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L1[00:09:06] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUSkmQcx-4g - lol, AVON made a computer....heh
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L4[00:16:44] <Althego> soon tm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xybp6zLaGx4
L5[00:16:44] <kmath> YouTube - Telstar 19v Mission
L6[00:17:07] <Althego> wait it is morning here, so it is a night launch
L7[00:35:22] <NolanSyKinsley> is live
L8[00:35:29] <Althego> just an intro
L9[00:35:43] <Althego> now it is
L10[00:36:22] <Althego> why do they put a software engineer on camera?
L11[00:38:17] ⇦ Quits: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com) ()
L12[00:40:24] <Althego> still only 60% chance
L13[00:48:53] <Althego> those noises
L14[00:49:07] <Althego> i dont remember hearing them before
L15[00:51:22] <Malachite> is this the first time they've done a night landing?
L16[00:52:02] <VanDisaster> christ youtube, buffering at literally every resolution
L17[00:53:01] <Althego> i did see the green flash
L18[00:53:06] <Malachite> dude, that pressure wave
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L20[00:57:34] <Althego> hehe as usual no image at landing
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L23[00:58:33] <Althego> also the narrator used the wrong number for the speed, what is displayed is the second stage, the first stage is not that fast
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L25[01:00:14] <Malachite> they did it again. heck yea
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L34[01:22:58] <Althego> deployed
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L38[01:35:04] <Althego> as these landings are all successful, we are getting accustomed to them, so spacex is becoming less interesting. until they do the first real launch of falcon heavy. or the bfr
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L40[01:46:26] <TheKosmonaut> Musk said his goal was to have the landings become boring
L41[01:46:38] <Althego> and indeed they are
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L61[05:09:41] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186669324500993/470532819538673664/MG_0571.JPG
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L63[05:18:50] <JCB> ... team has too many scounts.. I'm guessing blue is spy?
L64[05:19:46] <Fluburtur> no is engie
L65[05:20:18] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186669324500993/470535529839067136/DX1A5098.jpg
L66[05:22:26] <JCB> was just teas'n... think spys on your own team show up normal but has some funny paper mask going
L67[05:22:54] <Fluburtur> well we saw no spy this day
L68[05:22:56] <Fluburtur> sadly
L69[05:28:00] <JCB> I've probably played more classic than tf2... which isnt't really a lot to begin with.
L70[05:37:55] <sandbox> usually entire team is snipers
L71[05:39:28] <JCB> ya.. I remember that, they had to put limits on how many per team
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L82[07:28:08] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/470567629103431691/DSC_9374.JPG
L83[07:33:42] <TheKosmonaut> Fluburtur: ... what you got on youtube back ther
L84[07:33:49] <Fluburtur> music
L85[07:34:07] ⇦ Quits: APlayer (APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BE3540060009962E53352EA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L86[07:35:11] <TheKosmonaut> Is it MLP music or like a MLP version of The Chipmunks where it's their voices singing a normal song
L87[07:35:56] <Fluburtur> mlp music
L88[07:36:35] <Fluburtur> this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yh19HIhFuTQ
L89[07:36:35] <kmath> YouTube - [remix] AwkwardMarina - Anthropology (Lyra's Song) remix by Yoka the Changeling
L90[07:38:14] <TheKosmonaut> Well that's in my history now
L91[07:38:26] <Fluburtur> mlp muysic is nice
L92[07:38:44] <TheKosmonaut> But the sax bit sounded kinda mos eisley cantina-ish for a sec
L93[07:38:50] <Fluburtur> yeah
L94[07:42:49] <Fluburtur> now I need to find where to order fiberglass cloth and epoxy resin for cheap
L95[07:53:34] <Fluburtur> I guess 25g fiber is enough
L96[07:53:43] <Fluburtur> but I will making the whole structure of the plane with it
L97[08:09:18] <Fluburtur> uh that's way expensive https://www.amazon.fr/R%C3%A9sine-Epoxy-Transparente-KG-Effet/dp/B01NH4ZTTB/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1532264933&sr=8-3&keywords=resine+epoxy
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L107[09:35:24] <Fluburtur> wanna see what a badly balanced plane does https://youtu.be/K0Wut8K0tv8?t=151
L108[09:37:26] <Althego> hehe
L109[09:54:24] ⇨ Joins: NolanSyKinsley (NolanSyKinsley!~NolanSyKi@cpe-104-35-73-144.socal.res.rr.com)
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L112[10:01:19] <Eddi|zuHause> that's like every of my aper planes ever
L113[10:01:27] <Eddi|zuHause> *paper
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L125[12:13:59] <GuestBanana> Hello fellow humans
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L127[12:22:56] <UmbralRaptop> uh
L128[12:26:46] <Draconiator> https://techcrunch.com/2018/07/21/propelling-deep-space-flight-with-a-new-fuel-source-momentus-prepares-for-liftoff/
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L130[12:52:22] <APlayer> Ahem. "[...] it’s ultimately better and more efficient fuel for flight beyond low earth orbit.". "[...] has specific impulses of 150 to 180 seconds and power up to 30 watts."
