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L1[00:00:02] <LexManos> go see where its called, if its a 2d array it's probably in x*16+z
L2[00:00:11] <Cazzar> Hmm, to write a save editor for Fallout Shelter or not....
L3[00:00:12] <tterrag> it's not a 2D array
L4[00:00:16] <tterrag> it's just int[]
L5[00:00:48] <LexManos> I figured, it's probably a simple index, go find where the vanilla game calls it and reads it.
L6[00:02:07] <tterrag> hmmm actually there seems to be an abstracted version that is what I want
L7[00:02:27] <tterrag> mmm maybe not
L8[00:02:42] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L9[00:02:48] <tterrag> ah there we go, WorldChunkManager#getBiomeGenAt
L10[00:03:02] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Client Quit)
L11[00:03:04] <tterrag> does that reuqire the passed coords to be loaded though...? no clue :P
L12[00:08:17] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L13[00:10:53] ⇦ Quits: HassanS6000 (~Hassan@pool-71-191-144-97.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L16[00:23:49] <rfctksSparkle> when you get a NBTTagCompound from a ItemStack
L17[00:24:03] <rfctksSparkle> its a refrerence to the tag compound on the item stack?
L18[00:24:07] <rfctksSparkle> Not a copy right/
L19[00:25:35] ⇦ Quits: RichardG (richardg86@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L20[00:25:50] <tterrag> rfctksSparkle: correct
L21[00:25:54] <tterrag> modifications are in-place
L22[00:26:05] <rfctksSparkle> what about any subtags under it, like those from getTag
L23[00:26:33] <tterrag> it's all the same object
L24[00:26:39] <tterrag> so...yes
L25[00:27:21] <rfctksSparkle> right. thanks.
L26[00:27:47] ⇦ Quits: theFlaxbeard (~theFlaxbe@97-116-34-193.mpls.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L29[00:33:10] MineBot sets mode: +v on RichardG
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L48[01:25:11] <shadekiller666> the new command block variants are pretty cool
L49[01:25:35] <shadekiller666> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fp7oh0t8tI
L50[01:32:43] <rfctksSparkle> *sigh* obfuscated method names. Ugh
L51[01:34:08] * dangranos pats rfctksSparkle
L52[01:34:58] <xaero> do you have the latest mappings configured?
L53[01:35:46] <rfctksSparkle> i have no idea how to update latest mappings LOL
L54[01:35:54] <rfctksSparkle> all i do is update the forgeSrc package... =/
L55[01:37:59] <tterrag|away> !help
L56[01:38:08] <tterrag|away> !exports
L57[01:38:12] <tterrag|away> !!exports
L58[01:38:12] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L59[01:38:13] <tterrag|away> there :P
L60[01:40:52] <xaero> !!latest snapshot
L61[01:40:53] <MCPBot_Reborn> === Latest Mappings ===
L62[01:40:53] <MCPBot_Reborn> MC Version Forge Gradle Channel
L63[01:40:54] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.8 snapshot_20150819
L64[01:40:55] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.7.10 snapshot_20140925
L65[01:41:14] <xaero> use the one for your mc version
L66[01:41:36] <xaero> granted, 1.7.10 is less mapped than 1.8
L67[01:45:40] <tterrag|away> !!latest is all you need :P
L68[01:45:40] <MCPBot_Reborn> Wrong syntax : [snapshot|stable] [<mcversion>]
L69[01:45:46] <tterrag|away> o wait
L70[01:45:47] <tterrag|away> nvm :P
L71[01:46:05] *** tterrag|away is now known as tterrag
L72[01:50:56] <xaero> ♫ the more you know ♪
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L74[02:04:29] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20150820 mappings to Forge Maven.
L75[02:04:33] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20150820-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20150820" in build.gradle).
L76[02:04:43] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L79[02:11:16] <rfctksSparkle> yeah well, im using 1.7.10 though.
L80[02:12:53] <rfctksSparkle> not sure how do I update it without breaking say.. jenkins scripts
L81[02:13:58] <rfctksSparkle> thats probably more of a ForgeGradle question though.
L82[02:19:35] <tterrag> it's just an arg in the script
L83[02:19:40] <tterrag> the instructions on the page tell you how
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L86[02:24:03] <Wuppy> o/
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L88[02:25:23] <rfctksSparkle> oh right. Didnt see that there were instructions.
L89[02:25:34] <rfctksSparkle> little option hiding behind a button
L90[02:25:38] ⇦ Quits: Greenphlem (uid22276@id-22276.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L91[02:28:51] <rfctksSparkle> then what? just setupDecompWorkspace again ?
L92[02:34:32] <tterrag> yes
L93[02:35:18] *** Ashlee is now known as Ashlee|off
L94[02:38:03] <rfctksSparkle> I don't suppose that there is a way to check if a fluid can be placed in the world?
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L96[02:51:12] <rfctksSparkle> nevermind, some mod was returning null for the getBlock method on a fluid.
L97[02:51:36] <Wuppy> dang... Inmobi is downright scary
L98[02:51:44] <Wuppy> it wants to be able to record audio and call you...
L99[02:51:46] <dangranos> a what?
L100[02:52:51] <rfctksSparkle> a fluid? lol
L101[02:53:40] *** garophel is now known as garophel|schl
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L113[03:48:36] <Wuppy> ineffective marketing 101: don't show an advertisement on the video a user is watching, for the video the user is watching
L114[03:49:06] <rfctksSparkle> lol what?
L115[03:50:47] *** heldplayer|off is now known as heldplayer
L116[03:59:42] <Ivorius> But Wuppy
L117[03:59:50] <Ivorius> It builds up anticipation
L118[03:59:57] <Wuppy> hehe :P
L119[04:01:23] <LexManos> On a zombie binge watched, 28 days/weeks, zombieland, land of the dead, dawn of the dead, Dead Rising. Any suggestions?
L120[04:02:04] <tmtu> iZombie
L121[04:02:14] <tmtu> best tv show 2015
L122[04:03:22] <Quetzi> shaun of the dead ;)
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L126[04:10:31] <LexManos> iZombie looks interesting, main character is cute. Plot sounds like Zombie version of Medium.
L127[04:13:02] <Wuppy> I'm not really a fan of zombie stuff, but zombieland is a pretty good choice you've already made :P
L128[04:13:49] <LexManos> It's not what I consider a real zombie movie, it's more of a feel-good comedy that happens to have zombies.
L129[04:14:01] <LexManos> Ohh, one I forgot, Fido! Anyone seen that?
L130[04:18:48] <Wuppy> that movie is... ehh, hard to find
L131[04:19:11] ⇦ Quits: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@58-7-235-215.dyn.iinet.net.au) ()
L132[04:20:13] <LexManos> https://thepiratebay.mn/torrent/8038905/Fido.2006.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-Positive_[PublicHD]
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L135[04:24:43] <LexManos> http://www.amazon.com/Fido-KSun-Ray/dp/B000V4UH08/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1440062656&sr=8-1&keywords=fido For your collection
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L142[04:33:59] <laci200270> somebody can help? http://imgur.com/QZ7jaGp
L143[04:34:22] <dangranos> read the message
L144[04:34:52] <laci200270> ok
L145[04:35:14] <laci200270> if I set that path my mod twice at classpath
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L151[04:52:33] <rfctksSparkle> using intelliJ to compile huh? Normally I just use gradle to compile =/
L152[04:53:11] <laci200270> but when i want to debug
L153[04:53:16] <laci200270> it needs
L154[04:53:26] ⇦ Quits: bhi (~bhi@207-47-198-193.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca) (Quit: Leaving)
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L156[04:54:13] *** Mata is now known as MattOfflineMc
L157[04:56:58] <laci200270> rfctksSparkle, if you wnat to run your mod from ida
L158[04:57:05] <laci200270> it needs to compile
L159[04:57:25] <laci200270> because jvm can't parse your source code
L160[04:57:37] <rfctksSparkle> right.
L161[04:57:55] <rfctksSparkle> i never faced it though since all those options are autogenerated for me =/
L162[04:58:26] <laci200270> i also not understand why idea does this
L163[04:59:42] <laci200270> just for for safe I'm now running gradlew setupDecompWorkspace idea --refresh-dependencies
L164[05:00:13] <rfctksSparkle> im kind of put off that NBTTagList doesn't return a list or a iteratable =/
L165[05:00:38] <laci200270> it can return an array?
L166[05:00:41] <rfctksSparkle> it can?
L167[05:00:50] <laci200270> idk
L168[05:00:53] <rfctksSparkle> I wish LOL
L169[05:01:19] <laci200270> array->arraylist
L170[05:01:30] <rfctksSparkle> yeah but
L171[05:01:31] <laci200270> arraylist->iterable
L172[05:01:37] <rfctksSparkle> its arrayList is private >.<
L173[05:01:47] <laci200270> use reflection or AT
L174[05:02:07] <rfctksSparkle> I'm just not sure if using reflection to modify it will break anything =P
L175[05:02:29] <laci200270> use AT
L176[05:02:37] <laci200270> if you not want to relfection
L177[05:02:56] <PaleoCrafter> Or just wrap it? Oo
L178[05:03:06] <rfctksSparkle> nah i mean I'm not sure if bypassing its methods will break anything =P
L179[05:03:39] <PaleoCrafter> SomeClass.iterable(NBTList)
L180[05:03:42] <Wuppy> okay so why the fuck can't I close Unity on Mac
L181[05:03:49] <Wuppy> there is no close button anywhere
L182[05:03:52] <PaleoCrafter> Or heck, use a standard for loop
L183[05:04:01] <PaleoCrafter> Upper left, Wuppy :P
L184[05:04:07] <Wuppy> no
L185[05:04:16] <laci200270> Wuppy, there is a alt-f4 on mac?
L186[05:04:16] <Wuppy> it's grey and clicking it doesn't close it
L187[05:04:17] <rfctksSparkle> Because what I want to do is do a 1 to 1 mapping for a tagList entry to the parsed data
L188[05:04:33] <laci200270> Wuppy, pull out your computer
L189[05:04:37] <PaleoCrafter> Maybe file->quit or something?
L190[05:04:44] <laci200270> that force closes it :D
L191[05:05:01] <Wuppy> I hate apple for forcing me to build on Mac :|
L192[05:05:16] <Wuppy> twats
L193[05:05:38] <laci200270> Wuppy, us VM
L194[05:05:41] <laci200270> *use
L195[05:05:54] <Wuppy> too much work
L196[05:06:02] <laci200270> virtualbox?
L197[05:06:03] ⇨ Joins: Mraof (~mraof@pool-96-253-111-208.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L198[05:06:09] <Wuppy> plus I don't want mac filth on my masterrace laptop
L199[05:06:10] <laci200270> its easy
L200[05:09:07] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter, File->close is also greyed out for some reason
L201[05:10:04] <PaleoCrafter> Maybe there's something running in the background?
L202[05:10:04] <laci200270> Wuppy, task manager?
L203[05:11:05] <Wuppy> laci200270, that's possible
L204[05:11:11] <Wuppy> although restarting the thing works as well :P
L205[05:12:23] <laci200270> oh finally idea loads my mod only ONCE
L206[05:12:29] * laci200270 happy
L207[05:13:38] <rfctksSparkle> welp finally got around to updating them mappings
L208[05:13:40] <rfctksSparkle> \o/
L209[05:13:47] <Wuppy> lets see if XCode actually wants to rn the damn game for once
L210[05:13:49] <rfctksSparkle> no more obfuscated method names in NBTTagList
L211[05:14:04] <Wuppy> nope
L212[05:15:31] ⇦ Quits: mezz_ (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:1416:82d6:2483:3174) (Remote host closed the connection)
L213[05:17:49] <laci200270> integers not listed in the f3 debug screen?
