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L1[00:01:05] ⇨ Joins: Ezriilc_ (Ezriilc_!~Ezriilc@
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L9[00:49:05] <Epsilon> ... oh wow, I'm dumb. 1.4.3 didn't disable NFP. I forgot to install it. -_-
L10[00:55:16] <Althego> yes, works better if it is installed :)
L11[00:55:32] <Althego> just as yesterday the kos scripts
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L13[01:04:31] <Epsilon> heh heh
L14[01:05:08] <Epsilon> KSPI-E installs a lot of random crap. :I
L15[01:05:26] * Epsilon pesters FreeThinker to ask what all the stuff is in the folder for.
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L23[02:07:02] <oren> https://imgur.com/LG0ZKLy
L24[02:07:02] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/LG0ZKLy.jpg
L25[02:07:16] <Epsilon> hahahaha
L26[02:07:23] <oren> these wheels seem alot stronger than they used to be
L27[02:07:26] <Althego> hehe
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L35[02:50:10] <oren> https://imgur.com/Kx8gvgy another 10 tourists
L36[02:50:11] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/Kx8gvgy.png
L37[02:50:45] <Mat2ch> so, you're better than BlueOrigin then. :D
L38[02:51:12] <oren> I wonder how long I can make this design
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L40[02:53:04] <mischief1> probably quite long if you keep adding parachutes
L41[02:53:11] <mischief1> but can you get enough passengers?
L42[02:53:33] <Rolf> infinite
L43[02:53:47] <Rolf> though you need infinite parts and parachutes so probably not
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L46[02:59:01] <oren> ok, trying it with 12
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L59[04:41:48] <Althego> hah where have you been
L60[04:42:17] <Fluburtur> out because I was too lazy to register and stuff
L61[04:42:30] <APlayer> Sorry guys :/
L62[04:42:37] <APlayer> It seems to be over now, though
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L64[04:44:29] <Althego> there was no wintergatan upload either
L65[04:44:35] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/472859829472460820/DSC_9379.JPG
L66[04:44:58] <sandbox> the spambots are still doing their thing, but the message has changed
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L73[04:53:52] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/3bf12b3a34af5f6ae7b032151f94a17e/tumblr_p4at2aH30y1wsbn2ao1_540.jpg
L74[04:54:56] <Fluburtur> I saw someone on tumblr go like "rejoice, nasa decided pluto is a planet again"
L75[04:54:57] <Triffid_Hunter> woah, they're actually checking my 4 year old bug report about gilly's terrain in map view being radically different to ship view.. if anyone's curious; https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/1735
L76[04:55:32] <Althego> i hit joolian moons while above the surface according to map
L77[04:55:34] <Althego> similar issue
L78[05:02:29] <Althego> 1.4.5 was really a minimalé change release. coupled with the mention of 1.5 in the previous devnote, they might be partially working on the next release already
L79[05:07:33] <mischief1> seemed just like bug fixes
L80[05:07:45] <Althego> but very few of them
L81[05:11:54] <Deddly> Awesome, Triffid_Hunter. Congrats
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L86[05:39:02] <Mat2ch> https://youtu.be/L2tc2r3jwhE?t=373 folding legs :D
L87[05:39:18] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: and then she got stuck :D
L88[05:41:50] <Althego> i linked this yesterday. yes they are floding slowly. but at least no more need to take them off as i used to be
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L90[06:02:08] <Mat2ch> Althego: I guess they'll speed this up, when they are confident, that it works
L91[06:05:58] <Althego> how do they clean up all the soot?
L92[06:09:55] <Fluburtur> btw have you seen the new flite test forum challenge?
L93[06:10:00] <Fluburtur> https://forum.flitetest.com/index.php?threads/draft-2019-fantasy-aircraft-design-build-challenge-guidelines.54574/
L94[06:10:19] <Fluburtur> fiction aircrafts, I suggested the theme and peoples went with it so that's cool
L95[06:10:26] <Althego> what, no nausicaa plane?
L96[06:10:51] <Fluburtur> I remember last year's challenge, some peoples already had flying protos before the challenge was officially started
L97[06:10:57] <Fluburtur> dude made a plane in one week
L98[06:13:07] <Mat2ch> Althego: they wont.
L99[06:13:27] <Althego> but then the rocket gets heavier with each launch
L100[06:21:54] <Mat2ch> Maybe give it a power wash
L101[06:22:08] <Mat2ch> but I don't think that they'll do more
L102[06:48:06] <Fluburtur> time to start yet another complex plane project
L103[06:48:11] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/473087885013286912/falken.jpg
L104[06:48:38] <Althego> now that you have 3dprinting
L105[06:48:53] <Fluburtur> only a few parts will be printed
L106[06:48:59] <Fluburtur> will mostly be foam and cardboard
L107[06:49:16] <Fluburtur> it's for the flite test forum challenge so anyone needs to be able to make one from plans
L108[06:50:13] <Fluburtur> and even if I make it at 1/12 sclae it will be 2 meters long
L109[06:50:19] <Fluburtur> because the real one is supa big
L110[06:51:24] <Fluburtur> I will try to get a profile prop slot version done int he next few days to prove it can at least fly before making the more complicated one
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L116[08:21:32] <Fluburtur> "The Cub is the safest airplane in the world; it can just barely kill you"
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L119[08:46:01] <AndroUser> o/
L120[08:46:07] *** AndroUser is now known as BadRocketsCo
L121[08:46:09] <BadRocketsCo> Oups
L122[08:46:14] <Fluburtur> lel
L123[08:46:24] <BadRocketsCo> There we go
L124[08:46:30] <BadRocketsCo> Zup Fluburtur?
L125[08:46:42] <Fluburtur> im working on too many complcayed projects
L126[08:47:06] <Fluburtur> luckily I have until february to finish the most difficult one
L127[08:47:11] <BadRocketsCo> Hehe. How's your rocket engine/plane going?
L128[08:47:21] <Fluburtur> no progress since last time
L129[08:47:43] <BadRocketsCo> Ah, okay. What else are you working on?
L130[08:47:54] <Fluburtur> lemme show you
L131[08:48:00] <Fluburtur> you have seen the vg33 right?
L132[08:48:10] <Fluburtur> this is the other one https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/473087885013286912/falken.jpg
L133[08:49:26] <BadRocketsCo> Oooh, nice!
L134[08:49:44] <Fluburtur> for the flite test forum challenge
L135[08:50:25] <BadRocketsCo> Noiss
L136[08:51:04] <BadRocketsCo> Fluburtur: oh btw, did I show you my RO Mars mission yet?
L137[08:51:11] <Fluburtur> no
L138[08:52:29] <BadRocketsCo> Fluburtur: https://imgur.com/a/dB5yE4R
L139[08:53:20] <Fluburtur> nice
L140[08:53:28] <BadRocketsCo> Thx
L141[08:56:26] <BadRocketsCo> Sooo, you getting this heatwave aswell?
L142[08:56:59] <Fluburtur> yeah
L143[09:00:11] <BadRocketsCo> Heh. It's absolutely murderous...
L144[09:00:42] <Fluburtur> I also have the 3d printer running all the time so even more heat
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L152[09:08:12] <APlayer> BadRocketsCo: Is that all you show people of your mission?
L153[09:08:20] * APlayer wants MOAR pics
L154[09:12:12] <BadRocketsCo> APlayer: Ares I Propulsion Stage https://imgur.com/a/UB4gBIy
L155[09:13:03] <APlayer> Yay! Thanks! :D
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L160[09:15:31] <AndroUser2> Ugh
L161[09:15:59] ⇦ Quits: BadRocketsCo (BadRocketsCo!~androirc@246-97-157-37.dyn.estpak.ee) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L166[09:16:26] <BadRocketsCo> There, back
L167[09:17:23] ⇦ Quits: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L168[09:18:03] <BadRocketsCo> APlayer: anyway, that's all I have I am afraid :D
L169[09:18:27] <APlayer> No problem. Will have to produce some images myself then :P
L170[09:20:21] <mischief1> haha
L171[09:20:35] <mischief1> i kinda want prop planes in ksp
L172[09:20:42] <mischief1> https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/004/208/494/large/christian-pearce-battlesandwich-pearce.jpg :)
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L181[09:54:18] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/3d097874967fcb1db97b82b8035bd067.png - lol, I guess modern computers depreciated these things heh
L182[09:55:14] <Althego> i have never seen a 720 kb disk
L183[09:55:20] <Althego> 1.2 m or 1.44 m
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L185[09:58:59] <TheKosmonaut> Whoa whoa
L186[09:59:02] <TheKosmonaut> 720kb?
L187[09:59:11] <TheKosmonaut> what would you ever need that much storage for?
L188[09:59:11] <Althego> yes supposedly they existed
L189[09:59:32] <Althego> 640kb shhould be enough for everybodY?
L190[09:59:46] <TheKosmonaut> You could fit like 1000 books on that
L191[10:00:29] <TheKosmonaut> Let me just spool up my hard disk
L192[10:00:34] <TheKosmonaut> it is a whopping 2mb
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L195[10:15:13] <Draconiator> I sort of typoed the drive letter too once....Ahhhh I'm still me lol
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L200[10:22:05] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/473148174685700097/DSC_9382.JPG
L201[10:25:35] <JVFoxy> trying out a method of hinge or this a repair?
L202[10:26:35] <Fluburtur> im just makign the tail of a plane
L203[10:26:44] <Fluburtur> all the control lines will be hidden inside
L204[10:29:05] <JVFoxy> asking if repair because I've a few foam hinges that snapped on me..
L205[10:29:22] <Fluburtur> fiber tape works good
L206[10:29:33] <JVFoxy> ok
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L209[10:32:18] <JVFoxy> pair of Flyzone Millennium Masters been in storage, took a bit of damage from being through a number of moves. :\
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L211[11:01:06] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/473158012819996672/20180729174427_1.jpg
L212[11:24:08] <JVFoxy> um.. whoops?
