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L1[00:14:50] <BenjaminK> Wat
L2[00:19:19] <UmbralRaptor> Hrm
L3[00:20:12] * UmbralRaptor should figure out if it's possible to run a ZNC server on a school network. <_<
L4[00:22:22] <Althego> it is possible. but is it allowed? :)
L5[00:24:02] <UmbralRaptor> Possible as in how much trouble the firewall would be.
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L9[00:25:26] <BenjaminK> UmbralRaptor: What I'm doing is weechat running on a screen on a server that I SSH into through PuTTY
L10[00:25:50] <BenjaminK> I'm not recommending it, just telling you what I'm doing
L11[00:25:53] <BenjaminK> :V
L12[00:26:15] <Althego> that is normal
L13[00:26:38] <Althego> i do something like from work because iwas too lazy to set up a local client for almost 2 years now
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L15[00:28:35] <Althego> hah, a letter
L16[00:28:42] * UmbralRaptor 's current internet access is, uh, embarrassingly limited.
L17[00:30:30] <BenjaminK> UmbralRaptor: You're in school as a student or a teacher?
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L19[00:31:17] <UmbralRaptor> grad student
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L22[00:32:12] <BenjaminK> Ah, gotcha
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L103[07:22:27] <Blaank> What is REdShell Analytics?
L104[07:23:31] <sandbox> never heard of it
L105[07:23:58] <Blaank> It's in KSP. KSP_Data\managed\RedShellSDK.dll
L106[07:25:45] <Althego> heh
L107[07:25:50] <Althego> this sounds quite bad
L108[07:26:16] <Blaank> There is some kerfuffule over it being a data gathering thing. I don't know much about it other than there is a kerfuffle and a lot of games are removing it.
L109[07:26:20] <Althego> https://www.pcgamer.com/red-shell-analytics-software-causes-privacy-uproar-over-a-dozen-developers-vow-to-drop-it/
L110[07:26:28] <sandbox> it wasn't there in 1.3
L111[07:27:55] ⇦ Quits: GlassYuri (GlassYuri!~Kreuzung@116-91-50-224.tokyo.fdn.vectant.ne.jp) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L112[07:28:23] <Blaank> https://8ch.net/player.php?v=https://media.8ch.net/file_store/9142c1dbb502e6dc5575eb7767d95c99b31738c79f6ee8d3a1f501fa603c3877.webm I don't know how it can figure out what they claim.
L113[07:28:50] <Blaank> Since it's saying it can detect how a customer got info on the game and decided to buy it.
L114[07:29:36] <Blaank> Integrate redshell into your game, run all your ad campaigns through redshell tracking links.
L115[07:29:51] <Blaank> So .... how does this game file tell what web pages you go to?
L116[07:31:37] <Blaank> KSP did update the EULA to allow data gathering such as this.
L117[07:32:12] <Blaank> steam forums have a discussion on it.
L118[07:33:22] <Mat2ch> Blaank: reddit has, too, for several month now
L119[07:33:25] <Blaank> I'm curious what it is. It appears to be advertisement data gathering so you know how people got your game. It would have to be pretty invasive to figure that out such as reading your web browser history or cookies or some such.
L120[07:33:48] <Mat2ch> and redshell is imo against the GDPR, because I can't opt out of it
L121[07:34:26] <Blaank> It would have to store data on your computer as a cookie when you clicked a link, then when the game launched it would search the computer for the cookie to tell where you got to the purchase page from.
L122[07:34:48] <Blaank> Then it phones home to say how you got to the game purchase.
L123[07:35:43] <Blaank> Ah, Steam forum moderaters keep merging redshell discussion into the EULA discussion.
L124[07:35:44] <Blaank> haha
L125[07:35:54] <sandbox> it seems like they keep giving people legitimate excuses to post negative reviews :/
L126[07:36:01] <Blaank> YEah
L127[07:36:07] <Blaank> Take Two is not a good company.
L128[07:37:21] <Mat2ch> https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/8rs2d3/psa_red_shell_spyware_is_in_a_lot_of_popular/
L129[07:37:44] <Blaank> It can be considered spyware because it does track your browsing habits and reports on them.
