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L12[00:17:10] <thecodewarrior> I got it working, but the motion is jerky, like it isn't taking the changes in motion into account when interpolating frames. Does anyone know how I could fix that? (fyi, i'm making a something that limits the player's distance from a point, much like a rope)
L13[00:17:54] <thecodewarrior> Currently I'm changing the motionX/Y/Z in the PlayerTickEvent
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L15[00:21:25] <tterrag> thecodewarrior: you should be getting the players' pos like double x = renderViewEntity.prevPosX + (renderViewEntity.posX - renderViewEntity.prevPosX) * (double)partialTicks;
L16[00:21:55] <thecodewarrior> Yep, it's the entire world that's shaking.
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L19[00:25:59] <thecodewarrior> DERP! well, I was checking if the player was within 0.1 of the limit, then setting them to within 0.2 of the limit, they fell down until they were within 0.1 of the limit, and thus, shook.
L20[00:33:18] <thecodewarrior> It's always something simple like that. Well, g'night.
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L25[00:50:32] <masa> ugh wtf, why does eclipse suddenly tell me that code hot swap failed, Delete method not implemented and it won't let me remove method CALLS while debugging?! this is painful
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L27[00:51:23] <masa> and yay, lots of refactoring and the wholething is now busted
L28[00:51:48] <masa> I may need to re-uglify the code a bit to get it to work properly
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L65[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20151101 mappings to Forge Maven.
L66[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20151101-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20151101" in build.gradle).
L67[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L69[02:06:37] <c_phobe> o/
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L101[03:55:12] <Rallias> Does anyone have a guide to making a basic custom world type?
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L117[04:37:36] <Blubberbub> Anyone else having problems with the font on files.minecraftforge.net? the version numbers show up as crossed rectangles for me...
L118[04:38:02] <alex_6611> no issue here...
L119[04:38:14] <Blubberbub> (Using Chrome on Win10)
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L121[04:38:21] <alex_6611> hah ok :P
L122[04:39:20] <sham1> >chrome
L123[04:40:32] <Blubberbub> http://imgur.com/1bOVfia
L124[04:45:50] <diesieben07> considering it's an externally downloaded font, maybe that failed?
L125[04:45:56] <diesieben07> try ctrl-f5
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L127[04:47:20] <Blubberbub> Did not fix it
L128[04:47:33] <Blubberbub> problem might be, that i have 'Source Sans Pro' installed locally...
L129[04:47:46] <diesieben07> that might be
L130[04:47:50] <diesieben07> maybe your installation is broken? :D
L131[04:48:00] <Blubberbub> don't think so
L132[04:49:07] <Blubberbub> It works for everything but the numbers, which is very weird..
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L134[04:57:36] <Blubberbub> very weird - well deleting that font from my system fixed it..
L135[04:59:10] <Blubberbub> didn't think a font could be installed wrong like this -.-
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L137[04:59:40] <diesieben07> or chrome is just stupid
L138[05:01:35] <sham1> it is stupid
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L140[05:04:34] <fry> or Win10 is stupid :P
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L142[05:04:47] <sham1> Why not both
L143[05:04:48] <Blubberbub> i think i had this problem before the win10 update
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L146[05:15:46] <gigaherz_o> Blubberbub: this is most probably a limitation in windows
L147[05:16:04] <gigaherz_o> when you want to use an external font, you "register" it into the process instance of the font mapper
L148[05:16:17] <gigaherz_o> and then create the font object with the correct family and such
L149[05:16:53] <gigaherz_o> an existing installed font may prevent that from happening since the same family name already exists
L150[05:17:30] <gigaherz_o> so if that existing font was bugged...
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L154[05:24:16] <Blubberbub> yea, probably. still weird that the font was bugged in the first place
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L159[05:43:00] <Wuppy> morning guys
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L165[06:06:47] <Cazzar> Here's your answer to does it work on chrome in win10? http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1446379598 yep
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L167[06:12:07] <Zaggy1024> that's some strong subpixel antialiasing
L168[06:13:44] <sham1> I have a confession to make
L169[06:13:50] <sham1> HTTP protocol is a bitch
L170[06:14:31] <diesieben07> which is why we are moving away from it :D
L171[06:14:49] <sham1> To what
L172[06:15:05] <diesieben07> SPDY and friends
L173[06:15:13] <diesieben07> which yes, is technically still kind of http
L174[06:15:58] <sham1> Yay, my software is actually able to get the HTTP request now
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L176[06:19:54] <gigaherz_o> HTTP 2.0, which is based on SPDY, is just HTTP with a funny pipelining system that allows the server to send more data even if yo udidn't ask for it
L177[06:20:14] <gigaherz_o> and some fancy header compression system to reduce the overhead
L178[06:20:30] <gigaherz_o> but it's still the same request-response based system
L179[06:20:47] <gigaherz_o> and it's not really any better if all you do is one request
L180[06:20:59] <diesieben07> if you do one request, yes
L181[06:21:11] <diesieben07> but almost nobody ever does just one request, at least in the web
L182[06:21:24] <diesieben07> which is why we need http 2.0,
L183[06:21:40] <diesieben07> because then we don't have to do shit like concatenate scripts, css, make icon spritesheets, etc
L184[06:22:12] <gigaherz_o> yeah
L185[06:23:25] ⇨ Joins: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-106-31.buckeyecom.net)
L186[06:24:11] <sham1> Also, why is that so many internet protocols use \r\n as linefeed instead of the simpler \n
L187[06:24:27] <fry> tradition
L188[06:24:34] <gigaherz_o> becase once upon a time, \r\n was the proper thing to use
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L190[06:24:51] <gigaherz_o> Windows kept the tradition, unix chose to drop \r
L191[06:24:54] <gigaherz_o> mac chose to drop \n
L192[06:25:00] <gigaherz_o> although mac has switched to \n ever since
L193[06:25:19] <sham1> Because they wanted OSX be more like other Unix-like systems
L194[06:25:30] <gigaherz_o> yeah but he protocols were already made
L195[06:25:32] <gigaherz_o> the*
L196[06:25:39] <sham1> ye
L197[06:25:53] <sham1> I had so fun time figuring that out when creating an IRC bot /s
L198[06:26:19] <gigaherz_o> and right now
L199[06:26:25] <gigaherz_o> there's just WAY too much codebase
L200[06:26:40] <gigaherz_o> you can't just change that without deprecating the old protocols and making whole new ones
L201[06:27:00] <sham1> Internet feels like it is held together by ducktape
L202[06:27:36] <fry> ducktape is much stronger than this :P
L203[06:27:59] <sham1> Good point :D
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L205[06:34:29] <Cazzar> Zaggy1024: where?
L206[06:34:48] <Zaggy1024> on the text in your screenshot
L207[06:35:13] <Zaggy1024> specifically "Downloads"
L208[06:35:22] <Zaggy1024> but you can see it on everything
L209[06:36:12] <Cazzar> I'm not too sure what I am looking for, so existing here too? http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1446381358
L210[06:36:27] <Zaggy1024> nah, that's a normal amound
L211[06:36:44] <Cazzar> ok, just chrome being a bitch then
L212[06:36:52] <Zaggy1024> my chrome doesn't do it though
L213[06:37:06] <Zaggy1024> I'm on Windows 10, I believe you said you were too?
L214[06:37:15] <Cazzar> I am
L215[06:37:22] <Zaggy1024> very odd
L216[06:37:49] <Zaggy1024> on the edges of the text you can see it turns blue and red http://i.imgur.com/4Dmeuue.png
L217[06:38:03] <gigaherz_o> that's called cleartype
L218[06:38:10] <Zaggy1024> yeh I know
L219[06:38:19] <gigaherz_o> or technically
L220[06:38:21] <Zaggy1024> although I know it as subpixel antialiasing as well
L221[06:38:22] <gigaherz_o> sub-pixel rendering
L222[06:38:28] <Cazzar> gigaherz_o: yet, explorer doesn't exhibit it
L223[06:38:45] <Zaggy1024> it's subtle on your other screenshot
L224[06:38:47] <Zaggy1024> but it's there
L225[06:38:56] <Zaggy1024> how it ought to be
L226[06:39:21] <Cazzar> yeah, I mean as much
L227[06:39:39] <gigaherz_o> it does for me
L228[06:39:46] <gigaherz_o> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/Zoomed.png
L229[06:40:15] <Cazzar> gigaherz_o: I mean to the same degree
L230[06:40:22] <gigaherz_o> oh
L231[06:40:39] <gigaherz_o> wait
L232[06:40:44] <gigaherz_o> are you using DPI > 100%?
L233[06:40:56] <Cazzar> shouldn't be
L234[06:41:04] <gigaherz_o> because in windows, DPI scaling has two modes:
L235[06:41:17] <gigaherz_o> either it keeps the non-compatible windows unscaled
L236[06:41:25] <gigaherz_o> or it uses bilinear filtering to stretch upward
L237[06:41:41] <gigaherz_o> and last I saw, chrome turned blurry with dpi scale > 100%
L238[06:41:41] <gigaherz_o> ;P
L239[06:41:46] <gigaherz_o> maybe they fixed it since
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L241[06:44:37] <Zaggy1024> now I'm a little confused as to why the blue appears on the right sides of the characters
L242[06:44:49] <gigaherz_o> ah it seems chrome stopped scaling sometimes in the last year
L243[06:45:10] <gigaherz_o> Zaggy1024: why wouldn't it?