L213[11:25:49] <Althego> challenge, build a doorway above a helicopter (with spinning blades for hard mode)
L214[11:29:33] <JVFoxy> build..? Here I thought someone slide the heli in under the frame by accident
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L216[11:40:24] <Althego> axl looks like a cross of short circuit and some dog movie
L217[11:43:20] <sandbox> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibeon_(meteorite)#/media/File:Widmanst%C3%A4tten_pattern_kevinzim.jpg
L218[11:55:02] <Althego> is it kryptonite?
L219[12:01:19] <GlassYuri> I thought I may have fever so I measured and the thermometer said 90 degrees https://twitter.com/tatsusoccer0907/status/1023568664371462144
L220[12:01:19] <kmath> <tatsusoccer0907> 熱っぽいから体温測ろうと思ったら90度だった https://t.co/9JaZb0kPwE
L221[12:01:48] <Althego> looks broken
L222[12:01:52] <Althego> in what units?
L223[12:02:10] <Althego> japanese use si, so c
L224[12:04:20] <GlassYuri> I am pretty sure that thermometer is only good for degrees of angle now
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L226[12:04:34] <Althego> ah it was a joke
L227[12:05:01] <JVFoxy> thats so 'rad'
L228[12:05:07] <Althego> heh
L229[12:05:13] <JVFoxy> si...
L230[12:06:34] <JVFoxy> sigh... not spanish.. oops
L231[12:10:59] <Althego> must be silicon then :)
L232[12:13:43] <Fluburtur> speaking of, last thing I did at my job was a series of very difficult to build thermometers
L233[12:13:57] <Fluburtur> that are made to correct refractometer readings
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L235[12:14:51] <Althego> we can see you badrockets
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L240[12:39:33] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/5ZpFVARvo5w
L241[12:39:33] <kmath> YouTube - elevator music
L242[12:42:10] <Althego> this is what i always think of when reading elevator music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdsXggne6sA
L243[12:42:10] <kmath> YouTube - Return of the Jedi - Missing Elevator Scene
L244[12:42:51] <Fluburtur> lmao
L245[12:45:50] <Fluburtur> https://forum.flitetest.com/index.php?threads/f14-build-and-aluminum-build.54610/#post-423288
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L248[13:04:51] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/RQGa0DPwes0
L249[13:04:51] <kmath> YouTube - A calculator made from rollercoasters in Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
L250[13:05:23] <Althego> there are some really sick people
L251[13:05:32] <Epsilon> That's amazing.
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L254[13:16:04] <JVFoxy> wow..
L255[13:16:09] <JVFoxy> sick as in good or bad c.c;
L256[13:16:32] <Epsilon> I'd say "yes"
L257[13:16:46] <Epsilon> You've definitely got some weird issues if you do stuff like that, but it doesn't make it any less impressive. ;)
L258[13:17:33] <JVFoxy> mm... I can build.. but probably not as good as I can 'fly' stuff.
L259[13:17:46] <Althego> the red guy once said in cow and chicken: corn cobb man? there are some really sick people in this town
L260[13:17:49] <JVFoxy> er well... I don't know. I've meaning to put videos out
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L264[13:40:09] <UmbralRaptop> https://twitter.com/Casillic/status/1023597701676642304
L265[13:40:09] <kmath> <Casillic> Nuclear Physics Made Very, Very Easy ⏎ Space Nuclear Propulsion Office ⏎ #Nuclear #Physics #Rockets #Space… https://t.co/f6Pz9pu6ZZ
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L270[14:01:50] <Eddi|zuHause> in germany there's a law that if you cause a nuclear explosion, you get up to 5 years in prison (or a fine)
L271[14:03:28] <Zarthus> what if that's an intentional explosion
L272[14:03:53] <Althego> how many people have been sentenced to this? :)
L273[14:04:46] <Eddi|zuHause> if you can prove intent, you generally get double the penalty
L274[14:05:36] <APlayer> Oh no! How am I going to dispose of my nuclear arsenal now?
L275[14:05:50] <JVFoxy> how 'loosely' do they define nuclear?
L276[14:05:52] <Althego> outside germany
L277[14:05:53] <APlayer> Guess I'll have to detonate it outside of Germany
L278[14:06:04] <sandbox> or make a bigger one
L279[14:06:38] <Eddi|zuHause> APlayer: there's probably a law about exporting nuclear material that you violate in that case :p
L280[14:06:57] <APlayer> I will not export it, I will launch it
L281[14:07:04] <Althego> hehe
L282[14:07:21] <APlayer> I may even get an amateur rocket permit for that
L283[14:16:03] <Eddi|zuHause> so, actually, the law seems to be if you unintentionally cause it ("fahrlässig") you get 1-10 years prison, and intentionally 5+ years. and when someone dies the minimum penalty increases
L284[14:16:32] <JVFoxy> thankfully getting material isn't exactly.. easy
L285[14:16:58] <APlayer> Just mine some in the local uranium rich hills
L286[14:17:20] <sandbox> it was like that when I got here
L287[14:17:24] <Eddi|zuHause> the russians did that during their occupation period
L288[14:17:47] <Eddi|zuHause> -> see "Wismut AG"
L289[14:18:11] <JVFoxy> I would love to tiny RTG.. power something like lights
L290[14:18:13] <KrazyKrl> Don't worry, nukes are ez. See: Castle Bravo.
L291[14:18:16] <JVFoxy> well.. LED lights
L292[14:19:01] <Eddi|zuHause> the ligts on watches used to be like that
L293[14:19:23] <Eddi|zuHause> caused a lot of health troubles for the people who applied the radioactive paint
L294[14:19:29] <JVFoxy> just.. don't lick them. last I remember, radiactive material that clowed
L295[14:19:37] <JVFoxy> glowed.. ugh
L296[14:19:39] <APlayer> Well, those were substances that emitted light and were stimulated by beta decay or something
L297[14:19:43] * JVFoxy shoots own hands. work dang it
L298[14:19:49] <Eddi|zuHause> they were told to lick the tips of the brushes
L299[14:19:55] <Althego> eh
L300[14:20:28] <JVFoxy> :\
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L302[14:20:55] <APlayer> Anyway, I'm pretty sure nobody would let you lick your brush in a corporate environment nowadays. No matter if it's a brush with radioactive material, regular paint or even nothing on it
L303[14:21:21] <JVFoxy> I wouldn't want to lick a brush period
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L305[14:24:26] <APlayer> That sounds reasonable
L306[14:26:22] <Zarthus> not even if it's a really nice brush?
L307[14:26:35] <Zarthus> i'd probably do it for 50 or 100 bucks
L308[14:26:53] <Zarthus> licking hair isn't that disgusting, you get enough of your own hair in your mouth in a lifetime
L309[14:26:57] <JVFoxy> think a cup of water would do more justice than my tongue
L310[14:27:20] <Zarthus> well yeah, for cleaning it.
L311[14:33:50] <Eddi|zuHause> the licking is not for cleaning
L312[14:34:07] <Eddi|zuHause> it is to make the tip sharper, to make it more accurate
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L315[15:00:53] <oren> it doesn't seem like I can get any more than 12 tourists on contract at once
L316[15:03:29] <oren> https://imgur.com/FBo0ruo
L317[15:03:29] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/FBo0ruo.jpg
L318[15:03:47] <JVFoxy> I wouldn't want more than 12 anyways
L319[15:06:59] <Epsilon> Stupid ladders. >:(
L320[15:08:19] <Epsilon> Surprisingly nice little plane, but the ladder was just a LITTLE too far to the right and I couldn't climb past the wing to get back in. >_<
L321[15:09:30] <JVFoxy> my kerbin system cruise ship.. early career edition: https://imgur.com/a/mghtZHD
L322[15:09:31] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/AsFSSxW.jpg
L323[15:10:25] <oren> https://imgur.com/53kERW3
L324[15:10:25] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/53kERW3.png
L325[15:10:49] <Epsilon> I still find that design hilarious. <_<
L326[15:11:13] <oren> it really should not work so well
L327[15:11:55] <JVFoxy> so.. hollowed out pencil craft?
L328[15:12:03] <JVFoxy> hey.. sometimes simple works too
L329[15:12:43] <oren> well it has fins on it to keep the COL on the side opposite the heat shields
L330[15:12:47] <Epsilon> I'm finding the 10.625x rescale mod to be really hard to design for, but kind of in a good way.
L331[15:13:04] <Epsilon> I suspect I'm going to have to "cheat" with KSPI to get anywhere outside the Kerbin system though.
L332[15:13:07] <JVFoxy> I'm debating if I should bring Val/Jeb back down from orbit.. 16 days now
L333[15:13:31] <JVFoxy> Epsilon may consider building in orbit..
L334[15:13:41] <Epsilon> That's kind of what I was considering.
L335[15:13:58] <Epsilon> FreeThinker was actually talking about making KSPI-E modular. I'd love to keep the reactors but not have the engines.
L336[15:14:01] <JVFoxy> I launched my cruiser type ship half full..
L337[15:14:21] <JVFoxy> now it stays in orbit.. has docking ports so I can add options if need
L338[15:14:45] <oren> https://imgur.com/BKJexSo
L339[15:14:46] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/BKJexSo.jpg
L340[15:15:22] <JVFoxy> ok so.. now its become flaming pencil ;P
L341[15:15:35] <JVFoxy> or .. minecraft terms, blaze rod
L342[15:15:44] <Epsilon> snrk
L343[15:16:26] <KrazyKrl> electroboom.electric_guitar
L344[15:17:12] <Rolf> lol
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L346[15:28:29] <Neal> are the turbofan engines supposed to have a massive flame shooting out the back
L347[15:28:35] <Neal> I feel like its running a little rich
L348[15:29:00] <Eddi|zuHause> you can turn that on and off
L349[15:29:20] <JVFoxy> lol..
L350[15:29:21] <KrazyKrl> afterburning turbofans... because why the hell not?
L351[15:29:32] <JVFoxy> which turbofans?
L352[15:29:35] <KrazyKrl> what's this "overspeed alarm" thing anyhow?!?!?!
L353[15:30:02] <UmbralRaptop> You don't want to pull a МиГ-25, do you?
L354[15:30:08] <Eddi|zuHause> i usually put the toggle for the afterburner on 'R'
L355[15:30:38] <JVFoxy> someone mod'd the panther jets into the goliath?
