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L1[00:07:31] <Draconiator> Hmmm, I just saw a tumbling satellite. thought it was a firefly at first. 2 flashes about a second apart, then a pause of 5 seconds.
L2[00:08:07] ⇦ Quits: steamport (steamport!~steamport@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L3[00:08:33] <Draconiator> Over Northern Maine, USA about 1AM EST
L4[00:16:21] <Draconiator> Think I found it. https://www.n2yo.com/satellite/?s=5213
L5[00:22:34] <JVFoxy> must have just started going into shadow when you saw it
L6[00:24:12] <JVFoxy> I saw the ISS buzz over head a few weeks back I was about pack things up and go inside after trying to track one of the other ham satellites
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L25[03:58:35] ⇨ Joins: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net)
L26[04:17:37] ⇦ Quits: CaptainN (CaptainN!~KevinKeen@ (Quit: I have to pee!)
L27[04:56:14] <Mat2ch> uh uh, launch in around two hours \o/
L28[04:57:15] <JVFoxy> when does the 'rocket age' start?
L29[05:19:31] ⇦ Quits: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
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L32[05:43:58] ⇦ Quits: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L33[05:44:16] *** X is now known as Sean
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L42[06:51:06] <Mat2ch> So, that was a funny SpaceX launch. First you see nothing, after 300m you see the mist layer and then you see nothing again, because everything is in the dark and nobody seems to pack the Sony camera chips that can "see" in the dark
L43[07:04:03] ⇨ Joins: Arynnia (Arynnia!~Niadra@cpe-76-178-25-35.natnow.res.rr.com)
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L45[07:40:01] *** hashashin_ is now known as hashashin
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L51[09:05:32] <Eddi|zuHause> <JVFoxy> when does the 'rocket age' start? <-- when rockets are the dominant form of transportation
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L53[09:06:18] <JVFoxy> commute to work in space... by rocket? I kind of hope we find some other means to get out there. Hate to see the ground littered with parts
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L61[09:28:22] ⇨ Joins: Althego (Althego!~Althego@86ff4179.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
L62[09:28:51] <Althego> i couldnt log in because of the +r
L63[09:29:02] <Althego> but i watched the double launch live
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L66[09:44:11] <TheKosmonaut> Althego: we are being bombarded by bots
L67[09:44:13] <TheKosmonaut> Sorry
L68[09:44:26] <APlayer> Should we put up a warning in the topic?
L69[09:44:26] <Althego> i wonder how i can get my password from the client :)
L70[09:44:33] <Althego> that doesnt help
L71[09:44:53] <TheKosmonaut> APlayer: well it won't help if they can't join
L72[09:44:54] <APlayer> It would tell people to register before joining, due to reasons
L73[09:44:59] <APlayer> Sure it will
L74[09:45:07] <TheKosmonaut> Not if they can't join the channel
L75[09:45:09] <APlayer> /topic #[channel]
L76[09:45:11] <Althego> no because when i cant join then i dont see the topic :9
L77[09:45:22] <Althego> ah never tried that
L78[09:45:28] <TheKosmonaut> APlayer: if they're not registered, I doubt they'd do that though
L79[09:45:32] <TheKosmonaut> Worth a shot
L80[09:46:01] <APlayer> Or, not sure if that works on EsperNet, but I've seen channel redirects on freenode
L81[09:46:24] <Zarthus> they work here too
L82[09:46:32] <APlayer> That is, registered users join the intended channel, unregistered ones get redirected to, say #KSPOfficial-unregistered
L83[09:46:47] <Zarthus> /mode #channelA +b *!*@somehost$#channelB
L84[09:47:08] <APlayer> That sounds ideal to me
L85[09:48:01] <Zarthus> i'm not sure if it works with extbans, but in theory /mode #KSPOfficial +b $~a$#kspofficial-unreg should work.
L86[09:48:17] <Zarthus> so long as the person setting the ban owns #KSPOfficial-unreg
L87[09:48:43] <APlayer> Does that lift the ban when the person registers?
L88[09:48:58] <JVFoxy> Althego wait.. double launch?
L89[09:49:13] <Zarthus> APlayer: yes. because of the $a extban
L90[09:49:13] <Wastl2> Isn't it +f rather than +b?
L91[09:49:21] <Althego> yes, there was an ariane 5 launching 4 galileo sats and a spacex launch with 10 iridium at the same time
L92[09:49:23] <APlayer> Ah, I see
L93[09:49:29] <Zarthus> a +f applies to all users
L94[09:49:38] <Zarthus> they want only unregistered users.
L95[09:49:48] <JVFoxy> Althego ah ok... same site or.. I heard something but didn't get to check further
L96[09:49:57] <Althego> hehe, no
L97[09:50:03] <APlayer> No way they launch two rockets from one site
L98[09:50:19] <APlayer> Ariane is Kourou (however you spell that), SpaceX is KSC
L99[09:50:24] <Althego> ariane is usually french guyana, spacex was vandenberg
L100[09:51:07] <APlayer> TheKosmonaut, UmbralRaptop: What do you guys say about the channel redirect thing?
L101[09:51:35] <Wastl2> With +f, it forwards all users that are unable to join because of some channel modes, among them +r.
L102[09:51:41] <Zarthus> oh
L103[09:51:48] <Zarthus> you could be right on that, yeah
L104[09:52:05] <JVFoxy> ya.. though come to think of it, reasons for not doing a double launch at same site, like KSC?
L105[09:53:03] <APlayer> JVFoxy: One explosion breaks two schedules, for one. Also, the launches would have to be in sync, on order to evacuate all staff from the site, and in order to not affect one another in terms of radio and whatever
L106[09:53:25] <APlayer> The fuel, staff and water capacity is probably only enough for one rocket too
L107[09:53:44] <APlayer> Plenty of reasons
L108[09:54:30] <Althego> but spacex did double launcing already :)
L109[09:54:31] <TheKosmonaut> APlayer: that's a decent idea yeah
L110[09:54:34] <Althego> landiung
L111[09:54:37] <Althego> klan
L112[09:54:38] <Althego> eh
L113[09:54:40] <Althego> landing
L114[09:54:46] <TheKosmonaut> I dont trust myself to set that up, I'm on my phone and in the train atm
L115[09:54:47] <APlayer> Landing is a different thing from launching
L116[09:55:19] <APlayer> Zarthus: Do we just set up #KSPOfficial-unregistered and set the mode you send us on #KSPOfficial?
L117[09:55:34] <Zarthus> yeah, but +f #KSPOfficial-unreg should be better.
L118[09:55:40] <Zarthus> I *think*, I'm not sure.
L119[09:55:49] <Zarthus> +f might also get banned people, but eh.
L120[09:55:56] <APlayer> Why not.
L121[09:56:34] <Zarthus> i would advocate setting +m on that channel too so the spammers don't become annoying there.
L122[09:56:43] <Wastl2> +f gets people who can't join due to +ijlr, that is, invite only, join throttle, limit, registered only.
L123[09:56:48] <JVFoxy> so.. like that scene in Armageddon, would never happen :P
L124[09:57:03] <Zarthus> cool, you seem to know more about it than i do
L125[09:57:19] * Zarthus is actively playing WoW right now.
L126[09:57:27] <Zarthus> did I say WoW? I meant World of Kerbals.
L127[09:57:43] <JVFoxy> well Gemini they launched two kinds of craft, not at the same time but from same site, just spaced out by an hour and half.
L128[09:58:12] <APlayer> Could someone please test the setup?
L129[09:59:11] <Zarthus> sure.
L130[09:59:29] ⇨ Joins: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com)
L131[09:59:46] <Zarthus> (16:59:38) Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services
L132[09:59:49] <Zarthus> you forgot to add +f
L133[10:00:08] <APlayer> /mode #KSPOfficial +f $~a$#kspofficial-unreg
L134[10:00:16] <APlayer> That's what I used
L135[10:00:20] <Draconiator> lol, my auto excecute is too fast.
L136[10:00:21] <Draconiator> Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services
L137[10:00:21] <Draconiator> -NickServ- You are now identified for Draconiator.
L138[10:00:21] <Draconiator> -
L139[10:00:50] <APlayer> /mode #KSPOfficial +f $~a$#KSPOfficial-unreg
L140[10:00:55] * UmbralRaptop has had that before
L141[10:01:14] <APlayer> Let me try that (it's not case sensitive though, is it?)
L142[10:01:36] <Althego> now i changed the password, hopefully i can remember it now
L143[10:02:09] <UmbralRaptop> Case only affects how it looks.
L144[10:02:28] <JVFoxy> ugh I changed my nick.. had to add password.. was worried about coming back, and ya, totally screwed things up.. took ten minutes fixing
L145[10:04:58] <APlayer> Zarthus: Ah, now I see. I'm getting "$~a$#KSPOfficial-unreg :No such channel"
L146[10:05:43] <Zarthus> APlayer:
L147[10:05:44] <Zarthus> /mode #KSPOfficial +f #KSPOfficial-unreg
L148[10:05:51] <Zarthus> the $~a was part of a different syntax.
L149[10:06:07] *** APlayer sets mode: +f #KSPOfficial-unreg
L150[10:06:18] <APlayer> Perfect
L151[10:06:24] <APlayer> Thank you very much!
L152[10:07:04] <Zarthus> QA approved.
