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L27[02:48:07] <Bllaank> We allowed to talk about Trump's Space Force?
L28[03:01:48] <Althego_> no, only about the royal space force >(
L29[03:03:16] *** Althego_ is now known as Althego
L30[03:06:39] <KrazyKrl> Hypergolic fluids only.
L31[03:07:50] <KrazyKrl> In this channel "If it doesn't disolve skin, it's a sin."
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L39[04:01:05] <Pakaran> Anyone played with GPP?
L40[04:02:37] <Truga> I played a bit, but also used rescale
L41[04:02:39] <Truga> it's pretty neat
L42[04:02:49] <Truga> a new system to explore, really
L43[04:02:53] <Truga> with a ton of extra bodies
L44[04:04:50] <Pakaran> yeah. What's the best way to launch into equatorial orbit?
L45[04:05:18] <Althego> from the equator :)
L46[04:05:41] <Althego> a bit north from the runway
L47[04:05:55] <Truga> the default launch is good enough, you'll be about 2 degrees off
L48[04:05:59] <Althego> so i usually go a bit left then correct to east
L49[04:06:11] <Althego> should be less than 2
L50[04:06:14] <Althego> wway more
L51[04:06:16] <Truga> however, the gpp mun is also about 7 degrees off equator and 5 degrees off your launch
L52[04:06:17] <Truga> iirc
L53[04:06:24] <Althego> you can easily see by eye half a degree
L54[04:06:35] <Pakaran> that makes sense. it's not really that much distance compared to the total downrange.
L55[04:06:39] <Truga> so equator is slightly less useful there
L56[04:06:53] <Pakaran> yeah, I haven't gotten there yet, but have done some launch practicing in sandbox mode.
L57[04:08:27] <Truga> maybe rescale borks things but in GPP my launch was always about 2 degrees off
L58[04:08:31] <Truga> when burning east
L59[04:09:01] <Althego> angle would change if the latitude of the launch chages
L60[04:09:08] <Truga> not a big deal, but could be annoying for encounters I guess
L61[04:09:15] <Truga> for docking*
L62[04:09:16] <Althego> in stock you are pretty close to the equator
L63[04:09:24] <Truga> yeah in stock you're basically spot on
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L65[04:10:29] <Truga> ask me about playing GPP with 10x rescale, no mechjeb/engineer, and unupgraded tracking station :v
L66[04:10:37] <Truga> getting the encounter for mun was fun times
L67[04:20:58] <Mat2ch> .oO( So, where do I have to write to, to opt out of this Redshell stuff? )
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L72[05:56:51] <GlassYuri> https://i.imgur.com/h2s8CFO.jpg
L73[05:58:26] <Althego> hehe
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L75[06:27:38] <XemnasTheLynxGaming> Anyone know a website with the mod Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, I'm currently looking on curseforge, some mods that sounded interesting no longer have a page
L76[06:31:56] <darsie> XemnasTheLynxGaming: Do you have reason not to use ckan?
L77[06:32:17] <XemnasTheLynxGaming> What is ckan exactly?
L78[06:32:25] <darsie> A package manager.
L79[06:32:29] <darsie> like rpm or apt
L80[06:32:35] <darsie> graphical
L81[06:32:44] <darsie> to install mods and their dependencies.
L82[06:32:55] <Truga> never not ckan
L83[06:33:14] <XemnasTheLynxGaming> Never been much for using package managers, but does it add a mod browser in game?
L84[06:33:26] <Truga> it's an out of game thing
L85[06:33:33] <Truga> but yes, it adds a mod browser, more or less
L86[06:33:34] <XemnasTheLynxGaming> Oh
L87[06:33:37] <XemnasTheLynxGaming> Ok
L88[06:33:57] <Truga> you click on mods you want, you click install, you launch game
L89[06:34:03] <XemnasTheLynxGaming> Hm
L90[06:34:12] <Truga> easy and simple :p
L91[06:34:37] <XemnasTheLynxGaming> Let's see if I can find it
L92[06:50:10] <Truga> https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases
L93[06:50:11] <Truga> sorry
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L96[07:15:30] <Draconiator> I wonder if very fine grit sandpaper would be good for getting rid of CD scratches (talking P2500 or above)
L97[07:20:50] <GlassYuri> in case the person who threw a yo mama joke at me a few days ago is here right now http://dailypicksandflicks.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/So-sorry-to-hear-about-your-moms-skydiving-accident.jpg
L98[07:32:07] <darsie> .
