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Stuff goes here
L1[00:00:12] <TehNut> Now that I've spent an hour trying to get these things to render in the inventory, it's time to make them do stuff...
L2[00:02:28] <killjoy> Anyway, it's this. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/apps/3d-builder/9wzdncrfj3t6
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L5[00:07:37] <tterrag> haha github profile
L6[00:07:43] <tterrag> the contributions are "spooky" now
L7[00:10:04] <tterrag> TehNut: https://github.com/creatubbles/ctb-mcmod/commit/7861a78bcc2e016f29e1c8203f347ca285aa97ba
L8[00:10:04] <tterrag> scroll all the way through
L9[00:10:04] <tterrag> then come back
L10[00:10:04] <tterrag> and shoot me
L11[00:10:04] <TehNut> :D
L12[00:10:04] <tterrag> oh good this new chrome thing where it doesn't play sound from inactive tabs
L13[00:10:04] <tterrag> totally breaks slack noises
L14[00:10:04] <tterrag> NICE
L15[00:10:04] <MattDahEpic> am i doing forgestates right? https://github.com/MattDahEpic/MobDropOres1.9/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/mobdropores/blockstates/mob_ore.json
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L17[00:10:36] <tterrag> actually
L18[00:10:39] <tterrag> you should kill me just for this line
L19[00:10:45] <tterrag> Rectangle2D.Double bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(2 / 16f + (Math.max(0, painting.getWidth() - pSize) / 2D), 2 / 16f + (Math.max(0, painting.getHeight() - pSize) / 2D), painting.getWidth() - 4 / 16f - (painting.getWidth() - pSize), painting.getHeight() - 4 / 16f - (painting.getHeight() - pSize));
L20[00:11:00] * MattDahEpic kills tterrag, i guess
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L24[00:19:46] <MattDahEpic> fry, when you get back let me know if i am blockstating right: https://github.com/MattDahEpic/MobDropOres1.9/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/mobdropores/blockstates/mob_ore.json
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L28[00:28:20] <FrostyFlame> Things apparently confuse
L29[00:28:21] <FrostyFlame> me
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L34[00:29:14] <FrostyFlame> What is the current recommended version of forge? Should I start messing about with 1.7, or is the migration upwards too painful?
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L36[00:29:45] <GraphicH> Depends on what you do Frosty
L37[00:29:54] <FrostyFlame> elaborate..
L38[00:30:13] <FrostyFlame> what's just masochistic to migrate?
L39[00:31:04] <GraphicH> I'm not the best one to answer that but I get the sense that 1.7.10 -> 1.8 isn't tooo bad if you write in mind that your going to port to 1.8
L40[00:31:16] <FrostyFlame> Quite a... fuzzy answer..
L41[00:31:24] <FrostyFlame> what changes?
L42[00:31:35] <FrostyFlame> the blockid system is a big one iirc
L43[00:31:40] <FrostyFlame> right?
L44[00:32:02] <MattDahEpic> meta->blockstate and its rendering is the biggest change imo
L45[00:32:32] <MattDahEpic> otherwise its just changing cpw to net.minecraftforge
L46[00:32:38] <FrostyFlame> huh. how does that apply to porting? should I just avoid meta?
L47[00:32:56] <GraphicH> Matt thought there was something with blockPos too
L48[00:32:59] <MattDahEpic> dont avoid it, its just the hardest part of porting
L49[00:33:08] <FrostyFlame> hm
L50[00:33:13] <MattDahEpic> blockpos is just a class that has x,y,z in it
L51[00:33:20] <MattDahEpic> rather than 3 variables
L52[00:33:30] <FrostyFlame> so it's an array now
L53[00:33:30] <GraphicH> Thought some interfaces changed
L54[00:33:31] <FrostyFlame> mmkay
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L57[00:35:03] <MattDahEpic> nothing is really substantial besides the meta->blockstate stuff
L58[00:35:29] <FrostyFlame> when did Forge LCC become a thing? Just noticing it now.. has the project been incorparated :P?
L59[00:35:35] <FrostyFlame> Well, good to know.
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L61[00:35:51] <FrostyFlame> I don't think I'll be interacting with any 1.7 mods very much
L62[00:35:59] <FrostyFlame> decided to go for the 1.8 option instead
L63[00:36:19] <MattDahEpic> i think it may be because of bukkits legal stuff and being a legal entity provides protections or something
L64[00:36:34] <FrostyFlame> eh
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L66[00:37:19] <FrostyFlame> wasn't it that... what, like 10% of minecraft instances ran forge? Idt Mojang/microsoft will want to press charges
L67[00:38:18] <MattDahEpic> you never know
L68[00:38:35] <FrostyFlame> cyborg Jens haunts us all
L69[00:38:57] <tterrag> any way I can make a model not have diffuse lighting?
