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L1[00:09:18] ⇨ Joins: Supernovy (Supernovy!~Supernovy@122-60-153-5-adsl.bb.spark.co.nz)
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L5[00:22:05] <UmbralRaptor> https://twitter.com/elakdawalla/status/1011839052759293952
L6[00:22:06] <kmath> <elakdawalla> Itokawa and Ryugu to scale, ish. Two peas in a pod! https://t.co/OI8V7PejOP
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L11[00:35:24] <Neal> man the KSP workshop items are all trash lol
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L14[01:13:19] ⇦ Quits: aeTIos (aeTIos!~aeTIos@wank.party) (Quit: slammed on the lithobrakes)
L15[01:23:08] <Neal> my mun lander has a weird connection scheme
L16[01:23:52] <Neal> vessel is in mun orbit. first hop is my minmus relay, second hop is my relay at mun's north pole, 3rd hop is my kerbin north pole relay, 4th hop is my kerbosynchronous relay
L17[01:24:45] <Althego> probably trying to avoid you tracking the call :)
L18[01:26:40] <Neal> behind 4 proxies
L19[01:57:06] ⇦ Quits: NolanSyKinsley (NolanSyKinsley!~NolanSyKi@2606:6000:5106:8500:f21d:a63a:e982:fe39) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L38[04:04:24] <Eddi|zuHause> better try TOR for that purpose :p
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L398[09:04:38] <halcyon_b> Has anyone here used krpc? Anyone have thoughts on kRPC vs. kOS?
L399[09:15:56] <Eddi|zuHause> i'm fairly sure religious debates are against the rules :p
L400[09:19:24] <ve2dmn> ^
L401[09:20:13] <ve2dmn> kOS is slower but inside the simulation. KRPC is much faster, but you have to take into account the fact that it runs outside the simulation
L402[09:21:24] <halcyon_b> Ha - I didn't realize there were strong opinions on it, but I suppose that makes sense.
L403[09:22:03] <Eddi|zuHause> people have strong opinions on _EVERYTHING_
L404[09:22:41] <ve2dmn> True. I have strong opinions on the US date/time and Customary units.
L405[09:24:26] <ve2dmn> Also, optimal keybaord layouts
L406[09:24:47] <halcyon_b> What's your preferred keyboard layout, ve2dmn?
L407[09:24:58] <ve2dmn> "Not AZERTY"
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L409[09:26:06] <Truga> rip french kb
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L412[09:27:14] <ve2dmn> (In all the above cases it's either someone made a very annoying assumption.... or laugh at me for my use of X)
L413[09:27:49] <halcyon_b> Congrats, ve2dmn, you've sent me down a wiki black hole
L414[09:28:09] <halcyon_b> I hope you're proud of yourself
L415[09:28:49] <ve2dmn> yes. Yes I am
L416[09:30:10] <ve2dmn> In the case of AZERTY, it was back in the days of installing windows...
L417[09:30:34] <Truga> where i live the standard keyboard is qwertz
L418[09:30:37] <Truga> it's so stupid
L419[09:30:44] <Truga> kezboard this kezboard that
L420[09:30:47] <Truga> lmao
L421[09:31:05] <ve2dmn> Truga: compare QWERTY and AZERTY
L422[09:31:14] <Truga> yeah I know
L423[09:31:19] <ve2dmn> good luck typing on one when you have the other
L424[09:31:25] <Truga> uh
L425[09:31:44] <Truga> you can just change the layout?
L426[09:31:54] <Truga> :p
L427[09:31:59] <ve2dmn> "You want Windows in French? You must thus be in France, because no one else in the world speaks that language. Btw, that password you typed earlier was in AZERTY, good luck finding now"
L428[09:32:10] <Truga> haha
L429[09:32:36] <Truga> yeah none of my passwords have a z or y in them :D
L430[09:32:41] <ve2dmn> These days it's trivial to change it, but back then they just assume and didn't provide an easy wait to have the proper locale
L431[09:33:14] <halcyon_b> Most linux installs are ridiculous, but I like that they usually let you specify language and keyboard separately
L432[09:33:25] <halcyon_b> Unless it's Raspbian, then you specify the keyboard layout and the OS just ignores you
L433[09:33:44] <ve2dmn> I still these small things occasionnaly... Like in Zelda BoTW, if you want Celcius, you need to switch to French, Spanish or German
L434[09:34:08] <Truga> lol
L435[09:34:09] <Truga> right
L436[09:34:33] <ve2dmn> Celcius + 24h clock is linked to language
L437[09:34:34] <Truga> the clock in the stupid mmo i play is 12h instead of 24h because i have english language set
L438[09:34:35] <halcyon_b> There always needs to be an English (US) and English(UK) option
L439[09:35:40] <ve2dmn> I mean it's trivial to make it an option.... *sigh*
L440[09:35:55] <Truga> just have a metric/imperial option it's not that hard
L441[09:36:09] <Truga> alternatively, abolish united states, remove imperial
L442[09:36:15] <ve2dmn> It's a minor annoyance, but multiply that but 1000 times and you get to see why I tend to have strong opinions on these things
L443[09:36:18] <Truga> i don't see a downside honestly :v
L444[09:36:47] <ve2dmn> on paper the US is metric
L445[09:37:02] <ve2dmn> In practice... let's not get there, because it's beyond politics
L446[09:37:02] <Truga> paper will take anything tho
L447[09:38:17] <Eddi|zuHause> what's wrong with qwertz?
