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L17[01:13:38] <JCB> ufff... half way through 'Mission Controllers' video...
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L19[01:16:13] <JCB> nice to see those in that part of the space program getting a little bit of attention
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L36[02:52:03] <Glass|phone> ...3ds Max doesn't let you do ctrl+a in a text field
L37[02:52:24] <Glass|phone> how did that piece of crap become industry standard
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L41[03:01:35] <sandbox> I think that's a prerequisite
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L54[04:37:02] <Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Unq__OKPoAo for the German viewers
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L67[05:54:46] <Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmB-h7OpdU8 in Russian
L68[05:55:33] <Mat2ch> offline now. Wow
L69[05:55:43] <Mat2ch> ah, there is it again
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L72[06:06:01] <Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwMDvPCGeE0 NASA Edu channel
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L104[09:02:20] <halcyon_b> Wow, that's great
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L108[09:16:47] <Blaank> LES has only been used once, right?
L109[09:16:56] <Blaank> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3niFzo5VLI T- 3m
L110[09:20:29] <Mat2ch> uhm
L111[09:20:48] <Mat2ch> they're already in orbit and this is a replay
L112[09:21:42] <ve2dmn> There is no live. There is only replay. Your brain see the world as it was a few ms ago
L113[09:21:42] <Mat2ch> Launch was 3 hours ago
L114[09:21:51] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: out. now. :P
L115[09:22:28] * ve2dmn goes back to work
L116[09:23:05] <Blaank> THEY CUT OFF THE CROSS
L117[09:23:31] <Blaank> PFFF they why does it say live?
L118[09:23:44] <Mat2ch> someone is replaying it as a live stream
L119[09:23:53] <Mat2ch> to fool people, who can't read schedules ;)
L120[09:24:10] <Blaank> hahahhaha
L121[09:24:21] <APlayer> Replay, but still, that SAS wobble :P
L122[09:24:32] <Mat2ch> I guess it's just for the clicks
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L124[09:27:11] <ve2dmn> Sadly 'live' on youtube does not mean 'live feed', it mean 'live stream'
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L126[09:33:50] <Althego> what is a live feed
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L128[09:35:09] <ve2dmn> What is live
L129[09:35:55] <Althego> really live, not like the "live" iss streams, like all 100 of them, which are not live at all they just streamed live
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L131[09:38:48] <ve2dmn> What is live, baby don't hurt me....
L132[09:39:10] <ve2dmn> ... sorry
L133[09:39:25] <Althego> no
L134[09:39:28] <Althego> wrong song
L135[09:39:36] <Althego> that is what is love
L136[09:39:42] <Althego> what you meant, live is life
L137[09:40:51] <ve2dmn> ho {diety}! I can't stand that song because I can only think of the crappy local translation
L138[09:41:20] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQSmfR1_SVE
L139[09:41:20] <kmath> YouTube - Opus - Life Is Life (Live)
L140[09:41:50] <ve2dmn> translation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mU4PCU-O5cg
L141[09:41:50] <kmath> YouTube - rené simard.......chante lalalala
L142[09:41:51] <Althego> hehe this video has the title incorreclty
L143[09:41:56] <Truga> laibach version is better :p
L144[09:41:58] <Althego> because it is live is life
L145[09:42:03] <Truga> for life is life i mean
L146[09:42:39] <Althego> not too bad, but it may turn into real annoyance if this is played often
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L148[09:44:04] <ve2dmn> Althego: the lyrics are... not good IMHO
L149[09:44:12] <ve2dmn> the original is better :P
L150[09:44:13] <Althego> cant understand that
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L152[09:44:45] <Althego> but most songs are incomprehensible https://xkcd.com/1538/
L153[09:44:58] <ve2dmn> It's translated as 'life sings' and 'It's better when we sing'
L154[09:45:08] <ve2dmn> that's the TL;DR
L155[09:45:28] <ve2dmn> so it's a bit too 'meta' for my taste
L156[09:46:21] <Althego> metavar = "FILENAME"
L157[09:47:28] <ve2dmn> I hate this tendency of translating songs for the 'local market'...
