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L1[00:02:38] <shadekiller666> fuck it... i'll do it later
L2[00:02:49] <shadekiller666> god forbid this shit be easy...
L3[00:03:18] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L4[00:04:51] <xaero> heh I sometimes feel similar "these are the specs, the rest are annoying implemenation details... ooh shiny over there!"
L5[00:05:27] <shadekiller666> i do all these things that are supposed to fix problems, and they never do anything
L6[00:05:36] <shadekiller666> the problem still fucking exists
L7[00:07:29] <shadekiller666> happens mostly with fucking github
L8[00:10:34] ⇦ Quits: Zyferus (~Zyferus@c-174-58-160-193.hsd1.mo.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L9[00:11:11] ⇦ Quits: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@ip5653e53d.direct-adsl.nl) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L11[00:13:03] ⇨ Joins: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@ip5653e53d.direct-adsl.nl)
L12[00:15:57] <xaero> ah, I thought it was a code/algorithm problem - git/github issues have been solvable with some googling usually
L13[00:16:25] <shadekiller666> aparently not the ones i come accross
L14[00:16:26] <xaero> though I haven't tried to chain github to anything yet
L15[00:17:10] <shadekiller666> i do 8 fucking different things and nothing ever works, then i end up erasing my code because i do shit out of order or something
L16[00:17:54] <shadekiller666> god forbid it be easy to have a decent ui system that can ACTUALLY CONNECT TO MY GITHUB and allow me to push...
L17[00:18:11] ⇦ Quits: Azulaloi (~Azulaloi@c-50-137-88-3.hsd1.vt.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L22[00:34:28] <Giraffestock> shadekiller: try bitbucket
L23[00:34:38] <Giraffestock> honestly there shouldnt be this big of an issue, its -probably- something on your end
L24[00:35:05] <Giraffestock> try SourceTree***
L25[00:36:05] *** Kolatra is now known as Kolatra|Away
L26[00:37:11] <shadekiller666> i have to use github in this case... as i'm trying to develop something for forge itself
L27[00:38:15] <shadekiller666> it is probably something on my end
L28[00:38:22] <shadekiller666> but i have no idea what that thing is
L29[00:38:23] *** tterrag|phone is now known as tterrag
L30[00:38:27] <Mimiru> Anyone? I have a class implementing MovingSound, for a looping sound in my TE, the sound loops for a random time before stopping, though my stop method is never called
L31[00:38:36] <shadekiller666> and nothing i can find is helping me to discover it
L32[00:40:00] <tterrag> Mimiru: why are you using MovingSound for a stationary object?
L33[00:40:17] <Mimiru> Because I was told to use that for looping a sound.
L34[00:40:23] <tterrag> PositionedSound
L35[00:40:38] <tterrag> see https://github.com/SleepyTrousers/EnderIO/blob/master/src/main/java/crazypants/enderio/machine/MachineSound.java
L36[00:41:18] <Mimiru> Ahh and just implement ITickableSound myself..
L37[00:41:23] <Mimiru> I'll give it a shot, thanks
L38[00:42:32] <tterrag> that class has worked for me...never had that issue you are describing
L39[00:42:59] <Mimiru> Yeah it's crazy, sometimes it'll play for 3 seconds (the length of the sound) and sometimes for a minute plus
L40[00:43:50] <Mimiru> Crap and this time it played for like 20 seconds.. heh
L41[00:45:59] <Giraffestock> shadekiller: sourcetree works with github
L42[00:46:16] <Giraffestock> tterrag: can I bind MovingSound to the player?
L43[00:46:36] <Giraffestock> in an event handler or something?
L44[00:47:11] <tterrag> correction
L45[00:47:13] <tterrag> sourcetree works with git, period :P
L46[00:47:18] <tterrag> where it's hosted matters not
L47[00:47:20] <tterrag> Giraffestock: eh?
L48[00:47:22] <tterrag> I mean maybe, but I'm pretty sure there are ways to make global sounds
L49[00:47:34] <Giraffestock> i cant find them :D
L50[00:47:41] <Giraffestock> (the ways to make global sounds)
L51[00:47:45] <Giraffestock> (specific to a dim)
L52[00:48:09] <tterrag> never done it myself
L53[00:48:12] <tterrag> bug chylex
L54[00:48:13] <tterrag> wherever he is
L55[00:48:19] <tterrag> (author of HEE)
L56[00:48:28] <Giraffestock> HEE?
L57[00:48:39] <tterrag> hardcore ender expansion :P
L58[00:48:41] <Giraffestock> thanks
L59[00:48:43] <tterrag> trust me, he would know
L60[00:48:44] <Giraffestock> havent played mc in a year or two
L61[00:49:04] <Giraffestock> does he have it in the mod? its openosouce
L62[00:49:18] <tterrag> yeah
L63[00:49:21] <tterrag> but it's a huge mod
L64[00:49:29] <tterrag> it plays music while you're fighting the dragon
L65[00:49:41] <Giraffestock> complicated
L66[00:49:45] <Giraffestock> he has a music manager
L67[00:49:50] <Giraffestock> now to see the license d:
L68[00:50:07] <Mimiru> ¬_¬ Sound in MC is evil. lol
L69[00:50:42] <Giraffestock> it is.
L70[00:56:03] ⇦ Quits: Mitchellbrine (uid38456@id-38456.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L71[00:57:48] <Giraffestock> tterrag: any idea if he uses reflection? the mc.mcMusicTicker field isnt visible in 1.7.10
L72[00:57:56] <tterrag> AT probably
L73[00:58:01] <tterrag> though he should have just reflected it :P
L74[00:58:17] <Mimiru> q_q it still eventually stops
L75[00:58:32] <tterrag> something else is wrong then
L76[01:00:04] <Mimiru> I just wish I knew what, heh
L77[01:01:49] <tterrag> if it were that easy everyone would do it
L78[01:03:02] <Mimiru> What is also strange is that I seem to have to reverse my isRemote checks from everything else I see for the sound to play... if I check if(worldObj.isRemote) { it doesn't play if I do !worldObj.isRemote it plays
L79[01:03:52] <Giraffestock> yeah he used AT
L80[01:03:56] <tterrag> how are you playing it?
L81[01:04:16] <Giraffestock> uh, i just run gradle clean/setupDecompWorkspace to apply an AT rigth?
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L83[01:04:43] <Mimiru> tterrag, https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenSecurity/blob/master/src/main/java/pcl/opensecurity/tileentity/TileEntityAlarm.java#L48-L67
L84[01:05:16] * Mimiru slaps her IDE and it's wonderful tabing.
L85[01:05:21] <tterrag> seems fine
L86[01:05:57] <Mimiru> Yeah I thought so too, but unless I ! the isRemote it never plays
L87[01:06:08] <Mimiru> I wonder if I'm doing something wrong in the block..
L88[01:06:27] <Mimiru> https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenSecurity/blob/master/src/main/java/pcl/opensecurity/blocks/BlockAlarm.java#L28-L37
L89[01:07:13] <tterrag> what?
L90[01:07:17] <tterrag> that code won't even run on the server
L91[01:07:56] <Mimiru> I've tested it on a dedicated server, and it does toggle the alarm?
L92[01:08:07] <Mimiru> well, when I invert the isRemote anyway
L93[01:08:08] <tterrag> https://github.com/SleepyTrousers/EnderIO/blob/master/src/main/java/crazypants/enderio/machine/AbstractMachineEntity.java#L220-L233
L94[01:08:20] <tterrag> world.isRemote will never be false
L95[01:08:29] <tterrag> well
L96[01:08:35] <tterrag> it will run in SSP, but you have @SideOnly
L97[01:09:35] ⇦ Quits: primetoxinz (~primetoxi@ip70-160-109-73.hr.hr.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L98[01:10:03] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L99[01:10:42] <Giraffestock> i have a custom gradle.build file in a child dir of the main force stuff; do I just run 'gradlew -b <path-to-mine> <command>?
L100[01:11:20] <tterrag> no clue
L101[01:11:57] <Mimiru> I'm sticking with sound is evil.. rendering was a snap..
L102[01:12:01] <Mimiru> sound, not so much.
L103[01:13:08] <LexManos> Giraff: 'mane force stuff'?
L104[01:13:29] ⇨ Joins: sham1Mobile_ (~androirc@85-76-66-250-nat.elisa-mobile.fi)
L105[01:14:50] <Giraffestock> uhh what lex?
L106[01:14:58] <shadekiller666> yay, it worked
L107[01:15:10] <shadekiller666> should i pull request yet?
L108[01:15:25] <Giraffestock> main forge stuff*? the parent directory to everything is what i meant
L109[01:15:54] <LexManos> why do you have a parent directory?
L110[01:15:59] <Wuppy> fabulous mane force http://www.zastavki.com/pictures/originals/2014/Animals___Horses___The_horse_with_a_magnificent_mane_072148_.jpg
L111[01:16:00] <LexManos> That is your mod
L112[01:16:15] <LexManos> there is no 'Forge' directory anymore
L113[01:16:27] <Giraffestock> I have forge-1.7.10-whatever/eclipse, /gradle, /src etc
L114[01:16:52] <LexManos> you should have MyMode/eclipse, /gradle, /src etc
L115[01:16:59] <Giraffestock> well we set it up so we have our mod directory, which has the mod stuff (submodules, etc) then i wrote a python script to add it all to eclipses classpath
L116[01:17:11] <LexManos> ya no thats retarded
L117[01:17:15] <LexManos> just use gradle directly
L118[01:17:38] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-252-51.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Ex-Chat)
L119[01:17:46] <tterrag> lol
L120[01:17:49] <tterrag> gradle does that all for you...
L121[01:17:52] <tterrag> that's the entire point
L122[01:17:59] <LexManos> Seriously I dont get why people have to complicate their setups
L123[01:18:12] <Giraffestock> http://pastebin.com/MjZ4qkhT <- readme
L124[01:18:34] <shadekiller666> ok, i just pull requested the push for the OBJ model loader
L125[01:19:08] <Giraffestock> we do 'use gradle directly'
L126[01:19:22] <LexManos> no you dont
L127[01:19:35] <LexManos> all of that can be simplified with following the directions for forge
L128[01:19:42] <tterrag> holy crap lol
L129[01:20:06] <tterrag> all of that can literally be "clone project, run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse, import as project"
L130[01:20:09] <tterrag> done, everything
L131[01:20:17] <Giraffestock> not VM args d:
L132[01:20:20] <LexManos> nope
L133[01:20:22] <tterrag> so?
L134[01:20:23] <LexManos> nothing needs to be done
L135[01:20:25] <tterrag> that's one more thing
L136[01:20:28] <Giraffestock> just pointing that out
L137[01:20:42] <Giraffestock> so everything cant 'literally' be that, it can 'figuratively' be that :p
L138[01:20:49] <LexManos> you can also setup gradle to add those vm args
L139[01:20:56] <Giraffestock> so how do i go about moving everything around?
L140[01:20:57] <LexManos> but you shouldnt cuz its dumb and probably break crap
L141[01:21:10] <LexManos> your project if it requires it should enable it itself without neeidng hte env var
L142[01:21:25] ⇨ Joins: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk)
L143[01:21:28] <Giraffestock> stenciling isnt required, just helpful
L144[01:21:31] <LexManos> i'd tell you if your code was public but all i see is the issue tracker
L145[01:21:35] <Giraffestock> i wrote a non-stenciled version of what needs it
L146[01:21:44] <Giraffestock> yeah we cant go opensource
L147[01:21:50] <Giraffestock> a certain mod would use all of our code :D
L148[01:21:58] <LexManos> Who cares?
L149[01:22:01] <Giraffestock> we do
L150[01:22:03] <tterrag> public source != open source
L151[01:22:13] <Giraffestock> if they could see our code theyd use it
L152[01:22:19] <LexManos> let the community hound those who try and steal shit
L153[01:22:35] <Giraffestock> ive tried going opensource
L154[01:22:38] <Giraffestock> the other dev agrees with me
L155[01:22:45] ⇨ Joins: primetoxinz (~primetoxi@ip70-160-109-73.hr.hr.cox.net)
L156[01:22:46] <Giraffestock> but the guy who 'owns' the mod isnt a fan of it because hes not a dev
L157[01:22:49] <Giraffestock> so for now its closed
L158[01:23:02] <LexManos> then tell the 'owner' to fuck off.
L159[01:23:04] <LexManos> anyways
L160[01:23:13] <LexManos> simple as just mimic the fucking src setup
L161[01:23:21] <LexManos> and read the god damn readme/build.gradle
L162[01:23:36] <Giraffestock> what about submodules?
L163[01:23:48] <shadekiller666> omg wtf
L164[01:23:51] <Giraffestock> right now there in ourMod/lib
L165[01:23:55] <LexManos> are they seperate projects or just extra code?
L166[01:24:23] <Giraffestock> seperate projects
L167[01:24:26] <LexManos> gradle has this nifty ability, of allowing projects to depend on eachother
L168[01:24:31] <LexManos> and build with eachother
L169[01:24:46] <Giraffestock> ones our library and another is our chat/multiplayer system
L170[01:24:47] ⇦ Quits: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L171[01:25:01] <LexManos> google gradle multiproject build
L172[01:25:04] <LexManos> or some shit like that
L173[01:25:29] <LexManos> its just a matter of telling your build.gradle to use another gradle project as a dependancy
L174[01:26:15] <Giraffestock> maybe ill just keep the lib file like it is
L175[01:26:23] <Giraffestock> and rewrite the eclipse setup python file
L176[01:26:25] <Giraffestock> lib folder*
L177[01:26:36] <LexManos> remove the python
L178[01:26:39] <LexManos> its unneeded
L179[01:27:06] <LexManos> anything python can do gradle can do ITS FREAKING JAVA {well groovy but you can write java for it}
L180[01:27:30] <Jezza> And groovy can do it better.
L181[01:27:31] ⇦ Quits: sham1Mobile_ (~androirc@85-76-66-250-nat.elisa-mobile.fi) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L182[01:27:35] <Giraffestock> http://pastebin.com/7rWuEsHs <- the python
L183[01:27:51] <Jezza> Oh god...
L184[01:28:27] <LexManos> oh god thats nasty
L185[01:28:34] <Cheeseum> it's almost like the old mcp scripts
L186[01:28:39] <LexManos> wanna know how to do that in gradle?
L187[01:28:49] <Giraffestock> to be clear, most of this shit is from like 1.2.5
L188[01:28:58] <Giraffestock> before forge had fancy gradle crap
L189[01:29:01] <LexManos> sourcesets { main {'dwcm/lib/archangel/Java'}}
L190[01:29:02] <LexManos> done
L191[01:29:26] <LexManos> you need to update with the times it'll make your life A LOT easier
L192[01:29:35] <LexManos> thats the entire fucking point of gradle.
L193[01:29:36] <Giraffestock> ik i just miss the past d:
L194[01:29:59] <Giraffestock> okay so ive got a clean forge setup; ill just make a new repo i guess
L195[01:31:05] <shadekiller666> guys i got it to push :D https://github.com/shadekiller666/MinecraftForge/tree/model-b3d/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/model/obj
L196[01:31:23] <Giraffestock> so when do i push the code to the repo? before or after setupDecompWorkspace?
L197[01:31:37] <LexManos> doesnt matter.
L198[01:31:50] <Giraffestock> I see theres already an empty git repo, do i just modify the origin and etC?
L199[01:31:52] <LexManos> but you should oonly push the src, and gradle folders.
L200[01:31:59] <Giraffestock> derp, wrong folder
L201[01:32:08] <LexManos> oh and build.gradle
L202[01:32:14] <Giraffestock> so not the readmes and shit because forge generates all that?
L203[01:32:38] <LexManos> those are targeted for you to read
L204[01:32:44] <LexManos> and arnt part of your project
L205[01:33:06] <shadekiller666> Giraffe, thanks for the SourceTree suggestion
L206[01:34:40] <Giraffestock> do I push .gradle
L207[01:34:59] <LexManos> no
L208[01:35:11] <fry> shadekiller666: you made your PR to my repo, not main forge repo :P
L209[01:35:40] <shadekiller666> cuz mine is branched off of yours
L210[01:35:49] <tterrag> Giraffestock: this is a pretty standard repo format https://github.com/tterrag1098/ttCore
L211[01:36:35] ⇦ Quits: stuntmania (~stuntmani@modemcable035.208-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L212[01:37:31] <LexManos> gradle.properties is a personal choice those values can just be cooked into the build.gradle.
L213[01:37:40] <shadekiller666> fry, don't think i can PR to the main forge repo
L214[01:37:43] <LexManos> but ya thats fairly basic
L215[01:38:40] <tterrag> yeah but...eh
L216[01:38:43] <tterrag> it's good organization :P
L217[01:38:45] <tterrag> easier to change later
L218[01:39:05] <tterrag> but no, not strictly necessary
L219[01:39:15] <tterrag> but people try to use build.properties still >.>
L220[01:39:18] <LexManos> could always just use variables in the build.gradle if you're down for that, but as i said, that is a personal choice.
L221[01:39:35] <fry> shadekiller666: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/compare/master...shadekiller666:model-b3d
L222[01:39:58] <shadekiller666> there, i PRed to the main repo
L223[01:40:00] <tterrag> git pull upstream master
L224[01:40:02] <tterrag> :P
L225[01:40:18] <fry> shadekiller666: now fix the merge conflicts :P
L226[01:40:56] <fry> (hint: all the stuff that's in my commits is already there)
L227[01:42:02] <shadekiller666> where do i do that?
L228[01:42:11] <shadekiller666> can't seem to find the merge conflicts
L229[01:42:40] <tterrag> shadekiller666: you are committing existing commits
L230[01:42:43] <tterrag> you need to merge in upstream
L231[01:42:49] <Giraffestock> Lex: if i want to keep submodules, do I make a new folder (lib) and pull them into that, then do the gradle sourcesets
L232[01:42:57] <Giraffestock> ?
L233[01:43:32] <shadekiller666> tterrag, i thought i did...
L234[01:43:42] <tterrag> evidently not
L235[01:43:56] <tterrag> otherwise there would be no conflicts :P
L236[01:44:05] <LexManos> you could put them in src/api
L237[01:44:06] <shadekiller666> the updates are reflected on my branch
L238[01:44:16] <tterrag> shadekiller666: look at the PR...
L239[01:44:18] <LexManos> you could make subfolders named 'MyLibrary'
L240[01:44:20] <LexManos> and whatever
L241[01:44:30] <LexManos> google gradle multiproject build
L242[01:44:36] <LexManos> abrar IIRC has a tutorial on it
L243[01:44:55] <unascribed> would it theoretically be possible to set up a gradle build where src/main is version-agnostic code that only compiles against src/1.6.4, src/1.7.10, and src/1.8, where those folders compile against forge of the given version?
L244[01:45:09] <tterrag> maybe? but what would be the point?
L245[01:45:10] <unascribed> I'm (eventually) going to rewrite my client-only GUI library, and that seems like a good approach
L246[01:45:11] <tterrag> just use branches
L247[01:45:22] <tterrag> then you can actually use git for what it was designed for
L248[01:45:23] <shadekiller666> i'm so confused...
L249[01:45:23] <LexManos> theoretically, but that would be extreamly bass ackward retarded
L250[01:45:44] <unascribed> rather than having to maintain the GUI code seperately for every version, just have it interface with an abstraction layer written in version-specific code
L251[01:45:45] ⇨ Joins: Thog (~Thog@kurisu.rx14.co.uk)
L252[01:45:47] <shadekiller666> ahh found them
L253[01:46:12] <tterrag> unascribed: that's fine, but don't keep different version-specific code in the same repo
L254[01:46:15] <LexManos> unascribed, why are you developing so many different versions?
L255[01:46:17] <tterrag> have the abstraction separate and then require it
L256[01:46:19] <tterrag> also ^^
L257[01:46:28] <unascribed> it's just a gui library, so i wanted there to be backports for the two other still-used versions
L258[01:46:45] <LexManos> you're part of the problem
L259[01:46:51] <LexManos> especially that 1.6.4 crap
L260[01:47:01] <tterrag> 1.6 is awful
L261[01:47:01] <shadekiller666> what should i keep for the patch files...
L262[01:47:02] <LexManos> If nobody updates, nobody else will.
L263[01:47:10] <tterrag> is there any advantage to it?
L264[01:47:26] <unascribed> 1.6 could probably be dropped, it's an example
L265[01:47:33] <tterrag> 1.7.2/1.7.10 are not different
L266[01:47:34] <unascribed> the existing library i'm rewriting is only 1.7 and 1.8
L267[01:47:35] <tterrag> not for GUIs anyways
L268[01:47:46] <tterrag> ok
L269[01:47:56] <tterrag> 1.7 and 1.8 concurrently is fine...imo, but lex might disagree
L270[01:48:04] <tterrag> not sure it deserves its own abstraction layer though
L271[01:48:07] <LexManos> I dont like it but i can understand it.
L272[01:48:09] <tterrag> *shrug* your choice
L273[01:48:11] <LexManos> as long as 1.8 is your MAIN
L274[01:48:15] <unascribed> of course :P
L275[01:48:22] <LexManos> and 1.7 is 'bug fixes only' type deal
L276[01:48:40] <LexManos> however, if you want to do that do it like forge does.