L448[09:38:23] <Truga> everything
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L450[09:39:17] <Eddi|zuHause> at least they don't have + on a "shift" key
L451[09:39:24] <Eddi|zuHause> or -
L452[09:39:27] <Eddi|zuHause> i forgot which one
L453[09:39:44] <ve2dmn> +
L454[09:39:54] <Truga> everything is upside down
L455[09:39:57] <Truga> it's terrible :<
L456[09:40:47] <Althego> azerty?
L457[09:40:49] <ve2dmn> AZERTY has the number keys on shift and ! on press
L458[09:41:12] <Eddi|zuHause> that sounds fun
L459[09:41:15] <ve2dmn> Deity, I hate that keyboard
L460[09:41:26] <Althego> mr deity :) fun series
L461[09:41:51] <ve2dmn> At least the QWERTZ is close *enough*
L462[09:42:29] <Eddi|zuHause> some people complain that programming with qwertz is hard, because {[]} are hard to reach
L463[09:42:34] <ve2dmn> sure the é and à are problably somewhere else but that's already a difference between the 2 major Canadian layout
L464[09:42:36] <Eddi|zuHause> but i never found that a problem
L465[09:42:52] <Althego> yes german keyboard is useless for programming and shell, just as hungarian
L466[09:43:01] <Althego> yet germans insist on using german layout
L467[09:43:03] <ve2dmn> how about | ?
L468[09:43:09] <Truga> altgr+w
L469[09:43:11] <Truga> for
L470[09:43:13] <Truga> for |
L471[09:43:19] <Althego> in german layout <>| are on the same key
L472[09:43:22] <Eddi|zuHause> no, altgr+<
L473[09:43:28] <ve2dmn> Althego: use AZERTY for a week. You'll LOVE the german layout :D
L474[09:43:31] <Althego> one of the most annoying choices
L475[09:43:35] <Truga> you guys have a different qwertz i guess
L476[09:43:39] <Althego> no, i just switch
L477[09:44:33] <Eddi|zuHause> once you're accepting the fact that you have to press altgr a lot, it doesn't really make it any more difficult than pressing shift
L478[09:44:39] <ve2dmn> 4 QWERTZ layout: German, Swiss, Hungary, and the one used in "Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina."
L479[09:45:06] <Althego> that is it, for edample / and [] dont need a shift
L480[09:45:59] <Eddi|zuHause> i'd trade that for + needing shift any time
L481[09:46:11] <Althego> almost never need +
L482[09:46:25] <Eddi|zuHause> you must do some weird programming then :p
L483[09:46:27] <Truga> yeah but get this
L484[09:46:35] <Althego> / is search and path separator
L485[09:46:36] <Truga> imagine having a slash on shift+7
L486[09:46:37] <Truga> just imagine
L487[09:46:39] <Truga> lol
L488[09:46:45] <Althego> they have it on
L489[09:47:01] <ve2dmn> Truga: I have it on shift+3
L490[09:47:03] <Althego> once i have seen a tired german miss the shift on / 3 times in a row
L491[09:47:09] <ve2dmn> I use the numpad :/
L492[09:47:11] <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, how do i imagine having / on shift+7 when that's where it always was?
L493[09:47:14] <Althego> because german keyboard of course
L494[09:47:17] <Truga> slash is probably one of the most used keys on my keyboard when working
L495[09:47:20] <Althego> it wasnt
L496[09:47:26] <Althego> you are too young
L497[09:47:35] <Truga> and shit+7 is the terriblest place for it
L498[09:47:36] <Althego> when i was younf there was never anything else just qwerty
L499[09:47:43] <Althego> international support was not really a thing
L500[09:47:59] <Althego> later same annoying people introduced qwertz to computers
L501[09:48:04] <Althego> typewriters had it
L502[09:48:05] <ve2dmn> 'not really' is an understatement
L503[09:48:13] <Althego> but of course that was a different layout altogether
L504[09:48:20] <Eddi|zuHause> maybe 3 times in my life i've seen a computer that didn't have qwertz
L505[09:48:35] <Eddi|zuHause> and that was crazy annoying :p
L506[09:48:37] <Truga> mine has a us keyboard and this thing is a cancer of its own
L507[09:48:39] <Althego> that is german nationalism
L508[09:48:41] <Truga> the enter key is all wrong :v
L509[09:48:43] <ve2dmn> Eddi|zuHause: I see you never left your country :D
L510[09:48:43] <Althego> they configure everything to german
L511[09:49:00] <Truga> a big chunk of europe uses qwertz
L512[09:49:07] <Eddi|zuHause> ve2dmn: and yet, i've lived in multiple different countries
L513[09:49:09] <ve2dmn> I can buy 3 different layout at the store: US, CA and CA-fr
L514[09:49:10] <Althego> the best is still speicherschutzverletzung instead of segmentation fault
L515[09:49:20] <Truga> lol
L516[09:49:28] <APlayer> So you say a foreign keyboard layout is horrible?
