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L1[00:00:45] <JCB> oh .. whoops.. they been float'n for... 6 days.
L2[00:01:41] <Althego> at least they are not inting >(
L3[00:03:48] <JCB> which means...? having to look that term up
L4[00:04:26] <Althego> not floating but inting, could be doubling or shorting too, but those are meaningful otherwise :)
L5[00:06:10] <JCB> .. k.. no clue what you mean.
L6[00:06:23] <JCB> I see inting is reference from LoL... which I never played
L7[00:06:28] <Althego> c data types: short, int, float, double
L8[00:06:45] <Althego> i didnt know about the lol
L9[00:06:56] <Althego> i left out char
L10[00:07:43] <JCB> league of legends... seems to be where Inting comes from
L11[00:08:03] <JCB> ... but you meant it more as integer?
L12[00:08:05] <Althego> may be, but in this case i derived it from the data type name
L13[00:08:11] <Althego> yes
L14[00:08:19] <JCB> oh .. derp
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L17[00:25:30] <cringe> ISS Urine Tank Level: 9%
L18[00:28:15] <cringe> ISS Clean Water Tank Level: 95.01% ^.^
L19[00:29:48] <cringe> 95.02% when someone kicks something
L20[00:29:53] <cringe> ^.^
L21[00:32:04] <UmbralRaptop> cringe: if there's a clanging sound up there, I'm blaming you.
L22[00:32:37] <cringe> and if they find me, i'll blame you.
L23[00:34:19] <Althego> hehe
L24[00:34:34] <Althego> what sound can a compiler make (clang)? :)
L25[00:35:29] ⇦ Quits: Copper (Copper!~Copper@ ()
L26[00:35:35] <cringe> have to use CMake i suppose
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L33[01:03:43] * JCB buzzes around in jet powered jump craft..
L34[01:04:11] ⇦ Quits: Tank2333 (Tank2333!~Tank2333@p5DDAAA60.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L35[01:05:01] <JCB> wasn't sure how else to get surface sample up there in the mountains :P
L36[01:07:20] <Gasher[work]> very carefully
L37[01:07:44] <UmbralRaptop> parachutes?
L38[01:09:28] <JCB> nope
L39[01:09:57] <JCB> jet landing... just have to anticipate ahead of time your thrust levels
L40[01:10:47] ⇦ Quits: BenjaminK (BenjaminK!~ben@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L41[01:10:54] <JCB> I know there is lot of lag between changing throttles and engines responding.. its not /that/ bad once you get things close to where you want it.
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L44[01:14:23] ⇨ Joins: TheKosmonaut (TheKosmonaut!sid152460@id-152460.ealing.irccloud.com)
L45[01:21:23] <Gasher[work]> it's not lag, it's called responsiveness of the engine
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L48[01:27:35] ⇨ Joins: Pyrus (Pyrus!~pyrus@coffee-break.at)
L49[01:48:47] <JCB> well.. responce lag
L50[01:48:50] <JCB> has to spool up
L51[01:48:53] <JCB> and down
L52[01:49:30] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L54[02:30:34] ⇦ Quits: JCB (JCB!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L55[02:34:06] ⇦ Quits: Supernovy (Supernovy!~Supernovy@ (Quit: Goodnight.)
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L59[03:00:47] ⇨ Joins: Lilithvia (Lilithvia!webchat@
L60[03:00:57] <Lilithvia> London is calling and I...
L61[03:01:03] <Lilithvia> I live by the river!
L62[03:01:07] <Lilithvia> :s
L63[03:05:46] ⇦ Quits: Lilithvia (Lilithvia!webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L64[03:21:43] ⇨ Joins: JCB (JCB!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net)
L65[03:38:55] ⇨ Joins: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net)
L66[03:46:09] <JCB> watch'n a few vids on home built computer stuff... seem to recall a program language for KSP someone came up with.. got me wondering what 'computer' would be made to use it.