L214[05:18:22] <rfctksSparkle> uh, if i used reflection to access a single private field, what about the obfuscation?
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L217[05:21:05] <PaleoCrafter> Please do not reflect into NBTTagList if it has a public interface that allows exactly what you want ._.
L218[05:22:22] <rfctksSparkle> lol, I'm just wondering.
L219[05:22:34] <rfctksSparkle> I sure as heck don't intend to make it more complicated then it has to be by using reflection
L220[05:22:44] <PaleoCrafter> You'd use the ReflectionHelper
L221[05:24:28] <rfctksSparkle> for now i'll just write a wrapper around it so changes to a ArrayList is also written to NBT.
L222[05:24:48] <rfctksSparkle> The NBT shouldn
L223[05:25:01] <rfctksSparkle> *shoudn't change externally?
L224[05:25:23] <rfctksSparkle> 'cause right now i'm depending on matching indexes on both lists. (tell me if its a bad idea)
L225[05:25:34] <laci200270> something is wrong with this? https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/energymod/handler/BakeEventHandler.java
L226[05:26:25] <PaleoCrafter> Looks right
L227[05:26:39] <laci200270> mc says model not found :/
L228[05:27:06] <Wuppy> has anyone ever made a build of a project with google in there?
L229[05:27:07] <laci200270> also I register it here: https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/energymod/EnergyMod.java#L36
L230[05:27:18] <Wuppy> I'm getting a bunch of errors at the GADURequest.h file
L231[05:28:42] <laci200270> also I should reigster it in preinit?
L232[05:29:50] <PaleoCrafter> Uhm... Wat, Wuppy
L233[05:30:33] <Wuppy> I'm getting an erorr in GADURequest.h saying it can't find GoogleMobileAds.h
L234[05:31:05] <PaleoCrafter> Maybe you have to specify whether it's a block or an item, laci200270?
L235[05:31:16] <laci200270> PaleoCrafter, ?
L236[05:31:23] <laci200270> how can I done that?
L237[05:31:29] <PaleoCrafter> No clue :P
L238[05:31:47] <PaleoCrafter> Wuppy, maybe it depends on other things?
L239[05:32:05] <laci200270> I specify "normal" state
L240[05:32:48] <PaleoCrafter> Yeah, but the location just points to eConduit
L241[05:33:40] <laci200270> ok
L242[05:33:56] <laci200270> I look AGAIN to the forge debug folder :D
L243[05:34:06] <laci200270> soon I'll bookmark it :D
L244[05:34:28] <rfctksSparkle> would keying a hashmap to a fluid cause any memory issues?
L245[05:35:45] <laci200270> PaleoCrafter, here not specify anything: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelBakeEventDebug.java#L84-L85
L246[05:37:38] ⇦ Quits: FR^2 (~frquadrat@2001:41d0:2:842d::cafe) (Quit: Connection reset by peer)
L247[05:37:43] <PaleoCrafter> Well, as I said, no clue :P
L248[05:39:25] <laci200270> oh now seems to work
L249[05:41:47] <laci200270> oh nice crash log: http://pastebin.com/1ERnEsf8
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L251[05:43:07] <laci200270> ^any ideas?
L252[05:48:33] <laci200270> also the block file:https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/energymod/blocks/EnergyConduit.java
L253[05:49:54] <Szernex> what's the best way to get an EntityPlayer object for a given player name?
L254[05:50:56] <Szernex> well, nevermind...
L255[05:51:04] <Szernex> just found MinecraftServer.getServer().getEntityWorld().getPlayerEntityByName()
L256[05:53:28] <laci200270> i also my problem
L257[05:53:39] <laci200270> I forgot createblockstate
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L260[05:58:52] <rfctksSparkle> bah screw it ill just store references to the tagCompound instead then
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L263[06:03:11] <laci200270> my pipe's variants: http://i.imgur.com/p9lwjUg.png
L264[06:04:12] <laci200270> its not too much?
L265[06:08:38] <PaleoCrafter> Don't do that, rfctksSparkle D;:
L266[06:09:13] <rfctksSparkle> Well.. Its either that
L267[06:09:19] <rfctksSparkle> or iterate over the whole tagList
L268[06:09:25] <rfctksSparkle> everytime i want to update a tag
L269[06:09:42] <PaleoCrafter> Wut
L270[06:09:55] <rfctksSparkle> kind of a moot point anyway, since im holding a reference to a tag, which holds a reference to the tag list, which holds references to the tags inside
L271[06:10:32] *** Ashlee|off is now known as Ashlee
L272[06:11:03] <laci200270> idea eated 2GB space
L273[06:11:24] <rfctksSparkle> lol?
L274[06:11:49] <rfctksSparkle> Its under 1GB for me?
L275[06:11:57] <rfctksSparkle> (assuming you are talking about ram consumption?
L276[06:12:05] <laci200270> no
L277[06:12:07] <laci200270> hdd
L278[06:21:56] <laci200270> I get errors like this:
L279[06:21:56] <laci200270> [12:57:55] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Model definition for location energymod:eConduit#down=0,east=1,north=0,south=2,up=0,west=2 not found
L280[06:22:39] <laci200270> but I'm use a smart model
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L282[06:26:44] <laci200270> any ideas?
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L285[06:39:46] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L286[06:40:48] <LexManos> Dammet tmtu iZombie is good, distracting me from actually working....
L287[06:44:52] <masa> rfctksSparkle: what are you doing exactly?
L288[06:46:51] <rfctksSparkle> right now? Trying to figure out the best way to store all the fluids in a fluid storage cell
L289[06:47:10] <laci200270> where is the FML event bus?
L290[06:48:25] <laci200270> oh found it
L291[06:49:21] <tmtu> LexManos: sorry
L292[06:49:27] <rfctksSparkle> I think this should work reasonably well? http://pastebin.com/m8LgARp2
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L294[06:50:26] <Szernex> scala is such a weird language
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L296[06:51:17] <LexManos> AbrarSyed, poke
L297[06:52:08] <PaleoCrafter> He's away :P
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L299[06:53:30] <LexManos> I know but need to harass him to fix his broken shit
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L301[06:54:53] <rfctksSparkle> scala isn't wierd.
L302[06:54:56] <rfctksSparkle> vb.net is wierd.
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L304[06:55:29] <LexManos> God I wish java had multireturns.
L305[06:55:37] <rfctksSparkle> ^
L306[06:55:42] <LexManos> I need to use it but meh
L307[06:56:28] <rfctksSparkle> wonder if you could just code a generic tuple object to subsitute =/
L308[06:56:34] <PaleoCrafter> Well, maybe Java 10 will improve that situation :P
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L312[07:06:39] <Szernex> rfctksSparkle simplest case just an Object[]?
L313[07:07:41] <tmtu> or you could have it in the language, properly \o/
L314[07:07:47] <Szernex> well yeah
L315[07:07:48] <Szernex> but
L316[07:07:49] <Szernex> oracle
L317[07:07:52] <Szernex> or, java
L318[07:09:53] <PaleoCrafter> Meanwhile in Scala land "val Vector3(x, y, z) = something.position" :P
L319[07:10:24] <tmtu> that's not multireturn
L320[07:10:31] * Wuppy stabs MobFox
L321[07:10:49] <PaleoCrafter> The same applies to normal tuples :P
L322[07:11:29] <tmtu> depends on the implementation
L323[07:11:29] <PaleoCrafter> Omit the "Vector3" and you have the syntax for a 3-tuple
L324[07:11:54] <rfctksSparkle> its not multireturn, but its close enough =P
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L327[07:12:55] <PaleoCrafter> As I said, with tuples it is :P
L328[07:13:04] <PaleoCrafter> It's just stupid to have it exclusively for tuples
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L330[07:17:21] <spda> Hello
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L333[07:22:21] <spda> I'm trying to make a mod that makes it so that if a player says "hi", he will instead say "bye", I used ServerChatEvent, and can get the chat message, just to change it i need to use the setComponent() and give it an IChatComponet, i had no idea about what those are, so i printed in in the console, and got a really long piece of code, I thought maybe i should store it, then look for the TextComponent{text='' part and replace it with another, is there a
L334[07:22:21] <spda> better way?
L335[07:24:30] <Ordinastie_> spda, have you any knowlegdge about programming ?
L336[07:24:30] <PaleoCrafter> look at the children of IChatComponent
L337[07:29:29] <LexManos> Reason why programming makes me giggle #394: using 'ass' as shorthand for assignment.
L338[07:29:36] *** fry|sleep is now known as fry
L339[07:30:41] <PaleoCrafter> But your names must be expressive D:
L340[07:32:25] <LexManos> Okay, 'sexy_ass'
L341[07:32:34] <Quetzi> that so you can have an assHandler?
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L349[07:52:02] <Wuppy> has anyone here ever worked with mobfox?
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L353[07:58:18] <Skuli> What does the "/forge track te" actually do?
L354[07:58:30] <Skuli> Does it output a file somewhere?
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L357[08:03:35] <AtomicStryker> idea complains about unused constructors and methods unless they are used in the project. eclipse bitches about "unnecessary" suppresswarnings-unused i add to make idea shut up
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L366[08:13:56] <Cazzar> Disable the analysis?
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L370[08:21:49] <AtomicStryker> git question. i have a master branch and another branch which are for different mc versions, aka unrelated to each other at this point. i need to rename the master branch to something else and rename the 1.8 branch to master. is this easy?
L371[08:23:42] <rfctksSparkle> Local or github lol
L372[08:24:35] <AtomicStryker> well both
L373[08:24:48] <AtomicStryker> ideally without reuploading the entire repo
L374[08:25:41] <rfctksSparkle> uh, rename local, push to remote as new branch, set new branch as master delete branch?
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L376[08:26:06] <rfctksSparkle> (that should probably work... probably)
L377[08:26:09] <Szernex> hmmm
L378[08:27:21] <Szernex> if I want to make a food item, does it have to extend ItemFood?
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L380[08:28:12] <PaleoCrafter> Don't think so, Szernex
L381[08:28:22] <Szernex> hm, then I'm doing something wrong here...
L382[08:28:29] <minecreatr> are the 1.8 item jsons placed in models/item/(itemName).json?
L383[08:28:35] <PaleoCrafter> Yes
L384[08:28:48] <gigaherz> actually, it's
L385[08:28:58] <gigaherz> models/<model registration name>.json
L386[08:29:06] <PaleoCrafter> True
L387[08:29:09] <gigaherz> but chances are you made that "items/<itemName>"
L388[08:29:29] <minecreatr> hmm, do I have to do extra code to register it?
L389[08:29:34] <gigaherz> yes
L390[08:29:37] <gigaherz> on your client proxy
L391[08:29:44] <gigaherz> add a ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation
L392[08:29:55] <gigaherz> and if you use subitems, ModelBakery.addVariant
L393[08:30:09] <Szernex> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/c1f4ed1d9aa35955d906 this is my item, you're supposed to just consume it (it's not giving you any hunger). it seems to call the methods in onEaten as it's supposed to, but the item does not get consumed and the health regen does not get actually reset...