L517[09:49:45] <Althego> for programming
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L519[09:49:54] <ve2dmn> The AZERTY one is horrible. The rest are just annoying
L520[09:49:55] <Eddi|zuHause> Althego: it used to be called "general protection fault"
L521[09:49:59] <APlayer> I tell you what /is/ horrible: Trying to get used to a new keyboard layout
L522[09:50:04] <Althego> shell, and programming languages are ok with an us keyboard, with anything else it is harder to do
L523[09:50:15] <Althego> no, general protection fault is windows
L524[09:50:20] <Althego> linux never says that
L525[09:50:39] <ve2dmn> "general protection fault" != segmentation fault
L526[09:50:45] <APlayer> Hence, us Germans use QWERTZ and configure everything to QWERTZ. And you guys use QWERTY and configure everything to QWERTY
L527[09:50:49] <Althego> so when qwertz hit, for years i tried to get accustomed to it
L528[09:50:51] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_protection_fault vs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segmentation_fault
L529[09:51:12] <Althego> and the result is, i know use hungarian qwerty, what i created, because ms still doesnt support non 101 hungarian qwerty
L530[09:51:20] <Althego> while all linux distros do
L531[09:51:24] <ve2dmn> APlayer: look up the AZERTY keyboard and tell me it's not a horrible, incompatible idea
L532[09:51:34] <Althego> it is silly idea :)
L533[09:52:22] <Althego> so what did they want to achieve by swapping 2 keys?
L534[09:52:26] <ve2dmn> segmentation fault is a general protection fault. the reverse is not true
L535[09:52:29] <Althego> it is just annoying
L536[09:52:57] <Eddi|zuHause> ve2dmn: it says pm the segfault article "On standard x86 computers, this is a form of general protection fault. "
L537[09:53:22] <ve2dmn> segmentation fault is a general protection fault. the reverse is not true
L538[09:53:24] <Althego> however the message general protection fault only appears on windows
L539[09:53:28] <ve2dmn> ^
L540[09:53:36] <APlayer> https://h2g2.com/edited_entry/A29639046
L541[09:53:56] <Althego> no, it was some kind of rindfleisch something
L542[09:54:00] <Althego> about labeling beef
L543[09:54:05] <Eddi|zuHause> another name for the same thing is "access violation"
L544[09:54:43] <Truga> APlayer I'm from a place that uses qwertz by default and I still think it's terrible
L545[09:54:54] <Eddi|zuHause> <Althego> so what did they want to achieve by swapping 2 keys? <-- in german, the letter "y" is virtually nonexisting
L546[09:55:00] <Althego> and?
L547[09:55:01] <Truga> yeah
L548[09:55:09] <Althego> then optimize for the language completely
L549[09:55:11] <Truga> but why swap z and y
L550[09:55:15] <Eddi|zuHause> so you want the least used keys somewhere at the edge
L551[09:55:16] <APlayer> Truga: The only thing I find terrible is the fact that I keep getting > and < wrong
L552[09:55:18] <Truga> go full dvorak lol
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L554[09:55:24] <Althego> or rather discard qwerty completely because it was optimized for the slowest typing possible
L555[09:55:27] <Truga> APlayer that and slash being on shift+7
L556[09:55:31] <APlayer> Nope
L557[09:55:38] <APlayer> That one's perfectly fine
L558[09:55:39] <Truga> when slash is one of the most commonly used keys when computer touching :p
L559[09:55:49] <Althego> slash on shift 7 or on shift 6 in the hungarian layout is a crime against humanity
L560[09:55:54] <Althego> exactly
L561[09:56:22] <ve2dmn> Keyboard layout were made for a different time and place
L562[09:56:31] <Truga> yeah
L563[09:56:38] <Althego> we should be using brain computer interface already :)
L564[09:56:43] <APlayer> Shift-7 is an easy thing for muscle memory
L565[09:56:44] <Truga> they were made for typewrites so they things didn't get stuck as often when typing quickly :D
L566[09:56:47] <Althego> ket the computer learn how i type
L567[09:56:47] <Eddi|zuHause> they didn't really have path separators and stuff in mind when making the typewriter key layouts
L568[09:56:55] <Althego> i dont care how it does it
L569[09:57:02] <Truga> APlayer it's not an easy thing to hit with a single keypress though
L570[09:57:18] <APlayer> Well, fortunately, you have enough fingers to hit two keys :P
L571[09:57:20] <Althego> the us layout didnt have path spearators in mind either
L572[09:57:29] <Truga> i have enough fingers, but not enough time :p
L573[09:57:34] <ve2dmn> I have a friend who still insist on calling 'caps Lock' by the name of 'Control'
L574[09:57:35] <Althego> however because they were easily accessible, they chose those characters
L575[09:57:40] <Eddi|zuHause> no, but the people that chose path separators had the US layout in mind
L576[09:57:47] <Truga> / and \ are both single keystroke on us layout these days :p
L577[09:57:49] <Althego> and at that point no derived layout should have moved them
L578[09:57:54] <APlayer> ve2dmn: Umschalttaste!
