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L1[00:10:18] ⇨ Joins: JCB (JCB!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net)
L2[00:15:33] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq-be7Y_yyY - You know what's weird? I never realized how a chicken clucking sounds like a floppy drive reading a disk.
L3[00:15:51] <JCB> now to get a bunch of them together, make music
L4[00:15:59] ⇨ Joins: iamfishhead1 (iamfishhead1!~fishhead@2601:643:8101:bf10:a28c:c13c:8792:85c4)
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L7[00:27:00] ⇦ Parts: Arynnia (Arynnia!~Niadra@cpe-76-178-25-35.natnow.res.rr.com) ())
L8[00:27:03] <Draconiator> Okay this YouTube comment made me laugh. https://i.gyazo.com/e50c477df56feb625ffac14c2fae6f50.png
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L30[04:18:05] ⇨ Joins: APlayer (APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BF87500495390354E3FE10B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L31[04:28:49] <Pakaran> Wow, GPP has nice loading screen art.
L32[04:29:00] ⇨ Joins: SnipersLaww_ (SnipersLaww_!~SnipersLa@99-113-251-124.lightspeed.glptms.sbcglobal.net)
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L35[04:39:01] <sandbox> probably old https://twitter.com/gordlittle/status/1007408722984034304
L36[04:39:01] <kmath> <gordlittle> Worst TARDIS ever. https://t.co/7WHvCiMk5E
L37[04:41:04] * APlayer frowns at the link
L38[04:42:51] <Mat2ch> sandbox: not too old.
L39[04:43:06] <Mat2ch> Also the exhaust gases of this TARDIS are a bit ewwwwwwwwwwwww
L40[04:44:09] <Fluburtur> my grandma wants me to have a car now
L41[04:44:12] <Fluburtur> for some reason
L42[04:44:21] <Fluburtur> and she's like "you could have a 2cv"
L43[04:48:18] <Althego> you have a job, so you can spend money on a car
L44[04:49:16] <Althego> i wouldnt want that. going to work and back i would win like 15 minutes, but still need to look for parking place, and worry that it is stolen while i sleep, plus driving is totally lost time while i can read on public transport
L45[04:49:41] <Fluburtur> yeah I don't want a car either
L46[04:49:51] <Fluburtur> too much budget to keep that crap running
L47[04:51:09] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/58b14d2c32d933a2018ffd2e8cf8ef51/tumblr_mz1rfjCJgC1r9njzwo1_500.jpg
L48[04:51:58] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: don't get a car.
L49[04:52:04] <Mat2ch> first learn how to repair cars
L50[04:52:12] <Mat2ch> and then get an electric car, because it doesn't need repairs
L51[04:52:12] <Althego> hehe
L52[04:52:15] <Althego> cant really
L53[04:52:21] <Fluburtur> I know how to repair cars
L54[04:52:26] <Althego> modern cars have like halfa ozen computers in them
L55[04:52:27] <Fluburtur> I can repair tractor
L56[04:52:30] <Mat2ch> Repairing cars is easy, but having all the tools is hard
L57[04:52:41] <Mat2ch> use the tractor to get to work. :D
L58[04:53:05] <Althego> hehe
L59[04:54:05] <Fluburtur> tanks are considered tractors
L60[04:54:12] <Althego> there was a story about a guy that used a combine harvester to go to the macdrive :)
L61[04:55:20] <APlayer> Did he harvest some fries?
L62[04:56:36] <Fluburtur> then someone suggested I get a moped or something
L63[04:56:46] <Fluburtur> then I was like "yes I desire to perish"
L64[04:57:20] <Althego> hehe
L65[04:57:37] <Althego> no way i am taking something like that through traffic
L66[04:58:25] <Fluburtur> well there isn't that much traffic here but still no
L67[04:59:27] <Mat2ch> you could get a pedelec
L68[05:00:05] <Fluburtur> what is that
L69[05:01:55] <Althego> wiki says electric bike
L70[05:02:00] <Fluburtur> no
L71[05:02:06] <Fluburtur> my job is like 20km away
L72[05:05:08] <Mat2ch> well, those go up to 25 km/h and you don't have to do much, just turn the pedals. :D
L73[05:05:24] <Fluburtur> no
L74[05:05:34] <Mat2ch> There are some that are even faster, but then you probably need a license...
