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L12[01:54:18] <Neal> how do I set up nodes with specific ejection angles in mind?
L13[01:58:19] <Althego> depends on their delta v, so i just set put them down and move them around until i get what i want
L14[01:58:44] <Althego> specifically i dont care about the angle i care about the encoutner i get on an other planet
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L16[02:06:42] <Neal> I'm looking at the online transfer planner and it's telling me pretty precise angles
L17[02:06:51] <Neal> not even sure wherre to start
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L43[06:34:20] <taniwha> Neal: those never made much sense to me
L44[06:34:42] <taniwha> I've always ignored them, paying attention only to time and approximate ΔV requirements
L45[06:34:58] <JVFoxy> just saw that new three part kerbal mission to duna and two moons.. eh.. -blinks a few times- I feel so small now
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L53[07:03:21] ⇨ Joins: MARS19 (MARS19!webchat@c-73-136-66-164.hsd1.tx.comcast.net)
L54[07:03:30] <MARS19> Hello
L55[07:03:32] <Mod9000> Hello, MARS19
L56[07:04:02] <MARS19> whoa fastest response (1.5 seconds)
L57[07:04:14] <JVFoxy> yo
L58[07:04:43] <MARS19> JVFoxy I got news from my duna mission
L59[07:05:27] <MARS19> jeb and bill got the go ahead to return back to kerbin no permanent stay
L60[07:07:14] <MARS19> but it will be a while before they can get home
L61[07:12:41] <JVFoxy> how many years you figuring?
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L65[07:50:01] <MARS19> atleast a year or 2
L66[07:53:18] <JVFoxy> ok, thankfully not too long then. Given how some missions can end up lasting
L67[07:56:41] <MARS19> right now im in the process of building a round trip spacecraft to pick up jeb and bill
L68[07:57:24] <MARS19> it be ready in about 1hr or 2 on my side
L69[07:59:24] <darsie> MARS19: From where?
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L71[08:00:11] <MARS19> darsie can you be a bit more specific on your question
L72[08:00:22] <MARS19> (please)
L73[08:00:24] <darsie> <MARS19> right now im in the process of building a round trip spacecraft to pick up jeb and bill.
L74[08:00:54] <MARS19> oh to pick them up from Duna
L75[08:01:33] <darsie> ok
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L78[08:21:17] <packbart> I spend too much time in the editor, thinking about space station escape routes that no Kerbal will ever take because accidents just don't happen :)
L79[08:22:48] <Gasher[work]> now you can start filling low orbits with debris for that to happen
L80[08:25:42] <UmbralRaptop> I'm sure that there are mods that cause random failures
L81[08:26:15] <Gasher[work]> yeah and that
L82[08:26:20] <packbart> yeah, I know. I didn't dare yet to use one of those
L83[08:26:26] <Gasher[work]> not sure that there are relevant versions of them
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L105[12:16:31] <Althego> heh station contract. 6000 units of liquid fuel 7500 units of charge, 11 kerbals... around duna
L106[12:17:17] <Althego> duna launch window is in more than 200 days
L107[12:17:26] <Althego> by that time i completely collected every node
L108[12:17:36] <Althego> in fact i am going to get that from minmus
L109[12:18:38] <Althego> but it gives me 200k funds
L110[12:18:41] <Althego> in advance
L111[12:20:19] <Althego> maybe i can mine that from ike
L112[12:20:59] <Althego> and if i take it, porobably i never get the explore duna contract
L113[12:22:24] <Althego> or a spaceplane could fulfill it
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L115[12:48:23] <Neal> ksp using 6+gb of ram on the menu screen seems a little extreme
L116[12:48:51] <Neal> all I have installed is KER and the transfer node planner ._.
L117[12:52:32] <Neal> do the extra launchpads act as other connections to the DSN?
L118[12:53:16] <Neal> or do they have weaker antennas compared to KSC? btw I have extra groundstations disabled
L119[12:54:00] <UmbralRaptop> sometimes, not sure of the exact circumstances
L120[12:55:13] <Neal> hmm. might need to send up another relay then
L121[12:56:38] <Althego> for me tehre is a huge lag when the menu screen renders the first time
L122[12:56:40] <Neal> also in retrospect I should have sent my science payload up immediately after launching my duna relay, now I have to wait a few years for an encounter again to launch the science stuff
L123[12:57:09] <MARS19> Neal: try sending the relay sats with longer distance capabilities
L124[12:57:12] <Althego> so text starts to appear, then it is stuck there for around 10 seconds, then it finishes its initial movement
L125[12:57:38] <Neal> yeah I get that too Althego
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L128[13:05:22] <Neal> I hear my GPU coil whine stop for a second while it freezes
L129[13:05:26] <MARS19> https://imgur.com/a/WAAgdJj
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L132[13:06:36] <MARS19> and Ike
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L138[13:44:30] <Neal> some sources say duna's altitude starts at 50km and others say 41km.. weird?