L579[09:58:14] <Althego> which can be like 3 different combinations
L580[09:58:21] <Althego> if not reconfigured
L581[09:58:27] <Eddi|zuHause> Althego: i think the keyboard layouts are older than paths
L582[09:58:48] <Truga> yes that's the problem isn't it :p
L583[09:58:53] <Althego> not the 101-105 key layout, which were obviously made for computers
L584[09:59:04] <Eddi|zuHause> computers had paths very late, actually
L585[09:59:05] <ve2dmn> APlayer: btw, sorry for starting a religious war on keyboard layout. I realise I am good at opening pandora's box this week
L586[09:59:07] <Althego> as i said those were already different from typewriter layouts
L587[09:59:18] <ve2dmn> (this is not a good week for me)
L588[09:59:22] <Althego> let's switch to si vw imperial :)
L589[09:59:28] <ve2dmn> (things are... stress-inducing)
L590[09:59:32] <APlayer> This discussion very much reminds me of https://xkcd.com/378/
L591[09:59:39] <Eddi|zuHause> i mean, nobody really used directories before the 80s
L592[09:59:46] <Althego> for example i hate the fact there is an ubiquous metric called dpi
L593[09:59:50] <ve2dmn> I had another xkcd in mind
L594[10:00:00] <Althego> i dont care about inches
L595[10:00:14] <ve2dmn> Althego: or altitude in feets
L596[10:00:20] <Althego> taht is equally annoying
L597[10:00:22] <Althego> so bad
L598[10:00:25] <Eddi|zuHause> i've no clue what a "point" is in font sizes
L599[10:00:29] <Eddi|zuHause> and then there's "pica"?
L600[10:00:33] <Althego> that is actually defined
L601[10:00:33] <Eddi|zuHause> wtf is that?
L602[10:01:06] <Althego> he DTP point is defined as 1⁄72 of an international inch (about 0.353 mm) and, as with earlier American point sizes, is considered to be 1⁄12 of a pica.
L603[10:01:08] <APlayer> Eddi: According to wikipedia, the first directory was used in 1878: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_directory#History
L604[10:01:10] <APlayer> :P
L605[10:01:25] <Truga> yeah directories were used pretty early for organization
L606[10:01:26] <Eddi|zuHause> APlayer: not what i meant :p
L607[10:01:28] <Althego> haha tehre are several others
L608[10:01:33] <Althego> but anyway they should just use mm
L609[10:01:37] <Althego> as any sane person would
L610[10:01:41] <Truga> directories on computer are the same thing, but in filesystem form
L611[10:02:32] <Althego> btw i hate it when people call directories folders :)
L612[10:02:38] <Truga> usually it was more like "warehouse three room 13 folder cabinet 15" tho
L613[10:02:48] <Eddi|zuHause> Althego: that's purely Win95's fault
L614[10:02:53] <Althego> exactly
L615[10:03:19] <Eddi|zuHause> someone at microsoft must have thought "directory" wasn't a term for the average user
L616[10:05:03] <Truga> lol
L617[10:06:59] <Althego> now i got to the point to actually listen to the flat earth vs geocentrism debate
L618[10:07:10] <Althego> the most hilarious battle ever
L619[10:08:08] <halcyon_b> Next up: Mermaids vs. Sasquatch
L620[10:08:19] <Truga> spy vs spy
L621[10:08:29] <Althego> i could never play that game
L622[10:08:33] <Althego> always crashed on load
L623[10:08:34] <UmbralRaptor> s/win85/MacOS/
L624[10:09:03] <Althego> did os2 have any ill effect similar to this? :)
L625[10:10:03] <Althego> actually they shouldnt be in a debate. flat earthers are geocentrists too. also memraids and yetis are orthogonal
L626[10:11:30] <halcyon_b> Not in Newfoundland they aren't
L627[10:11:47] <Althego> why
L628[10:11:50] <Althego> one eats the other?
L629[10:13:26] <halcyon_b> They compete over the same natural resources: tourists who ignore signs and local warnings and thne are eaten
L630[10:13:50] <ve2dmn> Like the drop bears?
L631[10:13:51] <Althego> no signs under water
L632[10:14:11] <halcyon_b> yeah, but there are signs on beaches
L633[10:14:27] <Althego> yes, plus signs on shift :)
L634[10:15:09] <halcyon_b> Just like drop bears. except, you know, other hemisphere
L635[10:15:42] <Althego> drop bear?