L277[01:48:43] <LexManos> Different branches
L278[01:48:53] <unascribed> that's why i wanted it a abstracted, so it's one commit to fix both versions, and branches has always seemed like a huge hassle
L279[01:48:58] <unascribed> maybe i'm wrong though
L280[01:49:07] <LexManos> that abstraction is more of a hassle
L281[01:49:11] <unascribed> eh, good point
L282[01:49:23] <tterrag> branches are pretty much the best part of git...
L283[01:49:23] <shadekiller666> fry
L284[01:49:30] <shadekiller666> idk how to fix these...
L285[01:49:32] <tterrag> developing different code bases simultaneously
L286[01:49:41] <LexManos> git deep clones are the best part of git ;)
L287[01:49:50] <unascribed> i tend to come up with overcomplicated and dumb solutions to simple problems and then once i start implementing them i realize why they're dumb
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L289[01:50:03] <LexManos> ya, just make two branches
L290[01:50:06] <unascribed> i wasn't planning on starting implementation for a couple weeks, so i figured i'd ask :P
L291[01:50:13] <tterrag> the simplest solution is pick a version :P
L292[01:50:13] <LexManos> and as i said, make sure your 1.7 is 'bug fixes only'
L293[01:50:24] <LexManos> if you're JUST starting
L294[01:50:26] <LexManos> then JUST do 1.8
L295[01:50:44] <unascribed> well, one of the main uses of the library is my own project which is client-only enhancements
L296[01:50:52] <unascribed> due to popular demand, i have a 1.7.10 backport of it
L297[01:50:56] <unascribed> i'd also need the gui library to keep it
L298[01:51:08] <LexManos> tell them they are SOL and should update.
L299[01:51:21] <tterrag> or...don't
L300[01:51:29] <fry> shadekiller666: rebase onto master
L301[01:51:32] <unascribed> that's not really an option when half of your favorite mods are still 1.7, even if they are updating to 1.8 at this very moment
L302[01:51:41] <tterrag> unascribed: except they aren't :P
L303[01:51:44] <unascribed> shh
L304[01:51:44] <LexManos> it is a open.
L305[01:51:57] <shadekiller666> ok
L306[01:52:03] <LexManos> and people who develop for older versions, like you, are the problem.
L307[01:52:06] <unascribed> it's an option if you're okay with losing a couple months of progress due to 50% of your items and blocks vanishing since you had to remove the mod
L308[01:52:07] *** Ordi|Away is now known as Ordinastie
L309[01:52:23] <LexManos> Thats not nessasarily the case.
L310[01:52:25] <fry> unascribed: by the time you're done they'll be updated too
L311[01:52:38] <tterrag> fry: except they won't, most mods haven't even started...
L312[01:52:45] <tterrag> big mods anyways
L313[01:52:51] <fry> tterrag: you aren't "most mods"
L314[01:52:58] <tterrag> I'm not who I'm talking about
L315[01:53:07] <LexManos> Doesnt matter
L316[01:53:09] <tterrag> yikes I'm not THAT self centered .-.
L317[01:53:14] <LexManos> the only stance that is allowed in this channel
L318[01:53:16] <LexManos> is to update
L319[01:53:21] <unascribed> eh, anyway i need to get to sleep before it turns 0500 again
L320[01:53:32] <unascribed> and I can confirm EnderIO is one of the main mods holding us back on updating to 1.8 :P
L321[01:53:32] <Giraffestock> hm, my submodule is apparently on a nonexistant commit
L322[01:53:33] <LexManos> because not doing so is detramental to everything else.
L323[01:53:37] <shadekiller666> fry, and thats rebase onto the master for my branch or your branch/
L324[01:53:40] <tterrag> why lex?
L325[01:53:44] <LexManos> then update enderIO
L326[01:53:45] <Giraffestock> "now at <id> 'Merge branch...'"
L327[01:54:25] * unascribed waves his magic wand and updates EnderIO, which isn't even his own mod
L328[01:54:27] <fry> shadekiller666: onto the main MinecraftForge/master
L329[01:54:32] <tterrag> it's public domain
L330[01:54:35] <tterrag> anyone can do it
L331[01:54:37] <tterrag> doesn't have to be me
L332[01:54:47] <shadekiller666> k
L333[01:54:50] <unascribed> doesn't change the fact it's a massive codebase i'm wholly unfamiliar with
L334[01:54:51] <LexManos> then yell at whoever the fucking maintainer of the mod is.
L335[01:54:58] * tterrag yells back
L336[01:55:00] <unascribed> tterrag is, that's the joke
L337[01:55:09] <unascribed> anyway i'm logging off, it's almost 0300 as is
L338[01:55:11] <LexManos> oh its garett?
L339[01:55:14] <unascribed> cya
L340[01:55:21] ⇨ Joins: Noppes (~Noppes@82-168-212-152.ip.telfort.nl)
L341[01:55:24] *** MineBot sets mode: +b *!*@tterrag.com
L342[01:55:24] *** tterrag was kicked by MineBot (Banned: Here take 24 hours and update EnderIO (1d)))
L343[01:55:30] <unascribed> lol
L344[01:55:51] <LexManos> I dont like his advocation of laziness.
L345[01:56:38] <Giraffestock> lex, this isnt really forge related, but any idea why a submodule is at a non-existant commit? it says its up to date, and its on the right branch
L346[01:57:43] <LexManos> i am not that good with git, so dunno.
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L348[01:59:19] <Thog> This is dirty but "git submodule foreach git pull origin master" will probably work
L349[02:00:06] <Giraffestock> thog ive tried it
L350[02:00:22] <Giraffestock> idk why git doesnt have a git submodule rm or anything lol, you need to manually do it
L351[02:01:05] <Thog> Giraffestock, git submodule deinit
L352[02:01:12] <Giraffestock> always fucks shit up
L353[02:03:19] <shadekiller666> fry, how does one fix this: https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/750cb0fc99dceb734b9c
L354[02:03:34] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20150611 mappings to Forge Maven.
L355[02:03:37] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20150611-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20150611" in build.gradle).
L356[02:03:47] *** MineBot sets mode: -b *!*@tterrag.com
L357[02:03:48] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L358[02:04:27] <LexManos> There we go :)
L359[02:04:29] <fry> shadekiller666: your repo should be clean before you attempt to rebase
L360[02:04:41] <fry> Lex: did he update already? :P
L361[02:04:49] <LexManos> >chanserv< AKICK #minecraftforge ADD tterrag !T 7d You say it would take a week of work, so have a week. (7d)
L362[02:05:09] <shadekiller666> fry, how do i "clean" it?
L363[02:05:11] <fry> Ah :P
L364[02:05:57] <LexManos> I dont like garrett because he tells people to do stupid shit. And I am not friendly to people who advocate being lazy/holding back the community.
L365[02:05:59] <fry> shadekiller666: git reset --hard your-branch (warning, will remove everything untracked)
L366[02:06:10] <LexManos> 1.8 has been out for 6~ months, FUCKING UPDATE.
L367[02:06:47] <Ordinastie> still that seems harsh
L368[02:07:14] <Thog> That remind me that I have some mods to port to it...
L369[02:07:41] <fry> Ordinastie: he asked for it, repeatedly
L370[02:08:30] <shadekiller666> still not working
L371[02:08:32] <Ordinastie> I don't really agree, but meh
L372[02:08:45] <LexManos> yes he did
L373[02:08:57] <LexManos> and harsh? denying him access to a irc channel on a random irc server?
L374[02:09:02] <LexManos> how the fuck is that harsh?
L375[02:13:32] <Giraffestock> Lex I cant find abrars guide on gradle multi-build setups, is it forge-related or general?
L376[02:13:46] ⇨ Joins: stuntmania (~stuntmani@modemcable035.208-82-70.mc.videotron.ca)
L377[02:13:50] <LexManos> forge related.
L378[02:14:10] <Thog> Lex: What is the version of 1.8 mappings in use on Forge?
L379[02:14:19] <Thog> stable_nodoc_16,
L380[02:14:21] <Thog> ?
L381[02:14:47] ⇦ Quits: Elusivehawk (~Elusiveha@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L382[02:15:08] <LexManos> dependencies {
L383[02:15:08] <LexManos> compile project(':CoreMod')
L384[02:15:08] <LexManos> }
L385[02:15:21] <LexManos> simple enough it looks like
L386[02:16:16] <LexManos> and its whatever mapping is defined in the build.gradle for forge its quite old but i dont care.
L387[02:16:29] <Thog> k
L388[02:17:15] <Giraffestock> http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=14791.0 <- using that, what does he mean about the 'Forge' folder?
L389[02:17:22] <Giraffestock> "the folder inside which forge source has been extracted"
L390[02:18:34] <LexManos> the forge src zip
L391[02:19:15] *** Ordinastie is now known as Ordi|Away
L392[02:19:58] <LexManos> humm its a odd tutorial {i dont police those}
L393[02:20:08] <LexManos> should be simple enough to just do what I said there
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L396[02:22:29] <shadekiller666> fry, what do i do about the conflicts that are popping up for the .patch files?
L397[02:22:37] <shadekiller666> do i just skip those in the rebase/
L398[02:22:41] <fry> fix them :P
L399[02:23:01] <shadekiller666> also, how do i fix the conflict that flagged fml...
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L401[02:23:56] <shadekiller666> i'll do this later
L402[02:23:59] <shadekiller666> goodnight
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L406[02:27:27] <Giraffestock> http://pastebin.com/ix1bvkWv <- does that build.gradle look okay? I feel like part of its redundant
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L409[02:39:24] <LexManos> compile files('lib/vlc.zip')
L410[02:39:29] <LexManos> that should be a project not a zip
L411[02:39:33] <LexManos> unelss you just want a zip
L412[02:39:34] <LexManos> i dunno
L413[02:39:46] <Giraffestock> uh forgot to remove it
L414[02:39:56] <Giraffestock> check below it; i have it as a gradle repo
L415[02:39:59] <Giraffestock> if its called a gradle repo
L416[02:40:05] <Giraffestock> (i think thats how gradle dependencies work d:
L417[02:40:22] <LexManos> but ya this would just add the source sets.
L418[02:40:39] <Giraffestock> so what else is required?
L419[02:40:51] <LexManos> it'd work fine it just wouldnt build the libaries
L420[02:41:10] <LexManos> actually sienc eoyu force it into main it would nvm
L421[02:41:12] <Giraffestock> that doesnt matter for now, the people using the mod for the next few months will be using a custom launcher which does that all
L422[02:41:13] <LexManos> it'd bundle things in
L423[02:42:16] ⇨ Joins: halvors (~hstrandvo@
L424[02:42:22] <LexManos> cool thing is with gradle you dont have to make things complciated for the end user because you can shade dependancies in and have them packaged in one jar.
L425[02:42:27] <halvors> Where did the "RenderingRegistry.registerBlockHandler(block);" go in 1.8?
L426[02:42:33] <LexManos> but ya at the very rudementary level that'd work.
L427[02:42:53] <Giraffestock> Cannot nest 'Minecraft/src/main/java' inside 'Minecraft/src'. To enable the nesting exclude 'main/' from 'Minecraft/src' Minecraft
L428[02:43:27] <LexManos> actually
L429[02:43:31] <LexManos> if you ahve everyhting in api
L430[02:43:37] <LexManos> then you dont ened custom source sets
L431[02:43:43] <LexManos> as it default adds src/
L432[02:43:47] <Giraffestock> sigh this is annoying lol
L433[02:43:55] <LexManos> Just need to learn it ;)
L434[02:43:59] <Giraffestock> idek what sourceSets is doing
L435[02:44:15] <Jezza> sourceSets is exactly what is says on the tin
L436[02:44:18] <Jezza> It's a set of sources
L437[02:44:46] <Giraffestock> why dont i need sourcesets if its in api then? i dont get it haha
L438[02:45:11] <Jezza> Because as lex was saying, it does that by default
L439[02:45:12] <LexManos> because by default
L440[02:45:26] <LexManos> gradle uses the src/api and src/main folders
L441[02:45:29] <Giraffestock> does what by default though?
L442[02:45:32] <Giraffestock> ohh
L443[02:46:35] ⇦ Quits: stuntmania (~stuntmani@modemcable035.208-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L445[02:50:20] <Giraffestock> how do I fix the cannot nest issue?
L446[02:52:20] <Ordinastie> remove "src"
L447[02:52:44] <Ordinastie> because src/main/java is already automatically applied
L448[02:54:38] <Giraffestock> how can i stop that from happening? i dont specify it in my gradle.build
L449[02:54:58] <Ordinastie> from your link : srcDirs = ["src", "src/api/modDivisionCore/Java", "src/api/archangel/Java"]
L450[02:55:24] <Giraffestock> oh, I was in the old dir lol
L451[02:55:32] <Giraffestock> i removed that in the new build, thx
L452[03:00:34] <Giraffestock> It works! :D
L453[03:00:37] <Giraffestock> ~thanks
L454[03:00:48] <Giraffestock> hm, now im tempted to make the main mod a submodule too
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L462[03:18:03] <Mimiru> ran for a minute and 15 seconds, then stopped. Is there something I can hook to figure out what is stopping my sound?
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L469[03:28:54] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L470[03:30:24] <PaleoCrafter> Hm, somebody should write an article on multi project builds for the rtd
L471[03:31:07] <Ordinastie> in eclipse it's easy
L472[03:31:21] ⇦ Quits: Mindavi (~Mindavi@ip4daaada2.direct-adsl.nl) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L473[03:31:28] <Ordinastie> import the projects as gradle project, select the right option and done
L474[03:31:44] <PaleoCrafter> Nothing to do with IDEs :P
L475[03:31:53] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Drullkus@c-73-223-71-152.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: zzz)
L476[03:32:00] <PaleoCrafter> I'm talking gradle
L477[03:32:07] <Ordinastie> well, they're nothing special in gradle either
L478[03:32:12] ⇨ Joins: Mindavi (~Mindavi@ip4daaada2.direct-adsl.nl)
L479[03:32:25] <Ordinastie> *there is ><
L480[03:32:29] <PaleoCrafter> Sure, but people are stupid :P
L481[03:32:43] <Ordinastie> welcome in the real world :p
L482[03:33:54] <PaleoCrafter> I started writing a general guide on dependency management, but time's rare when you have too much fun with Scala :P
L483[03:34:26] <Ordinastie> sounds like you're using heroin or something
L484[03:34:46] <PaleoCrafter> lol
L485[03:35:12] ⇦ Quits: ElgarL (~ElgarL@cpc6-hawk15-2-0-cust537.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L487[03:36:06] <PaleoCrafter> I couldn't be any farther away from taking drugs :P
L488[03:37:07] <Mimiru> I thought maybe my TE was being replaced for some reason, so I added a print to the constructor but that wasn't it, none of my stop methods are called as those all have prints. Yet something randomly stops my looping sound.
L489[03:37:19] <halvors> Is func_111238_b() in MCSlot in 1.7.10 equal to canBeHovered() in 1.8?
L490[03:37:20] *** bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
L491[03:38:09] <PaleoCrafter> Yes, halvors
L492[03:38:23] <PaleoCrafter> Might want to update your mappings
L493[03:39:35] <halvors> PaleoCrafter: Thanks ;)
L494[03:40:16] <PaleoCrafter> For future reference: /msg MCPBot_Reborn help
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L496[03:44:03] <Giraffestock> IM DONE
L497[03:44:07] <Giraffestock> my workspace is complete :D
L498[03:44:22] <PaleoCrafter> Amazing
L499[03:44:29] <Giraffestock> the big issue with it is all the damn times you have to enter your ssh pass phrase because of the submodules
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L505[03:55:06] <halvors> Before fontrenderer.drawString() took a shadow boolean argument. Is that removed in 1.8? Is there any equiliant way to do this?
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L507[03:59:27] <Giraffestock> halvors check for something like drawStringWithShadow
L508[04:01:05] <Giraffestock> i havent used 1.8 but thats a guess
L509[04:02:12] <halvors> Hmm. Cannot find that.
L510[04:05:31] ⇦ Quits: Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L512[04:11:47] <ThePsionic> FontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow
L513[04:12:18] <ThePsionic> @ halvors ^
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L524[04:46:06] <halvors> ThePsionic: It's not present in 1.8
L525[04:47:22] *** fry is now known as fry|afk
L526[04:51:22] <ThePsionic> I am using 1.8 and it sure as hell is there
L527[04:51:34] <ThePsionic> !gm FontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow
L528[04:51:52] <ThePsionic> Even MCPBot agrees with me
L529[04:52:05] <halvors> hmm.
L530[04:52:19] ⇨ Joins: airbreather (~airbreath@d149-67-99-43.nap.wideopenwest.com)
L531[04:52:32] <halvors> Also: net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer?
L532[04:52:43] <ThePsionic> yes
L533[04:54:10] <ThePsionic> func_175063_a if your mapping is very old
L534[04:54:25] <Szernex> can anyone point me to a guide on how to properly set up a fresh new project, preferably using IDEA
L535[04:56:00] <ThePsionic> Szernex: one second
L536[04:56:11] <Szernex> kay
L537[04:56:56] <halvors> ThePsionic: Thanks, that worked :)
L538[04:57:06] <ThePsionic> Szernex: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,21354.0.html
L539[04:57:12] <ThePsionic> halvors: np :)
L540[04:57:22] <Szernex> thanks
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L548[05:05:05] <Szernex> so when my server runs forge 1408 should I write my mods targetting that version or can I use a later one?
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L553[05:35:07] <Saturn812> Szernex, if you gonna use features from new version, it won't run on the old version
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L555[05:35:38] <Szernex> okay
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L583[06:38:43] <halvors> Hi! Anyone knows if it's possible to get the a 1.6.4 version of forge with ForgeGralde 1.2?
L584[06:38:50] <halvors> ForgeGradle*
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L586[06:40:19] <luacs1998> FG 1.2 is not compatible with 1.6.4
L587[06:40:22] <luacs1998> use 1.0
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L590[06:45:36] <PaleoCrafter> why are you messing with 1.6, halvors?
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L593[06:50:47] <halvors> PaleoCrafter: It is for making a 1.6.4 mod for a project that i'm working on :)
L594[06:50:56] <PaleoCrafter> stahp
L595[06:51:09] <Parthon> y u do this!?
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L598[06:51:29] <halvors> But it is possible to do so?
L599[06:53:49] <Parthon> herm, what a weird bug
L600[06:53:53] <Quetzi> halvors, a 1.6.4 build.gradle you can use for reference if you like: https://github.com/Quetzi/Whitelister/blob/1.6.4/build.gradle
L601[06:53:59] <Parthon> I have a block that has a texture as an item, but not as a block
L602[06:54:10] <Parthon> and all the references appear to be working
L603[06:55:50] <PaleoCrafter> 1.8?
L604[06:56:04] <Parthon> yeah, I missed the blockstates json
L605[06:56:32] <Parthon> 5 files per block .. efficiency! :D
L606[06:57:19] <PaleoCrafter> what's the 5th one?
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L608[06:57:53] <Parthon> oops, 4
L609[06:57:55] <Parthon> I miscounted
L610[06:58:00] <PaleoCrafter> :P
L611[06:58:03] <Parthon> but then 2 more edited for registering :P
L612[06:58:25] <Parthon> I know there's ways to combine blocks and cut that number down and even do it using arrays and functions, but I'm just getting the core of the mod in place before
L613[06:58:27] <PaleoCrafter> true
L614[06:59:35] <Parthon> this mod is a little ambitious :P
L615[07:00:29] <PaleoCrafter> how so?
L616[07:00:40] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L617[07:00:45] <Parthon> modular multiblock thingos
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L619[07:01:22] <PaleoCrafter> um, wat? :P
L620[07:01:43] <Parthon> you are familiar with multiblock entities yeah?
L621[07:01:53] <PaleoCrafter> I am
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L623[07:02:03] <Parthon> actually, it's a lot like TiC ..
L624[07:02:23] <Parthon> where you can have multiple drains how you want by replacing certain blocks, like that
L625[07:03:13] <Parthon> so you can upgrade it by making it taller, add more components to make it better
L626[07:03:35] <Parthon> TiC does it already, also railcraft boilers and forestry alvearies
L627[07:03:40] <PaleoCrafter> well, I also get the modular part, the "wat" was aiming at "thingos" :P
L628[07:03:50] <Parthon> oh lol
L629[07:03:53] <Parthon> modular everything
L630[07:04:19] <Parthon> modular ore crushers, modular furnaces, modular mining drills
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L632[07:07:04] <ollieread> Ahh modular multiblocks, fun
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L634[07:09:45] <SnowDapples> I love modular :D
L635[07:09:52] <SnowDapples> moar!
L636[07:09:59] <Parthon> cause I've been watching immersive engineering .. and while it looks awesome
L637[07:10:01] <ollieread> Try dynamic modular multiblocks
L638[07:10:17] <Parthon> my brain was like "why don't we take immersive engineering, and make it modular?"
L639[07:10:26] <Parthon> what makes them dynamic?
