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L12[00:16:40] <BatZorn> what event should I hook into for when the client closes or crashes?
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L15[00:18:20] <BatZorn> I'm using a xbox controller api I found and am messing around with it, but I need to be sure to run release() before the client closes
L16[00:19:24] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L17[00:20:08] <BatZorn> I wounder, can I just use the garbage collecter's finalize() function?
L18[00:21:37] <Mitchellbrine> If the game crashes, does the stopping events take place?
L19[00:21:50] <Mitchellbrine> Because there are server stopping events
L20[00:21:55] <Mitchellbrine> Iirc
L21[00:22:52] <BatZorn> hmm
L22[00:23:04] <BatZorn> I see there's a Runtime.addShutdownHook(...) also
L23[00:23:38] <Cazzar> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Runtime.html#addShutdownHook%28java.lang.Thread%29 :P
L24[00:25:20] <Mitchellbrine> TL;DR: You can do it but be VERY careful?
L25[00:26:16] <tterrag> BatZorn: release() is never guaranteed to be called
L26[00:26:24] <BatZorn> hmm
L27[00:27:05] <Mitchellbrine> Does the server stopping event get called on crash?
L28[00:27:35] <tterrag> Mitchellbrine: yes mc trycatches all game loop
L29[00:27:41] <tterrag> so all closing events can be fired etc
L30[00:28:06] <Mitchellbrine> Then try using that. It should work on close and crash then
L31[00:28:06] <tterrag> sorry BatZorn I meant finalize() is never guaranteed
L32[00:28:07] <sham1> Try-catching loops seems like eww to me
L33[00:28:14] <sham1> Then again
L34[00:28:24] <sham1> I do it in my own thing so...
L35[00:28:25] <tterrag> sham1: do you like crash reports? if so, they wouldn't be possible without it
L36[00:28:33] <sham1> Well yeh
L37[00:28:37] <Cypher121> Oracle, what the fuck?
L38[00:28:37] <Cypher121> new EnumMap<ButtonState, GuiPoint>(ButtonState.class);
L39[00:28:54] <tterrag> wut?
L40[00:28:58] <Mitchellbrine> *facedesk*
L41[00:28:58] <Cypher121> why do I have to pass enum twice?
L42[00:28:59] <sham1> Le hell
L43[00:29:04] <tterrag> ...
L44[00:29:10] <tterrag> you don't get generics
L45[00:29:22] <Cypher121> apparently I don't
L46[00:29:23] <tterrag> EnumMap is used because it can pre-calculate the possible keys
L47[00:29:27] <tterrag> it can't do that without a class instance
L48[00:29:32] <tterrag> which is not retrievable from generics
L49[00:29:34] <fry> because erasure
L50[00:29:37] <Cypher121> oh
L51[00:29:39] <tterrag> fry: well, not really
L52[00:29:41] <Cypher121> right
L53[00:29:44] <tterrag> since there's no erasure there
L54[00:29:47] <sham1> Erasure is BS BTW
L55[00:29:50] <tterrag> there's just no way to turn generics into a class object
L56[00:30:05] <fry> that's what erasure is
L57[00:30:16] <tterrag> no, type erasure is <? extends Foo> -> <Foo>
L58[00:30:32] <fry> what
L59[00:30:45] <sham1> What
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L61[00:31:00] <Cypher121> what?
L62[00:31:12] <fry> that's something completely different
L63[00:31:18] <tterrag> and <T> -> <Object>
L64[00:31:26] <tterrag> but explicit types are not erased
L65[00:31:41] <Cypher121> <T> -> <Object> is my case, I guess
L66[00:31:47] <tterrag> ok, yes, the map cannot access the class for the generic type because it has <K, V>
L67[00:31:51] <tterrag> which erases to <Object, Object>
L68[00:31:52] <Cypher121> because otherwise Class<T> would be possible
L69[00:31:59] <tterrag> but if you extended the class and gave it specific type params
L70[00:32:04] <tterrag> it would no longer erase
L71[00:32:08] <tterrag> sorry, I see what you are saying now fry
L72[00:32:38] ⇦ Quits: Szernex (~Szernex@188-23-188-85.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L73[00:32:43] <fry> if you have T you can indeed, for example, get Class<T> in a language with reified generics
L74[00:32:54] <Cypher121> and I thought overloading default constructor with private was a strange workaround
L75[00:32:54] <tterrag> aka not java :P
L76[00:32:59] <sham1> Aka C++
L77[00:33:06] <tterrag> actually with some MAJOR hacks you can kinda get the value of T
L78[00:33:15] <sham1> ClassManifest
L79[00:33:19] <tterrag> no
L80[00:33:25] <tterrag> diesieben07 walked me through it once
L81[00:33:28] <tterrag> let me dig up the code
L82[00:33:30] <tterrag> it's ugly...warning you
L83[00:33:40] <fry> doesn't always work
L84[00:33:42] <sham1> ClassManifest works too :(
L85[00:33:53] <Cypher121> doesn't that lead us to my initial question?
L86[00:33:54] <tterrag> TypeToken<?> teType = TypeToken.of(getClass()).resolveType(Foo.class.getTypeParameters()[0]);
L87[00:33:54] <Cypher121> which is
L88[00:34:02] <Cypher121> Oracle, what the fuck?
L89[00:34:08] <tterrag> fry: indeed, only works with explicit types again
L90[00:34:10] <sham1> Oracle being Oracle
L91[00:34:13] <tterrag> only this time in declaration
L92[00:34:20] <tterrag> Cypher121: generics were mostly a tack-on
L93[00:34:28] <tterrag> added only in java 5
L94[00:34:38] <Cypher121> yeah, heard about it
L95[00:34:51] <tterrag> they kinda suck and everyone just deals with it :P
L96[00:34:57] <Cypher121> because "it's excessive and not needed"
L97[00:35:04] <tterrag> doing proper generics would probably break backwards compat
L98[00:35:09] <sham1> Yeh
L99[00:35:17] <tterrag> anyways, just pass the class and get over it
L100[00:35:17] <tterrag> :D
L101[00:35:17] <fry> java fucked up by not having generics from the start, and after that there was a choice: 1) erasure 2) rewrite everything, and have a pre-generic and post-generic world
L102[00:35:33] <sham1> Yeah
L103[00:35:42] <sham1> They should have had generics from the start
L104[00:35:52] <sham1> Did C++ have templates at that time?
L105[00:35:59] <fry> might've not get the market share if they did though
L106[00:36:20] <fry> yup, I think
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L108[00:36:47] <sham1> They could have just used that idea from the start
L109[00:36:50] <sham1> Then again
L110[00:37:24] <fry> C++ generics are a bit different
L111[00:37:25] <tterrag> coulda shoulda woulda
L112[00:37:29] <tterrag> hindsight is 20/29
L113[00:37:31] <tterrag> etc etc
L114[00:37:45] <sham1> Templates are indeed different
L115[00:38:12] <sham1> They also retain the template info at runtime
L116[00:39:15] <fry> C++ reflection is very different, I wouldn't even call it that
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L118[00:39:56] <sham1> As in...