L636[10:16:28] <ve2dmn> Beware the drop bears
L637[10:20:16] <UmbralRaptor> Althego: carnivorous koalas. They jump out of trees onto tourists. >_>
L638[10:20:22] <Althego> hehe
L639[10:22:18] <Althego> heh it's business time is perpetually 2:30 tomorrow :)
L640[10:22:41] <ve2dmn> I should take a week off to get KSP, Stellaris, Surviving Mars and a few others out of my system...
L641[10:22:47] <Althego> at this point i bet spacex will be faster with crs-15
L642[10:23:36] <Althego> why would you do that
L643[10:34:22] <ve2dmn> because I can't concentrate at work
L644[10:34:48] <Althego> you dont need to play all these at work
L645[10:35:11] <ve2dmn> as if I could
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L647[10:36:17] <Althego> then how are they interfering with work?
L648[10:36:30] <ve2dmn> my brain won't let go
L649[10:36:34] <Althego> hehe
L650[10:36:48] <ve2dmn> It's gonna worse once if i start factorio
L651[10:37:04] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4eav7dFvc8
L652[10:37:05] <kmath> YouTube - The Prodigy - Out Of Space (Official Video)
L653[10:37:12] <Althego> ... take your brain to an other dimension
L654[10:37:57] <Althego> but i never liked prodigy
L655[10:38:15] <ve2dmn> currently listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqwkXj3vJQM
L656[10:38:15] <kmath> YouTube - OC ReMix #2070: Mega Man 2 'Dokuta Wairi, Rival to the Light' [Dr. Wily Stage 1] by Juan Medrano
L657[10:40:05] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVhzQggmQok
L658[10:40:06] <kmath> YouTube - MegaMan 3 - Top Man (Remix)
L659[10:41:27] <Althego> hmm he has a terminal velocity remix too. i should play that again sometime
L660[10:42:37] <ve2dmn> take your pick btw: https://www.youtube.com/user/ocremix/videos?view=0&sort=p&flow=grid
L661[10:42:58] <Althego> i never had any consoles
L662[10:43:57] <ve2dmn> neither did I. I played most of these in 2000
L663[10:45:22] <Althego> i dont do that. the same way we never hada video in the vhs era, so i still havent seen any rambo movies
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L668[11:20:03] <Althego> hehe after six, end of workday, just avoid the -60C cold :)
L669[11:20:48] <Fluburtur> new heli https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/461566555201994752/DSC_9217.JPG
L670[11:20:54] <Althego> now there was no wintergatan video on monday, and still hasnt happened today
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L676[11:39:52] <Althego> https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1011703254407770112
L677[11:39:52] <kmath> <✔SpaceX> At Naval Air Facility El Centro in Southern California, SpaceX recently completed its 16th test of Crew Dragon’s pa… https://t.co/xapKBllfJn
L678[11:43:25] <Mat2ch> weeeee
L679[11:43:36] <Althego> getting closer
L680[11:43:46] <Althego> what i dont understand why these tests are always so far apart?
L681[11:43:53] <Althego> say it worked? you dont need to redesign everything
L682[11:44:00] <Althego> collect the data, continue with the next one
L683[11:44:26] <Althego> see spaceshiptwo, how many tests gone away?
L684[11:44:36] <Althego> or rathers years
L685[11:44:43] <Althego> one tests every few months
L686[11:45:38] <Althego> hmm nvidia 398.36
L687[11:46:21] <ve2dmn> ok. I really need to log off... everything
L688[11:47:13] <Althego> close life. open op next?
L689[11:47:18] <Althego> *up
L690[11:48:30] <ve2dmn> I basically argue with everyone today
L691[11:51:45] <UmbralRaptor> *sob* https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-completes-webb-telescope-review-commits-to-launch-in-early-2021
L692[11:52:12] <Althego> again an other year of delay
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L694[11:58:07] <Eddi|zuHause> <UmbralRaptor> Althego: carnivorous koalas. They jump out of trees onto tourists. >_> <-- oh, i knew the plummeting ursas from path of exile must have real world equivalents :p
L695[11:58:28] <Althego> at least in memes
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L697[11:58:52] <UmbralRaptor> ^
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L701[12:12:17] <Althego> https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/06/russias-proton-rocket-which-predates-apollo-will-finally-stop-flying/ end of an era
L702[12:12:22] <Althego> or maybe the beginning of a new
L703[12:12:45] <Althego> at least it is starting to look like that. finally space is taking off
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L706[12:14:04] <UmbralRaptor> To be fair, the balloon tank Atlases flew into the 90s. And Titan derivatives until 2005.
L707[12:14:13] <APlayer> I'd rather prefer space to stay where it is, and our rockets taking off instead
L708[12:14:22] <Althego> hehe
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L710[12:17:03] <APlayer> "an increasing rate of failures" - I was about to ask if that includes upside down IMUs, and then: "too much propellant had been mistakenly loaded into its upper stage" - what? (The IMU issue was mentioned too, but I am now interested in the too much propellant part)
L711[12:17:32] <Althego> how could you have too much propellant? you can always have a bit more delta v
L712[12:18:12] <APlayer> How come the rocket is too big?
