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L18[05:01:21] <Flayer> i am dizzy
L19[05:01:44] <Mat2ch> Turn on your personal SAS
L20[05:01:46] <Mat2ch> :D
L21[05:10:32] <Flayer> I wish I could just open a stats screen to see why I'm so tired
L22[05:10:55] <Mat2ch> Let's see. Did you sleep well last night?
L23[05:11:08] <Flayer> I can't remember
L24[05:11:30] <Mat2ch> When did you have your last holiday and slept in for a week?
L25[05:11:40] <Mat2ch> holiday/vacation
L26[05:12:08] <Flayer> uhhh... i've been unemployed since july last year and spent it in the US converting a school bus into a home for a homeless woman
L27[05:12:22] <Flayer> got back to europe in november
L28[05:13:02] <Flayer> just been sitting around since then, starting a new job on the 20th
L29[05:13:08] <Mat2ch> Hm. Being unemployed can be harsh and affect your sleeping.
L30[05:13:50] <Mat2ch> Are you listening to your chronobiological system or just setting your alarm to some value that sounds reasonable?
L31[05:13:58] <darsie> KSP can affect your sleeping.
L32[05:14:12] <Mat2ch> very much, indeed :D
L33[05:14:46] <Mat2ch> My sleeping cycle is from 23 to 7 or 8. And I go to bed to late currently. That's why I'm tired.
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L35[05:15:35] <Mat2ch> And it was cold last night, all my muscles are ache
L36[05:15:40] <Mat2ch> -are
L37[05:16:12] <Mat2ch> Should've used another blanket
L38[05:16:27] <Mat2ch> So, I know why I'm tired. Went to bed too late and slept too cold.
L39[05:16:35] <Mat2ch> Now, Flayer, your turn :)
L40[05:16:55] <Flayer> i'm tired because i don't have enough energy
L41[05:18:22] <Mat2ch> That sounds like (maybe the beginning) of a depression. But could be related to the missing sunlight in the winter month as well
L42[05:18:39] <Flayer> i just need to get back to work
L43[05:19:04] <Mat2ch> Well, I could give you some "work" to do.
L44[05:19:15] <Mat2ch> Do a daily walk around midday
L45[05:19:21] <Flayer> plz no
L46[05:19:28] <Mat2ch> if that doesn't help, the problem could be deeper.
L47[05:19:57] <Mat2ch> and then you could design my Jool crafts. ;)
L48[05:20:14] <Flayer> i don't think you want me designing anything right now lol
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L50[05:20:54] <Mat2ch> Why not?
L51[05:20:59] <Mat2ch> You have to test it as well. :D
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L53[05:26:06] <packbart> I'm on the wrong planet. a 30h day would match my rhythm much better
L54[05:26:14] <Flayer> yes
L55[05:26:16] <Flayer> i've said that
L56[05:26:20] <Flayer> lets move to mars
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L58[05:51:01] <Althego> mars is one of the worst choice there, you only gain like 35 finutes or something each day
L59[05:51:13] <Althego> maybe move to venus?
L60[05:51:21] <Flayer> climate's too harsh
L61[05:51:29] <Althego> cant have everything
L62[05:51:30] <XXCoder> metal melts there
L63[05:51:42] <TheKosmonaut> Metal melts on earth too
L64[05:51:48] <XXCoder> unaided. lol
L65[05:51:49] <Althego> actually venus has the only earthlike environment in the solarsystem, aside from earth
L66[05:51:54] * TheKosmonaut is satisfied with being technically correct
L67[05:52:01] <Althego> you just need to float at some altitude
L68[05:52:24] <Flayer> i tried making a floaty thing on eve
L69[05:52:26] <TheKosmonaut> If the first commander of the floating habitat on Venus is not Cmdr Calrissian, I will quit
L70[05:52:27] <Flayer> but it didn't work
L71[05:52:34] <Althego> hrhr
L72[05:52:42] <Flayer> everyone died when i went back to the tracking station
L73[05:53:12] <XXCoder> lol kos
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L76[05:58:33] <darsie> Mercury is liquid on Earth.
L77[05:58:58] <darsie> In most places.
L78[05:59:28] <darsie> Gallium melts in many places.