L75[05:05:41] <Fluburtur> listen I don't want to get to my job being tired already because of focusing on not dying
L76[05:05:45] <Althego> i have better. electros go a lot faster and i dont need to move anywhere
L77[05:05:50] <Althego> electrons
L78[05:09:40] <Mat2ch> Remote working by having a robot at the workplace?
L79[05:09:53] <Mat2ch> Don't think about doing that. That's my idea!
L80[05:10:02] <Mat2ch> I need a patent laywer. Anyone around?
L81[05:10:05] <Fluburtur> sadly the job I have to do would be hard to replace by a robot
L82[05:10:08] <Althego> luckily pushing around code does not need a robot
L83[05:10:26] <Althego> i had an other idea. a telepresence device on the head of technicians
L84[05:10:38] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: you get a VR station at home and you control the robot from there
L85[05:10:51] <Althego> you see what they see and you can draw something in their field of vision to mark what to do
L86[05:10:59] <Althego> also integrating a phone
L87[05:11:09] <Mat2ch> Althego: that's this augmented reality stuff
L88[05:11:22] <Althego> not exactly
L89[05:11:34] <Althego> because it is not adding a simulated reality, but me on the other side
L90[05:12:00] <Althego> and this idea was more than 10 years ago, when it was not really so obvious
L91[05:12:49] <Fluburtur> unfortunately my job requires good dexterity and good eyes
L92[05:13:12] <Fluburtur> like you can build mosth thermometers using machines and it is even very nice to see how they work but not the weird ones
L93[05:13:47] ⇨ Joins: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com)
L94[05:14:26] <APlayer> (evil robot laughter in the distance)
L95[05:14:52] <Fluburtur> speaking of, I got a bunch of videos from my job and I need to edit them
L96[05:35:38] <Fluburtur> time to upgrade the suepr plank
L97[05:36:23] <Althego> becomes hyper plank?
L98[05:36:33] <Fluburtur> idk
L99[05:36:35] <Fluburtur> maybe
L100[05:36:50] <Fluburtur> I will jsut change the engine and balance it a bit
L101[05:37:09] <Fluburtur> ksp wings are actually good for planks because no pitching moment
L102[05:37:15] <Fluburtur> because they have no actual airfoil
L103[05:45:26] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfRByopXiAI
L104[05:45:26] <kmath> YouTube - Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown - PS4/XB1/PC - E3 2018 Trailer
L105[05:56:13] <NGC3982> so, surviving mars
L106[05:56:28] <Althego> opportinity is trying its best
L107[05:56:33] <NGC3982> €40 and mixed reviews on steam. that doesn't sound right?
L108[05:56:52] <Althego> somebody is playing it here
L109[05:57:56] <NGC3982> sure, i trust paradox with every dime i have, but that does sound a bit risky
L110[06:01:57] <Mat2ch> then you should wait for a sale
L111[06:02:09] <Mat2ch> some say it's unbalanced, some say it has no real ending
L112[06:02:14] <Mat2ch> no meaning to play it
L113[06:03:09] <NGC3982> i see.
L114[06:05:30] <Mat2ch> But it's a casual game, what do they expect?
L115[06:07:03] <NGC3982> the thing is, i have over a thousand hours into cities skylines. i always accepted that the game was endless and almost purposeless in a way, because the original game was <€20 upon release. also, it happend to compete with sim city 4 which as a literal scam poop disaster.
L116[06:07:42] <NGC3982> in this case, €40 and "no ending lol" does not feel that great.
L117[06:08:00] <Mat2ch> steam sale is near. It'll start next week
L118[06:08:02] <Mat2ch> ;)
L119[06:16:05] <GlassYuri> NGC3982, cities: skylines is kinda interesting, it was budgeted and developed with low sales expectations, to the point where it apparently exceeded the lifetime goal within 24 hours
L120[06:21:58] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/457505088999784448/Sans_titre_2.jpg
L121[06:23:07] <NGC3982> GlassYuri: cool
L122[06:23:40] <NGC3982> i still think it is the best city builder ever. it doesnt have everything all the other city builders have, but in the time of its release it simply gave us everything the other games did not
L123[06:24:02] <NGC3982> no dmr bullshit, no inflated price tag, no scam like handling of bugs
L124[06:24:16] <NGC3982> i loved it, and i still love it (even tho i do not play it anymore)
L125[06:24:55] <GlassYuri> well for a start it is the only good modern city builder
L126[06:25:34] <GlassYuri> everything else is either trash or horribly outdated in terms of technology and user experience
L127[06:25:51] <NGC3982> i agree
L128[06:28:13] <GlassYuri> I tried playing SimCity4 but the user experience is so outdated I only managed a total of 27 minutes according to steam
L129[06:28:43] <NGC3982> :(.