L356[15:31:13] <Neal> the massive turbofan engines
L357[15:31:21] <Neal> the larget diameter ones in the game
L358[15:31:29] <KrazyKrl> i mean, realistically speaking; is the exaust gas from the low pressure fan turbine really decent enough to reliably afterburn?
L359[15:31:39] <Neal> unlikely
L360[15:31:48] <KrazyKrl> you're already extracting like 60% of the power for the compressor, then most of the rest for the fan.
L361[15:32:04] <JVFoxy> ok ya those the Goliath engines
L362[15:32:24] <JVFoxy> you could get a slight bit of visible flame at high power, maybe at night? Or at least older versions did
L363[15:34:04] <KrazyKrl> they may have... but they shouldn't.
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L365[15:34:22] <KrazyKrl> if it glows after the low pressure turbine, there is still usable work to do.
L366[15:34:28] <Neal> https://i.imgur.com/uoU0ZgR.png
L367[15:34:45] <Neal> is this how you fly a 747
L368[15:39:32] <Eddi|zuHause> what plane are the americans using for parabola flights?
L369[15:39:50] <Neal> I don't think we have an official one
L370[15:39:50] <KrazyKrl> a comet of vomit.
L371[15:40:15] <KrazyKrl> practically any plane can be put into zero g.
L372[15:40:25] <Eddi|zuHause> the europeans use a more or less stock airbus
L373[15:40:26] <KrazyKrl> the negative Gs are the problem for the airframe.
L374[15:40:35] * JVFoxy ughs trying to find pics.. all he keeps coming across are planes having burnt down.
L375[15:40:45] <JVFoxy> did find one pic but its pinterest.. won't let me link
L376[15:40:55] <Neal> we used 727s for a while but I'm pretty sure nasa stopped the 0-g flights
L377[15:41:37] <Eddi|zuHause> and one of the 3 pilots must click away all the "wait, you shouldn't do THIS maneuver" error messages :p
L378[15:42:28] <JVFoxy> at least its not like what happened with airbus...
L379[15:42:42] <JVFoxy> crew tried to abort a landing, ended up fighting computer for control, crashed into woods
L380[15:43:40] <Neal> was that the first flybywire flight
L381[15:43:45] <Neal> for an airshow
L382[15:44:20] <JVFoxy> ya... back when they let computers have full control..
L383[15:44:29] <Eddi|zuHause> i think that one was a "the pilots wanted to do a non-standard maneuver and disabled the security systems" error
L384[15:44:38] <JVFoxy> now.. its changed since.. computers asist for most part
L385[15:45:37] <Eddi|zuHause> my professor collected a few of these fails for a lecture on "how to not develop software"
L386[15:45:53] <Eddi|zuHause> like the milan stock market crash or ariane 5 crash
L387[15:46:25] <Neal> f22 had a crash where the elevator controls got reversed
L388[15:46:28] <Eddi|zuHause> and one of the comments he had was "these are all airbus crashes, but just because it's more difficult to get information on the boeing ones" :p
L389[15:46:36] <Neal> engineer who was working on that part got arrested
L390[15:49:59] <JVFoxy> ah here we go: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_France_Flight_296
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L398[16:31:56] <Rokker> Neal: um... you sure about that?
L399[16:32:04] <Neal> Yes
L400[16:33:30] <Rokker> Neal: when?
L401[16:33:50] <Neal> before the f22 entered mass production
L402[16:35:25] <Rokker> so... YF-22
L403[16:35:31] <Rokker> not F-22
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L406[16:36:57] <Neal> yeah ok
L407[16:37:22] <Neal> you were the one who was anal about calling it the f/a-18 and not the f-18 too
L408[16:37:28] <Neal> it really doesn't matter
L409[16:38:22] <Rokker> f-18 is more understandable
L410[16:38:38] <Rokker> F-22 is a different aircraft from the YF-22
L411[16:38:50] <Rokker> also that's not my understanding of the incident
L412[16:39:45] <KrazyKrl> When a plane takes off, is it wheely good?
L413[16:40:52] <Neal> my professor who worked in the same department in Lockheed during that is my source
L414[16:41:27] <Rokker> Neal: the YF-22 crash, at least the only one I know of was pitch induced oscillation.
L415[16:41:47] <Rokker> not complete reversal of the controls
L416[16:42:11] <Rokker> that's kinda something you notice before takeoff and something you would notice before the 100th program flight
L417[16:42:56] <KrazyKrl> See: Will Smith in Independence Day during the first flight.
L418[16:43:21] <Rokker> https://youtu.be/4JkcrtvN60s
L419[16:43:22] <kmath> YouTube - YF-22 PROTOTYPE JET CRASH!
L420[16:43:46] <Rokker> that's one of my sources
L421[16:45:43] <Rokker> pilot induced*
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L423[16:48:27] <Rokker> Perhaps your professor, as I have found many do, misremembered the event from 30 years ago or wasnt completely in the loop on the situation
L424[16:48:52] <Eddi|zuHause> looks like every of my ksp landings, ever
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L428[16:59:48] <JVFoxy> I haven't had that much troubles myself...
L429[17:00:20] <JVFoxy> its just getting my descent close enough while using spaceplanes
L430[17:00:50] <Eddi|zuHause> I haven't actually left the atmosphere with a plane yet
L431[17:01:23] <JVFoxy> some of my designs, even with just two engines, have the potential to eplode from overheating before even reaching outerspace
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L433[17:07:18] <Rokker> Neal: I found an ERAU archive of an Aviation Week article on it in 92, if you wanna read about it. Pretty interesting case really
L434[17:13:59] <Rokker> Eddi|zuHause: also NASA used a variety of aircraft for the vomit vomet
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L436[17:16:18] <Rokker> C-131 initially, then KC-135 Stratotanker which was the most well known, then in 2005 they switched to C-9B Skytrain II, and now they have a contract for 727-200s
L437[17:16:24] <Rokker> Eddi|zuHause: ^
L438[17:18:05] <Rolf> lol so much funny https://imgur.com/a/3O582pr
L439[17:18:59] <Rokker> Rolf: slap an ifunny watermark on that baby and ship it out
L440[17:19:09] <Rolf> lol
L441[17:19:36] <Rolf> man sometimes its so hard to find orginial picture due to all those crap sites
L442[17:20:23] <Rolf> sometimes people clip out orginial creator marks and insert their own, sometimes its been recopied so many times its blurry and tons artificts
L443[17:20:33] <Rolf> oh and pinterest. I hate that site
L444[17:20:48] <KrazyKrl> most of the time they are stock photos complete with watermarks.
L445[17:21:13] <KrazyKrl> i have only 2 sites blocked via my router... 9gag, and pintrest. lol.
L446[17:21:40] <Neal> I'm sad google removed the ability to blacklist sites from search results
L447[17:22:02] ⇦ Quits: Medu (Medu!~Medu@85-127-9-189.dsl.dynamic.surfer.at) (Quit: Medu)
L448[17:22:09] <Rolf> I hate pinterest so much because it collects interest pictures, and does not show where it come from. what if I wanted more info?
L449[17:22:20] <Rolf> Neal: use boolean
L450[17:22:26] <Rolf> whatver -pinterest
L451[17:22:33] <Neal> it doesn't always work
L452[17:23:27] <JVFoxy> you can add -pinterest to search profile
L453[17:23:30] <JVFoxy> but ya...
L454[17:23:49] <Neal> or if I want to search for something *about* buzzfeed but not written by buzzfeed, well it's pretty much impossible because the first several pages will be nothing but buzzfeed
L455[17:24:04] <Neal> because they've mastered SEO
L456[17:24:06] <JVFoxy> its annoying seems to grab the site quite a lot... and pics you couldn't always view, site wants you to sign up so badly
L457[17:24:25] <Rolf> maybe buzzfeed -buzzfeed.com
L458[17:26:31] ⇨ Joins: Guest42338 (Guest42338!webchat@176-22-193-219-dynamic.dk.customer.tdc.net)
L459[17:28:37] <Rokker> oh crap https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/TxyzPySV/20180729_182810.jpg
L460[17:29:00] ⇦ Quits: Guest42338 (Guest42338!webchat@176-22-193-219-dynamic.dk.customer.tdc.net) (Client Quit)
L461[17:29:55] <Rolf> active desktop? dang! 98 se!
L462[17:30:13] <Neal> my god why are they on windows
L463[17:30:14] <Eddi|zuHause> isn't there "site:" stuff as well?
L464[17:30:27] <Rolf> Eddi|zuHause: its for site specific searches
L465[17:30:46] <Eddi|zuHause> so you can't exclude a site with that?
L466[17:30:50] <Rolf> there is no "not this site" option, besides just removing domain by -whatever.com
L467[17:31:07] <Neal> site: is pretty much the only way to search reddit because their search algorithm is so bad
L468[17:31:09] <Rolf> which unfortunately will also tag articles that also have link
L469[17:33:03] <Supercheese> KSP eating all my RAM
L470[17:33:05] <Supercheese> as usual
L471[17:33:17] <Rokker> Neal: -buzzfeed.com is working fine for me
L472[17:33:22] <Rokker> Supercheese: download more
L473[17:33:33] <Supercheese> I did
L474[17:33:37] <Supercheese> still ate it all
L475[17:33:41] <Supercheese> hungry hungry
L476[17:33:43] <Neal> how much do you have?
L477[17:33:54] <Supercheese> 16 GB
L478[17:34:06] <Supercheese> KSP currently using 13 GB of that
L479[17:34:15] <Neal> uhhhhh
L480[17:34:20] <Neal> how many mods do you have??
L481[17:34:22] <Supercheese> a lot
L482[17:35:23] <Rokker> I have like ro and most mods recommended and otherwise...
L483[17:35:29] <Rokker> I dont touch 13 at all
L484[17:36:53] <Supercheese> well, it's mostly because I have MemGraph set to add extra padding to reduce garbage-collection stuttering
L485[17:37:07] <Supercheese> more RAM = less stutter
L486[17:37:18] <Supercheese> well, less *frequent*
L487[17:41:21] <Rokker> anyways, if anyone wondered about the crash http://pages.erau.edu/~rogers/as309/Videos/YF-22%20Crash.htm
L488[17:42:09] <Rokker> Eddi|zuHause: also as my ADHD riddled mind rears its ugly head, I've seen one of the KC-135 Vomit Comets
L489[17:42:27] <Rokker> the one used in the filming of apollo 11
L490[17:42:36] <Rokker> apollo 13*
L491[17:44:12] <Eddi|zuHause> do i want to know what that is?