L79[06:03:46] <XXCoder> lead is liquid at venus
L80[06:03:58] <Flayer> i'm not sure i agree with your 'unaided' comment
L81[06:04:13] <Althego> all metals melt in lava :)
L82[06:04:31] <Flayer> the circumstances are always 'aiding' to whatever state the metals take on
L83[06:05:28] <Althego> then unaided becomes meaningless
L84[06:06:23] <Flayer> you need to add a qualifier
L85[06:06:29] <Flayer> unaided by human action
L86[06:06:44] <Flayer> maybe it was implied and i didn't see it through my autism
L87[06:07:55] <darsie> Platinum doesn't melt in Lava.
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L89[06:08:08] <darsie> Or tungsten.
L90[06:08:27] <XXCoder> liquid tungsten would make lava if its contained in rock heh
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L93[06:45:04] <TheKosmonaut> Watching all of Star Wars over again on Disney+
L94[06:45:08] <TheKosmonaut> Episode II now
L95[06:45:18] <TheKosmonaut> "Take unregistered transportation back to Naboo"
L96[06:45:39] <TheKosmonaut> Senator Amidala: *Dresses up in a 20lbs headdress for her refugee disguise*
L97[06:49:45] <packbart> .oO( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW7C7ioO79A )
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L100[06:59:22] <TheKosmonaut> "I DONT LIKE SAND" such great delivery
L101[06:59:30] <sandbox> it's really obvious that they moved filming to Australia
L102[07:00:03] <sandbox> all the accents
L103[07:00:09] <TheKosmonaut> "Ani, I think your constant touching and flirting is really inappropriate.. And I am reporting this to Jedi HR"
L104[07:00:16] <TheKosmonaut> *three months later*
L105[07:00:55] <TheKosmonaut> "Master Kenobi, it has been decided that Anakin will need further training in our harassment awareness programs"
L106[07:01:26] <TheKosmonaut> "I understand, I think it'd be best if we kept him here and removed him from jedi duties until furhter notice"
L107[07:01:32] <TheKosmonaut> *Rolls Credits*
L108[07:04:02] <TheKosmonaut> OR what if
L109[07:04:19] <TheKosmonaut> "Skywalker, you will be sent to Naboo with Senator Padme."
L110[07:04:45] <TheKosmonaut> Kenobi: "Ah, may I speak with you guys in private... Yeahh.. he's got the hots for her and I dont know if its such a great idea--"
L111[07:05:16] <TheKosmonaut> "Understanding, I am. Go with the senator, he will not. Keep her here in the Jedi Temple, we will"
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L123[10:06:23] <Althego> oh i forgot about starlink
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L126[10:07:59] <UmbralRaptop> https://twitter.com/NASAhistory/status/1214570146485985280
L127[10:08:24] <Althego> hwhw i didnt know about that
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L129[10:09:04] <Althego> transitbiker asked me why he is banned. but how would i know
L130[10:09:53] <UmbralRaptop> He did a driveby asking, so how am I supposed to answer?
L131[10:09:54] <Althego> he just comes in for advertising his minecreaft streams, but i dont think that is a reason for ban
L132[10:10:09] <UmbralRaptop> That is in fact the reason
L133[10:10:22] <packbart> he just left before it could be explained ;)
L134[10:10:42] <UmbralRaptop> Joins, advertises his minecraft stream, parts
L135[10:11:26] <UmbralRaptop> If you're going to advertise something, stick around to discuss it?
L136[10:11:53] <Althego> meanwhile scott reached 1 million subscribers
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L140[10:34:33] <FLHerne> Althego: According to my logs, he's not typed anything except "<transitbiker> Minecraft LIVE! Rendog’s DogCraft SMP! The smeltening begins! How big can we go? Tune in here: https://youtu.be/_MuPiDCwRRA&quot; in here since July
L141[10:34:49] <FLHerne> (exact spam message varies)
L142[10:35:07] <FLHerne> During November he was posting that every couple of days
L143[10:35:54] <Althego> he used to be active ksp player
L144[10:43:00] <UmbralRaptop> yeah
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L146[10:47:58] <FLHerne> Ok, but even if he was active /now/ I'd think it was impolite to post (automated) spam about something totally off-topic
L147[10:48:31] <Althego> i doubt it is automated, just copy pasted
L148[10:48:42] <Althego> it migth annoy some people
L149[10:49:19] <UmbralRaptop> %
L150[10:49:25] <UmbralRaptop> er, ^
L151[10:49:27] <Althego> hehe
L152[10:50:35] <kubi> spam is spam
L153[10:50:37] <Althego> % is a mineral vein, ^ is a trap
L154[10:50:57] <kubi> but it can be spam spam and eggs
L155[10:51:43] <FLHerne> Althego: He'd leave the channel seconds later, every time
L156[10:51:47] <Althego> i know
L157[10:51:58] <Althego> i never understood the point of that
L158[10:52:19] <snow> I thought % was food
L159[10:52:33] <Althego> depends on your game
L160[10:52:47] <snow> I know :-)
L161[10:53:05] <Althego> , was food
L162[10:53:17] <FLHerne> I mean, if he promises not to post that stuff, I don't see a reason not to unban him?
