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L1[00:02:09] ⇦ Quits: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!~polar_bea@night-stand.ca) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L8[01:26:48] <JVFoxy> think I'll try to push to do a video tonight...
L9[01:31:16] ⇨ Joins: Guest38612 (Guest38612!webchat@S010600fc8dfe7263.cg.shawcable.net)
L10[01:31:41] <Guest38612> ??? Its May 30th, wheres the expansion?
L11[01:35:03] <JVFoxy> huh... you can also see a few other unrelated satellites passing by, as well as one shooting star: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6v47CmRA7A
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L30[04:04:24] <JVFoxy> uff... so.. who's still awake?
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L33[04:08:42] <darsie> .
L34[04:08:58] * darsie pushes a 3700 t asteroid to Kerbin orbit.
L35[04:09:48] <darsie> Was almost in orbit initially, but nearly polar and I wanted equatorial, so I let it go back to solar orbit and killing inclination there.
L36[04:10:29] <JVFoxy> started looking into game recording, half wondered if anyone got experience
L37[04:10:44] <JVFoxy> was going to use obs but... seems I also got AMD's ReLive on here too?
L38[04:10:44] <darsie> I'm wondering about these things, too.
L39[04:10:51] <darsie> Which OS?
L40[04:10:57] <JVFoxy> Win7-64
L41[04:11:10] * darsie has debian (8?).
L42[04:11:15] <darsie> stretch
L43[04:11:35] <JVFoxy> I barely know Debian as it is... roommate is major linux user
L44[04:18:53] <JVFoxy> think at this point.. its mostly trying to figure out the recording software, get used to the hot-keys
L45[04:20:27] <JVFoxy> I was doing 1920x1080 with obs at 8mbyte bitrate adn it was slogging. Relive ramped that up to 22, a little chunkiness but probably cuz I was panning around stupid fast
L46[04:25:02] <Althego> hehe the expansion
L47[04:25:31] <Althego> that probably happens in the afternoon, by mexican time, so it may be tomorrow in europe or elsewhere
L48[04:26:15] <JVFoxy> oh.. guess from earlier...
L49[04:26:24] <JVFoxy> ya.. timezones
L50[04:38:15] <kubi> I use OBS to record tutorial videos at MBA
L51[04:38:31] <kubi> windows in a virtualbox
L52[04:38:45] <Althego> https://twitter.com/KerbalSpaceP/status/1133846895829409793
L53[04:38:57] <kubi> I had to go down to 720p with 5FPS to get something out
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L55[04:39:05] <JVFoxy> I did some recording the past but with lower res, had a 720 screen back then, so probably not as much strain on the system
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L59[04:58:38] <kubi> genetically modified ISP?
L60[05:09:50] <Althego> genetically modified sceptic
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L68[06:00:38] <packbart> hmm. do I go "Shut up and take my money" or do I wait for a sale on Steam (that's probably going to take a while). tough question
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L75[07:17:11] <darsie> My big reaction wheels got stuck torquing. Had to load a previos game.
L76[07:18:38] <lordcirth__> I'm going to buy it as soon as it lands, from work, and have it downloaded before I get home
L77[07:18:56] <darsie> what?
L78[07:20:51] <lordcirth__> Steam lets you do that
L79[07:21:20] <darsie> buy what?
L80[07:21:27] <lordcirth__> The DLC
L81[07:21:40] <darsie> Which one?
L82[07:21:56] <lordcirth__> I was continuing packbart's conversation, didn't realize there was an hour gap
L83[07:22:22] <lordcirth__> The DLC that's landing today, Breaking Ground
L84[07:22:28] <Azander> :)
L85[07:22:28] <darsie> ok
L86[07:22:35] <Azander> doing similar
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L102[08:24:41] <packbart> lordcirth__: well, my main problem is not enough funds in my Steam wallet and because of Krist Launch Day, the shops are closed. I do have a prepaid code flying about somewhere, though
L103[08:25:00] <packbart> so yeah, I'll probably click as soon as it's available :)
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L107[09:02:54] <Eddi|zuHause> steam wallet? i always use paypal...