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L131[06:30:52] ⇨ Joins: Tank2333_ (Tank2333_!~Tank2333@p508537A9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L132[06:31:10] <sandbox> RIP Maxis
L133[06:31:23] <NGC3982> sorry for bad language, by the way.
L134[06:31:27] <Tank2333> try cities skylines
L135[06:31:47] <Tank2333> maxis died long ago though
L136[06:32:56] <sandbox> in a galaxy far, far away
L137[06:33:17] <NGC3982> ..maxis survived.
L138[06:33:56] <sandbox> if you call that surviving
L139[06:34:01] <Tank2333> is simcity from EA?
L140[06:34:28] <NGC3982> so, i have a question regarding orbial mechanics. let's say i get into a stable orbit around an object in the kerbal solar system. it seems like however long i wait, it loops the number of times i get to a certain distance to the object.
L141[06:34:30] <sandbox> *spit* yes
L142[06:34:46] <NGC3982> are -all- orbits synchronous in KSP?
L143[06:34:52] <Tank2333> well imagin a world without supercorp gaming companys
L144[06:34:54] <Althego> no
L145[06:35:03] <Tank2333> candymountain
L146[06:35:14] <NGC3982> AvE?
L147[06:35:23] <Althego> sync orbits not even always possible because of soi limits
L148[06:35:48] <Tank2333> cockford ollie
L149[06:36:13] <Althego> the dragon speech
L150[06:36:27] <Althego> and it was long ago
L151[06:36:31] <NGC3982> Althego: because, it seems like i always end up with the almost exact same distance to the object. orbit one, 1m km. orbit two, 1.2m km, orbit three, 2.3m km. then it seems to loop.
L152[06:36:35] <NGC3982> whatever orbit i have.
L153[06:36:35] <Althego> things havent gotten any better
L154[06:36:42] <NGC3982> Tank2333: <3.
L155[06:37:08] <Tank2333> ^^
L156[06:37:20] * NGC3982 pokes his love choocher in Tank2333s boona end.
L157[06:37:23] <NGC3982> not sure i did that right
L158[06:38:45] <Althego> anyway, chris crawford missed the art from games, and attacked the state of them as a dragon. with a sword in his hand chared out of the hall. and never went back since then. it was in 1992. situation unchanged
L159[06:39:23] <Tank2333> i watched so many vids of him his funny speech sounds normal to me :)
L160[06:40:04] <Fluburtur> about to order some plastic for the printer, what color should I take?
L161[06:40:17] <Fluburtur> https://www.ebay.fr/itm/3D-Imprimante-Filament-PLA-1-75mm-1Kg-FDM-3D-Material-FR/152588393508?hash=item2386fa1c24:m:mSBg87oeNx5L8D5Arb2rpDQ
L162[06:40:40] <Althego> the orange, that is ripe for eating
L163[06:40:58] <GlassYuri> light green
L164[06:44:06] <Fluburtur> I wanted to take transluscent but they don't have it
L165[06:44:10] <Fluburtur> orage then I guess
L166[06:44:15] <Fluburtur> white is a bit boring
L167[06:44:21] <Althego> but dont eat it
L168[06:44:27] <Tank2333> althego... wow... just googled him and wiki says that he Developed Tanktics, wich i loved playing a demo on my ps1 but for almost two decades i could not remember the name of it and i was doubting my memory of playing a game like that
L169[06:44:51] <Tank2333> what a coincident ^^ thanks for that
L170[06:48:53] <Fluburtur> k ordered 2 rolls of orange plastic
L171[06:49:30] <APlayer> That's suspiciously cheap
L172[06:49:46] <Fluburtur> 16€ per roll, not really
L173[06:50:20] <APlayer> 16€ / kg
L174[06:50:28] <APlayer> I'd pay as much for 500 g perhaps
L175[06:50:43] <Fluburtur> the ones I ordered last time were like 15 per kg
L176[06:50:52] <Fluburtur> works just fine
L177[06:51:16] <APlayer> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L178[06:52:00] <NGC3982> i just realized how we gamers differ from each other
L179[06:52:16] <NGC3982> i have been on steam since it started, and i have 10 games.
