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L1[00:01:47] <Zaggy1024> There's probably a bunch of hard-coded exceptions for the rendering of the map
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L3[00:02:13] <Zaggy1024> (exceptions as in different behavior than normal items)
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L11[00:10:06] <Naiten> Looks like vanilla fully consists of hardcode...
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L14[00:14:05] <LexManos> AbrarSyed, why is my coremod not loading in dev?
L15[00:14:24] <AbrarSyed> you got the manifest entry?
L16[00:14:29] <LexManos> yup
L17[00:14:39] <AbrarSyed> then it should be.. should be in the log
L18[00:14:47] <LexManos> oh derp
L19[00:14:54] <LexManos> you need a blank line at the end of the file
L20[00:14:55] <LexManos> thats stupid
L21[00:15:04] <AbrarSyed> heh
L22[00:15:10] <progwml6|L> that's wierd
L23[00:15:15] * AbrarSyed blames java
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L31[00:25:47] <Naiten> I had to hardcode some transformations to compensate vanilla hardcode to make my item properly render like a map... http://i.imgur.com/1AeFilk.png
L32[00:26:16] <Naiten> Minecraft modding in a nutshell.
L33[00:26:59] <LexManos> or you could mimic vanilla map rendering :/
L34[00:27:50] <Naiten> Lex, I took map rendering code, the result was not expected (previous images).
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L37[00:34:08] <Naiten> Is drawing each pixel of the 128*128 image via tessellator a good idea, or should I try doing something with DynamicTexture?
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L39[00:35:47] <ChJees> A dynamic texture would be a lot nicer to the performance :P.
L40[00:36:18] <ChJees> Basically gives the GPU a pointer to read texture data from.
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L92[02:02:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L115[02:55:12] <Naiten> What's the easiest way to set a delay in MC? Like, play sound1, wait N milliseconds, play sound2?
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L118[02:56:13] <tterrag> Naiten: milliseconds? hard. ticks? easy
L119[02:56:26] <Naiten> tterrag, welp, ticks.
L120[02:56:30] <tterrag> just set a delay variable and tick it downwards each tick
L121[02:56:34] <tterrag> when it == 0 do the thing
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L123[02:56:42] <tterrag> ttCore has a thing for that
L124[02:56:56] <tterrag> Scheduler.instance().schedule(ticks, runnable)
L125[02:57:05] <Naiten> That's not the easiest way -.- I need a ticking method for that...
L126[02:57:17] <tterrag> um
L127[02:57:20] <tterrag> of course you do?
L128[02:57:32] <tterrag> how else would you do it?
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L130[02:58:23] <Naiten> Idk how else. I remember other programming languages had delay() method...
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L132[02:58:30] <tterrag> sure
L133[02:58:34] <tterrag> java has Thread.sleep
L134[02:58:38] <tterrag> but that will freeze the entire game thread
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L136[02:58:45] <tterrag> so I assumed that's not what you wanted
L137[02:58:48] <Naiten> :/
L138[02:59:40] <Naiten> I just wanted to play two sounds with a delay, calling this once from onActivated()...
L139[03:00:02] <tterrag> you could just add silence to your sound file...
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L141[03:01:13] <Naiten> No, if I call playSoundAtEntity() twice, sounds will be played almost immidiately no matter what length they are
L142[03:01:44] <tterrag> yes...but if your sound had X amount of seconds of silence at the beginning
L143[03:01:54] <tterrag> it would SOUND as if it was delayed
L144[03:01:57] <tterrag> even if it's not
L145[03:02:29] <Naiten> But I also want play sound2 separately and without a delay .-.
L146[03:02:59] <tterrag> so use different files?
L147[03:03:52] <Naiten> That's hardcoding... I mean, that will give double amount of files, which are almost same
L148[03:04:15] <tterrag> ok, so have a ticking method
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L150[03:04:22] <tterrag> you have those two options here
L151[03:04:24] <npe|office> wanted to say the same
L152[03:04:33] <tterrag> there is no 3rd option
L153[03:04:38] <tterrag> so do one, or the other
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L155[03:04:46] <ollieread> Third option would be not doing any of that and having no sound effect
L156[03:05:00] <npe|office> queue the sounds and play them in the update method
L157[03:05:26] <tterrag> ^^ what ollieread said :P
L158[03:05:37] <ollieread> Which reminds me
L159[03:05:48] <ollieread> playing a sound at a player, is that something you call on the client or server?
L160[03:05:57] <ollieread> I'd have thought client, but something in my head says server
L161[03:06:08] <tterrag> I think it can be either
L162[03:06:14] <tterrag> it'll sync to client if needed iirc
L163[03:06:17] <tterrag> not sure though
L164[03:06:27] <ollieread> hmm
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L166[03:10:31] <ChJees> Send a packet to the client to play a sound if it is determined server side?
L167[03:10:52] <xaero> if you're on the client, mc implements the aforementioned queue with SoundHandler.playDelayedSound()
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L169[03:13:30] <tterrag> ^ I did not know that
L170[03:13:36] <tterrag> well there's your magic 3rd option
L171[03:13:45] <Naiten> I have fourth option.
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L174[03:19:18] <Naiten> I hope it won't break the whole game as it always turns out...
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L177[03:28:59] <Naiten> tterrag, works perfectly. http://pastebin.com/RA2Q0HMp
L178[03:29:38] <tterrag> how does the timer tick?
L179[03:29:49] <tterrag> isn't that going to spawn threads?
L180[03:29:56] <Naiten> Idk
L181[03:30:21] <tterrag> it absolutely is
L182[03:30:26] <tterrag> how else would it tick?
L183[03:30:31] <tterrag> probably not the best way to do it
L184[03:30:38] <Naiten> I have no idea about threads
L185[03:30:39] <tterrag> especially since xaero just told you the proper way
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L188[03:30:57] <Naiten> I'm not just playing sounds m(
L189[03:31:06] <Naiten> I also perform other actions
L190[03:31:07] <PrinceCat> Pass it up to a TileEntity and keep track of time with a variable ticked by onUpdate()?
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L192[03:31:39] <tterrag> so use a ticker instead of a thread
L193[03:32:10] <PrinceCat> Is that the right way to do it? Because that'd how I'd do it.
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L195[03:32:31] <Naiten> tterrag, I've looked at debugger. Timer threads are cleaned up automatically.
L196[03:32:34] <tterrag> PrinceCat: that works...if you have a TE
L197[03:32:40] <tterrag> Naiten: I'm sure they are
L198[03:32:54] <tterrag> but it's still way too much more complicated than *just using a ticker*
L199[03:33:03] <tterrag> overhead probably isn't great either
L200[03:33:24] <PrinceCat> Can't you just make the block into a TE for the sake of handling?
L201[03:33:50] <PrinceCat> I mean, granted it's probably not good practice..
L202[03:33:50] <tterrag> that seems like a waste when a tickevent ticker would suffice
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L204[03:34:04] <PrinceCat> That's very true.
L205[03:34:54] <Naiten> What if have no TE, no block or whatever?
L206[03:35:01] <tterrag> then use a tick event
L207[03:36:17] <Naiten> Making ticking method is more complicated than making a task for timer...
L208[03:36:24] <tterrag> what
L209[03:36:46] <fry> @SubscribeEvent public void onTick(TickEvent t) {}
L210[03:36:48] <fry> done
L211[03:37:07] <tterrag> ehh
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L213[03:37:12] <tterrag> TickEvent.ServerTickEvent
L214[03:37:17] <tterrag> don't use the abstract class
L215[03:37:19] <fry> whatever :P
L216[03:37:37] <fry> The point is it's quite easy
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L218[03:37:42] <PrinceCat> Make sure you register it. :v
L219[03:38:05] <fry> And you don't spawn a new thread per call
L220[03:38:07] <Naiten> Make a ticking method, make timer var, decrease timer var each tick, make a condition and only then do your stuff... Ugh.
L221[03:38:11] <tterrag> ^^
L222[03:38:18] <tterrag> Naiten: or make a general system for it that you can reuse
L223[03:38:43] <tterrag> https://github.com/tterrag1098/ttCore/blob/master/src/main/java/tterrag/core/common/util/Scheduler.java
L224[03:38:48] <Naiten> tterrag, Java already provides that system, what's the problem with it?
L225[03:38:57] <tterrag> it spawns tons of threads you don't need?
L226[03:39:09] <ollieread> All the threads!!!
L227[03:39:50] <Naiten> It doesn't if you have static Timer instance in your mod class.
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L229[03:40:12] <Naiten> I've just misused the thing a bit...
L230[03:40:18] <PrinceCat> Is that Scheduler class written by you tterrag?
L231[03:40:44] <tterrag> yes PrinceCat
L232[03:40:56] <PrinceCat> Looks incredibly useful.
L233[03:41:17] <tterrag> https://github.com/tterrag1098/ttCore/blob/master/README.md
L234[03:41:18] <tterrag> :P
L235[03:41:48] <PrinceCat> Hurrraaaaaaa!