L108[09:04:56] <Eddi|zuHause> there's not even a "coming soon" entry for the DLC on steam that i could put on my wishlist
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L122[10:25:34] <darsie> Make a new rocket in the VAB. Get an okto. launch. click on resources. EC consumption is 0.02. Press W, A, S or D or combinations (=WASD). EC rises. release. EC drops back to 0.02. Press and hold WASD, activate physics warp, release. Is EC >0.02? No? Try again. Yes? In the octo context menu slide Reaction wheel authority to 0. EC goes back to 0.02. In orbit (cheat) the okto will turn by itself.
L123[10:26:12] <darsie> Happened to me with large reaction wheels on an asteroid pusher rocket.
L124[10:26:26] <darsie> Can you reproduce it?
L125[10:26:41] <darsie> It may also happen if you turn off physics warp while turning.
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L130[11:07:21] * packbart quits American Truck Simulator, reloads KSP DLC store - nothing yet
L131[11:13:49] <packbart> darsie: how do you activate physics warp without trimming? I think that's what you see. when you release WASD after warp, it still tries to turn because of trim. press mod-x
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L136[11:48:57] ⇨ Joins: Althego (Althego!~Althego@86FF47BD.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
L137[11:49:43] <Althego> hehe scott got an asteroid named after him
L138[11:49:49] <Eclipser> :O
L139[11:50:03] <Althego> 33434 scottmanley
L140[11:51:58] <Althego> so release in 9 minutes?
L141[11:53:10] <packbart> oh, right. I had my timezones wrong m/
L142[12:02:55] <packbart> ooh, Steam downloading an update for KSP
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L145[12:03:21] <Guest27202> hi
L146[12:03:23] <Mod9000> Hello, Guest27202
L147[12:03:27] <bogu> When is breaking ground available for download?
L148[12:03:34] <Althego> hah, finally that bot did what it was supposed to
L149[12:03:35] <packbart> Making History is on 50% sale *wait*
L150[12:03:40] <packbart> bogu: still don't see it
L151[12:03:48] <Althego> hehe store is not loading :)
L152[12:03:50] <Althego> thought so
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L154[12:03:57] <Althego> maybe i get it tomorrow
L155[12:03:58] <packbart> but the 1.7.1 update seems to be downloading now
L156[12:04:08] <bogu> when's it meant to be up? was meant to be today
L157[12:04:15] <Althego> for you. cloudflare is dead under the ksp store
L158[12:04:27] <packbart> oooh, new DLC on Steam now
L159[12:04:29] <packbart> *clickety*
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L161[12:05:11] <szyzyg> hey, is this thing on?
L162[12:05:22] <Althego> 33434 scotmanley :)
L163[12:05:30] <bogu> the planet
L164[12:05:39] ⇨ Joins: geraldbrent (geraldbrent!~quassel@
L165[12:05:51] <packbart> ( https://store.steampowered.com/app/982970/Kerbal_Space_Program_Breaking_Ground_Expansion/ )
L166[12:06:23] <Althego> meanwhile i am looking at the cloudflare 502 error for the store
L167[12:06:38] <Althego> at least gog never does that, i it is usually late
L168[12:06:57] <Althego> and of course i am never going to go in steam
L169[12:07:26] <packbart> Cloudflare can't help if the origin server breaks down
L170[12:07:57] <bogu> lmao the website is saying bad gateway for breaking ground
L171[12:08:04] <bogu> traffic spike i guess
L172[12:08:10] <Althego> exactly
L173[12:08:13] <Althego> i expected this
L174[12:08:31] <Althego> i think i will get it tomorrow, maybe 18 hours from now
L175[12:08:45] <Althego> i rather continue with the current career game
L176[12:09:49] <packbart> *bleep* *blink* Incompatible Mods detected!! Nyan cats everyhwere
L177[12:09:52] <packbart> to be expected ;)
L178[12:10:25] <packbart> "Unsupported by KSP v1.7.1, please use v1.7.1" - sometimes MiniAVC messages are weird
L179[12:12:02] <Althego> since the delta v display i completely discarded mods
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L182[12:15:09] <packbart> I use a few. Kopernicus for a custom asteroid belt, Ground/GlobalConstruction to built things on orbit or on Minmus, and Tac Life Support just because I can. plus a few more that I could do without. Mechjeb, of course, because I'm lazy and also like seeing 4 tugs streak out and dock to a large ship nearly synchronously
L183[12:15:38] <UmbralRaptor> Uh, currently waiting for a bus, I'll update things in a bit.
