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L1[00:02:14] <mischief> why are they not proper already
L2[00:02:18] <Tank2333> i just watched The Expanse and earth blow up Deimos with a nuke so that video is Fake News
L3[00:02:24] <mischief> also, minmus seems very wee
L4[00:02:31] <mischief> compared to mun i guess
L5[00:03:22] <Tank2333> because of Einstein
L6[00:03:29] <JVFoxy> lol.. good luck even pushing a small moon.
L7[00:03:40] <JVFoxy> Scott did a video on it.. you'd need more mass than the moon itself
L8[00:03:43] <Tank2333> he made gravity too complicated
L9[00:03:51] <Althego> yes that was an old video
L10[00:03:53] <Althego> maybe with gilly
L11[00:04:10] <Althego> but ultimately they are on rails anyway
L12[00:04:14] <Tank2333> i remember that you cant realy do it with rockets
L13[00:04:26] <Tank2333> you would need more fuel that the moon has mass
L14[00:04:27] <Tank2333> or so
L15[00:04:45] <Tank2333> that=than
L16[00:05:43] <JVFoxy> heh.. old because its only been a few years and he's put out so many videos..?
L17[00:06:05] <Tank2333> been a few years i think
L18[00:06:37] <JVFoxy> I have to ask about the meaning of 'old' these days... mostly since, 'oh, you've had your phone a few years? Thats old'.. really..?
L19[00:06:49] <Althego> yes that is old
L20[00:07:44] <Tank2333> im not 13 so i have a sense of time :)
L21[00:08:41] <JVFoxy> the ground you stand on is old...
L22[00:08:54] <Tank2333> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G01NoaTM46o
L23[00:08:54] <kmath> YouTube - What does it Take To Deorbit A Moon In Kerbal Space Program
L24[00:08:56] <Tank2333> 5 years
L25[00:09:00] <mischief> should i be landing on the lakes of minmus?
L26[00:09:07] <mischief> landing on the mountains seems trecharous
L27[00:09:13] <Tank2333> yes
L28[00:09:25] <JVFoxy> I guess the fact that companies keep pushign you to buy the latest products all the time, doesn't really help matters
L29[00:09:35] <Supercheese> Minmus' flats are a godsend
L30[00:09:43] <Supercheese> most planets are filled with steep slopes everywhere
L31[00:09:47] <Althego> my phone is already older than 2 years
L32[00:09:51] <Supercheese> but Minmus has those delicious flats
L33[00:09:55] <Supercheese> easy mode
L34[00:10:00] ⇦ Quits: Doesntcareman979 (Doesntcareman979!~D^man@pool-173-75-226-41.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L35[00:10:05] * JVFoxy only been through two models of flipphones since... ealry 2000s.. he's fixed them as needed.. has spares
L36[00:10:28] <Althego> probably i will need to replace the battery soon, but for that have to take it to some shop (built in). or i can just buy a new one next year
L37[00:10:34] <JVFoxy> avoid the poles.. at least on mun... elevation changes get stupidly exagerated
L38[00:10:38] <Tank2333> my on is only one and a half and it is starting to get slower... i think android is rigged
L39[00:10:47] <Althego> on duna too
L40[00:11:00] <Althego> and of course there is the mohole
L41[00:11:14] ⇨ Joins: Lyneira (Lyneira!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:20c:29ff:fea6:d040)
L42[00:11:15] <Tank2333> is it still there?
L43[00:11:24] <Althego> it has its own biome now
L44[00:11:32] <Tank2333> oh ok
L45[00:11:34] <Althego> so it is there permanently, part of the lore
L46[00:11:42] <Tank2333> true
L47[00:11:45] <Althego> originally was a terrain glitch
L48[00:12:04] <Tank2333> yeah i know, but never went there
L49[00:12:32] <Althego> heh something crazy happened to the tests again
L50[00:13:25] <Tank2333> wich tests?
L51[00:14:01] <JVFoxy> interesting its only moho.. not any other planet/moon
L52[00:14:21] <Althego> the product. but as i am not going to do any work today it has to remain a mystery. it loks like some infrastructure problem
L53[00:14:33] <JVFoxy> first time I came across 'moho' as a weird was back in the Total Annihilation game.
L54[00:14:39] <Althego> there is a peak on duna
L55[00:14:42] <JVFoxy> weird->word
L56[00:14:49] <Althego> the moho mine
L57[00:14:55] <Althego> protect the moho mine at all cost
L58[00:15:11] <JVFoxy> stil have it.. not played in a while since got new machine going. :(
L59[00:15:16] <Althego> just played through ta last week
L60[00:15:38] <Althego> but if your map is smaller than the screen it can easily crash
L61[00:15:49] <Althego> had to change the resolution from full to avoid that :)
L62[00:16:19] <mischief> okay
L63[00:16:26] <mischief> so i should go to the flats of minmus?
L64[00:16:34] <Althego> that is the easiest
L65[00:16:43] <Althego> they are exactly at 0 altitude and completely smooth
L66[00:16:53] <KrazyKrl> Naa... run full 5:4 at 1350x1080 stretched.
L67[00:16:59] <mischief> i see a rather nice spot
L68[00:17:21] <Althego> 2560x1600 is too big :)
L69[00:17:43] ⇦ Quits: m4v (m4v!~znc@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L70[00:17:48] <KrazyKrl> you mean your monitor is too small.
L71[00:17:58] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/lwhl7aY.jpg
L72[00:18:01] <mischief> that flat bit yeah?
