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L57[05:04:38] <Eddi|zuHause> i've never understood why the game insists on showing the opposite side of the planet every single time
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L60[05:29:44] <Gasher[work]> hm, inversion of ailerons is a funny thing
L61[05:31:31] <Althego> or of any control surface
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L63[05:32:51] <Gasher[work]> well those which are on the furtherst and the most flexible part usually show that effect much more
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L78[08:08:24] <Althego> hehe
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L85[08:37:35] <Truga> guys
L86[08:37:38] <Truga> why didn't anyone tell me
L87[08:37:50] <Truga> https://github.com/Vivero/Kerbal-VR
L88[08:38:25] <Eddi|zuHause> that sounds like a horrible idea :p
L89[08:38:35] <Truga> no it's the best idea
L90[08:40:12] <Truga> Supports in-flight IVA, and room-scale VAB / SPH.
L91[08:40:14] <Truga> perfect
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L93[08:45:36] <Mat2ch> now, how motion sick do you get on a crash? :D
L94[08:46:51] <Truga> I've become immune to VR sickness almost 2 years ago, I'll be fine :p
L95[08:50:25] <ve2dmn> I tried the HTC Vive. It was awesome. A bit too pricey for me
L96[08:50:58] <sandbox> I saw the Robbaz video too
L97[08:51:45] <Truga> ve2dmn i have a vive pro now, been flying il-2 basically daily
L98[08:51:48] <Truga> it's so so good in vr
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L100[08:52:31] <ve2dmn> I 'rented' my experience
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L117[10:13:05] <GlassYuri> phonewalking lane in xian, china https://twitter.com/manukatsunakan/status/1003844797554016257
L118[10:13:05] <kmath> <manukatsunakan> 中国西安にも導入された『スマホ専用通路』=低頭族? https://t.co/gugrBjzMgP
L119[10:13:44] <Althego> good idea
L120[10:13:57] <Althego> until we have direct brain interface
L121[10:21:22] <ve2dmn> TIL https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/8opt7r/the_moon_is_lengthening_earths_day_a_new_study/
L122[10:21:53] <Althego> but this is well known
L123[10:22:07] <ve2dmn> I knew the days were getting longer since some fossil records show years of 425 days, but I didn't know the mechanism
L124[10:22:51] <ve2dmn> Can't wait for the 25h day.
L125[10:22:57] <Althego> hehe
L126[10:23:00] <Althego> bit far away
L127[10:23:13] <Althego> a leap second every few years
L128[10:23:22] <ve2dmn> if i could, I would try the 28h cycle thing for a few weeks
L129[10:27:36] <ve2dmn> I'm sure it would do wonders for my sleep issues
L130[10:27:54] <Althego> not everybody is on a 24 hour cycle
L131[10:28:18] <Althego> the day night changes correct it to the actual day length
L132[10:28:27] <Althego> but your body may want to function on something else
L133[10:28:48] <ve2dmn> I can't sleep with daylight
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L135[10:35:27] <Rokker> GlassYuri: are you ever going to post a tweet that, idk, uses the required language for the channel
L136[10:35:39] <Rokker> so that kmath isnt posting in chinese or japanese
L137[10:36:18] <GlassYuri> it's not like I gave you all the information you need to understand it
L138[10:37:31] <Rokker> its not about understanding
L139[10:38:17] <GlassYuri> it's about two lines of text on your screen that you can't read
L140[10:38:39] <Rokker> no
L141[10:38:47] <Rokker> its about 2 lines of text breaking channel rules
L142[10:42:12] <TheKosmonaut> Shh
L143[10:42:14] <TheKosmonaut> Quiet
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L146[10:46:53] <Althego> are the launchpad symbols shakaing for everybody else? it looks really annoying
L147[10:53:19] <GlassYuri> "The USSR and the Soviet Union" wat
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L149[11:05:23] <Fluburtur> AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
L150[11:05:26] <Fluburtur> new robbaz videos
L151[11:05:29] <Fluburtur> redneck brothers
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L157[11:48:43] <Fluburtur> Althego https://78.media.tumblr.com/acd42938342a0ff9007f999fc4eebc76/tumblr_inline_p94suiZ8kG1uqmwm6_540.png
L158[11:49:42] <Althego> hehe
L159[11:50:09] <ve2dmn> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCMSDvp-n74
L160[11:50:10] <kmath> YouTube - "Fat Earth Theory' - How Earth's Shape Changes Spacecraft Orbits
L161[11:53:59] <Fluburtur> one hehe a day to keep the althego alive
L162[11:54:31] <Althego> i was thinking... if in 46 it was possible to get radar echo from the moon, today it should be available for anybody
L163[11:54:48] <Althego> because at that time it was cutting edge, now it is probably just microwave tech
L164[11:55:07] <Fluburtur> eh still would need enough power to be dangerous for idiots
L165[11:55:12] <Fluburtur> but now I want a moon radar
L166[11:55:13] <Althego> hehe
L167[11:55:14] <Fluburtur> good job
L168[11:55:23] <Althego> but they couldnt say that hah you cant know how far the moon is
L169[11:55:39] <Althego> yes they should just blow themselves up, but since they would never do any experiment...
L170[11:55:57] <ve2dmn> Althego: Ham radio operator also use the moon to bounce off signals
L171[11:56:01] ⇨ Joins: Ezriilc (Ezriilc!~Ezriilc@
L172[11:56:05] <Althego> lol
L173[11:56:08] <Fluburtur> mostly the upper atmo tho
L174[11:56:11] <Fluburtur> a bit closer
L175[11:56:13] <Althego> are you sure not the ionosphere or something
L176[11:56:31] <ve2dmn> https://www.electronics-notes.com/articles/ham_radio/amateur-propagation/moonbounce-propagation-eme.php
L177[11:56:35] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/42ab0c50a0a55d3266949f27ce3cd2a8/tumblr_n1a05tKXoE1s5jc1mo1_540.jpg
L178[11:56:38] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%E2%80%93Moon%E2%80%93Earth_communication
L179[11:56:47] <Fluburtur> ve2dmn those guys are hardcore then
L180[11:56:54] <Fluburtur> how much power do you even need to do that?
L181[11:56:55] <Althego> lol the bird
L182[11:56:56] <ve2dmn> "Earth–Moon–Earth communication (EME), also known as moon bounce, is a radio communications technique that relies on the propagation of radio waves from an Earth-based transmitter directed via reflection from the surface of the Moon back to an Earth-based receiver."
L183[11:57:00] <Fluburtur> like 100 watts or something
L184[11:57:06] <Althego> that is not even much
L185[11:57:17] <Fluburtur> it kinda is for amateur radio stuff
L186[11:57:18] <Althego> now i want to build a moon distance measuring radio
L187[11:57:23] <Fluburtur> but I think the limit is actually 1kw
L188[11:57:34] <Fluburtur> and my CB is 2w at most
L189[11:57:36] <Althego> think of it, my psu is something like 550 watts
L190[11:57:42] <Althego> in the pc
L191[11:57:53] <Althego> so it is easily available power
L192[11:58:11] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: it depends
L193[11:58:30] <ve2dmn> The record for lowest is 3 milliwatts
L194[11:58:38] <Fluburtur> radio power and electrical power are not exactly the same kind of stuff
L195[11:58:46] <Fluburtur> I mean they are but you can do nice stuff with low radio power
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L198[11:59:12] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/eff70bbed3b26a462b5efcd847a00c3f/tumblr_olirm6kHTL1qzhjh2o1_540.jpg
L199[11:59:24] <Althego> squatting slav?