L153[10:07:39] <JVFoxy> mmm.. yay?
L154[10:18:06] ⇨ Joins: Neal (Neal!~Neal@
L155[10:19:57] <mischief> that's odd
L156[10:20:06] <mischief> jebediah kerman is alive and in my crew manifest again.
L157[10:20:09] <mischief> thought he died o.O
L158[10:20:21] <Althego> depends on game settings
L159[10:20:33] <Althego> normally they go to missing and magically reapper
L160[10:20:49] <JVFoxy> the core 4... just MIA.. for a bit
L161[10:20:56] <JVFoxy> others not so lucky
L162[10:24:48] <Althego> there is some suspicion that they are cloned
L163[10:24:59] ⇦ Quits: Copper (Copper!~Copper@ ()
L164[10:25:49] <JVFoxy> center hasn't a cloning building... that we know of
L165[10:26:01] <Althego> must be underground
L166[10:26:07] <Althego> where do you think all those kerbals come from
L167[10:26:25] <JVFoxy> then again.. from what I remember the history behind how they came up with the idea of the game....
L168[10:26:43] <JVFoxy> its just in how you want to see it...
L169[10:30:12] <mischief> my stupid rockets always fall over
L170[10:30:44] <JVFoxy> in flight or on the ground?
L171[10:31:10] <mischief> flight
L172[10:31:21] <mischief> probably drag
L173[10:32:36] <JVFoxy> pic.. otherwise I can only guess
L174[10:38:07] ⇨ Joins: sasamj (sasamj!uid193032@id-193032.brockwell.irccloud.com)
L175[10:44:14] <Althego> dont forget by default tanks drain from the top
L176[10:44:35] <Althego> so a rocket becomes increasingly unstable in flight
L177[10:44:41] ⇦ Quits: Hyratel (Hyratel!~Wyvern@2600:8805:1605:6400:20e4:2410:44e5:78b6) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L178[10:44:47] <JVFoxy> ... remember that being the old way
L179[10:45:04] <Althego> you can change that now by priority
L180[10:45:26] ⇨ Joins: Hyratel (Hyratel!~Wyvern@ip68-228-135-114.hr.hr.cox.net)
L181[10:47:21] <JVFoxy> remember old system, top most tanks drained first, down towards engines.. trouble was each tank had fuel and oxy at the same time
L182[10:47:38] <JVFoxy> now.. they all drain evenly as far as I remember..
L183[10:47:42] <JVFoxy> butyou can also set it up how you want
L184[10:48:15] <Althego> even if they drain evenly
L185[10:48:25] <Althego> the payload (like next stage) is on the top
L186[10:48:29] <Althego> unchanging
L187[10:48:35] <APlayer> mischief: Imagine a dart. It is very heavy at the front, and has fins at the back. This keeps the front at the front due to momentum, and the back drags behind due to the fins. That's also how your rocket should look like.
L188[10:49:24] <Althego> but where the lack of real aero calculations shows for me is that it is really hard to have a rocket without fins, while in reality that does not seem to be a problem
L189[10:49:50] <APlayer> Front heavy, and the drag should be at the back. Note that adding fins is undesirable unless absolutely necessary, because (1) you loose some dv to the additional drag, and (2), once you dump your stage with the fins, you loose your drag and your upper stage is what starts tipping over.
L190[10:50:16] <APlayer> The proper solution is to make it front heavy, really
L191[10:50:22] <Althego> unless you pushed the first stage tp an altitude where that doesnt happen
L192[10:50:35] <Mat2ch> Althego: Almost none of my rockets in KSP have fins
L193[10:50:43] <APlayer> Althego: If you do that in stock, your rocket will probably be unreasonable
L194[10:51:14] <Mat2ch> I just don't flip them ;)
L195[10:51:38] <Ezko> no turning after initial turn to start the gravity turn and it's fine for me at least
L196[10:51:41] <JVFoxy> Althego its a bit of a balancing act... it can be done with no fins.. I've done a lot of times. Just have to be careful on the design. And that you don't pitch over too far
L197[10:51:45] <Mat2ch> And I guess most real rockets would flip as well, if the exceed their turn speed
L198[10:52:15] <Ezko> follow surface prograde vector after the initial turn and no flipping
L199[10:52:36] <JVFoxy> a lot of people think 'oh more boosters, more engines'... trouble is, the more you add down there, the more weight will sit low
L200[10:52:49] <APlayer> Mat2ch: Rockets tend to tip over if you mount the sensor array wrong side up
L201[10:52:54] <Mat2ch> ;D
L202[10:53:27] <TheKosmonaut> Make fun of Proton
L203[10:53:34] <TheKosmonaut> But they did RTLS before spacex
L204[10:53:44] <APlayer> They did?
L205[10:53:58] <TheKosmonaut> So... Add that to the list of things russia/USSR did before America.
L206[10:54:00] <APlayer> Definitely never landed it, though
L207[10:54:03] <TheKosmonaut> APlayer: sure. That proton
L208[10:54:07] <TheKosmonaut> It went right back!
L209[10:54:12] <TheKosmonaut> GREAT SUCCESS YES
L210[10:54:16] <APlayer> Ah, got it
L211[10:54:20] <Althego> hehe
L212[10:54:26] <APlayer> I want to die on Mars, but not on impact?
L213[10:55:25] <JVFoxy> just hope you don't die on the way to mars first..
L214[10:55:55] <JVFoxy> was proton RTLS before gemini's 4" lift off?
L215[10:56:25] <APlayer> Is that like the choking physicist? That one must have lied when he said that he enjoyed working in a gravity-free vacuum
L216[10:56:29] <JVFoxy> I seem to recall one of the gemini's launched but it was aborted. landed right back on teh pad :P
L217[10:57:42] <mischief> hooray, i recovered Arlan
L218[10:57:57] ⇨ Joins: GlassFragments (GlassFragments!~GlassYuri@116-91-50-224.tokyo.fdn.vectant.ne.jp)
L219[10:57:58] <mischief> no kerbal left behind
L220[10:58:41] <APlayer> Aye!
L221[10:59:30] <mischief> i don't think these missions to rescue people from the mun are worth it
L222[10:59:35] <mischief> not enough kerb bucks :(
L223[10:59:43] <Althego> from orbit?
L224[10:59:48] <Althego> free kerbals
L225[10:59:54] <mischief> err sorry
L226[10:59:58] <mischief> taking VIP to the mun
L227[11:00:10] <Althego> that is ok, if you do multiple things together
L228[11:00:32] <JVFoxy> lol...
L229[11:00:38] <mischief> this is land a vip on the mun for like, < $20,000
L230[11:00:46] <JVFoxy> mun rescue contract... ya I wanna video one of those
L231[11:00:56] <Althego> still a money if you take 2-3 other missions too
L232[11:01:09] <JVFoxy> in fact.. I've a ship in orbit from a previous mission I did that I can use...
L233[11:01:24] <JVFoxy> trouble is... it lacks fuel for the plane change.. so.. I found away around that
L234[11:01:43] <mischief> i need science so i can get the dang docking port
L235[11:03:00] <mischief> ill try a probe building mission
L236[11:03:16] <Althego> docking port is overrated :)
L237[11:04:14] <JVFoxy> frig... if I recall right, stack decouplers way over rated too
L238[11:04:26] <JVFoxy> some video I recall... someone used a moon to remove a fuel tank
L239[11:04:40] <Althego> yes it was a 3 parts to the moon and back
L240[11:04:49] <mischief> wat
L241[11:04:52] <Althego> needed to stage the tank
L242[11:05:00] <Althego> so hit it on the mun
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L245[11:05:34] <mischief> hm
L246[11:05:41] <mischief> i dont have parts small enough to make a good probe
L247[11:05:57] <Althego> but since then engine isp was nerfed because of less atmosphere
L248[11:06:13] <Althego> so probably the 3 parts to the mun and back doesnt work anymore
L249[11:06:20] <Althego> but you can still go to hilly
L250[11:06:22] <Althego> gilly
L251[11:07:03] <JVFoxy> hill billy gilly?
L252[11:07:05] <mischief> i guess my probe will just be huge.
L253[11:07:39] <JVFoxy> how much science have you farmed around on kerbin?
L254[11:07:46] <Althego> trust me, i know probes like nobody else. it will be the best probe, huge, tremendous
L255[11:07:50] <mischief> probably not all of it
L256[11:08:08] <JVFoxy> I usually putter around with a jet car of sorts.
L257[11:08:17] <Althego> isnt worth to really farm science on kerbin, maybe until the gravity things
L258[11:08:35] <Althego> ksc gives you soem
L259[11:08:41] <JVFoxy> the mountain/highlands/grasslands science farming was.. interesting. jet powered vtol... ;)
L260[11:09:17] <JVFoxy> I know a lot of people get headaches doign jet powered vtols because of the spool up/down lag... just need to know how to anticipate
L261[11:09:33] <Althego> just land with a plane
L262[11:09:43] <Althego> i routinely land on mountains with the science plane 3
L263[11:10:14] <mischief> i dont think i even have plane parts.
