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L1[00:07:13] ⇨ Joins: BadRocketsCo (BadRocketsCo!~AndChat63@113-102-157-37.dyn.estpak.ee)
L2[00:07:16] <BadRocketsCo> O/
L3[00:07:18] <BadRocketsCo> Err
L4[00:07:20] <BadRocketsCo> Big heas
L5[00:07:24] <BadRocketsCo> head*
L6[00:21:28] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GQsxxexYP0 - DOES HE EVEN play ksp ANYMORE?
L7[00:24:13] <Althego> does
L8[00:24:20] <Althego> there are random streams
L9[00:26:18] ⇦ Quits: GlassYuri (GlassYuri!~Kreuzung@116-91-50-224.tokyo.fdn.vectant.ne.jp) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L48[03:58:26] <Neal> if I want to collect 500 datapoints over 8 hours would that be one every 57.6 seconds? 8*60*60 = 28800 seconds, 28800/500= 57.6. does that seem right?
L49[04:01:51] <Althego> points per hour. shouldnt that be 500/28800?
L50[04:02:39] <Althego> which is more realistic 0.01736111111111111111 per second
L51[04:07:41] <APlayer> Seconds per point or points per second. Both are correct, if you interpret them correctly.
L52[04:08:08] <APlayer> @Neal, Althego ^
L53[04:11:31] <Neal> over 60 seconds there would be 1.02 points by your math which sounds about right, bit its 2AM and I just got back from a college party and just want to pplug in some numbers before I set my data gatherer =P
L54[04:13:10] <Neal> I chose 60 seconds because its close enough and I Can't label my X axis so I might forget anythign else by the morning
L55[04:14:29] <Neal> the arduino serial plotter is not very extensible, I'm sad
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L62[05:00:59] <darsie> If the flats on Minmus are round, is Earth flat, too?
L63[05:01:12] <Rolf> yes, earth is locally flat
L64[05:01:19] <darsie> :)
L65[05:01:43] <Rolf> I love this answer.
L66[05:02:12] <Rolf> most catch this quick but I have caught couple flat earthers thinking I suported em
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L70[05:39:30] <maltesh> Blarg.
L71[05:42:16] <Althego> power extreme
L72[05:45:14] <maltesh> Huh. The shoes I sent back to Shoemall finally arrived, two and a half months after I sent them.
L73[05:46:24] <maltesh> I'm guessing Fedex had them walk to wisconsin.
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L76[06:12:11] <Pakaran> is it just me, or is reusability for stock almost not worth it?
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L78[06:29:24] <APlayer> Of course it is. Look at the Vector engines.
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L86[08:27:44] <Althego> what has reusability got to do with the vector engine?
L87[08:27:59] <GlassYuri> they're expensive?
L88[08:28:04] <Althego> and?
L89[08:28:11] <Althego> if reused costs dont matter
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L92[08:32:21] <Guest58378> hello
L93[08:32:22] <Mod9000> Hello, Guest58378
L94[08:32:24] <Althego> hi
L95[08:32:24] <Mod9000> Hello, Althego
L96[08:32:27] <Althego> aargh
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L98[08:33:00] <Althego> so knew it
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L100[08:35:13] <GlassYuri> Althego, if they're expensive, that makes reusing worth the effort...
L101[08:35:59] <Althego> making things reusable raises the initial price considerably
L102[08:36:08] <Althego> also requires more effort
L103[08:36:32] <Althego> so in ksp reusability is more like a challenge than anything else
L104[08:36:45] <Althego> so if you want to take that challenge price doesnt matter
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L109[08:49:47] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohig71bwRUE
L110[08:49:48] <kmath> YouTube - The Lilium Jet – The world's first all-electric VTOL jet
L111[08:49:56] <Althego> but lilium? elfen lied, brrr
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L116[09:07:42] <Fluburtur> "export craft to steam" oh boy
L117[09:07:50] <Althego> also missions
L118[09:07:51] <Fluburtur> tume to flood steam with my high quality aircrafts
L119[09:08:22] <APlayer> "export craft to smoke"
L120[09:08:26] <Althego> hehe
L121[09:08:42] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: I still think we could build something like the Lilium jet on a weekend. :D
L122[09:08:55] <Fluburtur> could make it better
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L125[09:15:43] <Fluburtur> https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1419895177
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L142[10:24:04] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/54f19a99c150187afc879c560db2e599.png - Had to turn my monitor sideways to see something...but would anyone use this resolution normally?
