mort_> Originally, they intended for js to be one of multiple languages, which is why type="application/JavaScript" is a thing in htnl
L383[07:21:41] <Wuppy> there is no lua tutorial on lynda :(
L384[07:22:34] <mort_> I'm sure you could find a lua implementation in js and add some JavaScript which interprets the content of some new tag with lua
L385[07:24:18] <mort_> Though IMO, JavaScript > lua
L386[07:24:45] <mort_> When you get past the ugly warts and get used to things like prototypes
L387[07:24:53] * dangranos glares at mort
L388[07:25:04] * Wuppy stares at mort
L389[07:25:12] <masa> I don't like lua, it seems too restricted and there are weird syntaxes for some things and the metatable or whatever stuff just confuses me...
L390[07:25:23] <mort_> I agree
L391[07:25:42] <dangranos> Well, whole lua works on tables and syntax
L392[07:25:57] <dangranos> there ofc a LVM (lua virtual machine) underneat all that syntax
L393[07:25:58] <Wuppy> wait, lua breaks based on white space?
L394[07:26:04] <dangranos> Wuppy: um?
L395[07:26:18] <Wuppy> I should say: is white space sensetive
L396[07:26:23] <dangranos> nope
L397[07:26:27] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L398[07:26:34] <dangranos> uses keywords
L399[07:26:48] <dangranos> like `if true then something() end`
L400[07:27:01] <Wuppy> yep, another website made that clear to me :)
L401[07:27:27] <Wuppy> not sure if I like lua either, but javascript is :|
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L403[07:27:32] <masa> i just prefer the C/java-like syntax over anything else...
L404[07:30:09] <Wuppy> c++ is even betterererer
L405[07:30:26] <Wuppy> -ererer :P
L406[07:31:05] <masa> I'm yet to learn that...
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L408[07:31:18] <Wuppy> do it, it's really great
L409[07:31:21] <masa> probably should though
L410[07:31:30] <Wuppy> if you want to do it in a game, try making it within Unreal
L411[07:31:44] <masa> then I cold also learn some Qt and make fancy lookinng shitty programs :p
L412[07:31:56] <Wuppy> Qt?
L413[07:32:02] <masa> Qt
L414[07:32:09] <Wuppy> whats that?
L415[07:32:23] <masa> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qt_%28software%29
L416[07:32:42] <masa> a toolkit like gtk+
L417[07:32:57] <Wuppy> never heard of it before :P
L418[07:33:14] <masa> how is that even possible? O_o
L419[07:33:21] <Wuppy> I'm focussed on games
L420[07:33:37] <masa> okay
L421[07:33:40] <Wuppy> so if it's a game engine or something I'll probably now it, otherwise, maybe
L422[07:34:24] <masa> well supposedly Qt is a nice toolkit for making cross-platform applications/GUIs. Foe example MultiMC5 is made using Qt
L423[07:35:30] <Wuppy> yep I dont often make gui applications
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L425[07:35:58] <masa> yeah I have never made one either, other than a couple small ones using ncurses :D
L426[07:36:16] <masa> which isn't really a gui since it is console-based, so...
L427[07:36:35] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L428[07:37:37] <masa> and tehn there is also PyQt which is python bindings for Qt, so you can make those graphical applications using python
L429[07:37:54] <masa> which I'm not a huge fan of either
L430[07:38:17] <Wuppy> havent tried python yet
L431[07:38:25] <Wuppy> soon (tm)
L432[07:38:32] <masa> it's ok-ish but I personally kind of dislike languages that are based on white space rules
L433[07:38:39] <Wuppy> learning html, then javascript, then python
L434[07:38:51] <masa> ok
L435[07:39:10] <Wuppy> and I'm halfway through javascript \o/
L436[07:39:38] <masa> I've done a little bit of python, initially while I was doing my minecraft overviewer ports for FTB mod packs, and then I made a tiny program in python for converting mc stats files from 1.7 to 1.8 format
L437[07:40:08] <masa> basically mapping the numerical ids to the strings
L438[07:40:43] <masa> I don't know why mojang didn't (properly?) implement that, at least it didn't work on dedicated servers
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L441[08:07:55] <Wuppy> heh, being away from my desktop sure helps clear out my steam list of all those shitty indie games
L442[08:08:19] <Wuppy> at least untill I find a hidden gem like Tales of Maj'Eyal
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L466[09:32:26] <Ordinastie> anybody plays Rimworld ?
L467[09:36:49] <Wuppy> damn this is a very cool way to show a lineup http://www.freaqshow.com/line-up/
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L472[09:40:50] <Curle> Back
L473[09:40:59] <Curle> As you can probably tell :P
L474[09:41:00] <Wuppy> o/
L475[09:41:05] <Curle> WUPPY! :D
L476[09:41:09] <Curle> o/ o\ o/
L477[09:41:39] <Curle> Wuppy, OOC, what is your skin? :3
L478[09:41:46] <Wuppy> what?
L479[09:41:50] <Curle> In-game
L480[09:41:59] <Wuppy> uhh no clue, haven't played in ages
L481[09:42:03] <Curle> GG!
L482[09:42:05] <Curle> xD
L483[09:42:05] <Wuppy> but I'm going to say default steve
L484[09:42:10] <Wuppy> because that's how I roleld
L485[09:42:32] <Curle> rolled, lel, and eld in one word
L486[09:42:40] <Curle> That's a magnificent creation :D
L487[09:42:46] <Wuppy> I am the word master
L488[09:43:00] <Curle> You're the Shakespeare of mod-ern
L489[09:43:04] <Curle> :D
L490[09:43:28] <Curle> Mod, modding and modern in one word, I am do grammar very best too :D
L491[09:44:08] <Wuppy> hehe
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L493[09:44:39] <Curle> How's the life going for ye, Wupps?
L494[09:45:23] <Wuppy> great, lot's of cool stuff goign on atm, with you?
L495[09:45:52] <Curle> I've been asked to host/present a programming club at my local high school
L496[09:46:05] <Curle> The one I did before was so good, another school asked me to do it :D
L497[09:46:14] <Wuppy> cool :D
L498[09:46:20] <Curle> We're starting with Java, and a game everyone's familar with :D
L499[09:46:45] <Wuppy> I got asked to do that at a summercamp in puerto rico but america sucks for volunteers work
L500[09:46:57] <Curle> Haven't done any bar dancing yet
L501[09:47:07] <Curle> Mostly because there aren't any bars near me :P
L502[09:47:28] <Wuppy> I can't say that... at all
L503[09:47:33] <Curle> :P
L504[09:47:43] <Curle> You said there were 3 within a few blocks, I believe?
L505[09:48:01] <Wuppy> well I live in a city center, within a few blocks tehre are dozens
L506[09:48:09] <Curle> Same thing :P
L507[09:48:39] <Curle> I live in the center of my city (Not the city centre, that's the bay :P), and there aren't any until you get to the commercial centre
L508[09:49:55] <Wuppy> the commercial center is next to the city center
L509[09:50:03] <Wuppy> but that's on the other side :P
L510[09:50:45] *** CrystalMare is now known as Crystal|AFK
L511[09:55:01] <Curle> gg
L512[09:55:10] <Curle> I'm going to relog in mIRC, I hope
L513[09:55:21] <Curle> If not, something's gone wrong and you should call the police :D
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L517[10:00:16] <Curle> Success! mIRC is a good!
L518[10:00:53] <Wuppy> I called the dutch cops for someone on the internet called Curle of whom I dont know the living place a minute ago....
L519[10:01:02] <Wuppy> :P
L520[10:01:13] <ThePsionic> rofl
L521[10:01:32] <sham1> mIRC is not bad
L522[10:01:40] <sham1> But it is not good either
L523[10:01:42] <MalkContent> they probably mailed him a bag of weed with a note "chill"
L524[10:01:53] <Wuppy> I'd be fine with that :P
L525[10:01:56] <Wuppy> my parents wouldn't be
L526[10:02:04] <Curle> It was honestly way too much trouble for what this is
L527[10:02:08] <Curle> It looks cool though :D
L528[10:02:11] <ThePsionic> hexchat lives on
L529[10:02:17] <MalkContent> yea, i wouldnt be either
L530[10:02:26] <Wuppy> hexchat is great :D
L531[10:02:34] <MalkContent> dont you just hate being told to "chill" when it's clear you don't wanna?
L532[10:02:38] <MalkContent> fuck off, i don't wanna chill
L533[10:02:43] <Curle> Indeed, hexChat is way better than this, and I had to pay for this :P
L534[10:03:18] <sham1> why did you buy mIRC
L535[10:03:32] <gigaherz> I bought mirc retroactively
L536[10:03:33] <Curle> Because I'm a dumb.
L537[10:03:40] <gigaherz> I didn't pay for future service
L538[10:03:53] <gigaherz> I paid for all the years I had spent dismissing the nagging screen
L539[10:03:54] <gigaherz> ;P
L540[10:04:01] <MalkContent> :D
L541[10:04:17] <MalkContent> it's the winrar of nerds
L542[10:04:22] <Wuppy> always try/check software before buying it
L543[10:04:30] <Curle> If only...
L544[10:04:31] <Curle> xD
L545[10:04:42] <gigaherz> I also paid for winrar ;P
L546[10:04:51] <Curle> good thing there's a demo of your books on Play :P
L547[10:04:53] <Wuppy> o_____0
L548[10:04:57] <MalkContent> youre a good soul giga
L549[10:04:58] <Wuppy> 7zip is better anyway
L550[10:05:02] <Curle> For you
L551[10:05:13] <MalkContent> yea
L552[10:05:21] <MalkContent> but i didnt support 7z either
L553[10:05:42] <MalkContent> i feel bad now
L554[10:06:04] <MalkContent> probably should reduce my patreon support a bit and divert stuff to some opensource projects
L555[10:06:19] <Wuppy> I'm a student so I'll pay for stuff like that eventually :P
L556[10:07:17] <Curle> Oh yea, I completely forgot about that stuff
L557[10:07:30] <Curle> I may need to get a Patreon if I want to release my mods
L558[10:07:34] <gigaherz> Wuppy: again, I paid for the owed service, ;P
L559[10:07:36] <Curle> bit hefty in code :P
L560[10:07:45] <gigaherz> also
L561[10:07:50] <gigaherz> I very much prefer winrar's gui ;P
L562[10:08:00] <Curle> That's why I think it's better
L563[10:08:05] <gigaherz> I use 7zip when compressing 7z files
L564[10:08:07] <Wuppy> but 7zip is free :)
L565[10:08:09] <gigaherz> but I uses winrar for zip
L566[10:08:15] <gigaherz> sure but I already paid so why not ;P
L567[10:08:18] <Curle> It also adds a "Right-Click to extract here" to the right-click menu
L568[10:08:29] <gigaherz> both 7z and winrar do
L569[10:08:38] <Curle> I can't see it from 7z
L570[10:08:48] <gigaherz> you may have to enable shell integration
L571[10:08:55] <gigaherz> which requires starting 7z gui in admin mode
L572[10:09:07] <Curle> I'm not an admin, so there we are :P
L573[10:10:33] *** Crystal|AFK is now known as CrystalMare
L574[10:10:39] <Curle> And now, for something completely different.
L575[10:10:40] <Curle> The remains of the Titanic will be destroyed in 20 years due to a rust-eating bacteria called Halomonous Titanicae
L576[10:10:58] <SkySom> What?
