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L1[00:04:30] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
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L3[00:07:16] <shadekiller666> good god Apple needs to fire everyone on the UI team for iTunes...
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L9[00:33:18] <trab> itunes has always been a pile of crap, I wont touch it
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L11[00:34:25] <shadekiller666> unfortunately its the easiest way of putting shit onto an iPod classic...
L12[00:34:46] <shadekiller666> they've had it for so long you'd think they'd figure out how to do UI properly
L13[00:35:07] <shadekiller666> they are program developers after all...
L14[00:37:16] <xaero> developers doing ui.. I think you don't know what that means :P
L15[00:37:34] <xaero> http://blog.codinghorror.com/this-is-what-happens-when-you-let-developers-create-ui/
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L18[00:44:00] <shadekiller666> ...
L19[00:44:24] <shadekiller666> they have artists
L20[00:44:39] <shadekiller666> thats how all of the rest of iOS gets its UI
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L22[00:50:46] <xaero> ah whoops, I assumed you were implying something else
L23[00:51:53] <xaero> (ofc, not all developers suck at UI, but it's generally a good idea to have a separate person/team design those specs)
L24[00:52:29] <xaero> (developer creativity is then not split between "what do I implement" and "how do I implement this")
L25[00:52:37] <shadekiller666> i know lol
L26[00:52:47] <shadekiller666> everyone on the iTunes UI is fired though
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L37[01:36:34] <alex_6611> o/
L38[01:36:54] <alex_6611> oop sorry wrong channel :3
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L44[01:45:57] <Wuppy> \o/ festival time soon :)
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L46[01:53:14] <Kaiyouka> Festival, Wuppy?
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L49[01:57:42] <Wuppy> yip yip, a dance/hardstyle festival about 10 minuts from my house called Dream Village
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L51[01:58:05] <Kaiyouka> interesting
L52[01:58:24] <Wuppy> on thrusday afternoon I already had 8 parties though so I'm a tad bit tired :P
L53[01:58:31] <Kaiyouka> goddamn
L54[01:58:51] <Kaiyouka> Ease up a bit on the throttle, Wup
L55[01:58:53] <Wuppy> those parties were my work though xD
L56[01:58:58] <Kaiyouka> You'll blow a gasket :p
L57[01:59:03] <Wuppy> :P
L58[01:59:17] <Wuppy> I got free food for a few days so it was worth it
L59[01:59:38] <Kaiyouka> ah, nice
L60[02:00:26] ⇨ Joins: Linsor (~Linsor@
L61[02:00:32] <Wuppy> the festival is starting really early though so we'll have to start drinking in an hour (10AM) :o
L62[02:01:01] <Kaiyouka> > _ <
L63[02:01:18] <Kaiyouka> "It's 5pm somewhere in the world" must be y'all's mantra
L64[02:01:45] <Wuppy> nope, the reason is that we're students and we dont have the money to buy it at the festival
L65[02:02:38] <Kaiyouka> Maybe I'm just old-fashioned
L66[02:02:51] <Kaiyouka> but I feel like it's possible to have a good time at a party WITHOUT le booze.
L67[02:03:19] <Kaiyouka> s/party/festival
L68[02:04:20] <Wuppy> it is, but it's more fun with it
L69[02:04:28] <Wuppy> it's also easier to talk to girls then
L70[02:04:42] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20150905 mappings to Forge Maven.
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L72[02:04:56] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L73[02:06:02] <Wuppy> but I'll promise to _only_ have 3 parties next week :P
L74[02:06:07] <Kaiyouka> > _ <
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L76[02:08:00] <Wuppy> student times, good timews
L77[02:08:37] <Kaiyouka> I should ship you my bottle of bourbon, then :p
L78[02:08:48] <Wuppy> if you'd want :P
L79[02:09:06] <fry> Wuppy: not for everyone :P
L80[02:09:15] <Wuppy> I do have about 15 or 16 bottles of booze, 2 big bottles of beer, 7 special beers and 2 crates of beer here though :P
L81[02:09:25] <Wuppy> fry, you;re a live :)
L82[02:09:29] <Wuppy> how're you doing dude
L83[02:09:44] <fry> well, I'm alive :P
L84[02:10:03] <Kaiyouka> ... nevermind
L85[02:10:08] <Kaiyouka> I'm keeping the Maker's 46
L86[02:10:19] <Kaiyouka> for a poor student you sure have a fricktonne of booze
L87[02:10:36] <Wuppy> that'\s why I'm poor :P
L88[02:10:41] <Kaiyouka> > _ <
L89[02:10:44] * Kaiyouka sighs
L90[02:10:57] <Wuppy> nah just kidding, thanks to me writing a book I can buy stuff liek that
L91[02:11:11] <Wuppy> it's also shared with a bunch of my friends (we always drink at my place)
L92[02:11:14] <Kaiyouka> Actually, I suppose I ought be taking a shot since I did kind of sort of say I would when I reach Patreon milestones.
L93[02:11:17] <Wuppy> and it's the cheapest stuff you can get
L94[02:11:22] <Kaiyouka> lol
L95[02:12:04] <Wuppy> 35 dollars for asingle bottle... I paid that for 3 yesterday
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L97[02:13:57] <Kaiyouka> sheesh
L98[02:14:01] <Kaiyouka> Money Bags :p
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L101[02:16:43] <Wuppy> hmmm?
L102[02:16:54] <Kaiyouka> I'm calling you rich :p
L103[02:17:15] <Wuppy> I cant say I'm poor atm, but I'll not have any income for the next 3 years and I llive on my own
L104[02:17:16] <Wuppy> so yeah....
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L107[02:19:00] <Kaiyouka> Okay, I might sound a bit snippy in saying this
L108[02:19:16] <Kaiyouka> But if you know you're not going to have income for the next 3 years, maybe you shouldn't be spending money on booze.
L109[02:20:07] ⇨ Joins: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-106-31.buckeyecom.net)
L110[02:20:17] <Wuppy> I'm not spending too much money
L111[02:20:32] <Wuppy> and I can borrow free money from the government
L112[02:20:36] <Wuppy> athoug hI wont need that
L113[02:21:13] <Wuppy> I've calculated how much I spend and how much I have and I wont go over that
L114[02:22:53] <tmtu> "borrow free money"
L115[02:22:54] <tmtu> wot
L116[02:23:29] <Kaiyouka> ^
L117[02:23:41] <Kaiyouka> I wish I could get free money from the government.
L118[02:23:59] <Kaiyouka> I mean uh... I'm now poor enough that I'm getting basically free college these last two years
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L120[02:24:08] <Kaiyouka> but I'd like actual free money
L121[02:24:11] <Kaiyouka> that I can spend on things
L122[02:25:08] <Wuppy> oh and pre drinking is about 5-10 times as cheap as ubying it at the place you go
L123[02:25:12] <Wuppy> so you're saving money :P
L124[02:25:36] <Kaiyouka> > _ <
L125[02:25:38] <tmtu> you're saving money if you don't drink at all :)
L126[02:25:41] <Kaiyouka> ^
L127[02:25:50] <Wuppy> tmtu, in the Netherlands students can borrow about 700 euros a month from the government for about 0.1% of interest
L128[02:25:55] <Wuppy> I know tmtu :P
L129[02:25:59] <Kaiyouka> You spend on one bottle of booze what I spend for about a month's worth of groceries
L130[02:26:22] <tmtu> Wuppy: i do 800 yuros a month with 0% interest and i get 200 for free
L131[02:26:53] <Wuppy> I get 300 free and up to 700 in loans which I dont use
L132[02:27:09] <Wuppy> but they assume I get money from my parents (which I do, a bit)
L133[02:27:10] ⇨ Joins: Slikrick (~Slikrick9@c-50-189-48-85.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
L134[02:27:18] <Wuppy> if you've got poor or no parents you get like 600
L135[02:27:35] <Wuppy> actually, skip that "a bit" :)
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L137[02:29:54] <Kaiyouka> Wanna give me some of that free money? :p
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L139[02:30:38] <Wuppy> by the time I've paid rent and insurances, that money is gone
L140[02:30:45] <Kaiyouka> D:
L141[02:31:39] ⇦ Quits: Meow-J (uid69628@id-69628.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L142[02:32:00] <Kaiyouka> I'm fortunate in that I have family paying for rent and internet while I finish college but everything else is me.
