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L1[00:04:09] ⇦ Quits: KrazyKrl (KrazyKrl!~KrazyKrl@108-82-241-32.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2[00:12:57] ⇨ Joins: Lyneira (Lyneira!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:20c:29ff:fea6:d040)
L3[00:19:32] <Althego> lol, physics joke
L4[00:19:44] <Althego> a proton and an electron and an antineutrino walk into a black hole
L5[00:23:10] <JCB> never to seen again?
L6[00:23:20] <Althego> that is why the joke ends there
L7[00:23:28] <JCB> that sucks..
L8[00:25:48] <Supercheese> Particle physics gives me a hadron
L9[00:25:56] ⇦ Quits: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@c-73-158-172-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving...)
L10[00:25:59] <JCB> walk into a black hole huh?
L11[00:26:01] <Althego> hehe
L12[00:27:14] <JCB> bar named black hole... ya, not exactly the best of names...
L13[00:29:48] ⇨ Joins: Gasher[work] (Gasher[work]!~Gasher@
L14[00:31:15] <Althego> poor rover in the dust storm doesnt even have a patron saint :)
L15[00:32:39] <JCB> surprised they didn't add solar panel cleaning devices
L16[00:32:40] <Gasher[work]> there is a distinct lack of mars-borne saints
L17[00:32:55] <Althego> the rovers are not martian born either
L18[00:33:14] <Althego> those add complexity which can ad more ailures and more mass
L19[00:33:15] <Gasher[work]> i'd rather ask locals for help
L20[00:33:59] ⇨ Joins: Medu (Medu!~Medu@91-119-123-183.dsl.dynamic.surfer.at)
L21[00:34:21] <JCB> eh.. not that the rovers themselves aren't complex enough
L22[00:34:33] <JCB> never mind how they land.. :P
L23[00:35:16] <Gasher[work]> it might be the least complex variant possible and at the same time feasible
L24[00:36:49] <JCB> actually, they didn't really expect the rover to have lasted as long as it has... less than a year originally planed.. its been going for what.. how many years now?
L25[00:37:04] <Althego> almost 15
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L27[00:38:07] ⇦ Quits: Copper (Copper!~Copper@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L28[00:41:16] <JCB> ok.. didn't realize it was quite /that/ long
L29[00:47:23] ⇦ Quits: AlonzoTG (AlonzoTG!~atg@pool-108-48-59-195.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L40[01:43:06] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L41[01:43:16] <BenjaminK> o/
L42[01:43:21] <Althego> not exactly
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L50[02:07:38] *** Torgo is now known as KrazyKrl
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L60[03:57:53] ⇦ Quits: JCB (JCB!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L61[04:16:26] <Rolf> Eddi|zuHause: yeah, and some of gog games use em I thinjk
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L66[05:25:38] <Eddi|zuHause> well, that is pretty much all that GOG started out with. putting games in preconfigured dosbox wrappers
L67[05:53:33] ⇨ Joins: GlassYuri (GlassYuri!~Kreuzung@116-91-50-224.tokyo.fdn.vectant.ne.jp)
L68[06:04:36] ⇦ Quits: Supernovy (Supernovy!~Supernovy@ (Quit: Goodnight.)
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L75[07:48:23] ⇦ Quits: Medu (Medu!~Medu@91-119-123-183.dsl.dynamic.surfer.at) (Quit: Medu)
L76[07:58:27] <ve2dmn> Praise the GOG
L77[07:59:46] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: I am your GOG now!
L78[08:00:48] <ve2dmn> this week, we start our summer 'hours': work an extra h each day and get friday off
L79[08:01:38] <Zarthus> that's like 4 free hours
L80[08:01:41] <ve2dmn> So in theory, I have all fridays off until August
L81[08:02:00] <ve2dmn> 3h. I work 7h/day +1h lunch
L82[08:02:01] <Zarthus> i already found working 10 hours 4 days appealing without the bonus hours.
L83[08:02:53] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: uhm, 7h a day and a 1h lunch break!? That's not fair. We have 8 h a day and our breaks are not paied
L84[08:02:56] <Mat2ch> *payed
L85[08:03:14] <Zarthus> Mat2ch: it's not unfair either :P
L86[08:03:16] <ve2dmn> I used to have that. I also used to work 10h night shifts
L87[08:03:18] <Zarthus> Your country just sucks.
L88[08:03:49] <Zarthus> I think in Finland a normal working week is 32hours
L89[08:03:51] <Zarthus> but I may be wrong on that.
L90[08:04:41] <ve2dmn> here, it depends on the employer. 35 to 40 is normal
L91[08:04:48] <Mat2ch> Zarthus: it is!
