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L1[00:01:24] <Neal1> probably altimeters on the rocket
L2[00:02:32] ⇨ Joins: Kaelten (Kaelten!~Kaelten@2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fe15:5b71)
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L8[00:15:40] ⇨ Joins: Guest83476 (Guest83476!webchat@
L9[00:17:23] <Guest83476> Hello
L10[00:17:26] <Mod9000> Hello, Guest83476
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L17[00:36:00] <Rhys989> hello?
L18[00:36:19] <Rhys989> can I get help please?
L19[00:37:25] ⇦ Quits: Kevin (Kevin!~kevin@99-96-59-46.lightspeed.milwwi.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
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L22[00:44:04] <UmbralRaptop> Can you be more specific? (or just leave without actually asking a question)
L23[00:52:16] ⇨ Joins: Rhys989 (Rhys989!webchat@host109-155-227-169.range109-155.btcentralplus.com)
L24[00:52:24] <Rhys989> hello?
L25[00:52:45] <Rhys989> help?
L26[00:53:24] <UmbralRaptop> We cannot help if you never state the nature of the problem and just leave.
L27[00:53:52] ⇦ Quits: SnipersLaww (SnipersLaww!~SnipersLa@99-113-251-124.lightspeed.glptms.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L28[00:54:05] <UmbralRaptop> Additionally, IRC is not always real time. Sort of like the forums. Note that eg: it's the middle of the night in the US.
L29[00:54:19] <KrazyKrl> multiplayer notepad.
L30[00:54:32] ⇨ Joins: SnipersLaww (SnipersLaww!~SnipersLa@99-113-251-124.lightspeed.glptms.sbcglobal.net)
L31[00:55:47] <Rhys989> sorry, I dc
L32[00:56:44] ⇦ Quits: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L33[00:56:47] <UmbralRaptop> okay
L34[00:56:57] ⇨ Joins: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com)
L35[00:58:50] <Rhys989> I have this problem in KSP. My 'ship' falls apart on the launch pad after loading in. Never happened before, it has about 110 parts, I thought I had an auto-strut mod installed and in the right file directory so I did not strut manually, there does not seem to be any indication that it is working and no visual cue. Any Ideas why my ship is falling
L36[00:58:50] <Rhys989> apart and how to sort it?
L37[00:59:18] <Rhys989> 110/203 parts
L38[00:59:30] ⇨ Joins: kubi (kubi!~kubi@c-d6af71d5.018-143-73746f43.bbcust.telenor.se)
L39[01:00:20] <Rhys989> falls apart and explodes.
L40[01:00:21] <UmbralRaptop> Screenshot of the craft?
L41[01:00:38] <Rhys989> ''and it exploded!'' lol
L42[01:00:53] <Rhys989> no screen shot yet.
L43[01:01:06] <Rhys989> How to take screen shot?
L44[01:02:51] <UmbralRaptop> F1
L45[01:03:03] <Rhys989> okay I will try to get Screen shot
L46[01:03:57] <UmbralRaptop> It'll be in (whatever you KSP directory is)/Screenshots
L47[01:04:41] ⇦ Quits: kubi (kubi!~kubi@c-d6af71d5.018-143-73746f43.bbcust.telenor.se) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L48[01:05:14] <Rhys989> I pushed F1, how to paste in here?
L49[01:06:37] <UmbralRaptop> Upload to your preferred image hosting site (eg: imgur) and paste the link.
L50[01:07:20] <Rhys989> I do not know about any hosting site
L51[01:08:50] <KrazyKrl> if you use steam, you can link a steam screenshot you have uploaded.
L52[01:09:28] <Rhys989> i think i found imgur here
L53[01:10:51] <Rhys989> ok, here is link, this is not finished build, I went to launch to try to find the source of the oxidizer I do not want on the build, that is where I noticed problem with structural integrity.
L54[01:10:52] <Rhys989> https://imgur.com/a/8J8ijwY
L55[01:11:43] <KrazyKrl> oh lord the part clipping.
L56[01:11:58] <Rhys989> huh?
L57[01:12:42] <UmbralRaptop> KrazyKrl: bad enough to cause their problems?
L58[01:13:16] <UmbralRaptop> Rhys989: the way lots of parts are overlapping / clipping through each other.
L59[01:13:28] <Rhys989> I see. there was an earlier version without the part clipping and it did not boom
L60[01:13:55] <Rhys989> so the part clipping is the problem?
L61[01:14:03] <KrazyKrl> Yea, probably. You are clipping parts into other parts which are not attached in a parent-child relationship.
L62[01:14:24] <KrazyKrl> you're creating intersecting cousins.
L63[01:14:34] <Rhys989> imbreeding?
L64[01:15:17] <KrazyKrl> no. Parts are specifically set to not really interfere with their immediate part that they were attached to.
L65[01:15:31] <KrazyKrl> think of a tree where the branches are rubbing together.
L66[01:16:11] <Rhys989> I do not really understand the business about the symetry with parent and vessel. it looks the same. Could you sudgest a online video explaining it.
L67[01:17:02] <KrazyKrl> The main thing is... you're clipping heavy fuel tanks into MULTIPLE other heavy fuel tanks. Clipping is practically voodoo in the best of times.
L68[01:17:40] <Rhys989> you think that bad, you should see underneath
L69[01:17:51] <Rhys989> oh mercy
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L71[01:18:28] <Rhys989> should i just stick to connecting things like that to the main core body then?
L72[01:19:37] <KrazyKrl> try to limit clipping to tucking things into their parent part a bit.
L73[01:20:10] <KrazyKrl> having 1 part touching 4 other parts where those 4 parts touch 16 other parts where those 16 parts touch 64 other parts...
L74[01:20:47] <Rhys989> how to identify the parent? Yes I am noob, I hardly been out of Kerbal SOI
L75[01:20:55] <Rhys989> Kerbin
L76[01:21:47] <KrazyKrl> it's just how you build the craft (and how it's programmed internally)... you have the root part which is the first part you placed. then you build it like a tree that sprouts branches from a trunk.
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L78[01:22:05] <KrazyKrl> the main point is... don't clip stuff too much.
L79[01:22:24] <Rhys989> but I need/want the fuel
L80[01:22:30] <Rhys989> underneath
L81[01:22:31] <Rhys989> https://imgur.com/a/FXxozGB
L82[01:22:32] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/JCKG0iK.jpg
L83[01:22:53] <KrazyKrl> yes, and it looks neat. but the physics engine doesn't like it.
L84[01:23:22] <UmbralRaptop> The amount of fuel is fine. The tanks intersecting, however…
L85[01:23:52] <KrazyKrl> not only are they intersecting... there are decouplers in there.
L86[01:24:39] <KrazyKrl> what does the flight report say after it explodes?
L87[01:24:44] <Rhys989> no decouplers, just the senior docking port (1)
L88[01:24:53] <KrazyKrl> especially the very top entry of the initial failure.
L89[01:25:06] <Rhys989> I did not look, I only did it once
L90[01:25:18] <Rhys989> too annoyed to look.
L91[01:25:35] <KrazyKrl> well, that would tell you almost exactly what problem you have.
L92[01:26:46] <Rhys989> build currently has 70760 units of LF on it, how much to go to eloo and back to Kerbin low orbit?
L93[01:27:38] <Rhys989> I want to use it as a tug to anywhere that stays in space
L94[01:27:58] <Rhys989> afk
L95[01:30:41] ⇨ Joins: Blaank (Blaank!~Blaankk@c-24-11-223-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
L96[01:35:39] <UmbralRaptop> The amount of fuel needed depends on the mass of the craft (including what it's pushing), the Isp of the engines, and the type of trajectory taken.
L97[01:36:38] <KrazyKrl> 71k fuel with NERVAs is going to get you VERY far.
L98[01:38:43] <Rhys989> the isp is 800
L99[01:38:52] <Rhys989> thrust is 1920
L100[01:39:33] <KrazyKrl> you have a lot of dry weight due to lots of tanks and engines.
L101[01:39:37] <Rhys989> mass is 508 metric tons
L102[01:41:11] <Rhys989> oh, oops. I miss read your previous text, I read it as negative
L103[01:42:12] <UmbralRaptop> ;c 71e3/200
L104[01:42:12] <kmath> UmbralRaptop: 355
L105[01:42:29] <Rhys989> I think I was originally aiming for 33k Dv but now expecting 10k Dv
L106[01:42:54] <UmbralRaptop> ;c 9.80665*800*ln(508/153)
L107[01:42:54] <kmath> UmbralRaptop: 9414.725476857913769
L108[01:43:24] <UmbralRaptop> ;c 800*9.80665*ln(9)
L109[01:43:25] <kmath> UmbralRaptop: 17237.929921067388648
L110[01:43:36] <Rhys989> I was putting all that fuel there because I was aiming for 10k fuel and 10k Dv
L111[01:44:24] <Rhys989> I wanted 33k Dv but it was starting to look unrealistic figure
L112[01:45:25] <Rhys989> and I wanted 2k thrust but I have settled for 1920
L113[01:45:30] <UmbralRaptop> 33 km/s would require at least 2 stages (and more practically 3)
L114[01:46:30] <Rhys989> well, I have not got as far as a lifter yet, it actually achieves a TWR=1.06 at 5.3 km or so
L115[01:47:45] <Rhys989> I wanted to isolate and remove the oxidiser when i first noticed its structural integ. problem
L116[01:48:21] <Rhys989> But now it would seem I would have to pick it apart in the VAB now anyway to get rid of the clipping
L117[01:48:44] <Rhys989> somehow, I managed to bury some oxidiser in there.