L67[03:52:46] <FLHerne> There are modded-in flight computers (i.e. kOS), but I guess that's not what you mean
L68[03:53:20] <FLHerne> KSP physics seems a bit unstable to build hardware computers à la Minecraft
L69[03:54:55] <FLHerne> Looks like someone tried here, but only very basic logic cells https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/24820-ksp-computer-dev-team/&page=3
L70[03:57:16] <JCB> well kOS.. being the operating system... was thinking, if computer was actually made.. being kerbals, Kind of doubt it be as complex as the AGC :)
L71[03:58:52] <JCB> wasn't exactly expecting someone trying to build a physical computer in KSP using stock parts ;P
L72[04:17:38] <FLHerne> The kOS mod comes with 'computer' parts that can provide control inputs and activate actions, plus the language and API to control them
L73[04:17:57] <FLHerne> Definitely more capable than the AGC, but then everything is now...
L74[04:18:43] ⇦ Quits: CaptainN (CaptainN!~KevinKeen@ (Quit: I have to pee!)
L75[04:23:07] ⇦ Quits: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L76[04:30:30] <JCB> I guess I kind of got a little too in depth with this 'home built computer from complete scratch' concept....
L77[04:31:45] <JCB> I think the AGC was rather cool. It did things it was designed for pretty good. I know there are far faster things, more memory, whole bunch of other things, but to make them do what the AGC did, you still need to add or modify a few things.
L78[04:37:42] <JCB> bleh... got to thinking, could use an intro screen for ksp video...
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L81[05:47:17] ⇨ Joins: Vdrela (Vdrela!webchat@
L82[05:48:32] <Vdrela> Hi. Does anyone use DMP multiplayer mod? I wasn't able to make DMP work with Making History Expansion, does anyone know if it is supported? Thanks
L83[06:00:06] ⇦ Quits: Epppi (Epppi!~Epil@210-84-49-109.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Quit: sleep time)
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L85[06:01:32] ⇨ Joins: VanDisaster (VanDisaster!~Miranda@sea.sux.net)
L86[06:24:07] <TheKosmonaut> Vdrela: you could look I'm #dmp
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L90[07:02:21] ⇨ Joins: Azander (Azander!~J@mobile-166-177-57-25.mycingular.net)
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L92[07:38:47] ⇨ Joins: UmbralRaptop (UmbralRaptop!~AndNex@2607:fb90:180c:c87f:9fa9:1519:2b38:5805)
L93[08:12:59] <Althego> https://i.imgur.com/02m88NB.gifv
L94[08:14:15] ⇨ Joins: tawny- (tawny-!~tawny@pool-72-66-34-188.washdc.east.verizon.net)
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L99[08:25:04] ⇨ Joins: APlayer (APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BC15100FD97D5166BDBB8F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L112[10:17:26] <mrBlaQ> sup
L113[10:18:27] <UmbralRaptop> +∇U, usually
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L115[10:28:23] <JCB> sun rise..
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L121[10:59:59] <Fluburtur> I got dry icre
L122[11:10:45] ⇦ Quits: m4v (m4v!~znc@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L124[11:14:25] <Mat2ch> Good. Now throw it at the sun and make it cooler!
L125[11:15:09] ⇨ Joins: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@c-73-158-172-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L126[11:15:52] <Fluburtur> im gonna put it inside my computer to see if it does anything
L127[11:16:00] <Fluburtur> probably fill the case with cool white smoke
L128[11:18:02] <JCB> vap'n pc... great..
L129[11:30:33] ⇨ Joins: Ezriilc (Ezriilc!~Ezriilc@
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L141[12:24:53] ⇦ Quits: JCB (JCB!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
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L144[13:14:29] ⇨ Joins: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com)
L145[13:22:26] <Draconiator> I wonder how long it took for people to figure out that 720K floppy disks could be converted to 1.44 ones just by drilling a hole in the right spot...
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L152[13:41:44] <APlayer> Draconiator: Isn't it the other way round?
L153[13:41:54] <APlayer> 1.44 to 720K?
L154[13:46:06] ⇨ Joins: MrTikku_ (MrTikku_!~hude@85-76-23-75-nat.elisa-mobile.fi)
L155[13:47:15] <APlayer> Oh, I see, it works in both directions
L156[13:47:47] * UmbralRaptop pokes the wiki.
L157[13:48:10] * Mat2ch pokes UmbralRaptop
L158[13:48:11] <UmbralRaptop> Is the current spambot wave DDoSing it?
