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L1[00:00:01] <mischief> mining rig at work
L2[00:00:04] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/ZGcSoth.jpg
L3[00:00:20] <mischief> unfortunately i didn't pack enough radiators. the convert o tron gets too hot..
L4[00:02:32] <mischief> guess i'll fix that.
L5[00:20:15] <Althego> how experienced is your engineer?
L6[00:25:08] <KrazyKrl> Well, out of 10 attempts... he only burned water 3 times.
L7[00:25:26] <Epsilon> So level 6.
L8[00:25:37] <Epsilon> ;p
L9[00:28:32] <KrazyKrl> Seeing as how he was watching the joy of painting in his off time... analysts are still researching how the glass of water adjecent to him spontaneously caught flame and became charred.
L10[00:28:52] <KrazyKrl> not the glass, the water itself, on a molecular level.
L11[00:28:55] <KrazyKrl> charred water.
L12[00:30:44] <JVFoxy> burning water? easy... h2 o2.. combine
L13[00:31:27] <Althego> let out powers combine
L14[00:31:58] <JVFoxy> there is a HHO torch.. pretty hot stuff
L15[00:32:45] <KrazyKrl> No, it's obvious that when this particular kerbal has a thought, the carbon atoms in his neurons attempt to escape the "sinking ship" and attach themselves to the nearest objects. In this case, the water itself. These radical atoms carry enough energy to quickly burn and char whatever they contact.
L16[00:33:16] <JVFoxy> mischief the panels you are using only cool parts connected and the next one after that.. you'll want the folding radiators if you want cooling to effected on the craft as a whole
L17[00:33:29] <Epsilon> That's amazing considering you'd figure it would just explode and fizz.
L18[00:33:31] <mischief> yea, i switched it out.
L19[00:33:39] <mischief> Althego: he's only lv 2
L20[00:33:48] <Althego> but even that helps a lot
L21[00:33:56] <JVFoxy> carbon atoms.. get enough of them on things, ya, youll end up with things that look charred
L22[00:34:00] <mischief> career mode you see
L23[00:34:03] <mischief> i didn't go many places yet
L24[00:34:17] <Althego> unfortunately for level 3 you have to go outside of kerbin soi (relatively easy from minmus but takes a lot of time)
L25[00:35:26] <KrazyKrl> to hit level 3, don't you just need to grab like 1 flight report from outside of kerbin's SoI?
L26[00:35:40] <KrazyKrl> it's something exact like that.
L27[00:35:48] <Althego> you dont need to do anything just go out and back
L28[00:35:55] <mischief> ah.
L29[00:35:57] <Althego> but it takes a lot of time, several days
L30[00:36:10] <Althego> but as long as you are there you might as well take some science too
L31[00:36:11] <mischief> it usually takes me like 20 days to go to minmus and back
L32[00:36:18] <Althego> then you are doing it wrong
L33[00:36:33] <Epsilon> JVFoxy: I was thinking more along the lines of CO2.
L34[00:36:36] <Althego> not even that long on a hohman transfer
L35[00:36:45] <Althego> that is something around 7
L36[00:36:56] <JVFoxy> epsilon co2.. after you breath o2...
L37[00:37:10] <Althego> but you can make it in around 2-3 with putting in more delta v, to the point where you are on an escape trajectory.
L38[00:37:16] <JVFoxy> I don't know.. I'm not too good a chemist
L39[00:37:38] <JVFoxy> Gotta go faster!
L40[00:37:49] <JVFoxy> .... sorry.. /!sonic
L41[00:37:52] <Epsilon> Everything I know about chemistry, I learned from Things I Won't Work With. ;p
L42[00:37:59] <Althego> hehe
L43[00:38:16] <Althego> dont ever go near foof or chlorine trifluoride
L44[00:38:32] <Althego> in fact i would want to rally avoid any kind of hydrazine too
L45[00:38:44] <Epsilon> ... man. Now I actually want to make a mod that's got a rocket that runs on FOOF.
L46[00:38:46] <TheKosmonaut> But foof sounds so tasty
L47[00:38:49] <Epsilon> Just because that's kerbal as hell.
L48[00:38:54] <Althego> hehe
L49[00:39:03] <Althego> which had the green flame?
L50[00:39:06] <Althego> some borane whateverú
L51[00:39:07] <JVFoxy> ... foof?
L52[00:39:10] <Epsilon> Hexaborane?
L53[00:39:13] <Althego> that
L54[00:39:18] <Epsilon> JVFoxy: Dioxygen Difluoride.
L55[00:39:25] <Althego> commonly called as foof
L56[00:39:27] <Epsilon> Explodes if you look at it funny.
L57[00:39:36] <JVFoxy> oh.. missing a L... floof.. sorry
L58[00:39:42] <Epsilon> I think JVFoxy needs an education.
L59[00:39:55] <Althego> not missing, it is foof
L60[00:40:01] <Epsilon> http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2010/02/23/things_i_wont_work_with_dioxygen_difluoride
L61[00:40:17] <Althego> there is a better material for exploding. azidoazide azide
L62[00:40:18] <Epsilon> Anything on that blog under "Things I Won't Work With" is amazing.
L63[00:40:29] <KrazyKrl> Fluroantimonic Acid, do it.
L64[00:40:29] <Althego> you dont even need to look at it and it still explodes
L65[00:40:37] <Epsilon> Althego: Isn't that the CL-20 stuff, that's "surprisingly stable"?
L66[00:40:48] <JVFoxy> I'm just teasing.. I know dioxy difluoride...
L67[00:41:05] <JVFoxy> o2f2...
L68[00:41:07] <Epsilon> No, that's the hexaisohexaazaisowurtizane or whatever the crap it's called. Never mind.
L69[00:41:22] <JVFoxy> heavy air?
L70[00:41:58] <Epsilon> ... what would that be, radioactive O2?
L71[00:42:10] * mischief curses to himself
L72[00:42:14] <mischief> 100m/s short
L73[00:42:18] * mischief reverts flight
L74[00:43:03] <Althego> eh anot her scott video
L75[00:43:22] <Althego> but at least i can watch it now
L76[00:45:06] <JVFoxy> heavy air, aka sulfur hexafluoride
L77[00:45:53] <JVFoxy> helium makes you squeak, sulfur hexafluoride makes you sound like some badass demon
L78[00:47:38] <Epsilon> Huh.
L79[00:47:47] <Althego> a small epsilon
L80[00:47:57] <Althego> it is somehow always a small epsilon radius
L81[00:48:09] <Epsilon> Wonder how dangerous it is, other than the suffocation risk. I assume the fluorine is bound up pretty nicely.
L82[00:48:17] * Epsilon looks it up and ends up on another watchlist probably. :V
L83[00:48:32] <Althego> it is not really dangerous
L84[00:48:44] <JVFoxy> Adam Savage... from high to low with gases https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj_4Za8jMHcAhX3IjQIHazRAM4QtwIIKDAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dd-XbjFn3aqE&usg=AOvVaw24JAABmlmaihzrI0PDl8uK
L85[00:48:57] <Althego> aside of the thing that it is heavier than air and i cant imagine how the remaining amount of it gets out of your lungs
L86[00:49:06] <JVFoxy> dang it.. sorry, google just being a pain
L87[00:49:07] <JVFoxy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-XbjFn3aqE
L88[00:49:07] <kmath> YouTube - Fun With Gas | MythBusters
L89[00:49:28] <Althego> dont waste helium, guys. it is a precious resource for science and medical instruments
L90[00:49:36] <JVFoxy> meh.. just hang yourself
L91[00:49:41] <JVFoxy> heavy air goes down
L92[00:49:52] <Epsilon> "Like xenon, sulfur hexafluoride is a non-toxic gas, yet by displacing oxygen in the lungs, it also carries the risk of asphyxia if too much is inhaled."
L93[00:50:01] <JVFoxy> sorry.. mean to say, hangyourself by the ankles... >_<
L94[00:50:07] <Althego> haha
L95[00:51:13] <JVFoxy> you will eventually expel it all out... diffusion.. displacement.. otherwise, there'd always be stale air in your lugs
L96[00:52:03] <Epsilon> True, but it doesn't take too long to just pass out from huffing stuff that's not-air.
L97[00:52:21] <JVFoxy> you only really need a small amount
L98[00:52:38] <JVFoxy> even with heilium, you'd not want to keep that in your lungs for too long either
L99[00:52:41] <Epsilon> I get the feeling we're arguing two different things. >_>
L100[00:53:11] <Althego> heilium, must be an element with people holding one arm up :)
L101[00:53:29] <TheKosmonaut> I got pinged by that
L102[00:53:31] <Epsilon> I'm just saying that it'd make you pass out if you breathed too much of it (something which applies to helium too)
L103[00:53:43] <TheKosmonaut> Helium
L104[00:53:43] <Althego> also helium is the only working backup program for android
L105[00:53:50] <mischief> damnit
L106[00:53:56] <mischief> the ore scanner keeps turning off :(
L107[00:53:58] <mischief> now idk where to land
L108[00:53:59] <Althego> or rather something that sometimes works
L109[00:54:02] <Epsilon> Not arguing the wisdom of doing it for a funny voice one way or another. :B
L110[00:54:06] <TheKosmonaut> Heilium is what their moonbase harvests
L111[00:54:50] <Epsilon> That, and the original point I had was "huh, even if it's got a lot of fluorine, looks like it won't kill you through direct chemistry"
L112[00:54:54] <mischief> is there no way to switch the ore scan overlay on without switching ships?