L118[01:49:16] ⇦ Quits: Supernovy (Supernovy!~Supernovy@ (Quit: Goodnight.)
L119[01:49:59] ⇦ Quits: Neal1 (Neal1!~Neal@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L120[01:50:02] <Rhys989> I do not understand your numbers in above text
L121[01:51:37] <KrazyKrl> calculated your dV as ~17,000 unless i'm not reading it correctly.
L122[01:53:58] <KrazyKrl> this still relevant? https://i.imgur.com/O1dN4.png
L123[01:54:05] <KrazyKrl> pretty close probably.
L124[01:57:02] ⇦ Quits: Rhys989 (Rhys989!webchat@host109-155-227-169.range109-155.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
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L126[01:58:41] <Rhys989> click for lol
L127[01:58:43] <Rhys989> https://imgur.com/a/tQkPxMj
L128[01:58:44] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/yJFHxs9.png
L129[01:59:06] <KrazyKrl> Did the front fall off?
L130[01:59:22] ⇨ Joins: Gasher[work] (Gasher[work]!~Gasher@
L131[02:00:01] <Rhys989> core is intact
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L133[02:00:39] <Rhys989> how to bring up mission in game log?
L134[02:01:44] ⇨ Joins: rubdos (rubdos!~rubdos@ptr-1uzevqefjgxdm5wv65h.18120a2.ip6.access.telenet.be)
L135[02:05:46] <KrazyKrl> F3 iirc.
L136[02:06:48] <Rhys989> dam, i just reverted
L137[02:06:59] <Rhys989> what is iirc?
L138[02:07:33] <KrazyKrl> if i recall correctly
L139[02:07:50] <KrazyKrl> and yes, it's F3 to toggle results screen in KSP.
L140[02:08:28] <Rhys989> k thanks
L141[02:14:02] ⇦ Quits: Rhys989 (Rhys989!webchat@host109-155-227-169.range109-155.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
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L157[04:17:06] <Mat2ch> UmbralRaptop: in Celcius please
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L165[07:17:45] ⇨ Joins: mischief (mischief!~mischief@offblast.org)
L166[07:17:55] <mischief> hi
L167[07:17:56] <Mod9000> Hello, mischief
L168[07:18:19] <mischief> i interrupted an eva by starting another eva, and i reboarded the ship. but how do i gain control of the first eva again?
L169[07:18:52] <mischief> the pause menu warns that 'you are on a ladder' if i try to click tracking station
L170[07:20:43] <JCB> still there?
L171[07:20:49] <JCB> which version ksp?
L172[07:21:55] <mischief> 1.4.4
L173[07:22:54] <JCB> ah ok so pc..
L174[07:23:10] <JCB> you'll want to 'switch vessels'.. that is done with the [ and ] keys
L175[07:23:28] <JCB> it'll work as long as vessels are within 2km of each other
L176[07:23:44] <mischief> hooray! :-)
L177[07:23:53] <mischief> that was easy
L178[07:24:20] <JCB> so.. now if you wanna do a rescue mission later.. you know how to take command of the other kerbal/vessel when you get close enough
L179[07:25:28] <mischief> now to get these kerbs home
L180[07:25:32] <mischief> 40 fuel :v
L181[07:25:57] <JCB> very carefully?
L182[07:26:22] <JCB> long as you can get part of your orbit down past 70km.. you'll eventually come down
L183[07:27:25] <mischief> i am in orbit around the mun xD
L184[07:27:45] <mischief> i had to eva to reset my science jr
L185[07:28:09] <mischief> the scientist is in the crew cabin, so i had to eva the pilot in the command module first, and then transfer him since there's no crew hatch
L186[07:29:02] <JCB> oh mun...
L187[07:29:08] <JCB> ya that can pose a bit of a problem..
L188[07:29:46] <JCB> is it equipped with docking ports?
L189[07:30:21] <mischief> no
L190[07:30:28] <mischief> not that far in career yet
L191[07:31:44] <JCB> could always get out and push.. though that gets a little tricky
L192[07:32:24] <Gasher[work]> rescue missio
L193[07:32:26] <JCB> unless you have relays around the mun... wouldn't suggest a robotic resuce
L194[07:32:37] <Gasher[work]> then rescue mission for the rescue mission
L195[07:32:58] <JCB> nah.. I tend to like planning my stuff a little better
L196[07:33:19] <mischief> damnit
L197[07:33:33] <JCB> do have a rescue contract mission... no idea where kerbal was till I took it. stupid ended up half way to the south pole on the mun
L198[07:33:37] <mischief> 1.m million meters from kerbin
L199[07:33:47] <JCB> oh..
L200[07:33:48] <mischief> 1.3
L201[07:33:58] <mischief> i almost got my trajectory back but ran out of fuel.
L202[07:34:04] <JCB> was going to suggest holding off till you could get something else out there
L203[07:34:38] <mischief> how do you 'get out and push'?
L204[07:34:42] <JCB> not a total loss.. just need to get something out there to help it before the mun throws your orbit out of wack
L205[07:34:47] <Gasher[work]> 1)get out 2) push
L206[07:34:51] <JCB> kerbals have jetpacks..
L207[07:34:56] <mischief> i mean
L208[07:35:00] <Gasher[work]> and they replendish fuel for free
L209[07:35:01] <mischief> i can't hold onto ladder no?
L210[07:35:06] <Gasher[work]> no
L211[07:35:08] <JCB> you have a pilot right?
L212[07:35:24] <JCB> get one non-pilot out... because you want the pilot to keep the ship stable
L213[07:35:52] <JCB> jet around to a spot, use the kerbal to bump into the ship, push it retro further.. just take care not to run out of pack fuel
L214[07:36:05] <Gasher[work]> turn on SAS, put pilot in, orient the craft the way you need, get the other kerbal so that it would face the craft's bottom where up is the direction of where it was oriented then turn on jetpack with IJKL buttons forward
L215[07:36:09] <mischief> roger
L216[07:36:40] <JCB> you'll have to do some shuffling around with crew because of the one exit
L217[07:36:54] ⇦ Quits: Deddly (Deddly!uid297108@id-297108.stonehaven.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L218[07:36:59] <JCB> unfortunatley, if crew isn't pilot... SAS won't work
L219[07:37:14] <Gasher[work]> it's tedious
L220[07:37:29] <Gasher[work]> reallly, a rescue mission could take much less IRL time
L221[07:37:54] <JCB> hopefully... craft won't just blow up on re-entry
L222[07:39:48] <mischief> the eva jets barely do .1m/s change
L223[07:40:39] <Gasher[work]> as i said, tedious
L224[07:40:46] <Gasher[work]> well they are infinite
L225[07:47:18] <mischief> covered 400k meters so far :)
L226[07:47:30] <mischief> few more rounds of eva and i might make it back home
L227[08:09:10] <JCB> progress?
L228[08:10:34] ⇦ Quits: Gasher[work] (Gasher[work]!~Gasher@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L229[08:10:52] <mischief> ~200000m to go
L230[08:10:58] <mischief> :P
L231[08:11:03] <JCB> ah
L232[08:11:36] <mischief> i will probably just burn up anyway
L233[08:14:48] <mischief> what might an ideal altitude for a hot entry be
L234[08:14:58] <mischief> i don't really wanna go back around either
L235[08:20:29] <JCB> from LKO.. usually I set to 35km
L236[08:21:20] <JCB> might wanna be around 50-55... give yourself a few rounds. likley going in too fast to do a direct descent
L237[08:22:18] <mischief> we have lost the crew cabit
L238[08:22:20] <mischief> cabin.
L239[08:25:01] <mischief> hooray
L240[08:25:04] <mischief> chutes deployed
L241[08:25:24] <mischief> only my command pod, service bay with batteries, and chutes survived
L242[08:25:31] <mischief> everything else burned off :(
L243[08:25:42] <JCB> probably came down too deep
L244[08:26:29] <mischief> was 35km
L245[08:26:35] <mischief> but it got hot pretty fast
L246[08:26:41] <mischief> was going in at like 3200m/s..
L247[08:26:41] ⇦ Quits: Blaank (Blaank!~Blaankk@c-24-11-223-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L248[08:28:50] <mischief> RIP bob and valentina.
L249[08:30:15] <JCB> 35.. only if you in stable LKO orbit..
L250[08:30:25] <JCB> otherwise.. coming from moon, ya, you'll have too much speed built on
L251[08:31:42] <JCB> I'mma make a video.. my jump jet pod thing.. reaching out to the mountains to get surface sample
L252[08:33:55] <mischief> what is this nonsense
L253[08:34:01] <mischief> take *five* tourists to the mun
L254[08:34:19] <mischief> i need coffee
L255[08:36:03] ⇨ Joins: NolanSyKinsley (NolanSyKinsley!~NolanSyKi@cpe-104-35-73-144.socal.res.rr.com)
L256[08:41:45] <JCB> s'ok.. I took 10
L257[08:41:52] <JCB> 2 wanted just Kerbin orbit
L258[08:42:02] <JCB> so 12 total.. plus pilot ;)
L259[09:05:55] ⇦ Quits: Azander (Azander!~J@mobile-166-170-25-126.mycingular.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L265[09:18:15] <JCB> wee...