L119[00:40:10] <fry> there's no Class :P
L120[00:40:15] <sham1> There is no reflection
L121[00:40:49] <sham1> Except that you have some tricks for that
L122[00:40:54] <sham1> Like with Boost
L123[00:41:20] <BatZorn> fr_y: is there anything I can hook into to release a nativehandler before minecraft fully closes either from a manual shutdown or crash of the client?
L124[00:42:22] <fry> I don't know :P
L125[00:42:49] <BatZorn> x3x
L126[00:43:16] <sham1> That's not rendering
L127[00:43:18] <sham1> Therefor
L128[00:43:53] <BatZorn> all I have to do is run xboxcontroller.release() SOMEWHERE
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L130[00:44:15] <tterrag> BatZorn: System.getRuntime().addShutdownHook() maybe?
L131[00:44:28] <BatZorn> i'll try that I guess
L132[00:45:30] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L133[00:47:02] <sham1> Lets see if my shader program loader works
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L137[00:54:47] *** Ashlee is now known as Ash|Work
L138[00:56:43] <Cypher121> anyone can think of a "good" use for bogosort in modding?
L139[00:56:44] <Cypher121> for
L140[00:56:46] <Cypher121> uh
L141[00:56:48] <Cypher121> science
L142[00:57:18] <tterrag> s/modding/anything/
L143[00:57:19] <tterrag> no
L144[00:58:04] <sham1> And my shader code does not work
L145[00:58:07] <sham1> Well this is nice
L146[00:58:09] <Cypher121> :(
L147[00:58:14] <tterrag> sham1: I have some example for that
L148[00:58:38] <sham1> It seems like it does not load it
L149[00:58:43] <sham1> As in the file
L150[00:58:51] <tterrag> https://github.com/Chisel-Team/Chisel/blob/1.7/dev-3.0/src/main/java/team/chisel/client/render/ShaderHelper.java
L151[00:58:55] <tterrag> note that TTFT|Away wrote most of that
L152[00:58:56] <sham1> Meh
L153[00:59:06] <tterrag> and then Drullkus broke most of it
L154[00:59:08] <tterrag> then I fixed it
L155[00:59:20] <Drullkus> ;-;
L156[00:59:34] <Drullkus> Thanks tterrag, I tried
L157[00:59:45] <tterrag> you tried your best, but your best wasn't enough
L158[00:59:47] <tterrag> :D
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L160[01:03:31] <fry> readFileAsString 0_o
L161[01:04:46] <fry> http://docs.guava-libraries.googlecode.com/git/javadoc/com/google/common/io/Files.html#toString%28java.io.File,%20java.nio.charset.Charset%29
L162[01:05:31] <tterrag> yeah
L163[01:05:32] <tterrag> like I said
L164[01:05:33] <tterrag> not me
L165[01:06:05] <BatZorn> jesus, I just keep getting EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION now x3x;
L166[01:06:45] <Cypher121> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/file/Files.html#readAllBytes%28java.nio.file.Path%29
L167[01:06:48] <sham1> Well
L168[01:06:50] <Cypher121> or this one
L169[01:06:55] <tterrag> >nio
L170[01:06:57] <tterrag> nupe
L171[01:07:01] <sham1> At least I know why my shader code does not work
L172[01:07:05] <Cypher121> ohh right
L173[01:07:12] <sham1> Thank you ifstream
L174[01:07:16] <fry> also, there's probably no point in using ARB if you're using GLSL 1.20 anyway :P
L175[01:07:18] <Cypher121> java 6 master race lol
L176[01:07:32] <tterrag> java 6 worst race
L177[01:07:34] <tterrag> but we have to :(
L178[01:07:35] <tterrag> for now
L179[01:07:46] <tterrag> big mods are moving to j7 soon
L180[01:08:29] <sham1> java 6
L181[01:08:30] <sham1> Meh
L182[01:08:34] <fry> big mods are slow moving :P
L183[01:08:51] <tterrag> fry: in this case, not really. next release of forestry and cofh mods should contain java7 checking code
L184[01:09:47] <fry> we'll see :P
L185[01:11:41] <Cypher121> with java 9 planned to be public next year, I fail to see why don't they move to java 8
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L191[01:18:07] <tterrag> fry: it's a coordinated effort
L192[01:18:09] <tterrag> it's already been set
L193[01:18:11] <tterrag> Cypher121: this is why https://imgur.com/a/EWt6X
L194[01:18:32] <fry> well, good for them then :P
L195[01:18:52] <Cypher121> I think you have cause-effect wrong
L196[01:19:16] <Cypher121> these users do not update java because they don't have to
L197[01:19:35] <Wuppy> replace the word java with minecraft and we've got one of the most popular arguments here :P
L198[01:19:52] <Cypher121> that's different
L199[01:20:03] <Cypher121> java is 99% backwards compatible
L200[01:20:19] <tterrag> no, you are overestimating the capacity of most mod users
L201[01:20:24] <Cypher121> minecraft is soon to become a json-based text quest
L202[01:21:01] <Cypher121> well, they somehow got java installed in the first place, didn't they?
L203[01:21:13] <tterrag> by some sheer cosmic luck, yes
L204[01:21:17] <sham1> :D
L205[01:21:18] <tterrag> (or it was already installed)
L206[01:21:40] <Cypher121> if they will be forced to update, they'll surely find inner strength to do so again
L207[01:21:52] <Cypher121> minecraft does strange things to people
L208[01:22:28] <tterrag> well that's part of this effort
L209[01:22:45] <tterrag> most times when a mod uses 7 or 8 the user only gets a cryptic "Unsupporte major minor version x.x" crash
L210[01:22:58] <Cypher121> and they'll be forced to update anyway, so why 7 over 8
L211[01:22:58] <tterrag> we're using a mod to pop an easy dialog with a download link
L212[01:23:04] <tterrag> because as that link shows
L213[01:23:10] <tterrag> 99.9% of people are already on 7
L214[01:23:20] <sham1> We need them to be at 8
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L218[01:31:12] <McJty> There are already a few modpacks out there that force people to go to 8
L219[01:31:21] <McJty> Because they contain mods that are java8 only
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L221[01:31:28] <Cypher121> mainly those with matter overdrive
L222[01:31:35] <McJty> Matter Overdrive yes
L223[01:32:52] <Cypher121> I think about forcing Java 8 usage too, but not sure if it's worth it simply because of current syntactical overhead from functional interfaces
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L226[01:34:13] <McJty> I develop my mods on java8 on my linux machine, java7 on my windows machine but I deploy using java6 :-)
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L228[01:34:19] <Cypher121> uhh
L229[01:34:21] <tterrag> I use java 8 everywhere
L230[01:34:29] <McJty> So I'm pretty sure I'm compatible
L231[01:34:42] <tterrag> you don't need to deploy with java 6
L232[01:34:50] <tterrag> to comply with java 6
L233[01:34:55] <tterrag> that would be dumb :P
L234[01:35:00] <McJty> tterrag, I know. But it is for other reasons
L235[01:35:02] <Drullkus> lol
L236[01:35:04] <tterrag> wayt
L237[01:35:06] <tterrag> wat other reasons
L238[01:35:26] <McJty> Well I often deploy on my work laptop and for some reason I cannot use gradle with java7. It hangs forever
L239[01:35:40] <McJty> When I deploy on my linux machine I simply use java8
L240[01:35:44] <tterrag> ehhhh what
L241[01:35:52] <tterrag> what gradle version?