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L145[10:31:43] <Azander> Draconiator: Yes. Local newspaper uese that daily
L146[10:32:12] <Azander> uses*
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L148[10:57:31] <Eddi|zuHause> i tried turning a monitor like that at work, but found the ratio completely off
L149[11:01:55] <Althego> i cant get that iceland song out of my head
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L153[11:08:47] <Althego> https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/02086/opgs/edr/ncam/NLB_582684408EDR_F0710060NCAM00350M_.JPG
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L156[11:10:32] <Eddi|zuHause> call for a tyre replacement?
L157[11:10:41] <Althego> and dangerous terrain
L158[11:10:59] <Althego> stopped on a loose rock
L159[11:11:10] <Althego> but this was a few days ago
L160[11:11:21] <Althego> the wheels are still mostly ok
L161[11:11:50] <Althego> they can get lot worse before they become useless, there were tests for this when they realized the degradation
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L166[11:18:16] <mr_wibble> hi there
L167[11:18:35] <Althego> or here
L168[11:19:10] <mr_wibble> I have downloaded KSP on steam for linux, and when I try to start it, it does not start. Any tips how to fix it?
L169[11:20:38] <Althego> any crash log in the ksp dir?
L170[11:20:50] <Althego> what does it write out if you start it from a console?
L171[11:21:45] <mr_wibble> how do I start it from console?
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L174[11:22:41] <mr_wibble> and where is ksp directory [when downloaded from steam]
L175[11:23:23] <Althego> i wouldnt know, i dont use steam, and it has been a while since i ran ksp on linux
L176[11:26:05] <Eddi|zuHause> i believe there is a "open data folder" in settings when you right click the game
L177[11:26:25] <Althego> https://axiomspace.com/ is this a hoax?
L178[11:26:40] <Althego> or are we heading into the future what we didnt get in the 70s?
L179[11:27:27] <Eddi|zuHause> you mean the future they thought of in the 50s?
L180[11:27:37] <Althego> yes
L181[11:27:51] <Althego> it is about time
L182[11:27:53] <Eddi|zuHause> even the future was better in the past
L183[11:27:57] <Althego> hehe
L184[11:28:30] <Althego> but cant be too bad now, current science is so cool, people think it is just made up
L185[11:29:17] <mr_wibble> when I start it from console, it complains about unable to preload screen selector plugins
L186[11:29:27] <mr_wibble> and player data archive
L187[11:29:36] <Althego> i dont even know what that is lol
L188[11:29:41] <mr_wibble> I even tested _64 verseion
L189[11:29:54] <mr_wibble> bunch of other plugins too
L190[11:32:20] <Althego> probably something in unity or even the linux c#
L191[11:33:01] <Althego> https://steamcommunity.com/app/220200/discussions/0/1698293068431490899/?ctp=3
L192[11:34:44] *** Pakaran_ is now known as Pakaran
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L195[11:37:09] <mr_wibble> I just went far and upgraded whole ubuntu to 16
L196[11:37:27] <Althego> 16? 18.04 is out for a while
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L199[11:40:34] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrj9lsf6rW0
L200[11:40:35] <kmath> YouTube - TMRO:Space - The different personalities of the JPL rovers - Orbit 11.24
L201[11:40:56] <Althego> the jpl interview is not in the beginning
L202[11:41:05] <Althego> but it is insider info
L203[11:44:26] <Eddi|zuHause> hm... "ERROR CKAN.AutoUpdate (null) - WebException while accessing https://api.github.com/repos/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases/latest: System.Net.WebException: Error: SecureChannelFailure (The authentication or decryption has failed.)"
L204[11:45:24] <Althego> download manually from gitlab instead?
L205[11:45:50] <Althego> *github
L206[11:48:18] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnzYZdGFzzM
L207[11:48:18] <kmath> YouTube - Abusing the Game's Physics Engine
L208[11:48:27] <Althego> lol starts with a meme
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L213[12:08:25] <Eddi|zuHause> hm... "Error downloading KerbalEngineerRedux The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found."