L143[02:32:11] <Wuppy> that's my situation as well :)
L144[02:32:12] <Kaiyouka> Subsisting on ramen and cheap cans of green beans gets old = n =
L145[02:32:30] <Wuppy> work in weekends and stuff
L146[02:32:37] <Kaiyouka> though I guess I can't really complain much
L147[02:32:45] <Kaiyouka> It's the grace of others that I even CAN buy my food, lol
L148[02:32:47] <tmtu> i get 0 dosh from my parents
L149[02:32:55] <Wuppy> because of weekend/vacation/evening work I can buy proper food
L150[02:33:07] * Kaiyouka earns food money drawing comics \o/
L151[02:33:30] <Wuppy> I wish I could draw
L152[02:33:50] <tmtu> Kaiyouka: how much is your rent
L153[02:33:53] <Kaiyouka> I suck at drawing but somehow people like the shit I do so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L154[02:34:03] <Kaiyouka> tmtu: $485/mo, about
L155[02:34:13] <Wuppy> jesus christ
L156[02:34:21] <Wuppy> how big is your room is square meters?
L157[02:34:35] <Wuppy> and with how many people do you livfe
L158[02:35:11] <tmtu> Wuppy: i got 41m^2 to myself and ~400 in rent
L159[02:35:26] <Wuppy> I've got 14 and a shared kitchen and stuff for ~300
L160[02:35:41] <Kaiyouka> No clue, lemme try to measure
L161[02:35:53] <Kaiyouka> but it's a room in a shared house with no extra payment for utilities
L162[02:35:56] <Kaiyouka> in the middle of the city
L163[02:36:01] <Kaiyouka> so it's basically cheap
L164[02:36:02] <Wuppy> same here
L165[02:36:20] <tmtu> but.. do you have the ocean nearby?!?
L166[02:36:27] <Wuppy> nope, why?
L167[02:36:32] <tmtu> swim swam
L168[02:36:51] <Wuppy> I have a park with a filthy lake, does that count?
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L170[02:37:05] <tmtu> it'll do
L171[02:37:09] <tmtu> https://www.google.se/maps/place/Karlskrona/@56.1562282,15.5905376,6399m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x4656125ba6e47d1d:0x400fef341e47840!6m1!1e1
L172[02:37:19] <tmtu> sweet glorious sea
L173[02:37:33] <fry> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqgyD_yTWCU
L174[02:37:41] <Wuppy> that looks like a very pretty place to live tmtu
L175[02:37:44] <Wuppy> although also very cold
L176[02:37:51] <Kaiyouka> My room's about 3.3^2 m / 11 square meters
L177[02:37:57] <tmtu> yup
L178[02:38:13] <tmtu> cold? lol no
L179[02:38:29] <Kaiyouka> And when I move in two years, I'm probably going to end up in a tiny ass apartment that's marginally bigger and twice as expensive.
L180[02:38:34] * Kaiyouka sighs
L181[02:38:43] <Wuppy> holy crap Kaiyouka how's it so expenisve :(
L182[02:38:47] <Wuppy> tmtu this was my beach https://www.google.se/maps/place/Moments+Beach/@52.0300999,4.1647305,185m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0000000000000000:0x2a4bef69c63426be!6m1!1e1
L183[02:39:05] <Kaiyouka> Wuppy: welcome to America
L184[02:39:19] <tmtu> nice
L185[02:39:22] <Wuppy> well, I've gotta go, have a nice day :)
L186[02:40:00] <Kaiyouka> I need to invest money into turning some kind of large vehicle into a mobile living space (that's not shit like an actual mobile home)
L187[02:40:06] <Kaiyouka> and just live in that
L188[02:40:14] <Kaiyouka> > _ >
L189[02:40:42] <Kaiyouka> inb4 that's somehow illegal in the United States
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L191[02:41:12] <SomeGuyInATree> Hi All - Still Have not been able to figure out why it does this when left/right clicking items.. - http://imgur.com/rrm69Xr
L192[02:41:39] <tmtu> Kaiyouka: pfft, it's the land of the free right?
L193[02:42:04] <Kaiyouka> It's the Land of Fuck You Go Die In a Fire \o/
L194[02:42:15] <Kaiyouka> Everything in America is fucked up
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L200[03:11:39] <SomeGuyInATree> Any downsides to enabling the vanilla enderchest whilst using Enderstorage?
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L202[03:16:00] <alex_6611> shouldn't be
L203[03:16:11] <alex_6611> they act completely different, so ...
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L208[03:26:18] <Kaiyouka> ^
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L218[03:50:01] <sham1> good morning
L219[03:52:33] <Kaiyouka> o/
L220[03:52:44] <sham1> \o
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L224[04:12:06] <Kaiyouka> So, what's everybody up to?
L225[04:13:29] <sham1> Nothing special
L226[04:14:06] <Kaiyouka> lol
L227[04:15:06] <heldplayer> Waking up I suppose :p
L228[04:15:15] <Kaiyouka> pssh, who needs to do that? :p
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L252[05:20:00] <Kaiyouka> Man, I did not realize 3x3 piston doors were so complex
L253[05:20:33] <alex_6611> they are if you worry about size :P
L254[05:20:41] <Kaiyouka> well
L255[05:20:48] <Kaiyouka> considering I have about 10 redstone to my name
L256[05:20:56] <Kaiyouka> these are complex AND expensive
L257[05:21:01] <alex_6611> :P
L258[05:21:26] <Kaiyouka> spent all my redstone wiring my yard
L259[05:21:35] <alex_6611> i'm not that much of a piston guy, i enjoy command blocks much more :P
L260[05:21:51] <alex_6611> that excludes survival unfortunately, but...
L261[05:22:05] <Kaiyouka> lol
L262[05:22:17] <Kaiyouka> I'm rebuilding an old base of mine (with improvements)
L263[05:22:29] <Kaiyouka> but the world settings I randomized to preclude enchanting for the most part
L264[05:22:33] <Kaiyouka> so this is gonna be.... fun
L265[05:23:47] <Kaiyouka> daylight sensors are a bitch to use > _ <
L266[05:24:21] <alex_6611> hmm, analog redstone can be compacted down a lot if used correctly
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L268[05:25:23] <Kaiyouka> If there's a way to compactly get a daylight sensor to power my yard only at "night" (dark enough to sleep minimum)
L269[05:25:30] <Kaiyouka> I'd be happy
L270[05:25:33] <alex_6611> there is
L271[05:25:48] <alex_6611> i don't know what light level it has to be for sleep though
L272[05:26:19] <alex_6611> like, it outputs a redstone signal = to the sky light level
L273[05:26:45] <Kaiyouka> hmm
L274[05:27:00] <alex_6611> lemme build an example real quick
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L276[05:29:35] <alex_6611> ok, beds can be used between times 12541 and 23458 :P
L277[05:30:33] <Kaiyouka> that's not really useful to me
L278[05:30:43] <alex_6611> 1 sec
L279[05:32:45] <alex_6611> http://puu.sh/k0AaR/6fcce479fc.png
L280[05:33:02] <alex_6611> dropper has 2 stacks of any item in it
L281[05:33:29] <alex_6611> redstone on right is off in the night, so just invert it
L282[05:33:37] <alex_6611> and that's youroutput
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L284[05:34:28] <Kaiyouka> Hm, I'll try it
L285[05:34:57] <Kaiyouka> if I can afford another effin' comparator
L286[05:35:05] <alex_6611> :P
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L289[05:40:33] <Kaiyouka> Oooh, works like a charm
L290[05:40:52] <Kaiyouka> Though, given that I'm stretching out a signal over forever, it was probably a moot change
L291[05:41:23] <alex_6611> stretching out...?
L292[05:42:07] <Kaiyouka> At the moment, I have one central light censor and the ultimate signal output is getting sent to whatever outdoor lights and contraptions need it
L293[05:42:10] <Kaiyouka> ...
L294[05:42:11] <Kaiyouka> sensor*
L295[05:42:23] <alex_6611> yea
L296[05:43:46] <Kaiyouka> GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, ENDERFRICKS
L297[05:45:48] <Kaiyouka> Ah the joys of having a huge mansion. Endermen TP inside during rain
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L299[05:49:20] <Kaiyouka> If you get mad at Endermen and Endermen are functionally racist stereotypes, does that make you racist?
L300[05:50:40] <alex_6611> wat
L301[05:50:42] <alex_6611> :P
L302[05:51:22] <alex_6611> ask direwolf20, he has a lot of experience with endermen
L303[05:51:40] <Kaiyouka> lol
L304[05:51:51] <Kaiyouka> if you think about it, Minecraft has some racial stereotypes in it :p
L305[05:52:04] <alex_6611> doesn't everything ever created?
L306[05:52:09] <Kaiyouka> true
L307[05:52:17] <Kaiyouka> but the Minecraft ones are blatantly not very subtle :p
L308[05:52:41] <nxsupert> Like?