L577[10:11:03] ⇦ Quits: covers1624 (~covers162@ppp118-210-166-31.lns20.adl6.internode.on.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L578[10:11:06] <SkySom> That's a thing?
L579[10:11:08] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L580[10:11:09] <Curle> Yep
L581[10:11:22] <gigaherz> probably just a random bacteria that they happened to discover eating the titanic
L582[10:11:31] <Wuppy> Curle, can you identify anyone on this page? http://www.freaqshow.com/line-up/
L583[10:11:43] <Curle> Scientists ran tests, it does eat rust, and quickly.
L584[10:11:49] <gigaherz> Halomonas titanicae is a gram-negative, halophilic species of proteobacteria which was discovered on rusticles recovered from the wreck of the RMS Titanic. Cristina Sánchez-Porro et al. first isolated the bacterium in 2010 from a sample of rusticle obtained from the RMS Titanic in 1991.
L585[10:12:17] <gigaherz> but it's not the ONLY one
L586[10:12:34] <gigaherz> apparently ALL the microbes acting on the remains will destroy it within 15-20 years
L587[10:12:40] <Curle> Arm, Wuppy?
L588[10:12:43] <Curle> No?
L589[10:12:47] <gigaherz> that one just happens to be eating the metal ;P
L590[10:13:02] <ThePsionic> tfw you make a new mod but you import the build.gradle of one you already had
L591[10:13:07] <Curle> There we are then. EVERYONE NEEDS A GIGA!
L592[10:13:11] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L593[10:13:21] <gigaherz> Curle: I'm jsut good at reading wikipedia ;P
L594[10:13:26] <Wuppy> Curle, I recognised a bunch from their faces and a few from the songs
L595[10:13:37] <Wuppy> but now that I found the list of names somewhere I feel stupid :P
L596[10:16:49] <Curle> Songs?
L597[10:16:50] <Curle> wat
L598[10:17:09] <Wuppy> there's music fragments under their faces
L599[10:17:27] <Wuppy> they changed their songs and they're kinda regonisable if you know the original
L600[10:17:51] * ThePsionic goes to sleep while this project is being setupDecompWorkspace'd
L601[10:17:52] <Wuppy> I feel stupid for not recognising #5 when I heard it :c
L602[10:20:37] <Curle> wat
L603[10:20:49] <Curle> Wait, is the mustic crytographed with the picture?
L604[10:20:58] <Curle> Or am I being too detective-y?
L605[10:21:06] <Wuppy> no the picture is a dj with a mask on them
L606[10:21:11] <Curle> oh
L607[10:21:13] <Curle> gg
L608[10:21:16] <Wuppy> under it is a sound fragment
L609[10:21:18] <Wuppy> soundcloud
L610[10:22:07] <Curle> ah
L611[10:22:10] <Curle> Kayden
L612[10:22:16] <mort_> ey, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBytV_QRkpc
L613[10:23:00] <Curle> Mort?
L614[10:23:02] <Curle> ehhhh
L615[10:23:05] <mort_> hi
L616[10:23:07] <Curle> Mortimer?
L617[10:23:11] <mort_> nope
L618[10:23:17] <Curle> The guy that's the apprentice of death?
L619[10:23:21] <Curle> Discworld?
L620[10:23:22] <Curle> No?
L621[10:23:33] <mort_> well
L622[10:23:36] <Curle> Aw, I was getting my hopes up
L623[10:23:45] <Wuppy> I know the name mort from something but idk from what
L624[10:23:48] <mort_> I'm an apprentice of death, for some definitions of apprentice of death
L625[10:24:00] <Curle> terry pratchett's books?
L626[10:24:05] <Curle> Called Mort?
L627[10:24:07] <Curle> xD
L628[10:24:22] <mort_> the name isn't really from anything in specific
L629[10:24:26] <Curle> Are you the Scythe guy?
L630[10:24:26] <Curle> :D
L631[10:24:29] <mort_> it has a history, but not from popular culture
L632[10:24:37] <mort_> I'm probably not the Scythe guy
L633[10:24:45] <Curle> hm
L634[10:24:55] <Curle> Wup, where did Wuppy come from?
L635[10:25:07] <Wuppy> Netherlands :D
L636[10:25:12] <Curle> :D
L637[10:25:21] <Curle> Curle is my gf's last name, so I'm not original :P
L638[10:26:11] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L639[10:26:25] <Curle> Ahh, gtg.
L640[10:26:27] <mort_> but more importantly, pipes :)
L641[10:26:30] *** Curle is now known as Curle|Away
L642[10:26:30] <mort_> and bye
L643[10:27:29] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
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L655[10:45:24] <Curle> :D
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L666[11:07:08] <ThePsionic> Hrm
L667[11:07:23] <ThePsionic> Why is IntelliJ automatically selecting parts of code when I move up or down
L668[11:07:31] <ThePsionic> It shows multiple cursors, as well
L669[11:07:38] ⇦ Quits: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipb2197f03.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over and Out!)
L670[11:08:57] <diesieben07> are you holding down shift? :D
L671[11:09:00] <MalkContent> second mouse?
L672[11:09:05] <ThePsionic> No, I had double tapped Control
L673[11:09:10] <ThePsionic> Which apparently enables that
L674[11:09:13] <diesieben07> but multiple cursors is a feature
L675[11:09:18] <ThePsionic> Yeah I know
L676[11:09:24] <ThePsionic> Just not the feature I wanted active :P
L677[11:09:30] *** TehNut|Sleep is now known as TehNut
L678[11:09:50] <diesieben07> double tap control does nothing for me
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L690[11:20:20] <Curle> gg diesie
L691[11:20:38] * Curle buys a toaster because he's toasty
L692[11:20:52] <Wuppy> o____O
L693[11:21:08] ⇨ Joins: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@x50abd6c5.dyn.telefonica.de)
L694[11:21:26] <Wuppy> you're toast?
L695[11:21:29] <Curle> y
L696[11:21:47] <Wuppy> You are Bread?
L697[11:21:54] <Curle> toasty
L698[11:21:57] <Curle> xD
L699[11:22:01] <Curle> I AM BREAD
L700[11:22:02] <FR^2> "These things are tasty - let's call'em tasticles!"
L701[11:22:02] <Curle> :D
L702[11:22:11] <Wuppy> http://store.steampowered.com/app/327890/
L703[11:22:15] <Curle> ye
L704[11:22:19] <Curle> I just called it
L705[11:22:29] <Wuppy> hehe
L706[11:23:02] <Curle> It means "mildly aggravated" because DIEsie :D
L707[11:23:42] ⇦ Quits: manmaed (~Ender@bcdccd40.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
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L710[11:24:22] ⇦ Quits: FR^2 (~frquadrat@2001:41d0:1:f924::1) (Quit: quit)
L711[11:25:26] <Curle> Has anyone played Topspin before?
L712[11:26:17] <diesieben07> wtf is wrong with you curle :D
L713[11:26:27] ⇨ Joins: manmaed|AFK (~Ender@bcdccd40.skybroadband.com)
L714[11:26:33] <diesieben07> also my name has nothing to do with dying
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L718[11:28:24] <MalkContent> it's german for the bart, the
L719[11:28:41] <diesieben07> WAT
L720[11:28:50] <Mimiru> erm ^
L721[11:28:52] <Mimiru> lol...
L722[11:28:56] <diesieben07> what are you doing to my name :(
L723[11:29:06] <ThePsionic> die sieben is German for "the seven"
L724[11:29:22] <Mimiru> ^^
L725[11:30:24] <Curle> gg
L726[11:30:31] <Curle> You killed him with German
L727[11:30:41] <Curle> Guten Tag to you, sir!
L728[11:30:42] <MalkContent> simpson reference, sieben :)
L729[11:31:09] <diesieben07> i never watched the simpsons much :D
L730[11:31:12] <Curle> (I think that means "Good Day", never touched a bit of german)
L731[11:31:16] <diesieben07> It does.
L732[11:31:21] <Curle> :DD
L733[11:31:31] <Curle> I saw it written down once, never again.
L734[11:31:36] <Curle> xD
L735[11:31:48] <MalkContent> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgquwVbdZf4
L736[11:32:05] <MalkContent> cant find it in english and cant be bothered to spend more than a minute on searching :D
L737[11:32:27] ⇦ Quits: manmaed (~Ender@bcdccd40.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L738[11:32:40] <diesieben07> uhh
L739[11:32:43] <diesieben07> "die bart die" 2nd result :d
L740[11:32:46] <diesieben07> but thanks
L741[11:32:52] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/ZibBy3r.png
L742[11:33:01] <ThePsionic> And that in an hour which included dinner
L743[11:33:02] <ThePsionic> Amazing
L744[11:33:14] <Curle> gg
L745[11:33:27] <Curle> would it take too long to do a lang file?
L746[11:33:31] <Curle> :P
L747[11:34:13] <ThePsionic> No
L748[11:34:22] <ThePsionic> Just focussing on content atm
L749[11:34:42] <ThePsionic> MalkContent: That joke was completely killed in German
L750[11:34:52] <MalkContent> you don't say
L751[11:34:56] <ThePsionic> I do
L752[11:34:58] ⇨ Joins: manmaed|AFK (~Ender@bcdccd40.skybroadband.com)
L753[11:34:59] <ThePsionic> Read up
L754[11:35:05] <ThePsionic> :⁾
L755[11:35:38] <ThePsionic> (Now I'm actually interested in whether you all see that as a superscript square bracket close)
L756[11:35:42] <MalkContent> youre an expert on joke killing, huh ^^
L757[11:35:43] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L758[11:36:11] <Curle> ThePsionic, is it that single character message you sent? It's a colon for me
L759[11:36:18] <ThePsionic> Nope
L760[11:36:35] <ThePsionic> HexChat has a Feature(tm) that lets you superscript characters by typing ^ + char
L761[11:36:45] <ThePsionic> But most of the time people don't see it
L762[11:36:54] <sham1> x²
L763[11:36:54] <Curle> I'm in mIRC, so there we go
L764[11:36:55] <Curle> :P
L765[11:37:03] <Curle> I can see that, X squared
L766[11:37:38] <ThePsionic> sham1: Yeah, it works with the numbers 0 through 3 I believe
L767[11:37:59] <ThePsionic> But superscript square brackets don't
L768[11:38:19] <Curle> The powerof sign? If I press that and press a number, it does ^2
L769[11:38:28] <ThePsionic> 2x³+6x²+x¹+2x⁰
L770[11:38:28] <Curle> Or rather, ^"
L771[11:38:38] <ThePsionic> How many superscripts do you see there
L772[11:38:43] <Curle> 4
L773[11:38:48] <ThePsionic> mk
L774[11:38:55] <ThePsionic> ⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹
L775[11:38:56] <ThePsionic> And there?
L776[11:39:01] <Curle> 6
L777[11:39:04] <ThePsionic> amazing
L778[11:39:13] <Curle> 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
L779[11:39:29] <ThePsionic> ⁽⁾
L780[11:39:31] <ThePsionic> And that?
L781[11:39:33] <Curle> Can you do letters?
L782[11:39:36] <Curle> erm
L783[11:39:41] <Curle> Looks like a diamond
L784[11:39:42] <ThePsionic> you can't
L785[11:39:54] <ThePsionic> it's a superscript bracket open and bracket close
L786[11:40:00] <Curle> Oh
L787[11:40:05] <Curle> Parenthesis set
L788[11:40:05] <sham1> I can see all the superscript
L789[11:40:39] <Curle> Can someone explain (how to do) Reflection to me? (Back to topic!)