L130[07:38:16] <Mat2ch> the fact that we paid for KSP and didn't get it for free makes it even worse
L131[07:38:56] <Blaank> Well look at windows 10. You pay $200 for a professional edition and it ships bundled with candy crush and ads everywhere and screws with your settings.
L132[07:39:57] <Blaank> This is without a doubt tracking software bundled with games.
L133[07:41:08] <sandbox> it makes me want to bombard them with fake data
L134[07:42:09] <Blaank> Have people install a program before installing KSP that falsely reports the origin site as a certain website that sells adult dragon stuff.
L135[07:42:26] <Blaank> And suddenly they start getting everyone buying KSP from there.
L136[07:52:08] <Mat2ch> Blaank: that's why I'm using Linux for 15 years now.
L137[07:52:37] <Mat2ch> And usually I check what I'm playing, but shipping this with an update? What?
L138[07:52:57] <Blaank> oof, those reviews.
L139[07:53:40] <Blaank> Fresh wave of negative reviews on the 18th as RedShell thing broke.
L140[07:55:10] <Mat2ch> I should add one :P
L141[08:00:34] <Kalpa> Darn, it actually is in KSP_Data\Managed
L142[08:00:51] <Kalpa> No other instances found
L143[08:08:31] <ve2dmn> RedShell?
L144[08:08:51] <Mat2ch> I'm glad I only play RSS on 1.3. But I did start 1.4 and now I'm wondering if I should write a complain to our Federal Data Protection Officer
L145[08:10:28] <Kalpa> Squad is/was something of an ad company originally if memory serves
L146[08:10:52] <Kalpa> So this comes to me as no surprise, r-rright?
L147[08:17:30] <Mat2ch> that's no excuse
L148[08:17:45] <Mat2ch> they didn't do this for the last five years, why start now?!
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L239[08:21:49] <Truga> :tinfoil:
L240[08:26:50] <Mat2ch> sorry, this is not about tinfoil, but about having control over your things.
L241[08:27:33] <ve2dmn> woosh
L242[08:28:31] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: aren't you from Canada?
L243[08:28:44] <ve2dmn> yes, why?
L244[08:28:52] <Mat2ch> Have fun doing this legal thing now ;)
L245[08:29:26] <Mat2ch> (I'm totally talking about putting maple sirup on pancakes here!)
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L340[08:29:50] <Truga> :tinfoil: pt2
L341[08:30:08] <ve2dmn> Mat2ch: I won't. Not my thing. But I'm just glad we are getting money out of the organised crime, so it's a net positve.
L342[08:30:21] <Truga> Mat2ch i was talking about the sudden split right as people mentioned that thing
L343[08:30:28] <Mat2ch> oh
L344[08:30:35] <Mat2ch> sorry mate :)
L345[08:30:38] <ve2dmn> like I said... 'Wooooooosh'
L346[08:30:45] <Truga> hehe
L347[08:31:04] <Truga> https://i.imgur.com/txU24lz.mp4
L348[08:32:23] <Mat2ch> I still think this is sad. Somebody oversteered, then it hit the ground and veered off to a side, because it was still dragged
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L350[08:35:25] <ve2dmn> I can Identify 10 Languages easily... can you do better? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kTeY9lFF7Y
L351[08:35:25] <kmath> YouTube - Belgian ticket inspector giving a message in 13 languages
L352[08:44:19] <Mat2ch> not that hard, if you train only this one sentence daily :)
L353[08:45:02] <Mat2ch> but impressive nonetheless
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L355[08:45:41] <ve2dmn> His accents are pretty good. The Japanese was understandable, (so was his native french i guess)
L356[08:45:56] <Mat2ch> the German... let's not talk about it :D
L357[08:46:51] <ve2dmn> Well... Japanese is easy to prononce if you already master a Romance language
L358[08:47:51] <Mat2ch> well, I still struggle to count in it
L359[08:48:20] <ve2dmn> Counting is easy. The rules are simply with no exceptions....
L360[08:48:29] <ve2dmn> It's not like french.... or Dutch
L361[08:48:47] <ConductorCat> Unless you are counting things.
L362[08:48:59] <ve2dmn> that... is too true
L363[08:49:19] <Mat2ch> wie in Germany say eight and seventy, which confuses even me sometimes
L364[08:49:35] <Mat2ch> I wonder what happens if I start saying seventyeight...