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L71[00:46:30] <FrostyFlame> readthedocs.org is a really nice system. Looks clean and there is no MediaWiki gore. Glad the project uses it(unless it's unofficial in which case.. who made those pages?)
L72[00:46:42] <tterrag> it is official
L73[00:46:46] <FrostyFlame> ah
L74[00:46:47] <FrostyFlame> good
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L76[00:56:25] <tterrag> FrostyFlame: and open for contribution of course, if you feel you have knowledge to share :)
L77[00:56:36] <FrostyFlame> heh, afraid not.
L78[00:56:52] <FrostyFlame> If I happen to learn something in my stupidity, it shall be there.
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L85[01:30:55] <FrostyFlame> tt, is there any documentation on networking in 1.8 that I should know about besides the IThreadListener warning on the SimpleImpl page?
L86[01:31:11] <tterrag> nothing else is different
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L88[01:33:17] <FrostyFlame> :) okay
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L94[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20151031 mappings to Forge Maven.
L95[02:00:10] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20151031-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20151031" in build.gradle).
L96[02:00:21] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L97[02:02:41] *** cpw is now known as cpw|out
L98[02:03:48] <xaero> pumpkin mobs, there be good boos tonight!
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L127[03:54:34] <Wuppy> mornin
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L156[06:08:04] <Pennyw95> Is there a way to make Forge "ignore" e .jar mod I've put in it's /lib folder? I'm asking because FML is complaining that I have a mod inside myproject/mods and its deobfuscated version inside Forge/lib/
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L158[06:11:49] <masa> and why exactly would you have it in both?
L159[06:12:34] <Pennyw95> because they aren't the same thing...for instance, the deobf one crashes if put in /mods, but I need it as a library to call its methods
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L163[06:21:07] <Pennyw95> nvm... CCC did the trick
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L197[08:28:09] <Pennyw95> Given that I set up Forge and my mod project in separate folders, how do I make gradlew compile my mod (the src is not the folder with build.gradle)? I guess I need to specify it inside build.gradle?
L198[08:29:52] <sham1> why
L199[08:31:10] <Pennyw95> why I have them in different folders?
L200[08:31:15] <sham1> Yes
L201[08:31:36] <Pennyw95> so that I can have other MC-unrelated projects
L202[08:32:10] <Pennyw95> that's what I did: http://bedrockminer.jimdo.com/modding-tutorials/set-up-minecraft-forge/set-up-advanced-setup/
L203[08:33:24] <sham1> "MC - unrelated projects"
L204[08:33:26] <sham1> pardon?
L205[08:33:59] <Pennyw95> Other things..not minecraft mods
L206[08:34:09] <sham1> why not just have different workspace...
L207[08:35:09] <Pennyw95> I guess that would work too...but what if one was to work on 2 mods on the same time?
L208[08:36:13] <sham1> 2 windows?
L209[08:36:31] <Pennyw95> ok you got me
L210[08:36:35] <sham1> Also you can have multiple projects on the same workspace even without this trickery you know?
L211[08:37:02] <Pennyw95> I know but I assumed it was a smarter setup
L212[08:37:15] *** Fridtjof is now known as Spookjof
L213[08:37:16] *** Spookjof is now known as Spookfried
L214[08:37:27] <Pennyw95> do I have to undo all this or is there a way to compile my mod in this situation?
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L222[09:00:34] <sham1> what do you mean
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L225[09:03:00] <Cypher121> !calc 24*27
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L252[10:57:47] <MattDahEpic> am i doing the blockstates jsons right? https://github.com/MattDahEpic/MobDropOres1.9/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/mobdropores/blockstates/mob_ore.json
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L262[11:36:31] <MattDahEpic> nobody? k
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L279[12:17:12] <Lumien> When blocks are placed, do they render before the description packet of the tile entity arrives?
L280[12:22:20] <MattDahEpic> fry am i doing this right? https://github.com/MattDahEpic/MobDropOres1.9/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/mobdropores/blockstates/mob_ore.json
L281[12:24:09] <fry> it looks correct, but I recall that specific merging not working before. it should in the future though
L282[12:25:36] <MattDahEpic> well now all i get is Model definition for location mobdropores:mob_ore#inventory not found and one for each mob ore
L283[12:33:24] <heldplayer> Lumien: I think so, yeah
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L310[14:23:29] <Poppy> after merging my three blockTorch extending classes into one, the blocks no longer drop the item, and the onBlockActivated function crashes the client if it's used on variant(0) https://github.com/Poppycocks/Orion/blob/master/src/main/scala/com/poppy/orion/blocks/BlockTorchR.scala could someone help me figuring out what's wrong?