L640[07:10:44] <ollieread> I have like 12 multiblock structures, all made of the same blocks
L641[07:10:49] <ollieread> They're modular
L642[07:11:01] <ollieread> But the pattern dictates the type of multiblock
L643[07:11:08] <Parthon> aah cool :D
L644[07:11:12] <Parthon> multipurpose :D
L645[07:11:17] <ollieread> Though tbh, you do need a construct pattern item to get it working
L646[07:11:18] <ollieread> But yeah
L647[07:11:49] <Parthon> yeah, I'm looking at requiring all machines to have foundation blocks underneath them
L648[07:11:56] <ollieread> http://s.ollieread.com/b3zp
L649[07:12:00] <ollieread> Dynamic height too
L650[07:12:13] <ollieread> In that one at least
L651[07:12:29] <ollieread> Well the things you want to make, is there any benefit to making them multiblocks?
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L653[07:12:35] <ollieread> Why not a single block with components?
L654[07:13:01] <Parthon> just the general feel of putting together a machine block by block that's many times the size that you are
L655[07:13:37] <ollieread> I have a resource processors which takes components
L656[07:13:47] <ollieread> The component dictates what it does
L657[07:14:15] <ollieread> It can be an ore grinder, a wood cutter, a furnace or an ingot roller
L658[07:14:58] <Parthon> single block though?
L659[07:15:04] <ollieread> Yeah
L660[07:15:25] <ollieread> My multiblocks are reserved for the larger things, teleport networks, region controllers, time distortion etc
L661[07:15:34] <Parthon> the core reason I'm not doing single block is that there's heaps of single block mods already
L662[07:16:22] <SnowDapples> what the
L663[07:16:23] <SnowDapples> what's that
L664[07:16:33] <SnowDapples> that looks awesome!
L665[07:17:11] <Parthon> ollieread: whoa, yeah! :D
L666[07:17:26] <ollieread> That's a monolithic power bank
L667[07:17:39] <Parthon> so SnowDapples's response is why I want to use multiblock everything :P
L668[07:18:19] <SnowDapples> I mean, Minecraft has been blocks for the last few years
L669[07:18:23] <SnowDapples> but blocks are so outdated
L670[07:18:37] <calclavia> When does handleBlockState in ISmartBlockModel get called?
L671[07:18:41] <ollieread> That thing stores 2500000 per column level, with a max of 16 levels
L672[07:19:15] <ollieread> Though with that one, the only modular things are the height, and the bits in the middle can be casing or input/output blocks
L673[07:19:34] <SnowDapples> does the display use actual values?
L674[07:19:38] <Parthon> ollieread: custom rendering?
L675[07:19:58] <ollieread> Originally, though now it's just custom textures
L676[07:20:01] <ollieread> It's 1.7 btw
L677[07:20:10] <PaleoCrafter> look at the call hierarchy, calclavia :P
L678[07:20:21] <ollieread> The code for it is a bit of a mess : https://gist.github.com/ollieread/f1252fd722f303163ce8
L679[07:20:23] <calclavia> right, forgot that...
L680[07:20:27] <halvors> Quetzi: Hmm. I'm not able to decompile on 1.6.4 getting an error when forge i applying patches.
L681[07:20:42] <PaleoCrafter> again, stahp
L682[07:20:59] <halvors> :P
L683[07:21:11] <Parthon> ollieread: right left = up down?
L684[07:21:12] <halvors> It's just a little experiment.
L685[07:21:38] <PaleoCrafter> it's almost 2 years old, just let it die :P
L686[07:21:55] <halvors> So's 1.7.10 :P
L687[07:22:14] <halvors> Almost.
L688[07:22:24] <ollieread> Parthon: rotate around up and down
L689[07:22:27] <PaleoCrafter> 1.7.x must die, too :P
L690[07:22:35] <halvors> Yeah, every mc must die :P
L691[07:22:39] <Parthon> ollieread: aah of course! :D
L692[07:22:43] <halvors> But still a lot of mods on 1.6.4
L693[07:22:47] <halvors> And 1.7.10
L694[07:23:08] <Parthon> how come not many 1.8 mods?
L695[07:23:18] <PaleoCrafter> people are stupid
L696[07:23:30] <halvors> Or 1.8 is kinda stupid :P
L697[07:23:33] <PaleoCrafter> and bitch about things without looking closely at them or trying to improve them
L698[07:23:34] <Parthon> the only reasons I've heard are "it's haaaaaard"
L699[07:23:35] <ollieread> Though I hotswap the TEs for the multiblocks, because...I don't have a good reason
L700[07:23:36] <halvors> With the json thingy :(
L701[07:24:02] <Parthon> copy pasta for days
L702[07:24:35] <Parthon> ollieread: your code really helped me understand how multi blocks work, thanks! :D
L703[07:24:51] <ollieread> Np
L704[07:24:58] <ollieread> For the most part you'd do most of those checks in the TE
L705[07:25:15] <Parthon> oh, the only part I'm not sure of, changing textures on multiblocks
L706[07:25:15] <ollieread> I just have items that contain/reference a ConstructPattern, when added to the controller it can do those checks
L707[07:26:22] <ollieread> Parthon: https://gist.github.com/ollieread/5063057557b5975dc329
L708[07:26:24] <ollieread> That's the Block
L709[07:27:17] <PaleoCrafter> ollieread, can't you abstract that thing a bit more? like, make the ConstructPattern actually describe the pattern, not how to check it :P
L710[07:27:54] <ollieread> PaleoCrafter: I did actually think of that, I just couldn't figure out a way to do it
L711[07:27:57] <PaleoCrafter> gives a lot of room for nice regex style DSLs :P
L712[07:28:06] <calclavia> Hmm.. in 1.8, how do you change/set the block's domain?
L713[07:28:12] <calclavia> modname:blockname
L714[07:28:13] <ollieread> Regex should be avoided though, if it can be helped
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L717[07:28:37] <Parthon> the last thing I was unsure of .. I was making a pipe system and I asked how to cut down on TEs .. and someone said "just use one TE per pipe" .. are TEs really that inexpensive?
L718[07:29:34] <ollieread> PaleoCrafter: It would have to describe the width and height, including support for variable height, as well as where it should start from based on the core
L719[07:29:50] <ollieread> Then a complex list of references that include the different types of blocks/different metadata
L720[07:29:56] <PaleoCrafter> I'm sure you can pull it of :P
L721[07:29:59] <ollieread> Was all way to over the top, this is simpler lol
L722[07:30:17] <ollieread> Though my main concern was getting it working
L723[07:30:24] <ollieread> I may look at abstracting it out further
L724[07:30:59] <ollieread> Define multiblocks using xml, but how I'd display it in code I do not know
L725[07:31:57] <PaleoCrafter> calclavia, it's determined by the mod registering the block
L726[07:32:03] <calclavia> Ah ok
L727[07:32:32] <calclavia> PaleoCrafter: I'm writing some wrapper, trying to automatically register block model definitions without JSON files
L728[07:32:34] <calclavia> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/5JsVoGXF/
L729[07:32:41] <calclavia> Not sure if this is right ^
L730[07:32:47] <calclavia> using the ModelBakeEvent
L731[07:33:05] * calclavia just started porting 1.8 rendering
L732[07:33:08] <PaleoCrafter> looks right to me
L733[07:33:26] <calclavia> PaleoCrafter: Note. I don't have a blockstates file nor a model file. I'm trying to do it all in code without JSONS
L734[07:33:34] <PaleoCrafter> I don't fully comprehend 1.8 rendering myself yet :P
L735[07:33:38] <calclavia> [FML]: Model definition for location nova:moduleSpeed#inventory not found
L736[07:33:39] <calclavia> Ah ok
L737[07:33:50] <ollieread> Hmm I need to write my own iterator hmm
L738[07:34:57] <PaleoCrafter> you might be able to pull it off with a custom IStateMapper
L739[07:35:45] <ollieread> If I can figure out how to do the dynamic height element PaleoCrafter, I could do it, but until then, this will do :P
L740[07:36:45] <ollieread> and dynamic width for that
L741[07:37:42] <ThePsionic> Hrm
L742[07:37:47] <ThePsionic> Sir Cristopher Lee died
L743[07:37:56] <ollieread> He did indeed
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L748[07:53:32] <Parthon> fun with breaking jsons
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L770[08:24:55] <Naiten> I'm using world.setBlock with 3 flag but for some reason, client does not get an update. What can it be?
L771[08:25:44] <ThePsionic> wat
L772[08:26:01] <ThePsionic> RIP tterrag
L773[08:28:51] <Parthon> oooh, what he doooo?
L774[08:31:25] <ThePsionic> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L775[08:31:28] <Parthon> lol
L776[08:32:10] <Ordinastie> nothing
L777[08:32:51] <Parthon> world.setBlock?
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L780[08:37:34] <Naiten> ugh?
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L783[08:41:43] <Parthon> Naiten: I'm modding for 1.8 and the World class doesn't have a setBlock method
L784[08:41:58] <Naiten> I'm on 1.7.10
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L786[08:42:55] <Parthon> aaah okay, that's probably why
L787[08:43:07] <PaleoCrafter> it's setBlockState in 1.8
L788[08:43:28] <Parthon> gotcha!
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L791[08:48:00] <Parthon> I read it .. can't help I'm afraid :P
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L804[09:22:46] <Parthon> >_<
L805[09:22:58] <Parthon> half way through programming and the tutorial site I was using goes offline
L806[09:24:30] <Ieuan> calclavia: is the latest resonant engine supposed to not work with the latest 1.7.10 forge and Thaumcraft installed?
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L809[09:31:01] <Parthon> hmmm, is it possible to have different textures without different models?
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L815[09:39:23] <SnowDapples> ollieread: that powerbank thing you posted a while ago, where does it belong to?
L816[09:43:22] <Parthon> that was from his own mod I think
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L820[09:54:47] <ThePsionic> Is it possible to add a custom breaking animation to a texture pack
L821[09:55:22] <ThePsionic> (1.8)
L822[09:57:32] <PaleoCrafter> ThePsionic, sure
L823[09:57:39] <ThePsionic> PaleoCrafter: *how*
L824[09:58:13] <PaleoCrafter> textures/blocks/destroy_stage_0-9.png :P
L825[09:58:23] <PaleoCrafter> use google, my dear friend :P
L826[09:58:27] <ThePsionic> lol
L827[09:58:28] <ThePsionic> ty
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L829[10:22:24] <Parthon> I have my border blocks working nicely with each other :D
L830[10:22:43] <Parthon> but when i break them, they stay the same, is there a post-break method?
L831[10:25:28] <diesieben07> border blocks?
L832[10:25:42] ⇨ Joins: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk)
L833[10:25:50] <diesieben07> i think you should be fine with onNeighbourBlockChanged
L834[10:25:58] <Parthon> oooh okay!
L835[10:27:39] <Parthon> I've been piecing stuff together from google searches and reading the base files .. it's not the best method :P
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L837[10:28:22] <Parthon> yup, that worked perfectly
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L840[10:29:32] <diesieben07> question though, why do you need to know when it changes? what changes about the neighbors=
L841[10:29:34] <diesieben07> ?
L842[10:30:05] <Parthon> just the texture
L843[10:30:23] <Parthon> I'm probably doing it wrong :P
L844[10:30:39] <diesieben07> just override getIcon which has the world and coordinates
L845[10:30:41] <Parthon> I'm changing the metadata base on number of valid neighbors
L846[10:30:42] <diesieben07> then check the neighbours there
L847[10:30:49] <diesieben07> no need for metadata
L848[10:33:36] <Parthon> in 1.8?
L849[10:34:27] <diesieben07> you could do what the fences do. override getActualState and have a property in your IBlockState for the number of neighbours
L850[10:34:33] <diesieben07> then fill in that property in getActualState
L851[10:34:50] <diesieben07> then you do not need to store it in metadata
L852[10:35:16] <Parthon> aaah, I tried that, but the game complained horrible about not being able to store the property data
L853[10:35:37] <diesieben07> what
L854[10:36:05] <diesieben07> you did have getMetaFromState and getStatfromMeta though, right?
L855[10:36:15] <Parthon> yeah
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L857[10:36:26] <diesieben07> then that should work
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L861[10:38:26] <Parthon> so if I'm not using metadata for properties, but I still need those functions, do I just return 0 and stat respectively?
L862[10:39:23] <diesieben07> yes
L863[10:39:30] <Lumien> Does somebody know how this code: https://github.com/lumien231/Random-Things/blob/master/src/main/java/lumien/randomthings/worldgen/WorldGenCores.java#L243-L246
L864[10:39:34] *** big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L865[10:39:37] <Lumien> could cause this npe? https://paste.ee/p/gzcvQ
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L868[10:42:38] <diesieben07> Lumien, stop using BlockContainer. Override hasTIleEntity and createTileEntity
L869[10:43:11] <Lumien> why?
L870[10:43:52] <diesieben07> well, firstly you don't need your extra BlockContainerBase crap then.
L871[10:44:06] <Parthon> diesieben07: thanks! looking at the fence code helped heaps! :D
L872[10:44:16] <Lumien> that class doesn't do anything te related :P
L873[10:44:38] <diesieben07> it extends BlockContainer...
L874[10:44:43] <diesieben07> which is not need at all.
L875[10:45:20] <Lumien> yeah but what is the issue with that?
L876[10:45:49] <Parthon> BlockContainer is for TEs
L877[10:45:58] <diesieben07> i have a feeling it might be your issue.
L878[10:46:04] <diesieben07> BlockContainer is legacy crap.
L879[10:46:10] <diesieben07> you don't need it.
L880[10:46:19] <Parthon> oooh okay
L881[10:46:21] <Parthon> damn
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L883[10:46:35] <Parthon> need better tutorials :P
L884[10:47:05] <Parthon> we should implement ITileEntityProvider instead?
L885[10:47:15] <diesieben07> No.
L886[10:47:19] <diesieben07> just override hasTileEntity
L887[10:49:11] <Parthon> but then it breaks createNewTileEntity
L888[10:49:12] <Lumien> BlockContainer is vanilla though right? Why would that cause this issue?
L889[10:50:19] <diesieben07> Parthon, define "break". nobody should call that method. and nobody does.
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L891[10:50:43] <diesieben07> Lumien, yes, it is vanilla. but forge patches the TE creationn process. BlockContainer is the fallback
L892[10:50:44] <Parthon> aah, so it's all legacy?
L893[10:50:52] <diesieben07> yes
L894[10:52:13] <Parthon> so how do TEs get created now?
L895[10:52:57] <diesieben07> hasTileEntity is called. if that returns true, createTileEntity is called
L896[10:53:09] <diesieben07> and the default implementations of those implement the fallback for ITileEntityProvider
L897[10:53:36] <Parthon> aaah
L898[10:54:05] <Parthon> I was gunna be like "but you said not to have a create function" but it's a different function
L899[10:55:38] <Parthon> aaah, I see what it does, man that's a pain :D
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L901[10:55:59] <Parthon> I mean the new way is heaps better, but all the tutes still use the old way
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L903[10:56:46] <Parthon> hmm, why is there the change from interfaces to overrides?
L904[10:57:42] <diesieben07> first there was only BlockContainer, from vanilla. which meant either your ENTIRE block has TE, or it doesn't. then forge introduced hasTileEntity and createTileEntity to help with that (you can decide on per-metadata basis if you want a TE or not and you don't need to extend BlockContainer)
L905[10:57:53] <diesieben07> then vanilla introduced ITileEntityProvider and forge's hooks are still there.
L906[10:58:15] <ollieread> SnowDapples: ?
L907[10:58:21] <ollieread> What do you mean, where does it belong to?
L908[10:58:26] <ollieread> Which mod?
L909[10:58:43] <Parthon> diesieben07: aah awesome, thanks for the explanation :D
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L911[11:01:37] <Parthon> I'm finding the lack of tutes and documentation to be hindering, but I'm progressing which is good
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L916[11:07:36] <ollieread> If I can stop running around for one second, I'll get around to finishing the site I was building for tutorials
L917[11:08:40] <Parthon> haha, sweet :D
L918[11:08:46] ⇦ Quits: Galvas (~Galvas@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L919[11:08:50] <Parthon> also, with the changes to TEs, my mod doesn't work now :(
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L921[11:10:34] <Ellpeck> Hello! Is there a way to see if a TileEntity is loaded (in loaded chunks) or not? :O
L922[11:13:35] <Parthon> haha, damn, inifnite loops
L923[11:13:56] <Lumien> World.isBlockLoaded
L924[11:14:24] <Lumien> also i'm not sure why you would have an instance of an te that is not in a loaded chunk
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L926[11:15:22] <Parthon> I think he means from outside the TE
L927[11:15:42] <Ellpeck> Are you talking about 1.8? Cause I can't find isBlockLoaded in World :O
L928[11:18:42] <Lumien> is there an isChunkLoaded?
L929[11:19:30] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L930[11:20:12] <Ellpeck> Oh, yea, that there is :D Thanks
L931[11:23:26] <williewillus> i think its blockExists() in 1.8
L932[11:23:32] <williewillus> something with exist in the name
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L937[11:28:21] <Ellpeck> But does blockExists() also return false if the chunk is just not loaded?
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L940[11:29:46] <williewillus> yeah
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L943[11:30:59] <williewillus> oh it actually is World.isBlockLoaded
L944[11:31:06] <Parthon> hmm, I think using setBlockState inside onNeighborChange causes an infinite event loop
L945[11:31:06] <williewillus> nvm about my exists thing that was the 1.7 name, derp
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L948[11:36:31] <williewillus> use the setblockstate that doesnt cause a block update
L949[11:37:14] <Parthon> ooooh! okay!
L950[11:38:07] <williewillus> (pass 0 to the third int parameter)
L951[11:38:13] <Parthon> man, properties are great. they allow you to do so much without TEs
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L953[11:39:47] <Ordinastie> if you don't need to store the data, yes
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L956[11:40:54] <Giraffestock> how can I get an entities target?
L957[11:41:09] <williewillus> target as in aggro?
L958[11:41:12] <Giraffestock> yes
L959[11:41:15] <Giraffestock> this.getAttackTarget/
L960[11:41:30] <Giraffestock> updating my 1.2.5 code, and i used to have to make a list of entities d:
L961[11:41:58] <williewillus> EntityLivingBase.getAITarget() in 1.8
L962[11:42:11] <Giraffestock> 1.7.10
L963[11:42:15] <williewillus> idk then
L964[11:42:23] <williewillus> 1.7 half the mobs use the new system and half don't
L965[11:42:27] <williewillus> in 1.8 they all use the same thing
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L967[11:43:27] <Parthon> williewillus: thanks! That worked
L968[11:43:36] <Parthon> is there a guide on those flags?
L969[11:43:59] <williewillus> it used to be in the comments of the method in 1.7 but i guess that mapping didnt transfer in 1.8, lemme see
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L971[11:45:04] <williewillus> "Flag 1 will
L972[11:45:04] <williewillus> cause a block update. Flag 2 will send the change to clients (you almost always want this). Flag 4 prevents the
L973[11:45:05] <williewillus> block from being re-rendered, if this is a client world. Flags can be added together."
L974[11:45:07] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Drullkus@2601:647:cb01:6a50:191e:90df:2f76:a113)
L975[11:45:09] <williewillus> oops sorry multiline
L976[11:45:29] <williewillus> the default setBlockState with no third parameter has the flag 3
L977[11:46:13] <Parthon> aah cool! :D
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L980[11:48:57] <Parthon> thanks very much for your help
L981[11:49:01] <Parthon> I'll be back tomorrow :D
L982[11:50:35] <williewillus> np
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L991[12:01:18] <Vigaro> IT IS HAPPENING! http://gabegaming.com/
L992[12:02:11] <ThePsionic> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
L993[12:02:54] ⇦ Quits: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@f053043076.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.)
L994[12:02:57] ⇦ Quits: JamEngulfer221 (~games@host86-150-61-242.range86-150.btcentralplus.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L995[12:03:27] <ThePsionic> Vigaro: http://puu.sh/ikZPH/2d5bd8d679.png
L996[12:03:28] <ThePsionic> gg
L997[12:03:51] <Vigaro> lol
L998[12:04:23] <ThePsionic> It's been 3 damn minutes
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L1013[12:23:03] <ThePsionic> I love being unable to do anything on Steam right now
L1014[12:23:08] <ThePsionic> Truly wonderful
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L1016[12:25:57] <Giraffestock> ah shit, forgot how much entities changed
L1017[12:26:04] <Giraffestock> trying to update my smart entity system and its being a bitch :(
L1018[12:27:24] <ollieread> 3 minutes to take it down lol
L1019[12:31:37] <Wuppy> these steam salse
L1020[12:31:39] <Wuppy> are legendary
L1021[12:31:48] <ThePsionic> -25% GTA5 gogogo
L1022[12:31:52] <ollieread> Some are 175% off
L1023[12:31:57] <ThePsionic> wot
L1024[12:32:08] <ollieread> Yeah
L1025[12:32:09] <ollieread> FUCK
L1026[12:32:15] <ollieread> "The Steam Store is experiencing some heavy load right now. Please try again later."
L1027[12:32:26] <ollieread> I was trying to buy all the ones that were a - price lol
L1028[12:32:27] <Wuppy> as always :P
L1029[12:32:35] <Wuppy> does that work?