L92[08:04:51] <ve2dmn> everything over is 'overtime'
L93[08:05:17] <Mat2ch> Overtimeo! (sorry, too much rocket league lately)
L94[08:05:32] <ve2dmn> havent played yet
L95[08:08:28] <Mat2ch> oh, don't start or don't have any ambitions
L96[08:09:06] <ve2dmn> nah, Factorio is in the backlog before that, so I'll never get beyond that one
L97[08:09:35] <Mat2ch> Well, don't look at Satistfactory then
L98[08:09:49] <ve2dmn> I did.
L99[08:10:17] <ve2dmn> I have no life to begin with, so I've got nothing to lose!
L100[08:11:02] <Mat2ch> thankfully computer game addiction is now a real disease. Thank you WHO
L101[08:11:40] <ve2dmn> anything can become an addiction
L102[08:11:48] <ve2dmn> (almost anything)
L103[08:13:24] <ve2dmn> I am addicted to air and water. I need it TO LIVE
L104[08:13:28] <Mat2ch> Yeah, like thos dihydrogenmonoxid addicts
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L106[08:13:42] <ve2dmn> thoses are stupid
L107[08:14:09] <ve2dmn> DHMO is a poison when used in large quantities. It could kill them!
L108[08:14:41] <Althego> and most people regularly breath in a corrosive gas :)
L109[08:15:30] <ve2dmn> I propose a new law where I'm allowed to shout very loudly at people who puff cigarette smoke in my direction
L110[08:15:43] <Althego> i meant oxygen
L111[08:15:52] <Althego> you can do that already
L112[08:16:34] <ve2dmn> Not really. I could get a ticket for public disturbance
L113[08:17:50] <ve2dmn> It's a small thing, but it annoys me a lot
L114[08:18:03] ⇦ Quits: Addle (Addle!~quassel@24-246-9-177.cable.teksavvy.com) (Quit: Quit.)
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L119[08:26:23] <ve2dmn> I should create a Kickstarter Title generator: "The World's <adjective> <characteristic above humanly possible> <Name of gadget or accesoorie> "
L120[08:27:51] <ve2dmn> like "World's first 56.6K Camera" or "World's Fastest 1 billion Lumen tablecloth"
L121[08:30:25] <ve2dmn> World Strongest 4D Charging Cable. World's Most docile 10000mbit/s Stylus Pen
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L128[08:44:50] <Gasher[work]> ve2dmn, "the world's latest waste of money" ? :)
L129[08:45:53] ⇦ Quits: Gasher[work] (Gasher[work]!~Gasher@ (Quit: Gasher[work])
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L131[09:00:02] <ve2dmn> :D
L132[09:01:26] <ve2dmn> "World's First official Atari scam"
L133[09:09:19] <ve2dmn> Side Effects may include: losing money, feeling shame, being angry, feeling cheated, being overhyped and overexcited over a cheap knockoff and halitosis. Indiegogo is not for everyone. Consult your doctor before use
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L139[09:35:47] ⇨ Joins: APlayer (APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BC58C007C909DE627041195.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L140[09:39:36] <Althego> xcom enemy unknown complete pack 5.99 hmmm
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L142[09:40:07] <NGC3982> https://skarmdump.henjoh.se/BobAPDune.PNG <3
L143[09:41:11] <Althego> hehe higurashi for 1.59
L144[09:52:19] <Althego> so there was a wintergatan video yesterday after all
L145[09:54:41] <NGC3982> oh, ok?
L146[09:54:51] <NGC3982> didnt he do some cool contraption musical thingy
L147[09:55:03] <Althego> building the next wone. episode 38
L148[09:55:16] <Mat2ch> and it was loooooong
L149[09:55:17] <Mat2ch> and good
L150[09:55:19] <Mat2ch> :D
L151[09:55:22] <Althego> marble machine x
L152[09:55:41] <Althego> why is it not 2? it is like phone versioning
L153[09:58:12] <TheKosmonaut> Marble Machine II: Despacito
L154[09:58:16] <Althego> lol
L155[09:59:16] <Althego> it is taking shape
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L158[10:08:13] <NGC3982> omg, im so lucky. did my first all-system kerbonaut trip. kerbin > minmus > ike > dres > pol > got stuck with absolutely no fuel around dune, had to sacrifice two of the getting-home schutes to land, refuelled and just had thrust to get to ike where im refuelling full for a quick turn to mun and then home.
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L166[10:43:14] <ve2dmn> Around what mass does a black hole takes minutes to evaporate?