L242[01:35:58] <McJty> Latest. It is a networking issue
L243[01:36:05] <McJty> I've seen some things about it on the internet
L244[01:36:14] <McJty> But none of the proposed solutions work for me. Most likely a proxy issue
L245[01:36:19] <McJty> Java6 doesn't have the issue
L246[01:36:31] <tterrag> weirdo
L247[01:36:40] <Cypher121> 403 return code or some other issue?
L248[01:36:53] <McJty> hold on
L249[01:37:21] <McJty> I don't have the exact error now but it has to do with: mechanism level no valid credentials provided
L250[01:38:42] <Cypher121> hmm, never seen this one
L251[01:39:10] <McJty> The exact error: NEGOTIATE authentication error: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt))
L252[01:39:37] <McJty> Googling that gives some hits and many possible solutions
L253[01:39:45] <McJty> Which I all tried without luck
L254[01:39:58] <McJty> The only thing that works is using java6
L255[01:40:13] <tterrag> not even 8?
L256[01:40:24] <McJty> I don't have 8 here on this laptop so never tried
L257[01:40:37] <McJty> (and no room to install it. I'm near max capacity on this HD :-)
L258[01:40:45] <tterrag> uninstall 7 first? lol
L259[01:41:10] <McJty> I would rather get rid of java 6 but unfortunatelly my work needs it
L260[01:41:47] <tterrag> aha
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L262[01:45:02] <Cypher121> I fail to see what exactly needs Kerberos auth in build process
L263[01:46:39] <Cypher121> anyway, seems like no one else if wrong on the internet for now
L264[01:47:13] <Cypher121> bye guys
L265[01:47:37] ⇦ Quits: Cypher121 (~Thunderbi@c-73-158-248-128.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Cypher121)
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L268[01:59:06] <tterrag> btw McJty, I made a pretty detailed comment on your first GUI post, did you ever get a chance to read it or respond?
L269[01:59:30] <tterrag> btw, I think the new screenshots are a great improvement, but I have to side with most and say you need to pick a style, not have an extra button just to change the style
L270[01:59:43] <McJty> Yes I read it and I think I have followed some of your suggestions in it
L271[01:59:50] <tterrag> in the latest post
L272[01:59:53] <tterrag> one thing that stuck out to me
L273[01:59:57] <tterrag> was the portable tank
L274[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20151023 mappings to Forge Maven.
L275[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20151023-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20151023" in build.gradle).
L276[02:00:09] <tterrag> it has no box, nothing containing it, it feels "alone"
L277[02:00:09] <McJty> Well I think I'm going to keep the possibility to change because I don't want to use the most popular (flat) style myself :-)
L278[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L279[02:00:19] <tterrag> I didn't like the flat one :P
L280[02:00:35] <McJty> It got the most votes. With flat/gradient as second
L281[02:01:01] <tterrag> for the most part I like the default MC button
L282[02:01:05] <tterrag> but the first one was the best for me
L283[02:01:08] <tterrag> bevel no gradient
L284[02:01:09] <McJty> Anyway, the style switching mechanism is not in the way of anything and I already had it implemented before.
L285[02:01:25] <tterrag> flat seems...dry
L286[02:01:33] <tterrag> the whole GUI seems washed out with those buttons
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L288[02:02:09] <tterrag> and tell me the buttons have hover reactions, yes McJty? :P
L289[02:02:28] <McJty> Well no (besides showing a tooltip). But that's actually a good idea
L290[02:02:33] <tterrag> ;_
L291[02:02:40] <tterrag> hover reactions on ALL the things
L292[02:02:49] <tterrag> it is a HUGE boost to UX
L293[02:02:56] <tterrag> when things respond to the mouse moving around
L294[02:02:58] <McJty> yes I agree. I'll add that. That's not very difficult
L295[02:03:59] <McJty> I'm nearly close to finishing this rework. It is probably still not going to be perfect but there is a lot of subjectivity in this subject and at least it is a huge improvement over how it was :-)
L296[02:08:12] <McJty> And there are a few GUI's remaining for which I'm currently lacking the motivation to rework them although they do need a rework too.
L297[02:08:22] <McJty> But they are less important and less frequently used features of my mod
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L329[04:28:40] <AtomicStryker> when a server owner talks about "permission staff.invincibility", is that a bukkit thing?
L330[04:28:49] <AtomicStryker> can a forge mod access that?
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L344[05:25:39] <Cazzar> on the server, maybe using reflection/calls to the bukkit stuff, though you can also make a networking setup to check for that anyway, being a packet you handle, and bukkit sends to you.
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L360[06:33:32] <AtomicStryker> does someone know which "timeframe" System.currentTimeMillis covers
L361[06:33:43] <AtomicStryker> like, it has to overflow at some point, or reset?
L362[06:34:19] <Ivorius> Well, it's a long, right?
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L364[06:35:08] <Ivorius> That would be 292.471.208.678 days :P
L365[06:35:11] <Ivorius> *years
L366[06:35:30] <Ivorius> Oh wait, millis
L367[06:35:59] <Ivorius> Then 292.471.208,68 years obviously
L368[06:38:07] <sham1> Jeez
L369[06:38:15] <sham1> That's a lot of years
L370[06:38:24] <sham1> Also +1 for using "," for decimal
L371[06:38:45] <AtomicStryker> ah it is in fact an ongoing count since jan 01., 1970
L372[06:38:52] <sham1> Yes
L373[06:38:53] <AtomicStryker> oh no java has built-in obsolescense
L374[06:39:09] <sham1> Epoch is from first of January 1970
L375[06:39:34] <Ivorius> Every language has
L376[06:40:01] <Ivorius> Unless you BigInt everything
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L378[06:48:25] <sham1> And even then
L379[06:48:31] <sham1> It cannot go forever
L380[06:48:42] <sham1> Because the Integer can fill your RAM
L381[06:50:39] <Ivorius> Just download more
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L384[07:01:51] <sham1> Lol
L385[07:02:29] <AtomicStryker> when using custom WorldSavedData
L386[07:02:43] <AtomicStryker> i only have to do 2 things: use loadData to get it instantiated
L387[07:02:47] <AtomicStryker> and call markdirty to save
L388[07:02:48] <AtomicStryker> right
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L391[07:05:36] <Rallias> How would I go about dumping the runtime code of a method?
L392[07:08:18] <Ivorius> For class transformers?
L393[07:08:31] <Ivorius> There's an FML debug option
L394[07:09:11] <Rallias> Well no, I'm not planning on modifying the code.
L395[07:09:17] <Rallias> I'm planning on looking at what it does during runtime.
L396[07:09:58] <Ivorius> wat
L397[07:10:08] <Ivorius> The code stays the same
L398[07:10:19] <Ivorius> Are you asking about breakpoints
L399[07:11:30] <Rallias> Well no.
