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Stuff goes here
L1[00:09:16] ⇦ Quits: darkie (~darsie@84-113-55-200.cable.dynamic.surfer.at) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L2[00:52:39] <SporkWitch> 3x mk1 liquid fuel fuselages, 2x nervs, 1x R120 RCS tank, an adv reaction wheel, and some of the 2-strength unidirectional RCS ports for lateral control only (plus a grabbing unit): it can successfully maneuver my fuel module of 6x x200-32 tanks, 12x R750 RCS tanks, plus a bunch of structural fusealages, docking ports, and reaction wheels (i suspect those are a big part of the help, but i forgot a
L3[00:52:52] <SporkWitch> solar panel or RTG and I still have 363 charge left and it's almost in position lol)
L4[00:54:38] <bees> SporkWitch: You switch your speedometer to scientific notation again. Your kerbals are mashed into something amazingly like mystery goo.
L5[00:54:56] <SporkWitch> the bees got to his brain again lol
L6[00:55:25] <SporkWitch> watched some of the videos on KSP2 and i lost it when that chick said kerbals are like warhammer 40k orks. She's absolutely right: this stuff runs on pure belief! lol
L7[01:09:32] <raptop> Pacifist orks!
L8[01:34:58] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:987a:154d:1939:b778) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L9[01:35:35] <SporkWitch> is there a good way to just automatically have docked vessels draw fuel once they dock? or do you just have to manually select a tank and transfer?
L10[01:45:22] <Azander> Not that I know of
L11[01:51:06] ⇨ Joins: Wastl4 (~Wastl2@dynamic-078-054-138-133.78.54.pool.telefonica.de)
L12[01:51:33] * raptop makes handwavey gestures at kOS, but it might not be able to do that
L13[01:53:17] ⇦ Quits: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@dynamic-077-011-243-036.77.11.pool.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L14[01:55:26] <SporkWitch> The little tug that could: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812736295814168623/932452951073648650/unknown.png
L15[01:56:38] <SporkWitch> added an RTG just to be safe in case i'm not paying enough attention to the power, but it worked quite nicely even maneuvering that massive fuel module (with full tanks)
L16[01:57:39] <SporkWitch> can probably use it for asteroids, too, it's got 4km/s dV without payload, plenty to rendesvous, though dunno what the mass is on the average asteroid
L17[03:06:12] <SporkWitch> important semantic question that's driving me nuts because I can't find any answer, let alone a good one: what's the difference between injection and transfer? what little I find seem to use them interchangeably
L18[03:07:08] <raptop> I guess you could use injection for entering something that isn't a transfer orbit
L19[03:07:49] <SporkWitch> problem is i find NASA sources referring to trans-lunar injection! lol
L20[03:09:13] ⇨ Joins: Tank2333 (~Tank2333@p5ddaac58.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L39[11:33:10] ⇦ Quits: SporkWitch (~SporkWitc@cpe-98-10-53-227.rochester.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L42[11:37:59] <darkie> .
L43[11:40:09] ⇨ Joins: sandbox (~sandbox@host-92-14-216-240.as13285.net)
L44[11:46:23] <darkie> .mission
L45[11:46:24] <LunchBot> darkie: Your finger slips, and you type ";fission" instead of ";mission." Your reputation underflows, and suddenly the really nice contracts are available again.
L46[11:46:59] <darkie> .mission
L47[11:46:59] <LunchBot> darkie: You pull out your slide-rule to calculate the delta-v of the Resonance Cascade as a single-stage-to-Xen. You successfully test rocket the fire.
L48[11:47:33] <darkie> .mission
L49[11:47:33] <LunchBot> darkie: You make a Goat Simulator addon for KSP. You find Kashyyyk was in the Kerbal system the whole time.
L50[11:47:41] <darkie> .mission
L51[11:47:41] <LunchBot> darkie: Lacking better power options, you cover your rocket in Z-400 batteries. The IRC channel doesn't stop talking about the ensuing hilarity for *days*.
L52[11:47:57] <darkie> .mission
L53[11:47:58] <LunchBot> darkie: You attempt to create a mod to add Lagrange points to the game. ...........Waiting for Power Processing.
L54[11:48:04] <Althego> heh as if there would be any conversation here for days
L55[11:57:13] <FLHerne> Could be true
L56[11:57:25] <FLHerne> One reply every few hours
L57[11:57:35] <bees> darkie: You invent a drive that runs on broken promises and shattered dreams. There is a long silence.
L58[11:57:55] <bees> darkie: You confuse yaw with yawn. You discover too late that those "aerospikes" were actually shock cone intakes all this time, and crash hard into Eve.
L59[11:58:24] <bees> darkie: You build a ship for the stated purpose of outrunning its own mass. Hawking radiation. Hawking radiation everywhere.
