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L1[00:07:56] <UmbralRaptop> I want to say relatively slowly… 2 km/s?
L2[00:17:53] <Althego> hayabusa impactor?
L3[00:21:33] <UmbralRaptop> Falcon 9 at MECO.
L4[00:23:59] <Althego> how can this be? there are people dumber than flat earthers
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L8[00:58:08] <taniwha> chem trailers
L9[00:58:09] <Supercheese> Much like, "There's always a bigger fish," so too there is always a dumber moron
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L13[00:59:07] <Althego> no, this was a geocentrist with other strange beliefs, like stars are objects in the kuiper belt made from sapphire and ruby to account for blue and red shift
L14[01:03:56] <taniwha> hey, at least it's a testable theory :P
L15[01:04:02] <taniwha> er, hypothesis
L16[01:04:11] <Althego> and it failed in every step
L17[01:04:17] <Althego> hundreds of years ago
L18[01:12:45] <lpg> is... that actually crazier than flat-earthers?
L19[01:13:28] <lpg> that seems more plausible than the way the sun interacts with the flat earth
L20[01:14:12] <Althego> also sun orbits earth and the planets orbit them the way that the sun and earth are in the two centers of the ellipse
L21[01:14:43] <UmbralRaptop> uh
L22[01:15:14] <UmbralRaptop> I have phase angle questions.
L23[01:16:33] <lpg> ...still less crazy than flat earth
L24[01:19:45] ⇨ Joins: Blaank (Blaank!~Blaankk@c-24-11-223-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
L25[01:20:49] <Althego> more on martymer81's channel, i dont link it here because the geocentrist is religious
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L30[02:14:56] <GlassYuri> https://i.imgur.com/2kbac4o.jpg
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L32[02:16:21] <Althego> hehe
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L40[03:31:15] <taniwha> dunno if anyone here cares, but... https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/119480-144-kethane-plugin-and-parts-0912/&do=findComment&comment=3404488
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L55[04:53:16] <kubi> I loved the geodesic grid
L56[04:56:30] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/460382671797878784/DSC_9213.JPG
L57[04:56:44] <Mat2ch> woah
L58[04:56:58] <Fluburtur> heh
L59[05:02:46] <Fluburtur> and remember, I am planning on making the production models with fiberglass
L60[05:08:40] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/g6N8s9_mfNo?t=26
L61[05:09:34] <kubi> oooh
L62[05:10:09] <kubi> I live too close to the city airport in Stockholm
L63[05:10:18] <kubi> this is a no flight zone :(
L64[05:11:07] <taniwha> kubi: day-trip to somewhere outside the no-flight zone
L65[05:11:13] <kubi> yep
L66[05:12:01] <kubi> need to practice and build up a quick fix pack for my quadcopert too
L67[05:15:48] <kubi> https://daim.lfv.se/echarts/dronechart/
L68[05:16:33] <Fluburtur> Mat2ch now I need to adapt the whole 3d model to make it a flyable aircraft
L69[05:21:30] <Mat2ch> no fly zones... ahaha. I live near one of the biggest airports in europe. You're not allowed to start a paper plane here :P
L70[05:21:49] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: hrhr
L71[05:21:55] <Mat2ch> you got some skill in CAD
L72[05:22:08] <Mat2ch> and I'm still doing square sketches
L73[05:22:14] <Fluburtur> it's not that hard but it takes time
L74[05:22:22] <Mat2ch> yes, to learn
L75[05:22:28] <Fluburtur> I spent at least 20 hours making this plane in CAD
L76[05:22:58] <Mat2ch> yep
L77[05:23:18] <Mat2ch> that's what I'm saying
L78[05:23:31] <Mat2ch> hrm, next week I'll try to get something cnc milled
L79[05:23:41] <Fluburtur> I ragequit from it a lot too because some parts were really tricky to make
L80[05:23:58] <Mat2ch> something that should've been done in Februrary. But I called them regularly, but never got an appointment
L81[05:24:01] <Mat2ch> meh
L82[05:24:21] <Mat2ch> yeah, getting distance to your projects helps
L83[05:25:18] <Fluburtur> I will have to make a 3d model for like only one or two flying protos then make another one to make the molds to make the fiberglass version
L84[05:25:30] <Fluburtur> then probably another for the 2 meters version
L85[05:25:42] <Fluburtur> will need to design then whole internal structure too
L86[05:25:50] <Fluburtur> and retracting gears
L87[05:25:51] <Fluburtur> ugh
L88[05:26:01] <Fluburtur> why am I not getting paid for that
L89[05:30:08] <JCB> huh... wonder if they got a 'dronechart' for candaa
L90[05:30:17] <JCB> ... canada.. dang it
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L95[05:45:41] <Mat2ch> .oO( Blame Candaa! )
L96[05:57:54] <JCB> egh..