L167[10:43:45] <APlayer> Any mass, even
L168[10:44:26] <APlayer> The number of minutes may range from 10^(-<large number>) to 10^(+<large number>) though :P
L169[10:45:09] <ve2dmn> It was my understand that a 1g black hole would evaporate almost intantly making an explosion bigger then any thermonnuclear device ever made
L170[10:45:32] <ve2dmn> understanding*
L171[10:45:32] <Althego> yes, quite big explosion
L172[10:45:41] <Althego> the smaller they are the faster they evaporate
L173[10:45:49] <Althego> i dont know the formula though
L174[10:46:27] <Althego> google hawking radiation?
L175[10:46:31] <ve2dmn> So where is the threshold between 'fractions of fractions of seconds' and 'millions of years' ?
L176[10:47:56] <APlayer> Well, the explosion would not release more energy than given by E = mc^2 or 0.001 * 300000000^2 = 9 * 10^13 J = 90 TJ
L177[10:49:35] <APlayer> That would be a 21.5 kiloton TNT equivalent
L178[10:49:50] <APlayer> Which is a small thermonuclear device
L179[10:50:19] <ve2dmn> still enough to make Trinitite :D
L180[10:50:25] <APlayer> Efficient energy storage I'd say :P
L181[10:51:01] <APlayer> I propose we scrap accumulators in electric cars in favour of black holes. Control the energy output by controlling its mass, and you're good to go
L182[10:51:33] <APlayer> Bonus: The car runs on pure air, water or whatever you feed it. Food scraps, if you will
L183[10:51:54] <ve2dmn> if you can find a way to make a 'safe' containment for such a singularity... sure
L184[10:52:17] <APlayer> Why would it have to be safe? Another bonus is automatic cleanup at accident sites
L185[10:52:24] <APlayer> Don't even need rescue teams
L186[10:52:35] *** Eddi|zuHause2 is now known as Eddi|zuHause
L187[10:52:44] <ve2dmn> you won't even need to care anymore...
L188[10:53:00] <APlayer> You won't need to car anymore either :P
L189[10:53:43] <ve2dmn> And everyone will hug, and be one forever
L190[10:54:22] ⇦ Quits: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@c-73-158-172-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving...)
L191[10:54:30] <APlayer> The world will be in peace at last
L192[10:54:52] <APlayer> In piece. :P
L193[10:55:03] <ve2dmn> in 1 piece
L194[11:16:44] <Eddi|zuHause> so when do they finally make those micro black holes at LHC?
L195[11:17:08] <Althego> it didnt make them yet, so unlikely
L196[11:18:17] <Eddi|zuHause> you mean, if they could have, they would have?
L197[11:18:25] <Althego> yes
L198[11:19:10] <Althego> actually even around the first activation it was mentioned that probalbly very little chance of that happening, because comsic rays hitting the atmosphere are higher energy than the lhc, and those dont make micro black holes either
L199[11:23:36] <KrazyKrl> What about that photon that was going so quickly... it had the kinetic energy of a baseball IN A SINGLE PHOTON.
L200[11:23:41] <KrazyKrl> The universe literally did not care.
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L204[11:26:40] <Fluburtur> internet is back
L205[11:30:48] <Althego> what is front?
L206[11:31:06] <Fluburtur> broke
L207[11:33:49] <Fluburtur> martin speaks a decent french
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L213[11:55:07] <Althego> will there be a ksp 1.5?
L214[11:55:24] <Althego> it seems they are going to create more dlcs and keep bugfixing
L215[11:55:30] <Fluburtur> no that will be another dlc
L216[11:55:32] <Althego> no need for an 1.5
L217[11:55:40] <Fluburtur> that will make me angry for two months again
L218[11:55:56] <Althego> that's your secret, always angry? :)
L219[11:56:09] <Fluburtur> no im usually pretty calm
L220[11:56:13] <Althego> fluburtur smash!
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L222[11:56:19] <Fluburtur> had a health exam for work today even
L223[11:56:25] <Fluburtur> and I have a rate pulse of like 55
L224[11:56:32] <Fluburtur> rest pulse*
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L229[12:27:44] <Draconiator> Huh...a trift store near where I am has 5.5 floppies in stock....was hoping they would have an old laptop or something...