L236[03:41:58] <PrinceCat> (Thank you)
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L238[03:42:36] <fry> (Not to mention that TimerTask.run runs in the different thread, so you'll have to worry about that)
L239[03:42:50] <tterrag> ^
L240[03:42:57] <tterrag> MC is ***NOT*** thread safe in most cases
L241[03:43:21] <tterrag> it will be rare, but there might be an instance where your task runs at the same time as another call and creates a CME
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L243[03:45:58] <Naiten> fry, I haven't noticed any new threads created when using this
L244[03:46:14] <tterrag> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Timer.html
L245[03:46:17] <fry> "Implementation note: All constructors start a timer thread"
L246[03:46:24] <tterrag> >Corresponding to each Timer object is a single background thread that is used to execute all of the timer's tasks, sequentially.
L247[03:46:49] <tterrag> this means that you are queuing up sounds in a different thread from the main thread, and this will eventually cause issues
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L249[03:48:32] <Naiten> Ah, I get that as "each task is running in separate thread"... Okay, what's wrong with _one_ separate thread?
L250[03:48:57] <fry> It's the main thread the world runs in
L251[03:49:20] <fry> Therefore, you still get all the pain of synchronization
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L255[03:50:59] <Naiten> Why should that be syncchronized? .-.
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L257[03:52:15] <tterrag> thread 1 tries to add a sound, thread 1 gets paused midway, thread 2 adds a sound, causes CME, game crashes
L258[03:52:21] <tterrag> it's rare but it *will* happen almost undoubtedly
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L261[03:55:21] <Naiten> i can't get that
L262[03:57:04] <fry> Naiten: looking at SoundManager.playSound: it calls this.sndSystem.setPitch(...), this.sndSystem.setVolume(...), this.sndSystem.play(s)
L263[03:57:29] <fry> With multithreading 2 sets of those calls can come from 2 different threads, interleaved
L264[03:57:53] <fry> (And this is just one example)
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L266[04:00:40] <fry> Traditional threading example: this.someField++;
L267[04:00:56] <fry> value gets loaded from the field, incremented, and stored back
L268[04:01:47] <fry> thread A loads 6, thread B loads 6, thread A stores 7, thread B stores 7
L269[04:01:58] <fry> expected: 8, got: 7
L270[04:04:34] <Naiten> okay
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L273[04:08:33] <Naiten> How do I destroy a block at certain position? I remember world.destroyBlock was working a long time ago, but now it's missing
L274[04:09:24] <tterrag> setBlockToAir?
L275[04:10:08] <Naiten> thanks
L276[04:10:59] <Lumien> Do i have to manually register item models to my blocks with the ItemModelMesher or is there something built in for that?
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L279[04:12:55] <fry> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation allows you to do that in preInit :P
L280[04:13:12] <tterrag> what a terrible method name :l
L281[04:13:51] <fry> Shut up :P
L282[04:14:42] <Szernex> haha
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L284[04:18:32] <Lumien> So what's the inventory variant then?
L285[04:19:05] <fry> "inventory" :P
L286[04:19:57] <Lumien> So can i use that instead to get an item representative for my block or nah?
L287[04:20:19] <fry> what?
L288[04:20:32] <Lumien> I got that as a missing variant for my block
L289[04:20:50] <Lumien> So i first assumed that's why it wasn't appearing as an item
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L293[04:23:32] <Lumien> Also did anything change about animated textures in 1.8?
L294[04:24:31] <fry> Not sure about that :P
L295[04:24:40] <Lumien> my block is invisible :(
L296[04:24:56] <Lumien> oh wait the portal
L297[04:24:57] <ntzrmtthihu777> Lumien: you need a few json files for items and blocks now
L298[04:25:20] <Lumien> :P
L299[04:25:30] <Lumien> i know
L300[04:25:47] <Naiten> This code gives me a block into inventory, but it won't change slot selection... Why? http://pastebin.com/7GHm8Bnk
L301[04:27:51] <Lumien> My block is invisible in the world but visible in my hand
L302[04:28:32] <fry> then item variant isn't the problem - it's the block one :P
L303[04:28:51] <Lumien> yes but the item extends the block one
L304[04:29:14] <fry> not model - variant
L305[04:29:21] <Lumien> If the game can't find a variant it prints a message right?
L306[04:29:27] <fry> what's in the blockstate json?
L307[04:29:32] <fry> It should :P
L308[04:29:41] <Lumien> http://pastebin.com/1NKGR51g
L309[04:29:43] <Lumien> this
L310[04:30:20] <fry> that capital I might be a problem :P
L311[04:30:37] <Lumien> That's what the block is registered under
L312[04:30:51] <Lumien> And that's also the name of the model
L313[04:32:03] <fry> Do you use the default no-property block state for your block?
L314[04:32:32] <Lumien> i didn't define anything
L315[04:32:34] <Lumien> so i assume so
L316[04:33:35] <Lumien> oh ok, BlockContainer makes getRenderType() return -1 now
L317[04:33:49] <fry> Ah, yeah, that silly thing
L318[04:33:59] <tterrag> BlockContainer is a pointless class anyhow
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L320[04:34:35] <tterrag> utterly pointless
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L323[04:36:49] <fry> Actually, yes - world.removeTileEntity should be called anyway
L324[04:37:07] <fry> isBlockContainer isn't public, and is never used
L325[04:37:57] <tterrag> ITileEntityProvider is pointless as well :P
L326[04:38:12] <fry> Only useful part is onBlockEventReceived, and 90% of people don't use that :P
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L333[04:45:06] <ollieread> That's a thing?
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L341[04:57:13] <Lex_> !gf secretKey
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L343[04:58:16] <Lex_> !gf currentLoginState
L344[04:59:15] <Lex_> !gf loginGameProfile
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L347[05:04:29] <Naiten> Can somebody tell me why isn't this code switching selected slot? http://pastebin.com/YvACg0ym
L348[05:06:58] <ChJees> Slot ID?
L349[05:07:43] <ChJees> You would probably want to set something involving a integer value related to slots
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L351[05:09:20] <Naiten> Cheeseum, byte value can be assigned to int var... And i've just tried making i int, that didn't help
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L354[05:10:32] <Lumien> !testcsv
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L356[05:11:17] <Genuine> Can anyone link a project that implements the config button in the mod list?
L357[05:12:21] <Ivorius> Genuine: https://github.com/Ivorforce/RecurrentComplex/blob/master/src/main/java/ivorius/reccomplex/gui/RCConfigGuiFactory.java
L358[05:12:43] <Ivorius> Then you add this to your mod https://github.com/Ivorforce/RecurrentComplex/blob/master/src/main/java/ivorius/reccomplex/RecurrentComplex.java#L34
L359[05:13:22] <Ivorius> And lastly you will have to save on changes - https://github.com/Ivorforce/RecurrentComplex/blob/master/src/main/java/ivorius/reccomplex/events/RCFMLEventHandler.java#L46
L360[05:13:59] <Genuine> You sexy mf.
L361[05:14:02] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L362[05:14:07] <Genuine> Thanks a ton.
L363[05:14:53] <Ivorius> np
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L367[05:26:34] <Lex_> !gf verifyToken
L368[05:27:31] <Lumien> Are these things necessary to change when i generate a patch file with new changes in forge? https://i.imgur.com/GodfXsK.png
L369[05:30:36] <Lumien> Also is it preferable to change one line of vanilla code or insert like 3 new lines before that?
L370[05:30:43] <Lex_> ?g diff file format
L371[05:30:52] <Lex_> bah where did that bot go
L372[05:31:22] * fry thought you made him go away cause of the abuse :P
L373[05:31:56] <fry> Lumien: old start line, old line count, new start line, new line count
L374[05:32:14] <Lumien> So these are no mistake and just "shift" when the line count changes?
L375[05:32:17] <fry> So, if you change the number of lines - every hunk after that changes it's start line
L376[05:32:27] <Lumien> kk
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L379[05:38:02] <ollieread> hunk
L380[05:38:02] <ollieread> lol
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L382[05:43:04] <ollieread> fry is all about hunks
L383[05:43:34] <ollieread> With his hasselhoff calendar
L384[05:43:52] * fry looks at http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hunk
L385[05:44:04] <fry> Meh, not a huge fan of tan :P
L386[05:44:15] <ollieread> Ahaha I forgot that you weren't natively English
L387[05:44:33] <ollieread> Good thinking though, using UD instead of a straight up google image search
L388[05:44:56] <fry> http://kodi.tv/wp-content/uploads/hasselhoff.jpg
L389[05:45:40] <ollieread> Classic
L390[05:45:46] ⇦ Quits: Lildirt (~Lildirt@lildirt.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L391[05:46:47] <fry> https://i.imgur.com/8yPA2.jpg
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L398[06:03:39] <heldplayer> fry: is that Cage?