L394[08:30:27] <minecreatr> I am doing ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(MyMod.myItem, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(MOD_ID + ":item/(itemName)"));
L395[08:30:34] <gigaherz> yeah
L396[08:30:39] <gigaherz> that's the registration name
L397[08:30:42] <gigaherz> the bit after the :
L398[08:30:46] <gigaherz> ;P
L399[08:30:52] <minecreatr> oh, ok
L400[08:30:52] <gigaherz> minecraft looks for
L401[08:31:18] <gigaherz> assets/<resourceDomain>/models/<model location>.json
L402[08:31:20] <minecreatr> do I have to have new ModelResourceLocation(Something, "inventory")?
L403[08:31:26] <gigaherz> oh wait
L404[08:31:26] <gigaherz> yes
L405[08:31:39] <gigaherz> the "inventory" bit is important ;P
L406[08:32:07] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java#L59
L407[08:32:09] <gigaherz> working example
L408[08:32:10] <gigaherz> ;P
L409[08:32:22] <Szernex> anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
L410[08:32:24] <gigaherz> includes addVariant, because I use subitems
L411[08:32:29] <gigaherz> Szernex: reading
L412[08:32:35] <Szernex> kay, thanks
L413[08:32:40] <gigaherz> Oh
L414[08:32:49] <minecreatr> it still dosn't work gigaherz
L415[08:32:52] <gigaherz> food stuffs. I don't know about that
L416[08:32:59] <gigaherz> minecreatr: debug log messages?
L417[08:33:00] <minecreatr> it still says model definition for myItem#inventory not found
L418[08:33:05] <Szernex> well, it's not really food per se
L419[08:33:14] <Szernex> it's just an item you use up and it does something
L420[08:33:16] <minecreatr> it just says the model definition is not found
L421[08:33:20] <gigaherz> uhm
L422[08:33:29] <Szernex> except it's not being used up and not doing anything
L423[08:33:46] <gigaherz> AH
L424[08:33:51] <gigaherz> look at my example minecreatr
L425[08:33:54] <gigaherz> remove the item/
L426[08:34:04] <gigaherz> the ModelLoader version of the stuff adds it automatically
L427[08:34:17] <minecreatr> I did remove the item/ gigaherz
L428[08:34:18] <gigaherz> it's just domain:itemName
L429[08:34:23] <minecreatr> thats what im doing
L430[08:34:28] <gigaherz> hmf
L431[08:34:38] <gigaherz> and you have the model in the right folder?
L432[08:34:47] <gigaherz> try to call addVariant
L433[08:34:56] <minecreatr> its in models/items
L434[08:35:01] <gigaherz> aha
L435[08:35:02] <minecreatr> sorry, models/item I mean
L436[08:35:03] <gigaherz> it has to be ITEM
L437[08:35:05] <gigaherz> not items XD
L438[08:35:07] <gigaherz> okay then
L439[08:35:08] <gigaherz> ModelBakery.addVariantName(item, MODID + ":" + itemName);
L440[08:35:13] <minecreatr> I am trying that now
L441[08:35:28] <minecreatr> nope
L442[08:35:30] <minecreatr> still dosn't work
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L444[08:36:23] <minecreatr> wait
L445[08:36:48] <gigaherz> do you have any uppercase letters in your assets folder names?
L446[08:38:46] <minecreatr> hmm, now its not saying model definition not found, but its still the null texture in game gigaherz
L447[08:38:57] <gigaherz> hmf
L448[08:39:23] <gigaherz> do you reference the right texture name from the json?
L449[08:39:45] <gigaherz> remember the textures are "items" not "item"
L450[08:40:07] <gigaherz> a basic item looks like
L451[08:40:07] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/elementsofpower/models/item/container_diamond.json
L452[08:40:18] <gigaherz> xcept if the texture is in your own mod, it would be yourmod:items/whatever
L453[08:40:24] <minecreatr> thats confusing
L454[08:40:32] <minecreatr> textures/models use items vs item
L455[08:40:37] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/elementsofpower/models/item/orb_air.json
L456[08:40:40] <gigaherz> something like this
L457[08:40:42] <gigaherz> yeah
L458[08:40:44] <gigaherz> blame mojang
L459[08:40:57] <gigaherz> hmf
L460[08:41:03] <gigaherz> I'll have to make a new mc skin
L461[08:41:10] <gigaherz> I jsut shaved my head so mine is outdated now
L462[08:41:10] <gigaherz> ;P
L463[08:41:19] <gigaherz> (yeah I draw it based on myself)
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L465[08:42:43] <Szernex> hmmmm
L466[08:43:38] <minecreatr> gigaherz, yeah, still displaying as a null texture box
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L471[08:46:32] <minecreatr> wait, gigaherz , how do you use the ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation in preInit?
L472[08:46:41] <gigaherz> what? it must be in preInit
L473[08:46:45] <gigaherz> otherwise it won't work
L474[08:46:49] <gigaherz> XD
L475[08:47:00] <gigaherz> I thought that was a given ;P
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L477[08:47:21] <minecreatr> yeah, it makes sense, but I get a null pointer exception when I try to do it in preInit gigaherz
L478[08:47:47] <gigaherz> call your proxy's preInit AFTER you have registered your blocks and items? ;P
L479[08:47:55] <Szernex> okay apparently food does have to extend ItemFood
L480[08:48:01] <Szernex> at least now it works
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L482[08:48:31] <Szernex> no idea why though, pretty sure I did the same things that ItemFood does
L483[08:49:50] * Szernex shrugs
L484[08:50:29] <Szernex> just wish java had multi class inheritance
L485[08:51:21] *** garophel is now known as garophel|afk
L486[08:54:05] <auenfx4> <StaleDevil> forge only works with linux based servers
L487[08:54:08] <auenfx4> idiot of the day?
L488[08:55:25] <rfctksSparkle> Not really
L489[08:55:32] <rfctksSparkle> I'd say just another idiot on the interwebz
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L493[09:02:56] <PaleoCrafter> Szernex, you said scala was weird, right?
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L496[09:06:46] <Szernex> well, I never used it and I just based that assumption off of the syntax I saw
L497[09:08:09] <PaleoCrafter> It's different, yes :P
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L502[09:11:03] <PaleoCrafter> But I'd argue that most of it's syntax is more intuitive than C-descendants :P
L503[09:12:09] <gigaherz> unless you have been using C-like languages for over 15 years
L504[09:12:16] <gigaherz> then it feels "wrong"
L505[09:12:16] <gigaherz> ;P
L506[09:12:18] <rfctksSparkle> It didn't take me very long to pick up scala and run with it =P
L507[09:12:29] <rfctksSparkle> Then again, i've been forced to deal with VB.net.. so in comparasion.....
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L510[09:15:14] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L511[09:17:05] <rfctksSparkle> in scala if i have a if ( a == null && a.isEmpty ) where a is a lazy val Option
L512[09:17:27] <rfctksSparkle> the null check will execute before the lazy val runs right
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L516[09:21:27] <Cazzar> well, I'm fucked for the next week...
L517[09:21:58] <PaleoCrafter> Uhm... An Option should never be null, you know, rfctksSparkle :P
L518[09:22:17] <rfctksSparkle> oops
L519[09:22:18] <rfctksSparkle> i mean
L520[09:22:21] <rfctksSparkle> its the input
L521[09:22:23] <rfctksSparkle> lol
L522[09:22:41] <PaleoCrafter> And the null check will be performed after the lazy val was initialised
L523[09:22:48] <rfctksSparkle> dang
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L525[09:24:12] <PaleoCrafter> Actually, I'm not 100% sure, but it'd make the most sense that way :P
L526[09:24:28] <rfctksSparkle> i cant seem to find any documentation.. ill go test it a bit
L527[09:24:59] <PaleoCrafter> Do you want to check if it was initialised?
L528[09:28:05] <rfctksSparkle> oh nevermind
L529[09:28:07] <rfctksSparkle> I just realized
L530[09:28:21] <rfctksSparkle> I can happily pass null into it
L531[09:28:27] <rfctksSparkle> since the option return will then be None.
L532[09:30:54] *** mumfrey is now known as Mumfrey
L533[09:31:27] <rfctksSparkle> hey, the null check will run first in that case
L534[09:33:29] <PaleoCrafter> Really? Oo
L535[09:33:57] <rfctksSparkle> i just tried
L536[09:34:15] <rfctksSparkle> with if(a != null && a.equals(""))
L537[09:34:19] <rfctksSparkle> where a is null
L538[09:34:25] <rfctksSparkle> and a String type
L539[09:34:44] <rfctksSparkle> or maybe i should try something first ugh
L540[09:34:51] <rfctksSparkle> i just noticed its not like my use case
L541[09:35:06] <PaleoCrafter> You know that in scala, you don't need equals ? :P
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L543[09:39:25] <rfctksSparkle> its just a quick thing i did in a worksheet
L544[09:39:27] <rfctksSparkle> but i cant test
L545[09:39:39] <rfctksSparkle> since its output tries to access the lazy val which instantiates it
L546[09:40:52] <rfctksSparkle> my actual use case is something like this lazy val requestedFluid = this.storedFluids.getFluid(request.getFluid)
L547[09:40:52] <rfctksSparkle> if (request == null || requestedFluid.isEmpty)
L548[09:40:52] <rfctksSparkle> return null
L549[09:40:52] <rfctksSparkle>
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L555[09:56:01] <kman2010> yo
L556[09:56:54] <kman2010> anyone mind helping me debug a client issue when connecting to a server
L557[09:56:56] <kman2010> http://pastebin.com/XVXezhxu
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L560[10:06:43] <Ordinastie_> didn't you already determine GregTech was the issue ?
L561[10:07:20] <kman2010> i may have just now
L562[10:07:31] <kman2010> 1 mo will give the awnser to that in a sec
L563[10:11:01] <kman2010> fixed
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L578[11:02:18] <Tim020> Is there a method called when a player opens a gui?
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L580[11:03:47] <yueh> no, it uses magic
L581[11:03:54] <rfctksSparkle> *chuckles*
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L583[11:04:41] <Tim020> I can see onGuiClosed, was wondering if there is a similar one for opened? Unless I am really blind... ;P
L584[11:05:06] <laci200270> Tim020, initGui() maybe?
L585[11:05:42] <Tim020> That'll do :P
L586[11:07:24] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
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L588[11:09:20] <laci200270> how can I do a "switch" in blockstate json and submodels?
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L594[11:11:25] <laci200270> PaleoCrafter, can you help me?
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L600[11:14:56] <rfctksSparkle> Why the heck i keep getting banned on channel =/
L601[11:15:33] <laci200270> rfctksSparkle, what channel?
L602[11:16:05] <rfctksSparkle> This channel, cant change nick until i leave
L603[11:16:29] <laci200270> idk
L604[11:16:44] <smbarbour> Do you have an exceptionally long nick normally?
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L606[11:16:45] <rfctksSparkle> Bouncer sets away nick just fine, but sometimes it bans me and cant change back
L607[11:17:00] <smbarbour> ^ That would be why
L608[11:17:00] <laci200270> idk
L609[11:17:08] <laci200270> i not use bouncer
L610[11:17:13] <rfctksSparkle> Please explain?
L611[11:17:31] <smbarbour> If your bouncer changes your nick and it becomes longer than a certain length, you get auto-banned
L612[11:20:28] <rfctksSparkle> Oh.
L613[11:20:45] <Ordinastie_> I thought long nicks were just muted
L614[11:20:49] <rfctksSparkle> Whats the max length =/
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L616[11:21:58] <gigaherz> it's jsut muted, not ban
L617[11:22:06] <gigaherz> yo ucan just set it back to shorter, and it works again XD
L618[11:22:19] <gigaherz> well, after you rejoin the channel, at least
L619[11:22:21] <rfctksSparkle> It wont let me =p
L620[11:22:23] <gigaherz> rfctksSparkle: 14 chars.