L266[09:19:53] ⇨ Joins: Blaank (Blaank!~Blaankk@c-24-11-223-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
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L268[09:47:06] <JCB> ferg...
L269[09:47:30] <JCB> having to convert video... little sounds in background from KSP... ya, got a little messed up. >.<
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L279[10:56:34] <UmbralRaptop> https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-05291-5#Ack1
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L287[11:16:16] <mischief> now i got *onto* the mun
L288[11:16:18] <mischief> now to get off :)
L289[11:19:10] <mischief> crap
L290[11:19:15] <mischief> have 3 fuel.
L291[11:23:45] <mischief> reverted flight. :(
L292[11:27:26] ⇨ Joins: McKaby (McKaby!~Forgon@
L293[11:35:03] <UmbralRaptop> Or rescue mission.
L294[11:40:12] ⇨ Joins: cockmaster_ (cockmaster_!~cockmaste@blez.whigement.net)
L295[11:40:16] <cockmaster_> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member 'kloeri' https://bryanostergaard.com/
L296[11:43:13] *** cockmaster_ was kicked by UmbralRaptop (polyticks))
L297[11:43:38] ⇨ Joins: Ezriilc (Ezriilc!~Ezriilc@
L298[11:45:24] ⇨ Joins: APlayer (APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BC0FD0039C500E2A5E7923C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L300[11:52:52] ⇨ Joins: cockmaster_ (cockmaster_!~cockmaste@blez.whigement.net)
L301[11:52:56] <cockmaster_> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member 'kloeri' https://bryanostergaard.com/
L302[11:53:02] ⇦ Quits: cockmaster_ (cockmaster_!~cockmaste@blez.whigement.net) (Network ban)
L303[11:54:45] <UmbralRaptop> Yay, IRCOps
L304[12:00:25] <Neal1> Infrared Cops
L305[12:01:37] * UmbralRaptop hands Zarthus, Hikaru, mr_flea, et al dewers of liquid nitrogen.
L306[12:01:54] *** Neal1 is now known as Neal
L307[12:02:03] <Zarthus> ah, more fuel for the ircds
L308[12:03:20] ⇦ Quits: coalhot (coalhot!~coalhot@pool-173-59-20-178.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L309[12:08:25] <mischief> my rocket sucks
L310[12:09:14] <UmbralRaptop> That's just the turbopumps.
L311[12:11:25] <APlayer> Aww, I missed the fun again
L312[12:11:39] <APlayer> Not by that much, though
L313[12:13:56] ⇨ Joins: coalhot (coalhot!~coalhot@pool-173-59-20-178.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)
L314[12:16:20] <Mat2ch> oh, wow, somebody is driving a real smear campaign against kloeri. With fake blog posts and stuff.
L315[12:19:00] ⇨ Joins: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-159.2com.net)
L316[12:19:04] <Neal> they're not even on the right network
L317[12:22:12] <Draconiator> What the heck did the guy do anyway?
L318[12:25:11] <Zarthus> my experience on what is necessary to do in order to end up being harassed on the internet: nada.
L319[12:32:13] <APlayer> The internet is a very interesting place. All sorts of stuff going on.
L320[12:32:27] <APlayer> Not all of the things you can find there are nice.
L321[12:32:38] <mischief> so do i swap my 4 thumper boosters for liquid fuel engines and chain them with a pipe to my main engine?
L322[12:32:47] <mischief> err, 6 thumpers
L323[12:33:33] <APlayer> mischief: An image, as well as the issues your rocket has, would be helpful.
L324[12:33:59] <mischief> i lack oomph
L325[12:34:31] <APlayer> Either use MOAR boosters, LESS weight, or DIFFERENT boosters. ;-)
L326[12:34:44] <mischief> word
L327[12:34:52] <mischief> i could upgrade from 6 thumpers to 6 kickbacks
L328[12:34:59] <mischief> they cost a lot though :(
L329[12:35:18] <APlayer> Liquid engine & fuel tank stacks can also be considered as boosters
L330[12:35:27] <mischief> rocket's already at $33,192 kerb-bucks or whatever they are.
L331[12:35:28] <APlayer> But, again, an image would help me help you
L332[12:36:33] <UmbralRaptop> It's entirely possible that eg: 6 thumpers → 4 kickbacks would make sense.
L333[12:36:44] <UmbralRaptop> But also, pics.
L334[12:37:02] <mischief> i.imgur.com/joHB69U.jpg
L335[12:37:09] <mischief> err
L336[12:37:20] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/2iCQN89.jpg
L337[12:37:42] <APlayer> The rocket you are requesting does not exist or is no longer available.
L338[12:37:46] <Mat2ch> needs moar boosters
L339[12:37:59] <APlayer> Is this a Mun lander?
L340[12:38:05] <mischief> yeah
L341[12:38:14] <APlayer> Pretty sure the lander tank can be halved in size
L342[12:38:29] <mischief> APlayer: it was halved the first time around
L343[12:38:36] <mischief> first time i made it the whole way and then i ran out of fuel trying to deorbit back to home
L344[12:38:47] <mischief> 16:19:09 mischief | crap
L345[12:38:52] <mischief> 16:19:15 mischief | have 3 fuel.
L346[12:38:54] <mischief> 16:23:45 mischief | reverted flight. :(
L347[12:39:02] <APlayer> Don't need the reaction wheels on it either, you have strong built in ones in the capsule
L348[12:39:35] <APlayer> I'm pretty sure the issue is related to your trajectory if you're not making it. At most, add a half size tank with a quarter size one
L349[12:39:45] <UmbralRaptop> I bet adding another tank of liquid fuel somewhere would do the most for Δv.
L350[12:40:14] <mischief> i could put another Large tank for my Skipper engine
L351[12:40:42] <mischief> (thats on the bottom)
L352[12:40:53] ⇨ Joins: txgl3mos (txgl3mos!~matheus@2804:14c:6591:82c9::1)
L353[12:41:56] <APlayer> DO you have KER or MechJeb to show the delta V readouts?
L354[12:41:59] <APlayer> Do*
L355[12:42:57] <mischief> nope, mod free :-P
L356[12:43:03] <APlayer> Ah, I see
L357[12:43:11] <mischief> i suppose i should get mechjeb, but i wanted to try career without mods
L358[12:43:52] <APlayer> Well, I once again suggest beginning the modifications with the lander, because you can make it lighter, and that's what saves the most dv
L359[12:44:10] <mischief> APlayer: my problems so far have been getting *off* the mun though
L360[12:44:41] <mischief> i could ditch a battery and half the tank back to the original but not much else.
L361[12:44:41] <APlayer> Can you record the dry and fuelled mass of the lander for me?
L362[12:44:57] <APlayer> You can also ditch the reaction wheels
L363[12:45:48] <UmbralRaptop> ΔV information is so important that it arguably should be stock.
L364[12:46:08] <mischief> engineer report seems to say 4.085t
L365[12:46:22] <APlayer> When dry?
L366[12:46:28] <mischief> tank is FL-T400
L367[12:46:33] <mischief> i assume that's full.
L368[12:46:49] <mischief> let's see..
L369[12:46:50] <APlayer> If you right click the tank, you can change the amount of fuel in it with the sliders
L370[12:46:59] <APlayer> Default is full
L371[12:47:10] <mischief> FL-T400 is 2.25t, liquid fuel is 0.9 t and oxidizer is 1.1 t.
L372[12:47:21] <APlayer> I see
L373[12:47:37] <mischief> so my ship is about 3t when empty and 4t when full
L374[12:47:57] <APlayer> !c 9.81 * 330 * ln(4.085 / 2.085)
L375[12:48:02] <APlayer> Uh
L376[12:48:07] <APlayer> ;c 9.81 * 330 * ln(4.085 / 2.085)
L377[12:48:07] <kmath> APlayer: 2177.255415961027405
L378[12:48:12] <APlayer> Ah, there we go
L379[12:48:25] <mischief> did you miss a digit
L380[12:48:28] ⇨ Joins: sysdef (sysdef!~sysdef@
L381[12:48:28] <sysdef> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
L382[12:48:39] *** sysdef was kicked by UmbralRaptop (sysdef))
L383[12:48:45] <APlayer> Quick clicking
L384[12:48:46] <Althego> hehe that was fast
L385[12:48:52] <UmbralRaptop> Zarthus!
L386[12:49:00] <Zarthus> you tried
L387[12:49:06] <Zarthus> but I saw them before you called my name!
L388[12:49:10] <UmbralRaptop> Ah, thanks.
L389[12:49:14] <APlayer> UmbralRaptop++ Zarthus++ thanks for taking care of that stuff
L390[12:49:34] <Zarthus> what's the .rs tld again?
L391[12:50:10] <APlayer> .rs?
L392[12:50:19] <UmbralRaptop> Serbia, apparently.
L393[12:51:05] <APlayer> Serbia indeed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.rs
L394[12:51:09] <mischief> APlayer: was that suppoed to be ln(4.085 / 3.085) insted of ln(4.085 / 2.085) ?