L158[09:47:55] <Althego> here all movies and series are dubbed
L159[09:48:13] <Althego> the dub is ok, the translation is horrible
L160[09:48:28] <ve2dmn> ... with the exception of the original writter translating it himself
L161[09:48:57] <ve2dmn> Disney has seperate version of the movies for the FR and QC markets
L162[09:49:07] <Althego> hehe
L163[09:49:08] <Althego> ehy
L164[09:49:19] <Althego> why
L165[09:49:41] <ve2dmn> Kind of like there are 2 version of Harry Potter: UK and US
L166[09:50:31] <Althego> i didnt know about that either
L167[09:51:10] <ve2dmn> We are a bigger market then, say, Norway or Finland
L168[09:53:18] <ve2dmn> even if we are less then 2% of the North American population
L169[09:55:33] <ve2dmn> And giving enough isolation, languages diverge... Or else we would still all be speaking Proto-Indo-Europeen
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L173[10:04:26] <Althego> hmm, 32 core 64 thread threadripper
L174[10:04:53] <Althego> 7nm radeon with 32 GB hbm2
L175[10:05:01] <Althego> i douvbt that it is really 7nm
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L177[10:06:45] <Mat2ch> Althego: we all know that this is not real 7 nm. But I couldn't find the picture anymore showing the differences
L178[10:07:08] <Althego> given that intel struggles with 10
L179[10:07:15] <Mat2ch> also I want this threadripper just to compile the kernel on 64 threads at once. :D
L180[10:07:23] <Althego> hehe
L181[10:07:53] <Althego> usually you can have around twice as many compiling threads as cores
L182[10:07:58] <Althego> so make it 128
L183[10:08:20] <Mat2ch> with an SSD and enough RAM this is not true anymore
L184[10:08:22] <Althego> or not, because these fake threads (started by intel) are a cancer
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L186[10:08:55] <Althego> also there are dependencies, so most of the time you probably cant scale up to this level
L187[10:08:57] <Mat2ch> well, it's a better utilization of the cpu
L188[10:09:09] <Althego> why cant we compile on the gpu?
L189[10:09:25] <Mat2ch> and AMD is doing a better job in keeping the threads safe from each other than Intel :P
L190[10:09:31] <Althego> it runs ai now, why cant it run a compiler?
L191[10:09:41] <Althego> at least with the current generation
L192[10:09:47] <Althego> spectre and stuff
L193[10:11:14] <Mat2ch> the AI software it's running is the same software that ran on it in the 90s. Just waaaaaaay scaled up
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L195[10:11:25] <Mat2ch> All petty boring stuff
L196[10:11:40] <Althego> compiling is boring too :)
L197[10:11:49] <Mat2ch> it is
L198[10:11:57] <Mat2ch> software development is also boring
L199[10:11:57] <Althego> basically you have to generate bit strings from other bit strings
L200[10:12:04] <Althego> cant be that hard :)
L201[10:12:13] <Mat2ch> it's not that hard at all
L202[10:12:55] <Mat2ch> but creating efficient stuff is
L203[10:14:33] <Althego> why is there no new ker for 1.4?
L204[10:14:43] <Mat2ch> There is, but from jbuddha
L205[10:14:49] <Althego> ok, the old one works, but still
L206[10:14:59] <Mat2ch> uh, jrbudda: https://github.com/jrbudda/KerbalEngineer/
L207[10:15:12] <Althego> yes there is that
L208[10:15:17] <Althego> but that is not the official one
L209[10:15:21] <Althego> or is this now the official?
L210[10:15:23] <Mat2ch> have a look at the last pages from the KER thread
L211[10:15:31] <Mat2ch> ckan also delivers the jrbudda version
L212[10:15:38] <BenjaminK> heh
L213[10:15:51] <Mat2ch> jrbudda forked it and the original author doesn't seem to care anymore
L214[10:16:02] <BenjaminK> o7
L215[10:16:09] <Mat2ch> which is sad. I want a working KER for RSS :/
L216[10:16:13] <Althego> benjamin kerman?
L217[10:16:16] <Mat2ch> well, it is partially working
L218[10:16:25] <Mat2ch> but some important things are missing
L219[10:16:25] <Althego> this way please, we have a capsule for you
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L221[10:18:06] <BenjaminK> What
L222[10:18:20] <ve2dmn> I wonder if the github purchase is gonna break a few links with mods
L223[10:18:38] <Althego> here, climb this ladder to the top. dont worry about those boosters. step right in.
L224[10:18:43] <BenjaminK> heh
L225[10:19:05] <BenjaminK> it'll probably be fine ve2dmn
L226[10:19:34] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: nah, don't think so. This is nothing of concern for MS.
L227[10:19:53] <ve2dmn> People I asked didn't seem to care about github being purchased
L228[10:19:55] <Mat2ch> But I wonder what happens with tools that make in-depth analytics of Windows or things like DeepFake
L229[10:20:21] <Mat2ch> well, a lot of projects moved to gitlab... there some who care.
L230[10:20:34] <BenjaminK> !shrug
L231[10:20:35] <Mat2ch> *there are
L232[10:20:42] <BenjaminK> if you really care you can self host
L233[10:20:52] <Mat2ch> yes, indeed.