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L312[14:27:21] <Cypher121> Poppy: stacktrace?
L313[14:27:43] <SkySom> Stack trace or gtfo
L314[14:27:59] <SkySom> :)
L315[14:28:01] <Poppy> http://pastebin.com/jWD96nQp
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L320[14:30:50] <Cypher121> !gm World.setBlock 1.7.10
L321[14:30:56] <Cypher121> that's 1.7.10, right?
L322[14:30:59] <Poppy> yes
L323[14:31:06] *** Tombenpotter is now known as Tombeneatter
L324[14:31:16] <TehNut> Are you sure variant.head isn't null?
L325[14:32:18] <Poppy> the list is defined at the top, it's a referrence to Orion.Blocks.blockTorchLit
L326[14:32:27] <Poppy> shouldn't be null, right?
L327[14:32:56] <TehNut> check it
L328[14:33:36] <Cypher121> actually just add a breakpoint on this line and check what values they all have
L329[14:34:13] <Poppy> good idea
L330[14:36:18] <Poppy> well
L331[14:36:32] <Poppy> the variable list says the list is size 3
L332[14:36:50] <Poppy> but I can't open it
L333[14:36:58] <Poppy> so maybe, for some reason it's all null
L334[14:39:52] <Poppy> let me try with the functioning variants
L335[14:40:36] <Poppy> hm
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L337[14:41:03] <Poppy> you're right, it's null for some reason
L338[14:43:29] <Poppy> like when I try with the last variant, the list is three long, but the members are only torchlit and torchsmoldering
L339[14:44:29] <Cypher121> then something probably removes it
L340[14:44:38] <Cypher121> 3rd element I mean
L341[14:45:52] <Poppy> it looks like I'm trying to referrence things that don't exist yet
L342[14:46:33] <Poppy> like the list empty for blockTorchLit, has blockTorchLit as a member for blockTorchSmolder and, blockTorchLit and blockTorchSmoldering for blockTorchUnlit
L343[14:46:52] <TehNut> Yeah, don't instantiate the class you're working with until after the rest are
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L345[14:47:21] <Poppy> right
L346[14:47:30] <Poppy> so, how do I populate the list the right way
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L348[14:49:00] <Cypher121> Poppy: https://github.com/Poppycocks/Orion/blob/5e3c5eda3c584b5b8a576a0bdb84d1578168ecf9/src/main/scala/com/poppy/orion/Blocks.scala#L12
L349[14:49:11] *** fry is now known as fry|sleep
L350[14:49:18] <Cypher121> first define elements, then assign instances
L351[14:50:01] <Cypher121> so
L352[14:50:02] <Cypher121> val blockTorchLit;
L353[14:50:02] <Cypher121> (2 other vals)
L354[14:50:02] <Cypher121> blockTorchLit = new ...
L355[14:50:37] <Poppy> ah
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L362[14:57:33] <Poppy> same thing
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L368[15:04:14] <Poppy> maybe I could instead define the list in my blocks class
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L372[15:05:17] <Poppy> or maybe not, it's still the same catch 22 issue
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L376[15:10:56] <Cypher121> no idea then
L377[15:10:59] *** Tombeneatter is now known as Tombenpotter
L378[15:11:31] <Cypher121> maybe something about list
L379[15:12:11] <Poppy> yeah, I've put it into Blocks, works a treat :D
L380[15:12:17] <Poppy> thank you very much
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L412[16:31:00] <HassanS6000> How would I listen for Keyboard events?
L413[16:31:22] <HassanS6000> For instance, when player presses SPACE, I would like to do something, and something else when released
L414[16:31:25] <MattDahEpic> @SubscribeEvent
L415[16:31:31] <HassanS6000> MattDahEpic, what event lol
L416[16:33:33] <MattDahEpic> i used it in one of my mods and i dont remember what event
L417[16:34:33] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> KeyInputEvent
L418[16:34:55] ⇦ Quits: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-106-31.buckeyecom.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L419[16:35:05] <diesieben07> no, you want a key binding
L420[16:35:12] <diesieben07> and then check if its pressed using ClientTickevent
L421[16:35:19] *** Owexz is now known as Owexz|NullPointerException
L422[16:35:22] <sham1> Meh I have to use ChatZilla as Hexchat crap itself
L423[16:36:43] ⇦ Quits: PitchBright (~PitchBrig@CPE00fc8d8a3ce3-CM00fc8d8a3ce0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: brb)
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L427[16:41:42] <HassanS6000> diesieben07, ok
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L430[16:43:42] <MattDahEpic> oh diesieben07 king of thingsnstuff, my blocks have textures in the world but not in the inventory and im not sure how to fix. code is at: https://github.com/MattDahEpic/MobDropOres1.9
L431[16:44:02] * diesieben07 sees 1.8
L432[16:44:07] * diesieben07 reads textures
L433[16:44:14] * diesieben07 walks aways slowly
L434[16:44:28] <MattDahEpic> D:
L435[16:46:25] <MattDahEpic> this is the only thing i have to do before i ship and nobody knows whats happening or how t ofix it
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L438[16:46:57] <TehNut> You're missing the json's for models/item and models/block
L439[16:47:24] <MattDahEpic> im using the forge blockstates, so the stuff in those dont matter
L440[16:47:30] <TehNut> Yes it does
L441[16:47:40] <TehNut> Those define inventory rendering...