L244[06:45:22] <gigaherz_o> most screens have RGB layout
L245[06:45:49] <Zaggy1024> oh, never mind, I had the luminance backwards in my brain
L246[06:45:50] <Zaggy1024> lol
L247[06:45:58] <gigaherz_o> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b0/LCD_pixels_RGB.jpg
L248[06:47:12] <Zaggy1024> for some reason it seems like a lot of people I know hate chromatic aberration, but I like it
L249[06:48:18] <fry> it's annoying when it's as prominent as this: https://i1.creativecow.net/u/94713/pp011185crb.jpg
L250[06:49:26] <Zaggy1024> lol, yeah
L251[06:49:40] <Zaggy1024> but I'm talking subtle, and in the unfocused areas
L252[06:50:12] <gigaherz_o> fry: that's color aberrations, though? nothing to do with cleartype XD
L253[06:50:41] <Zaggy1024> I just said something about chromatic aberration :P
L254[06:51:02] <gigaherz_o> oh yeah
L255[06:51:04] <gigaherz_o> missed that
L256[06:52:44] <gigaherz_o> chromatic aberration can be used for artistic purposes, but generally
L257[06:52:47] <gigaherz_o> it's a flaw
L258[06:52:51] <gigaherz_o> it reminds people we are imperfect
L259[06:52:54] <gigaherz_o> and so it's annoying
L260[06:53:08] <Zaggy1024> heh, that's a deep way of looking at it :P
L261[06:53:16] <Zaggy1024> I just think it's pretty
L262[06:53:53] <fry> it's like vhs effects: it's a technical imperfection, resulting in a lossy image, but you can grow attached to it :P
L263[06:54:11] <sham1> I remember the time of VHS
L264[06:54:13] <sham1> It was awful
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L267[06:56:34] <Wuppy> o/
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L304[08:54:42] <Wuppy> I wonder if I should preorder just cause 3...
L305[08:54:52] <MattDahEpic> fallout4
L306[08:54:58] <Wuppy> JC3
L307[08:55:05] <MattDahEpic> fo4
L308[08:55:12] <sham1> neither
L309[08:55:14] <Wuppy> first JC3 then maybe fallout
L310[08:55:22] <Wuppy> sham1, what is wrong with you :o
L311[08:55:34] <MattDahEpic> not maybe fallout yes fallout
L312[08:55:36] <Wuppy> dont you like flying, shooting, driving, exploding etc.
L313[08:55:50] <MattDahEpic> dogmeat and awesomeness
L314[08:56:10] ⇦ Quits: covers1624_ (~covers162@ppp121-45-87-39.lns20.adl6.internode.on.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L315[08:56:23] <sham1> my internet died when i said something negative about fallout :C
L316[08:56:27] <sham1> They know
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L336[10:08:57] <Nucleria> Hi.
L337[10:09:12] <sham1> hi
L338[10:09:17] <MattDahEpic> hoi
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L340[10:27:20] <Wuppy> good day
L341[10:27:31] <sham1> G'day
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L343[10:32:08] <MattDahEpic> good day to you kind sir
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L345[10:33:44] <Wuppy> MattDahEpic, are you dutch by any chance?
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L347[10:35:17] <MattDahEpic> no
L348[10:35:48] <MattDahEpic> i have friends that are though
L349[10:36:25] <Wuppy> thought so because of the hoi :P
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L370[11:28:36] <williewillus> !gm getDisplayDamage 1.7.10
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L373[11:32:09] <karlthepagan> antispam mod coming along quickly - code review welcome https://github.com/karlthepagan/forge-antispam/blob/master/src/main/java/karl/codes/minecraft/antispam/AntiSpam.java
L374[11:32:29] <karlthepagan> also uploaded last build to curseforge, going to implement the commandline and then push 0.2
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L376[11:32:39] <gigaherz_o> karlthepagan: spam as in, chat?
L377[11:32:48] <karlthepagan> yes, has this already been done?
L378[11:32:55] <karlthepagan> and anti-spam for the client only
L379[11:33:02] <gigaherz_o> no idea
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L381[11:33:09] <gigaherz_o> it's not something I'm usually worried about ;P
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L383[11:33:15] <karlthepagan> example - http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/anti-spam/images
L384[11:33:20] <gigaherz_o> I don't play on public servers
L385[11:33:40] <karlthepagan> yeah, just scratching my own itch ;) it got really obnoxious
L386[11:33:48] <karlthepagan> but I figure it could be very useful
L387[11:34:07] <sham1> Might be useful if actually played mc ;)
L388[11:34:25] <karlthepagan> all the server-side mods which use text for status/warnings (like ClearLag etc)
L389[11:34:37] <karlthepagan> might put those into on-screen indicators automatically
L390[11:34:49] <karlthepagan> bbiab
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L392[11:36:21] <williewillus> is it too late to request mapping renames for 1.8.8 :p
L393[11:36:40] <williewillus> WorldProvider.doesWaterVaporize() really should be isHellWorld() lol
L394[11:37:21] <gigaherz_o> doesn't it vaporize in the end too?
L395[11:38:29] <williewillus> no
L396[11:38:46] <Poppy> so uh, how do I like... use IIcon
L397[11:38:48] <williewillus> it's a getter for the old isHellWorld field but somehow got a very narrow-minded name lol
L398[11:39:07] <williewillus> Poppy: you don't waste time learning it and just learn models :p
L399[11:39:25] <Poppy> williewillus: making metadata based blocks... kinda need it
L400[11:39:38] <williewillus> I meant 1.8
L401[11:39:39] <fry> update to 1.8
L402[11:39:41] <MattDahEpic> maybe we should rename ItemBlock.getMetadata to getMetadataForPlacement
L403[11:39:52] <sham1> Yeah
L404[11:39:55] <sham1> Update to 1.8
L405[11:40:06] <williewillus> speaking of namings, all the block.onBlockPlaced onBlockAdded onBlockPlacedByPlayer are so confusing 0.o
L406[11:40:12] <Poppy> I'll update to 1.8 once every mod in the modpack I'm doing the mod for updates
L407[11:40:17] <williewillus> they all have different purposes
L408[11:40:38] <williewillus> well no help for old versions, look at some open source mods on github to see how to use iicon, it's not very difficult
L409[11:40:41] <Poppy> in other words, it's not likelly, I'll be doing a different mod for our second pack in 1.8 though
L410[11:40:52] <sham1> Yeah
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L412[11:41:06] <MattDahEpic> updating to 1.8 nets you all the niche dls that are usually taken up by the "big mods"
L413[11:41:16] <sham1> The official thing should now be "only answering to the questions in the most recent MC versions"
L414[11:41:38] <sham1> That has support for forge that is
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L416[11:42:44] <Poppy> D: you wouldn't do that to poor old me
L417[11:43:16] <williewillus> iicons aren't terrible hard
L418[11:43:36] <sham1> ^
L419[11:44:26] <Poppy> yeah, maybe but simply translating the code into scala doesn't seem to work...
L420[11:44:35] <sham1> Show your code...
L421[11:44:49] <MattDahEpic> 1.8 textures wont show up for me in my inventory
L422[11:45:06] <MattDahEpic> https://github.com/MattDahEpic/MobDropOres1.9
L423[11:45:09] <Poppy> honestly, at the moment I'm just trying to initialize an IIcon array, like every mod/tutorial does
L424[11:45:17] <sham1> Well, show it
L425[11:45:31] <Poppy> but I'm kinda stuck there, scala screams at me that I can't instantiate an abstract
L426[11:45:52] <sham1> ...
L427[11:45:54] <sham1> Where is the code
L428[11:46:04] <sham1> I cannot help you without you showing it
L429[11:46:07] <sham1> I am not a mystic
L430[11:46:17] <MattDahEpic> shamystic?
L431[11:46:23] <MattDahEpic> ba dum pish
L432[11:47:59] <sham1> Well, how are you trying to make your array poppy
L433[11:48:24] <Poppy> var icons = new IIcon[]
L434[11:48:36] <sham1> ...
L435[11:48:41] <sham1> Thatr is not how it is done in Scala
L436[11:49:14] <Poppy> ... thought so, I need to fill it immediatelly, don't I?
L437[11:49:29] <fry> [] is not an array
L438[11:49:35] <sham1> Yeah
L439[11:49:37] <sham1> It is generics
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L441[11:50:10] <alex_6611> more like Array.empty[IIcon] or sth, depending on what you're doing
L442[11:50:20] <sham1> val arr = new Array[IIcon](2) if you want 2 things inside it
L443[11:50:29] <alex_6611> yea or that
L444[11:51:03] <sham1> Or better yet
L445[11:51:14] <sham1> Make it a list like any good functional person
L446[11:51:28] <Poppy> <3
L447[11:51:38] <MattDahEpic> an ArrayList
L448[11:51:44] <MattDahEpic> best list type imo
L449[11:51:45] <sham1> Eww no
L450[11:51:48] <sham1> not in scala
L451[11:51:55] <williewillus> lol
L452[11:51:59] <MattDahEpic> scala is ew doe
L453[11:52:06] <alex_6611> noooooooooooo :D
L454[11:52:11] <Poppy> so's your face, but I don't see your mother comlaining
L455[11:52:19] * MattDahEpic sad
L456[11:52:24] <Poppy> jeeze <_<
L457[11:52:26] <williewillus> does botania require java 7?