L73[00:18:02] <Althego> no, tha maps are too small
L74[00:18:17] <Althego> yes any of that
L75[00:18:26] <mischief> excellent
L76[00:18:28] <mischief> let's go
L77[00:18:34] <Althego> if you land near the hills, you can get biome data from the slopes and highlands
L78[00:18:40] <JVFoxy> I'd probably still play it on my older machine
L79[00:18:42] <Althego> with small hops or with eva
L80[00:18:56] <JVFoxy> I never got around to installing the DVD drive on this new box
L81[00:19:03] <mischief> Althego: i'm not that adventurous
L82[00:19:07] <mischief> this is career mode too :P
L83[00:19:11] <mischief> no antenna, forgot
L84[00:19:13] <mischief> oops
L85[00:19:15] <Althego> at least take surface sample
L86[00:19:17] <Althego> hehe
L87[00:19:24] <KrazyKrl> The last time i needed to use a DVD drive... was to install command and conquer the first decade.
L88[00:19:24] <mischief> yeah
L89[00:19:27] <mischief> my craft is pretty big
L90[00:19:33] <mischief> i have the seismic sensor too
L91[00:19:33] ⇨ Joins: m4v (m4v!~znc@
L92[00:19:34] <KrazyKrl> and that was like 10 years ago.
L93[00:20:08] <mischief> my lander is 19 t
L94[00:20:10] <mischief> O_O
L95[00:20:27] ⇦ Quits: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@c-73-158-172-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L96[00:20:36] <KrazyKrl> I don't know if that's good or bad mischief.
L97[00:20:42] <Althego> clearly a hopper
L98[00:21:05] <Althego> remember there is tons of science on minmus, hop throuogh all of the biomes for best result
L99[00:21:13] <KrazyKrl> i mean... it certainly could be an ore container.
L100[00:21:41] <JVFoxy> I have a game a friend gave me on DVD... held on to it just in case... machien built, forgot DVD... eventually got one, just never stuck it in... ya sorry lazy somewhat. >.<
L101[00:21:47] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/IjGFlfu.jpg
L102[00:21:51] <mischief> bit large eh
L103[00:22:19] <Althego> i would have taken only a scientist so that there is more delta v for hoppin g:)
L104[00:23:22] <KrazyKrl> yep... just take a scientist in a single man pod... then use an advanced probe core if you need SAS capability.
L105[00:24:21] <KrazyKrl> and that kinda looks like mine, lol. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/719792474331682492/99852401018574767690DE50E24CD0AC32095CAB/
L106[00:24:37] <JVFoxy> reading up on this surface science pack.. need at least eng and sci guy to put things together, make it of use... pilot optional since core could probably help
L107[00:25:06] <mischief> your kerbal looks like he ate too much sugar
L108[00:25:09] <KrazyKrl> isn't the lander can 2 crew?
L109[00:25:36] <Althego> the bigger one
L110[00:25:51] <mischief> this is the command pod Mk1-3
L111[00:25:54] <mischief> 3-man ship
L112[00:26:15] <Tank2333> oh wow... the "inline image" option from this irc client does work
L113[00:26:26] <KrazyKrl> i know what the 3 man capsule is. but you don't really need a pilot due to the previously mentioned probe cores.
L114[00:26:51] <mischief> my current lander only has "Spark" and "Twitch" engines
L115[00:26:57] <mischief> takes a while to get anything done
L116[00:27:05] <Tank2333> nice little ship
L117[00:27:31] <KrazyKrl> well... all you need is enough dV on launch to get home, or to the reentry vehicle.
L118[00:27:52] <mischief> i made it :-D
L119[00:28:06] <mischief> KrazyKrl: yeah thats what the 4 twitch engines are for
L120[00:28:22] <mischief> they are surprisingly strong for their size
L121[00:28:39] <KrazyKrl> they have among the best dV of any engine iirc.
L122[00:29:29] <Althego> but they are nowhere as op as they used to be in the old days
L123[00:29:29] <KrazyKrl> And then you have those things where you go "what have I done?" https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/719791555825337090/0151BE422A5543C4F2BFFF9854584934EC44C4B0/
L124[00:29:57] <Althego> looks like a science plane thing
L125[00:30:59] <KrazyKrl> why i needed like 6 of each experiment, i have no idea.
L126[00:31:16] <JVFoxy> terrier does good, poodle is best
L127[00:31:33] <JVFoxy> though.. twitch I find comes out a little better in some cases
L128[00:31:41] <JVFoxy> ... or spark..
L129[00:32:19] ⇦ Quits: LupiDragon (LupiDragon!~Lupi@97-95-206-24.dhcp.sffl.va.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L130[00:32:20] <Tank2333> terrier is the 404?
L131[00:32:22] <Althego> the non radial version is always better
L132[00:32:36] <Althego> 909
L133[00:32:42] <Tank2333> right
L134[00:32:51] <Althego> 404 is the http error code :)
L135[00:32:53] <Tank2333> lol 404 is "no engine found"
L136[00:32:57] <Tank2333> yeah
L137[00:33:25] <Tank2333> i think i diodnt played much after they startet naming the engines
L138[00:33:54] <mischief> looks like green cheese out here
L139[00:33:56] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/ihEZBcY.jpg
L140[00:34:38] <mischief> buzz kerman's mouth is simply agape in awe
L141[00:34:48] <Althego> supposedly it is mint icecream
L142[00:34:59] <Althego> as the science texts say
L143[00:35:09] <mischief> i want mint icecream :(
L144[00:35:16] <KrazyKrl> And then you have Jeb: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/717539469034138788/381EEB707F31C51667B933C87212C56D9DE4C725/
L145[00:35:36] <Althego> lol
L146[00:35:41] <Tank2333> lol
L147[00:35:51] <Tank2333> retirement pod
L148[00:35:57] <mischief> i don't get it
L149[00:36:00] <Althego> coffin?
L150[00:36:18] <KrazyKrl> Jeb "Get off my plane" Kerman
L151[00:40:29] <JVFoxy> ... ok now I have to find a pic of jeb.. when I did my first mun landing with hi..
L152[00:47:19] <JVFoxy> here we go...
L153[00:47:21] <JVFoxy> https://imgur.com/a/JpH6qVv
L154[00:47:42] <Althego> hehe
L155[00:47:51] <JVFoxy> I guess I used a booster to drop my descent down so much, the shroud landed safely.
L156[00:47:58] <JVFoxy> this was back...