L399[06:03:46] <heldplayer> Tell me it's Cage
L400[06:03:59] <fry> what
L401[06:04:10] <heldplayer> The picture
L402[06:04:17] <fry> did you even look at it?
L403[06:04:34] <heldplayer> Yes
L404[06:04:38] <heldplayer> It looks like Cage
L405[06:04:42] <fry> -_-
L406[06:04:47] <heldplayer> I'm bad at faces you know
L407[06:04:57] <heldplayer> It's glorious anyway :p
L408[06:05:13] <fry> http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--mbOZiING--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/lhnzxwqm6nlrwnqj9l0c.jpg
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L415[06:13:07] <fry> heldplayer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJelEXaPhJ8
L416[06:13:57] <heldplayer> Oh
L417[06:14:16] <heldplayer> That's not creepy at all
L418[06:15:01] <fry> Have you not seen Jurassic Park? :P
L419[06:15:45] <Ivorius> Oh god, that again
L420[06:15:53] <Ivorius> Didn't you link that before already?
L421[06:16:01] <fry> like 2 years ago :P
L422[06:16:47] <heldplayer> I have seen it yeah
L423[06:16:55] <fry> (3 months, whatever :P)
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L436[06:41:57] <fry> Lumien: 1 event emit per pixel? seriously?
L437[06:42:15] <Lumien> I was told that 256 times per frame was fine xD
L438[06:42:40] <fry> If it's justified
L439[06:42:58] <Ivorius> lol
L440[06:43:03] <Ivorius> This is like a poor man's shader
L441[06:43:12] <fry> ^
L442[06:43:23] <Lumien> The alternative would be to just post the event with the whole array before its put in to the texture
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L444[06:43:37] <fry> A much better alternative
L445[06:43:45] ⇦ Quits: cpup (~cpup@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L446[06:44:08] <fry> (Lightmap nonsense is a poor man's shader though, I agree :P)
L447[06:44:56] ⇦ Quits: Nathan1852 (~Nathan185@p4FEBBAD0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L448[06:46:30] <fry> Though it may be cheaper to bake it into a texture, idk :P
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L450[06:47:40] <gigaherz> that's what games do
L451[06:48:03] <gigaherz> you bake static lighting together with ambient occlusion and such int oa lightmap texture
L452[06:48:17] <gigaherz> but thenyou need a second set of UV coords
L453[06:48:22] <gigaherz> for the unwrapped lightmap texture
L454[06:48:43] <gigaherz> since you can't reuse the normal wrapping UVs you'd use for color
L455[06:50:16] <fry> (In the normal engine you'd generate the second UVs from the position + 3d light texture though :P)
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L461[06:52:22] <fry> (normal engine with MC world mechanics :P)
L462[06:52:24] <gigaherz> although, these days with big games using global illumination techniques, static "baked" lighting is getting deprecated ;P
L463[06:53:12] <gigaherz> yeah for a cube-voxel world "unwrapping" the terrain is just using the world position ;P
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L466[06:55:09] <gigaherz> MC could in theory take each chunk, and for each "hole" in the chunk, generate a mesh with 6 sides and their corresponding light levels as a color attribute
L467[06:55:29] <gigaherz> maybe1.8 does something like that? ;P
L468[06:55:42] *** Ordi|Away is now known as Ordinastie
L469[06:55:50] <gigaherz> never seen the rendering beyond the IBakedModel ;P
L470[06:55:51] <fry> "hole"? :P
L471[06:56:04] <gigaherz> area of the chunk with at least one air block
L472[06:56:13] <gigaherz> (transparent block)
L473[06:56:40] <gigaherz> (anythign that causes the side of another block to be rendered)
L474[06:56:50] <fry> Ah, so overlay over the air? Interesting idea
L475[06:57:02] <gigaherz> tyhat's how I did it in my proof of concept voxel engine
L476[06:57:07] <fry> But as far as I know lighting is exactly the same as 1.7
L477[06:57:08] <gigaherz> I'd scan for air blocks
L478[06:57:18] <gigaherz> and generate a mesh for each "hole" in the grid
L479[06:57:30] <fry> Uploading light info as a 3d texture and sampling it is better imho :P
L480[06:57:32] <gigaherz> I didn't get far enough to have transparent blocks
L481[06:57:38] <gigaherz> so for me it was air ;P
L482[06:57:51] <gigaherz> eh :/
L483[06:58:12] <gigaherz> it would be rather awkward
L484[06:58:16] <fry> You'll need transparency sorting with a mesh per air block
L485[06:58:24] <gigaherz> since there's 16 blocks you end up with 17 edges
L486[06:58:36] <gigaherz> you'll have a 17x17x257 texture
L487[06:58:40] * fry made it work before, not that awkward :P
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L489[06:58:53] <gigaherz> with some gpus still not liking NPOT textures
L490[06:59:02] <fry> not 1 texture per chunk - 1 texture for the whole world :P
L491[06:59:05] <gigaherz> you'll end up with a 32x32x512 texture in gpu space
L492[06:59:24] <gigaherz> oh
L493[06:59:28] <gigaherz> that'd be huge though?
L494[06:59:51] <gigaherz> unless you simplify the lighting
L495[07:00:07] <gigaherz> you'd end up with as many pixels as there are voxels in the world, visible or not
L496[07:01:08] <gigaherz> while using per-vertex lighting just requires 4 bytes more per vertex, xyzw+uv+c
L497[07:01:58] * fry used something like 256x256x256
L498[07:02:03] <gigaherz> or 8 bytes if you do xyzw+uv+uv2
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L500[07:03:29] <fry> using GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4 (which is how much info MC lightmap contains) it's only 16 megabytes :P
L501[07:04:52] <fry> (x and z you wrap, and clamp y. Didn't test much around y borders though :P)
L502[07:05:28] <fry> When chunk (x, z) is loaded, you upload it's light info at (x%256, z%256) or smth like that
L503[07:05:32] ⇦ Quits: chbachman (~chbachman@c-73-45-124-6.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
L504[07:07:20] <fry> It did work in 1.7, and FPS was pretty much the same as vanilla, but I didn't strip out any light UV generation
L505[07:09:56] <fry> (And I did only use GL2.0 features, which is extra nice :P)
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L522[07:37:13] <Naiten> How do I change viewport location?
L523[07:37:51] <Ivorius> Location in 3D space?
L524[07:37:54] <Ivorius> Or in 2D space
L525[07:38:10] ⇨ Joins: TheFjong (~TheFjong|@3e6b1460.rev.stofanet.dk)
L526[07:38:26] <Naiten> 3d
L527[07:38:32] <Ivorius> Eh
L528[07:38:34] <Ivorius> glTranslate?
L529[07:39:12] <Naiten> Nah -_- That will be bound to player position, I want to set absolute positon...
L530[07:39:30] <Ivorius> You can't
L531[07:39:35] <Ivorius> You have to unset the player position
L532[07:39:41] <Ivorius> Everything is relative m8
L533[07:39:48] <Ivorius> There are no absolute positions
L534[07:40:19] <Naiten> How are all those camera mods working then?
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L536[07:40:49] <Ivorius> They have their own render pass
L537[07:40:54] <Ivorius> 'all those', lol
L538[07:42:10] <Naiten> Welp, I don't want to render anything, I just want to make a screenshot from a specific location
L539[07:42:26] <Ivorius> Impossible
L540[07:42:35] <Ivorius> To make 'a screenshot', you have to render the whole scene
L541[07:42:50] <Ivorius> Preferably to a texture (fbo)
L542[07:43:11] <Ivorius> What do you think 'rendering' even is, lol
L543[07:43:37] <Naiten> Ivorius, I meant 'I don't want to render anything custom'
L544[07:43:56] <Ivorius> What does that even mean x)
L545[07:44:08] <Naiten> I can take a screenshot, I only need to shift the frustum
L546[07:44:10] <Naiten> m(
L547[07:44:20] <Ivorius> 'only'
L548[07:44:26] <Ivorius> > What do you think 'rendering' even is, lol
L549[07:45:06] <Naiten> I'm not doing rendering, MC does that
L550[07:45:06] <Ivorius> You're gonna need a new render pass
L551[07:45:17] <Ivorius> You will have to translate to your camera rather than to the player
L552[07:45:24] <Ivorius> Then the rest of the rendering will take place
L553[07:45:51] <Ivorius> And afterwards your FBO's texture object has pixel data in it
L554[07:45:59] <Ivorius> Which you can read out into a ByteBuffer
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L557[07:49:20] <Ivorius> You might learn something from the PiP mod
L558[07:49:34] <Ivorius> Personally I use this too, but for something a little more complicated
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L560[07:49:46] <Ivorius> Which might confuse more than it would help :P
L561[07:50:45] <Lumien> cancelling LivingDeathEvent should prevent a player from dying right?
L562[07:51:28] <Naiten> What's PiP?