L184[12:17:32] <Althego> yesterday i spent hours trying to fit a 9 kerbal mun lander to 140 t, i finally gave up and upgraded the launchpad
L185[12:21:46] <Gasher> finally downloaded the game
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L191[12:37:19] *** UmbralRaptop changes topic to Kerbal Space Program 1.7.1 official channel | Rules: http://archive.is/5bp8u | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Breaking Ground DLC released | If you see an IP ban, refresh in a few minutes
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L193[12:56:18] ⇦ Quits: kremlin (kremlin!~kremlin@uglyman.kremlin.cc) (Remote host closed the connection)
L194[13:03:56] <Althego> ok it is downloading
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L197[13:14:23] * packbart deploys ground science
L198[13:14:35] <packbart> looks a bit like KIS ;)
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L204[13:51:11] <Althego> why are there two kinds of kerbin's shores biomes?
L205[13:51:52] <Althego> i probably noticed this once already
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L207[13:56:12] <JVFoxy> shore?
L208[13:56:25] <JVFoxy> you mean.. standing on the land, then in the water?
L209[13:57:28] <UmbralRaptop> landed vs splashed, or something else?
L210[13:57:29] <szyzyg> I thought they fixed that
L211[13:57:46] <UmbralRaptop> ahahahah
L212[13:57:58] <szyzyg> we used to aim for tiny lakes on Eve to get more science
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L214[13:58:57] <UmbralRaptop> I think you can still get splashed highlands?
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L217[13:59:40] <Althego> yes, that can be the reason
L218[13:59:46] <Althego> i never thought of that
L219[14:00:04] <Althego> now i probably have to collect something again to have both of them
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L221[14:01:16] <Althego> now i wonder wherre i can be on the shores and splashed
L222[14:01:31] <Althego> but apparently i did that already
L223[14:01:49] <UmbralRaptop> Right next to KSC works well
L224[14:02:35] <JVFoxy> can make a floating landing platform on the water... land a little craft on it, get landed on water instead of splashed
L225[14:04:28] <UmbralRaptop> nice
L226[14:08:42] <JVFoxy> had a little landing can with a couple of engines connected to a mobile platoform using docking ports. somehow I was able to get it under 30 parts.
L227[14:09:46] <JVFoxy> drove it to the the shore, into the water, out aways. hope was I would disconnect, do science, reconnect, then drive back. Trouble was, when it released, landing thing just slid off the back.
L228[14:10:35] <JVFoxy> hand to actually fly it back on, splash it made scared me, thought something broke. Turns out docking port was trying to reconnect, which kept the can in place till I lifted the gears
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L239[14:57:15] <Althego> a scott video
L240[14:57:21] <Althego> about rocket failure
L241[14:57:47] <Althego> hehe, the curse of the internet, failed during a live stream
L242[14:58:13] <Althego> but i have to sleepp
L243[14:59:36] ⇨ Joins: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!~polar_bea@night-stand.ca)
L244[15:00:06] <JVFoxy> don't suppose anyone awake here has experience recording gameplay from KSP?
L245[15:01:00] <Althego> i do
L246[15:02:16] <Althego> but it is not different from playing
L247[15:02:22] <Althego> you just record and edit later
L248[15:02:49] <JVFoxy> I was going to use OBS but, it chokes, wondering if I've settings too high
L249[15:03:21] <JVFoxy> turns out also had ReLive on here (AMD video), its not as bad but.. a little stuttering here and there. guessing normal?
L250[15:04:08] <Althego> i looked into it, and i thought action! would be better, and it worked mostly without problems (some driver updates caused issues), but the drawback is it costs some mone
L251[15:06:50] <JVFoxy> mostly wondering if recording at 1920x1080, a quad 4gig isn't really up to the task?
L252[15:07:04] <Althego> it would depend on your video card
L253[15:07:10] <Althego> mine supports encoding
L254[15:07:24] <Althego> but you have to select that in the recording software
L255[15:07:50] <Althego> so i could easily go up to 2560x1600 without any problems
L256[15:09:48] <Althego> https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/nvidia-nvenc-guide.740/
L257[15:09:52] <Althego> in case of nvidia
L258[15:10:43] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@86FF47BD.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
L259[15:10:44] <JVFoxy> AMD
L260[15:10:48] <JVFoxy> erp..