L309[05:53:27] <Kaiyouka> Endermen are tall, get aggressive if you look at them funny, and steal blocks. You could wager that as in-line with stereotypes of black people (tall, aggressive, thieving)
L310[05:53:57] <Kaiyouka> Villagers are, ostensibly, greedy and have big noses. Similar to anti-semitic Jewish stereotypes.
L311[05:54:13] <nxsupert> huh. true.
L312[05:56:26] <Kaiyouka> Facetiously speaking
L313[05:56:28] <Stygander> skeletons are jumpy white gun owners
L314[05:56:39] <Kaiyouka> if Villagers are Jews and Zombies go after villagers
L315[05:56:44] <Kaiyouka> then are Zombies undead Nazis?
L316[05:56:47] <alex_6611> ooooh shii
L317[05:57:08] <alex_6611> this reminds me of some game...
L318[05:57:15] <alex_6611> nazi zombies
L319[05:57:31] <alex_6611> don't remember it's name :P
L320[05:58:54] <Kaiyouka> lol
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L326[06:19:58] <masa> well if you go looking for stereotypes and shit, you will probably find them anywhere you want
L327[06:20:49] <masa> or weird associations etc
L328[06:21:10] <masa> sort of like this works: http://img15.deviantart.net/0759/i/2014/286/3/5/linux_is_sexy__3_by_xd4rker-d82oyl6.png
L329[06:21:22] <masa> *how
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L339[06:36:06] <gr8pefish> Hi all. What is the best way to get the mod an itemStack is from?
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L341[06:36:36] <Lumien> GameRegistry.findUniqueIdentifierFor probably
L342[06:36:40] <olee> gr8pefish: just grab the mod prefix
L343[06:37:22] <olee> something like Lumien said (though I think you will need a slightly different method )
L344[06:37:51] <gr8pefish> I will serach through game registry for the method I need then, thanks
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L355[07:05:46] <Teamy> Why is my onItemUseFirst method only firing client sided?
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L390[09:10:02] <colossali> Hey guys, I'm updating my mods to 1.8. My set-up is eclipse with one workspace but separate projects for each mod. Most of them have a dependency on a core mod, which I build with gradle and move to the /lib directory for those mods. In eclipse there are no errors in the source code, but when I try to run the client, I get "Caught exception from dg_shc java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: field_151573_f" http://pastebin.com/u6xn1Q5N
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L392[09:10:57] <colossali> I've tried looking up what's causing it, apparently the build isn't reobfuscating but the class files in the build folder are obfuscated. The core mod works fine in minecraft on its own
L393[09:11:37] <colossali> Anyone come accross this before?
L394[09:11:38] <diesieben07> if you want to run mods in the dev-environment you have to have a non-obfuscated version of them
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L396[09:12:35] <gigaherz_e> colossali: the dev environment works with deobf names, it won't reobf unless you use the "gradlew build" task
L397[09:12:45] *** gigaherz_e is now known as gigaherz
L398[09:13:09] <gigaherz> otherwise it would be hellish to use the debugger while developing
L399[09:13:18] <diesieben07> you can use this task to make a non-obfuscated jar: https://goo.gl/A8p5ci
L400[09:14:12] <colossali> That makes a load of sense! Thanks, I'll try it now!
L401[09:14:33] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/build.gradle#L24-L40
L402[09:14:37] <gigaherz> I added these lines to my gradle
L403[09:14:46] <gigaherz> so it generates both deobf and src jars automatically on build
L404[09:14:46] <gigaherz> ;P
L405[09:15:16] <gigaherz> on top of the main reobf one, that is
L406[09:15:28] <diesieben07> i have the same: https://github.com/diesieben07/SevenCommons/blob/1.7/build.gradle#L105
L407[09:15:29] <diesieben07> :)
L408[09:15:48] <gigaherz> yeah I copied that from someone else
L409[09:15:51] <gigaherz> may have been yours
L410[09:15:51] <gigaherz> XD
L411[09:15:57] <diesieben07> :D
L412[09:16:06] <diesieben07> it looks familiar ;)
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L417[09:26:33] <colossali> You legends, works perfectly now!
L418[09:27:41] <gigaherz> lol diesieben07 maybe, I'm just sortof a smartish noob
L419[09:27:41] <gigaherz> ;p
L420[09:36:08] *** Gaz492|Away is now known as Gaz492
L421[09:36:21] <colossali> I've been away from the modding for a long time, are most players still on 1.7.10?
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L424[09:38:47] <Ordinastie> colossali, do you know that if you make your mod depend on the "core" project, you don't need to rebuild it everytime your debug your mod ?
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L426[09:43:27] <colossali> I'm not sure, the way it works is I've my core mod, which I build once. The other mods have "dependencies = "required-after:" + Main.CORE_MOD," in the main class
L427[09:43:46] <colossali> so I'm not rebuilding the core mod every time I think?
L428[09:44:03] <diesieben07> if you change the coremod you have to run gradlew build there
L429[09:44:33] <diesieben07> you could use gradle to make that step obsolete
L430[09:46:22] <colossali> Yeah I was wondering how to do that actually, I'm scared off by the official gradle tutorials =P gonna have to learn it though
L431[09:49:07] <colossali> Gradle is such a great step from the old days of modding, setup is so much easier
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L433[09:57:39] <MattDahEpic> is the jump from 1.8 to 1.9 going to be harder than the jump from 1.7 to 1.8?
L434[09:57:49] <diesieben07> probably not
L435[09:59:26] <gigaherz> depends on what your mod touches
L436[09:59:32] <gigaherz> model-wise, it's probably going to be similar
L437[09:59:48] <MattDahEpic> im talking blockstates vs meta kinda changes
L438[10:00:10] <gigaherz> we'll see when 1.9 is out ;P
L439[10:00:15] <MattDahEpic> i still dont get blockstates
L440[10:00:41] <gigaherz> they aren't too complex
L441[10:00:47] <gigaherz> the idea is simple: you have a bunch of properties
L442[10:00:53] <gigaherz> each property has a set of valid values
L443[10:00:55] <gigaherz> a finite set
L444[10:01:05] <gigaherz> MC permutates all possible combinations of values
L445[10:01:11] <gigaherz> and creates an IBlockState instance for each
L446[10:01:26] <gigaherz> and puts those permutations in a map
L447[10:01:58] <gigaherz> that links each permutation with an ID/meta for save purposes
L448[10:02:12] <gigaherz> (and maybe networking)
L449[10:02:51] <gigaherz> but really in the end it just creates all possible combinations, and gets a client-side model for each
L450[10:03:38] <colossali> Oh that's pretty cool!
L451[10:04:11] <colossali> Lots more possibilities with blocks
L452[10:04:21] <gigaherz> xcept you still have only 4 bits metadata
L453[10:04:43] <gigaherz> so you can't really store more than 16 combinations unless you use a TE as backing storage
L454[10:05:20] <colossali> ugh yeah
L455[10:05:39] <colossali> is the 4 bits limitation to save memory?
L456[10:05:51] <MattDahEpic> 4bits because mojang
L457[10:06:04] <diesieben07> 4 bits because thats what notch needed
L458[10:07:27] <gigaherz> 12bit block id + 4bit meta, fits nicely in 16bit units in the savefule
L459[10:07:29] <gigaherz> file*
L460[10:07:49] <diesieben07> except that when meta was introduced blocks were 8 bits
L461[10:07:55] <gigaherz> although I believe in the past it used to be 8bit block id + 4bit meta + 4bit light
L462[10:08:03] <gigaherz> which also fit nicely in 16bit
L463[10:08:04] <gigaherz> XD
L464[10:08:11] <diesieben07> well, they still have light now right
L465[10:09:35] <colossali> haha so Mojang + OCD = 4 bits
L466[10:10:07] <MattDahEpic> mocd
L467[10:10:13] <gigaherz> yeah but no idea how it's stored now XD
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L469[10:12:53] <tterrag|laptop> light is 8 bits no? block light and sunlight
L470[10:13:19] <alex_6611> sunlight doesn't really need to save though, as it's global
L471[10:13:25] <gigaherz> i nthe save?
L472[10:13:34] <tterrag|laptop> it doesn't cache it at all?