L180[06:52:23] <Althego> hehe
L181[06:52:26] <NGC3982> the one with the least hours is 190
L182[06:52:40] <NGC3982> my friend has like 500 games and an hour each :p
L183[06:53:48] <GlassYuri> I *think* I have to rewrite the model loader in my game
L184[06:53:55] <GlassYuri> right now it only takes forever
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L186[06:57:23] <Glass|phone> even after loading the performance sometimes drops below 60 frames per hour
L187[06:57:48] <Althego> lol
L188[06:58:41] ⇨ Joins: hashashin (hashashin!~hashashin@
L189[06:58:59] <Althego> try making a game that doesnt need frames. operates with stills. like type in adventure or turn based strategy
L190[06:59:17] ⇨ Joins: Deddly (Deddly!~MrNiceGuy@176.90-149-110.nextgentel.com)
L191[07:02:37] <Tank2333> NGC3982 that is called "pile of shame"
L192[07:02:58] <Althego> no, it is called ksp :)
L193[07:03:18] <NGC3982> to be honest, it actually comes from a youth based on piracy
L194[07:03:47] <Tank2333> yeah
L195[07:04:35] <Tank2333> i have more than 10 but only a few i realy played longer than an hour
L196[07:04:39] <NGC3982> even though im from the eighties, i never bought games as a kid. now, when im a grown up i take very, very good care about what games i buy. i test -a lot- (steam refund is nice), but keep few.
L197[07:04:56] <NGC3982> i have no real interest in keeping games if i dont like them.
L198[07:05:18] <Tank2333> the most time i sunk into games on pc was before steam came as malware with Counterstrike 1.6
L199[07:06:36] <Althego> hehe
L200[07:12:12] <NGC3982> i actually bought surviving mars now
L201[07:12:17] <NGC3982> right of the bat it looks cool
L202[07:12:33] <NGC3982> but i cant stand scroll wheel rotation. i want right click rotation. :(
L203[07:12:46] <Althego> we still need the scott manley narration dlc
L204[07:13:27] <NGC3982> also, the windowed fullscreen is broken. it doesnt allow selecting things outside of the game without an initial focus click
L205[07:13:57] <NGC3982> how can these things be a problem? these are default options and functions that worked out of the box with cities. :|
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L208[07:36:03] ⇦ Quits: Deddly (Deddly!~MrNiceGuy@176.90-149-110.nextgentel.com) (Quit: Uh oh...)
L209[07:36:19] <Fluburtur> I thought this thing was dead https://78.media.tumblr.com/9d1601c4381b7614f3b02f1e73bf7f81/tumblr_inline_p0royoC91V1v9njrk_540.png
L210[07:37:02] <Fluburtur> also https://youtu.be/PswhUxe8PlA
L211[07:37:02] <kmath> YouTube - bf110 divided by zero
L212[07:37:28] <Althego> what, bitcoin?
L213[07:37:35] <APlayer> We shall be shipping gold to you. Solomon.
L214[07:37:44] <Fluburtur> the zootopia comic
L215[07:37:50] <Althego> https://xkcd.com/2007/
L216[07:37:56] <Althego> because cold
L217[07:38:01] <Althego> lol alt text
L218[07:38:41] <Althego> *gold
L219[07:41:17] <NGC3982> yeah, the controls in the game is broken.
L220[07:41:25] <NGC3982> other than that, it feels kinda fun so far.
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L227[08:24:26] <NGC3982> ..and it froze.
L228[08:24:30] <NGC3982> nope, this is a refund. :|
L229[08:31:22] <Fluburtur> im gonna make a video on how I make my rc planes
L230[08:31:36] <Fluburtur> I will insist heavily on aluminium so every american will have a stroke
L231[08:31:48] <Althego> hehe
L232[08:31:53] <Althego> because it is aluminium :)
L233[08:32:06] <Althego> dont forget to use si :)
L234[08:32:23] <Fluburtur> how could I forget
L235[08:32:28] <APlayer> Don't forget to add Gallium
L236[08:32:50] <Althego> GaAs III-VI semiconductor?
L237[08:32:59] <Althego> III-V
L238[08:33:01] <Althego> whatever
L239[09:25:10] <Rokker> aluminum
L240[09:25:28] <Fluburtur> Althego it worked
L241[09:25:41] <Althego> what
L242[09:25:53] <Fluburtur> saying aluminium
L243[09:26:15] <Althego> but museum works better
L244[09:26:52] <Rokker> aluminum
L245[09:54:19] ⇦ Quits: Iskierka (Iskierka!~Iskierka@97e63eb8.skybroadband.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L246[09:54:34] <Mat2ch> Ah, Aluminium, such a great material to work with!