L365[08:49:55] <ve2dmn> Or the french 4x20-10-9 for 99
L366[08:50:05] <ConductorCat> Four twenties and seven years ago.
L367[08:50:13] <ve2dmn> exactly
L368[08:52:21] <Mat2ch> I wonder what happens if I get Fluburtur to use it that way, too :D
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L370[08:53:38] <ve2dmn> Anyway, In the video I recognised Dutch, French, German, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, ??, Japaneses, ??
L371[08:54:12] <ve2dmn> I guess Russian after Arabic?
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L373[08:56:16] <Mat2ch> yes, has to be Russian
L374[08:57:01] <Mat2ch> the last one is maybe greek?
L375[08:57:37] <Mat2ch> or danish?
L376[08:57:56] <Mat2ch> no, not Danish
L377[08:58:07] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@bc24540d.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: leaving)
L378[08:58:12] <ve2dmn> And there is one afrikaan language... not sure which.
L379[08:58:27] <ve2dmn> I'm worse at this then I though :/
L380[08:58:40] * Mat2ch hands ve2dmn a t
L381[08:59:18] <Mat2ch> I'm living in a city with people from almost every country of this planet. I'm even worse, because I stopped listening to them when I was little
L382[08:59:42] * ve2dmn stares into the chaos of enlgish written wrods
L383[09:00:06] <ve2dmn> We mainly get American and French Tourists
L384[09:00:22] <ve2dmn> The American comes to see Europe and the French comes to see America
L385[09:00:39] <ve2dmn> We are neither
L386[09:02:59] <ve2dmn> The Chaos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfRSvTSY0d4
L387[09:02:59] <kmath> YouTube - English Pronunciation - "The Chaos" by Dr. Gerard Nolst Trenité
L388[09:04:02] <ConductorCat> 何処?
L389[09:04:28] ⇦ Quits: sandbox (sandbox!~sandbox@host-92-30-187-204.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L390[09:04:44] <ve2dmn> ConductorCat: Montreal
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L392[09:05:18] <ConductorCat> アー、そう。
L393[09:06:33] <ve2dmn> At least my Kanji is still somewhat accurate
L394[09:07:24] <ve2dmn> (Basically 'What' + 'place')
L395[09:15:16] <ve2dmn> NEWS: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/69341191/xenonauts-2-strategic-planetary-defence-simulator
L396[09:16:10] <BenjaminK> So I need to ask you guys: What mods do you use/know of that add a GUI of a dark color?
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L398[09:28:00] <ConductorCat> Why don't those aliens wear shoes?
L399[09:29:07] <ve2dmn> They are clones. They don't live long enough to need them
L400[09:38:02] <Eddi|zuHause> "strategic planetary defense" sounds somewhat like "we need to build the biggest wall mankind has ever seen, and the aliens pay for it"
L401[09:42:26] <ConductorCat> The aliens only want to pick our vegetables and join the Earthian dream.
L402[09:46:22] ⇨ Joins: Lyneira (Lyneira!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:20c:29ff:fea6:d040)
L403[09:46:50] <ve2dmn> You never played Xenonauts 1 ?
L404[09:49:45] <Eddi|zuHause> no
L405[09:50:18] <Eddi|zuHause> at my planets, aliens are welcome
L406[09:50:48] <Eddi|zuHause> i played rogue servitors the last time in stellaris
L407[09:50:54] <ve2dmn> right...
L408[09:51:07] <ve2dmn> It's like XCOM (or X-Com)
L409[09:51:21] <Eddi|zuHause> well, i never played that either
L410[09:53:20] <ve2dmn> It's more like "They are invading" then the "Everyone is gone. There is only Ice Cream" kind of game
L411[09:53:45] <Eclipser> xcom1 is one of the best games ever
L412[09:55:02] <ve2dmn> Eddi|zuHause: I, too, did the "Mandaroty pampering" play in Stellaris
L413[09:55:26] <ve2dmn> (I also went devouring horde... It's not easy, but it is 'simple')
L414[09:56:45] <ve2dmn> My best Stellaris playthrough was with assimilators. I "optimised" the entire galaxy. I was a bigger end-game crisis then the Prethoryns fleets
L415[09:57:26] <Eddi|zuHause> i've never actually played until the endgame crisis
L416[09:57:52] <ve2dmn> Eclipser: Ever tried OpenXcom?