L113[00:55:07] <mischief> i don't want to switch ship because i might need to revert this flight again >_>
L114[00:55:32] <Althego> you can use it in the map view
L115[00:55:34] <Epsilon> mischief: You can't right-click the scanner and twiddle it from that menu?
L116[00:55:37] <Althego> once you have done it once
L117[00:55:57] <mischief> i do not have a scanner on this current ship
L118[00:55:59] <Althego> because it becomes part of the knowledge
L119[00:56:02] <mischief> it's on a different satellite
L120[00:56:04] <mischief> Althego: how?
L121[00:56:09] <Althego> or maybe only from the space center
L122[00:56:22] <Althego> ah yes i think that icon only appears in the space center
L123[00:56:26] <mischief> :(
L124[00:56:32] <Althego> or rather wats its name, tracking station
L125[00:56:43] <Althego> but there is the smaller scanner
L126[00:56:51] <Althego> the big scanner only gives info by biome
L127[00:57:01] <Althego> tha smallers have increasing resolution
L128[00:57:12] <JVFoxy> don't you need to keep ore scanner in orbit.. or the data turns off?
L129[00:57:14] <Althego> while the smallest gives reading on the ground
L130[00:57:25] <JVFoxy> better yet.. doesn't the scanner have to keep running in order ot use the data shown?
L131[00:57:36] <Althego> no, it transmits the data
L132[00:57:37] <mischief> yes but you see, somehow it got turned off
L133[00:57:40] <Althego> you even get science for it
L134[00:57:48] <mischief> so the ore places on the mun don't show up now, and i've no clue where to land
L135[00:57:52] <JVFoxy> or am I thinking of the narrow band one?
L136[00:58:05] <Althego> i am talking about the big thing that opens
L137[00:58:37] <JVFoxy> I know the clamshell one you have to polar orbit.. the other just has to be close enough
L138[00:59:50] <mischief> in theory there is at least some ore everywhere right
L139[00:59:56] <Althego> no
L140[01:00:02] <mischief> so i could just land anywhere, mine some and then go somewhere else
L141[01:00:04] <mischief> oh.
L142[01:00:08] <mischief> well dangit
L143[01:00:35] <Althego> at least i once landed on laythe on a relatively flat island, thinking this was easy, than it turned tout there was no ore there at all
L144[01:00:46] <Althego> *then
L145[01:00:49] <mischief> well
L146[01:01:01] <mischief> worst case i lose $180,000 kerb bucks
L147[01:01:01] <Althego> but that may have been changed
L148[01:01:07] <Althego> sicne now you can mine underthe sea
L149[01:01:18] <Althego> as i said
L150[01:01:27] <Althego> switch back to the tracking station and turn on the view
L151[01:01:52] <mischief> if i go to the tracking station then i can't revert flight any more
L152[01:01:59] <JVFoxy> think the little drill rigs need a certain percentage of ore below it before it takes anything
L153[01:02:02] <mischief> idk if i can land this for sure.
L154[01:02:22] <mischief> last couple flights with this ship i ran out of fuel before i slowed down
L155[01:02:27] <Althego> ok if it doesnt work you can still revert
L156[01:02:46] <mischief> i am pretty sure revert gets disabled if i switch away from the ship....
L157[01:02:49] <mischief> that's the issue
L158[01:02:59] <Althego> yes
L159[01:03:14] <Althego> but the mun is pretty much ok anywhere
L160[01:03:24] <Althego> you would get different speed
L161[01:03:33] <Althego> or time efficiency
L162[01:04:24] <mischief> eh. i guess i'll just land some random place.
L163[01:04:31] <mischief> if nothing's there i'll revert and fix the scanner
L164[01:04:37] <Althego> choose easier site
L165[01:05:35] <JVFoxy> if you switch to a ship that flew right next to you.. you still be ok
L166[01:05:47] <JVFoxy> if you switched while having to use map mode because it was too far.. no you can't revert
L167[01:06:11] <Althego> yes scene change is what elminates rever
L168[01:06:34] <Althego> but if you can land that thing why not just save, and retry
L169[01:07:26] <JVFoxy> could just save before launch...
L170[01:07:35] <JVFoxy> then different save each part just in case till landing
L171[01:08:08] <Althego> that doesnt work for me because before anything gets to the mun, there are already 4 other missions on the way
L172[01:08:38] <mischief> it's ok
L173[01:08:42] <mischief> my ship crashed anyway
L174[01:08:46] <mischief> revert flight xD
L175[01:08:56] <mischief> this thing is so unwieldy
L176[01:09:00] <Althego> lol. liam neeson once was a teacher, but one student pulled a knife on him and he instantly punched the kid
L177[01:09:17] <mischief> it's hard to land and runs out of fuel half the time before i get to the ground
L178[01:09:19] <mischief> :(
L179[01:09:22] <Althego> note, you want your landers as flat as possible
L180[01:10:00] <Althego> and also not even if you are good, a few seconds of cautiousness in landing can costs you hundreds of m/s in delta v even on the mun
L181[01:10:10] <Althego> so always pack more fuel for landing
L182[01:10:49] <mischief> this is what im working with here https://i.imgur.com/lb4AvDb.jpg
L183[01:10:59] <Althego> that is why i said it
L184[01:11:05] <mischief> maybe i can move the bottom around so it's not as tall..
L185[01:11:12] <Althego> what if you rotated it by 90 degrees?
L186[01:11:21] <Althego> it is tall anyway
L187[01:11:25] <mischief> what
L188[01:11:33] <Althego> it is a lighthouse
L189[01:11:35] <Althego> a tower
L190[01:11:37] <mischief> :-P
L191[01:11:58] <Althego> would be ok for minmu
L192[01:11:59] <Althego> s
L193[01:12:06] <Althego> not for anywhere else
L194[01:12:22] <mischief> so i should try flying it to minmus?
L195[01:12:25] <mischief> might work better
L196[01:12:34] <Althego> and land oin the flats
L197[01:12:41] <mischief> i'll try
L198[01:16:14] <Althego> do or do not, there is no try
L199[01:16:26] <mischief> ok yoda
L200[01:20:31] ⇨ Joins: Lyneira (Lyneira!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:20c:29ff:fea6:d040)
L201[01:21:59] <mischief> mun's in my way lol
L202[01:22:57] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L203[01:23:22] <Althego> heh intel fails again in 10 nm. i dont even know how they manage to fail that many times
L204[01:27:59] ⇦ Quits: Neal (Neal!~Neal@ (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L205[01:31:26] <mischief> not actually sure i can make it to minmus xD
L206[01:31:30] <mischief> i think my ship needs more dv
L207[01:43:44] <mischief> >_>
L208[01:43:49] <mischief> if it's not one thing it's another
L209[01:43:59] <mischief> i made it to minmus but i forgot an engineer, and sent my best pilot.
L210[01:45:36] ⇦ Quits: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L211[01:46:27] <Epsilon> A suggestion for that craft is to make the lowest fuel tank a 3x around a core. Gives it a wider base for landing.
L212[01:46:42] <Epsilon> (dealing with other limits is left as an exercise to you)
L213[01:50:01] <mischief> apparently i also need more batteries.
L214[01:50:08] <Epsilon> Oh. And if you can put a deployable fairing around that upper stage somehow, you'll probably save a hell of a lot of drag loss.
L215[01:54:25] <Epsilon> Those liquid boosters - you can stack a second tank on top of them. Not sure if that'll give you better dV than the SRBs.
L216[01:54:36] <Epsilon> (or if you can do that, increase the size of the SRBs, and get some extra dV that way)
L217[01:57:48] ⇨ Joins: Shoe17 (Shoe17!uid40690@id-40690.brockwell.irccloud.com)
L218[01:58:15] <mischief> now i've got to save my best pilot from this dreadful mining rig
L219[01:58:35] <mischief> time to rescue katbert kerman from the surface of minmus, and deposit some unfortunate engineer there
L220[02:10:56] ⇦ Quits: NolanSyKinsley (NolanSyKinsley!~NolanSyKi@cpe-104-35-73-144.socal.res.rr.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L221[02:18:00] <mischief> this is crappy
L222[02:18:12] <mischief> my mining rig runs out of electricity when the sun goes down
L223[02:18:21] <mischief> i have to restart it when the sun rises
L224[02:18:26] <mischief> i can't leave it unattended :(
L225[02:20:54] <mischief> hrpmh
L226[02:21:00] <mischief> i guess i'll just go to the north pole.
L227[02:35:28] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/K2EALGT.jpg
L228[02:35:31] <mischief> this doesn't seem safe
L229[02:52:22] ⇨ Joins: Medu (Medu!~Medu@91-119-123-183.dsl.dynamic.surfer.at)
L230[02:55:56] <Althego> not on highest timewarp :)
L231[02:56:15] <Althego> also you can try the big fuel cell
L232[02:58:43] <mischief> i keep trying to find the true pole of minmus
L233[02:58:49] <mischief> so i don't lose electricity
L234[02:58:52] <mischief> it's hard to find..
L235[02:59:02] <Althego> what, the biome?