L790[11:40:58] <sham1> How to reflection
L791[11:41:02] <sham1> Okay then
L792[11:41:12] <diesieben07> TheClass.class.getDeclared{Field|Method}
L793[11:41:19] <diesieben07> then setAccessible(true) on the result
L794[11:41:19] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L795[11:41:24] <diesieben07> put it in a static field
L796[11:41:26] <sham1> or instance.getClass.whatEver
L797[11:41:36] <ThePsionic> Hmm, I've never actually made a weapon or armor lol
L798[11:41:43] <diesieben07> then field.{get|set} or method.invoke
L799[11:41:51] <diesieben07> thats it in a nutshell
L800[11:41:59] <Curle> I made a sword that does 50 damage specifically for killing one mob, and it doesn't harm it.
L801[11:42:02] ⇦ Quits: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L802[11:42:08] <ThePsionic> gg wp
L803[11:42:08] <Curle> I need to rethink my stuff
L804[11:42:21] <ThePsionic> But yeah
L805[11:42:27] <ThePsionic> I need to figure out some basic shit here :P
L806[11:42:30] <sham1> And use methodHandles if you are at java7 or higher
L807[11:42:37] <Curle> Ta
L808[11:42:41] <sham1> InvokeVirtual
L809[11:43:11] <diesieben07> invokeExact
L810[11:43:18] <sham1> oh
L811[11:43:20] <diesieben07> and if you do that, you must have the MethodHandle in a static final
L812[11:43:28] <diesieben07> otherwise its just as slow as reflection pretty much
L813[11:43:35] <sham1> Mmmm
L814[11:43:43] <sham1> If it is in a static final field
L815[11:43:58] <sham1> Using it is about as fast as just invoking anything
L816[11:44:07] <diesieben07> -about
L817[11:44:14] <diesieben07> its just as fast. :D
L818[11:44:23] <sham1> I want to cover my tracks
L819[11:44:34] <sham1> I dun want to spread misinformation
L820[11:44:42] *** Crystal|AFK is now known as CrystalMare
L821[11:44:59] <diesieben07> the JVM generates the exact same assembler code for "someInstance.method()" vs SomeStaticFinalMethodHandle.invokeExact(someInstance)
L822[11:45:13] <sham1> s/assembler/bytecode
L823[11:45:16] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L824[11:45:17] <diesieben07> no not bytecode
L825[11:45:23] <diesieben07> machine code
L826[11:45:23] <sham1> Oh
L827[11:45:26] <sham1> JIT
L828[11:45:28] <diesieben07> yep
L829[11:45:34] <sham1> I get ya
L830[11:46:00] <diesieben07> thats why it has to be static final, otherwise the JIT doesnt inline the call and nothing happesn to optimize it
L831[11:46:34] <ThePsionic> addInformation is @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) right
L832[11:46:42] <sham1> Umn
L833[11:46:51] <sham1> It really would not do anything on the server side
L834[11:46:57] <sham1> As there is no information to be shown there
L835[11:47:04] <diesieben07> it is client only ys
L836[11:47:26] <ThePsionic> Yeah I was just wondering why I asked it in the first place seeing I could have looked at it myself
L837[11:47:29] <ThePsionic> But thanks regardless
L838[11:48:32] <sham1> I know this is a pipe dream but I really hope they add some thing to tell the compiler to compile into static final in Scala 2.12
L839[11:48:44] <diesieben07> uhh
L840[11:48:46] <diesieben07> i thougth they had that
L841[11:48:53] <sham1> Or at least have them give MethodHandle a wrapper or something so it can be optimized
L842[11:49:21] <ThePsionic> Hrm
L843[11:49:37] <ThePsionic> If I want to make a food that just insta-heals do I need to make some sort of custom food handler or something
L844[11:49:46] <sham1> But if nothing else, I'd like to see MethodHandle actually work in Scala the first place
L845[11:49:56] <diesieben07> yeah you need specail compiler magic
L846[11:49:57] ⇦ Quits: manmaed (~Ender@bcdccd40.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L847[11:50:06] <sham1> ye
L848[11:50:09] <diesieben07> because the invokeExact are "signature polymorphic"
L849[11:50:15] <sham1> M
L850[11:50:18] <ThePsionic> hrmmm
L851[11:50:23] <sham1> Welp, I have hopes for 2.12
L852[11:50:34] <diesieben07> but afaik statc final in scala is just private final val
L853[11:50:35] ⇨ Joins: Cypher121 (~Thunderbi@
L854[11:50:45] *** TehNut is now known as TehNut|Sleep
L855[11:50:46] <sham1> I tried to look into that
L856[11:50:48] *** TehNut|Sleep is now known as TehNut|Gone
L857[11:50:51] <sham1> But
L858[11:51:04] <sham1> as far as I saw, it didnt seem like it at first
L859[11:51:42] <diesieben07> ThePsionic, call player.foodStats.addStats with very high numbers
L860[11:51:59] ⇨ Joins: manmaed|AFK (~Ender@bcdccd40.skybroadband.com)
L861[11:52:03] <diesieben07> there isn't a limit on saturation you can have though if i understand correctly
L862[11:52:45] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L863[11:53:54] <Curle> gg
L864[11:54:31] <ThePsionic> diesieben07: Hrm, seems a bit impractical. I might just apply the Instant Heal potion effect after eating instead
L865[11:54:42] <diesieben07> how is "call a method" impractical? :D
L866[11:54:58] ⇦ Quits: Cypher121 (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L867[11:55:09] <sham1> invoke times man
L868[11:55:14] ⇨ Joins: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net)
L869[11:56:20] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L870[11:56:28] <Curle> diesie, saturation lasts, Instant Health is instant.
L871[11:56:42] <ThePsionic> ^ basically
L872[11:56:47] <diesieben07> uhhh
L873[11:56:50] <diesieben07> i read that completely wrong
L874[11:56:55] <ThePsionic> This food item doesn't actually give any food points
L875[11:56:58] <diesieben07> you want to heal the oplayer...
L876[11:57:08] <sham1> just set the hp
L877[11:57:15] <sham1> or something
L878[11:57:25] <ThePsionic> As I said, apply an Instant Health effect after eating
L879[11:57:34] <diesieben07> player.heal(Float.MAX_VALUE)
L880[11:57:37] <ThePsionic> Or that
L881[11:57:43] <diesieben07> actually no that woudl overflow
L882[11:57:47] <ThePsionic> Oh
L883[11:57:54] <diesieben07> so...
L884[11:57:58] <diesieben07> yeah just a very high number
L885[11:58:42] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L886[11:58:47] <sham1> 9001.0f
L887[11:59:13] <sham1> More than enough
L888[12:01:08] * diesieben07 mumbles something about stupid over 9000 jokes
L889[12:01:15] ⇦ Quits: kimfy (~kimfy___@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L890[12:01:24] <sham1> ..that's the point
L891[12:02:05] * diesieben07 was pointing out that your joke sucks
L892[12:02:22] * ThePsionic thinks diesieben07 likes to talk about himself in third person
L893[12:02:25] * sham1 does not care that it sucked
L894[12:02:43] <diesieben07> I have problems OK??! leave me be.
L895[12:02:45] <ThePsionic> Hrmmmmm
L896[12:03:00] <ThePsionic> Order of formatting: Italics then color or color then italics
L897[12:05:10] <sham1> Does it matter?
L898[12:05:13] ⇦ Quits: Unh0ly_Tigg (~Robert@c-76-115-95-185.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L899[12:05:17] <ThePsionic> Apparently
L900[12:05:23] <ThePsionic> Italics then color doesn't work
L901[12:05:26] <ThePsionic> Also http://i.imgur.com/1pBt4zn.png progress
L902[12:05:48] <ThePsionic> although that unloc should probably include my modid somewhere
L903[12:07:48] * Curle agrees that Diesie has problems
L904[12:08:58] * diesieben07 throws rocks at Curle
L905[12:09:06] <sham1> You cant throw
L906[12:09:22] <diesieben07> you guys are mean
L907[12:09:24] * Curle throws a NullPointerException at diesie
L908[12:09:33] <sham1> You have not learned Strength yet
L909[12:09:38] <Curle> CATCH THE ERROR
L910[12:09:38] <Curle> :D
L911[12:10:01] <sham1> You need HM04 to throw rocks
L912[12:10:10] <alex_6611> wow
L913[12:10:20] <sham1> what
L914[12:10:22] <alex_6611> and you need to beat that arena leader
L915[12:10:43] <Curle> And you need to heil hitler
L916[12:10:51] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L917[12:11:01] <sham1> That's racisẗ́
L918[12:11:06] <alex_6611> oh come on, no need to take it out of pokemon :3
L919[12:11:31] <Curle> Pokemon?
L920[12:11:45] <Curle> Isn't that the old japanese show about hentai creatures aimed at kids?
L921[12:11:49] ⇨ Joins: AtomicStryker (~AtomicStr@ip-109-91-181-57.hsi12.unitymediagroup.de)
L922[12:11:52] <sham1> yes
L923[12:11:52] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L924[12:12:00] <sham1> And a video game series
L925[12:12:11] <alex_6611> which we were referencing right now
L926[12:12:29] <Curle> oh
L927[12:13:00] ⇦ Quits: Kotoro[LT] (~Kotoro@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L928[12:13:54] ⇨ Joins: Commodore64 (~Julian@46-50-18.adsl.cyta.gr)
L929[12:14:06] <Commodore64> hello
L930[12:14:19] <ThePsionic> from the other side
L931[12:14:38] <Commodore64> pahimar!?
L932[12:14:49] <pahimar> ?
L933[12:14:50] <Commodore64> is Pahimar really on?
L934[12:14:58] <progwml6> lol
L935[12:14:59] <sham1> Oh
L936[12:15:00] <Commodore64> are you THE Pahimar?
L937[12:15:04] <pahimar> check me
L938[12:15:06] <ThePsionic> omg
L939[12:15:12] * ThePsionic dies
L940[12:15:37] <SkySom> Check the cred yo
L941[12:15:38] ⇨ Joins: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@75-166-140-155.hlrn.qwest.net)
L942[12:15:45] <Commodore64> I came on to ask about the legendary Pahimar setup
L943[12:15:55] <ThePsionic> ayy at least my lang file is working
L944[12:16:20] <pahimar> nothing legendary about it anymore - forgegradle does it for you
L945[12:16:35] <Commodore64> I wanted to know how to setup eclipse to devolop an addon mod for the lotr mod
L946[12:16:36] <SkySom> Forgegradle is magical
L947[12:16:43] <Commodore64> which doesn't have an api
L948[12:16:58] <sham1> ForgeGradle is no magic
L949[12:16:58] <Commodore64> I decompiled and deobfuscated it
L950[12:17:02] <sham1> It is real science
L951[12:17:20] <Commodore64> and now I have a folder of the files that used to be in the jar
L952[12:17:20] <MrKickkiller> sham1 Science with a couple of drops of magic
L953[12:17:26] <RX14> it's pretty damn obfuscated though
L954[12:17:44] <Commodore64> with the .class files all converted to .java
L955[12:17:48] <RX14> so many plugin types with shared logic makes it hard to trace execution flow through 4 layers of classes
L956[12:17:54] <RX14> and superclasses in the base plugin
L957[12:17:56] <RX14> but whatever
L958[12:17:57] <sham1> That is just decompilöing
L959[12:17:59] <RX14> shit happens
L960[12:18:02] <Commodore64> and now I want to know how to build on it
L961[12:18:05] <SkySom> Commodore64, if you're developing an addon you shouldn't need the classes from the original mod in yours
L962[12:18:25] <diesieben07> you put those java files in src/api/java
L963[12:18:25] <diesieben07> done
L964[12:18:40] <Commodore64> what about the assets folder?