L99[07:32:26] <darsie> :)
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L115[09:46:19] <ve2dmn> TIL https://www.whenisthenextsteamsale.com/ is a thing. I'm not suprised
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L118[09:52:36] <UmbralRaptor> whee https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1008936393425506304
L119[09:52:37] <kmath> <✔planet4589> Forget those boring Falcon 9 launches. Here's wild rocketcam from today's EVE sounding rocket launch, all the way t… https://t.co/uxmbWWoCEg
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L121[09:57:57] <Mat2ch> That made me a bit dizzy :)
L122[09:59:10] <UmbralRaptor> https://twitter.com/cosmos4u/status/1008974524698714112
L123[09:59:11] <kmath> <cosmos4u> "Asteroid" Ryugu *is* a Borg Cube, the latest @haya2e_jaxa images reveal beyond reasonable doubt:… https://t.co/dDldVfKBJo
L124[09:59:34] <Althego> let me guess, another flat earther will say it hit the dome because of a yoyo despin
L125[09:59:44] <UmbralRaptor> The dizziness was probably more from the sped up parts.
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L127[10:01:28] <Althego> did they find the mining base too?
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L131[10:14:47] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/458650392851382272/DSC_9209.JPG
L132[10:15:02] <Althego> the scout
L133[10:15:06] <Fluburtur> yes
L134[10:15:08] <Althego> french edition
L135[10:15:19] <Mat2ch> to few nails in the bat. :D
L136[10:15:23] <Fluburtur> I need to get the clothes but it should not be too hard
L137[10:15:29] <Fluburtur> I need to pretty up the bat too
L138[10:15:41] <Mat2ch> with nice blood stains?
L139[10:15:49] <Fluburtur> https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/teamfortress/images/9/99/Sandman_item_icon_TF2.png/revision/latest?cb=20130708175757
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L141[10:17:46] <Althego> but how did i know it was the scout? i have never even played that game
L142[10:17:48] <Mat2ch> Sandman sounds so nice
L143[10:18:13] <Althego> sandpaperman :)
L144[10:18:18] <Fluburtur> Althego tf2 is like everyone knows
L145[10:18:19] <Fluburtur> deep inside
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L147[10:18:41] <Althego> but you you didnt have the correct clothes. only the baseball bat
L148[10:18:46] <Fluburtur> ye
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L150[10:25:14] <Fluburtur> lmao https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186669324500993/458653461219639296/unknown.png
L151[10:26:06] <Althego> hehe
L152[10:26:12] <Althego> pnies?
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L154[10:26:18] <Fluburtur> yes
L155[10:26:24] <Fluburtur> I got those posters in 2015 I think
L156[10:27:01] <Fluburtur> actually I haven't watched the episode from this weekend yet
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L158[10:32:19] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/f9fa143d03b106f846a1dbea2d23a933/tumblr_paf1myvJME1uvv5gho1_540.png
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L165[10:46:36] <Mat2ch> https://imgur.com/gallery/RwtwNEk uhm, ok, that is a bit overkill...
L166[10:48:49] <ve2dmn> Mat2ch: Looks like north QC. You simply cannot get a firetruck in time
L167[10:49:00] <Althego> there is no kill like overkill
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L169[10:49:34] <Fluburtur> Mat2ch good new, I nearly used one tube of por out of the 20 you sent me
L170[10:50:03] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICP1-w593NE
L171[10:50:04] <kmath> YouTube - Overkill test Raumpatrouille (Space Patrol)
L172[10:51:30] <ve2dmn> Mat2ch: it's either the overkill solution or the risk of forest fire
L173[10:51:49] <ve2dmn> and knowing the size of the forest there, yeah, I would go overkill too
L174[10:52:33] <Mat2ch> Ah, back in 1966, when the German tv stations still did experiments with their program and didn't just look at the viewer numbers
L175[10:52:50] <Althego> still legendary today
L176[10:52:54] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: some comments say that they were training in the area and just got redirected
L177[10:53:12] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: woah, a whole tube! :D
L178[10:53:35] <Fluburtur> yeah, amazing
L179[10:53:42] <ve2dmn> I don't know a lot of fleets with CL-215 that has thoses colours
L180[10:54:57] <Althego> thoses?
L181[10:56:04] <ve2dmn> actually, it might be the wrong colour, so I don't know exactly who it is
L182[11:00:30] <ve2dmn> found it. it's NL
L183[11:00:40] <ve2dmn> Newfoundland and Labrador
L184[11:00:57] <ve2dmn> http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8170/8060015288_94901b64d2_b.jpg
L185[11:01:38] <ve2dmn> I would not be suprise if that is the only "remote" firefighting capability they have
L186[11:02:53] <Mat2ch> yes, that looks like it
L187[11:03:45] <ve2dmn> to give you an idea of how remote some regions of Canada are, no one lives in the 'green' regions of this map: https://i.imgur.com/MAIq48d.jpg
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L189[11:05:40] <ve2dmn> This map is also a good representation: http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2006/as-sa/97-550/vignettes/img/map-2006-pop-density-canada-sz01-en.gif
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L229[13:00:03] <Althego> bsplayer
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L231[13:01:18] <Draconiator> sometimes working with tech can give you such a headache....ugh.