L395[12:51:23] <APlayer> mischief: 0.9 t + 1.1 t = 2 t
L396[12:51:31] <mischief> derp
L397[12:51:35] * mischief drinks more coffee
L398[12:51:38] <APlayer> I subtracted 2 t from 4.085 t
L399[12:51:43] <Zarthus> ah, used in rust projects
L400[12:51:45] <Zarthus> naturally
L401[12:52:09] <mischief> APlayer: is this delta v?
L402[12:53:24] ⇨ Joins: kloeri (kloeri!~kloeri@68-119-2-167.dhcp.unas.wa.charter.com)
L403[12:53:24] <kloeri> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
L404[12:53:33] <APlayer> mischief: Yes, it is. Generally, you need 600 m/s for takeoff or landing at the Mun, 290 m/s to enter Mun orbit from a transmunar trajectory or to return to Kerbin from a low Mun orbit, and unfortunately I don't remember how much to get from LKO to LMO
L405[12:53:37] <Fluburtur> lots of spam tonight
L406[12:53:47] ⇦ Quits: kloeri (kloeri!~kloeri@68-119-2-167.dhcp.unas.wa.charter.com) (Network ban)
L407[12:53:47] *** APlayer sets mode: +b *!*@68-119-2-167.dhcp.unas.wa.charter.com
L408[12:54:16] <APlayer> https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/75168637/the-beacons-are-lit-gondor-calls-for-aid.jpg
L409[12:54:49] * APlayer needs to practice his kickban moves, though
L410[12:54:58] <mischief> i'm gonna muck around a little bit with my rocket and try mun one more time
L411[12:55:07] <mischief> if i fail ill bend and install mechjeb
L412[12:55:30] <APlayer> mischief: In any case, 2 km/s is about as much as I was using to get from LKO, to the Mun surface and back to Kerbin, IIRC
L413[12:55:52] <APlayer> Unfortunately, I haven't played in the stock solar system for a long time now
L414[12:56:03] <mischief> haha.
L415[12:56:20] <APlayer> 900 m/s from LKO to TMI, apparently
L416[12:56:53] <APlayer> So you use 2700 m/s
L417[12:57:01] <UmbralRaptop> ^
L418[12:57:15] <APlayer> Perhaps I was bringing 3 km/s in total
L419[12:57:29] <mischief> i've added an additional Rockomax X200-16 for my Skipper engine.
L420[12:57:38] <mischief> should give a bit more oomph.
L421[12:57:46] <APlayer> But anyway, in most rockets, it's the upper stage that should be doing the transfer orbit insertion, and the lander needs 1800 m/s
L422[12:58:00] <APlayer> This is including some safety margin already
L423[12:58:14] <mischief> by your calculation mine is 2177 ?
L424[12:58:22] <APlayer> Yes
L425[12:58:31] <APlayer> You can safely cut 400 m/s there
L426[12:59:11] <APlayer> If you remove a battery, the reaction wheels and half the tankage, you may just about get there
L427[12:59:43] <APlayer> Perhaps you will need one of the orange torodial tanks there
L428[13:00:06] <mischief> wait
L429[13:00:10] <mischief> so my lander is too heavy?
L430[13:00:25] <APlayer> I'm pretty sure you can make it much lighter
L431[13:00:39] <APlayer> Did you remove the monopropellant from the crew capsule too, by the way?
L432[13:01:04] <mischief> no haha
L433[13:01:10] <mischief> i didnt even know you could deduct fuel.
L434[13:01:30] <APlayer> Well, now you know another trick. ;-)
L435[13:04:09] <mischief> okay
L436[13:04:13] <mischief> i think the extra gas helped
L437[13:04:27] <mischief> havent even ejected the large tank yet, and i just finished aligning my kerbin orbit
L438[13:04:57] <mischief> is it ok to do orbital transfers at points other than ap and pe?
L439[13:05:21] <APlayer> As long as your orbit is reasonably circular, no, the kraken will get you
L440[13:05:33] <APlayer> ;-)
L441[13:06:00] <mischief> what
L442[13:07:48] <APlayer> You can do your maneuver wherever you want to do it, and if your orbit is reasonably circular, it does not matter at all
L443[13:08:53] <APlayer> Even if you have a very elliptic orbit, you can do your maneuver anywhere, not just at the periapsis. But if you do it close to the apoapsis, you're going to get less out of it, because of the oberth effect
L444[13:09:09] <mischief> im at 118k/101k on kerbin
L445[13:09:14] <mischief> here we go to the mun :)
L446[13:09:36] <APlayer> That's close enough to circular, but doing it at the periapsis would be just slightly more efficient
L447[13:10:03] <mischief> also, is there ever a time i should prefer the Target marker on the nav ball to my manuever marker?
L448[13:10:11] <mischief> is Target marker more accurate?
L449[13:10:28] <APlayer> No, not at all
L450[13:11:39] <APlayer> The maneuver marker is where you want to point if you want to end up in the trajectory your maneuver should get you to. The target marker points only to the Mun. They may end up opposite if you overshoot your maneuver, and pointing at the target marker would only overshoot you even more
L451[13:12:16] * APlayer goes to buy some grammar
L452[13:12:27] <APlayer> But I guess that was understandable enough
L453[13:16:12] <mischief> haha
L454[13:16:15] <mischief> oops.
L455[13:16:29] <mischief> didn't get a orbin trajectory for the mun
L456[13:16:35] <mischief> instead got a crash trajectory xD
L457[13:16:40] <APlayer> Perfect
L458[13:17:06] <APlayer> Now warp until you pass about 2/3 of the transfer and to a course correction
L459[13:17:17] <APlayer> do* a course correction
L460[13:17:53] <mischief> this is what i meant https://i.imgur.com/0bjs1IN.jpg
L461[13:18:11] <APlayer> Woops, that's a bit close to the Mun now
L462[13:18:44] <APlayer> You could have made an efficient trajectory correction while some distance off in the Kerbin SOI. It will cost you 10 or 20 m/s now
L463[13:18:57] <APlayer> Perhaps even more
L464[13:19:16] <mischief> i still have half of my tank before the lander
L465[13:19:25] <mischief> so i could just try to use it all going retrograde
L466[13:19:50] <APlayer> Then you have absolutely plenty
L467[13:20:46] <mischief> maybe i can land it pointing straight up o.O
L468[13:21:04] <APlayer> You will ditch the tank before you begin descent anyway, and you have way too much fuel to use it all up before that. May as well expend some fuel for a nice trajectory
L469[13:21:23] <APlayer> I don't recommend landing on the tank. It will make EVA harder, and it's an unjustified risk
L470[13:21:44] <APlayer> Your lander has more than enough fuel to do all you need without the upper stage
L471[13:22:37] <APlayer> At the very most, do a constant altitude burn with the upper stage tank, ditch it, and then do a suicide burn with the lander. But without pre-calculated readouts, that will be exceptionally hard
L472[13:23:20] <Draconiator> went to help the Freenode staffers with that problem person. They say it's just a single person doing this.
L473[13:24:00] <APlayer> TBH, I highly doubt more than one person would be entertained by doing such a thing
L474[13:24:24] <mischief> 5000m and 30m/s
L475[13:24:26] <mischief> we are good
L476[13:25:30] ⇦ Quits: coalhot (coalhot!~coalhot@pool-173-59-20-178.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L477[13:26:25] <mischief> .. damnit
L478[13:26:31] <mischief> ship fell over.
L479[13:26:36] <APlayer> Aww
L480[13:26:46] <APlayer> How much fuel is there left?
L481[13:27:17] <mischief> like 75 or 80% :)
L482[13:27:24] <Zarthus> based on our supplier of liquid nitrogen, 150%
L483[13:27:51] <APlayer> I think you're good to leave it with your crew for safety reasons, and try to launch it upright from the next hill
L484[13:28:14] <APlayer> Disable the reaction wheels to conserve the battery, though. At least until you're off the ground
L485[13:28:28] <mischief> i am wiggling down the hill
L486[13:28:36] <APlayer> Zarthus: What about coffee?
L487[13:28:38] <mischief> if it was steeper i think the reaction wheels could pick me up :/
L488[13:28:39] <Fluburtur> who uses reaction wheels
L489[13:28:45] <Fluburtur> I just bother putting rcs everywhere
L490[13:29:11] <mischief> ill get the eva over with
L491[13:29:11] <APlayer> mischief: Just point upwards at the hill and light the engine
L492[13:30:01] ⇨ Joins: coalhot (coalhot!~coalhot@pool-173-59-20-178.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)
L493[13:30:06] <APlayer> Do not attempt to use the engine gimbal to get upright, though, it may destroy the lander
L494[13:30:53] <mischief> :(
L495[13:31:09] <mischief> and what, scraping the ground doesn't?
L496[13:32:39] <APlayer> It does too, but not as much as pointing the engine upwards due to the gimbal, and pressing your ship into the ground with it
L497[13:33:35] <APlayer> You may also attempt to disable gimbal, enable reaction wheels, light the engine and get upright this way. But you don't have any way to replenish the lost electric charge and you may need it later for reentry or whatever
L498[13:33:58] <mischief> oh my
L499[13:34:01] <mischief> i broke my engine.
L500[13:34:26] <APlayer> That's unfortunate. How did it happen?