L200[11:59:47] <Fluburtur> yes
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L202[12:01:02] <ve2dmn> But different wavelength react differently
L203[12:01:15] <ve2dmn> some are bounced more easily on the ionosphere
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L205[12:03:21] <Althego> i actually didnt know how the sun synch orbit works
L206[12:03:30] <Althego> i knew it was some extra gravitational effect on it
L207[12:03:35] <Althego> but i didnt know what
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L209[12:11:41] <ve2dmn> I didn't realise that the EME communcation has a doppler effect at moonrise or moonset, but it makes a lot of sense
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L214[12:15:34] <APlayer> How significant would the doppler effect be, though?
L215[12:15:57] <ve2dmn> according to wikipedia, it's 300hz for a 144MHz communication
L216[12:17:25] <APlayer> Isn't that next to nothing?
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L219[12:24:45] <ve2dmn> It is, but it's in interesting way to verify the speed, distance and radius of the moon
L220[12:26:37] <Althego> for radio transmission that i not much. for a real radar image, i bet they have to work really hard to cancel that
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L222[12:32:25] <senray> Anyone familiar with how Kolonization levels and such work with MKS? Trying to figure out what the numbers on the dashboard mean
L223[12:35:48] <Fluburtur> Althego Mat2ch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-ldkClOSgA
L224[12:35:49] <kmath> YouTube - Wings combat and crazy swordsman challenge.
L225[12:36:01] <Althego> hehe
L226[12:36:05] <Althego> instant crash
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L228[12:39:00] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: uh, when was the video shot?
L229[12:39:19] <Fluburtur> between like 4 months ago and a few weeks ago
L230[12:40:03] <Fluburtur> some of that footage is from before the canadair crash
L231[12:40:28] <Rokker> hmmmm
L232[12:40:33] <Rokker> umbral raptor is dead
L233[12:40:33] <Althego> english captions?
L234[12:40:38] <Rokker> i wished to speak with him
L235[12:41:03] <Fluburtur> I speak like 10 words in that video, no need for captions
L236[12:41:28] <Althego> i still dont know what those words mean :9
L237[12:42:14] <Rokker> Althego: well if i know french
L238[12:42:16] <Rokker> and i dont
L239[12:42:22] <Rokker> 5 of them were surrender
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L241[12:43:01] <Althego> lol
L242[12:43:10] <Fluburtur> rokker pls
L243[12:43:13] <Fluburtur> only 2
L244[12:43:28] * Rokker slaps Fluburtur in the maginot line
L245[12:43:43] <Rokker> Fluburtur: the F3D is so bad
L246[12:43:48] <Rokker> sooooo bad
L247[12:43:55] <Fluburtur> heh
L248[12:44:07] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: ah, I see. You were wearing coats there.
L249[12:44:11] <Mat2ch> it's freaking hot now...
L250[12:44:28] <Fluburtur> yeah in the videos of last weekend I didn't even have a shirt on
L251[12:44:43] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJecbW4ig60
L252[12:44:43] <kmath> YouTube - only up challenge
L253[12:45:44] <Althego> is that the fanservice? :)
L254[12:46:00] <Fluburtur> yeah you get to see my skeletton
L255[12:46:08] <Fluburtur> no xray needed, just a strong enough light
L256[12:47:42] <Althego> hehe
L257[12:48:00] <Althego> reminds me of tasogare otome x amnesia
L258[12:48:27] <Fluburtur> rokker new peter video
L259[12:48:45] <Althego> dead girl completely fine with seen naked. absolutely fears showing her real remains
L260[12:48:45] <Fluburtur> btw apparently foamie was at the memphis belle thing
L261[12:49:21] <Fluburtur> can't touch nakey ghost
L262[12:51:48] <ve2dmn> Althego: out of context this was weird
L263[12:52:13] <Althego> fluburtur talked about skeletoin
L264[12:52:17] <Rokker> ve2dmn: pretty weird in context
L265[12:53:43] <ve2dmn> It's Anime-related. Still weird but it's not suprising
L266[12:54:05] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: Please put the shirt back on ;P
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L268[12:54:21] <Althego> hehe
L269[12:54:22] <Fluburtur> I don't want to die
L270[12:54:47] ⇦ Quits: SnipersLaww (SnipersLaww!~SnipersLa@99-113-251-124.lightspeed.glptms.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
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L272[12:56:40] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: Heat wave? Is it 32°C + 100% humidity?
L273[12:56:54] <Fluburtur> not far
L274[12:56:59] <Fluburtur> more like 25 and thunder
L275[12:57:17] <ve2dmn> 25C? You call that a heat wave?
L276[12:57:29] <Fluburtur> it was more warm last week
L277[12:59:32] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: it's 30°C here for days now and the next thunderstorm will be tomoroow
L278[12:59:59] <Mat2ch> and then 27°C and thunderstorm every day for the next few days /o\
L279[13:00:03] <Mat2ch> I will die of humidity
L280[13:00:08] <ve2dmn> Mat2ch: I have friends in Sweden who are in similar situation
L281[13:00:15] <Mat2ch> steamed to death
L282[13:00:24] <Mat2ch> They had 30°C in Oslo!
L283[13:00:27] <Mat2ch> OSLO
L284[13:00:40] <Mat2ch> That's hotter than a typical summer there
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L286[13:02:22] <ve2dmn> let's hope it doesn't last
L287[13:02:39] <ve2dmn> I would hate to see my friends suffer, while I get 13°C
L288[13:03:23] <APlayer> Schools are partially closing during the afternoons here in Germany. Our school has a similar policy (it has to be blah-blah degrees hot by 10 AM or something), but it only applies to grades 10 and lower, so the older students have to sit in the heat while the younger ones are leaving the school :P
L289[13:03:48] <ve2dmn> no A/C?
L290[13:05:21] <APlayer> Technically, we have a centralized ventilation and cooling unit, but it's as old as the school itself, which is about 45 years I think. And I've never felt any effect from it. Those are basically huge pipes to make the airflow slow in order to not distract anyone, so it's natural that it can't be felt, but I don't think it's working at all, because it doesn't help
L291[13:05:27] *** UmbralRaptop is now known as TerminalRaptor
L292[13:06:15] <ve2dmn> We have heat pump for both summer and winter. They are awesome (when they work correctly)
L293[13:07:37] <APlayer> Also, occasionally the heating is on in summer, because it's centralized too. It used to have handles until a few years before I started visiting this school, when *modernization* called for the controls to be in the caretaker room, and it /never/ works well.
L294[13:08:11] <APlayer> Sometimes in winter it's on such a high setting that being in a room is as unbearable as being there mid summer
L295[13:08:58] <ve2dmn> How cold is it outside?
L296[13:09:55] <Eddi|zuHause> last week i was working on some machines in a factory, and their cooling water system was so cold that it formed drops on the pipes. THAT was a completely extremely unpleasant place to work
L297[13:09:59] <APlayer> Up to -20°C and sometimes might be a bit colder, but I don't remember such temperatures this year. I think the coldest this winter was -15° or so
L298[13:10:37] <ve2dmn> And I guess you all heat with natural gas?
L299[13:10:42] <APlayer> I mean, welcome to south Germany, where continental climate slaps you in winter, and then slaps you again in summer
L300[13:11:10] <Eddi|zuHause> i'm not that far south
L301[13:11:35] <ve2dmn> APlayer: look up the weather data for Montreal
L302[13:11:40] <APlayer> Well, I'm not sure how much of that gas is actually wasted when heat is wasted, because we have a double system where they generate electricity from gas and as a bonus, harvest the excess heat
L303[13:11:46] * TerminalRaptor missed the summers. Lots of 40+ days?