L264[11:11:13] <JVFoxy> I guess.. but I fly planes all the time
L265[11:12:04] <JVFoxy> trouble is, having to find a spot smooth enough to land on... usually up a hill. Then turn around, hope you don't bounce, roll over or osmething
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L267[11:15:26] <mischief> flipping again -_-
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L271[11:27:13] <JVFoxy> mischief mmm... toss a pic, see whats wrong
L272[11:27:55] <APlayer> Yeah, that's a thing you should learn. Share pics of your craft, because we enjoy looking at it, and because we may help with issues if we have a pic. :-)
L273[11:28:20] <Althego> hmmm. you can flip other things too :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gc4QTqslN4
L274[11:28:21] <kmath> YouTube - The Trashmen - Surfin Bird - Bird is the Word 1963 (RE-MASTERED) (ALT End Video) (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
L275[11:29:01] <Althego> (and i dont even watch family guy)
L276[11:31:57] <mischief> why is it so hard to keep my probe straight when the engine is on :(
L277[11:32:05] <mischief> i think i just need to get real probe parts
L278[11:32:22] <Althego> it should be easier with the engine on
L279[11:32:32] <Althego> with some vectoring at least
L280[11:32:38] <mischief> ah
L281[11:32:43] <mischief> no vecoting in this engine
L282[11:32:56] <Althego> there i syour problem
L283[11:32:58] <mischief> also, i can't set this probe orbit as a target
L284[11:33:00] <mischief> that's annoying
L285[11:33:21] <JVFoxy> its just the level of the probe
L286[11:33:39] <JVFoxy> do you mean orbit, or prograde?
L287[11:34:11] <mischief> i have a mission to put a probe in an orbit
L288[11:34:29] <mischief> it's shown in purple in map view but i can't 'set as target'
L289[11:34:45] <Althego> yes that is kind of annoyinh
L290[11:34:47] <JVFoxy> once you get into the general direction of the orbit... and out of the atmesphere, really only need to use map view.
L291[11:34:49] <Althego> but you can get around it
L292[11:34:59] <Althego> and also no real precision is required
L293[11:35:32] <JVFoxy> lol.. I avoid doing satellite contracts but I'll snag the occasional kerbal in orbit rescue mission
L294[11:35:45] <Althego> i use them to deploy my commsats
L295[11:35:54] <Althego> so i get my sats for free
L296[11:36:07] <JVFoxy> I wouldn't mind a space station contract.. if the requirements weren't so high
L297[11:36:13] <APlayer> How would you set an orbit as target? A target only adds a marker for you to point at a thing. An orbit is not something you could point at
L298[11:36:28] <Althego> the station and base contratcs are full of fuel
L299[11:36:38] <Althego> i look at them: no way i am transporting that much, skip it
L300[11:36:43] <JVFoxy> I mean.. 5 kerbals.. 6000 fuel.. really?
L301[11:36:57] <Althego> how? by selecting it
L302[11:37:09] <Althego> basically without target selection there is no way to display inclination for example
L303[11:37:26] <Althego> ok it shows the and and dn, but cant really pinpoint it
L304[11:37:36] <JVFoxy> guess just have to pan the view, see how close you can get
L305[11:37:50] <Althego> so for that you have to place the comare that you look at both orbits from the side
L306[11:37:54] <Althego> and this is just annoying
L307[11:38:07] <JVFoxy> I got one geo stationary contract... said it wanted over a particular landmark on kerbin... eh..
L308[11:38:08] <Althego> it should just display the an/dn point as for targets
L309[11:38:51] <JVFoxy> I suppose I could do an orbit contract.....
L310[11:39:23] <JVFoxy> just.. interests sorta stuck else where mission idea wise
L311[11:41:07] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/RxYlYMs.png
L312[11:41:13] <mischief> not sure i have enough fuel left
L313[11:41:40] <Althego> at that point you need very little
L314[11:42:14] <JVFoxy> that far out... go for it..
L315[11:42:38] <JVFoxy> going slow enough, requirements aren't big.. it'll be tight though
L316[11:44:07] <mischief> YAY
L317[11:44:09] <mischief> i made it
L318[11:44:22] <JVFoxy> I could so easily upgrade my VAB/SPH early on.. get unlimited size/weight.. but then, where's the challenge?
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L320[11:48:07] <Althego> my usual challenge to launch an eve probe in the first few days while it is still in the window, launch a duna probe that arrive when the launch window opens
L321[11:48:25] <Althego> but at rrival both are really outdated
L322[11:49:05] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/59uwuKw.jpg
L323[11:49:10] <mischief> here's my goofy lookin probe
L324[11:49:27] <Althego> hehe
L325[11:49:34] <Althego> yes i usually do stuff like that too
L326[11:49:51] <Althego> with 2 antennas, and those are my first commsats to
L327[11:50:05] <mischief> ah, you need 2?!
L328[11:50:09] <Althego> no
L329[11:50:13] <mischief> oh
L330[11:50:18] <Althego> but these are not really powerful antenna
L331[11:50:18] <mischief> i added only one of the big ones
L332[11:50:21] <mischief> it said it can relay
L333[11:50:24] <Althego> yes
L334[11:50:36] <Althego> at least 1 from this
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L336[11:50:49] <Althego> but for antennaless probes moving on the surface and such
L337[11:50:56] <Althego> these are really weak
L338[11:51:07] <mischief> so what interesting thing can i do now that there is a probe in the air?
L339[11:51:35] <Althego> also even with 2 antennas they cant be too far away because the signal is weak
L340[11:51:43] <JVFoxy> mischief oh .. tip...
L341[11:52:18] <JVFoxy> when you get a chance, turn your probe so the sun will hit panels all around regardless where it is.. that way don't get stuck without a relay hwen sun hits spot on it where blocks panels
L342[11:53:03] <Althego> usually i do that too but i doubt electricity is simulated why unfocused
L343[11:53:18] <Althego> while
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L345[11:54:20] <JVFoxy> would have to test it... I never really thought of it. I just set the orientation up just in case.. I know its a problem when you warp.. and forget
L346[11:55:19] <JVFoxy> lol.. I hate when some stuff gets so rail tracked... like debris that refuses to disappear, even though its orbit takes it far down inside of kerbin.. yet comes out fine when not focused?
L347[11:55:33] <Althego> hehe
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L349[11:55:43] <Althego> yes i dont like this aspect
L350[11:55:56] <Althego> debris actually is deorbited below a certain altitude
L351[11:56:16] <Althego> but if it is above that and not focues, it just stays there
L352[11:57:06] <JVFoxy> I usually just decomission them manually when I get the chance if they get that low and don't go away
L353[11:58:51] <Draconiator> Is it possible to keep something orbiting Kerbin in the high atmosphere? I.E. more than 65K
L354[11:59:35] <JVFoxy> think it warns you before you go back to tracking center
L355[12:00:08] <JVFoxy> lol.. possible.. ? leave a plane in orbit.. come back ot it when its over something you want ot chekc out
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L357[12:01:26] <Althego> it is possible to have it dip down periodically
L358[12:01:54] <Althego> but that is alreayd orbital speed
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L360[12:04:15] <JVFoxy> old version.. I could get it just slightly over oribital speed just below the 70km mark.. had to actually pull a slight negative to keep it from flying off
L361[12:04:49] <JVFoxy> burned quite a bit of fuel getting up there, but once it was there... was crazy efficient
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L364[12:06:56] <mischief> does direction matter for antennas?
L365[12:07:00] <Althego> ah yes the near orbital jets
L366[12:07:04] <Althego> no
L367[12:07:07] <Althego> not in stock
L368[12:08:29] <JVFoxy> heh.. thankfully.
L369[12:10:23] <mischief> hm
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L371[12:12:31] <JVFoxy> those red and white extendable antenna's.. I, a while back, stuck about 8 of them on a probe.. made it look like some sorta futuristic space landmine.
L372[12:12:56] <JVFoxy> didn't mean to.. just looked cool. then relays became a thing
L373[12:17:19] <Althego> but the tiny dish is still better and cuter
L374[12:19:00] <mischief> have to rescue someone at 15 million meters out -_-
L375[12:19:07] <mischief> i need a bigger rocket
L376[12:19:28] <Althego> looks like you gonna need a bigger boat :)
L377[12:20:49] <mischief> time to break out the main sail
L378[12:21:57] <mischief> ship cost a lot :<
L379[12:23:29] <JVFoxy> mischief its cute with the one dish, ya. Though I wonder how much it threw the balance off on you
L380[12:23:42] <Althego> not much
L381[12:24:07] <JVFoxy> I usually try to balance things out.. but thats just me
L382[12:28:48] <mischief> is it better to do a bunch of burns to get a large orbit or is it the same as doing one big burn
L383[12:29:44] <Althego> one burn should be better. but if you twr is really low you must split the burn in several orbits
L384[12:31:05] <APlayer> "Space land mines" sound useful
L385[12:31:14] <mischief> i have about 2/3 a tank and i'm only at 1 million meters
L386[12:31:21] <mischief> have to go to 15 million and back
L387[12:31:28] <mischief> not to mention actually rendezvous
L388[12:33:44] * JVFoxy holds up a hand, going to try and rebuild his... space mine thing...