L492[17:45:33] <Rokker> Eddi|zuHause: the parabola flight planes
L493[17:45:37] <Rokker> that's their name
L494[17:45:44] <Rokker> vomit comet
L495[17:46:23] <Eddi|zuHause> aha
L496[17:47:52] <Rokker> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/ALbLHvQp/20180302_135043.jpg
L497[17:48:30] <JVFoxy> ya remember the access hatch down below there... instead of a normal door on teh body
L498[17:48:58] <JVFoxy> guess so they don't have to worry about making space in the activity area for door protection or osmething?
L499[17:51:09] <Rokker> JVFoxy: nah that's just the norm for the C-135 family
L500[17:51:22] <Rokker> military planes, gotta take off fast
L501[17:51:42] <Rokker> no time or room for a jetway
L502[17:54:45] ⇦ Quits: VanDisaster (VanDisaster!~Miranda@sea.sux.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L503[17:56:29] <JVFoxy> ah right...
L504[17:56:33] <JVFoxy> wasn't familiar with 135's
L505[18:00:55] <Rokker> JVFoxy: known internally in Boeing as the 717, it shares a common heritage with the 707 in that both are based of the boeing 367-80 commercial jet concept. It uses the same engines as the 707 but a smaller fuselage and different electronics. the basic cargo variant has been dead for a while but it serves the US Air Force in a number of refueling, electronics and reconnaissance rolls, the refueling variant being what the NASA KC-135s were before
L506[18:00:55] <Rokker> they flew as vomit comets
L507[18:01:04] <Rokker> I like them
L508[18:01:10] <Rokker> solid planes
L509[18:01:29] <JVFoxy> ok.. a little familiar with the 707
L510[18:02:16] <Eddi|zuHause> ok, i recognize most of the words in that, but the text makes no sense whatsoever
L511[18:03:07] <Eddi|zuHause> also i think the cat wants some food
L512[18:03:45] <Rokker> JVFoxy: the Boeing 367-80 is the one famous for doing a giant barrel roll
L513[18:03:55] ⇨ Joins: VanDisaster (VanDisaster!~Miranda@sea.sux.net)
L514[18:04:20] <Rokker> commonly misidentified as the 707
L515[18:06:05] <Rokker> https://youtu.be/2Bvhov0nxPQ
L516[18:06:06] <kmath> YouTube - Boeing company 707 dash 80 completes a barrel roll during early flight testing to show the aircrafts abilities
L517[18:13:37] <Rokker> Eddi|zuHause: what doesnt make sense
L518[18:17:02] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:31e2:64ff:a504:9950) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L519[18:17:22] <Rokker> gtg
L520[18:24:27] ⇨ Joins: ergZay (ergZay!~ergZay@c-24-7-55-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L521[18:31:03] <oren> https://imgur.com/slZRubP
L522[18:31:04] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/slZRubP.jpg
L523[18:32:06] <oren> this is not enough to get into orbit
L524[18:34:22] <JVFoxy> ... no booster?
L525[18:36:02] <oren> there was a booster, just not enough of one.
L526[18:36:43] <Rolf> sure it can with infinite fuel cheat :P
L527[18:37:13] <Rolf> anyway the answer is ALWAYS "more booster!" even when its too many boosters.
L528[18:40:56] <Azander> or more struts, if it like to rapid disassemble before you are ready
L529[18:41:01] <Azander> *loikes
L530[18:41:03] <Azander> *likes
L531[18:41:58] <Rolf> yeah struts ward off kraken
L532[18:42:47] <Rolf> one time I was bored so I played with one ship file
L533[18:43:00] <Rolf> I made clamp 10000m tall
L534[18:43:04] <Rolf> worked lol
L535[18:43:30] <Rolf> it made launching easier :P though ship was moving way too slow and had to get up to orbital speed
L536[18:58:15] ⇦ Quits: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L537[19:14:10] ⇦ Quits: FltAdmVonSpiz (FltAdmVonSpiz!~chatzilla@cpc130884-gran5-2-0-cust970.know.cable.virginm.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L538[19:16:14] <oren> https://imgur.com/5jdaIQc
L539[19:16:14] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/5jdaIQc.jpg
L540[19:16:25] <oren> been a while since I made a spaceplane
L541[19:19:10] <Rolf> wow pretty short wings lol
L542[19:19:17] <Rolf> great for supersonic flights
L543[19:19:31] <oren> https://imgur.com/hxPMBt6 made it to orbit
L544[19:19:31] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/hxPMBt6.jpg
L545[19:19:45] <Rolf> nice!
L546[19:19:59] <Rolf> I tried to have a kinda spacex type plane and rocket
L547[19:20:05] <Rolf> but never succeed on it
L548[19:20:13] <Rolf> even with fairly small rocket cargo
L549[19:20:21] <Rolf> plane simply couldnt do it lol
L550[19:20:31] <Rolf> or rocket couldnt orbit after deteching from plane
L551[19:37:12] <Eddi|zuHause> what are those overlay lines?
L552[19:37:14] <mabus> first time on a bike in like 6 years, did 9km. not bad!
L553[19:37:32] <Rolf> bleh need to fix mine
L554[19:37:52] <Eddi|zuHause> i wanted to get a new bike for ages
L555[19:37:54] <mabus> my friend did 100km the other week
L556[19:38:10] <mabus> in one go that is
L557[19:38:12] <mabus> not over a week
L558[19:38:59] <Eddi|zuHause> well, some tour de france etappes are over 200km
L559[19:39:01] <Rolf> and new gearing system for mine. ugh forgot that till now
L560[19:39:18] <Rolf> I probably reached 500 miles on the cheap bicycle
L561[19:39:48] <Rolf> im poretty sure its over thousand but not certain, I certainly did a lot of 50 mile trips.
L562[19:39:55] <mabus> yeah im not exactly tour de france shape
L563[19:40:02] <mabus> i had cigarettes and pizza along that 9km
L564[19:40:04] <Eddi|zuHause> that does not sound like a lot
L565[19:40:05] <Rolf> neither am I lol
L566[19:40:08] ⇨ Joins: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net)
L567[19:40:50] <Rolf> I dont know if I can do 10 mile now, been years lol
L568[19:41:55] <Eddi|zuHause> the trouble with my village is, each direction you could exit it, it is uphill. and any places where you'd want to go is >15km away
L569[19:42:29] <Eddi|zuHause> and you'd need a shower at the destination
L570[19:43:40] <Eddi|zuHause> those are the 3 main reason that kept me from hopping on a bike in the last ~10 years
L571[19:44:21] <Rolf> wow
L572[19:44:29] <Rolf> free exercise "bowl"
L573[19:44:53] <Rolf> gradient is great for your muscles.
L574[19:45:16] <Eddi|zuHause> i bought an indoor bike thingie, which i don't use nearly as often as i should
L575[19:50:21] <mabus> its extreme hills where i'm at, too
L576[19:50:33] <mabus> on the plus side the way back was mostly downhill
L577[19:50:52] <Rolf> heh I reember old days at calfornia
L578[19:51:01] <Rolf> I lived near extreme hills, and I was very curious kid
L579[19:51:16] <Rolf> after couple years of that, I was a very curious iron legs kid
L580[19:51:53] <Eddi|zuHause> the area is theoretically rather flat here, just it's cut through by all these tiny valleys... each village is in a valley, and all the travel paths are on the upper plane
L581[19:52:34] <Eddi|zuHause> and you have to cross like 3 of these valleys before you get to the city
L582[19:54:18] <Eddi|zuHause> you could theoretically get from each valley to the city on water level, but there are no paths that go along all the little streams, or the big river
L583[19:54:55] <Rolf> fun
L584[19:55:55] <Eddi|zuHause> each valley is like 50m height difference
L585[19:56:15] <Eddi|zuHause> to the surrounding plane
L586[19:56:27] <Eddi|zuHause> plain?
L587[19:56:31] <Eddi|zuHause> one of those
L588[19:57:36] <Rolf> pretty high but not too bad
L589[19:57:47] <Rolf> calfornia one I went up 45 degree angled roads lol
L590[19:58:04] <Rolf> I didnt have nice street bike but old steel one. fun
L591[19:58:08] <Eddi|zuHause> grades here are like 8%
L592[19:58:32] <mabus> theres like 3 45 degree hills on my little route
L593[19:59:35] ⇦ Quits: ergZay (ergZay!~ergZay@c-24-7-55-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
L594[20:00:05] <Rolf> heh I always thought 45 was max till I drove up a 50 degree one. insane.
L595[20:00:20] <Rolf> just glad I wasnt on bicycle that time :P
L596[20:00:32] <Rolf> it looked like a wall
L597[20:01:32] <Eddi|zuHause> ;wa arctan(50°)
L598[20:01:37] <kmath> Eddi|zuHause: tan^(-1)(50 °) = tan^(-1)((5 π)/18), (result in radians)
L599[20:01:49] <Eddi|zuHause> thanks, dude.
L600[20:02:31] <Rolf> lol now thats very clear
L601[20:03:09] <Eddi|zuHause> he's a true mathematician. the answer is both 100% correct and 100% useless
L602[20:03:21] <Rolf> reminds me of microsoft one
L603[20:03:59] <mabus> ;wa calories in cubic lightyear of mayonnaise
L604[20:04:03] <kmath> mabus: mayonnaise->amount->1 ly^3 (cubic light year)->total calories: 3.5×10^54 Cal (dietary Calories)
L605[20:04:24] <Rolf> that'd feed humanity for next billion years
L606[20:04:32] <mabus> thats all?
L607[20:04:43] <Eddi|zuHause> how many days worth of daily nutrition is that?
L608[20:05:04] <mabus> whats a normal daily intake, like 3k cals?
L609[20:05:20] <Rolf> times 8 billion
L610[20:05:29] <mabus> so like 1.15x10^51 mandays?