L458[11:53:11] <MattDahEpic> ooh the cake i made is finished cooking, bbl
L459[11:53:41] <c_phobe> most mod/packs do. Honestly there aren't many reasons to stick with Java 6 and below
L460[11:54:14] <Poppy> I don't need to specify a size if I'm using a list, right
L461[11:54:16] <williewillus> but does the mod iteself? :p
L462[11:54:37] <Poppy> right
L463[11:54:37] <sham1> in your registerIcons
L464[11:54:49] <c_phobe> Why are you on 6?
L465[11:54:56] <sham1> icon1 : icon2 : icon3 : Nil
L466[11:55:01] <sham1> Yay for concat
L467[11:55:30] <Poppy> oh my, I'll actually get to use a recursive function
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L470[11:56:01] <williewillus> I'm not, I'm just asking
L471[11:56:05] <sham1> Not really recursive
L472[11:56:09] <williewillus> I forked it and was wondering what to set my IDE on
L473[11:56:09] <sham1> That's just basic concat
L474[11:56:29] <Poppy> I know, but I'll be concating it recursivelly as all icon names will be just name+number
L475[11:56:31] <sham1> That is one way you make lists in haskell
L476[11:56:32] <c_phobe> eh
L477[11:56:38] <sham1> Well that works too
L478[11:57:01] <sham1> Just remember to use pattern matching so that when your number is over the peak, you stop
L479[11:57:16] <Poppy> yup
L480[11:57:22] <c_phobe> unless you're doing something for legacy versions of minecraft, go 7. You can test it out anyway, and then reconfig
L481[11:57:46] <sham1> Been doing some haskell for couple of days
L482[11:57:56] <Poppy> I've been using scala way too muc like java
L483[11:58:08] <Poppy> I actually wanted to get into haskell, is it fun?
L484[11:58:20] <Ivorius> yes
L485[11:58:22] <sham1> yes
L486[11:58:25] <williewillus> functional languages are cool but syntax just looks ugly
L487[11:58:32] <Ivorius> u look ugly
L488[11:58:35] <williewillus> :(
L489[11:58:44] <Poppy> xD
L490[11:59:16] <sham1> Haskell's code is so elegant
L491[11:59:29] <Poppy> I'm really glad functional languages exist, there's something about them that makes me feel right at home
L492[12:00:00] <Ivorius> Let me just reiterate:
L493[12:00:01] <Ivorius> update = modify . maybe Nothing . (.) Just
L494[12:00:17] <Ivorius> Honestly Haskell is probably the most fun I've had from any language
L495[12:00:40] <sham1> >>= ;)
L496[12:00:40] <Poppy> like, ain't bashing objective, it's got its own thing going on and it's all good. But as someone who started coding in fucking basic... well, functional programing is just closer to heart
L497[12:01:02] <Ivorius> >>= is fun
L498[12:01:40] <Poppy> I can do inline recursion, right?
L499[12:02:10] <Poppy> cause if I can then I'm imediatelly rewriting all loops into that :D
L500[12:02:15] <fry> I can't read haskell yet; too unfamilliar operator precedences :P
L501[12:02:15] <sham1> You can
L502[12:02:25] <Poppy> teach me master
L503[12:02:26] <sham1> Also >>= is fun because it is so clean
L504[12:03:09] <Poppy> wait, I actually haven't used a single loop yet
L505[12:03:18] ⇨ Joins: Soni (SoniEx2@
L506[12:03:19] <sham1> def func (param1, param2) = if (cond) expressions func(stuff) else bottomCase
L507[12:03:32] <Poppy> <3 lovely
L508[12:03:54] <Ivorius> Ew
L509[12:03:57] <Ivorius> What is this if else
L510[12:04:18] <sham1> If it was haskell
L511[12:04:28] <sham1> I would use guards and stuff
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L513[12:04:48] <sham1> And then pass everything through IO monad
L514[12:05:03] <sham1> Because god damn if I cannot have side effects I implode
L515[12:05:18] <c_phobe> I didn't do much in Haskell
L516[12:05:34] <c_phobe> but I remember watching a guy explain swedish translation in haskell
L517[12:05:36] <c_phobe> very nive
L518[12:05:42] <c_phobe> nice*
L519[12:05:51] <Poppy> what little scala I know, I've learned playing codingame, I think I'll give it a go in haskel
L520[12:06:17] <sham1> If you want to mod with haskell, then frege is an option ;)
L521[12:06:17] <c_phobe> heh
L522[12:06:25] <c_phobe> any tips on Scala in forge?
L523[12:06:28] ⇨ Joins: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipb2197f03.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L524[12:06:29] <Poppy> mod with... what
L525[12:06:35] <Poppy> are you for real
L526[12:06:36] <fry> c_phobe: just do it :P
L527[12:06:42] <sham1> Yes I am
L528[12:06:47] <Poppy> scala is ridiculously concise
L529[12:06:48] <Poppy> and fun
L530[12:06:50] <c_phobe> Any resources for it in 1.8, I mean :P
L531[12:06:53] <sham1> Anything that supports classes and stuffs
L532[12:07:00] <sham1> and is in JVM
L533[12:07:03] <fry> it's no different from making a mod in java
L534[12:07:03] <sham1> Can be used to mod
L535[12:07:07] <sham1> Yeah
L536[12:07:07] <fry> except for language
L537[12:07:12] <sham1> The syntax is differnet
L538[12:07:15] <c_phobe> heh
L539[12:07:21] <sham1> And you are encouraged to use functional style
L540[12:07:25] <sham1> But you dont have to
L541[12:07:29] <c_phobe> Java scares me tbh, I learned coding via Python
L542[12:07:33] <Poppy> you don't have to do like... constructors
L543[12:07:38] <sham1> jython ;)
L544[12:07:44] <Poppy> no calls to super in your constructor
L545[12:07:52] <c_phobe> ooh
L546[12:07:53] <c_phobe> cool
L547[12:08:11] <sham1> jython, for anyone who wants to do JVM stuff in python
L548[12:08:25] <Poppy> like class myBlock extends Block(Material.rock){}
L549[12:08:35] <sham1> What do you mean
L550[12:08:39] <sham1> That is a constructor
L551[12:08:42] <Poppy> well yeah
L552[12:08:47] <Poppy> but you don't have to write it out
L553[12:09:17] ⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@nl107-188-189.student.uu.se) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L554[12:09:19] <c_phobe> is there any support nonsense in Jython?
L555[12:09:27] <c_phobe> any source i can look at?
L556[12:09:39] <sham1> No one has used it for modding AFAIk
L557[12:09:47] <sham1> But I think you could be the first ;)
L558[12:09:50] <c_phobe> hmm
L559[12:09:51] <c_phobe> yay
L560[12:09:57] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@nl107-188-189.student.uu.se)
L561[12:10:06] <c_phobe> I'll look at *its* docs first
L562[12:10:12] <Poppy> in java you'd have to do class myBlock extends Block{public myBlock() {super.(Material.rock)}} or something like that, I don't even know
L563[12:10:19] *** Vazkii is now known as Vazkii|Streaming
L564[12:10:30] <sham1> You still write the constructor out
L565[12:10:39] <sham1> It just is more consended
L566[12:10:47] <Poppy> okay, yes, you do. But it's super concise
L567[12:11:02] <c_phobe> This is fascinating
L568[12:11:08] <c_phobe> let's make a frankenstein's mod!
L569[12:12:22] <c_phobe> So it's not actually python, it got reimplemented, but it looks like 2.7 but in the jvm
L570[12:12:24] <c_phobe> coool
L571[12:13:01] <williewillus> !gf field_76444_x 1.7.10
L572[12:13:36] <Poppy> I love the strings of functions, looks especially good without the full stops
L573[12:14:00] <Poppy> reads like english if you're doing it right
L574[12:14:12] <c_phobe> heh
L575[12:14:16] <sham1> That'sSQL
L576[12:17:02] <Poppy> does java support string interpolation?
L577[12:17:28] <fry> String.format is the closest you can get
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L579[12:20:20] <c_phobe> I do wonder how to package jython into the mod
L580[12:20:33] * c_phobe facepalm
L581[12:20:40] <c_phobe> bytecode. yeah.
L582[12:21:34] *** illy[ZZz] is now known as illyohs
L583[12:22:04] <c_phobe> \o back from the sleep dimension?
L584[12:23:42] <sham1> getLine >>= putStrLn
L585[12:24:37] <c_phobe> so intellij supports jython via a plugin, now to install the damn thing
L586[12:25:28] ⇨ Joins: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net)
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L588[12:26:24] <c_phobe> \o \o
L589[12:29:39] ⇨ Joins: Nucleria (~Nucleria@cpe-107-9-165-182.neo.res.rr.com)
L590[12:31:22] <c_phobe> \o
L591[12:35:50] <Nucleria> Hi, I’m back.
L592[12:37:32] <c_phobe> wb
L593[12:37:49] <Nucleria> How are you?
L594[12:38:33] <c_phobe> i'm fine
L595[12:38:40] <c_phobe> messing about with jytho
L596[12:38:41] <c_phobe> n
L597[12:39:16] <Nucleria> Would that be Java Python? That really exists?
L598[12:39:36] <sham1> Yes
L599[12:39:40] <Nucleria> Wow.