L501[13:34:38] <mischief> i tried to stand my ship up and went a little too fast
L502[13:34:44] <mischief> and only the engine hit the ground :P
L503[13:34:58] <mischief> and no quicksave of course
L504[13:35:12] <APlayer> Yeah... You should get high enough off the ground before actually attempting to get upright
L505[13:35:22] <APlayer> I hope the crew is out of the lander?
L506[13:36:01] <mischief> crap
L507[13:36:07] <APlayer> Or the lander is not moving at 50 m/s a few meters above the terrain, at least? :P
L508[13:36:10] <mischief> i was going to revert the flight but i loaded a save
L509[13:36:14] <mischief> and the landed is still on the mun
L510[13:36:20] <mischief> no, it's grounded
L511[13:36:26] <mischief> oh!
L512[13:36:31] <mischief> loading my save worked
L513[13:36:37] <mischief> engine is back :)
L514[13:36:41] <APlayer> Hah
L515[13:36:44] ⇦ Quits: coalhot (coalhot!~coalhot@pool-173-59-20-178.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L516[13:37:45] <mischief> this is where we are http://i.imgur.com/KDH3wAg.jpg
L517[13:38:23] ⇨ Joins: nedbat (nedbat!~nedbat@
L518[13:38:23] <nedbat> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
L519[13:38:23] <nedbat> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
L520[13:38:27] <nedbat> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
L521[13:38:35] *** APlayer sets mode: +b *!*@
L522[13:38:35] *** nedbat was kicked by APlayer (nedbat))
L523[13:38:44] <APlayer> Zarthus ^
L524[13:39:02] <Zarthus> thanks
L525[13:40:21] <APlayer> mischief: Then I guess you could indeed try to disable engine gimbal, enable reaction wheels, skid over the ground with the engine, wait until you hit a bump that launches you 1 - 2 m off the ground, and immediately get up as far as possible to get more altitude
L526[13:40:30] <Zarthus> fun fact: I think this channel is the only one where the ops are around actively enough to kill it before I do..
L527[13:41:04] <mischief> bump?
L528[13:41:06] <APlayer> Zarthus: Just actively participating in a conversation right now, so we're there when it happens
L529[13:41:06] <mischief> looks flat to me
L530[13:41:14] <Zarthus> I guess that helps.
L531[13:41:15] <APlayer> mischief: Then the top of the hill
L532[13:41:24] <Zarthus> I'm considering not issueing a KLINE and seeing if they just voluntarily disconnect.
L533[13:41:28] <APlayer> But there will be something uneven in the terrain nearby
L534[13:41:43] <APlayer> Zarthus: Is there any point in doing that?
L535[13:42:11] <Zarthus> yes, it might make them feel a more accomplished troll
L536[13:42:20] <Zarthus> therefore not seeing the need to return for round N
L537[13:42:35] <Zarthus> the opposite is also possible: they start flooding more nonsense
L538[13:43:26] <mischief> haha
L539[13:43:35] <mischief> i managed to get it up
L540[13:43:51] <APlayer> mischief: Congratulations!
L541[13:43:53] <mischief> by using my fixed ladder as a thing to rock back and forth on
L542[13:44:01] <Zarthus> r/nocontext
L543[13:44:03] <mischief> with the builtin reaction wheels
L544[13:44:11] <APlayer> Zarthus: Humm, I see. Did you try to communicate with them?
L545[13:44:17] <Zarthus> kinda.
L546[13:44:32] ⇨ Joins: Guest17080 (Guest17080!webchat@d25-85.rb.gh.centurytel.net)
L547[13:44:48] ⇨ Joins: coalhot (coalhot!~coalhot@pool-173-59-20-178.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)
L548[13:44:52] <Zarthus> I tried pointing out the fact their website seemed illigitimate.
L549[13:44:57] <Zarthus> but they didn't respond
L550[13:45:09] <Guest17080> yo guys. bought ksp back in 2013. i still have the option to download it. is it still the latest versions as the ones in the store
L551[13:45:26] <Guest17080> stupid question i know
L552[13:45:34] <Zarthus> yes, the site version should be the newest
L553[13:45:41] <APlayer> Guest17080: If you bought KSP once, you can download any version of it that is available
L554[13:45:57] <Guest17080> thanks :D
L555[13:46:04] <APlayer> Ah, woops, I misread that
L556[13:46:19] <mischief> now how do i get off this rock xD
L557[13:46:22] <mischief> lets try
L558[13:47:13] *** APlayer sets mode: -b *!*@68-119-2-167.dhcp.unas.wa.charter.com
L559[13:47:17] *** APlayer sets mode: -b *!*@
L560[13:48:04] <APlayer> I guess those were single use IPs for our specialist. May as well unban them, in case someone uses them in the future
L561[13:49:14] <mischief> is there a way to set kerbin as target
L562[13:49:32] ⇨ Joins: ibiza (ibiza!~ibiza@
L563[13:49:39] ⇦ Quits: ibiza (ibiza!~ibiza@ (Client Quit)
L564[13:49:58] <APlayer> Aye, they quit voluntarily this time
L565[13:50:01] <APlayer> Zarthus ^
L566[13:50:05] <Draconiator> Ugh.....channel notices now
L567[13:50:48] <mischief> i have mun orbit and half a tank of gas
L568[13:50:51] <mischief> think i can make it? :P
L569[13:51:30] <APlayer> Definitely
L570[13:51:35] <mr_flea> APlayer: I got him... might I suggest channel mode +T (no notices)?
L571[13:52:10] <APlayer> I'm not sure how that works, but I trust your judgement on that
L572[13:52:26] <APlayer> How do I set that?
L573[13:52:59] <mr_flea> /mode #KSPOfficial +T
L574[13:53:09] *** APlayer sets mode: +T
L575[13:53:13] <APlayer> Alright, thank you!
L576[13:54:31] ⇨ Joins: Deddly (Deddly!uid297108@id-297108.stonehaven.irccloud.com)
L577[13:54:37] <APlayer> o/ Deddly
L578[13:54:45] <mischief> okay
L579[13:54:48] <mischief> here we go
L580[13:54:50] <mischief> back to kerbin
L581[13:55:53] <mr_flea> [I hope we have the no notices module loaded... Although the mode being settable probably means it is.]
L582[13:55:54] ⇨ Joins: Copper (Copper!~Copper@
L583[13:56:11] ⇨ Joins: xous (xous!~xous@
L584[13:56:11] <xous> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
L585[13:56:11] <xous> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
L586[13:56:15] <xous> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
L587[13:56:18] *** xous was kicked by APlayer (xous))
L588[13:56:42] <mr_flea> well it worked
L589[13:56:57] <Althego> still two launches within an hour in 16.5 hours
L590[13:58:58] ⇨ Joins: MrTikku (MrTikku!~hude@85-76-20-101-nat.elisa-mobile.fi)
L591[13:59:07] <mischief> out of fuel
L592[13:59:09] <mischief> crashing
L593[13:59:12] <mischief> god have mercy on our souls.
L594[13:59:42] <Althego> witch mercy, that is. my servants never die! :)
L595[13:59:50] <APlayer> Why crashing? You have a parachute
L596[14:00:05] <mischief> coming in hot
L597[14:00:13] <mischief> goo canisters and batteries blew off
L598[14:00:17] <mischief> legs did too
L599[14:00:20] <APlayer> That's fine, as long as you have a heat shield
L600[14:00:25] <mischief> no haha
L601[14:00:29] <Althego> hehe
L602[14:00:38] <APlayer> Ah, now I understand the issue
L603[14:00:44] <Althego> returning from where?
L604[14:00:58] <APlayer> Well, next time detach the trunk of the lander and expose a heatshield prior to reentry
L605[14:01:11] <mischief> i blew up
L606[14:01:15] <mischief> was going too fast :(
L607[14:01:26] ⇨ Joins: mundus2018 (mundus2018!~mundus201@
L608[14:01:26] <mundus2018> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
L609[14:01:26] <mundus2018> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
L610[14:01:28] ⇦ Quits: mundus2018 (mundus2018!~mundus201@ (Network ban)
L611[14:01:38] <Althego> they just dont stop
L612[14:02:00] <mischief> oh no
L613[14:02:01] <mr_flea> yep... and they're abusing a range of IPs that makes it difficult for us to set a network ban.
L614[14:02:10] <mischief> my game got saved after crash
L615[14:02:15] <mischief> no going back i guess ;_;
L616[14:02:41] <mischief> that's stupid
L617[14:02:45] <mischief> heck this game
L618[14:03:06] <APlayer> Aww
L619[14:03:21] <mischief> Althego: i returned from mun
L620[14:03:42] <mischief> i targeted about 44000m altitude, but i came in too fast.
L621[14:03:55] <mischief> all the stuff on my ship burned off and i was going too fast for chutes to work..
L622[14:04:01] <Althego> then you can have a reentry as shallow as you want. say 46 km. that is usually safe, and nothing blows up. although you end up in a multi pass aerobrake
L623[14:04:14] <mischief> ?
L624[14:04:18] <mischief> i did 44km or so?
L625[14:04:23] <mischief> still got hot
L626[14:04:33] <Althego> then make it even higher
L627[14:05:06] <mischief> i used what little fuel i had left to slow down but there was not much in my lander
L628[14:05:23] <mischief> maybe a heat shield would make sense
L629[14:05:34] <mischief> and a decoupler for the can's tank and engine
L630[14:05:59] <mischief> lost my best pilot and like 200 science :(
L631[14:08:52] <mischief> ah
L632[14:08:57] <mischief> only need kerbin orbit for lv 2.