L611[20:05:49] <Eddi|zuHause> on the thingies they always say something like 2000, if you're an average height female that doesn't do sports...
L612[20:06:33] <mabus> The average American consumes more than 3,600 calories daily - a 24% increase from 1961, when the average was just 2,880 calories
L613[20:06:48] <Rolf> ;wa ( (calories in cubic ly)(3000 * 8000000000 )) / 365
L614[20:06:53] <kmath> Rolf: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
L615[20:07:06] <Rolf> ;wa ( (calories in cubic ly)/(3000 * 8000000000 )) / 365
L616[20:07:11] <kmath> Rolf: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
L617[20:07:13] <Eddi|zuHause> ;wa recommended daily nutrition
L618[20:07:15] <kmath> Eddi|zuHause: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
L619[20:07:18] <mabus> ;wa ( (calories in cubic ly of mayonnaise)/(3000 * 8000000000 )) / 365
L620[20:07:23] <kmath> mabus: (mayonnaise->amount->1 ly^3 (cubic light year)->total calories/(3000×8000000000))/365: 4×10^38 Cal (dietary Calories)
L621[20:07:39] <Eddi|zuHause> ;wa calories per day
L622[20:07:41] <kmath> Eddi|zuHause: (cal_th (thermochemical calorie))/day: 4.843×10^-5 kg m^2/s^3 (kilogram meters squared per second cubed)
L623[20:08:01] <Rolf> ;wa 4x10^38 / 1000000
L624[20:08:02] <kmath> Rolf: (4×10^38)/1000000: 400000000000000000000000000000000
L625[20:08:04] <mabus> yeah thats not dietary calories
L626[20:08:12] <Rolf> thats how many ,illion years it would last
L627[20:08:15] <Eddi|zuHause> ;wa thermochemical calories to dietary calories
L628[20:08:17] <kmath> Eddi|zuHause: convert 1 cal_th (thermochemical calorie) to dietary Calories: 0.001 Cal (dietary Calories)
L629[20:08:22] <Rolf> ;wa 4x10^38 / 1000000000
L630[20:08:23] <kmath> Rolf: (4×10^38)/1000000000: 400000000000000000000000000000
L631[20:08:37] <Rolf> heh thats well past end of universe
L632[20:08:48] <mabus> assuming we can live an existence of billions of years of eating mayo
L633[20:08:55] <mabus> without giving up on life
L634[20:09:02] <Rolf> we would evolve into using mayo as ideal meal
L635[20:09:20] <Rolf> hmm curious heh
L636[20:09:36] <Eddi|zuHause> i'm sure if you only ate mayonnaise for the rest of the length of the universe, you'd get a ton of nutritional deficite problems
L637[20:09:48] <Rolf> ;wa calories in cubic lightyear of soylent
L638[20:09:53] <kmath> Rolf: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
L639[20:10:05] <Rolf> guess it dont know soylent
L640[20:10:07] <Eddi|zuHause> and that's before you consider salmonella and other things that make mayonnaise go bad
L641[20:10:18] <mabus> salmonella doesnt grow in space duh
L642[20:10:25] <Eddi|zuHause> ;wa soylent green
L643[20:10:26] <mabus> checkmate
L644[20:10:29] <kmath> Eddi|zuHause: Soylent Green (movie): title->Soylent Green, director->Richard Fleischer, release date->May 9, 1973 (45 years 3 months ago), runtime->97 minutes (1 hour 37 minutes), writer->Harry Harrison, -- this crap is too long.
L645[20:10:29] ⇦ Quits: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: There's a real world out here!)
L646[20:11:05] <Eddi|zuHause> ;wa calories in soylent green
L647[20:11:10] <kmath> Eddi|zuHause: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
L648[20:11:12] <mabus> ;wa words in war and peace
L649[20:11:16] <kmath> mabus: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
L650[20:11:34] <Eddi|zuHause> in which language?
L651[20:12:11] <Eddi|zuHause> ;wa length of war and peace
L652[20:12:15] <kmath> Eddi|zuHause: War & Peace (music album)->runtime: 38 minutes 50.21 seconds
L653[20:12:26] <Eddi|zuHause> err, sure
L654[20:12:28] ⇨ Joins: umaxtu_mobile (umaxtu_mobile!~umaxtu@ip-30-236-239-173.florida.us.northamericancoax.com)
L655[20:12:34] <Eddi|zuHause> that's what i meant
L656[20:13:39] <Eddi|zuHause> ;wa lense flares in star trek
L657[20:13:44] <kmath> Eddi|zuHause: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
L658[20:14:06] <Eddi|zuHause> that would have been too easy :p
L659[20:14:33] <Eddi|zuHause> ;wa google energy consumption per day
L660[20:14:38] <kmath> Eddi|zuHause: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
L661[20:14:50] <mabus> ;wa witch of agnesi
L662[20:14:51] <kmath> mabus: witch of Agnesi (plane curve):
L663[20:15:15] <mabus> ;wa apple vs orange
L664[20:15:20] <kmath> mabus: apple->amount->1 apple->orange->amount->1 orange: serving size 1 apple (182 g), total calories 91->fat calories 2, % daily value^*->, total fat 273 mg->0%, saturated fat 45 mg->0%, trans fat->, -- this crap is too long.
L665[20:15:40] <Eddi|zuHause> ;wa apple vs pc
L666[20:15:42] <kmath> Eddi|zuHause: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
L667[20:15:45] <mabus> ;wa am i drunk
L668[20:15:46] <kmath> mabus: blood alcohol: number of drinks->2, time->1 hour, body weight->140 lb (pounds), gender->male
L669[20:16:52] <mabus> ;wa speed of unladen swallow
L670[20:16:54] <kmath> mabus: estimated average cruising airspeed of an unladen European swallow: 11 m/s (meters per second), (asked, but not answered, about a general swallow in the 1975 film Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
L671[20:17:39] <Rolf> fun
L672[20:17:53] <Eddi|zuHause> i always thought that the real joke in that scene is that he asks "european or african?" where swallows are migrating birds, so they travel between those two places
L673[20:19:17] <mabus> there are 47 species of african swallow
L674[20:19:58] <Rolf> have a ice car! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHtni5njdrQ
L675[20:19:58] <kmath> YouTube - ICE car: first drive
L676[20:20:43] <mabus> who are you going to deport first?
L677[20:25:30] <Epsilon> Ah-hah. That's why my plane wouldn't work. It was Jeb flying, not Valentina.
L678[20:26:10] <Eddi|zuHause> nothing good ever came out of jeb flying a thing :p
L679[20:30:10] <Rolf> lol
L680[20:32:49] <Epsilon> Hm. Maybe a bit heavy for a glider, but it's still under 1t.
L681[20:33:21] <Epsilon> Jet engines, and smaller gas tanks than some cars.
L682[20:35:32] <Epsilon> Alright. Let's see how this flies.
L683[20:36:35] ⇦ Quits: Tortoise767 (Tortoise767!~Tortoise7@cpe-23-240-187-92.socal.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L684[20:40:12] <Epsilon> ... surprisingly well, although it STILL has a bit too much engine power for its size...
L685[20:40:25] <Epsilon> SLT: 40.76.
L686[20:40:36] <Epsilon> Maybe "a bit" is an understatement. <_<
L687[20:40:59] <Eddi|zuHause> you can right-click on the engine and throttle down?
L688[20:43:03] ⇦ Quits: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L689[20:43:12] <Epsilon> I was actually just considering that.
L690[20:43:24] ⇨ Joins: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com)
L691[20:43:31] <Epsilon> I'm trying to do the GAP contracts, and I have a hell of a time doing the barnstorming ones.
L692[20:43:50] <Epsilon> Something slow-but-agile seems to be right for those - it's just a matter of hitting that sweet spot.
L693[20:43:55] <Eddi|zuHause> no clue what that is
L694[20:44:03] <Epsilon> Giving Aircraft a Purpose.
L695[20:44:11] <Epsilon> It's cool if you like planes.
L696[20:44:20] <Eddi|zuHause> oh yeah, i think i tried that
L697[20:44:45] <Eddi|zuHause> but got stuck with every other mission being "ferry two crew to KSC island"
L698[20:45:33] <Epsilon> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/129208-contract-pack-giving-aircraft-a-purpose-gap-14-beta-milestones-air-flights-coast-guard-march-17-2018/
L699[20:47:07] <Epsilon> I'd have played FSX a lot more if I could've made my own planes. :V
L700[20:47:30] <Epsilon> hm
L701[20:47:38] <Epsilon> What I -really- need is a small electric prop.
L702[20:47:55] <Eddi|zuHause> that's called a fan
L703[20:48:31] <Epsilon> ... I know you're being a little snarky there, but now I'm wondering if that actually exists in that junk parts pack. >_>
L704[20:50:46] <Epsilon> Huh. I can't find it. I could've sworn I had that last version...
L705[20:55:07] ⇦ Quits: umaxtu_mobile (umaxtu_mobile!~umaxtu@ip-30-236-239-173.florida.us.northamericancoax.com) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L706[20:56:52] <Eddi|zuHause> i had some problem when i started my last game that made me not include any of the contract packs
L707[20:57:17] <Eddi|zuHause> plus one of them added a nazi flag and i can't really support that kind of stuff
L708[20:57:44] <TheKosmonaut> What mod has a nazi flag
L709[20:57:51] * TheKosmonaut puts moderator pants on
L710[20:58:06] <Epsilon> Seriously? -_-
L711[20:58:08] <Eddi|zuHause> i believe it was some historic mission pack
L712[20:58:17] <Epsilon> ... ehhhhhhh
L713[20:58:19] <TheKosmonaut> Can you link to it please?
L714[20:58:30] <Eddi|zuHause> that was like a year ago...
L715[20:58:31] <TheKosmonaut> That's not kosher
L716[20:58:33] <TheKosmonaut> Oh
L717[20:58:40] ⇨ Joins: umaxtu (umaxtu!~umaxtu@ip-30-236-239-173.florida.us.northamericancoax.com)
L718[20:58:53] <TheKosmonaut> I am pretty sure we cracked down on a mod with swastika flags in it before
L719[20:58:57] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: then why do we allow the USSR flag...