L304[13:12:59] <Althego> i like the small puff effect that haooens when jets flame out
L305[13:13:18] <Althego> Rokker: there he is now, TerminalRaptor
L306[13:13:53] <ve2dmn> APlayer: I would curious how we would compare. I also have continental weather with very low in January and very high in July
L307[13:14:14] <ve2dmn> And 70% humidity all the time :/
L308[13:14:43] <APlayer> ve2dmn: The extreme ranges, I'd estimate, are -20 and +35. Usual worst of the year is -10 and + 30 or so
L309[13:14:52] <APlayer> Call that -15, perhaps
L310[13:14:57] <Fluburtur> I need to get a band together
L311[13:15:08] <Fluburtur> I have a drummer friend and I know someone who plays guitar
L312[13:15:14] <Fluburtur> so we could try to play some stuff
L313[13:15:20] <TerminalRaptor> Currently 26 C with 41% humidity outside IAD.
L314[13:15:24] <ve2dmn> APlayer: similar to mine I guess
L315[13:15:25] <Fluburtur> if we ever find the time and room to put all the music crap
L316[13:15:44] ⇨ Joins: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-150.2com.net)
L317[13:15:45] <APlayer> The weather here seems close to that of TerminalRaptor's
L318[13:16:00] <Fluburtur> I wanted to turn my room into a music room before it became my workshop and full of crap
L319[13:16:16] <APlayer> Also, hailstorms. They are not usual, but we've had three this summer already
L320[13:16:39] <Eddi|zuHause> sidenote: it isn't actually summer yet
L321[13:17:08] <APlayer> Well, this apparent summer. I'm going by temperature, not calendar here
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L323[13:18:35] <TerminalRaptor> Virginia is weirdly lacking in hail vs the midwest.
L324[13:19:49] <ve2dmn> APlayer: I just compared with Munich. I have the same annual highs, but I get -10C lower on average
L325[13:20:13] <APlayer> Munich is a bad comparison
L326[13:20:22] <ve2dmn> I went with what I know
L327[13:20:44] <APlayer> The particular place where I live is a meteorological anomaly, we have a much higher amount of clouds and rain
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L329[13:20:58] <Althego> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/342808440479023105/453620995106930698/FB_IMG_1523792669815.jpg
L330[13:21:01] <ve2dmn> ok. Montains?
L331[13:22:48] <TerminalRaptor> ooh, ps/2 ports.
L332[13:22:55] <APlayer> I guess it's just a nearby small river and the local landscape, because the mountains are another 150 km from here
L333[13:22:56] <Althego> must be an old pic
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L336[13:26:58] <ve2dmn> APlayer: Interesting. Although not unheard of
L337[13:28:05] <ve2dmn> see for example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinook_wind
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L339[13:28:15] <ve2dmn> (which nearly ruined the winter olympics)
L340[13:28:58] <APlayer> Hey, this area is informally called "Germany's bladder"
L341[13:29:25] <APlayer> Really, the weather sucks, but you don't think much about it if you live here
L342[13:29:29] <APlayer> It becomes normal
L343[13:29:40] <ve2dmn> same, I guess
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L346[13:30:51] <ve2dmn> Note to self: don't visit Aplayer in the deep of winter... I'm trying to escape the cold during holidays, not go back in it
L347[13:31:40] <APlayer> The one difference about holidays in hot and cold places is, when it's cold, you can add an additional layer of clothes. When it's hot, you're stuck
L348[13:32:02] <ve2dmn> Although I hate cold waves, I still prefer cold then warm: It's usually easier to warm up then to survive a heat wave
L349[13:32:12] <ve2dmn> ninja'd
L350[13:32:16] <Althego> except when it is cold, that additional layer just lengthens the time until you get completely cold
L351[13:33:02] <ve2dmn> Althego: no really: you produce your own heat. You only need to delay cold until it's spring again anyway
L352[13:33:10] <Althego> hehe
L353[13:33:51] <APlayer> Real programmers overclock their CPU to produce heat during the cold months of the year
L354[13:34:08] <ve2dmn> I run bitcoins miners for that
L355[13:34:41] <Gasher> so you basically burn bitcoins for heat? neat
L356[13:34:49] <ve2dmn> at 6c/kwh it's almost worth it
L357[13:34:53] <Rokker> TerminalRaptor: oi
L358[13:36:49] <TerminalRaptor> Rokker: io
L359[13:37:13] <Rokker> TerminalRaptor: new horizons is awake
L360[13:37:27] <Althego> there are several months until its flyby
L361[13:37:31] <Rokker> TerminalRaptor: kupier belt object :d
L362[13:37:36] <Rokker> :D
L363[13:37:40] <Rokker> Althego: dont care
L364[13:38:31] <TerminalRaptor> Ultima Thule hype!
L365[13:38:51] <Rokker> Althego: even a year before we reached pluto, NH was giving us better pics of pluto than we had ever seen
L366[13:38:57] ⇦ Quits: ve2dmn (ve2dmn!~ve2dmn@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L367[13:40:02] <Althego> we need a charity foundation that sends flat earthers to space so that they can see the curvature with their own eyes (and optionally brings them back)
L368[13:40:23] <Fluburtur> send them to venus
L369[13:40:59] <Fluburtur> also I had my camera at work today so I took funny pictures
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L371[13:41:41] <ve2dmn> Gasher: we heat with electricity anyway... so why not waste it to do 'some' work
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L376[13:50:45] <APlayer> Only bring them back if they earned it
L377[13:51:51] <Fluburtur> Rokker have you seen the new rs2 maps
L378[13:51:58] <Fluburtur> there is omaha beach but with helis
L379[13:52:28] <Rokker> no
L380[13:52:59] <Fluburtur> resort
L381[13:53:01] <Fluburtur> try it
L382[13:53:02] ⇨ Joins: JCB (JCB!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net)
L383[13:53:11] * JCB peeks in...
L384[13:53:27] <Althego> peek in, poke out
L385[13:53:51] <JCB> just.. something on the my mind, but didn't want to interrupt
L386[13:53:55] <ve2dmn> PEEK(53281)
L387[13:53:57] <Althego> poke 53281,1
L388[13:54:39] <JCB> peek-poke.. and on that, was reading up on the commands in a friend's apple II user guide..
L389[13:54:41] <Althego> i was thinking about the middle number and you typed in faste :)
L390[13:55:00] <Althego> but this number is for c64
L391[13:55:07] <ve2dmn> ^
L392[13:55:17] <ve2dmn> https://www.c64-wiki.com/wiki/PEEK
L393[13:55:34] <JCB> I remember seeing the commands before on a few other machines, even used it in code for an old PC..
L394[13:55:53] <JCB> but wasn't sure how they actually worked. Seems it's helpful to have useful addresses
L395[13:55:55] <ve2dmn> Possible. Syntax would change
L396[13:56:53] <JCB> but any case... dropped by, seems one thing lead to another (scott's video on orbits, me looking up on subsatellites from apollo, ... now I forgot..)
L397[13:57:16] * JCB flips to the other tab and 'oh ya's.
L398[13:57:24] <Althego> today put together 2 small sstos
L399[13:57:32] <Althego> both are bit anemic
L400[13:57:41] <Althego> but they worked
L401[13:57:50] <JCB> was thinking to do a video recording, wondering how much info from previous space missions I should put in.. since some of it takes ideas from them.