L633[14:09:05] <mischief> gotta orbit kerbin again i guess
L634[14:16:16] ⇨ Joins: Warped (Warped!~Warped@
L635[14:16:16] <Warped> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
L636[14:16:16] <Warped> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
L637[14:16:19] ⇦ Quits: Warped (Warped!~Warped@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L638[14:16:54] <APlayer> mr_flea ^
L639[14:17:03] <mr_flea> oh boy, he's switched providers
L640[14:17:12] <mr_flea> to digitalocean now :/
L641[14:17:27] <APlayer> Yay, more fun!
L642[14:26:39] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@86FF4179.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
L643[14:34:20] ⇨ Joins: Our (Our!~Our@
L644[14:34:20] <Our> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
L645[14:34:20] <Our> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
L646[14:34:24] ⇦ Quits: Our (Our!~Our@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L647[14:36:03] <Rolf> yeah fkipping racist #2
L648[14:36:38] <Mat2ch> Huh?
L649[14:36:47] <Mat2ch> somebody seems to hate the freenode staff
L650[14:38:18] <Rolf> that or supporting. its hard to analyize what our wonderful guy is saying
L651[14:39:11] ⇦ Quits: steamport (steamport!~steamport@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L652[14:39:33] <Mat2ch> nah, was here earlier and posted something similar
L653[14:39:43] <Mat2ch> it's a smear campaign against the freenode staff
L654[14:39:50] <Rolf> saw em yeah
L655[14:39:50] <Zarthus> bad rep is still rep
L656[14:39:52] <Zarthus> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L657[14:39:58] <Rolf> unless its faked
L658[14:40:09] <Rolf> I dont know if those sites is in any way related to that person
L659[14:40:26] <Mat2ch> I'd say no
L660[14:40:57] <Mat2ch> the other site isn't, the blog of kloeri is somewhere different
L661[14:41:20] <Mat2ch> but they did their homework, they even copied old blog posts over and changed the date so it appears that these blogs are online for some time now
L662[14:41:48] <Rolf> really careful with second link, I saw page with text details, didn't click in case there was more exlict stuff. dangerous.
L663[14:42:01] <Mat2ch> MattSTrout.com is registered since 2018-07-19T17:15:36
L664[14:42:19] <Rolf> yeah seems more and more likely faked up
L665[14:43:06] <Rolf> if that site has more serious stuff person who faked it up can get jail time because that topic is really super sick and yeah ver arrestable stuff
L666[14:43:15] <Zarthus> >more serious stuff
L667[14:43:32] <Zarthus> it's not suitable for this channel and all
L668[14:44:04] <Zarthus> but let's be honest: nobody is going to be arrested for this
L669[14:44:07] <Mat2ch> I find it important to show that this is fake and why, so others don't click
L670[14:44:11] <Rolf> yeah thats why I'm going around with words. someone really need to call some more local police with this, from whereever its registered at
L671[14:44:19] ⇨ Joins: steamport (steamport!~steamport@
L672[14:45:18] <Rolf> Mat2ch: does it say who registered and so on?
L673[14:45:36] <Mat2ch> No, that's not shown anymore
L674[14:45:45] <Zarthus> and it's easily fakable anyway
L675[14:45:50] <Mat2ch> But the names are likely faked, too
L676[14:45:57] <Zarthus> anyone with half a brain can type in a string of characters
L677[14:46:26] <Rolf> if its "trail registeration" it could be ALL fake info
L678[14:46:44] <Zarthus> my WHOISGUARD has never been asked to be verified
L679[14:46:48] <Zarthus> it's all fake
L680[14:49:10] <mischief> yay
L681[14:49:18] <mischief> heat shield and jettisoning the lander's engine worked
L682[14:49:21] <mischief> not overheating :)
L683[14:49:32] <mischief> cruising in to kerbin
L684[14:54:19] <mischief> woo
L685[14:54:23] <mischief> got like 180 science
L686[14:54:27] <mischief> and my new pilot got 7 xp
L687[14:55:49] <Rolf> :)
L688[14:56:35] <Gasher> lol i have seen taht thing about freenode today
L689[14:56:41] <Gasher> someone's too dedicated
L690[14:57:45] ⇦ Quits: kubi (kubi!~kubi@c-d6af71d5.018-143-73746f43.bbcust.telenor.se) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L691[14:58:00] ⇦ Quits: steamport (steamport!~steamport@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L692[14:58:40] ⇦ Quits: UmbralRaptop (UmbralRaptop!~AndNex@2607:fb90:180c:c87f:9fa9:1519:2b38:5805) (Remote host closed the connection)
L693[15:03:01] ⇨ Joins: UmbralRaptop (UmbralRaptop!~AndNex@2607:fb90:180c:c87f:9fa9:1519:2b38:5805)
L694[15:03:15] <Rolf> checked freenode channel for admin, they know
L695[15:03:26] <Rolf> most of spammers are from cloudflare apparently
L696[15:03:35] <Rolf> and one from hacked raspiberry
L697[15:03:56] <Zarthus> of course they know
L698[15:04:01] <Zarthus> you're not the first, not the tenth, nor the last.
L699[15:04:03] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqBmfVUjh9I
L700[15:04:04] <kmath> YouTube - This Computer Costs $10
L701[15:04:17] <Rolf> Zarthus: i was pretty sure wanted to check anyway
L702[15:05:01] ⇨ Joins: steamport (steamport!~steamport@
L703[15:05:36] <mischief> so i've almost got all of the 90-science nodes in career
L704[15:05:59] <APlayer> Someone's just enjoying to cause some trouble, I guess
L705[15:06:01] <mischief> and i've done one successful mun landing (and one unsuccessful one that still got me science)
L706[15:06:08] <mischief> what should i do next?
L707[15:06:13] <Rolf> ap or bitter after being banned or something
L708[15:06:19] <APlayer> Whatever the reason, we shall enjoy dealing with the matter
L709[15:06:58] <Mat2ch> mischief: either you go science farming on the Mun or go to Minmus
L710[15:07:14] <UmbralRaptop> mischief: Minmus! (alternatively, explore more of the Mün?)
L711[15:08:56] <Zarthus> Draconiator: minecraft runs on that thing, jesus
L712[15:09:16] <Gasher> mischief, em, unsuccesful but still got science? how?
L713[15:09:19] <Zarthus> is that the cpp version?
L714[15:09:44] <Rolf> the rspi build of minecraft
L715[15:09:50] <mischief> Gasher: i sent stuff back but i crashed as i tried to come back home
L716[15:09:51] <Rolf> bit limited and world size is small
L717[15:10:22] <Zarthus> i don't care how limited it is, that you can get what looks like 23+ fps on it is amazin
L718[15:10:43] <Rolf> yeah
L719[15:11:00] <Rolf> someone made rspi rack and it was pretty insane
L720[15:11:26] <Rolf> https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=155030
L721[15:13:55] <Rolf> "@PiAhoy - our client is using them for clustering. Currently we got 5 of there which makes 350 RPIs total in cluster."
L722[15:14:14] <mischief> Mat2ch: what's 'science farming?' the science points are finite, no?
L723[15:14:39] <Draconiator> The fact that we may have the equivalent of gaming beasts from the late 80s floating around our houses soon, so small you can't distinguish them from dust.....
L724[15:15:05] <mischief> oh
L725[15:15:12] <mischief> i need to bring a science jr to the mun i guess
L726[15:15:21] <mischief> probably get loads of science for that
L727[15:16:14] <Gasher> mischief, also lab
L728[15:16:30] <Mat2ch> mischief: yes, they are finite. But there are many biomes on the Mun and you will get science points for every experiment there.
L729[15:16:31] <Gasher> you can take samples into it and process them for more science
L730[15:16:33] <mischief> i haven't got a lab?
L731[15:16:53] <Gasher> experiment and sample
L732[15:17:17] <Mat2ch> so you can pack as many experiments as you have, send a vessel and do biome hopping (with a fuel tanker in orbit). Once you've got all biomes, go back to Kerbin with > 4000 science points...
L733[15:17:26] <Rolf> is biome information still aliased?
L734[15:17:38] <Rolf> so theres a thin biome between biomes
L735[15:18:00] <Draconiator> Smart dust. heh
L736[15:18:25] <Rolf> my favorite quick biome at kerbin is base itself, grass outside it, beach near it, and line between beach and grass.
L737[15:18:34] <Rolf> thats 4 biomes in short trip in car
L738[15:19:04] <Rolf> which tells me kerbals live underground as they had to check surface biomes.
L739[15:20:43] <Gasher> base used to have like 15+ biomes, no?
L740[15:20:51] <Gasher> did they change that?
