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L42[03:34:49] <MonsieurPatateuh> Hey sup guys ?
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L44[03:36:10] <Althego> not much
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L46[03:37:45] <MonsieurPatateuh> I have an issue with TCA, can someone help me ?
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L78[07:12:07] <Rolf> https://i.redd.it/s8hql9e46a211.png
L79[07:12:09] <Rolf> awesome!
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L107[09:10:42] <ve2dmn> Elon Musk: Entrepreneurial Leader Of New-age Manufacturers Uses Science,Knowledge.
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L109[09:11:13] <ve2dmn> Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/8p8vdf/if_elon_musk_wasnt_short_for_elongated_muskrat/e09c1bp/
L110[09:12:20] <ve2dmn> TIL Elon Musk has triple citizenship
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L115[09:27:39] <Althego> hehe people collected enough money to send greatersapien in a polar circumnavigation of earth (to show flat earthers you can)
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L119[09:34:23] <ve2dmn> Althego: nice. Where can I contribute an extra $ that way?
L120[09:35:47] <Althego> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1282946600/pole-to-pole-circumnavigation-of-the-globe#
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L122[09:39:48] <Althego> hehe, the "converging" crepuscular rays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7qmYn6qPLk
L123[09:39:48] <kmath> YouTube - Flying over Anti-Crepuscular Rays
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L125[09:44:03] <ve2dmn> Althego: is he rent a plane or simply buying tickets?
L126[09:44:16] <ve2dmn> renting*
L127[09:46:14] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: sounds like he's just buying tickets
L128[09:47:04] <ve2dmn> sale: https://www.gog.com/game/kerbal_space_program
L129[09:47:27] <Althego> it is this https://samchui.com/2018/02/17/polar-explorer-2018-fly-north-south-pole-record-time/
L130[09:48:43] <ve2dmn> Business-class $19,500. Only 32 seats available, Economy class $11,900. Middle seats in economy class will be kept vacant for optimal comfort. Only 154 seats available
L131[09:50:46] <Althego> by distance travelled i already went around earth multiple times
L132[09:51:05] <GlassYuri> ...what programming languages do I want to learn in the future
L133[09:51:09] <Althego> and not interested in travelling at all anyways
L134[09:51:11] <Althego> who knows
L135[09:51:13] <GlassYuri> python maybe
L136[09:51:17] <Althego> only the future
L137[09:51:32] <Althego> from __future__ import languages
L138[09:51:39] <ve2dmn> GlassYuri: if you wait long enough, computer will program themselves
L139[09:51:47] <Althego> yes, python already has future :)
L140[09:51:49] <ve2dmn> Althego: stack overflow
L141[09:52:02] <Althego> pyhon is useful in general anyway
L142[09:52:12] <GlassYuri> ...it actually only says 'language'
L143[09:52:35] <Althego> what kind of it
L144[09:52:40] <GlassYuri> it's clearly implied to mean programming language, but I might actually write 'python and mandarin'
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L146[09:53:30] <ve2dmn> it depends WHY you want to learn that language
L147[09:53:57] <ve2dmn> if it's only for the $, go for COBOL, FORTH or FORTRAN
L148[09:54:16] <Althego> cobol may be niche, but fortan is quite widely used
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L150[09:54:27] <Althego> and modern dialect is actually quite ok
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L152[09:54:59] <ve2dmn> Althego: but good programmers in thoses languages are rare
L153[09:55:15] <Althego> real programmers can program in fortan in any language :)
L154[09:55:19] <GlassYuri> python because it's often used as a scripting/plugin language and is useful for doing work for which a compiler is kinda overkill
L155[09:55:32] <Althego> and you know what it is not funny when you see c code that is used as fortran
L156[09:55:56] <Althego> python is useful for all around anything if you want to throw together a useful tool quickly
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L158[09:56:20] <ve2dmn> and Python is only 10-20% slower then C
L159[09:56:31] <Althego> multi threaded problems though
L160[09:56:43] <Althego> supposedly perl is fast too :)
L161[09:57:05] <GlassYuri> I also have to write which languages I like and hate
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L163[09:58:38] <Althego> but c is not going away anytime soon
L164[09:58:42] <GlassYuri> I'm sure I will come across as a competent programmer if my application is just one massive rant about what things I hate for minor reasons
L165[09:58:50] <Althego> along with it c++ is also here to stay at least for a while
L166[09:59:42] <GlassYuri> that's what people look for in job applications, how much you hate everything
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L168[10:01:32] <Althego> i dint think so
L169[10:01:35] <GlassYuri> the thing with C and C++ is that I see no reason why they *should* go away
L170[10:01:43] <GlassYuri> meanwhile javascript...