L234[10:20:55] <ve2dmn> We do that
L235[10:20:57] <Althego> what is the point of a centralized storage when the whole idea behind git is to be decentralzied?
L236[10:21:15] <ve2dmn> but it's for legal reasons more then ideological ones
L237[10:21:24] <Mat2ch> Althego: I never understood why github was so popular. Also I wonder when nextcloud will get git integration ;)
L238[10:21:43] <Althego> because people secretely want to use svn :)
L239[10:21:53] <ve2dmn> Althego: All git repo are equal, but some are more equal then others
L240[10:22:24] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: I'd always host my code myself. Even more if it's stuff for clients I'm doing. I'd never host it on some us servers :P
L241[10:22:55] <ve2dmn> The only code I have on Github is public anyway...
L242[10:23:01] <Althego> another bloody update. no it is not an adjective. i have a bloody6 mouse
L243[10:23:12] <Mat2ch> yay, new Wintergatan video! One more reason to procrastinate :D
L244[10:23:19] <Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_roikOlK-OI
L245[10:23:19] <kmath> YouTube - CNC Plasma Cut Magnet Levers - Marble Machine X #37
L246[10:23:40] <Althego> oh wait this was wintergatan? i just didnt click it yet
L247[10:24:03] <Althego> hehe launch narration on the video
L248[10:24:09] <Althego> probably spacex?
L249[10:26:55] <Althego> hehe space invaders
L250[10:28:34] <Althego> lol thor
L251[10:34:09] <Mat2ch> now it's only a matter of weeks until we see the final machine \o/
L252[10:34:40] <Althego> it was always a matter of weeks
L253[10:35:54] <ve2dmn> Final, Final-with-fix, Final-for-real-this-time or Final-revision4?
L254[10:37:00] <Mat2ch> There is no final version.
L255[10:37:24] <Mat2ch> There's a release, then there are fixes to the release and then the project gets abandoned :D
L256[10:37:48] <ve2dmn> Final-The-heat-death-of-the-universe-is-in-15min-so-I-guess-this-is-it
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L258[10:38:55] <Althego> the heat death is going to take a long time
L259[10:39:02] <Althego> so 15 minutes on that is pointless
L260[10:39:05] <ve2dmn> I know. I'm joking
L261[10:39:28] <Althego> oh i forgot that i dont have my old configs for ker
L262[10:39:40] <Althego> have to create the flight overlay thing again
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L280[12:00:07] <schnobs> Ladies and Gentlemen, I made a thing: https://youtu.be/1qwwFiZO6vU
L281[12:00:08] <kmath> YouTube - Just a quick Jool-5...
L282[12:01:22] <schnobs> Cutting a Jool-5 mission down to three minutes has been an experience. But I think the result may be interesting even outside of the Challenge submission forum. Enjoy!
L283[12:03:26] <Mat2ch> whoever showed me the Dead Mall series, you are evil.
L284[12:07:20] <Althego> nice music
L285[12:07:52] <Althego> i would have left the ion thing in orbit
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L287[12:08:09] <Althego> but remarcably small craft for a jool 5
L288[12:08:13] <schnobs> Althego: One of those great artists you've certainly heard before, but probably never heard *of*.
L289[12:10:24] <Althego> hehe with parachute
L290[12:11:56] <schnobs> The power of ions... and leaving the science at home also helps a lot.
L291[12:12:24] <Althego> ions are more bother than useful, especially at jool
L292[12:13:11] <schnobs> Also, with 1.4 I'm no longer carrying a 100kg parachute to every Jolian moon ;)
L293[12:13:40] <Althego> hehe
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L295[12:13:44] <Althego> you dont need to
L296[12:14:49] <schnobs> Even managed to cling to the science, only took two or three tries...
L297[12:18:09] <schnobs> But really, what makes me feel so strong about the video is the sheer amount of effort that went into editing.
L298[12:18:40] <schnobs> The mission as such is rather casual, one can rip it off in a lazy afternoon. So I did.
L299[12:18:50] <Althego> yes, the music sync
L300[12:19:59] <schnobs> ...only to find out that the footage wasn't worth a damn. I had to go back and do it all over again, flying for the camera this time.
L301[12:20:09] <Althego> hehe
L302[12:23:11] <schnobs> Editing... well, once I'd settled on the music it pretty much fell into place. Just listen to the tune and try to imagine a Jool-5, I'm certain that you will visualize similar to what I did.
L303[12:23:39] <ve2dmn> you 'leave the science at home' but you bring 'homee' with you
L304[12:23:54] <schnobs> The problem was shooting good footage to cut up.