L473[10:13:41] <gigaherz> minecraft is crazy enough, but I'd assume it to be a runtime value
L474[10:14:00] <alex_6611> idk really, but i imagine sl is not saved
L475[10:14:17] <Ordinastie> it is saved
L476[10:14:22] <alex_6611> orly
L477[10:14:26] <gigaherz> ewh ;P
L478[10:14:33] <diesieben07> it saves the SL that a block receives
L479[10:14:36] <Ordinastie> as one int containing both block and sky value
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L481[10:14:40] <gigaherz> OH
L482[10:14:42] <diesieben07> but the amount of sunlight is calculated at runtime
L483[10:14:47] <diesieben07> by just changing a texture
L484[10:14:53] <diesieben07> and it updates it all at once
L485[10:14:56] <gigaherz> right the sunlight extends beyond the block that sees the sky
L486[10:14:57] <gigaherz> sideways
L487[10:17:09] <PaleoCrafter> eh, according to the MC wiki, it has two separate lists for block and sky light, Ordinastie :P
L488[10:17:40] <Ordinastie> ah maybe it's not saved the same way it's used then
L489[10:18:00] <Ordinastie> maybe the int it just for GL
L490[10:18:03] <PaleoCrafter> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Chunk_format#NBT_structure
L491[10:18:26] <tterrag|laptop> told you :D
L492[10:19:56] <PaleoCrafter> and you don't want to recalculate sunlight for every block, just like blocklight
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L494[10:26:49] <masa> in java, how does accessing a field directly vs. using a getter method compare in performance?
L495[10:26:56] <diesieben07> exactly the sam
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L497[10:27:19] <diesieben07> the jvm inlines pretty much all getters and the overhead just goes away
L498[10:27:51] <PaleoCrafter> and even if it didn't, the overhead would be minimal, I'd say xD
L499[10:27:53] <masa> for example in inventory stuff, should I be using ItemStack.getTagCompound() or stack.stackTagCompound? oh, so just use the getter?
L500[10:28:07] <diesieben07> yes it doesnt matter
L501[10:28:10] <masa> ok
L502[10:28:29] <diesieben07> paleo, only if you have other optimizations (inline cache for example)
L503[10:28:44] <diesieben07> if you really did a true virtual dispatch every time, it would be notable for sure
L504[10:28:59] <PaleoCrafter> true
L505[10:30:28] <masa> so does that then also mean that at least criticcal code paths whould rather use larger monolithic methods rather than divide the stuff into smaller methods?
L506[10:30:39] <masa> *should
L507[10:30:41] <diesieben07> the opposite
L508[10:30:48] <masa> uh what
L509[10:30:52] <diesieben07> smaller methods = the jvm can inline = other optimizations take place
L510[10:30:56] <masa> oh
L511[10:31:23] <masa> hurrdurr everything I thought I knew is false!
L512[10:31:28] <diesieben07> there are documented cases where splitting large methods up into small ones makes the code actually run faster
L513[10:31:50] <diesieben07> as always: premature optimization is the root of all evil.
L514[10:31:57] <diesieben07> write good code, the JVM knows how to deal with it.
L515[10:32:10] <masa> define good code for me too ;p
L516[10:32:28] <diesieben07> read a book :P
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L518[10:32:52] <masa> you don't learn by reading books! right?
L519[10:33:08] <diesieben07> well, dont just read it :P
L520[10:33:22] <diesieben07> anyways. time for the pool.
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L525[10:39:29] <TehNut> The max enchantment ID is 256 right? Or am I thinking of something else
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L528[10:43:52] <masa> the array seems to be 256 long, so I'd guess 255 is the max
L529[10:44:16] <masa> and they seems to be saved to NBT as shorts
L530[10:44:19] <masa> -s
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L533[10:46:10] <TehNut> Right 256 with 0 inclusive
L534[10:46:27] <TehNut> err, 256 ID's total
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L547[11:21:49] <aaa801> Anyone know whats going on when i try and register this recipe?
L548[11:21:51] <aaa801> CraftingManager.getInstance().addRecipe(new ItemStack(tallowCandle, 2), " ", " A ", " B ", 'A', plantFibers, 'B', tallow);
L549[11:22:11] <aaa801> java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 8
L550[11:22:54] <shadekiller666> your first " " only has 2 spaces
L551[11:23:03] <shadekiller666> whilst the others are 3 characters long
L552[11:23:15] <aaa801> Doh,
L553[11:23:17] <aaa801> thanks
L554[11:23:23] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L555[11:23:37] <shadekiller666> one of the few times where string length is crucial
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L560[11:43:51] <Blubberbub> Just a theory: how much stuff would break if i were to replace the EventHandler that dispatches the pre/post/init events with an AsyncEventHandler for faster loading times?
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L562[11:45:05] <diesieben07> A lot.
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L565[11:46:32] <Blubberbub> maybe one can add an opt-in for that and use the mod-dependency graph to execute at least some of them async
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L568[11:48:14] <diesieben07> except that breaks because everyrhing in minecraft is non-async
L569[11:48:17] <diesieben07> item registry etc
L570[11:48:22] <diesieben07> all the registries in fact
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L572[11:49:27] <Blubberbub> they don't even have thread-safe insertion? :(
L573[11:49:36] <diesieben07> of course not
L574[11:49:39] <diesieben07> why would they
L575[11:50:18] <Blubberbub> hoped that some java containers have that implicit
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L577[11:50:47] <diesieben07> yes, but the registries are not just simple java collections
L578[11:50:55] <diesieben07> they have remap logic attached to them and whatnot
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L580[11:53:57] <Blubberbub> oh right :(
L581[11:54:45] <diesieben07> and that is just the first thing that breaks
L582[11:55:29] <aaa801> yeh. mc's remapping is terrible on a good day
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L592[12:22:56] <Andrey96> Is anyone managed to create eclipse project for a new ForgeGradle (from MinecraftForge github project)?
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L599[12:49:32] <MattDahEpic> anyone have a good tutorial on how to use blockstates in 1.8?
L600[12:49:51] <williewillus> I'm allowed to shamelessly ripoff the forge submodel example for my own fences right? lol
L601[12:50:17] <williewillus> MattDahEpic: read examples on git is your best bet really. what aspect of them? the logic side or the rendering side
L602[12:50:38] <MattDahEpic> im looking for the logic side atm, rendering is later
L603[12:50:45] <tterrag|away> williewillus, docs are MIT so yes :P
L604[12:51:09] <shadekiller666> matt, look at vanilla stuff is the best thing i can suggest
L605[12:51:28] <MattDahEpic> wool would probably be the best place to start im guessing?
L606[12:51:40] <shadekiller666> depends on what you want to do
L607[12:52:18] <MattDahEpic> im making an ore block that has 6 subtypes, each for a diffrent resource
L608[12:52:19] <shadekiller666> what features do you want in your block? is it directional? does it have a boolean state like a furnace?
L609[12:52:27] <shadekiller666> yes, then you would look at wool
L610[12:52:43] <shadekiller666> which is not so much blockstate stuff as it is subblocks
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L612[12:56:22] <shadekiller666> wow gradle clean takes forever...
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L616[13:01:39] <shadekiller666> is there a way to cancel a gradle operation in progress?
L617[13:01:46] <diesieben07> ctrl-c :)
L618[13:02:00] <shadekiller666> ahh
L619[13:02:01] <MattDahEpic> if youre using the wrapper, no
L620[13:02:11] <diesieben07> for me it works with the wrapper as well iirc
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L622[13:02:28] <MattDahEpic> diesieben07, im talkign abotu *clean* stop
L623[13:02:33] <MattDahEpic> not KILL IT stop
L624[13:03:03] <diesieben07> ctrl-c is kill it? :D
L625[13:03:15] <MattDahEpic> in linux, yes
L626[13:03:31] <shadekiller666> well, ctrl-c stopped gradle clean
L627[13:03:47] <shadekiller666> no idea if it stopped it cleanly though
L628[13:04:09] <diesieben07> ctrl-c is SIGINT according to wikipedia
L629[13:04:21] <diesieben07> no idea what it sends it to when using the wrapper though
L630[13:05:03] <shadekiller666> is a wrapper basically just an executable version of an actual gradle install?
L631[13:05:24] <diesieben07> it is a small jar file which can download gradle and then run it
L632[13:05:43] <shadekiller666> ahh
L633[13:05:58] <shadekiller666> and then deletes it afterwards?
L634[13:06:09] <shadekiller666> or stores it in the project dir or whatever
L635[13:06:20] <diesieben07> it stores it somewhere in the cache
L636[13:06:22] <diesieben07> .gradle/wrapper
L637[13:07:03] <shadekiller666> it would be cool if there was a command to install gradle from the wrapper
L638[13:07:22] <diesieben07> uhm... what
L639[13:07:32] <PaleoCrafter> That's what it basically does
L640[13:07:48] <diesieben07> yep, you only downlad every version once
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L642[13:08:25] <shadekiller666> whoa... my eclipse font is different...