L600[12:39:52] <c_phobe> err
L601[12:39:53] <c_phobe> well
L602[12:39:55] <diesieben07> everything runs on the jvm nowadays
L603[12:39:59] <c_phobe> it's a version of python in the jvm
L604[12:40:10] <c_phobe> not actually python shoved into java
L605[12:40:27] <c_phobe> python has some features it doesn't support and such
L606[12:40:33] <Nucleria> Spooky.
L607[12:40:37] <c_phobe> ^^
L608[12:40:59] <c_phobe> ^^ is a smiley face in my irc. huh.
L609[12:41:21] <sham1> ^_^
L610[12:41:33] <c_phobe> heh. ^.^
L611[12:41:49] <Nucleria> :P is the only I know or ever really use.
L612[12:41:56] <MattDahEpic> :D
L613[12:42:05] <sham1> -_-
L614[12:42:20] <c_phobe> xp
L615[12:42:24] <MattDahEpic> D:<
L616[12:42:34] <c_phobe> |:<
L617[12:43:24] <sham1> import __future__
L618[12:44:28] ⇨ Joins: Cojo (~Cojo@2606:a000:1126:a066:61fa:9f31:1134:253e)
L619[12:45:33] <c_phobe> okay
L620[12:45:56] <c_phobe> Now to figure out how to import a java file in the same directory into the jython script..
L621[12:46:06] <c_phobe> this will totally work
L622[12:47:31] ⇨ Joins: DemoXin (~DemoXin@15.sub-70-210-38.myvzw.com)
L623[12:47:44] <c_phobe> \o \o Demo/Cojo
L624[12:47:50] <DemoXin> o/
L625[12:47:58] <Nucleria> Hi.
L626[12:48:35] <Cojo> hello
L627[12:50:54] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
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L629[12:51:42] <sham1> Oh yay
L630[12:51:51] <sham1> He's actually on for once
L631[12:52:55] <williewillus> what happened to ItemBlockWithMetadata in 1.8?
L632[12:53:06] <sham1> No metadata
L633[12:53:14] <sham1> For blocks that is
L634[12:53:17] <sham1> That happened
L635[12:53:37] <diesieben07> at
L636[12:53:38] <diesieben07> wat
L637[12:53:42] <williewillus> oh looks like they split each kind of itemblock into its own hardcoded class with handles states on it's own
L638[12:53:44] <williewillus> yay
L639[12:56:12] ⇦ Quits: Nucleria (~Nucleria@cpe-107-9-165-182.neo.res.rr.com) (Quit: Nucleria)
L640[12:57:01] <PitchBright> anybody here have any experience with chunkloaders and optimal forge configs for 'em?
L641[12:59:00] <MattDahEpic> the defaults work for me, on large servers limit each player chunks to like 36
L642[12:59:29] <MattDahEpic> or unlimited, but require fuel and disable automation
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L644[13:00:17] ⇦ Quits: TTFTCUTS (~ttftcuts@ns3366511.ovh.net) (Quit: boop)
L645[13:00:40] <PitchBright> so… me having 700 loaded chunks for the purpose of crops growing around the clock...
L646[13:00:46] <PitchBright> how bad of an idea is that?
L647[13:01:07] <MattDahEpic> if theres nothing else there, like not a base or mining, not too bad
L648[13:01:28] <MattDahEpic> you just have to have the memory to keep them loaded
L649[13:01:59] <PitchBright> yeah for the most part… it's just crops, trees growing for forestry stations, and small buildings with a few items on a couple bibliocraft shelves
L650[13:02:43] ⇨ Joins: TTFTCUTS (~ttftcuts@2001:41d0:a:2dcf::)
L651[13:02:46] <PitchBright> in the village… it's 9x9 so 81 chunks… and that's got a million tile entities, and detectors and chests...
L652[13:03:18] <MattDahEpic> that is more of a problem
L653[13:03:19] <PitchBright> i think it's those 81 chunks that are making the servers CPU freak out… because when I remove those chunkloads there…. it's pretty calm
L654[13:03:39] <MattDahEpic> its tile entites and entites that cause the most lag
L655[13:04:05] <DemoXin> 9x9 CHUNKS? or a 9x9 farm?
L656[13:04:14] <PitchBright> 9x9 chunks
L657[13:04:26] <PitchBright> 81 chunks total… to cover "the village" we live in
L658[13:05:09] <MattDahEpic> oh my god, mod idea: cireloader fixed 9x9 chunkloader that drops from enderman 1% of the time, but only in the end
L659[13:05:16] <MattDahEpic> direloader*
L660[13:05:51] <PitchBright> and with the forgechunkloaders.cfg should I be doing anything special in there?
L661[13:06:19] <PitchBright> players don't use chunkloaders themselves… it's just me setting up those areas i want time to continually pass in...
L662[13:06:38] <MattDahEpic> thats where you'd limit the amount of loaded chunks for players, etc
L663[13:06:39] <PitchBright> I've set it to max 2048 chunks per ticket
L664[13:06:57] <PitchBright> I assumed server view distance did that, no?
L665[13:07:04] <PitchBright> in the server.properties file
L666[13:07:24] <MattDahEpic> no, thats how far player entites can load, not chunkloaders players have placed
L667[13:08:01] <MattDahEpic> like x player can have 36 chunkloaded chunks that they can use anywhere
L668[13:08:17] <PitchBright> would that limit apply to OPs?
L669[13:10:11] <MattDahEpic> depends on the mod to check
L670[13:10:20] <PitchBright> Sorry for hammerin' you with the Q's. I'm just completely new to this, and I want to make sure I don't do something totally stupid...
L671[13:10:24] <PitchBright> got a couple more for ya...
L672[13:10:31] <PitchBright> can you take a peek at this for me? http://pastebin.com/VEfu4eN7
L673[13:10:39] <PitchBright> I don't really get what a Ticket is
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L675[13:11:34] <PitchBright> so in the context of that config file… am I set up properly. Like I say, players dont' use chunkloaders, I'm the only player that does, and I use a mod that forceloads chunks without using a block.
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L677[13:12:14] <PitchBright> and all I want to do, is make sure areas are active 24/7… regardless if I'm on or not, or if others are on or not.
L678[13:12:31] ⇦ Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@82-168-99-26.ip.telfort.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L679[13:13:34] <MattDahEpic> unless you are loading an insanely large number of chunks you should be food. your limit of 2048 per is very large, and you should not run into any problems
L680[13:13:41] <MattDahEpic> goof*
L681[13:13:51] <MattDahEpic> i can type, i promise
L682[13:16:31] ⇦ Quits: RichardG (~richardg8@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L683[13:16:34] <PitchBright> okay… so tickets are… not the same as a chunk
L684[13:16:50] <MattDahEpic> tickets keep track of loaded chunks
L685[13:16:53] <PitchBright> the one mod i'm using to do the loading… is it "1 ticket"?
L686[13:17:03] <PitchBright> oh, is there a way to see how many tickets it's using?
L687[13:17:06] ⇨ Joins: RichardG (~richardg8@
L688[13:17:06] MineBot sets mode: +v on RichardG
L689[13:17:34] <MattDahEpic> well your ticket limit is 2048 so if you're loading less than that, 1 ticket
L690[13:17:51] <MattDahEpic> and that mod can have 200 tickets per you default limits
L691[13:18:09] <PitchBright> ahhh
L692[13:18:25] <PitchBright> wow so like… it's possible to have tens of thousands of chunks loaded?
L693[13:18:36] <PitchBright> 200x2048
L694[13:18:50] <PitchBright> hundreds* of thousands :P
L695[13:18:50] <MattDahEpic> in theroy, yes. but your server wont handle it long beofre you reac hthat
L696[13:18:54] <barteks2x> Does totalWorldTime ever go backwards?
L697[13:19:07] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L698[13:19:26] <PitchBright> k MattDahEpic here's what I'm seeing
L699[13:19:31] <barteks2x> or: Is it good idea to assume it always only increases
L700[13:19:43] ⇦ Quits: WinterGuardian (~Winter@modemcable074.186-20-96.mc.videotron.ca) (Quit: Leaving)
L701[13:19:48] <PitchBright> http://imgur.com/PkXrxYi
L702[13:21:17] <PitchBright> when the bars are nice and low around 50%… it's this: http://imgur.com/7xwJzC5
L703[13:22:34] <PitchBright> when the bars spike and hit 100% it's this: http://imgur.com/hzgrnSs … just as all the periphery red chunks are starting to reload (for whatever reason)
L704[13:23:51] *** Mata is now known as MattOfflineMc
L705[13:26:03] *** Gaz is now known as Gaz|Away
L706[13:32:07] <PitchBright> the spiking is definitely related to the reload of the chunks adjacent to the chunkloaded chunks
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L715[13:44:02] <c_phobe> bak
L716[13:44:54] <c_phobe> I think I'll try my hand at making the mod itself before doing any crazy crap with jython.
L717[13:48:25] ⇨ Joins: Flenix (~Flenix@bcdc955b.skybroadband.com)
L718[13:49:15] <Flenix> Hey all. Having trouble with the tessellator. Item renders fine, but the placed block doesn't, any ideas? Picture & render class: http://ctrlv.in/661498 http://pastebin.com/Yb4AWTsh
L719[13:50:16] <Cypher121> IIRC you need to bind a texture first
L720[13:52:06] <Flenix> The code I'm using was taken from another one of my mods where everything works fine (although the tessellation is more complex) - I pulled icons from the block class in there too? How would I go about binding textures without using IIcon like that?