L417[09:58:34] <Eddi|zuHause> the farthest i played so far was with a militaristic empire that matched a fallen empire in strength, but when i defeated that, the other empire awakened and tripled
L418[09:58:53] <Eddi|zuHause> and immediately demanded for me to be their subject
L419[10:00:20] <Eddi|zuHause> and by the time i wanted to pick up such a game again, there is a new incompatible version out, and i can't be bothered to go back
L420[10:00:38] <ve2dmn> :D
L421[10:00:58] <ve2dmn> you know you can select a previous version in Steam?
L422[10:01:03] <Eddi|zuHause> yes
L423[10:01:26] <Eddi|zuHause> i did that in EU4 for a while
L424[10:01:55] <Eddi|zuHause> otherwise i would never have finished that game
L425[10:03:00] <Eddi|zuHause> i konquered the world as saxony (becoming HRE emperor and then expanding the vassals)
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L428[10:08:55] <Eclipser> ve2dmn, yeah
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L431[10:12:36] <ve2dmn> https://m.xkcd.com/2009/
L432[10:13:07] <Eddi|zuHause> by the time i was finished it was like 4 versions later
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L435[10:14:45] <Fluburtur> the postman delivered a letter from your lover
L436[10:14:48] <Fluburtur> no
L437[10:14:53] <Fluburtur> he actually delivered plastic
L438[10:15:08] ⇦ Quits: NolanSyKinsley (NolanSyKinsley!~NolanSyKi@2606:6000:5106:8500:2b35:3290:2145:bdaa) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L440[10:16:09] <Althego> what is this self conversation?
L441[10:16:15] <Fluburtur> idk
L442[10:16:22] <Fluburtur> I wanted to do something funny
L443[10:16:24] <Althego> self.conversation is not NOne
L444[10:17:07] <Eddi|zuHause> what are you talking about? my Konversation is running perfectly fine
L445[10:17:48] * APlayer to APlayer: NaN
L446[10:18:14] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kTeY9lFF7Y
L447[10:18:15] <kmath> YouTube - Belgian ticket inspector giving a message in 13 languages
L448[10:18:42] <ve2dmn> I can't place the language after Russian and before (and after) Japanese
L449[10:19:30] <ve2dmn> The rest I can Identify. I'm tempted to post this to /r/translator to get accurate answers
L450[10:21:33] <Eddi|zuHause> i'd have said romanian?
L451[10:22:04] <ve2dmn> That was my guess, but I'm not sure....
L452[10:25:36] <ve2dmn> soon... xkcd number will be = current_year
L453[10:25:38] <ve2dmn> https://m.xkcd.com/2009/
L454[10:26:04] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mct7tfivXu1rvuidco1_r1_400.jpg
L455[10:26:53] <Eddi|zuHause> well, the first one would be flemish/dutch, then french, german, english. spanish, italian, portuguese. arabic, russian, romanian(?), (?), japanese, (?)
L456[10:27:20] <ve2dmn> Eddi|zuHause: I can confirms all those...
