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L1[00:05:12] ⇨ Joins: aradapilot (aradapilot!~aradapilo@2601:86:0:2d61:b1b7:4823:17b7:cdf5)
L2[00:05:55] <Neal__> my parents said ksp would never help me... well here I am designing a rover to deploy out of a high power rocket for a nasa competition
L3[00:06:45] <Althego> and how does all this help you<
L4[00:06:48] <Althego> ?
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L6[00:09:02] <Neal__> I guess not that much but I did make a lot of rovers deploy from rockets in ksp
L7[00:09:28] <Althego> from rockets? not drom landers?
L8[00:10:27] <Neal__> for the competition the rocket flies with the rover in the payload bay, deploys a parachute, lands. rover is pushed out of fuselage and is free to drive around
L9[00:20:42] <JVFoxy> eh...?
L10[00:20:55] <JVFoxy> I did a 6 wheeled rover 'truck' outof a rocket.
L11[00:21:03] <JVFoxy> landed with a a rocket pack
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L13[00:27:51] <Neal__> JVFoxy, is this real life you're talking about?
L14[00:28:03] <Neal__> bc if you did powered descent I'm very impressed
L15[00:28:11] <Althego> hehe
L16[00:28:15] <Althego> that must be ksp
L17[00:28:32] <JVFoxy> wait.. you talk'n about real life landing a rover sorta thing.. or in game?
L18[00:28:42] <Althego> he is talking about a real one
L19[00:29:08] <Neal__> making a real life rover
L20[00:29:12] <JVFoxy> I'd love to do real world lander.. just .. no funds
L21[00:30:11] <JVFoxy> my case... was mostly an in game reference. I tried doing like how Russians did with Lunakod.. but then just a frame that had rockets that would disconnect on landing
L22[00:30:22] ⇨ Joins: xShadowx (xShadowx!~kvirc@67-40-199-86.tukw.qwest.net)
L23[00:30:54] <Neal__> someone is doing powered descent with hobby rocket motors
L24[00:31:20] <JVFoxy> don't those need o2 to operate?
L25[00:31:30] <Neal__> runs on apcp
L26[00:31:36] <Neal__> same fuel as space shuttle srbs
L27[00:31:52] <Althego> on solid rockets?
L28[00:31:54] <Althego> that must be hard
L29[00:32:02] <JVFoxy> ya but... according to instructions, to deactivate/dispose of them, immerse in water.
L30[00:32:41] <JVFoxy> Surveyor landers did it on solids... at least part way
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L32[00:33:40] <Neal__> if you know exactly how much impulse you will get out of the motor it's doable... I doubt consumer grade motors are that reliable... guess I'll find out for myself soon
L33[00:33:48] <Neal__> this is my favorite rocket video to date https://youtu.be/rbO7fXBad3o?t=10s
L34[00:34:44] <Neal__> alternate angle https://youtu.be/2n_0PLoksDc?t=1m20s
L35[00:34:47] *** Neal__ is now known as Neal
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L37[00:36:47] <JVFoxy> there is some slight fudging on SRB figures.. even liquid ones.. just means have to allow for some leeway.
L38[00:37:16] <JVFoxy> 'acceptable tolerances'
L39[00:37:41] <Neal> that's definitely not what you want when landing =P
L40[00:38:26] <Neal> any error in the fuel directly correlates with how hard you hit the ground
L41[00:39:02] <JVFoxy> not unless you built it into the design... as with Surveyor.. it stopped engines a short distance up, costed down. It was design to land like that
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L43[00:39:59] <Neal> depends on the gravity of the body you land on... if you stop moving one second before landing on earth... you're going to crash down going 9.81m/s
L44[00:40:15] <JVFoxy> if the craft is fragile...
L45[00:40:58] <Neal> I'd wager shock dampening is more important
L46[00:41:17] <JVFoxy> on moon, 1/6.. so going only 5.3kmh
L47[00:41:52] <JVFoxy> well Surv had crush pads, shocks..
L48[00:46:05] <JVFoxy> anyways..