L400[07:12:19] <Rallias> Say I have a TileEntity class, and I want to see if it's onUpdate function or any of it's dependents call extractEnergy.
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L405[07:20:56] <Ivorius> That sounds exactly like you're asking about breakpoints tho :P
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L407[07:21:07] <sham1> Yeah
L408[07:21:55] <Rallias> Ivorius, Except I'm not doing it for testing, I'm doing it as a function of the mod itself.
L409[07:22:28] <Ivorius> You can't just 'track' the code flow without modifying it
L410[07:22:33] <Ivorius> So either you're asking about Class Transformers
L411[07:22:37] <Ivorius> Or about breakpoints
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L413[07:25:27] <sham1> ^
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L426[08:24:47] <sham1> IO ()
L427[08:28:19] <Ivorius> modify . maybe Nothing . (.) Just
L428[08:29:21] <sham1> :P
L429[08:29:33] <sham1> Had to break the silence somehow
L430[08:30:22] <Ivorius> You are not required to entertain :P
L431[08:31:28] <sham1> No
L432[08:31:47] <sham1> But I was getting bored, because going in a bus
L433[08:31:52] <sham1> Can take a while
L434[08:31:58] <Cazzar> if (silence) crickets()
L435[08:35:11] <gigaherz_i> wind() bird_flying_suddenly()
L436[08:47:38] <sham1> wind :: IO world -> IO world
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L464[09:58:06] <Jezza> Correct me if I'm wrong, but the active mod container changes per event during startup?
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L466[10:00:15] <Jezza> Yep, just confirmed this.
L467[10:00:48] <Jezza> Welp, that's slightly annoying, but makes sense.
L468[10:01:01] <Jezza> Looks like I can't do what I wanted to. :/
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L472[10:08:14] <Jezza> Oh, wait.
L473[10:08:14] <Jezza> I can use the package owners, and the frames. :D
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L481[10:21:11] <theresajayne> I think i am getting confused, I am trying to add a block using 1.8, i can get the Block registered and the Block texture when placed, do i have to make an item for the block to register the inventory texture?
L482[10:21:57] <theresajayne> as the method listed on the forums says to use Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register() for the inventory viewe
L483[10:28:10] <theresajayne> I thought found it- I thin i needed to use GameRegistry.findItem() but that didnt work
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L489[10:43:22] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> theresajayne: just use Item.getItemFromBlock
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L496[10:52:49] <theresajayne> do i need any special entry in the json files for "Inventory"?
L497[10:55:24] <theresajayne> in the assets/items folder i have a parent pointing to the block json, and a display: thirdperson definition
L498[10:59:54] <theresajayne> if you can point me in the right direction i would be greatful, the repo is here https://github.com/theresajayne/DimensionalTransponders
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L500[11:04:24] <tterrag|away> theresajayne: this works for me https://github.com/creatubbles/ctb-mcmod/blob/1.8/src/main/java/com/creatubbles/ctbmod/client/ClientProxy.java
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L502[11:07:16] <Ordinastie> and that ^ is the issue with the model system :p
L503[11:08:47] <tterrag|away> agreed
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L505[11:08:55] <tterrag|away> But you do what you have to
L506[11:09:50] <Ordinastie> I just do someItemRenderer.registerFor(myItem); but that just me :p
L507[11:10:07] <sham1> Model system is great for something more complex than basic builtin/generated items
L508[11:10:32] <Ordinastie> you mean the other way around
L509[11:10:47] <sham1> Meh
L510[11:11:02] <sham1> I think we can all agree that IBlockState is better than Metadata at least
L511[11:11:16] <Ordinastie> the concept, yes
L512[11:11:19] <sham1> Yeh
L513[11:11:20] <Ordinastie> the implementation, meh
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L517[11:19:48] <theresajayne> so what am i doing wrong?
L518[11:20:21] <theresajayne> I have moved the item register to init and the block register to preinit as mentioned by a forum post but thats still not working
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L520[11:20:47] <diesieben07> whats your issue theresajayne?
L521[11:20:47] <theresajayne> i just got to understand the old way of doing it now its completely alien to me
L522[11:21:10] <theresajayne> the texture is not showing up in creative tab, inventory or hand but fine when block placed
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L524[11:21:25] <Lumien> Did you register an inventory variant?
L525[11:21:30] <theresajayne> yep
L526[11:21:43] <theresajayne> Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register(Item.getItemFromBlock(BlockManager.transponder), 0, new ModelResourceLocation("dimensionaltransponders:trransponder", "inventory"));
L527[11:22:16] <fry> trransponder?
L528[11:22:19] <Lumien> And your model file is called "trransponder.json" ?
L529[11:22:24] <sham1> Was just about to say that
L530[11:22:31] <theresajayne> yep that works
L531[11:22:53] <theresajayne> the block when placed is correct texture just getting the black/purple in inventory and hand
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L533[11:23:57] <Lumien> yes but you have models/item/ttransponder.json ?
L534[11:25:01] <sham1> models/item/trransponder.json*
L535[11:25:48] <Lumien> whoops
L536[11:26:20] <sham1> Heh
L537[11:26:22] <theresajayne> yes
L538[11:26:30] <sham1> Umn
L539[11:26:36] <theresajayne> i have a glitch i cant work out how to fix though
L540[11:26:46] <sham1> Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register(Item.getItemFromBlock(BlockManager.transponder), 0, new ModelResourceLocation("dimensionaltransponders:item/trransponder", "inventory"));
L541[11:26:48] <sham1> Try this
L542[11:26:48] <theresajayne> i renamed a folder its still wrong in git
L543[11:27:15] <sham1> I think you have to use the item/-thing
L544[11:27:28] <Lumien> no
L545[11:27:36] <Lumien> ther did you only change the case of the folder name?
L546[11:27:52] <theresajayne> how can i force the rename of the folder ? i misnamed a subfolder with caps instead of all lower case, fixed local but wrong on repo
L547[11:28:09] <theresajayne> (i hate windows lack of case support)
L548[11:28:53] <Lumien> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1793735/change-case-of-a-file-on-windows
L549[11:29:02] <theresajayne> ta
L550[11:29:04] <sham1> git mv old_dir_name/ new_dir_name/
L551[11:29:06] <sham1> Pls
L552[11:29:13] <theresajayne> i just noticed the typo as well
L553[11:29:18] <theresajayne> trransponder
L554[11:29:31] <sham1> Also
L555[11:29:41] <sham1> What does ponder even mean
L556[11:29:44] <sham1> Wait no
L557[11:29:58] <sham1> "trans-thinker"
L558[11:30:36] <theresajayne> the idea is with my "sample mod" is to have transponders (like beacons) that mark a Teleport destination,
L559[11:30:44] <sham1> Ah
L560[11:31:15] <theresajayne> so you can one way teleport but it will only load the destination chunk when the person tries to go to that location
L561[11:31:49] <theresajayne> same with dimensions, so if it was say Galacticraft dimension it would be loaded only when someone wanted to go there
L562[11:32:16] <theresajayne> but to get back you need another TP system , as most servers have a /home command
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L564[11:34:41] <theresajayne> should there be an inventory section in one of the json files?