L230[12:28:06] <Althego> 5.5? 3.5 or 5.25
L231[12:28:43] <Fluburtur> I need to take pictures of my dinosaur age hard drive
L232[12:29:24] <Althego> you just need to take the picture now, and wait 40 yeears to show it
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L236[12:33:40] <Eddi|zuHause> <Althego> [...] because comsic rays hitting the atmosphere are higher energy than the lhc [...] <-- when was that ever an argument? i mean, people that think cell phone towers influence their brains also don't care that radio waves have less energy than visible light
L237[12:34:11] <Althego> it may influence something, just under the threshold we can show in the short term
L238[12:34:59] <Althego> so, is "it's buisness time" finally launched in around 8 days? it was postponed for months
L239[12:35:01] <Fluburtur> once I was telling my cousin that telephone radio waves were harmless, he didn't believe me do he want to ask is doctor and he told him the same as I did
L240[12:35:25] <Fluburtur> and I told him "I would happily sit on a 1kw radio transmitter"
L241[12:35:32] <Fluburtur> well maybe ,ot, thermal heating then
L242[12:36:06] <Eddi|zuHause> 1kW is nice heat
L243[12:36:24] <Fluburtur> radio power btw, not dissipated heat
L244[12:36:48] <Eddi|zuHause> well, basically a microwave
L245[12:36:54] <Fluburtur> more or less
L246[12:37:11] <Fluburtur> but cellphones work on 900mhz here and water doesn't absorb that as well as 2.4ghz
L247[12:37:24] <Althego> not really
L248[12:37:30] <Althego> i mean mostly on 1800
L249[12:37:37] <Althego> or probably even higher
L250[12:37:50] <Fluburtur> I looked at the frequencies used in france
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L252[12:42:32] <Draconiator> 3.5 floppies even oops
L253[12:44:49] <Althego> https://www.worldtimezone.com/gsm.html
L254[12:44:59] <Althego> there is more than 900 even in france
L255[12:45:33] <Althego> lol what is the moon doing there
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L257[12:47:01] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9qYF9DZPdw
L258[12:47:01] <kmath> YouTube - "Weird Al" Yankovic - White & Nerdy (Official Video)
L259[12:47:25] <Althego> i like the amish paradise the best :)
L260[12:47:43] <Althego> especially because the original was such an overused song
L261[12:48:21] <Fluburtur> all weird all stuff is nice
L262[12:50:20] <Althego> wait, in amish paradise there is a mention of jebediah :)
L263[12:50:44] <ve2dmn> Today's interesting random info: All months are named afer Greco-Roman god (or emperors) except for Sept, Octo, Nov, Dec which are 7,8,9,10 respectively
L264[12:51:14] <Althego> it was obvious. i mean i didnt know what all were named after, but i knew these four
L265[12:51:24] <Althego> and of course july and august
L266[12:52:05] <ve2dmn> Janus, Februa, Mars, Aphrodite, Maius, Juno, Julius, Augustus
L267[12:52:47] <ve2dmn> The year used to start in 'Mars'
L268[12:53:01] <Althego> which is actually a kind of obvious place
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L270[12:55:56] <ve2dmn> And if I remember correctly, they used to have each month be the same length and the extra days at the end of the year were a celebration or something
L271[12:56:29] <ve2dmn> Chinese new Year still follows that format, ironically
L272[12:56:55] <Althego> but isnt that lunisolar or something
L273[12:57:20] ⇦ Quits: Jinx (Jinx!Jinx@dsl-jklbng11-54fa53-139.dhcp.inet.fi) ()
L274[12:57:27] <ve2dmn> not sure..
L275[12:58:08] <Althego> wiki says so
L276[12:58:23] <ve2dmn> ALL HAIL THE GREAT WIKI
L277[12:58:35] <Althego> or at least for wikipetan :)
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L279[12:59:00] <ve2dmn> I know the days of the week follow a similar concept
L280[12:59:38] <ve2dmn> with Thor's day being Jupiter's day in other languages...
L281[12:59:54] <Althego> 3 eyed jupiterian something runner
L282[12:59:54] <ve2dmn> ...except portuguese which use a simple couting system
L283[13:00:20] <Althego> as we talked about this last time, most of western europe follows this, but others not so much
L284[13:01:31] <ve2dmn> of course we did
L285[13:02:03] <ve2dmn> Wikipedia has a nice write-up on the 2 main systems
L286[13:02:40] <Althego> i ran out of flat earth videos again
L287[13:03:04] <ve2dmn> Can I sugest a nice Wikipedia page then?
L288[13:03:25] <Althego> i never finished the fictional places in hngary page, quite a long list
L289[13:04:13] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rain_of_animals#%22Raining_cats_and_dogs%22
L290[13:04:29] <ve2dmn> and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_to_me
L291[13:04:37] <Althego> chinese here :)
L292[13:05:03] <Althego> that is quite common phrase in many languages, but english people decided for greek for some reason
L293[13:05:24] <Althego> despite the fat that you can read greek if you want to
L294[13:05:26] <ve2dmn> Double-dutch is my favorite :D
L295[13:06:23] <Althego> chicken intestines... wasnt that a way to try and predict future?