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L644[13:13:51] <williewillus> do custom statemappers and the forge blockstate format work together? like if I specify a property to ignore in a statemapper will the forge json not need it accordingly?
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L648[13:20:02] <williewillus> actually going to just rip 1.9's fence submodels and use them
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L657[13:37:24] <shadekiller666> hey fry, i adressed your comments on the PR
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L660[13:50:18] <shadekiller666> here's a question, if i wanted to add a way for a mod to turn off the log outputs from the OBJ loader, but only for the models added by it, what would be a good way to do that?
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L662[13:53:30] <Zaggy1024> could maybe do it by resource domain
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L664[13:56:38] <tterrag|laptop> shadekiller666, sys prop
L665[13:56:40] <tterrag|laptop> like fml has fml.debugOptional etc
L666[13:56:42] <tterrag|laptop> set with -D[arg]=[value] in the VM args
L667[13:57:42] <shadekiller666> erm, ok...
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L669[13:58:17] <tterrag|laptop> shadekiller666, FML uses that everywhere, you can find an example
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L674[14:27:13] <colossali> Am I right in assuming that it's possible to create entity models through json in minecraft 1.8?
L675[14:27:25] <TehNut> no
L676[14:30:42] <TurnedSlayer> anyone using the forge essentials mod?
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L679[14:38:48] <killjoy> How do I prevent log4j from creating a log file during a test?
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L682[14:52:04] <PaleoCrafter> I'm sure there's a system property you can define, killjoy
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L684[14:52:35] <killjoy> Ehh, I'll just add log files to my .gitignore like I should have long ago
L685[14:53:17] <PaleoCrafter> lol
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L704[15:29:42] <killjoy> What's that mod that's starting to replace mystcraft?
L705[15:30:20] <Blubberbub> rftools
L706[15:30:25] <killjoy> that's the one.
L707[15:30:26] <killjoy> tnx
L708[15:30:51] <MattDahEpic> why do some things get a BlockState and others get an IBlockState
L709[15:31:19] <diesieben07> Blockstate is the object that keeps track of all the IBlockState's
L710[15:31:28] <diesieben07> each block has ONE BlockState but many IBlockState
L711[15:31:34] <diesieben07> Blockstate is a stupid name
L712[15:31:47] <killjoy> Rename it to StateManager
L713[15:32:00] <killjoy> or BlockAmerica
L714[15:32:08] <diesieben07> lol
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L716[15:34:49] <MattDahEpic> BlockMURICA
L717[15:34:57] <MattDahEpic> ship it
L718[15:34:59] <Zaggy1024> BlockState is an IBlockState though, isn't it?
L719[15:35:06] <diesieben07> no
L720[15:35:12] <Zaggy1024> mm
L721[15:35:14] <diesieben07> exactly that it is NOT.
L722[15:35:24] <diesieben07> BlockState.StateImplementation is though
L723[15:35:28] <diesieben07> or something like that
L724[15:35:47] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L725[15:36:45] <Zaggy1024> is there a way to make Eclipse Mars's tabs not act so weird?
L726[15:37:05] <diesieben07> Use intellij.
L727[15:37:09] * diesieben07 runs
L728[15:37:11] <Zaggy1024> -.-
L729[15:37:17] * MattDahEpic slaps diesieben07
L730[15:37:27] <Zaggy1024> like when I use the dropdown to select a tab that isn't visible, it just moves it to the visible range of tabs instead of moving the visible range to the tab
L731[15:37:33] <Zaggy1024> it's really screwy
L732[15:38:00] <diesieben07> its eclipse :D
L733[15:38:07] <diesieben07> ok i will stop now.
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L736[15:40:53] <Zaggy1024> nobody knows?
L737[15:41:25] <MattDahEpic> Zaggy1024, everyone whos active now uses intellij
L738[15:41:43] <Zaggy1024> if you say so
L739[15:41:47] <Lumien> wot
L740[15:41:48] <Zaggy1024> just making sure nobody knows :P
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L742[15:41:57] <Zaggy1024> I'm getting quite annoyed with it
L743[15:42:30] <Lumien> Why?
L744[15:42:57] <Zaggy1024> because I can't manage my tabs when I can't move to a range of them easily
L745[15:43:31] <Zaggy1024> I was going to close a whole bunch of them but I could only select one at a time outside the "range" I'm viewing
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L753[15:51:00] <Zaggy1024> found it
L754[15:51:02] <Zaggy1024> phew
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L772[16:18:19] <GraphicH> Can I add onLogin(PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedInEvent event) with @EventHandler to my main mod class do I have have to register the mod instance with the event buses?
L773[16:18:30] <GraphicH> Can -> If
L774[16:19:34] <Lumien> Pretty sure you would have to register it
L775[16:19:42] <GraphicH> Yeah thought so
L776[16:20:35] <GraphicH> Since my mod only does shit when the player's logged in, it makes the most sense to do all the bus registration for various classes that need to listen
L777[16:20:53] <GraphicH> on that event
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L779[16:22:02] <diesieben07> no that does not make any sense
L780[16:22:08] <diesieben07> register your event handlers in preInit
L781[16:23:15] <GraphicH> The problem is I need a player object for a lot of them. Just trying to avoid onTick shit firing when players aren't around yet
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L783[16:24:09] <GraphicH> Because I have classes that track a player, and do something based on them per tick, obviously no player null exception fun
L784[16:24:26] <GraphicH> unless I want to do if(this.player != null) in fucking everything
L785[16:24:32] <GraphicH> So yes, it does make sense
L786[16:25:17] <Lumien> ehhhh
L787[16:25:32] <GraphicH> What would you suggest otherwise?
L788[16:25:33] <Lumien> All these events have player objects
L789[16:25:39] <GraphicH> Tick doesnt
L790[16:25:50] <Lumien> There is LivingUpdateEvent or something
L791[16:26:15] <GraphicH> Is that fired per tick? And I only want player entities and only a specific one
L792[16:26:35] <GraphicH> Not a server side mod
L793[16:27:22] <Lumien> Per tick per entity yes
L794[16:28:02] <Lumien> Actually there's PlayerTickEvent
L795[16:28:07] <Lumien> Why aren't you just using that?
L796[16:28:14] * GraphicH shrug
L797[16:28:17] <GraphicH> didn't know about it
L798[16:28:41] <GraphicH> I assume on the client side its only ever for exactly 1 player right?
L799[16:29:25] <Lumien> If you are client side you always have access to the player instance
L800[16:29:40] <Lumien> Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer
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L802[16:30:02] <GraphicH> Then I might switch to that and that event
L803[16:30:26] <GraphicH> Right now shit works so I don't really care, and it doesn't seem to care if I register shit after init* calls
L804[16:31:05] <GraphicH> I'm sure there are plenty of "right" ways to do things, to bad their pretty ambigious
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L810[16:38:10] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L811[16:38:18] <williewillus> how do I zip two lists into a map using guava or java8?
L812[16:38:56] <williewillus> i.e. two lists of strings, want to zip it into a map<string, string> with the former list as keys,second as values
L813[16:39:20] <MattDahEpic> foreach it
L814[16:40:32] <williewillus> that doesnt tell me anything lol
L815[16:40:53] <williewillus> I don't have a function that converts one to the other, I just have two completely separated lists of the same llength and want to zip it into a map
L816[16:41:25] <romibi> if you don't have a function: make the function :D
L817[16:41:36] <gigaherz> just... use a plain old indexed for? XD
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L819[16:42:01] <gigaherz> for(i=0;i<size();i++) map.put(a.get(i),b.get(i);
L820[16:42:07] <gigaherz> really there's no need to overengineer ;P
L821[16:42:12] *** Gaz492 is now known as Gaz492|Away
L822[16:42:28] <williewillus> I mean, if it's already been done in a lib I don't see why not
L823[16:42:34] <williewillus> but fine util method it is
L824[16:42:55] <williewillus> zipping two lists together is such a trivial functional thing though i don't know why streams doesn't apparently have it then
L825[16:43:29] <MattDahEpic> cause lists arent always the same size and shit breaks when you put a null key or value in a map
L826[16:43:51] <MattDahEpic> they have no way to check that they're the same length
L827[16:44:00] <gigaherz> williewillus: zipping two lists into another list is a more common case for such things
L828[16:44:01] <heldplayer> Uhm, has anybody ever had FMLNetworkEvent.ServerDisconnectionFromClientEvent successfully work?