L965[12:19:03] <diesieben07> src/api/resources
L966[12:19:07] ⇦ Quits: manmaed (~Ender@bcdccd40.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L967[12:19:30] <Commodore64> there's a src/main
L968[12:19:39] <diesieben07> create it
L969[12:19:40] <Commodore64> do I need to create /api?
L970[12:19:45] <SkySom> Yea
L971[12:19:46] <ThePsionic> How does one comment in .lang files
L972[12:19:54] <SkySom> # is what I u se
L973[12:19:58] <ThePsionic> okie
L974[12:21:17] <MattDahEpic> is the fingerprint you use for @Mod.certificateFingerprint() the sha1 of the signing certificate or of the file?
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L977[12:22:47] *** manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L978[12:24:10] <Commodore64> so what about the mcmod.info?
L979[12:24:16] <Commodore64> where do I put that?
L980[12:24:46] <diesieben07> same...
L981[12:25:22] <Commodore64> in the /src/api folder or some sub folder?
L982[12:25:30] <diesieben07> src/api/resources
L983[12:25:37] <Commodore64> ok
L984[12:25:42] <Commodore64> Danke
L985[12:25:55] <diesieben07> np :)
L986[12:26:45] <Commodore64> two more things are left now, net folder, Meta inf, and credits
L987[12:26:52] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L988[12:26:59] <diesieben07> meta inf, get rid of
L989[12:27:01] <diesieben07> net folder?
L990[12:27:02] <diesieben07> credits?
L991[12:27:22] <Commodore64> ./net/minecraft/world/gen
L992[12:27:31] <Curle> Is it just me, or is Klaypex a really good artist to mod to?
L993[12:27:45] <Commodore64> electronic music?
L994[12:27:47] <MrKickkiller> I think you'll need net/minecraft
L995[12:27:48] <Curle> yamon
L996[12:27:55] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L997[12:27:55] <Curle> Rain, Lights, the such
L998[12:27:58] <Commodore64> just a wild guess from the name, lol
L999[12:28:12] <Curle> Dubstep
L1000[12:28:14] <Curle> Mostly
L1001[12:28:20] <diesieben07> what
L1002[12:28:25] <diesieben07> why is there a net/minecraft folder in their mod
L1003[12:28:33] <Commodore64> the lotr mod
L1004[12:28:38] <Curle> It was used in the video "DUBSTEP GUNS" by corridordigital
L1005[12:28:41] <Commodore64> have you heard of it?
L1006[12:28:45] <diesieben07> heard, yes
L1007[12:28:51] <diesieben07> don'
L1008[12:28:53] <MrKickkiller> diesieben07, He decompiled and deobfuscated the LOTR mod, in order to make an addon
L1009[12:28:57] <diesieben07> yes...
L1010[12:28:58] <Curle> If you've ever heard of a "dubstep gun", it came from those, and thus Klaypex
L1011[12:29:06] <diesieben07> but why the fuck does the LOTR mod contain net/minecraftt
L1012[12:29:11] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/X2pdz06.png
L1013[12:29:12] <ThePsionic> ayy
L1014[12:29:16] <Commodore64> there was a dubstep gun mod once...
L1015[12:29:27] <Curle> I know
L1016[12:29:36] <Curle> With the model from Saint's Row IV
L1017[12:29:43] <Curle> Which had music from Klaypex
L1018[12:29:48] <Curle> See where I'm going here?
L1019[12:29:51] <Commodore64> well I think in the new version of the lotr mod
L1020[12:30:06] <Commodore64> there is a world gen type that directly generates middle earth
L1021[12:30:10] <diesieben07> don't tell me their are a jar editing mod...
L1022[12:30:21] <Commodore64> is that like a deadly sin?
L1023[12:30:23] <Curle> Wait, actually it was Datsik and Excision that did Pop Star
L1024[12:30:26] <diesieben07> pretty much, yes
L1025[12:30:28] <Curle> diesie, jGUI
L1026[12:30:30] <Curle> :D
L1027[12:30:31] <MrKickkiller> Wait, LOTR had dubstep guns? I really need to rewatch those movies again! ^_^
L1028[12:30:37] <Curle> It's a visual decompiler
L1029[12:30:49] <Curle> And thus, recompiler
L1030[12:30:52] <diesieben07> i KNOW how to decompile a mod...
L1031[12:30:53] <Curle> And thus, editing
L1032[12:31:05] <Commodore64> so what are your guys's projects?
L1033[12:31:57] <Commodore64> anyway all the way at the end of the net.minecraft folder there's a file called
L1034[12:31:57] <Curle> Mine? A DreamScape, with a worldtype and portal and mobs, just basically so you can enter my mind :D
L1035[12:32:00] <Commodore64> LOTRGenLayerRiverInit.java
L1036[12:32:42] <Curle> Yours, Com?
L1037[12:32:49] <diesieben07> ohhh
L1038[12:32:58] <diesieben07> Commodore64, just put that into src/api/java as well
L1039[12:33:00] <Commodore64> I am trying to make an addon for the lotr mod where you can change the spawnrules of a certain biome by conquering it
L1040[12:33:31] <Commodore64> eg if you conquer mordor Gondorian soldiers spawn instead of orcs
L1041[12:34:44] <AtomicStryker> kind of an odd request - can you name me a java application that uses the swing api, is ideally contained inside a jar (no installation), and somewhat popular? example jEdit
L1042[12:35:05] <Commodore64> javaDecomp?
L1043[12:35:25] <Commodore64> the one that I used to decompile the mod I'm working on
L1044[12:35:26] <AtomicStryker> i forgot a criteria. it needs to have some kind of gui with atleast a couple of buttons
L1045[12:35:37] <Commodore64> it has buttons
L1046[12:35:42] <AtomicStryker> im guessing javaDecomp is a glorified command line thing
L1047[12:36:03] <Commodore64> it shows folder structure and has tabs
L1048[12:36:13] <Commodore64> it's pretty friendly looking
L1049[12:36:40] <ThePsionic> Commodore64: @ your previous question, I'm currently working on Undercraft, which adds a load of Undertale-related stuff. I also have Ingens on my backlog, which tries to be a GW2 equivalent in MineCraft
L1050[12:37:15] <Commodore64> @diesieben07 now the /src/api folder isn't registering as code, just showing up as normal folders in eclipse
L1051[12:37:21] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/j8KLW7e.png lookit dat bandage
L1052[12:37:33] <ThePsionic> i'm probably gonna need someone to properly texture for me
L1053[12:37:35] <diesieben07> Commodore64, re-run gradlew eclipse
L1054[12:37:48] <MattDahEpic> speaking of undertale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL7oFfCX-E0
L1055[12:37:49] <Commodore64> how do you pm again? it's been a while since I've used irc
L1056[12:38:05] <diesieben07> depends on your IRC client
L1057[12:38:14] <diesieben07> but you should be able to just double click the name in the name list
L1058[12:38:18] <Commodore64> in the main /forge folder?
L1059[12:38:21] <Commodore64> oh ok
L1060[12:38:25] <Commodore64> I use Hexchat
L1061[12:38:27] <ThePsionic> floppy disk remixes best remixes
L1062[12:38:35] <diesieben07> or right click on the name anywhere
L1063[12:38:53] ⇨ Joins: Kotoro[LT] (~Kotoro@
L1064[12:39:26] <Commodore64> ok I'll close eclipse and then run gradlew again from the home folder of the Forge src
L1065[12:39:50] ⇦ Quits: iari (~iari@evana.futhark24.org) (Quit: Verlassend)
L1066[12:40:24] <Commodore64> *crosses fingers
L1067[12:40:29] ⇦ Parts: RX14 (~RX14@is.aww.moe) (Leaving))
L1068[12:40:52] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1069[12:41:35] <ThePsionic> Hopefully I eventually find someone who can texture well :P
L1070[12:41:46] <Commodore64> I am a good texturer
L1071[12:41:55] <Commodore64> want me to texture something?
L1072[12:42:13] <Curle> Commodore, for HexChat, right click the name in the list on the right and press the button on the top
L1073[12:42:48] <Commodore64> you mean open Dialog Window?
L1074[12:43:18] <Mimiru> Yes
L1075[12:43:36] ⇦ Quits: Kotoro[LT] (~Kotoro@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1076[12:46:15] <ThePsionic> Does vanilla have an enum with potion effects or something?
L1077[12:47:00] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L1078[12:55:00] <flappy> ThePsionic: potions, according to my knowledge that's stuck in 1.7, are a bitwise mess
L1079[12:55:19] <ThePsionic> I feared as much
L1080[12:55:33] <flappy> oh wait, potion effects
L1081[12:55:44] <flappy> i think those are simple
L1082[12:55:53] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1083[12:55:53] <flappy> there's IDs and such, yeah
L1084[12:56:00] <Curle> Armor test #1
L1085[12:56:25] <flappy> there's also a bunch of people that made coremods to bump the limit for said IDs
L1086[12:56:37] <ThePsionic> I just need to call an existing one
L1087[12:56:59] <ThePsionic> as in player.addPotionEffect(.......)
L1088[12:57:54] <Curle> no tab, test #2 :P
L1089[12:58:55] ⇨ Joins: Soni (soniex2@
L1090[12:59:26] <Curle> Textures named wrong, test #3
L1091[12:59:27] <Curle> :P
L1092[13:00:48] ⇨ Joins: theFlaxbeard (~theFlaxbe@
L1093[13:01:02] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L1094[13:01:16] <ThePsionic> Hm, I think I figured it out
L1095[13:01:26] <Curle> No lang, test #4
L1096[13:01:35] <Curle> damnit, I'm forgetting the modding process
L1097[13:01:39] <Curle> I need to write it down
L1098[13:01:53] <Curle> field, register, class, lang, texture, launch
L1099[13:02:20] <Curle> Or better yet, my WhiteDoor(tm)! :D
L1100[13:03:02] ⇨ Joins: mezz_ (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:f4b7:c4a0:7f9b:863b)
L1101[13:03:38] <ThePsionic> </shameless_plug>
L1102[13:03:47] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L1103[13:04:02] <Curle> Sorry, did I interrupt something, psionic?
L1104[13:04:06] <Curle> Sorry :P
L1105[13:04:09] <ThePsionic> nah :P
L1106[13:04:54] <ThePsionic> yay it works :D
L1107[13:04:58] <ThePsionic> anyway be back in a bit
L1108[13:06:01] ⇦ Quits: mezz (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:f4b7:c4a0:7f9b:863b) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1109[13:06:17] <Curle> http://i.imgur.com/BUJ7y70.png
L1110[13:06:20] <Curle> Anyone?
L1111[13:06:22] <Curle> D:
L1112[13:06:54] <Curle> I try to equip my armor, and only the helmet goes on and it's a full black cube
L1113[13:06:59] <Curle> Code behind the window
L1114[13:07:00] <gigaherz> you have exceptions in the log?