L159[13:48:55] ⇦ Quits: MrTikku (MrTikku!~hude@91-159-228-134.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L161[13:58:12] <Draconiator> Found out the ancient program dosshell is an awesome front end to use within Dosbox
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L169[14:57:40] <Tank2333> Hi mod9000
L170[14:57:42] <Mod9000> How are things?
L171[14:57:48] <Tank2333> Good
L172[15:01:50] <Althego> https://i.imgflip.com/ej33g.jpg
L173[15:02:01] ⇦ Quits: kubi (kubi!~kubi@c-d6af71d5.018-143-73746f43.bbcust.telenor.se) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L174[15:02:28] <Tank2333> ^^
L175[15:07:05] ⇨ Joins: Dman979 (Dman979!~D^man@pool-108-52-186-161.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)
L176[15:07:28] <Althego> hmm, ariane 5 and falcon 9 launch in the same hour in 1 day 15 hours
L177[15:09:35] <umaxtu> they are supposed to. whether that works out or not is another question
L178[15:11:39] ⇨ Joins: CaptainN (CaptainN!zelda@
L179[15:13:03] <Draconiator> I found a new desktop BG https://i.gyazo.com/84634386258d9e99751d5eb9183ab3a7.jpg - SpaceEngine.
L180[15:14:01] ⇦ Quits: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-159.2com.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L181[15:14:15] <Althego> this is tiny
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L185[15:18:48] ⇨ Joins: Supernovy (Supernovy!~Supernovy@
L186[15:19:44] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L187[15:20:10] <Althego> here, i stole this from jpl http://warpology.com/x/marsdunewqxga.jpg
L188[15:20:40] <Althego> and the original was even bigger
L189[15:23:59] ⇦ Quits: ryan2390 (ryan2390!~ryan2390@host81-157-152-201.range81-157.btcentralplus.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L190[15:24:12] <Tank2333> evening
L191[15:25:10] <Tank2333> mars is a lie
L192[15:25:31] ⇦ Quits: Dman979 (Dman979!~D^man@pool-108-52-186-161.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L193[15:28:18] <UmbralRaptop> Given my luck with trying to observe Mars, this seems accurate.
L194[15:29:27] <Althego> through a telescope?
L195[15:30:33] <Fluburtur> I should try to look at mars
L196[15:30:46] <Fluburtur> I managed to get decent photos of jupiter
L197[15:30:59] <Fluburtur> and by decent I mean, one big dot and 4 smaller dots
L198[15:33:05] <Althego> hehe
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L201[15:37:04] <Althego> i better sleep now
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L204[15:38:22] * UmbralRaptop ? ☁
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L208[16:18:12] <halcyon_b> My wife gave me a vintage (50 year old) book on building your own telescope. I might try doing that in the next year or two.
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L211[16:38:44] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/413109312802521098/471068599180591127/DSC_7239.JPG
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L216[17:06:49] <Draconiator> https://weather.com/weather/tenday/l/USAZ0166:1:US - I'm glad I don't live in Phoenix....I'd probably melt into a puddle...
L217[17:08:18] <umaxtu> at least its not humid
L218[17:09:13] <UmbralRaptop> At 117 ℉…
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L220[17:29:47] <Mat2ch> ahahaha *criesabouttheheatwave*
L221[17:29:56] <Mat2ch> *meltsintoapuddle*
L222[17:46:00] * UmbralRaptop sort of assumes that it's 75-95 ℉ all year where Mat2ch lives?
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L236[19:14:12] <Tank2333> 47c is kinda hot wow
L237[19:21:44] <JCB> hows the humitity?
L238[19:21:50] <JCB> er.. humidity...
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L245[19:43:03] <Draconiator> I swear I have my DOSbox set up PERFECTLY for DOS stuff. 32MBV of memory and 40KHZ CPU speed.
L246[19:43:14] <JCB> ok?
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L263[20:48:14] <UmbralRaptop> uh
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L279[23:29:08] <Neal> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWp2HE1WhLo
L280[23:29:09] <kmath> YouTube - midwest power 9 WILDMAN DRAG RACE
L281[23:29:24] <Neal> high-power rocket drag race with around 8 rockets firing at once ^^^
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L290[23:53:38] <Althego> lol
L291[23:53:52] <Althego> how do theyu know which one won?
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