L829[16:44:02] ⇦ Quits: Andrey96 (~Instantbi@95-30-228-191.broadband.corbina.ru) (Quit: Andrey96)
L830[16:44:16] <gigaherz> zipping two lists taking one as keyts and one as values is a different thing altogether
L831[16:44:18] <MattDahEpic> am i doign this right: https://paste.ee/p/Q76bL
L832[16:45:01] ⇦ Quits: Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L833[16:45:04] <heldplayer> Because all my tests so far are pointing me to believe the event never gets called at all, even though there is code that should call it
L834[16:46:30] *** SnowShock35 is now known as zz_SnowShock35
L835[16:46:35] <MattDahEpic> try putting a println in your local distro to see if it ever gets called
L836[16:48:00] <heldplayer> I've put breakpoints, much more effective
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L838[16:48:50] <Ordinastie> heldplayer, good boy :p
L839[16:50:15] <heldplayer> Neither the code listening to the event, nor the code calling the even ever get called. Not on an internal server, nor a dedicated server. Code that is run (or should run) on the client and the server only gets called on the client. The relevant code: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/fml/common/network/handshake/NetworkDispa
L840[16:50:15] <heldplayer> tcher.java#L446-L474
L841[16:50:46] <heldplayer> My conclusion, close and/or disconnect never actually gets called on the server
L842[16:51:50] <heldplayer> Correction, it never gets called if the connection closes normally, it seems a timeout actually calls the close method on the server
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L852[17:14:47] <aaa801> heldplayer, why are you using that event anyway
L853[17:15:15] <heldplayer> aaa801: well to see when a client disconnects of course
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L855[17:17:39] <Ordinastie> heldplayer, maybe look at what triggers the quit message
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L859[17:23:34] <aaa801> heldplayer, you know theres a playerevent.logout
L860[17:23:37] <aaa801> for the server
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L862[17:24:53] <heldplayer> Well that actually is a lot more helpful than the stuff I've been using so far, cheers ^^
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L884[18:17:29] <GraphicH> williewillus: why would a stream object concern itself with something like that?
L885[18:17:55] ⇦ Quits: mind (~mind@p54A97AEC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L886[18:17:59] <GraphicH> Oh hes not here
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L889[18:28:46] <MattDahEpic> !gm Entity.dropFewItems 1.8
L890[18:28:59] <MattDahEpic> !gm EntityBlaze.dropFewItems 1.8
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L894[18:34:07] <GraphicH> Is Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer null if the player hasn't joined a server yet?
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L899[18:36:42] <Vastatio> I've been looking at the Tinkerer's Construct source code, and I can't seem to find the part where they read in the .xml files and draw them onto the book GUI, anyone know where it is?
L900[18:37:04] <GraphicH> You looking on github?
L901[18:37:41] <GraphicH> I'd suggest pulling their repo and doing
L902[18:37:53] <GraphicH> git grep "parse" or git grep "xml"
L903[18:38:02] <GraphicH> probably use the SAXParser
L904[18:38:41] <Vastatio> Yes, i've been looking on github
L905[18:38:53] <GraphicH> Hard to search on there
L906[18:39:00] <Vastatio> So, i should clone their repo and run the command git grep "xml"?
L907[18:39:03] <GraphicH> just clone their repo locally and use git grep
L908[18:39:06] <GraphicH> Yeah
L909[18:39:07] <Vastatio> ah ok
L910[18:39:44] <GraphicH> If you're on linux you could just use regular grep, its hard to find shit on git hub, git grep will do a full text search on their repo for whatever you put in ""
L911[18:40:14] <GraphicH> Thats how I find stuff I don't want to load up in the IDE
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L913[18:41:42] <Vastatio> It basically yielded the same results as if I searched on github
L914[18:41:47] <Vastatio> just all the xml files
L915[18:41:53] <romibi> just searched repo for xml ... you searching readPageFromXML ? https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/blob/a7405a3d10318bb5c486ec75fb62897a8149d1a6/src/main/java/tconstruct/client/pages/BlockCastPage.java
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L917[18:42:48] <Vastatio> yea, thanks
L918[18:42:52] <Vastatio> didn't see that
L919[18:43:05] <Vastatio> I only found readFromXML() which returned a document
L920[18:43:16] <Vastatio> do you know where all the book drawing happens?
L921[18:43:51] <Vastatio> ah
L922[18:43:55] <Vastatio> renderContentLayer
L923[18:43:56] <Vastatio> im blind
L924[18:44:04] <romibi> :D
L925[18:44:17] <GraphicH> Ah sometimes just need a second look we all do it
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L927[18:45:50] <Vastatio> does having multiple proxies to register certain items work better than using a single proxy?
L928[18:45:57] <Vastatio> or is that just for organization purposes
L929[18:46:48] <GraphicH> not 100% sure but it sounds organizational
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L931[18:58:03] <MattDahEpic> the amount of items that witches drop is stupid
L932[18:58:15] <GraphicH> To bad I've never seen one
L933[18:58:35] <MattDahEpic> Vastatio, its organization
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L942[19:20:04] <Jasox32> Im trying to collaborate on a mod using git, but I'm running into some problems. The class paths were conflicting, so I tried a whole bunch of things, but I can't figure it out.
L943[19:20:52] <GraphicH> Hmmm, IDEA or Eclipse?
L944[19:20:59] <Jasox32> Eclipse
L945[19:21:01] <GraphicH> Also what specifically is the error(s)
L946[19:21:35] <Jasox32> Well, nothing from forge can be resolved to a type
L947[19:22:10] <GraphicH> Ah, did you setup your decomp workspace with gradle?
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L949[19:23:01] <Jasox32> Yeah, when I was creating the project
L950[19:23:09] <GraphicH> Hmmmmmmm
L951[19:23:26] <MattDahEpic> NEVER MERGE ALWAYS REBASE
L952[19:23:33] *** Gaz492 is now known as Gaz492|Away
L953[19:23:44] <Jasox32> Gradle should take care of dependencies, no?
L954[19:24:13] <GraphicH> @MattDahEpic is this related or are you in general raging?
L955[19:26:44] <Jasox32>
L956[19:28:32] <Jasox32> Do I have to do anything special after importing the project from git?
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L958[19:29:26] <MattDahEpic> merging breaks things, rebasing doesnt
L959[19:30:47] <Jasox32> I know very little about how git works, so I'm not entirely sure what that means
L960[19:31:00] <GraphicH> I think he's just ranting
L961[19:31:21] <Jasox32> Probably XD
L962[19:31:21] <GraphicH> Cause it sounds like you aren't at a merge/rebase point yet
L963[19:31:26] <MattDahEpic> merge/rebase is gits way to resolve conflicts
L964[19:31:44] <Jasox32> I know what merge is, just not debase
L965[19:33:07] <GraphicH> Right but I mean it sounds like you just cloned the repo / set up your gradle stuff and now can't compile shit in Eclipse
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L967[19:33:39] <Jasox32> Yeah, basically XD
L968[19:34:10] <GraphicH> So it sounds like something went wrong building your work space with gradle
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L970[19:35:31] <Jasox32> Does my collaborator have to setup gradle too?
L971[19:36:05] <GraphicH> Yes
L972[19:36:14] <GraphicH> Did you setup a tutorial?
L973[19:36:21] <GraphicH> Did you use *
L974[19:37:12] <Jasox32> I used one for setting up gradle on my side, but couldn't find one for collaborations, only help threads
L975[19:37:47] <Jasox32> Do you know of a tutorial?
L976[19:38:22] <GraphicH> I can't remember the good one, I mean as far as collaberation goes they just setup with gradle similar to what you did
L977[19:38:58] <Jasox32> But then how do they get my code?
L978[19:39:20] <GraphicH> ... from git ?
L979[19:39:31] <GraphicH> git hub*
L980[19:39:43] <Jasox32> Yeah, but they already have the project set up at that point
L981[19:40:54] <GraphicH> To get your code you push your changes to your fork of the repo on git hub, then open a pull request on their repo, then they choose to merge it into their repo
L982[19:40:59] <Jasox32> Im probably missing something crucial XD
L983[19:41:05] <GraphicH> Sounds like you have more than 1 problem
L984[19:42:13] <Jasox32> So I need 2 repos?
L985[19:42:29] <GraphicH> Not necessarily that's just the "common" way
L986[19:42:57] <GraphicH> If you guys are working out of the same repo you could just push your branch up and merge it with the master and tell them to repull master
L987[19:43:34] <Jasox32> Okay. I've worked with git and bukkit before and it was not this complicated XD
L988[19:43:54] <shadekiller666> its not that hard to set up a github repo for a forge mod
L989[19:44:04] <GraphicH> ^
L990[19:44:21] <shadekiller666> you just need to make sure that you include the gradle wrapper and the build.gradle files in the repo
L991[19:45:03] <shadekiller666> and then all that anyone else needs is the src folder
L992[19:45:23] <shadekiller666> you would then clone the repo to your computer, and run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace
L993[19:45:32] <shadekiller666> then viola you're set up
L994[19:45:50] <shadekiller666> to update the repo you would commit your changes, then push
L995[19:46:05] <shadekiller666> to get updates, you just pull
L996[19:46:46] <GraphicH> It sounds like he's not familiar with the "untrusted" way of doing things, he probably wants him and his body to both work out of the same repo
L997[19:46:58] <GraphicH> budy*
L998[19:47:05] <MattDahEpic> buddy*
L999[19:47:09] <shadekiller666> untrusted?