L163[10:55:01] <UmbralRaptop> Yeah, posting KSP stuff or not drivebying would be good. But it's sort of hard to reach him when that's all he does
L164[11:00:53] * Flayer licks UmbralRaptops face
L165[11:02:35] <UmbralRaptop> aaaaaaaααααaaa
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L170[11:53:40] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: Althego: Since you like Wintergatan, maybe this is something for you, too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMfSY2apec0
L171[11:53:51] <Mat2ch> (And I think they should do a colab)
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L183[13:36:39] <hatrix> in career mode I only get boring missions to create yet others Mun/Minmus stations or to ferry tourists
L184[13:36:43] <hatrix> how do I get past that?
L185[13:37:04] <hatrix> do I need more science and unlock things, do I need to test more parts?
L186[13:40:00] <Althego> some parts ot building upgrades allow for certain kind of missions. also as your hmm, what does the game call it, standing, no that is not it, anyway whatever it is, increases you get better missions. and the game also learns what you like to do and gives more of that
L187[13:40:34] <Althego> reputation, that was the word
L188[13:48:17] <hatrix> ok, I'm at my third orbital station around MinMus, I like it but it tends to be always the same : send a station, then get the kerbals back
L189[13:48:40] * UmbralRaptop forgets if sending a mission to Duna anyway will encourage more fun contracts
L190[13:48:43] <hatrix> do I really to get past the 20+ kerbals in a station thing?
L191[13:48:56] <hatrix> +need
L192[13:49:18] <Althego> you could edit the savegame to change the mission probabilities
L193[13:49:34] <packbart> you can always ignore or decline a contract ;)
L194[13:51:26] <packbart> I'm not sure how reputation figures into the contract selection. Higher reputation reputedly generates more prestigious contracts. Visiting other planets should help, too. At least you would get contracts to put stations somewhere other than Minmus
L195[13:54:32] <darsie> hatrix: Upgrading the tracking station gives you asteroid missions. The IR telescope gives you asteroid search missions.
L196[13:54:43] <darsie> Going to places gives you missions there.
L197[13:55:08] <darsie> Having sensors gives you missions to measure with them.
L198[13:58:01] <darsie> hatrix: I think this is as good as it gets:
L199[13:58:01] <darsie> http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot73.png
L200[13:58:02] <darsie> http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot74.png
L201[13:58:02] <darsie> http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot75.png
L202[13:58:02] <darsie> http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot75.png
L203[13:58:02] <darsie> http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot75.png
L204[13:58:16] <Althego> hehe temperature surveys of tylo
L205[13:58:40] <Althego> why would i want to do that lol
L206[13:59:44] <darsie> hatrix: You can ask us for challenges.
L207[14:00:19] <UmbralRaptop> Obviously they want something close in for determining Tylo's gravitational redshift
L208[14:00:49] ⇨ Joins: K3|Chris (K3|Chris!~ChrisK3@h-9-55.A357.priv.bahnhof.se)
L209[14:01:38] <darsie> hatrix: Like a Duna or Eve sample return mission.
L210[14:02:04] <darsie> Or rescue someone from the surface of the Mun without landing there.
L211[14:02:44] <Althego> wait, what
L212[14:03:04] <Althego> with the suit jets?
L213[14:03:12] <darsie> yes
L214[14:03:27] <darsie> Jetpack to orbit.
L215[14:03:34] <UmbralRaptop> skycrane + klaw?
L216[14:03:42] <darsie> Or rescue someone from LKO without carrying them with a spaceship.
L217[14:04:35] <darsie> I did a single stage Mun sample return mission.