L157[00:48:13] <JVFoxy> late june 2014
L158[00:48:39] <JVFoxy> KSP V0.23.5
L159[00:49:26] <Supercheese> Jeb-in-the-Box
L160[00:49:32] <mischief> i am doing what you guys suggested
L161[00:49:34] <mischief> hopping around
L162[00:49:42] <mischief> i have enough fuel this time and the gravity is so small..
L163[00:51:17] <JVFoxy> well.. guess jeb hide-and-seek in a can... no lid
L164[00:55:18] <mischief> i found midlands on minmus which are 3.2km up ... where the heck are highlands
L165[00:58:27] <JVFoxy> https://i.imgur.com/7TyX3X3.png
L166[00:58:58] <JVFoxy> looks like most of them closer to the poles, spotty other places
L167[00:59:08] <mischief> idk if i'll make it this trip :v
L168[00:59:18] <mischief> i have like 400 science already, so that's okay..
L169[00:59:27] <mischief> maybe more like 600 idk
L170[00:59:36] <JVFoxy> don't get too ambitious...
L171[01:00:17] <mischief> maybe even more
L172[01:00:21] <mischief> let's land and find out :-D
L173[01:02:57] <JVFoxy> just imagine, "sir.. why are all our missions rescue missions?"
L174[01:03:04] <Althego> hehe
L175[01:06:09] <JVFoxy> in my defense, "Well.. I had to assign someone to go get all them crew, those non-name companies keep stranding out there. I'd get Jeb to do it but he thinks rescue missions are silly.. or something"
L176[01:08:22] ⇦ Quits: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L177[01:08:42] ⇨ Joins: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com)
L178[01:09:01] <JVFoxy> speaking of rescue contracts...
L179[01:09:34] <JVFoxy> when you go out and rescue a kerbal on a contract, the pod, usually doesn't have a flag right?
L180[01:09:58] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@51B6212B.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
L181[01:12:40] <mischief> never seen a flag
L182[01:13:09] <mischief> all mine have just been command pods
L183[01:13:13] <mischief> or crew cabins..
L184[01:13:22] <mischief> wow
L185[01:13:30] <mischief> 1789 science!
L186[01:14:06] <JVFoxy> kay.. just sometimes I wonder if its another company stranding their kerbals.. or they doing it themselves..
L187[01:14:31] <JVFoxy> oh no.. independent self controlling kerbals launching themselves into space
L188[01:27:11] ⇨ Joins: Tortoise767 (Tortoise767!~Tortoise7@2605:e000:5ac0:1a00:130:6e61:acf3:4db7)
L189[01:27:23] * Tortoise767 wishes automatic account deletion due to inactivity didn't exist
L190[02:01:24] <KrazyKrl> wat,
L191[02:01:56] <KrazyKrl> unless you paid money for a permanent slot on a server someplace, there must always be a purge.
L192[02:06:02] <JVFoxy> 'THE Purge!'
L193[02:06:50] <KrazyKrl> it's like fight club, but instead of fists, it's nothing... and instead of soap, it's also nothing.
L194[02:07:34] <JVFoxy> whats worse.. space or digital oblivion?
L195[02:08:08] <KrazyKrl> well, one is in tamriel; and the other would be <censored> sweet!
L196[02:09:18] <JVFoxy> ok guess I lost things.. I never quite got into elderscrolls /that/ much
L197[02:13:21] <JVFoxy> I was thinking more purge system on spacecraft vs purge system on computer server data base
L198[02:21:20] ⇦ Quits: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L199[02:25:11] ⇦ Quits: Tank2333 (Tank2333!~Tank2333@p5DDAAA60.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L200[02:29:13] <mischief> so.. this rescue mission is at 180 degrees from my orbit around minmus
L201[02:29:24] <mischief> think i can flip my ship around?
L202[02:30:11] <mischief> guess im not going *that* fast
L203[02:30:12] <mischief> lets try
L204[02:31:54] ⇨ Joins: Althego (Althego!~Althego@51B6212B.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
L205[02:32:51] <Althego> hah scott an hour ago
L206[02:41:09] <mischief> ok
L207[02:41:13] <mischief> reverse successful
L208[02:41:29] <mischief> now, do i try landing again on minmus or just go home with my two rescued people..
L209[02:42:09] <Althego> depends on fuel
L210[02:42:24] <Althego> more minmus landings, more science
L211[02:42:27] <mischief> a fair bit
L212[02:42:38] <mischief> my landing kegs are nearly full
L213[02:43:04] <mischief> and the tank directly under the command pod is full, not even used yet
L214[02:43:14] <Althego> go for it
L215[02:43:31] <mischief> only took me a tiny bit of fuel for two rescues which had opposite orbits, i'm surprised
L216[02:43:56] <mischief> i think minmus is easier than mun :)
L217[02:44:36] <Althego> it is
L218[02:44:40] <Althego> and better
L219[02:44:42] <Althego> more science
L220[02:44:53] <mischief> word
L221[02:44:53] <Althego> the mun has more biomes
L222[02:44:59] <mischief> last trip got me 1800 science :)
L223[02:45:04] <Althego> but you have top foight hard to get them
L224[02:45:10] <Althego> on minmus you can just milk it forever
L225[02:45:24] <Althego> basically you can get the whole tech tree
L226[02:45:24] <mischief> forever?
L227[02:45:45] <Althego> maybe not in hard mode, then a few nodes will be unfilled on the highest level
L228[02:54:33] <mischief> my navball is wrong :(
L229[02:55:47] <Althego> or in the wrong mode
L230[02:56:02] <mischief> it's rocket mode
L231[02:56:11] <Althego> no such mode
L232[02:56:19] <mischief> sorry
L233[02:56:20] <mischief> staging mode
L234[02:56:43] <Althego> that is not the navball mode
L235[02:56:48] <mischief> it says i'm in orbit moving at 10.0 m/s and my prograde and retrograde are inverted
L236[02:57:03] <mischief> where is mode shown?
