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L1[00:01:57] ⇨ Joins: coalhot (coalhot!~coalhot@pool-173-59-20-178.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)
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L4[00:10:51] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/ff186b7c7b8a4bf4156a44db0a495be8.png - Typical GameFAQs post.
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L16[01:55:03] <Guest27551> what
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L18[01:55:42] <BenjaminK> …
L19[01:55:54] <Althego> lol
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L21[02:03:51] <JCB> eh..?
L22[02:04:07] <JCB> anyone else fighting heatwave today?
L23[02:04:10] <JCB> ... tonight?
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L26[02:22:36] <TheKosmonaut> JCB: Heatwave?
L27[02:22:48] <Althego> hehe, heatwave is a character in grrlpower
L28[02:24:40] <JCB> 20c/68f right now...
L29[02:24:46] <JCB> already past midnight
L30[02:31:32] <TheKosmonaut> JCB: ... that's a heatwave?
L31[02:31:49] <TheKosmonaut> Do you live in Nunavut?
L32[02:32:16] <JCB> don't look at me.. its what the weather report is calling it
L33[02:33:11] <JCB> suppose to go up even higher for the next few days. I consider it bad when dog is puking and my stomach isn't too happy either
L34[02:34:40] <Rolf> 90f for week here
L35[02:35:05] <Rolf> my room right now is at 83f
L36[02:35:17] <Rolf> amd its at 12:35 am lol
L37[02:36:18] <JCB> ok.. 68f outside, I've no clue inside, probably far worse in the room here
L38[02:38:03] <TheKosmonaut> It was 30c the other day and dropped to 15c overnight
L39[02:38:08] <TheKosmonaut> thank you, mr typhoon!
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L60[05:18:11] <Pakaran> https://www.inverse.com/article/46074-chris-hadfield-skeptical-on-space-companies-traveling-to-mars
L61[05:18:28] <Pakaran> sigh. "Hadfield also points out how dangerous the mission would be for humans and even suggest robots should be the first to travel to the planet in order to learn more."
L62[05:19:40] <Pakaran> Haven't they, like, already? Or by robots is the reporter picturing LCdr Data?
L63[05:21:47] <Pakaran> from the original business insider article, it looks like what he meant is simply being cautious about the pace.
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L69[05:50:31] <Mat2ch> Pakaran: I'm not sure if I would go. There are so many questions to be answered, I don't know where to start
L70[06:11:46] ⇨ Joins: Deddly (Deddly!uid297108@2001:67c:2f08:8::4:8894)
L71[06:42:24] <Deddly> Pakaran: So Spirit, Opportunity etc aren't robots eh? Today I learned
L72[06:44:53] <Deddly> The REAL reason it is too dangerous for humans to go to Mars: https://xkcd.com/1504/
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L91[09:27:41] <UmbralRaptor> #nocontext https://astrobites.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/jupiter-1024x756.png
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L95[09:34:01] <GurrenLagannCWP> Good morning guys!
L96[09:36:54] <GurrenLagannCWP> Man, why did i spent half a hour writing about a dream on KSP forums
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L102[09:58:36] <Althego> what, wintergatan video
L103[09:58:43] <Althego> not even wednesday yety
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L105[10:05:27] <Mat2ch> Althego: waaaaaaaaaaat
L106[10:06:17] <GurrenLagannCWP> wat
L107[10:06:23] <ve2dmn> wat
L108[10:06:42] <GurrenLagannCWP> And i thought my Early-June drem was weird
L109[10:06:48] <GurrenLagannCWP> dream*
L110[10:08:12] ⇨ Joins: Bllaank (Bllaank!~Blaankk@c-24-11-223-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
L111[10:08:33] <Althego> demahnetizer powered by german magnets
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L113[10:10:18] <Althego> so supposedly now ther will be videos on mondays too
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L116[10:19:39] <Mat2ch> Hopefully
L117[10:19:41] <Mat2ch> I love those :)
L118[10:21:36] <GurrenLagannCWP> I sadly had a terrible thing that happened
L119[10:22:04] <GurrenLagannCWP> My graphics card broke
L120[10:22:07] <Althego> found a 6 months old sandwich at the bottom of a bag
L121[10:22:14] <GurrenLagannCWP> So i cant play KSP
L122[10:22:43] <Althego> replace
L123[10:23:04] <Althego> even if this card broke down, i would just use the previous one
L124[10:23:13] <GurrenLagannCWP> The nearest GC shop is too far
L125[10:23:41] <GurrenLagannCWP> but this is the only card i had
L126[10:24:12] <Althego> "that is why you fail"
L127[10:24:31] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F15dgBzwOrc
L128[10:24:31] <kmath> YouTube - That is why you FAIL
L129[10:27:05] <Althego> few days ago when we talked about weird al. i finally got one part of the "fat" ("bad" originally) video i previously did not. there is a part where they walking shouting (no actual words). they yell "hooo". and one guy hands weird al a hoe...