L1000[19:47:27] <MattDahEpic> shadekiller666, collaborator status on github
L1001[19:47:32] <shadekiller666> oh
L1002[19:47:43] <shadekiller666> start a group or whatever
L1003[19:47:48] <shadekiller666> add him to said group
L1004[19:48:04] <shadekiller666> make the repo available to all in the group
L1005[19:48:54] <Jasox32> I tried cloning the repo and running gradlew setupDecompWorkspace, but then he didn't get any of my changes
L1006[19:49:09] <shadekiller666> ?
L1007[19:49:18] <shadekiller666> he needs to do that
L1008[19:49:54] <GraphicH> Jasonx32, do you expect running gradlew to commit your changes for you or something?
L1009[19:50:24] <Jasox32> No, I clicked commit and push
L1010[19:50:41] <GraphicH> Right, did he repull?
L1011[19:50:44] <Jasox32> Then he pulled, and his project didn't update
L1012[19:50:46] <MattDahEpic> Jasox32, are you running on a fork
L1013[19:50:47] <shadekiller666> assuming your changes have been pushed to the repo, his process would be: git pull, open ide
L1014[19:51:24] <Jasox32> No, I'm not running a fork
L1015[19:51:31] <GraphicH> Is it branched?
L1016[19:51:44] <GraphicH> Actuall what github repo are you pushing too, just link it here
L1017[19:51:54] <shadekiller666> also what git client do you use?
L1018[19:52:18] <Jasox32> Im using whit
L1019[19:52:21] <Jasox32> Egit*
L1020[19:52:46] <GraphicH> cmdline master race
L1021[19:52:55] <Jasox32> https://github.com/Nickmiste/Rifts
L1022[19:53:25] <shadekiller666> oh good god...
L1023[19:53:33] <Jasox32> ?
L1024[19:53:34] <GraphicH> heh
L1025[19:53:37] <shadekiller666> you have a lot more to do than what we're suggesting...
L1026[19:53:45] <Jasox32> Why?
L1027[19:54:03] <shadekiller666> 1. all of your files are in MDKExample
L1028[19:54:10] <MattDahEpic> ur fked
L1029[19:54:21] <GraphicH> look at all the files _
L1030[19:55:05] <Jasox32> I'll add some stuff to my gitignore. I was planning to do that anyway, but I'm trying to get this working first
L1031[19:55:37] <shadekiller666> 2. all you need are: gradlew, gradlew.bat, build.gradle, the gradle folder, and the src folder
L1032[19:55:54] <Jasox32> Okay
L1033[19:56:12] <GraphicH> dafuq is up with all the ._ files
L1034[19:56:13] <shadekiller666> (if i missed one someone tell me please)
L1035[19:59:09] <shadekiller666> jasox, your repo should look something like this (ignore the JSON, notes and docs, and run/ folders): https://github.com/RollercoasterTeam/Rollercoaster2
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L1037[19:59:59] <Jasox32> Okay
L1038[20:00:38] <Jasox32> Once I clean it up though, then what?
L1039[20:00:52] <GraphicH> Is this your guys first mod?
L1040[20:01:35] <Jasox32> His, yes. Mine too to an extent. I've created prototypes and stuff in the past, but haven't completed anything
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L1056[20:27:51] <GraphicH> How bad is going from 1.7.10 -> 1.8 ?
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L1060[20:31:50] <gigaherz> GraphicH: the hardest part is porting over the models
L1061[20:32:01] <GraphicH> Oh, well I have none
L1062[20:32:03] <gigaherz> ISBRH is gone, replaced by json models
L1063[20:32:22] <gigaherz> thne it will be just a couple function names
L1064[20:32:27] <gigaherz> and changing x,y,z args to BlockPos
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L1066[20:32:38] <GraphicH> ew blockpos
L1067[20:32:44] <williewillus> ...
L1068[20:32:46] <gigaherz> nah it's one of the best additions
L1069[20:32:49] <gigaherz> bp.left(2)
L1070[20:32:51] <gigaherz> :3
L1071[20:32:53] <williewillus> blockpos is litereally the easiest transition
L1072[20:32:55] <gigaherz> .west**
L1073[20:32:56] <GraphicH> Oh that is nice
L1074[20:32:57] <williewillus> and also ^
L1075[20:34:53] <GraphicH> *
L1076[20:34:53] <GraphicH> !.gitignore
L1077[20:34:53] <GraphicH> !src
L1078[20:34:57] <GraphicH> whoops
L1079[20:35:03] <GraphicH> wrong paste
L1080[20:40:22] <gigaherz> GraphicH: duringthe upgrade, it's best if you have ALL the overrides marked as @Override, then you'll be able to tell which ones are in need to fixing ;P
L1081[20:40:51] <GraphicH> Eh nobody seems to be in a big hury to go to 1.8
L1082[20:41:01] <GraphicH> My favorite mods at least don't care to
L1083[20:41:10] <TehNut> I dev everything for 1.7.10 then port to 1.8 afterwards
L1084[20:41:29] <gigaherz> GraphicH: most of the big mod authors are either porting to 1.8 these days
L1085[20:41:34] <GraphicH> You have to maintain two branches I guess right?
L1086[20:41:36] <TehNut> Usually only takes 2-3 hours to do
L1087[20:41:37] <TehNut> Yes
L1088[20:41:37] <gigaherz> or have sayd that they will never ever d oso
L1089[20:41:39] <williewillus> yes
L1090[20:42:00] <williewillus> PE maintains two branches, the dev all happens on main branch (1.7.10), and I'm repsonsible for merging stuff into 1.8 every release
L1091[20:42:01] <GraphicH> Boo, MystCraft is my favorite mod ;_;
L1092[20:42:03] <GraphicH> I hope he ports it
L1093[20:42:04] <williewillus> it's usually not that hard
L1094[20:42:19] <gigaherz> I ported an 1.4.7 mod directly to 1.8
L1095[20:42:22] <gigaherz> mostly translated well
L1096[20:42:23] <gigaherz> ;P
L1097[20:42:28] <williewillus> hey I did too ;D
L1098[20:42:34] <TehNut> BM has an alpha for 1.8 already
L1099[20:42:40] <williewillus> well a port of a 1.4 mod
L1100[20:42:42] <TehNut> TCon is in progress
L1101[20:42:44] <williewillus> so I guess that doesn't really count
L1102[20:42:44] <williewillus> https://gyazo.com/dfc8e22a24cdcf23c2b4080fe61db583
L1103[20:42:55] <gigaherz> TehNut: thaumcraft too
L1104[20:43:00] <gigaherz> (in progress)
L1105[20:43:01] <TehNut> TC's is closed
L1106[20:43:15] <TehNut> But yeah, I've had a dev build of that for ~6 months
L1107[20:43:49] <gigaherz> jurasicraft went 1.8 I believe they were saying?
L1108[20:43:58] <williewillus> was he havin technical issues on updating or just wanting to hold off for new content?
L1109[20:44:11] <TehNut> who
L1110[20:44:15] <williewillus> thaumcraft
L1111[20:44:23] <TehNut> Oh, no he's revamping a lot of it
L1112[20:44:30] <TehNut> Nodes are entities now
L1113[20:44:39] <gigaherz> thaumcraft's author asked me for permission to make use of my .obj code
L1114[20:44:50] <gigaherz> back in feb or so
L1115[20:44:52] <GraphicH> .obj code?