L563[07:51:35] <Ivorius> Picture in Picture
L564[07:51:58] <Ivorius> I don't know the mod, but I know it exists, and it will hardly show you the same viewport in a smaller picture :P
L565[07:53:02] <Ivorius> Naiten: Notice that javadocs exist
L566[07:53:03] <Ivorius> * If this event is canceled, the Entity does not die.<br>
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L568[07:53:34] <Ivorius> Also whoever made that event doesn't know jack about javadocs apparently
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L570[07:56:19] <Lumien> So this: http://pastebin.com/JPfpCuSW should prevent that anything dies right? o_O
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L572[07:57:09] <Ivorius> ... possibly :P
L573[07:57:22] <Ivorius> Try it out
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L575[07:57:39] <Lumien> Well it doesn't for me :P
L576[07:57:55] <Lumien> But it should right?
L577[07:58:03] <Ivorius> Make sure your event is called
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L579[08:00:18] <Lumien> it is
L580[08:00:50] <Ivorius> Try setting isDead to false and adjusting the health, too
L581[08:01:35] <Lumien> yeah, i have to increase the health
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L646[10:04:16] <TooLmaN> Looking to allow more ppl on my private server. What permissions/controls are available in FTB modpack servers? I've run a bukkit server for a couple years and I'm used to PermsEX, etc. Thanks in advance
L647[10:04:46] <progwml6|L> forge doesn't really have permissions currently
L648[10:05:11] <TooLmaN> progwml6|L, So basically I have to Op all users and keep backups?
L649[10:05:50] <TooLmaN> I know I can protect my AE2 system and strongboxes, just not structures or zones
L650[10:06:09] <progwml6|L> you don't need to op all users
L651[10:06:16] ⇦ Parts: Hea3veN (~Hea3veN@ ())
L652[10:06:39] <TooLmaN> I have 4 users on my private server and they couldn't break any blocks w/o being op
L653[10:06:53] <chbachman> Move out of spawn
L654[10:06:58] <chbachman> That is in Vanilla, as well.
L655[10:07:09] <TooLmaN> What's the range of the spawn area?
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L657[10:08:41] <chbachman> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Spawn/Multiplayer_details
L658[10:09:24] <TooLmaN> chbachman, Thank you kindly
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L669[10:24:27] <Naiten> Well, I create an instance of my entity extending EntityLivingBase, and assing it to mc.renderViewEntity, which allows me to take screenshot from desired location... But that's not working correctly...
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L672[10:26:41] <Naiten> Actual position of the viewport turns out to be higher that the position I set...
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L675[10:28:28] <cad435> ok, this happens: i want to send packets from client to server, it all works EXCEPT for the Big-Online server... So i finally figured out that i have to transfer the .mcr region from the world to a new generated world folder... As this is strange and it happens after i added the packet, please could somebody tell if i've done it right here: http://pastebin.com/RN8dsDvt
L676[10:29:21] <diesieben07> cad435: uhm... your packet does neither read nor write any data.
L677[10:29:36] <Ivorius> Oh no it's the RGBVec dude :P
L678[10:29:49] <cad435> well, but it somehow works now
L679[10:29:55] <diesieben07> impossible.
L680[10:30:02] <diesieben07> that packet does nothing but crash a server.
L681[10:30:18] <Ivorius> Also why would you uppercase your object fields
L682[10:30:29] <Ivorius> Confusing :P
L683[10:30:48] <cad435> diesieben07: wait a second, i'll have to check sth...
L684[10:33:28] <diesieben07> also... someone have a better way to do this: https://github.com/diesieben07/SevenCommons/blob/master/src/main/java/de/take_weiland/mods/commons/nbt/ArrayConversions.java#L146-205
L685[10:33:32] <diesieben07> ?
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L689[10:35:49] <Ivorius> diesieben07: java.util.BitSet?
L690[10:36:06] <diesieben07> yes, I know
L691[10:36:10] <diesieben07> but i don't control the input.
L692[10:36:16] <cad435> ah, ok, the Tile-entity is beeing updated through a .markblockfrorupdate... ok, than it has nothing to do with the packet, but diesieben07 than please tell me how i read from buffer? if I get it right, with the buffer.readbytes() you "fill" the obj. fields, did you?
L693[10:36:22] <Ivorius> Well, you can look at their algorithms
L694[10:36:37] <diesieben07> yes cad
L695[10:36:46] <Ivorius> They use a ByteBuffer
L696[10:36:50] <diesieben07> they don't deal with booleans ever
L697[10:37:32] <diesieben07> i am not looking for performance, i know that the jit will get rid of all the branches
L698[10:37:38] <diesieben07> i just think the code is ugly
L699[10:38:19] <cad435> ok, if i type VariableString1 = buff.readstring(); VariableString2 = buff.readstring(), HOW did buff.readstring() knows it have to fill VariableString1 first and than VariableString2 ?
L700[10:38:36] <Ivorius> If you're not looking for performance at all, you could make a bitset and run over all your bits, calling setBit :P
L701[10:39:43] <diesieben07> because you call it first...
L702[10:41:19] <cad435> ah ok... so it actually reads a Bytestream and the Variable (or string) that comes first will be written from the first buff.readstring() and so on?
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L704[10:42:01] <diesieben07> you read the data in the same order that you write
L705[10:42:11] <cad435> ok, thx...
L706[10:44:32] <Ivorius> diesieben07: Honestly I'd iterate the single booleans
L707[10:44:43] <Ivorius> Have a byteIndex and a bitInByteIndex
L708[10:44:57] <Ivorius> It's relatively simple :P
L709[10:45:01] <diesieben07> yeah
L710[10:45:06] <diesieben07> but that just hurts my performance brain
L711[10:45:35] <Ivorius> I don't see what's so bad about the performance there :P
L712[10:45:46] <diesieben07> two loops instead of one? idk
L713[10:45:50] <Ivorius> lol
L714[10:45:56] <diesieben07> but ok, probably gonna get unrolled
L715[10:46:30] <Naiten> Where's the code adjusting viewport location (pushing it out of blocks and entities) placed? Or how do I disable that adjust?
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L740[11:28:16] <cad435> how can i transfer a string through a Netty-Bytebuf? *confused* can't found a char[] either...
L741[11:28:40] <Tombenpotter> Use ByteBufUtils
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L744[11:29:51] <cad435> not bad... thx!
L745[11:30:19] <Tombenpotter> No worries good sir :)
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L772[12:11:43] <chbachman> Question: FMLCommonHandler.instance.getEffectiveSide() is slow, correct?
L773[12:16:38] *** spaceemotion is now known as spaceeaway
L774[12:17:37] <Tombenpotter> fry, you there?
L775[12:17:46] <fry> Yup
L776[12:18:16] <Tombenpotter> http://puu.sh/fvP8h.txt
L777[12:19:02] <Ivorius> Maybe he should come in here
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L779[12:19:21] <Ivorius> There are a few people here that have experienced and worked around every single b3d loading problem there can be
L780[12:19:22] <Tombenpotter> He can't, he's on a web client
L781[12:19:25] <Ivorius> *cough*
L782[12:19:57] <Tombenpotter> Mibbit xD
L783[12:21:00] ⇨ Joins: megamit (~megamit@
L784[12:21:32] <Ivorius> We should totally open #minecraftforgeforlazypeople
L785[12:22:05] ⇨ Joins: cpup (~cpup@
L786[12:22:30] <Ivorius> Where the everyone can speak and the OPs don't matter :P
L787[12:23:28] *** matthew|gone is now known as matthewprenger
L788[12:24:00] <fry> Tombenpotter: currently b3d texture resolution works like this: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/model/b3d/B3DLoader.java#L325-L326
L789[12:24:25] <fry> So, texture.png results in "yourmod:texture"
L790[12:24:36] <fry> where yourmod comes form the model modid
L791[12:24:51] <Ivorius> It wouldn't crash though
L792[12:24:56] *** big_Xplo|AFK is now known as big_Xplosion
L793[12:24:58] <Ivorius> When it didn't find my texture, it just logged an error
L794[12:25:55] <fry> There was some strange report of texture-missing-related crashing yesterday: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,27485.msg140855.html#new
L795[12:26:13] <fry> But they didn't provide enoguh info :P
L796[12:26:34] <Ivorius> That's not b3d though either :P
L797[12:27:12] <Tombenpotter> It apparently crashes with a nullpointer, but Azanor has no code nor log handu
L798[12:27:28] <fry> Yup, should be NPE is FaceBakery
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L805[12:38:07] <Katielyn> Bloodmagic patching time >.<
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L815[12:53:59] <heldplayer> !gm resize
L816[12:54:20] <clienthax> dont bake my face
L817[12:54:20] <clienthax> D:
L818[12:54:54] <sham1> Cursed be JSON model and blockstate files
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L820[12:55:48] * clienthax stares at smd model loader with built in animation support
L821[12:55:54] * clienthax laughs at json format
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L823[12:57:15] * clienthax stares at sham1
L824[12:57:31] * sham1 demands that clienthax does not stare at me
L825[12:57:49] * clienthax throws a model at sham1
L826[12:57:55] <clienthax> watch out for the quad tri mix!