L296[13:19:08] <ve2dmn> I also learned this week that Pen & Pencil names varies a LOT by regions
L297[13:19:59] <Althego> WHY WOULDNT THEY
L298[13:20:45] <ve2dmn> Depending on where you are, if you want to write you have to ask for either....
L299[13:21:00] <ve2dmn> A mechanical pencil, propelling pencil, clutch pencil, automatic pencil, drafting pencil, technical pencil, click pencil, pump pen, pump pencil, leadholder, pacer , pen pencil , and lead pencil.
L300[13:22:02] <ve2dmn> ^ these all refer to the same thing
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L303[13:24:04] <Althego> i propose your next research project. what is the small thing called that is at the end of the shoelaces :)
L304[13:24:29] <ve2dmn> my next project is a bottle waiting for me at home
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L309[13:26:00] <ve2dmn> "Mead and Fermented Maple Syrup"
L310[13:26:59] <Althego> i prefer to eat things that are not spoiled :)
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L312[13:27:28] <ve2dmn> ha, but it's "controled" spoilage
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L316[13:37:40] <Eddi|zuHause> Althego: don't eat swedish fish then :p
L317[13:39:41] <ve2dmn> Or Icelandic Shark
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L319[13:51:20] <legion> mmm, raw herring. :)
L320[13:51:31] <Althego> put that thing down
L321[13:52:04] <Althego> and nobody is going to be hurt
L322[13:52:55] <ve2dmn> the old /trout ?
L323[13:54:27] <Althego> x slaps y around with a large trout?
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L325[13:54:41] <Althego> no, i meant the smelly and intentionally rotten raw foods
L326[14:00:33] <sandbox> seagull
L327[14:00:44] <Althego> a streamer
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L329[14:01:53] <Althego> used to play lot of hanzo and genji
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L333[14:09:54] <Althego> hah, scott vieo about space tourism
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L340[14:15:49] <Draconiator> Well my USB sound card knockoff came in the mail finally...and suprisingly they work great.
L341[14:16:08] <ve2dmn> model?
L342[14:18:04] <Althego> hehe the end. if you have free seats and need someone to review it i am happy to volunteer my services
L343[14:18:11] <Althego> anythign for a space ride :)
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L345[14:18:27] <Draconiator> https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008KGL2L2/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
L346[14:19:01] <Draconiator> I bought 2 of them and one is cracked. the other one is fine. Cracked one still works fine.
L347[14:19:50] <ve2dmn> From the link I thought it was an Audi-oh.... Don't google that, NSFW
L348[14:20:48] <Draconiator> The one I have is a bit upgraded though, no capacitors anywhere in it.
L349[14:21:12] <Althego> the capacitor is empty. you are unable to warp because you are warp scrambled
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L351[14:22:37] <Draconiator> lol
L352[14:23:11] <Draconiator> Althe, do you frequent the test server?
L353[14:23:16] <Draconiator> I'll hop on.
L354[14:23:20] <Althego> no
L355[14:23:26] <Althego> not even the normal one anymore
L356[14:24:36] <Draconiator> I barely am on TQ....and I think the test server is becoming uninteresting too now...
L357[14:25:29] <ve2dmn> ?
L358[14:26:19] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umomy8NbopU
L359[14:26:19] <kmath> YouTube - The Capacitor is empty.
L360[14:27:24] <ve2dmn> ... that brings back memories from long ago
L361[14:28:13] <APlayer> https://i.imgur.com/TylpMNv.png
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L363[14:28:34] <Althego> hehe
L364[14:28:40] <Althego> it is not their job, that is why
L365[14:28:52] <Althego> national aeronautic and space administration
L366[14:28:55] <Althego> not ocean
L367[14:29:02] <Althego> on the other hand it is less explored than the moon
L368[14:29:21] <Althego> so there is still soem exploring to do here on earth
L369[14:29:54] <APlayer> Hey, they said there was nothing to explore on Earth when the North and South poles were reached
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L371[14:31:24] <ve2dmn> Nothing on earth, but plenty on sea
L372[14:31:41] <APlayer> Nothing, you say?