L721[13:53:53] *** Spookfried is now known as Fridtjof
L722[13:55:51] <karlthepagan> premature optimization - making a cache of strinified ChatReceivedEvents :P
L723[13:55:58] <karlthepagan> *stringified
L724[13:56:25] <c_phobe> don't want to strinify anything.
L725[13:57:04] <c_phobe> also, where the hell have the javadocs gone? The link's missing from files.forge
L726[13:57:06] <karlthepagan> well... neither do I, but being honest with ourselves... the cost of copying the string contents is probably much cheaper than O(n log n) iteration :/
L727[13:57:27] <c_phobe> so you say.
L728[13:57:32] *** Gaz|Away is now known as Gaz
L729[13:57:36] <c_phobe> if it works, optimize later
L730[13:57:53] <karlthepagan> which is why we have so many strings in java ;P
L731[13:57:59] <c_phobe> but what are you even doing with chatevents?
L732[13:58:12] <karlthepagan> just for fun, and because it's the weekend I decided to try to avoid stringifying -- https://github.com/karlthepagan/forge-antispam/blob/master/src/main/java/karl/codes/java/ListCharSequence.java
L733[13:58:31] <karlthepagan> c_phobe, filtering out server spam (see curseforge "Anti Spam")
L734[13:58:38] <c_phobe> nice
L735[13:58:48] <c_phobe> but does it blend?
L736[13:58:57] <karlthepagan> it won't make your coffee
L737[13:59:13] <c_phobe> time to commit. let's make this thing blend!
L738[13:59:20] <Cypher121> why stringify and not hashCode()?
L739[14:00:03] <karlthepagan> Cypher121, intended target is Pattern.matcher(input) - testing against arbitrary inputs
L740[14:00:21] <karlthepagan> however.... server spam is frequently identical so yes, good recommendation
L741[14:00:23] <Cypher121> oh, ok
L742[14:00:34] <karlthepagan> making a TODO
L743[14:00:51] <karlthepagan> unless you know of someone who's done a ChatReceivedEvent hashcode?
L744[14:00:54] <Cypher121> I thought you were recording past events that were filtered to avoid checking them again
L745[14:01:05] <karlthepagan> not yet, great idea tho
L746[14:01:21] <c_phobe> why do versions after 1320 have no javadocs? 0.0
L747[14:01:36] <karlthepagan> c_phobe, is that FG2.0?
L748[14:01:49] <karlthepagan> maybe it's not building them because of the new plugin version?
L749[14:01:53] <c_phobe> strange
L750[14:02:15] <Cypher121> except you have to be careful not to fill memory with recorded events. maybe add a config option that defines how many you cache before deleting them?
L751[14:02:16] <c_phobe> but there are no javadocs after
L752[14:02:50] <karlthepagan> Cypher121, was thinking of LRU for all server chatter, and making a proper hashCode will make that quite efficient
L753[14:03:03] <c_phobe> have they moved out of direct downloads or what?
L754[14:03:19] <c_phobe> Github's MinecraftForge/Documentation is the readthedocs one
L755[14:03:34] <c_phobe> and the readme.md says that
L756[14:03:38] <karlthepagan> Cypher121, but the amount of memory held on heap for server strings is going to be trivial compared to other waste in the MC enging
L757[14:03:46] <c_phobe> they're not hosting anymore docs
L758[14:03:47] <c_phobe> fun
L759[14:03:50] <Cypher121> yeah, but still
L760[14:03:55] <karlthepagan> c_phobe, :/
L761[14:04:00] <c_phobe> ^
L762[14:04:31] <karlthepagan> yeah, it shall be done!
L763[14:04:57] <Cypher121> if you have a client running for many hours, you may accumulate an impressive amount of shit
L764[14:05:08] <c_phobe> ...
L765[14:05:12] <karlthepagan> I think I'm settling on a command-line api first tho: 2 phases: a) identify spam via regex, b) commit them into existing rules chain
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L767[14:05:45] <karlthepagan> Cypher121, true, but I don't plan on holding more than 10-20 whitelisted events
L768[14:05:59] <karlthepagan> so user chat should get gc'd quickly
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L770[14:06:16] <c_phobe> configs!
L771[14:06:27] <c_phobe> unless it's already configurable
L772[14:06:28] <karlthepagan> c_phobe, do you like json or yml for configs?
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L774[14:06:52] <c_phobe> json
L775[14:07:09] <karlthepagan> :/ only problem is writing regexp in json means double-escaping slashes
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L777[14:07:33] <c_phobe> eh
L778[14:07:36] <c_phobe> yml isn't that bad
L779[14:07:43] <c_phobe> go with the path of least resistance
L780[14:08:00] <karlthepagan> generally I like json, and I've re-written regex to use $ for escape in that situation ;)
L781[14:08:09] <karlthepagan> only a few corner cases there
L782[14:08:19] <karlthepagan> (not re-written, but transformed i should say)
L783[14:08:44] <c_phobe> I've never really done regex or much with strings
L784[14:09:11] <karlthepagan> after 10 years of writing information management software, I've become addicted
L785[14:09:17] <c_phobe> 0.0
L786[14:09:29] <alex_6611> yea regex is freaking awesome
L787[14:09:31] <c_phobe> gotta get that filthy leopard clena
L788[14:09:35] <c_phobe> clean*
L789[14:10:58] <Cypher121> Regex should be handled just like its parent language, which is Perl
L790[14:11:39] <Cypher121> it's cool, but if you don't make a comment explaining EXACTLY how it works, be ready to delete it after few months
L791[14:12:08] <c_phobe> heh
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L794[14:12:25] <karlthepagan> Cypher121, all my regexes will not be proceeded by a comment: // http://www.regexr.com/
L795[14:12:31] <karlthepagan> ;)
L796[14:12:44] <alex_6611> i use www.regex101.com
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L798[14:12:50] <c_phobe> fun times
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L800[14:13:21] <c_phobe> meanwhile I'm looking at the opencomputers source to figure out how to implement scala
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L802[14:13:33] <Xilef11> FSR, Minecraft takes forever to load when running debug in eclipse
L803[14:13:57] <Lumien> Only if you put a slow breakpoint somewhere :P
L804[14:14:19] <Cypher121> Idea breakpoints are an amazing thing
L805[14:14:23] <c_phobe> ?
L806[14:14:37] <Cypher121> you put a breakpoint to a method
L807[14:14:47] <Cypher121> it warns you how laggy it will be to do so
L808[14:14:51] <karlthepagan> :D
L809[14:14:53] <c_phobe> cool
L810[14:14:56] <Cypher121> starting the game, it DOES lag a lot
L811[14:15:19] <Cypher121> switched breakpoint to 1st line of method, realized it wasn't even invoked once
L812[14:15:31] <Cypher121> ladies and gentlemen, IDEA
L813[14:17:00] <c_phobe> can you split your coding window in idea
L814[14:17:02] <c_phobe> ?
L815[14:17:16] <MattDahEpic> yes you can in ultimate
L816[14:17:28] <MattDahEpic> in community a plugin does it
L817[14:17:35] <c_phobe> heh
L818[14:17:36] <c_phobe> thanks
L819[14:17:58] <Xilef11> yup, there was a breakpoint I forgot about taht didn't trigger the debug perspective...
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L824[14:24:58] <c_phobe> wb catcher
L825[14:30:24] <karlthepagan> probably hardest thing about the CLI i've settled on is capturing a trace of how my matching engine works >:S
L826[14:30:54] <karlthepagan> in other words, if a line of text hits or misses, the CLI is useless unless the user knows why
L827[14:31:32] <c_phobe> ..
L828[14:31:45] <c_phobe> tracebacks suck because programming tracebacks sucks :p
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L831[14:36:11] <karlthepagan> engine mostly complete: https://github.com/karlthepagan/forge-antispam
L832[14:36:46] <karlthepagan> just have to add the inline editing, configuration
L833[14:36:51] <c_phobe> nice
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L835[14:38:25] <c_phobe> So I found a file named typos-en.txt on my computer
L836[14:38:30] <c_phobe> which contains typos
L837[14:38:35] <c_phobe> craptonnes of em
L838[14:38:45] <c_phobe> weird
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L840[14:40:05] <shadowfacts> if you mean split like this, c_phobe, then you can in community: http://puu.sh/l5RHR.png
L841[14:40:30] <c_phobe> cool
L842[14:40:38] <c_phobe> any way to do it vertically?
L843[14:40:47] <c_phobe> also.. how?
L844[14:40:49] <c_phobe> wizard!
L845[14:41:01] <shadowfacts> yep: http://puu.sh/l5RNq.png
L846[14:41:19] <shadowfacts> you can right-click on a tab and click Split Vertically or Split Horizontally
L847[14:41:26] <c_phobe> 00.00
L848[14:41:27] <c_phobe> wau
L849[14:41:42] <c_phobe> you can!
L850[14:41:43] <c_phobe> yes!
L851[14:41:45] <c_phobe> !!
L852[14:41:49] <c_phobe> Thank you.
