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L1[00:12:38] ⇨ Joins: Lyneira (Lyneira!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:20c:29ff:fea6:d040)
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L24[03:17:43] ⇨ Joins: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:7de4:3d96:7b6b:c8ce)
L25[03:20:15] <Fluburtur> my internet is slow for some reason
L26[03:22:18] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:7de4:3d96:7b6b:c8ce) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L29[03:23:27] ⇨ Joins: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:74c3:165d:b842:26e1)
L30[03:34:20] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/b2ea0aa523e7ba2931504506c2dbcd68/tumblr_pa5orjmOnI1xoyw8po1_540.jpg
L31[03:36:41] <Althego> hehe
L32[03:36:50] <JCB> if being a jerk was healthy.......
L33[03:36:57] <Althego> you wouldnt die from eating a vaccine, but it would be pointless
L34[03:37:27] <Althego> which one was the jerk in your opinion
L35[03:37:55] <JCB> I don't know.. was just trying to come up with something...
L36[03:38:02] <Fluburtur> there was a edgehog just outside my door last night
L37[03:38:06] <JCB> got enough stupid people on the roads... :\
L38[03:38:10] <Fluburtur> I have no idea how he managed to get there
L39[03:38:13] <Fluburtur> and it was big as well
L40[03:38:21] <Althego> hehe so french, left out the h even in writing :)
L41[03:38:44] <JCB> edgehogs and possums... :P
L42[03:38:56] <Mat2ch> Althego: uh, there are vaccines that you have to eat
L43[03:38:59] <Mat2ch> poly I think
L44[03:39:10] <Althego> no opossums here
L45[03:39:17] <Fluburtur> also those things are fast, I went away for like 20 seconds and it disapeared
L46[03:39:36] <Althego> sonic :)
L47[03:39:43] <Althego> i never see them move too fast
L48[03:39:45] <JCB> not blue.. not sonic..
L49[03:40:06] <JCB> mind you.. you want fast, watch a fennec freak out
L50[03:40:06] <Fluburtur> I thought they were slow
L51[03:40:08] <Althego> they probably rely more on their protection
L52[03:40:22] <Fluburtur> but I haven't actually saw it moving so maybe it teleported away or something
L53[03:40:31] <JCB> lol
L54[03:40:45] <JCB> ninja vanish.. poof
L55[03:44:47] <Gasher> hm, there are vaccines that are indeed administered orally
L56[03:44:54] <Althego> interesting
L57[03:47:15] <Gasher> http://www.who.int/biologicals/areas/vaccines/polio/opv/en/
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L59[04:08:37] ⇨ Joins: sandbox (sandbox!~sandbox@host-92-30-187-204.as13285.net)
L60[04:13:06] <Kalpa> Lul.
L61[04:15:16] <Althego> https://blogs.gnome.org/muelli/files/2009/06/thelulz.jpeg
L62[04:17:52] <Mat2ch> errr, why did I write poly, when I clearly thought polio?
L63[04:17:55] <Mat2ch> I need a brain check...
L64[04:19:47] <Althego> minor issue
L65[04:19:54] <Althego> comes with age :)
L66[04:25:44] <Mat2ch> Althego: No. I clearly have some issues with that sometimes...
L67[04:25:59] <Mat2ch> Like I start a sentence and can't finish it, because something else is getting my attention
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L70[04:28:32] <Guest15801> anybody here?
L71[04:28:38] <Althego> yes
L72[04:28:43] <Guest15801> oh
L73[04:28:54] <Guest15801> i thought this was a abandoned thing
L74[04:28:58] <Althego> no
L75[04:29:01] <Guest15801> but suprisingly not
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L77[04:29:50] <Althego> hehe
L78[04:35:17] ⇨ Joins: APlayer (APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BD7FC0095CEFB307ABE4F02.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L79[04:40:02] <Mat2ch> Gasher: it's sunday morning, we need to get up first :P
L80[04:48:11] <JCB> oh.. missed guest excitement.. derp
L81[04:48:57] <JCB> was watching video on someone's radio based project...