L60[11:59:31] <bees> darkie: You re-roof the SPH in solar cells. Your launch is scrubbed because someone put a boat in the way.
L61[11:59:55] <darkie> k
L62[12:00:54] <Mat2ch> well, my vacation is over, I have to work
L63[12:00:58] <bees> darkie: You build a shrine on Bop to the mighty Kraken. You are now sending a rescue mission for your previous three rescue missions.
L64[12:01:01] <Mat2ch> well, copy git repositories.
L65[12:10:23] ⇦ Quits: XXCoder (~XXCoder@174-21-113-104.tukw.qwest.net) (Quit: If you say plz because it is shorter than please, I will say no because it is shorter than yes.)
L66[13:45:03] ⇦ Quits: _whitelogger (~whitelogg@uruz.whitequark.org) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L71[15:11:48] <SporkWitch> Mat2ch: *pushes glasses up on nose* aktually, it's called cloning.
L72[15:18:44] <Mat2ch> in this case it was more like "Clicking on Create Repository, setting a new url in the git config of the repositories and pushing them"
L73[15:21:48] <SporkWitch> that's just cloning, with extra steps! :P
L74[15:24:21] <Mat2ch> weeeeeellllll
L75[15:24:24] <Mat2ch> it was a copy
L76[15:28:47] <SporkWitch> i was going for the rick&morty reference :P
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L80[16:06:58] <Deddly> .nextlunch
L81[16:06:58] <LunchBot> Deddly: Beans on toast.
L82[16:08:15] <UmbralRaptop> technically that's a lunch
L83[16:08:31] <Althego> why just technically?
L84[16:08:36] <Deddly> Beans on toast rocks
L85[16:08:47] <Althego> never tried it but sounds good to me
L86[16:09:42] <Deddly> It's a basic, throw-together meal that takes less time to make than to eat. What's not to love about that?
L87[16:10:01] <SporkWitch> like, baked beans?
L88[16:31:07] ⇨ Joins: Ezriilc (~Ezriilc@
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L93[17:08:50] ⇦ Quits: Deddly (~MrNiceGuy@31-208-200-229.cust.bredband2.com) (Quit: Uh oh...)
L94[17:14:13] <FLHerne> Yes
L95[17:29:39] <SporkWitch> does sound tasty
L96[17:30:09] <SporkWitch> simple scrambled eggs on toast is also excellent, especially if you leave them a little wet to soften up the toast
L97[17:33:31] ⇨ Joins: jazzkutya (~jazzkutya@catv-80-98-152-150.catv.broadband.hu)
L98[17:34:18] <FLHerne> but then you can't just pick up the toast and put it in your mouth with the eggs on, because it sogs
L99[17:34:35] <FLHerne> .nextlunch add scrambled eggs on toast
L100[17:34:35] <LunchBot> FLHerne: Added lunch: Scrambled eggs on toast
L101[17:35:10] <Althego> next launch is in about 6 hours 50 minutes
L102[17:47:30] ⇨ Joins: Tank2333 (~Tank2333@p5ddaac58.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L104[18:48:35] <raptop> !nextmission
L105[18:49:00] <raptop> !mission
L106[18:49:00] <LunchBot> raptop: You are tasked with obtaining a surface sample from Jool. Bob shows you how well he can play Wonderwall on guitar.
L107[18:49:18] <raptop> Right, Bob's going to take that sample then
L108[18:49:18] ⇦ Parts: kremlin (~kremlin@uglyman.kremlin.cc) (WeeChat 3.3))
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L112[20:31:01] ⇦ Quits: Althego (~Althego@86FF5EEC.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
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L114[20:32:58] ⇨ Joins: Daz (~DazSeemsI@host-95-192-118-157.mobileonline.telia.com)
L115[21:48:06] <Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h42dTuim3Xw
L116[21:48:12] <Mat2ch> Well, someone burnt something wrong here.
L117[22:04:16] <packbart> !nela
L118[22:04:16] <Kerbot> packbart => Falcon 9 - Starlink-35 (4-6) - Wed Jan 19, 2022 00:04:00 UTC (L-1 days, 02:00:19) - https://rocketlaunch.live/launch/starlink-35 for info/stream
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L120[22:56:06] ⇦ Quits: McKaby (~Forgon@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L121[22:56:29] <SporkWitch> Mat2ch: was today supposed to be a launch or just an engine test?
L122[23:17:39] ⇦ Quits: Cranium (~Cranium@72-46-56-152.lnk.ne.static.allophone.net) (Quit: Oh no, my bouncer died!)
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L126[23:55:19] ⇦ Quits: darkie (~darsie@84-113-55-200.cable.dynamic.surfer.at) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L127[23:58:40] <SporkWitch> does having an extra pair of radial separators help push things away, or since the outer stage is only really "attached" to the first separator, only that one has its force applied?
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