L402[13:58:00] <Althego> not bad without ker and after a long hiatus
L403[13:58:35] <JCB> sometimes anemic works out better? Put too much fuel in, have to compensate with more or bigger engines
L404[14:00:22] <Althego> that is the problem, the single jet is not enough so it eats up too much fuel during ascent
L405[14:00:39] <Althego> i would need 1.1 jets :)
L406[14:00:48] <ve2dmn> Althego: I tried making a single-fuel SSTO
L407[14:00:50] <ve2dmn> ...I gave up
L408[14:00:58] <Althego> yes that is hard
L409[14:01:03] <Althego> or rather reasy but inefficient
L410[14:01:22] <Althego> if you want a single nuke and still do anything, that doesnt work out
L411[14:01:26] <ve2dmn> That LV-N just doesn't have enough TWR
L412[14:01:34] <JCB> LV-N also pretty darn heavy
L413[14:01:42] <Althego> maybe if you could overload the engine and then it starts to overheat and eat more fuel but output more thrust...
L414[14:01:43] <ve2dmn> And big
L415[14:01:51] <Althego> yes they used to be pretty much op engines
L416[14:02:06] <Althego> but now they are something like 2.5 t
L417[14:02:07] <JCB> wasn't just the engines... game physics changed too
L418[14:02:22] <ve2dmn> That LV-N looks so big, next to the air-breathing engines
L419[14:02:28] <JCB> used to be able to cruise at orbital speeds in atmos, sipping fuel... lol
L420[14:02:35] <Althego> hehe
L421[14:02:39] <Althego> yes, up to 68 km
L422[14:02:48] <Althego> with orbital speed
L423[14:03:02] <JCB> I didn't even have to scoop stack
L424[14:05:16] <ve2dmn> And I have yet to make a ship that can take off from Eve
L425[14:05:31] <ve2dmn> Although, I came pretty close
L426[14:05:48] <JCB> lol.. I've yet to go past minmus other than maybe a few failed attempts to Jool
L427[14:05:52] <Althego> i have a dream vehicle for eve. ascends with props until it reaches usable pressures
L428[14:05:57] <Althego> so it would be really small
L429[14:06:16] <ve2dmn> props? Run on powers?
L430[14:06:23] <Althego> but since my electric prop design could barely make a small plane ascend
L431[14:06:24] <JCB> electric props?
L432[14:06:37] <Althego> i doubt i could make enough thrust for direct lifting
L433[14:07:03] <Althego> and stock props are bothersome, even 1, having 2 or 4 on a craft is really bad
L434[14:07:11] <JCB> I've sometimes wondered about props and wings on other worlds.. lower gravity/pressure, how those would affect things.
L435[14:07:28] <Althego> scott talked about wind turbines in mars
L436[14:07:37] <Fluburtur> lower grav would be fine, idk about presure
L437[14:07:44] <Althego> it turns out they are surprisingly good sepite the lack of pressure
L438[14:07:53] <Fluburtur> I guess you can use reynolds number to translate the aerodynamics
L439[14:08:28] <JCB> considering jet engines run 30k feet up no problems on Earth here.. where human's can't breath too well
L440[14:08:57] <JCB> though partial pressure of O2 might be a problem in some cases
L441[14:15:37] <Fluburtur> Rokker JESUS https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/453638004590772224/20180605211430_1.jpg
L442[14:15:49] <JCB> huh... ok this is cool, the home page on youtube for me finally fixed itself..
L443[14:16:37] <Rokker> Fluburtur: nah, i think thats buddah
L444[14:16:50] <Gasher> Fluburtur, what's that game?
L445[14:16:51] <JCB> Fluburtur sproing!
L446[14:16:58] <UmbralRaptop> JCB: https://what-if.xkcd.com/30/
L447[14:17:03] <Fluburtur> rising storm 2
L448[14:17:08] <Althego> a rokker jesus? ew
L449[14:17:16] <ve2dmn> I had a design with 'pods' that could be dropped on any planets. They would fit below the ship in the middle and includes a small antenna and all the science
L450[14:18:52] <Rokker> Althego: im your own personal jesus
L451[14:18:59] * Rokker reaches out and touches Althego
L452[14:19:04] <Althego> brr
L453[14:21:16] <JCB> UmbralRaptop Yay Titan... though you'd freeze pretty quick
L454[14:21:41] <UmbralRaptop> Obviously you should use an ASRTG
L455[14:22:26] ⇦ Quits: Jinxinx (Jinxinx!Jinx@dsl-jklbng11-54fa53-139.dhcp.inet.fi) ()
L456[14:22:55] <JCB> geh... strapped like a backpack?
L457[14:30:14] <Fluburtur> Rokker https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/453641672149172226/20180605212938_1.jpg
L458[14:31:08] <Rokker> Fluburtur: dont judge. you should fire a gun however you are most comfortable shooting it
L459[14:31:20] <Fluburtur> but viets don't fly
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L469[15:15:29] * darsie docked two large fuel tanks as orbital depot: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot92.png
L470[15:18:14] <ve2dmn> darsie: you know, you can use more than 1 docking port at once?
L471[15:19:35] <ve2dmn> I used it in this design: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/854982495378198262/553C54B4268A0F7468872BBEA70C88A067281898/
L472[15:19:58] <ve2dmn> I don't recommend that particular one... it was a pain to dock correctly
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L477[15:35:47] <transitbiker> so, ive not seen anyone else mention the fact that the foster mother from terminator 2 is the same actor as the immigrant mother telling a bedtime story to 2 kids as the ship sank in titanic
L478[15:38:15] *** Arcan is now known as Aivech
L479[15:38:29] <transitbiker> she was also in aliens
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L481[15:38:49] <transitbiker> i'm surprised bill paxton wasnt cast
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L483[15:41:53] <darsie> ve2dmn: I didn't. Looks like this works in the VAB, too.
L484[15:45:40] <darsie> ve2dmn: You mean in a circuit?
L485[15:45:47] <darsie> loop
L486[15:45:52] <JCB> transitbiker Weaver?
L487[15:46:04] <ve2dmn> not just a loop
L488[15:46:27] <darsie> Well, ofc a space station can multiple ports and docked ships.
L489[15:46:28] <ve2dmn> but you can use 2, 3 or more docking ports for more stability
L490[15:46:58] <JCB> keyed docking ports would be nice... forced alignments
L491[15:47:05] <darsie> JCB: They are.
L492[15:47:25] <ve2dmn> JCB: check out the Konstruction Ports
L493[15:48:06] <JCB> well I'm sure there are such in mod' packs
L494[15:48:06] <Supercheese> or DockRotate mod
L495[15:48:15] <Supercheese> works with vanilla ports even
L496[15:48:21] <ve2dmn> ^
L497[15:48:32] <Supercheese> so it effectively upgrades your already-launched ships
L498[15:49:09] <JCB> docking port alignment indicator... although, I'm actually getting pretty good with using just the nav ball. :)
L499[15:50:45] <ve2dmn> Supercheese: I like the Konstruction ports because you can make the link permanent... But they lack compatibility with standard ports
L500[15:51:29] <JCB> ve2dmn that like the welding sorta thing?