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L854[14:42:47] <shadowfacts> it's also completely recursive: http://puu.sh/l5RUV.png
L855[14:43:00] <c_phobe> :D
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L857[14:43:53] <c_phobe> my compooter might be too small :/ oh well
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L859[14:44:15] <c_phobe> It's good to read reference code and use it at the same time
L860[14:45:10] <shadowfacts> yea
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L865[14:55:24] <c_phobe> \o \o \o
L866[14:55:34] <c_phobe> not that first guy
L867[14:55:37] <c_phobe> oh well
L868[14:55:38] <c_phobe> web
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L878[15:39:10] <Flenix> Hey all. Having trouble with the tessellator. Item renders fine, but the placed block doesn't, any ideas? Picture & render class: http://ctrlv.in/661498 http://pastebin.com/Yb4AWTsh
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L881[15:42:10] <Poppy> can all my subblocks have the same name?
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L893[16:14:00] <gigaherz_o> [22:42] (Poppy): can all my subblocks have the same name?
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L895[16:14:08] <gigaherz_o> no? then they'd use the same model
L896[16:14:19] <gigaherz_o> which wouldmake the idea of subblocks sortof pointless
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L898[16:19:40] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> Flenix: you are drawing it at 0,0,0
L899[16:20:10] <Flenix> I knew it'd be something stupid like that, let me go get Eclipse open again
L900[16:21:44] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> fry: did you get my pings from the last few days
L901[16:21:48] <Flenix> Yup, I see it now. Thanks :P
L902[16:21:51] <fry> I did
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L904[16:22:50] <fry> do you still have queations? some stuff you did resolve, I think
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L907[16:26:16] <tterrag> fry: I just wish there was an easier way to do what I want
L908[16:26:26] <tterrag> also it would be amazing if forge could patch the TESR render bug
L909[16:26:30] <tterrag> but meh
L910[16:26:53] <fry> 1.8.8 is happening at some point :P
L911[16:27:08] <tterrag> well it is a serious bug for my mod
L912[16:27:13] <tterrag> would be nice to have a hotfix for now
L913[16:27:16] <MattDahEpic> im still trying to get my textures to work in the inventory
L914[16:27:56] <tterrag> fry: this is crazy https://github.com/creatubbles/ctb-mcmod/blob/1.8/src/main/resources/assets/ctbmod/blockstates/painting.json#L3-L69
L915[16:28:27] <tterrag> because the only thing that differs in any of those models is the texture
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L917[16:32:11] <fry> replacing the texture in the subvariant really should be working
L918[16:32:33] <tterrag> huh?
L919[16:35:33] <gigaherz_o> tterrag: forge blockstates "extension" lets you have a default model, and specify texture overrides right in the blockstates file
L920[16:36:02] <fry> that won't simplify the json much though
L921[16:36:17] <fry> decoupling the rotation and the model might though
L922[16:36:31] <tterrag> no, what I need is to be able to specify the transformations based on the rotation state
L923[16:36:40] <tterrag> and the texture based on the connection state
L924[16:36:41] <tterrag> separately
L925[16:36:49] <fry> that's what I'm talking about
L926[16:36:59] <gigaherz_o> can you rotate x in one state, and y in another?
L927[16:37:07] <gigaherz_o> one property*
L928[16:38:11] <fry> "side": { "east": { "x": 90, "y": 90}, ... }, "part": { "up_only": { "model": "ctbmod:painting_up_only" }, ... }
L929[16:39:31] <fry> did you try that? :P
L930[16:40:32] <fry> here's some relative example: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/resources/assets/forgeblockstatesloader/blockstates/cobblestone_wall.json
L931[16:40:41] <fry> tterrag: ^
L932[16:41:36] <tterrag> uhh what is "side" ?
L933[16:41:44] <fry> a property in the block
L934[16:41:49] <fry> same as the "part"
L935[16:42:18] <fry> the per-property variant specification will be merged into "side=east,part=up_only" stuff
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L937[16:42:20] <tterrag> fry: I wrote this, will this mesh with the forge blockstates? https://github.com/creatubbles/ctb-mcmod/blob/1.8/src/main/java/com/creatubbles/ctbmod/common/painting/PaintingStateMapper.java
L938[16:43:36] <fry> your CONNECTION and FACING properties look like exactly what you need
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L940[16:45:23] <fry> you'll need a more traditional mapping though, with the names of the properties retained
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L944[16:58:42] <Gil> is there way to print out all the mobs currently loaded?
L945[16:59:00] <Gil> I'm getting very few mob spawns and I don't know why
L946[16:59:14] <MattDahEpic> try /say @e
L947[16:59:16] <Gil> I'm thinking some mod is filling up the mob cap with named bosses or something
L948[17:00:09] <Gil> I'll try that
L949[17:00:24] <Gil> I think when you spawn, it's daytime, it fills up the cap and at night, nothing can spawn
L950[17:00:30] <MattDahEpic> or mayeb /execute @e ~ ~ ~ say hi
L951[17:00:42] <MattDahEpic> the second one is better
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L953[17:03:40] <Gil> the second one just gives me an unknown command error
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L956[17:11:27] <tterrag> Gil: 1.7?
L957[17:11:30] <tterrag> @e doesn't exist in 1.7
L958[17:11:45] <Gil> yeah, 1.7
L959[17:12:26] <Gil> so how do I print a list of all the mobs in 1.7?
L960[17:13:16] <tterrag> not a clue
L961[17:13:26] <tterrag> write a command to do it yourself
L962[17:14:31] <Gil> hmm, don't have time for that
L963[17:14:52] <Gil> maybe one of my devs will
L964[17:19:51] <tterrag> what? It would take like 2 minutes
L965[17:19:53] <tterrag> iterate over the world entity list
L966[17:19:55] <tterrag> print out names
L967[17:19:58] <tterrag> done
L968[17:20:33] <Gil> sure, but I'm knee deep in other stuff
L969[17:20:55] <Gil> WAWLA is apparently bugging out over my tools
L970[17:20:59] <Gil> and I don't know why
L971[17:21:19] <Gil> which is annoying
L972[17:21:24] <Gil> stupid NPE
L973[17:21:31] <TehNut> You can do /cofh killall * ;)
L974[17:21:36] <TehNut> that'll give you a list :p
L975[17:21:44] <Gil> don't have COFH I think
L976[17:21:57] <Gil> but that's an option
L977[17:21:58] <TehNut> Even if you did, I'd suggest not doing that.
L978[17:22:05] <Gil> why not?
L979[17:22:07] *** Clank[Away] is now known as Clank
L980[17:22:08] <TehNut> That kills *every* entity
L981[17:22:11] <Gil> so?
L982[17:22:24] <TehNut> I'unno
L983[17:22:31] <TehNut> I assume you don't want to nuke your player's stuff..
L984[17:22:36] <Gil> it's not like I'm going to ask my users to do this :
L985[17:22:42] <Gil> I don't have player's stuff :p
L986[17:22:50] <Gil> I hardly ever find time to play my own pack :p
L987[17:23:03] <Gil> I watch LPs of my pack while I'm coding :D
L988[17:23:23] <TehNut> Oh, I assumed you were doing server administration stuff
L989[17:23:29] <Gil> ah, no
L990[17:23:39] <Gil> I'm developing several mods and a pack
L991[17:23:48] <TehNut> sounds like me
L992[17:24:03] <Gil> the pack is consistently getting few mob spawns
L993[17:24:41] <Gil> well, apparently the mob cap is hit, so there is something somewhere
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L996[17:29:06] <masa> doesn't opis tell you the entity list and also show how many entities there are in each chunk?
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L998[17:29:19] <Gil> what's opis?
L999[17:29:47] <masa> profmobius' profiler/information tool/mod, it uses mapwriter as its base
L1000[17:30:00] <Gil> I'll look at that
L1001[17:30:02] <masa> it can be rather useful
L1002[17:30:37] <Gil> I do want to get into profiling this stuff
L1003[17:30:42] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@184-88-140-20.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1004[17:30:55] <Gil> we're nearing a release state and I want to make sure everything is good
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L1008[17:36:34] <Gil> hmm, the entity printout seems to indicate all is well
L1009[17:36:46] <Gil> so for some reason, stuff is spawning underground
L1010[17:36:48] <Gil> that's odd
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L1014[17:49:35] <masa> isn't it always
L1015[17:50:01] <Gil> no, I mean, you can basically walk around above ground at night
L1016[17:50:17] <Gil> and there's just like 2 zombies and a skelly in sight, somewhere in the distance
L1017[17:50:26] <Gil> no danger at all
L1018[17:50:44] <Gil> some users report they have to actually look for stuff to fight
L1019[17:51:19] <Gil> and that messes with going to the end as one of the users has spent hours looking for endermen, finding like 2
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L1038[18:30:00] <killjoy> Cortana brought me to bing. I was greeted with this. http://i.imgur.com/wBFegfz.png
L1039[18:31:15] <Cypher121> some devs need to learn about @Deprecated
L1040[18:32:06] <DemoXin> What about it?
L1041[18:32:50] <Cypher121> that things should not be removed without being deprecated for some time
L1042[18:34:23] <Cypher121> new forestry update breaks almost everything that interacted with it slightly, it seems
L1043[18:34:45] <mezz> https://github.com/Beyond-Reality/BeyondRealityModPack/issues/323
L1044[18:35:18] <mezz> I also fixed most mods or coordinate with them, the only remaining incompatabilities are Binnie's and Reika's mods
L1045[18:35:31] <mezz> so :P
L1046[18:36:00] <Cypher121> still, wtf
L1047[18:36:34] <mezz> the stuff that broke was often deprecated for 8+ months
L1048[18:36:53] <Cypher121> oh, ok
L1049[18:37:00] <Cypher121> wtf has been redirected to binnie
L1050[18:37:17] <mezz> he only updates a couple times a year, busy the rest of the time
L1051[18:37:56] <mezz> I did accidentally break some minor things without deprecating, but it should just require compiling against the new version and it will work
L1052[18:38:31] <killjoy> Only deprecate public api.