L236[02:59:04] <Althego> it is quite huge
L237[02:59:05] <mischief> no
L238[02:59:13] <mischief> the place i can land and never have the sun go away
L239[03:05:36] <mischief> maybe there is not such a place
L240[03:08:20] <Althego> note that the mun has even longer nights
L241[03:08:28] <Althego> (half a kerbal month)
L242[03:22:02] <mischief> hm
L243[03:22:10] <mischief> so my mining rig is not very optimal.
L244[03:22:18] <mischief> might design a newer, bigger one..
L245[03:24:10] <Althego> or just mine enough fuel to relaocate it to the sunny side, all the time
L246[03:33:17] <mischief> haha
L247[03:33:25] <mischief> i was doing that for a bit
L248[03:33:31] <mischief> now i *almost* found the perfect spot
L249[03:33:38] <mischief> just have to move another few km
L250[03:38:39] <mischief> idk
L251[03:38:52] <Althego> put it on wheels :)
L252[03:38:54] <mischief> $183,000 mining rig seems useless if it has to be on the pole
L253[03:39:03] <Althego> it doesnt need to be
L254[03:39:19] <Althego> as i said somehow in highest time acceleration the batteries stop draining at the night
L255[03:39:26] <mischief> i can't run it unattended though
L256[03:39:39] <Althego> just as with anything in ksp
L257[03:39:48] <mischief> wait wat
L258[03:39:49] <Althego> except maybe the asteroid hunter telescope thing
L259[03:40:09] <Althego> you can leave things anywhere, but they will not do much ontheir own
L260[03:40:44] <mischief> a drill wont run while i pilot another ship?
L261[03:40:52] <mischief> i have to sit here and wait?
L262[03:40:53] <Althego> i never tried that
L263[03:41:04] <Althego> you can test it
L264[03:41:14] <Althego> by switchint to the space center and dorwarding time
L265[03:41:26] <mischief> i was thinking of reverting still xD
L266[03:41:29] <Althego> but that may be an exception and still work without focus
L267[03:41:37] <Althego> make a save
L268[03:41:44] <mischief> i guess $180,000 is not that much of a loss
L269[03:53:09] ⇨ Joins: kubi (kubi!~kubi@c-d6af71d5.018-143-73746f43.bbcust.telenor.se)
L270[04:27:18] ⇨ Joins: Daz (Daz!~Daz@81-231-72-94-no23.tbcn.telia.com)
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L272[04:41:43] ⇦ Quits: Eddi|zuHause (Eddi|zuHause!~johekr@p5B12E6BD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L273[05:21:51] <mischief> hm
L274[05:21:56] <mischief> how does SENTINEL work?
L275[05:22:01] <mischief> does it need to be always running?
L276[05:22:43] <Althego> it is always running. if it is in a heliocentric orbit
L277[05:23:32] <Althego> you can have some science transmitted from it, and then leave it there nad discovers asteroids
L278[05:25:57] <mischief> i have it on a crewed ship
L279[05:26:13] <Althego> you can get the single science from itthen
L280[05:26:19] <Althego> if you want to get the kerbals back
L281[05:26:27] <mischief> i went to solar orbit for crew xp and brought the SENTINEL with me
L282[05:26:33] <mischief> but didn't have the intention of leaving it there
L283[05:26:47] <mischief> gotta bring katbert, bill and buzz back home
L284[05:27:00] <Althego> you havea kebal named buzz?
L285[05:27:46] <mischief> yep.
L286[05:27:54] <Althego> nice
L287[05:28:17] <mischief> i guess it's a reference to buzz aldrin
L288[05:30:10] <Althego> have you seen the things on the mun already?
L289[05:36:06] <mischief> just an arch
L290[05:36:15] <mischief> i haven't spent a lot of time on the surface
L291[05:36:23] <mischief> i haven't figured out how to make a buggy yet really
L292[05:36:24] <Althego> the one on the equator?
L293[05:36:32] <Althego> at the edge of a crater?
L294[05:36:36] <mischief> yeah, that one was fairly obviousl
L295[05:36:39] <mischief> obvious
L296[05:37:07] <Althego> there is an other interesting spot you can reach on the equator around a southern edge of a crater
L297[05:37:57] <mischief> i have to figure out how to get back to kerbin first ;_;
L298[05:38:22] <mischief> for some reason my map display is kind of messed up
L299[05:38:33] <Althego> use fuel, it's super effective
L300[05:39:45] <mischief> ah
L301[05:39:53] <mischief> figured out the right way to go :)
L302[05:42:36] <mischief> only took me 32 days of fartin around to get to solar orbit and back..
L303[05:43:21] ⇨ Joins: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net)
L304[05:43:46] <Althego> yes it takes long
L305[05:43:52] <Althego> although you can do it faster
L306[05:44:07] <mischief> with more delta v as always ;-)
L307[05:46:50] <mischief> uh oh
L308[05:46:54] <mischief> i forgot a parachute :(
L309[05:46:58] <Althego> hehehe
L310[05:47:06] <Althego> you can still use the engine
L311[05:47:12] <mischief> i have little baby engines
L312[05:47:22] <mischief> 4 twitch
L313[05:47:27] <mischief> i have a whole tank of gas though
L314[05:47:29] <Althego> those work in atmo
L315[05:47:44] <mischief> well
L316[05:47:48] <mischief> now 2/3 tank
L317[05:48:04] <mischief> i took the parachute off the top for the SENTINEL
L318[05:48:08] <mischief> forgot to put a new one on the side
L319[05:48:22] <mischief> hm
L320[05:48:28] <Althego> you can leave them in orbit then and het a rescue mission
L321[05:48:29] <mischief> possibly worst case my fuel tank explodes
L322[05:48:32] <mischief> can that kill me?
L323[05:48:35] <Althego> no
L324[05:48:38] <mischief> i'm already coming in hot
L325[05:48:39] <Althego> in fact it protects you
L326[05:48:45] <mischief> okay
L327[05:48:50] <Althego> because it slows down the rest
L328[05:49:07] <Althego> and if you dont hit water you can actually survive fast landings that way
L329[05:49:16] <Althego> also can parachute the kerbals
L330[05:49:21] <mischief> situation: https://i.imgur.com/SOFeXsv.jpg
L331[05:49:24] <Althego> oh wait need 3 stars for that
L332[05:49:47] <Althego> there are 3 parachutes
L333[05:49:47] <mischief> looks like water landing
L334[05:49:55] <mischief> they are drouge chutes :/
L335[05:49:59] <mischief> will i live?
L336[05:50:02] <Althego> those slow you down
L337[05:50:07] <Althego> add the engines and it may be survivable
L338[05:50:39] <Althego> also the capsule is quite touch
L339[05:50:43] <Althego> tough
L340[05:50:58] <Althego> would have been better without the water
L341[05:51:19] ⇦ Quits: tawny (tawny!~tawny@pool-72-66-35-224.washdc.east.verizon.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L342[05:51:37] <mischief> okay nice
L343[05:51:44] <mischief> only 45m/s with drouge chutes out
L344[05:51:49] <mischief> engines can get the rest i think
L345[05:51:56] <Althego> i think 30 is enough
L346[05:52:27] <Althego> dont need to
L347[05:52:32] <Althego> the capsule has 45 m/s tolerance
L348[05:53:06] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/GzSeMxP.jpg
L349[05:53:10] <mischief> lost the gas tank :)
L350[05:53:16] <Althego> not important
L351[05:53:30] ⇨ Joins: tawny (tawny!~tawny@pool-72-66-35-224.washdc.east.verizon.net)
L352[05:53:46] <mischief> 375 science
L353[05:53:49] <mischief> not too bad i guess
L354[05:53:57] <Althego> this is how you land on duna too. a parachute to bleed off most of the speed, and then use engines to stop
L355[05:54:04] <mischief> pilot and engineer got 3*
L356[05:54:08] <Althego> yes
L357[05:54:12] <Althego> now they can use parachutes
L358[05:54:12] <mischief> buzz only 2* :(
L359[05:54:21] <Althego> take him to minmus or something
L360[05:54:52] <mischief> ah
L361[05:54:57] <mischief> he needs to plant flag on the mun
L362[05:55:01] <mischief> bill has that
L363[05:55:12] <Althego> you know you need to plant flag with one kerbal
L364[05:55:21] <Althego> now all nearby kerbals inherit that achievement
L365[05:55:27] <mischief> oh
L366[05:55:31] <Althego> it wasnt that way originally
L367[05:55:35] <mischief> maybe buzz just never got to the mun
L368[05:55:35] <Althego> it was kind of annyoing
L369[05:55:44] <mischief> hes been to minmus though haha
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L371[06:45:37] <mischief> something seems wrong with my map screen
L372[06:45:47] <mischief> manuevers always show these long lines to the target
L373[06:45:50] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/hU2xps1.png
L374[06:45:54] <mischief> like the purple one
L375[06:45:58] <mischief> didn't used to do that
L376[06:47:03] <Althego> that looks strange
L377[06:47:26] <mischief> yes.
L378[06:49:36] <Althego> is that a new 1.4.5 bug?