L501[15:51:36] <ve2dmn> yes
L502[15:51:56] <ve2dmn> They have an auto-alignement feature
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L504[16:04:35] <Fluburtur> Rokker finally have the f6f-5n
L505[16:04:46] <Fluburtur> I can finally research the glorious vb 10
L506[16:06:07] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/453665813950627847/20180605230532_1.jpg
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L508[16:08:33] <Fluburtur> Rokker explain https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/413109312802521098/453666414402994186/20180605230806_1.jpg
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L510[16:13:34] <Rokker> Fluburtur: i cant explain navy planes
L511[16:13:52] <Rokker> Fluburtur: explain what
L512[16:13:55] <Supercheese> Spoilers: The VB.10 is ***horrible***
L513[16:14:06] <Fluburtur> paper wings apparently
L514[16:14:12] <Fluburtur> but I want those french jets
L515[16:14:13] <Supercheese> awful, awful plane
L516[16:14:20] <Fluburtur> they are horrible apparently
L517[16:14:22] <Fluburtur> in a good way
L518[16:14:36] <oren> Rokker: why aren't supersonic seaplanes a thing dammit
L519[16:14:48] <Supercheese> wasn't there one
L520[16:14:50] <Supercheese> from uhh convair
L521[16:15:00] <Supercheese> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convair_F2Y_Sea_Dart
L522[16:15:01] <Rokker> oren: they tried
L523[16:15:02] <Supercheese> that one
L524[16:15:05] <Rokker> it was dum
L525[16:15:20] <Rokker> Fluburtur: explain what dammit
L526[16:15:29] <Fluburtur> the ugly ball on the wing
L527[16:15:34] <Rokker> radar
L528[16:16:04] <Fluburtur> why
L529[16:16:08] <JCB> mmm... would love model of the Tigercat :)
L530[16:16:14] <Rokker> Fluburtur: for seeing things
L531[16:16:28] <Fluburtur> no
L532[16:16:38] <Rokker> Fluburtur: yes
L533[16:16:49] <Fluburtur> no
L534[16:16:51] <Fluburtur> it ugly
L535[16:16:53] <Fluburtur> remove it
L536[16:17:02] <Supercheese> it's a RADAR, I believe
L537[16:17:09] <Supercheese> early ones tended to be... bulgy
L538[16:17:23] <oren> it's a malignant tumour
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L540[16:17:55] <Rokker> Supercheese: i already said that
L541[16:18:00] <Rokker> and they are still bulgy
L542[16:18:20] <JCB> a few modern aircraft have wing mounted radar pods
L543[16:19:32] <JCB> you want ugly..? Go check out Burt Rutan's Boomerang aircraft :P
L544[16:19:55] <Fluburtur> crpa the mb157 can climb
L545[16:20:02] <Fluburtur> up to 3000m with no effort
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L564[17:45:09] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Don't take down the statues of Emperor Palpatine! The Galactic Empire is part of our heritage!
L565[17:47:36] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: bit political innit
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L568[17:53:01] <Scolar_Visari> It'd only be current if we discussed it in the context of the modern First Order.
L569[17:55:08] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: can we please just try to keep thinly veiled political references out of the channel
L570[17:55:13] <Rokker> no need for them in here
L571[17:56:01] * Scolar_Visari senses Rebel scum.
L572[17:56:27] <BenjaminK> Rokker's right
L573[17:56:28] <BenjaminK> Please
L574[17:56:36] <BenjaminK> Nobody needs a heated debate
L575[17:57:49] <Supercheese> or even a Lukewarm debate
L576[17:57:49] <Scolar_Visari> BenjaminK: About a fictional universe in a channel where such things are pandemic?
L577[17:58:07] <Scolar_Visari> Second only to idling, of course.
L578[17:58:28] <Rokker> oh please
L579[18:00:04] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: your reference was so thinly veiled we could see its unmentionables
L580[18:01:52] <Scolar_Visari> Given the amount of people who dress up like Stormtroopers . . .
L581[18:03:54] ⇨ Joins: KerbalCanuck (KerbalCanuck!webchat@24-207-97-67.eastlink.ca)
L582[18:04:06] <Scolar_Visari> Though Heaven forbid I bring up the topic of Inner Sphere 'Mech names > Clan 'Mech Names.
L583[18:04:13] <Scolar_Visari> Mad Cat FOREVER!
L584[18:04:43] <KerbalCanuck> Is there a mod so I can see my speed in a digital read out?
L585[18:04:51] <Rokker> KerbalCanuck: hello mr CF-100
L586[18:05:06] <Rokker> a digital readout where
L587[18:05:37] <darsie> KerbalCanuck: It's displayed above the navball.
L588[18:06:47] <KerbalCanuck> So it's not only displayed on the vertical speed indicator, but on the navball as well?
L589[18:07:03] <darsie> Try playing KSP ;).
L590[18:07:05] <Rokker> should be
L591[18:07:15] <Scolar_Visari> KerbalCanuck: RPM can also display it for IVAs as part of the MFDs
L592[18:07:19] <Rokker> KerbalCanuck: might have an arrow that can hide it
L593[18:07:28] <KerbalCanuck> RCS Indicator!
L594[18:07:35] <Rokker> might wanna look to see if you accidentally pressed it
L595[18:07:38] <KerbalCanuck> On the Navball
L596[18:09:10] <KerbalCanuck> Ahh… See I though it was always beside the Altitude
L597[18:09:35] <Scolar_Visari> "NASA chief in talks with companies about running ISS: report" https://phys.org/news/2018-06-nasa-chief-companies-iss.html
L598[18:09:46] * Scolar_Visari shakes Magic 8 Ball to receive, "doubtful".
L599[18:11:00] <ve2dmn> Rokker: I have a psecial place in my heart for the doomed CF-105 project
L600[18:11:29] <KerbalCanuck> I agree ve2dmn
L601[18:13:37] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Take one SAAB Draken and call me in the morning.
L602[18:13:54] <Rokker> ve2dmn: yeah but i called him a CF-100 cause thats the Canuck
L603[18:14:04] <Rokker> canadas only internally designed and manufactured fighter
L604[18:14:27] <KerbalCanuck> So if I have made my engine throlled to 50% when I attached it in the assembly building and then only had the throttle to 50% on the launch pad. I would be really only be used 25% of the engine actual power. Am I correct?
L605[18:14:37] <Scolar_Visari> The MiG-31 is also a suitable over-the-counter substitute, but do not take MiG-31 if you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant or have severe peanut allergies.
L606[18:15:27] <Scolar_Visari> MiG-31 is not for everyone and may lead to increased risk of heart attack with individuals with a family history of heart problems. Contact your local arms dealer to see if supersonic fighter craft are right for you.
L607[18:15:31] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: I'm only allergic to Avocados
L608[18:15:45] <Rokker> ve2dmn: also
L609[18:15:58] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: can it cause halitosis?
L610[18:16:11] <Rokker> XF-108>CF-105
L611[18:16:13] * Scolar_Visari also thought that SpaceX already canceled the already doubtful Lunar mission https://phys.org/news/2018-06-spacex-tourists-moon.html
L612[18:16:29] ⇦ Quits: KerbalCanuck (KerbalCanuck!webchat@24-207-97-67.eastlink.ca) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L613[18:16:30] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Allergic to lawyers?
L614[18:16:31] <JCB> Scolar_Visari you been watching Robbaz on youtube?
L615[18:16:33] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: they... they did
L616[18:16:39] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: that too
L617[18:16:50] <Scolar_Visari> JCB: The only, only thing I watch on YouTube is perhaps The Cinema Snob.
L618[18:17:10] <JCB> Just the Saab reference... and Robbaz did a Viggen or something in KSP with VR mod
L619[18:17:16] <ve2dmn> I'm actually allergic to Birch pollen, but I had cross-allergic reaction to avocado
L620[18:17:29] <Scolar_Visari> JCB: I've always liked the appearance of the Saab.
L621[18:17:47] <Scolar_Visari> Not the cars, mind you, but the older delta winged planes.
L622[18:17:59] <ve2dmn> see the nice list here: http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/information-for-consumers/fact-sheets-and-infographics/food-allergies/oral-allergy-syndrome/eng/1332351950134/1332352076501
L623[18:18:02] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: I cannot be sure that the MiG-31 is clean of pollens.