L389[12:34:49] <Althego> like this? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/22/Vanguard_1_composite.jpg
L390[12:35:27] <JVFoxy> eh well... maybe not so 'ball' :P
L391[12:37:58] <Althego> hehe mark hamill went to san diego comic can... as a stormtrooper :)
L392[12:38:56] <umaxtu> hamill seems like a cool dude
L393[12:39:22] <Althego> hehe he also was something else too, but i cant write that here
L394[12:39:56] <APlayer> Ahem
L395[12:40:59] <JVFoxy> weee
L396[12:40:59] <JVFoxy> https://imgur.com/a/SX6bVEI
L397[12:41:00] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/0wIlWFh.png
L398[12:41:54] <JVFoxy> have a hard time doing names.. just called it ... prober
L399[12:42:33] <APlayer> Yay! Space hedgehog!
L400[12:43:08] <JVFoxy> well... probably needs more spikes than that
L401[12:43:44] <APlayer> Space Spiky!
L402[12:47:07] <JVFoxy> I know in real life... relay sats have antennas like that too, but are dedicated to just receiver and transmitter parts, which are connected together inside.
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L404[12:47:50] <JVFoxy> KSP.. idea of a 'relay'... means using the same dish to work two ways.. but anyways
L405[12:55:56] <mischief> think i can cover 1km in space on eva?
L406[12:56:04] <Althego> easily
L407[12:56:10] <mischief> let's do it :D
L408[12:56:15] <APlayer> What for?
L409[12:56:54] <mischief> rescue
L410[12:57:03] <mischief> the problem will be getting home
L411[12:57:18] <APlayer> I suggest you get a bit closer. 1 km is doable, but can be avoided
L412[12:57:27] <mischief> no monopropellant
L413[12:57:29] <mischief> low fuel
L414[12:57:34] <JVFoxy> ugh.. ok delta v map... ok ya I can find that easily enough. the delta v calculator thing I used to use all the time, not so much easily found
L415[12:57:36] <Althego> usually my problem is not to hit the target in a rescue
L416[12:59:17] <mischief> we are in!
L417[12:59:20] <mischief> now to get home..
L418[12:59:25] <mischief> no fuel... far away...
L419[12:59:37] <Althego> country road, take me home
L420[13:02:25] <JVFoxy> ah there we go.. derp found it
L421[13:03:12] <mischief> is 50km enough to be caught by atmosphere?
L422[13:03:25] <mischief> guess i can adjust later.
L423[13:03:32] <mischief> time for a deep dive
L424[13:03:36] <Althego> you will be slowed down slightly
L425[13:03:47] <Althego> with low to moderate heating
L426[13:04:08] <mischief> we'll find out how 'moderate' quite shortly
L427[13:04:19] <Althego> probably not noticable
L428[13:04:27] <mischief> going at 3.2km/s
L429[13:04:29] <Althego> unless you are coming back from jool :)
L430[13:04:41] <mischief> haha
L431[13:05:07] <Althego> 3.2 km/s that is close to the mun distance
L432[13:05:18] <JVFoxy> so.. that little probe thing I did... with ant engine DV of 1900...
L433[13:05:23] <Eddi|zuHause> <APlayer> How would you set an orbit as target? A target only adds a marker for you to point at a thing. An orbit is not something you could point at <-- would be useful to have AN/DN at least
L434[13:05:36] <mischief> i'll just point my rear end first
L435[13:05:40] <mischief> that way it burns off first :)
L436[13:05:52] <mischief> aw crap
L437[13:05:55] <mischief> i escaped
L438[13:05:58] <APlayer> Add maneuver at AN/DN, execute
L439[13:06:06] <APlayer> Eddi ^
L440[13:06:16] <mischief> Althego: yes, i had to go to 15 million meters for a rescue
L441[13:06:28] <Althego> i dint know the distance to the mun
L442[13:06:44] <Eddi|zuHause> APlayer: but there is no marker for AN to put the maneuver node to, if you don't have a target
L443[13:06:55] <Althego> yes that is the problem
L444[13:06:59] <Althego> you can work around it
L445[13:07:04] <Althego> but really annoying
L446[13:07:04] <APlayer> Ah, got it
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L449[13:09:13] <mischief> only gonna take a few orbits to slow down xD
L450[13:09:25] <Althego> yes, that is why 45 km is better
L451[13:09:27] <Eddi|zuHause> you currently have to do some map perspective tricks to align the maneuver node with the virtual orbit plane
L452[13:10:27] <Althego> what i do i align the orbits to be seen from the edge but from a point where the node is visible and covers the node from the other side, so i can put the node there
L453[13:10:36] <Althego> really annoying and unnecessary
L454[13:10:41] <Eddi|zuHause> exactly
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L456[13:11:11] <Althego> also if you want to know the inclination of your orbit you have to target the current moon, and if you have only an inclined one, or none, you cant know it
L457[13:11:25] <Althego> (only with ker)
L458[13:14:05] <mischief> rscue was a success :-D
L459[13:14:09] <mischief> barely made it home
L460[13:16:01] <Eddi|zuHause> that is really typical KSP then :p
L461[13:16:25] <Althego> no that is the 0 fuel left when landing on the mun a few meters up
L462[13:16:37] <mischief> now i'll try to build a plane
L463[13:16:42] <mischief> and get whatever science i can on kerbin
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L465[13:17:34] <Eddi|zuHause> i usually get these things during random missions to places
L466[13:18:00] <Eddi|zuHause> like when it says "get temperature readings from the poles"
L467[13:18:33] <Althego> write an email to a pole you know :)
L468[13:19:08] <Eddi|zuHause> i was like 10m into poland once
L469[13:19:24] <Eddi|zuHause> on the mountain we call "Schneekoppe"
L470[13:20:27] <Eddi|zuHause> (approached from the czech side)
L471[13:21:04] <Eddi|zuHause> https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schneekoppe
L472[13:21:22] <mischief> i hate when the attachment points in the editor get messed up
L473[13:21:33] <Althego> what do you mean
L474[13:21:54] <mischief> trying to put a fuselage on a crew cabin in plane mode
L475[13:22:00] <mischief> it wont line up with the center
L476[13:22:11] <mischief> it did a few minutes ago and now it wont
L477[13:22:24] <Althego> c?
L478[13:22:38] <mischief> nop
L479[13:22:52] <mischief> ... hitchhiker storage container works
L480[13:23:09] <mischief> aha
L481[13:23:13] <mischief> i reselected the part
L482[13:24:11] <Eddi|zuHause> sometimes the perspective is weird, and the nodes won't snap
L483[13:24:32] <Eddi|zuHause> i try it from different viewing angles in those cases
L484[13:25:40] <mischief> where the hell are you supposed to put engines on planes
L485[13:25:55] <Althego> in ksp? anywhere
L486[13:26:05] <Eddi|zuHause> i usually put a Mk0 tank under the wings
L487[13:26:20] <Eddi|zuHause> and the intake/engine on either side of that
L488[13:26:53] <Eddi|zuHause> with Juno engines, or sometimes rescaled Wheezing engines
L489[13:27:39] <JVFoxy> depends on the design.. usually out the back facing that way?
L490[13:27:46] <mischief> OH
L491[13:27:49] <mischief> tank under the wings
L492[13:27:53] <mischief> that makes so much more sense
L493[13:28:22] <JVFoxy> or on sides of the fusallage
L494[13:28:38] <Althego> that is a usual position. also on the sides of the body in a similar way with tank and intake
L495[13:28:53] <Althego> or at the end if there is no tail
L496[13:29:42] <Eddi|zuHause> i do that with the Mk2 stuff, engine at the end, and radial intake somewhere
L497[13:30:27] <Eddi|zuHause> i don't remember if that is stock or some mod, but there was a Mk2-to-2xMk1 adapter part
L498[13:30:34] <Eddi|zuHause> so you can put 2 engines at the end
L499[13:31:11] <JVFoxy> only trouble is.. what to do with intakes that case
L500[13:31:26] <JVFoxy> unless you the one cockpit with nods on either ends
L501[13:31:43] <mischief> it sorta flies :-D
L502[13:31:58] <Eddi|zuHause> i think last time i had the radial intake sort of like "ears" on the cockpit
L503[13:32:42] <Eddi|zuHause> another time i had them flat on the wings
L504[13:33:46] <JVFoxy> some reason I like the design I did with this one... https://imgur.com/a/KlmtbkW
L505[13:33:46] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/zioksod.jpg
L506[13:34:22] <Althego> yes this is nice, sort of actual airplane looks
L507[13:34:53] <Althego> i find that hard to do most of the time, because com doesnt want to align with col the way it does in a real airplane
L508[13:35:25] <Althego> i would just give a bit of angle to the winds so that they produce a bit lift in horizontal flight
L509[13:39:27] <mischief> anyone else's plane bounce while sitting on the strip
L510[13:39:42] <mischief> aw
L511[13:39:44] <mischief> i crashed :(
L512[13:39:48] <JVFoxy> then there is this crazy thing.. https://imgur.com/a/2EgtOEj
L513[13:39:48] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/PSCA0aV.jpg
L514[13:40:11] <Althego> yes there is something
L515[13:40:12] <JVFoxy> I have another variant, with engines a little more spaced out
L516[13:41:15] <JVFoxy> I don't really bother with angle too much.. things fly fast enough as is, very little trim up needed
L517[13:41:27] <mischief> bounced right into the water
L518[13:41:33] <Althego> hehe
L519[13:41:49] <JVFoxy> I'll add flaps.. help slow down. though does cause issues with pitching the plane down a bit sometimes
L520[13:45:22] <mischief> idk whats wrong
L521[13:45:31] <mischief> my plane just spins off to the side of the runway now
L522[13:46:24] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/67UYTeZ.jpg
L523[13:46:42] <Althego> during takeoff?