L1053[18:38:45] <killjoy> if someone uses private api, their mod deserves to break
L1054[18:39:05] <Cypher121> well everything that isn't public API shouldn't be relied on in the first place
L1055[18:39:43] <mezz> when the API sucks then people have to use internals
L1056[18:40:03] <mezz> I've been improving the API a lot but it involves breaking everyone who uses internals
L1057[18:45:07] *** illyohs is now known as illy[mc]
L1058[18:46:10] <killjoy> Here's a challenge. Find a super old mod made with super old techniques. Bring it up to date with 2015 standards
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L1060[18:46:47] <killjoy> If it's already updated to 1.8, even better
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L1064[18:54:32] <Nucleria> Hi.
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L1068[18:59:21] <Mitchellbrine> Hey killjoy, mind updating my mod to 2015 standards? XD
L1069[18:59:30] <Mitchellbrine> *mods
L1070[18:59:34] <killjoy> which ones?
L1071[18:59:56] <killjoy> Do them yourself :p
L1072[19:00:10] <Mitchellbrine> :P
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L1074[19:05:29] <ltp> My gosh the people on irc.freenode.net#eclipse are about as helpful as Windows 10
L1075[19:05:42] <Nucleria> Why is that?
L1076[19:05:53] <ltp> I asked a question... still no response
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L1078[19:05:58] <ltp> two hours later
L1079[19:06:12] <Nucleria> Oh dear.
L1080[19:06:16] <ltp> ya
L1081[19:06:30] <Nucleria> Are their other conversations or does literally no one talk?
L1082[19:06:42] <ltp> no one talks
L1083[19:06:44] <ltp> ya wouldn't happen to know how to manually change the theme to classic with GEdit would you?
L1084[19:07:02] <Nucleria> Nope, sorry.
L1085[19:07:15] <ltp> something in /workspace/.metadata/.plugins/something
L1086[19:07:17] <Nucleria> Maybe the people are just too busy programming or something.
L1087[19:07:33] <tterrag> ltp: yeah #eclipse is pretty barren
L1088[19:07:46] <tterrag> you are best off asking in ##java though be prepared to be yelled at by IRC knights
L1089[19:07:51] <ltp> oh, great
L1090[19:07:54] <Nucleria> :P
L1091[19:08:03] <tterrag> seriously ##java is one of the most hostile channels
L1092[19:08:04] <ltp> what do you mean by IRC Knights :P
L1093[19:08:18] <tterrag> people who care too much about rules
L1094[19:08:29] <ltp> mmk
L1095[19:08:44] <ltp> also you mean #java right?
L1096[19:08:57] <tterrag> no
L1097[19:09:00] <tterrag> ##java on freenode
L1098[19:09:16] <ltp> oh, well there's #java here on espernet (I HATE ##java on freenode)
L1099[19:09:32] <ltp> 57 people
L1100[19:09:54] <tterrag> exactly
L1101[19:10:00] <ltp> ?
L1102[19:10:01] <tterrag> ##java has almost 500
L1103[19:10:04] <ltp> mmk
L1104[19:10:24] <tterrag> as long as you're not supremely annoying you won't get banned or anything
L1105[19:11:00] <ltp> I honestly don't care because I've been banned once in that channel due to @cheeser's abuse
L1106[19:11:01] <tterrag> ltp: on the off chance I know, what's your question?
L1107[19:11:13] <ltp> "ya wouldn't happen to know how to manually change the theme to classic with GEdit would you?"
L1108[19:11:18] <tterrag> oh that's you
L1109[19:11:21] <ltp> ya
L1110[19:11:29] <tterrag> I see now
L1111[19:11:39] <ltp> I'm going to laugh if no one responds in java either XD
L1112[19:11:55] <tterrag> your question wasn't very specific
L1113[19:12:01] <tterrag> you didn't even mention eclipse
L1114[19:12:09] <ltp> oh right
L1115[19:12:41] ⇦ Quits: WinterGuardian (~Winter@modemcable074.186-20-96.mc.videotron.ca) (Quit: Leaving)
L1116[19:12:55] <ltp> "sorry that was a copy and paste. How do I change the eclipse theme to Classic by editing the preferences file?"
L1117[19:13:32] <Cypher121> "How do I patch KDE2 for FreeBSD?"
L1118[19:14:01] <ltp> ...
L1119[19:14:20] <Cypher121> that's an old meme from russian irc
L1120[19:14:27] <ltp> lol
L1121[19:14:34] <ltp> I use Xfce with compton
L1122[19:14:46] <fry> "Is this an anime chat?"
L1123[19:14:50] <Cypher121> -Is this #anime?
L1124[19:14:50] <Cypher121> -Yes.
L1125[19:14:50] <Cypher121> -How do I patch KDE2 for FreeBSD?
L1126[19:15:01] <Nucleria> Russian maymays? Aren’t those literally contraband?
L1127[19:15:26] <Cypher121> joke is he would get a 100% correct answer
L1128[19:16:17] <Nucleria> Why is that? I don’t use FreeBSD. Or am I just stupid?
L1129[19:16:24] <ltp> Man, all because of a simple GTK3.10 bug I can't rush out of hiatus of Quantum API and get a simple Forge 1.7.10 compat layer for 1.8 so that Dan200 doesn't have to port computercraft
L1130[19:17:00] <Nucleria> Speaking of 1.8, I’m making a Thaumcraft 5 addon.
L1131[19:17:10] <gigaherz_o> T5 is a thing already?
L1132[19:17:16] <Nucleria> Yeah.
L1133[19:17:23] <gigaherz_o> nice
L1134[19:17:32] <Cypher121> Nucleria: at that time about 2/3 of all discussions at #anime were about system administration and programming. That person actually new nothing of FreeBSD or KDE2.
L1135[19:17:41] <gigaherz_o> gotta give it a try
L1136[19:17:46] <gigaherz_o> how's it overall?
L1137[19:17:54] <ltp> tterrag, looks like ##java is just as dead as #eclipse, by a factor of 4
L1138[19:18:00] <Nucleria> Cypher121: Hmph.
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L1140[19:19:08] <Nucleria> No golemancy (soon(TM)), no wand or thaumometer models, mostly because of 1.8 restrictions. I haven’t played with it enough yet.
L1141[19:19:25] <gigaherz_o> yeah so, I was going to be nice to the thaumcraft author and I clicked the adfly link...
L1142[19:19:29] <gigaherz_o> video ad with sound.
L1143[19:19:35] <gigaherz_o> ¬¬
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L1146[19:19:52] <Nucleria> I just didn’t go through the adf.ly one… tired of that crap.
L1147[19:20:37] <gigaherz_o> I'm anti-advertising overall, but I'm trying to allow ads in certain placeswhen I explicitly want to support the authors
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L1149[19:21:25] <Nucleria> I’d love to support Azanor, but I don’t have money and I’m just not patient enough to go through that anymore. Downloading from Curse gives some support.
L1150[19:21:42] <Nucleria> He is great at what he does.
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L1152[19:22:53] <ltp> gigaherz_o, it's called Adblock
L1153[19:22:59] <Nucleria> That’s an interesting message…
L1154[19:23:19] <ltp> You go to adfly, the author still gets paid for the URL transaction, and you see no ads.
L1155[19:23:36] <ltp> probably 99% wrong but whatever
L1156[19:23:38] <ltp> screw ads
L1157[19:23:55] <gigaherz_o> ltp: I know about adblock, but sites are getting increasinly smart about detecting adblock
L1158[19:24:00] <gigaherz_o> they make me feel guilty ;P
L1159[19:24:01] <Cypher121> well, at least it's not RP2 or other stuff like that
L1160[19:24:09] <gigaherz_o> also
L1161[19:24:10] <Cypher121> Thaumcraft-Core
L1162[19:24:12] <Nucleria> I’ve never blocked ads in my life. I laugh at some of them too much. Plus, Reddit ads are cool.
L1163[19:24:15] <gigaherz_o> you don't get paid for free
L1164[19:24:15] <Cypher121> Thaumcraft-Golems
L1165[19:24:20] <gigaherz_o> you get paid at BEST for impressions
L1166[19:24:22] <Cypher121> Thaumcraft-Eldritch
L1167[19:24:22] <gigaherz_o> at worst for clicks
L1168[19:24:27] <Nucleria> Stop that.
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L1170[19:24:56] <Cypher121> ok
L1171[19:25:04] <ltp> well yeah, but still... I use adblock because the ads slow everything down and I get lag, as well as they just get confusing whenever I have to begrudgingly go to a site and press a download button...
L1172[19:25:20] <ltp> other times I just pacman -S
L1173[19:25:30] <Cypher121> which one of 15 download buttons?
L1174[19:25:34] <Nucleria> Mo’ Creatures has an awful download site.
L1175[19:25:51] <ltp> Cypher121, obviously the one that tells you it's compatible with Win 95 +
L1176[19:26:01] <Cypher121> lol
L1177[19:26:02] <ltp> "opendownloadmanager" XD
L1178[19:26:48] <ltp> after seeing that video about the guy who used to be a spyware developer, basically people think you can just get rich off the internet by exploiting other spyware companies
L1179[19:26:50] <Cypher121> does anyone know when this nano-suit-zombie-shit will end?