L237[02:57:26] <Althego> it is probably the control from here menu what you want
L238[02:57:35] <Althego> so if you have a probe core or docking port or such
L239[02:57:40] <Althego> you can be useing the wrong one
L240[02:57:51] <mischief> just a command pod
L241[02:57:56] <mischief> i'm landed on the surface o_O
L242[02:57:56] <Althego> or in orbit mode while you are near the surface
L243[02:58:09] <Althego> if you click the navball now, does the speed change?
L244[02:58:15] <Althego> (it should)
L245[02:58:25] <mischief> ooh
L246[02:58:32] <mischief> i didn't know you could click the words
L247[02:58:35] <Althego> in surface mode it is relative to the surface
L248[02:58:42] <Althego> in orbit mode it is relative to the center of the planet
L249[02:58:44] <mischief> now it shows surface 0.0m/s
L250[02:58:49] <mischief> makes more sense xD
L251[02:59:08] <Althego> you can use this to see the surface speed on the launchpad for example
L252[02:59:15] <Althego> normally it transitions automatically
L253[02:59:17] <Althego> but sometimes not
L254[02:59:26] <Althego> or you want to switch back to surface mode for contracts
L255[02:59:34] <Althego> (fly x speed, it is always surface speed)
L256[03:00:22] <Althego> hehe https://i.redd.it/risgqhdyl4c11.png
L257[03:00:54] <Althego> oh wait a sec we have 1.4.5
L258[03:00:58] * mischief squints
L259[03:01:02] <mischief> does that actually work
L260[03:01:08] <Althego> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/177076-kerbal-space-program-145-and-making-history-14-is-live/
L261[03:01:53] <Althego> https://i.redd.it/yk0516ggn0c11.jpg
L262[03:02:41] <Althego> obviously it happened around midnight
L263[03:02:45] <Althego> i expected it next week
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L266[03:19:25] <Althego> not much of a reéease
L267[03:22:39] ⇦ Quits: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com) (Quit: Valete omnes)
L268[03:28:54] ⇦ Quits: Olympic1 (Olympic1!~Olympic1@ptr-cdbjg9ka3lu1skn13m6.18120a2.ip6.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L269[04:02:52] ⇨ Joins: Medu (Medu!~Medu@91-119-123-183.dsl.dynamic.surfer.at)
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L272[04:18:36] ⇨ Joins: Deddly (Deddly!uid297108@id-297108.stonehaven.irccloud.com)
L273[04:23:52] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8dEwUD6fXs
L274[04:23:52] <kmath> YouTube - VSS Unity | Third Rocket Powered Flight
L275[04:24:02] <Althego> maybe something happens over there too
L276[04:24:15] <Althego> they started before everybody else, and they are only a runner up
L277[04:24:26] <Rolf> so kerbian design
L278[04:24:33] <Rolf> 3 planes bolted together ;)
L279[04:27:12] <mischief> some kind of ssto?
L280[04:27:16] <Althego> isnt it kerbal rather than kerbian
L281[04:27:21] <mischief> or space plane
L282[04:27:22] <Althego> no orbit
L283[04:27:24] <Althego> just suborbital
L284[04:27:41] <Rolf> possibly
L285[04:29:48] <mischief> this mission just says 'reocver a module without damaging it too much'
L286[04:29:54] <mischief> what is too much and how do i do that :v
L287[04:30:18] <Althego> there is no partial damage in stock
L288[04:30:32] <Rolf> damhing too much means poof I guess
L289[04:30:39] <Althego> except maybe landing legs and wheels
L290[04:31:06] <mischief> the module is purported to weight 2.5t
L291[04:31:14] <Althego> but the parts are usually cabins, tanks, engines
L292[04:31:25] <mischief> how the heck will i get some random 2.5t thing back to kerbin without it blowing up while deorbiting
L293[04:31:33] <Althego> once i had to recover an empty shuttle solid booster from a crater on the mun
L294[04:31:35] <Althego> that was hard
L295[04:31:52] <Rolf> mischief: any dock on it?
L296[04:32:01] <mischief> idk, didn't accept mission yet
L297[04:32:04] <Rolf> if it has, dock something with LOT of paracles on it
L298[04:32:14] <Rolf> cant spell that word
L299[04:32:21] <Althego> you need the claw, and some serious delta v reserve
L300[04:32:25] <Althego> and also parachutes
L301[04:32:31] <Rolf> ah yes the claw
L302[04:32:43] <Althego> but you get these contracts only after you have the claw
L303[04:32:51] <Rolf> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-Esh4W3dfI
L304[04:32:51] <kmath> YouTube - Toy Story - The Claw
L305[04:33:08] <mischief> i guess i just need to have a lot of fuel left for retrograde burn when deorbiting
L306[04:33:13] <mischief> so i don't burn up..
L307[04:33:54] <Althego> also reentry burn to not burn up
L308[04:34:09] <mischief> thats what i mean :P
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L310[04:37:01] <Deddly> Cargo plane :)
L311[04:37:16] <Althego> here is one with text for rolf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oowYF3QIO3c
L312[04:37:16] <kmath> YouTube - 'Beautiful Black Sky' - Virgin Galactic's VSS Unity Flies Higher Than Ever
L313[04:37:18] <Althego> mostly correct
L314[04:37:35] <Althego> amazing view not amazing for
L315[04:37:38] <Rolf> cool :)
L316[04:37:51] <Althego> it is from the pilots
L317[04:38:27] <Rolf> I wouldnt know if I would accept if somehow magucally they invite me to ride in one
L318[04:38:50] <Althego> as with everything wait 10 years when it becomes cheap
L319[04:39:09] <Althego> although i waited far more than that and they still didnt start business
L320[04:41:16] <Althego> however good these automatic subtitling algorithms are, they still fail really badly. even in a relatively clear english that has no strange accent
L321[04:41:38] <Rolf> consider 3 years ago
L322[04:41:43] <Rolf> it was much much worse
L323[04:41:51] <Rolf> wouldnt be able to even tell what topic was about
L324[04:41:57] <Althego> lol
L325[04:42:07] <Rolf> nowdays its pretty amazing, so good I can figure glitch words by context
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L327[04:47:20] <Althego> ready aplayer one? :)
L328[04:47:32] <Rolf> lol
L329[04:47:34] <APlayer> Ready for what?