L1115[13:07:08] <gigaherz> always read the debug log
L1116[13:07:24] <Curle> No problems, but the console is spamming GL render errors
L1117[13:07:27] <gigaherz> you can't trust anything, if the code is throwing exceptions
L1118[13:07:41] <Curle> Which I normally get, since I have a school computer
L1119[13:08:06] ⇨ Joins: Slikrick (~slikrick9@c-50-189-48-85.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L1120[13:08:11] ⇦ Quits: Slikrick (~slikrick9@c-50-189-48-85.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1121[13:08:14] *** Jake_Away is now known as Jake_Evans
L1122[13:08:29] <Curle> No exceptions
L1123[13:09:35] <Curle> huh
L1124[13:09:45] <Curle> I can take the helmet off and put anything else in it's place
L1125[13:10:15] <Curle> Hold up, they all have the same tpye
L1126[13:10:17] <Curle> type*
L1127[13:10:21] <Curle> gg, me
L1128[13:10:35] ⇨ Joins: Cypher121 (~Cypher-ya@
L1129[13:11:24] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1130[13:11:29] <Curle> http://i.imgur.com/NQ0sh2B.png
L1131[13:11:51] <Curle> I fixed the armor not equipping, but that
L1132[13:12:03] <Curle> The exception is a filenotfound on a tool I didn't make the texture for
L1133[13:13:07] <Curle> Anything now, giga?
L1134[13:13:10] <Curle> :P
L1135[13:13:16] <Curle> WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW
L1136[13:15:17] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L1137[13:15:52] <Curle> Jezza, what's up with your constant reconnecting?
L1138[13:16:27] ⇨ Joins: Szernex (~Szernex@212-88-17-231.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L1139[13:19:12] ⇦ Quits: AtomicStryker (~AtomicStr@ip-109-91-181-57.hsi12.unitymediagroup.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L1140[13:20:53] <Curle> huh
L1141[13:21:12] <Curle> I was told that making armor have 25 armor points would make the player invincible
L1142[13:21:16] <Curle> I was lied to!
L1143[13:22:08] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1144[13:25:35] ⇨ Joins: mezz (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:f4b7:c4a0:7f9b:863b)
L1145[13:26:43] <Curle> onArmorTick it is
L1146[13:27:48] ⇦ Quits: mezz_ (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:f4b7:c4a0:7f9b:863b) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1147[13:29:12] <Curle> erm
L1148[13:29:21] <Curle> No onArmorTickUpdate method?
L1149[13:29:23] <Curle> At all?
L1150[13:31:08] <Curle> Okay, this channel is dead, I get it, but can someone help me here?
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L1152[13:33:22] <diesieben07> i dont see a question
L1153[13:34:32] <Curle> <Curle> No onArmorTickUpdate method?
L1154[13:34:33] <Curle> <Curle> At all?
L1155[13:34:42] <Curle> can someone help me here?
L1156[13:34:49] <McJty> How can I make a ghost slot (like a slot in an inventory where a user can place items but they are not really there) with an actual count? When getSlotStackLimit() returns 0 it works as a ghost slot but then the player cannot drag multiple items in it. It always gets set to 1
L1157[13:34:58] <diesieben07> onArmorTick...
L1158[13:34:59] <McJty> But if I raise the limit to 64 then it is no longer a ghost slot
L1159[13:35:20] <Curle> That isn't there either
L1160[13:35:54] <diesieben07> Curle, yes it is. http://i.imgur.com/MHAJlfI.png
L1161[13:36:14] <Curle> Class?
L1162[13:36:16] <diesieben07> item
L1163[13:36:23] <diesieben07> McJty, you want the items to go in but also stay in the player's hand?
L1164[13:36:26] <McJty> yes
L1165[13:36:33] <McJty> I can do it for a single item (just return 0)
L1166[13:36:44] <McJty> But I'd like the slot to remember the stacksize
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L1168[13:38:05] <diesieben07> i am not sure that's possible with how the Container code works
L1169[13:38:05] <Curle> Okay, I'm trying to use it in an ITEMARMOR class and I can't use it because it's in ITEM
L1170[13:38:07] <Curle> GAH
L1171[13:38:21] ⇦ Quits: Searge (~Searge@c83-252-50-53.bredband.comhem.se) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1173[13:39:12] <diesieben07> wat
L1174[13:39:15] <diesieben07> itemArmor extends Item
L1175[13:39:27] <Curle> http://i.imgur.com/UqTvJbR.png
L1176[13:39:34] <diesieben07> -.-
L1177[13:39:39] <diesieben07> don't override manually
L1178[13:39:48] <diesieben07> remove that method. type "onArmorTick" press ctrl-space
L1179[13:39:53] <diesieben07> choose the override method suggestion
L1180[13:40:04] <diesieben07> learn to use your ide ;)
L1181[13:40:29] <Curle> Override method?
L1182[13:40:37] <Curle> http://i.imgur.com/YR7mGL5.png
L1183[13:40:47] <diesieben07> dude
L1184[13:40:50] <McJty> diesieben07, do you know if in Container.slotClick() I can see what item the player is actually clicking with?
L1185[13:40:50] <diesieben07> remove that method
L1186[13:40:57] <diesieben07> then IN ITS PLACE
L1187[13:41:02] <diesieben07> type JUST "onArmorTick"
L1188[13:41:25] <diesieben07> yes you can mc
L1189[13:41:39] <diesieben07> but i have NO idea how that method works, i am not touching it with 10ft pole and a gasmask
L1190[13:41:51] <Curle> http://i.imgur.com/E2iHnCe.png
L1191[13:42:03] <Curle> orlynao
L1192[13:42:11] <diesieben07> are you being extra stupid now?
L1193[13:42:16] <diesieben07> put the cursor behind what you typed
L1194[13:42:18] <diesieben07> press ctrl-space
L1195[13:42:47] <diesieben07> http://i.imgur.com/qPKvNFL.png
L1196[13:42:48] <Curle> That worked
L1197[13:42:58] <Curle> It's just mostly glitchy for me
L1198[13:43:05] <diesieben07> wat
L1199[13:43:06] <Curle> y'know, school computer
L1200[13:43:15] <Curle> Not designed for any brand of this stuff
L1201[13:43:16] <diesieben07> why are you programming Minecraft on a school computer? :O
L1202[13:43:26] <Curle> Because they gave it to me
L1203[13:43:27] <Curle> :P
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L1206[13:44:03] <diesieben07> but if it sucks...?
L1207[13:44:19] <Curle> It doesn't suck, it just doesn't work half the time
L1208[13:44:20] <Curle> :P
L1209[13:44:31] <Curle> the difference being, I can bear with one and not the other
L1210[13:45:01] <Commodore64> ok so, sorry diesieben for annoying you, but could anyone else help me with my dependency issue?
L1211[13:45:08] <Curle> Hmm?
L1212[13:45:12] <Commodore64> I just made an imgur to post screenchots to
L1213[13:45:15] <Commodore64> https://imgur.com/gallery/NGZ93o9/new
L1214[13:45:28] <Commodore64> this is what my eclipse sidebar looks like
L1215[13:45:36] <Curle> Problem?
L1216[13:46:11] <Commodore64> now what I want to do is add the source of the mod I am basing my adddon off of
L1217[13:46:22] <Curle> Add it as another project
L1218[13:46:44] <Commodore64> diesieben suggested making a src/api folder, and dropping the files from the decompiled jar there
L1219[13:47:22] <diesieben07> that is not what I said
L1220[13:47:50] <Commodore64> well I oversimplified it
L1221[13:48:03] <Commodore64> I'll take another screenshot to explain
L1222[13:49:38] <Commodore64> oh well, imgur won't let me submit now
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L1226[13:51:51] <Commodore64> https://imgur.com/a/csTEd
L1227[13:52:48] <Commodore64> so I organized all the files like suggested
L1228[13:53:25] <diesieben07> you havent marked them as source folders
L1229[13:53:36] <Commodore64> and when I click on the /api/resources and /api/java respectively
L1230[13:53:42] ⇨ Joins: romibi (~quassel@cable-static-7-174.rsnweb.ch)
L1231[13:53:48] <Commodore64> and mark them as source
L1232[13:54:05] ⇨ Joins: HassanS6000 (~Hassan@pool-173-79-220-242.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
L1233[13:54:06] <Commodore64> it just shows errors in the code (screenshot coming up)
L1234[13:55:21] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L1235[13:56:18] <Commodore64> https://imgur.com/PV2F3kk
L1236[13:56:20] <Commodore64> there
L1237[13:57:35] <diesieben07> what are those errors?
L1238[13:58:40] <gigaherz> uh the lotr folder doesn't have the usual icon?
L1239[13:58:42] <Thutmose> Lex, or anyone else, what is the proper format for making a method as internal to forge? I have a public method in VillagerRegistry, which is public so that the EntityVillager can use it, but it probably shouldn't be used by modders
L1240[13:59:05] <MattDahEpic> make it package private?
L1241[13:59:11] <gigaherz> don't specify a visibility
L1242[13:59:13] <Thutmose> it isn't in the same package
L1243[13:59:22] <diesieben07> gigaherz, thats because it doesnt contain any source files, just other packages
L1244[13:59:24] <Thutmose> it is in fml.common.registry
L1245[13:59:31] <diesieben07> @Deprecated i would say
L1246[13:59:52] <Commodore64> https://imgur.com/8Tthtku errors like this one
L1247[13:59:53] <gigaherz> I don't think Java has a visibility flag that means "private when seen from outside the jar"
L1248[14:00:07] <AbrarSyed> its called protected
L1249[14:00:16] <diesieben07> no
L1250[14:00:17] <AbrarSyed> also, no scope == package-private
L1251[14:00:19] <Thutmose> it doesn't, so I was wondering whether I can use a comment or something, I will use the @Deprecated
L1252[14:00:19] <gigaherz> isn't protected visible only to inherited classes?
L1253[14:00:28] <diesieben07> and same package
L1254[14:00:37] <diesieben07> Commodore64, then the mod is broken or your decompiler is shit.
L1255[14:00:41] <diesieben07> probably the latter
L1256[14:00:45] <gigaherz> protected can be used from other classe of the same package?!
L1257[14:00:52] <diesieben07> yes
L1258[14:01:03] <AbrarSyed> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/accesscontrol.html
L1259[14:01:03] <gigaherz> my uni never bothered to mention that when they were teaching Java
L1260[14:01:04] <gigaherz> XD
L1261[14:01:09] <diesieben07> and the inhertied clases can only use it under certain circumstances
L1262[14:01:25] <Thutmose> protected doesn't work
L1263[14:01:28] <diesieben07> i know
L1264[14:01:34] <diesieben07> there is no way to do this properly in java
L1265[14:01:38] <gigaherz> I also didn't know about package-private back then
L1266[14:01:45] <AbrarSyed> what are you trying to do?
L1267[14:01:48] <Thutmose> I just marked it as deprecated then
L1268[14:02:00] <gigaherz> he has an internal method that he doesn't want mods calling
L1269[14:02:05] <gigaherz> but is needed from other packages inside forge
L1270[14:02:13] <Thutmose> well, needed by a vanilla class
L1271[14:02:14] <AbrarSyed> onyl thing that java annoys me that it cant do.. is if I want somethign protected but private.. so that only inherited classes can see
L1272[14:02:31] <gigaherz> that's what "protected" means to me ;P
L1273[14:02:36] <gigaherz> at least in C++ and C#, it means that
L1274[14:02:37] <gigaherz> XD
L1275[14:02:47] <AbrarSyed> /** INTERNEL METHOD! DONT USE IT!! ONLY FOR FORGE!!! */
L1276[14:02:55] *** CrystalMare is now known as Crystal|AFK
L1277[14:02:58] <AbrarSyed> you cant stop stupidity..