L1030[12:32:38] <ThePsionic> ^
L1031[12:33:10] <ollieread> Depends how smart their system is
L1032[12:33:27] <ollieread> The game was -5.99, which would be satisfied by 0
L1033[12:33:52] <ThePsionic> Hmm, a game for -3,25
L1034[12:34:23] <ollieread> I'm getting a page of £ prices, $ prices and €
L1035[12:34:37] <ThePsionic> Steam decides to randomly log me out
L1036[12:36:44] <ollieread> Yeah, you're not logged out, their authentication is down
L1037[12:38:05] <Wuppy> heh
L1038[12:38:08] <ThePsionic> I figured
L1039[12:38:10] <Wuppy> steam has literally exploded xD
L1040[12:38:20] <Wuppy> I dont think it has ever been this bad during sales, has it?
L1041[12:38:38] <ThePsionic> Last year wasn't a lot better
L1042[12:38:45] <ollieread> Perhaps they weren't aware how popular the summer sale always is?
L1043[12:39:04] <ThePsionic> Doubt that
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L1045[12:39:18] <ollieread> ThePsionic: I'm English
L1046[12:39:18] <ThePsionic> At least I got into the minigame
L1047[12:39:24] <Wuppy> important question
L1048[12:39:30] <Wuppy> if you install Minecraft on a pc without java
L1049[12:39:35] <Wuppy> it automaticlaly installs java right?>
L1050[12:39:44] <ThePsionic> I'm not saying the minigame *works&
L1051[12:39:49] <ThePsionic> but at least I got in
L1052[12:39:50] <williewillus> if you use mojang's new launcher
L1053[12:39:55] <williewillus> it has bundled java
L1054[12:40:03] <Wuppy> awesome, thanks
L1055[12:40:10] <Wuppy> I thought so already but wanted to make sure
L1056[12:40:19] <Wuppy> mojang's new launcher is pretty old already though right?
L1057[12:40:57] <ThePsionic> http://puu.sh/il2Tv/a48e183635.png
L1058[12:41:02] <ThePsionic> Not a single piece of UI works
L1059[12:41:12] <Wuppy> broken ui
L1060[12:41:14] <Wuppy> makes me cry
L1061[12:41:23] <Wuppy> I have worked 3 full days (8 hours a day) on fixing UI
L1062[12:41:27] <Wuppy> which is terrible
L1063[12:42:01] <ThePsionic> I'd love to see this working tbh :P
L1064[12:43:12] <Wuppy> this way we'll never be able to unlock new sales
L1065[12:43:24] <ThePsionic> Ooh, Don't Starve is 75% off
L1066[12:43:38] ⇦ Quits: covers1624 (~covers162@ppp118-210-246-111.lns20.adl6.internode.on.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1067[12:43:46] <Wuppy> meh
L1068[12:44:02] <Giraffestock> GTA5 is 25~75% off
L1069[12:44:03] <Giraffestock> how does that work
L1070[12:44:07] <williewillus> the new new mojang launcher from a couple months ago
L1071[12:44:27] <Wuppy> Giraffestock, it's the intere franchise
L1072[12:44:31] <Wuppy> 5 itself is 25% off
L1073[12:44:32] <ThePsionic> Giraffestock: The GTA franchise is between 25% and 75%
L1074[12:44:38] <Wuppy> yep, that
L1075[12:44:52] <Giraffestock> ohhh k
L1076[12:45:17] <Wuppy> holy crap
L1077[12:45:23] <Wuppy> 5 eur for Metro Redux
L1078[12:45:25] <Wuppy> worth
L1079[12:45:27] <ThePsionic> mhm
L1080[12:45:33] <ThePsionic> Not a big fan but yeah
L1081[12:46:01] <Wuppy> it's an amazing looking game, havne't played it
L1082[12:46:08] <Wuppy> but just for the visuals it's worth taht prcie
L1083[12:46:13] <Mimiru> Ok, it seems a bit more active then last night :p I have a TE looping a sound via PositionedSound, the looping works perfectly for between 3 seconds, and 2 minutes, but it randomly stops. None of my stop methods are being called though Any ideas?
L1084[12:46:18] <Wuppy> think of it this way, it's about the same as 2 beers on a night out
L1085[12:46:35] <ollieread> Metro Redux, is that the 2033 or Last Light remake Wuppy ?
L1086[12:46:42] <Wuppy> both
L1087[12:46:48] <ollieread> Get it
L1088[12:46:49] <ollieread> Amazing story
L1089[12:46:52] <ollieread> terrifying game play
L1090[12:46:54] <Wuppy> well, you've got the 2033 redux, last light redux or both
L1091[12:46:56] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L1092[12:47:00] <ollieread> Resource intensive as a mother fucker though
L1093[12:47:03] <Wuppy> I already have em :P
L1094[12:47:04] <Ordinastie> does anyone know if Zombie Army Trilogy includes the first 2 episodes ?
L1095[12:47:10] <Wuppy> well, the normal version, not the redux
L1096[12:47:12] <Wuppy> but it's good enough
L1097[12:47:20] ⇦ Quits: Szernex (~Szernex@178-189-227-164.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Szernex_!~Szernex@188-23-146-229.adsl.highway.telekom.at)))
L1098[12:47:21] <ollieread> I've been trying to find an English version of the Metro books
L1099[12:47:25] <ollieread> But didn't have much look
L1100[12:47:27] ⇨ Joins: Szernex (~Szernex@188-23-146-229.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L1101[12:47:28] <Wuppy> my current pc prolly can't even run the default
L1102[12:47:36] ⇨ Joins: covers1624 (~covers162@ppp118-210-143-244.lns20.adl6.internode.on.net)
L1103[12:47:38] <ollieread> I guess I'll just have to get fry to skype me and read them to me every night
L1104[12:49:38] <Mimiru> http://git.io/vI9li Is my Alarm TE, http://git.io/vI9lM is my Base TE, and http://git.io/vI9lQis my PositionedSound. http://git.io/vI98f is my block, if it helps
L1105[12:49:57] *** chbachgone is now known as chbachman
L1106[12:50:54] <ollieread> Sorry Mimiru, this channel has become #steamsale
L1107[12:51:40] <Wuppy> hehe, pretty much
L1108[12:51:41] <Wuppy> HYPE
L1109[12:51:51] <Wuppy> oh god, my internet exploded
L1110[12:51:57] <Wuppy> doesn't enjoy downloading 10MB/s too much
L1111[12:52:08] <williewillus> you can't regen health in the minigame without the medic potion? :p
L1112[12:52:16] <ThePsionic> nope
L1113[12:53:56] <ollieread> I can't see the fucking steam homepage
L1114[12:54:01] <ThePsionic> The second game for tomorrow has also been unlocked
L1115[12:54:01] <ollieread> Fuck medic potions
L1116[12:54:20] <ThePsionic> Outcast 1.1
L1117[12:54:35] <ThePsionic> Which is a remaster of a 1999 game
L1118[12:55:49] <ThePsionic> https://steamgaug.es/ RIP
L1119[12:57:32] <ThePsionic> LMAO
L1120[12:57:52] <ThePsionic> They fixed the timer until next flash sale, and everything until now has been wiped
L1121[12:58:02] <ThePsionic> So Crysis 2 and Outcast 1.1 will not be going on sale
L1122[12:58:26] <Wuppy> dang, 4 euros for outlast
L1123[12:58:32] <Wuppy> if you like horror, get that
L1124[12:58:38] <Wuppy> I hate horror personally but yeah
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L1126[12:59:31] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L1127[12:59:56] <ThePsionic> I like how the overlays for "In library" and "On wishlist" are not even loading in the store
L1128[13:00:05] <Wuppy> I wonder if that's on purpose
L1129[13:00:07] <Wuppy> or broken
L1130[13:00:10] <Wuppy> I hope broken
L1131[13:00:11] <ThePsionic> lol
L1132[13:00:28] ⇦ Quits: stuntmania (~stuntmani@modemcable035.208-82-70.mc.videotron.ca) (Quit: Leaving)
L1133[13:00:32] <ThePsionic> Somehow the Steam Controller is in the top sellers
L1134[13:00:36] <Wuppy> lol
L1135[13:02:41] <ThePsionic> There's a point-and-click game that's 150% off, except there is no buy button
L1136[13:03:02] <fry> lol ollie
L1137[13:04:13] <ThePsionic> So I guess there's your answer, ollieread
L1138[13:04:16] <ollieread> I'm assuming you know that they're Russian books :P
L1139[13:04:20] <ThePsionic> If the price is negative, the buy button disappears
L1140[13:04:34] ⇦ Quits: Mindavi (~Mindavi@ip4daaada2.direct-adsl.nl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1141[13:04:38] <Mimiru> For the record, anyone who runs into this issue in the future.... make sure you don't have streaming: true in your sounds.json
L1142[13:04:39] ⇨ Joins: SoundLogic (~SoundLogi@natewp.scls.lib.wi.us)
L1143[13:04:55] <ThePsionic> omg
L1144[13:05:03] <ThePsionic> Defy Gravity Extended is 15 cents
L1145[13:05:04] <williewillus> Mimiru: what issue?
L1146[13:05:04] <ThePsionic> gogogog
L1147[13:05:27] <Mimiru> williewillus, my looping sound would randomly stop anywhere between 3 seconds and a minute in
L1148[13:05:39] <Mimiru> it's a 3 second klaxon, and I had streaming enabled for it.
L1149[13:05:51] ⇦ Quits: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-66-69-96-209.satx.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L1152[13:07:47] * fry read the 1st one, it was ok
L1153[13:08:01] <ThePsionic> Kind of thinking whether or not to buy Darkest Dungeon
L1154[13:08:22] <ThePsionic> Ooh
L1155[13:08:29] <ThePsionic> XCOM: Enemy Unknown 5 bucks
L1156[13:08:53] <SnowDapples> ollieread: yea, which mod. Sorry, had to do something xD
L1157[13:10:22] <ThePsionic> Bought XCOM:EU + 3 DLC for 6 bucks
L1158[13:10:28] <ThePsionic> The sale has truly begun
L1159[13:10:47] <Ivorius> I am just honest with myself
L1160[13:10:52] <Ivorius> I have too many games already
L1161[13:10:59] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@cpe-24-74-204-200.ec.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1162[13:11:03] *** ThuGie|off is now known as ThuGie
L1163[13:11:07] <ThePsionic> So do I
L1164[13:11:13] <ThePsionic> Doesn't stop me from spending money
L1165[13:11:21] <SnowDapples> oh noez
L1166[13:11:24] <Ivorius> I'll only consider the truly crazy deals at all
L1167[13:11:25] <SnowDapples> my wallet is doomed
L1168[13:12:37] <Ivorius> Dat cookie clicker steam game
L1169[13:12:52] <Wuppy> its cookie clicker?
L1170[13:13:39] <Ivorius> sorta
L1171[13:13:39] <Ivorius> laggy as shit doe
L1172[13:13:54] <ThePsionic> The servers are very very slowly recovering
L1173[13:14:11] <Giraffestock> oh clicker heroes?
L1174[13:14:12] <Giraffestock> super fun
L1175[13:14:16] <ThePsionic> No the minigame
L1176[13:14:57] ⇨ Joins: killjoy (~killjoy@cpe-24-74-204-200.ec.res.rr.com)
L1177[13:15:03] <Wuppy> clicker heroes is a good game?
L1178[13:15:20] <Ivorius> ^
L1179[13:15:22] <Ivorius> Clicker heroes was even less creative than cookie clicker
L1180[13:15:40] <Wuppy> dang, there are even several games on my wishlist which aren't on a special sale atm which are worth buying
L1181[13:15:43] <Ivorius> Although it had good art
L1182[13:16:18] <Giraffestock> nah clicker heroes is legit
L1183[13:16:25] <Giraffestock> im serious, ive played it for like 8 months online
L1184[13:16:32] <Giraffestock> ive ascended too many times to count
L1185[13:16:53] <Ivorius> I think my team lost
L1186[13:16:54] <Ivorius> But it's too laggy to be sure
L1187[13:16:54] <Ivorius> lol
L1188[13:17:11] <Ivorius> I get about 1 update / 5 minutes
L1189[13:17:15] <Ivorius> 8 months
L1190[13:17:17] <Ivorius> You fucking srs
L1191[13:17:22] <Ivorius> I stopped after the first cycle
L1192[13:17:25] <Ivorius> There was nothing to be had
L1193[13:18:44] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@cpe-24-74-204-200.ec.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1194[13:19:10] ⇨ Joins: Davnit31 (~Davnit@71-47-89-196.res.bhn.net)
L1195[13:19:33] <ThePsionic> I already bought 2 games
L1196[13:19:34] <ThePsionic> Help me
L1197[13:19:47] <SnowDapples> nothing really interesting for me.
L1198[13:19:54] <ThePsionic> Well as long as I don't fuck it up as badly as I did last year
L1199[13:20:03] <ThePsionic> Spent around 200 euros in 11 days then
L1200[13:20:14] <Giraffestock> jesus
L1201[13:20:15] <Giraffestock> lol
L1202[13:20:25] <Wuppy> holy shite
L1203[13:20:31] <Wuppy> that;s bad
L1204[13:20:32] <ThePsionic> Yeah
L1205[13:20:37] <ThePsionic> Not something I'd like to repeat
L1206[13:20:53] <Giraffestock> i just wish i cashed in my CSGO betting items /:
L1207[13:21:06] <Wuppy> welp, steam worked for 20 minutes
L1208[13:21:08] <Wuppy> down again though
L1209[13:21:27] <ThePsionic> All is dying
L1210[13:21:28] <Giraffestock> I have like $400 in csgo skins for betting and was gonna cash them in today or tomorrow, didnt expect the sale to be so soon
L1211[13:21:34] <Wuppy> why
L1212[13:21:35] <Wuppy> just why
L1213[13:21:48] <Wuppy> Giraffestock, it has been announced everywhere the last couple of weeks
L1214[13:21:54] <Giraffestock> yeah ik
L1215[13:21:59] ⇦ Quits: Davnit (~Davnit@71-47-89-196.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1216[13:22:01] <Giraffestock> i could sell them know, would still make profit
L1217[13:22:06] <Giraffestock> not as much though
L1218[13:22:57] <Ivorius> Giraffestock: ... how
L1219[13:23:03] <Ivorius> ThePsionic: ... why
L1220[13:23:07] <Giraffestock> betting/trading :)
L1221[13:23:14] <ThePsionic> Don't ask
L1222[13:23:15] <ThePsionic> Also
L1223[13:23:18] <Wuppy> Giraffestock, why do you have so much money in skins
L1224[13:23:20] <ThePsionic> Store is back up
L1225[13:23:24] <ThePsionic> Community is down tho
L1226[13:23:25] <Giraffestock> Wuppy: I spent like $50
L1227[13:23:37] <Giraffestock> 400 is nothing lol
L1228[13:23:40] <Giraffestock> people have thousands easilyt
L1229[13:23:43] <Ivorius> I had no idea there was money in steam
L1230[13:23:43] <Ivorius> lol
L1231[13:23:44] <Giraffestock> one skin can be ~4000
L1232[13:23:47] <Wuppy> I have like 10 cents
L1233[13:24:00] <Wuppy> but that's because 1 cent skins arne't worth selling
L1234[13:24:07] <ThePsionic> I like how the platform that is supposed to run the minigame is dead
L1235[13:24:08] <Giraffestock> tradeup contracts
L1236[13:24:12] <Ivorius> $4000??
L1237[13:24:17] <Giraffestock> AWP Dragon Lore
L1238[13:24:17] <Ivorius> wat
L1239[13:24:24] <ThePsionic> Ivorius: People are crazy like that
L1240[13:24:26] <unascribed> my wishlist won't load :(
L1241[13:24:29] <Giraffestock> super rare, only available in one case that was available for a short time
L1242[13:24:38] <ThePsionic> unascribed: Steam Community is down entirely
L1243[13:24:44] <ThePsionic> That's probably why
L1244[13:24:44] <unascribed> RIP steam
L1245[13:24:46] <unascribed> 2015-2015
L1246[13:24:50] <ThePsionic> l
L1247[13:25:07] <Wuppy> it's there for me now
L1248[13:25:18] *** bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
L1249[13:25:21] <Wuppy> nvm
L1250[13:25:28] <Wuppy> it's borked even worse now
L1251[13:25:47] <ThePsionic> https://steamstat.us/
L1252[13:25:53] <ThePsionic> Try that instead of drilling F5
L1253[13:27:01] <ThePsionic> Crap I already have a card twice
L1254[13:27:05] <ThePsionic> Someone help me out here
L1255[13:27:07] <Wuppy> lol
L1256[13:27:09] ⇨ Joins: Genuine (~GenuineSo@
L1257[13:27:11] <Wuppy> csgo has crashed?
L1258[13:27:15] <Giraffestock> seems like it lol
L1259[13:27:16] <ThePsionic> MM is down ye
L1260[13:27:19] <Giraffestock> wuppy you play?
L1261[13:27:27] <Giraffestock> oh its back now
L1262[13:27:33] <Wuppy> heh
L1263[13:27:34] <Wuppy> I did
L1264[13:27:38] <Giraffestock> what rank?
L1265[13:27:47] <Wuppy> nothing
L1266[13:27:53] <Giraffestock> \:
L1267[13:27:59] <Giraffestock> but thats what makes csgo fun; the competitive
L1268[13:27:59] <Wuppy> I prefer playing casual
L1269[13:28:03] <Giraffestock> :O
L1270[13:28:05] <Giraffestock> gtfo rn
L1271[13:29:51] ⇦ Quits: Genuine (~GenuineSo@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1273[13:31:47] ⇦ Quits: GerbShert (~GerbShert@ (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by GerbShert_)))
L1274[13:32:04] <Ivorius> It's half working for me now
L1275[13:32:11] <ThePsionic> Very choppy
L1276[13:32:19] <Ivorius> What an amazing game! lol
L1277[13:32:56] <Giraffestock> what game ivor?
L1278[13:33:00] <Giraffestock> just bought duck game, super fun
L1279[13:33:13] <Giraffestock> turns out a friend of mine is working on a modding framework for it too so hype :D
L1280[13:33:16] <Ivorius> The Steam game
L1281[13:33:20] <Ivorius> This sale's gimmick
L1282[13:44:08] ⇨ Joins: shadekiller666 (~shadekill@adsl-108-80-79-1.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net)
L1283[13:44:48] <ollieread> SnowDapples: It's my mod, Technomagi
L1284[13:45:02] <SnowDapples> Ah, sweet
L1285[13:45:17] <SnowDapples> Another game to add to my "I need to play this"-list xD
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L1297[14:05:31] <shadekiller666> la dee da dee da
L1298[14:06:47] ⇦ Quits: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1299[14:06:50] <williewillus> steam cookie clicker minigame is still a lagfest :(
L1300[14:07:30] <unascribed> wait, it's an idle game!?
L1301[14:08:42] *** olee is now known as olee|off
L1302[14:13:52] <unascribed> I'm testing my clicking skills on the "Play Now!" button
L1303[14:15:45] <shadekiller666> !gm func_175142_cm
L1304[14:16:25] <shadekiller666> !gm func_146097_a
L1305[14:16:43] <shadekiller666> !gm func_175149_v
L1306[14:17:05] <shadekiller666> !gm func_178782_a
L1307[14:18:57] ⇦ Quits: airbreather (~airbreath@d149-67-99-43.nap.wideopenwest.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L1311[14:26:26] <Vigaro> shadekiller666: You can pm the bot
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L1315[14:29:04] <shadekiller666> !pm minebot
L1316[14:29:15] <shadekiller666> how does one do that
L1317[14:29:40] <diesieben07> you want MCP Bot
L1318[14:29:45] <PaleoCrafter> /msg MCPBot_Reborn :P
L1319[14:35:19] ⇨ Joins: mr208 (~mallrat20@142-197-84-231.res.bhn.net)
L1320[14:35:36] <Ivorius> I'm level 2 ice already \o/
L1321[14:35:36] <Ivorius> To ice dudes I deal 200 idle and active damage
L1322[14:35:40] <Ivorius> So worth it
L1323[14:36:42] *** sk89q|away is now known as sk89q
L1324[14:37:35] ⇦ Quits: mallrat208 (~mallrat20@142-197-84-231.res.bhn.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1325[14:37:40] <PaleoCrafter> there's ice, Ivorius? Oo
L1326[14:37:48] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-252-51.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Ex-Chat)
L1327[14:38:10] <Ordinastie> nope :p
L1328[14:38:13] <Ivorius> Uh, wind
L1329[14:38:17] <Ivorius> It looks like ice
L1330[14:38:34] <PaleoCrafter> it definitely doesn't look like wind, but ice?
L1331[14:38:49] <Ivorius> air
L1332[14:39:09] <Ivorius> ¯\(º_o)/¯
L1333[14:39:09] <Ivorius> I like ice in games
L1334[14:39:46] <Wuppy> what a glorius life the student life i\
L1335[14:39:48] <Wuppy> is*
L1336[14:40:35] <Mimiru> Anyone have any pointers on working with IResourcePack?