L524[13:46:46] <mischief> yes.
L525[13:46:46] <JVFoxy> let me guess.. isn't pitching up?
L526[13:47:02] <Althego> wheels too back, bending with wings, etc
L527[13:47:05] <JVFoxy> probably got your center of lift and main gear too far back
L528[13:47:16] <Mat2ch> Did you read the long how to build a plane tutorial? :)
L529[13:47:27] <mischief> no haha
L530[13:48:29] <JVFoxy> admitted, one of my fav sandbox planes I made https://imgur.com/a/ntsDONI
L531[13:48:30] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/HYLuGYj.png
L532[13:48:49] <Althego> hehe i like that wheel bay thing
L533[13:48:50] <mischief> looks like a plane
L534[13:49:04] <JVFoxy> mischief you might also wanna consider switching the tail and rudder fin models
L535[13:49:37] <Althego> is that pixel minmu?
L536[13:49:37] <JVFoxy> the larger control surface is good for pitch authority.. the y aw doesn't need quite as much.
L537[13:49:47] <Althego> s
L538[13:49:57] <JVFoxy> althego lol.. ya
L539[13:50:02] <JVFoxy> test flight to north pole
L540[13:50:56] <JVFoxy> ended up going here: https://imgur.com/a/8iNxZnk
L541[13:50:57] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/GYEVg35.jpg
L542[13:51:22] <Althego> is that the ufo?
L543[13:51:33] <JVFoxy> yup
L544[13:51:34] <mischief> wooo we made it
L545[13:51:35] <Althego> lol it has a shadow
L546[13:51:49] <Althego> through the hill
L547[13:51:52] <Althego> magic
L548[13:52:00] <JVFoxy> ya.. sorta why I took the pic
L549[13:52:29] <Althego> somehow all iridium flares happen from the west at very low angle, i cant see them from here
L550[13:52:50] <Althego> one would be -6
L551[13:55:22] <Althego> how many more iridium launches for spacex?
L552[13:57:14] <mischief> anyone daring enough to eva on a space plane o-o
L553[13:57:48] <Althego> altitude, speed?
L554[13:58:26] <JVFoxy> done it on a hovering rocket..
L555[13:58:40] <mischief> ok. i got a barometer and thermometer on my plane
L556[13:58:43] <mischief> time to go somewhere
L557[13:59:25] <JVFoxy> plane might be a problem.. unless you something to catch your kerbal as it disconnects from the handle bars and someone to pilot the craft leveled
L558[14:00:58] <mischief> god damnit
L559[14:01:03] <mischief> one little bump and boom
L560[14:01:06] <Althego> for example i have the atmo thingie on the science plane 3 right behind the ladder of the cockpit of the scientist. can go out, collect all data at moderate speeds, because the instruments prevents the scientist from falling off
L561[14:03:45] ⇨ Joins: Olympic1 (Olympic1!~Olympic1@ptr-cdbjg9ka3lu1skn13m6.18120a2.ip6.access.telenet.be)
L562[14:06:19] <JVFoxy> heh
L563[14:06:58] <JVFoxy> build a flying box... launch it into high alttitude, eva kerbal, get crew report while eva... parachute down
L564[14:09:14] <Althego> build a flying carpet
L565[14:09:59] <JVFoxy> well maybe 'crib'. incase kerbal doesn't stand up in time and slides off the edge
L566[14:16:53] <mischief> god damnit i can't get the plane to take off again
L567[14:17:04] <mischief> it just starts wobbling before it even gets off the ground
L568[14:24:11] <mischief> damn thing bounces for no reason too
L569[14:24:46] <JVFoxy> maybe consider a redesign?
L570[14:25:13] <mischief> i've tried so many things xD
L571[14:25:38] <Althego> change wheel altitude a bit
L572[14:25:42] <Althego> not on all 3
L573[14:25:53] <Althego> at least that seemedto help me with the bouncing
L574[14:25:58] <mischief> i tried the small landing gears
L575[14:26:00] <mischief> moved them around
L576[14:26:09] <mischief> also tried fixed landing gears in the rear
L577[14:26:14] <JVFoxy> the first level, landing gear suck totally
L578[14:26:29] <JVFoxy> I can take off with them, but landing is another matter entirely... even at the slowest
L579[14:26:39] <JVFoxy> you trying to build a plane right?
L580[14:26:51] <JVFoxy> just any plane or you looking for doing a specific mission?
L581[14:27:00] <mischief> any plane
L582[14:27:11] <mischief> (that doesn't wobble, bounce, can take off, etc)
L583[14:27:42] <JVFoxy> well... if its just to get a plane flying, may help to start off with something simple
L584[14:30:22] <mischief> i'm not really doing anything complicated
L585[14:30:31] <JVFoxy> also.. almost forgot, do you set what fuctions your control surfaces do?
L586[14:31:16] <mischief> no
L587[14:32:08] <JVFoxy> ok... disabling certain functions, means all the surfaces will try to do everything at once.. could also cause problems.
L588[14:32:31] <JVFoxy> you have surfaces on the back of your wings... so when you try to pick up, they may deflect the wrong way
L589[14:33:11] <mischief> as soon as i get any speed the plane just tilts off to one side
L590[14:33:13] <mischief> it's over from there
L591[14:35:32] <mischief> haha
L592[14:35:39] <mischief> it might help if i put the wheels the right direction.
L593[14:36:26] <JVFoxy> mm...
L594[14:36:33] <JVFoxy> try something like this? its simple.. 19 parts
L595[14:36:33] <JVFoxy> https://imgur.com/a/nyJDhLz
L596[14:36:34] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/d5V08gR.jpg
L597[14:36:55] <JVFoxy> just take care not to put engines directly head of the elevators
L598[14:37:25] <mischief> did you set that front wheel to inverted
L599[14:37:33] <mischief> nd the back too i guess
L600[14:37:56] <JVFoxy> no.. those are on there un touched for most part
L601[14:38:12] <JVFoxy> I did shift the nose up a little into the body so it would level the plane on teh ground
L602[14:39:09] <JVFoxy> the back wheels are on the tube part, not the wings. the were set mirrored and snapped. then I pulled them to the sides with the displays tool and snap off.
L603[14:45:02] <mischief> why?
L604[14:46:11] <JVFoxy> I guess a carry over from old times..?
L605[14:46:12] <mischief> my plane is virtually identical to yours
L606[14:46:21] <mischief> except i'm using swept wings since thats all i have really
L607[14:46:27] <JVFoxy> used to have to be vary careful with how landing gear were placed
L608[14:46:38] <mischief> about 5 seconds after applying thrust my plane just tilts over and crashes
L609[14:46:44] <JVFoxy> wings are same.. I just swing them forwards
L610[14:47:33] <JVFoxy> screen shot.. see whats going on? that sounds rather bad..
L611[14:48:45] <mischief> hm
L612[14:48:54] <mischief> i think turning on sas has something todo with it :|
L613[14:48:58] <Eddi|zuHause> that sounds like most of my planes :p
L614[14:49:12] <JVFoxy> SAS should be ok on or off
L615[14:49:45] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@86ff4179.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
L616[14:49:47] <JVFoxy> I mean.. I could try to do a 'step-by-step' tutorial..
L617[14:49:50] <Eddi|zuHause> SAS can be trouble sometimes
L618[14:50:12] <Eddi|zuHause> maybe try taking off without SAS, and turn it on once you have liftoff?
L619[14:50:38] <JVFoxy> I guess what isn't really obvious is how I setup the control surfaces, a few settings on the landing gears
L620[14:50:53] <Eddi|zuHause> last few times i tried entirely without SAS, and use trim to stay stable in the air, but i'm afraid i forgot how to do that
L621[14:51:27] <JVFoxy> trim is 'alt' and directional control
L622[14:51:44] <Eddi|zuHause> yes, and alt is right shift
L623[14:51:46] <JVFoxy> reset trim is alt+x in standard pc config
L624[14:52:35] <JVFoxy> mischief if you want.. I could see about setting up a stream video on how I built it
L625[14:52:46] <Eddi|zuHause> i also tend to have trouble staying straight on the runway
L626[14:53:11] <Eddi|zuHause> it's usually easier to turn and slide off the runway, then take off on the grass
L627[14:53:41] <mischief> i'm getting really pissed off honestly
L628[14:53:43] <mischief> xD
L629[14:53:53] <mischief> Eddi|zuHause: yeah but half the time it swerves
L630[14:54:09] <mischief> if i try to correct it, the plane swerves the other way..
L631[14:54:10] <JVFoxy> hold on... let me get the video going
L632[14:54:38] <Eddi|zuHause> try correcting with fine control?
L633[14:54:56] <Eddi|zuHause> and definitely without SAS
L634[14:55:04] <Eddi|zuHause> and disable the reaction wheels in the cockpit
L635[14:56:22] <mischief> that might help
L636[14:56:25] <mischief> lets see
L637[14:57:15] <Eddi|zuHause> and possibly switch of the control surfaces that turn left/right while on the ground
L638[14:57:19] <Eddi|zuHause> *off
L639[14:57:34] <Eddi|zuHause> only turn with the wheels
L640[14:58:46] <JVFoxy> if i showed you video would it help?