L565[11:36:46] <theresajayne> gah that file change didnt work
L566[11:37:02] <theresajayne> Fatal renaming Permission Denied
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L572[11:50:44] <Cobbleopolis> Does anyone know what the color of the text that's at the top of guis is?
L573[11:51:57] <gigaherz_i> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/essentializer/GuiEssentializer.java#L27
L574[11:51:59] <gigaherz_i> 0x404040
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L576[11:52:10] <Cobbleopolis> Thanks
L577[12:01:19] <theresajayne> done it - had to change away from the name before you could move it back
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L579[12:04:11] <theresajayne> still not solved the texture problem, there is no error at all, just isnt displaying the inventory texture
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L583[12:08:17] <gigaherz_i> So I'm planning on releasing a beta for my Android game later today. If anyone wants to be in the closed beta, PM me the google play email. I expect feedfback! ;P
L584[12:08:31] <netz> gigaherz_i: what sort of game?
L585[12:08:41] <gigaherz_i> puzzle-ish
L586[12:08:48] <netz> sounds fun
L587[12:09:22] <gigaherz_i> you aim and throw a ball, spending light in the process, and the goal is to gather pieces of light along the way, and reach the end of each level with as much light remaining as possible
L588[12:09:37] <gigaherz_i> if you run out, it's game over, and have to start the level from the beginning
L589[12:10:29] <netz> sounds kinda like lemmings :P
L590[12:10:29] <Jezza> Can you get the ModCandidate from a ModContainer?
L591[12:10:59] <Jezza> Wait
L592[12:11:39] <gigaherz_i> my memory of lemmings is far from what my game is XD
L593[12:11:43] <netz> Jezza: o/ aint seen you in a bit :P
L594[12:11:46] <Jezza> Don't want to reflect into FMLModContainer.
L595[12:11:56] <Jezza> o/
L596[12:12:02] <netz> gigaherz_i: well, you expend lemmings to get to the end, and you want to end with as many lemmings as possible :P
L597[12:12:15] <gigaherz_i> sure but that's where the similarity ends
L598[12:12:16] <gigaherz_i> XD
L599[12:12:37] <gigaherz_i> this is one ball, that gets brighter the more it eats
L600[12:14:34] <theresajayne> wierd, it just started working properly ??? Freaky
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L604[12:28:44] <sham1> \o
L605[12:28:49] <Wuppy> o/
L606[12:29:02] <netz> Wuppy: sup wup :P
L607[12:29:09] <Wuppy> tired :<
L608[12:29:16] <Wuppy> you?
L609[12:29:25] * netz injects pure caffine into Wuppy
L610[12:29:41] <sham1> That's dangerous
L611[12:29:54] <netz> yep
L612[12:30:17] * sham1 has fucked around with some basic Haskell stuffs
L613[12:30:45] <sham1> I feel so proud of myself for implementing a god damn factorial function
L614[12:30:48] <Wuppy> I've been fucking around with PhyreEngine
L615[12:31:09] <Wuppy> even with several hours of help by someone at sony it simply doesn't want to work
L616[12:31:37] <netz> I've been fucking around with usb drivers :P
L617[12:31:48] <sham1> ;P
L618[12:31:54] <Wuppy> I'm also following the nucl.ai course which is great :D
L619[12:32:25] <sham1> I've decided to learn some basic haskell
L620[12:32:37] <sham1> So that's always nice
L621[12:33:16] <Wuppy> not sure what the use of haskell is tbh
L622[12:33:43] <sham1> Same as with c++ or something
L623[12:33:52] <sham1> It may be little bit harder
L624[12:33:55] <sham1> But whatever
L625[12:34:06] <Wuppy> what are applications of haskell?
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L627[12:35:38] <sham1> Well, Google tells me that it is used in stuff like finance
L628[12:35:46] <Wuppy> meh :<
L629[12:35:51] <Wuppy> I prefer games :)
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L632[12:36:21] <sham1> I'm pretty sure it can do games
L633[12:36:30] <Wuppy> it can do != good for
L634[12:38:18] <sham1> Also, I imagine it also is used for some concurrent things
L635[12:38:50] <sham1> Because no mutable state = less changes to fuck up with modifying the same memory from two threads
L636[12:39:01] <theresajayne> can anyone tell me what is wrong with this? I get "Unknown Source" error in addRecipe() - GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(BlockManager.transponder), "idi", " i ", "bbb", "i", Items.iron_ingot, "d", Items.diamond, "b", Blocks.iron_block);
L637[12:39:31] <Wuppy> the "d" should be 'd'
L638[12:39:47] <Wuppy> same with "i"
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L641[12:40:15] <Wuppy> pay a little more attention to the tutorial/source you are learning this from and you should see why that's wrong :)
L642[12:40:19] <theresajayne> yep ok thanks wuppy
L643[12:41:06] <theresajayne> i would use yours but they removed it from safari, i am using the o;reilly forge modding book
L644[12:41:21] <Wuppy> they removed it from safari?
L645[12:41:29] <Wuppy> oreilly forge modding book?
L646[12:41:30] <theresajayne> the download option
L647[12:41:40] <sham1> There is a o'reilly book for everything
L648[12:42:23] <Wuppy> this one? http://www.amazon.com/Minecraft-Modding-Forge-Family-Friendly-Building/dp/1491918896/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1445622137&sr=8-1&keywords=o%27reilly+minecraft
L649[12:43:06] <theresajayne> http://my.safaribooksonline.com/9781491918883
L650[12:43:26] <theresajayne> yep
L651[12:43:40] <Wuppy> that seems very poorly structured :<
L652[12:44:13] <Wuppy> recipes at the last chapter, no metadata....
L653[12:44:29] <sham1> sloppy
L654[12:45:15] <Wuppy> seems very much like someone who wrote it who didn't actually play Minecraft much
L655[12:45:21] <theresajayne> i am a bit tired, started work at 5am up at 4am after 3 hours sleep, and its coming up to 7pm here now
L656[12:45:35] <Wuppy> or at least doesn't have enough experience in modding to write about it
L657[12:46:10] <sham1> Go to sleep good man
L658[12:47:23] <theresajayne> you mean good girl?
L659[12:47:51] <sham1> I cant tell
L660[12:48:03] <theresajayne> Theresa and Jayne , why not?
L661[12:48:58] <Ivorius> Honestly, when I look at names I don't really internalize anymore to what they might refer :P
L662[12:49:08] <sham1> Yeh
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L664[12:49:48] <sham1> And also, I just refer to people in the internet as "he" until they tell me what they prefer
L665[12:50:03] <Ivorius> You better switch to 'they'
L666[12:50:26] <Wuppy> what about "ye"
L667[12:50:26] <Ivorius> I feel like we had this chat at least 10 times in this channel already
L668[12:50:27] <Ivorius> lol
L669[12:50:30] <Ivorius> Yeeeee
L670[12:50:59] <Wuppy> is anyone here following the nucl.ai course?