L1337[14:40:37] <Ivorius> Watching lectures in 1.6x speed
L1338[14:40:42] <Ivorius> Trying desperately to focus
L1339[14:40:58] <Mimiru> Trying to load sounds from outside my jar
L1340[14:41:06] ⇨ Joins: Horfius (~Horfius@c-50-177-126-199.hsd1.nh.comcast.net)
L1341[14:41:06] <Ivorius> I swear he sounds normal at this speed
L1342[14:41:56] <ollieread> Fire, ice, palm tree, endothermic fire
L1343[14:42:03] ⇨ Joins: SullyPlayer (webchat@104-184-56-125.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net)
L1344[14:42:05] <Ivorius> ^
L1345[14:42:19] <ollieread> Palm trees are more of a weapon than an element
L1346[14:43:09] *** mr208 is now known as mallrat208
L1347[14:43:39] <ollieread> Like the guy on Captain Planet that got heart
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L1352[14:53:37] *** bilde2910 is now known as bilde2910|away
L1353[14:54:39] <Ivorius> Is there some level we have to reach? My team is level 4 already
L1354[14:54:59] <Ivorius> I mean, it did say there are rewards
L1355[14:55:17] <Ivorius> But apparently I wasn't too diligent in reading about them, lol
L1356[14:55:26] <Ordinastie> there is a boss at lvl 10
L1357[14:55:45] <Ordinastie> 134M pv ><
L1358[14:56:23] <Ivorius> You are level 10 already?
L1359[14:56:33] <Ordinastie> yep
L1360[14:56:56] <Ivorius> Dang
L1361[14:56:59] <Ivorius> I pretty much can't do anything
L1362[14:57:09] <PaleoCrafter> even I'm level 6, duh :P
L1363[14:57:11] <Ivorius> Even upgrades need 10 takes
L1364[14:57:21] <PaleoCrafter> but yeah, the lag is horrendous
L1365[14:57:24] <shadekiller666> i really hope i'm resolving these patch files properlly
L1366[14:57:31] <Ivorius> Maybe my team is shit, lol
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L1369[14:59:24] <Ivorius> It's the same every sale
L1370[14:59:32] <Ivorius> Doesn't steam have like billions of moneyz
L1371[15:00:24] <Ivorius> Surely it doesn't pay off if people can't even buy games because of lag
L1372[15:00:31] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Drullkus@2601:9:4e00:9df:cd32:675f:107d:1804)
L1373[15:02:33] <LexManos> steam y u suck to much http://puu.sh/ilaHR/12df4758f9.png
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L1376[15:05:22] <Ivorius> > being a level 2 pleb
L1377[15:05:43] <Ivorius> But yeah, that's pretty much how my screen looks
L1378[15:05:51] <Ivorius> Including it not moving at all
L1379[15:05:58] <LexManos> yup
L1380[15:06:27] <LexManos> ive given up on the laggy stuff, havent been able to actually see any evidence that the clicks actually do anything.
L1381[15:06:44] <Ivorius> Oh, I did see it
L1382[15:06:47] <Ivorius> Sometimes it does move
L1383[15:06:53] <Ivorius> But when I start clicking it freezes
L1384[15:07:18] <Ivorius> Those numbers are lag points
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L1386[15:09:07] <Ivorius> Holy shit I'm live
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L1388[15:10:44] <LexManos> bah gog is nice and all but it seem their 'already in library' is failing...
L1389[15:11:46] <PaleoCrafter> level 7 \o/
L1390[15:12:46] <Ivorius> Somehow killing monsters always kills my connection
L1391[15:13:00] <Ivorius> There must be bugs in the code, and not too few
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L1396[15:21:50] <killjoy> Arrays.binarySearch doesn't like me because I'm trying to use an object that isn't comparable
L1397[15:22:12] <williewillus> so give it a comparator?
L1398[15:22:22] <killjoy> Nah.
L1399[15:22:37] <diesieben07> how did you even sort your array then?
L1400[15:22:54] <Ordinastie> random :p
L1401[15:22:57] <killjoy> I already have it as an iterator, so I'm going to use Iterators.indexOf
L1402[15:23:02] <killjoy> I didn't sort it
L1403[15:23:08] *** Illyohs is now known as AFK
L1404[15:23:09] <diesieben07> then you cannot use binary search
L1405[15:23:13] *** AFK is now known as Illy|AFK
L1406[15:23:13] <killjoy> I created it in the order I want it to be in
L1407[15:23:25] <Ivorius> Binary search only makes sense with sorted arrays
L1408[15:24:04] <killjoy> All these sorting/searching terms
L1409[15:24:09] <Ivorius> It's not a 'find by iteration'
L1410[15:24:17] ⇨ Joins: Xilandro (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:e9a1:c94b:5545:eec2)
L1411[15:24:18] <Ivorius> [which java could use too though]
L1412[15:24:47] <killjoy> All I want to do is find the current index of an iterator.
L1413[15:25:16] <Ivorius> Iterators don't always have indices
L1414[15:25:21] <Ivorius> Some iterators don't know anything but the next element in the list
L1415[15:25:33] <killjoy> I'm using a ListIterator
L1416[15:25:41] <Ivorius> Then don't.
L1417[15:25:49] <Ivorius> Iterators are not for indices
L1418[15:25:54] <Ivorius> Lists are for indices.
L1419[15:26:51] <Ivorius> If you iterate through a list by indices, just use fori, man
L1420[15:27:09] <killjoy> I'm just going to convert it to a list and use indexOf
L1421[15:27:18] <diesieben07> :o
L1422[15:27:18] <Ivorius> lol
L1423[15:27:20] <diesieben07> why convert?!
L1424[15:27:21] <williewillus> ll
L1425[15:27:32] <killjoy> One line
L1426[15:27:38] <williewillus> *lol
L1427[15:27:38] <nekosune> Anyone got any experience withNEI's PositionedStacks, as the X and Y it asks for dont appear to be X and Y into the texture
L1428[15:27:42] <williewillus> what are you searching for?
L1429[15:27:48] <Ivorius> System.exit is just one line
L1430[15:27:54] <Ivorius> You shouldn't call it though :P
L1431[15:28:16] <williewillus> hey now
L1432[15:28:21] <williewillus> always use FMLCommonHandler.exitJava()
L1433[15:28:24] <williewillus> come on
L1434[15:28:29] <williewillus> :p
L1435[15:28:59] <nekosune> http://i.imgur.com/PyZgI1h.png is what I am ending up with
L1436[15:29:38] <Ivorius> You're trying to implement NEI compat?
L1437[15:29:39] ⇦ Quits: Kodos (~Kodos@2602:306:ce20:6c30:e9a1:c94b:5545:eec2) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1438[15:29:41] <Ivorius> Well good luck to you, lol
L1439[15:30:00] <nekosune> Ivorius: yeah But PositionedStacks's X and Y dont appear to be the X and Y into the texture
L1440[15:30:20] <Ivorius> Obviously not
L1441[15:30:20] <Ivorius> The texture is an arbitrary rendering thing
L1442[15:30:39] <Ivorius> Usually it's the position in the GUI, by scale from center
L1443[15:30:43] <PaleoCrafter> just play around with the value, it's a constant offset :P
L1444[15:30:57] <Ivorius> No idea what nonsense NEI would be up to with this though
L1445[15:30:57] <Ivorius> :P
L1446[15:31:25] <nekosune> How can it be constant if the window is enlarged, a box could be further down on Y to stay center o.0
L1447[15:31:56] <williewillus> minecraft handles it all
L1448[15:31:58] <nekosune> I thought it would honestly behave like a container, where you set X and Y of the texture, and it scales it
L1449[15:32:04] <PaleoCrafter> well, can't really see that from a screenshot :P
L1450[15:32:13] <williewillus> i thought at least :p
L1451[15:32:26] <PaleoCrafter> it's CB, williewillus :P
L1452[15:32:32] <williewillus> oh lol
L1453[15:32:46] <Ivorius> nekosune: You're getting it wrong
L1454[15:33:04] <Ivorius> Containers do exactly that
L1455[15:33:04] <Ivorius> It has nothing to do with the texture still
L1456[15:33:20] ⇦ Quits: CoolSquid (~CoolSquid@ti0011a400-5237.bb.online.no) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1457[15:33:31] <Ivorius> But yes, it should center it and give you enough space depending on what your GUIScreen size is
L1458[15:33:38] <nekosune> I know, it technically dosnt look at the texture :p but you can go, oh the box on the texture is at 62,17 and then do new Slot(0,62,17
L1459[15:33:45] <nekosune> with a container
L1460[15:33:55] <Ivorius> Yes, that's what it was designed around :)
L1461[15:34:08] <nekosune> yeah I thought PositionedStack would be the same
L1462[15:34:21] <Ivorius> It should have been
L1463[15:34:33] <Ivorius> But NEI... I haven't seen good things about the API, let's just say that :P
L1464[15:34:48] <nekosune> now I am just trying to find out what it DOES use :S
L1465[15:34:54] <Ivorius> I'm scared of wasting a week implementing it, so I haven't yet started
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L1468[15:35:51] <nekosune> thing is I have tried looking at vanilla textures, and what ei uses itself, but I get some rediculous offsets
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L1472[15:36:44] <nekosune> Vanilla brewing stand's input box is at 199,39 ..... it's positionedStack is at 51,35
L1473[15:37:44] ⇦ Parts: SullyPlayer (webchat@104-184-56-125.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net) ())
L1474[15:38:13] <nekosune> I should ask in the appropriate place for this if no one here knows anyway :)
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L1478[15:44:55] <nekosune> The offset was x-5 y-11
L1479[15:48:08] <Ivorius> ooo there's more stats
L1480[15:48:11] <Ivorius> I just unlocked Lucky Shot apparently
L1481[15:48:38] <Ordinastie> the boss finally died : 20k or :p
L1482[15:49:15] <Ordinastie> *gold
L1483[15:49:16] <PaleoCrafter> I've just arrived at level 10 :P
L1484[15:50:34] <Ordinastie> if they don't focus the boss and keep farming the other lane, you'll stay on this level for a while :p
L1485[15:50:53] <PaleoCrafter> we probably will
L1486[15:51:03] <PaleoCrafter> farming the other lanes for a bit of gold :P
L1487[15:51:04] <Ordinastie> ffs, it keeps respawning
L1488[15:51:52] <Ivorius> > we
L1489[15:51:53] <Ivorius> As if I have any say with my 90 DPS
L1490[15:52:01] ⇨ Joins: Galvas (~Galvas@
L1491[15:52:03] <Ivorius> Or maybe 300 if I click
L1492[15:52:05] ⇦ Quits: Galvas (~Galvas@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1493[15:52:06] <PaleoCrafter> nub
L1494[15:52:17] ⇨ Joins: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk)
L1495[15:52:52] <Ivorius> lel 100k to upgrade 'boss loot' by 1%
L1496[15:52:53] <Ivorius> 1
L1497[15:52:53] <Ivorius> fucking
L1498[15:52:58] <Ivorius> percent
L1499[15:53:58] ⇦ Quits: Hea3veN (~Hea3veN@ (Quit: leaving)
L1500[15:54:24] <williewillus> lol
L1501[15:54:32] <Ordinastie> but what is critical hit anyway
L1502[15:54:35] <Ordinastie> I don't see any diff
L1503[15:54:45] <PaleoCrafter> I wondered too
L1504[15:54:54] <Ivorius> Maybe it doesn't show if there's lag
L1505[15:55:35] ⇦ Quits: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1506[15:55:42] <williewillus> does the crit chance spell really cost 1mil or is that supposed to be 1000 not 1000K :p
L1507[15:55:53] <Ordinastie> I think it's 1M
L1508[15:57:17] <Ordinastie> I'm not sure you can reach lvl 11
L1509[15:58:20] <PaleoCrafter> I'd assume if everybody focus on one of the monsters on every lane, you could bring them all down
L1510[15:58:22] <Ivorius> No, I think you have to beat level 10 to get the daily bonus
L1511[15:58:26] <Ivorius> And beating it more often gets you chance for steam deals
L1512[15:58:36] ⇦ Quits: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipb2197f94.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over and Out!)
L1513[15:58:50] *** MorphFK is now known as Morphan1
L1514[15:59:43] <Ordinastie> Lol, Tactical Nuke :p
L1515[16:00:01] <Ordinastie> I got a loot! :p
L1516[16:01:15] <killjoy> Dumb unreliable ListIterator
L1517[16:01:36] <Ivorius> The connection is slowly getting ground
L1518[16:01:39] <Ivorius> I even see abilities being used now
L1519[16:01:44] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L1520[16:01:47] <killjoy> doing next() then previous() yields the same value
L1521[16:01:50] <williewillus> i still get lag spikes every 15 seconds :p
L1522[16:02:00] <killjoy> You have to do previous twice to actually go backwards
L1523[16:02:05] <Ordinastie> wow, either it's a bug, or maybe a cheater but wth
L1524[16:02:16] ⇦ Quits: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1525[16:02:30] <diesieben07> killjoy, that is not unreliable. that's how it works.
L1526[16:02:30] <williewillus> why are you listiterating anyway? :p
L1527[16:02:36] <diesieben07> and that ^
L1528[16:03:15] <killjoy> s/unreliable/misleading
L1529[16:03:15] <PaleoCrafter> it's pretty instant for me right now
L1530[16:03:37] <williewillus> from javadocs "(Note that alternating calls to next and previous will return the same element repeatedly.)"
L1531[16:03:42] <williewillus> not misleading :p
L1532[16:03:51] * killjoy didn't read the javadocs
L1533[16:03:57] <Ordinastie> we spent 1h45 on level 10
L1534[16:04:08] <diesieben07> well, there is your issue :P
L1535[16:04:15] <Ordinastie> and then we did 4 level in 5mins
L1536[16:04:33] <Ivorius> 'this method doesn't do what I arbitrarily decided it should do'
L1537[16:04:33] <Ivorius> 'Java sucks'
L1538[16:04:35] *** big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|Off
L1539[16:04:40] <Ivorius> .-.
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L1541[16:04:45] <PaleoCrafter> Ordinastie, only 16mins in, already got the boss down to 3/4
L1542[16:05:02] <williewillus> just advanced to lvl 9 in mine
L1543[16:05:02] ⇦ Quits: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-204-125-173.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L1544[16:05:04] <williewillus> :p
L1545[16:05:12] <diesieben07> what stupid game are you guys playing anyways? :D
L1546[16:05:20] <williewillus> the steam cookie clicker clone thing :p
L1547[16:05:33] <diesieben07> jesus christ thats so 2010
L1548[16:06:04] <Ordinastie> I think it's because every body are using their loot
L1549[16:06:05] <Ivorius> 'that's so <year>' is so 2004
L1550[16:06:08] <Ivorius> Also cookie clicker was never good :P
L1551[16:06:13] <tmtu> meta
L1552[16:06:22] <Ivorius> But idle games have been around for a long time
L1553[16:06:35] <Ivorius> Cookie Clicker was by no means the first
L1554[16:07:24] <Ordinastie> mobs get OS ><
L1555[16:08:53] *** chbachman is now known as chbachgone
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L1559[16:16:22] <williewillus> woohoo level 10
L1560[16:21:07] <Ordinastie> woohoo level 20 :p
L1561[16:21:35] <PaleoCrafter> Ordinastie, level 10 only took us 30 minutes Oo
L1562[16:21:35] <Mimiru> o_O why is this null
L1563[16:21:47] <Ordinastie> because they focused the boss
L1564[16:21:53] <PaleoCrafter> not really
L1565[16:22:13] <Ordinastie> I mean, the first 30min, he only lost like 2M
L1566[16:22:27] <Mimiru> https://github.com/PC-Logix/OpenSecurity/blob/master/src/main/java/pcl/opensecurity/tileentity/TileEntityAlarm.java#L36 is null even though it's set on line 11, I've tried with and without this.
L1567[16:23:23] ⇦ Quits: Cojo (~Cojo@cpe-66-57-94-76.nc.res.rr.com) (Quit: If we wish to explore, if we wish to see what's over the next hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want it enough.)
L1568[16:24:02] <diesieben07> unless someone calls the OC method that will not be null.
L1569[16:24:27] <Mimiru> but it is, I don't have a computer hooked to it atm.
L1570[16:24:42] <Mimiru> it'
L1571[16:24:47] <diesieben07> impossible :P
L1572[16:24:50] <Mimiru> it's null on world load
L1573[16:24:55] <Mimiru> tell that to my code.
L1574[16:24:57] <diesieben07> define world load
L1575[16:25:07] <Mimiru> Loading the world fro mthe SP menu
L1576[16:25:19] <PaleoCrafter> shouldn't a TE have a no-args constructor?
L1577[16:25:22] <diesieben07> where do you check is my question
L1578[16:25:26] <diesieben07> and that ^
L1579[16:25:35] ⇦ Quits: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1580[16:25:58] <diesieben07> (and *only* a no-arg constructor)
L1581[16:26:36] <Ordinastie> only?
L1582[16:26:42] *** Tombenpotter is now known as NotTomben
L1583[16:26:51] <diesieben07> Yes
L1584[16:26:55] <diesieben07> everything else is just way confusing
L1585[16:26:58] <Ordinastie> why?
L1586[16:27:22] <diesieben07> because you have to keep track in your head which one is called when and make sure that stuff still works properly in both cases...
L1587[16:27:28] <diesieben07> and most importantly, you really dont need it
L1588[16:27:43] ⇦ Quits: JamEngulfer221 (~games@host86-150-61-242.range86-150.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: JamEngulfer221)
L1589[16:28:41] <Mimiru> ok, it's not null anymore (changed to a argless constructor.
L1590[16:28:45] <Mimiru> still crashes me though ¬_¬ lol
L1591[16:28:55] <diesieben07> show the crash
L1592[16:28:59] ⇨ Joins: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk)
L1593[16:29:04] <Mimiru> I'm working on it :P
L1594[16:29:29] <Mimiru> http://paste.pc-logix.com/view/4a6f7d03
L1595[16:29:55] <PaleoCrafter> Ordinastie, how did you manage to kill of the monsters in level 10?
L1596[16:30:45] <Ordinastie> I guess with luck that the damage is spread, and new pop don't have too much health
L1597[16:31:12] <Ordinastie> which will be harder for level 20 because they can have like 60M
L1598[16:32:38] ⇨ Joins: Drepic26 (~Drepic26_@ool-ad020246.dyn.optonline.net)
L1599[16:32:51] <diesieben07> Mimiru, well, your base machine TE creates the ResourceLocation ONCE. but your subclass' getSound method only works later
L1600[16:33:02] <diesieben07> later being after the constructor
L1601[16:37:46] <Ordinastie> I guess we will be stuck on this level for a while ><
L1602[16:37:49] ⇨ Joins: MindWorX (~MindWorX@80-161-13-134-static.dk.customer.tdc.net)
L1603[16:38:18] <MindWorX> Anyone fluent in world generation? I'm trying to make a very flat world with only a 3-4 block different in height but very frequent.
L1604[16:38:18] <Mimiru> Right.. I need to get a new ResourceLocation when I switch sounds..
L1605[16:38:35] <MindWorX> I tried cloning the code for desert and then set variance to 0, but it still has a pretty big variance.
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L1607[16:39:46] <Ivorius> :O level 10
L1608[16:40:56] <Ivorius> Was your boss an excavator too?
L1609[16:41:21] <PaleoCrafter> yeah
L1610[16:42:21] <Ivorius> Ohhhh
L1611[16:42:26] <Ivorius> The abilities cost only once
L1612[16:42:29] <shadekiller666> ok, conflicts fixed
L1613[16:42:31] <shadekiller666> i think
L1614[16:42:40] <Ivorius> And then you can use them forever??
L1615[16:42:40] <Ivorius> That makes them so much more useful
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L1629[17:01:27] <pixlepix> Mojang code: p_149646_5_ == 0 && this.minY > 0.0D ? true : (p_149646_5_ == 1 && this.maxY < 1.0D ? true : (p_149646_5_ == 2 && this.minZ > 0.0D ? true : (p_149646_5_ == 3 && this.maxZ < 1.0D ? true : (p_149646_5_ == 4 && this.minX > 0.0D ? true : (p_149646_5_ == 5 && this.maxX < 1.0D ? true : !p_149646_1_.getBlock(p_149646_2_, p_149646_3_, p_149646_4_).isOpaqueCube())))));
L1630[17:01:27] <pixlepix>
L1631[17:02:09] <diesieben07> i can pretty much guarantee you that the original code looks nothing like that.
L1632[17:03:59] <pixlepix> Hopefully :P
L1633[17:04:04] <PaleoCrafter> But he has the proof right there, diesieben07 D:
L1634[17:04:07] <pixlepix> I guess decompilers *really* like ternary operators
L1635[17:04:11] * PaleoCrafter runs
L1636[17:04:29] *** Kolatra|Away is now known as Kolatra
L1637[17:04:51] <diesieben07> the bytecode for: return bla == 0 && bla == 1 and return bla == 0 ? true : bla == 1 ? true : false
L1638[17:04:59] <diesieben07> is completely indistinguishable.
L1639[17:05:21] <Ivorius> Not quite true
L1640[17:05:21] <Ivorius> You have the line indicators
L1641[17:05:21] <Ivorius> For debug
L1642[17:05:40] <Ivorius> I think the decompiler makes use of them, no?
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L1644[17:05:55] <diesieben07> if both are on one line...?
L1645[17:06:53] <Ivorius> Oh, I thought you compared if and ? :
L1646[17:06:58] <diesieben07> no
L1647[17:07:01] <Ivorius> Sorry, quite tired :P
L1648[17:07:08] <diesieben07> and even then, mojang code has no line numbers
L1649[17:07:17] <PaleoCrafter> Well, fuck, can't access my website oO
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L1651[17:07:44] <MindWorX> I thought MC was obfuscated
L1652[17:07:50] <diesieben07> it is
L1653[17:07:57] <MindWorX> Wouldn't that strip away everything related to debugging?