L1180[19:27:06] <ltp> Cypher121, what?
L1181[19:28:14] <gigaherz_o> this what?
L1182[19:29:12] <Cypher121> gigaherz_o: ltp: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tzp7ben8hhksyzu/2015-10-31_17.04.47.png?dl=0
L1183[19:29:32] <Cypher121> edited to make it clearer
L1184[19:30:04] <gigaherz_o> no idea what mod does that
L1185[19:30:10] <Cypher121> apparently that's how IC2 devs celebrate halloween
L1186[19:30:14] <gigaherz_o> ah
L1187[19:30:18] <Cypher121> that's IC2 quantum suit
L1188[19:30:32] <ltp> lol
L1189[19:30:36] <Cypher121> at least it's not charged so they only get 20 units of armor
L1190[19:33:08] <ltp> wow I just realized I haven't finished watching my youtube video since the morning lol
L1191[19:33:17] <ltp> "Minecraft: CRUNDEE CRAFT | MISFORTUNE PRANK!! [18]"
L1192[19:33:51] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L1193[19:34:49] <gigaherz_o> oh nice ProjectE is on 1.8?
L1194[19:34:53] <gigaherz_o> the ball IS rolling :D
L1195[19:35:38] <gigaherz_o> oooh
L1196[19:35:44] <gigaherz_o> I may even be able to setup a whole pack for this
L1197[19:36:22] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1198[19:36:58] <Nucleria> Maybe Mathematica: The Most Boring Thaumcraft App will be done. Probably not.
L1199[19:37:09] <Nucleria> Oooops, addon, not app.
L1200[19:37:13] <Nucleria> I’m stupid.
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L1209[20:02:57] <shadekiller666> windows 10 just BSODed on me...
L1210[20:03:05] *** fry is now known as fry|sleep
L1211[20:03:37] * Cypher121 has yet to hear a single good reason to use w10 over w8 or w7
L1212[20:04:17] <ltp> shadekiller666, we linux users don't have BSOD problems... or the equivalent
L1213[20:04:31] <Cypher121> kernel panic
L1214[20:04:37] <ltp> lololol
L1215[20:05:38] <gigaherz_o> Cypher121: DX12.
L1216[20:05:39] <gigaherz_o> ;P
L1217[20:05:51] <ltp> kernel: guys I don't know what to do! Hello? HELLO!? Why are no devices responding to me!? *panics*
L1218[20:05:53] <gigaherz_o> really there's no other reason for it at this point
L1219[20:05:59] <Cypher121> anything supports it already?
L1220[20:06:03] <gigaherz_o> not really
L1221[20:06:32] <Cypher121> really, I use too much pirated stuff to use win10 and feel good about it
L1222[20:07:14] <ltp> Cypher121, now, with linux, you don't need to pirate because everything is GNU :P
L1223[20:07:23] <Cypher121> if only
L1224[20:07:31] <Cypher121> even drivers are proprietary :(
L1225[20:07:38] <ltp> "Guys I just pirated gedit with torrent from piratebay.se"
L1226[20:07:40] ⇦ Quits: shadekiller666 (~shadekill@adsl-108-71-36-184.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1227[20:08:15] <ltp> drivers are propreitary but they suck. the open source drivers perform better and have more features
L1228[20:08:32] <gigaherz_o> that's rarely true
L1229[20:08:36] <ltp> wrong
L1230[20:08:36] <Cypher121> ^
L1231[20:08:41] <gigaherz_o> at least for gpu drivers
L1232[20:08:46] <Zaggy1024> what's the best way to find out about a block change in a certain range of blocks?
L1233[20:09:01] <Cypher121> ATI drivers are better than their open-source counter-parts
L1234[20:09:13] <ltp> in the case of AMD Radeon HD drivers, which are unsupported by AMD on linux, the open source drivers are better, faster, and more feature-complete
L1235[20:09:24] <IoP> goof luck with nouveau + MC ;)
L1236[20:09:32] <ltp> When I had windows, I couldn't use fancy fog; with Gallium 0.4, I can!
L1237[20:10:14] <ltp> I don't have nvidia IoP
L1238[20:11:22] <ltp> besides, who cares? As long as I don't have to use Windows, because it's an inefficient piece of junk
L1239[20:12:26] ⇦ Quits: pixlepix (~localmaca@cpe-67-252-38-34.nycap.res.rr.com) (Quit: pixlepix)
L1240[20:13:05] <IoP> btw which amd card does not have proprietary linux drivers?
L1241[20:14:03] <Cypher121> I may switch back to linux when 2tb SSDs become cheaper
L1242[20:14:17] <Cypher121> for now switching between two takes way too much time
L1243[20:14:22] <gigaherz_o> I just use VMs
L1244[20:14:29] ⇦ Quits: mikeprimm (~mikeprimm@cpe-24-55-26-150.austin.res.rr.com) (Quit: mikeprimm)
L1245[20:14:51] <Cypher121> I don't have specs for that
L1246[20:14:54] <gigaherz_o> I have Win10 in my desktop, and then I have VMs for Linux (Xubuntu), OSX (although I wish I didn't need it), and other stuff
L1247[20:15:33] <gigaherz_o> I happen to have an i7-3770k with 16gb of RAM and a GTX970
L1248[20:16:27] <ltp> IoP, none, but Gallium has better performance
L1249[20:16:54] <IoP> o_O
L1250[20:17:29] <ltp> except the catch is that the official drivers are all open source muhahhahahahah
L1251[20:17:39] <ltp> except amd-catalyst from AUR
L1252[20:18:40] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Drullkus@c-73-162-160-76.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1253[20:23:19] <Cypher121> anyone got a picture of a good wooden bridge in MC?
L1254[20:23:31] <Cypher121> bonus points for mods
L1255[20:24:29] ⇨ Joins: mikeprimm (~mikeprimm@cpe-24-55-26-150.austin.res.rr.com)
L1256[20:25:17] <ltp> mods... *f*ck that yao ming!*... resourcepacks...
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L1273[21:54:22] <Zaggy1024> ugh, lighting updates lag the game so hard
L1274[21:54:58] <Zaggy1024> well, in debug mode anyway
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L1276[22:10:39] <HassanS6000> Zaggy1024, yea
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L1286[22:45:46] <whatthepoop> how does one detect when a player is walking on a specific block? is there a block event that is dispatched, or player event?
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L1288[22:50:49] <tterrag> whatthepoop: you'd have to check from PlayerTickEvent
L1289[22:53:05] <tterrag> whatthepoop: I use this https://github.com/Chisel-Team/Chisel/blob/08d8ce3fdd8129562956d6808faecedab6b4680e/src/main/java/team/chisel/block/BlockConcrete.java#L35
L1290[22:53:48] <whatthepoop> tterrag: ohhh thanks, that looks perfect. I’m extremely new to MC modding, so I’m still trying to navigate the flow of things and so on
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L1292[23:00:00] <Cypher121> tterrag: why floor_double over Math.floor?
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L1294[23:02:28] <tterrag> Cypher121: returns int
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L1304[23:13:42] <killjoy> I really hate the names in MathHelper
L1305[23:13:57] <killjoy> Did mcp not support overloading methods?
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L1315[23:28:00] <Zaggy1024> so...I'm trying to duplicated a tile entity into a new location...
L1316[23:28:19] <Zaggy1024> but for some reason it seems to just reset the te after it's been in the world for a tick or something
L1317[23:28:28] <Zaggy1024> how do you guys go about duplicating TEs?
L1318[23:32:29] <Cypher121> Zaggy1024: world.setTileEntity(x, y, z, origTile.clone())?
L1319[23:33:19] <Zaggy1024> that's not a deep clone
L1320[23:33:24] <gigaherz_o> Zaggy1024: my suggestion would be
L1321[23:33:29] <Zaggy1024> what I did was set the block to the original's state, then if the original has a TE, write it to NBT and load a new TE from that, then set the new position's te to that
L1322[23:33:31] <gigaherz_o> NBTTagCompound temp = new NBT...
L1323[23:33:37] <gigaherz_o> original.writeToNBT(...)
L1324[23:33:56] <gigaherz_o> target = new TE()
L1325[23:33:59] <gigaherz_o> target.readFromNBT
L1326[23:34:05] <Cypher121> he just said that
L1327[23:34:13] <Zaggy1024> not quite what I did actually
L1328[23:34:19] <Zaggy1024> I used TileEntity.createAndLoadEntity
L1329[23:34:29] <gigaherz_o> oh yeah
L1330[23:34:30] <gigaherz_o> the position
L1331[23:34:53] <Zaggy1024> hm?
L1332[23:35:00] <Cypher121> tile's NBT may save wrong position, I think
L1333[23:35:09] <Zaggy1024> yeah, but setTileEntity calls setPos on the te
L1334[23:35:18] <Zaggy1024> that was my first idea
L1335[23:35:36] <Zaggy1024> also I couldn't figure out where the TE was getting changed back from
L1336[23:37:15] <Zaggy1024> hm, I'll try overriding shouldRefresh, Forge kinda makes that method dumb
L1337[23:37:39] <Zaggy1024> it doesn't check oldState == newState for non-vanilla TEs
L1338[23:40:00] <Zaggy1024> gah, nope, it wasn't that
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