L442[16:48:24] <TehNut> Literally the exact same problem I was having yesterday
L443[16:48:35] <MattDahEpic> adding them back doesnt work
L444[16:49:15] <TehNut> And you're registering it with the ModelLoader?
L445[16:49:38] <MattDahEpic> yup
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L447[16:50:16] <TehNut> What's the JSON you're using?
L448[16:51:16] <MattDahEpic> for block or item?
L449[16:51:49] <TehNut> both
L450[16:52:45] <MattDahEpic> https://paste.ee/p/wNDWr
L451[16:53:26] <TehNut> Console say anything?
L452[16:54:26] <MattDahEpic> just that the forgestate inventory state is missing
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L460[17:10:20] <HassanS6000> Thanks diesieben07 and MattDahEpic I got it working ;)
L461[17:10:24] * HassanS6000 <3 packets
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L466[17:13:15] <MattDahEpic> TehNut, the issue is http://i.imgur.com/Yu7RE0s.png
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L468[17:13:47] <ScaryMare> Why does channel have a nickname length limit -.-
L469[17:13:59] <ScaryMare> #minecraftforge Cannot change nickname while banned on channel
L470[17:14:04] <ScaryMare> ;-;
L471[17:14:44] <MattDahEpic> because when you hold down a for 5 minutes in a nick change the chat window becomes 1 char wide
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L475[17:15:57] <MattDahSpoopy> thats better for tonights theme
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L477[17:16:36] <diesieben07> spoopy spoopy speletons
L478[17:19:52] <ScaryMare> MattDahSpoopy MAXNICKLEN=30
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L482[17:36:07] <MattDahSpoopy> yus Spookus
L483[17:36:18] <Spookus> :3
L484[17:36:55] <gigaherz> I have a spooky story:
L485[17:37:02] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag|phone
L486[17:37:04] <gigaherz> I installed Mac OS X in VMware
L487[17:37:10] <MattDahSpoopy> AAAH
L488[17:37:17] <gigaherz> because I need it to make iOS builds of my game
L489[17:37:22] <gigaherz> and i'm now installing XCODE!!!
L490[17:37:25] * MattDahSpoopy is spooped
L491[17:37:55] <gigaherz> damn thing is over 4gb! and I always thought VS was big!
L492[17:44:30] <MattDahSpoopy> ugh
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L534[19:49:43] <Nucleria> Hi.
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L547[20:09:12] <MattDahSpoopy> THE NIGHT OF SPOOP IS UPON US
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L556[20:52:09] <HassanS6000> MattDahSpoopy, yea ;)
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L572[21:33:50] <tterrag> oh...wow
L573[21:33:53] <tterrag> so in 1.8
L574[21:34:01] <tterrag> a TE won't render at all if it's chunk isn't in the frustrum
L575[21:34:05] <tterrag> so I can't have a render that extends past the chunk
L576[21:34:08] <tterrag> that's...horribly broken
L577[21:34:20] <tterrag> cpw: ^ since fry is not around >.>
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L579[21:38:57] <MattDahSpoopy> so in 1.8 my blocks wont render in the inventory
L580[21:39:00] <MattDahSpoopy> humph
L581[21:39:33] ⇦ Quits: Szernex (~Szernex@194-166-116-205.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L582[21:39:58] <Girafi> MattDahSpoopy, have you remebered to set the inventory texture for the blocks?
L583[21:39:58] <tterrag> just checked the 1.7 code, this was definitely not the case in 1.7
L584[21:40:17] <tterrag> this is REALLY bad, any TE that controls the rendering for other blocks is completely busted
L585[21:40:29] <MattDahSpoopy> Girafi, yes, i have tried everything and nothing works
L586[21:40:33] <flappy> tterrag: how does the beacon beam work in 1.8?