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L251[10:08:21] <Rokker> aluminum
L252[10:19:04] <Mat2ch> Nice Aluminium you have there. It would be a pity if something bad happens to it
L253[10:27:42] <petti> aluminimum?
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L258[10:52:48] <Draconiator> Is it pronounched "Ah-loo-minn-ee-um" or "ah-loo-min-umm"?
L259[10:53:40] <Fluburtur> first one
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L262[10:59:06] <petti> pretty stupid argument, obviously both are wrong, as are all languages which require pronouncing words different from the written form
L263[10:59:43] <petti> Everyone should just learn Finnish and be happy.
L264[11:00:28] <Fluburtur> what about danish
L265[11:00:43] <Fluburtur> maybe I want to sound like im puking and having a stroke all the time
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L267[11:01:42] <petti> well if you like that.. go ahead, but it just adds problems :)
L268[11:02:02] <ImperialStarDestroyer> Can you hold on to planets with the grabbing unit?
L269[11:02:11] <Fluburtur> sadly, no
L270[11:02:28] <Fluburtur> would be handy to anchor submarines to the ocean floor
L271[11:02:45] <ImperialStarDestroyer> How can I keep my Gilly drilling rig from floating into orbit?
L272[11:03:08] <ImperialStarDestroyer> Every time I load a spacecraft on Gilly it bounces like 50 miles
L273[11:04:32] <ImperialStarDestroyer> Has anyone ever gotten into orbit with the RCS Jetpack on Minimums or Gilly or Bop or any of the low-g planets?
L274[11:05:07] <petti> sure
L275[11:06:24] <ImperialStarDestroyer> Can anyone help me with interplanetary transfer manuvers? I really suck and can really only get to place inside Kerbin’s SOI.
L276[11:06:26] <petti> at least earlier the suit had around 600 m/s if I recall correctly
L277[11:07:15] <ImperialStarDestroyer> the EVA suit is overpowered
L278[11:07:53] <petti> quite
L279[11:08:06] <ImperialStarDestroyer> mmm hhhmmmm
L280[11:08:22] <ImperialStarDestroyer> oh I gotta go now
L281[11:08:53] <ImperialStarDestroyer> cya l8r m8r
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L283[11:10:06] <APlayer> What a talkative one
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L286[11:39:11] <Pakaran> honestly, I'm American, and like "aluminium" simply because it matches the convention used for pretty much every other element isolated since the Middle Ages.
L287[11:39:37] <Pakaran> (I should say *metallic* element, unlike the likes of radon)
L288[11:52:00] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-63LycJyts
L289[11:52:01] <kmath> YouTube - TOP 10 STRANGEST RC Aircraft
L290[11:53:00] <Pakaran> how much should I be concerned about adding Deadly Reentry to my new stockish game?
L291[11:53:26] <Fluburtur> Draconiator if there is no contraption from foamie ninja in that video then it is false and bad
L292[11:53:31] <Althego> the game already has something like that
L293[11:53:44] <Althego> probably more configurable in the mod
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L296[11:54:03] <Pakaran> (stockish meaning otherwise stock scaled, I run GPP, but the only relevant change is that Kerbin's moons are 'slightly' further out.
L297[11:54:20] <Pakaran> Which really means a difference of, you know, 10 m/s if I tried to do a direct entry orbit from either.
L298[11:54:26] <Pakaran> Althego, Ok, so it'
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L300[11:54:36] <Pakaran> DRE isn't really a 'difficulty mod' in the modern game?
L301[11:56:35] <Pakaran> Previously, when playing stockish... the other day I started talking about a craft designed for tourism+ spacecamp. It was basically a bunch of hitchhikers and a cockpit in a single stack, about 22 tonnes total in the on-orbit form, and designed to enter in "backwards bullet" fashion with a 2.5m heat shield on the back end.
L302[11:57:12] <Althego> that may have insufficient drag to stop in time
L303[11:57:24] <Pakaran> I had real issues, with no DRE, regarding the chutes getting too hot or opening too high (when I staged them in advance, but I don't know how amendable it would be to fixing by manual opening)
L304[11:57:35] <Pakaran> that was pretty much the whole issue.
L305[11:57:42] <Pakaran> ended up at mach 2ish around 5-6 km.
L306[11:58:31] <Pakaran> is it worth unlocking the inflatable 10m heat shield?