L621[11:22:30] <Ordinastie_> however, if you change to a nick not registered, you might get auto kick to the stupid other chan
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L623[11:22:45] <gigaherz> 15 = muted
L624[11:22:48] <rfctksSparkle> It says cant change nick while banned on #minecraftforge
L625[11:22:55] <gigaherz> ah then part first
L626[11:23:01] <gigaherz> then change ;p
L627[11:23:30] <rfctksSparkle> Wonder whats the reasoning for the max length.
L628[11:23:45] <gigaherz> probably spam protection
L629[11:24:02] <gigaherz> I_sell_drugs_very_cheap_buy_now
L630[11:24:03] <gigaherz> ;P
L631[11:24:08] <laci200270> rfctksSparkle, because if someone make a 5GB lenght nick name that can freeze the server :D
L632[11:24:09] <rfctksSparkle> Lol
L633[11:24:38] <rfctksSparkle> No way lol espernet would kick you before that.
L634[11:24:49] <gigaherz> nah there's two nick limits
L635[11:24:53] <gigaherz> theo ne enforced by the server
L636[11:25:07] <gigaherz> (it will simply not accept such a long message, let along nickname)
L637[11:25:18] <gigaherz> and thne there's the one enforced by services or wahtever
L638[11:25:21] <gigaherz> which looks like a ban
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L649[11:48:39] <phenolphtalein> Hey guys, I've tried adding httpmime as a library to my mod, but it simply won't load in normal minecraft. I even put it in the mods directory and it won't work( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12136499/ ). Why is this happening? Apologies if this is a stupid question, I haven't worked with mods in a while.
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L663[12:16:28] <shadekiller666> pheno, does ContentBody actually exist?
L664[12:18:32] <phenolphtalein> Yes, it does. It's right there in the .jar, that's what confuses me
L665[12:18:34] <PaleoCrafter> lol, what a name
L666[12:19:43] <phenolphtalein> I use the same library in my workspace, it does work there
L667[12:20:51] * Szernex sighs
L668[12:20:59] <Szernex> how can I use specific potions in my crafting recipes?
L669[12:21:05] <pig> oh hey, an acid base indicator
L670[12:21:18] <Szernex> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/cb57b40ee35f7253acfd is not working
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L672[12:22:38] <phenolphtalein> :D
L673[12:23:06] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
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L675[12:23:28] <shadekiller666> wait a minute
L676[12:23:43] <shadekiller666> pheno, if thats a non-mod jar, why are you putting it in the mods folder?
L677[12:24:23] <shadekiller666> it should be listed as a dependency in your build.gradle and included in your mod's jar if you can distribute it
L678[12:25:26] <PaleoCrafter> So, if I were to piss on you, will you change color, phenolphthalein? :P
L679[12:25:28] <tterrag> phenolphtalein: http://forgegradle.readthedocs.org/en/FG_1.2/user-guide/shading/
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L682[12:27:24] <Szernex> how can I get an ItemStack for a specific potion?
L683[12:27:30] <laci200270> who can understand this? http://pastebin.com/RjY4bjdz
L684[12:27:33] <Szernex> for instance the lowest regeneration potion
L685[12:27:48] <tterrag> Szernex: you won't like the answer :P
L686[12:27:54] <Szernex> oh boy
L687[12:27:56] <Szernex> hit me
L688[12:28:25] <laci200270> you need to do it with NBT
L689[12:28:42] <tterrag> uhh wait actually
L690[12:28:47] <tterrag> yeah for ItemStacks you can use NBT
L691[12:29:01] <Szernex> how would I do that exactly?
L692[12:29:02] <tterrag> see ItemPotion#getEffects
L693[12:29:25] <Szernex> eeh
L694[12:29:29] <laci200270> put a potion to your inventory an look with NBTExplorer
L695[12:29:30] <tterrag> otherwise, just use the damage value manually
L696[12:29:36] <tterrag> laci200270: vanilla potions do not use NBT
L697[12:29:41] <laci200270> oh
L698[12:29:42] <pig> uhh laci200270, it does say "java.lang.RuntimeException: No base model or submodel provided for this MultiModel.Baked.
L699[12:29:43] <pig> "
L700[12:29:48] <tterrag> it's purely damage based (bit packing)
L701[12:30:35] <Szernex> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/909f5d0a84928da178c6 so how exactly would I have to change this here then?
L702[12:30:40] <tterrag> Szernex: it's not easy to go from ANY potion effect to a stack, because that's not how it works
L703[12:30:43] <laci200270> pig, and how can I fix that?
L704[12:30:55] <tterrag> I did write this at one point Szernex https://github.com/wyldmods/ChanceCubes/blob/master/src/main/java/chanceCubes/rewards/type/PotionRewardType.java#L14-L64
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L706[12:31:15] <tterrag> which you can pass the strings in the Potion class to
L707[12:31:18] <tterrag> to get a damage value
L708[12:31:45] <Szernex> jesus
L709[12:31:53] <Szernex> okay nevermind, I'll use something else in the recipe...
L710[12:32:06] <tterrag> oh it's not that bad :P
L711[12:32:14] <tterrag> Szernex: if you just need a specific potion, just look at the damage in NEI
L712[12:32:16] <tterrag> then hardcode it
L713[12:32:22] <tterrag> the damage won't change or anything
L714[12:32:39] <Szernex> hmkay
L715[12:33:13] <phenolphtalein> I already tried including it in the .jar, didn't help either. Putting it in the mods folder was something I read on the forums
L716[12:33:23] <phenolphtalein> I'll try the link tterrag sent, thanks!
L717[12:33:41] <tterrag> as FML tells you, direct classpath injection is ugly and bad
L718[12:33:53] <tterrag> for random libs like this, shading is the best option
L719[12:35:46] * Szernex nyuuus
L720[12:36:26] <williewillus> laci200270: paste the model youre working on that led to that
L721[12:36:34] <williewillus> the blockstate and model jsons
L722[12:36:48] <Szernex> of course it's not as easy as dropping NEI in my dev environments run directory
L723[12:37:33] <laci200270> williewillus, http://pastebin.com/SkJ6ZVG3
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L725[12:38:30] <laci200270> its a mess I know
L726[12:39:05] <Deas> what's the name of 'String c = (thisvariable == true) ? "true" : "false";'
L727[12:39:11] <Deas> i keep forgetting
L728[12:39:22] <Deas> the (==)?1:0 part
L729[12:39:58] <williewillus> a very bad way of implementing Boolean.toString
L730[12:40:07] <Szernex> well that too
L731[12:40:14] <Szernex> the syntax is an inline condition
L732[12:40:27] <tterrag> ?: is ternary syntax, think of it as asking a question
L733[12:40:31] <Szernex> condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false
L734[12:40:36] <tterrag> is this true ? ok use this : otherwise use this
L735[12:40:51] <Deas> ternary! thank you!
L736[12:40:56] <Szernex> yay the recipe worked
L737[12:40:59] <shadekiller666> unfortunately those only work in assignment/return statements
L738[12:41:05] <tterrag> shadekiller666: no?
L739[12:41:08] <williewillus> for that specific use case though, just use String c = Boolean.toString(var);
L740[12:41:13] <williewillus> no need to test that manually
L741[12:41:18] <Deas> shadekiller666: that's why you use them
L742[12:41:24] <tterrag> it's also not true
L743[12:41:28] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Drullkus@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L744[12:41:34] <williewillus> you can use ternaries in more than just those
L745[12:41:40] <williewillus> you can use them when passing method params
L746[12:41:47] <Deas> i was just making an example people, calm down!
L747[12:42:03] <Deas> i'm trying to explain it to somebody but forgot the dam name
L748[12:42:12] <PaleoCrafter> Just make everything an expression ~
L749[12:42:24] <vedalken254> so who in here runs a mail server on a *nix OS?
L750[12:42:25] <laci200270> any ideas? http://pastebin.com/SkJ6ZVG3
L751[12:42:45] <Tim020> Where is the list of currently online players stored?
L752[12:42:53] <shadekiller666> what i mean is you can't use them as like in-line if statements "condition ? do this method : else do this method"
L753[12:42:55] <williewillus> Tim020: do you need the entity objects?
L754[12:43:11] <Tim020> Yes, most likely
L755[12:43:21] <williewillus> ServerConfigurationManager.playerEntityList
L756[12:43:27] <Tim020> Cheers :)
L757[12:43:37] <williewillus> or rather <serverobject>.getConfiurationManager().playerEntityList
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L759[12:48:31] <laci200270> blockstae file: https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/energymod/blockstates/eConduit.json block file:https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/energymod/blocks/EnergyConduit.java
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L761[12:49:31] <laci200270> somebody? ^
L762[12:49:37] <shadekiller666> this is strange... i have a directory in my mod's config folder that i'm trying to obtain the contents of, and i have a File that points to the proper directory, that says its a directory, yet list() and listFiles() both return an array of length 0
L763[12:50:06] <shadekiller666> and i am sure there is a file contained inside of this folder
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L766[12:54:11] <Tim020> how weird
L767[12:56:30] <laci200270> when integer variables I need quotes?
L768[12:56:40] <laci200270> bacause idea marks as an error
L769[12:57:04] <williewillus> in a json?
L770[12:57:52] <laci200270> yes
L771[12:58:06] <gigaherz> there's no integers in json
L772[12:58:23] <gigaherz> you have objects, lists, and strings
L773[12:58:23] <gigaherz> ;P
L774[12:58:34] <laci200270> ipreperty integers
L775[12:58:39] <gigaherz> no wait
L776[12:58:39] <laci200270> *property
L777[12:58:42] <gigaherz> there ARE integers hmm
L778[12:58:46] <gigaherz> it has a number thing
L779[12:58:53] <gigaherz> http://json.org/
L780[12:59:05] <gigaherz> hmmm
L781[12:59:09] <gigaherz> dunno then
L782[12:59:24] <gigaherz> laci200270: wait, you mean on a property value?
L783[12:59:33] <gigaherz> te left side MUST be a string
L784[12:59:35] <gigaherz> {
L785[12:59:39] <gigaherz> "string" : something
L786[13:00:09] <laci200270> so this good? https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/energymod/blockstates/eConduit.json#L15-L16
L787[13:00:10] <shadekiller666> oh derp
L788[13:00:24] <shadekiller666> i got confused with my own file structure >.<
L789[13:00:58] <gigaherz> yes laci200270, the "key" must be a string
L790[13:01:03] <gigaherz> even if it's an integer property
L791[13:01:12] <gigaherz> and remember, you must specify ALL the values
L792[13:01:14] <gigaherz> even the onesyou don't need
L793[13:02:23] <laci200270> but what is this? http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/blockstates/forgeBlockstates/#sub-models
L794[13:02:30] <laci200270> this uses integers as keys
L795[13:02:31] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L796[13:03:18] <gigaherz> that is wrong ;P
L797[13:03:26] <gigaherz> it MAY work
L798[13:03:34] <gigaherz> but even if it does, it's wrong ;P
L799[13:04:41] <laci200270> gigaherz, i'm totally confused: http://pastebin.com/1sN4pH9H
L800[13:04:47] <laci200270> my json should work
L801[13:04:54] <laci200270> but not
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L803[13:05:59] <gigaherz> dunno I don't really know the limitations or details of the forge blockstates ;p
L804[13:06:11] <laci200270> maybe fry
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L807[13:07:44] <shadekiller666> forge blockstates are parsed in a very specific way
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L809[13:08:29] <laci200270> shadekiller666, do you know what this crash mean?