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L1656[17:08:58] <diesieben07> indeed
L1657[17:09:04] <MindWorX> Is there any documentation on how NoiseGeneratorOctaves and NoiseGeneratorPerlin works? I'm basically trying to make a very basic height map, with no caves, etc. Just the heightmap.
L1658[17:09:37] <shadekiller666> damn it... the pull request still says there are merge conflicts...
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L1680[17:54:34] <killjoy> I'm trying to do website matching. How would I match "http://*.deviantart.com/*#/d*" in regex?
L1681[17:55:31] <unascribed> http(?:s)?://.*?\.deviantart\.com/(.*)#/d(.*)
L1682[17:55:47] <killjoy> The thing is, I think that's pseudo-regex
L1683[17:55:56] <unascribed> I've been writing PCRE recently, so it might not work in Java
L1684[17:57:50] <unascribed> http://fiddle.re/10tte6
L1685[17:58:11] <unascribed> hm, doesn't include the test results
L1686[17:58:12] <killjoy> Bottom of this page is what I'm trying to do. https://www.deviantart.com/developers/oembed
L1687[17:58:12] <unascribed> hold on
L1688[17:58:30] <unascribed> http://unascribed.com/i/7315b06a.png
L1689[18:01:44] ⇨ Joins: striker4150 (webchat@cpe-66-8-209-53.hawaii.res.rr.com)
L1690[18:02:18] <unascribed> (http(?:s)?://((?:.*\.)?deviantart\.com/art/|fav\.me/|sta\.sh/|(?:.*\.)?deviantart.com/(.*)#/d)/(.*)
L1691[18:02:31] *** big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|Off
L1692[18:02:56] <unascribed> still working on the regex; do you have some example urls?
L1693[18:04:28] <unascribed> killjoy: example urls?
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L1695[18:04:58] <killjoy> I'm able to create the regex and don't need help with that.
L1696[18:05:10] <unascribed> okay, so what are you asking for then
L1697[18:05:15] <killjoy> I guesss what I need is an example of the last one
L1698[18:05:28] <killjoy> Which is what I'm trying to figure out
L1699[18:05:48] <unascribed> http(?:s)?://(?:.*\.)deviantart.com/(.*)#/d(.*)
L1700[18:05:58] <unascribed> remove parens around the .*s if you don't need capture groups
L1701[18:06:14] <unascribed> (?:s)? is optional but allows you to match https links as well
L1702[18:06:24] <unascribed> err
L1703[18:06:28] <unascribed> http(?:s)?://(?:.*\.)?deviantart.com/(.*)#/d(.*)
L1704[18:06:29] <unascribed> fixed
L1705[18:08:46] ⇦ Parts: striker4150 (webchat@cpe-66-8-209-53.hawaii.res.rr.com) ())
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L1707[18:09:28] *** alekso56 is now known as alekso56_off
L1708[18:09:54] <unascribed> (?:.*\.)? is a non-capturing group containing ".*\." which matches anything followed by a dot, the ? at the end makes it optional
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L1718[18:32:34] <shadekiller666> fry
L1719[18:32:40] <shadekiller666> you awake?
L1720[18:43:08] <shadekiller666> so... many... conflicts...
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L1726[18:59:35] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1727[19:04:21] <Mimiru> Ok... I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here... http://git.io/vIQ4q inside this method none of my changes seem to take effect.
L1728[19:04:59] <Mimiru> I destroy my MachineSound instance when the sound stops, yet when I make a new instance it keeps referencing the old values.
L1729[19:05:15] <Mimiru> I set a new sound here http://git.io/vIQ47
L1730[19:05:43] <Mimiru> I call that from here http://git.io/vIQ4A
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L1733[19:08:41] <williewillus> well hasSound() is always false :p
L1734[19:08:52] <williewillus> getSoundName() is just "return null;"
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L1736[19:09:41] <williewillus> oh nvm
L1737[19:09:45] <williewillus> superclass, derp
L1738[19:09:53] <Mimiru> :P
L1739[19:10:02] <Mimiru> Yeah I'm overriding that
L1740[19:10:42] <Mimiru> It's a bit of a mess ATM, lots of debug code hanging around cause I'm trying to figure out why it's holding on to the old sound.
L1741[19:17:13] *** Genji|away is now known as Genji
L1742[19:19:09] <mrdeadlocked> Keep getting a set of error download 1448, does anyone have a mirror for it/
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L1747[19:33:13] <Mimiru> I just don't understand why it's holding a reference... I removed the set from the TE constructor, and tried calling it later which resulted in the sound being null
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L1749[19:36:16] <williewillus> system.out.println everywhere
L1750[19:36:19] <williewillus> ^ how I debug :p
L1751[19:36:36] <shadekiller666> ^
L1752[19:36:42] <shadekiller666> or a chathandler :P
L1753[19:37:04] <williewillus> when I feel like it I use all the fancy breakpoint/variable inspection shit but normally its just log all the things
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L1756[19:42:34] <williewillus> you can suspend and do an eval in the intellij debugger?
L1757[19:42:35] <williewillus> thats cool
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L1763[19:50:32] <Kenai> Serious question - why should I use blockstates for known block variations? It's a lot easier to just declare multiple blocks with the same .java file and an enum in the constructor..
L1764[19:51:27] <bob_twinkles> assuming I'm interpreting what you're saying correctly, you end up using way more blockids that way
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L1767[19:51:59] <bob_twinkles> which while the number available has greatly increased from earlier versions, is still finite
L1768[19:52:24] <shadekiller666> and you don't need aditional fancy stuff
L1769[19:52:46] <shadekiller666> vanilla's system will -theoretically- handle everything with the blockstates
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L1771[19:53:58] <bob_twinkles> and a lot of the gaps/annoying things have been filled in by Forge courtesy of Zaggy1024 =D
L1772[19:54:09] <shadekiller666> yep
L1773[19:54:24] <bob_twinkles> (and others I'm sure)
L1774[19:54:27] <Zaggy1024> lolhi
L1775[19:54:33] <Zaggy1024> Lex started that work
L1776[19:54:36] <Zaggy1024> thank him too :P
L1777[19:54:53] <shadekiller666> i wish i didn't have to fix 450 merge conflicts for the github repo... so that i could take a look at that new blockstate system
L1778[19:55:04] <bob_twinkles> I think Lex gets an implicit thanks every time someone mentions Forge =D
L1779[19:55:15] <shadekiller666> ^
L1780[19:55:16] <Zaggy1024> lol true
L1781[19:55:38] <Kenai> Well, those *are* fair points
L1782[19:55:38] <Zaggy1024> still, I probably wouldn't have wanted to do it if he hadn't started the work first
L1783[19:55:43] <Zaggy1024> so :)
L1784[19:56:09] <shadekiller666> but, if anyone is wondering, the OBJ loader is working
L1785[19:56:39] <shadekiller666> textures need to be fixed (have to talk to fry about that), and i want to add some more command support
L1786[19:56:55] <Zaggy1024> cool
L1787[19:57:03] <Zaggy1024> what commands do you mean though?
L1788[19:57:32] <Kenai> another question, then - with the new blockstate system, am I restricted to 16 variations?
L1789[19:57:35] <shadekiller666> and i want to look into a way for a modder to change the camera transforms from within the block/item class
L1790[19:58:16] <Zaggy1024> I don't think Lex and fry will like doing it that way
L1791[19:58:32] <shadekiller666> zag, OBJs have "g" and "o" commands, which tie a group of faces to one or more names, and i want to use that to allow for controlling what parts of a model are shown/hidden
L1792[19:58:40] <Zaggy1024> I certainly don't like the idea of taking that control away from the resource packs...unless it can be overridden I guess
L1793[19:58:50] <Zaggy1024> ah
L1794[19:59:04] <Zaggy1024> what do g and o mean?
L1795[19:59:22] <shadekiller666> "group(s)" and "object" i think
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L1797[19:59:31] <Zaggy1024> okay, cool :)
L1798[20:00:01] <shadekiller666> so "g left top bottom" would mean that the following faces are to be shown with any of the 3 groups named
L1799[20:00:22] <shadekiller666> and there isn't much of a way to handle camera transforms through jsons
L1800[20:01:12] <Zaggy1024> in item models it can
L1801[20:01:16] <shadekiller666> the method i'm thinking of is using Properties
L1802[20:01:20] <Zaggy1024> you mean there isn't a way in obj?
L1803[20:01:26] <shadekiller666> not with the model loader system
L1804[20:01:34] <shadekiller666> and not through objs, no
L1805[20:02:05] <shadekiller666> when a custom model loader loads, it bypasses all but the blockstate json
L1806[20:02:26] <shadekiller666> so the json you would normally use for camera transforms doesn't get seen
L1807[20:02:29] <Zaggy1024> oh
L1808[20:02:46] <Zaggy1024> yeah, I don't really like how it bypasses the model jsons
L1809[20:02:57] <shadekiller666> and to change that kind of thing in the obj file you would have to change all of the vertex coordinates and such
L1810[20:03:00] <Zaggy1024> I wish it could point to models that use custom models as parents or something
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L1813[20:03:45] <shadekiller666> so with the new blockstate thing, can people define their own commands in it?
L1814[20:04:02] <shadekiller666> could we hook into that for things like this?
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L1817[20:06:23] <williewillus> still trying to find examples of the new forge jsons being used :p or any of the advanced model manipulation beyond static blocks with one or two properties :p
L1818[20:06:54] <shadekiller666> willie, fry's example for b3ds shows the animation support
L1819[20:07:00] <shadekiller666> for b3ds*
L1820[20:07:11] <shadekiller666> objs don't have animation support
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L1823[20:09:18] <Zaggy1024> shade, yeah, fry put in some code to handle custom data in the blockstates json
L1824[20:09:30] <shadekiller666> ahh
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L1826[20:09:52] <Zaggy1024> er, not handle, I guess
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L1828[20:10:00] <shadekiller666> if thats his plan that will make things a lot easier
L1829[20:10:01] <Zaggy1024> just store for use by anything that needs it
L1830[20:10:25] <shadekiller666> so if i wanted to use the new blockstate system for camera transforms i could?
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L1832[20:10:38] <Zaggy1024> well
L1833[20:10:48] <Zaggy1024> nothing's in the code for custom camera transforms
L1834[20:10:58] <shadekiller666> assuming i got through all the merge conflicts i have
L1835[20:11:05] <Zaggy1024> but you could probably make something to turn custom data into camera transforms
L1836[20:11:23] <shadekiller666> well, there is the vanilla code for camera transforms...
L1837[20:11:36] <Zaggy1024> but that's not in blockstates
L1838[20:11:42] <Zaggy1024> it's only in item models
L1839[20:12:15] <shadekiller666> and i was planning on using an IUnlistedProperty for camera transforms already, and porting vanilla's camera transform system into something that can shove data into model loaders seems easier
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L1842[20:15:32] <Zaphodious> Reflection question (I think) - how would I go about changing all the references that the villager classes make to emeralds, to my own item?
L1843[20:15:53] <Zaggy1024> don't
L1844[20:16:03] <Zaggy1024> substitute vanilla item for yours
L1845[20:16:32] <shadekiller666> isn't there a hook for villager trading already?
L1846[20:16:48] <Zaggy1024> I doubt such a thing would support changing the currency though
L1847[20:17:18] <Zaggy1024> and unless he wants to keep the vanilla emeralds usable (dunno why he would), then substitution is the best option
L1848[20:17:30] *** g is now known as gAway2002
L1849[20:17:35] <shadekiller666> you might be able to do that with a custom trading class that overrides the vanilla one
L1850[20:18:06] <Zaphodious> I'm not against the emeralds so much (especially because other mods do fun things with them), but I want to make villagers use my custom currency for flavor reasons
L1851[20:19:30] <Zaphodious> I'll probably just make a custom villager that trades obols for emeralds, in that case
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L1854[20:21:03] <Zaggy1024> oh, so you want to make it a second possibly currency people can use?
L1855[20:21:09] <Zaphodious> yeah, pretty much
L1856[20:21:13] <Zaggy1024> hm
L1857[20:21:18] <Zaggy1024> interesting problem
L1858[20:21:42] <Zaphodious> My mod is, basically, a fan re-creation of a bunch of stuff from a popular RPG. In it, Jade is a magical material, and is used for currency in the form of Obols
L1859[20:21:44] <Zaggy1024> I guess taking a look at the custom trading would be good, I don't know anything about it
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L1861[20:24:43] <Zaphodious> I'll take a look at it. I know for a fact that a similar thing has been done before, but afaik that mod isn't open-source.
L1862[20:25:05] <Zaphodious> it was also for 1.6, so I don't know how well that would translate
L1863[20:26:44] <Zaphodious> Funny story, though- this guy set up a shop on this server I was playing on at the time, asking for this custom currency in exchange for cool and high-value items. He didn't realize that there was a coin-mind block that came along with it.
L1864[20:27:03] <Zaphodious> mint, not mind*
L1865[20:29:41] <Zaphodious> Fak. fak fak fak fak fak. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/1687
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L1867[20:30:46] <Zaphodious> Zaggy1024: Is there any hope, considering this issue?
L1868[20:31:55] <Zaggy1024> hmm, I dunno
L1869[20:32:25] <Zaggy1024> sadly, like I said, I don'tk now much about that system
L1870[20:32:39] <Zaphodious> T.T
L1871[20:32:44] <Zaphodious> Thanks for taking a look
L1872[20:35:33] <Zaphodious> So... about switching variables from one object to another - can this be done before the class is initiated? I've found the location where villager recipes are added, and I've identifies the variable that's pointing to emerald and is subsiquently being passed into the recipe registry that the villagers use
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L1878[20:44:10] <Sully> Finally, I got this IRC thing working. So, I was looking at somebody elses minecraft mod since I wanted to learn how to mod, and I found this method:func_149711_c(15.0F) Why was it named that?
L1879[20:44:29] <Zaggy1024> because it's obfuscated
L1880[20:44:35] <Zaggy1024> how did you look at this mod?
L1881[20:44:39] <Sully> I decompiled it.
L1882[20:44:52] <Zaggy1024> yeah, that's your problem, you need to deobfuscate it too
L1883[20:44:59] <Sully> How do you do that?
L1884[20:45:01] <Zaggy1024> I recommend you look at open source mods anyway
L1885[20:45:02] *** Quetzi is now known as Quetzi|off
L1886[20:45:08] <Zaggy1024> because decompiling a mod will show you crap code
L1887[20:45:14] <Sully> Oh
L1888[20:45:16] <Zaggy1024> or use a tutorial
L1889[20:45:22] ⇦ Quits: mikeprimm (~mikeprimm@cpe-24-55-26-150.austin.res.rr.com) (Quit: mikeprimm)
L1890[20:45:27] <Sully> I went through Pahimar's Let's Mod Reboot series
L1891[20:45:53] <Sully> But, I wanted to know more.
L1892[20:45:57] <williewillus> this is kinda OT, but you can use MCPBot_Reborn to look up names
L1893[20:46:08] <Zaggy1024> shouldn't need to though :P
L1894[20:46:17] ⇨ Joins: orthoplex64 (~orthoplex@cpe-66-69-96-209.satx.res.rr.com)
L1895[20:46:22] <Sully> Wait, what is MCPBot_Reborn?
L1896[20:46:41] <williewillus> a bot that tracks the mappings of notch/srg/mcp names
L1897[20:46:41] <Zaggy1024> it's what people submit mappings for obfuscated names with
L1898[20:46:47] <Zaggy1024> and that
L1899[20:47:01] <williewillus> for example, do '!gm func_149611_c <version of minecraft here>'
L1900[20:47:04] <Zaggy1024> but really, you shouldn't need to use MCPBot
L1901[20:47:17] <williewillus> *149711
L1902[20:47:29] <williewillus> but yeah point is look at open source :D
L1903[20:50:28] <Sully> !gm func_149711_c
L1904[20:51:27] <Sully> So, why are things like that obfuscated?
L1905[20:51:52] <Zaggy1024> because...copyright
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L1907[20:52:20] <Zaggy1024> I don't really see the point, but I'm sure lawyers do :P
L1908[20:52:22] <Sully> If it's open source, it's just as copiable?
L1909[20:52:42] <Zaggy1024> Minecraft isn't open souce
L1910[20:52:44] <Zaggy1024> *source
L1911[20:52:54] <Sully> I know, but I'm looking at a mod
L1912[20:53:01] <Zaggy1024> yeah?
L1913[20:53:11] <Zaggy1024> mods have to be reobfuscated to match obfuscated Minecraft
L1914[20:53:19] <Sully> Oh
L1915[20:53:30] <Sully> Where do people find all this stuff out?
L1916[20:53:43] <williewillus> someone in the past did it all for us
L1917[20:53:49] <williewillus> the original mcp team
L1918[20:53:59] <williewillus> we have it really easy, comparatively :p
L1919[20:54:06] <Zaggy1024> <3
L1920[20:54:46] <williewillus> when we open the minecraft jar all you see is weird arcane names like azd.q() or fsd.h. They had to step through everything and basically guess what parts did what
L1921[20:54:53] <Zaggy1024> how early on was MCP crowdsourced?
L1922[20:55:05] <williewillus> I know it was around 1.2-3
L1923[20:55:11] <williewillus> but idk how long before that
L1924[20:55:34] <Sully> So, if I wanted to see all the code in an IDE, how would I get that?
L1925[20:55:40] <Sully> Without it being obfuscated.
L1926[20:55:45] <williewillus> pahi's series should've covered that
L1927[20:55:50] <Zaggy1024> you mean the mod?
L1928[20:55:51] <williewillus> for MC code at least
L1929[20:55:55] <Sully> Yes, the mod
L1930[20:56:00] <williewillus> for the mod you have to deobfuscate with bon2 or something
L1931[20:56:07] <Sully> Oh
L1932[20:56:07] <Corosus> once forge is setup you can just look at the jar file
L1933[20:56:11] <Zaggy1024> why do you need to look at a closed source mod so badly?
L1934[20:56:17] <Corosus> o
L1935[20:56:19] <williewillus> but just look at an open source mod :p
L1936[20:56:28] <williewillus> tons of good examples
L1937[20:56:29] <Sully> Willie, I want to see it in an IDE
L1938[20:56:38] <williewillus> so clone their repo?
L1939[20:56:41] <Sully> Oh
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L1941[20:56:51] <Sully> Sorry, I'm really new to this stuff.
L1942[20:56:53] <Zaggy1024> what mod, and why?
L1943[20:56:55] <Sully> Didn't know you could do that.
L1944[20:56:57] <williewillus> it's okay :p
L1945[20:57:06] <Sully> Any mod. I just want to read them to kinda learn some.
L1946[20:57:19] <williewillus> well, what are your favorites when you're playing modded?
L1947[20:57:21] <Mimiru> http://git.io/vI9li Am I overlooking a reason for line 114 to keep referencing old data even though I'm calling setSound() to set it to a new sound?
L1948[20:57:28] <Sully> Thermal Expansion.
L1949[20:57:39] <Corosus> https://github.com/agaricusb/ForgeMod/wiki/List-of-Open-Source-Forge-Mods
L1950[20:57:55] <williewillus> why is bukkitforge still on there :p
L1951[20:57:55] <Sully> Nice, thanks!
L1952[20:57:58] <williewillus> so 2012
L1953[20:58:38] <Sully> Oh, thermal expansion isn't open source? :/
L1954[20:59:05] <Mimiru> https://github.com/CoFH
L1955[20:59:08] <williewillus> no, but its dependencies are and some of its partner mods are
L1956[20:59:14] <Giraffestock> does the category in a sounds.json change anything file-structure wise?
L1957[20:59:20] <Mimiru> That's all of their OS stuff
L1958[20:59:27] <Sully> Alright
L1959[20:59:28] <Giraffestock> (like if its category: music does it need to be in a music folder?
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L1961[20:59:37] <shadekiller666> is there a way to resolve multiple conflicts for a file when trying to rebase?
L1962[20:59:39] <shadekiller666> i have 405 patches to apply and copy pasting is getting tedious...
L1963[21:00:15] <williewillus> copy pasting?
L1964[21:00:19] <dmillerw> How did you even pull that off?
L1965[21:00:31] <Illyohs> vbad at git
L1966[21:00:41] <shadekiller666> by not working on it for 5 months
L1967[21:00:42] <Illyohs> :P
L1968[21:00:44] <williewillus> what exactly are you copy pasting :p
L1969[21:00:49] * shadekiller666 was finishing college
L1970[21:01:10] <Giraffestock> tempted to PR some dimension music hooks
L1971[21:01:21] <williewillus> there's music events already?