L130[10:37:42] ⇦ Quits: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@c-73-158-172-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving...)
L131[10:37:55] <ve2dmn> fat? "When I sit around the house, I really sit around the house"
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L133[10:39:28] <Althego> anyway i never connected the tool with the random yelling before
L134[10:40:03] <Althego> and the xkcd about understanding song lyrics applies to this too
L135[10:40:15] <ve2dmn> of course
L136[10:40:24] <ve2dmn> there's always a relevant xkcd
L137[10:40:56] <ve2dmn> there's probably a relevant xkcd about lacking a relevant xkcd
L138[10:42:08] <GurrenLagannCWP> Well, someone got to Priax, Tal, Nissee, Karen, Ovok, and Hale in one stage
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L140[10:42:23] <GurrenLagannCWP> And i cant get to orbit
L141[10:42:26] <ve2dmn> Which mod is that?
L142[10:42:32] <GurrenLagannCWP> opm
L143[10:42:34] <Althego> what are those
L144[10:43:05] <ve2dmn> There are 3 things to consider: TWR, dv and how good you are at controlling those
L145[10:43:07] <Althego> once you allow mods it might be with some cheaty engines
L146[10:43:10] <GurrenLagannCWP> Bodies in Outer Planets Mod
L147[10:43:35] <ve2dmn> I obsses over dv and because of that, my constructions always lack TWR
L148[10:44:01] <ve2dmn> which can be fatal on Eve or Tylo
L149[10:44:18] <Althego> i try to optimize twr and delta-v, so unless you rally know what you are doing probably cant fly my rockets
L150[10:44:47] <ve2dmn> I only 'pretend' to know what I'm doing
L151[10:45:32] <GurrenLagannCWP> Part Packs take more RAM than Planet Packs
L152[10:45:46] <Althego> i mean they are built for a specific purpose, too specific to be of general use
L153[10:46:34] <ve2dmn> just my kOS code
L154[10:46:54] <GurrenLagannCWP> I can go to Mars in a SSTO in a 2d game like SimpleRockets that has the same scale as KSP
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L156[10:47:01] <Althego> i leave enough margin so that the mission is flyable without reloads
L157[10:47:21] <Althego> so no need for scripts. but no room for gross mistakes
L158[10:47:32] <GurrenLagannCWP> But i only got to Mars twice in Spaceflight Simulator
L159[10:47:40] <GurrenLagannCWP> with stages
L160[10:47:41] ⇨ Joins: Lutzee (Lutzee!~Lutzee@iss.lutzee.net)
L161[10:48:09] <ve2dmn> I can't make a viable SSTO
L162[10:48:25] <Althego> it is hard lately
L163[10:48:35] <ve2dmn> but when I tried, I did get some... interesting results...
L164[10:48:39] <Althego> at least it used to be easy to go to duna and back without refill
L165[10:48:54] <ve2dmn> like going too fast and blowing up from overheating :D
L166[10:49:04] <Althego> mk2 parts
L167[10:49:15] <GurrenLagannCWP> In SimpleRockets its easy to make a SSTO
L168[10:49:29] <GurrenLagannCWP> But it needs mods like SRX
L169[10:49:41] <Althego> moon is still relatively easy to do without isru
L170[10:50:44] ⇨ Joins: Neal (Neal!~Neal@
L171[10:50:49] <GurrenLagannCWP> And i made this constelation in 45 mins - https://www.reddit.com/r/simplerockets/comments/8muu14/completing_the_keridium_constellation_a/
L172[10:51:46] <ve2dmn> I got a new i7 desktop computer 'just' for KSP... but it turned out it was a bad choice
L173[10:52:08] <ve2dmn> The desktop, while cheap, is power-supply limited and can't take any good video card
L174[10:53:00] <ve2dmn> (It's a refurb.... a Dell...)