L379[06:50:35] <mischief> im 1.4.4
L380[06:50:51] <Althego> then maybe 1.4.5 fixed it :)
L381[06:55:07] <JVFoxy> ... could be worse: http://www.smidgeindustriesltd.com/screenshot10.png
L382[06:55:16] <Althego> hehehe
L383[06:55:51] * mischief squints
L384[06:55:53] <mischief> wat
L385[06:56:47] <Mat2ch> JVFoxy: principiae mod? ;)
L386[06:57:35] <JVFoxy> no idea... just screen shot I found.
L387[06:58:00] <JVFoxy> I remember there been some pretty weird trajectory bugs in past versions
L388[06:58:52] <JVFoxy> where something in the game goes 'fff this.. I don't care any more' and spits out garbage ;P
L389[07:03:38] <JVFoxy> ok sorry... speaking of ... glitches.. or features as some would want to say... came across this as well: http://i.imgur.com/Ay9GDDz.png
L390[07:04:05] <JVFoxy> I don't know if this makes kerbals beyond badass or.. just creepy
L391[07:05:48] <Mat2ch> Looks like Danny was there...
L392[07:06:03] <Althego> hehe
L393[07:06:15] <Althego> lately kerbals are often spaghettifying
L394[07:07:07] <Althego> it is a spontaneous reality collapse. things destroy themselves because physics change
L395[07:07:29] <dnsmcbr> Althego: Have you considered probing the Kerbosystem for black holes?
L396[07:09:16] <Althego> no
L397[07:10:50] <JVFoxy> black holes... ? then forget about the krakken, got bigger problems
L398[07:22:27] <mischief> hm.. not much science left on minmus methinks.
L399[07:22:35] <mischief> unless i go hunting for the hard to get to biomes.
L400[07:36:07] <Mat2ch> https://twitter.com/PGravlis/status/1022567050475188224 woah
L401[07:36:08] <kmath> <PGravlis> Till er grillfantaster som gnäller över förbudet. Från flintastek till skogsbrand är det ca 20 sekunder. ⏎ ⏎ #svpol… https://t.co/SJXXSFU03v
L402[07:40:02] <JVFoxy> mean while.....
L403[07:40:02] <JVFoxy> https://twitter.com/OVOChynn/status/1022652068258045954
L404[07:40:03] <kmath> <OVOChynn> What in the Wild Wild West is this? https://t.co/t4Jl0uzXuR
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L409[09:16:38] <lordcirth> So, I just got Making History - is there no 1.825m fairing?
L410[09:16:52] <umaxtu> I thought there was
L411[09:17:12] <lordcirth> I'm using CTT, maybe it went somewhere weird?
L412[09:17:44] <lordcirth> 1.25m is in Stability(8) and 2.5m is in Aerodynamics(90) but nothing in between
L413[09:17:53] <Althego> there should be everythin in the new intermediate size
L414[09:18:04] <Althego> anda new bigger one too
L415[09:18:18] <lordcirth> Ah, it's in Advanced Construction(90)
L416[09:18:24] <lordcirth> Parallel to the 2.5m.
L417[09:18:45] <Althego> google translate sounds reasonable: There are barbecue fans who rub over the ban. From flint sticks to forest fire it is about 20 seconds.
L418[09:22:13] <lordcirth> https://www.theonion.com/world-eating-leviathan-awoken-from-500-million-year-slu-1827928509
L419[09:24:35] <umaxtu> uh, they didn't use sonar
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L422[09:34:39] <lordcirth> Because that's definitely the biggest factual problem here :P
L423[09:35:04] <lordcirth> I'm so impatient for Kopernicus / Sigma Dimensions to come out for 1.4.5
L424[09:40:06] ⇦ Quits: Medu (Medu!~Medu@91-119-123-183.dsl.dynamic.surfer.at) (Quit: Medu)
L425[09:40:31] <lordcirth> Also CKAN thinks that everything is 0 size and is 14000% percent done and climbing, lol. But whatever, it works
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L433[11:08:08] <Epsilon> [28-Jul 07:35:12] <lordcirth> I'm so impatient for Kopernicus / Sigma Dimensions to come out for 1.4.5 <-- Same. I'd take the advice from yesterday and just run 1.4.3, but I'm worried about compatibility with the mods already compiled against 1.4.4.
L434[11:09:16] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z85AA2tF9f8
L435[11:09:16] <kmath> YouTube - NASA’s Cold Atom Lab: The Coolest Experiment in the Universe
L436[11:28:38] ⇦ Quits: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
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L441[12:31:12] <APlayer> Hah! So I am dropping those probes with kOS CPUs attached. I did not specify what program they should run, and was wondering for ten or so minutes why nothing was happening
L442[12:31:49] <APlayer> The bug ended up being not because of the code, but because of the lack of any code
L443[12:35:26] <JVFoxy> ... oops
L444[12:35:33] <JVFoxy> what was the code suppose to do?
L445[12:37:30] <APlayer> Start the engine and initialize guidance
L446[12:50:09] *** UmbralRaptor sets mode: -r
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L453[13:30:23] <JVFoxy> hmm.. ok?
L454[13:32:57] * Epsilon snrks.
L455[13:33:06] <Epsilon> Code works better when it's installed, yes.
L456[13:34:39] <JVFoxy> I couldn't even begin to figure out what you could do with kOS..
L457[13:34:47] <Althego> everything
L458[13:37:35] ⇦ Quits: hashashin (hashashin!~hashashin@2a01:c50e:221e:7d00:fde4:fd98:fb5f:b509) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L459[13:38:59] <Althego> hehe the insight mission principal investigator is bruce banerdt, really sounds like bruce banner
L460[13:39:07] <Epsilon> Okay, well... 1.4.3 isn't exploding with 1.4.4 mods installed...
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L465[14:02:02] <Draconiator> SOOOOOOOOO glad PC's have more or less stopped getting faster for the most part...used to have to replace mine every 5 years.
L466[14:02:16] <Althego> hehe
L467[14:06:47] <JVFoxy> eh... I know people used to replace things on their PC every few months
L468[14:07:01] <JVFoxy> just have to have the latest... ect
L469[14:09:27] <APlayer> Okay, another kOS experiment. Rocket launcher, starting from the runway. The rocket is ejected with a decoupler, and the onboard CPU takes over for guidance. The program runs since boot, but waits until the rocket is deteched from the launcher before igniting the engine (i.e. it checks if there is a part tagged "craft" still on the vessel. That is the command pod of the launcher). Unfortunately, I forgot to
L470[14:09:27] <APlayer> name my pod "craft", so the engine starts immediately. It burns a hole through the back of the rocket launcher, and then proceeds accelerating the whole truck at 5 G or so over the runway.
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L473[14:17:40] <JVFoxy> umm.. whoops?
L474[14:17:44] ⇨ Joins: MARS18 (MARS18!webchat@
L475[14:18:01] <JVFoxy> new meaning, 'boosted'
L476[14:18:08] <MARS18> Hello
L477[14:18:11] <Mod9000> Hello, MARS18
L478[14:18:48] <Althego> insight lands at 26th of november
L479[14:18:56] <Althego> still a lot of time to wait
L480[14:19:01] <MARS18> What new here
L481[14:19:27] <JVFoxy> gotta head out now.
L482[14:19:29] ⇦ Quits: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L483[14:20:09] <MARS18> Althego wait when did insight launched ???
L484[14:20:18] <Althego> in may
L485[14:20:29] <Althego> i think i even watched it
L486[14:20:43] <MARS18> A crap i missed the launch date
L487[14:20:59] <Althego> http://nextrocket.space/
L488[14:21:07] <MARS18> Dang it
L489[14:21:18] <Althego> drat and double drat :)
L490[14:22:48] <MARS18> Oh well i guess i can wait until insight landing date which is when nov 27
L491[14:23:00] <MARS18> Whoops sorry nov 26
L492[14:23:07] <Althego> this tmro space channel is good that they actually get real jpl people
L493[14:23:13] <Epsilon> So who else starts their career mode games at -1000 reputation? >_>
L494[14:23:27] <Althego> what does that do to you?
L495[14:23:48] <Epsilon> Mostly affects contracts you get, from what I can see.
L496[14:24:01] <Epsilon> Feels more like you're climbing out of a hole.
L497[14:24:12] <Epsilon> Lined with kerbal debris, and most likely made by a failed rocket.
L498[14:24:12] <Epsilon> :V
L499[14:25:21] <APlayer> "A failed rocket"
L500[14:25:34] <APlayer> A bunch of failed rockets and killed crew, more like
L501[14:25:42] <MARS18> Althego whats the lastest ksp update ?
L502[14:25:50] <Althego> 1.4.5 as in the topic
L503[14:25:57] <APlayer> MARS18: See the topic in the channel for that ;-)
L504[14:26:00] <Althego> was on thursday
L505[14:26:13] <Althego> actually 1.4.5 is really a minor bugfix
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L508[14:28:43] <MARS18> Hello again for some reason i got disconnected
L509[14:28:51] <Althego> you closed the tab?
L510[14:29:41] <MARS18> Anyway i could not see the the topic saying the update of ksp because im using my cellphone
L511[14:30:17] <Epsilon> It's always great when the boss wants to hand me $70.
L512[14:30:19] <MARS18> No Althego my wifi took a ****
L513[14:30:36] * Epsilon got called at home to "catch up" for an hour or two :V.