L810[13:08:38] <shadekiller666> what crash
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L813[13:09:10] <laci200270> shadekiller666, http://pastebin.com/1sN4pH9H
L814[13:09:45] <shadekiller666> give me the link to your blockstate json
L815[13:10:03] <laci200270> https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/energymod/blockstates/eConduit.json
L816[13:10:34] <shadekiller666> wtf are you doing
L817[13:10:39] <laci200270> pipe
L818[13:10:42] <shadekiller666> what properties does your block have
L819[13:10:59] <shadekiller666> i can see directions, so you have a PropertyDirection, what else
L820[13:11:09] <laci200270> https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/energymod/blocks/EnergyConduit.java
L821[13:11:13] <laci200270> no direction
L822[13:11:45] <shadekiller666> O.o
L823[13:11:56] <shadekiller666> why are you using PropertyIntegers
L824[13:12:10] <shadekiller666> what is the block supposed to do
L825[13:12:24] <laci200270> It is possible 3 states per side
L826[13:12:39] <shadekiller666> ok
L827[13:13:06] <laci200270> what is the problem?
L828[13:13:15] <laci200270> with the blockstate?
L829[13:13:58] <shadekiller666> first, try using "model" instead of "submodel"
L830[13:14:18] <laci200270> i will a have multiple models
L831[13:14:20] <shadekiller666> thats the reason you're getting the No base model or submodel provided... error
L832[13:14:27] <laci200270> it will be a core model
L833[13:14:34] <laci200270> i should include it now?
L834[13:14:39] <laci200270> that fixes?
L835[13:14:49] <shadekiller666> you have to define a "model" before you can define "submodel"s
L836[13:15:00] <laci200270> oh
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L838[13:15:25] <shadekiller666> from what i'm seeing you could replace all of those "submodel" keys with "model"
L839[13:15:56] <shadekiller666> unless theres some base model that you're adding, either way you need a "model" somewhere
L840[13:16:00] <laci200270> i put a core model part
L841[13:16:03] <shadekiller666> like in "defaults": {} for instance
L842[13:16:26] <laci200270> now waiting for load
L843[13:18:37] ⇦ Quits: Ineentho (webchat@78-69-128-40-no113.tbcn.telia.com) (Quit: Web client closed)
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L845[13:19:10] <Ineentho> Hey, I've been trying to render block icons as seen in the inventory to a image file, but for some reason I only get parts of blocks, for example http://i.imgur.com/YsVeErh.png
L846[13:20:17] <Ineentho> I can't see how it gets that bad, I'm just using the same method as is used by the inventory screen: https://github.com/ineentho/forgedocr/blob/master/src/main/java/com/ineentho/forgedocr/generator/DocGenerator.java#L89
L847[13:21:33] <laci200270> shadekiller666, still crashes current json: https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/energymod/blockstates/eConduit.json crash: https://gist.github.com/laci200270/b0998cd6b600451f3af1
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L849[13:22:29] <pig> Ineentho: doesn't a mod like that already exsit?
L850[13:22:47] <Ineentho> pig: Not that I've found
L851[13:22:56] <Ineentho> but I really think it should
L852[13:23:00] <pig> it exists
L853[13:23:02] <pig> i'm sure of it
L854[13:23:05] <pig> i just don't know the nam
L855[13:23:08] <pig> name*
L856[13:23:13] <pig> but i know people have used it
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L858[13:23:22] <pig> ask around a few, I'm sure someone's bound to know a mod that has that feature
L859[13:23:34] <Ineentho> I've been searching for something like that quite a bit
L860[13:23:45] <shadekiller666> zaggy, can you take a look at laci's crash
L861[13:23:52] <Ineentho> but I guess it has to, people can't be manually rendering items for wikis etc
L862[13:24:09] <shadekiller666> you know the submodel system more than i do
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L864[13:25:23] <laci200270> this happens when I decide to use more efficient system
L865[13:25:30] <laci200270> I could usse TESR
L866[13:26:02] <shadekiller666> this is what happens when you don't understand the syntax of something*
L867[13:26:11] <laci200270> :D
L868[13:26:29] <shadekiller666> the system will do what you want it to do, you just need to understand how to tell it what to do
L869[13:26:39] <laci200270> yes
L870[13:27:16] <laci200270> my IT teacher said computers do what you say to do not what that you want to do
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L872[13:31:07] <laci200270> shadekiller666, i also got a massive console spam: https://gist.github.com/laci200270/25a2891e36f645b4b688
L873[13:31:50] <laci200270> what can cause that?
L874[13:32:04] ⇨ Joins: CreeperDude (webchat@
L875[13:32:48] <shadekiller666> well
L876[13:33:28] <shadekiller666> #torch as a texture key means "use the texture defined with the name 'torch' in one of my parent models"
L877[13:33:51] <shadekiller666> if theres not a 'torch' texture defined in the heirarchy... it keeps iterating
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L879[13:34:06] <laci200270> i'm using toch model
L880[13:34:16] <laci200270> *torch
L881[13:35:15] ⇦ Quits: ElgarL (~ElgarL@cpc6-hawk15-2-0-cust537.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L882[13:36:01] <shadekiller666> for vanilla torches, the texture is actually defined in the item model json
L883[13:36:10] ⇦ Quits: Tim020 (~Tim0@cpc25-farn7-2-0-cust147.6-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L884[13:36:49] <laci200270> ok
L885[13:36:59] <shadekiller666> try changing the "submodel"s from "torch" to "minecraft:blocks/torch"
L886[13:37:13] <shadekiller666> or "minecraft:torch"
L887[13:37:41] <laci200270> ok
L888[13:37:52] * laci200270 debugs
L889[13:42:28] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L890[13:44:54] <laci200270> shadekiller666, the console spam gone but still crashes
L891[13:45:07] <shadekiller666> ok
L892[13:45:12] <shadekiller666> same error?
L893[13:45:19] <laci200270> yes
L894[13:47:18] <shadekiller666> can i see your updated blockstate json
L895[13:48:00] <laci200270> shadekiller666, I pushed to github
L896[13:50:13] <shadekiller666> try removing the "" from the number keys
L897[13:50:39] <shadekiller666> like the example on readthedocs does
L898[13:52:21] <laci200270> same
L899[13:52:49] <laci200270> problem
L900[13:53:52] <laci200270> shadekiller666, crash... again
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L910[14:15:17] <Xman657483> Hey would anybody here know of a way to fix status effect clashes between two mods?
L911[14:16:28] <diesieben07> what exactly do you mean?
L912[14:16:48] <Corosus> mods need to provide a way to config the ids
L913[14:16:56] <diesieben07> oh
L914[14:16:58] <diesieben07> yeah
L915[14:17:07] <Corosus> then if the effects are still active, you need to purge the nbt data from players to stop it from crashing on reload
L916[14:17:09] <diesieben07> or you know... do it automatically
L917[14:17:12] <diesieben07> it is trivial
L918[14:17:14] <Corosus> it is
L919[14:17:22] <Corosus> well..... sorda
L920[14:17:23] <diesieben07> but mod makers are idiots.
L921[14:17:28] <diesieben07> no, not sorty.,
L922[14:17:31] <diesieben07> sorta.
L923[14:17:32] <diesieben07> its trival.
L924[14:17:44] <Corosus> i suppose it could just use a 'find free ID' system, but it'd have to account for active ids
L925[14:17:53] <diesieben07> what are "active ids"?
L926[14:17:56] <Corosus> and catch the casting crash issues that occur when it badly assumes things
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L929[14:25:51] <Xman657483> So I have Chromaticraft, Withery, and arsmagica. and everytime I get hit by a chromaticraft tower it applies a debuf
L930[14:25:57] <Xman657483> and well it crashes me
L931[14:27:13] <Xman657483> I can get a crash report if you want
L932[14:29:05] <diesieben07> yes, always need a crash report,
L933[14:30:40] <flappyy> Xman657483: fix your potion ids
L934[14:30:40] <Xman657483> ok here is one of em
L935[14:30:43] <Xman657483> http://pastebin.com/MW1KRjbR
L936[14:31:15] <Xman657483> this happens when i destroy a block
L937[14:31:30] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Drullkus@
L938[14:31:36] <diesieben07> yeah you have wrongly configured potion IDs
L939[14:31:41] <diesieben07> most likely from witchery
L940[14:32:14] <Xman657483> Hrm so I used a potion fixeing utility an said there was no conflictions
L941[14:32:39] <diesieben07> utilities can only do so much
L942[14:32:54] ⇨ Joins: Mitchellbrine (uid38456@id-38456.tooting.irccloud.com)
L943[14:32:58] <diesieben07> probably talk to the witchery devs
L944[14:32:59] <williewillus> anyone remember IDResolver
L945[14:33:02] <williewillus> :p
L946[14:33:07] <flappyy> williewillus: lol
L947[14:33:29] <Xman657483> ok ill se if I can get connected to them
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L950[14:42:07] <shadekiller666> holy shit the lack of useful information contained in the stack trace for errors involving initialization of an enum is amazing...
L951[14:42:55] <PaleoCrafter> Enums shouldn't error in general :P
L952[14:44:28] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Drullkus@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L953[14:45:30] <shadekiller666> maybe i'm doing something weird with them then... cus i keep getting either ExceptionInInitializerErrors or NoClassDefFoundErrors
L954[14:46:00] <PaleoCrafter> Wut
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L957[14:48:29] <shadekiller666> wtf
L958[14:48:42] <tterrag> can anyone think of some other good, distinct shapes? http://puu.sh/jItfU.png
L959[14:49:49] <shadekiller666> i have a class thats just used for storage of constant variables, one of which is called RESOURCE_PREFIX which is just my modid + ":", and another is TRACK_STATE_DIR which is set to RESOURCE_PREFIX + "tracks/"
L960[14:50:36] <shadekiller666> when i try to concatinate something onto TRACK_STATE_DIR in the constructor of my enum, TRACK_STATE_DIR is null
L961[14:50:43] <bl4ckscor3> tterrag, a minus, an outlined square, dot
L962[14:50:45] <PaleoCrafter> Vertical and horizontal bar, tterrag?
L963[14:50:53] <tterrag> shadekiller666: enum constants are created during the static initializer
L964[14:51:13] <tterrag> good ideas :D
L965[14:51:14] <bl4ckscor3> a square rotated by 45°
L966[14:51:21] <shadekiller666> ok
L967[14:52:03] <shadekiller666> but if i set a breakpoint on the line thats referancing TRACK_STATE_DIR and add RESOURCE_PREFIX to the watches, its initialized
L968[14:52:30] <tterrag> it's probably some strange ordering issue
L969[14:52:38] <PaleoCrafter> I guess regular n-gons work in general?
L970[14:53:44] <PaleoCrafter> Oh, and maybe some arrow-y shapes
L971[14:54:07] <tterrag> PaleoCrafter: these are for distinguishing at a very small size...not sure an arrow would be helpful :P
L972[14:54:21] <PaleoCrafter> Well, you can try it :P
L973[14:54:54] <PaleoCrafter> And you can make it sufficiently large :P
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L975[14:56:57] <PaleoCrafter> Do you have Photoshop? :P
L976[14:57:25] <tterrag> no
L977[14:57:32] <tterrag> well, maybe? but I don't use it or know how to
L978[14:57:41] <tterrag> PaleoCrafter: I have enough shapes for now
L979[14:58:43] <PaleoCrafter> Well, if you need any more, there are probably some pretty good ones in its custom shape tool (I think that's what it's called)
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L981[15:01:16] <shadekiller666> tterrag: https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/e9cfeb7f017a792a9438 the error happens on the last line of the CategoryEnum constructor, "this.BLOCKSTATE_DIR = ..."