L175[10:53:05] <Althego> haha
L176[10:53:19] <ve2dmn> I still have 40 days to return it :D
L177[10:54:03] <ve2dmn> I'm trying to replace my aging Athlon X4 2600
L178[10:55:00] <Althego> dont mind the text, scroll down for pictures https://index.hu/nagykep/2018/06/17/a_hazai_dronfotosok_legjobb_kepei/
L179[10:55:17] <ve2dmn> So it was either buying a new computer, try to update it with parts or try with a recycled computer
L180[10:56:34] <Althego> athlon lol
L181[10:58:17] <ve2dmn> Works as a TVPC. Still not dead
L182[10:59:41] <Althego> "still alive"
L183[10:59:56] <ve2dmn> "I'm not dead yet!"
L184[11:00:51] <Althego> wow, electron it's business time in 4 days
L185[11:00:56] <Althego> is it possible that it happens now?
L186[11:01:09] <ve2dmn> no
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L195[11:20:30] <ve2dmn> ok... maybe: https://twitter.com/Peter_J_Beck/status/1007848212412055554
L196[11:20:30] <kmath> <Peter_J_Beck> Perfect wet dress today from the team and Electron. #ItsBusinessTime is ready for flight next week!… https://t.co/o3KpveGzXb
L197[11:20:47] <Althego> wet dress?
L198[11:21:03] <ve2dmn> no clue what that means
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L200[11:21:29] <Althego> the cute upper stage
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L203[11:22:41] <ve2dmn> "A wet dress rehearsal (WDR), and a more extensive static fire, are system tests of a fully integrated space launch vehicle and its associated ground support equipment (GSE) prior to launch. The spacecraft or payload may or may not be attached to the launch vehicle during the WDR or static fire"
L204[11:22:57] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Launch_vehicle_system_tests
L205[11:23:27] <Althego> hehe the kerbal https://twitter.com/Sven2157/status/1007849313169494016
L206[11:23:27] <kmath> <Sven2157> @Peter_J_Beck @RocketLab Congrats! Here are the results from my last "wet dress"! Yours worked so much better! We d… https://t.co/ojwXidz5go
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L208[11:23:32] <Althego> wait for it
L209[11:23:45] <Fluburtur> what
L210[11:23:56] <Althego> go watch the demagnetizer
L211[11:24:06] <Fluburtur> oooooo
L212[11:24:28] <Fluburtur> youtube premium what the hell is that
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L214[11:24:31] <Fluburtur> no I don't want it
L215[11:24:47] <ve2dmn> Youtube Premium is the new YoutubeRed
L216[11:24:57] <Fluburtur> I don't want it anyways
L217[11:25:01] <Fluburtur> I don't want to spend money
L218[11:25:08] <Fluburtur> spent like way too much yesterday already
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L220[11:25:52] <ve2dmn> I'm thinking of buying it just for the Google Music subscrition
L221[11:26:51] <ve2dmn> Youtube Red was not available in Canada... this new service has been extended to a few places
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L225[11:35:04] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHtEwhnuHzE
L226[11:35:05] <kmath> YouTube - Arctic Resin Table
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L235[12:16:52] <Fluburtur> I should write down the crap my boss says
L236[12:17:00] <Fluburtur> always doing jokes and stuff like that
L237[12:18:08] <Althego> there is this joke about that: we laughed all day about the joke of the boss, until we realized it was the task for today
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L239[12:19:28] <Althego> hah i found a flat earther could say something i dont know. in the gemini 4 spacewalk you can see the helmet rotated to the right, but supposedly these helmets dont do that
L240[12:19:43] <Althego> i dont go watch the demagnetizeri cant find ny information on such mechanism
L241[12:19:54] <Althego> yet on the video i can clearly see it moved