L1278[14:02:59] <diesieben07> nobody reads javadocs :P
L1279[14:03:03] <MattDahEpic> also spell internal right
L1280[14:03:04] <diesieben07> sadly.
L1281[14:03:08] <gigaherz> IDEA doesn't even bother to SHOW javadocs
L1282[14:03:09] <gigaherz> ;P
L1283[14:03:22] <diesieben07> why do you care if protected methods can be accessed by same package abrar? same package is usually "me"
L1284[14:03:26] <AbrarSyed> really? I read the javadocs all the time in eclipse...
L1285[14:03:26] <diesieben07> so it should not matter.
L1286[14:03:27] <Thutmose> Abrar, I will put that as method comment then, since you suggestion lol
L1287[14:03:31] <diesieben07> well, WE do ;)
L1288[14:03:38] <gigaherz> AbrarSyed: you have to explicitly request them
L1289[14:03:54] * AbrarSyed mutters something about gradle dependencies grabbing javadocs by default if available
L1290[14:03:59] <gigaherz> I'm used to VS showing me docs when doing auto-completion
L1291[14:04:05] <AbrarSyed> ^ eclipse does that
L1292[14:04:05] <gigaherz> next to the completion box
L1293[14:04:14] <gigaherz> IDEA doesn't do that, at least not by default
L1294[14:04:24] <AbrarSyed> it actually really annoys me when I have to go look at th source or pull up esternal javadocs..
L1295[14:04:36] <diesieben07> yeah i have changed that in idea, too
L1296[14:05:13] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
L1297[14:06:34] <gigaherz> yeah but the autopopup docs on completion is WAY too verbose
L1298[14:06:59] <gigaherz> I'd just want a basic short description of the current item (method name, or current arg), as I type
L1299[14:08:13] <AbrarSyed> it depends.. in eclipse if you mouse-over the options, it gives you jkavadoc otherwise its just the names..
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L1301[14:10:16] <gigaherz> thisi s how vs2015 shows it
L1302[14:10:16] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/Nicedoc.png
L1303[14:10:23] <gigaherz> it's just seamless
L1304[14:11:01] <gigaherz> it's stuff like this I miss when coding in IDEA
L1305[14:12:02] <gigaherz> or when you have an active arg: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/Nicedoc2.png
L1306[14:12:09] <gigaherz> shows the current arg's description also
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L1308[14:18:49] <Commodore64> ok guys, this irc channel is really helpful, and I'll definitely be coming back but for now, have a good night (if it's that time for you too)
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L1317[14:42:16] <ThePsionic> Hmm
L1318[14:42:33] <ThePsionic> Is EntityPlayer not a subclass of EntityLiving?
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L1321[14:45:01] <ThePsionic> Oh never mind
L1322[14:45:11] <ThePsionic> btw diesieben07 I found a real easy solution to my healing problem
L1323[14:45:43] <diesieben07> do tell
L1324[14:47:07] <ThePsionic> player.setHealth(player.getHealth() + 1);
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L1326[14:47:34] <diesieben07> How is that a full heal?
L1327[14:49:09] <ThePsionic> It's not a full heal
L1328[14:49:20] <ThePsionic> I never said anything about full heal
L1329[14:49:27] <ThePsionic> I said it would heal the player
L1330[14:49:38] <diesieben07> Oh. I misunderstood you then
L1331[14:50:25] <ThePsionic> :P
L1332[14:52:40] <ThePsionic> I might just make a method to do that and wrap it in a Math.min function
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L1335[15:01:29] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/YzoTFn7.png beautiful
L1336[15:03:02] <Curle> while(player.getHealth() < 20) { player.setHealth(player.getHealth() + 1) };
L1337[15:03:47] <ThePsionic> Why would I want to slowly regenerate the player's health
L1338[15:04:06] <gigaherz> Curle: the maxHealth can be > 20 ;P
L1339[15:04:17] <Curle> I'd imagine that'd do it 1 heart per tick
L1340[15:04:25] <Curle> So even at 0 hp it'd take a second
L1341[15:04:54] <gigaherz> ThePsionic: you are assuming the player only has 20 health, it can be > 20
L1342[15:04:56] <Curle> giga, without checking for Absorption
L1343[15:05:01] <gigaherz> not absorption
L1344[15:05:09] <Curle> Health Boost
L1345[15:05:11] <gigaherz> I mean like Tinker's heart canisters or such
L1346[15:05:16] <gigaherz> you CAN have maxHealth set > 20
L1347[15:05:24] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@d8D872E30.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L1348[15:05:26] <gigaherz> even in vanilla
L1349[15:05:34] <ThePsionic> player.setHealth(Math.min(player.getHealth() + amount, player.getMaxHealth()));
L1350[15:05:37] <ThePsionic> happy?
L1351[15:05:40] <gigaherz> yes.
L1352[15:05:42] <gigaherz> ;P
L1353[15:05:44] <ThePsionic> :3
L1354[15:07:17] <Curle> huh?
L1355[15:07:28] <Curle> My custom portal made a nether portal in my dimension
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L1359[15:10:42] <gigaherz> Curle: did you copypaste the nether portal teleport code? ;P
L1360[15:10:54] <Curle> No?
L1361[15:10:56] <Curle> :P
L1362[15:10:57] <Curle> http://i.imgur.com/O3E1Eue.png
L1363[15:11:00] <gigaherz> then no idea ;P
L1364[15:11:12] <Curle> ^ because of the texturing, it looks 3D :D
L1365[15:11:32] <gigaherz> no idea what that is, but it looks like fluids
L1366[15:11:33] <gigaherz> ;P
L1367[15:11:37] <Curle> Yep
L1368[15:11:39] <Curle> Fluid
L1369[15:11:41] ⇦ Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1370[15:12:04] <Curle> http://i.imgur.com/jNQpxOT.png
L1371[15:12:07] <Curle> Lower view
L1372[15:12:17] <gigaherz> thought so ;P
L1373[15:12:49] <Curle> I'm trying to find a way to get it so that it slowly breaks blocks it touches
L1374[15:12:52] <Curle> Like an acid
L1375[15:13:02] <Curle> Can't find a awy to detect a block it's touching
L1376[15:13:19] <Curle> way*
L1377[15:17:11] <gigaherz> hm
L1378[15:17:14] <gigaherz> well it's a block
L1379[15:17:21] <gigaherz> so you must be getting block updates every now and then?
L1380[15:17:39] <gigaherz> you can check how lava sets fire to things
L1381[15:18:10] <gigaherz> maybe it's using random ticks like leaves do
L1382[15:18:28] <Curle> It's a good thing to look into
L1383[15:18:37] <Curle> Hold on, I'm going through the looking glass
L1384[15:19:14] <gigaherz> yup BlockLiquid has setTickRandomly to true
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L1386[15:20:51] <gigaherz> but it doesn't override randomTick?
L1387[15:20:52] <gigaherz> weird
L1388[15:21:23] <diesieben07> All ticks go through updateTick.
L1389[15:21:31] <diesieben07> Random or scheduled
L1390[15:21:34] <gigaherz> ah
L1391[15:21:45] <gigaherz> so ticking is the random one
L1392[15:25:25] <gigaherz> aha BlockStaticLiquid.updateTick has "if (isSurroundingBlockflammable"
L1393[15:26:07] <Curle> Well, yes, and no.
L1394[15:26:21] <gigaherz> yeah I mean that's where the lava burning is done
L1395[15:26:24] <Curle> There's a thing that checks if it's flammable, but I want to check if it's not air :P
L1396[15:26:31] <gigaherz> so in yours
L1397[15:26:36] <gigaherz> you probably want to do something different
L1398[15:26:37] <gigaherz> ;P
L1399[15:26:42] <Curle> I can tell that
L1400[15:26:54] <gigaherz> but you'd probably want to do it in your updateTick
L1401[15:26:59] <Curle> Which armor slot is the chestplate?
L1402[15:27:06] <Curle> 0, 1, 2 or 3?
L1403[15:27:07] <Curle> :P
L1404[15:27:13] <gigaherz> no idea XD
L1405[15:27:17] <Curle> 1 doesn't work, gives NullPointer
L1406[15:27:19] <ThePsionic> Whoops, that was a bug
L1407[15:27:23] <Curle> As do all of the others :P
L1408[15:27:27] <ThePsionic> Good thing I crushed it before it was too late
L1409[15:27:33] <Curle> What was a bug?
L1410[15:27:56] <ThePsionic> Players could use healing items with full health, as in the item would disappear but health would not be given
L1411[15:28:27] <Curle> if(player.getHealth() == player.getMaxHealth()) { return null;}
L1412[15:28:36] <Curle> So many simple solutions :P
L1413[15:28:48] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/JmHvfI2.png
L1414[15:28:51] <ThePsionic> Slightly different
L1415[15:29:09] <Curle> Same premise
L1416[15:29:11] ⇦ Quits: theFlaxbeard (~theFlaxbe@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1417[15:29:15] <ThePsionic> Because now I don't need the Math.min check either
L1418[15:29:20] <Curle> yay
L1419[15:29:25] <Curle> Go simplicity
L1420[15:29:31] <ThePsionic> Actually
L1421[15:29:34] <ThePsionic> Wait yeah I do
L1422[15:29:34] ⇨ Joins: theFlaxbeard (~theFlaxbe@
L1423[15:30:08] <ThePsionic> If an item heals more than maxHealth - currentHealth
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L1425[15:30:21] <ThePsionic> Unless that gets caught by the game
L1426[15:30:31] <Curle> Going back to me armor, I've got the fluid stuff on me door, but can someone please tell me why this won't work? :P
L1427[15:30:44] <Curle> https://gyazo.com/ac8dba4d8dda05bcb6759541cc521128
L1428[15:31:14] * ThePsionic is slightly offset by the indent there
L1429[15:31:40] <Curle> https://gyazo.com/ad9eb42a93a5a9066581282948e7adfb
L1430[15:31:49] <ThePsionic> :D
L1431[15:31:52] <Curle> :DD
L1432[15:32:49] <ThePsionic> I'm gonna check if the game flips its shit if I don't manually check this
L1433[15:32:51] <Curle> Here's the crash log
L1434[15:32:51] <Curle> https://gyazo.com/6d6706fb0e4905d751c5d61ed59200b9
L1435[15:33:09] <Curle> Line 38 is the if() line
L1436[15:33:17] *** Tombenpotter is now known as Tombendaweesleep
L1437[15:33:18] <Curle> No idea why it's crashing: :P
L1438[15:33:35] <Thutmose> because chest is null
L1439[15:33:41] <Thutmose> player had no chest armor
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L1442[15:34:29] <Curle> Can you suggest a quick fix? I'm a bit lost here :P
L1443[15:34:40] <Thutmose> add a null check for chest
L1444[15:34:48] <Curle> Ah.
L1445[15:34:50] <ThePsionic> Game catches health that goes over the max
L1446[15:34:53] <ThePsionic> Yeha
L1447[15:35:43] <Curle> Time for possible supernoob, but does this fit that criteria? xD
L1448[15:35:43] <Curle> https://gyazo.com/7a6a54fbe59e2c95c3ff0f5dbfc2323b
L1449[15:35:53] <ThePsionic> yes
L1450[15:36:02] <Curle> :DD
L1451[15:36:36] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L1452[15:38:26] <ThePsionic> Fun things to do: Giving unobtainable items insane value
L1453[15:39:18] <ThePsionic> Like this http://i.imgur.com/nbhK5Gs.png
L1454[15:39:19] <Curle> That still, sadly, does not work.