L373[14:31:47] <Althego> they are so bad places on earth that no nation has claimed them
L374[14:31:52] <Althego> *there
L375[14:32:02] <Draconiator> I'm gonna make a florist called NASA - "national aromatic and smells administration"
L376[14:32:40] <Althego> reminds me of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxxYqE4Gil8
L377[14:32:40] <kmath> YouTube - the room temperature room
L378[14:32:43] <Althego> somehow
L379[14:32:46] <Althego> dont know why
L380[14:33:46] <ve2dmn> Althego: last time I logged in to my EVE account, my character still had Implants and BOB was the dominant force
L381[14:33:54] <Althego> hehehe
L382[14:34:18] <ve2dmn> I was told these 2 things aren't true, but I never checked
L383[14:34:27] <ve2dmn> (true anymore)
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L386[14:36:12] <Althego> there are just some lines i can never get out of my head. this capacitor is empty is one. or from homeworld mothership. drives offline
L387[14:36:42] <Althego> sins of solar empire: all power to jump drives
L388[14:36:59] <Althego> dunes 2000 for shai hulud
L389[14:37:19] ⇨ Joins: Kabouik- (Kabouik-!~kabouik@
L390[14:37:20] <ve2dmn> Zug Zug
L391[14:37:50] <Althego> flight of the amazon queen: i am a pilot for hire, not a pyromaniac
L392[14:38:08] <Althego> must be several others
L393[14:38:53] <ve2dmn> "I've got a present for ya"
L394[14:38:54] <Althego> although i remember the bird in the longest journey, i cant remember any of its lines
L395[14:40:15] <ve2dmn> "New construction options."
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L397[14:40:29] <Althego> ion cannon charging
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L399[14:40:31] <Althego> tzzzzt
L400[14:40:33] <Althego> low poer
L401[14:41:07] <Althego> every time i plug in a device to charge i think of this
L402[14:41:51] <ve2dmn> I see the Dune2 radar go 'bzzzz'
L403[14:42:00] ⇦ Quits: Kabouik- (Kabouik-!~kabouik@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L404[14:42:05] <Althego> when it turns on or off?
L405[14:42:07] <Althego> that sound
L406[14:42:34] <Althego> and it reported enemy movements in voice too
L407[14:42:39] <Althego> also: wormsign!
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L409[14:43:02] <ve2dmn> "Enenmy unit approching"
L410[14:43:20] <Althego> situation sensitive music
L411[14:43:22] <ve2dmn> "Warning: Missile approching"
L412[14:43:27] <Althego> they couldnt get it right since then
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L414[14:43:40] <Althego> maybe in z
L415[14:43:48] <Althego> toughs reporting
L416[14:43:51] <Althego> pyros reporting
L417[14:44:02] <Althego> aaaaaargh, we are under attack. they are all over us
L418[14:44:46] <Althego> i liked how the computer voice taunted you n that
L419[14:46:01] <ve2dmn> I like the lines in "world in conflict" from the EU units
L420[14:47:55] <ve2dmn> Italian helecopter, German tanks, French troops, Norwegian paratroopers (or was it Finnish?)
L421[14:48:17] <Althego> never played that
L422[14:48:29] <ve2dmn> They would all speak in English... unless they were under stress
L423[14:48:41] <Althego> hehe
L424[14:49:18] <ve2dmn> But with a choice of word (and tone of voice) that told you what you needed to know
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L426[14:50:30] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_in_Conflict
L427[14:50:53] <ve2dmn> I really liked the single-player story
L428[14:52:07] <ve2dmn> And the game game me the impression that I was always in big trouble, out-gunned, out-numbered and out-matched but 'somehow' I always managed to hold the line
L429[14:52:52] <Althego> will there be a zootopia 2?
L430[14:54:23] <Fluburtur> maybe
L431[14:54:46] <Rolf> isnt zootopia huge hit?
L432[14:55:02] <Althego> they make sequels for veerything. so why not for that?
L433[14:55:18] <ve2dmn> Maybe they didn't find a good script...
L434[14:55:33] <ve2dmn> ...maybe the harddrive with the backups for the character models crashed?
L435[14:56:05] <Rolf> incibles 2 took a while to come out
L436[14:56:14] <ve2dmn> Maybe they saw the 'fan fiction' online and just can't do it anymore
L437[14:56:18] <ve2dmn> Who knows?
L438[14:56:22] <Althego> hehe
L439[14:56:28] <Rolf> furries.
L440[14:56:38] <Fluburtur> they found out about a certain website names like some food coloring I believe
L441[14:56:39] <Althego> if that would stop anybody than no second episode for anything
L442[14:57:10] ⇦ Quits: GlassYuri (GlassYuri!~Kreuzung@116-91-50-224.tokyo.fdn.vectant.ne.jp) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L443[14:57:24] <Rolf> theres rule 34 for everything
L444[14:57:32] <ve2dmn> yes
L445[14:57:56] ⇦ Quits: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@2620:149:5:1b04:f931:d6f:e389:355d) (Quit: Leaving...)