L305[12:24:09] <schnobs> ve2dmn: the science gear. Valentina takes a few rock samples, though.
L306[12:24:15] <schnobs> As keepsakes, I presume.
L307[12:25:27] <ve2dmn> schnobs: nah. Just bring Kerbin to Jool. How hard can it be?
L308[12:26:34] <Althego> it is already doen in some mods :)
L309[12:26:48] <ve2dmn> I guess the game would become 'Vallerian Space Program'
L310[12:27:24] <ve2dmn> or 'Laythal Space Program'
L311[12:27:39] <ve2dmn> ...or just Lethal Space Program
L312[12:27:58] <Althego> theer is a mod which can put your starting planet as something else than kerbin
L313[12:28:18] <Althego> but that is different from moving kerbin
L314[12:29:17] <schnobs> Hmmm. KSC on Jool?
L315[12:29:23] <Althego> not on jool
L316[12:29:27] <Althego> jool doesnt have a surface
L317[12:29:33] <schnobs> "Stick to the pathways, lads, or you'll fall off!"
L318[12:29:36] <Althego> and zero altitude destroys everything (currently)
L319[12:30:08] <ve2dmn> Althego: there are still quotes if you manage to land and take a science reading
L320[12:30:16] <Althego> i know
L321[12:30:35] <ve2dmn> A very hidden Easter Egg :D
L322[12:30:46] <Althego> you can just readthrough the file
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L325[12:38:55] <Althego> Raymond Scott Quintette, ah these are the same people who made powerhouse, the music you often hear in factories in old cartoons
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L330[13:16:12] <Althego> oh i forgot about the soyuz launch
L331[13:25:30] <Althego> hah they had an external camera this time
L332[13:26:04] <Althego> and there you have it, earth is round even from russia
L333[13:26:07] <ve2dmn> anyone has a Mac? I have a quick question about an adaptor
L334[13:26:16] <Althego> hahaha
L335[13:26:42] <ve2dmn> Althego: And also Round from China and France D.O.M. and T.O.M.
L336[13:27:06] <Althego> awesome, like some movie scene as the last stage separates
L337[13:27:16] <Althego> it just floated right in the view of the camera
L338[13:27:22] <ve2dmn> CGI!!!!
L339[13:28:19] <Althego> so they went for a 2 day docking
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L350[14:13:14] <DracoNetbook> I forgot I was already here heh
L351[14:14:48] <Althego> hehe
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L353[14:20:32] <DracoNetbook> been pondering turning this thing into a legacy machine lately...complete with Win95. Problem with that would be to find drivers...USB as far as I know didn't exist back then.
L354[14:21:14] <Althego> win98 se supports usb
L355[14:21:22] <ve2dmn> USB1.1, USB2 or USB3 ?
L356[14:22:24] <Althego> i remember i installed it on my old pentium (no number), when it was around 10 years old. and i could connect through usb bluetooth to my 6230, and use it to get internet connection
L357[14:22:59] <ve2dmn> DracoNetbook: why not go the alternative route and run reactos?
L358[14:23:38] <DracoNetbook> hmmm.
L359[14:24:01] <DracoNetbook> reactos...never heard of it for one heh.
L360[14:24:10] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReactOS
L361[14:24:58] <Althego> is "it's business time" ever going to launch?
L362[14:25:04] <ve2dmn> no
L363[14:25:23] <Althego> 8ball
L364[14:27:03] <ve2dmn> Althego: Internal divinating leprechaun of the magic 8ball says 'no'
L365[14:27:50] <ve2dmn> Nice. I get a Delta IV Heavy launch for my birthday
L366[14:30:57] <Althego> i still dont like it that there is no delta v :)
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L368[14:32:09] <Althego> parker solar probe in 54 days?
L369[14:32:26] <ve2dmn> yes
L370[14:32:31] <ve2dmn> I'm older then I look
L372[14:34:25] <Althego> hehe
L373[14:34:31] <Althego> yorkshiremen
L374[14:34:47] <ve2dmn> DracoNetbook: I was gonna mention Challenger, but your comment is close enough
L375[14:35:35] <ve2dmn> Also, school was less then a km away, so I walked
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L378[14:36:56] <transitbiker> bwoop
L379[14:36:59] <ve2dmn> Aside from the obvious experience of being over level 30+, it's nothing to be proud of
L380[14:37:51] <transitbiker> anyone remember when the weather channels played smooth jazz all day?
L381[14:38:05] <DracoNetbook> Ahhhhhh yeah I do.