L514[14:30:48] <Althego> it wasnt a ping timeout
L515[14:31:12] <MARS18> No not really
L516[14:31:36] <Epsilon> What they're saying is this:
L517[14:31:39] <Epsilon> "[28-Jul 12:26:37] * MARS18 has quit (Quit: webchat.esper.net)"
L518[14:31:51] <Epsilon> Which implies that whatever happened, it wasn't strictly related to your wifi taking a dump.
L519[14:32:06] <Epsilon> Doesn't matter that much though. ;p
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L521[14:32:23] <MARS18> Well i really cant see all of that info from my cell
L522[14:32:53] <Althego> using a bad client
L523[14:33:03] <Epsilon> I suggest AndChat if you've got Android.
L524[14:33:10] <Epsilon> Much more full-featured phone IRC client.
L525[14:33:12] <Althego> yes andchat is really good
L526[14:34:10] <MARS18> Hmmm i'll look into that
L527[14:35:02] <Althego> but really, the first irc client i used on a phone was running on a nokia 6230, and even that showed the topic
L528[14:36:09] <MARS18> Well i got a LG K20 PLUS smartphone
L529[14:36:36] <MARS18> I honestly i g
L530[14:36:39] <Althego> at that time the word smatphone did not exist yet
L531[14:36:47] <Epsilon> How -is- the K20? That's the newest model, right?
L532[14:36:56] <Epsilon> I've been vaguely considering an upgrade.
L533[14:37:21] <Althego> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
L534[14:37:52] <MARS18> Dont really get a lot of info when i log into my discord channels or in this channel
L535[14:39:27] <MARS18> Epsilon honestly i had this phone 8 months
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L537[14:40:22] <MARS18> Brb
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L539[14:41:39] <Draconiator> I wonder how many of you guys when you were kids would not believe in a million years the stuff we have now. if I went back and told people, I'd probably get commited or something...
L540[14:42:01] <Althego> hehe
L541[14:42:15] <Althego> actually not much has changed
L542[14:42:29] <Althego> still running internal combustion cars
L543[14:42:43] <Althego> ok we have internet and mobile phones
L544[14:42:49] <mabus> when i was a kid the internet was invented, i cant think of an obvious example of something i couldnt have believed
L545[14:43:08] <APlayer> Electric cars can too have internal combustion if you don't take proper care of the batteries
L546[14:43:11] <Epsilon> Not sure how old you are Althego, but the Internet was hella cool.
L547[14:43:21] <Epsilon> When I was a kid, at least.
L548[14:43:24] <Draconiator> Spacecraft that can land by themselves?
L549[14:43:38] <Althego> that existed in the 6`s<
L550[14:43:39] <Epsilon> Back then, sure, you had Internet - but it was something that rich people had. Poor people had BBSes. :V
L551[14:43:41] <Althego> 60s?
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L554[14:43:56] <mabus> canada had equivalent to aol cds
L555[14:44:06] <mabus> a couple years later
L556[14:44:08] <mabus> like 98
L557[14:44:12] ⇨ Joins: MARS18 (MARS18!webchat@
L558[14:44:16] <mabus> free ad supported internet
L559[14:44:20] <Althego> you hadto be rich to have a phone line, and pay for cost of the bbs
L560[14:44:30] <mabus> phone line was pretty standard to have
L561[14:44:38] <mabus> you didnt have a second line unless you were rich
L562[14:44:43] <Epsilon> ^^
L563[14:44:44] <MARS18> What did i missed
L564[14:44:50] <Epsilon> Old people talking. :V
L565[14:44:55] <Draconiator> heheh
L566[14:45:01] <MARS18> Lol
L567[14:45:01] <Epsilon> BBSes were usually single-line affairs, at least around where I was.
L568[14:45:15] <Althego> ah yes there were 2 free internet providers here too,. funny thing i got better connection with them than the one i was paying for, so i stopped the paid service
L569[14:45:17] <Epsilon> Although you did have Software Creations (I think) that had ~16~ lines.
L570[14:45:47] <mabus> i got to run an 8 line wardialer a few times for security tests
L571[14:45:50] <Epsilon> But yeah, I'm... crap, I'm actually getting towards "late" 30's now. Who knew?
L572[14:45:54] <APlayer> https://i.imgur.com/9tcenwd.png so, how does this trajectory look to you guys?
L573[14:46:15] <Epsilon> It looks hilarious.
L574[14:46:36] <Draconiator> My parents have records and video recorders, and old 3mm video projectors, we have old technology.
L575[14:46:47] <APlayer> Note random debris 50 m in the air above the impact site
L576[14:46:57] <APlayer> Above and to the left
L577[14:47:00] <Draconiator> 1.44MB floppy disks, oh yeah back then that was all the space we ever needed.
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L579[14:47:55] <Epsilon> Pfft. 1.44MB floppies were expensive. 720kB floppies FTW!
L580[14:48:11] <Epsilon> Or if you were REALLY hurting, 360kB 5.25" floppies.
L581[14:48:28] <Eddi|zuHause> you could format the 1.44MB disks to 1.7MB
L582[14:48:41] <Epsilon> ... crap. I forgot to put the rescale mod in.
L583[14:48:42] <Epsilon> grumble
L584[14:49:01] <MARS18> Oy enough about the floppies it hurts my brain :p
L585[14:49:21] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cF9mMBwD2jw&feature=youtu.be - Finally caught footage of my first ever flight simulator, via DOSbox
L586[14:49:22] <kmath> YouTube - Very Old Games CYAFT
L587[14:49:39] <Draconiator> Chuck Yeagers Advanced Flight Trainer
L588[14:49:42] <Epsilon> heh heh heh
L589[14:49:49] <Epsilon> Hah! It's still Chuck Yeager!
L590[14:49:56] <Epsilon> I had Chuck Yeager's Air Combat, myself.
L591[14:50:06] <MARS18> ?
L592[14:50:17] <Epsilon> Came on a CD with Ultima VII, Ultima Underworld, Savage Empire, and a couple of other games.
L593[14:50:41] <Epsilon> (that was newer than the one you pasted though)
L594[14:52:30] <Epsilon> ... huh.
L595[14:52:36] <MARS18> Im lost
L596[14:52:38] <Epsilon> What's the newest equivalent to Kscale64?
L597[14:53:01] <Epsilon> MARS18: Basically, I had a similarly named game around 1995. ;p
L598[14:53:43] <MARS18> Oh lol i was born i 94 but we are in 2018
L599[14:55:50] <Epsilon> Ah-hah. It's "Rescale!" - although it claims it doesn't work with 1.4? Hrm...
L600[14:58:28] <MARS18> ?
L601[14:58:48] <MARS18> What are you referring to
L602[14:58:49] <Epsilon> [28-Jul 12:52:46] <Epsilon> What's the newest equivalent to Kscale64? <-- Answer to that question.
L603[15:00:02] <Epsilon> And apparently (supposedly,) it does work. So it's just the mod author being overly careful, similar to how Kopernicus (apparently) has a hard version lock.
L604[15:00:05] <MARS18> Oh sorry i did not see that messg before
L605[15:00:28] <Epsilon> Which I totally get from a support perspective, but it's kind of a pain in the neck for those of us who actually understand when we're running incompatible configs. ;p
L606[15:01:59] <Epsilon> Alright, time to try running KSP again.
L607[15:02:07] <Epsilon> See if it breaks -this- time. :D
L608[15:02:39] <MARS18> I'll get the duct tape
L609[15:02:48] ⇨ Joins: KerbinExplorer (KerbinExplorer!Mibbit@65-23-178-69.gci.net)
L610[15:02:49] <Althego> untangling space tape
L611[15:02:56] <Althego> adding k to every word
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L614[15:03:05] <Epsilon> Effecting Oberth
L615[15:03:10] <Epsilon> Packing Toothbrushes
L616[15:03:18] <Epsilon> Calculating Collision Course
L617[15:03:12] <KerbinExplorer> Did they redo something on the solar panels?
L618[15:03:23] <Althego> in 1.4.5? no not really
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L620[15:03:29] <Epsilon> Heh. That reminds me of the time I accidentally hit the Mun on the way to Minmus. >_>
L621[15:03:34] <KerbinExplorer> hmm
L622[15:03:45] <KerbinExplorer> Do visual mods effect the Solar panels?
L623[15:03:46] <Althego> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/177076-kerbal-space-program-145-and-making-history-14-is-live/
L624[15:04:05] <KerbinExplorer> because i seem to always lose charge now after installing mods to enhance the beauty of Kerbin
L625[15:04:14] <Althego> hehe
L626[15:04:24] <Althego> they shouldnt change anything, unless cclouds matter now
L627[15:04:36] <Supercheese> Kopernicus can change solar panel outputs
L628[15:04:45] <Supercheese> if the system is edited so distances are changed etc.
L629[15:04:46] <KerbinExplorer> maybe thats the one
L630[15:04:54] <KerbinExplorer> because it says its not compatible and im still using it
L631[15:04:55] <Epsilon> KerbinExplorer: Is it an update in another mod that's actually detecting clouds occluding the sun?
L632[15:05:07] <Supercheese> yeah if you're trying to use Kopernicus on 1.4.5, don't
L633[15:05:11] <Supercheese> it won't work right IIRC
L634[15:05:14] <Epsilon> KerbinExplorer: Funny, I was -just- saying that.
L635[15:05:29] <Epsilon> AFAIK, Kopernicus has a hard version lock, and flat-out disables itself if the version isn't right.