L82[04:54:48] <Mat2ch> oh, well
L83[04:54:50] <Mat2ch> yes
L84[04:54:55] <Mat2ch> I highlighted the wrong person
L85[04:54:58] <Mat2ch> see what I mean? :P
L86[05:01:41] ⇦ Quits: Epi (Epi!~Epil@124-149-148-172.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Quit: sleep time)
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L91[05:35:26] <JCB> surprised I'm still up even..
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L97[06:23:30] <Fluburtur> Rokker mb157 best baguette plane
L98[06:23:36] <Fluburtur> I evaded a zero
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L101[06:36:49] <APlayer> Planuette
L102[06:38:42] ⇨ Joins: jazzkutya (jazzkutya!~jazzkutya@catv-80-98-237-128.catv.broadband.hu)
L103[06:54:56] <Fluburtur> I ordered this heli https://www.banggood.com/WLtoys-V950-2_4G-6CH-3D6G-System-Brushless-Flybarless-RC-Helicopter-RTF-p-1080417.html?rmmds=mywishlist
L104[06:55:03] <Fluburtur> wanted it for a while
L105[07:05:28] <Rokker> Fluburtur: c.200 best french plane
L106[07:05:43] <Fluburtur> isn't that italian?
L107[07:15:25] ⇦ Quits: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-122-33.2com.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L110[07:17:26] <GlassYuri> ...the simplified chinese version of the valve steamworks non disclosure agreement uses a completely different font than the other three
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L112[07:40:51] <Rokker> Fluburtur: thats why its the best
L113[07:40:56] <Rokker> cause its not french
L114[07:48:56] ⇨ Joins: jazzkutya (jazzkutya!~jazzkutya@catv-80-98-237-128.catv.broadband.hu)
L115[07:52:39] <Mat2ch> Or aluminium
L116[07:54:06] <Rokker> aluminum
L117[08:10:30] ⇨ Joins: Iskierka (Iskierka!~Iskierka@2a02:c7f:921c:de00:66d7:1cf3:e4b5:96a8)
L118[08:16:42] <petti> aluminimum
L119[08:17:20] * Mat2ch gives petti a cookie
L120[08:17:50] <Mat2ch> This "Another Dirty Room" series is hilarious. :D
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L130[09:42:38] <Fluburtur> Rokker https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/457917937815388162/20180617154041_1.jpg
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L141[11:31:32] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/457945271880515584/DSC_9204.JPG
L142[11:31:36] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/457945319725072394/DSC_9206.JPG
L143[11:34:24] <Fluburtur> this is holding up very well https://youtu.be/bsgr8FRhwsE
L144[11:34:25] <kmath> YouTube - 3d printed spinner on wing
L145[11:59:31] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/457947788437749761/image.png
L146[12:03:59] ⇨ Joins: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com)
L147[12:20:53] <Mat2ch> needs some balancing. But otherwise awesome!
L148[12:24:58] <Fluburtur> nah doesn't even need balancing, there is no vibrations
L149[12:25:17] <Mat2ch> But in the video it seems to be unbalanced
L150[12:25:35] <Fluburtur> well it isn't
L151[12:25:40] <Fluburtur> but the plastic does flex a bit
L152[12:29:26] ⇨ Joins: tantalo (tantalo!~tantalo@homer.phyma.uni-konstanz.de)
L153[12:31:48] <tantalo> Hi there! Is anyone bored enough to have a look at one of my craft files? I have a little issue.
L154[12:32:50] <tantalo> More specifically, I made my first spaceplane, and while it is easy to fly and capable of reaching orbit, I'm not too happy with the controls.
L155[12:32:59] ⇨ Joins: SnipersLaww_ (SnipersLaww_!~SnipersLa@99-113-251-124.lightspeed.glptms.sbcglobal.net)
L156[12:33:36] <tantalo> In level flight, it's stable, but whenever I pitch up, it rolls slightly to the left, which is a little annoying during ascent, and even more so while landing.
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L158[12:33:39] *** SnipersLaww_ is now known as SnipersLaww
L159[12:33:57] <Draconiator> is it 1.4.3 and stock?