L97[06:04:39] <Mat2ch> :D
L98[06:06:03] <kubi> in sweden the drone info is on the transport authorities (transportstyrelsen) website under aviation
L99[06:06:23] <kubi> just where it belongs to
L100[06:09:38] <JCB> I know some stuff is now just built in..
L101[06:09:48] <JCB> though be nice to know what data set is used
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L105[06:51:57] <kubi> the data set shall be public
L106[06:51:59] <kubi> at least here
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L113[08:28:42] <APlayer> https://i.imgur.com/6TuZkmF.jpg
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L136[09:50:45] <vitamin> f
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L138[09:52:58] <Althego> press f to pay respects?
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L141[10:10:07] <APlayer> Alt-F4
L142[10:10:49] <GlassYuri> I like how that meme is still around
L143[10:18:03] <Zarthus> it still works too/
L144[10:26:41] <Azander> Yeah :)
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L147[10:36:18] <hillexed> so I've been thinking and I'm starting to suspect that space isn't real
L148[10:38:27] <UmbralRaptop> uh
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L151[11:18:19] * darsie flies his own challenge ...
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L182[14:06:23] <Draconiator> bleh...one of the most nervewracking PC updates is the BIOS...agonized for a month over it until I finally did it.
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L184[14:07:59] <APlayer> BIOS update? Is that a thing?
L185[14:08:19] <APlayer> I thought BIOS would be in some sort of ROM thing?
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L187[14:11:21] <Draconiator> yes.
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L189[14:13:33] <Draconiator> apparently UEFI replaced it.
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L201[14:46:42] <ConductorCat> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3LT_b6K0Mc
L202[14:46:43] <kmath> YouTube - Building a Camera That Can See Wifi | Radio Telescope V2 - Part 3 SUCCESS!
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L204[14:55:32] <petti> ooo a new hazard-ish video <3 "3 parts to Gilly and back." Not bad.
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L207[15:18:33] <ConductorCat> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If4I3aF1PRg
L208[15:18:34] <kmath> YouTube - The most groundbreaking scientist you've never heard of - Addison Anderson
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L215[15:55:23] <jgkamat> The 3 parts to gilly video is amazing
L216[15:55:39] <jgkamat> https://youtu.be/D6ck-47LB7k
L217[15:55:40] <kmath> YouTube - To Gilly And Back Using Just 3 Parts! - KSP
L218[16:15:10] <Fluburtur> uh I still need to find a sat dish to make myself a radio telescope
L219[16:17:54] <Fluburtur> and find out how to make a hydrogen line receiver
L220[16:18:51] ⇦ Quits: EricPoehlsen (EricPoehlsen!~EricPoehl@p5498CC83.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Transdimensional connection terminated abnormally.)
L221[16:19:51] * APlayer points a red light at Fluburtur's antenna
L222[16:26:52] * darsie succeeded in his challenge.
L223[16:26:53] * UmbralRaptop points a 1216 Å light at the antenna.
L224[16:29:50] <Mat2ch> I'm not sure if it counts as three parts, after he crashed the upper tank into the Mun. :D
L225[16:30:31] <KrazyKrl> it was a 3 part launch
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L227[16:30:45] <KrazyKrl> that was a litho staging event.
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L249[19:28:00] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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