L982[15:02:21] <shadekiller666> reload the link, the error log has been added
L983[15:03:09] <tterrag> seems like something is up with the reference class
L984[15:03:13] <tterrag> it's saying it failed to load
L985[15:03:17] <tterrag> net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class rcteam.rc2.util.Reference
L986[15:03:38] <shadekiller666> but how can it fail to load? its a bunch of ints and strings...
L987[15:03:44] <tterrag> beats me
L988[15:04:27] <shadekiller666> would making it a static class do anything
L989[15:05:06] <tterrag> top level classes are implicitly static
L990[15:05:27] <shadekiller666> then wtf
L991[15:06:19] <diesieben07> shadekiller666, RC2.configDir is NOT a string or int
L992[15:06:23] <diesieben07> nor is it a constant.
L993[15:07:34] <shadekiller666> well, it can't be a constant unless theres another way to obtain the config directory
L994[15:08:14] <shadekiller666> that doesn't require an instance of one of the launch events...
L995[15:08:32] <diesieben07> well, then TRACKS_DIR cannot be constant either
L996[15:08:37] <diesieben07> you cannot make a constant based on a non-constant
L997[15:11:08] <tterrag> diesieben07: huh? sure you can. it just won't be an inlined constant
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L999[15:11:31] <diesieben07> well, if you make sure the class with the constant in it is loaded afterwards...
L1000[15:11:37] <tterrag> ah yes, there is that :P
L1001[15:11:39] ⇨ Joins: popinman322 (~magisun@cpe-67-249-193-202.twcny.res.rr.com)
L1002[15:11:40] <diesieben07> but i dont see anywhere where he DOES make sure about that.
L1003[15:11:48] <diesieben07> in any case it would be fragile.
L1004[15:12:01] <diesieben07> // never ever reference this class before X or things will blow up
L1005[15:12:10] <diesieben07> great idea.
L1006[15:12:13] <tterrag> hence why static initializers are typically a bad idea :P
L1007[15:12:21] <shadekiller666> configDir is set on the third line of preInit()
L1008[15:12:32] <diesieben07> you dont say.
L1009[15:12:47] <shadekiller666> which happens before anything in Reference is ever referenced
L1010[15:12:57] <diesieben07> not true.
L1011[15:13:11] <diesieben07> CategoryEnum.values() is right before that.
L1012[15:13:14] <diesieben07> which loads Reference
L1013[15:13:44] <PaleoCrafter> You... Added an Enum suffix? q.q
L1014[15:13:59] <diesieben07> that is the smallest issue with that code.
L1015[15:14:02] <shadekiller666> enum suffix?
L1016[15:14:06] <PaleoCrafter> I don't care
L1017[15:14:37] <PaleoCrafter> The name of your enum ends in "Enum"
L1018[15:14:48] <PaleoCrafter> Which is meh :P
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L1022[15:18:40] *** MorphFK is now known as Morphan1
L1023[15:20:08] <tterrag> "stack": "ingotGold", "overlay": "#circle" => http://puu.sh/jIvnh.png
L1024[15:20:10] <tterrag> PaleoCrafter: ^
L1025[15:20:29] <Ordinastie_> tterrag, hourglass shape :)
L1026[15:20:55] <tterrag> Ordinastie_: ok, adding new shapes is easy :P
L1027[15:21:06] <PaleoCrafter> The circle doesn't look very distinct, not sure how it's for somebody actually color blind
L1028[15:21:11] <tterrag> http://puu.sh/jIvAO.txt
L1029[15:21:15] <tterrag> PaleoCrafter: color can be changed
L1030[15:21:22] <PaleoCrafter> Ah
L1031[15:21:43] <shadekiller666> ahh, seems swapping the configDir assignment and CategoryEnum.values() fixed it
L1032[15:21:49] <Ordinastie_> can size be changed too?
L1033[15:22:16] <diesieben07> shadekiller666, that is still very fragile.
L1034[15:22:42] <shadekiller666> in what ways
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L1036[15:23:36] <Ineentho> I've been looking for a way to render modded items to icons for use on a wiki
L1037[15:23:42] <Ineentho> does anybody know about such a mod?
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L1039[15:24:08] <tterrag> Ineentho: NEI
L1040[15:24:42] <Ineentho> tterrag: Oh, I thought it only could output a list of items? Right, I'll have a check again! thanks
L1041[15:24:54] <tterrag> nah it has icon outputs now
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L1048[15:48:48] <shadekiller666> i wish i could reference nested variants in forge blockstate jsons with ModelResourceLocation
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L1059[15:58:43] <shadekiller666> does anyone have an example of a json file writer, it would make this easier
L1060[15:59:23] <williewillus> Gson and java.io? :p
L1061[15:59:44] <diesieben07> Files.write(Gson.toJson(...), file, Charsets.UTF_8);
L1062[15:59:50] <diesieben07> one line of code...
L1063[16:00:05] <shadekiller666> i mean the serializer
L1064[16:00:11] <williewillus> type adapter?
L1065[16:00:46] <shadekiller666> yes... how does one write a json serializer for gson
L1066[16:00:50] <diesieben07> foreach (field in object.fields) { json.set(field.name, field.value); }
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L1068[16:01:10] <shadekiller666> ?
L1069[16:01:16] <tterrag> shadekiller666: implement JsonSerialize or JsonDeserializer
L1070[16:01:16] <diesieben07> pseudocoe.
L1071[16:01:22] <shadekiller666> oh
L1072[16:01:59] <shadekiller666> so you get the list of variables in whatever it is you're serializing, then set whatever its name is with the value
L1073[16:02:15] <diesieben07> well, you dont get the list
L1074[16:02:17] <diesieben07> you already know it
L1075[16:02:25] <diesieben07> btw gson already does this for you.
L1076[16:02:40] <diesieben07> read: https://sites.google.com/site/gson/gson-user-guide
L1077[16:04:09] <tterrag> 9/10 times you do not need to writ eyour own
L1078[16:04:17] <tterrag> if you make your own objects 10/10 times
L1079[16:05:06] <shadekiller666> oh
L1080[16:05:47] <shadekiller666> so GSON will just spit out a json representing whatever class you want it to
L1081[16:05:54] <diesieben07> yes
L1082[16:06:03] <diesieben07> thats why its so greatr
L1083[16:09:47] <Thutmose> if I wanted to add the lwjgl library to the server side, how would I go about doing so?
L1084[16:10:24] <diesieben07> you cant.
L1085[16:10:30] <diesieben07> you would break everything
L1086[16:10:36] <diesieben07> servers probably dont even have a gpu
L1087[16:10:42] <Thutmose> i don't need a gpu
L1088[16:10:45] <Thutmose> just multiple threads
L1089[16:10:52] <Thutmose> for the opencl component of it
L1090[16:10:58] <diesieben07> oh
L1091[16:11:00] <diesieben07> hrm
L1092[16:11:09] <diesieben07> well, just... ship it with your code and hope nothing breaks.
L1093[16:11:12] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L1094[16:11:57] <Thutmose> it seems that the vast majority of the cpu use for my collision code is looping over arrays
L1095[16:12:11] <Thutmose> so I was thinking that opencl may help that
L1096[16:13:16] <diesieben07> most likely not in a way that you couldnt do with normal java parallelization
L1097[16:13:25] <diesieben07> unless the server has a gpu you would not benefit
L1098[16:13:30] <diesieben07> if i understand things correctly
L1099[16:13:34] <Thutmose> opencl can use cpu
L1100[16:13:45] <Thutmose> it uses any available compute thread
L1101[16:13:52] <Thutmose> if you tell it to
L1102[16:13:56] <diesieben07> yes
L1103[16:14:00] <diesieben07> and you cant do that in java because...?
L1104[16:14:19] <tterrag> does anyone know of a data structure (standard lib or external lib) that can map objects, using only equals? I basically want to abstract using an ArrayList and paired entries
L1105[16:14:19] <tterrag> in my specific case hashCode() cannot reliably represent the object being stored
L1106[16:14:22] <Thutmose> because then I would need to write my own implemntation of it
L1107[16:14:26] <Thutmose> and it already exists as opencl
L1108[16:14:46] <diesieben07> uhm
L1109[16:14:55] <diesieben07> you said "yoru collision code"
L1110[16:15:01] <diesieben07> i assumed you currently do not use opencl
L1111[16:15:17] <Thutmose> it is mainly the part where points are rotated
L1112[16:15:18] <diesieben07> tterrag, List<Pair<K, V>> ? :D
L1113[16:15:24] <Thutmose> I need to rotote a mesh
L1114[16:15:32] <tterrag> diesieben07: but the equals needs to be based on the key alone
L1115[16:15:36] <tterrag> as I need to lookup the value
L1116[16:15:44] <tterrag> so...nope, try again :p
L1117[16:15:58] <Thutmose> and the expensive part seems to be looping over the items in the mesh, not the actual rotation
L1118[16:16:24] <diesieben07> extend AbstractMap and DIY
L1119[16:16:40] <diesieben07> again, Thutmose i dont see how opencl can help you here.
L1120[16:17:09] <shadekiller666> tterrag, what do you mean "map" objects?
L1121[16:17:23] <tterrag> shadekiller666: map them...k->v
L1122[16:17:24] <diesieben07> he wants a Map<K, V> without it using hashCode
L1123[16:17:29] <tterrag> essentially yes
L1124[16:17:37] <tterrag> as the performance on most maps without hashcode is rather awful
L1125[16:17:39] <Thutmose> it will handle the multi-threading appropriately
L1126[16:17:52] <diesieben07> again, you cant do that in java because...?
L1127[16:18:01] <Thutmose> opencl is in java
L1128[16:18:03] <diesieben07> tterrag, yes and you cannot fix that wihout using hashCode :P
L1129[16:18:09] <tterrag> well I mean
L1130[16:18:15] <Thutmose> that is the point of lwjgl's implementation of it
L1131[16:18:17] <tterrag> they are not optimized to work without hashcode. something like ArrayList is
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L1133[16:18:35] <Thutmose> with java, don't I need to go and spawn a bunch of threads, then distrobute it over them?
L1134[16:18:37] <diesieben07> as i said tt, extend AbstractMap and wrap an ArrayList :D
L1135[16:18:42] <Thutmose> and worry about messing up with locks and whatnot
L1136[16:18:48] <diesieben07> you could use java's ForkJoin
L1137[16:18:48] <Thutmose> whereas opencl does all of that for you
L1138[16:19:01] <tterrag> diesieben07: this is such a small mod...I'll just write the hardcode :P
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L1142[16:22:46] <shadekiller666> when does updateItemStackNBT() in Item get called?
L1143[16:22:53] <shadekiller666> or for what purpose
L1144[16:23:18] <Ordinastie_> maybe check the call hierarchy ?
L1145[16:23:39] <shadekiller666> No usages found in project files...