L160[12:34:23] <tantalo> Because it always rolls to the left, I think the culprit is not aerodynamic instability, but an assymmetry somewhere in the design, but I can't find it.
L161[12:34:34] <tantalo> Yes, it's stock 1.4.3. Here's the craft file: http://ix.io/1dGP
L162[12:34:37] <Draconiator> I can help
L163[12:35:07] <tantalo> *asymmetry :)
L164[12:37:12] <Draconiator> Okay let me boot it up and see here.
L165[12:38:24] <tantalo> IIRC, the issue gets more pronounced when the fuel runs low.
L166[12:39:03] <tantalo> So you might want to remove the fuel from the wing tanks for easier reproduction.
L167[12:39:38] <Draconiator> Yeah, less weight the plane has, the more aerodynamic forces act on the plane.
L168[12:43:28] <Draconiator> hmmm, I've had this same thing happen to me before, the tail fin is too small, and it makes it want to yaw.
L169[12:44:29] <Draconiator> I'm trying to fix it for ya.
L170[12:44:38] <tantalo> Thanks!
L171[12:45:47] <tantalo> So you think the issue is indeed aerodynamic instability, and it's just a coincidence that it always rolls left, never right?
L172[12:46:29] <Draconiator> Yeah
L173[12:53:43] ⇨ Joins: Black_Eagle (Black_Eagle!~mustakotk@dsl-83.148.223-130-dynip.ssp.fi)
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L178[13:02:51] <Draconiator> https://app.box.com/s/iz4g5rfvpmyivqmtjb43us1sjzpzno2s - Here ya go Tantalo, I'll send the bill to Jebediah.
L179[13:03:00] ⇨ Joins: NolanSyKinsley (NolanSyKinsley!~NolanSyKi@2606:6000:5106:8500:37c9:d55a:535e:f2bc)
L180[13:04:22] <tantalo> Thanks, I'll give it a try.
L181[13:13:51] <JCB> poor Jeb... wonder how many bills he's collected over the years since the game came out..
L182[13:14:23] <Zarthus> Lots of bills.
L183[13:14:53] ⇦ Quits: jazzkutya (jazzkutya!~jazzkutya@catv-80-98-237-128.catv.broadband.hu) (Quit: Leaving)
L184[13:14:53] <Althego> jeb collects bills? bill collets bobs?
L185[13:15:48] <tantalo> Draconiator: Yep, issue is mostly gone now, unless the tanks are nearly dry. Thanks!
L186[13:16:00] <tantalo> Why did you replace the front canards, btw?
L187[13:16:00] <JCB> guess the fame he's garnered, people think he's making a ton of money or something
L188[13:16:13] <Zarthus> you think he's not?
L189[13:16:24] <JCB> kerbals make money?
L190[13:16:32] <JCB> I thought they just did it for the thrills
L191[13:16:36] <Althego> hiring them costs some credits
L192[13:16:40] <tantalo> He's probably spending it all on hotrods.
L193[13:16:40] <Zarthus> What do you think they're paid in, exposure?
L194[13:16:41] <Althego> funds
L195[13:17:08] <JCB> costs money to hire 'other' kerbals...
L196[13:17:23] <tantalo> Who hires kerbals though?
L197[13:18:07] <Zarthus> TakeTwo
L198[13:18:11] <Althego> hehe
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L200[13:18:29] <tantalo> I don't think I ever hired a single one, I just occasionally fly rescue missions.
L201[13:18:48] <JCB> who keeps stranding kerbals that you have to rescue?
L202[13:19:00] <Zarthus> you guys don't sound like very nice employers
L203[13:19:25] <tantalo> Yeah, it's hard to believe there are other space agencies with even worse safety standards.
L204[13:19:49] <JCB> I'd rather not see them go poof... then again, I've gotten rather good at the game...
L205[13:20:11] <JCB> mind you... that kerbal comics about game reversions? (whatever happened to the comics anyways?)
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L210[13:38:49] <tantalo> Is there some way to adjust the properties of parts if I can't click on them because they're covered by other parts?
