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L12[00:59:49] <Neal> check out the range on the military's "new" GPS jammer, it can cover the entire state of california. https://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/06/07/us_military_testing_gps_jamming/
L13[01:00:51] <Althego> why do they need to jam it? they could just turn off the civilian part
L14[01:01:48] <Neal> they could have been testing some anti-jam device with a crazy overpowered jammer
L15[01:02:16] <Gasher[work]> oh wow, you can block radio signals! incredible!
L16[01:02:49] <Neal> for the entire state of california?
L17[01:03:00] <Neal> transmitting from one location?
L18[01:03:29] <Draconiator> Weird, I have a "57-in-one" memory card reader, yet the thing has 5 slots on it (CF, SD, xD, Memorystick, and TransFlash/MicroSD)
L19[01:03:54] <Neal> also you can't block radio signals, unless you deploy chaff over the entire area... you can override radio but not effectively block the signal
L20[01:04:50] <Althego> based on the frquency of gps signals and the range given in the map, calculate the altitude of the antenna
L21[01:05:11] <Gasher[work]> "block" is not the correct word here, right
L22[01:05:12] <Neal> probably airborne
L23[01:05:13] <Althego> (above sea level on a smooth spherical earth)
L24[01:05:29] <Althego> you can block signals, by enough metal
L25[01:05:44] <Neal> I don't think it's feasible to deploy chaff over the entire state
L26[01:05:46] <Althego> but it is rather hard to put a farady cage that big over an area
L27[01:05:51] <Althego> especially unnoticed :)
L28[01:06:20] <Neal> that jammer might even have to be in space when you consider the sierra nevada mountains are right by China Lake NWS
L29[01:07:06] <Gasher[work]> well it's definitely not chaff
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L31[01:07:45] <Gasher[work]> plus do they block GPS or all of the other satellite navigation? i guess the latter
L32[01:08:37] <Neal> good question
L33[01:08:59] <Neal> if its gps-only it's probably an on/off switch on the gps satellite transmitter
L34[01:09:58] <Neal> although I don't think they'd use that considering the russians have their own gps constellation, it would be pretty stupid for the russians to rely on american gps signals for military hardware
L35[01:11:49] <Gasher[work]> civilian stuff usually has support for both
L36[01:12:32] <Gasher[work]> well, if i remember correctly, newer iphones support GLONASS
L37[01:12:48] <Neal> I remember samsungs got support for glonass pretty early on
L38[01:13:39] <Althego> there are 3 other navigation systems working or almost working now, and most new civilian receivers support all
L39[01:14:51] <Neal> on the topic of gps, I wonder how secure the military's encrypted GPS /really/ is. it seems as though you could compromise the entire system by stealing one receiver...
L40[01:14:53] <Althego> for the jamming to work it just needs to be winde band enough to cover all
L41[01:15:39] <Althego> if you get the receiver intact. however procedures of a landing in enemy area would wipe out all encryption keys
L42[01:16:06] <Althego> including gps, iff, and voice/data comm
L43[01:17:19] <Neal> I guess it depends how common those receivers are in the first place. If they're just used on something like battleships and high tech aircraft, they might have a chance.
L44[01:17:42] <Neal> if they are in humvees I'm sure it's already compromised
L45[01:18:43] <Althego> it is just one button usually
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L47[01:18:53] <Althego> that may even work without power
L48[01:19:06] <Gasher[work]> Neal, i think wikipedia article says that military one was reverse engineered in like 80s
L49[01:19:07] <Althego> for some reason they call it zeroize
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L51[01:19:42] <Neal> you should see the effort put into cracking satellite TV smart cards, some guy was using an electron microscope to read the individual bits off of the eeprom
L52[01:19:54] <Althego> hehe
L53[01:21:02] <Neal> Althego, suppose whoever was responsible for that got incapacitated? or was a spy?