L232[13:01:45] <APlayer> Althego: I'm not sure how to interpret this
L233[13:02:03] <APlayer> In either case, I had better get my banhammer ready
L234[13:02:09] <APlayer> :P
L235[13:02:14] <Althego> it is a media player. while bplayer is not :)
L236[13:02:41] <APlayer> Oh, so it's the advertisement interpretation :P
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L261[14:46:17] <sandbox> "Bakewell pudding sent to the edge of space goes missing" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-44536052
L262[14:46:47] <Althego> hehe
L263[14:49:13] <Fluburtur> "edge of space"
L264[14:49:17] <Fluburtur> "16km"
L265[14:50:05] <ve2dmn> Where is it technically?
L266[14:50:32] <Fluburtur> not anywhere near space at least
L267[14:50:35] <ve2dmn> because that's lower then the U2 spy planes, but it's still pretty high
L268[14:51:04] <Fluburtur> I could go there and breathe for like a few seconds
L269[14:51:09] <Fluburtur> then I would probably pass out
L270[14:51:11] <Fluburtur> but still
L271[14:52:13] <ve2dmn> well... it's 10kpa at that altitude...
L272[14:52:23] <ve2dmn> so 1/10 the pressure
L273[14:53:04] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%A1rm%C3%A1n_line
L274[14:53:16] <ve2dmn> There were missing about 82km
L275[14:55:53] <ve2dmn> although the definition says 'exactly 100km' so 84km difference
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L281[15:19:08] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m-afJ_Bam8&index=88&list=UUZEJztNSFoHseqBPrfRGJGg - I remember when I made these...I designed them not to fly. They flew anyway.
L282[15:19:09] <kmath> YouTube - Spy Vs Spy
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L284[15:28:36] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/458729715126239233/FB_IMG_1529196195026.jpg
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L286[15:31:03] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Flat universe is a lie, it's round!
L287[15:31:51] <sandbox> how round?
L288[15:32:02] <ve2dmn> Pi round
L289[15:32:22] <Scolar_Visari> sandbox: Probably an oblate spheroid. Unlike the Earth, which is of course flat.
L290[15:32:46] <ve2dmn> It is 2Pi more round then flat
L291[15:32:50] <sandbox> is it edible?
L292[15:33:00] <ve2dmn> depend which part
L293[15:34:07] <Scolar_Visari> sandbox: Most of the universe is made up of non-baryonic matter and therefore inedible.
L294[15:34:14] <Scolar_Visari> Unless you're a photino bird, of course.
L295[15:34:48] <ve2dmn> What is all non-baryonic matter is just light?
L296[15:34:52] <ve2dmn> if*
L297[15:36:28] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Than light has mass!!!!
L298[15:36:55] <ve2dmn> well... it is energy... is not the same?
L299[15:37:30] <ve2dmn> because what doesn't matter has no mass usually
L300[15:37:52] <ve2dmn> (or close to no mass)
L301[15:38:01] <Scolar_Visari> Non-baryonic matter should have mass, otherwise that could be . . . problematic.
L302[15:38:55] <Scolar_Visari> Like, wholly inconsistent with every cosmological observation problematic. It'd be like if farts were discovered to be freewheeling sentient lifeforms.
L303[15:39:11] <ve2dmn> nice
L304[15:39:31] <UmbralRaptor> Yay, photino birds.
L305[15:39:57] <UmbralRaptor> (Well, not yay if they make your star die 5 billion years early)
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L307[15:40:17] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptor: That really brings down property values.
L308[15:45:13] <Scolar_Visari> "GameSpot to be bought out" is as surprising a headline as, "wait they still exist?"
L309[15:52:34] <Eddi|zuHause> uhm, i know the definition of "matter" somewhere along the lines of "has mass AT REST"... and light is therefor not matter
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L313[16:08:42] <NGC3982> surviving mars has serious issues.
L314[16:09:02] <NGC3982> at a certain point in the game, it starts filling up the ram until the game becomes unresponsive
L315[16:09:13] <NGC3982> after about 30GB of ram allocation it crashed
L316[16:11:58] <sandbox> https://twitter.com/LevineJonathan/status/1009150968787849216
L317[16:11:58] <kmath> <✔LevineJonathan> Someone decided to use a drone with a flamethrower to clear debris from power lines and now my life is complete https://t.co/rVJKgrlbLK
L318[16:14:55] <ConductorCat> So very Kerbal.
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L337[18:09:33] <ve2dmn> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8UFGu2M2gM
L338[18:09:34] <kmath> YouTube - How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries
L339[18:09:40] <ve2dmn> I love that video
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L349[18:55:42] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L350[18:59:01] <UmbralRaptor> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L354[19:57:05] <Ezko> ok Supernovy
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L368[21:01:42] <ve2dmn> And... another Surviving Mars game killed by a bug :(
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L378[21:32:09] <cringe> ISS Urine Tank Level: 33%
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