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L672[12:51:14] <sham1> What is that anyway
L673[12:51:32] <Wuppy> it's an online course about game AI
L674[12:51:37] <theresajayne> never heard of it, I did try the Computer graphics course on EDX but the math was beyond me
L675[12:51:42] <Wuppy> made by gamedevai.com
L676[12:52:05] <Wuppy> http://aigamedev.com/ *
L677[12:52:06] <theresajayne> Sorry, we could not find gamedevai.com.
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L681[12:54:35] <gigaherz_i> "welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, and girls are undercover fbi agents"
L682[12:54:45] <Wuppy> lel
L683[12:54:50] <Ivorius> Or men
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L685[12:56:04] <theresajayne> https://www.facebook.com/theresajaynef
L686[12:56:17] <sham1> Internet is men
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L689[12:58:36] <Ivorius> Meh, it really depends on the parts you are in
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L766[16:23:55] <Jezza> Huh, does getObjectName() in ASMData only return a "useable" string for fields?
L767[16:23:59] <Jezza> and not methods?
L768[16:24:32] <Jezza> Ah
L769[16:24:36] <Jezza> Yes..
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L771[16:24:49] <Jezza> It returns useless strings when describing a method...
L772[16:24:50] <Jezza> :/
L773[16:25:03] <gigaherz_i> what do you mean useless?
L774[16:25:22] <Jezza> getDeclaredMethod();
L775[16:25:29] <Jezza> That sense of useless.
L776[16:25:34] <gigaherz_i> why's that useless?
L777[16:25:47] <Jezza> It doesn't work with that
L778[16:25:58] <Jezza> Which is kinda annoying.
L779[16:26:01] <gigaherz_i> but the method is "name(argtypes)returntype;"
L780[16:26:08] <Jezza> It's fine for other things, don't get me wrong.
L781[16:26:10] <gigaherz_i> that's the "proper name" for it
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L783[16:26:18] <Jezza> but for locating the method is kind of annoying
L784[16:26:24] <gigaherz_i> well maybe so
L785[16:26:32] <Jezza> Well, one of the proper names.
L786[16:26:32] <gigaherz_i> bth I haven't done ASMing yet
L787[16:26:43] <Jezza> Two main describing methods that I've seen
L788[16:26:53] <Jezza> registerMyShit(Lme/jezza/oc/api/config/IConfigRegistry;)V
L789[16:26:59] <Jezza> vs
L790[16:26:59] <Jezza> registerMyShit(me.jezza.oc.api.config.IConfigRegistry)
L791[16:27:14] <Jezza> The bottom one is java's traditional describing method.
L792[16:27:19] <gigaherz_i> I believe the first one is how it's stored in the class files themselves
L793[16:27:32] <Jezza> You would be correct.
L794[16:28:01] <Jezza> That's fine. I'll just write a method to rip out the information to pull the correct method.
L795[16:28:04] <Jezza> Should be easy.
L796[16:28:06] <Jezza> ish
L797[16:28:33] *** bilde2910 is now known as bilde2910|away
L798[16:30:51] <tterrag|away> Jezza: why not require an interface then the method invocation is simpler, no?
L799[16:30:55] *** tterrag|away is now known as tterrag
L800[16:30:59] <tterrag> or just iterate over the methods
L801[16:31:17] <Jezza> I originally had it that way.
L802[16:31:47] <Jezza> But that makes it require an instance of a thing
L803[16:31:52] <tterrag> https://github.com/tterrag1098/WAILAPlugins/blob/master/src/main/java/tterrag/wailaplugins/plugins/PluginRegistrar.java#L67-L72
L804[16:31:52] <Jezza> If someone implements it
L805[16:31:55] <tterrag> that's what I do
L806[16:31:58] <tterrag> instances are nice :P
L807[16:32:18] <Jezza> Instances are nice, unless it's a registrar thing.
L808[16:32:23] <Jezza> Actually, similiar to yours.
L809[16:32:29] <tterrag> lol
L810[16:32:32] <tterrag> so you want static methods?
L811[16:32:38] <Jezza> I just need a way to let people register stuffs.
L812[16:32:42] <Jezza> Effectively.
L813[16:32:46] <tterrag> why not @RegisterMethod or some such
L814[16:32:53] <tterrag> then it's easy to find and it can be called whatever you like
L815[16:32:56] <Jezza> That's exactly what I use.
L816[16:33:00] <Jezza> ASMData
L817[16:33:01] <Jezza> And boom
L818[16:33:03] <Jezza> All good.
L819[16:33:04] <tterrag> ok
L820[16:33:08] <Jezza> But it isn't.
L821[16:33:09] <tterrag> so...what's the problem? lol
L822[16:33:18] <Jezza> The getObjectName returns a full description of the method.
L823[16:33:33] <Jezza> I could rip out the name from the descriptor, and just compare it against that
L824[16:33:55] <Jezza> But in the event of multple methods named the same
L825[16:34:14] <tterrag> ahh
L826[16:34:16] <Jezza> I might as well just make a helper method to fully understand the descriptor and use the information accurately.
L827[16:34:19] <tterrag> I've never used ASMData on methods
L828[16:34:52] <Jezza> It's insanely useful.
L829[16:34:57] <tterrag> I've used it on classes
L830[16:34:58] <tterrag> which is easy
L831[16:35:02] <Jezza> And fields.
L832[16:35:14] <Jezza> Both classes and fields it's really easy.
L833[16:35:16] <Jezza> methods...
L834[16:35:20] <Jezza> Well, that's another matter.
L835[16:35:28] <Jezza> It's fine.
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L837[16:35:44] <tterrag> so getObjectName() returns what?
L838[16:35:47] <tterrag> the full method desc?
L839[16:35:48] <tterrag> ah
L840[16:36:19] <Jezza> I've made a helper method that takes ASMData as a parameter, and pulls the correct method.
L841[16:36:30] <Jezza> It's the full internal description.
L842[16:36:37] <tterrag> shouldn't be that hard
L843[16:36:44] <tterrag> substring to the first index of "("
L844[16:36:45] <Jezza> Nah, it shouldn't be.
L845[16:36:47] <Jezza> Just annoying.
L846[16:36:55] ⇦ Quits: Szernex (~Szernex@88-117-113-8.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Quit: Leaving)
L847[16:36:56] <Jezza> Substring the ( and )
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L849[16:37:13] <Jezza> Use the name, locate all methods that match that first.
L850[16:37:32] <Jezza> Or just do it on a method by method basis
L851[16:37:36] <Jezza> either way
L852[16:38:04] <Jezza> check name, split the contents of the substring from earlier with ;
L853[16:38:09] <Jezza> count parameters
L854[16:38:15] <Jezza> confirm parameters
L855[16:38:21] <Jezza> confirm return type
L856[16:38:29] <Jezza> Just tedious, is all.
L857[16:38:45] <tterrag> you'd also have to parse the arg types...eugh
L858[16:39:04] <Jezza> That should be fine.
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L860[16:39:10] <Jezza> Probably the easiest part.