L242[12:20:52] <Althego> lol how did the demagnetizer got in there
L243[12:22:11] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/8798acbb6c63d4ac83459586387239fd/tumblr_o3znwiP8aU1tp3d7zo1_540.jpg
L244[12:22:27] <Althego> hehe
L245[12:24:35] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/a55d4ccdbae6fdcf6f1ab02548da677e/tumblr_p9zar8mTcc1wwghevo1_540.png
L246[12:25:25] <Althego> here https://youtu.be/e7mVTFAspPk?t=132
L247[12:26:01] <Fluburtur> who would design a helmet that can't rotate anyways
L248[12:26:09] <Althego> the others cant
L249[12:26:16] <Fluburtur> anyways, time to poot food in me
L250[12:26:30] <Althego> or rather they can, but then they also release
L251[12:26:46] <Fluburtur> they jut have to hold onto it then
L252[12:27:09] <Althego> ok, if they wanted to, they could have tried stop motion for the 6 fps video
L253[12:27:20] <Althego> yet, it is still too realistic for that
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L258[12:28:56] <Althego> but at best this is just there is no documentation how the helmet worked
L259[12:32:19] <Althego> maybe my best shot at this would be some adam savage video, where he shows it off or even wears it
L260[12:32:34] <Althego> a replica, not original, but still
L261[12:33:11] <Althego> hmm, he has mercury and apollo, not gemini
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L263[12:35:40] <Althego> hah there is already an answer video from 1.5 years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoCnS9oFSDs
L264[12:35:41] <kmath> YouTube - The Space Suit Special
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L270[12:46:21] <tantalo> Hi everyone! My spaceplanes for the Kerbin system work fine now, but I'm having trouble designing one for longer journeys. I checked out a few crafts from kerbalx, but I couldn't find anything I really liked. Does anyone have suggestions where I could find a nice craft file? Priorities are A) easy handling (I suck at atmo flight), B) enough nervs for a non-frustrating TWR, C) ideally enough cargo
L271[12:46:27] <tantalo> capacity to carry its own ISRU kit, and D) reasonably small size.
L272[12:47:22] <ve2dmn> The good stuff is on KerbalX... :/
L273[12:47:46] <tantalo> I'm sure it is, I probably just missed it.
L274[12:48:01] <Fluburtur> electron launch in 3 minutes
L275[12:48:14] <Fluburtur> it took me 3 tries to write "launch" btw
L276[12:48:38] <Althego> these are contradicatory requirements
L277[12:48:41] <tantalo> You kept writing "lunch" instead? That's your body giving you a hint. :P
L278[12:48:42] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: it says in 4 days in my feed
L279[12:48:46] <Althego> what, not in 3 days?
L280[12:48:48] <Althego> 4
L281[12:48:51] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg5234BOED8
L282[12:48:51] <kmath> YouTube - Still Testing Launch - 01/21/2018
L283[12:49:01] <Fluburtur> or is that a redif?
L284[12:49:03] <Althego> that is from months ago?
L285[12:49:07] <Fluburtur> I have no idea
L286[12:49:12] <Fluburtur> I see rocket, I click
L287[12:49:16] <ve2dmn> Or is that the test from yesterday?
L288[12:50:20] <ve2dmn> tantalo: but seriously Nervs and SSTO are not friendly requirements
L289[12:50:24] <Althego> according to the date it is their first launch
L290[12:50:38] <Fluburtur> or second rather
L291[12:50:40] <Althego> also easy handling
L292[12:50:42] <Fluburtur> but first success
L293[12:50:50] <Althego> because sstos work the best with rapier engines
L294[12:50:57] <Althego> but those dont like to pass supersonic
L295[12:50:58] <tantalo> How so, Althego? I found one craft which was pretty much perfect save for the flaw of having just one nuclear engine. It ought to be possible to stick two or three on one without making the plane significantly larger.