L641[14:59:01] <Eddi|zuHause> anyway, reaction wheels don't mix well with rover controls, they tend to want to turn the opposite way
L642[14:59:40] <mischief> JVFoxy: i hope so
L643[14:59:55] <mischief> i've been at this like 2 hours
L644[15:01:46] <JVFoxy> trying to find where the video link is.. just sec
L645[15:03:21] <JVFoxy> ok here we go.. see if this works
L646[15:03:22] <JVFoxy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sV82Z2qSCMs
L647[15:03:22] <kmath> YouTube - KSP - Helping build planes
L648[15:03:30] <JVFoxy> let me know when you are in there
L649[15:03:48] <mischief> watching
L650[15:06:49] <mischief> your mic is extremely quiet
L651[15:07:36] <mischief> bit of white noise but i can hear you now
L652[15:07:41] <mischief> oh
L653[15:07:43] <mischief> feedback xD
L654[15:15:17] <mischief> hm
L655[15:15:23] <mischief> maybe my dirt runway is too uneven
L656[15:15:50] ⇨ Joins: Supernovy (Supernovy!~Supernovy@
L657[15:15:59] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L658[15:16:12] <JVFoxy> which version you playing?
L659[15:16:39] <mischief> latest career mode
L660[15:16:55] <JVFoxy> runway should be smooth... it used to be pretty bumpy in early versoins.
L661[15:17:09] <mischief> it's dirt in early career mode
L662[15:17:11] <JVFoxy> was there anything you didn't understand?
L663[15:17:16] <JVFoxy> ya..
L664[15:17:20] <mischief> nope, i got it
L665[15:17:33] <mischief> how did you activate part rotate/linear move mode?
L666[15:17:57] <mischief> yeah this is KSP for windows
L667[15:18:04] <Eddi|zuHause> i'm sure there are tons of hotkeys that the game fails to properly inform you about
L668[15:18:08] <JVFoxy> 1 is placement, 2 is displacement, 3 is rotating
L669[15:18:33] <mischief> oh god damnit
L670[15:18:38] <mischief> my runway wasn't upgraded to level 2
L671[15:18:41] <mischief> might help :)
L672[15:19:00] <mischief> ill build a new ship after lunch with my new knowledge and try again
L673[15:19:02] <mischief> thanks JVFoxy
L674[15:22:05] <JVFoxy> alright.. hope it helps
L675[15:22:25] <oren> I nver bother upgrading the runway
L676[15:22:37] <oren> just go out to the grass and take off
L677[15:22:44] <JVFoxy> thats ok
L678[15:22:48] <APlayer> That's actually smart
L679[15:22:56] <oren> the grass is perfectly flat anyway and doesn't have seams
L680[15:22:57] <Eddi|zuHause> i never managed to hit the runway on landing
L681[15:22:58] <APlayer> The grass is smoother than the runway
L682[15:23:04] <JVFoxy> though I thoguth they fixed the bumpiness on the runway even for level 1
L683[15:23:26] <APlayer> Oh, I had two or three runway landings. Most of them were a set of a few bounces rather than a landing, though
L684[15:24:08] <Eddi|zuHause> ksc island landing is the worst
L685[15:24:08] <JVFoxy> it takes a bit of practice to get the landing right... knowing about your vessel's behaviors does help a bit.
L686[15:24:30] <oren> Eddi|zuHause: although now it has its own biome
L687[15:24:49] <Eddi|zuHause> haven't been there in like 3 major versions
L688[15:24:56] <APlayer> Since I'm not a plane guy and none of my winged atmospheric craft got used for longer than, say, a week of real time, that is out of the question
L689[15:25:05] <JVFoxy> I can do the island ok..
L690[15:25:12] <JVFoxy> what I have troubles with is landing on the main runway from the water
L691[15:25:32] <KrazyKrl> Make sure the front doesn't fall off.
L692[15:25:38] <JVFoxy> I know it sits high... its the slope up to it that throws me off, come down to it too low
L693[15:25:59] <Eddi|zuHause> RIP front fell off guy.
L694[15:26:12] <APlayer> One thing I did have fun with for some time, though, was building a small and extremely quick jet craft with tiny solid rockets that could be launched separately, and piggyback riding that on one of the large stock aircraft. Launch, separate planes in the air, and chase the large one with the fighter jet
L695[15:26:25] <oren> JVFoxy: I have notes somehwere about exactle the height of various flat areas on kerbin
L696[15:26:31] <APlayer> https://imgur.com/a/iaFv7
L697[15:27:58] <oren> JVFoxy: if you note down what the altimeter reads on the runway you can come in at the right height
L698[15:27:59] <JVFoxy> I was going to do a thing for flat spots on the mun.. then noticed how tiny they were
L699[15:28:06] <APlayer> (Also notice the decoupler between the cabin and the plane trunk. I /never/ fly planes without an emergency parachute landing system, and I end up aborting, like, every third plane flight)
L700[15:28:22] <mischief> oren | the grass is perfectly flat anyway and doesn't have seams
L701[15:28:30] <mischief> oren: then why does my plane bounce and swerve and shit
L702[15:28:43] <APlayer> Because my takeoff and landing maneuvers are the /worst/
L703[15:28:46] <oren> mischief: probably landing gear problems
L704[15:28:57] <JVFoxy> the radar altimeter helps, though sadly its inside the cockpit of piloted craft.. so eh..
L705[15:29:06] <APlayer> mischief, sorry, please keep the language clean...
L706[15:29:28] <JVFoxy> I actually do quite alright landing just visually... think its more that I use the water as a guide then get put off when the slopes hit me.
L707[15:29:29] <oren> JVFoxy: no I mean when you are on the run way, the main altimeter reads 74
L708[15:30:04] <JVFoxy> I've a video of my jump jet landing around, mountain, highlands and grasslands then runway.. no problems fidning height by looking
L709[15:30:27] <JVFoxy> oren ya but it also depends on height of cockpit too..
L710[15:30:31] <Eddi|zuHause> i used a mod that made the height show height above ground in surface mode, and height above sea level in orbit mode
L711[15:30:53] <JVFoxy> there isn't much in the way of runway guidance unless you have kerbinside..
L712[15:31:21] <Eddi|zuHause> i tried some runway alignment mod, but it didn't really help with actually aligning with the runway :p
L713[15:31:39] <JVFoxy> I used to take wheeled probes in sandbox mode, drive them beyond the runway, have them as distance markers to reference by
L714[15:32:00] <Eddi|zuHause> i was told people put flags down
L715[15:32:22] <Eddi|zuHause> but whenever i tried that, the game told me the runway was now occupied
L716[15:32:33] <JVFoxy> not on the runway
L717[15:32:37] <JVFoxy> you have to go out past the slope
L718[15:32:43] <Eddi|zuHause> yes
L719[15:32:53] <Eddi|zuHause> apparently i wasn't far enough
L720[15:33:17] <JVFoxy> for my markers.. I think was 250 meters... and 1km out
L721[15:37:50] <JVFoxy> derp... so youtube still processing the stream video.. do I keep...?
L722[15:40:26] <mischief> is there a way to lock pitch?
L723[15:40:50] <mischief> JVFoxy: its already up for me, i reviewed it
L724[15:41:59] <JVFoxy> lock pitch?
L725[15:42:04] <JVFoxy> mean as in trim or ..?
L726[15:42:30] <mischief> so i don't have to hold s to keep my nose up
L727[15:43:01] <JVFoxy> with SAS on... just push it up a little past..
L728[15:43:13] <mischief> sas is on
L729[15:43:16] <JVFoxy> off you use pitch trim with alt key and s or w
L730[15:43:21] <JVFoxy> alt and x resets it all
L731[15:43:39] <JVFoxy> weird... video still saying in proccessing, not showing up on my page yet. You probably still on the page from stream I'm guessing
L732[15:49:18] <mischief> okay
L733[15:49:19] <mischief> i flew
L734[15:49:23] <mischief> i crashed
L735[15:49:35] <mischief> maybe i will go back to rocket building now :p
L736[15:50:08] <mischief> rocket building is *easy* compared to that
L737[15:52:02] <Eddi|zuHause> planes take forever to get decent at flying. and then i stop playing the game for a while, and i have to start from scratch
L738[15:53:52] <JVFoxy> heh.. well considering I've been into flying and even student pilot with some hours dual now...