L827[12:57:55] <sham1> Ouch
L828[12:57:57] <clienthax> :D
L829[12:58:38] <sham1> http://pastebin.com/REDF3Qzq
L830[12:58:48] <sham1> I dont know why it does not load the textures even though they are there
L831[12:59:00] <clienthax> Caused by: com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Unterminated object at line 3 column 3
L832[12:59:03] <Ivorius> ^
L833[12:59:03] <clienthax> cus u broke the json
L834[12:59:04] <clienthax> nub
L835[12:59:05] <Ivorius> Post json
L836[12:59:12] <clienthax> http://json.parser.online.fr/
L837[12:59:14] <clienthax> is amazing
L838[12:59:35] <sham1> <_< time to check my JSON
L839[13:02:01] <sham1> A right comma in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world
L840[13:02:20] <sham1> Maybe I should get like JSOn parser for eclipse
L841[13:02:38] <Ivorius> yep
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L844[13:07:24] <sham1> After a annoying effort I have textured the block
L845[13:07:43] <sham1> Now I need to make front face and make model files that support rotation
L846[13:07:44] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
L847[13:07:59] <sham1> Oh and also item model
L848[13:09:47] <ollieread> sham1: http://jsonlint.com/
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L851[13:13:13] <ollieread> Don't you love it when people post issues on github and then realise they done fucked up, and close it
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L856[13:16:54] <sham1> And now eclipse validates JSON for me
L857[13:16:55] <sham1> Awesome
L858[13:18:50] <tterrag> wait
L859[13:18:54] <tterrag> show me this magic
L860[13:19:33] <sham1> what magic
L861[13:20:12] *** SamRaven2 is now known as SamRaven2|Away
L862[13:21:47] <matthewprenger> tterrag, Idea has it built in :P
L863[13:22:08] <tterrag> sham1: what plugin are you using
L864[13:22:19] <sham1> http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/json-editor-plugin
L865[13:22:32] <sham1> But why use Idea while having eclipse
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L891[13:56:39] <zerofall> Hello all, I hear this is a good place to get some mod development help/advice?
L892[13:56:53] <sham1> yes
L893[13:57:51] <zerofall> great. I am new to Forge dev and IRC, so please forgive any noob-ness lol
L894[14:00:59] <zerofall> I am creating a custom chest-like block, and I want to be able to store more than 1 stack in a slot (like an AE2 ME-Terminal). Any tips for the right direction to start on that?
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L898[14:01:33] <bspkrs> more than one stack in a slot?
L899[14:01:37] ⇦ Quits: CoderPuppy (~cpup@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L900[14:01:40] <sham1> yes
L901[14:01:43] ⇨ Joins: Unh0ly_Tigg (~Robert@c-76-115-95-185.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L902[14:02:02] <sham1> Just like AE's ME-terminal system that is interesting
L903[14:02:17] <zerofall> yup
L904[14:02:23] * bspkrs excuses himself
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L906[14:03:10] <ollieread> Well you'd want to store the different stacks, though only store it with stacksize 1, then have a different count, matching slot id up with the amount in there
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L908[14:04:07] <zerofall> ya i started down that route, with the stacksize of 1, and another data structure to keep track of the count
L909[14:04:07] <tterrag> you'd need custom itemstack rendering as well
L910[14:04:17] <tterrag> since vanilla itemstacks don't support stack sizes >64
L911[14:04:36] <zerofall> ya thats where I got lost, I couldn't figure out how to render a custom number on a Slot
L912[14:05:02] ⇦ Quits: fishtaco (fishbro@wmcnair-234-161.resnet.mtu.edu) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L913[14:05:23] <tterrag> AE2 is opensource
L914[14:05:25] <tterrag> go read
L915[14:05:27] <Ordinastie> draw them separately
L916[14:05:31] ⇨ Joins: Hackswell (~Sir@108-81-131-21.lightspeed.cntmoh.sbcglobal.net)
L917[14:05:38] <Ordinastie> draw an itemStack without number, and draw a number on top
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L919[14:07:04] <zerofall> ya ive been looking at the AE2 source, but as somebody who is new to Forge dev, I can't really figure out whats going on very well... and i want to learn to do it from the ground up
L920[14:08:04] <zerofall> where would i put the logic to draw ontop of the itemStack? (which subclass)
L921[14:08:14] *** diesieben|away is now known as diesieben07
L922[14:08:28] <sham1> Your GuiContainer
L923[14:08:48] <zerofall> o really?
L924[14:08:54] <zerofall> ya i guess i could do that..
L925[14:09:30] *** prasselpikachu is now known as prassel|off
L926[14:09:45] <zerofall> ok great, I will give that a shot. Thanks all for the tips
L927[14:10:47] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
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L935[14:17:18] <sham1> ...Meh
L936[14:17:29] <sham1> java.lang.IllegalStateException: glGetString(GL_VERSION) returned null - possibly caused by missing current context.
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L946[14:35:58] <heldplayer> !gm resize 1.7.10
L947[14:36:31] <heldplayer> !gf field_153197_d 1.7.10
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L951[14:38:27] <Necr0> Question: are the any good examples for drawing onto the hud?
L952[14:38:48] <killjoy> Gui
L953[14:39:01] <killjoy> GuiScreen.drawTexturedModal
L954[14:39:16] <killjoy> There's also the Tessallator
L955[14:39:32] <Necr0> Okay thanks!
L956[14:41:25] <Ivorius> Necr0: What hud, do you mean the ingame GUI?
L957[14:41:32] <Ivorius> F3 debug menu? Custom Gui screen?
L958[14:42:54] <Necr0> i mean the default ingame gui.
L959[14:43:33] <Necr0> with xp bar, hunger bar, etc
L960[14:44:10] <Ivorius> Then you'll need to subscribe to RenderGameOverlayEvent
L961[14:44:36] <Ivorius> Make sure you're in one exact ElementType, and either Post or Pre
L962[14:44:45] <Ivorius> And then use killjoy's mentioned methods
L963[14:45:15] <Necr0> Okay i'll try that. Thank you both.
L964[14:45:19] <Ivorius> Depending on what you want to draw, drawTexturedModalRect and screen.fontRenderer are most useful
L965[14:46:30] <Necr0> i don't plan on drawing text so drawTexturedModalRect should be all i need right?
L966[14:46:51] <killjoy> Tessellator for more advanced things.
L967[14:46:56] <Ivorius> If you want to draw gui textures only, yes :P
L968[14:46:57] <killjoy> You can use that to draw triangles
L969[14:49:27] ⇨ Joins: Parker8283 (~Parker828@162-226-224-57.lightspeed.lnngmi.sbcglobal.net)
L970[14:49:39] <Necr0> i think i don't need that yet but i'll look into it
L971[14:50:12] <Parker8283> Hey fry, apparently Azanor is having problems with the B3D stuff
L972[14:50:24] <Parker8283> Let me grab the IRC log real quick and give it to you
L973[14:50:48] <Necr0> so minecraft.ingameGUI.drawTexturedModalRect should be fine right? minecraft being the clients minecraft instance.
L974[14:51:05] * fry contacted him already, Parker8283, thanks :P
L975[14:51:14] <Parker8283> ah cool
L976[14:52:03] <killjoy> I would create a draw method that takes Gui as a parameter
L977[14:52:11] *** Katielyn is now known as Katielyn|away
L978[14:52:19] <Brycey92> hey, is there a way in java to check how much memory is allocated?
L979[14:52:27] <killjoy> Something in System
L980[14:52:32] <Brycey92> ok
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L983[14:53:00] <Brycey92> additionally, is there a way to stop forge and MC from loading and display a message to the user?
L984[14:53:12] <Brycey92> like "allocate 2gb, numbnuts"
L985[14:53:23] <Brycey92> or something more classy, as the case may be
L986[14:53:36] <killjoy> There's probably some exception to throw
L987[14:54:42] ⇨ Joins: cad435 (~quassel@2a02:6d40:100:51f:ecaf:b315:8853:36fa)
L988[14:56:00] <killjoy> CustomModLoadingErrorDisplayException
L989[14:56:05] <killjoy> But it's abstract
L990[14:56:19] <killjoy> Extend that
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L993[15:01:31] <Brycey92> got it
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L996[15:03:25] <Genuine> What have I done...
L997[15:03:30] *** Caitlyn is now known as OpenComputers
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L999[15:03:42] <Zaggy1024> It would sure be nice if ShapedOreRecipe.width/height weren't private :|
L1000[15:03:43] <Genuine> tran.setValue(Arrays.asList(main.getStringList("translations", "captions/" + tran.getKey(), tran.getValue().toArray(new String[0]), "")));
L1001[15:03:53] <Genuine> I don't even.