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L1147[16:24:02] <shadekiller666> but skulls override it
L1148[16:24:12] <Ordinastie_> it's called from ItemStack
L1149[16:24:23] <Ordinastie_> readFromNBT
L1150[16:24:27] <diesieben07> it is called to update legacy NBT to new NBT in ItemStacks
L1151[16:24:43] <shadekiller666> oh
L1152[16:24:53] <shadekiller666> the java docs on that method is pretty useless
L1153[16:25:23] <diesieben07> its just missing a word
L1154[16:25:38] <diesieben07> change "potentially that" to "potentially change that"
L1155[16:25:42] ⇦ Parts: Thutmose (~elpat@cpe-4-53-66-208.caribcable.com) ())
L1156[16:25:48] <shadekiller666> oh lol
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L1158[16:33:41] <Szernex> well, there's going to be a lot stuff different in 1.9 I guess
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L1161[16:38:54] <Mraof> How do you change what lwjgl version you're using?
L1162[16:41:30] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L1163[16:42:07] <diesieben07> Mraof, you use MultiMC.
L1164[16:42:38] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1165[16:45:04] <shadekiller666> dang it
L1166[16:45:13] <Mraof> Well I know how to do it with multimc
L1167[16:45:21] <Mraof> But I'm referring to when I'm developing
L1168[16:45:34] <Mraof> So with gradle runClient
L1169[16:45:38] <shadekiller666> where does minecraft store the resourcelocation that points to the texture it should use for particles for a block?
L1170[16:47:00] <diesieben07> meh good luck with that
L1171[16:47:04] <diesieben07> thats all hardcoded in the jsons
L1172[16:49:13] <Ordinastie_> shadekiller666, inside the block's model
L1173[16:49:34] <Ordinastie_> IBakedModel.getTexture()
L1174[16:50:11] ⇦ Quits: Seppon (~Noppes@82-168-212-152.ip.telfort.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1176[16:56:37] <Mraof> Hmm
L1177[16:56:49] *** TehNut|Sleep is now known as TehNut
L1178[16:57:02] <Mraof> I need to use 2.9.3 because 2.9.1 has a bug on linux
L1179[16:57:24] <Mraof> Where it'll change the refresh rate to 60 when closing Minecraft
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L1181[16:57:44] <Mraof> And my refresh rate should be 75
L1182[16:57:46] <diesieben07> what ide are you using?
L1183[16:58:07] <Mraof> Eclipse, sort of
L1184[16:58:12] <diesieben07> sort of?
L1185[16:58:22] <Mraof> I'm using eclipse through eclim
L1186[16:58:35] <Mraof> So I can actually use vim as my editor but still get eclipse features
L1187[16:58:37] *** Garophel is now known as Garophel|Zzz
L1188[16:58:47] <Mraof> And then I run Minecraft with gradle runClient
L1189[16:58:56] <diesieben07> oh god
L1190[16:59:05] <diesieben07> if you were using the eclipse run config you could do it
L1191[16:59:06] <diesieben07> with that... idk
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L1193[16:59:24] <Mraof> How would I do it with the eclipse run config?
L1194[16:59:28] <Laceh> my next minecraft mod will be written using vim
L1195[17:00:17] <diesieben07> just remove the old lwjgl jar and add the new
L1196[17:00:28] <diesieben07> in the referenced libraries
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L1200[17:01:58] <Mraof> Hmm
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L1202[17:04:55] <Mraof> I guess I'll just have to keep using xkill to close Minecraft
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L1204[17:05:45] <diesieben07> the fact that you can deal with minecraft without an ide boggles my mind
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L1206[17:06:53] <shadekiller666> do ImmutableMaps keep track of insertion order?
L1207[17:07:32] <diesieben07> yes
L1208[17:07:44] <jakimfett> Are the contents of a chest stored serverside?
L1209[17:07:57] <tterrag> ....
L1210[17:07:58] <diesieben07> read the fukin javadocs -.-
L1211[17:08:01] <diesieben07> first sentence
L1212[17:08:02] <tterrag> where else would they be stored
L1213[17:08:38] <jakimfett> ...dunno, I was curious if they were supposed to sync clientside, like some other stuff does...sorry...
L1214[17:08:58] <diesieben07> they are synced
L1215[17:09:04] <diesieben07> as long as the GUI is open
L1216[17:09:19] <jakimfett> ah.
L1217[17:09:36] <tterrag> no point to sync as chest contents don't affect anything clientside....unless the GUI is open
L1218[17:09:40] <jakimfett> that explains the clientside TileEntity sometimes having them, and sometimes not...
L1219[17:10:06] <jakimfett> tterrag: I'm trying to get the contents from an adjacent block, hence my question.
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L1221[17:10:37] <jakimfett> I suppose I'll have to dig through the GUI code and see if I can trigger a sync without opening the GUI.
L1222[17:10:58] <tterrag> jakimfett: or just do your logic serverside...
L1223[17:11:15] <diesieben07> and if you need to display them, add a Slot
L1224[17:11:20] <diesieben07> they will be synced then
L1225[17:12:20] <jakimfett> I'm trying to set up the GUI to selectively get the contents of one of the chests around my block, while the block GUI is open.
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L1227[17:12:51] <diesieben07> thats gonna require a bit of work but not TOO much
L1228[17:13:02] <jakimfett> my current plan is a custom packet sent to the server saying "remove all slots, then add this predefined set of slots"
L1229[17:13:03] <diesieben07> you can just add all the Slots
L1230[17:13:12] <diesieben07> and then move the invisible ones offscreen
L1231[17:13:19] <diesieben07> with xPosition = -999
L1232[17:13:21] <jakimfett> oh, seriously?
L1233[17:13:25] <diesieben07> just make sure to do it on both sides
L1234[17:13:28] <jakimfett> ...that will make my life so much easier.
L1235[17:13:31] <diesieben07> yes, i have done it, works perfectly fine
L1236[17:13:43] <jakimfett> custom packet to send the x/y to the server, I assume?
L1237[17:13:51] <diesieben07> not even that
L1238[17:13:58] <diesieben07> just "display this chest now"
L1239[17:14:18] <jakimfett> and I assume it'll do "Bad Things (tm)" if two clients are viewing, and the slots are different for each?
L1240[17:14:27] <diesieben07> yes
L1241[17:14:34] <diesieben07> each player gets their own Container
L1242[17:14:40] <jakimfett> @tterrag here's what my GUI looks like, currently: http://pics.jakimfett.com/2015-08-14_23-10-00.png
L1243[17:14:40] <tterrag> "offscreen slot" is incredibly common, more than you know probably :P
L1244[17:14:41] <diesieben07> so actually no
L1245[17:14:46] <diesieben07> it will not do bad things
L1246[17:14:57] <jakimfett> gotcha, just make sure each player has their own container
L1247[17:15:03] <tterrag> jakimfett: that is not loading for me :(
L1248[17:15:04] <diesieben07> no need to make sure
L1249[17:15:07] <diesieben07> it just does that
L1250[17:15:07] <tterrag> nv,m
L1251[17:15:23] <jakimfett> gotcha, thanks diesieben
L1252[17:15:42] <diesieben07> oh and "this chest" can just be a number 0-5
L1253[17:15:47] <diesieben07> for all 6 adjacent sides ;)
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L1255[17:20:09] <shadekiller666> this rollercoaster mod is the first time i'm actually getting a chance to put the OBJ loader through its paces, and i'm finding a few little quarks here and there :P
L1256[17:20:22] <tterrag> I'd hope so
L1257[17:20:41] <tterrag> I mean, if you didn't find quarks that would be quite the problem
L1258[17:20:45] <shadekiller666> lol
L1259[17:21:03] <shadekiller666> not finding quarks = something was done wrong
L1260[17:21:23] <tterrag> I think you mean "quirks"
L1261[17:21:56] <diesieben07> and shadekiller proceeded to look at the screen with his mouth wide open.
L1262[17:22:09] <shadekiller666> ya those
L1263[17:22:15] <shadekiller666> no, mouth is closed
L1264[17:24:59] <jakimfett> diesieben07: there are 8 sides actually, I'm just showing 7 atm in the GUI
L1265[17:25:41] <diesieben07> 8 sides?
L1266[17:25:46] <diesieben07> what kinda dimension are you living in man?
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L1273[17:41:53] <unascribed> why are double chests possible ;_;
L1274[17:42:11] <unascribed> turns what would be really simple logic into a tangled mess
L1275[17:42:43] <diesieben07> just make a method "getInventory(World, x,y,z)" and never look at it again
L1276[17:43:51] <diesieben07> actually you can just check for BlockChest and if so call getLockableContainer
L1277[17:50:35] *** Clank[Away] is now known as Clank
L1278[17:50:47] <tterrag> unascribed: I rewrote double chests in a mod
L1279[17:50:52] <tterrag> chisel for some reason, just felt like it
L1280[17:50:56] <tterrag> to prove how dumb they are :P
L1281[17:51:23] <unascribed> I've never used one of the present boxes in Chisel, so I have no idea what you mean :P
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L1284[17:56:55] <Zaggy1024> frak, now I'm getting an NPE in my enum like you did, shade
L1285[17:57:03] <Zaggy1024> did you ever figure otu what that was about?
L1286[17:57:16] <shadekiller666> uhh
L1287[17:57:46] <shadekiller666> initializing any of the values in the enum before something that they rely on is initialized
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L1289[17:59:29] <Zaggy1024> ah
L1290[17:59:43] <shadekiller666> can vectors have their values set directly or do you have to use setX() and such?
L1291[17:59:50] <shadekiller666> in java 6 i mean
L1292[18:00:12] <Zaggy1024> which vectors?
L1293[18:00:21] <shadekiller666> Vector4f
L1294[18:00:32] <diesieben07> there are 2 of those
L1295[18:00:48] <Zaggy1024> javax?
L1296[18:00:50] <shadekiller666> the java.vecmath one
L1297[18:01:01] <shadekiller666> javax.vecmath*
L1298[18:01:04] <diesieben07> they have a cstr which takes the values
L1299[18:01:17] <diesieben07> seriously do you not have the ability to look at the code?!
L1300[18:01:19] <Zaggy1024> javax's is not immutable it seems
L1301[18:01:25] <shadekiller666> i'm in java 8 atm
L1302[18:01:46] <diesieben07> and that has nothing to do with this whatsoever
L1303[18:02:09] <shadekiller666> if it changed across java versions it would
L1304[18:02:16] <diesieben07> javax is a library
L1305[18:02:24] <diesieben07> *javax.vecmath
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L1308[18:04:27] <gigaherz> hmm how do double chests work, actually?
L1309[18:04:34] <gigaherz> does eahc sub-chest have its own half of the inventory?
L1310[18:04:37] <diesieben07> yes
L1311[18:04:45] <diesieben07> and there is a method which creates a wrapper around the two
L1312[18:04:47] <gigaherz> ahh, I guess that's what makes them annoying
L1313[18:05:18] <gigaherz> instead of some "if right chest half, forward method to left side"
L1314[18:05:42] <shadekiller666> thats why if you have a single chest with items and you put another chest next to it the items sometimes remain in the bottom half of the combined inventory
L1315[18:06:04] <tterrag> unascribed: https://github.com/Chisel-Team/Chisel/blob/1.7/dev/src/main/java/team/chisel/block/tileentity/TileEntityPresent.java
L1316[18:06:38] <unascribed> interesting
L1317[18:06:55] <diesieben07> god IDoubleChest is ugly
L1318[18:06:59] <tterrag> diesieben07: yeah it is
L1319[18:07:03] <tterrag> it was mostly an afterthought
L1320[18:07:05] <tterrag> *shrug*
L1321[18:07:16] <diesieben07> why would you name those methods like that...