L171[10:02:01] <Althego> c++ is getting increasingly convoluted
L172[10:02:13] <GlassYuri> which language has killed more people, C or JavaScript
L173[10:02:14] <Althego> yes js shouldnt exist
L174[10:03:51] <GlassYuri> C is more likely to be used in context where there is greater potential for gore
L175[10:05:05] <ve2dmn> well... I don't know in what language it was coded but a PDP-11 Therac25 medical device actually delivered the wrong dose of radiation and killed someone
L176[10:05:25] <GlassYuri> more than one person I think
L177[10:05:32] <ve2dmn> 3
L178[10:05:51] <Althego> i think those accidents happened much later too
L179[10:05:54] <ve2dmn> but in one case it was a brain tumor and the patient neve woke up
L180[10:05:54] <Althego> with some ct
L181[10:05:56] <Althego> maybe ge,
L182[10:06:02] <GlassYuri> javascript is more likely to ruin you financially than to cut off your limbs
L183[10:06:05] <GlassYuri> I guess
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L185[10:06:32] <ve2dmn> "The high-current electron beam struck the patients with approximately 100 times the intended dose of radiation, and over a narrower area, delivering a potentially lethal dose of beta radiation."
L186[10:07:18] <Althego> with pdp-11 it was probably c or fortran
L187[10:07:37] <Guest96656> Can someone explain how I can insert a picture in a reply on the KSP forum?
L188[10:08:08] <ve2dmn> Guest96656: easiest way is to use an image sharing site and link to that
L189[10:08:11] <GlassYuri> Guest96656, if you can't attach it upload it to imgur or some other hoster and embed it
L190[10:08:12] <ve2dmn> (like imgur)
L191[10:08:24] <Guest96656> thanks!
L192[10:09:26] <KrimZon_2> I wouldn't count a language as having killed someone unless it was a consequence of the language design
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L194[10:11:01] <ve2dmn> KrimZon_2: it was a race condition if my memory is correct. That 'could' have been prevented with another language, but remember that this was in 1980s with a PDP-11...
L195[10:11:18] <GlassYuri> KrimZon_2, well null has been called the most expensive mistake ever
L196[10:13:44] <sandbox> Mr Null
L197[10:14:49] <ve2dmn> GlassYuri: the tyranny of the default, and without input, Null is always the default. Just look at Null Island
L198[10:17:01] <Althego> hehe null island
L199[10:17:09] <Althego> i went there so many times
L200[10:17:14] <KrimZon_2> I'd define null as its own type, so when you try to assign null to something that isn't nulltype you get a type error.
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L202[10:17:38] <Althego> typical in simulators when lat-lon remains uninintialized
L203[10:17:59] <Althego> haha types
L204[10:18:18] <ve2dmn> KrimZon_2: you are thinking too high-level
L205[10:18:19] <Althego> the designers of ada thought something like that too
L206[10:18:33] <Althego> all they achieved is lenghty administration of types and no real safety
L207[10:18:46] <KrimZon_2> aw :/
L208[10:19:06] <KrimZon_2> i'd heard of ada but not seen much actual code written in it
L209[10:19:09] <ve2dmn> At the assembleur level... null is simply 0
L210[10:19:24] <Althego> the solution is obviously not a bdsm language, but testing
L211[10:20:44] <ve2dmn> And if you don't initialise variables at that low level (with anything) you get either 0 or the garbage that was left by the previous application
L212[10:20:44] <KrimZon_2> i wonder if the design of a language could make testing easier
L213[10:21:04] <ve2dmn> KrimZon_2: you can force the compiler to reject some things
L214[10:21:54] <ve2dmn> Like, there is a patch for GCC that force it to check for buffer overflow before any memory write
L215[10:22:13] <ve2dmn> but it takes CPU time to do that and nobody want a slower application
L216[10:23:14] <ve2dmn> Everything in life is a compromise and/or tradeoff.
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L218[10:24:57] <ve2dmn> Life lesson: never post a wall of text to a small subreddit and expect people to read it...
L219[10:25:18] <Althego> no, never expect people to read
L220[10:25:35] <Rokker> reading is for communists
L221[10:26:08] <ve2dmn> Althego: well, /r/truegaming has a self-selecting bias of well-meaning readers and it spoiled me
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L227[11:00:59] <ve2dmn> (for the record, I posted a wall of text to the Surviving Mars subreddit)
L228[11:01:28] <ve2dmn> If the devs reads it, I'll be happy
L229[11:05:50] <ve2dmn> the game isn't bad, but I have a few... frustrations... with it
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L231[11:08:42] <Althego> there is no scott manley narration for it :)
L232[11:09:17] <ve2dmn> I would pay for that DLC
L233[11:09:44] <ve2dmn> 1$ extra for the Scott Manley voice reading the in-game text
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L235[11:13:07] <KrazyKrl> I'd pay $2.49 for a custom Jon St. John stock chatterer voice line pack.