L139[13:44:44] <Neal> I'm still getting "in space low over duna" at 45km
L140[13:44:52] <Neal> wait no
L141[13:45:01] <Neal> currently flying high at 48km
L142[13:46:41] <UmbralRaptop> It was 41 km, but went up to 50 km with 1.0
L143[13:47:20] <Neal> ahhhhh.
L144[13:47:33] <UmbralRaptop> Similarly, Kerbin's atmosphere actually goes up to 70 km, instead of 69.078
L145[13:52:10] <Neal> I remember being in orbit under 70km, that was weird
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L151[14:09:24] <Neal> why do my controls keep getting locked out when in map view? my SAS And RCS indicators go grey to show that I can't change their setting and I can't use wasd to move my vessel round
L152[14:09:31] <Neal> usually happens after making a maneuver node
L153[14:10:00] <Neal> additionally I can only use z and x to control throttle
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L155[14:25:48] <packbart> "limited probe control"?
L156[14:26:14] <packbart> sounds like loss of CommNet signal to me
L157[14:43:26] <Neal> nope
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L159[14:43:43] <Neal> indicator showed full probe control
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L164[15:07:18] <Althego> lately i often have input locks
L165[15:07:21] <Althego> dont know why
L166[15:07:29] <Althego> alt-f12 input locks, clear input locks
L167[15:07:31] <Althego> then i can move again
L168[15:07:37] <Althego> usually during ascent
L169[15:07:50] <Althego> probably when switching between map and normal view
L170[15:11:22] <Althego> why do all the maneuver nodes always happen at the same time
L171[15:12:58] <JVFoxy> going too many directions at once?
L172[15:13:20] <Althego> several things happening in parallel, but normally you just need 1 minute for a node
L173[15:13:39] <Althego> but it is always like nothing happens for an hour, then 6-8 nodes happen in 15 minutes
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L175[15:19:50] <JVFoxy> are they auto generated or.. planned?
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L183[15:33:29] <Althego> planned, lol, they happend when they happen, like time of periapsis for braking maneuver, landing back on kerbin, plane change on an/dn, injection burn, etc
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L185[15:33:59] <Althego> it is just when i run so many thing in parallel i expect the events to be evenly spaced, not always at the same time
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L197[17:13:41] <Neal> is the tiny heatshield useful whatsever? it doesn't properly shield anything
L198[17:14:05] <Neal> I don't think it is large enough to shield even the smallest probe cores
L199[17:14:21] <JVFoxy> ya I'd sometimes wondered about that thing
L200[17:14:33] <JVFoxy> I guess as a suplment?
L201[17:15:12] <JVFoxy> I think it was more originally meant to tie in with the science canister as a part of a experiments recovery device
L202[17:16:49] <Neal> how do you recover it if its command pod gets burned off?
L203[17:19:49] <JVFoxy> set chute so it goes off only when it's safe, default pressure and alt usually works ok. set staging for both decoupler and chute together?
L204[17:20:33] <JVFoxy> I thought stayputnik was small enough to fit behind small shield? granted, no SAS but...
L205[17:26:16] <Neal> nope the stayputnik is even larger
L206[17:26:23] <Neal> its about 1.25m diameter
L207[17:27:26] <JVFoxy> probably just more to help get the can back down, or as an addition to other heatshields depending on designs you got going.
L208[17:27:41] <JVFoxy> there's a talk about the can return idea here if you wanna read up a bit: https://steamcommunity.com/app/220200/discussions/0/1474221865194037293/
L209[17:27:53] <JVFoxy> someone even posted pics of what they did bottom first page
L210[17:32:12] <Neal> interesting
L211[17:33:31] <Neal> that might actually work
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L213[17:35:10] <Neal> idk I'm worried it will flip around backwards and burn up
L214[17:36:22] <Neal> I kind of want to set up a mass relay so I can just dunk small payloads from the mun right onto kerbin =D
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L217[17:40:10] <ironpenguin> Hm...
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L222[17:50:11] <Neal> first results for probeless sample return are pretty good
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L224[18:10:19] <packbart> Kerbal Express - Jeb is replaceable, your sample isn't
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L226[18:14:52] <Neal> pretty much!
L227[18:17:45] ⇦ Quits: agises (agises!~hashashin@2a01:c50e:221e:7d00:d900:4568:5e2b:5241) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L228[18:19:03] <Eddi|zuHause> i've never understood what the stayputnik is meant to be for...