L1116[20:45:02] <gigaherz> I wrote a .obj model loader back in january
L1117[20:45:07] <GraphicH> neat
L1118[20:45:08] <gigaherz> for my magic mod (WIP)
L1119[20:45:21] <gigaherz> some weeks before fry finished the official one that is now in forge
L1120[20:45:21] <gigaherz> ;P
L1121[20:45:49] <GraphicH> I wish XComp would opensource MystCraft
L1122[20:45:54] <fry> 1) it's not yet in 2) I'm not the author of the obj loader :P
L1123[20:45:58] <GraphicH> Though looking glass is prety damn neat
L1124[20:49:01] <gigaherz> ehhh
L1125[20:49:11] <gigaherz> yeah brainfart there
L1126[20:49:17] <gigaherz> I meant weeks before fry's b3d* loader
L1127[20:49:18] <gigaherz> XD
L1128[20:50:36] <gigaherz> shade's obj loader was also initially based on mine, but none of that code remains anymore ;P
L1129[20:50:53] <gigaherz> in fact even my own loader has changed drastically since back then
L1130[20:52:16] <shadekiller666> fry, did you take a look at the PR update
L1131[20:52:50] <shadekiller666> ya, pretty much 0 of giga's code remains, but it gave me a good starting point
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L1137[21:05:40] <GraphicH> Do you guys set a static logger on the main mod class then just MainModClass.logger().log() or is that considered an anti-pattern
L1138[21:05:59] <gigaherz> mymod.logger.whatever
L1139[21:06:02] <gigaherz> not even a getter ;P
L1140[21:06:14] <GraphicH> haha, I protect dat shitz
L1141[21:06:41] <GraphicH> Crazy assholes be trying to set it!
L1142[21:07:50] <gigaherz> you can do it either way with reflection so ;P
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L1145[21:07:59] <williewillus> sun.misc.Unsafe
L1146[21:08:02] <williewillus> lol
L1147[21:08:24] <GraphicH> Does anyone use reflection to load classes from json / xml ? maybe with attributes?
L1148[21:08:26] <williewillus> I'll just overwrite your entire object's memory with random junk (and probably crash the vm in the process)
L1149[21:08:32] <GraphicH> Or know a good lib for that?
L1150[21:08:43] <williewillus> that sounds like enterprise java :p
L1151[21:08:49] <Vastatio> !!gm Tesselator.addVertex
L1152[21:08:50] <MCPBot_Reborn> No results found.
L1153[21:09:11] <williewillus> Vastatio: if you're looking for addVertex in 1.8 it moved to tessellator.getWorldRenderer().addVertex
L1154[21:09:43] <Vastatio> ah thank you
L1155[21:10:00] <GraphicH> I helped a buddy write an ORM once where we used attributes to craw classes that implemented a base class to build SQL for them automagically, figured you could do the same thing for json/xml serialization
L1156[21:10:17] <GraphicH> to mark and crawl*
L1157[21:10:46] <GraphicH> @SerailizeThisMember
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L1161[21:20:23] <tterrag|laptop> GraphicH, you just described gson
L1162[21:20:29] <tterrag|laptop> which is what MC uses
L1163[21:20:34] <GraphicH> derp
L1164[21:20:44] <Vastatio> So, another quick question about Tinkerer's construct source
L1165[21:20:45] <GraphicH> Meh i must be using it wrong then
L1166[21:20:52] <Vastatio> on line 17 in this class: https://github.com/SlimeKnights/Mantle/blob/e7ba871adeeeee8f67c0a543e8d15635c40d9525/src/mantle/client/pages/TextPage.java#L17
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L1168[21:21:07] <Vastatio> why does it assign to item 0 in the nodes?
L1169[21:21:29] <tterrag|laptop> GraphicH, how so?
L1170[21:21:33] <Vastatio> is it because there is always only one text value in the whole list?
L1171[21:22:09] <GraphicH> I do a lot of JsonObject. calls, I'm not using attributes to serailze / deserialize my objects
L1172[21:22:20] <GraphicH> I might have to look into that
L1173[21:22:37] <Vastatio> there are attributes in json?
L1174[21:22:54] <tterrag|laptop> GraphicH, gson literally crawls for fields like you are describing
L1175[21:23:02] <tterrag|laptop> you can just use Gson#toJson and Gson#fromJson
L1176[21:23:15] <williewillus> it's almost magical
L1177[21:23:18] <williewillus> :p
L1178[21:28:05] <GraphicH> Ah yeah I need to use dat shit
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L1180[21:29:19] <tterrag|laptop> GraphicH, I'm a known json abuser so if you have questions feel free to ask
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L1183[21:34:10] <GraphicH> tterrag|laptop cool, yeah I'm looking at some general examples now, looks like exactly what I need
L1184[21:36:04] <GraphicH> lol what happens when you try to play a sound file every tick?
L1185[21:36:10] <GraphicH> concurrent modification crash
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L1188[21:54:16] <GraphicH> Ah fuck yeah it works
L1189[21:54:56] <GraphicH> I can now use python code evaluate the evironment around the player and play sounds based on it
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L1192[22:03:42] <williewillus> where can I look up what the openGL constants are?
L1193[22:03:51] <GraphicH> gewd question
L1194[22:04:10] <williewillus> decompiled an ancient mod to update it and there's things like glEnable(32826)
L1195[22:04:52] <tterrag|laptop> williewillus, https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/
L1196[22:04:55] <tterrag|laptop> oh you mean like that
L1197[22:05:03] <tterrag|laptop> I typically go into GL11.class and hover over the constants
L1198[22:05:07] <tterrag|laptop> they are in numerical order so it's not too bad
L1199[22:05:28] <GraphicH> are there 32000+ of them?
L1200[22:05:43] <williewillus> no, it's the decimal form of a hex code
L1201[22:05:53] <GraphicH> ah yeah that makes sense
L1202[22:05:59] <williewillus> though apparnetly it's 803A which isn't there
L1203[22:06:54] <tterrag|laptop> williewillus, 32826 is far too big to be one constant... O.o
L1204[22:07:16] <williewillus> maybe two of them or-ed together, if that's possible
L1205[22:07:25] <GraphicH> yeah probably
L1206[22:08:15] <GraphicH> Cprogrammers love OPTS = (OPT1_MASK | OPT2_MASK | OPT3_MASK)
L1207[22:08:29] <PrinceCat> williewillus, http://download.java.net/media/jogl/builds/archive/jsr-231-beta5/javadoc_public/constant-values.html
L1208[22:08:44] <PrinceCat> 32826 is GL_RESCALE_NORMAL
L1209[22:08:57] <williewillus> ah nice, thanks
L1210[22:09:54] <tterrag|laptop> oh nvm
L1211[22:09:54] <tterrag|laptop> but yeah that doesn't seem to exist O.o
L1212[22:10:01] <tterrag|laptop> williewillus, it could be something not from GL11
L1213[22:10:02] <tterrag|laptop> which is naughty of that mod but possible
L1214[22:10:03] <tterrag|laptop> indeed
L1215[22:10:05] <tterrag|laptop> it's GL_RESCALE_NORMAL
L1216[22:10:31] <GraphicH> what mod you working on?
L1217[22:10:55] <williewillus> port of someone else's port https://gyazo.com/dfc8e22a24cdcf23c2b4080fe61db583
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L1220[22:12:42] <tterrag|laptop> williewillus, I think GL_RESCALE_NORMAL is actually something vanilla uses
L1221[22:12:46] <tterrag|laptop> it's in GL12
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L1228[22:17:35] <PrinceCat> williewillus, if that doesn't have some of the ones you find here's the official documentation for them... you'll need to convert them from hexadecimal to decimal though... https://cvs.khronos.org/svn/repos/ogl/trunk/doc/registry/public/api/GL/glext.h
L1229[22:17:58] <GraphicH> seems he found it
L1230[22:18:00] <williewillus> thanks!
L1231[22:18:23] *** Cazzar|Away is now known as Cazzar
L1232[22:18:38] <williewillus> vanilla still hasn't fixed the duplicate bgm bug -.-'
L1233[22:18:45] <williewillus> the same song is playing twice rn
L1234[22:19:02] <tterrag|laptop> that's a thing?
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L1236[22:19:04] <tterrag|laptop> never happened to me
L1237[22:19:07] <williewillus> since 1.7
L1238[22:19:27] <williewillus> first time it's happened to me in 1.8 rn, it happens to me quite a bit in 1.7
L1239[22:22:46] <williewillus> hmm all the entity renderers are crashing for some reason, even one that uses a normal rendersnowball
L1240[22:22:47] <williewillus> http://pastebin.com/ixCx7JNS
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L1245[22:34:06] <MattDahEpic> how do you do rendering for 1.8 blocks with states
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L1249[22:41:23] <masa> well you either use models or a TESR, with models obviously being the preferred method
L1250[22:42:04] <masa> then you either use the vanilla json stuff, or the forge blockstates stuff, or ISmartBlockModel and whatnot
L1251[22:43:11] <masa> I'm not that familiar with the system, I just managed to get my initial port working back in March, but it has some warnings and messy code and crap in it still
L1252[22:43:45] <masa> haven't touched the 1.8 branch since March really, except just a few days ago I fixed one of my mobs
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