L54[01:22:37] <Neal> apparently the new smart cards have super tiny traces running though the epoxy encapsulation where if you touch one it will detect tampering and erase the keys
L55[01:23:39] <Althego> hehe
L56[01:25:01] <Althego> keys have a lifetime, after that they are changed anyway
L57[01:25:13] <Neal> for a while they weren't
L58[01:25:57] <Neal> iirc the lifetime is <1year now
L59[01:26:14] <Neal> I found a link to the blackhat conference where the guy went over it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62DGIUpscnY
L60[01:26:14] <kmath> YouTube - Black Hat DC 2010 - Hacking the Smartcard Chip
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L64[02:13:29] <Althego> https://i.imgur.com/d0WY69k.jpg
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L71[03:09:27] <Rolf> V-chips
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L91[05:28:58] <Eddi|zuHause> <Neal> I guess it depends how common those receivers are in the first place. If they're just used on something like battleships and high tech aircraft, they might have a chance. <-- i imagine you want to have those in drones and missiles. for humvees it's probably enough to use the regular gps, unless you want to jam that in the area
L92[05:30:12] <Eddi|zuHause> but in general, if you design a "secure" thing, you need to assume that everything except the encryption keys are known to everyone else
L93[05:30:40] <Eddi|zuHause> so nothing in the receiver should be vital to the system staying "secure"
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L125[09:38:45] <ve2dmn> Good morning
L126[09:39:23] <ve2dmn> Which one among you speaks german?
L127[09:41:09] <snow> I speak swampgerman
L128[09:41:22] <snow> what's up?
L129[09:45:55] <ve2dmn> gimme a sec
L130[09:45:59] <ve2dmn> https://i.imgur.com/opYA8dy.jpg
L131[09:46:12] <ve2dmn> Can you identify the city this might be in?
L132[09:46:46] <APlayer> No indications of that
L133[09:47:23] <APlayer> There: https://frittenwerk.com/
L134[09:48:04] <APlayer> ve2dmn: Are you visiting Germany, or why?
L135[09:51:38] <APlayer> And I must admit, their page is pretty well made compared to the average restaurant. Despite them being a fast food place.
L136[09:52:00] <petti> poutine.. the most uselessest of national foods :-)
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L138[10:00:41] <ve2dmn> it's not my pic, and not I'm not going to Germany... I don't have that kind of money...yet
L139[10:02:11] <petti> I've always liked trips to Germany, well recommended.
L140[10:03:59] * APlayer orders a shipping of beer to Canada
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L146[10:16:19] <darsie> ve2dmn: I speak German.
L147[10:16:50] <ve2dmn> I got my answers, but thank you
L148[10:22:12] <Mat2ch> now I have to find out if there's a Frittenwerk nearby :P
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L150[10:22:32] <ve2dmn> ... my work here is done
L151[10:23:11] <Mat2ch> there really is one
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L153[10:23:53] <Mat2ch> oh, wow, it's one of those gentrification stores. :D
L154[10:24:15] <Mat2ch> The street it's in is the former red light district :D
L155[10:25:18] <Mat2ch> but prices seem to be ok
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L157[10:26:08] <ve2dmn> They don't have the proper cheese, but I guess you can't get sqeeky cheese everywhere
L158[10:29:12] <Mat2ch> squeeky cheese is the best cheese :D
L159[10:29:28] <Mat2ch> we call it "grill chese" here and throw it on the grill ;)
L160[10:29:40] <Mat2ch> I love that stuff. The more squeek, the better
L161[10:30:38] <ve2dmn> You must be talking about the finnish stuff.... which makes the exact same sound :D
L162[10:30:57] <petti> we call it breadcheese, squeaks in the teeth
L163[10:31:08] <ve2dmn> yes !
L164[10:31:12] <petti> great with cloudberry jam
L165[10:31:24] <ve2dmn> people usually think I,m nuts!
L166[10:31:44] <petti> well you might be ;)
L167[10:33:13] <ve2dmn> well... I'm not 100% it's the same type of cheese... the ones we got have to be eaten fresh, like... within 24h
L168[10:33:50] <ve2dmn> Which makes it impossible to export... and explains why it took that dish so long to get anywhere
L169[10:34:06] <petti> I don't think it is the same then, the finnish stuff is cooked brown on the surface a bit like pancakes
L170[10:34:31] <Mat2ch> but I'm not talking about brown cooked stuff
L171[10:34:36] <Mat2ch> what I have in mind is pretty white
L172[10:34:56] <ve2dmn> I'm just happy someone doesn't think I'm crazy when I talk about cheese that squeeks
L173[10:35:09] <Mat2ch> ITSBESTCHEESE
L174[10:35:17] <ve2dmn> ITISREALLY
L175[10:35:39] ⇦ Quits: Copper (Copper!~Copper@187-26-66-85.3g.claro.net.br) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L176[10:35:58] <ve2dmn> http://www.oumangerdelapoutine.fr/sites/default/files/images/fromage-grain.jpg
L177[10:37:11] <Mat2ch> Halloumi?