L457[10:28:56] <Eddi|zuHause> when i was a kid, the signs in the train usually had 4 languages. german, french, russian and english
L458[10:29:15] <Eddi|zuHause> not entirely sure about the order
L459[10:30:37] <ve2dmn> Here it changes depending on where you are in the country
L460[10:31:21] <Eddi|zuHause> well, even during cold war times, there was some exchange of wagons between countries
L461[10:31:26] <Eddi|zuHause> international trains and stuff
L462[10:31:43] <ve2dmn> With the more bizarre ones in Native reserves
L463[10:33:46] <Eddi|zuHause> like, some east german wagon sets regularly travelled to Malmö in sweden
L464[10:33:51] <Eddi|zuHause> (via ferry)
L465[10:35:02] <Eddi|zuHause> there's two regulatory bodies that govern cross-border wagon exchange in europe, RIC and RIV (one for freight and one for passenger wagons)
L466[10:36:20] <ve2dmn> https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/multilingual-road-traffic-stop-sign-inuktitut-syllabic-english-french-octagon-red-stop-sign-inuktitut-syllabic-99958987.jpg
L467[10:36:26] <Eddi|zuHause> like on international trains that consisted of individual wagons, the responsibility for providing the wagons usually rotated through the involved countries on a yearly basis
L468[10:36:40] <Eddi|zuHause> so passenger wagons needed to have similar seat arrangements and stuff
L469[10:36:42] <ve2dmn> (or https://the-peak.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/WEB_Stop-Sign_Alanah-Heffez_Flickr.jpg )
L470[10:37:23] <ve2dmn> Eddi|zuHause: Same way our school buses are the same colour as the US despite the fact that there is no specific rule forcing that
L471[10:38:02] <Eddi|zuHause> not sure if "same way"
L472[10:38:16] <ve2dmn> They are basically all made the same so they can be sold in both markets
L473[10:38:30] <Eddi|zuHause> because when you want to couple wagons from different countries into the same train, you need to make sure the couplings, brake systems, heating systems and whatnot are compatible
L474[10:38:54] <ve2dmn> true
L475[10:39:50] <Eddi|zuHause> well, and obviously rail gauge and loading gauge :p
L476[10:39:57] <Althego> what was the end of the red shell discussion?
L477[10:40:10] <ve2dmn> Althego: Netsplit
L478[10:40:16] <Althego> hehe
L479[10:40:21] * ve2dmn put on tinfoil
L480[10:40:46] <Althego> which is actually made of aluminium :)
L481[10:43:55] <Neal> I've got 2 100G antennas and 5.5 km/s of dV, where should I put this relay?
L482[10:45:41] <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, why is it tinfoil and not alufoil?
L483[10:45:57] <Althego> the same reason why english peaople call the center of a pencil lead
L484[10:46:03] <Althego> historical reason
L485[10:46:04] <Eddi|zuHause> it's "Alufolie" in german
L486[10:46:06] <Althego> used to be tin
L487[10:46:12] <Althego> alufólia here
L488[10:46:54] <Eddi|zuHause> well, "pencil" is "Bleistift" (lead pen) in german
L489[10:47:40] <ve2dmn> Eddi|zuHause: I just learn this week than there are about 5-10 different expressions in french to designate a pencil
L490[10:47:53] <Eddi|zuHause> but the center of a "Bleistift" is called a "Mine"
L491[10:48:08] <Eddi|zuHause> no clue where that word came from
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L493[10:49:08] <ve2dmn> And a mechincal pencil has 4-5 different names too
L494[10:49:37] <ve2dmn> I didn't even realise it :/
L495[10:49:47] <Eddi|zuHause> you mean a "Kugelschreiber" [ball writer]?
L496[10:49:59] <Althego> no
L497[10:50:03] ⇦ Quits: Razer (Razer!znc@cetacean.club) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L498[10:50:18] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_pencil
L499[10:50:40] <ve2dmn> A mechanical pencil (US English)[1] or propelling pencil (UK English),[2] also clutch pencil....
L500[10:50:47] <ve2dmn> Other names include automatic pencil, drafting pencil, technical pencil, click pencil,[citation needed] pump pen, pump pencil, leadholder, pacer (Australian English), pen pencil (Indian English), and lead pencil (Bangladeshi and American English).
L501[10:51:49] <Neal> watch what happens when I dump the clutch while in second gear on my clutch pencil
L502[10:52:06] <Eddi|zuHause> i don't think i ever heard the german name for that thing
L503[10:52:45] <ve2dmn> In French I've seen "mechanical pencil", "Leadholder", "Lead pusher",...
L504[10:52:58] <ve2dmn> Lead in this case being "mine"
L505[10:53:49] <ve2dmn> so... more like 'mine holder', 'mine pusher', etc...
L506[10:56:21] <Althego> the moho mine survive at all cost
L507[10:56:26] <Althego> +must
L508[11:02:20] <ve2dmn> I was speaking about these things with another chatroom and for the record, the original name of 'croissant' is 'moon crescent'... It just never got translated and the new word got adopted verbatim in English
L509[11:04:37] <ve2dmn> A similar thing happened with an english insult with starts with D and simply means 'shower' in french
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L511[11:12:03] <Eddi|zuHause> we do have the word "Dusche" in german, meaning shower
L512[11:12:29] <Eddi|zuHause> we also have a rather mild insult called "Warmduscher" :p
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L514[11:29:30] <sandbox> i think it's more an american insult
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L522[12:08:48] <Draconiator> What kind of engine would a leafblower be if it were on a plane? Turbo?