L1455[15:39:22] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent (MalkConten@p4FDCFF86.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L1456[15:39:24] <ThePsionic> An item solely used for the creative tab
L1457[15:40:02] <ThePsionic> rip curle
L1458[15:40:02] <Curle> I get instakilled by an arrow from a skeleton
L1459[15:40:05] <Curle> At full hp
L1460[15:40:11] <Curle> Something fishy's going on
L1461[15:40:14] <ThePsionic> wat
L1462[15:41:05] <Curle> harm
L1463[15:41:09] <Curle> hmm*
L1464[15:41:22] <Curle> I got shot by a skeleton and it says I was exploded by a Creeper
L1465[15:41:33] <ThePsionic> rofl
L1466[15:41:33] <Curle> The plot, like my soup, thickens.
L1467[15:41:35] <Curle> xD
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L1471[15:46:40] <Curle> What the heck is going on here
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L1474[15:48:39] <Curle> Aha
L1475[15:48:50] <Curle> I put a breakpoint on the armorTick thing
L1476[15:48:57] <Curle> It didn't trigger when I put on my armor
L1477[15:49:45] <Curle> Oh?
L1478[15:49:52] <Curle> I was checking the helmet slot, it seems
L1479[15:50:16] <Curle> I changed the 1 in the chest variable to 2 and it's triggered
L1480[15:50:35] <gigaherz> http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/228778-magical-mages
L1481[15:50:39] ⇨ Joins: covers1624 (~covers162@ppp118-210-166-31.lns20.adl6.internode.on.net)
L1482[15:50:45] <gigaherz> someone has a very... creative creativity?
L1483[15:51:17] <MoxieGrrl> Eh.
L1484[15:51:57] <Curle> It's like the wither version of the Nether and the End combined
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L1486[15:53:37] <Curle> Interesting
L1487[15:53:41] ⇨ Joins: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net)
L1488[15:53:50] <Curle> If you have damageDisabled enabled, mobs don't target you
L1489[15:53:51] <Curle> At all.
L1490[15:54:08] <Curle> I can swim in a pool of creepers with this thing on
L1491[15:54:23] <ThePsionic> It's time for another round of
L1492[15:54:26] <ThePsionic> Guess
L1493[15:54:27] <ThePsionic> That
L1494[15:54:30] <ThePsionic> Texture!
L1495[15:54:30] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/EsnILAw.png
L1496[15:55:02] <Curle> Candy
L1497[15:55:30] <ThePsionic> Wow, correct right away
L1498[15:55:36] <ThePsionic> It is indeed Monster Candy
L1499[15:56:02] <Curle> :D
L1500[15:56:08] ⇦ Quits: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DE792E1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1501[15:56:09] <Curle> NEXT! :D
L1502[15:56:34] <ThePsionic> I'm not that fast ._.
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L1506[16:02:42] <ThePsionic> ok ok
L1507[16:02:45] <ThePsionic> Curle: http://i.imgur.com/MKiSK4c.png
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L1510[16:06:08] <bartman> a pink frosted donut that was shot 3 times?
L1511[16:08:25] <ThePsionic> you got the donut part right
L1512[16:08:34] <ThePsionic> and i guess the frosting part too
L1513[16:08:41] <ThePsionic> but those aren't bullet holes
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L1517[16:11:10] <bartman> type of donut?
L1518[16:11:26] <bartman> not something I've seen in america before that I can think of
L1519[16:11:32] <MattDahEpic> whats the best way to get a list of ModContainers for mods that use your mod as a dependency?
L1520[16:11:54] <ThePsionic> bartman: The black things are something you wouldn't want on a real-life donut
L1521[16:12:18] <bartman> I wouldn't want bullet holes in my donuts :)
L1522[16:12:58] <ThePsionic> You really don't know do you
L1523[16:13:14] <bartman> nope
L1524[16:13:32] ⇦ Quits: Seppon (~Noppes@82-168-99-26.ip.telfort.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1526[16:13:41] <ThePsionic> bartman: it's a spider donut
L1527[16:13:58] <bartman> hrm
L1528[16:14:44] <ThePsionic> are you unsatisfied with my awesome spider drawing skills? :P
L1529[16:15:01] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1530[16:15:03] <MattDahEpic> needs more muffet
L1531[16:15:10] <ThePsionic> pls
L1532[16:15:40] <MattDahEpic> speaking of muffet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi2FOXsCIpY&index=68&list=PLqg2eUOPo99cfURyHjDssHNMMePYdb6W3
L1533[16:16:27] <ThePsionic> mfw
L1534[16:18:37] ⇦ Quits: WinterGuardian (~Winter@modemcable155.7-22-96.mc.videotron.ca) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1535[16:18:42] <Curle> I think I've done it!
L1536[16:18:56] <Curle> Well, I say "I", I mean KingLemming :P
L1537[16:19:29] <Curle> I've compiled enough code to make it work!
L1538[16:20:02] <Curle> ThePsionic: A raisin donut?
L1539[16:20:08] <Curle> SPIDDER DONNUT
L1540[16:20:11] <ThePsionic> :3
L1541[16:20:57] <bartman> yeah I don't think you could seriously make it any better besides writing spider on the donut heh trying to get that across in that small of a pixel image is a hard job
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L1543[16:26:05] <Curle> gg
L1544[16:26:12] <Curle> I have to go, so bai
L1545[16:26:13] <Curle> D:
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L1550[16:36:50] <ThePsionic> lol bartman
L1551[16:37:41] <ThePsionic> Anyway that's enough coding for now, I need to wake up early tomorrow
L1552[16:37:48] <ThePsionic> cya o/
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L1557[16:43:30] <iceman11a> Does any one know of a machine that I can use to fill up a canister.
L1558[16:43:50] <gigaherz> fluid transposer?
L1559[16:44:37] <iceman11a> ok, thanks
L1560[16:44:39] <cobra> IE's botting machine if you have many smaller ones
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L1564[16:54:00] <iceman11a> No, I don't have the samller ones. The idea is to get water to the moon.
L1565[16:54:46] <iceman11a> The canisters cost way too much to make
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L1567[16:55:08] <cobra> so more like bedrockium drums?
L1568[16:55:58] <iceman11a> Ah, no, they cost too much to
L1569[16:58:18] <cobra> …or normal drums. that's still a lot of fluid in them. in this case: fluid transposer is definitely the simplest way.
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L1571[16:58:59] <iceman11a> It looks like that. There has to be a cheap container to make that can hold water.
L1572[16:59:21] <cobra> you could also place them in the world so that a pipe is filling them and break them when they are full.
L1573[16:59:34] <iceman11a> Hmm, I wonder if the water tank siding will work on the moon
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L1575[17:00:03] <GeoDoX> o/
L1576[17:00:22] <iceman11a> well I need to make them, fill them up with water and load them into a rocket and send them to the moon.
L1577[17:00:54] <iceman11a> then unload them. and transfer the water to a tank. So I can use forestry's farm.
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L1582[17:12:32] <Tyrantelf> How does one timeout of a single channel :L
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L1588[17:20:46] <JustGregory> Hello...~
L1589[17:21:10] <GeoDoX> shadekiller around?
L1590[17:22:33] <gigaherz> the fact that you can't tab-complete his nickname is a good indication that he isn't
L1591[17:23:27] <JustGregory> ^ not always, sometimes people come in under different nicks
L1592[17:23:37] <GeoDoX> Didn't think so, but ^
L1593[17:24:00] <JustGregory> ^ okay....
L1594[17:24:03] <GeoDoX> Anyone have a link to the post for the new OBJ loader?
L1595[17:24:37] <gigaherz> post?
L1596[17:25:23] <GeoDoX> Yeah, Lex posted a link to a mcforums post about it a few days ago
L1597[17:27:37] <GeoDoX> It was changes, had info about the obj loader, aswell as improved lighting, and a default renderer for liquids
L1598[17:28:49] <xaero> the new recommended build for Forge?
L1599[17:29:09] <xaero> should be stickied or somwhere important on the Forge forums
L1600[17:29:54] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Drullkus@2601:646:8301:c41e:e823:9e73:59a2:4a3e)
L1601[17:30:52] <GeoDoX> I can't seem to find it
L1602[17:31:41] <GeoDoX> got it http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,34955.0.html
L1603[17:32:37] <GeoDoX> fry, you around?
L1604[17:33:04] <JustGregory> but does anyone have a site that lists ALL the delta changes to method names? so I can try to figure out what func_$$$$ method to use? I know there's a github repo with per-version copies of all the SRG names, but it would be SOOOO much easier if I knew which functions are now better-named methods, and vice-versa...?
L1605[17:33:24] <GeoDoX> I think !gm is what you're looking for
L1606[17:34:02] <GeoDoX> just use !gm with the func_ name in here and it tells you
L1607[17:34:28] <JustGregory> !gm func_110174_bM()
L1608[17:34:40] <JustGregory> !gm func_110174_bM
L1609[17:35:12] <JustGregory> how far back does it go? some of this is from mc 1.6.2
L1610[17:36:09] <GeoDoX> !gm func_110174_bM
L1611[17:36:16] ⇨ Joins: BBoldt (~BBoldt@
L1612[17:36:21] <JustGregory> still nothing
L1613[17:36:25] <GeoDoX> Tells you the last change
L1614[17:36:38] <diesieben07> you can put a version after
L1615[17:36:40] ⇦ Parts: BBoldt (~BBoldt@ (Leaving))
L1616[17:36:47] <diesieben07> !gm <method> 1.7.10 for example
L1617[17:36:47] <JustGregory> !gm getHomePosition
L1618[17:37:08] <diesieben07> the default is latest
L1619[17:37:24] <JustGregory> !gm func_110174_bM 1.6.2
L1620[17:37:32] <JustGregory> !gm func_110174_bM 1.6
L1621[17:37:46] <diesieben07> use 1.6.4 it has the same mappings as 1.6.2
L1622[17:37:46] <GeoDoX> You can also use !gf for a field name and theres another one but I forget what it is
L1623[17:37:49] <JustGregory> oh for the love of .... WILDCARDS please
L1624[17:37:59] <JustGregory> !gm func_110174_bM 1.6.4
L1625[17:38:52] <JustGregory> !gf func_110174_bM
L1626[17:39:31] <JustGregory> !gf entityToAttack
L1627[17:39:46] <JustGregory> !gf entityToAttack 1.6.4
L1628[17:40:26] <gigaherz> JustGregory: if you want to see the history for one specific method, there's !mh
L1629[17:40:27] <gigaherz> also
L1630[17:40:31] <GeoDoX> gigaherz, for modeling, the scale is 1 1 1 for the size of a block, is that with a dimension of 2? (using Blender which defaults to a dimension size of 2)
L1631[17:40:31] <gigaherz> use the MCPBot_Reborn in a PM
L1632[17:40:33] <gigaherz> to avoid spam
L1633[17:41:01] <gigaherz> GeoDoX: what?