L214[12:14:39] <Althego> i can download it
L215[12:14:46] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/460130319182594078/20180623191251_1.jpg
L216[12:14:51] <Althego> but of course i am trying it differently than ckan
L217[12:15:04] <Eddi|zuHause> i could download the previous version
L218[12:15:16] <Eddi|zuHause> although ckan is a bit weird about that
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L220[12:16:27] <Eddi|zuHause> like, it refused to install it because i had a previous version installed
L221[12:17:04] <Eddi|zuHause> ckan is a pretty terrible piece of software
L222[12:17:50] <Althego> why do i always think of perl when ckan is mentioned
L223[12:18:04] <Althego> that means terrible is a given
L224[12:18:13] <Althego> because of cpan
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L226[12:20:23] <Eddi|zuHause> dunno what cpan is, never used perl
L227[12:20:59] <Althego> the perl package management, that is what ckan was named after
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L237[12:54:43] <Fluburtur> my planes kinda looks weird https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/460140609592885268/20180623181604_1.jpg
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L246[13:23:53] <UmbralRaptop> In a scale of Philae to Deep Impact, where does this lie? https://twitter.com/DJSnM/status/1010204052779610115
L247[13:23:54] <kmath> <DJSnM> Hayabusa-2 is going to shoot at an asteroid with something not far removed from an anti-tank weapon. https://t.co/rYUDBLTEQP
L248[13:24:34] <Althego> several km/second impactor? that is some serious projectile
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L255[13:54:31] <Althego> hah, jessie kozlowski is back
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L262[15:02:25] <Draconiator> My dad wants internet in the garage so I'm trying to figure out how to do it, cable modem I have is wireless and I can connect to it with my netbook from around 90 feet from the house, which is where the garage is.
L263[15:02:42] <Draconiator> but it's concrete in there so...
L264[15:03:46] <Supercheese> super long cat5 I guess?
L265[15:03:56] <Althego> not so super long
L266[15:04:09] <Althego> it should easily make it there
L267[15:04:14] <Supercheese> right
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L270[15:09:34] <Eddi|zuHause> looks like "we" are still in this sportsball tournament
L271[15:10:11] <Supercheese> What a match
L272[15:10:17] <Supercheese> late, late goal
L273[15:10:51] <Supercheese> and hey, at least "you" qualified, "we" didn't even succeed there...
L274[15:10:56] <Supercheese> >_>
L275[15:11:31] <Althego> how would kerbals have sports tournament?
L276[15:11:32] <Supercheese> my sister started rooting for Iceland, because and I quote, "Why the heck not?"
L277[15:11:34] <Eddi|zuHause> well, "we" always made it through the group phase so far, so qualification is kinda out of question
L278[15:11:38] <Althego> rocket riding through rings?
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L280[15:12:05] <Eddi|zuHause> why wouldn't kerbals have sportsballs?
L281[15:12:26] <KindOne> https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?title=Main_Page/News&action=edit ;;; someone should fix that 1.4.4 link
L282[15:12:29] <Supercheese> Well, one team tries to move the thing to the place, and the other team tries to move the thing to the other place
L283[15:12:36] <Supercheese> it's pretty simple really
L284[15:12:40] <Althego> kerbal balls would contain rockets, and explosives
L285[15:12:47] <Supercheese> naturally
L286[15:13:04] <Supercheese> like Rocket League, but with... actually, no basically just like Rocket League
L287[15:13:07] <Althego> who is on first :)
L288[15:13:15] <Althego> (because of naturally)
L289[15:13:29] <APlayer> Kerballs?
L290[15:13:32] <KindOne> *'''21 Jun 2018''' Bugfix 1.4.4 and Making History DLC 1.3 Released <small>([[Version_history#v1.4.3|changes]])</small>
L291[15:13:38] <Supercheese> Kerballistics
L292[15:14:30] <Eddi|zuHause> like quidditch but with rockets?
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L294[15:14:52] <Althego> that would work
L295[15:15:53] <Eddi|zuHause> and then they have this weird other continent where they play a completely different game but also call it the same sportsball?
L296[15:15:54] <UmbralRaptop> oops
L297[15:16:04] <Althego> hehe
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L299[15:16:37] <UmbralRaptop> link fixed
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L304[15:30:39] <Supercheese> Δv-ball
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L310[15:52:30] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/460185334450487326/Tpose_manu.png
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L347[17:12:28] <austrogalant> Hey, is someone here that knows something about rp-1, or do they have their own channel?
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L350[17:14:06] <darsie> austrogalant: You could ask in #ro , IIRC.
L351[17:14:15] <darsie> yeah
L352[17:14:45] <darsie> also, IRC pro tip: Ask your real question.
L353[17:14:53] <austrogalant> thank you, didn't know their hashtag
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L355[17:15:13] <Azander> hashtag? Sheesjh
L356[17:15:17] <Medu> AHahahaha
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L379[17:35:36] <Draconiator> https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/world-apos-tiniest-apos-computer-215900304.html - How small can they get....yikes
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L392[18:53:42] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/75526510720214dc5277f4c011e231df.png - Must be a game engine thing...heh
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L399[19:20:18] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L412[22:01:31] <Neal> how fast is the falcon 9 usually going at MECO?
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L420[23:33:42] <GlassYuri> https://i.imgur.com/8wRB9Kz.jpg
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