L218[14:05:03] <darsie> I don't recommend doing that. It's tedious an tricky.
L219[14:06:50] <Althego> have you tried using a spaceplane? :)
L220[14:06:56] <darsie> Previously I failed to jetpack to orbit from the Mun from higher latitudes, thinking the lower rotational speed is the cause, but then I managed to even do it from the Pole. I guess you just need to do it more efficiently.
L221[14:07:14] <darsie> I flew a spaceplane to LKO.
L222[14:08:06] <Althego> anyway much smaller than a huge mammoth
L223[14:08:46] <darsie> hatrix: Fly to orbit with just a Hammer and an Oscar B as fuel.
L224[14:09:34] <darsie> Althego: Can it do single stage Mun sample return?
L225[14:09:48] <Althego> the sample is not heacy :)
L226[14:09:57] <darsie> heacy?
L227[14:10:02] <Althego> heavy typo
L228[14:10:12] <darsie> yes
L229[14:10:17] <darsie> Can it do single stage Mun sample return?
L230[14:10:35] <Althego> i meant if you can land on the mun with it, then it can do it
L231[14:10:41] <Althego> and why not
L232[14:10:46] <darsie> Not enough dv?
L233[14:10:50] <Althego> but then i would rather go to duna
L234[14:10:58] <Althego> around the same delta v needed
L235[14:11:28] <darsie> hatrix: You can also search for easter eggs.
L236[14:11:55] <Althego> why arent there easter eggs on eve?
L237[14:12:04] <darsie> hatrix: Have you completed your tech tree and fully upgraded all buildings?
L238[14:14:56] <darsie> hatrix: Don't try to get 100% reputation ;).
L239[14:15:49] <Althego> well, second year of hell for intel
L240[14:15:53] <hatrix> oh ok darsie, I thought I needed to wait for missions to go somewhere
L241[14:16:01] <hatrix> like "explore duna's orbit"
L242[14:16:23] <darsie> hatrix: Also, if you don't like the offered contracts you can wait till they are replaced. I usually wait 7 days for that.
L243[14:16:27] <Althego> missions just generae money. but you can still do anything you want
L244[14:16:49] <hatrix> I'd like my career to have some kind of purpose, driven by commercial and science missions
L245[14:17:17] <darsie> Maybe you like Surviving Mars.
L246[14:17:29] <Althego> godd game
L247[14:17:31] <Althego> good
L248[14:17:46] <hatrix> don't know it
L249[14:17:54] <Althego> city builder on mars
L250[14:18:00] <Althego> whiut everything that it implies
L251[14:18:01] <packbart> I'm waiting for a good sale on Surviving Mars. cheapskate
L252[14:18:06] <hatrix> KSP is the only game I've been playing since at least 5 years :)
L253[14:18:14] <Althego> yes i played it for 5 years too
L254[14:18:21] <hatrix> I meant for
L255[14:18:29] <Althego> after 5 years i started to play elite again :)
L256[14:18:48] <darsie> KSP gets less interesting eventually.
L257[14:18:49] <hatrix> just wanted this IRC channel is good to get back in the game
L258[14:18:51] <hatrix> thanks guys
L259[14:19:00] <hatrix> I'm forgetting words now, wanted to say*
L260[14:20:06] <hatrix> do you know where to get a Δv map fron another planet as Kerbin?
L261[14:20:29] <hatrix> I don't know how much Δv I need to get back from a planet
L262[14:21:01] <Althego> it is on the same map lol
L263[14:21:21] <Althego> ok, admittently jool gets more complicated because of all the moons helpoing you
L264[14:21:47] <darsie> if you want a real challenge, get into aerospace for real :)
L265[14:21:57] <hatrix> oh, where is it Althego?
L266[14:21:57] <Althego> hehe
L267[14:22:03] <Althego> in the topic?
L268[14:22:15] <Althego> nobody reads the topic
L269[14:22:22] * darsie is nobody.
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L272[14:22:56] <Althego> nobody expects the spanish inquisition
L273[14:23:19] <hatrix> ooh
L274[14:23:24] <hatrix> I had the same map but an older version
L275[14:23:28] <hatrix> I thought that was the same
L276[14:24:01] <Althego> honestly not much change there for a while now
L277[14:24:01] <darsie> I got a spam warning from Ares.