L211[13:39:25] <tantalo> A while ago, I had that problem when I accidentally moved an RCS port to deep into the fuselage; I could only remove it by editing the craft file manually.
L212[13:39:26] <JCB> its not letting you select?
L213[13:39:45] <JCB> you could try moving your view point to the inside of the part its on
L214[13:40:03] <tantalo> Hmm, that might work. Thanks!
L215[13:40:43] <JCB> sometimes its a little tricky... view point having certain limits. can sort of get around it by moving the craft itself, just be sure to place it back, else it won't be centered when you launch
L216[13:41:40] <JCB> .... the days when we built stuff before part's offset was a thing...
L217[13:42:27] <tantalo> Eek, that sounds nasty.
L218[13:42:33] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/457978287893905430/DSC_9208.JPG
L219[13:46:39] <JCB> Fluburtur you seen the flitetest youtube video them finally getting around to using the 3d printed motor that was sent to them?
L220[13:46:47] <Fluburtur> yeah
L221[13:46:49] <Fluburtur> was pretty nice
L222[13:47:05] <JCB> didn't notice the smoke coming out of it till after I saw mention in the comments
L223[13:47:17] <Fluburtur> there was smoke?
L224[13:47:23] <Fluburtur> I guess 12s was a but much then
L225[13:47:25] <JCB> right as the motor died
L226[13:47:31] <Fluburtur> heh
L227[13:47:36] <Fluburtur> probably some coil burning
L228[13:47:47] <JCB> Josh even mentioned it at the end... but didn't want to say anything at first
L229[13:48:17] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/ZSoZqwqtu50
L230[13:48:17] <kmath> YouTube - R 20 maiden
L231[13:48:36] <JCB> quicksilver ultralight cute little plane, old design... my airfield manager would probably try to melt it for scrap if he saw one on his field
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L233[13:49:00] <Fluburtur> heh
L234[13:49:50] <Fluburtur> transitbiker will need to give a name to this model
L235[13:50:15] <JCB> I don't know.. he does seem rather particular of the kind of planes flying out of his field...
L236[13:50:36] <Fluburtur> "no you can't land I don't like your plane"
L237[13:50:48] <JCB> have to take off in order to land
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L239[13:52:12] <Fluburtur> but what if someone is flying from one place to another and needs to stop
L240[13:52:17] <Fluburtur> to like get a drink or something
L241[13:53:35] <Draconiator> <tantalo> Why did you replace the front canards, btw? - even more stability.
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L243[13:53:58] <Fluburtur> Draconiator I develloped a new light fighter
L244[13:54:03] <Draconiator> One thing I couldn't fix though...
L246[13:54:26] <Fluburtur> flying along the k919 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/457505088999784448/Sans_titre_2.jpg
L247[13:54:47] <Fluburtur> designed to have good turnfight capabilities but likes to flat spin on hard turns
L248[13:54:59] <Fluburtur> it can recover but takes like 10 seconds and it loses a lot of speed then
L249[13:55:26] <Draconiator> Hm. too wide maybe.
L250[13:55:39] <Fluburtur> nah
L251[13:55:48] <Fluburtur> it flies well until you get to a certain AoA
L252[13:56:01] <Fluburtur> and if you turn at the same time
L253[13:56:04] <JCB> fluburtur tailfins?
L254[13:56:09] <Fluburtur> goes to a pitch spin then a yaw spin
L255[13:56:40] <JCB> ... got a pic of the design?
L256[13:56:54] <Fluburtur> no but I could send you a similar one
L257[13:57:03] <Fluburtur> wait maybe I do
L258[13:57:18] <Fluburtur> that design was actually a happy accident
L259[13:57:27] <Fluburtur> when one of my planes lost the tail and kept on flying just fine
L260[13:57:38] <Fluburtur> planks are somewhat popular in rc stuff
L261[13:57:52] <JCB> ah
L262[13:57:58] <Fluburtur> but you have to get the CG perfect
L263[13:58:03] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/413109312802521098/457982236902555676/20180528223005_1.jpg
L264[13:58:48] <JCB> uff...