L713[12:19:49] <APlayer> And what are the chances of it being vented in-flight and the trajectory update to save the mission if such an issue is detected right at liftoff?
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L727[13:26:17] <Neal> Do Surface Scanning Modules yield any science?
L728[13:26:39] <Neal> or the sentinel telescope? not sure what research node I want to unlock
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L732[13:28:22] <Althego> the sentinel does
L733[13:28:28] <Althego> only in solar otbit
L734[13:29:37] <Neal> mm. might unlock the nuclear engine first since I don't have the RA-100 unlocked yet,
L735[13:40:30] ⇨ Joins: GuestBanana (GuestBanana!webchat@mta-98-1-13-140.nycap.rr.com)
L736[13:40:42] <GuestBanana> Hey
L737[13:41:08] <Althego> hey dude
L738[13:41:09] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwe2pIZTR58
L739[13:41:09] <kmath> YouTube - Star Dudes - Episode IV A New Dude
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L741[13:41:16] <Althego> this is so old
L742[13:41:54] <Fluburtur> there was that french parody as well
L743[13:42:03] <Fluburtur> that I knew all the lines of about 7 years ago
L744[13:42:13] <Althego> it has ep 1-6
L745[13:42:24] <Althego> basically all they speak is hey dude
L746[13:44:55] <Mat2ch> https://twitter.com/JosephHDempsey/status/1011891396276637697 ouch
L747[13:44:56] <kmath> <JosephHDempsey> Damage sustained to Sachsen (F219) following SM-2 misfire. Fortunately only two crew sustained minor injuries, this… https://t.co/lZpB3oNBSM
L748[13:46:43] <GuestBanana> Never even knew Germany had a navy.
L749[13:47:40] <GuestBanana> Hi there, I'm an ignorant American who thinks the only navies in the world are Murican, Chinese, and those weird Somali pirates
L750[13:47:47] <GuestBanana> :P
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L752[13:49:25] <ve2dmn> Althego: you say you didn't have a console, but did you have this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UGRR6MkVmE
L753[13:49:25] <kmath> YouTube - One Must Fall 2097 - Soundtrack
L754[13:49:39] <Althego> oh yes, it is still awesome
L755[13:50:00] <Althego> ping plonk pang
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L758[14:12:28] <APlayer> Oh no! A wild American on the loose! And it's even a banana!
L759[14:13:27] <ve2dmn> don't worry. It's just a Banana for scale. nothing dangerous
L760[14:13:57] <APlayer> But it's not a domestic banana!
L761[14:14:23] <Althego> domestic doesnt make things better
L762[14:15:16] <APlayer> You must be one of those people that actually believe the nonsense about the Earth being round and vaccines helping anyone!
L763[14:16:05] * APlayer stops
L764[14:20:19] <Althego> hah, flat earthers. i cant really translate this. "air contains aeriform gases". gee, what did you expect
L765[14:20:35] <Althego> i didnt know aeriform was a word
L766[14:20:57] <Althego> at least i learned something from the stupidity of these people
L767[14:21:02] <ve2dmn> Althego: they are evolving. They are close to finding Oxygen
L768[14:21:20] <Althego> how close are they to dihydrogen monoxide
L769[14:21:37] <ve2dmn> only a few more centuries
L770[14:22:19] <ve2dmn> They must never find he power of DHMO
L771[14:22:30] <Rolf> DHMO is found in all cancers so far. :(
L772[14:22:50] <ve2dmn> As well as coffee and tea... I know
L773[14:23:03] <Althego> also you cant see infinitely far on the flat earth because of water vapor in the air
L774[14:23:09] <APlayer> I just hope that flat earthers and co are mostly trolls on the internet. I don't believe people can actually think that way
L775[14:23:13] <Rolf> DHMO have been found in lakes, rivers, and amazing enough, rain also. no other chemicals tend to be found in rain
L776[14:23:48] <ve2dmn> Rolf: DHMO might even be in chemtrails if the rumour are to be believed!
L777[14:24:24] <APlayer> DHMO is "it", I believe. Not "they".
L778[14:24:38] <Althego> it is like chem trail people. they are spraying us with aluminium. because they sent water samples of puddles to a lab and it contained that. one of the most common material on earth, what a surprise
L779[14:24:58] <ve2dmn> APlayer: it's actually that bad...