L861[16:39:12] <tterrag> I was thinking just have a @RegistryClass and @RegistryMethod
L862[16:39:18] <tterrag> then no description reading is necessary
L863[16:39:19] <Jezza> The annoying part will be the return type.
L864[16:39:25] <tterrag> you could just find the method(s) with @RegistryMethod
L865[16:39:32] <Jezza> Too much effort on the users side.
L866[16:39:37] <Jezza> Literally one more thing.
L867[16:39:54] <Jezza> Should be fine.
L868[16:40:06] <Jezza> I'm sure other people could use it as well.
L869[16:40:10] <Jezza> That
L870[16:40:26] <Jezza> That's* the beauty of making a mod that's a framework.
L871[16:40:38] <Jezza> People will probably end up using it.
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L873[16:44:15] <Jezza> Actually don't care about the return type, so I'll ignore that.
L874[16:44:27] <Jezza> You can
L875[16:44:48] <Jezza> Ignore that.
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L895[17:37:17] <thecodewarrior> Is there any CSV parser built along with forge? or should I include my own.
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L898[17:44:19] <gigaherz_i> why csv?
L899[17:44:25] <gigaherz_i> why not json?
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L901[17:53:29] <thecodewarrior> CSV is simpler in this case, it's just a list of stats.
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L914[18:17:22] <AtomicStryker> i know numeric block ids are nonsense in 1.7.10, but if i really really need them, how would i do
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L916[18:20:35] <gigaherz_i> well the block IDs are used internally for save data purposes
L917[18:20:44] <gigaherz_i> so they are stored "around"
L918[18:21:04] <gigaherz_i> so if you really really need to figure out the ID from a block, it shouldbe possible to look it up
L919[18:21:14] <gigaherz_i> now if you really really need a specific block to have a specific ID
L920[18:21:17] <gigaherz_i> ... no idea then.
L921[18:21:49] <AtomicStryker> found it, Block.getIdFromBlock
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L934[18:36:48] <TehNut> Curious as to what use they are in 1.7...
L935[18:36:58] <TehNut> what use they are to you*
L936[18:36:58] <gigaherz_i> ?
L937[18:37:08] <TehNut> @Atomic
L938[18:37:26] <gigaherz_i> even in 1.8.x, the block IDs are used for saves and networking
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L940[18:37:34] <TehNut> Yes I know
L941[18:37:37] <gigaherz_i> why he needs them, no idea ;p
L942[18:37:37] <TehNut> "to you"
L943[18:37:50] <AtomicStryker> dude wants to blacklist them on his server
L944[18:37:57] <AtomicStryker> doesnt want to mess with the scary strings
L945[18:38:01] <AtomicStryker> i dont care
L946[18:38:02] <AtomicStryker> his problem
L947[18:38:06] <gigaherz_i> oh yeah I missed the second line
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L949[18:38:39] <gigaherz_i> yeah because 35 is less scary than minecraft:stone_bricks (random number, I don't remember block IDs)
L950[18:38:41] <gigaherz_i> XD
L951[18:38:46] *** KJ4IPS|Gone is now known as KJ4IPS
L952[18:40:04] <TehNut> yeah strings are super scary
L953[18:40:11] <TehNut> but numbers that change every time you start a new world aren't
L954[18:40:13] <TehNut> k
L955[18:40:34] <AtomicStryker> guy is running an ancient immutable technic pack or something
L956[18:40:48] <AtomicStryker> theres no such thing as a reset in his realm
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L960[18:58:38] <Swordy> How do I convert Portable Network Graphics to JSON?
L961[18:59:44] <TehNut> wat
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L963[19:01:30] <PrinceCat> There are a tonne of tutorials online Swordy... but you probably don't want to convert it to JSON...
L964[19:02:30] <PrinceCat> What're you trying to achieve Swordy?
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L977[19:45:24] <shadowfacts> uhm
L978[19:45:46] <shadowfacts> whatever you're trying to do, Swordy, there's a better way than converting a PNG to JSON
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L982[19:49:47] <Cazzar> Fun... http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1445647782
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L985[20:07:24] <Cazzar> cpw: you still in space engineers?
L986[20:08:02] <cpw> Yup
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L990[20:09:44] <Cazzar> I just realized, that I can't get you to test what I wanted, sorry
L991[20:09:52] <Cazzar> I have a partial fix for the connector issue.
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L994[20:11:58] <Cazzar> Though I might poke you soon with the fix.
L995[20:13:29] <cpw> Ah
L996[20:13:37] <cpw> No worries
L997[20:13:53] <Cazzar> Yeah, firstly, the issue was the connector claimed it wasn't connected.
L998[20:13:58] <Cazzar> \o/
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L1007[20:22:50] <Cazzar> Whoops: http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1445649765
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L1016[20:32:39] <cpw> heh
L1017[20:32:43] <Cazzar> cpw: publishing the fix, I believe I have it working
L1018[20:32:47] <cpw> cool
L1019[20:32:53] <cpw> i'll pull it down right away :)
L1020[20:34:08] <Cazzar> give me a shout if it does/doesn
L1021[20:34:11] <Cazzar> doesn't work
L1022[20:34:30] <cpw> will do
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L1025[20:38:24] <cpw> not downloadable yet
L1026[20:38:54] <Cazzar> Damn, hurry up steam!
L1027[20:41:36] <Cazzar> There's also a bug with the faction sorting, it seems to ignore the factions by the look of the code.
L1028[20:42:08] <tterrag> I was playing SE last week or so but these broken updates have kind of put me off :/
L1029[20:42:29] <Cazzar> Oh yeah, yesterdays update fucked up a lot of the playability for me.
L1030[20:43:25] <tterrag> last week's was worse
L1031[20:43:31] <tterrag> mining was basically undoable
L1032[20:43:35] ⇨ Joins: pixlepix (~localmaca@cpe-67-252-38-34.nycap.res.rr.com)
L1033[20:43:38] <tterrag> and that's not fixed
L1034[20:43:42] <tterrag> now there's the LoD bug
L1035[20:43:56] <Cazzar> Yeah, I had that issue though it's not always occuring
L1036[20:44:08] <cpw> the vanishing asteroids issue?
L1037[20:44:15] <cpw> it seems to be spots where i've mined, yeah
L1038[20:44:49] <Cazzar> Both, the vanishing asteroids (Which KSWH knows) and the inability to mine periodically.
L1039[20:45:16] <Cazzar> as in a mining ship won't even touch an asteroid properly, though one specific angle works, and the hand drill.
L1040[20:45:56] <tterrag> nah I'm talking about how mining slows the game down a ridiculous amount
L1041[20:46:08] <Cazzar> That's happened a bit as well.
L1042[20:46:21] <tterrag> not to mention oxygen being broken
L1043[20:46:25] <Cazzar> Then again, LaglessDrills can be very useful esp on servers.
L1044[20:46:31] <tterrag> just a bad time to start playing evidently
L1045[20:46:41] <tterrag> it'll get stable again, just isn't now
L1046[20:47:18] <Cazzar> Yeah, Keen are also working on the planets update, which means the VCS doesn't get updated on the public facing side.