L278[14:24:13] <hatrix> I'm still not seing how much I need to get back
L279[14:24:25] <Althego> the numbers are there
L280[14:24:34] <Althego> back and forth
L281[14:24:34] <hatrix> which ones?
L282[14:24:56] <Althego> go along the route, add the numbers. then go back, add the numbers again.
L283[14:24:56] <darsie> hat you need to read it in reverse.
L284[14:25:16] <Althego> leave the numbers out from the addition that are avoidable because of atmosphere
L285[14:25:35] <hatrix> the amount is the same to get back as to get there?
L286[14:25:36] <Althego> as i said, it gets tricky for jool
L287[14:25:41] <hatrix> that sounds weird to me
L288[14:26:08] <Althego> because going there the moons can help you slow down, coming back they can help you to eject
L289[14:26:14] <Althego> from the joolian system
L290[14:26:30] <Althego> but anything else is quite straigth forward
L291[14:26:43] <darsie> hatrix: Aerobraking helps you only one way.
L292[14:26:51] <hatrix> yes
L293[14:27:03] <Althego> that is what the arrows are
L294[14:32:20] <Althego> btw the reason why the numbers are the same going up and down, is because gravity is a conservative force field
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L296[14:32:43] <Althego> luckily no space friction :)
L297[14:32:59] <Althego> the planets are far away already without space friction
L298[14:36:05] <darsie> Build the orbital station into a previously undisturbed Class C asteroid: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot78.png
L299[14:36:17] <darsie> Does that mean attach it with a Klaw?
L300[14:36:45] <Althego> hehe i was waiting for the this is where you comein part
L301[14:36:48] <Althego> as i read the text
L302[14:36:52] <Althego> and there it was
L303[14:37:37] <Althego> i never tried these before but you dont really have any other way to catch an asteroid
L304[14:37:42] <darsie> Or should I drop out of time warp inside and asteroid? :)
L305[14:37:48] <Althego> hehe
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L307[14:54:37] <darsie> hatrix: Land just a Kerbal on Kerbin without a parachute.
L308[14:57:04] <darsie> hatrix: Go to Kerbin orbit with less than 3000 vacuum dv.
L309[14:57:16] <Althego> you know, that was always possible, and we just got the parachutes relatively recently
L310[14:57:27] <darsie> yes
L311[14:57:44] <Althego> typically land first on the helmet, then flip and dampen with rcs
L312[14:58:21] <darsie> I just land wiht any attitude wiht low enough velocity.
L313[15:07:24] <packbart> Operation Kerbal Shield
L314[15:07:37] * packbart just dropped 20 Kerbals head-first from a launch clamp - for science!
L315[15:07:52] <Althego> hehe
L316[15:08:00] <Althego> reminds me of the kerbals as landing gear video
L317[15:22:43] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@BC2461B0.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
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L321[16:02:24] <hatrix> that trip to duna's orbit was useful, gained 900+ science from it :)
L322[16:05:40] <darsie> Using a port to attach the 2000 kg ore I had to bring up to fulfill the contract from the station with a port was useful. I dumped this cruft anyways, and now I could attach a booster: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot80.png
L323[16:07:26] <darsie> Made the crew transfer contract easier, cause Kerbals on EVA can't use maneuver nodes and so I flew the station to the Kerbal.
L324[16:07:55] <darsie> A rescued Kerbal. Didn't have a flyable ship.
L325[16:10:22] ⇦ Quits: Ezriilc (Ezriilc!~Ezriilc@ (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com))
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L327[16:40:06] <packbart> It's Jerbin from Kerbin
L328[16:40:54] <darsie> Was spawned in orbit, but I'll let it count.
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L340[19:26:15] <packbart> "Payload Integration Complex has a business module. Assign kerbals to it and it farms funds and pays for itself in 3 years with 1 kerbal or 1 year with max kerbals." - well, somebody's got to produce all those flags stuck in every moon and crater
L341[19:26:20] <packbart> ( https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/190893-18x-ksc-harbor-from-jnsq-v10/ )
L342[19:36:45] <packbart> "Continuing with the engines revamp, take a look at the Rockomax Conglomerate RE-15 "Skipper". Are you excited about it?" - the yellow stripes are gone :/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/190877-ksp-loading-preview-rockomax-conglomerate-re-15-skipper/
L343[19:37:04] <packbart> well, ok, they probably didn't belong there in the first place. I liked them, anyway
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