L261[15:17:04] <packbart> Oops. I blew up my launchpad with a motor and a telescopic arm. "Structural failure on linkage between 3PT Telescopic Hydraulic Cylinder and EM-64 Heavy Rotor ... 70G ... Jebediah Kerman crashed into Terrain."
L262[15:17:11] <packbart> Experiment setup: https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/kspg.jpg
L263[15:17:32] ⇦ Quits: sandbox (sandbox!~sandbox@host-92-1-207-37.as43234.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L264[15:18:12] <UmbralRaptop> hah
L265[15:24:55] <JVFoxy> messing with physics today are we?
L266[15:26:11] <JVFoxy> sad thing for me, seems I'm a bit stuck: I keep wanting to do a mun mission and record it, because of 50th annvers for apollo, new plans to go back to moon.. but what with new DLC, this feeling its kind of overshadowed everything else now?
L267[15:29:49] <packbart> I wouldn't think so. Besides, not everyone is going to update soon ;)
L268[15:31:54] <jgkamat> +1 :)
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L270[15:36:13] <JVFoxy> I'm still on 1.6... did download 1.7 but holding off getting into it for now
L271[15:36:26] <UmbralRaptop> fair
L272[15:36:40] <UmbralRaptop> hm. GOG has a free game also.
L273[15:38:36] <JVFoxy> hmm... so playing ksp in 1920x1080... but bumped recording down to 1080...
L274[15:40:58] <JVFoxy> half wondering if I should joystick ksp...
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L276[15:42:03] <UmbralRaptop> aircraft: it can help. Amusingly, ferram4 often flies via keyboard and PWM
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L279[15:45:58] <JVFoxy> PWM?
L280[15:47:09] <JVFoxy> I'm doing some test recording with hyper sonic jet I've made, seeing what this relive software acts like.
L281[15:49:38] <UmbralRaptop> Pulse Width Modulation
L282[15:49:57] <UmbralRaptop> tap… tap… taptaptap… tap tap…
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L286[15:53:31] <JVFoxy> PWM... as in manually doing it on his keyboard?
L287[15:53:47] <JVFoxy> so.. basically old school in a sense?
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L289[15:55:34] <UmbralRaptop> yeah
L290[15:56:29] <JVFoxy> well I hadn't really considered driving old school games via k/b as I did PWM.. sort of asccoiated that term more with electronic hardware. But I guess it makes sense for some stuff
L291[15:56:35] <JVFoxy> keyboard related
L292[15:58:13] <UmbralRaptop> The term is blatantly stolen from various electronics
L293[15:58:33] <UmbralRaptop> (Incidentally, do not PWM realistic NTRs)
L294[16:02:44] <JVFoxy> ok pardon my stupidity but NTR/
L295[16:02:46] <JVFoxy> ?
L296[16:07:17] <UmbralRaptop> Nuclear Thermal Rocket
L297[16:07:44] <UmbralRaptop> The KSP version being the LV-R "Nerv"
L298[16:09:52] <UmbralRaptop> Typical real world examples being NERVA Timberwind, LANTRN, and RD-0410
L299[16:10:07] <UmbralRaptop> (None got past prototype development)
L300[16:10:25] <JVFoxy> oooh.. ugh. I was trying to figure out NTR electronics wise
L301[16:11:23] <JVFoxy> wonder if its possible to PWM a pulse jet.. probably not. All out or nothing like most rockets?
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L304[16:13:34] <UmbralRaptop> possibly?
L305[16:13:34] <JVFoxy> ... eh...
L306[16:13:45] <UmbralRaptop> KSP jets not so much
L307[16:13:53] <JVFoxy> it me or guests sticking around less and less these days?
L308[16:14:56] <JVFoxy> pulse jet, like the engine they had on flying bombs that went from germany to london
L309[16:14:59] <UmbralRaptop> Lots of people who's total time in channel is ~45 seconds
L310[16:15:31] <JVFoxy> ya... comes in, asks question, disappears if no one answers in like 2 seconds
L311[16:15:48] <JVFoxy> or just disappears anyways after 15.. even when asking what they'd like help with.