L178[10:39:44] *** gav is now known as jeans
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L183[10:44:19] <TheKosmonaut> Halloumi is the best
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L185[10:46:35] <petti> halloumi is tasteless.. you need something with it
L186[10:48:40] <Mat2ch> it has to squeek. That's it. :D
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L188[10:54:31] <petti> try some leip�juusto
L189[10:54:46] <petti> great source of protein
L190[10:57:23] <Eddi|zuHause> i think everyone who likes raw cheese is crazy
L191[10:57:28] <Mat2ch> now I need to try Lakka
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L193[11:04:45] <petti> yes you do
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L196[11:30:39] <APlayer> Uh-oh, the Canadians are rising
L197[11:33:52] <petti> could be worse :)
L198[11:35:03] <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, like they could be destroying the planet by extracting oil sands... oh wait
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L213[12:16:58] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddgvrO21jKQ - Found this thing at a thrift store for 5 bucks. seems to work as well as I need it to...
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L233[14:09:39] <Rokker> Fluburtur: https://i.imgur.com/AnK3rxF.jpg
L234[14:09:53] <Rokker> also I went to the air show yesterday:D
L235[14:09:59] <Fluburtur> nice
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L240[14:30:11] <Supercheese> Collings Foundation is flying in to our local airport on Saturday
L241[14:30:24] <Supercheese> always a treat
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L247[15:19:11] <APlayer> Rokker: "Baguette intensifies"
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L249[15:20:02] <Fluburtur> baguette https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/460140609592885268/20180623181604_1.jpghttps://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/460140609592885268/20180623181604_1.jpg
L250[15:20:09] <Fluburtur> huh
L251[15:20:11] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/460140609592885268/20180623181604_1.jpg
L252[15:23:13] <Rokker> cancerplane
L253[15:23:22] <Fluburtur> glorious
L254[15:23:25] <Rokker> Fluburtur: it took them way too long to add mirroring
L255[15:23:32] <Fluburtur> yeah
L256[15:24:12] <Supercheese> Twin baguette plen
L257[15:25:19] <Fluburtur> this one is a good zooming plane but the accel and top speed are kinda bad
L258[15:25:25] <Fluburtur> but it can hold speed for a while after a dive
L259[15:27:13] <Supercheese> Premium though
L260[15:27:21] <Supercheese> Pay2Baguette
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L262[15:32:52] <bobloblaw> hey guys
L263[15:33:17] <bobloblaw> Can I ask a question regarding CKAN?
L264[15:33:39] <APlayer> You may try to. Not sure if you can, though
L265[15:33:42] <bobloblaw> I
L266[15:34:00] <APlayer> You may try again. ;-)
L267[15:34:30] <bobloblaw> I'm just trying to figure out what the dash ("-") under the "Installed" column indicates?
L268[15:35:24] <APlayer> Humm, I'm afraid I can't help you here, but if you're patient, someone else might show up and know the answer.
L269[15:37:05] <bobloblaw> okay, thanks anyway
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L273[15:44:18] <APlayer> Anyway guys. I'm off for today. See you!
L274[15:44:39] <Zarthus> as APlayer departs, I'll take over his role of .. whatever he does.
L275[15:44:48] <Zarthus> please refer to me as BPlayer.
L276[15:45:24] * APlayer Yarthus
L277[15:45:34] <APlayer> Woops, that was supposed to be a nich change
L278[15:45:40] <APlayer> nick change*
L279[15:46:04] <Zarthus> That's my pirate nick.
L280[15:46:22] <APlayer> Anyway, on second thought, I'd better not impersonate EsperNet staff ;-)
L281[15:46:35] <Zarthus> Why not? I can't think of anything wrong with that.