L382[14:38:31] <Althego> i remember when there were no such things (at least here)
L383[14:38:38] <transitbiker> i kinda prefer that to the hype-vision they mostly all turned into
L384[14:38:42] <ve2dmn> I had the weather network, but same thing
L385[14:38:48] <transitbiker> hehe
L386[14:38:50] <Althego> channels? what is that? there was only 1. ok, 2
L387[14:38:59] <DracoNetbook> In my area they had this text-based weather thing too.
L388[14:39:58] <ve2dmn> METAR/TAF?
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L390[14:40:41] <DracoNetbook> I think so.
L391[14:41:06] <ve2dmn> That's kind of standard in aviation...
L392[14:41:15] <transitbiker> yeah, in the early days it was largely text based, then they started having hosted segments a few times a day
L393[14:41:46] <transitbiker> then later, more recntly, they have mostly hosted stuff and "reality tv" format weather shows
L394[14:42:34] <ve2dmn> Current METAR for CYUL (for example): METAR CYUL 061900Z 04004KT 290V090 15SM SCT030 BKN060 16/10 A2993 RMK SC3SC4 SLP136 DENSITY ALT 300FT=
L395[14:42:49] <transitbiker> and what's funny, is the standard weather channel with only the looping radar/forecast is different here between verizon and comcast
L396[14:43:18] <transitbiker> yeah
L397[14:43:48] <DracoNetbook> These days I use emulation to scratch the retro itch...nice being in the future but sometimes it's nice to look back too, yanno?
L398[14:43:51] <ve2dmn> in human readable format : '06 JUNE 2018 - 1900 UTC', some clouds and stuff
L399[14:43:57] <transitbiker> that channel gets shuffled around quite a bit when network channel designations get shuffled
L400[14:44:46] <transitbiker> for example, it used to be 678, but now 678 is part of the hispanic channel package when they did the realignment
L401[14:45:07] <transitbiker> hispanic channel package used to be in the 800's
L402[14:46:54] <transitbiker> ive discovered that 3.4 to 4 minutes is the ideal tea steeping time
L403[14:47:01] <transitbiker> 3.5-4*
L404[14:47:19] <transitbiker> however ive clearly not discovered the proper way to type x-x
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L406[14:47:51] <transitbiker> so i am going to do a livestream, i think
L407[14:51:59] <ve2dmn> 800 channels? who has TIME for that many??
L408[14:52:14] * ve2dmn has cable 20 years ago. No more.
L409[14:52:28] <Althego> some alien has built a seti like thing to record all :)
L410[14:53:03] <transitbiker> https://gaming.youtube.com/channel/UCZuDQkMA5GF3Jh29ElK3-uQ/live
L411[14:53:40] * ve2dmn now has visions of some alien far off in 100 light-year+ waiting for the next episode of a cheezy soap to go on the air... just as the station switch to digital
L412[14:53:55] <Althego> hehe
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L415[14:59:42] <transitbiker> ok here we go
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L417[15:14:00] <Althego> yes, here i go (to bed) :)
L418[15:14:04] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@86FF478A.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
L419[15:14:11] <transitbiker> nite
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L422[15:40:17] <Eddi|zuHause> <ve2dmn> 800 channels? who has TIME for that many?? <-- now there are 8 million youtube channels?
L423[15:54:06] <transitbiker> time for a picture screen
L424[15:54:16] <transitbiker> a la back to the future
L425[15:54:57] <transitbiker> 210250 xenon, is that enough?
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L428[16:02:18] <transitbiker> KSP live! https://gaming.youtube.com/channel/UCZuDQkMA5GF3Jh29ElK3-uQ/live
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L430[16:08:32] <darsie> What's the density of Kerbin?
L431[16:11:24] <transitbiker> as dense as my head
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L437[16:36:14] <Rokker> darsie: denser than the densest elements iirc
L438[16:37:03] <darsie> Ok, I'll calc it ...
L439[16:37:18] <transitbiker> mhm
L440[16:38:30] <darsie> Density 58 484.090 kg/m3 https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbin
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L467[18:52:00] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L468[18:54:00] <darsie> .
L469[18:57:27] <UmbralRaptop> ..
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L486[20:58:36] <cringe> ISS Urine Tank Level: 53%
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L493[22:01:14] <Rokker> cringe: nice
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L495[22:11:35] <cringe> yeah, not bad
L496[22:13:32] <JCB> ... cringe-worthy... c_c
L497[22:23:46] <cringe> thx
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L501[22:43:44] <JCB> ugh... second guessing some stuff on my in-game career.. :\
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L514[23:12:36] <JCB> quit
L515[23:12:47] <JCB> lol.. oops, sorry.
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