L624[18:18:17] <Scolar_Visari> Again, this is really something your local arms dealer should be discussing with you in private.
L625[18:18:32] <ve2dmn> Basically, I could, at any moment, develop an allergic reaction to ANY of this long list of 40 things
L626[18:18:41] <JCB> Sorta fan of the Beech 18 myself... A little of the Skyran, Tweeter... ok so blame some models I found. c_C
L627[18:18:46] <Scolar_Visari> That list should grow given the right viral infection.
L628[18:18:54] <JCB> skyran... skyray I mean.. ugh
L629[18:19:03] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: meat?
L630[18:19:32] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Depends. Care to become part of a human experiment involving liberal amounts of gene therapy?
L631[18:20:37] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha-gal_allergy
L632[18:20:55] ⇦ Quits: KrimZon_2 (KrimZon_2!~krimzon@super.duper.reetleet.org) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L633[18:20:58] <Scolar_Visari> "Spontaneous allergies among human test subjects via viral injection and genetic manipulation. Abstract: Subject melted into a chunky goo after injection of over five thousand types of pathogens."
L634[18:20:58] <ve2dmn> with the right tick, you become allergic to alpha gal, a sugar found in beef, lamb, venison and pork.
L635[18:21:33] <Scolar_Visari> "Discussion: Perhaps with better funding and a, uh, more robust methodology, we may avoid premature deaths."
L636[18:22:25] <Scolar_Visari> Hey, funny thought: If I add several control subjects, my proposed paper would surpass the EmDrive in legitimacy!
L637[18:23:23] <ve2dmn> that's a very low bar
L638[18:24:22] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Not adding any controls was even less forgivable than the failure to quantify their sources of error, even if we're to assume they ran out of money for purchasing a small copper cylinder.
L639[18:25:26] <JCB> Scolar_visari you hear about the recent results from the EM drive?
L640[18:25:58] <Scolar_Visari> JCB: Indeed. Nothing to hear about though.
L641[18:26:22] <JCB> Starting to find its been pulling on Earth's magnetic field...
L642[18:27:28] <ve2dmn> JCB: that's good news! It seems we can now just get rid of the stupid cavity and use only the necessary component... miniaturization!
L643[18:28:08] <Scolar_Visari> JCB: I don't think the recent Tajmar paper quantified sources of error, either.
L644[18:28:18] <JCB> not quite. They turned it around in the test stand a few different ways. Found out it was pulling in the same direction regardless..
L645[18:28:48] * Scolar_Visari still mutters something about the non-use of a control being an unforgivable mistake.
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L647[18:29:30] <Scolar_Visari> Excuse me. "Mistake" would imply that they just went, "whoopsies, I failed to include that in my first draft!". This is a bit more serious.
L648[18:30:49] <JCB> either way... the idea of pushing or pulling on Earth's own field while in orbit, does pose some interesting thoughts. Usually its been used for orientation of spacecraft
L649[18:31:03] <Scolar_Visari> If a differently shaped cavity would've registered as producing thrust, that would've immediately invalidated the idea that the resonating did anything.
L650[18:31:42] <Scolar_Visari> JCB: It's certainly not a new idea, and I doubt the EmDrive is an ideal approach to using magnetic fields. Dem tethers, on the other hand.
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L652[18:32:32] <JCB> Speaking of tethers.. I remember NASA tried something, but more power generation. Though other than the tether itself getting jammed, no idea what came of the experiment
L653[18:32:40] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: the point is to find out HOW it works, then it becomes an engineering problem
L654[18:33:16] <ve2dmn> (including the fact that it might simply not be worth it)
L655[18:33:46] <JCB> isn't the idea of the EMDrive considered something of a reactionless system?
L656[18:34:21] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: *If* it worked at all is infinitely more important, and the papers published thus far have all done squat for that because their setups were awfully designed, and none of the, "how" it works aspects are remotely plausible.
L657[18:34:48] <Scolar_Visari> JCB: The creator tried arguing it was not reactionless, but that's also the only way it'd really be anything other than a photon drive.
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L659[18:35:40] <GurrenLagannCWP> Hey!
L660[18:36:54] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: until I know *how* it works, and it has been reproduce, it's still just a fancy idea on a piece of paper with thin proof
L661[18:37:03] <JCB> The one test, where they turned it different directions, far as I know, showed it didn't so much work, rather it was reacting to the the planet's field, or even test equipment
L662[18:37:19] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Wha? If it doesn't work, why does how it works matter?
L663[18:37:40] <ve2dmn> If it doesn't work, then it's science fiction
L664[18:37:48] <GurrenLagannCWP> rip my chances of running principia
L665[18:37:55] <ve2dmn> because then, there is no *how*
L666[18:38:12] <Scolar_Visari> That's what I was saying, none of the publishing papers seemed to make any serious effort to established if it worked at all or not because they didn't account for sources of error or implement an obvious control.
L667[18:38:12] <JCB> if it doesn't work, at least we'll know that it actually doesn't work and why
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L669[18:38:57] <Scolar_Visari> The most EagleWorks did was, "Well some of these things could be error sources, but we're not actually going to investigate them."
L670[18:39:24] <ve2dmn> Remind me of the EME communication we discussed this morning. It works, but it's next to useless compared to sats
L671[18:39:36] <GurrenLagannCWP> Oh my god Ezriilc is here
L672[18:39:43] <GurrenLagannCWP> WOOHOO
L673[18:39:47] <JCB> problem with testing it, you dealing with such minuscule figures, just about anything can mess it up.
L674[18:40:17] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Not nearly as simple as the Earth-Moon-Earth semaphore system.
L675[18:40:18] <JCB> OOoooo.. EME.. was talking to friend about that yesterday too
L676[18:40:51] ⇦ Quits: purpletarget|zzzz (purpletarget|zzzz!~purpletar@d23-16-66-241.bchsia.telus.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L677[18:40:58] <ve2dmn> You know what I'm talking about! I feel less like an idiot :D
L678[18:41:06] <JCB> eh well.. they also did floating reflective balloons as experiments too
L679[18:41:14] <Scolar_Visari> JCB: Yeah, they really made no effort to try and eliminate those sources in the end. It's just as well that the only other peer reviewed paper was retracted after they accounted for a rather serious error.
L680[18:41:52] * Scolar_Visari notes that cosmonauts working for the Salyut program did some work with observing man-sized targets from low orbit.
L681[18:41:55] <JCB> Eh.. explore all venues, find the ones that work. At least now we don't have to repeat it.
L682[18:42:10] <Scolar_Visari> Low orbit semaphore relay communication system!
L683[18:42:11] <GurrenLagannCWP> anyway Ezriilc rarely chats on IRC
L684[18:42:22] <Scolar_Visari> Most people on IRC don't do anything.
L685[18:42:29] <GurrenLagannCWP> Yeah
L686[18:42:32] <Ezriilc> But I try to pay attention whenever I can.
L687[18:42:42] <Scolar_Visari> They merely sit there in dark space, awaiting the signal to begin their 50,000 year campaign of terror.
L688[18:42:50] <Ezriilc> And in fairness, I'm always here, even if not chatting.
L689[18:42:59] * GurrenLagannCWP gets hyped about a HyperEdit update
L690[18:42:59] <Ezriilc> "always"
L691[18:43:25] <Scolar_Visari> Ezriilc: Always here as in metaphorical or WE'VE ALWAYS BEEN HERE like Ambassador Kosh in a very literal sense?
L692[18:43:30] <ve2dmn> All hail Hyperedit!