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L283[15:47:56] <APlayer> I mean, as long as I have triple redundancy (BPlayer, CPlayer) and contingency plans (Ban evasion, ...), I should be fine by aerospace standards
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L287[15:52:01] <APlayer> o/
L288[15:52:02] <Zarthus> Nice.
L289[15:52:05] <Zarthus> See you 'round.
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L299[16:19:04] <Eddi|zuHause> i don't know why, but this somehow reminds me of the 5th element https://i.redd.it/ot42iqr8a6o01.jpg
L300[16:19:32] <Fluburtur> wtf is that
L301[16:19:44] <Fluburtur> the one in the 5th element was better
L302[16:20:00] <Fluburtur> then mayèbe that idiot would press the red button
L303[16:21:20] <Eddi|zuHause> my source said something about "anti-drone gun + macron"
L304[16:24:04] <Fluburtur> yeah idiotic stuff then
L305[16:25:40] <Eddi|zuHause> who knows what you're actually building, they must be capable of taking it down :p
L306[16:26:04] <Fluburtur> I highly doubt that
L307[16:26:30] <Fluburtur> if I wanted to screw with them just to humiliate them, they wouldn't be able to stop me
L308[16:26:43] <Fluburtur> then they either take me down or hire me
L309[16:27:04] <Fluburtur> I guess an UAV that uses optical nav as a failsafe for GPS and radio link losee would be hard to take down
L310[16:27:18] <Fluburtur> other than a very hard EMP to fry the electronics
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L312[16:37:53] <NGC3982> that is indeed an anti drone device.
L313[16:37:56] <NGC3982> also: https://i.imgur.com/p0IMr4y.png
L314[16:39:56] <NGC3982> it is called 'dronegun tactical' and is produced by droneshield
L315[16:41:24] <NGC3982> Fluburtur: as long as the failsafe is to continue on a predetermined path, a modern (legal) drone gun is probably useless. most drone guns afaik only blocks specific radio frequencies and is normally used to make commercial drones simply loose user control and land.
L316[16:41:47] <NGC3982> if your UAV does not require radio contact it should be good.
L317[16:41:50] <Fluburtur> you want to jam 2.4ghz and whatever the gps uses
L318[16:42:05] <NGC3982> that thing does that.
L319[16:42:07] <NGC3982> and glonass.
L320[16:42:24] <NGC3982> they say that it works for over a kilometer.
L321[16:42:32] <NGC3982> and i doubt it.
L322[16:42:33] <Fluburtur> very focused beam then
L323[16:43:14] <NGC3982> well, a company working with security with such a narrow product range is probably either a scam or extremely good.
L324[16:43:17] <NGC3982> https://www.droneshield.com/dronegun-tactical
L325[16:43:46] <Fluburtur> or use crap that works on other frequencies like 434 or 868mhz
L326[16:44:00] <Fluburtur> uh it does 433
L327[16:44:14] <Fluburtur> so I guess 868mhz and optical nav
L328[16:44:29] <Fluburtur> optical nav would be tricky but it only needs to work for a shor distance until it can get gps again
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L330[16:44:37] <NGC3982> oh noes! they can block my wireless light switches at home!
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L334[17:04:32] <Draconiator> Does anyone know if the ol' toothpaste + CD trick definitivelty works? I've done it before but I don't really know if it works or not.\
L335[17:04:49] <Azander> NEver worked well for me
L336[17:05:59] <Azander> I always use window cleaner designed for windshields
L337[17:06:10] <Azander> not general use cleaner
L338[17:08:02] <Eddi|zuHause> do GPS and GLONASS actually use different frequency bands?
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L378[19:13:24] <UmbralRaptor> FLYING CUBE https://twitter.com/UniOfSurrey/status/1011305574452035585
L379[19:13:25] <kmath> <✔UniOfSurrey> We are blown away by these stunning images of RemoveDEBRIS! ⏎ ⏎ Find out more about the mission:… https://t.co/e1N7na5Pbe
L380[19:20:54] <Eddi|zuHause> "flying cube" more like a cubesat or more like a borg cube?
L381[19:21:59] <UmbralRaptor> Yes
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L393[20:51:38] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L402[22:52:01] <Neal> eyo
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L407[23:59:17] <mabus> hm, about the only thing i can see in the sky tonight is a very bright red star to the south. is that jupiter?
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