L296[12:51:12] <Althego> the old turbojets handle easier, but dont accelerate you to the same speed
L297[12:51:22] <Althego> you dont want 2 nuclear engines
L298[12:51:26] <Althego> they are really heavy
L299[12:51:32] <Althego> unless the ssto itself is huge already
L300[12:51:38] <ve2dmn> tantalo: my suggestion: make a different spaceplane, but set up refuel stations at you destinations
L301[12:51:45] <Althego> and be happy if you can go to duna with one
L302[12:51:52] <Althego> no way back without refuel
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L304[12:52:05] <Althego> after that mun without refuel. then duna without refuel
L305[12:52:24] <tantalo> Oh, uou'd go for something without nuclear engines then? I hadn't considered that option.
L306[12:52:35] <Althego> that makes it worse
L307[12:52:38] <Althego> lot lower isp
L308[12:52:58] <Althego> the best you could do maybe the making history wolfhound, which has over 400 s isp
L309[12:53:02] <Althego> still quite heavy
L310[12:53:21] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/c0aff16f9af1ab1aba861e19fb251af6/tumblr_o80hevuADg1rk6zeco1_540.jpg
L311[12:53:25] <Althego> the best sweet spot is 2 rapiers and 1 nuke
L312[12:53:26] <ve2dmn> tantalo: I tried to make a 1-fuel SSTO. It's really hard. Like, Really hard
L313[12:53:32] <Althego> but that means it cant be too heavy
L314[12:53:46] <Althego> possibly orbital operations only
L315[12:54:03] <Althego> dont try to make 1 fuel ssto. i utterely failed at it in current state
L316[12:54:16] <Althego> the nuke is not powerful enough and the jets dont accelerate you enough
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L318[12:54:41] <Althego> you could power through with more nukes, but then payload would be severly limited
L319[12:54:47] <Althego> to around 0 :)
L320[12:54:50] <Fluburtur> I have a few jets that can hop outside the atmo
L321[12:54:56] <Fluburtur> but a nuke would make them not fly
L322[12:54:57] <Althego> that is easy
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L324[12:55:09] <Fluburtur> one of my barely working SSTO was a modified jet actually
L325[12:55:26] <Althego> but the issue is, you need to add like 1 km/s on a single nuke from 1.3 km/s
L326[12:55:28] <Fluburtur> because my k919 uses some FLT-800 tanks instead of LF tanks because im an idiot
L327[12:55:34] <Fluburtur> so I can just fill them with oxy
L328[12:55:48] <Althego> an oxy-moron :)
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L332[12:55:59] <ve2dmn> Before re-entry heat was a thing I had a real nice SSTO, but it didn't make it back from the Mun
L333[12:56:13] <Althego> everything can make it bck from the mun
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L335[12:56:20] <Fluburtur> I should rebuild it but I would need t replace the wings
L336[12:56:22] <Althego> i can make it back with mk1 parts
L337[12:56:26] <Fluburtur> it is my best plane but it is also a mess
L338[12:56:27] <Althego> that cockpit is seriously flammable
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L340[12:56:50] <tantalo> And what are your thoughts on carrying an ISRU on the plane? It's not really neccessary, I already have quite a few refueling stations, but I'd really love it.
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L343[12:57:17] <Althego> anyway flub, this is the current launch https://twitter.com/Peter_J_Beck/status/1007848212412055554
L344[12:57:17] <kmath> <Peter_J_Beck> Perfect wet dress today from the team and Electron. #ItsBusinessTime is ready for flight next week!… https://t.co/o3KpveGzXb
L345[12:57:30] <Althego> noite the gif with the kerbal at the borrom
L346[12:58:58] <Althego> so the flat earther misunderstanding comes from the fact that the later apollo suit helmets did not turn, but had greater field of vision
L347[12:59:18] <Althego> but the gemini suit still had turning helmets
L348[13:00:32] <Althego> tantalo: you can carry the isru, that also adds more mass you cant use. however if you go for duna or jool, it makes it working since you dont need fuel for the way back
L349[13:01:01] <Althego> so use the small one if possible, the big one is basically only for mk3 body
L350[13:01:17] <Althego> rhis means lower efficiency
L351[13:01:33] <tantalo> That's indeed what I had in mind.
L352[13:02:20] <Althego> i had something from few months back
L353[13:02:35] <JCB> Althego all but the Gemini 7 flight... which used a modified version for the long term 14 day mission..