L330[04:47:50] * APlayer didn't get the joke :-(
L331[04:47:59] <Althego> i dont know, neither read the book or watched the movie
L332[04:48:03] <Althego> nor
L333[04:48:20] <Althego> if there is nor in the english language, why is there no nand? :)
L334[04:48:54] <Althego> this was the jok https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1677720/
L335[04:49:15] <Rolf> movie was fun!
L336[04:50:18] <Rolf> havent read book, has it but in a large queue
L337[04:50:30] <Althego> hwhw
L338[04:50:31] <Rolf> currently reading Hunted Earth omnibus
L339[04:51:02] <Althego> i know a guy who has a a lot of books in his queue. he stacks them on top of each other, forming an 1.5 m tower
L340[04:51:09] <Althego> new ones go to the bottom
L341[04:51:29] <Rolf> heh mines at few hundreds
L342[04:51:38] <Rolf> thankfully they all stack into zero height
L343[04:53:04] <Rolf> I think book queue, if not refilled, will last around 300 days
L344[04:53:10] <Rolf> or somewhat less than full year
L345[04:53:46] <Rolf> reading around 300 page a day so yeah I read books very fast
L346[05:06:08] <Rolf> wanna know something sad?
L347[05:06:15] ⇨ Joins: BPlayer (BPlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BC1BE0058D1CC784ED3D583.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L348[05:06:21] <Rolf> futuristic movie 2001 should have happened 17 years ago
L349[05:06:45] <Rolf> where is our long spceship drat
L350[05:07:04] <Althego> longship is long
L351[05:07:18] <Rolf> its perfect size for long cats
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L353[05:08:58] <Rolf> ummmmm
L354[05:09:11] <Rolf> apparently google has specific code for "long cats"
L355[05:09:14] <Rolf> google it
L356[05:16:36] <Althego> doesnt really look like that
L357[05:17:04] <Rolf> you dont get "18 inches" and subtitle of "without tail"?
L358[05:17:16] <Althego> no
L359[05:17:36] <Althego> gives me result about how long cats live
L360[05:17:58] <Althego> and longcat picture from know your meme
L361[05:18:03] <Althego> quite realistic result
L362[05:18:23] <Rolf> weird. lol
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L364[05:20:00] <Rolf> did you google long cat or long cats?
L365[05:20:26] *** BPlayer is now known as APlayer
L366[05:23:07] <Rolf> the anti-long cat https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/uncyclopedia/images/7/74/Short_cat2.jpg
L367[05:25:57] <Althego> no use, doesnt happen with any of those
L368[05:26:03] <Rolf> weird
L369[05:27:21] <Althego> https://twitter.com/SmashRiot/status/1022518849848180736
L370[05:27:22] <kmath> <SmashRiot> Unity has done it again. One of our artists left Unity idling over night and got this very personal email from Uni… https://t.co/Pk2bgjAAp7
L371[05:27:43] <Althego> even i would leave an editor open just to get a personal email from alejandra :)
L372[05:28:08] <Rolf> leave it long enough and they will finish project for you
L373[05:28:31] <Althego> i would probably sooner write my own engine than to learn an existing one
L374[05:32:08] <Epi> I would live with stats collection than make my own engine beyond a 2d game, 3d maths melts my brain most times
L375[05:43:22] <Althego> heh a friend of mine is in the country again. and just today there is going to be an unusually long lunar eclipse
L376[05:44:38] <Althego> have to convince people to walk up the hill so that we can see it
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L378[06:13:39] <mischief> the 1.25m shell can't hold a relay scanner :(
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L385[08:36:09] <Althego> there was no wintergatan video this week. also fluburtur is missing
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L387[08:53:23] <APlayer> France must have disappeared
L388[08:53:32] <APlayer> That's the only plausible explanation
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L392[09:03:49] <TheKosmonaut> Althego: the Romans decided to reclaim Gaul
L393[09:04:12] <Althego> at least they bring peace :)
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L395[09:07:59] <UmbralRaptor> Desert Romana
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L402[11:01:08] <JVFoxy> Romanian desert.. or dessert?
L403[11:02:55] <kubi> 1.4.5?
L404[11:03:49] <JVFoxy> ... actually, I was going to ask. Would it be worth doing a building aircraft tutorial video for KSP?
L405[11:06:38] <JVFoxy> of course.. it be nice if I could get a proper mic for my pc.. :\
L406[11:12:31] <UmbralRaptor> looks like 1.4.5 is actually out now
L407[11:13:09] <JVFoxy> they going to keep 1.4.4 available till mod builders are able to migrate to the new version?
L408[11:18:26] ⇦ Quits: Deddly (Deddly!uid297108@id-297108.stonehaven.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L409[11:18:29] <JVFoxy> ok so... 1.4.4 replaced with 1.4.5...
L410[11:18:35] <JVFoxy> what issues did 1.4.5 have?
L411[11:18:46] <JVFoxy> er.. sorry what issues did 1.4.4 have that they removed it completely?
L412[11:20:02] <JVFoxy> looks like I missed out on 1.4.4, sigh oh well
L413[11:23:07] <JVFoxy> guess people still in morning mode huh?
L414[11:28:56] <UmbralRaptor> Various bug fixes.