L636[15:06:17] <KerbinExplorer> Well theres my question lol, was about to bash my head against my keyboard because i couldn't figure it out.
L637[15:06:56] <Epsilon> I've spent the last day or two getting mods to download, only to find that out for 1.4.4.
L638[15:07:11] <MARS18> Crap i lost all my data from a mod that i was making for ksp
L639[15:07:15] <Epsilon> Fortunately, it -seems- like mods compiled on 1.4.4 still work on 1.4.3.
L640[15:07:23] <KerbinExplorer> I wish they would include some of these mods into KSP its self because they are so great
L641[15:07:28] <MARS18> Damn ssd
L642[15:07:44] <Althego> at least a delta v display
L643[15:07:48] <Althego> that should be a minimum
L644[15:07:57] <KerbinExplorer> Alt meter as well
L645[15:08:13] <Althego> radar altimeter is there in the cockpit
L646[15:08:18] <Althego> annoying to use though
L647[15:08:23] <KerbinExplorer> but who flys in the cock pit
L648[15:08:25] <KerbinExplorer> lol
L649[15:08:38] <Epsilon> A dV indicator in stock would probably be valuable in people really understanding dV.
L650[15:08:52] <Althego> also i never understood why the altitude is on the top of the screen and everything else is in the bottom. that islike 40 cm for me, huge difference
L651[15:09:09] <Althego> havent these people seen a hud? everything is inentionally packed together
L652[15:09:36] <Epsilon> Althego: Full-screen 4k?
L653[15:09:39] <Althego> or at least an mfd
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L655[15:09:45] <Althego> no, jusd 2560x1600
L656[15:09:48] <KerbinExplorer> lol
L657[15:09:55] <Epsilon> ... huh. How big a monitor?
L658[15:10:02] <Althego> 30"
L659[15:10:04] <KerbinExplorer> and here im complaining that im locked onto Normal setting on the Aero effects
L660[15:10:10] <KerbinExplorer> so i can't see them from afar like i used to
L661[15:10:10] <Epsilon> I've got a 28" 4k monitor, and it's not -that- far apart. :B
L662[15:10:28] * Epsilon actually plays at 2560x1600 as well, windowed.
L663[15:10:44] <KerbinExplorer> nice
L664[15:10:54] <KerbinExplorer> i have a 144hz monitor
L665[15:11:22] <Althego> anyway it was a bad idea to separate the instruments, and also not giving instant access to the radar altimerter
L666[15:12:14] <KerbinExplorer> how many planets have you guys landed on?
L667[15:12:20] <KerbinExplorer> and actually gotten back to kerbin from
L668[15:12:31] <Epsilon> mmmm science
L669[15:12:33] <Althego> i never landed on jeel, not even back when you could :)
L670[15:12:37] <Althego> jool
L671[15:12:52] <Epsilon> Pfft. I remember the days when you had to fly the Mun into orbit YOURSELF.
L672[15:12:58] <Epsilon> Uphill both ways >:(
L673[15:13:06] <Althego> lol
L674[15:13:08] <KerbinExplorer> i've landed on Duna and could never reach orbit again
L675[15:13:08] * Epsilon wonders if that thread still exists.
L676[15:13:19] <KerbinExplorer> lol the mun wasn't in orbit?
L677[15:13:28] <Epsilon> NovaSilisko actually made a model of the Mun with an attachment point, yeah.
L678[15:13:48] <Althego> hehe
L679[15:13:49] <Epsilon> This was before the Mun actually existed as a separate entity.
L680[15:14:10] <KerbinExplorer> oh jesus
L681[15:14:25] <Althego> there was a time when there were no other planets
L682[15:14:39] <MARS18> Well guys i gotta go see y'all in 4days
L683[15:14:43] <Epsilon> Yup.
L684[15:14:45] <Epsilon> \o
L685[15:14:53] <Epsilon> Hrm.
L686[15:14:56] ⇦ Quits: MARS18 (MARS18!webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L687[15:15:08] <Epsilon> I've got a screenshot of a pre-Mun orbit, but not of the mod-Mun itself.
L688[15:15:38] <KerbinExplorer> well, im going to fix my KSP now that i know the problem. Thanks, maybe ill come back here another day xD
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L691[15:21:14] Zarthus sets mode: -o on Zarthus
L692[15:21:22] <Zarthus> so has anyone played NMS yet and is the next update worth it
L693[15:21:30] <Zarthus> it's 50% off right now but it never really interested me that much
L694[15:21:42] <Althego> hehe
L695[15:21:56] <Althego> https://cad-comic.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ENG_20180727.x60343.png
L696[15:21:58] <Zarthus> i think I'd enjoy space engineers more than NMS because shipbuilding is more up my alley than whatever they offer
L697[15:23:32] <Epsilon> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/1221-concept-the-mun/ <-- I may be misremembering it being actually flyable, but I'd swear -someone- did it.
L698[15:23:50] <Epsilon> Space Engineers is fun when it actually works right.
L699[15:24:02] <Epsilon> It's like Minecraft in space, but you get to fly what you create.
L700[15:24:52] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2tc2r3jwhE
L701[15:24:53] <kmath> YouTube - SpaceX - First Leg Retract - Booster Lift 07-27-2018
L702[15:30:43] <Eddi|zuHause> i decided for me pretty early that NMS wouldn't be a game for me, because procedurally generated stuff tends to feel very repetitive pretty quickly
L703[15:31:24] <Epsilon> Yeah, if you have enough knowledge to guess at how the procedural generation works, it can be a grind.
L704[15:31:29] <Eddi|zuHause> and that was before the whole scandal about "this game isn't what it was advertised as"
L705[15:31:41] <Epsilon> "Oh, I recognize that exact same rock formation from the last planet... :I"
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L708[15:35:49] <Eddi|zuHause> procedural generation can work great if it's used to fill some void between the interesting stuff, but if it is the sole method of content generation...
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L710[15:36:34] <Epsilon> It can still be good - it just gets more noticeable the more complex the graphics are.
L711[15:36:50] * Epsilon is a big fan of text-based roguelikes.
L712[15:38:32] <Zarthus> you guys don't like 50 bajillion unique planet combinations bruv
L713[15:38:42] <Zarthus> where a rock can move one pixel and be considered an unique combination
L714[15:41:06] <mabus> re: NMS https://imgur.com/gallery/64F4vRP
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L716[15:43:01] <sandbox> no, that was Edinburgh's trams
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L718[15:48:08] <APlayer> So, I've just had a stupid idea, and now I have an even more stupid question. I took a hair, put it in a laser beam and looked at the projection. What I got was a strong focused dot from the laser beam, and two diffraction spikes perpendicular to the hair, on either side. However, the spikes themselves were dotted, like the thing you see in the double slit experiment. What am I missing?
L719[15:48:31] <APlayer> Actually, I intended to ask in another channel, but this one is fine too.
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L722[16:03:16] <Eddi|zuHause> i'd say the part of the beam going left of the hair will interfere with the part of the beam going right of the hair, creating this interference picture
L723[16:03:31] <Eddi|zuHause> so pretty much the same as a double slit
L724[16:04:56] <APlayer> But it's not two slits, but rather one narrow shadow
L725[16:05:27] <Eddi|zuHause> doesn't really matter, you're still splitting the beam in two beams
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L766[16:18:33] <APlayer> That was a big one
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L771[16:24:22] <JVFoxy> wee..?
L772[16:23:54] ⇨ Joins: bathtub_shark (bathtub_shark!zarthus@liefland.net)
L773[16:23:54] <Zarthus> only the most important server on esper
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L781[16:36:47] * UmbralRaptor blames the spambots.
L782[16:37:13] <Epsilon> yay netsplits
L783[16:38:27] <lordcirth> Aww, Unmanned Before Manned isn't updated to handle 1.4.x's decouplers
L784[16:38:39] <lordcirth> The tiny one is way down at 160
L785[16:40:22] <JVFoxy> network ban..?
L786[16:41:02] <JVFoxy> eh well
L787[16:41:43] <Epsilon> Let's see how procedural wings work nowadays.
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L811[17:52:46] <Tank2333> hi ancient chicken
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L818[18:26:26] * UmbralRaptor chirps at Tank2333
L819[18:35:20] * Tortoise767 crawls
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L822[19:05:27] * Tank2333 rolls
L823[19:11:23] <Epsilon> bluh. I can't get this space shuttle to work.
L824[19:12:50] <UmbralRaptor> Realism achieved?
L825[19:13:27] <Epsilon> Hey, it didn't fail THAT many times. ;p
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L827[19:15:04] <Epsilon> Hmmmm. Alllllllmost enough SAS. Even if that's not how I wanted to fix this. <_<
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L831[19:56:26] <mischief1> MORE reaction wheels!
L832[19:57:29] <mischief1> so i'm out of science on the mun and minmus i think :/
L833[19:57:31] <mischief1> what todo
L834[20:03:23] <Epsilon> Go to Duna?