L312[16:18:10] <UmbralRaptop> yeah, always frustrating
L313[16:19:25] <Gasher> i downloaded that new addon today and it reminded me that i bought the game in 2012
L314[16:20:25] <JVFoxy> 2011 you get dlc free... was it?
L315[16:20:40] <JVFoxy> Gasher steam or direct from website?
L316[16:20:58] <Gasher> not steam one
L317[16:21:21] <UmbralRaptop> something like that.
L318[16:21:23] <JVFoxy> got mine from website, says when you originally made order for game when you look at the account
L319[16:21:44] <Gasher> yeah that
L320[16:22:20] <JVFoxy> still kicking myself for not getting it same time friend did, though I hadn't the machine to even run it back then. We were playing off his laptop which was somewhat slow
L321[16:22:31] <Gasher> heh
L322[16:22:40] <Gasher> well, tempus fugit
L323[16:23:17] <JVFoxy> I happen to still have his and my save game files from 0.18
L324[16:23:31] <JVFoxy> though.. not really sure if they of any use now
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L329[16:26:42] <JVFoxy> ... connection problems?
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L334[16:30:37] <JVFoxy> isp act'n up on ya I take it?
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L338[16:31:00] * JVFoxy tries to chain UmbralRaptor's net down
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L342[16:45:01] <JVFoxy> UnmbralRaptop all stable now or?
L343[16:45:11] <JVFoxy> .. UmbralRaptop
L344[16:46:46] <UmbralRaptop> For now.
L345[16:47:07] <UmbralRaptop> Walking around campus tends to be bad for my wifi connection
L346[17:00:00] <darsie> packbart: Right shift .. What is trim?
L347[17:00:11] <darsie> How can I turn off trim?
L348[17:00:55] <UmbralRaptop> alt+qweasd is trim? alt+x to reset
L349[17:01:12] <darsie> ok
L350[17:01:17] <packbart> right shift on Linux, alt on Windows
L351[17:05:34] <UmbralRaptop> ^
L352[17:07:09] <darsie> yeah, that did it. thx! :)
L353[17:10:29] <JVFoxy> mmm.. trim
L354[17:10:57] <JVFoxy> I should maybe consider re-keying trim to something else. I use it all the time when taking off and landing
L355[17:12:02] <JVFoxy> ... airplanes that is. c.c;
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L363[17:50:07] <packbart> hmm. my pendulum wheels with ratcheted bearings keep blowing with hilarious G forces and I don't know why. new toys, I guess
L364[17:52:04] <Azander> hmmm, wonder where the nearest surface feature is from the space center
L365[17:55:00] <darsie> define surface feature.
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L367[17:55:23] <darsie> Did you mean anomaly?
L368[17:55:34] <darsie> Does grass count?
L369[17:56:06] <Azander> New Breaking Ground Surface Features
L370[17:56:23] <darsie> Oh, I know nothing about this.
L371[17:56:50] <Guest92096> can anyone send me the english language cfg for ksp and making history dlc? keithfajilan3@gmail.com is my email
L372[17:58:35] <UmbralRaptop> … you can redownload the English language versions, right?
L373[17:58:56] <Guest92096> can't its not from steam
L374[17:59:29] <Guest92096> all i need is the language cfg files
L375[18:00:12] <Guest92096> mine is in russian and i can't read any single thing (no offense)
L376[18:00:38] <darsie> Did you mean cyrillic?
L377[18:01:26] <Guest92096> is that what it's called
L378[18:01:29] <Guest92096> yes
L379[18:01:51] <darsie> Several languages use the cyrillic characters.
L380[18:02:32] <Guest92096> ok
L381[18:02:39] <Guest92096> but i only the english ones
L382[18:04:30] <Guest92096> can you send me a copy of your language cfg files?
L383[18:04:47] <darsie> I don't have breaking ground.
L384[18:05:04] <darsie> umm, making history.