L693[18:43:30] <Ezriilc> I hear ya, and I'm also enthusiastic still, but other stuff... ya know.
L694[18:43:44] <GurrenLagannCWP> I got SOME planet packs to work
L695[18:43:45] <JCB> Going to see about heading up to the mountains this weekend with a friend, go test out my 6 element 2 meter yagi I made with his radio.. see how far out we can go
L696[18:44:01] <Scolar_Visari> Now now, I know most of us are going to be playing the new Jurassic World game and won't have time for IRC or KSP.
L697[18:44:12] <Ezriilc> ve2dmn, ty.
L698[18:44:24] <JCB> Meh.. movies. I'd rather KSP
L699[18:44:29] <Scolar_Visari> JCB: Game, not movie.
L700[18:44:42] <JCB> jurassic movie.. game.. still meh, I'd rather KSP :P
L701[18:44:56] <Scolar_Visari> It's like Planet Coaster, but with dinosaurs.
L702[18:45:03] <Scolar_Visari> And Jeff Goldblum.
L703[18:45:22] <JCB> oh.. that case, just give me Zoo Tychoon, at least they have fennecs.
L704[18:45:23] * Scolar_Visari would actually pay twice the vanilla cost if they implemented anatomically correct dinosaurs.
L705[18:46:09] <Scolar_Visari> None of this Hollywood stuff. I wanted feathers! FULL COATS OF FLIGHT FEATHERS!
L706[18:48:43] <Scolar_Visari> See, FEATHERS! https://emilywilloughby.com/gallery-data/images/deinonychus-prey-restraint.jpg
L707[18:49:42] <ve2dmn> To be honest, I never used HyperEdit. It brings my confort to know that it's there in case things go horribly wrong
L708[18:49:43] <JCB> Careful.. I hear high winds can be a bit of a problem with coat of feathers :P
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L711[18:50:23] * Scolar_Visari reads bad article which claims, "Deinonychus Used its Hind Claws to Disembowel Prey". NO NO NO.
L712[18:50:28] <Ezriilc> ve2dmn, That, and testing are the biggest uses.
L713[18:51:07] <JCB> I'm just glad youtube finally got a glitch on my account fixed..
L714[18:52:37] <Scolar_Visari> Wait . . . "The go-to weapons in Velociraptor's arsenal were the single, curved, three-inch-long claws on each of its hind feet, which it used to slash, jab, and disembowel prey." No no no again!
L715[18:53:59] ⇦ Quits: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L716[18:56:38] <Supercheese> The go-to weapons were meditative thought, logical debate, and civilized discourse for the Philosoraptor.
L717[18:57:09] <Scolar_Visari> Supercheese: That's also a bit of a stereotype. Some employed name calling to great effect, particularly against herbivores.
L718[18:58:26] <Scolar_Visari> The ad dinosaurim was not created as an informal fallacy until a T-Rex responded to an attack on his short arms (during a debate on impact extinction events, no less) by eating his antagonist whole.
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L722[19:01:01] * Scolar_Visari is amused that the Jurassic World Evolution site dinopedia entry for the Pachycephalosaurus mentions an alternative to the popular but scientifically debated practice of headbutting.
L723[19:02:31] ⇨ Joins: Supernovy (Supernovy!~Supernovy@
L724[19:02:37] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L725[19:03:05] <Scolar_Visari> Supernovy: Would you like to play a game today?
L726[19:05:11] <Azander> The only winning move it not to play.
L727[19:07:35] * Scolar_Visari moves first with a sudden strike by nuclear armed bombers flying underneath Azander's radar with a followup strike by SSBNs parked just off shore from their targets firing their payloads on depressed trajectories.
L728[19:07:49] <Scolar_Visari> I ARE WINNER!
L729[19:08:53] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: if you ever played defcon, you know that scenario is really unlikely
L730[19:09:33] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: DEFCON uses magick to make everything visible!
L731[19:10:11] <ve2dmn> I'm talking about https://www.introversion.co.uk/defcon/index.html
L732[19:10:12] <Scolar_Visari> Also: For a time, particularly when the Soviet Union was reliant on R-7 derivatives, a first strike could've realistically wiped out their entire strategic nuclear arsenal.
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L735[19:10:43] <GurrenLagannCWP> Ezriilc, i'm thinking to mess around a bit more, now that i got InterKalactic 2 to work
L736[19:10:45] <Scolar_Visari> Yeah, I know, I think everything in the game (SSBNs and attack craft included) were always visible.
L737[19:11:17] <ve2dmn> but not the submarines or the silos
L738[19:11:19] <Ezriilc> Um... ok...?
L739[19:11:44] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: In practice, airplanes and surface vessels would be harder to detect than video games in general seem to imply.
L740[19:12:26] <Scolar_Visari> Also, since media outlets seem to be thinking SpaceX's postponement of its alleged Lunar mission is new http://spacenews.com/spacex-no-longer-planning-crewed-missions-on-falcon-heavy/
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L744[19:15:17] <Scolar_Visari> Though I wouldn't be so sure on sending a Dragon V2 around the Moon or back before one even launches into LEO.
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L749[19:22:29] * Scolar_Visari ponders why the Kerbalized versions of SpaceX did not opt to name the Dragon family of vehicles into the Kraken family of vehicles.
L750[19:24:42] <UmbralRaptop> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L751[19:24:55] <GurrenLagannCWP> GTG
L752[19:25:02] ⇦ Quits: GurrenLagannCWP (GurrenLagannCWP!~GurrenLag@ (Quit: Leaving)
L753[19:25:10] <UmbralRaptop> Incidentally, the stock crafts now include something that looks like a GSLV clone.
L754[19:28:01] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: Moar early von Braun clones plz.
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L756[19:29:06] <Scolar_Visari> Nein, more wings! https://history.nasa.gov/SP-4221/p5.jpg
L757[19:29:43] <UmbralRaptop> Point.
L758[19:29:56] <UmbralRaptop> Also some old style Mars landers?
L759[19:30:17] <UmbralRaptop> (though Duna's atmosphere is way thinner than it used to be)
L760[19:30:48] <Scolar_Visari> Same with Mars, from von Braun's perspective!
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L763[19:32:01] <Scolar_Visari> It actually took some time to get the surface atmospheric pressure accurately figured out, much to the detriment of von Braun's fascination with gigantic wings.
L764[19:32:10] <Scolar_Visari> Blunt body shapes for everyone!
L765[19:33:47] <Scolar_Visari> Amusingly, however, the BFR concepts involve the use of puny wings.
L766[19:35:57] <Scolar_Visari> Where we're going, we won't need wings http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aFdRf97BCrc/ToYk16U2grI/AAAAAAAAEO0/JPGdzuO93wo/s1600/Braun+03+wings+on.jpg
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L770[19:37:52] <UmbralRaptop> There's a suspiciously green patch in the background.
L771[19:38:17] <Scolar_Visari> This was all published prior to Mariner 4.
L772[19:38:24] <Supernovy> I recently managed to get my hands on an outline for a space mission where they would put a small nuclear pulse ship on top of an uprated Saturn V
L773[19:38:38] <Scolar_Visari> There was still the hope that it'd be less Marsy than modern Mars.
L774[19:39:13] <Scolar_Visari> Supernovy: I would think that would either require impossibly small pulse units or very few pulse units.
L775[19:39:37] <Supernovy> 0.1 - 20 kt
L776[19:39:41] <Scolar_Visari> Unless they're, like, magnetically compressed pulse detonation thrusters.