L415[11:29:14] <JVFoxy> guess I just worry, might miss on something
L416[11:29:30] <JVFoxy> I know a lot of mod developers haven't even caught up to 1.4.4 yet
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L430[12:02:01] <Neal> my mods keep giving me warnings that they aren't compatible with KSP 1.3
L431[12:02:20] <Neal> it's been that long since I've updated them and everything still works *shrug*
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L451[13:28:05] <Epsilon> Makes me wonder if they fixed whatever it was in 1.4.4 that broke Kopernicus. I can't play without a rescale mod anymore, and I was hoping to get back into KSP for a while. :(
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L454[13:37:03] <Supercheese> 1.4.3 is a fine version
L455[13:37:37] <Supercheese> nothing super critical in 1.4.4 - 1.4.5 that you'd desperately need
L456[13:48:33] <JVFoxy> mmm ok
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L458[14:13:34] * UmbralRaptop ? the sky
L459[14:13:36] <UmbralRaptop> No blood moon, there's a planet in the way. No Mars, clouds are in the way.
L460[14:14:05] <Black_Eagle> so: does anyone know how ksp treats the airbrakes? are they two regular surfaces?
L461[14:18:13] <UmbralRaptop> I think so?
L462[14:18:21] <UmbralRaptop> Well, control surfaces
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L464[14:24:38] <Black_Eagle> the built in aero display doesn't show a drag penalty
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L467[14:25:15] <Althego> heh cant see the lunar eclipse, it is completely dark
L468[14:25:19] <Althego> because of clouds
L469[14:25:44] <Black_Eagle> i was curious if you could attach them "sideways" as vertical stabilizers
L470[14:26:12] <Althego> attach what?
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L472[14:26:28] <Althego> you can attach everything everywhere, in the worst case through a cubic octagonal strut
L473[14:28:33] <Althego> i wonder do the astronauts watch the lunar eclipse from the space station? can they?
L474[14:28:42] <Althego> (because the cupola is towards the earth)
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L476[14:31:07] <Black_Eagle> Althego sure i can put them anywhere but how do i avoid the drag penalty
L477[14:32:07] <Althego> there are some parts that you cant attach in some ways, but it is not that important anymore since the rotation and offset tools
L478[14:33:07] <Black_Eagle> i'm really confused
L479[14:33:14] <Black_Eagle> are you like blind or what
L480[14:33:17] <Black_Eagle> aerobrakes
L481[14:33:29] <Althego> i dont know what you are talking about
L482[14:33:40] <Black_Eagle> A.E.R.O.B.R.A.K.E.S if you're more familiar with that
L483[14:33:45] <Althego> now you said it
L484[14:33:54] <Black_Eagle> [27/07 22:14;11] <Black_Eagle> so: does anyone know how ksp treats the airbrakes?
L485[14:33:56] <Black_Eagle> this one
L486[14:34:03] <Althego> i was not here then
L487[14:34:05] <Supercheese> isn't it "A.I.R." and not "A.E.R.O."?
L488[14:34:09] <Black_Eagle> oh, true
L489[14:34:12] <Althego> if they are open they have more drag
L490[14:34:26] <Althego> probably not too much drag if they are not open
L491[14:34:30] <Black_Eagle> oh for fuck's sake
L492[14:34:34] <Althego> so you can tryto rotate them
L493[14:34:59] <Black_Eagle> ok slow down
L494[14:36:02] <Black_Eagle> if i put airbrakes sideways so that the apparent surface they have is aligned with the airflow, will ksp treat them as if they were surfaces aligned with the airflow
L495[14:36:20] <Black_Eagle> as sort of makeshift vertical stabilizers
L496[14:36:35] <Althego> probably they will do almost nothing
L497[14:36:49] <Althego> but look ad the drag arrows in the aero view
L498[14:36:58] <Black_Eagle> hmmm... so they're basically not like wings that just fold and unfold
L499[14:37:11] <Black_Eagle> no drag arrows - does that mean it's mostly cosmetic then?
L500[14:37:26] <Althego> yes
L501[14:37:49] <Althego> they are more like parachutes
L502[14:41:08] <Althego> moon is almsot completely gone according to the live feed
L503[14:43:20] <Black_Eagle> i found the drag arrows, you're right. it's weird how the drag just appears once you yaw the plane
L504[14:43:27] <Black_Eagle> so it goes more that way
L505[14:43:40] <Black_Eagle> not terribly useful
L506[14:43:52] <Althego> you can build a flying wing with the
L507[14:43:53] <Althego> m
L508[14:44:50] <JVFoxy> I remember in some past version, some of the aerodynamics weren't symetrical on some mirrored parts directly connected to the route part.. or something along those lines
L509[14:45:11] <JVFoxy> that ever get fixed or..?
L510[14:45:59] <Black_Eagle> would have been a neat way to save space on vertical control surfaces (as in folded away when not in use)
L511[14:46:38] <Althego> you dont really need them
L512[14:47:34] <Althego> you are fine with only roll and pitch. and there are the reaction wheels too
L513[14:53:37] <JVFoxy> I usually turn off raction wheels in planes
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L515[15:10:13] <UmbralRaptop> https://tess.mit.edu/news/nasas-tess-spacecraft-starts-science-operations/
L516[15:11:38] <Supercheese> Nice! I was fortunate to be able to watch the launch of TESS from Cape Canaveral in person
L517[15:12:05] <Supercheese> great to see it starting its mission
L518[15:12:33] <Althego> finally
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L520[15:13:09] <Althego> if kepler found thousands, tess could get us an order of magnitude more
L521[15:17:54] <UmbralRaptop> :D
L522[15:18:28] <UmbralRaptop> Supercheese: a bunch of us watched it in a meeting room. With pizza. >_>
L523[15:18:45] ⇨ Joins: Deddly (Deddly!~MrNiceGuy@h87-96-164-204.cust.se.alltele.net)
L524[15:20:38] <Supercheese> I happened to be in Orlando for a business conference
L525[15:20:56] <Supercheese> was able to drive on out to the space coast and luckily me there was a Falcon 9
L526[15:21:01] <Supercheese> lucky*
L527[15:21:29] <Supercheese> bloody toll roads *everywhere* though
L528[15:21:31] <Supercheese> Florida is bleh
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L558[18:38:12] <mischief> ugh
L559[18:38:20] <mischief> i need a 5 man station around the mun..