L385[18:05:27] <Guest92096> it's okay
L386[18:05:43] <Guest92096> i don't have breaking ground either
L387[18:05:59] <Guest92096> just the cfg files for the base game and the making history dlc
L388[18:07:51] <Guest92096> here's my email keithfajilan3@gmail.com
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L390[18:11:11] <darsie> These 475 files? https://pastebin.com/ZbaTiPf8
L391[18:12:39] <packbart> the motors seem to mess a bit with the part tree. autostruts on things connected to the rotor see a different root
L392[18:14:52] <Guest92096> thanks but i was looking for the language cfg files from Kerbal Space Program/GameData/Squad/Localization and Kerbal Space Program/GameData/SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Localization
L393[18:22:15] <Guest92096> can anyone send me a copy of their language cfg files?
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L395[18:32:02] <Guest92096> does any of you guys have making history dlc installed?
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L412[20:15:58] <UmbralRaptop> <@egg> UmbralRaptop: this needs to become a KSP term https://twitter.com/13ericralph31/status/1134189068768559104
L413[20:20:11] <packbart> the front fell off?
L414[20:20:45] <UmbralRaptop> well, back
L415[20:22:29] <packbart> depends on which way you're looking out of the engine ;) - but I see: https://twitter.com/JtheNinja/status/1134227490090577920
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L422[21:24:00] ⇨ Joins: MARS19 (MARS19!webchat@c-73-136-66-164.hsd1.tx.comcast.net)
L423[21:25:06] <MARS19> Hello anyone online
L424[21:28:52] <UmbralRaptop> no, we're all offline
L425[21:30:32] <MARS19> lol good UmbralRaptop
L426[21:31:06] <UmbralRaptop> (speaking of offline, I haven't yet been able to mess with the update)
L427[21:31:22] <MARS19> it been a while since i've been on the IRC chat
L428[21:32:12] <UmbralRaptop> IRC takes like no bandwidth or RAM, though
L429[21:32:13] <MARS19> i got a quick question has the RSS mod been updated for ksp V1.7.0
L430[21:33:09] <UmbralRaptop> I think so?
L431[21:33:32] <MARS19> because i looked and could not find any sort of news or updates regarding the RSS update
L432[21:34:49] <MARS19> i keep getting the feeling that im looking on the wrong pages ?
L433[21:34:52] ⇦ Quits: Ezriilc (Ezriilc!~Ezriilc@ (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com))
L434[21:36:01] <UmbralRaptop> unsure
L435[21:37:38] <MARS19> Dang it
L436[21:39:22] <MARS19> i keep finding this version https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/releases/tag/v14.0.0
L437[21:39:57] <MARS19> im not sure if this one will work with ksp v1.7.0
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L439[21:53:20] <MARS19> crap i missed another ksp update
L440[21:54:50] <UmbralRaptop> 1.7.1 came out today, for what it's worth
L441[21:56:24] <MARS19> dang it
L442[22:02:38] <lordcirth__> They usually do a point release for DLC compatibilty
L443[22:08:19] ⇨ Joins: Shadow (Shadow!webchat@ip184-187-166-144.sb.sd.cox.net)
L444[22:08:22] <Shadow> Hi welcome everyone
L445[22:09:00] <Shadow> I have questions. There is this new patch 1.7.1. What change from 1.7.1 from previous 1.7.0?
L446[22:09:34] <UmbralRaptop> I'd have to double check the patch notes <_<;;
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L448[22:10:38] <Shadow> Ive been looking fo iy
L449[22:11:07] <Shadow> Luckily for me, since ive been so tired of the loading issues, ive been smarter about updating it
L450[22:11:24] <Shadow> The breaking ground expansion looks pretty cool
L451[22:11:29] ⇨ Joins: nj0rd (nj0rd!~nj0rd@200116b845c40d00c47f25b46ee45623.dip.versatel-1u1.de)
L452[22:12:03] <Shadow> However I downloaded 1.7.1 on a seperate folder so it doesnt enterphere with my 1.7. I tested it and its even more laggier than ever.
L453[22:12:30] <Shadow> Im gonna stick to 1.7.0 and stay happy there :)
L454[22:12:44] <Shadow> Till I get a better computer
L455[22:12:51] <UmbralRaptop> https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/1.7.1
L456[22:13:22] <Shadow> thanks
L457[22:15:50] <Shadow> This is not the Breaking Ground Expansion?