L131[12:52:27] <APlayer> That does not add up
L132[12:52:58] <Fluburtur> 150 is kinda low
L133[12:53:25] <APlayer> That ice evaporation thing I saw for cubesats was higher, IIRC
L134[12:58:44] <UmbralRaptop> 150 seconds is awful. Wouldn't PPT be better?
L135[12:59:37] <APlayer> Many things would be better
L136[13:00:05] <APlayer> 150 seconds, low thrust and the complexity this propulsion brings makes it basically inferior in all aspects to things such as UDMH
L137[13:00:08] <UmbralRaptop> If the article messed up and they meant 1500-1800 seconds, I'll believe there being a role for these thrusters.
L138[13:00:58] <APlayer> Except for the fact that water is less dangerous pre- and at launch, as well as easier to get with ISRU
L139[13:01:46] ⇨ Joins: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com)
L140[13:02:06] <APlayer> No, they mean 150 - 180 s, and another thruster with the same tech is supposed to have 300 - 500
L141[13:05:16] <UmbralRaptop> whelp
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L149[14:30:04] <Althego> there are chemical alternatives to hydrazine, at least in research phase
L150[14:30:22] <Fluburtur> I want non-chemical fuel please
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L152[14:33:14] * UmbralRaptop gives Fluburtur a NSWR.
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L155[14:37:06] <Mat2ch> I want a warp drive!
L156[14:37:42] ⇦ Quits: KrimZon_2 (KrimZon_2!~krimzon@super.duper.reetleet.org) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L157[14:39:18] <Althego> too slow, i want instant teleportation
L158[14:39:50] <Mat2ch> and artificial gravity
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L170[15:20:43] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L172[15:22:21] <Fluburtur> I've been watching scott pilgrim vs the world again
L173[15:22:28] <Neal1> one day I'll destroy that stupid skycircle
L174[15:22:33] <Fluburtur> man, it is an amazing movie
L175[15:22:44] <Fluburtur> I should do the same style of music with my band
L176[15:27:05] <JCB> I just saw 'Now You See me' ... the leader character, the voice reminds me of 'Scott'.. also that main character in Zombieland. Although, I think the actor was same one in Zombieland too
L177[15:28:25] <UmbralRaptop> JCB: I'm sorry that you wasted those 2 hours. =\
L178[15:32:21] <JCB> It as ok..
L179[15:32:45] <JCB> was alright... not planning to watch the second though...
L180[15:32:56] <JCB> ... or.. 2 hours on what?
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L182[15:39:14] <Tank2333> hi
L183[15:39:15] <Mod9000> Hello, Tank2333
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L185[15:40:21] <JCB> yo
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L198[16:46:47] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyQBPB1wnyk
L199[16:46:48] <kmath> YouTube - Giant Scale SR-71 Blackbird (Scratch-Built) -- Top Gun Invitational 2018
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L210[18:29:36] <Draconiator> Just discovered a drill bit can be used as a (somewhat slooooow) saw
L211[18:30:11] <Azander> Router bits work even better than drill bits for that, assuming they are large/deep enough
L212[19:05:03] <Draconiator> Trying to make a slingshot and so far I have the handle part finisghed....well almost. trying to figure oiut how to glue the other part on.
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L217[21:01:01] <AmbulatoryCortex> so I'm trying to reinstall KSP 1.3.1 so I can play realism overhaul, but both the installer and the zip file are failing to extract
L218[21:01:34] <UmbralRaptop> o_O
L219[21:01:41] <AmbulatoryCortex> zip file fails on sharedassets0.assets
L220[21:02:43] <AmbulatoryCortex> installer fails on model001.dds
L221[21:10:19] <AmbulatoryCortex> does the launcehr not work anymore?
L222[21:10:25] <AmbulatoryCortex> the update button is greyed out
L223[21:24:39] <UmbralRaptop> Probably not.
L224[21:25:08] <UmbralRaptop> It's always been best to directly run the KSP executable file directly IMO.
L225[21:25:52] <AmbulatoryCortex> Yeah, I'm trying to use the patcher to get around my issue
L226[21:26:01] <AmbulatoryCortex> but it seems to be nonfunctional as well :/
L227[21:36:03] <AmbulatoryCortex> could someone do me a big favor and upload KSP_x64_Data\sharedassets0.assets?
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L242[23:55:59] <JCB> zoom
L243[23:57:22] <JCB> ... Jeb and Val... I should probably see about bringing them back from LKO soon. Built a couple of ships for a docking mission, but then got a rescue one which yielded a pilot...
L244[23:57:52] <JCB> Been having her fly things around for the past day or so (in game time)
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