L720[20:58:57] <Epsilon> Unless it's literally a... what was it, the Komet? Me-161 or something? No excuse at all, and poor taste even if it -was- historical planes.
L721[20:59:18] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: D O U B L E S T A N D A R D S
L722[21:00:23] <Rokker> Epsilon: Nazis happened, cant erase that no matter how many flags you get rid of
L723[21:00:30] <Rokker> but that might be too political
L724[21:00:47] <Eddi|zuHause> Rokker: doesn't mean you should put it into games
L725[21:01:03] ⇨ Joins: Tortoise767 (Tortoise767!~Tortoise7@cpe-23-240-187-92.socal.res.rr.com)
L726[21:01:07] <Epsilon> My take on it is that stuff like that is what the iron cross is for. *shrug*
L727[21:01:20] <Rokker> not gonna take advice from a german on what should and shouldn't be allowed in video games, no offense, Eddi|zuHause
L728[21:01:27] *** Rokker was kicked by TheKosmonaut (Rokker))
L729[21:01:29] ⇨ Joins: Rokker (Rokker!~sid37757@2001:67c:2f08:5::937d)
L730[21:02:00] <TheKosmonaut> Alright that's enough.
L731[21:02:03] <Epsilon> On a less touchy subject, why the crap is my plane sitting like this? -_-
L732[21:02:16] <Rokker> Epsilon: also it's Me 163
L733[21:02:21] <Rokker> or Me 262
L734[21:02:31] <Epsilon> No, it was the 163 I was thinking of.
L735[21:02:42] <Rokker> fat little plane
L736[21:02:46] <Epsilon> I knew it was 16-something.
L737[21:02:47] <Rokker> very explodey
L738[21:02:58] <Rokker> theres also the He 162
L739[21:03:02] <TheKosmonaut> Under the current rules, nazi flags are not allowed to be featured on the KSP forums, what you add in your own time is up to you, but you probably shouldn't post them to the forum. If there's a mod with such flags please report then to moderators.
L740[21:03:18] <TheKosmonaut> Thank you for being oppressed today, your cooperation is mandatory.
L741[21:04:08] <Epsilon> https://www.dropbox.com/s/11vlv8r6icnsjcc/Nosesitter.PNG?dl=0
L742[21:04:15] <Epsilon> I think it's something weird with my wheel scaling.
L743[21:04:19] <Eddi|zuHause> Rokker: what's wrong with replacing nazis with robots and red blood with green goo?
L744[21:04:42] <TheKosmonaut> Epsilon: Damn your kerbal must be fat
L745[21:04:58] <Epsilon> Note that the back wheels are actually off the ground. :P
L746[21:05:06] <Rokker> Eddi|zuHause: I was talking about south park stick of truth
L747[21:05:36] <Rokker> "oh an alien satellite dish pops out of his butt? cant allow that, too offensive"
L748[21:05:41] <Eddi|zuHause> Rokker: never played that
L749[21:05:52] <Rolf> still bigger than smallest plane ever built lol
L750[21:06:01] <Rolf> *i ever
L751[21:06:11] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: did you see the screen cap I sent you of Ireland in EU4?
L752[21:06:15] <Epsilon> ... aaaaaand I tip over.
L753[21:06:22] <TheKosmonaut> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/udfT8S9H/Screen+Shot+2018-07-29+at+6.05.52+PM.png
L754[21:06:29] <TheKosmonaut> GLOREEYUS
L755[21:06:29] <Rokker> Epsilon: I remember a time when you didnt need contracts to give planes a purpose, or anything a purpose for that matter
L756[21:06:42] <Rokker> I remember when ksp was about creating your own purpose
L757[21:07:03] * Rokker squints
L758[21:07:10] <Rokker> that's not how england is spelled
L759[21:07:12] <TheKosmonaut> Says the guy with a contract company named after him
L760[21:07:25] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: englalonde!
L761[21:07:27] <Eddi|zuHause> TheKosmonaut: that's a tiny bit on the detailed side?
L762[21:07:39] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: I do?
L763[21:07:50] <TheKosmonaut> Eddi|zuHause: Germany / the HRE is made up of like 367 provinces
L764[21:07:57] <TheKosmonaut> It's borderline obsessive
L765[21:08:00] <Epsilon> You mean like this? https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ujekefldfhuc5i/screenshot0.png?dl=0
L766[21:08:01] <Epsilon> :V
L767[21:08:06] <Rokker> Eddi|zuHause: hes playing voltaires nightmare
L768[21:08:21] <Eddi|zuHause> Rokker: there's an achievement for that
L769[21:08:24] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: France is basically another HRE, which is cool
L770[21:08:33] <Eddi|zuHause> Rokker: like "make the HRE have more than 75 members"
L771[21:08:56] <Eddi|zuHause> TheKosmonaut: does that mod have a name?
L772[21:09:08] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: Austria is Austria and Styria
L773[21:09:09] <TheKosmonaut> Eddi|zuHause: yeah. Voltaire's Nightmare
L774[21:09:11] <Rokker> Eddi|zuHause: I mean I remember when ksp was like that but I was more thinking of the hayday when you had mods like... something
L775[21:09:18] <Rokker> Eddi|zuHause: I just told you dammit
L776[21:09:26] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: Rokkea is named after you I thought.
L777[21:09:34] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: prolly not
L778[21:09:52] <Rokker> I did help what's his name out with stuff that made it into the game tho
L779[21:10:00] <Epsilon> I mean, I get making your own purpose in KSP, but I like having some structure around the gameplay, mostly because it actually -does- get boring otherwise.
L780[21:10:04] <Eddi|zuHause> last time i played i tried to get some of the new stupid achievemnts
L781[21:10:05] <Epsilon> Because I've basically done everything I want to.
L782[21:10:14] <Rokker> the contract code i helped out with
L783[21:10:17] <Eddi|zuHause> like "own the provinces of Haha, Hehe and Lolland"
L784[21:10:21] <Rokker> the orbital mech part
L785[21:10:23] <Rokker> not much
L786[21:10:46] ⇨ Joins: umaxtu_mobile (umaxtu_mobile!~umaxtu@ip-99-203-0-186.pools.spcsdns.net)
L787[21:12:16] <Epsilon> ffffffff
L788[21:12:19] <Epsilon> stupid mirroring
L789[21:12:19] <Eddi|zuHause> i was playing as congo, but got a bit stuck because all the people i could reasonably expand into were sunni, and the ammassment of aggressive expansion got too crazy i was fighting coalitions with ottomans and QQ all the time
L790[21:13:50] <Rokker> Eddi|zuHause: I thought about kongo but I heard it's awful to get around the small expandable area and the tech penalty
L791[21:13:58] <Rokker> playing timbuktu was bad enough
L792[21:14:24] <Eddi|zuHause> tech penalty is easy to get around, just develop a province to 37-ish
L793[21:14:51] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: you suck at African countries because you're just bad at the game
L794[21:14:53] <umaxtu_mobile> So my Comcast just died
L795[21:15:03] <TheKosmonaut> Unless it is Ethiopia
L796[21:15:09] <TheKosmonaut> umaxtu_mobile: f
L797[21:15:12] <Rokker> no u
L798[21:15:13] <Eddi|zuHause> and for expanding into unconnected territory, just vassalize one dude over there
L799[21:15:14] ⇦ Quits: umaxtu (umaxtu!~umaxtu@ip-30-236-239-173.florida.us.northamericancoax.com) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L800[21:15:41] <Eddi|zuHause> then you can freely expand
L801[21:15:48] <ConductorCat> :3
L802[21:15:53] <TheKosmonaut> Colonial ideas, put a colony down, get a claim, abandon colony
L803[21:16:01] <umaxtu_mobile> What pdx game?
L804[21:16:05] <Eddi|zuHause> i got to east africa that way
L805[21:16:22] <Eddi|zuHause> i didn't even need a claim
L806[21:16:38] <Eddi|zuHause> i think someone was allied with someone i attacked
L807[21:17:00] <Rokker> umaxtu_mobile: eu4
L808[21:17:01] <Eddi|zuHause> i got colonial ideas anyway, to claim some coast before the europeans did
L809[21:18:07] <Eddi|zuHause> however the portuguese were a bit too quick so i didn't get the gold coast province with the bonus trade
L810[21:18:13] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: if I can't hack it in VN Im gonna go back to vanilla and play as Maguindanao
L811[21:18:21] <TheKosmonaut> PILIPINAS STRONK
L812[21:18:25] ⇦ Quits: Daz (Daz!~Daz@81-231-72-94-no23.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L813[21:19:02] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: get Voltaire's nightmare and play as Saxony
L814[21:19:11] <Rokker> no
L815[21:19:13] <TheKosmonaut> Though I heard that revoking privilegia in this mod may crash your comp
L816[21:19:14] ⇨ Joins: Daz (Daz!~Daz@81-231-72-94-no23.tbcn.telia.com)
L817[21:19:17] <Rokker> only war thunder now
L818[21:19:22] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: tell me
L819[21:19:23] <Rokker> no other game
L820[21:19:24] <Eddi|zuHause> i played as saxony in vanilla a while back
L821[21:19:28] <TheKosmonaut> When did you become a lower
L822[21:19:30] ⇨ Joins: umaxtu (umaxtu!~umaxtu@50-76-183-209-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L823[21:19:33] <TheKosmonaut> Loser
L824[21:19:35] <Rokker> ur mom
L825[21:19:40] <TheKosmonaut> No u
L826[21:20:00] <TheKosmonaut> Eddi|zuHause: I managed to play as Brandenburg and get like halfway through the reforms
L827[21:20:18] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: you can be hussite in VN
L828[21:20:42] <Eddi|zuHause> saxony was my first proper game as a noob, actually
L829[21:20:53] <Rokker> mine was denmark
L830[21:21:01] <Rokker> which was both a good and bad idea
L831[21:21:17] <TheKosmonaut> Ethiopia was my first good game that I played until like 1800
L832[21:21:22] <Eddi|zuHause> my second try as saxony went as far as becoming emperor
L833[21:21:33] <Rokker> ugh
L834[21:21:40] <Rokker> I became emperor as bohemia
L835[21:21:41] <Eddi|zuHause> then everything went to shit because i kept losing against venice+france alliance
L836[21:21:44] <Rokker> awful idea
L837[21:21:46] <Rokker> awful
L838[21:21:51] <Rokker> worst idea ever
L839[21:21:56] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: Bohemia is lame
L840[21:22:00] <Rokker> cause my king wasnt germanic
L841[21:22:07] <TheKosmonaut> My PLC game got pretty far.