L739[15:54:06] ⇨ Joins: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@static-50-37-114-58.mscw.id.frontiernet.net)
L740[15:55:48] <Eddi|zuHause> something i found annoying while flying planes is, if you have SAS on, it doesn't follow the curvature of the planet
L741[15:56:01] <Rolf> Eddi|zuHause: yea
L742[15:56:05] <Eddi|zuHause> so you have to still tilt the nose every now and then
L743[15:56:17] <Rolf> I wonder if same is true for real planes
L744[15:56:29] <Rolf> earth is a lot bigger so maybe thats less of a problem
L745[15:56:47] <Eddi|zuHause> i'm sure real autopilots consider the altimeter
L746[15:57:44] <Eddi|zuHause> (that is probably even easier to measure than your direction in space)
L747[15:58:23] <Rolf> yeah. in fact I wonder if auto pilot uses that
L748[15:58:43] <JVFoxy> real autopilots reference alttitude usually
L749[15:59:00] <JVFoxy> they can also do rate of descent/assent
L750[15:59:38] <JVFoxy> think there is a mod.. not sure which, that allows you to set surface or orbit modes for SAS
L751[16:00:12] <JVFoxy> also sorry, ended up deleting the video... I wanna edit it anyways, cut out the delays
L752[16:00:17] <Rolf> nice
L753[16:03:43] <Eddi|zuHause> somehow in recent version of vlc, the "resize window to video" feature got broken
L754[16:05:16] ⇦ Quits: esspapier (esspapier!~esspapier@80-109-207-2.cable.dynamic.surfer.at) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L755[16:05:31] ⇨ Joins: esspapier (esspapier!~esspapier@80-109-207-2.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)
L756[16:05:38] <JVFoxy> I gave up using VLC to convert my mp4s to avi...
L757[16:05:52] <JVFoxy> seeing as moviemaker refuses to even see mp4..
L758[16:06:03] <JVFoxy> any case.. gotta do an errand...bbl
L759[16:06:15] <Eddi|zuHause> the window size flickers a few times on starting the video before it gets the right size, and when the video ends while in fullscreen, dragging a new video in will start that video in fullscreen, and exiting fullscreen then will not resize the window
L760[16:09:10] ⇦ Quits: Lyneira (Lyneira!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:20c:29ff:fea6:d040) (Quit: Bye)
L761[16:17:03] ⇦ Quits: Dozeman979 (Dozeman979!~D^man@2601:47:4180:854:7456:93ce:f479:d1ab) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L762[16:18:25] ⇦ Quits: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-160.2com.net) (Quit: Gasher)
L763[16:26:59] ⇨ Joins: Tank2333 (Tank2333!~Tank2333@p5DDAAA60.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L764[16:27:09] <Tank2333> hi
L765[16:27:10] <Mod9000> Hello, Tank2333
L766[16:27:26] <Tank2333> Hi Mod9000
L767[16:27:27] <Mod9000> How are things?
L768[16:52:18] <mischief> why are fixed landing wheels so bouncy
L769[16:52:59] <Supercheese> default spring values are not well-tuned for interplanetary landings
L770[16:53:06] <Supercheese> heck, they don't even work well on Kerbin
L771[16:53:08] <JVFoxy> always found them rather fragile. :\
L772[16:53:12] <Supercheese> try messing with the spring/damper settings
L773[16:53:14] <mischief> this is just sitting on kerbin
L774[16:53:23] <mischief> not even launched or use any engine or anything
L775[16:53:26] <mischief> my ship just bounces
L776[16:53:30] <Supercheese> oh that
L777[16:53:34] <JVFoxy> fix gear usually only good for very tiny craft
L778[16:53:38] <Supercheese> are you updated to the latest version?
L779[16:53:47] <Supercheese> there was a bug with landing gear in 1.4.2 IIRC
L780[16:54:02] <JVFoxy> supercheese oh.. which bug is that?
L781[16:54:04] <mischief> 1.4.4
L782[16:55:00] <Supercheese> https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/1.4.3#Bugfixes
L783[16:55:05] <Supercheese> " Fix suspension for wheels and legs when vessel coming off rails from bouncing.
L784[16:55:05] <Supercheese> Fix landing legs sometimes exploding on contact with ground."
L785[16:55:47] <Supercheese> excessive explodiness / bounciness
L786[16:56:00] <Supercheese> it does seem like the bounciness was never fully solved though
L787[16:56:19] <JVFoxy> oh wait.. landing leg or landing strut?
L788[16:56:20] <Supercheese> there were further tweaks in 1.4.4
L789[16:56:37] <Supercheese> the biggest bug affected landing struts exploding
L790[16:56:40] <mischief> the item called LY-01 Fixed Landing Gear
L791[16:56:45] <mischief> is the item i am complaining about
L792[16:56:47] <Supercheese> but excessively bouncy wheels/legs were also a problem
L793[16:56:49] <JVFoxy> ok ya... LY-01.. >.<
L794[16:57:01] <Supercheese> and evidently still are
L795[16:57:05] <JVFoxy> I just gave up on them in favour the next tier
L796[16:57:23] ⇨ Joins: Dozeman979 (Dozeman979!~D^man@2601:47:4180:854:7456:93ce:f479:d1ab)
L797[16:57:39] <JVFoxy> but then I found the toothpic landing legs had an issue of acting like they impaled the mun surface and kept the craft from settling properly
L798[16:57:46] <Supercheese> Yeah I think it's still a problem: https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/91qxxa/seriously_what_us_this_the_kraken_dance_or_what/
L799[16:58:29] <JVFoxy> not so much issue with those legs.. just the very tiny ones
L800[16:59:35] <Supercheese> hilarious video though
L801[16:59:45] <Supercheese> Stop! Kraken time.
L802[16:59:49] <mischief> okay
L803[16:59:53] <JVFoxy> they acted like the end of the leg had a hidden stake in the end. went into the ground, so the little probe craft would just sit propped up on one leg. sometimes would sway back and forth on it
L804[16:59:55] <mischief> my kerbal explorer works :)
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L812[17:32:32] <mischief> ok
L813[17:32:43] <mischief> got surface sample, eva report, science jr from almost every building
L814[17:35:07] <mischief> 22 stored data :)
L815[17:35:13] <mischief> lets see how much science i got
L816[17:36:04] <UmbralRaptop> Should be estimatable based on what it was saying when you collected it. Sadly KSC science multipliers are like 0.3.
L817[17:36:29] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/bk7lOpT.jpg
L818[17:36:35] <mischief> my ghetto cart :))
L819[17:37:37] <mischief> 7.5 science per materials study and 9.0 science per surface sample
L820[17:38:03] <mischief> 139.2 science :D
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L826[17:47:42] <Tank2333> what a design hehe
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L831[17:52:50] <UmbralRaptop> Yay!
L832[17:59:25] <Draconiator> as soon as I finish installing what I'm installing....I'ma make a shipyard inspired by the ones in Freelancer.
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L835[18:06:00] <ve2dmn> *sigh*
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L837[18:08:57] <ve2dmn> seems I missed all the fun
L838[18:14:25] <mischief> not yet
L839[18:14:32] <mischief> i'm making a communication satellite :-)
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L841[18:29:10] <mischief> my antennas keep breaking off at launch
L842[18:32:14] <mischief> it seems like around 45m/s they just snap off :/
L843[18:34:08] <Wastl2> Were those antennas retracted?
L844[18:34:17] <mischief> yes.
L845[18:34:47] <mischief> wait.
L846[18:34:49] <mischief> what the heck
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L848[18:35:36] <mischief> they were extended but their orientation made them look retracted :/
L849[18:36:04] <mischief> visual bug maybe
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L854[18:44:08] ⇦ Quits: Ezriilc (Ezriilc!~Ezriilc@ (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com))
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L856[18:45:55] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/80ec982f4867e245b8e8f70e92df5a7d.jpg - Happppppyyyyyy with how it came out.
L857[18:46:37] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/7OeMpM2.jpg
L858[18:46:40] <mischief> shes up :D
L859[18:47:05] <mischief> looking good Draconiator
L860[18:47:10] <mischief> how'd you get that thing up there?
L861[18:47:46] <Draconiator> Hyperedit
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L865[19:14:30] <Rokker> Zarthus: do you guys think you got the spammers handled
L866[19:15:06] <Zarthus> "handled".
L867[19:15:26] <Zarthus> it's up to channels to set preventative measures if they are being hit
L868[19:15:51] <Zarthus> we can currently only mitigate it after the crime, which doesn't really solve anything
L869[19:15:59] <Zarthus> because they have like a bazillion different hosts.
L870[19:16:02] <Rokker> hmmm
L871[19:16:29] <Rokker> Zarthus: have you guys tried telling them that this isnt freenode yet?
L872[19:16:40] <Zarthus> they do it on every network
L873[19:17:04] <Zarthus> freenode, esper, they'd send an IM to the Smart Fridge in your apartment if they could
L874[19:17:56] <Rokker> that would be entertaining rbh
L875[19:18:01] <Rokker> tbh
L876[19:24:18] <mischief> grrr
L877[19:24:22] <mischief> i'm in polar orbit
L878[19:24:27] <mischief> why doesn't this mission complete :(
L879[19:25:11] <mischief> what is 'reasonable deviation'
L880[19:26:56] <UmbralRaptop> Unsure. But as a silly check, it's possible to be going the 'wrong way'
L881[19:27:07] <mischief> i just realized that
L882[19:27:09] <mischief> that is dumb
L883[19:27:15] <mischief> how would i know for sure
L884[19:28:35] * UmbralRaptop would need to double check the UI on how it shows inclination.
L885[19:29:20] <Supernovy> I believe it swirls around the orbit in the direction you're meant to go. Whether the angle is 90 or 270 would depend on where the reference point is.
L886[19:30:02] <UmbralRaptop> the bright to faded transition?
L887[19:30:30] * mischief curses under his breath
L888[19:30:35] <mischief> there is in fact a swirly.