L741[15:21:17] <Rolf> dunno I recall just checking the strip had unique biome besides that dunno
L742[15:21:45] <Gasher> inside the base buildings have their own biomes
L743[15:22:02] <Rolf> weird
L744[15:22:13] <Gasher> also i managed to roll an asteroid over base it getting new science for each sampling of the asteroid when it was in new base biome
L745[15:22:33] ⇨ Joins: Supernovy (Supernovy!~Supernovy@
L746[15:22:53] <Rolf> what no asteroid bowling
L747[15:22:58] <Rolf> man I miss danny
L748[15:23:20] <Gasher> heh
L749[15:23:49] <Gasher> world-killing contraption made of three parts
L750[15:23:53] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L751[15:23:57] <Gasher> hi
L752[15:23:57] <Mod9000> Hello, Gasher
L753[15:24:09] <Gasher> hi bоt
L754[15:24:32] ⇨ Joins: CaptainN (CaptainN!~KevinKeen@
L755[15:24:33] <Rolf> yeah danny found a way to kill all planet except one
L756[15:24:39] <Rolf> that green one lol
L757[15:25:22] <Rolf> I bet you ksp devs have so many copies of danny saves and fixed so many bugs
L758[15:27:16] ⇦ Quits: Guest17080 (Guest17080!webchat@d25-85.rb.gh.centurytel.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L759[15:33:40] <mischief> how do i make a car
L760[15:34:05] <Gasher> landing wheels + jet or powered wheels + some power souce
L761[15:34:42] <Rolf> indeed
L762[15:34:53] <Rolf> once made ion engine car. worked great till nerf lol
L763[15:35:03] <Rolf> nerf also killed my ion plane
L764[15:35:48] <mischief> placing wheels is.. hard.
L765[15:37:05] <Gasher> nerf?
L766[15:37:26] <Rolf> yeah imange gun changed to nerf gun
L767[15:37:27] <Gasher> i recall ion angines having lower thrust
L768[15:37:45] <Gasher> damn, i know the word - i just don't remember when that happened
L769[15:37:52] <Rolf> ahh yeah thats why it used to be a challenge, to fly ion engine plane to other base
L770[15:37:55] <Gasher> ions used to have like 1/10th of thrust
L771[15:38:00] <Gasher> ah
L772[15:38:01] <Rolf> my ion plane cant even drive on land now.
L773[15:38:13] <Gasher> you mean when they made it almost useless in atmosphere
L774[15:38:20] <Rolf> I think its due to more realistic in air
L775[15:38:24] <Rolf> yeah
L776[15:38:42] <Gasher> and i remember when their thrust was much less and i had ion rover on Mun - before powered wheels
L777[15:38:51] <mischief> how's this for a car
L778[15:38:53] <mischief> https://i.imgur.com/ykDAl0u.jpg
L779[15:39:03] <Gasher> bad
L780[15:39:09] <mischief> :c
L781[15:39:12] <Gasher> needs wider base
L782[15:39:17] <Rolf> mischief: heres a trick for you :) have a detchable rover
L783[15:39:21] <Gasher> also why asking, just test it
L784[15:39:27] <Rolf> get out, sit on rover, then detch
L785[15:39:33] <Rolf> drive around with very light car
L786[15:40:11] <Rolf> thats how I did ion plane also, it used very light chair, I used one of those normal pilot cockpot items, but disconnected it and went around
L787[15:42:24] <mischief> dont have it
L788[15:42:37] <Rolf> dont have light chair?
L789[15:42:44] <mischief> no?
L790[15:42:48] <Rolf> forgot what proper name it is
L791[15:42:57] <Rolf> looks like lawn chair with controls lol
L792[15:44:13] ⇨ Joins: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@static-50-37-114-58.mscw.id.frontiernet.net)
L793[15:50:26] <mischief> i dont think i can make a useable car with the parts i have..
L794[15:50:39] <Rolf> get more then with science and all :)
L795[15:52:52] ⇦ Quits: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-159.2com.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L796[15:54:46] ⇨ Joins: BPlayer (BPlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BC0FD00C1D88CAE8C930330.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L797[15:55:23] <mischief> probably have more luck with reaction wheels than these little probe wheels..
L798[15:57:25] ⇦ Quits: APlayer (APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BC0FD0039C500E2A5E7923C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L799[15:59:02] ⇦ Quits: Lyneira (Lyneira!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:20c:29ff:fea6:d040) (Quit: Bye)
L800[16:03:14] <Fluburtur> I found my suicide camera
L801[16:03:26] <Fluburtur> gonna put it in a vacuum chamber tomorrow
L802[16:04:22] ⇦ Quits: Deddly (Deddly!uid297108@id-297108.stonehaven.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L803[16:06:21] ⇨ Joins: Distractedman979 (Distractedman979!~D^man@pool-173-75-226-41.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)
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L805[16:18:14] ⇨ Joins: jeblair (jeblair!~jeblair@ec2-18-222-191-98.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com)
L806[16:18:14] <jeblair> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
L807[16:18:14] <jeblair> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
L808[16:18:18] <jeblair> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
L809[16:18:20] <Ragnor> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
L810[16:18:20] ⇨ Joins: Ragnor (Ragnor!~Ragnor@ec2-13-58-34-96.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com)
L811[16:18:24] <Ragnor> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
L812[16:18:28] <Ragnor> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
L813[16:18:31] ⇦ Quits: jeblair (jeblair!~jeblair@ec2-18-222-191-98.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Network ban)
L814[16:18:34] ⇦ Quits: Ragnor (Ragnor!~Ragnor@ec2-13-58-34-96.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Network ban)
L815[16:22:30] ⇦ Quits: Copper (Copper!~Copper@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L816[16:22:41] ⇨ Joins: Peetz0r (Peetz0r!~Peetz0r@ec2-13-58-196-229.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com)
L817[16:22:41] <Peetz0r> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
L818[16:22:42] ⇨ Joins: peaches (peaches!~peaches@ec2-18-217-251-9.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com)
L819[16:22:42] <peaches> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
L820[16:22:45] ⇨ Joins: strengthen_ (strengthen_!~strengthe@ec2-18-218-107-121.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com)
L821[16:22:45] <Peetz0r> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
L822[16:22:45] <strengthen_> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
L823[16:22:45] <peaches> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
L824[16:22:46] <Krenair_> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
L825[16:22:46] ⇨ Joins: Krenair_ (Krenair_!~Krenair@ec2-18-222-201-161.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com)
L826[16:22:46] <Krenair_> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
L827[16:22:47] ⇨ Joins: Peetz0r_ (Peetz0r_!~Peetz0r@ec2-13-58-35-81.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com)
L828[16:22:47] <Peetz0r_> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
L829[16:22:49] <strengthen_> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
L830[16:22:49] <Peetz0r> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
L831[16:22:49] <peaches> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
L832[16:22:50] <Krenair_> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
L833[16:22:50] ⇨ Joins: strengthen__ (strengthen__!~strengthe@ec2-18-219-46-145.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com)
L834[16:22:50] <strengthen__> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
L835[16:22:50] <Peetz0r_> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
L836[16:22:50] ⇨ Joins: the_madman (the_madman!~the_madma@ec2-18-191-159-137.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com)
L837[16:22:50] <the_madman> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
L838[16:22:50] <the_madman> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
L839[16:22:52] ⇨ Joins: yaymuffins (yaymuffins!~yaymuffin@ec2-18-191-248-49.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com)
L840[16:22:52] <yaymuffins> Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
L841[16:22:53] <strengthen_> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
L842[16:22:54] <strengthen__> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
L843[16:22:54] <Peetz0r_> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
L844[16:22:54] <the_madman> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
L845[16:22:55] <yaymuffins> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
L846[16:22:56] <Fluburtur> oh god
L847[16:22:58] <strengthen__> Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate
L848[16:23:00] ⇨ Joins: Xoc (Xoc!~Xoc@ec2-18-191-243-110.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com)
L849[16:23:01] ⇦ Quits: Peetz0r (Peetz0r!~Peetz0r@ec2-13-58-196-229.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Client Quit)
L850[16:23:01] ⇦ Quits: peaches (peaches!~peaches@ec2-18-217-251-9.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com) (Client Quit)
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L856[16:23:09] ⇨ Joins: Kingsy (Kingsy!~Kingsy@ec2-18-217-255-244.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com)
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L862[16:24:48] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:20d2:30d5:aaa6:514e) (Quit: I have to attend Real Life)
L863[16:24:57] ⇨ Joins: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:20d2:30d5:aaa6:514e)
L864[16:26:04] <UmbralRaptop> aaaaaaa
L865[16:26:30] <Zarthus> bbbbbbbbbb
L866[16:28:10] <UmbralRaptop> They're all gone, it looks like.
L867[16:28:21] ⇨ Joins: Copper (Copper!~Copper@
L868[16:28:33] <mr_flea> UmbralRaptop: they'll be back, this is the 3rd provider they've abused today
L869[16:28:44] <UmbralRaptop> Blarg
L870[16:31:14] *** UmbralRaptop sets mode: +r
L871[16:31:52] *** UmbralRaptop sets mode: -r
L872[16:32:05] <UmbralRaptop> Feh
L873[16:33:32] <Zarthus> +q $~a is the same
L874[16:33:36] <Zarthus> just allows people to still join
L875[16:33:54] <Zarthus> granted: it's weakness is the error message being vaguer
L876[16:35:00] *** UmbralRaptop sets mode: +r
L877[16:35:14] *** UmbralRaptop sets mode: -q $~a
L878[16:35:36] <UmbralRaptop> Well, this way normal users should be able to talk?