L458[22:20:28] <UmbralRaptop> not as such, though that also came out
L459[22:21:14] <MARS19> hmm alot of intersting tools and gadgets on the 1.7.1 breaking grounds update
L460[22:23:20] <Shadow> Id be happy to watch stream play or something, it does look interesting.
L461[22:23:51] <Shadow> Im just gonna stick to 1.7.0
L462[22:24:43] <Shadow> I hope Squad for the sake of new gamers makes their game as stable and playable as possible. We dont want another minecraft situation again.
L463[22:26:02] <MARS19> well i just finished downloanding the 1.7.1
L464[22:26:55] <UmbralRaptop> hopefully. It's mildly concerning how some of the part updates in the past few versions feel like exercises in filling ram
L465[22:28:35] <MARS19> ?
L466[22:28:41] <Shadow> I notice the more they add, the more it takes to load, not sure if this is the cause of it though, but dont really care anymore
L467[22:29:29] <Shadow> Is breaking ground included in 1.7.1? or is that coming up soon?
L468[22:29:44] <UmbralRaptop> MARS19: fancier/higher poly models, more textures, etc.
L469[22:30:16] <MARS19> ah
L470[22:30:36] <MARS19> how do you tag everyone
L471[22:30:41] <UmbralRaptop> Shadow: it's a separate thing. At least with the store version you click a different link
L472[22:31:18] <UmbralRaptop> MARS19: what so you mean?
L473[22:31:27] <Shadow> im pretty confused. So breaking ground hasnt been released yet?
L474[22:32:06] <UmbralRaptop> It has been released, but it's a separate expansion and not part of 1.7.1.
L475[22:32:12] <MARS19> nvm the question
L476[22:33:17] <Shadow> Oh I see it
L477[22:33:47] <Shadow> Was this released just now?
L478[22:34:05] <UmbralRaptop> some hours back
L479[22:34:41] <UmbralRaptop> The site had issues at times
L480[22:35:18] <MARS19> UmbralRaptop so the robotics parts and the other features wont be in the ksp 1.7.1 that i just downloaded ?
L481[22:35:29] <Shadow> Hope you guys enjoy the new update then
L482[22:36:35] <UmbralRaptop> right, I think just some UI tweaks
L483[22:37:29] <MARS19> **** dang it
L484[22:37:53] <MARS19> what the..... did i just got bleeped ?
L485[22:38:37] <Shadow> Mars, I just looked at the main site, you have to buy the dlc
L486[22:38:57] <Shadow> its $14 which is pretty increbility cheap price in my opinion
L487[22:38:59] <Shadow> which is nice
L488[22:39:21] <MARS19> aw crap well it is cheap and affordable
L489[22:40:01] <Shadow> I wonder how many dlcs are planned
L490[22:41:25] <MARS19> so all the DLC's come apart
L491[22:44:40] <Shadow> yeah. Currently there 2 of them
L492[22:44:43] <Shadow> 1 just released
L493[22:45:20] <Shadow> hope your computer can handle them
L494[22:45:49] <MARS19> OH IT CAN
L495[22:45:57] <MARS19> sorry caps
L496[22:49:08] <Shadow> New computers are alot cheaper compare to when I got mine
L497[22:49:30] <Shadow> this computer is 10 years old, it has 5gb at most
L498[22:49:43] <Shadow> but still kicking it
L499[22:49:47] ⇦ Quits: Shadow (Shadow!webchat@ip184-187-166-144.sb.sd.cox.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
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L501[23:13:12] ⇨ Joins: xShadowx (xShadowx!~kvirc@67-42-80-219.tukw.qwest.net)
L502[23:16:49] <xShadowx> this place is still around?
L503[23:16:51] <xShadowx> o.O
L504[23:22:10] <MARS19> yep im still surprised
L505[23:22:32] <MARS19> and now im pissed off at ksp
L506[23:23:07] <MARS19> (dont ask why)
L507[23:25:58] ⇨ Joins: Althego (Althego!~Althego@86FF47BD.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
L508[23:26:50] <Neal> ooooo that new ksp dlc looks cool
L509[23:27:04] <Neal> literally all I've seen is a yt thumbnail
L510[23:27:34] <Neal> wait is it already out?