L780[14:25:24] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/461613004144902154/20180627212441_1.jpg
L781[14:25:37] <Althego> hehe
L782[14:25:50] <ve2dmn> APlayer: if you want to know more, read "The Unpersuadables: Adventures with the Enemies of Science"
L783[14:26:02] <Fluburtur> good thing my engine was dead, otherwise I would have been out of fuel very quick
L784[14:26:39] <ve2dmn> TL;DR: at this point their believe is so linked to who they are, they will reject reality itself because it would be too painful to admit they are nothing
L785[14:27:14] * APlayer frowns
L786[14:28:28] <Althego> you aint fat, you aint nothi, you aint nothin
L787[14:31:12] <Rolf> Good question, https://i.imgur.com/2M57TcT.jpg
L788[14:31:29] <Rolf> poor flat worlder
L789[14:31:31] <Althego> earth-chan is not flat
L790[14:34:09] <ve2dmn> TIL ^
L791[14:43:44] <Eddi|zuHause> DHMO must be one of the deadliest chemicals on this planet
L792[14:44:08] <Supercheese> verily
L793[14:44:25] <ve2dmn> too much of it is fatal
L794[14:44:57] <Eddi|zuHause> so many people die of DHMO overdose daily :/
L795[14:51:11] <Althego> hmm, people say you have to calibrate the compass on the s7 after each reboot
L796[14:51:15] <Althego> cant imagine why
L797[14:51:15] <darsie> Often even children.
L798[14:51:23] <Althego> but now i understand why it wasnt working
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L807[15:37:07] <Neal> "asteroid exploded due to overheating"
L808[15:37:09] <Neal> wow.
L809[15:41:50] <UmbralRaptor> Mining explodium?
L810[15:42:16] <Neal> trying to aerocapture an asteroid =///
L811[15:43:55] <UmbralRaptor> Heh.
L812[15:45:10] <ve2dmn> good luck with that. never managed to do it
L813[15:46:57] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/461633081762250753/36316770_674749576209211_5984732954960592896_n.png
L814[15:50:52] <mabus> i was only ever able to aerocapture an asteroid with a hundred quicksaves and loads
L815[15:51:07] <mabus> you either get like 0 reduction in speed or everything blows up
L816[15:51:53] <APlayer> What about nuclear pulses to assist with the aerocapture?
L817[15:51:54] <ve2dmn> so either crash-and-burn or fireworks... sounds like my experience!
L818[15:52:16] <APlayer> ve2dmn: Seems like you had no fireworks crashing back into the ground
L819[15:52:26] <APlayer> (And still burning)
L820[15:54:01] <APlayer> ...and I'm off for today. See you guys!
L821[15:54:47] <UmbralRaptor> \o
L822[15:57:50] ⇦ Quits: APlayer (APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BC3A2001C6D423030677F5C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L823[15:58:23] <Neal> where should I burn to turn this highly elliptical, polar orbit into an equatorial orbit?
L824[16:00:56] <ve2dmn> 'yes'
L825[16:01:15] <ve2dmn> Try near the equator
L826[16:07:57] <Neal> I think I'm going to just try landing it near the KSC
L827[16:08:11] <Neal> can I recover an asteroid and get science off of it?
L828[16:11:23] <Neal> turns out recovering an asteroid yields 0 science. nice
L829[16:11:36] <JCB> lol... now to throw it out
L830[16:11:53] <Neal> none of the detectors I had were valid for asteroids so I got a grand total of 0 science for this effort
L831[16:11:55] <JCB> can you at least mine it on the ground?
L832[16:12:43] <Neal> I hope so
L833[16:13:02] <Neal> my last landing attempt put me halfway across the planet
L834[16:13:51] <JCB> most cases, unless you get it into an orbit, landing is pretty much random
L835[16:16:07] <ve2dmn> i would keep it in a 100km orbit and make a refuel station out of it
L836[16:18:28] <Neal> so close...
L837[16:18:29] <Neal> https://i.imgur.com/XC6DzvR.png
L838[16:19:06] <JCB> I wouldn't mind designing a small base to land on one of the smaller moons. I guess I could do it on an asteroid once its in orbit. Although, I'd worry about messing its rotation/orbit...
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L840[16:19:59] <Neal> I had planned to make it a refueling station but its in a polar orbit
L841[16:21:26] <ve2dmn> http://www.whereisroadster.com/
L842[16:23:37] <JCB> you can push it to high elliptical, push it over to flatter orbit..
L843[16:23:42] <ve2dmn> I think the warranty is void on that car
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L846[16:25:01] <JCB> ... ya but all its doing is coasting
L847[16:25:39] <Neal1> update: https://i.imgur.com/Cjtf9ss.png
L848[16:26:04] <Neal1> just need to send a rover over to investigate it i hope
L849[16:26:32] <JCB> hopefully it'll stop rolling once its down
L850[16:27:22] <Neal1> yup
L851[16:27:25] <Neal1> it has come to a stop
L852[16:27:32] <Neal1> I forgot to unlock rover parts
L853[16:28:13] <JCB> lol.. I built a jet powered quad craft.. pretty stable.
L854[16:28:35] <JCB> uses 8 juno's.. just not sure how you are at the controls of quad type hover craft ;)
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L856[16:31:14] <JCB> unless you have the research points to spare and wanna build a rover
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L882[18:03:43] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L884[18:05:45] <JCB> Been debating on doing something a little extra for ksp video recording. Or think people just want to watch straight up video, just with slow parts cut out?