L587[21:40:41] <tterrag> flappy: beacon beams are completely vertical
L588[21:40:51] <tterrag> chunk = 16x256x16
L589[21:41:00] <MattDahSpoopy> it doesnt show up if you cant see the beacon block
L590[21:41:00] <flappy> oh, did you mean actual chunks
L591[21:41:07] <tterrag> it's almost like mojang codes specifically for their use cases
L592[21:41:10] <flappy> thought you meant render chunks
L593[21:41:17] <tterrag> who would have thunk it
L594[21:41:41] <MattDahSpoopy> thats why we need an api so they have to not be idiots when doign this stuff
L595[21:41:52] <tterrag> it's not going to happen
L596[21:41:56] <MattDahSpoopy> i know
L597[21:42:14] <Girafi> No reason you use that kind of language Matt..
L598[21:42:42] <MattDahSpoopy> compared to other people, thats not language
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L600[21:43:04] <tterrag> actually flappy it is render chunks
L601[21:43:06] <tterrag> I stand correct
L602[21:43:10] <tterrag> corrected* lol
L603[21:43:13] <tterrag> the beacon IS broken
L604[21:43:26] <Girafi> Matt, and your point is?
L605[21:43:36] <MattDahSpoopy> there is no point
L606[21:43:49] <tterrag> beam: http://puu.sh/l52th.jpg no beam: http://puu.sh/l52tG.jpg
L607[21:43:52] <gigaherz> tterrag: worst is they could "steal" a lot from forge and make it more mod-friendly, but they choose not to
L608[21:44:00] <tterrag> bad puusgh
L609[21:44:02] <tterrag> no beam: http://puu.sh/l52uq.jpg
L610[21:44:11] <tterrag> gigaherz: except they won't because forge does all the work for them
L611[21:44:17] <flappy> tterrag: hah
L612[21:44:27] <tterrag> so this is definitely a bug
L613[21:44:36] <tterrag> I mean if a beacon is 16 blocks below you it will disappear randomly
L614[21:44:49] <tterrag> was this fixed in updates?
L615[21:45:15] <Girafi> Fry have done quite a bit of changes and fixes lately, it could be fixed yeah.
L616[21:45:17] <flappy> 1.8.8 might have fixed it
L617[21:45:28] <MattDahSpoopy> look at docm77s most recent snapshot video, the ender dragon respawning literally becomes invisible if youre not looking at it
L618[21:45:42] <gigaherz> yeah the particle beams
L619[21:46:14] <tterrag> https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-68247
L620[21:46:16] <tterrag> fixed in 1.8.1
L621[21:46:17] <tterrag> *sigh*
L622[21:46:17] <gigaherz> although those probably use the guardian stuff
L623[21:46:21] <gigaherz> not the beacon stuff
L624[21:46:32] <tterrag> Girafi: I meant in MC updates
L625[21:46:34] <tterrag> and the answer is yes
L626[21:46:35] <Girafi> Ahh
L627[21:46:36] <tterrag> in 1.8.1
L628[21:46:39] <tterrag> which I can't use -.-
L629[21:46:47] <MattDahSpoopy> the guardians use the end crystal texture
L630[21:46:57] <tterrag> god this mod is going to be so gimped just because of 1.8 nonsense
L631[21:47:05] <Girafi> 1.8.8 is out very soon from what I have heard. CPW made a 1.8.8 branch for Forge about an hour ago, which confirms that.
L632[21:47:11] <gigaherz> MattDahSpoopy? I mean the beams they use to attack
L633[21:47:14] <tterrag> I hope so
L634[21:47:40] <cpw> Wut
L635[21:47:51] <MattDahSpoopy> he has been tag-summoned
L636[21:47:55] <gigaherz> lol
L637[21:47:58] <cpw> Heh
L638[21:48:00] <tterrag> cpw: ignore me, pointed out a bug which was fixed in 1.8.1
L639[21:48:05] <cpw> Still a long way to go
L640[21:48:06] <tterrag> annoying, but not forge's problem
L641[21:48:15] <cpw> Yup
L642[21:48:49] <tterrag> pretty big oversight on their part, but that's mojang I guess
L643[21:48:56] <tterrag> I mean it took me about 5 minutes to figure out what was going on :l
L644[21:49:11] <MattDahSpoopy> i like the fact in 1.9 particles are no longer entites, vazkii's gunna have a good time with that
L645[21:49:13] <cpw> lol
L646[21:49:14] <gigaherz> the first thing I noticed when I did my first 1.8 playthrough,
L647[21:49:18] <gigaherz> was that while caving
L648[21:49:20] <tterrag> it's only super noticeable on big paintings
L649[21:49:21] <gigaherz> with FOV > default
L650[21:49:25] <tterrag> because they will always span chunk lines
L651[21:49:31] <gigaherz> the chunks would disappear on me
L652[21:49:44] <gigaherz> XD
L653[21:49:52] <tterrag> I made this gfy, guess it's useless now but in case anyone wants to see it in action http://gfycat.com/TestyScaredHochstettersfrog
L654[21:49:52] <tterrag> :p
L655[21:49:54] <gigaherz> depending on where I was and where I looked
L656[21:50:08] <gigaherz> guess they didn't test FOV > default before 1.8.0 release XD
L657[21:50:18] <tterrag> oh yeah that one
L658[21:50:20] <tterrag> lol
L659[21:50:24] <cpw> 1.8 was a very rushed release
L660[21:50:44] <tterrag> s/1.8/every first major version update/
L661[21:51:01] <tterrag> cpw: what's left on 1.8.8 forge? just more patch grunt work?