L889[19:30:53] * mischief reverts flight
L890[19:31:08] <Supernovy> I don't know how to describe it except as a swirly.
L891[19:31:13] <UmbralRaptop> That this happens moderately often suggests that the UI needs some work.
L892[19:31:55] <Supernovy> bright-to-faded is only on the craft's orbit I think
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L897[20:00:22] <Draconiator> https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=swirly
L898[20:08:02] <Tank2333> that doesnt sounds fun
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L900[20:11:14] <Tank2333> can one suddenly get too old for first person shooter games?
L901[20:13:13] <UmbralRaptop> Possibly
L902[20:17:18] ⇨ Joins: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net)
L903[20:23:32] <Draconiator> I like OLD first person shooters so :P
L904[20:26:44] <UmbralRaptop> old like gears of war, or old like marathon?
L905[20:26:50] <UmbralRaptop> <_<
L906[20:28:27] <Supercheese> Halo original probably
L907[20:28:31] <JVFoxy> doom ;P
L908[20:28:36] <Supercheese> oh sheesh
L909[20:28:38] <Supercheese> that's not old
L910[20:28:41] <Supercheese> that's Paleolithic
L911[20:28:59] <Supercheese> primordial
L912[20:29:52] <JVFoxy> you said old.. but now /how/ old
L913[20:30:10] <JVFoxy> nintendo duke nukem was actually pretty fun...
L914[20:30:15] <JVFoxy> multiplayer
L915[20:31:28] <UmbralRaptop> Duke Nukem 3D is way worse than you remember. Probably all of the Build engine games, really. =\
L916[20:34:43] <JVFoxy> there is always golden eye for n64.... could be worse
L917[20:37:51] <Tank2333> well its just that tried Fortnite (because i have a 13 year old nephew) and ragequited and i tried to pick up Fallout 4 again but i ragequited that too...
L918[20:38:40] <Draconiator> Wolfenstein 3D old
L919[20:38:45] <UmbralRaptop> Hrm
L920[20:38:54] <JVFoxy> heh ROTT
L921[20:39:00] <Tank2333> i didnt played fallout in like 1 1/2 years or so, i guess i need a few hours to even get used to the terrible UI
L922[20:39:18] <UmbralRaptop> Most recent FPS by release date I played was Ziggurat.
L923[20:39:28] <Tank2333> never heard of it
L924[20:39:29] <JVFoxy> friend lent me Halo 4...
L925[20:39:46] <UmbralRaptop> Tank2333: Anyway, try out an old ID game and see how it feels?
L926[20:40:01] <JVFoxy> then complained, said I was the only person he knew of that had a 360 but no gold membership.. its not even my box. Friend from ireland couldn't take it back home with him. :\
L927[20:40:36] <UmbralRaptop> ow
L928[20:40:50] <Tank2333> well i played Farcry 1 a bit lately and serious sam 3 or so with my friends and that went okay :)
L929[20:42:34] <Tank2333> i always felt the Xbox online membershipt thing was a ripoff, but sony does that now too? that you have to pay to play online?
L930[20:43:32] <JVFoxy> you see the live action Uncharted fan clip Nathan Fillion did?
L931[20:43:57] <JVFoxy> Halo 4.. you have to have online gold membership in order to play Spartan Ops.. it seems
L932[20:44:12] <Tank2333> also i feel like i cant be bothered to learn all these meta game mechanics in these new age PvP shooters
L933[20:44:12] <oren> Augh. Again, my ballistic missile landed in the wrong biome
L934[20:49:00] <oren> https://imgur.com/a/jDIK3h1 MAYBE THIS TIME??!?
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L936[20:51:01] <oren> it's really hard to aim thisbecause I forgot to add trajectories mod
L937[20:53:23] <oren> UUU YES this is the badlands
L938[20:53:25] <Tank2333> is that with real sized planets?
L939[20:53:38] <oren> no, it's just kerbin
L940[20:54:10] <Tank2333> why bother with ballistic? for fun?
L941[20:54:37] <oren> because I dont wanna fly a plane for that long
L942[20:56:04] <JVFoxy> hmm... to pole and back, 1 hour 20 minutes twin juno power...
L943[20:56:43] <JVFoxy> I think I got it down with a trio of the first tier fan jets.. wheezlies I think they were?
L944[20:57:04] <JVFoxy> ... down to 40 minutes.. I could go faster but, then you just burning fuel for little tain
L945[20:57:06] <JVFoxy> gain
L946[20:57:45] <UmbralRaptop> physwarp?
L947[20:58:03] <oren> I already hit the poles with these missiles. those are easy because there
L948[20:58:16] <oren> 's no adjeustment due to kerbin spin
L949[20:58:30] <JVFoxy> well... north and south, then there are the caps and tundra
L950[20:59:24] <JVFoxy> tundra is just one bio... think it was caps or the other than that is another bio.. then you have north and south.. think its the ice itself over water
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L952[21:00:23] <oren> the main problem my current launch stack has is that I don't have a probe body with SAS yes
L953[21:00:27] <oren> yet
L954[21:01:06] <JVFoxy> staypuntnick.. or however it's spelled?
L955[21:01:39] <oren> yeah
L956[21:02:06] <JVFoxy> I find that one is mostly good for sounding rockets or ground vehicles...
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L958[21:02:39] <oren> I've been using it for my first set of satellites
L959[21:03:20] <JVFoxy> its ok.. long as you don't mind constantly fine tuning the flight
L960[21:04:01] <oren> And also, knowing my rocket can fly without SAS means I can put bill or bob on top of it NP
L961[21:04:02] <JVFoxy> no reaction wheels unless you add them... sort of why I think they good for ground based stuff
L962[21:06:44] <oren> yeah, the bavaria-1 stack has all gimbaling engines to avoid that
L963[21:07:36] <JVFoxy> I usually use the swivel for a lot of my stuff...
L964[21:07:43] <JVFoxy> other than second stage
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L969[21:34:28] <Tank2333> bavaria-1?
L970[21:34:45] <UmbralRaptop> bavari~1
L971[21:35:04] <Tank2333> what is that?
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L973[21:40:40] <Tank2333> Ok im trying out the new Rimworld version, wish me luck ^^
L974[21:42:22] <MoscowMeow> good luck
L975[21:42:44] <umaxtu> is 1.0 out?
L976[21:44:38] <oren> Tank2333: it's the name I use for one of my launchers
L977[21:45:06] <Tank2333> no but the unstable puplic test,
L978[21:45:22] <umaxtu> ah ok
L979[21:45:28] <Tank2333> i think he released it a month ago or so
L980[21:45:47] <Tank2333> the list of changes is like 4 pages long
L981[21:47:52] <oren> https://imgur.com/MBWweLXhttps://imgur.com/MBWweLXhttps://imgur.com/MBWweLXhttps://imgur.com/MBWweLX ok trying to relearn how to fly vtols
L982[21:47:52] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/MBWweLX.jpg
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L987[21:54:57] <oren> how do I land
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L991[22:00:51] <umaxtu> oren, hit the ground slowly
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L993[22:14:34] <mischief> oren: carefully.
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L999[22:27:12] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/95943ed2871380de4c535313724653d6.png - Yep, my download speed says we're still living in the future, lol
L1000[22:28:33] <umaxtu> I top out at about a quarter of that
L1001[22:28:55] <umaxtu> though, gigabit fiber is slowly working its way towards me
L1002[22:32:19] <mischief> ok. plan is to get a probe around the mun and a lander on and off it at the same time.
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L1006[23:08:59] <GlassYuri> ...apparently you can bring back a deleted twitter account including all past tweets and followers
L1007[23:09:20] ⇦ Quits: umaxtu (umaxtu!~umaxtu@50-76-183-209-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1009[23:16:44] <UmbralRaptop> Deleted, or something else? (suspended, deactivated, etc)
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L1011[23:28:01] ⇦ Parts: Arynnia (Arynnia!~Niadra@cpe-76-178-25-35.natnow.res.rr.com) ())
L1012[23:28:02] <mischief> that's odd
L1013[23:28:15] <mischief> i could have swore i put a satellite around the mun and it's not there now..
L1014[23:28:46] <JVFoxy> ... reverted?
L1015[23:28:54] <mischief> nope.
L1016[23:29:05] <mischief> i gotta redo the mission anyway since my mun lander crashed on reentry
L1017[23:29:15] <mischief> but the satellite i sent on the same trip should have lived
L1018[23:29:18] <mischief> pretty odd
L1019[23:29:30] <GlassYuri> UmbralRaptop, well the account disappeared two months ago and came back today, and when I went to follow it again I noticed that I was already following
L1020[23:30:33] <GlassYuri> I didn't even know that it was possible to deactivate an account
L1021[23:31:26] <JVFoxy> if the satellite was place on same mission as lander, and you reverted because lander crashed, it pulls everything back to before the start of o the mission
L1022[23:31:52] <JVFoxy> if you go back to something already in flight, it doesn't let you revert...
L1023[23:37:09] <JVFoxy> ok.. that is sad... tutorial video I streamed earlier, the recording only ended up saving the first 2 minutes then cuts out
L1024[23:41:19] ⇦ Quits: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@c-73-158-172-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving...)
L1025[23:42:45] <UmbralRaptop> ow
L1026[23:45:38] <JVFoxy> suppose I could just redo it if was really up to it..
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