L265[13:59:05] <Fluburtur> that was the original "incident" https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/413109312802521098/457982482193580055/20180409173601_1.jpg
L266[13:59:13] <JCB> rudder doesn't cause too much roll when used?
L267[13:59:18] <Fluburtur> idk
L268[13:59:30] <Fluburtur> seems to be fine
L269[14:00:19] <Fluburtur> but it has the problem with BDA when the autopilot is flying it
L270[14:00:34] <Fluburtur> I tried to tweak it but when I get it to not stall out it doesn't turn a lot
L271[14:00:45] <JCB> you got control surfaces far out, so probably compensates.. don't know about ya authority rudder a bit close to CL
L272[14:00:59] <JCB> BDA?
L273[14:01:13] <Fluburtur> bd armory
L274[14:01:26] <JCB> oh right.. noticed you've got kerbinside. :)
L275[14:01:29] <Fluburtur> and do you know a similar plane was develloped during WWII http://www.unicraft.biz/on/sigma/sigmabox.jpg
L276[14:02:06] <JCB> I'm a little cautious about putting fins on wing tips, it might help more with side slip than with ya control...
L277[14:02:13] <Fluburtur> http://ram-home.com/ram-old/sam-7.html
L278[14:03:05] <JCB> curious
L279[14:03:15] <Fluburtur> yeah
L280[14:03:26] <Fluburtur> I guess my problem is from stalling at weird angles
L281[14:03:49] <JCB> the overall body shape can also help with airflow control too.. just depends
L282[14:04:46] <JCB> AoA can be a bit of a problem if its too high.. causes some control surfaces, mainly the rudder to end up putting forces at odd angles
L283[14:05:11] <Fluburtur> symetrical rudder then?
L284[14:05:19] <Fluburtur> or maybe rudder on the end of wings like in the sigma
L285[14:05:21] <JCB> not so much that
L286[14:05:46] <JCB> is it a slight AoA that causes spin outs, or the more extreme end?
L287[14:05:57] <Fluburtur> more extreme
L288[14:06:04] <Fluburtur> above 35° it seems
L289[14:06:11] <Fluburtur> and during a roll turn
L290[14:06:29] <Fluburtur> basically it seems to snap for 90° of aoa then go into a spin
L291[14:07:19] <JCB> 35 degree is medium, start to heavy.. consider it a design limitation?
L292[14:07:27] <Fluburtur> maybe
L293[14:07:35] <Fluburtur> I coudl try reducing the control surfaces movement
L294[14:07:40] <JCB> you probably pulling quite a few 'g's at that pitch
L295[14:07:49] <Fluburtur> I added the panthers to give it post stall control but it doesn't doo much
L296[14:08:10] <JCB> could try pulling the tail out further...
L297[14:08:19] <Fluburtur> the rudder?
L298[14:08:21] <JCB> just the rudder.. see if that does anything..
L299[14:08:35] <Fluburtur> maybe
L300[14:08:53] <Fluburtur> but it starts as a pitch spin so I think it will only affect the recovery
L301[14:09:10] <JCB> might just be too close to the CoL... though I'm surprised you've that much pitch authority off the back of the wings where they are. CL and CoL must be pretty close
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L303[14:09:33] <Fluburtur> it gives very good pitch actually
L304[14:09:38] <Fluburtur> because it is short coupled
L305[14:10:17] <Fluburtur> but good stability as well
L306[14:10:52] <Fluburtur> anyways, shower time
L307[14:11:07] <Fluburtur> if you replicate that design the CG needs to be very close to the COL
L308[14:11:24] <JCB> I usually give my control surfaces a bit more movement arm, though challenge is in keeping CoL and CoM in the right places for all rotations
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L310[14:11:56] <JCB> ya... I think when you pitch, throws CoL forwards in the KSP modeling.. whats causing you to spin
L311[14:12:24] <JCB> you can try testing, moving the control surfaces just a slight bit in pitch in the hangar...