L1634[17:41:12] <gigaherz> I have no idea what "dimension" means in this context
L1635[17:41:21] <gigaherz> the generated file should have vertex positions within 0,0,0 and 1,1,1
L1636[17:41:27] <gigaherz> ;P
L1637[17:41:46] <gigaherz> but you can scale/translate/rotate afterward, I believe
L1638[17:41:55] <GeoDoX> gigaherz, http://puu.sh/lobap/44dfb33c97.png
L1639[17:42:12] <gigaherz> does that means it's -1 -1 -1 to 1 1 1?
L1640[17:42:29] <GeoDoX> I think so? Not entirely sure which is why I'm asking
L1641[17:42:31] <gigaherz> sorry I haven't actually used Blender for modelling
L1642[17:42:32] <gigaherz> XD
L1643[17:42:58] <GeoDoX> The position is 0 0 0 but it does seem to go from -1 -1 -1 to 1 1 1
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L1645[17:43:14] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1646[17:43:22] <GeoDoX> o/ Abrar
L1647[17:43:28] <AbrarSyed> o/
L1648[17:44:16] <gigaherz> GeoDoX: yeah
L1649[17:44:19] <gigaherz> then make Dimension 1
L1650[17:44:24] <GeoDoX> Okay :)
L1651[17:44:24] <gigaherz> and move it to position 0.5,0.5,0.5
L1652[17:44:35] <GeoDoX> Hows it tonight Abrar
L1653[17:44:46] <AbrarSyed> decent
L1654[17:44:52] <gigaherz> or you know, I could be completely wrong and giving bad advice ;P
L1655[17:45:04] <gigaherz> since I haven't actually exported any obj from blender to be used with shade's OBJ loader
L1656[17:45:15] <gigaherz> I exported from Rhinoceros to be used with mine ;P
L1657[17:45:20] <GeoDoX> gigaherz, I'll give it a show :P
L1658[17:45:37] <GeoDoX> shot*
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L1663[18:32:38] <khumps> Im trying to do some gui drawing for an animated flame for a furnace. Is there a way to have the height or width in drawTexturedModalRect be negative or the equivalent of negative
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L1665[18:34:52] <khumps> for example as height increases have the height go up instead of down
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L1667[18:36:21] <diesieben07> just do height - n where n goes from 0 to height
L1668[18:36:31] <diesieben07> then get the flame decreasing as n increases
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L1670[18:37:23] <khumps> let me try that
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L1676[18:47:10] <MattDahEpic> can anyone help me fix my gui? it currently renders as a white screen, code is at https://paste.ee/p/S6z5s
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L1678[18:50:06] <TehNut> /Thanks to TehNut for their LaunchGui mod: https://github.com/TehNut/LaunchGui
L1679[18:50:08] <TehNut> eyyy
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L1682[18:59:40] <MattDahEpic> nobody?
L1683[18:59:53] <diesieben07> i am looking at it and i cannot see anything wrong with it
L1684[19:00:02] <TehNut> ^
L1685[19:00:20] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic: gist can paste multiple files in one link ;P
L1686[19:01:24] <gigaherz> the only think I'm unsure of is line 55
L1687[19:01:27] <gigaherz> thing*
L1688[19:02:15] <gigaherz> doesn't matter though, since all it does is draw buttons and labels
L1689[19:02:48] <gigaherz> yo usaid white screen hmmm
L1690[19:02:54] <gigaherz> that sounds like no texture assigned somewhere
L1691[19:03:01] <mikebald> MattDahEpic Question...
L1692[19:03:11] <MattDahEpic> yes?
L1693[19:03:18] <mikebald> The color on drawCenteresTring, is that the font color? if so... it's white.
L1694[19:03:37] <gigaherz> drawDefaultBackground draws a gradient if the world is loaded?
L1695[19:04:06] <mikebald> meaning, white text on a white background.
L1696[19:04:12] <diesieben07> it just abuses the gradient drawing
L1697[19:04:15] <diesieben07> for alpha
L1698[19:04:21] <MattDahEpic> its supposed to be on the dirt background
L1699[19:04:35] <mikebald> Ah, okay =)
L1700[19:04:49] <gigaherz> if you want the dirt one, you may want to use drawBackground(<white color>)
L1701[19:05:01] <diesieben07> no
L1702[19:05:07] <diesieben07> if there is no world, default is dirt
L1703[19:05:49] <gigaherz> areyou actually in world or in the menus?
L1704[19:05:50] <gigaherz> XD
L1705[19:05:58] <gigaherz> maybe we should start with that
L1706[19:06:19] <MattDahEpic> this shows up where the main menu would be after load
L1707[19:06:20] <gigaherz> it still doesn't make sense though, but at least we know the context
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L1710[19:09:27] <gigaherz> yeah I can't really think of anything that you do different
L1711[19:10:08] <LexManos> <Thutmose> Lex, or anyone else, what is the proper format for making a method as internal to forge? I have a public method in VillagerRegistry, which is public so that the EntityVillager can use it, but it probably shouldn't be used by modders
L1712[19:10:27] <LexManos> Best we can do is use @Deprecated and/or javadocs to say 'THIS IS INTERANL ONLY MODDERS DONT USE THIS SHIT'
L1713[19:10:52] <SkySom> Or both and still someone will think they need to use it :D
L1714[19:11:09] <LexManos> <gigaherz> I don't think Java has a visibility flag that means "private when seen from outside the jar"
L1715[19:11:20] <LexManos> It doesn't, I miss .net's 'friend' modifier
L1716[19:11:51] <diesieben07> it will come in java 9 hue hue
L1717[19:12:02] <gigaherz> SkySom: that can't be helped. even if you do make it private, someone will think to reflect it ;P
L1718[19:12:27] <fry> if they're reflecting it - it's their fault when it breaks
L1719[19:12:31] <gigaherz> yeah
L1720[19:12:48] <diesieben07> same with @Deprecated though
L1721[19:12:50] <gigaherz> hmm does Java have anything like C#'s explicitly-implemented interfaces?
L1722[19:13:04] <gigaherz> I think I may have asked that before, but I can't remember XD
L1723[19:13:11] <diesieben07> depends on what those are
L1724[19:13:16] <gigaherz> instead of
L1725[19:13:23] <gigaherz> public void interfaceMethod() {}
L1726[19:13:31] <gigaherz> "private" void Interface.method() {}
L1727[19:13:31] <LexManos> If you mean default implemntations, then yes, in J8.
L1728[19:13:44] <Thutmose> ok lex, I followed Abrar's advice and used the java docs along those lines
L1729[19:13:49] <gigaherz> no I mean methods that are only public through an interface, but private using the main class as a type
L1730[19:14:12] <diesieben07> that sounds ... strange.
L1731[19:14:12] <LexManos> 0.o no... what language has that?
L1732[19:14:14] <gigaherz> like the Dictionary<> object, doesn't expose add(KeyValuePair) from ICollection
L1733[19:14:19] <gigaherz> C#
L1734[19:14:36] <LexManos> That sounds nasty...
L1735[19:14:39] <diesieben07> but you can cast Dictionary to ICollection?
L1736[19:14:44] <diesieben07> and THEN call it?
L1737[19:14:44] <gigaherz> but if you do ((ICollection<KeyValuePair<A,B>>)dict) you can call add(kvp)
L1738[19:14:47] <gigaherz> yup
L1739[19:14:53] <diesieben07> that sounds incredibly stupid
L1740[19:15:06] <gigaherz> it's useful for internal implementations
L1741[19:15:21] <diesieben07> but thats not what an interfacae is supposed to do. at all.
L1742[19:15:52] <gigaherz> well C# has it ;P
L1743[19:16:05] <diesieben07> another reason for me to dislike it :D
L1744[19:16:09] <gigaherz> I have used it for custom containers that are readonly
L1745[19:16:16] <LexManos> ya, just eww, thats nasty
L1746[19:16:17] <gigaherz> so I only implement the write methods through the interface
L1747[19:16:24] <diesieben07> except it is NOT read only :P
L1748[19:16:27] <gigaherz> and if anyone tries to call them, they get an invalid operation exception
L1749[19:16:30] <diesieben07> its like security trough obscurity
L1750[19:16:34] <gigaherz> no, it IS readonly
L1751[19:16:50] <gigaherz> it just avoids someone trying to call and receiving the InvalidOp exception
L1752[19:17:08] <gigaherz> unless they cast to IList or whatever
L1753[19:17:11] <diesieben07> so its like... an interface that you somehow MUST impleement but you hide it from people unless someone does actually call it
L1754[19:17:17] <gigaherz> yup
L1755[19:17:22] <diesieben07> hmm yeah that is very strange but now i can see a BIT of a usecase
L1756[19:17:33] <diesieben07> really sounds like a glorified @Deprecated though
L1757[19:17:58] <gigaherz> xcept @Deprecated is not really @ForInternalUseOnly, or @NotImplementedSoDontTryToCall
L1758[19:18:09] <gigaherz> it's meant for methods that have a better alternative
L1759[19:18:13] <diesieben07> no
L1760[19:18:20] <tterrag> I mean...forge could just make its own annotation...IDE support is the problem
L1761[19:18:25] <diesieben07> its meant as a general purpose "do not call this" :P
L1762[19:18:31] <gigaherz> bad name then ;P
L1763[19:18:35] <tterrag> but if it's @Documented, you would at least have something to point to that you can say "don't use methods with this"
L1764[19:18:57] <gigaherz> @Discouraged woudl be a better name
L1765[19:18:58] <gigaherz> XD
L1766[19:19:21] <diesieben07> meh
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L1770[19:22:00] <GeoDoX> Anyone wanna texture a furnace for me? http://puu.sh/logGT/696a61eb65.png
L1771[19:22:22] <MattDahEpic> well if anyone finds anything with my gui ping me, ima finish up fallout 4 main storyline
L1772[19:25:55] <tterrag> gigaherz: @Documented was not a name suggestion
L1773[19:26:00] <tterrag> it's an existing annotation
L1774[19:26:10] <gigaherz> I meant @Deprecated
L1775[19:26:20] <tterrag> @Internal
L1776[19:26:27] <tterrag> would be fine
L1777[19:26:42] <gigaherz> https://poi.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/poi/util/Internal.html
L1778[19:26:47] <gigaherz> apache has its own @Internal
L1779[19:26:47] <gigaherz> XD
L1780[19:27:45] <gigaherz> apache poi*
L1781[19:27:56] <gigaherz> (which apparently is a library for handling microsoft office documents)
L1782[19:28:42] <diesieben07> you can actually get by though without one
L1783[19:28:50] <diesieben07> if you make an internal package and just put everything in there
L1784[19:28:59] <gigaherz> true
L1785[19:29:46] <gigaherz> but this specific casewas a single method in a public class
L1786[19:30:11] <gigaherz> hence why I thought of C#'s interface-explicit methods or whatever the correct name for the feature is
L1787[19:30:12] <diesieben07> yep, in which case the class or the method would go into the internal package ;)
L1788[19:30:46] <gigaherz> but then you'd need like, internal.Villager, and a public ActualVillager?
L1789[19:30:59] <Thutmose> class has other methods which are public, what could be done is stick the method in question in the class that needs it, but that means bigger vanilla patch
L1790[19:31:01] <gigaherz> or am I misunderstanding?
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L1792[19:31:25] <diesieben07> yes, i do that in my mod actually
L1793[19:31:50] <gigaherz> anyhow for its purpose, @Deprecated seems like the least troublesome workaround
L1794[19:31:51] <gigaherz> XD
L1795[19:32:36] <diesieben07> yup
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