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L52[01:44:18] <Neal> yes thank you windows for rebooting without warning
L53[01:44:24] <Neal> not evne 30min notice
L54[01:46:53] <Neal> well at least chrome kept my tabs
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L57[01:59:33] <JVFoxy> had that problem with my laptop... middle of something, nope gotta shutdown, install updates. Needless to say, I went through all the settings so it worked how I wanted
L58[02:02:45] <oren> JVFoxy: Yeah you have to use the GPedit.msc its so annoying
L59[02:02:59] <JVFoxy> nah
L60[02:03:06] <JVFoxy> just tell it you on a metered connection
L61[02:03:15] <JVFoxy> well one of things you can do
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L74[03:05:27] <Neal> the worst is when it decides to install updates when you turn on your laptop to work on something in class
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L83[04:00:45] ⇦ Quits: Neal (Neal!~Neal@ (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L84[04:06:17] <Rolf> heh windows rebooting is why I dont have windows anymore
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L117[08:40:10] <UmbralRaptor> MINERVA update http://fanfun.jaxa.jp/jaxatv/files/20180927_hayabusa2_e.pdf
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L137[10:45:12] <transitbiker> bwoop
L138[10:45:22] <Fluburtur> bwoop
L139[10:45:27] <transitbiker> i made a thing
L140[10:45:44] <transitbiker> i will showcase it tomorrow during a livestream
L141[10:46:01] <Fluburtur> ok
L142[10:47:02] <transitbiker> it's air breathing, and so far i can get it up to 90 km, perfect release altitude for another thing that can establish an orbit
L143[10:47:34] <transitbiker> but today: minecraft survival
L144[10:47:47] <transitbiker> also.... i had a question about fan vs prop
L145[10:48:00] <Fluburtur> yeah
L146[10:49:20] <transitbiker> wouldnt it be more beneficial to have a stronger motor (more amps) spinning a unducted fan vs higher rpm but lower amp motor spinning a prop? is there a trade-off where the amps can be the same but torque curve is different?
L147[10:49:44] <Fluburtur> well larger slower props are more efficient
L148[10:49:56] <Fluburtur> because you do the same amount of work on a larger area
L149[10:50:54] <transitbiker> many ships have fan like screws to reduce cavitation and lower the rpm and reduce fuel consumption at lower speeds
L150[10:51:14] <Fluburtur> water is also much thicker than air
L151[10:51:18] <transitbiker> queen mary comes to mind
L152[10:51:22] <transitbiker> yes
L153[10:52:22] <transitbiker> https://imgc.allpostersimages.com/img/print/posters/queen-mary-propeller_a-G-8007252-14258389.jpg?w=670&h=894
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L156[10:52:54] <Fluburtur> but boat props are also a different design
L157[10:53:19] <transitbiker> yes, because of the way water has surface tension and the higher density
L158[10:53:20] <Fluburtur> but you can use air propellers in water, just spin them really slow
L159[10:53:54] <transitbiker> would a fan be better in RC use?
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L161[10:54:13] <Fluburtur> what kind of fan
L162[10:55:04] <transitbiker> maybe this kind of "paddle" shape? https://www.azpartsmaster.com/Images/products/hvac/FB60719601.jpg
L163[10:55:17] <Fluburtur> it would work for boats
L164[10:56:09] <transitbiker> that one is for an AC condenser unit (the kind that sit outside)
L165[10:56:35] <Fluburtur> well, they would work but it was probably not designed for efficiency
L166[10:57:37] <transitbiker> http://img.weiku.com//waterpicture/2011/11/9/5/Fan_Blades_408x134_8_axial_flow_blade_plastic_axial_impeller_634658184615439307_10.jpg
L167[10:58:12] <Fluburtur> those look like they are meant to move a large amount of air at low speed and with relatively low loading
L168[10:58:21] <transitbiker> hmmm true
L169[10:58:28] <Fluburtur> the idea rc plane prop would be a one bladed one as large as it can be
L170[10:58:52] <Fluburtur> I don't know much about boat propellers design
L171[11:00:36] <transitbiker> hmmm
L172[11:01:23] <transitbiker> just thinking that lower rpm could be beneficial, but to do that, you'd need broader blades
L173[11:01:52] <Fluburtur> yeah
L174[11:02:03] <Fluburtur> not broader
L175[11:02:05] <Fluburtur> longer
L176[11:02:14] <Fluburtur> look at glider wings vs jet fighters
L177[11:02:27] <Fluburtur> gliders are very efficient because they have long and thin wings
L178[11:02:38] <Fluburtur> they do a small amount of work on a large amount of air
L179[11:03:03] <Fluburtur> while a plane the same weight with short and stubby wings would need to do a much higher amount of work on a smaller amount of air
L180[11:03:20] <transitbiker> https://cdn8.bigcommerce.com/s-dwlxj/images/stencil/1024x1024/products/3180/5364/windmill-hanger__38637.1518018706.PNG?c=2
L181[11:03:25] <Fluburtur> when you are trying to distribute a load, you want to spread it evenly accros a large area