L879[16:35:46] * UmbralRaptop pokes Fluburtur
L880[16:35:51] <Fluburtur> boop
L881[16:35:56] <Fluburtur> wew it works again
L882[16:37:29] <Fluburtur> anyways, is time to bed now
L883[16:37:37] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:20d2:30d5:aaa6:514e) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L884[16:39:31] UmbralRaptop sets mode: +o on Zarthus
L885[16:43:49] <sandbox> sigh, had them elsewhere for the past few hours
L886[16:44:27] <Zarthus> sometimes life gives you lemons
L887[16:44:31] <Zarthus> sometimes they give you a bunch of EC2
L888[16:46:21] <UmbralRaptop> Amazon Lemon: a multiplatform mass notification service
L889[16:47:31] ⇦ Quits: tawny- (tawny-!~tawny@pool-72-66-34-188.washdc.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L890[16:48:20] <Eddi|zuHause> what's the meaning of "$~a"?
L891[16:48:44] <UmbralRaptop> All users
L892[16:49:11] <Eddi|zuHause> never seen that kind of placeholder before
L893[16:49:22] <UmbralRaptop> I don't think I have a good feel for IRC regexes.
L894[16:49:33] ⇨ Joins: FltAdmVonSpiz (FltAdmVonSpiz!~chatzilla@cpc130884-gran5-2-0-cust970.know.cable.virginm.net)
L895[16:52:11] <Zarthus> it's not a regex, it's an extban
L896[16:52:13] <Zarthus> /quote help extban
L897[16:52:20] <Zarthus> it means all users without account
L898[16:52:25] <Zarthus> $a is all users with account, the ~ negates it.
L899[16:56:31] ⇦ Quits: Epi (Epi!~Epil@210-84-49-109.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L900[16:57:03] ⇨ Joins: Epi (Epi!~Epil@106-68-81-164.dyn.iinet.net.au)
L901[17:03:03] <Eddi|zuHause> so now people without account can talk, but not (re)join?
L902[17:04:05] <UmbralRaptop> Yeah
L903[17:04:19] <UmbralRaptop> Register with nickserv, yo
L904[17:05:13] <Zarthus> or never disconnect
L905[17:05:15] <Zarthus> pick your poison :')
L906[17:13:52] ⇦ Quits: ConductorCat (ConductorCat!~Yule_Cat@wsip-98-191-6-56.rn.hr.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L908[17:21:38] ⇨ Joins: Azander (Azander!~J@mobile-166-170-25-126.mycingular.net)
L909[17:28:36] <sandbox> I'm out
L910[17:28:39] ⇦ Quits: sandbox (sandbox!~sandbox@host-92-20-157-219.as13285.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L911[17:29:06] <Eddi|zuHause> except this network seems to drop my connection randomly every few days
L912[17:29:22] ⇦ Quits: Medu (Medu!~Medu@91-119-123-183.dsl.dynamic.surfer.at) (Quit: Medu)
L913[17:44:45] ⇦ Quits: MrTikku (MrTikku!~hude@85-76-20-101-nat.elisa-mobile.fi) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L914[17:46:48] <Zarthus> Eddi|zuHause: based on you being from germany, I would blame their backbone rather than ours ;P
L915[17:46:57] <Zarthus> though it doesn't help you're connected to an australian server.
L916[18:14:31] ⇦ Quits: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@2620:149:5:1b04:71ac:7c3e:afc8:d4cb) (Quit: Leaving...)
L917[18:20:38] <Eddi|zuHause> it's not like i did anything to choose which server to join
L918[18:21:16] <Eddi|zuHause> if the network has a silly loadbalancer...
L919[18:21:53] <Zarthus> the loadbalancer isn't silly, it's not really thinking at all :P
L920[18:21:55] <Eddi|zuHause> and if it were backbone-related, it would probably hit more than one network?
L921[18:22:32] <Zarthus> theoretically, it is, if it fails on multiple esper servers :P
L922[18:22:47] <Zarthus> because they come from different providers and locations
L923[18:23:05] <Zarthus> but yeah, i'd expect it to fail on other networks as well
L924[18:23:32] <Zarthus> we did have some servers dropping users a week or so ago
L925[18:33:03] ⇦ Quits: KrimZon_2 (KrimZon_2!~krimzon@super.duper.reetleet.org) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L926[18:54:22] ⇦ Quits: FltAdmVonSpiz (FltAdmVonSpiz!~chatzilla@cpc130884-gran5-2-0-cust970.know.cable.virginm.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L927[19:05:07] ⇦ Quits: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: There's a real world out here!)
L928[19:10:18] ⇨ Joins: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@c-73-158-172-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
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L932[19:38:16] ⇦ Quits: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@static-50-37-114-58.mscw.id.frontiernet.net) (Quit: Valete omnes)
L933[19:41:37] ⇦ Quits: Kabouik (Kabouik!~kabouik@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L934[19:42:32] <Draconiator> Heh I bought some coffee today and dumped it into a bigger coffee container, and apparently a little bit of coffee got left over in it, so when I put a water bug in the now empty jar, it made this REALLY diluted coffee...but the bug is like on drugs right now lol
L935[20:00:32] ⇨ Joins: Dman979 (Dman979!~D^man@2601:47:4180:854:7456:93ce:f479:d1ab)
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L937[20:43:32] ⇨ Joins: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com)
L938[21:00:36] <UmbralRaptop> Well, caffeine *is* am insecticide…
L939[21:01:31] ⇦ Quits: cactus (cactus!~tcactk@atlas.cs.msu.ru) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L940[21:04:37] ⇨ Joins: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net)
L941[21:05:52] <JVFoxy> ok so.. nick change. I hear been some trouble a brewing...
L942[21:06:38] ⇨ Joins: cactus (cactus!~tcactk@atlas.cs.msu.ru)
L943[21:06:46] <JVFoxy> #lobby
L944[21:07:06] <mr_flea> JVFoxy: please use /join instead of clicking channel names
L945[21:07:17] <JVFoxy> oh lol.. whoops, sorry.. that aside, hope everyone's alright
L946[21:07:36] <JVFoxy> ya.. just derped, my bad. Been a bit of a strange day
L947[21:09:06] <JVFoxy> old hand at IRC.. maybe a bit /too/ old... :\
L948[21:10:04] <mr_flea> np
L949[21:10:25] <mr_flea> it's been a bad day in IRC-land...
L950[21:18:41] <Dman979> sez who?
L951[21:21:09] <UmbralRaptop> Spammers still at it?
L952[21:21:56] ⇦ Quits: txgl3mos (txgl3mos!~matheus@2804:14c:6591:82c9::1) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L953[21:24:14] <JVFoxy> no idea.. just that I couldn't get into the channel unless I finally registered a few moments back
L954[21:27:43] <UmbralRaptop> Yeah, this channel has been +r for the past 8? hours.
L955[21:31:52] <JVFoxy> ah... was up 1am PST... crashed about 11am.. woke up again 5pm. Didn't try to get on till just a little bit ago
L956[21:32:36] <JVFoxy> I made a KSP recording but was having troubles re-encoding the MP4... >.<
L957[21:36:05] <JVFoxy> I wanted to find out what happened, noticed a few other channels closed up too...
L958[21:36:22] <mr_flea> UmbralRaptop: over 2000 unique AWS IPs banned so far, busy working on requiring nickserv accounts for all AWS connections...
L959[21:37:17] ⇦ Quits: Ezriilc (Ezriilc!~Ezriilc@ (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com))
L960[21:39:10] <UmbralRaptop> wow
L961[21:42:43] ⇦ Quits: coalhot (coalhot!~coalhot@pool-173-59-20-178.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L962[21:44:25] <JVFoxy> sorry.. AWS?
L963[21:50:02] ⇨ Joins: coalhot (coalhot!~coalhot@pool-173-59-20-178.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)
L964[21:57:29] ⇦ Quits: VanDisaster (VanDisaster!~Miranda@sea.sux.net) (Quit: Miranda NG! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-ng.org/)
L965[22:03:57] ⇨ Joins: eriophora (eriophora!~Christine@50-24-142-175.bcstcmtk02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net)
L966[22:07:26] <UmbralRaptop> Amazon Web Services
L967[22:07:47] <JVFoxy> oh rwar.. Amazon..
L968[22:22:56] ⇨ Joins: Wastl2 (Wastl2!~Wastl2@x55b4b295.dyn.telefonica.de)
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L970[22:29:42] ⇦ Quits: Copper (Copper!~Copper@ ()
L971[22:47:20] <Draconiator> if Nintendo goes after archive.org, wow that is going to be a clicktercluck.
L972[22:48:46] *** Dman979 is now known as Dozeman979
L973[22:49:58] <JVFoxy> eh... I remember when they were going after people who so much as youtubed gameplays of their stuff. :\
L974[23:03:05] ⇦ Quits: nallar (nallar!~nallar@cbs1-cani4-2-0-cust47.know.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L976[23:05:50] <Draconiator> Technically, if you buy s game from a thrift store...that's piracy right? the money isn't going directly to the company but to the owners of said thrift store.
L977[23:27:33] ⇦ Quits: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L978[23:51:17] ⇦ Quits: NolanSyKinsley (NolanSyKinsley!~NolanSyKi@cpe-104-35-73-144.socal.res.rr.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L979[23:55:51] ⇦ Quits: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@c-73-158-172-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving...)
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