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L888[18:29:32] <Draconiator> https://www.space.com/41016-nasa-delays-james-webb-space-telescope-2021.html - James Webb. Jeb....pretty darn sure theres someone named Jebediah working on the thing.
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L890[18:34:11] <UmbralRaptor> Maybe Jeb's responsible for damaging the sunshield?
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L894[18:43:48] <JCB> ... sorry brain went 'jeb-webb'...
L895[18:46:13] <KrazyKrl> Jeb doesn't use sunshields other than Jeb's own sunglasses.
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L897[18:48:21] <KrazyKrl> Also, I don't like the fact they use diameter of the reflector as a baseline... the hubble has a 5.525m^2 primary reflector, JWST has a 25m^2 primary reflector.
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L901[19:23:02] <Pakaran> KrazyKrl, I want to say that can be traded off, to some extent, by efficiency of the detectors in the individual pixels, as well as longer exposure.
L902[19:23:12] <Pakaran> Of course, you can't get data from less than one photon...
L903[19:23:45] <Pakaran> but there's a LOT of things astronomers care about for which the diffraction limit inherent in the mirror size isn't the limiting factor
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L910[19:43:46] <Pakaran> hmm, another oxygen not included update. tempted to start a new save and check out what's new.
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L919[20:18:05] <Pakaran> hmm... the obvious part for "kick off space tourism" has *two* passengers. guess I can get another pilot their first star.
L920[20:19:16] <mabus> i couldnt get into oxygen not included... i play civ 6 at deity level, i master management games
L921[20:19:26] <mabus> way too much stuff going on in oxygen not included
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L923[20:25:07] <Pakaran> https://imgur.com/a/1b9O75P does this look moderately sane for getting into orbit? note that the delta-V is a significant underestimate, since I plan to throttle back the swivel stage for much of its burn time (particularly, for the last half or so of the boosters' life)
L924[20:25:07] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/PmXwtDk.png
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L926[20:25:55] <taniwha> Pakaran: should be ok
L927[20:27:17] <Pakaran> I don't see any issues, but it's the first tourist mission in this career (had some mod issues, but now have as 1.3 GPP install that I plan to just leave as-is indefinitely)
L928[20:27:55] <Pakaran> but yeah, first one is always a bit nerve wracking, especially with under 40k funds (got level 2 launchpad, VAB and MC)
L929[20:28:37] <Pakaran> taniwha, thanks.
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L934[20:39:15] <JCB> hmm...
L935[20:39:41] <JCB> keep wnating to throw out videos on craft ideas but never find motivation to do anything about it.. :\
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L937[20:39:46] <JCB> maybe just nervous
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L971[23:40:10] <TransitBiker> bwoop
L972[23:43:04] <TransitBiker> what is minmus' inclination?
L973[23:43:47] <JCB> ... 6 degrees... according to KSP wiki
L974[23:44:04] <JCB> why do you ask?
L975[23:44:11] <TransitBiker> of kevin bacon? ok thanks
L976[23:44:32] <TransitBiker> well that dv map is great, but fails to show inclination
L977[23:44:37] <UmbralRaptor> https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Minmus
L978[23:44:56] <TransitBiker> hay umbralraptor
L979[23:45:25] <TransitBiker> hm
L980[23:45:27] <UmbralRaptor> hi
L981[23:45:27] <Mod9000> Hello, UmbralRaptor
L982[23:45:34] <TransitBiker> hehe
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L984[23:45:40] <UmbralRaptor> Also, hi to you bot.
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L986[23:46:04] <JCB> Transitbiker which DV map you using?
L987[23:46:34] <TransitBiker> the one linked in the message
L988[23:47:11] <JCB> Oh.. the topic one.. hold on
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L990[23:47:24] <JCB> I know of one that might help you a little more, can even adjust it
L991[23:47:37] <TransitBiker> the porkchop one?
L992[23:47:49] <JCB> https://13375.de/KSPDeltaVMap/
L993[23:48:21] <JCB> just remember, its set to give you extra 10% more DV than if you were to do exact. Also, it accounts for full aero breaking. Both options you can turn off if you want
L994[23:48:57] <TransitBiker> bookmarked! ^-^
L995[23:50:00] <JCB> top right, the 3 bars thing, gives you the options window. you can set it to consider plane changes too
L996[23:50:24] <JCB> it takes a little getting used to. I've used it before, though has its flops sometimes if you don't have things set just right
L997[23:51:38] <TransitBiker> ive used BASIC to calculate coin flip percent predictions, so i should be ok, hehe
L998[23:52:03] <Althego> put it in the topic
L999[23:52:22] <JCB> ... ya but you programing it yourself, you know whats going on, how to interface with it.
L1000[23:53:40] <JCB> speaking of programming.. wish I knew a good 'test bed' to try out some ideas for crafting I wanna include in a game
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