L446[15:01:11] <ve2dmn> Why do Linux developers works in a Basement? Because they don't like Windows.
L447[15:01:51] <Draconiator> :P
L448[15:02:01] <ve2dmn> sauce: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/articles/weve-teamed-up-with-gog-for-another-fantastic-giveaway-surviving-mars-iconoclasts.11974
L449[15:04:08] <Althego> argh the big mac
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L451[15:06:13] <ve2dmn> Althego: you know what ever more interesting?
L452[15:06:30] <Draconiator> Why are there so many thrift stores around here my god....it's like heaven under a roof
L453[15:06:45] <ve2dmn> The Ethernet interface on the old Sparcstation LC was called a HPY_MEL
L454[15:07:44] <ve2dmn> The engineers for that computers went eating MCdonalds before drawing the design documents...
L455[15:08:03] <ve2dmn> (LX, not LC)
L456[15:13:29] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@51b62166.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
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L469[16:03:23] <JCB> drat-it... connection, stay stable, or.. else..
L470[16:07:40] <JCB> ugh ok.. so was racking my head on the topic of number of crew per space vehicle again...
L471[16:09:53] <UmbralRaptop> Kerbals deal with solitude and austere living quarters better than Pak protestors, but what are your goals?
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L473[16:13:09] <JCB> Well.. not so much Kerbals...
L474[16:13:48] <JCB> Maybe partially, since am kind of getting a bit into workloads and types.
L475[16:16:54] <JCB> This one mission I wish to record, takes a single crew around the mun, orbits for a bit, then returns. In the real world, plans were to have Gemini go out there in more advanced missions.
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L477[16:17:27] <UmbralRaptop> Atomic Rockets has various supply and space estimates if you're wanting to rescale something realistic.
L478[16:18:15] <JCB> I mostly wanted to add a footnote as to why having a single crew member would have been risky, problematic, going out there. Just wanted some thoughts... see if I'm going down the right track with it.
L479[16:20:49] <UmbralRaptop> A single crew member can't be awake all the time. IIRC, Apollo had 3 so each one could work an 8 hour shift.
L480[16:21:33] <JCB> Just messing around in KSP is one thing.. I guess I wanted to add a little background, do a little teaching during the video
L481[16:22:42] <JCB> K... Gemini tried something similar, instead crews just slept at the same time instead. Guessing had more security at the time in low orbit?
L482[16:23:11] <UmbralRaptop> For lunar landing, my understanding is that they wanted to people simply because one might fall down and need help to get up. (The Soviets designed some hoop thing so a single cosmonaut would stay upright)
L483[16:24:29] <JCB> Ya.. I can understand the buddy system
L484[16:24:35] <UmbralRaptop> Gemini also sort of postdates Apollo (later project start), so maybe they only realized the problem later?
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L486[16:25:32] <JCB> Gemini was more a 'intermediate' step, more to help learn things before going beyond.
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L489[16:29:21] <JCB> mind you, I've also been reading up quite a bit of that particular program, out of curiosity.
L490[16:31:18] <UmbralRaptop> You probably know more than me, then.
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L492[16:34:56] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/456934524979249163/35160558_822058994652462_6600601990709903360_o.png
L493[16:36:54] <JCB> thats ok... wasn't aware they did crew shifts on apollo. Then again, I didn't exactly read too much on their post-missions like I did with Gemini
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L503[17:28:02] <Mat2ch> ;tell Fluburtur AHHHHHHHHHHH
L504[17:28:02] <kmath> Mat2ch: I'll let Fluburtur know when I see them
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L514[18:39:07] <Pakaran> Hi everyone.
L515[18:39:19] <Pakaran> I'm coming back to KSP from a few months break.
L516[18:40:01] <Pakaran> Playing a modded 1.3 stockish game.... briefly, using SpaceY, and a few other stock-scaled parts mods, along with Kerbal Star Stystems, which not on ly adds other, well, star stysrems, but makes Minmus a Halley's Comet analogue....
L517[18:40:40] <Pakaran> and makand makes the 'scale' slightly harder by making everything 1/10 Earth, so Kerbin has radius seven thirty something instead of 700\
L518[18:40:45] <Pakaran> Mun is further out, etc
L519[18:41:44] <Pakaran> once KSP loads, I'll show you what the issue is.
L520[18:42:54] <Pakaran> Oh, also using the whole Roverdude constellation, including UKS, but right now I'm basically just adding supply cans for the mission duration.