L662[21:51:11] <cpw> ALL the patch grunt work tterrag
L663[21:51:13] <gigaherz> cram in features no one asked for -> rush release -> bugfix -> repeat
L664[21:51:14] <gigaherz> ;P
L665[21:51:17] <cpw> every last line of every patch
L666[21:51:20] <cpw> has to be reapplied
L667[21:51:21] <tterrag> I thought lex had made some headway on that?
L668[21:51:30] <tterrag> bah
L669[21:51:31] <tterrag> that sucks
L670[21:51:34] <cpw> THEN we need to update all the forge code
L671[21:51:34] <MattDahSpoopy> cpw, has the silk touch blockstate bug been fixed?
L672[21:51:43] <cpw> fuck knows MattDahSpoopy
L673[21:51:51] <MattDahSpoopy> i pr'd it...
L674[21:51:57] <tterrag> 2 days ago
L675[21:52:00] <tterrag> I've waited months on PRs
L676[21:52:02] <tterrag> be patient
L677[21:52:06] <gigaherz> lol give it time MattDahSpoopy
L678[21:52:08] <cpw> i would suggest that ANY questions on what 1.8.8 offers wait until we have updated forge :P
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L680[21:52:13] <cpw> yup matt
L681[21:52:17] <gigaherz> I like to think that bugs have to settle, like wine
L682[21:52:19] <gigaherz> you can't rush it
L683[21:52:24] <tterrag> if your PR is still open, it's not fixed
L684[21:52:29] <cpw> we're working on tech to speed it up a bit
L685[21:52:34] <gigaherz> PRs* not bugs
L686[21:52:44] <cpw> some bugs are just arguments in bug form
L687[21:52:47] <cpw> don't be misled
L688[21:52:55] <tterrag> cpw: what needs to be changed in the patches? I assume the FF changes have busted them
L689[21:53:05] <cpw> every line pretty much tterrag
L690[21:53:12] <cpw> because suddenly generics
L691[21:53:16] <tterrag> yeah....
L692[21:53:17] <cpw> all the context is wrong
L693[21:53:27] <cpw> the only bits of patches that applied in my test
L694[21:53:27] <gigaherz> a tool to speed that up will probably be nice, since it appears that 1.9 is quite close to release?
L695[21:53:30] <cpw> were the imports
L696[21:53:33] <cpw> the ONE bit we want gone
L697[21:53:39] <cpw> giga
L698[21:53:48] <cpw> it'll be months before forge for 1.9 happens i'll bet
L699[21:53:52] <gigaherz> sure
L700[21:53:58] <cpw> because we'll end up in the same situation we are now
L701[21:54:06] <cpw> we rush for 1.9.0
L702[21:54:06] <flappy> lovely
L703[21:54:12] <cpw> and we'll have a shitty baseline
L704[21:54:19] <cpw> we'll probably hang tight for 1.9.8 or so
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L706[21:54:28] <gigaherz> heh
L707[21:54:33] <tterrag> well the problem with 1.8.x was the LVT addition
L708[21:54:37] <cpw> yup
L709[21:54:39] <tterrag> forge for 1.8.8 could be done already if it wasn't for that
L710[21:54:40] <cpw> well tterrag
L711[21:54:45] <gigaherz> forge being basically one version behind is annoying. understandable, but annoying
L712[21:54:45] <tterrag> so it's not really fair to say that 1.9 is the same
L713[21:54:48] <cpw> we could have done like everyone else did
L714[21:54:53] <MattDahSpoopy> assuming 1.9 is released before december, itll take 3+ months for decomp then however long forges takes
L715[21:54:54] <cpw> and just ignored the lvt
L716[21:55:05] <cpw> but to be honest, they were added SPECIFICALLY for our benefit
L717[21:55:06] <tterrag> cpw: I'm glad you aren't
L718[21:55:10] <tterrag> right
L719[21:55:22] <cpw> and to be honest
L720[21:55:27] <cpw> the code, is like night and day
L721[21:55:31] <tterrag> but I'm just saying rushing 1.9.0 wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, because it's unlikely that mojang is going to drop another bomb like LVT
L722[21:55:39] <cpw> no
L723[21:55:44] <cpw> we know the major changes in 1.9
L724[21:55:48] <cpw> and they're all fairly small
L725[21:55:53] <cpw> a lot of tweaks to entities
L726[21:56:00] <tterrag> rewriting equipment...