L1002[15:04:00] *** big_Xplo|Off is now known as big_Xplosion
L1003[15:04:07] <Zaggy1024> As it is, there's no way to get those values other than reflection/AT
L1004[15:04:22] <Zaggy1024> (btw, do ATs work on Forge classes)
L1005[15:04:25] <Zaggy1024> (?)
L1006[15:04:47] <killjoy> I doubt lex would approve
L1007[15:05:52] <Ivorius> They do
L1008[15:05:56] <fry> Genuine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyJNEZPm-pQ
L1009[15:06:02] <Ivorius> You can also PR them to be accessible
L1010[15:06:13] <Ivorius> getter or public final
L1011[15:06:17] <Genuine> lol
L1012[15:06:19] <Genuine> Nice.
L1013[15:06:32] <Genuine> I would have gone with the "Noooooo...."
L1014[15:07:00] <fry> Well, you did say "What have I done" :P
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L1017[15:08:24] <Ivorius> fry::lookup is slowly converting from PDFs to video references
L1018[15:09:15] <fry> lies, I always link obscurely-hilarious videos :P
L1019[15:09:49] <Lex_> !gm func_178040_a
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L1021[15:10:29] <Ivorius> What may Lex be hiding
L1022[15:10:30] <Ivorius> !gm func_178040_a
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L1053[15:59:01] <cmb_> I temporarily lost connection so I hope I'm not asking this again, but it appears IntelliJ doesn't take the resources folder into account when running my mod stub. Neither language files, texture pngs, block and item jsons or the mcmod.info gets loaded in, spawning java.io.FileNotFoundExceptions. I triple checked and everything should be in the right position. Suggestions?
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L1055[15:59:36] <Ivorius> cmb_: Did you gradle setupDecompWorkspace; gradle idea; and then simply double clicked the IPR?
L1056[15:59:46] <Ivorius> Because if you did, everything should be in order without any additional setup
L1057[16:00:38] <cmb_> Ivorius: I did gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies then gradlew genIntellijRuns
L1058[16:00:48] <Ivorius> Do gradlew idea instead
L1059[16:00:54] <Ivorius> And double click the IPR
L1060[16:01:05] <fry> what about the magic line "sourceSets { main { output.resourcesDir = output.classesDir } }"? :P
L1061[16:01:21] <cmb_> fry: does it look like I have a clue? :P
L1062[16:01:24] <Ivorius> Oh yeah, needed if you're on IDEA 14 ^
L1063[16:01:27] <Ivorius> Are you on 13 or 14?
L1064[16:01:31] <cmb_> where would that line even go?
L1065[16:01:34] <cmb_> 14.0.3
L1066[16:01:36] <fry> build.gradle
L1067[16:01:36] <Ivorius> Ah
L1068[16:02:03] <cmb_> where is that IPR that needs to be double clicked?
L1069[16:02:53] <Ivorius> In the base folder
L1070[16:03:02] <Ivorius> If you did gradle idea
L1071[16:03:17] <Unh0ly_Tigg> So, who is working on the OBJ model loader?
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L1073[16:03:48] <fry> shadekiller666 should be
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L1075[16:04:02] <fry> but he wasn't in here for some time :P
L1076[16:04:08] <cmb_> as in using obj models in minecraft?!
L1077[16:04:31] <fry> Yup
L1078[16:04:51] <cmb_> you guys are nuts! obj supports *circular* objects!
L1079[16:05:11] <cmb_> well... non-blocks
L1080[16:05:26] ⇦ Parts: Xexanos (~lhilgenst@ip-78-94-101-188.hsi02.unitymediagroup.de) (Konversation terminated!))
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L1083[16:06:20] <fry> http://i.imgur.com/AXCnLOE.png :P
L1084[16:06:26] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I think it would be cool if there was an obj loader limited to quads, to be used by the ISmartModel stuff, and another loader that wasn't limited to either 3 or 4 point faces for TESR based renderers
L1085[16:06:57] <cmb_> fry: YOU DID WHAT
L1086[16:07:13] <Ordinastie> fry, alway the same screen, booouhhh!
L1087[16:07:16] <fry> Unh0ly_Tigg: you can use B3D loader already btw :P
L1088[16:07:40] <tterrag> dear god fry
L1089[16:07:43] <tterrag> you monster
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L1091[16:07:54] <Unh0ly_Tigg> fry, I mean specifically for .obj files, I don't really want to have to convert files between formats...
L1092[16:08:03] <Unh0ly_Tigg> and guys...
L1093[16:08:21] <Unh0ly_Tigg> extrautils' "Impossible Object" ?
L1094[16:08:29] *** Riking is now known as Riking|away
L1095[16:08:36] <cmb_> hmmm no base folder, just going to reinstall forge
L1096[16:08:54] <Unh0ly_Tigg> which, is not only spherical, but a multipart...
L1097[16:09:05] <Unh0ly_Tigg> iirc
L1098[16:09:12] <tterrag> it's not nearly as detailed as fry's pic
L1099[16:09:28] <Unh0ly_Tigg> well, fry's takes up more than 1 block
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L1106[16:13:19] <Ivorius> cmb_: Not 'base' fodler
L1107[16:13:21] <Ivorius> *folder
L1108[16:13:26] <Ivorius> Just the project's folder, you know
L1109[16:13:38] <Ivorius> Where /eclipse and build.gradle and all that is...
L1110[16:13:58] <cmb_> oh, well too late :P
L1111[16:14:06] <cmb_> they're all gone!
L1112[16:15:23] <ollieread> What are blockevents?
L1113[16:15:27] <ollieread> as in onBlockEvent?
L1114[16:16:01] <cmb_> the line sourceSets { main { output.resourcesDir = output.classesDir } }... where in build.gradle should that be?
L1115[16:16:53] <cmb_> just at the end?
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L1117[16:20:19] <killjoy> Just added intellij support to kappa
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L1127[16:31:13] <nekosune> anyone know how to set up gradle to login using username and password in runClient?
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L1131[16:35:13] <pixlepix> Anyone on 1.8 who can do me a huge favor and check how the slime block works code-wise?
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L1136[16:42:43] <cad435_> nekosune: if you want to log in with your Minecraft-acc in your IDE; fill ProgrammArguments with "--username=your@email --password=youre_pwd"
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L1138[16:45:20] <nekosune> cad435_: dosnt work with gradle, which is what have to use here
L1139[16:45:31] <nekosune> pixlepix: hello ... I keep trying to catch you by pm
L1140[16:45:39] <pixlepix> Hiya
L1141[16:45:47] <cmb_> No PM's Without invitation
L1142[16:45:59] <cad435_> ok, than sry, but idk... i'm not familiar with gradle...
L1143[16:47:32] <pixlepix> What do you need neko?
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L1146[16:47:53] <Six-One-Three> Anyone know how to register custom villager trades in minecraft 1.8?
L1147[16:49:04] <pixlepix> Must not have been getting pms
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L1149[16:54:22] <nekosune> cmb_: thats if you are pming from this chanel about somethign, not if tryign to contact your up until last week,co-mod :p
L1150[16:55:09] <nekosune> pixlepix: basically mostly about getting stuff like the forum thread switched over
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L1152[16:55:25] <pixlepix> How would I switch over the thread?
L1153[16:58:08] <nekosune> we would have to speak to the MCF admin
L1154[16:58:12] <nekosune> like Vazkii did
L1155[16:58:28] <nekosune> also on a more private note, pming, hope works this time >><
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L1161[17:03:06] <Vazkii> I had a moderator move it over
L1162[17:03:41] <nekosune> Any paticular one? or just find a random one and message?
L1163[17:04:12] <pixlepix> Send a pm to the sectional mod
L1164[17:04:16] <pixlepix> *I sent*
L1165[17:04:20] <Vazkii> I had TheWhiteWolves do it
L1166[17:04:24] <Vazkii> He's on the wizard cartel chat
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L1168[17:04:47] <nekosune> Danke
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L1173[17:07:52] <pixlepix> Entity.posY is really eye position?
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L1179[17:10:15] <Ivorius> pixlepix: No, entity.posY + getEyeHeight
L1180[17:10:52] <pixlepix> So it’s the center of the entity?
L1181[17:11:10] <Ivorius> No, notice how EntityPlayer overwrites it
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L1183[17:15:00] <pixlepix> Overwrites eyeHeight?
L1184[17:15:16] <pixlepix> Basically, what I’m asking is how to get the feet position of an entity
L1185[17:16:29] <Ivorius> Feet position is posY
L1186[17:16:42] <Ivorius> Or boundingBox.minY
L1187[17:17:14] <killjoy> Ok, issue. IntelliJ resets settings if the xml file is incomplete
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L1190[17:18:34] *** Geforce|Away is now known as Geforce
L1191[17:19:02] <killjoy> Nevermind. The file is just faulty
L1192[17:22:12] *** SamRaven2|Away is now known as SamRaven2
L1193[17:24:25] <pixlepix> How far will an entity with a velocity of ‘1’ move in a single tick?