L182[11:03:44] <Fluburtur> that's a windmill
L183[11:04:33] <transitbiker> mhm
L184[11:04:54] <Fluburtur> and modern windmills also have long thin blades
L185[11:05:02] <Fluburtur> but it is not exactly the same
L186[11:05:06] <transitbiker> hmmm
L187[11:05:10] * transitbiker shrugs
L188[11:05:12] <transitbiker> heh
L189[11:05:19] <transitbiker> ok lets get this livestream going
L190[11:07:37] <Althego> let's get ready to rumble
L191[11:07:50] <transitbiker> ya that too
L192[11:08:16] <transitbiker> this fight is scheduled for one fall
L193[11:08:25] <Althego> let our powers combine
L194[11:08:29] * transitbiker dies in lava
L195[11:08:39] <transitbiker> tlove that show, haha
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L197[11:11:08] <transitbiker> Survival SMP minecraft livestream on Empire Minecraft! Tune in here: https://gaming.youtube.com/channel/UCZuDQkMA5GF3Jh29ElK3-uQ/live
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L205[11:39:40] <mabus> https://wiki.rizon.net/index.php?title=Stop-irc-bullying
L206[11:40:08] <mabus> I feel offended by your recent action(s). Please read http://stop-irc-bullying.eu/stop
L207[11:40:36] <mabus> jeeez
L208[11:40:42] <mabus> this is the wrong channel, i look like a dummie
L209[11:40:54] <Fluburtur> https://66.media.tumblr.com/ed4477fa61b60a6ac79490c7b92a4dff/tumblr_p8jlspaumw1tbmi9ho1_540.jpg
L210[11:43:12] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/3Mxq0kzY-CI
L211[11:43:12] <kmath> YouTube - Klezmer Dolphins
L212[11:49:07] <Althego> hehe
L213[11:49:25] <Fluburtur> that guy speaks dolphin, no biggie
L214[11:50:24] <Althego> does he have a brother who speaks seagull?
L215[11:51:02] <Fluburtur> idk
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L218[11:51:50] <Fluburtur> I try to talk to crows
L219[11:51:54] <Fluburtur> not suepr effective
L220[11:52:25] <Althego> they only ever say one thing
L221[11:52:35] <Althego> it doesnt mean they only understand one thing too
L222[11:52:49] <Fluburtur> nah they actually say a lot
L223[11:55:30] <Althego> because of the dophins and seagulls, i said it because of this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odds_and_Evens_(film)
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L235[13:04:41] <oren> Fluburtur: but a 1 bladed prop would need some sort of counterweight right
L236[13:07:54] <Fluburtur> yeah
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L238[13:10:32] <lordcirth> Someone test-flew a one-bladed helicopter
L239[13:16:24] <Althego> less than a month until insight
L240[13:16:45] <Fluburtur> my friend foamie ninja has a lot of one bladed rc aircrafts
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L256[15:05:20] <transitbiker> KSP livestream (short) https://gaming.youtube.com/channel/UCZuDQkMA5GF3Jh29ElK3-uQ/live
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L262[15:33:44] <transitbiker> weeeee
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L273[16:06:44] <Eddi|zuHause> speaking of reasons why unconditional autoupdate might not be the brightest idea ever: https://www.nrk.no/ostfold/sykehuset-matte-avbryte-narkose-fordi-pc-ble-oppdatert-1.14206040
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L276[16:20:10] <transitbiker> yay, my aero-launch system works!
L277[16:20:13] <transitbiker> woo
L278[16:20:23] <transitbiker> later, all!
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L281[16:27:56] <Fluburtur> I so don't want to go to work tomorrow
L282[16:28:16] <Fluburtur> too stressing, my mental health is legit taking a toll
L283[16:34:45] <Eddi|zuHause> when i was at that point, i quit that job
L284[16:35:13] <Eddi|zuHause> my mental health is more valuable than whatever they are paying
L285[16:35:18] <Fluburtur> I have been there for barely 4 months
L286[16:35:35] <Fluburtur> but only the guy that is reaching me is the problem
L287[16:35:39] <Eddi|zuHause> i had been working there in total 1 year
L288[16:35:41] <Fluburtur> everyone else is nice and knows aboutthat
L289[16:36:25] <Fluburtur> but I don't plan on staying there for more than two months
L290[16:36:35] <Fluburtur> I finish my contract then I quit
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L298[16:56:23] <darsie> Wow, that was a near miss. About 2.2 m encounter.
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L311[17:33:03] <UmbralRaptor> https://moon.nasa.gov/exploration/moon-missions/#1990s
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L380[23:43:29] <Althego> https://hackaday.com/2018/09/24/self-solving-rubiks-cube/
L381[23:45:54] <Althego> https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/09/after-a-decade-of-testing-propylene-rocket-fuel-may-be-ready-for-prime-time/
L382[23:46:45] <Althego> although the article is incorrect, there is only a trace amount of methane in the atmosphere of mars
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