L1972[21:01:35] <Giraffestock> yeah but applying them to a dimension is tedious
L1973[21:01:38] <Sully> Any suggestions for a mod to look at for a person who's new at modding? (something basic)
L1974[21:01:40] <Giraffestock> like custom music/themes
L1975[21:01:43] <shadekiller666> the versions of the files from the github into my local copy, then adding the file to git
L1976[21:01:48] <Giraffestock> sully: play with a little of everything
L1977[21:01:56] <Giraffestock> add a mob, add a GUI, add a packet
L1978[21:01:58] <Sully> Alight
L1979[21:02:03] <Giraffestock> i dont recommend trying to release it
L1980[21:02:04] <williewillus> add something you think is missing from vanilla
L1981[21:02:04] ⇦ Quits: Zeludon (~Zeludon@ppp118-209-15-131.lns20.mel4.internode.on.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1982[21:02:05] <Giraffestock> just get a feel for it
L1983[21:02:09] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L1984[21:02:18] <Giraffestock> too many people release there first mods
L1985[21:02:23] <williewillus> (or you be me and make an asm bug fix mod for your first mod)
L1986[21:02:27] <williewillus> ^DONT DO THAT
L1987[21:02:36] *** Kolatra is now known as Kolatra|Away
L1988[21:02:40] <Giraffestock> TIL minecraft cant load in music > x minutes
L1989[21:02:47] <Giraffestock> wait it can
L1990[21:02:49] <Giraffestock> just takes forever
L1991[21:02:52] <calclavia> How would you do custom item rendering in 1.8? Not sure which ModelLocation to define
L1992[21:02:55] <Giraffestock> oh, theres a thing for that...
L1993[21:03:15] <calclavia> ModelResourceLocation itemLocation = new ModelResourceLocation(itemRL, "inventory");
L1994[21:05:19] <shadekiller666> anyone have a suggestion?
L1995[21:08:16] <Giraffestock> sorry shade, i dont
L1996[21:08:22] <Giraffestock> could redo it all
L1997[21:08:50] <williewillus> howd you manage to have 405 merge conflicts?
L1998[21:09:08] <shadekiller666> my branch is 5 months behind
L1999[21:09:17] <shadekiller666> i started this in december
L2000[21:09:32] ⇨ Joins: Galvas (~Galvas@
L2001[21:09:34] <dmillerw> I would just dump your changes and clone a fresh copy of the repo
L2002[21:09:57] ⇦ Quits: mikeprimm (~mikeprimm@cpe-24-55-26-150.austin.res.rr.com) (Quit: mikeprimm)
L2003[21:10:03] <shadekiller666> i'm trying to resolve conflicts for the PR to the main forge branch
L2004[21:10:27] <dmillerw> Then DEFINITELY start over. Much easier that way
L2005[21:10:40] <dmillerw> There's been so much in the past 5 months
L2006[21:10:43] <Illyohs> Just make a new branch from master and dump your changes in there
L2007[21:10:47] *** shadowfacts is now known as shadow|zzz
L2008[21:11:14] <shadekiller666> ok, so make a new branch then dump to that and PR that instead?
L2009[21:11:41] <dmillerw> Make a new branch that pulls from master
L2010[21:11:42] <dmillerw> But yes
L2011[21:12:03] <Illyohs> yes but make a branch from master not from your borked branch
L2012[21:12:11] <williewillus> basically manually 'rebase'/just clone the latest master and rewrite in all your changes :p
L2013[21:12:15] <williewillus> 5 months is a long time
L2014[21:12:33] <Giraffestock> aw man this soundtrack is awesome
L2015[21:13:01] ⇦ Quits: Galvas (~Galvas@ (Client Quit)
L2016[21:13:07] <williewillus> for what?
L2017[21:13:32] <Giraffestock> my mods halloween planet
L2018[21:13:37] <shadekiller666> should i then delete the borked branch?
L2019[21:13:43] <Giraffestock> probably shade
L2020[21:13:54] <Giraffestock> https://clyp.it/xt5ip0uv @williewillus
L2021[21:14:17] <Illyohs> Do you have a copy of your old changes?
L2022[21:14:32] <shadekiller666> i have copies of the files yes
L2023[21:14:44] <shadekiller666> i was actually smart this time and made backups...
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L2030[21:22:48] <Sully> So is there a TileEntity class in vanilla minecraft?
L2031[21:22:59] <bob_twinkles> yep
L2032[21:23:15] <Sully> So if you were making tile entities, you would want to extend that class?
L2033[21:23:19] <bob_twinkles> surprisingly enough, it's called TileEntity =P (at least in the deobf sources)
L2034[21:23:52] <killjoy> In the official sources, it might be called BlockWithData
L2035[21:24:03] <killjoy> But it's not likely
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L2037[21:24:20] <Sully> So you'd extend it to make your own TileEntity?
L2038[21:24:57] <bob_twinkles> there's a few other things you need to wire up to get it to actually *work* but that's a decent start
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L2040[21:25:19] <Sully> Also, who's this "Lex" guy that it says not to say his full nickname?
L2041[21:25:32] <Sully> Is he famous for something?
L2042[21:25:35] <killjoy> He's in charge
L2043[21:25:40] <bob_twinkles> ^ he's the lead maintainer of Forge
L2044[21:25:41] <shadekiller666> he's the boss of Forge
L2045[21:25:44] <Sully> Oh
L2046[21:25:46] <Sully> Dang
L2047[21:25:50] <shadekiller666> without him we wouldn't be here
L2048[21:26:06] <Sully> I thought cpw was.
L2049[21:26:08] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L2050[21:26:13] <shadekiller666> was
L2051[21:26:20] <shadekiller666> a long time ago
L2052[21:26:37] <Sully> Everything is like minecraft.cpw.something
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L2054[21:26:50] <Drepic26> Didn't that change in 1.8?
L2055[21:26:56] <Sully> I have no idea.
L2056[21:27:36] <Sully> cpw.mods.fml.etc
L2057[21:27:48] <Sully> That kinda stuff
L2058[21:27:50] <shadekiller666> no
L2059[21:28:00] <shadekiller666> now its net.minecraftforge.blah
L2060[21:28:05] <Drepic26> "Here are some of the biggest changes for 1.8:Imports should change from cpw.mods to net.minecraftforge...."
L2061[21:28:07] <bob_twinkles> it did, yeah. From what I understand FML (which was owned by cpw) got moved under the Forge umbrella and moved to net.minecraftforge
L2062[21:28:15] <Sully> Oh
L2063[21:28:22] <shadekiller666> yep
L2064[21:28:34] <shadekiller666> cpw left with the microsoft anouncement
L2065[21:28:42] <Sully> Wow!
L2066[21:28:47] <bob_twinkles> I think it's still mostly his baby
L2067[21:28:47] <Sully> Why?
L2068[21:28:58] <Illyohs> and then came back
L2069[21:29:34] <Sully> Was it because he thought microsoft would remove the ability to do this by changing it to C++?
L2070[21:29:38] <bob_twinkles> and then came back because he loves us <3
L2071[21:30:04] <bob_twinkles> no, he just doesn't like MS (for which I don't blame him, they're not always nice people)
L2072[21:30:17] <Sully> Oh.
L2073[21:30:37] <williewillus> yall think https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-26678 could be fixed without asm?
L2074[21:30:53] <shadekiller666> i'm kinda worried about whats going to happen after everyone is on Windows 10
L2075[21:30:58] <williewillus> another artifact of the 1.3 merge, what's new :p
L2076[21:31:01] <Drepic26> Some say that cpw is just biding his time, preparing for the eventual google takeover of the internet at large.
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L2078[21:31:24] <shadekiller666> drep, haven't they already done that
L2079[21:31:28] <Sully> Dang, how does one become as good at coding as cpw?
L2080[21:31:31] <shadekiller666> google ads are everywhere
L2081[21:31:35] <williewillus> experience
L2082[21:31:46] <williewillus> education :p
L2083[21:32:02] <Sully> Hmm. Does he know other languages besides Java?
L2084[21:32:33] <shadekiller666> dunno
L2085[21:32:36] <williewillus> probably
L2086[21:32:48] * shadekiller666 has a bit of c++ experience
L2087[21:33:16] <Sully> If you know c++, can you make a computer at a school just blue screen?
L2088[21:33:29] <Sully> Or can that be done with java?
L2089[21:33:33] <williewillus> er no
L2090[21:33:35] <bob_twinkles> probably not, windows isn't anywhere near as unstable as it used to be
L2091[21:33:43] <shadekiller666> you can make any computer blue screen with any language if you are stupid enough
L2092[21:33:51] <williewillus> not really
L2093[21:33:51] <bob_twinkles> you'd need admin access and load a bad kernel module or something
L2094[21:33:58] <Illyohs> C and a small bit of python
L2095[21:33:58] <williewillus> you'd need to find a bug in the OS
L2096[21:34:03] <shadekiller666> or memory leak the fuck out of it
L2097[21:34:10] <williewillus> that wouldn't blue screen
L2098[21:34:27] <williewillus> the OS would just kill you or offer to the user to kill you or just lag
L2099[21:34:44] <Sully> How do you make a blue screen occur then?
L2100[21:34:52] <Sully> Assuming you want it to happen
L2101[21:34:58] <bob_twinkles> or just not do anything, because virtual memory/paging is magic =D
L2102[21:34:59] <williewillus> you find a bug in the os that's critical enough to make that happen
L2103[21:35:08] <Sully> That's the only way?
L2104[21:35:18] <williewillus> lol yes
L2105[21:35:21] <Sully> Could you upload it a virus from an external storage devic?
L2106[21:35:23] <bob_twinkles> sully: load a kernel module (driver) that just starts writing 0 to important pieces of the OS
L2107[21:35:23] <shadekiller666> why do you want to make things blue screen
L2108[21:35:23] <Sully> device*
L2109[21:35:30] <williewillus> ^
L2110[21:35:38] <williewillus> also, autoplaying external devices is 2005
L2111[21:36:20] <killjoy> Well it's about time. Minecraft Forums finally got mobile support
L2112[21:36:35] <williewillus> they haven't had it this whole time?!
L2113[21:36:46] <Drepic26> Nah. I love it when I plug in my USB and am promptly assulted by sixteen different video files playing at once
L2114[21:36:46] <shadekiller666> did you guys hear Christopher Lee died today
L2115[21:36:50] <killjoy> Today i think.
L2116[21:36:56] <Sully> Who's Christopher Lee?
L2117[21:37:13] <shadekiller666> Sauron from the Lord of the Rings
L2118[21:37:21] <shadekiller666> many other roles
L2119[21:37:24] <Sully> Oh, never seen that movie/read that book
L2120[21:37:51] <Mimiru> Count Dooku as well
L2121[21:38:06] <Sully> Dang, I was trying to get onto this channel for a while, using #forgecraft. Little did I know, it was #minecraftforge
L2122[21:38:07] <Mimiru> Star Wars prequels
L2123[21:38:21] <shadekiller666> mimiru, which don't exist
L2124[21:38:25] <Mimiru> ¬_¬
L2125[21:38:40] <Sully> What's the new star wars going to be? 7?
L2126[21:38:44] <Mimiru> Yeah
L2127[21:39:01] <williewillus> I have never seen star wars
L2128[21:39:04] * williewillus ducks
L2129[21:39:17] <williewillus> why do people like to pretend the prequels dont exist? :p
L2130[21:39:17] <Sully> So, it's better to have x64 than x86 right? And what do those numbers refer to?
L2131[21:39:26] <williewillus> that's the architecture of the cpu
L2132[21:39:34] <Sully> Which means?
L2133[21:39:46] <shadekiller666> willie, because they broke continuity
L2134[21:39:55] <williewillus> see wikipedia - 64 bit computing
L2135[21:40:06] <bob_twinkles> x86 is 32 bit, x64 is 64 bit and has more registers and goodies and stuff
L2136[21:40:09] *** big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|Off
L2137[21:40:10] <Sully> 64 bit and 32 bit, I know. but why is that one 86?
L2138[21:40:15] <Sully> Oh
L2139[21:40:17] <Sully> \OH
L2140[21:40:27] <Giraffestock> sully, bit = binary digit (1 or 0)
L2141[21:40:29] <Sully> the 86 is 32 bit. got it.
L2142[21:40:36] <Giraffestock> more bits = more numbers = more information
L2143[21:40:38] <shadekiller666> x86 is named for the Intel 86 processor
L2144[21:40:41] <bob_twinkles> 80x86 was the first gen processors in the x86 family (though they were... 8 bit procs?)
L2145[21:40:54] <Giraffestock> CPU architecture is silly
L2146[21:41:01] <Giraffestock> actually most things about CPU's are in terms of names/units/etc
L2147[21:41:03] <bob_twinkles> s/silly/magic
L2148[21:41:04] <Giraffestock> like clockspeed
L2149[21:41:21] <Sully> Would 3.4 Ghz be defined as good or ok?
L2150[21:41:26] <Sully> Assuming a quad core
L2151[21:41:30] <Giraffestock> depends, AMD or Intel?
L2152[21:41:34] <Sully> Intel
L2153[21:41:35] <shadekiller666> fairly decent
L2154[21:41:35] <bob_twinkles> depends on the generation of the processor as well
L2155[21:41:41] <Giraffestock> ghz isnt everything
L2156[21:41:46] <Sully> What does the generation affect?
L2157[21:41:50] <bob_twinkles> you can get pentiums up to like 4GHz but thay're still slow
L2158[21:41:51] <Giraffestock> more recent
L2159[21:41:53] <Giraffestock> better tech
L2160[21:42:03] <Sully> What's a pentium?
L2161[21:42:05] <Giraffestock> Like intel i7's hyperthread
L2162[21:42:07] <bob_twinkles> better branch prediction, fatter caches, that sort of thing
L2163[21:42:09] <shadekiller666> technology doubles in power every 2 years
L2164[21:42:14] <Giraffestock> pentium is an intel processor family thats relatively weak
L2165[21:42:19] <bob_twinkles> and old
L2166[21:42:19] <Giraffestock> transistors per square meter***
L2167[21:42:21] <LexManos> x86 was 16 to begin with then expanded to 32, x80 was 8. 64 is 'x86-64' or 'AMD64'
L2168[21:42:23] <Giraffestock> -not- technology
L2169[21:42:23] <Sully> Oh
L2170[21:42:27] <williewillus> pentium brand is 25 years old
L2171[21:42:28] <Giraffestock> Moores law
L2172[21:42:29] <LexManos> Everything is a expansion on the previous.
L2173[21:42:33] <Giraffestock> and at this point its more like 48 months
L2174[21:42:33] <williewillus> *22
L2175[21:42:49] <LexManos> One of the best examples of the importance of backwards compatibility
L2176[21:42:49] <Giraffestock> The intel 4004 was the first commercial cpu iirc, 8bit
L2177[21:42:53] <Sully> So is pentium a material then?
L2178[21:42:56] <williewillus> no
L2179[21:42:59] <Giraffestock> no its a name they chose
L2180[21:43:01] <williewillus> processor brand name
L2181[21:43:02] <Sully> Oh
L2182[21:43:03] <Giraffestock> just like i5 and i7
L2183[21:43:07] <Sully> OH
L2184[21:43:19] <Sully> i7 only gains hyper-threading over i5, right?
L2185[21:43:20] <Giraffestock> i5, i7, Pentium, Xeon, all are just brand names
L2186[21:43:21] <Giraffestock> yes
L2187[21:43:24] <Giraffestock> thats the core difference
L2188[21:43:32] <Giraffestock> Xeons are i7s that cant be overclocked (i think)
L2189[21:43:33] <williewillus> i5 cant hyperthread?
L2190[21:43:36] <Sully> Hyper-threading isn't usually that useful though.
L2191[21:43:38] <shadekiller666> just like the AMD Vishera
L2192[21:43:38] <williewillus> til
L2193[21:43:43] <Giraffestock> i think it can be willie, just not efficiently
L2194[21:43:59] <Giraffestock> but thats the main difference, hence why a lot of rendering builds use i7's
L2195[21:44:06] <Giraffestock> (or an equivalent)
L2196[21:44:39] <Sully> Hyper threading is one core working on 2 or more threads at once, right?
L2197[21:44:49] <Giraffestock> (I wrote a 15 page report on processors a few years back, didnt think itd be useful :D )
L2198[21:44:49] <shadekiller666> uhh sure
L2199[21:44:55] <shadekiller666> it makes things operate faster
L2200[21:45:18] <Sully> Giraffestock, what kind of class was that?
L2201[21:45:34] <williewillus> hyperthreading is working with physical cores you don't have (<-gross oversimplification go look at wikipedia for more)
L2202[21:45:39] <Giraffestock> Computation structures @sully
L2203[21:45:50] <Giraffestock> but the project was very broad; choose something and tell me about it, basically
L2204[21:45:50] <Sully> Good class, bad class?
L2205[21:46:10] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L2206[21:46:17] <Giraffestock> depends on the school, prof, etc sully
L2207[21:46:28] <shadekiller666> whats the command to setup run configs for the forge dev repo?
L2208[21:46:42] <Sully> Hmm. I'm only in high-school right now, so I have yet to take any good computer classes
L2209[21:46:50] <Giraffestock> AP computer science if youre in the US
L2210[21:46:58] <Sully> I took that this year.
L2211[21:47:09] <Giraffestock> uh, do you have a data structures class?
L2212[21:47:21] <Giraffestock> could do what i did and take an independent. study
L2213[21:47:38] <Sully> I feel as though learning outside of class is a bit more difficult
L2214[21:47:48] <Sully> As it's usually explained in complicated ways.
L2215[21:47:49] <Giraffestock> take it at school, if theyll allow it
L2216[21:47:56] <Giraffestock> talk to whoever leads the CS department
L2217[21:47:58] <Sully> It's not a class unfortunatley
L2218[21:48:09] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L2219[21:48:12] <Giraffestock> and say you wanna be challenged and all that shit
L2220[21:48:26] <williewillus> just graduated from HS and hoping I don't die in the fall
L2221[21:48:35] <Giraffestock> glhf willie
L2222[21:48:39] <williewillus> :p
L2223[21:48:39] <Giraffestock> RIP williewillus, 2015
L2224[21:48:48] <Sully> Ha, I'm in Summer school right now b/c US History is a requirement.
L2225[21:48:57] <Sully> And I have no room in my schedule otherwise.
L2226[21:48:59] <Giraffestock> fucking hated us history
L2227[21:49:02] <shadekiller666> college is actually pretty cool
L2228[21:49:05] <Giraffestock> took apush too, for whatever reason
L2229[21:49:13] <Giraffestock> its cool shade, but too many freshman crash and burn :P
L2230[21:49:15] <Sully> I've heard APUSH is horrible.
L2231[21:49:17] <Giraffestock> i did for a while
L2232[21:49:24] <Giraffestock> well it was the hardest class ive ever taken, but the most fun too
L2233[21:49:27] <williewillus> lol I did community college us history
L2234[21:49:28] <shadekiller666> its the same as high school
L2235[21:49:29] <Giraffestock> but thats because of the teacher
L2236[21:49:30] <williewillus> easiest. prof. ever.
L2237[21:49:35] <shadekiller666> i didn't have a problem
L2238[21:49:42] <killjoy> My USH teacher was awesome
L2239[21:49:47] <killjoy> I also had him for civics
L2240[21:49:50] <williewillus> no homework. no reading. no ANYTHING. just lecture notes and really really easy tests
L2241[21:49:52] <Giraffestock> shade: did you go to a private college? (which i regret while looking at my student loans...)
L2242[21:49:53] <williewillus> loved the class
L2243[21:50:37] <codahq> hey, lex. that issue 1908 that you can't reproduce. there has to be something different in our environments. what OS and version of java were you using with the 15 clients and server? all the same or mixed? what was in the mix?
L2244[21:50:51] <Sully> So, are there different types or RAM besides 2 GB, 4GB, 8 GB etc?
L2245[21:51:12] <bob_twinkles> that's capacity, not type
L2246[21:51:23] <Sully> Are there different types?
L2247[21:51:28] <bob_twinkles> type would be DDR2, DDR3, etc.
L2248[21:51:31] <Giraffestock> yeah, DDR
L2249[21:51:35] <Sully> What's the fastest?
L2250[21:51:38] <shadekiller666> i think 8GB is the largest single card size?
L2251[21:51:38] <Giraffestock> DDR4
L2252[21:51:43] <codahq> 5
L2253[21:51:47] <Giraffestock> shade theres probably bigger ones not commercially available
L2254[21:51:48] <bob_twinkles> well, DDR5 but that's like on-board GPU VRAM
L2255[21:51:52] <Giraffestock> theres ddr5? til
L2256[21:51:54] <bob_twinkles> can't wire it up to a CPU (yet =P
L2257[21:51:55] <bob_twinkles> )
L2258[21:51:59] <shadekiller666> well, DDR5, but thats currently only used by GPUs
L2259[21:52:07] <Sully> Dang
L2260[21:52:15] <Giraffestock> I accidently got 32GB of RAM
L2261[21:52:17] <williewillus> my old dediserver is still on ddr2, rip
L2262[21:52:18] <Giraffestock> 4GB ramdisk <3
L2263[21:52:26] <Mimiru> shadekiller666, I can get 32 GB sticks in Server class
L2264[21:52:29] <Sully> How do you find out what your RAM is?
L2265[21:52:30] <Drepic26> I have 16GB, in order to make browsing reddit and watching youtube videos as smooth as possible.
L2266[21:52:33] <Drepic26> Plus, It's enough to run itunes in the background.
L2267[21:52:38] <williewillus> system properties, sully
L2268[21:52:38] <codahq> cpu-z
L2269[21:52:41] <williewillus> or that
L2270[21:52:50] <shadekiller666> lol drepic
L2271[21:52:52] <LexManos> codahq, J6-8, Windows, all same versions of mc
L2272[21:53:02] <codahq> hm...