L307[11:59:44] <Althego> that is usper op
L308[11:59:55] <Althego> ideal for eve aerocapture
L309[12:00:06] <Althego> or for jool
L310[12:00:08] <Pakaran> ah.
L311[12:00:26] <Pakaran> ok, if nothing else, I can't have tourists lose consciousness.
L312[12:00:41] <Althego> it is heatshield and airbrake in one
L313[12:00:47] <Pakaran> now, maybe I could use that and aim for a 47 km peri, shedding velocity over continental distances, but...
L314[12:00:54] <Pakaran> it also seems... almost cheaty?
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L316[12:02:11] <Pakaran> Anyhow, the other two ideas I had in mind were keeping the general in-line design, but entering the atmosphere with one particular side leading, and all the chutes and other sensitive bits on the other.
L317[12:02:46] <Pakaran> OR, just push hard enough on tech to unlock hypersonic flight and a couple other nodes, and do it with an actual plane.
L318[12:03:00] <Althego> several solutions: drogue chutes, airbrakes, rotation during reentry
L319[12:04:12] <Pakaran> (or a rocket-plane without actual jet engines, but still designed to do lifting entry to whatever extent it needs to reach the runway at sane horizontal velocity)
L320[12:04:41] <Pakaran> hmm.
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L322[12:08:54] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/457592346654146561/DSC_9200.JPG
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L324[12:10:02] <Althego> are those grooves a failure or some kind of anti-vortex technique?
L325[12:10:37] <Fluburtur> not really a failure butit's result of less than perfect cutting
L326[12:10:43] <Fluburtur> but it is not as bad as it looks
L327[12:19:42] <Pakaran> yeah.
L328[12:20:10] <Pakaran> alumimwithherium is like tin roofing, when the oxide layer is damaged, it looks really discolored for a little while.
L329[12:20:15] <Pakaran> it'll fix itself.
L330[12:23:30] <Mat2ch> petti: I thought it was called Suomi! ;)
L331[12:24:57] <Pakaran> but, yeah, I'll go with airbrakes when I get the current career to that point.
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L347[13:26:37] <Fluburtur> about to do some CADing, anyone interested in watching?
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L356[13:56:41] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZiNqiHg0nA
L357[13:56:41] <kmath> YouTube - 3 Scary Movie Themes you should NEVER play in Ragtime!! ?
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L372[14:36:11] <Althego> hah scott
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L390[16:26:12] <sandbox> hullo
L391[16:31:02] <JCB> yo
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L420[18:13:42] <Kdognlog> Oh man, does everyone here play KSP?
L421[18:13:46] <Kdognlog> Oh everyone is idle. hm
L422[18:15:16] <Zarthus> you determined this after 30 seconds?
L423[18:15:41] <Zarthus> we haven't even achieved faster than light travel yet, how do you expect humans to have faster than light responses.
L424[18:15:57] <KrazyKrl> Via spooky action at a distance.
L425[18:16:44] <jeans> I require a minimum of 80 ms* to respond to external stimuli
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L427[18:16:54] <Kdognlog> Well it just says everyone is an idler lmao
L428[18:16:54] <jeans> * actual response time may be longer
L429[18:18:38] <KrazyKrl> My latency is approx. 80ms textual, 100ms ocular, 150ms conceptual, and another ~350ms to activate snark.
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L432[18:26:16] <Apexseals> not even 30 seconds
L433[18:26:19] <Apexseals> it was what, 3 seconds?
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L439[18:28:13] <Zarthus> i like how this guy is idling worse than we are
L440[18:28:34] <Kdognlog> supa hard m8
L441[18:28:47] <Zarthus> you came in here
L442[18:28:53] <Zarthus> the burden of being interesting is on you
L443[18:29:06] <Kdognlog> Alright dude lol
L444[18:29:39] <Zarthus> that's mr. Dude for you
L445[18:31:36] <jeans> His full name is The Honourable Mr. Dude Bartholomew Zarthus III, Ph.D
L446[18:32:19] <Zarthus> I don't know why I'm the third.
L447[18:32:28] <Zarthus> Maybe because the third time is a charm.
L448[18:32:34] <jeans> Cause there were two before you obbs
L449[18:32:37] <Zarthus> but i'm definitely in first place.
L450[18:32:38] <jeans> *obvs
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L457[19:13:46] <Rokker> Zarthus: just cause ur the 3rd one to exist doesnt mean you arent the 1st place in achievements
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L459[19:16:32] <KrazyKrl> -1 for pun.
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