L523[12:10:38] <Fluburtur> probably
L524[12:10:48] <Fluburtur> but that would be the turbo for a proper engi_ne
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L527[12:14:19] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: Chocolatine / Pain au Chocolat?
L528[12:14:28] <Fluburtur> pain au chocolat
L529[12:14:34] <ve2dmn> I see
L530[12:15:24] <Althego> pain :)
L531[12:17:23] <ve2dmn> yes. You know what the frenchman are so angry and rough? They hate pain for breakfast!
L532[12:20:00] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: sorry been reading too much of this blog: "Le Français de nos régions"
L533[12:22:33] ⇨ Joins: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@2620:149:5:1b04:89a1:70e:7355:df10)
L534[12:22:50] <ve2dmn> I really wish English had a similar thing... because since there is no language regulator it probably varies a lot by region
L535[12:23:11] <ve2dmn> (kind of like the whole Pop vs soda vs coke vsw fizz vs.... )
L536[12:24:16] <sandbox> juice
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L542[12:44:24] <UmbralRaptor> coffee
L543[12:44:32] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/1bda6cf64ef2209470c7db1f78feb7cb/tumblr_n8damp8Dkm1qdlh1io1_400.gif
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L545[12:47:40] <Althego> quite a fall. not recommended
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L548[12:53:16] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVbdbVhzcM4
L549[12:53:17] <kmath> YouTube - Two Vortex Rings Colliding in SLOW MOTION - Smarter Every Day 195
L550[12:59:31] ⇦ Quits: Hyratel (Hyratel!~Wyvern@ip68-228-135-114.hr.hr.cox.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L551[13:00:03] <Althego> lol he has 12 hours of this
L552[13:03:06] <ConductorCat> :3
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L556[13:24:29] <Fluburtur> nice precession https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4gzuwaTHd0
L557[13:24:29] <kmath> YouTube - Oddly satisfying: pendulum with paint finds path to equilibrium
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L567[14:11:40] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHfU3W-ClTE
L568[14:11:40] <kmath> YouTube - What Would Happen If America's Internet Went Down
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L572[14:29:30] <Draconiator> I remember I saw a VR headset at a thrift store for 5 bucks...I passed up because I don't have a smartphone though...DEFINATELY would have gotten it if it were an Oculus though.
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L574[14:36:19] <Althego> aaand wintergatan
L575[14:36:34] <Althego> hehe the sound effect
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L578[14:40:12] <Althego> these sound effects are just too funny
L579[14:41:05] <Althego> he is watching mathias wandel videos, obvious from the sped up sequences
L580[14:43:28] <Althego> hehe put it inside a car :)
L581[14:43:35] <Althego> that would be the solution
L582[14:44:52] <Althego> hehe he cant even bend the acrylic without problems. that is done regularly with glass
L583[14:50:23] <Althego> eh a flat earth stream. but i can watch that now
L584[14:51:08] <ve2dmn> What are they showing?
L585[14:52:12] <Althego> actually anti-flat earth
L586[14:57:52] <Althego> https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/friendlybruisedfattaileddunnart
L587[14:57:56] <Althego> https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/eminentbitesizeddiplodocus
L588[14:58:01] <Althego> https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/horriblefamousbubblefish
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L590[14:59:56] <Althego> haha and playing ksp in the anti flat earth stream
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L592[15:01:22] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@BC24540D.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
L593[15:02:32] <ConductorCat> Flat Kerbin Mod
L594[15:02:46] <ve2dmn> how would that even work?
L595[15:03:35] <ConductorCat> Flat Kerbin moves really fast.
L596[15:04:34] <ConductorCat> Kerbol orbits it.
L597[15:05:17] <ConductorCat> Throw Occam's Razor out the window.
L598[15:07:56] <Draconiator> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus_effect - does this work in KSP?
L599[15:08:02] <ve2dmn> Throw a razor out the windows? you want to hurt someone?
L600[15:10:58] <Rolf> "You couldn't, because there would be no way to correctly simulate gravity. It's just physically impossible to have even gravity on a flat plane. There is no logical way to transition between orbital and flat."