L2273[21:53:10] <LexManos> if you can figure it out then send a pr
L2274[21:53:10] <shadekiller666> i built my pc for rendering, and it just so happens that gaming comes along with that too
L2275[21:53:18] <Mimiru> http://www.kingston.com/us/business/server_solutions/32gb_memory_modules "Forty-eight 32GB LRDIMMs for a maximum capacity of 1536GB or 1.5TB of memory, running at 1066MHz at 1.5V (this is a 3DPC configuration)."
L2276[21:53:23] <LexManos> but there is no reason aside from memory corruption that i can see that this would have issues
L2277[21:53:39] <Sully> System properites? Where do I find that?
L2278[21:53:43] <Sully> Control panel?
L2279[21:54:01] <Sully> It only says 8GB, it's not specific.
L2280[21:55:56] <codahq> it's not memory corruption. there's legitimately something going on but i'm not motivated enough to look at it again yet. i was hoping you would find it honestly. maybe TGG will find it for me.
L2281[21:55:58] <Drepic26> try running "wmic MEMORTCHIT get" in cmd or something
L2282[21:56:07] <Drepic26> *MEMORYCHIP
L2283[21:56:29] <LexManos> i cant reproduce it and the only logical thing that could cause it was fixed.
L2284[21:56:38] ⇨ Joins: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@f053032047.adsl.alicedsl.de)
L2285[21:56:56] <LexManos> so make sure you are on the currect version of forge where it was fixed {for the server, as its a server side issue} and get logs
L2286[21:57:00] <LexManos> stacks, all that good shit
L2287[21:57:01] ⇨ Joins: Zeludon (~Zeludon@ppp118-209-15-131.lns20.mel4.internode.on.net)
L2288[22:00:03] <Sully> So DDR3 is pretty decent, right?
L2289[22:00:10] <codahq> it's mainstream.
L2290[22:00:15] <Sully> Cool
L2291[22:00:24] <codahq> DDR4 is just starting to come into mainstream
L2292[22:00:32] <codahq> on consumer boards anyway
L2293[22:00:45] <Sully> is it significantly faster?
L2294[22:00:46] <codahq> it's sort of already already mainstream on server boards
L2295[22:00:49] <codahq> not really
L2296[22:00:54] <codahq> throughput is higher
L2297[22:00:59] <codahq> latency is slightly slower.
L2298[22:01:11] <shadekiller666> for now
L2299[22:01:22] <Sully> Stupid question: what do you define as throughput?
L2300[22:01:45] <codahq> how big the pipe is compared to how fast things move through the pipe
L2301[22:01:50] <Sully> Oh
L2302[22:01:53] <codahq> both determine volume
L2303[22:01:59] <Sully> Ah
L2304[22:02:02] <bob_twinkles> memory latency has been an increasing performance problem for like decades: CPUs have been getting faster way faster than memory has been getting faster
L2305[22:02:40] <codahq> latency is such an issue that in a lot of cases it's better to run lower frequencies and higher latencies
L2306[22:02:48] <Sully> Dang, the amount of info I've gotten is insane
L2307[22:02:52] <Sully> It's awesome
L2308[22:02:56] <dangranos> hi
L2309[22:02:57] <Sully> on IRC
L2310[22:03:14] * Mimiru stabs dangranos
L2311[22:03:46] <Zaggy1024> out of nowhere :O
L2312[22:03:46] <codahq> s/higher latencies/lower latencies
L2313[22:05:28] <williewillus> Sully: howd you feel about the ap cs test this year?
L2314[22:05:36] <Zaggy1024> I didn't realize it was a tradeoff between latency and frequency
L2315[22:06:43] <Sully> Oh
L2316[22:06:47] <Sully> Sorry
L2317[22:06:49] <Sully> afked a moment
L2318[22:06:51] <Sully> Uh
L2319[22:06:57] <Sully> I actually might have the score back
L2320[22:07:00] <Sully> I'll check
L2321[22:07:32] <Sully> Actually, where do I find that info?
L2322[22:07:41] <williewillus> scores dont come out til july
L2323[22:07:44] <Sully> Oh
L2324[22:07:47] <williewillus> but howd you feel overall?
L2325[22:07:50] <Sully> Well, I felt like I didn't get a 5
L2326[22:07:51] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-252-51.access.telenet.be)
L2327[22:07:54] <Sully> But I don't think I got a 2
L2328[22:07:57] <Sully> So I think 3 or 4
L2329[22:08:00] <Sully> Hopefully 4
L2330[22:08:15] <bob_twinkles> I heard they turned it in to basically just a Java syntax test =(
L2331[22:08:25] <bob_twinkles> without any of the cool bits of java syntax
L2332[22:08:28] <williewillus> it's a joke tbh :p
L2333[22:08:50] <bob_twinkles> always has been, but that doesn't mean they had to make it more of a joke >_>
L2334[22:08:54] <Sully> There was a short answer with a sparse array, which nearly through me
L2335[22:09:00] <Sully> I had no idea what it was
L2336[22:09:09] <Sully> But, after reading it 100 times, I finally got it
L2337[22:09:16] <williewillus> i did the FRQ's for fun :p
L2338[22:09:17] <Sully> Obviously not 100, but a bunch
L2339[22:09:54] <williewillus> there's some logic thinking, but the test writers seem to think implementing an interface is as hard as it gets lol
L2340[22:10:21] <Sully> yeah
L2341[22:10:21] <bob_twinkles> at least with GridWorld you had to read some documentation
L2342[22:10:29] <williewillus> lol gridworld
L2343[22:10:34] <Sully> There was one short answer with making and using an interface
L2344[22:10:34] <williewillus> fuck gridworld
L2345[22:10:37] <Sully> Was really easy
L2346[22:10:57] <Sully> There was one with 2d arrays
L2347[22:11:11] <Sully> And one with a mystery game, using your String knowledge.
L2348[22:11:24] <williewillus> FR's are here: https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap15_frq_computer_science_a.pdf
L2349[22:11:28] <Sully> Of course, they're like "Don't tell anybody about this test", but who really cares?
L2350[22:11:29] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f050173170.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Quit: Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
L2351[22:11:40] <Sully> Dang
L2352[22:11:52] <bob_twinkles> yeah they actually publish the FRQs so you can talk about those
L2353[22:12:01] <bob_twinkles> the MC questions are the hard ones to write, so they don't like losing them
L2354[22:12:04] <Sully> THAT'S IT
L2355[22:12:08] <Sully> WOW
L2356[22:12:15] <Sully> Literally the test
L2357[22:12:25] <Sully> I didn't know they did that
L2358[22:12:30] <williewillus> only FR's
L2359[22:12:37] <Sully> Oh
L2360[22:12:41] <bob_twinkles> I thought that was part of the spiel at the beginning of the test?
L2361[22:12:48] ⇦ Quits: ElgarL (~ElgarL@cpc6-hawk15-2-0-cust537.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L2362[22:12:50] <williewillus> they were all super easy, the only one that slightly amused me was isDiverse()
L2363[22:12:53] <williewillus> used a Set<> for that
L2364[22:13:29] <Sully> The only thing I screwed up on in the FR was removing an element from the sparse array and sliding everything over. I used a method that didn't exhist due to running out of time.
L2365[22:13:38] <Sully> exist*
L2366[22:13:39] ⇦ Quits: SullyPlayer (webchat@104-184-56-125.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L2367[22:13:47] <Sully> What?
L2368[22:13:52] <Sully> Oh
L2369[22:13:56] <Sully> That's me
L2370[22:13:58] <Sully> wow
L2371[22:14:00] <Sully> SullyPlaye
L2372[22:14:02] <Sully> r
L2373[22:14:24] <williewillus> how'd you do that removal one?
L2374[22:14:39] <Sully> Uh
L2375[22:14:53] <Sully> I took it out of the ArrayList
L2376[22:15:00] <Sully> with the .remove method
L2377[22:15:18] <Sully> I think anyway
L2378[22:15:45] <Sully> I really should go to bed. Summer school tomorrow, so bye!
L2379[22:15:54] <williewillus> cya
L2380[22:15:57] <bob_twinkles> 'night Sully
L2381[22:15:59] ⇦ Quits: Sully (~SullyPlay@104-184-56-125.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L2382[22:16:15] <shadekiller666> oh... running the game in the forge dev now has sound
L2383[22:17:31] <williewillus> its always been that way I thought
L2384[22:18:38] <shadekiller666> it wasn't in the 5 month version i was running in :P
L2385[22:18:51] ⇦ Quits: maxlowry123 (~IceChat9@pool-108-4-146-94.albyny.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L2386[22:19:10] <codahq> hey, lex... that patch did actually fix it. i reinstalled forge just now even though i had updated previously. at some point i failed in keeping my various workspaces straight.
L2387[22:19:29] <codahq> but i'm running it now without any problems.
L2388[22:23:29] <LexManos> haha noob
L2389[22:23:38] <codahq> i know... :P
L2390[22:23:44] <LexManos> always make sure you're on the right version before saying shits borked ;)
L2391[22:23:49] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L2392[22:23:56] <tmtu> börked
L2393[22:24:25] <calclavia> In 1.8, is there a way to render an itemstack as the default way MC would render it?
L2394[22:24:42] <LexManos> but ya it was a misunderstanding of how FMLProxyPackets were split up for sending to the client. Instead of creating one packet for each packet being sent, its one packet per target.
L2395[22:24:46] <LexManos> Which makes sense, but meh
L2396[22:24:46] <calclavia> Let's say I've a static block renderer that wants to render an item on it
L2397[22:31:02] ⇨ Joins: Lex_ (~Lex@50-76-111-34-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L2398[22:31:02] MineBot sets mode: +o on Lex_
L2399[22:32:40] ⇦ Quits: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) ()
L2400[22:35:21] ⇦ Quits: LexManos (~Lex@50-76-111-34-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L2401[22:35:51] ⇦ Quits: waterpicker (~waterpick@waterpicker-pc-144-167-110-174.ddns.ualr.edu) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L2404[22:46:24] <Giraffestock> so whats the point in using getClientGuiElement/getServerblah compared to openGui(new GUI)?
L2405[22:47:18] <Lex_> guiscreen doesnt exist on the server...
L2406[22:47:29] <williewillus> the latter is for client only guis
L2407[22:47:50] <Giraffestock> so i dont need to use those for client guis? cool
L2408[22:47:56] <Giraffestock> means i dont need to convert everything
L2409[22:49:02] <Giraffestock> and containers are for the server-side stuff correct?
L2410[22:52:53] <Lex_> yes, or anything that you do server side but yes
L2411[22:53:29] <Giraffestock> So do I still put Gui's in getclientgui if they dont have a container?
L2412[22:53:29] <Giraffestock> should i *
L2413[22:53:38] <Lex_> yes
L2414[22:53:59] <Giraffestock> last thing d: getClientGui and getServerGui cases don't need to 'match' correct?
L2415[22:54:06] <Giraffestock> like case 1 in serverGui doesnt need to be related to case 1 in clientGui
L2416[22:54:10] <Giraffestock> because it seems like a lot of mods do that
L2417[22:54:30] <Lex_> yes they do
L2418[22:54:41] <Lex_> thats the id you send in player.openGUI
L2419[22:55:00] <Giraffestock> but what if the guis dont have a container?
L2420[22:55:06] <Giraffestock> i can't 'match' them then, can i?
L2421[22:55:45] <Lex_> doesnt matter
L2422[22:55:52] <Lex_> just return nothing in the server one
L2423[22:56:00] <Lex_> it'll still be called and ask you for one
L2424[22:56:00] <Giraffestock> return null? k
L2425[22:56:02] <Giraffestock> thanks :)
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L2428[23:02:28] <Giraffestock> are the x y z params of openGui for on-screen location?
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L2430[23:03:31] <Lex_> No
L2431[23:03:44] <Lex_> they are ints used to tell you whatever information you want them to be
L2432[23:03:50] <Lex_> typically the tile entites positions
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L2434[23:05:08] <Giraffestock> uh, so if i want it to be a keybind just 0 0 0?
L2435[23:05:27] <Giraffestock> displayGuiScreen(mc.thePlayer, new GuiConsole()) is much easier then this haha
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L2437[23:05:51] <Lex_> yes but typically
L2438[23:05:59] <Lex_> client side guis are based by server side shit.
L2439[23:06:03] <Lex_> hence why its in place.
L2440[23:06:22] <Giraffestock> http://pastebin.com/iKQAGYEz /:
L2441[23:06:24] <Lex_> this also is a safe guard against servers having hard references to client side classes which would be bad
L2442[23:06:34] <williewillus> usually theyre unused but most people just stick the player coords in there
L2443[23:06:41] <Giraffestock> can i not use mc.thePlayer in this context?
L2444[23:06:54] <Lex_> -.-
L2445[23:07:00] <Lex_> if you are jsut doing client side shit
L2446[23:07:06] <Lex_> just open the gui directly
L2447[23:07:19] <Lex_> especially if you cant get the concept of not hard referencing client classes
L2448[23:07:32] <Lex_> this is a stupid simple system shouldnt need this much explaining
L2449[23:07:36] <Giraffestock> so i can leave it like it is? *whew*
L2450[23:07:47] <Lex_> i dotn know what the fuck you are doing so i cant say
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L2452[23:08:11] <killjoy> Does the gui send anything to the server?
L2453[23:08:20] <Giraffestock> Im trying to update my mod to be more 'forge friendly'
L2454[23:08:21] <Vorquel> Try it. If stuff breaks, try something else
L2455[23:08:29] <Giraffestock> not that one, but i assumed all GUI's had to be registered there
L2456[23:08:36] <killjoy> Or does the server send things to the gui?
L2457[23:08:39] <Giraffestock> it should be titled NetworkGuiHandler d:
L2458[23:08:54] <Lex_> no
L2459[23:08:58] <Lex_> its named correctly
L2460[23:09:04] <Giraffestock> that was more of a bad joke then anything
L2461[23:09:25] <Giraffestock> is a gui that interacts with an entities AI considered server?
L2462[23:09:29] <williewillus> basically if its in a place the serverside might touch you can't use client only classes bc itll bomb dedicatedserver
L2463[23:09:44] <Giraffestock> k thanks
L2464[23:10:05] <Lex_> yes entities are server side
L2465[23:10:20] <Lex_> so yes guis would need to send that information to the server somehow
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L2467[23:11:57] <Giraffestock> okay and one more thing d:
L2468[23:12:14] <Giraffestock> if you remember from yesterday i setup the mod on the proper gradle setup
L2469[23:12:20] <Giraffestock> (that makes no sense, im tired)
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L2471[23:12:29] <williewillus> cant you use regex in nei search?
L2472[23:12:45] <Giraffestock> I set up the three parts that need to be compiled, but gradlew build doesn't seem to see two of them, and i was told i didnt need to add them as sourcesets
L2473[23:12:55] <Giraffestock> do i need to add them as sourcesets so gradle sees them when building?
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L2475[23:13:34] <Lex_> building does not ship anything in the api folder
L2476[23:13:38] <Lex_> because that would be dumb
L2477[23:13:56] <Giraffestock> i dont need it to ship them
L2478[23:14:15] <killjoy> I'll admit that I misunderstood the purpose of the api sourceset
L2479[23:14:18] <Giraffestock> but when i run gradlew build it spits out a bunch of errors because <package/file> does not exist
L2480[23:14:36] <killjoy> don't reference main in api
L2481[23:14:41] <Lex_> logs and setup would be better.
L2482[23:14:47] <Giraffestock> its vice-versa killjoy
L2483[23:14:49] <Giraffestock> i reference api in main
L2484[23:15:01] <killjoy> "don't"
L2485[23:15:04] <Lex_> api will be referenced in the build process
L2486[23:15:38] <Giraffestock> http://gyazo.com/ffb114c79863b054b4605bc43c082841
L2487[23:16:12] <williewillus> how do i search for "anything that doesn't have this string" in NEI?
L2488[23:16:29] <killjoy> your gradle.log would be better than a screenshot, Giraffestock
L2489[23:16:56] <Giraffestock> where is gradle.log?
L2490[23:16:57] <Giraffestock> nvm foun it
L2491[23:17:08] <williewillus> nvm regex derp
L2492[23:17:18] <Giraffestock> http://pastebin.com/c1fJgEBA
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L2495[23:20:13] <killjoy> Are all of these missing classes in the api sourceset?
L2496[23:20:51] <Giraffestock> yes
L2497[23:20:54] <Giraffestock> all part of the modDivisionCore folder
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L2499[23:22:29] *** Ashlee|off is now known as Ashlee
L2500[23:22:31] <killjoy> sourceSets{main{compileClasspath += api.compileCl}}
L2501[23:22:33] <killjoy> try that
L2502[23:22:40] <killjoy> Oops.
L2503[23:22:43] <killjoy> sourceSets{main{compileClasspath += api.compileClasspath}}
L2504[23:23:01] <Giraffestock> where?
L2505[23:23:02] <Giraffestock> want to be sure
L2506[23:23:07] <Lex_> shouldnt be needed, but all his crap is private so cant really look at it
L2507[23:23:17] <Giraffestock> sadly /:
L2508[23:23:25] <Giraffestock> wait, so the modDivisionCore folder is broken into Java and Non-Java
L2509[23:23:27] <killjoy> Yes, it shouldn't but it seems like it's not being done
L2510[23:23:30] <Giraffestock> so the packages arent the only thing htere
L2511[23:23:34] <Giraffestock> java packages*
L2512[23:24:34] <killjoy> so all of your classes aren't in src/api/java?
L2513[23:25:08] <Giraffestock> http://gyazo.com/2f0cce4d3b9b604fcb10430223ff5621
L2514[23:25:33] <williewillus> src/api/java/ then the package name
L2515[23:25:49] <williewillus> got it switched around
L2516[23:25:59] <Lex_> ls -l -r
L2517[23:26:00] <killjoy> You might be better off doing submodules instead of sourcesets
L2518[23:26:01] <Lex_> seriously
L2519[23:26:10] <Giraffestock> they are submodules killjoy
L2520[23:26:11] <Giraffestock> er, git submodules
L2521[23:26:16] <Giraffestock> idk if you mean some kind of gradle submodule
L2522[23:26:21] <killjoy> as gradle subprojects
L2523[23:26:33] <Lex_> i told him to do that
L2524[23:26:36] <Lex_> but he didnt want to listen
L2525[23:26:44] <Giraffestock> idk how
L2526[23:26:46] <Giraffestock> and google wasnt nice
L2527[23:26:54] <Lex_> i told you!
L2528[23:26:57] <killjoy> checkout into a folder in root
L2529[23:27:09] <killjoy> put include 'projectName' in settings.gradle
L2530[23:27:09] <Lex_> dependancies{compile{project(":ProjectName")}}
L2531[23:27:52] <Giraffestock> uh i have includeFlat rn
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L2533[23:28:02] <Giraffestock> change that/
L2534[23:28:26] <killjoy> Including a pre-built jar might be easier
L2535[23:28:54] <Lex_> it might be
L2536[23:29:04] <Lex_> but including the project allows you to easily develop all of them together
L2537[23:29:09] <Lex_> and have them int he same ide workspace
L2538[23:29:10] <Giraffestock> im so lost haha
L2539[23:29:15] <Lex_> and have them all build off one command
L2540[23:29:21] <Lex_> seriously just fucking do what i told you to do
L2541[23:29:30] <Lex_> each project that should ship a jar as its own gradle project
L2542[23:29:30] <Giraffestock> im not sure what exactly you told me
L2543[23:29:34] <Lex_> once thats done
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L2545[23:29:39] <Giraffestock> http://pastebin.com/CXKupMrD <- theres the gradle.build
L2546[23:29:41] <Lex_> its as simple as cloning it into a sub-folder
L2547[23:29:43] <Giraffestock> where do i add the thing you pasted
L2548[23:29:47] <Lex_> and adding the line i stated above
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L2550[23:29:54] <Lex_> thwere the ProjectName is the subfolder name
L2551[23:30:08] <Lex_> where the fuck do you think?
L2552[23:30:14] <Lex_> its in the dependancies folder
L2553[23:30:21] <Lex_> section*
L2554[23:30:46] <Giraffestock> okay i thnk thats it
L2555[23:30:47] <Giraffestock> thanks
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L2557[23:34:11] <Giraffestock> with the project(:Name:) how do i represent children dirs?
L2558[23:34:18] <Giraffestock> :folder/folder/folder?
L2559[23:34:27] <Lex_> you dont
L2560[23:34:42] <Lex_> have it as a single level down
L2561[23:34:43] <Giraffestock> then how does gradle know where to find it?
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L2563[23:34:49] <Giraffestock> (im following the tutorial rn)
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L2566[23:39:31] <calclavia> How would you find the obfuscated name of a field easily?
L2567[23:39:38] <williewillus> mcpbot?
L2568[23:39:44] <calclavia> williewillus: What command is that?
L2569[23:39:52] <Giraffestock> try asking it for help
L2570[23:39:58] <Giraffestock> msg mcpbot_reborn help
L2571[23:40:07] <calclavia> thanks
L2572[23:40:44] <williewillus> in general it's "gf <classname>.fieldname <version>"
L2573[23:44:55] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
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