L511[23:27:53] <MARS19> it is cool but i cant have it my card got declined dang it
L512[23:27:55] <Neal> haha it's already installed
L513[23:28:18] <Neal> I did literally nothing today and it's already been installed for me since I bought it on steam early
L514[23:28:35] <MARS19> dang it
L515[23:29:24] <Neal> MARS19, did you get it on steam?
L516[23:29:57] <MARS19> how come on steam all DLC's get installed and those on the online store does not
L517[23:30:24] <MARS19> @Neal no i dont have steam
L518[23:31:05] <Althego> my problem with the dlc is that it combines extra science with the robot parts. i just wanted the robot parts
L519[23:31:14] <Althego> there is too much science already
L520[23:31:25] <Althego> so i cant install it until i finished this career
L521[23:31:42] <Neal> MARS19, not all steam installs get it. you had to purchase the game on steam before some time in 2013
L522[23:32:03] <Neal> same with normal ksp store I think
L523[23:32:07] <MARS19> i dont mind having more science
L524[23:32:52] <MARS19> brb
L525[23:33:05] <Althego> they tied two completely unrelated things
L526[23:33:59] <MARS19> Neal i bought my ksp on 2014-04-10
L527[23:34:37] <Neal> yeah cutoff date was like april(?) 2013
L528[23:34:51] <MARS19> crap
L529[23:35:21] <Neal> I bought it around a week before the cutoff date, I was really lucky
L530[23:35:26] <Althego> i bought it in 2014 too
L531[23:35:44] <Neal> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/170582-kerbal-space-program-making-history-expansion-release-date-announcement/
L532[23:36:12] <Neal> I think I still have my irc logs from like 2012 or earlier when I was on the free demo(do they even have that anymore?)
L533[23:36:38] <MARS19> idk about the demos ksp
L534[23:36:47] <Neal> "Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion will be available for $14.99 (USD) on PC. And yes, we’re keeping our promise that all players who purchased the game through April 2013 will receive the expansion for free."
L535[23:37:17] <MARS19> s****
L536[23:38:26] <MARS19> i though they said all trough 2014 onwards ?
L537[23:38:32] <MARS19> dang it
L538[23:40:06] <Neal> nope the eula or agreement or whatever was changed in 2013
L539[23:40:27] <Neal> I just started my science mode save yesterday, should I just revert it?
L540[23:40:32] <Neal> and create a new save
L541[23:40:40] <MARS19> i guess i got jinxed
L542[23:40:59] <Althego> cant you upgrade it simply?
L543[23:41:13] <Althego> normally it should work
L544[23:41:17] <Althego> you just get the additional parts
L545[23:41:23] <Althego> probably higher up in the science tree
L546[23:41:37] <MARS19> nope my card got declined thats i cant upgrade
L547[23:42:02] <Neal> idk I haven't even launched the game yet Althego
L548[23:42:15] <Neal> I think I only have 7 or 8 nodes unlocked
L549[23:42:25] <Neal> tbh it seems like most of this stuff should have been in the full release
L550[23:42:34] <Althego> hehe
L551[23:42:41] <Althego> the robot parts, sure
L552[23:42:50] <MARS19> can i swear in here
L553[23:42:56] <MARS19> just for one min
L554[23:43:05] <Althego> no
L555[23:43:10] <Neal> no swears
L556[23:43:29] <Althego> there is the unofficial channel, you can do it there. but nothing ever happens there
L557[23:43:56] <MARS19> brb then im going to swear over here until the neighbors wake complaining
L558[23:44:45] <Althego> hehe it is like the joke. the neighbor rang the doorbell at 2:35, can you imagine that? luckily i was awake drumming
L559[23:45:08] <MARS19> lol
L560[23:45:44] <MARS19> allright fellas im going to bed i'll chat later
L561[23:46:12] ⇦ Quits: MARS19 (MARS19!webchat@c-73-136-66-164.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L562[23:52:55] <Neal> still wish there was an automated sample return thing that didn't need a kerbal =/
L563[23:54:42] <Neal> uhhhhh okay ksp is using 6GB of RAM on the main menu
L564[23:54:47] <Neal> that seems a little excessive
L565[23:54:52] <Neal> pretty sure BF5 uses less
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