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L565[19:07:04] <lordcirth> For 1.4.5 + Making History, setting CKAN to allow all 1.4.x should be ok, right?
L566[19:10:00] <Azander> for teh mods I have, that seesm to be correct
L567[19:10:26] <lordcirth> Cool thanks
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L575[20:21:09] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/P5y25fj.jpg
L576[20:21:16] <mischief> mun mobile processing lab reporting for duty.
L577[20:21:58] <mischief> i don't think i packed enough batteries
L578[20:22:14] <mischief> run out of electricity when i go out of the view of the sun :(
L579[20:23:09] <KrazyKrl> at that point, why not run fuel cells?
L580[20:23:38] <mischief> i've run out of fuel for one
L581[20:23:43] <KrazyKrl> get some supplimental power, and you can easily dock to refill.
L582[20:23:54] <mischief> also, i didn't pack a fuel cell
L583[20:23:59] <mischief> this is career mode..
L584[20:24:17] <mischief> i did remember docking ports though.
L585[20:24:23] <mischief> i might just send a flying battery up there
L586[20:24:29] <KrazyKrl> yea, but if you have a processing lab; you have the tech for fuel cells.
L587[20:24:55] <KrazyKrl> you could even dock some ore, and refine on the station for fuel.
L588[20:25:17] <KrazyKrl> or... you might even be able to dock a tiny ship made of batteries...
L589[20:25:28] <mischief> yes :P
L590[20:25:39] <mischief> a little probe core on a stick of batteries
L591[20:26:36] <mischief> how do i do the whole mining and refining thing?
L592[20:26:43] <mischief> i just unlocked that tech node
L593[20:27:01] <KrazyKrl> get ore, refine ore to fuel... that's kinda it.
L594[20:27:31] <mischief> i mean, is it efficient?
L595[20:28:20] <mischief> hm
L596[20:28:21] <Rolf> is those largest batteries you can use?
L597[20:28:44] <mischief> i have the Z-1k, but i thought the Z-400 fit better.
L598[20:29:00] <KrazyKrl> the z1k is terrible for ec/kg iirc.
L599[20:29:19] <mischief> it is only 0.05t
L600[20:30:13] <mischief> all the kerbals in that picture look very excited
L601[20:31:00] <Rolf> camlock lol
L602[20:32:31] <KrazyKrl> oh right, battery capacity was normalized. the z-400s are a little nicer to work with due to the z400s form factor.
L603[20:33:19] <mischief> wtf
L604[20:33:25] <mischief> now i need a station around minmus
L605[20:33:30] <mischief> supporting *10* kerbals
L606[20:36:08] <Azander> so add on to the other one
L607[20:38:56] <KrazyKrl> "I didn't make something the right size" doesn't apply when you have the klaw or equipped docking ports.
L608[20:40:09] <Eddi|zuHause> the worst thing about station contracts is that they usually come with a "must be a new craft" requirement
L609[20:41:59] <Eddi|zuHause> "what? i just put a 6 kerbal science lab station in orbit of the mun, now you want me to make a NEW 8 kerbal fuel station, instead of reusing the previous one?!?"
L610[20:48:45] <mischief> yeah
L611[20:48:47] <mischief> that's silly
L612[20:48:57] <mischief> Azander: does that actually work?
L613[20:49:04] <mischief> i can send up two 5 man crafts and dock them?
L614[20:49:31] <Azander> Don't know. Haven't played career in a long time. I prefer science
L615[20:49:43] <mischief> what i really want is for the decouplers to fit the largest element in the stack
L616[20:49:52] <mischief> like if i put a tiny engine on a larger diameter tank
L617[20:49:58] <Rolf> just make new station, when mission is complete, dock it with other one so you just have one object to track
L618[20:50:17] <mischief> the decoupler only goes around the small engine and has a huge space around it
L619[20:50:30] <Rolf> "but our respective lab tests and equiqipment is different!" "dont care! dock!"
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L621[20:56:00] <mischief> i also wish there was a probe core that can fit normal size dock port on it..
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L623[21:02:12] <mischief> hm
L624[21:02:21] <mischief> it seems like i should try landing a convertotron 250 on the mun
L625[21:02:23] <mischief> seems.. difficult
L626[21:09:18] <mischief> http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/531766271400702479/5AA3D1409A69F17451D1BBF0080D5A4AD70A72A8/
L627[21:09:20] <mischief> what the hell.
L628[21:10:41] <Eddi|zuHause> <mischief> i can send up two 5 man crafts and dock them? <- yes, as long as both were started after accepting the contract, to fulfill the "must be new" clause
L629[21:10:50] <mischief> ok
L630[21:11:56] <Eddi|zuHause> (and don't dock any older vehicles inbetween)
L631[21:12:59] <Eddi|zuHause> (well, actually, i think you can dock and quickly undock, if you don't leave to the tracking station, but don't quote me on that)
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L633[21:18:48] <oren> coming in from the mun with no control
L634[21:19:37] <oren> https://imgur.com/l9pgkue
L635[21:19:37] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/l9pgkue.jpg
L636[21:20:20] <JVFoxy> 'Must be new clause'.... eh...
L637[21:20:46] <mischief> my mining ship is already 45t *cries*
L638[21:20:49] <mischief> i'll never land this
L639[21:21:29] <oren> awwww dang
L640[21:22:45] <Rolf> any way to dump fuel or something?
L641[21:24:54] <oren> ok trying again
L642[21:25:32] <oren> interestingly an antenna that has been folded away still expodes
L643[21:27:14] <JVFoxy> in the air stream?
L644[21:27:29] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/IWdxEEg.jpg
L645[21:27:32] <mischief> is this right?
L646[21:28:03] <oren> and a paracute deployed while inside a bay doens't seem to slow anything won
L647[21:28:06] <oren> down
L648[21:28:52] <mischief> why you put a chute in a bay?