L229[18:19:38] <packbart> In sandbox, I use it on bases, so I can turn the lights on and off even if nobody's home
L230[18:20:35] <Eddi|zuHause> but a HECS or something is way better for that, you can hide it in a service bay, with some batteries
L231[18:22:57] <Neal> the stayputnik is really annoying to attach things to as well
L232[18:23:29] <Neal> new amazon prime delivery method https://i.imgur.com/4K0Qy2W.png
L233[18:23:35] <packbart> depends. it looks nice on top of a small tank, IMHO. https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/kspa2.jpg
L234[18:24:42] <packbart> Neal: the physics bubble within the atmosphere is larger than 2.5km, if I remember that right? so the can drift apart and still land
L235[18:25:06] <Neal> I think I saw something floating around 10km away
L236[18:25:09] <Neal> might be fine
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L238[18:28:58] <ironpenguin> So having looked over the probes, seems the stayputnik has atleast one advantage, niche as it may be.
L239[18:29:14] <ironpenguin> Which is its hibernation. Its got the lowest power use while hibernating of any probe core. Also second lightest.
L240[18:31:04] <Eddi|zuHause> i've almost never used hibernation... and is that really balancing all the other problems, like lack of SAS?
L241[18:32:00] <ironpenguin> Dunno, but thats its niche. Best hibernation.
L242[18:45:00] <Eddi|zuHause> dunno either, but it's unconvincing...
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L245[18:45:20] <Eddi|zuHause> it's an even weaker argument than "it comes first in the tech tree"
L246[18:45:23] ⇨ Joins: Mun_Cheese (Mun_Cheese!webchat@76-221-172-59.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
L247[18:45:32] <Mun_Cheese> Hi.
L248[18:45:34] <Mod9000> Hello, Mun_Cheese
L249[18:45:49] <Mun_Cheese> I'm kinda bored
L250[18:45:59] <Mun_Cheese> So I'm on the channel!
L251[18:46:02] <packbart> add moar boosters
L252[18:46:11] <Mun_Cheese> YES. SPLENDID IDEA.
L253[18:46:40] <Mun_Cheese> Also, is "Mun" pronounced Moon or Muhn?
L254[18:46:57] <UmbralRaptop> You must construct additional pylons^Wboosters
L255[18:46:57] <Wastl4> Eddi: I guess its main purpose is building the Jebnik 1. Also, in career mode, it's available earlier than the Okto.
L256[18:47:06] <Mun_Cheese> I've seen people do it both ways, but most commonly Muhn.
L257[18:47:08] <UmbralRaptop> Mün
L258[18:47:15] <ironpenguin> ...Actually, thinking on it, the SAS disadvantage isnt a horrible thing to overcome. Attach a small reaction wheel to the bottom.
L259[18:47:28] <Mun_Cheese> Won't that only work for one axis?
L260[18:47:44] <Eddi|zuHause> <Mun_Cheese> Also, is "Mun" pronounced Moon or Muhn? <-- what's the difference?
L261[18:48:06] <Mun_Cheese> The pronunciation of the "u" in "Mun".
L262[18:48:28] <Mun_Cheese> Just something I've been wondering.
L263[18:48:46] <packbart> To Ze Mũn!
L264[18:48:48] <Eddi|zuHause> no, these letter phrases both translate to the same sound for me
L265[18:48:51] <ironpenguin> ...Hm. Nope. Scratch that. Might not work.
L266[18:48:54] <Wastl4> But "muhn" looks like a description of the pronunciation of English "moon".
L267[18:48:54] <Eddi|zuHause> i don't understand what you mean
L268[18:49:11] <Mun_Cheese> Ooh, project idea: recreate Apollo 13 with cleverly placed decouplers.
L269[18:49:16] <Mun_Cheese> And film it.
L270[18:49:38] <ironpenguin> Ah well. If you think of the stayputnik as a core that attaches to a probe to give it a better hibernation method, it still has its little niche purpose.
L271[18:50:57] <Mun_Cheese> Ok, look up û. That's the first one. The second one is like "fun", but with an M.
L272[18:51:41] <Mun_Cheese> You could, however, use the reaction wheels instead of thrusters to do PTC rolls
L273[18:52:12] <Eddi|zuHause> i still have no clue what you mean...
L274[18:52:53] <Eddi|zuHause> keep in mind, i'm not an english native speaker.
L275[18:52:59] <Mun_Cheese> Ok, froget about it.
L276[18:54:07] <Mun_Cheese> Oh, ok. that complicates things, Eddi|zuHause. So where are you from, then?
L277[18:54:17] <Eddi|zuHause> germany
L278[18:54:34] <Mun_Cheese> Gonna be AFK for a while, gonna watch KSP fail vids for the next 30 mins.
L279[18:55:10] <Eddi|zuHause> if you go to a chat like this, you can assume about 2/3 of the people there are not native english...
L280[18:59:52] <Tank2333_> öööäääüüü
L281[18:59:59] <Tank2333_> ßßß
L282[19:01:25] <UmbralRaptop> Союз!
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