L835[20:03:37] <Rolf> another world is whole level harder than moons
L836[20:03:54] <Supercheese> yeah, install a life support mod and then take 5 Kerbals to Duna
L837[20:03:59] <Supercheese> whole new ball game
L838[20:04:14] <Epsilon> Rolf: True, but there's not exactly anywhere else to go, unless mischief1 hops around biomes on Kerbin first. ;p
L839[20:04:34] <Rolf> thats pretty simple. super effecient plane and hop around
L840[20:04:45] <Rolf> theres 4 biomes right near base
L841[20:05:05] <Rolf> base biome, grassland, unknown (forgot) tiny border, then finally beach
L842[20:05:14] <mischief1> well one problem is i can't fly planes to save my life
L843[20:05:26] <Rolf> I ont know if there is another biome in water, if even gettable
L844[20:05:26] <mischief1> i think i just built my first working rover, so i could go around in that.
L845[20:05:41] <mischief1> Rolf: but that's not much science is it?
L846[20:05:55] <mischief1> i already got some several thousand science from mun and minmus..
L847[20:05:56] <Rolf> planes is simple with sas. just point back down to horzional once a while
L848[20:06:16] <Rolf> supereffecient planes almost fly by itself
L849[20:06:41] <Rolf> longer body, huge wings. small motor (it'll barely take off)
L850[20:06:47] <Rolf> it'll last forever
L851[20:07:46] <Rolf> for harder biomes like mountain you just use rocket short hop
L852[20:09:41] <Epsilon> ... I kind of want to just drive a rover all around Kerbin now.
L853[20:09:56] <Rolf> much safer than mun river driving lol
L854[20:10:17] <Rolf> I overdesigned a rover once, and it spent more time flying than driving
L855[20:10:21] <Rolf> or gliding
L856[20:10:31] <Epsilon> That's the best way to do it though. >:3
L857[20:10:40] <Rolf> crashed at hill side because couldnt stop as it wasnt even touching ground
L858[20:11:23] <Rolf> my nephew made a self-correcting rover because it kept flipping lol
L859[20:11:37] <Rolf> used one landing leg and nozzles
L860[20:11:47] <mischief1> my rover flips beautifully
L861[20:13:15] <mischief1> hm
L862[20:13:20] <mischief1> i wonder how to get it to stop flipping
L863[20:14:33] <Epsilon> heh heh heh
L864[20:15:31] <Rolf> lower weight mass, if failing that, wider stance
L865[20:16:03] <mischief1> yea im making it wider
L866[20:16:14] <mischief1> the not-rockomax micronode is weird :/
L867[20:16:18] <mischief1> i can't mirror around it
L868[20:17:15] <Rolf> wish its possible to have "make a rover kit", it'd be possible if kerbins could build stuff
L869[20:17:22] <Rolf> given they have materials of course
L870[20:17:32] <Supercheese> that's what the "Ground Construction" mod does!
L871[20:17:46] <Supercheese> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154167-143-ground-construction-2/
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L873[20:18:34] <Rolf> DIY KIT Hanide with care! lol
L874[20:18:47] <mischief1> GRRRR
L875[20:18:57] <mischief1> i can't set mirror symmetry mode >:(
L876[20:19:00] <mischief1> wtf
L877[20:18:57] <Rolf> [sic]
L878[20:19:08] <Epsilon> mischief1: Shift+R?
L879[20:19:19] <mischief1> it's just r
L880[20:19:30] <mischief1> but when i set it and try to place the part, it's forced back to radial
L881[20:19:33] <mischief1> i don't want radial
L882[20:19:35] <Epsilon> Ahh, okay.
L883[20:20:25] <Epsilon> I thought you might've ended up switched by accident.
L884[20:20:41] <Epsilon> ... I feel like I should be making a box truck with these structural panels instead of an all-terrain rover. >_>
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L886[20:21:04] <mischief1> i'm still really baffled how anyone makes a useable rover
L887[20:21:16] <mischief1> the parts leave something to be desired, and placing them correctly is painful
L888[20:21:23] <Epsilon> Kerbal Foundries.
L889[20:21:34] <Epsilon> Well. Depends on what you mean by rover, because I typically end up making tanks. >_>
L890[20:21:38] <mischief1> https://i.imgur.com/8KMgYTo.jpg
L891[20:21:48] <mischief1> whenever i mouse over the octagonal strut, it goes to radial mode :/
L892[20:21:57] <mischief1> and i need that wheel in mirror mode obviously
L893[20:22:04] <Epsilon> Hrm.
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L895[20:22:17] <Rolf> hex is annoying like that
L896[20:22:20] <Epsilon> What if you remove it at the closest octogonal strut, and -then- try to mirror?
L897[20:22:23] <Rolf> suggest square one
L898[20:22:37] <Epsilon> i.e. mirror wheel+strut+strut+strut around them middle?
L899[20:22:55] <mischief1> Rolf: but the front wheels worked fine in mirror mode!
L900[20:24:21] <mischief1> Epsilon: :|
L901[20:24:24] <mischief1> that works
L902[20:24:29] <Epsilon> \o/
L903[20:24:36] <mischief1> making one wheel/strut and then detatching it and mirroring it
L904[20:24:51] <Rolf> fun
L905[20:25:11] <mischief1> https://i.imgur.com/y5iq3mu.jpg
L906[20:25:37] <Rolf> looks good. where is mass center located at?
L907[20:25:55] <mischief1> pretty much in the center :)
L908[20:26:08] <Rolf> hmm better if bit lower but workable :)
L909[20:26:12] <mischief1> in the micronodes
L910[20:27:12] <mischief1> now i just need some science bits
L911[20:27:38] <Epsilon> fffffff-
L912[20:27:46] <Epsilon> mischief1: You cursed me with your symmetry problems. >;o
L913[20:29:27] <mischief1> hehe
L914[20:29:39] <mischief1> just remove it and then try to mirror ;-)
L915[20:29:47] <Epsilon> Already done. :V
L916[20:29:59] <Epsilon> It looks like the structural panels don't support symmetry around themselves?
L917[20:30:04] <mischief1> behind, kerbin rover https://i.imgur.com/pHm47ko.jpg
L918[20:30:11] <mischief1> for science!
L919[20:32:09] <Rolf> looks reasonable.
L920[20:32:19] <Rolf> if can add single RTG is night
L921[20:32:21] <Rolf> *for
L922[20:32:32] <Epsilon> grumble
L923[20:32:41] * Epsilon wants an RTG but doesn't -quite- have the science for it...
L924[20:32:47] <Epsilon> Which is the whole reason I'm building a rover right now. <_<
L925[20:33:09] <Rolf> :)
L926[20:33:18] <Rolf> solars do pretty good job anyway
L927[20:33:34] <mischief1> yeah no rtg here yet.
L928[20:33:43] <mischief1> i won't need them unless i try to go far out
L929[20:33:48] <mischief1> i should be fine for duna and eve
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L931[20:37:02] <mischief1> one problem: this antenna is crap
L932[20:37:59] <mischief1> or maybe i just need more batteries
L933[20:40:45] <mischief1> lesson learned: don't go too fast
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L935[20:43:13] <Epsilon> grr
L936[20:43:22] <Epsilon> Right, that's why I've always used spaceplane cockpits for rovers.
L937[20:43:27] <Epsilon> You can't put someone in a command seat. :(
L938[20:43:44] <mischief1> hm?
L939[20:45:38] <Epsilon> I can't start a flight with someone in a command seat.
L940[20:46:06] <Epsilon> Hm, maybe I should redo this to use the planetary cupola as a base. I wonder if K&K has a piece with a cargo bay...
L941[20:46:50] <Epsilon> ooooo
L942[20:46:56] <Epsilon> Yes. Totally redoing this. <_<
L943[20:50:10] <Eddi|zuHause> i used to have a mod that contained a car, that you could use for kerbin science
L944[20:50:29] <Eddi|zuHause> that is probably horribly outdated by now
L945[20:50:50] <Eddi|zuHause> also, there's a lack of roads on kerbin
L946[20:51:42] <Eddi|zuHause> it didn't really help that i wanted to go to a place behind mountains
L947[20:52:29] <Eddi|zuHause> i was trying some easteregg mission
L948[20:52:38] <mischief1> takes quite a while to drive anywhere
L949[20:53:05] <mischief1> at 20m/s anyway :)
L950[20:53:18] <Eddi|zuHause> well, the time wasn't really the problem, but one wrong move, and everything explodes, and you have to go back to a quicksave
L951[20:53:34] <mischief1> yeah
L952[20:53:43] <mischief1> accidentally hit a ramp earlier at 15m/s
L953[20:53:44] <mischief1> went boom
L954[20:53:57] <Rolf> Epsilon: do same trick as I do, and have deteching cockpot
L955[20:54:16] <Rolf> just get out, walk to rover, disconnect and off you go. much ligher which is a bonus
L956[20:54:19] <Eddi|zuHause> i was aiming for 30m/s, i think
L957[20:54:42] <Eddi|zuHause> at least on flat land, that works
L958[20:54:48] <mischief1> oh hey physics warp works :)
L959[20:55:11] <Eddi|zuHause> i think the mod broke when they reworked how wheels work
L960[20:55:28] <Epsilon> Eh. The tracks already weigh 10t. The cockpit isn't going to hurt anything. <_<
L961[20:57:57] <mischief1> huh
L962[20:58:06] ⇨ Joins: Ezriilc_ (Ezriilc_!~Ezriilc@
L963[20:58:08] <mischief1> really easy to hurt yourself with physics accel on 'flat' ground
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L968[20:59:17] <Epsilon> ... but obviously something can hurt the cockpit.