L601[15:13:08] <Draconiator> "I believe in a flat earth because I'm a science idiot."
L602[15:13:26] <Rolf> Draconiator: just say what I always say to flat earther.
L603[15:13:36] <Rolf> "Of course! Earth is locally flat!"
L604[15:14:44] ⇦ Quits: KrimZon_2 (KrimZon_2!~krimzon@super.duper.reetleet.org) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L605[15:15:59] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVa2UmgdTM4
L606[15:15:59] <kmath> YouTube - Flat Earth CRUSHED by Discovery Channel
L607[15:16:21] <Draconiator> This video always makes me smile. Narrated by the Hawkman himself too.
L608[15:16:33] <BenjaminK> Flat earth has been crushed by everyone with the slightest knowlage of physics or reasoning skills
L609[15:16:44] <Rolf> yep
L610[15:17:15] <BenjaminK> Flat earth was crushed by a dude with two poles
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L612[15:17:22] <BenjaminK> :V
L613[15:17:42] <Rolf> or people with knowledge of stars, people with knowlede of timezones, so on
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L619[15:22:56] <ve2dmn> Flat Earth was crushed by a guy in ancien egypt
L620[15:23:36] <halcyon_b> Comment from that video:
L621[15:23:45] <halcyon_b> "the only thing flat earthers fear is sphere itself."
L622[15:27:51] <Draconiator> I would have started hating you Halcyon if I was drinking something.
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L626[15:39:21] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/d1d90444091226db97a6286b12812819.png - According to Google Trends, this idiocy started fairly recently too...
L627[15:43:16] <Draconiator> Every related term has those three spikes on the graph.
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L629[15:54:28] <sandbox> turtle earth
L630[15:54:42] <Fluburtur> toroid earth
L631[15:54:49] <Supercheese> paraboloid earth
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L633[15:55:31] <Supercheese> icosahedral earth
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L636[16:04:43] <APlayer> Sinusoidal earth?
L637[16:05:06] <APlayer> Or do it like the physics teacher, and misspell "Cosinus" (German) as "Conus"
L638[16:06:31] <UmbralRaptor> hyperbolic paraboloid earth when?
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L663[18:29:57] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/11486d15efa887b0759d5beca45a2a5d.png
L664[18:31:34] <Eddi|zuHause> looks like a weird paper glider
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L670[18:44:02] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L677[18:52:47] <UmbralRaptor> http://planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/2018/20180620-new-neo-threat.html
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L680[19:05:03] <UmbralRaptor> Dust. Dust everywhere. https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7164
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L685[19:36:52] <Guest55635> what version do I install on a student chromebook? 1.4.3 Away with words MK2 or 1.3.1 Away with words....thanks for your help!
L686[19:37:19] <Azander> 1.4.3
L687[19:37:44] <Guest55635> okay...thank you so very much!!
L688[19:46:59] <Zarthus> a chromebook can run ksp?
L689[19:49:10] <Azander> beats me
L690[19:49:24] * UmbralRaptor is confused, but apparently.
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L698[20:41:22] <Draconiator> well the newest Chromebook has these specs...Intel Dual-Core N3060 1.6 GHz, Up to 2.48GHz, 4GB DDR3L 1600 MHz; 16GB eMMC storage. SD card reader, No Optical drive
L699[20:41:25] <Draconiator> so maybe..
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L705[21:05:02] <Neal> here's some very interesting info about the x15 flights as well as the lifting body concepts tested on the b52 mothership http://www.air-and-space.com/nb52/Balls%20Eight%20History%20of%20the%20Boeing%20NB-52B%20Stratofortress%20Mothership%20eBook.html
L706[21:06:14] <Draconiator> https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/4ad6d92c-851e-3002-a6ed-9d27f2677363/ss_silver-airways-passengers.html - This is on my bucket list lol...never be able to check that off.
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L710[22:28:34] <Draconiator> Trying to hack into my own xBox...I forgot the name I used for the profile I accidentally deleted.
L711[22:31:45] ⇦ Quits: McKaby (McKaby!~Forgon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L712[22:44:11] <Draconiator> PHEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW....I had an old backup on my computer and my old profile was in it...that's a relief...
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