L1322[18:07:18] <tterrag> it's not in the API and I don't use it anywhere else
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L1326[18:12:59] <calclavia> is there an event for when the player joins a server for the first time?
L1327[18:13:01] <calclavia> in Forge?
L1328[18:13:08] <diesieben07> no, you have to do that yourself
L1329[18:13:08] <tterrag> no, just joins
L1330[18:13:31] <diesieben07> just put a boolean into getEntityData().getTag(EntityPlayer.PERSISTED_NBT_TAG)
L1331[18:15:16] <calclavia> tterrag: What's the class of the join event?
L1332[18:15:21] <calclavia> Is it EntityJoinEvent?
L1333[18:15:32] <tterrag> no
L1334[18:15:32] <diesieben07> PlayerLoggedInEvent
L1335[18:15:35] <tterrag> ^
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L1338[18:21:07] <Zaggy1024> whoa, what? attack charging?
L1339[18:21:38] <Zaggy1024> sound like fun
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L1347[18:40:23] <shadekiller666> wtf why is source tree wanting to add a whole bunch of .class files to my forge branch...
L1348[18:44:35] <Zaggy1024> I'm curious, is there some reason why Block can't be abstract in 1.8?
L1349[18:44:49] <Zaggy1024> I mean, it throws an error if you try to register a block without overriding getMetaFromState
L1350[18:45:15] <Zaggy1024> well I guess it doesn't if the state is empty...
L1351[18:45:16] <Zaggy1024> hm
L1352[18:45:28] <Zaggy1024> whatever lol
L1353[18:46:08] <shadekiller666> why is it that sometimes sourcetree allows you to Discard changes, but other times it doesn't
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L1355[18:46:47] <Zaggy1024> it wants to add stuff because that stuff is unversioned or something, probably
L1356[18:46:58] <Zaggy1024> and it's probably also not ignored
L1357[18:47:10] <Zaggy1024> just commit what you need
L1358[18:47:30] <tterrag> you should definitely have *.class in your gitignore
L1359[18:47:37] <Zaggy1024> should be checking for excess or missing files before committing anyway
L1360[18:47:48] <Zaggy1024> ah that too I guess
L1361[18:48:17] <Zaggy1024> "discard changes" sounds like a revert
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L1363[18:50:51] <shadekiller666> idk why the forge dev env gitignore doesn't have *.class
L1364[18:51:01] <shadekiller666> or at least my copy of it doesn''t
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L1378[19:59:35] <minecreatr> is there any way to change the version that the client sends to the server in handshake
L1379[20:00:00] <shadekiller666> zaggy, you around?
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L1385[20:19:12] <rfctksSparkle> trying to map a AE inventory to a IInventory is hard =/
L1386[20:19:24] <shadekiller666> O.O
L1387[20:19:30] <gigaherz> uh?
L1388[20:20:05] <shadekiller666> holy crap, passing a box bigger than 1x1x1 to setBlockBounds actually works now, and makes the selection box the same size as the collision box
L1389[20:20:13] <gigaherz> lol
L1390[20:20:16] <rfctksSparkle> I'm trying to write a bridge for a AE network to Botania's corporea system
L1391[20:20:17] <rfctksSparkle> lol
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L1393[20:20:52] <shadekiller666> well, it makes the selection box that size, not the collision box apparently
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L1396[20:21:07] <rfctksSparkle> except that the corporea system is more like remote access for attached inventories =/
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L1398[20:21:48] <gigaherz> yeah you'd normally use an ME Interface
L1399[20:21:54] <gigaherz> with the collection of itemsyou actually want to expose
L1400[20:21:55] <gigaherz> XD
L1401[20:22:09] <gigaherz> granted, 8 is somewhat limiting ;P
L1402[20:23:13] <rfctksSparkle> yeah but my main issue is because the corporea exposes the entire IInventory over its network...
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L1404[20:23:43] <rfctksSparkle> I'm trying to figure out how to translate a IInventory to a IMEMonitor
L1405[20:24:02] <tterrag> good luck with the AE2 API
L1406[20:24:02] <gigaherz> wait you want to see the corporea FROM AE?
L1407[20:24:04] <tterrag> seriously, you'll need it
L1408[20:24:27] <gigaherz> uhh can't you do that with just a storage bus?
L1409[20:24:27] <gigaherz> XD
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L1411[20:25:11] <gigaherz> or hmm you may have the same issue I had with my storage block where th AE2 network would sortof desync due to sudden changes tothe number of slots... ;P
L1412[20:25:21] <rfctksSparkle> no i want to let the corporea network see the entire AE network lol
L1413[20:26:53] <shadekiller666> why is it that if you set the block bounds to something larger than 1x1x1 the actual collision box is still 1x1x1?
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L1415[20:29:31] <Ordinastie_> because the collision is check against the actual block spaces the player is in
L1416[20:29:49] <Ordinastie_> if you're at 0, 0, 0, you don't check if you collide with the block 10, 10, 10
L1417[20:30:44] <Ordinastie_> even if the block at 10,10,10 has a bounds that reach 0,0,0
L1418[20:31:07] <Ordinastie_> I have a system that allows that, but vanilla MC doesn't
L1419[20:35:54] <rfctksSparkle> for IInventory Implementations, must getInventoryStackLimit be 64?
L1420[20:36:12] <tterrag> no
L1421[20:36:20] <tterrag> why would the method exist if it had to be 64
L1422[20:36:52] <rfctksSparkle> I was just confused by the comments in the IInventory file
L1423[20:37:53] <rfctksSparkle> so i wonder if anything will break if I return Integer.MAX_VALUE for that lol
L1424[20:37:59] <tterrag> oh yes that'll break
L1425[20:38:02] <tterrag> stack size is stored as a byte
L1426[20:38:06] <tterrag> so even if you allow it...it won't work
L1427[20:38:10] <minecreatr> can transformers tranform a lib that minecraft uses?
L1428[20:38:28] <rfctksSparkle> you mean in the world file?
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L1437[21:04:34] <Ordinastie_> !gm func_146081_a
L1438[21:04:38] <Ordinastie_> !gm func_146081_a 1.7.10
L1439[21:06:07] <Ordinastie_> !gm func_94602_b 1.7.10
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L1443[21:28:15] <shadekiller666> hey Lex, could you take a look at this bugfix PR? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/2091
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L1450[21:39:06] <Laceh> someone just gained a new follower on GH shadekiller666
L1451[21:39:44] <shadekiller666> ok
L1452[21:39:49] <Laceh> lmfao
L1453[21:39:49] <shadekiller666> was it you?
L1454[21:39:53] <Laceh> yeah :P
L1455[21:40:00] <shadekiller666> nice...
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L1461[21:46:48] <infinitefoxes_> Is there any performance penalty for JSON block models with multiple textures? :p
L1462[21:46:59] <infinitefoxes_> i.e. 7 textures
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L1464[21:47:17] <nevercast> Disclaimer: I know nothing about 1.8
L1465[21:47:19] <nevercast> Probably not
L1466[21:47:28] <nevercast> I'd imagine the block textures are pre-built from the JSON
L1467[21:47:33] <nevercast> Maybe even callLists
L1468[21:47:40] <williewillus> everythings baked
L1469[21:47:43] <nevercast> ^
L1470[21:47:45] <infinitefoxes_> that's what I thought
L1471[21:47:54] <williewillus> so not really, no
L1472[21:48:09] <williewillus> no performance penalty, I mean
L1473[21:48:16] <infinitefoxes_> I've been having to re-make some of the block models in MrCrayfish's editor
L1474[21:48:28] <infinitefoxes_> it's been much easier for me to seperate out the textures
L1475[21:48:45] <nevercast> Multiple textures are often baked in to large sprite sheets
L1476[21:49:06] <nevercast> It makes GPUs happier. Mostly.
L1477[21:49:56] <infinitefoxes_> texture switching is slow, isn't it?
L1478[21:50:19] <infinitefoxes_> sorry, don't know much about OpenGL
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L1480[21:51:36] <Kobata> It's actually not very slow these days, *if* you use the right extensions
L1481[21:52:37] <Kobata> It generally makes more sense to group them (which is also not sprite sheets usually in modern setups, but texture arrays), but with the bindless extensions it's not too bad to switch textures anymore
L1482[21:53:07] <Kobata> Of coruse MC doesn't do any of that so...
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L1484[21:56:49] <williewillus> we have to support toasters on GL 1.1 :D
L1485[21:57:17] <williewillus> the vbo's / baking into lists stuff is slowly getting to gl 2 :p
L1486[21:58:53] <infinitefoxes_> gah in 1.8 the moon and sun are rendered at the same time with VBOs enabled
L1487[21:59:08] <infinitefoxes_> so if you look down during the day, you can see the moon in an empty map
L1488[21:59:50] <TehNut> I swear it was like that for a long time...
L1489[21:59:57] <TehNut> Or at least it used to do that
L1490[22:00:05] <infinitefoxes_> they patched it only to break it again IIRC
L1491[22:00:39] <Zaggy1024> er who the frak cares about a moon being visible underground :P
L1492[22:00:44] <Zaggy1024> *eh
L1493[22:00:56] <williewillus> no that's been happening forever
L1494[22:01:14] <infinitefoxes_> how come it suddenly doesn't do that when you turn off VBOs?
L1495[22:01:25] <Wastl2> Why wouldn't you see the moon below if there's nothing solid in between?
L1496[22:01:32] <williewillus> no idea, it does that in 1.7
L1497[22:01:36] <williewillus> lemme test some older vers
L1498[22:02:32] <infinitefoxes_> https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-68758
L1499[22:03:13] <infinitefoxes_> it's impossible to tell what's going on in the sky renderer
L1500[22:03:26] <infinitefoxes_> they have huge blocks of render code in one method
L1501[22:03:33] <infinitefoxes_> one for VBOs and one without
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L1511[22:31:47] <killjoy> I installed java 32bit (plugin) for school and it decided to remove my 64 bit install because it was "out of date"
L1512[22:33:19] <williewillus> web plugin?
L1513[22:33:21] <williewillus> barf
L1514[22:33:37] <killjoy> It's for myMathLab
L1515[22:34:17] ⇦ Quits: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@174-16-14-83.hlrn.qwest.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1516[22:36:42] <williewillus> that sounds fun
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L1519[22:37:51] <killjoy> It won't work in chrome anyway
L1520[22:38:01] <killjoy> npapi plugins are gone
L1521[22:38:37] <killjoy> I notice that the number of plugins installed in about:plugins has been extremely reduced.
L1522[22:38:40] <killjoy> I now only have 6.
L1523[22:42:49] ⇦ Quits: pixlepix (~localmaca@cpe-67-252-38-34.nycap.res.rr.com) (Quit: pixlepix)
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L1542[23:29:15] <shadekiller666> college classes start again next week :(
L1543[23:30:38] <Laceh> god I wish I was in college
L1544[23:33:51] <killjoy> I started tuesday
L1545[23:34:20] <rfctksSparkle> I started last week =P
L1546[23:34:44] *** Garophel|Zzz is now known as Garophel
L1547[23:35:18] <killjoy> so fg is done now?
L1548[23:35:33] * killjoy notices that branch fg2 was merged
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L1551[23:50:41] <jakimfett> diesieben07: sorry for disappearing earlier, got bogged down with other stuff. I'm poking BlockChest, and I'm not seeing getLockableContainer...is that a 1.8+ method?
L1552[23:51:23] <jakimfett> !gm func_149951_m 1.7.10
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