L649[21:29:14] <oren> to protect it from heat of reentry?
L650[21:29:24] <mischief> shouldn't be a problem
L651[21:29:40] <mischief> i've never had a chute burn off
L652[21:31:57] <oren> even while returning from the mun with no control because you only have enough batteries for the trip there?
L653[21:32:40] <mischief> no kerbal onboard?
L654[21:32:52] <mischief> you can get out and push with your monopropellant :)
L655[21:33:11] <oren> no just a stayputnik
L656[21:33:21] <mischief> usually i've got a cone-shaped command pod, with parachutes on the pointy end and a heat shield on the bottom
L657[21:33:29] <mischief> never burned up with that setup
L658[21:33:57] <oren> returning with the instruments bay open worked
L659[21:34:04] <mischief> haha
L660[21:35:28] <oren> and I completed by contract to return from a flyby of the mun
L661[21:35:52] <oren> now I can finally get solar panels
L662[21:38:34] <mischief> oh dear
L663[21:38:38] <mischief> solar panels are quite useful xD
L664[21:40:45] <mischief> hm.. no SAS on my miner
L665[21:40:51] <mischief> how can i get SAS?
L666[21:41:00] <mischief> i can't seem to attach probe cores to the side of my ship..
L667[21:43:21] <mischief> maybe i can't use the cupola module then, sucks
L668[21:54:19] <oren> put a lander can in it?
L669[21:54:49] <mischief> i just added a hitchhiker storage container, to put the engineer in
L670[21:54:54] <mischief> pilot in the cupola
L671[21:55:57] <JVFoxy> use the truss structure, then probe on top
L672[21:56:15] <JVFoxy> just make sure its turned to face the right direction
L673[21:57:36] <mischief> i just didn't want to block the cupola's view.
L674[21:57:51] <mischief> the hitchhiker container also gives me more room to put stuff
L675[21:58:02] <mischief> it is an extra 2.5t tho
L676[21:58:47] <JVFoxy> lander can usually a bit lighter..
L677[21:58:49] <JVFoxy> I think..
L678[21:58:57] <JVFoxy> if you want to add a probe, and have the coupula..
L679[21:59:23] <mischief> this is a mining rig
L680[21:59:28] <mischief> it's already 36 tons
L681[21:59:41] <JVFoxy> add a little strut to the back side. A probe after you turned it to connect. Then just turn the probe to face the right direction. and slide it into the body slightly so its not just sticking out
L682[22:00:36] <mischief> not sure how i'll land the thing though, it's quite tall and heavy
L683[22:00:53] <oren> https://imgur.com/0S2WDzz
L684[22:00:53] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/0S2WDzz.png
L685[22:01:03] <oren> returning 10 kerbals in this thing, wcgw
L686[22:01:39] <mischief> haha
L687[22:01:45] <mischief> no rocket for retrograde burn?
L688[22:01:53] <oren> https://imgur.com/1Vt8GLl
L689[22:01:53] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/1Vt8GLl.jpg
L690[22:02:07] <mischief> should work
L691[22:02:21] <JVFoxy> I did a 1 pilot+10 kerbal cruise ship.. launched that way. got mun orbit, came back for LKO.. used a docking station as a meeting point. flew up a couple of return craft, brought everyone home
L692[22:06:35] <oren> nothing has gont wrong yet
L693[22:06:52] <Epsilon> Congratulations, you've guaranteed that something will.
L694[22:07:26] <Epsilon> Although I admire the realism in saying "yet"
L695[22:07:38] <oren> https://imgur.com/f1DtFsy
L696[22:07:38] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/f1DtFsy.jpg
L697[22:08:08] <mischief> yeah, going sideways is a good way to catch drag
L698[22:08:10] <mischief> (and heat)
L699[22:08:59] <Epsilon> Gives literal meaning to "this mission has gone sideways"
L700[22:09:05] <mischief> mun miner mk I ready to go
L701[22:09:07] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/ld3jdVs.jpg
L702[22:09:25] <mischief> let's get this tin can off the ground
L703[22:10:02] <mischief> woops, forgot some wings.
L704[22:10:34] <mischief> only cost 183,000 kerb bucks >_>
L705[22:10:42] <oren> it
L706[22:10:49] <oren> working hooray
L707[22:14:03] <oren> https://imgur.com/RZalb77
L708[22:14:03] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/RZalb77.jpg
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L710[22:21:49] <JVFoxy> one way to do it
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L712[22:36:47] <oren> in a sense this thing is the ultimate spaceplane
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L715[23:03:16] <KrazyKrl> Wouldn't any surface with 2 dots in it be the ultimate spaceplane?
L716[23:03:40] <JVFoxy> huh?
L717[23:05:52] <KrazyKrl> a number is one dimensional, a plane is two dimensional. if you define 2 points in space, you can create a space plane.
L718[23:10:57] <JVFoxy> mm... flying pizza wedges
L719[23:12:42] <mischief> this sucks
L720[23:12:45] <mischief> my klaw won't grab
L721[23:13:33] ⇦ Quits: Tank2333 (Tank2333!~Tank2333@p5DDAAA60.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L722[23:14:25] <mischief> whew got it
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L725[23:22:34] <mischief> it's dark
L726[23:22:36] <mischief> hold me :(
L727[23:25:34] <Althego> until it sleeps
L728[23:27:38] <mischief> crashed on mun
L729[23:27:46] <mischief> had ~200m/s to go
L730[23:27:49] <mischief> ran out of fuel :(
L731[23:27:55] <kremlin> oh no
L732[23:28:19] <mischief> i think if i skip rendezvous i can make it
L733[23:36:38] <JVFoxy> home
L734[23:36:51] <JVFoxy> oh for frig's sake..
L735[23:36:54] <JVFoxy> sorry
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L737[23:45:23] <mischief> sweet baby jesus
L738[23:45:24] <mischief> i made it
L739[23:46:13] <mischief> one problem
L740[23:46:15] <mischief> ground isn't flat.
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