L727[21:56:04] <gigaherz> biggest things seem to be the entity item handling
L728[21:56:06] <gigaherz> and entity riding
L729[21:56:09] <cpw> anyway
L730[21:56:13] <MattDahSpoopy> left hand rendering?
L731[21:56:17] <cpw> barring complete and utter weirdness
L732[21:56:17] <tterrag> everyone forgets that DB rewrote the meaning of "equipped"
L733[21:56:26] <cpw> that's just renderer changes
L734[21:56:28] <gigaherz> and well, the loot tables
L735[21:56:28] <gigaherz> XD
L736[21:56:36] <cpw> and that's something forge has had for ever
L737[21:56:42] <tterrag> is it? to me it sounded like deep entity inventory changes
L738[21:56:46] <tterrag> if not, great
L739[21:56:49] <gigaherz> MattDahSpoopy: if(rh) scalex(-1)
L740[21:56:55] <cpw> we've had loot drop control for a long time
L741[21:56:59] <gigaherz> lh*
L742[21:57:09] <cpw> nothing in 1.9 is worrying
L743[21:57:23] <cpw> but as i said, i want to give mojang a release or two to iron out bugs
L744[21:57:33] <gigaherz> yeah
L745[21:57:36] <cpw> we'll be on 1.8.8 before 1.9 lands anyway i reckon
L746[21:57:43] <MattDahSpoopy> i already made my snapshot server mobs drop random items of any type, my pigs have dropped chicken
L747[21:57:44] <cpw> once i get the patching stood up
L748[21:57:58] <MattDahSpoopy> chickens lay dragon eggs
L749[21:58:04] <cpw> anyway
L750[21:58:09] <cpw> barring crazy
L751[21:58:15] <cpw> mcp is ready to roll for 1.8.8
L752[21:58:33] <cpw> i think we need to coordinate bspkrs and searge to make sure mcp is ready
L753[21:58:40] <cpw> but this looks like a good mcp to me :P
L754[21:58:59] <kashike> gigaherz: don't forget the DataWatcher rewrite ;)
L755[21:59:23] <gigaherz> kashike: no idea about internals ;P
L756[21:59:32] <MattDahSpoopy> im just wondering how sounds are going to have to change now that subtitles are a thing
L757[21:59:41] <gigaherz> I'm going based on what i have seen in dinnerbone & jeb's tweets
L758[21:59:43] <kashike> DW rewrite is one of the larger ones
L759[22:00:06] <gigaherz> MattDahSpoopy: it's most probably just a title string attached to the sound?
L760[22:00:21] <gigaherz> mc itself can compute the sideness of the sound based on position
L761[22:00:32] <gigaherz> so in practice it's just the name
L762[22:00:43] <gigaherz> but knowing mc, it may be hardcoded ¬¬
L763[22:00:53] <kashike> I'm hoping servers will be able to disable subtitles, I can see them breaking some games
L764[22:01:00] <tterrag> datawatcher rewrite? finally!!
L765[22:01:06] <tterrag> it's such a crappy thing atm
L766[22:01:16] <gigaherz> tterrag: rewrite != improvement ;P
L767[22:01:29] <tterrag> it can be
L768[22:01:31] <tterrag> and likely will be
L769[22:01:32] <gigaherz> yes
L770[22:01:34] <gigaherz> probably
L771[22:01:35] <tterrag> but we'll see
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L773[22:01:38] <tterrag> it can't be WORSE
L774[22:01:42] <gigaherz> but it may be an improvement for mojang's use cases
L775[22:01:44] <gigaherz> and not worse
L776[22:01:46] <killjoy> I updated java to _65 today.
L777[22:01:47] <gigaherz> not ours*
L778[22:01:50] <killjoy> It broke eclipse
L779[22:01:54] <killjoy> Not java, but the install
L780[22:01:54] <gigaherz> lol
L781[22:02:03] <killjoy> the jvm location is configured in eclipse
L782[22:02:11] <SkySom> You say that, but I can believe that Mojang will find a way to make DW worse
L783[22:02:26] <killjoy> But for some reason it direct links it instead of using javapath
L784[22:02:34] <killjoy> C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath
L785[22:03:14] <gigaherz> SkySom: there aren't many ways for somethign to be worse than a fixed number of slots that have a value attached
L786[22:03:33] <SkySom> There aren't
L787[22:03:48] <SkySom> But I have full confidence in Mojang to find a way
L788[22:04:32] <gigaherz> XD
L789[22:14:05] <Darva> Random number of slots? heh.