L842[21:22:07] <Rokker> and then I kept getting reelected
L843[21:22:12] <umaxtu> looks like its back
L844[21:22:15] <Rokker> literally couldn't pass anything
L845[21:22:21] <Eddi|zuHause> the third time and 1900 hours into the game later, i actually managed to conquer the world as saxony
L846[21:22:23] <umaxtu> whether or not it stays that way...
L847[21:22:24] <Rokker> umaxtu: boooo
L848[21:22:28] <TheKosmonaut> I managed to take everything up to the Rhine
L849[21:23:09] <TheKosmonaut> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/hph0BVjW/PLC+Empire.png
L850[21:23:29] <TheKosmonaut> I guess I went further than I thought
L851[21:23:32] <Rokker> I want to make england Danish again
L852[21:24:35] <TheKosmonaut> I made Ottoman go into like 5k+ in debt
L853[21:24:42] <TheKosmonaut> Kept stack wiping his mercs
L854[21:25:19] <Eddi|zuHause> how are your ottomans not massive?
L855[21:26:03] <TheKosmonaut> Eddi|zuHause: I was allied with Austria, France, and Spain in the league wars, and we maintained that alliance.
L856[21:26:04] ⇦ Quits: umaxtu_mobile (umaxtu_mobile!~umaxtu@ip-99-203-0-186.pools.spcsdns.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L857[21:26:11] <Rokker> Eddi|zuHause: ottomans are easy to beat if you do it right
L858[21:26:14] <TheKosmonaut> Then declared on Ottomans and I demanded they release nations
L859[21:26:39] <TheKosmonaut> They even released Byzantium
L860[21:26:47] <TheKosmonaut> It took several wars
L861[21:26:58] ⇨ Joins: umaxtu_mobile (umaxtu_mobile!~umaxtu@50-76-183-209-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L862[21:27:23] <TheKosmonaut> I can't stand how easily the AI is willing to go into debt. It's insane.
L863[21:27:40] <TheKosmonaut> The Ottomans entire military were mercenaries
L864[21:27:54] <umaxtu> TheKosmonaut, have you seen the real world?
L865[21:28:09] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: I just realized something
L866[21:28:15] <Rokker> my mouse has 12 buttons
L867[21:28:22] <Eddi|zuHause> as kongo i avoided mercenaries so far
L868[21:28:36] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: I can macro all the tabs to my mouse
L869[21:28:46] <TheKosmonaut> Mercenaries aren't the end of the world, some nations make them all viable options. Ming for example.
L870[21:28:52] <Rokker> maximum efficiency
L871[21:29:02] <TheKosmonaut> But Ottomans literally lost like 2m in mercenaries
L872[21:29:02] <Rokker> M A X I M U M
L873[21:29:12] <TheKosmonaut> Where the heck were they getting them from?
L874[21:29:41] <umaxtu> Rokker, if you want maximum efficiency, you need buttons for your feet
L875[21:29:55] <Eddi|zuHause> my saxony game was a bit weird. i went humanistic ideas, but didn't convert, then practically everyone in the empire went protestant, except austria and the theocraties. so they ousted me as emperor and elected the austrian
L876[21:29:56] <Rokker> umaxtu: foot keyboard?
L877[21:30:09] <Eddi|zuHause> at that point i immediately switched to protestant and declared league war
L878[21:30:20] <TheKosmonaut> They just kept trying to send them through my marches too. Wallachia and Bulgaria were forted up something fierce.
L879[21:30:23] <Eddi|zuHause> with the ottomans on the protestant side, and france neutral
L880[21:30:44] <umaxtu> and a button or two for each knee
L881[21:31:00] <TheKosmonaut> My PLC was reformed. Haha
L882[21:31:05] <Eddi|zuHause> well, "immediately" as in, i waited 5 years for my broken alliance with austria to expire
L883[21:31:30] <Rokker> Eddi|zuHause: I did well as byzantium by just capping their only way across the straits and then holding it hostage with my full navy
L884[21:31:38] <Rokker> then bit by bit I took land
L885[21:31:57] <TheKosmonaut> EMPIRE OF THE ROMANS
L886[21:32:13] <Rokker> took on the 20k troops they had in my land and placed out taking back that crossing land
L887[21:32:16] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: i still haven't attempted mare nostrum
L888[21:32:21] <Rokker> they were no longer allowed in
L889[21:32:56] <Eddi|zuHause> i tried byzantium once. managed to hold out the first war against ottomans with like 6 small allies, but didn't gain any territory
L890[21:33:13] <Eddi|zuHause> then for the next war they broke off my allies and stomped me
L891[21:33:16] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: I hate how 2k is too high def to play eu4
L892[21:33:52] <TheKosmonaut> The Ottomans are quite vulnerable at the very start. If you're quick then fighting them isn't so hard. I've seen AI Byzantium a couple of times.
L893[21:34:28] <Eddi|zuHause> i guess it's harder to block the strait now with the new rule that you can't block when it owns both sides
L894[21:34:40] <TheKosmonaut> Dumb rule.
L895[21:34:53] <Eddi|zuHause> i think i like that rule
L896[21:35:16] <TheKosmonaut> It should be thst you just take massive attrition
L897[21:35:24] <Rolf> ;wa 88f to c
L898[21:35:26] <kmath> Rolf: convert 88 °F (degrees Fahrenheit) to degrees Celsius: 31.11 °C (degrees Celsius)
L899[21:35:31] <TheKosmonaut> If you attempt crossing a blockaded strait
L900[21:36:53] <UmbralRaptop> TFW you get deep into a Zachtronics game, and notice that none of your steam friends have high scores to compete with.
L901[21:37:31] <KrazyKrl> because most people on steam have 2000 games to play through.
L902[21:37:48] <Eddi|zuHause> i'd dispute that statement
L903[21:38:28] <UmbralRaptop> KrazyKrl: no, no. They do for the earlier puzzles.
L904[21:39:01] <KrazyKrl> zachtronics games certainly have a unique appeal.
L905[21:39:06] <Eddi|zuHause> i have like 80 hours in space chem and don't even know why
L906[21:39:29] <umaxtu> i've got spacechem, never played it
L907[21:39:46] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: orthodox can PU right?
L908[21:39:51] <Rokker> umaxtu: its fun
L909[21:39:53] <Eddi|zuHause> it starts so innocently, and then it goes crazy
L910[21:39:53] <Rokker> play it
L911[21:39:55] <UmbralRaptop> umaxtu: you should try it.
L912[21:40:01] <TheKosmonaut> I think so?
L913[21:40:26] <Eddi|zuHause> i'm pretty sure any christian can PU
L914[21:40:31] <TheKosmonaut> SpaceChem sounds like a drug you'd get on Mars
L915[21:41:24] <UmbralRaptop> I think in a few cases you make drugs? Though it's mostly industrial chemicals.
L916[21:41:32] <Eddi|zuHause> but i haven't really figured out how to force PUs
L917[21:41:51] <Eddi|zuHause> i randomly got one as saxony for no reason
L918[21:42:26] <umaxtu> the only pdx game I feel mostly comfortable with is Stellaris
L919[21:42:32] <Eddi|zuHause> was one of the theocraties i converted during the league war, that secularized
L920[21:42:49] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: imereti is as good as mine then
L921[21:42:50] <Eddi|zuHause> then their ruler died pretty quickly and i got union
L922[21:43:19] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: yeah you can get PU with any of the Christian faiths. Even if you're protestant and the JP is orthodox or even corticosteroids
L923[21:43:21] <TheKosmonaut> ....
L924[21:43:23] <TheKosmonaut> What
L925[21:43:25] <TheKosmonaut> Coptic
L926[21:43:27] <Eddi|zuHause> the funniest part about that was, i awarded them elector status immediately before that
L927[21:44:09] <Eddi|zuHause> so i was elector myself, and had an elector union partner
L928[21:44:35] <Epsilon> Eddi|zuHause: Spacechem was kinda fun, but I couldn't handle the eyestrain from not being able to resize the window. >_<
L929[21:44:59] <Eddi|zuHause> uhm, it has window size options?
L930[21:45:22] <Epsilon> ... let me double check, but I'd swear I couldn't get it past something ancient like 1024x768.
L931[21:45:25] <TheKosmonaut> Eddi|zuHause: the others probably wouldn't vote for you though right?
L932[21:45:42] <Eddi|zuHause> they got a bit of a penalty, but most of them loved me
L933[21:45:46] <TheKosmonaut> Usually if you control a voter, that means the others get -25 or -50 reasons to vote
L934[21:45:54] <TheKosmonaut> I can't remember how much it is
L935[21:45:58] <Eddi|zuHause> -50
L936[21:46:09] <Eddi|zuHause> but you get +200 from good relations
L937[21:46:27] <TheKosmonaut> Diplomatic reputation advisors help too
L938[21:46:31] <Eddi|zuHause> and all the "bad" electors got eleminated in the league war
L939[21:46:56] <Eddi|zuHause> i had diplorep from influence ideas, and saxony gets innate diplorep
L940[21:47:04] <Epsilon> Eddi|zuHause: Nope, not at a brief look. I know there was some way to tweak the config, but it didn't work right.
L941[21:47:10] <Epsilon> TIS-100 was cool though.