L354[13:03:20] <ve2dmn> Althego: it *could* make it back... It just burned on re-entry
L355[13:03:30] <JCB> although, not sure I get how field of view vs turning helmet has much to do with...
L356[13:03:30] <Althego> you are doing it wrong
L357[13:03:32] <ve2dmn> AKA: I'm not that good
L358[13:03:43] <Althego> 45 km or higher on the first and you live
L359[13:03:59] <Althego> there is no limit how careful you can be on an already bound orbit
L360[13:04:18] <Althego> if you were on a flyby hyperbola and no fuel for capture, you need to capture and then you have thermal constaints
L361[13:04:27] <tantalo> JCB: If the faceplate isn't very wide, you need to turn your head to get a better FoV, of course. :)
L362[13:04:28] <JCB> which cockpit?
L363[13:04:46] <JCB> tantalo well I know its just the flatearth reference...
L364[13:05:00] <tantalo> If the faceplate is wider, you can just turn your head inside a fixed helmet.
L365[13:05:08] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHaCtddY_X0
L366[13:05:09] <kmath> YouTube - To Duna an back without oxidizer by SSTO in KSP 1.3.0
L367[13:05:15] <Althego> this was an oxidizerless design
L368[13:05:21] <Althego> hence those nukes
L369[13:05:28] <Althego> normally i would og with 1 nuke only
L370[13:06:16] <JCB> oh ya.. the mk2 cockpit.. ugh
L371[13:06:51] <Althego> are you talking about the reentry from mun?
L372[13:06:59] <Althego> mk1 cockpit is sufficient, you have to be careful
L373[13:07:11] <tantalo> What's wrong with it, JCB?
L374[13:07:28] <Althego> high apoapsis, high aoa, or even rotate around if necessary
L375[13:07:46] <tantalo> Althego: That design looks a lot like what I had in mind. Thanks!
L376[13:08:01] <JCB> tends to get hot on re-entry a lot...
L377[13:08:05] <Althego> there should be a craft file in the description
L378[13:08:34] <JCB> not sure if stats were changed in 1.4...
L379[13:08:44] <Althego> no
L380[13:08:54] <Althego> ok, i know that engines stats were not
L381[13:09:05] <Althego> some capsule masses migh have changed
L382[13:09:19] <Althego> i know the mk1-2 or whatever it is called now, is a lot lighter
L383[13:09:21] <JCB> heating on cockpits... though seems the Mk1 pod has lower heat tolerances than the mk2 plane cockpit
L384[13:09:24] <tantalo> Sure, it gets hot, but contrary to the Mk1 it's never exploded on me.
L385[13:09:28] <Althego> it was seriously heavy for what it could do
L386[13:09:50] <tantalo> Not during reentry, anyway. I blew one up just last week during ascent. :)
L387[13:09:59] <Althego> you can make the mk1 capsule explode. and yes it is lot better than the mk1 cockpit, that is for planes after all
L388[13:10:02] <JCB> the mk1-3 in 1.4... the three crew one right?
L389[13:10:11] <Althego> yes
L390[13:10:20] <Althego> i didnt check the others really
L391[13:10:27] <Althego> that was the one that always bugged me
L392[13:11:39] <JCB> ah... according to wiki... mk1-2 and mk1-3 two different pods now
L393[13:11:52] <JCB> both basically same design, just different stats, mostly weight.
L394[13:12:11] <JCB> Mk1-2 was a hair over 4t... mk1-3 is nearly half that now
L395[13:12:57] <JCB> sigh.. which means it borks anything I made with the mk1-2 craft if I were to switch to 1.4
L396[13:14:24] <JCB> ... oh... can still port over, Mk1-2 just now hidden, replaced by the newer pod
L397[13:14:38] <Althego> just as the old decouplers
L398[13:14:46] <Althego> i will never forget the old orange black striped
L399[13:14:50] <Althego> it was my favorite
L400[13:15:32] <tantalo> I like the new ones better, actually.