L790[22:14:32] <gigaherz> nah
L791[22:14:34] <gigaherz> but imagine like
L792[22:14:45] <gigaherz> "ok to make it smaller, we only allow up to 3 values of each type!"
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L813[23:16:22] <PitchBright> anybody here have a lot of experience with configuring your server for use with chunkloaders?
L814[23:16:32] <PitchBright> specifically the forgeChunkloaders.cfg file
L815[23:16:55] <PitchBright> and any possible Java args I should be making use of
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L818[23:23:15] <thecodewarrior> Anyone here know their way around vectors? I basically want to "clip" a motion vector, so it acts kind of like there is a rope with limited length between it and another point. I am totally lost on how I would achieve this.
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L821[23:27:30] <gigaherz> thecodewarrior: first, get the length of the vector,
L822[23:27:51] <gigaherz> then, normalize the vector so it has length 1 (if the vector class doesn't have a normalize method, divide each component by the length)
L823[23:28:07] <gigaherz> then, if the length is > the rope length, cap it (so like Math.min)
L824[23:28:22] <gigaherz> finally, multiply the vector by the capped length
L825[23:28:44] <thecodewarrior> But it's a velocity vector, not position.
L826[23:28:51] <gigaherz> well
L827[23:29:00] <thecodewarrior> I need to eliminate all motion away from another point.
L828[23:29:12] <gigaherz> do you also have the origina point?
L829[23:29:15] <gigaherz> origin*
L830[23:29:40] <gigaherz> if so, once you have the normalized vector, you can get the motion normal
L831[23:29:41] <thecodewarrior> I have three vectors, the rope endpoint, player position, and player motion.
L832[23:29:45] <gigaherz> and use dot product
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L834[23:30:29] <gigaherz> if dot(position offset, motion) > 0, the player is trying to move further away
L835[23:30:35] <gigaherz> if it's < 0, it's getting closer
L836[23:30:36] <gigaherz> so
L837[23:30:51] <gigaherz> if distance > rope length, && moving away
L838[23:30:57] <gigaherz> you want to either make the velocity 0
L839[23:31:10] <gigaherz> or make it negative to simulate an elastic rope
L840[23:31:24] <MattDahSpoopy> or just kil lthe player and eliminate the problem
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L842[23:32:53] <thecodewarrior> I want it like they hit a wall. they can go sideways, just not away.
L843[23:33:02] <gigaherz> yes
L844[23:33:22] <gigaherz> so question is
L845[23:33:32] <thecodewarrior> but the way you suggested they either get bounced back, or they can't move at all. correct?
L846[23:33:33] <gigaherz> are you going to ALSO change the player position? or just velocity?
L847[23:33:42] <thecodewarrior> Just velocity.
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L850[23:34:05] <gigaherz> okay then you want an extra step.
L851[23:34:11] <gigaherz> you know the velocity
L852[23:34:36] <gigaherz> so you know the distance it would travel if it was allowed to move one more tick at the current speed
L853[23:34:46] <gigaherz> so you can calculate TWO distances
L854[23:34:52] <gigaherz> first: the "before" distance
L855[23:35:05] <gigaherz> and second: the "after" distance it would have if it was unlimited
L856[23:35:25] <gigaherz> assume that the "before" distance was inside the circle
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L858[23:35:36] <gigaherz> (it gets messy if you can't assume that ;P)
L859[23:35:47] <thecodewarrior> limit the "after" distance, and subtract the two!
L860[23:35:49] <gigaherz> then, test if the "after" distance will be outside
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L862[23:36:04] <gigaherz> and if not, exit early
L863[23:36:10] <gigaherz> then
L864[23:36:14] <gigaherz> you know the length of the vector
L865[23:36:19] <gigaherz> and how much the distancechanged
L866[23:36:28] <gigaherz> so you can interpolate how far you can allow it to be
L867[23:36:39] <gigaherz> and compute the point in between the before and after
L868[23:36:54] <gigaherz> or yeah
L869[23:36:59] <gigaherz> it won't be as exact
L870[23:37:05] <gigaherz> but capping the "after" and subtracting
L871[23:37:18] <gigaherz> would simulate a bit of an "inertia" sliding across the wall
L872[23:37:24] <thecodewarrior> It gets the job done.
L873[23:37:32] <gigaherz> yeah
L874[23:37:33] <gigaherz> :D
L875[23:37:40] <thecodewarrior> Thank you!
L876[23:39:15] <MattDahSpoopy> night all, ill be dreaming of blocks that when i hold them they dont have textures but when i put the mdown the ydo
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