L521[18:44:19] <UmbralRaptop> shiny
L522[18:46:07] <KrazyKrl> Moist.
L523[18:46:08] <Pakaran> indeed. I specifically remember the supply cans being adorable.
L524[18:59:37] <Pakaran> still loading, heh.
L525[18:59:42] <Pakaran> I may have too many parts mods.
L526[19:02:20] <KrazyKrl> Yep... i wish more mods had an ala carte system so you could disable redundant parts you have that are redundant.
L527[19:03:17] <Supercheese> that's what The Janitor's Closet is for
L528[19:03:24] <Supercheese> Hide or even Perma-Prune
L529[19:04:09] <Pakaran> Anyhow, I want to get through my career without ever hiring crew, but having, in particular, only two pilots is getting cumbersome. As such, I was trying to design a craft....
L530[19:05:01] <Pakaran> to do the tourism+ space camp contract. I don't really have the nodes unlocked for hypersonic aircraft, probably need to explore Mun or launch a lab first, so I was going to use a single use rocket. Designing a rocket capable of getting the requisite number of tourists...
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L532[19:06:16] <Draconiator> Do what I'm going to. Have seperate KSP folders for different mods.
L533[19:06:50] <Pakaran> into orbit and meeting the LS and habitation requirements wasn't that hard, and I started sandbox testing the craft. The problem is that it's designed to do a "bullet-shaped" apollo-style reentry, and I had the chutes set to open, probably, too high, and they burned off.
L534[19:07:36] <Pakaran> But I kind of wonder if there's a fundamental issue with using a "backwards bullet" design for a 20+ tonne craft, and whether I should try to induce a spin, or... I don't know what.
L535[19:08:57] <Pakaran> I'll screenshot the craft when it loads. I feel silly, but that's where I got frustrated and stopped playing.
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L537[19:14:50] <Pakaran> lovely, Kopernicus exception. I may just start a new career, will only take me a few hours to get back to where I was.
L538[19:14:59] <Pakaran> Won't interfere with the sandbox test, though...
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L542[19:16:42] <Pakaran> maybe I'll do a quarter scale RSS install with stock parts. Last time I did, the 'scale' made it a struggle to get into orbit, much less further.
L543[19:18:09] <Pakaran> Could start from 1.4, and see what mods exist.
L544[19:20:32] <Pakaran> yeah. that makes sense. I'll show this off if it loads, sorry for rambling :)
L545[19:24:17] <Pakaran> I will make it again! And better!
L546[19:26:13] <Pakaran> No FAR in 1.4?
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L551[20:05:11] <ve2dmn> http://www.whereisroadster.com/
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L555[20:12:58] <Pakaran> ve2dmn, I'm more concerned by the fact that, by closure of orbits, since it did a 3rd stage burn to leave Earth, it's going to come back here someday.
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L557[20:13:25] <Pakaran> I doubt it will hit the surface intact, even if it enters directly hood or trunk-first, but...
L558[20:15:22] <Pakaran> How likely is it that Starman will be prompted to put his hands on the wheel in time not to enter over a major city, especially one where Elon doesn't have a current registration and insurance?
L559[20:16:45] <Eddi|zuHause> for what definition of "over", "major" and "city"?
L560[20:17:00] <Pakaran> that's a good question.
L561[20:17:16] <Pakaran> It would probably be more like some iron added to the stratosphere over a hemisphere.
L562[20:17:21] <ve2dmn> Can you name Elon's Citizenship?
L563[20:17:31] <Pakaran> US and SA dual.
L564[20:18:12] <Eddi|zuHause> my brain was reaching for "Australia", but south africa is close enough i guess :p
L565[20:18:25] <Pakaran> his accent is hard to place.
L566[20:18:38] <Eddi|zuHause> i don't think i have ever heard him speak
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L568[20:19:15] <Eddi|zuHause> not that i could place english accents into regions
L569[20:19:29] <Pakaran> ah...
L570[20:19:49] <Pakaran> i think the thing is that US/UK/CA are far enough from AU/SA/NZ that we find it hard to tell the latter apart.
L571[20:19:54] <Pakaran> I'm sure they say the same.
L572[20:20:03] <Eddi|zuHause> i just remembered that he was from outside the US, and something southern hemisphere
L573[20:20:55] <Eddi|zuHause> and with these two pieces of information, australia would be the first obvious choice
L574[20:21:25] <Pakaran> nod
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L580[21:25:15] <Draconiator> Note to self - if you make a rover for low-gravity bodies, the engines you use to keep it on the surface of said body can also propel the thing out of the SOI entirely...
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