L969[20:59:18] <Epsilon> dammit
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L971[20:59:47] <Eddi|zuHause> the ground isn't actually that flat most of the time
L972[21:00:04] <mischief1> its gonna take ages to get to the mountains
L973[21:01:06] <Eddi|zuHause> and every corner potentially destroys your wheels
L974[21:01:06] <Eddi|zuHause> and you need like 3 star engineer to fix wheels
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L977[21:02:05] <Eddi|zuHause> also, i then reached the mountains, and there weren't enough flat surfaces to go on
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L979[21:02:28] <Epsilon> ... hahahahahaha
L980[21:02:30] <Epsilon> crap
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L983[21:02:53] <Epsilon> Stuck like a turtle.
L984[21:02:57] *** Ezriilc_ is now known as Ezriilc
L985[21:03:08] <Epsilon> These tracks are great! They're reversible!
L986[21:03:14] <Eddi|zuHause> turn off reaction wheels on rovers
L987[21:03:20] <Epsilon> They'll work right side up or upside down!
L988[21:03:28] <mischief1> Eddi|zuHause: can one at least get to the biome?
L989[21:03:29] <Epsilon> Unfortunately, SOLAR PANELS don't work the same way.
L990[21:03:29] <Epsilon> <_<
L991[21:03:30] <Epsilon> >_.
L992[21:03:47] <Eddi|zuHause> you can get to the mountain biome fine
L993[21:03:48] ⇦ Quits: whales (whales!~whales@cpe-72-225-48-209.rochester.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L994[21:03:50] <mischief1> me rn https://i.imgur.com/ZOGPwin.jpg
L995[21:03:54] <Eddi|zuHause> but i wanted to go BEYOND the mountains
L996[21:04:15] <Epsilon> I'm playing a 10x rescale mod. This is going to be just a -little- bit of a trip... >_>
L997[21:05:27] <Epsilon> Oh hey. I -do- have an RTG.
L998[21:05:30] <Epsilon> ... of sorts.
L999[21:06:56] <Eddi|zuHause> if you turn off reaction wheels, you're much less likely to flip over
L1000[21:07:19] <Epsilon> ... I'm not sure I could put reaction wheels on this that are big enough to flip it over.
L1001[21:07:23] <Epsilon> Or prevent it from doing so. >_<
L1002[21:07:25] <mischief1> my rovemate has no reaction wheels :)
L1003[21:08:04] <Epsilon> It's 25t. I wasn't joking about the tank comment. ;p
L1004[21:08:35] <mischief1> can it refine ore? :)
L1005[21:09:03] <Eddi|zuHause> the rovemate is somewhat terrible, because it makes the navball face the wrong way
L1006[21:09:30] <Eddi|zuHause> you don't see the horizon, and the heading is completely wrong
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L1008[21:10:12] <mischief1> ah yeah
L1009[21:10:20] <mischief1> there really should be a set heading thing in the VAB
L1010[21:10:24] <mischief1> like how you can rotate a part
L1011[21:10:27] <mischief1> rotate default heading
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L1013[21:13:37] <Eddi|zuHause> there are a few workarounds
L1014[21:14:21] <Epsilon> Oooo. If I wanted to get really cute, I could just put a science lab in here too. >_>
L1015[21:14:44] <oren> hey! I can switch vessels while kerbals are on a ladder?!
L1016[21:15:14] <oren> when did they fix that??
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L1018[21:17:28] <Eddi|zuHause> no idea, but i'm fairly sure that worked already in 1.3
L1019[21:18:01] <Eddi|zuHause> however, kerbals have the tendency to randomly slide off ladders
L1020[21:19:13] <Eddi|zuHause> sometimes i wish there were security cable hooks, so you don't have to mess around with thrusters to get back to the pod
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L1027[21:37:41] <mischief1> finally made it https://i.imgur.com/j89q8IM.jpg
L1028[21:38:00] <Rolf> nice
L1029[21:38:11] <Rolf> your rover is definitely nice and functional
L1030[21:40:23] <mischief1> didn't get a lot of science from the mission
L1031[21:40:29] <mischief1> but at least i have a working rover :)
L1032[21:40:43] <mischief1> maybe if i make it a bit skinnier i can fit it on a ship to the mun or minmus
L1033[21:41:38] <mischief1> hm
L1034[21:41:45] <mischief1> advanced motors or ion propulsion o.O
L1035[21:42:08] <Epsilon> Oh come ON.
L1036[21:42:13] <Epsilon> You've gotta be kidding me.
L1037[21:42:30] <Supercheese> well, if all else fails
L1038[21:42:34] <Supercheese> there's always HyperEdit
L1039[21:43:54] <Epsilon> I need 1000 science to grab the node I was shooting for.
L1040[21:44:01] <Epsilon> Went on a quick jaunt around KSC.
L1041[21:44:05] <Epsilon> Here's the results: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uoauwxdw556a79s/KSP%20IS%20TROLLING%20ME.png?dl=0
L1042[21:44:06] <Epsilon> :I
L1043[21:44:51] <Rolf> I hate picture host sites that dont allow me to zoom in.
L1044[21:45:26] <Rolf> kerbin itself dont have much science I guess, but still, nice place to start from
L1045[21:46:25] <Epsilon> I just want an RTG for my satellite. :(
L1046[21:57:37] <Rolf> does other base have science to be found?
L1047[22:00:13] <mischief1> Epsilon: take a strategy that exchanges $ for science and do a quick contract
L1048[22:00:18] <mischief1> shouldn't take long..
L1049[22:00:51] <mischief1> what's the red/orange rep bar?
L1050[22:00:57] <mischief1> is your reputation really bad?
L1051[22:03:10] <Epsilon> Yeah, I started at -1000.
L1052[22:09:25] <mischief1> o_o
L1053[22:09:35] ⇦ Quits: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1055[22:10:09] <Epsilon> It just makes for an interesting hole to climb out of.
L1056[22:10:46] <GlassYuri> peak programmer humour https://twitter.com/jtannady/status/981547257479778307
L1057[22:10:46] <kmath> <jtannady> I'm from the island of Java, Indonesia. ⏎ ⏎ I am the Java Garbage Collector. https://t.co/R5kfKYfP6c
L1058[22:11:05] <mabus> what sort of jobs do you get with -1000 rep
L1059[22:11:14] <mabus> what do they even trust you to do
L1060[22:11:22] <Epsilon> Not many. :B
L1061[22:11:55] <Epsilon> As far as stock, it was all milestone type stuff.
L1062[22:11:58] <mabus> host world cup
L1063[22:12:00] <Epsilon> Reach orbit, etc.
L1064[22:12:23] <Epsilon> mabus: I know that's supposed to be funny, but I don't know why it is. :V
L1065[22:13:00] <Epsilon> ... F1 is the screenshot key for KSP, right?
L1066[22:13:11] <mabus> russia had that whole doping scandal during their 2016 olympics so it seemed kind of wild to have them host the world cup for soccer right after that
L1067[22:14:15] <Epsilon> Oh, okay, it's a reference to TWO things I don't care about then. :V
L1068[22:14:32] <Epsilon> ... that -is- a rather interesting choice though, assuming they have any sort of authority over the event as hosts.
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L1070[22:16:00] <Epsilon> Ah-hah. It -was- F1.
L1071[22:16:06] <Epsilon> And here's the rover I'm piloting: https://www.dropbox.com/s/isur8rsk8xixjz7/screenshot101.png?dl=0
L1072[22:16:30] <Epsilon> It is a LONG trip to the foothills. >_<
L1073[22:17:26] <mischief1> took me 15/20 minutes to go from ksc to the nearby mountains
L1074[22:17:32] <mischief1> at 15-30m/s
L1075[22:17:53] <mischief1> with a rocket and careful driving you'd get there a bit faster :)
L1076[22:18:04] <Epsilon> It's taken me about the same to get to the foothills (i.e. where the shores biome ends) at 60m/s.
L1077[22:18:07] <Epsilon> whee rescale mod :V
L1078[22:18:42] <mischief1> oh.
L1079[22:19:25] <lordcirth> I'm impatiently waiting for Sigma Dimensions to be out for 1.4.5.
L1080[22:19:39] <lordcirth> Well, Sigma is waiting for Kopernicus, too.
L1081[22:19:46] <Epsilon> Yeah, I just reverted to 1.4.3.
L1082[22:20:00] <Epsilon> But also, it appears that -some- mods that were recompiled for 1.4.4 don't work.
L1083[22:20:07] <Epsilon> Which isn't surprising, but is certainly annoying.
L1084[22:20:20] <lordcirth> Yeah, I probably should try that, but I just finished installing all the *other* mods over a slow connection.
L1085[22:20:39] ⇦ Quits: Wastl2 (Wastl2!~Wastl2@x55b45a75.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L1086[22:24:31] ⇦ Quits: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L1087[22:39:50] <Epsilon> 43km from the grasslands to the shore (the corner, not the straight shot I admit) at 70m/s.
L1088[22:42:39] <Epsilon> ... okay. Some of these missions aren't actually paying attention to my rep. o.o
L1089[22:42:45] <Epsilon> "Launch Rover to Duna and Land"
L1090[22:43:43] ⇦ Quits: esspapier (esspapier!~esspapier@80-109-207-2.cable.dynamic.surfer.at) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
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