L401[13:16:21] <Althego> yes they are more cinsistent
L402[13:16:29] <Althego> cant see which one is which in the editor
L403[13:16:33] <Althego> ok, they are in order
L404[13:16:46] <Althego> but then i always have to count them which one i want
L405[13:16:56] <Althego> i used to just look at them and it was obvious
L406[13:17:04] <Althego> so they look better when assembled
L407[13:17:12] <Althego> but it was easier to work with the old ones
L408[13:17:29] <Althego> and the large empty space inside was useful to hide ugly things
L409[13:17:48] <Althego> before service bays. that also have mass, therefor i dont use them
L410[13:18:08] <tantalo> JCB: Just read the backlog again. Well, apparently this flatearther claimed the Gemini video was a hoax because the helmet could turn. He'd apparently heard the Apollo helmets couldn't, and was too dumb to appreciate the difference between Apollo and Gemini. :P
L411[13:19:10] <JCB> Ya.. Gemini is sorta the middle brother of the three programs. Sometimes doesn't get quite the attention it deserves..
L412[13:20:25] <JCB> Althego I have hard time figuring the diff between medium and large disk like probe bodies in the editor
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L414[13:22:11] <Fluburtur> I just did 3 kill and one assist with the mb157 in war thunder
L415[13:22:15] <Fluburtur> baguette plane op
L416[13:22:32] <JCB> sometimes I'll stick an ball type rcs tank between engine and body for some of my remote craft... some designs don't need quite /that/ much RCS, so using two orb tanks to balance things out is a bit much
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L418[13:23:42] <Althego> JCB: yes those probe bodies are also annoying
L419[13:23:57] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/458335537414144002/20180618202004_1.jpg
L420[13:25:00] <Althego> i wanted to play a few levels of z, but i have an over pressurization problem in the service compartment
L421[13:26:48] <JCB> I dn't mind the probes... just have to be mindful which ones which..
L422[13:27:15] <Althego> usually go with either the low tech ones or the tiny octo thing
L423[13:28:37] <JCB> lol.. low tech.. sputnik one. Seems only good for rover designs. No stability
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L425[13:28:46] <Althego> stayputnik
L426[13:28:49] <tantalo> The small RGS is nice too. Target tracking, maneuver hold, and it can hold science data.
L427[13:28:54] <Althego> because it has a funny name
L428[13:29:08] <Althego> i use them for early career rescue missions
L429[13:29:26] <Althego> by the power of capslock
L430[13:29:50] <Althego> and stopping rotation is provided by timewarp
L431[13:29:53] <JCB> I might use them for sounding rocket designs... eh
L432[13:30:15] <Althego> change them to the 6 and 8 sided designs as soon as available
L433[13:30:57] <JCB> the little cube one is cute though
L434[13:31:08] <Althego> but cant use it on anything
L435[13:31:17] <Althego> it is just one of those parts i never use
L436[13:31:41] <Althego> just as stack separators
L437[13:31:53] <JCB> not sure which I used to cram two relay satellites into a single large service bay..
L438[13:32:09] <tantalo> So you never deploy satellite fleets, Althego? :)
L439[13:32:22] <Althego> decouplers
L440[13:32:37] <tantalo> They'll stick to one of the sats afterwards.
L441[13:32:46] <Althego> to the bus rocket
L442[13:32:50] <Althego> that doesnt matter
L443[13:32:56] <Althego> in fact that is the point
L444[13:33:20] <JCB> oh .. here we go.. 6 sided ones
L445[13:34:45] <tantalo> No comment on those.
L446[13:35:33] <Althego> also in career i use old contract sats as relays for most cases, so i get them up for free
L447[13:35:50] <Althego> after a while there are just too many anyway
L448[13:36:53] <JCB> mm... tight packing
L449[13:36:53] <JCB> https://imgur.com/a/zIj75dQ
L450[13:36:54] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/PouQqMj.png
L451[13:37:59] <Althego> i would put 4 of these along the long axis, with a center part probably made from cubic... holding the remaining parts
L452[13:38:59] <ve2dmn> https://i.redditmedia.com/Z0Uaf51eVyBE-3tcp_EyROO42SQKrbfIU9z9NbWlRAo.jpg?s=0b7a792766fb9b6eeb48b9adc193336c
L453[13:39:13] <Althego> hehe
L454[13:39:19] <JCB> crewed mission.. minmus, placing two relays different orbits. ship acted as temporary command station
L455[13:39:20] <Althego> multi-miserable
L456[13:39:36] <Althego> because you could also hate the people on the other planets, while they hate you
L457[13:39:56] <JCB> enough hate going around as is...