L777[19:40:09] <Supernovy> yeah here we go, published in '65
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L783[19:43:34] <Scolar_Visari> Ernst Stuhlinger > von Braun http://crowlspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Disney-Mars-Fleet-Ignition.jpg
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L785[19:43:53] <Supernovy> https://i.imgur.com/ZYVW1Tu.png
L786[19:45:18] * Scolar_Visari sees ft/sec.
L787[19:45:23] <Scolar_Visari> What kind of heresy is this!?
L788[19:45:35] <Scolar_Visari> Feet? POUNDS!?
L789[19:45:59] ⇨ Joins: Azander (Azander!~J@mobile-107-92-123-192.mycingular.net)
L790[19:46:07] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: the dark ages
L791[19:46:15] <UmbralRaptop> Also, ion engines for ?→♂?
L792[19:46:57] <Supernovy> It's USA 1965!
L793[19:47:47] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: yes, Stuhlinger was rather forward thinking at the time. I think he mentioned the possibility of the transfer vehicles being docked with en route by the crew return vehicles so personnel would not spend so much time in deep space. The transfer vehicle mostly handling life support and shipment of the Mars ascent/descent vehicles.
L794[19:48:09] <Supernovy> https://i.imgur.com/NuVACUz.png
L795[19:49:26] * Scolar_Visari still shudders at the mechanical complexity of nuclear warhead based pulse rockets.
L796[19:49:44] <Scolar_Visari> I imagine having the magazine and pulse unit dispenser fail would be as bad as having a dud.
L797[19:52:11] <Supernovy> https://i.imgur.com/olMjS6Z.png
L798[19:53:51] <Scolar_Visari> I have that one here somewhere.
L799[19:54:38] <Supernovy> and last one: https://i.imgur.com/5bKWXuR.png
L800[19:55:35] <Supernovy> I remember General Atomic referring to it as "external combustion"
L801[19:55:46] <UmbralRaptop> … landing a nuclear pulse vehicle?
L802[19:56:23] <Rokker> UmbralRaptop: my pet dinosaur is dumb
L803[19:56:48] <UmbralRaptop> Is she complaining about something?
L804[19:57:48] <ve2dmn> I know a 24h live dinosaur webcam
L805[19:57:56] <ve2dmn> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peO0FAUg1b0
L806[19:57:56] <kmath> YouTube - Faucons UdeM - nichoir en direct
L807[19:58:06] <Supernovy> No, they have separate excursion vehicles that look suspiciously similar to Venture Stars.
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L809[19:59:15] <Scolar_Visari> Supernovy: I would not have put it beyond them to land the entire thing.
L810[19:59:29] <Supernovy> recommended radiation dose across the mission? 500 mSv.
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L812[20:00:15] <Rokker> UmbralRaptop: she really hates my left hand
L813[20:00:55] <Scolar_Visari> Supernovy: 500 mSv so long as you're in front of the pusher plate.
L814[20:01:25] <Supernovy> As long as you're in that 40,000 lb shelter.
L815[20:01:40] <UmbralRaptop> Didn't Zubrin estimate about that much exposure for Mars Direct?
L816[20:02:12] <Supernovy> From space radiation alone?
L817[20:02:14] <UmbralRaptop> Rokker: acquire a glove for falconry?
L818[20:02:40] <UmbralRaptop> Yes. (Solar+galactic cosmic rays mainly)
L819[20:02:44] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: For how many days, however? 1 Sv for 1,000 days is rule of thumb at the moment.
L820[20:02:47] <Rokker> UmbralRaptop: but its weird
L821[20:02:57] <Rokker> she will step up onto my right hand just fine
L822[20:03:02] <Rokker> doesnt care at all
L823[20:03:16] <Rokker> but if my left hand comes near her, she gets angry
L824[20:04:06] <UmbralRaptop> Scolar_Visari: Uh, something like 800?
L825[20:04:10] * Scolar_Visari would be cautious of Zubrin's radiation estimates given the last edition was published circa 2011.
L826[20:04:22] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: I'd think 500 mSv would be a bit of a low ball, then.
L827[20:04:30] <UmbralRaptop> This is from a 90s edition. >_>
L828[20:04:59] <UmbralRaptop> What is it, 158 days each way, 500 on the surface?
L829[20:06:11] * Scolar_Visari would actually be cautious of anything Zubrin has said in the last few years in general given his recent excursions.
L830[20:10:19] <Scolar_Visari> Case in point: http://spacenews.com/op-ed-moon-direct-how-to-build-a-moonbase-in-four-years/
L831[20:11:33] <Scolar_Visari> Who needs to break down payload masses, volumes and R&D costs when you can say, "Just a few Falcon Heavy launches will do"!?
L832[20:12:23] * Scolar_Visari is also amused Zubrin wrote the article after SpaceX already indicated manned launches were never going to be a thing for the Falcon Heavy
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L837[20:37:45] <Scolar_Visari> Probes go to Jupiter to get less stupider https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/1806/JupiterComplex_JunoMarriott_2324.jpg
L838[20:38:31] * Scolar_Visari ponders how long Huygens will last on Titan.
L839[20:47:51] <Supernovy> Is it still going?
L840[20:47:54] * Scolar_Visari revels in satisfaction, having finally acquired the Bretonnia regiments of renown.
L841[20:48:15] <Scolar_Visari> Supernovy: No, its battery died not too long after setting down. I was thinking how long it would last as a visible artificial feature.
L842[20:48:28] <Supernovy> Ah.
L843[20:48:51] <Scolar_Visari> Like, how would Titan's erosive forces and freakishly cold atmosphere effect it?
L844[20:50:20] <Supernovy> Is it a very dust-stormy place?
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L846[20:50:30] <UmbralRaptop> Unclear.
L847[20:50:31] <Supernovy> What's the wind like?
L848[20:50:51] * UmbralRaptop had no idea. Lots of dunes, though.
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L850[20:51:08] * Scolar_Visari notes Titan has an atmospheric density at surface greater than that of Earth.
L851[20:51:09] <UmbralRaptop> Also, rain is fairly rare, and shouldn't be that reactive?
L852[20:51:17] <Supernovy> 0 < wind < infinity, then
L853[20:51:55] <Scolar_Visari> Supernovy: The heat death might fix that all up.
L854[20:52:18] <UmbralRaptop> I'd say we can safely set an upper bound of Neptune (400 m/s?)
L855[20:53:11] <Scolar_Visari> Neptunian wind speeds can exceed 600 m/s!
L856[20:54:13] <Scolar_Visari> It's a cold world. A blue world. A world hostile to all life as we know it.
L857[20:56:12] <KrazyKrl> It's a mad mad mad mad mad mad world?
L858[20:56:18] <UmbralRaptop> To be fair, a lot of worlds are hostile.
L859[20:57:23] <ConductingCat> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJuxpf-RE7k
L860[20:57:24] <kmath> YouTube - The Chicken Heated Nuclear Land Mine (Oh yes, totally a real thing)
L861[20:57:33] <Scolar_Visari> KrazyKrl: All around us are uninhabitable planets, icey planets, desert planets.
L862[20:57:46] <Supernovy> All around me are familiar faces
L863[20:57:48] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: That's why we should be Building Better Worlds (and preferably not worlds).
L864[20:58:32] * UmbralRaptop stares at Weyland an Yutani.
L865[20:59:21] <Scolar_Visari> Moreover, I find some much too massive, I find them far too cold, the planet on which we're trapped on is the best we've ever had.
L866[20:59:41] ⇦ Quits: UmbralRaptop (UmbralRaptop!~AndNex@2607:fb90:a34b:6f90:4355:f9cc:4274:a898) (Quit: Bye)
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