L1194[17:24:31] <pixlepix> Doesn’t appear to be either 1 or 1/20
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L1196[17:25:16] <Ivorius> Would be 1 each tick, yes
L1197[17:25:27] <Ivorius> But it quickly decreases normally
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L1225[18:02:32] <Jeaves> Hello.
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L1230[18:05:36] <mrkirby153> Can someone explain to me what exactly is in the Minecraft Data watcher? (LIke what each index is)
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L1233[18:06:42] <tterrag> mrkirby153: nothing specific
L1234[18:06:47] <tterrag> each entity uses it differently
L1235[18:06:56] <mrkirby153> For the player?
L1236[18:07:03] <mrkirby153> I'm just curious
L1237[18:07:06] <mrkirby153> tterrag, ^
L1238[18:07:11] <tterrag> read the code
L1239[18:07:12] <tterrag> I have no idea
L1240[18:07:28] <mrkirby153> Where would that be? The player class?
L1241[18:07:36] <tterrag> EntityPlayer I assume
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L1243[18:09:27] <mrkirby153> Also, why are no parameters deobfuscated?
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L1245[18:13:17] <mrkirby153> Interesting. I can still use like Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld right? I thought that was bad or something
L1246[18:13:21] <cmb_> maybe somebody with a clue could take the time to update this page: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Installation/Source
L1247[18:13:46] <cmb_> that would be epic and much appreciated by us newbz
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L1250[18:14:21] <mrkirby153> cmb_, What is there that's outdated about it?
L1251[18:14:47] <cmb_> I did all the steps but the resources folder does not get included in idea
L1252[18:15:07] <mrkirby153> cmb_, Okay. Lets see about that
L1253[18:15:10] <mrkirby153> I'll go follow them now
L1254[18:15:28] <cmb_> people here told me to include the line sourceSets { main { output.resourcesDir = output.classesDir } } in build.gradle
L1255[18:15:51] ⇨ Joins: SoundLogic (~SoundLogi@172-8-201-53.lightspeed.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net)
L1256[18:15:52] <cmb_> and do gradlew idea instead
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L1258[18:17:10] <mrkirby153> cmb_, Are you using 1.8 and what resource folder? the MC folder/
L1259[18:17:55] <cmb_> Yes, I'm using 1.8 and Idea 14
L1260[18:18:21] <mrkirby153> Why do you need the resource folder?
L1261[18:18:25] <cmb_> none of the files in src\main\resources are recognised
L1262[18:18:34] <mrkirby153> oh i see
L1263[18:18:39] <cmb_> like they somehow aren't included in the build path
L1264[18:19:08] <cmb_> which is probably trivial to solve if you have a clue but I don't even know what a build path is, I'm just paraphrasing!
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L1266[18:19:37] <minecreatr> does anyone know a good example of how to add a custom enchant?
L1267[18:19:53] <mrkirby153> cmb_, I
L1268[18:19:54] <mrkirby153> '
L1269[18:20:01] <mrkirby153> I've never had an issue
L1270[18:20:15] <mrkirby153> Maybe the build script broke. Who knows?
L1271[18:21:35] <mrkirby153> also cmb_ What are you running to generate your dev workspace?
L1272[18:21:47] *** Player|off is now known as Player
L1273[18:21:50] <cmb_> you mean the command?
L1274[18:21:54] <mrkirby153> yea
L1275[18:22:00] <mrkirby153> like what you type in the command line
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L1278[18:22:22] <cmb_> gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies then open the project in IDEA then gradlew genIntellijRuns
L1279[18:22:37] <cmb_> just literally from the tutorial on the wiki
L1280[18:23:08] <mrkirby153> Huh. I've always done gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies and then ran gradlew idea then double clicked the .ipr file
L1281[18:23:12] <mrkirby153> Give that a shot
L1282[18:23:44] <minecreatr> hmm, does anyone know what the ResourceLocation in the Enchantment constructor in 1.8 is for?
L1283[18:23:57] <cmb_> ok! thanks, I'm currently trying gradlew setupDevWorkspace idea then double clicking the .ipr
L1284[18:25:22] <minecreatr> anyone?
L1285[18:26:26] <minecreatr> !gm func_180305_b
L1286[18:27:58] <minecreatr> !gc Enchantment
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L1289[18:29:28] <minecreatr> !gf p_i45771_2_
L1290[18:29:55] <minecreatr> how do I use mcpbot reborn to find info on a class constructor?
L1291[18:30:08] <minecreatr> !gm Enchantment
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L1293[18:31:04] <tterrag> minecreatr: it's used for the name of the enchantment
L1294[18:31:08] <tterrag> it's basically pointless
L1295[18:31:11] <minecreatr> oh
L1296[18:31:13] <tterrag> I think mojang was high when they wrote it
L1297[18:31:16] <minecreatr> wait, why isn't it a string?
L1298[18:31:18] <minecreatr> xD
L1299[18:31:31] <tterrag> why? no reason
L1300[18:31:35] <minecreatr> thats funny
L1301[18:31:42] <tterrag> when it's used it is just converted to a string
L1302[18:31:55] <minecreatr> why..... would they do that
L1303[18:31:58] <Lymia> My professor thinks integer overflows and buffer overflows are the same thing. Kill me now. :(
L1304[18:32:32] <minecreatr> darn you mojang!
L1305[18:32:52] <minecreatr> Its not that big a deal, but its the little things that are the most annoying
L1306[18:33:00] <cmb_> well I'l be damned, gradlew setupDevWorkspace idea worked!
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L1308[18:34:53] <chbachman> I am pretty sure that mojang was high when they wrote most of Minecraft.
L1309[18:35:05] <Prophet> notch is probably a mod in /r/trees
L1310[18:35:09] <cmb_> Hehe, when trying to figure out why my files weren't loading, I discovered Minecraft concatenates two strings with an # in between then split them up again by looking for a # symbol
L1311[18:35:36] <cmb_> (when creating the file name for loading stuff)
L1312[18:37:02] <killjoy> Prophet, what about /r/marajuanaenthusiasts?
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L1314[18:37:27] <Prophet> killjoy you never know lol
L1315[18:37:32] <minecreatr> wait a minute
L1316[18:37:39] <minecreatr> if the ResourceLocation is the enchant name
L1317[18:37:49] <minecreatr> then what is the protected String name field?
L1318[18:38:11] <chbachman> Just ignore it. Half of MC's code is generally useless. :P
L1319[18:38:52] <killjoy> http://www.reddit.com/r/marijuanaenthusiasts
L1320[18:40:39] <Prophet> i cannot partake in the recreation of trees
L1321[18:40:47] <Prophet> it messes with my bipolar disorder
L1322[18:41:04] <ollieread> Yeah it'll do that
L1323[18:41:16] <Prophet> i got 5150'd last time
L1324[18:41:24] <ollieread> As well as slowly but surely, take up your entire free time
L1325[18:41:33] <ollieread> No idea 5150 means
L1326[18:41:35] <Prophet> psych ward isn't that bad though. i got to eat wheneve3r i wanted
L1327[18:41:40] <Prophet> and the meds were nice
L1328[18:41:50] <Prophet> 5150 is a 72 hour psych hold
L1329[18:42:15] <ollieread> Ohj
L1330[18:43:43] <ollieread> Don't know what it would be called in the UK
L1331[18:44:06] <minecreatr> !gm getMinEnchantability
L1332[18:44:14] <ollieread> I'm not a fan of it anyway
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L1338[18:54:51] <cmb_> !about
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L1341[19:05:37] <MinecraftForgeBot> Project Forge build #1306:SUCCESS in 3 min 0 sec: http://ci.jenkins.minecraftforge.net/job/minecraftforge/1306/
L1342[19:05:38] <MinecraftForgeBot> LexManos: Fixed potential NPEs in Structure code caused by componenets not being able to load. Closes #1686
L1343[19:08:12] <MinecraftForgeBot> Project Forge build #1307:SUCCESS in 2 min 28 sec: http://ci.jenkins.minecraftforge.net/job/minecraftforge/1307/
L1344[19:08:12] <MinecraftForgeBot> LexManos: Fixed potential NPEs in Structure code caused by componenets not being able to load.
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L1348[19:29:01] <Zaggy1024> huh.
L1349[19:29:16] <Zaggy1024> does ShapedOreRecipe(ItemStack result, Object... recipe) not take null as a valid slot for the recipe?
L1350[19:29:35] <chbachman> Why are you passing in a null?
L1351[19:29:39] <Zaggy1024> How are empty slots achieved for the ShapedOreRecipe using that constructor?