L1047[20:52:17] ⇦ Quits: barteks2x (~barteks2x@tanzalan.t17.ds.pwr.wroc.pl) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1048[20:55:29] <cpw> heh
L1049[20:55:35] <cpw> well, i just crashed SE
L1050[20:55:46] <cpw> i wonder if you're allowed to put a ship back on a projector
L1051[20:55:58] <Cazzar> I think I managed to crash it by alt+tabbing it
L1052[20:56:06] <Cazzar> cpw: maybe via a merge block
L1053[20:56:19] <cpw> yes, that's what i done
L1054[20:56:28] <cpw> hmmm
L1055[20:56:34] <cpw> no mod download as of yet
L1056[20:56:36] <luacs1998> Cazzar, whatcha up to?
L1057[20:57:08] <Cazzar> luacs1998: waiting for a mod update to become downloadable for CPW and youtube :P
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L1059[20:59:02] <cpw> and CRASH
L1060[20:59:06] <cpw> again
L1061[20:59:11] <cpw> doesn't like welding something
L1062[20:59:43] <Cazzar> get the application log :P it usually has a nice stacktrace, given .NET
L1063[20:59:53] <cpw> not really
L1064[21:00:13] <cpw> a segfault in ticking the world
L1065[21:00:50] <gigaherz_i> assuming SE = space engineers, I never managed to enjoy the game
L1066[21:01:15] <Cazzar> gigaherz_i: it can be fun, especially if you have friends to play with
L1067[21:01:22] <gigaherz_i> even creative mode was just tedious
L1068[21:01:30] <Cazzar> mods :P
L1069[21:02:12] <gigaherz_i> I tried to start a survival game without using the cheaty platform with prebuilt ships once
L1070[21:02:42] <gigaherz_i> and even just gathering the basic materials for a basic mining ship took WAY toolong
L1071[21:02:45] <gigaherz_i> too long*
L1072[21:02:57] <gigaherz_i> yeah I guess mods may help with that
L1073[21:03:02] <luacs1998> space engineers?
L1074[21:03:06] * luacs1998 was considering that
L1075[21:03:36] <Cazzar> this was one of the bugs in the sorting mod: https://github.com/KeenSoftwareHouse/SpaceEngineers/blob/master/Sources/VRage.Game/ObjectBuilders/MyObjectBuilder_ShipConnector.cs#L26
L1076[21:03:43] <Cazzar> That always returning false.
L1077[21:04:00] <gigaherz_i> SE is made in C#?
L1078[21:04:06] <Cazzar> yep
L1079[21:04:30] <gigaherz_i> nice
L1080[21:04:35] <Cazzar> And /most/ of the code is publically accessable.
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L1084[21:17:27] <gigaherz_i> so, last chance! if anyone didn't sign up for the closed beta of my Android game, now's the time! ;P
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L1088[21:26:10] <Mossyblog> with Entity.setVelocity(double,double,double) i want to inject a method within - toInject.add(new MethodInsnNode(INVOKESTATIC, Type.getInternalName(WaterSurfer.class), "setVelocity","(DDD)V", false)); - but i keep get Bad Operand errors stating it can't be cast to double...
L1089[21:28:25] <Cazzar> you need to load the params to the stack before invoking a functino
L1090[21:28:28] <Cazzar> function*
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L1094[21:31:10] <Mossyblog> ooooh
L1095[21:31:29] <Mossyblog> thx
L1096[21:31:56] <Cazzar> cpw: should download now.
L1097[21:32:57] <cpw> Cool. Will try in a sec
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L1099[21:36:31] <cpw> hmmm
L1100[21:36:36] <cpw> still getting an IOFailure
L1101[21:39:44] <Cazzar> From what?
L1102[21:42:17] <cpw> 2015-10-23 22:38:33.133 - Thread: 1 -> Error downloading file: IOFailure
L1103[21:42:17] <cpw> 2015-10-23 22:38:33.133 - Thread: 7 -> Downloading mods failed
L1104[21:42:20] <cpw> is in the log file
L1105[21:42:32] <cpw> right after the "downloading mods" bit
L1106[21:42:47] <Cazzar> Can you chuck the log or the section to the log to me... this seems weird.
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L1108[21:44:04] <cpw> 2015-10-23 22:38:33.133 - Thread: 1 -> Error downloading file: IOFailure
L1109[21:44:05] <cpw> 2015-10-23 22:38:33.133 - Thread: 7 -> Downloading mods failed
L1110[21:44:10] <cpw> that's all i have
L1111[21:44:18] <Cazzar> so nothing else in context?
L1112[21:44:24] <cpw> 2015-10-23 22:38:32.098 - Thread: 1 -> Obtained details: Id=540001810; Result=OK; ugcHandle=385415243842919207; title='Automated Inventory Sorting - Fixed'; tags='mod,script'
L1113[21:44:30] <cpw> there's your mod in the list of mods
L1114[21:44:46] <cpw> i see file size : 0 in the workshop
L1115[21:45:10] <Cazzar> oh FFS
L1116[21:45:18] <cpw> last update 932pm
L1117[21:45:23] <cpw> so an hour and a bit ago
L1118[21:45:50] <cpw> it seems to have a broken image too
L1119[21:46:00] <cpw> bad upload to steam perhaps?
L1120[21:46:03] <Cazzar> yeah, looking at why now
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L1122[21:46:25] <cpw> Update: 23 Oct @ 10:45pm
L1123[21:46:28] <cpw> JUST saw this
L1124[21:46:41] <Cazzar> yeah, I tried re-publishing
L1125[21:46:43] <cpw> file size is still 0
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L1131[21:57:07] <Cazzar> time to bruteforce the debugging
L1132[22:02:35] <Cazzar> going to try something else...
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L1138[22:44:58] <Cazzar> cpw: I might have found the problem: http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1445658296
L1139[22:47:42] <cpw> AH!
L1140[22:47:44] <cpw> lol
L1141[22:47:50] <Cazzar> 0 bytes, AGAIN
L1142[22:48:56] <Cazzar> IT'S ALIVE! http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1445658530
L1143[22:52:25] <Cazzar> cpw: what tipped me off was when I rebooted steam was like "Steam needs 127 Mb or more to update"
L1144[22:52:41] <cpw> heh. that's a clue, that is :)
L1145[22:53:52] <Cazzar> Anyway, hopefully that pushes soon, I've just hindered about 280 people from using the mod for about an hour or 2
L1146[22:59:10] <cpw> it' shows an update.
L1147[22:59:13] <cpw> non zero size!
L1148[23:01:09] <cpw> downloaded :)
L1149[23:01:48] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L1150[23:05:07] <cpw> confirmed working
L1151[23:05:18] <cpw> first dock, my welder ship stole all the uranium from storage
L1152[23:05:20] <cpw> !
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L1158[23:26:09] <Cazzar> cpw: good? :P
L1159[23:26:18] <cpw> yup :)
L1160[23:26:47] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L1161[23:28:10] <Cazzar> Cool, though now you know who you can yell at when it breaks :P
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L1169[23:46:25] <Cazzar> Though, the new SE netcode, is actually quite a bit nicer
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