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L461[13:42:17] <Althego> https://i.imgur.com/9Dip5HB.gifv
L462[13:43:21] <JCB> heh... sigh, would love a husky... so much work though
L463[13:43:33] <Ezko> yeah
L464[13:43:42] <Ezko> my apartment is way too small :(
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L466[13:47:29] <Althego> https://cnet4.cbsistatic.com/img/NymsTQSbHgDfHMFHaJAXCskDtls=/970x0/2018/06/18/8c96b4fc-4055-4c59-8870-4de11fd1082c/screen-shot-2018-06-18-at-12-57-43-pm.png
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L474[13:57:42] <Ezko> Althego: starting to look a bit dusty on top :P
L475[13:59:00] <Althego> it has been like that for a ling time
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L477[14:23:28] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/458350930145050635/20180618211332_1.jpg
L478[14:24:00] <Althego> what is with that pink smoke
L479[14:24:29] <Fluburtur> smokes
L480[14:24:31] <Fluburtur> to look nice
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L488[14:45:48] <Althego> heh i get 500s from youtube
L489[14:45:58] <ve2dmn> ok
L490[14:46:15] <Althego> how is that ok
L491[14:47:44] <ve2dmn> I'm just stunned and I could not come up with a proper response
L492[14:48:04] <ve2dmn> I guess 500 is a proper response... just not the one you would like
L493[14:48:12] <Althego> it is an error response
L494[14:49:14] <Althego> wasnt there an xkcd about http error codes?
L495[14:52:24] <ve2dmn> .xkcd error codes
L496[14:52:33] <ve2dmn> wrong channel
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L500[14:59:10] <Draconiator> I have so much hard drive space I'm making multiple copies of KSP with different mods, to see what they're about.
L501[15:05:39] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@51B62166.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
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L505[15:33:22] <Draconiator> https://www.geek.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/zbox.jpg - Zotac made a pretty weird-looking PC.
L506[15:38:18] <Draconiator> https://www.geek.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/cplug.jpg - and this is a computer too.
L507[15:41:17] <Fluburtur> raspi in a power plug heh
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L518[16:26:51] <XemnasTheLynxGaming> Anyone know what the name of the folder I'd put mods in is, if I can't go through steam for it?
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L520[16:35:56] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/49a16f2c33a74918e67ddd145cf71a92/tumblr_oqr75waJ3L1rgbdnzo1_540.jpg
L521[16:38:32] <Fluburtur> I don't understand why peoples are afraid of gooses
L522[16:38:40] <Fluburtur> they are nicer than swans
L523[16:39:21] <UmbralRaptor> Geese are where Canadians store their hate.
L524[16:39:41] <Fluburtur> looks like they haven't reached the local ones then
L525[16:41:59] <UmbralRaptor> As long as your geese don't look like https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_goose#/media/File%3AKanadagans_Branta_canadensis.jpg you should be safe.
L526[16:43:41] <Fluburtur> well
L527[16:43:43] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186669324500993/458386326589276172/DSC_8523.JPG
L528[16:44:08] <UmbralRaptor> You're doomed.
L529[16:44:21] <Fluburtur> nah those are nice
L530[16:44:56] <Fluburtur> anyways I need to sleep
L531[16:45:35] <UmbralRaptor> 'night.
L532[16:45:43] ⇦ Quits: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-174.2com.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L533[16:45:51] <UmbralRaptor> Don't let the flying dinosaurs bite.
L534[16:46:02] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186669324500993/458386889364471849/DSC_8493.JPG
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L538[17:03:23] <darsie> XemnasTheLynxGaming: /home/bernhard/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData
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L560[19:57:08] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L593[23:06:25] <Draconiator> No idea why but I miss the old days of computing....
L594[23:12:08] <UmbralRaptor> Define "old"?
L595[23:23:04] <Japa> yesterday.
L596[23:26:02] <Draconiator> I.E. mid-1990s or so.
L597[23:26:15] <Draconiator> even late 80s
L598[23:35:48] <jeans> I can't miss what I didn't see. =D
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