L1352[19:29:41] <chbachman> The recipe is like this:
L1353[19:29:49] <tterrag> Zaggy1024: just use an unused character
L1354[19:29:54] <tterrag> most people use ' '
L1355[19:29:56] <tterrag> aka space
L1356[19:30:04] <Zaggy1024> ah
L1357[19:30:11] <tterrag> so " a ", 'a', Blocks.stone
L1358[19:30:11] <chbachman> "sss", "sss", "sss", 's', Items.redstone
L1359[19:30:14] <tterrag> is valid
L1360[19:30:14] <Zaggy1024> heh, I was hoping it would allow me to use a character
L1361[19:30:19] <Zaggy1024> Whatevs, I can deal with that
L1362[19:30:29] <tterrag> it does
L1363[19:30:40] <tterrag> if you just don't define a character it makes it null
L1364[19:30:40] <Zaggy1024> no, I mean use a character and then say the item is null
L1365[19:30:46] <tterrag> ...why would you do that
L1366[19:30:48] <Zaggy1024> Because my code is simpler that way
L1367[19:31:11] <Zaggy1024> I'm replacing items in a recipe to make a duplicate of some vanilla recipes for my mod
L1368[19:31:22] <Zaggy1024> (duplicating recipes involving string and using a fiber item)
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L1370[19:31:47] <mrkirby153> So if I do "new ResourceLocation("mymodid:test"); where in the resource tree is test?
L1371[19:32:04] <killjoy> assets/mymodid/test
L1372[19:32:07] <Lymia> urrgh
L1373[19:32:09] <Zaggy1024> depends on what type of resource it is
L1374[19:32:18] <Lymia> Do people actually use the silly varargs recipe function?
L1375[19:32:25] <Zaggy1024> Well, what the code assumes the resource to be
L1376[19:32:47] <Zaggy1024> yes, they do
L1377[19:32:49] <Zaggy1024> Why wouldn't they?
L1378[19:33:01] <mrkirby153> killjoy, thanks. What if I wanted to access a resource in assets/mymodid/test/test?
L1379[19:33:11] <Lymia> It's quite ugly.
L1380[19:33:12] <Zaggy1024> mymodid:test/test
L1381[19:33:16] <Lymia> But that's my preference mostly
L1382[19:33:21] <killjoy> new ResourceLocation("mymodid", "test/test")
L1383[19:34:30] <mrkirby153> thank you again
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L1393[19:49:40] <Zaggy1024> heh
L1394[19:49:55] <Zaggy1024> Someone didn't really test the ShapedOreRecipe constructors
L1395[19:50:20] <Zaggy1024> One will convert OreDictionary items into an ArrayList of ItemStack
L1396[19:50:29] <Zaggy1024> But then the one I need to use won't take that ArrayList as an argument
L1397[19:51:01] <Zaggy1024> Er, not an ArrayList, just a List
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L1399[19:53:35] <Zaggy1024> although I suppose they don't want any old List, but a list of items in a registered ore
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L1415[20:24:47] <Zaggy1024> Would be nice to have a ShapedOreRecipe.copy() method
L1416[20:25:11] <Zaggy1024> Since without one it requires reflection and crappy hacks to do so
L1417[20:26:14] <PrinceCat> You can save the recipe to a variable, can't you?
L1418[20:26:31] <PrinceCat> Why not just use that?
L1419[20:26:32] <tterrag> that doesn't copy it
L1420[20:26:37] <tterrag> deep copy != pointer copy
L1421[20:26:52] <PrinceCat> I don't see why you'd need to copy a recipe though?
L1422[20:27:04] <tterrag> so that you can edit it? and not affect the original?
L1423[20:27:13] <Giraffestock> @ordin, if you're here, I figured out my issue
L1424[20:27:15] <tterrag> same reason you'd copy an itemstack of an NBT tag
L1425[20:27:16] <Giraffestock> memory leak :D
L1426[20:27:17] <PrinceCat> That's very true, continue on..
L1427[20:27:30] *** sk89q|away is now known as sk89q
L1428[20:27:32] <Giraffestock> didnt know shift+f3 would be helpful
L1429[20:28:07] <Zaggy1024> Exactly
L1430[20:28:39] <Zaggy1024> It'd be nice to have a way to copy a ShapedOreRecipe so it's easier to make a mod item act as a substitute for a vanilla one
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L1432[20:29:20] <Zaggy1024> ...there isn't a way to register string and a mod equivalent to string as an OreDictionary entry, is there?
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L1434[20:30:10] <Ordinastie> Giraffestock, "@ordin" pings nothing
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L1438[20:37:39] <Giraffestock> really? does for me
L1439[20:37:40] <Giraffestock> weird
L1440[20:37:48] <Giraffestock> mightve set that a while back
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L1442[20:40:42] <Zaggy1024> Is there a way to use OreDictionary to make a substitute crafting item to string?
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L1445[20:41:17] <Ordinastie> I have two things that ping me : Ordinastie (full name) and Malisis
L1446[20:41:33] <Giraffestock> ah, I assumed it was automatic
L1447[20:41:33] <Giraffestock> sorry
L1448[20:41:40] <Giraffestock> (if you can't tell, I don't use IRC :D)
L1449[20:42:00] <CheeseL0ver> I am new at this too. :D
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L1451[20:43:41] <Giraffestock> does forge support java 8 yet?
L1452[20:43:54] <Giraffestock> 1.7.10 Forge*
L1453[20:45:22] <killjoy> Use java 6
L1454[20:45:39] <killjoy> Forge will support it when Mojang requires it.
L1455[20:45:51] <killjoy> jvm yes, jdk no
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L1458[20:50:29] <Zaggy1024> sigh
L1459[20:50:41] <Zaggy1024> I guess there's no easy way to make a substitute for string
L1460[20:50:49] <Zaggy1024> Luckily, I've already done the hard way :P
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L1473[21:22:57] <Katielyn> So im attempting to update a mod from 1.6.4 what are the alternatives to the following classes/methods IScheduledTickHandler TickType
L1474[21:25:36] <Katielyn> !gm TickRegistry
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L1486[21:46:45] <tterrag> Katielyn: TickEvent subclasses
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L1501[22:15:52] <Corosus> !gm func_180482_a
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L1522[22:55:43] <McJty> Hi, is there an event that gets fired when a single player game exits?
L1523[22:55:57] <McJty> WorldEvent.Unload will not do because that's also called when changing dimensions.
L1524[22:56:10] <McJty> FMLNetworkEvent.ClientDisconnectionFromServerEvent will not do because that's only when disconnecting from a server.
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L1527[23:02:32] <Unh0ly_Tigg> McJty, check when client-side when a player enters a world, if they are in single player, and then if the gui gets set to an instance of GuiMainMenu, they left single player
L1528[23:03:37] <McJty> Hmm
L1529[23:03:52] <Unh0ly_Tigg> that's at least 1 way of doing it
L1530[23:03:52] <McJty> That sounds complicated for something simple like this. Where can I actually do that check?
L1531[23:04:02] <McJty> I mean at what point can I check for that instanceof?
L1532[23:05:37] <Unh0ly_Tigg> there's an event fired when the current screen changes (when Minecraft.currentScreen changes)
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L1534[23:06:20] <McJty> GuiOpenEvent
L1535[23:06:46] <Unh0ly_Tigg> yeah, just check the instanceof with the new gui object
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L1537[23:07:23] <McJty> Ok that will do although that's a rather weird way to solve this :-)
L1538[23:07:47] <Unh0ly_Tigg> it was the first thing I could think of, there might be an event, not sure
L1539[23:08:10] <McJty> I haven't found any
L1540[23:08:28] <tterrag> that's not really reliable I don't think
L1541[23:08:33] <tterrag> isn't there a clientside logged out event?
L1542[23:09:08] <McJty> Well there is this: FMLNetworkEvent.ClientDisconnectionFromServerEvent
L1543[23:09:15] <McJty> That helps for disconnecting from a server
L1544[23:09:20] <tterrag> does PlayerLoggedOutEvent not fire?
L1545[23:09:24] <McJty> But that isn't called for single player I think
L1546[23:09:25] <McJty> Hmm
L1547[23:09:40] <McJty> Let me see that
L1548[23:10:12] <McJty> Isn't that only on the server though? But I'll test it.
L1549[23:11:49] <tterrag> maybe so but it should fire even for integrated servers
L1550[23:12:19] <McJty> It does!
L1551[23:12:25] <McJty> Ok, so that's a good solution then
L1552[23:12:27] <McJty> Thanks
L1553[23:12:33] <keybounce_> Does it catch LAN play?
L1554[23:12:54] <tterrag> why wouldn't it?
L1555[23:13:12] <McJty> Ah no I looked wrong. But I did notice that onDisconnectedFromServerEvent *is* actually called.
L1556[23:13:20] <keybounce_> My concern is more of, does it catch someone disconnecting from LAN, while the LAN is still open
L1557[23:13:23] <McJty> But PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedOutEvent isn't
L1558[23:14:51] <McJty> Dimension 0 (overworld) is NEVER unloaded on a server right? Unless the server stops
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L1561[23:42:08] <Lex_> !gf networkManager
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L1563[23:44:25] <Lex_> !gf verifyTokenEncrypted
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