L942[21:47:58] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: apparently you can make the HRE orthodox too
L943[21:48:07] * TheKosmonaut writes that down for the next run
L944[21:48:14] <TheKosmonaut> THIRD ROME INTENSIFIES
L945[21:48:29] <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, you have to force the league war to drag on
L946[21:48:42] <Eddi|zuHause> so it ends in a draw
L947[21:48:42] ⇦ Quits: esspapier (esspapier!~esspapier@80-109-207-2.cable.dynamic.surfer.at) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L948[21:49:46] <Eddi|zuHause> after that, emperor can be any christian religion
L949[21:50:25] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: I'm very conflicted right now on if I should declare on ottomans right now
L950[21:50:34] <Rokker> while most ld their military is on crimea
L951[21:50:41] <Rokker> most of
L952[21:50:56] <Rokker> if it goes wrong tho, I'm dead
L953[21:51:19] ⇨ Joins: esspapier (esspapier!~esspapier@80-109-207-2.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)
L954[21:53:16] <ConductorCat> Corticosteroid Pope
L955[21:53:30] <Eddi|zuHause> what's bad about my congo game is that every single european power i ment immediately declared me as rival
L956[21:53:47] <Rokker> I need advice
L957[21:54:00] <ConductorCat> Advice is illegal.
L958[21:54:05] <Eddi|zuHause> so i have no useful allies against ottomans
L959[21:54:07] <Rolf> illegal is illegal
L960[21:54:13] <Rokker> I can basically end the ottoman rule of the Balkans here and now
L961[21:54:19] <Rokker> if I win
L962[21:55:49] <oren> https://imgur.com/QkqcbUW
L963[21:55:49] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/QkqcbUW.jpg
L964[21:56:08] <oren> my stupid spaceplane has proven versatile at landing
L965[21:56:22] ⇦ Quits: AlonzoTG (AlonzoTG!~atg@pool-108-45-130-163.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Leaving.)
L966[21:56:23] <Rokker> if I dont I'm dead
L967[21:56:45] <Epsilon> Stupid rescale not making these contracts trigger. >:(
L968[21:57:31] <oren> Rokker: when in doubt, beat the ottomans
L969[21:59:52] <Rokker> well crap
L970[21:59:58] <Rokker> immediately went to crap
L971[22:00:30] <Rokker> peace with Crimea, giving them exiled troops able to pass through any country
L972[22:00:59] <Rokker> instaded
L973[22:01:34] <Rokker> refresh
L974[22:02:14] <Eddi|zuHause> the trick with being the smaller/defensive side of the war is to drag it out
L975[22:02:24] <Eddi|zuHause> try to avoid direct confrontation
L976[22:02:54] <Eddi|zuHause> or be quicker at sieging their stuff than they are sieging yours
L977[22:05:25] <Eddi|zuHause> like, as congo i won the last war against ottomans, even though they had twice the army strength and were ahead in miltech
L978[22:05:41] <Eddi|zuHause> by just sieging the smaller members of the coalition
L979[22:06:28] <Eddi|zuHause> well, it helped that they were fighting another war
L980[22:06:45] <Eddi|zuHause> but so was i :p
L981[22:11:17] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: the king of imereti is 63 with no heir
L982[22:11:28] <Rokker> and I'm married to him
L983[22:12:27] ⇨ Joins: Wastl2 (Wastl2!~Wastl2@x55b53e55.dyn.telefonica.de)
L984[22:14:08] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: this will provide a fine distraction for the turks
L985[22:14:23] ⇦ Quits: Wastl2_ (Wastl2_!~Wastl2@x4db36ab5.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L986[22:18:57] ⇨ Joins: GlassYuri (GlassYuri!~GlassYuri@157-14-204-191.tokyo.fdn.vectant.ne.jp)
L987[22:27:33] <Rokker> mamluks declared on ottomans
L988[22:27:38] <Rokker> here is my chance
L989[22:30:40] <Rokker> Hungary is willing to accept if I wait until january
L990[22:31:51] <Rokker> hmmm no land border between mamluks and turks
L991[22:46:25] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: what's between them?
L992[22:46:47] <TheKosmonaut> AT?
L993[22:46:51] <TheKosmonaut> AQ*
L994[22:52:54] ⇨ Joins: Blaank (Blaank!~Blaankk@c-24-11-223-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
L995[22:53:02] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: nvm, they got through
L996[22:53:08] <Rokker> this is glorious
L997[22:53:13] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: GLORIOUS
L998[22:55:25] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: ottoman army screen on ledger
L999[22:55:31] <Rokker> Total: 0
L1000[22:55:43] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: It means NOTHING
L1001[22:55:58] <TheKosmonaut> I've seen them there and then a 76 stack of mercs come rolling to me
L1002[22:56:08] <TheKosmonaut> They will take massive loans
L1003[22:56:31] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: treasury 167
L1004[22:56:44] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: pause
L1005[22:56:45] <Rokker> all of anatolia is mamlukian
L1006[22:56:55] <TheKosmonaut> ~ tag TUR
L1007[22:57:01] <Rokker> most of the Balkans are mine and hungary
L1008[22:57:09] <TheKosmonaut> See exactly what their finances are
L1009[22:57:15] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: I'm playing iron fist dummy
L1010[22:57:18] <Rokker> I've won
L1011[22:57:20] <Rokker> that simple
L1012[22:57:21] <TheKosmonaut> Nice
L1013[22:57:30] <TheKosmonaut> Wait are you Byzantium?
L1014[22:57:30] <Rokker> edirne is mine
L1015[22:57:33] <Rokker> yes
L1016[22:57:46] <TheKosmonaut> Oh you just started
L1017[22:57:53] <TheKosmonaut> Yeah you got it then.
L1018[22:58:02] <oren> Rokker: for some reason I assumed you were serbia
L1019[22:58:16] <TheKosmonaut> Mamlukes will be a terrible headache down the road
L1020[22:59:09] <Rokker> oren: I'm the OG kebab remover
L1021[22:59:18] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: I wanna form Romania and build Mare Nostrum Romanian empire
L1022[22:59:19] <Rokker> oren: serbia would be much harder
L1023[22:59:42] <TheKosmonaut> Albania is the hardest
L1024[23:01:10] ⇦ Quits: Blaank (Blaank!~Blaankk@c-24-11-223-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1025[23:01:35] ⇦ Quits: Dman979 (Dman979!~D^man@pool-173-75-226-41.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L1026[23:02:02] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: oh god, the rebels
L1027[23:02:05] <Rokker> so many rebels
L1028[23:02:28] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: what's the peasant to soldier ratio?
L1029[23:02:33] <Rokker> to kill em
L1030[23:02:53] <TheKosmonaut> I've done as much as 2-1. But i dunno.
L1031[23:02:57] ⇦ Quits: lordcirth (lordcirth!~lordcirth@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1032[23:03:32] <Rokker> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/2gX8YEgy/RokkersKebabRemovalService
L1033[23:03:44] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: byzantine stronk
L1034[23:05:09] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: decided to end the war instead
L1035[23:06:04] <TheKosmonaut> Bordergore
L1036[23:06:23] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: and the ottomans cant reach the rebels
L1037[23:06:28] <Rokker> 10/10
L1038[23:06:31] <TheKosmonaut> At least take tirhala
L1039[23:06:37] <TheKosmonaut> Then you get an estuary
L1040[23:06:40] <TheKosmonaut> I think
L1041[23:06:40] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: the ottoman empire is bordergore
L1042[23:06:53] <Rokker> next war
L1043[23:06:55] ⇦ Quits: umaxtu (umaxtu!~umaxtu@50-76-183-209-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1044[23:07:21] <oren> https://imgur.com/ZaK62GS
L1045[23:07:21] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/ZaK62GS.jpg
L1046[23:07:31] <TheKosmonaut> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/AONkf6bz/Screen+Shot+2018-07-28+at+3.37.59+PM.png
L1047[23:07:38] <TheKosmonaut> Best bordergore
L1048[23:07:59] <oren> https://imgur.com/vLDv2gL
L1049[23:08:00] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/vLDv2gL.jpg
L1050[23:08:28] <TheKosmonaut> oren: he's seen... Things
L1051[23:08:32] <TheKosmonaut> Things you wouldn't believe
L1052[23:08:36] <oren> GUYS APPARENTLY if you aerobrake hard enough the flames go inside the capsule
L1053[23:09:36] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: oh my god
L1054[23:09:49] <Rokker> ottomans are so weak that wallachia just declared on them
L1055[23:09:57] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: ayy
L1056[23:09:59] <Rokker> wallachia stronl
L1057[23:10:01] <Rokker> stronk
L1058[23:10:10] <TheKosmonaut> oren: you may have a compromised capsule
L1059[23:10:19] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: DRACULA RISING
L1060[23:13:43] <oren> https://imgur.com/ZHv15Ii
L1061[23:13:44] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/ZHv15Ii.jpg
L1062[23:16:22] <Supercheese> Serious Byzness
L1063[23:16:37] ⇨ Joins: Dman979 (Dman979!~D^man@pool-173-75-226-41.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)
L1064[23:20:39] ⇦ Quits: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1065[23:23:17] <Rokker> Albania declared on the turks
L1066[23:23:28] ⇨ Joins: ergZay (ergZay!~ergZay@c-67-180-186-223.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1067[23:32:19] ⇦ Quits: mutex86 (mutex86!~Mutex@tmo-103-58.customers.d1-online.com) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L1068[23:33:41] ⇨ Joins: mutex86 (mutex86!~Mutex@tmo-098-72.customers.d1-online.com)
L1069[23:37:03] ⇨ Joins: Althego (Althego!~Althego@51B6212B.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
L1070[23:40:17] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: oh... oh dear
L1071[23:40:20] <Rokker> oh no
L1072[23:40:44] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/BmKZToCK/the%20real%20border%20gore
L1073[23:41:21] ⇨ Joins: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com)
L1074[23:43:43] <oren> Rokker: GENOA NOOOOOOOO
L1075[23:44:51] ⇨ Joins: Medu (Medu!~Medu@85-127-9-189.dsl.dynamic.surfer.at)
L1076[23:57:22] <oren> gah. I specifically timed this mun flyby so that the spacecraft would be in sun and could see kerbin
L1077[23:57:35] <Althego> eclipse<
L1078[23:57:38] <Althego> ?
L1079[23:57:42] <oren> yup
L1080[23:57:45] <oren> gah
L1081[23:57:48] <Althego> hehe
L1082[23:58:02] <oren> https://imgur.com/srmyYf9
L1083[23:58:02] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/srmyYf9.png
L1084[23:58:18] <oren> well, I packed enough capacitors
L1085[23:59:07] <Althego> the capacitor is empty. you are unable to warp because you are warp scrambled
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