L312[14:14:55] <JCB> its just a thought. sometimes I'll pitch my elevator a little, help push the CoL forwards closer to the CoM.. built in trim in a way
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L344[15:15:47] <Guest84469> hello
L345[15:15:48] <Mod9000> Hello, Guest84469
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L348[15:16:52] <Guest84469> I am having some trouble getting a mining vessel on the mun
L349[15:17:05] <Guest84469> and with spelling corectly
L350[15:18:15] <Guest84469> any ideas
L351[15:18:39] <Guest84469> my rocket keeps falling over
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L353[15:20:27] <Guest84469> is anyone even here?
L354[15:20:46] <sandbox> you
L355[15:21:14] <Guest84469> yes?
L356[15:21:34] <BenjaminK> yup
L357[15:22:04] <Guest84469> so people are actually here
L358[15:22:09] <BenjaminK> make sure the weight is on the bottom
L359[15:22:30] <BenjaminK> cause topheavy on even a small slope is !good
L360[15:22:55] <Guest84469> can I put the refiner below the fuel tank?
L361[15:23:32] <BenjaminK> depends what the weights are
L362[15:23:49] <Guest84469> good to know thanks
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L364[15:24:11] <BenjaminK> and dont use dinky little landing gear either
L365[15:24:16] <BenjaminK> oh okay
L366[15:24:25] <BenjaminK> :V
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L368[15:27:36] <JCB> that the same guest that keeps coming in or...? I have a hard time keeping track of the #
L369[15:27:55] <BenjaminK> the number changes I think
L370[15:28:03] <BenjaminK> Cause autoassigned by esper
L371[15:29:17] <JCB> they sure don't stick around for long...
L372[15:33:13] <BenjaminK> well, they want a question answered
L373[15:34:20] <JCB> could have said anything, and they'd poof just as quick
L374[15:34:41] <BenjaminK> :V
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L376[15:35:20] <JCB> I guess not feeling very social.. maybe just me
L377[15:35:35] <BenjaminK> !shrug
L378[15:35:46] <BenjaminK> or theyrebplaying ksp :V
L379[15:35:47] <JCB> Lol.. I've yet to work on a mining rig... though if I did, probably spend days getting the design just right.
L380[15:36:26] <JCB> shrug.. I've seen a guest come in, ask something. then run right back out before anyone could answer..
L381[15:36:27] <BenjaminK> I dont have the pacience for that :V
L382[15:38:02] <JCB> Everyone looks at KSP in different ways..
L383[15:38:45] <JCB> I should probably look at the forums more often... post things there.
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L429[19:07:10] <GurrenLagannCWP> Hey guys
L430[19:07:31] <UmbralRaptor> Greetings, galaxy sized robot.
L431[19:09:42] <GurrenLagannCWP> As you may had saw on KSP Forums *cough* The Minmus Derp *cough*, my graphics card broke
L432[19:10:48] <GurrenLagannCWP> The only game that can run at 60 FPS now is a 2-D Gravity Simulator where objects are only points
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L443[20:14:16] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L444[20:26:14] <kuzetsa> what about val
L445[20:29:10] <UmbralRaptor> She's over a timezone where it's morning?
L446[20:29:39] <kuzetsa> fair
L447[20:29:55] <kuzetsa> timezones aren't worth including, so I'll give you that
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L456[22:33:41] <Draconiator> I found an OLLLLLD TRS-80 emulator. with 7 different models too. https://i.gyazo.com/0c0b2daf1f32ce96281a6f90004b492c.png
L457[22:34:17] * UmbralRaptor misread that as TIS-100 emulator for a moment.
L458[22:37:04] <JCB> sometimes also known as trash-80... sadly
L459[22:37:25] <JCB> Draconiator that the desktop version or the pocket?
L460[22:38:17] <JCB> oh wait... which is the pocket model-1? I've actually got that one, from a friend
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L462[22:50:41] <Draconiator> It's displaying 100 on the screen but the menu options there are the different models.
L463[22:51:14] <Draconiator> https://archive.org/details/ETL_Mark_IV_TOSEC_2012_04_23 ....how the heck did they get the files for this old thing? o_O
L464[22:58:23] <JCB> some people were smart enough to save things before it got destroyed?
L465[22:58:47] <JCB> that or spent lots of time reconstructing what they could
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