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L239[11:48:45] <Althego> hmm, i didnt see this
L240[11:48:46] <Althego> yet
L241[11:50:07] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6Joupv6f-M
L242[11:50:07] <kmath> YouTube - Juno and The New Jupiter: What Have We Learned So Far?
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L268[13:07:17] <Althego> what
L269[13:07:18] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53kq635mpMs
L270[13:07:18] <kmath> YouTube - New Mars Science Results
L271[13:07:23] <Althego> just started streaming now
L272[13:07:29] <Althego> i havent finished the jupiter one yet
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L282[13:35:38] <ve2dmn> Althego: did they find anything?
L283[13:35:46] <Althego> where
L284[13:35:52] <ve2dmn> On Mars
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L286[13:36:05] <ve2dmn> Aside from cool rocks
L287[13:36:14] <Althego> no life if you mean that
L288[13:36:22] <Althego> aside from a seasonal methane production
L289[13:36:32] <Althego> which may or may not be from life
L290[13:37:07] <ve2dmn> Cool
L291[13:37:17] <Althego> but that is not a new thing
L292[13:37:22] <JCB> methane production? Oooh.. lets build refueling stations there then! ;)
L293[13:38:07] <ve2dmn> JCB: depend on the amount. It might turn out that you and I produce more Methane in a day than this process...
L294[13:38:27] <Althego> hehe
L295[13:38:32] <Althego> i think it is about ppm levels
L296[13:39:16] <ve2dmn> "You want to harvest that? how" "Well, the tubes would be unconfortable at first, but you would get used to it"
L297[13:39:28] <Althego> lol
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L299[13:39:49] <ve2dmn> (I don't remember where that is from. I think Dilbert)
L300[13:39:59] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSUb38Mvnp0
L301[13:40:00] <kmath> YouTube - Beyond Good and Evil - jet boots
L302[13:41:05] <Althego> collecting that kind of gas for fuel usage is not a new idea :)
L303[13:45:29] <Althego> https://www.facebook.com/beautyphotograpy/videos/2122466154695545/
L304[13:46:39] <JCB> Althego I'm no 'cow'....
L305[13:47:01] <JCB> then again... someone once said, we produce less CO2 driving than if we were to walk/run the same distance.. or something
L306[13:52:04] <ve2dmn> Probably. But that CO2 came from a plant, so it was already part of Carbon cycle
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L308[13:52:04] <JCB> lol... carbon... you know we got carbon tax here? One of the reasons why we pay the most on gas than anywhere in North America. :\
L309[13:52:04] <ve2dmn> If will could fill our cars with food, we would not be even talking about it
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L319[14:04:13] <Draconiator> https://www.space.com/40819-mars-methane-organics-curiosity-rover.html - Well we don't see aliens, but we smell them.
L320[14:05:34] <ve2dmn> Smell like a crappy article
L321[14:05:58] <ve2dmn> This methane will be the butt of all jokes
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L327[14:43:19] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Did you ever wonder where Kerbals lived?
L328[14:44:19] <JCB> ... guessing other than in our heads?
L329[14:44:53] * Scolar_Visari assumes Kerbals live in underground bunkers.
L330[14:46:42] <Althego> must be underground
L331[14:46:49] <Althego> nothing on the surface
L332[14:46:58] <Althego> also heavy asteroid bombardement
L333[14:47:00] <JCB> Maybe they just digital clones... all come from one master copy stored in some building at the space center
L334[14:47:04] <Althego> almost no signs of life
L335[14:47:12] <Althego> and they wear the helmets on the surface too
L336[14:48:13] <JCB> they seem to know how to swim very well, someone suggested they could also be partly aquatic
L337[14:48:16] <darsie> They live in the asteroid complex.
L338[14:48:19] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: The Kerbal Space Program was created in response to Kerbin's deteriorating surface conditions. Slowly becoming uninhabitable, Jool's moons remain the only hope.
L339[14:48:19] <darsie> astronaut*
L340[14:48:59] <JCB> there is the ruins, old space complex...
L341[14:48:59] <Scolar_Visari> Also: Moar methane https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-finds-ancient-organic-material-mysterious-methane-on-mars
L342[14:49:19] <Scolar_Visari> JCB: In a generation, Kerbin will be unfit for complex life. The atmosphere will be replaced with rocket exhaust.
L343[14:49:43] <ve2dmn> I'm having a discussion on reddit where someone seems to think we will explore outside of our local cluster group...
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L345[14:50:08] <JCB> Perhaps.. or perhaps not, planet does have a lot of plantlife... was never determined what kind of fuel is used.
L346[14:50:32] <ve2dmn> I doubt we will cross the 4 millions+ light-years distance between here and outside the local cluster group
L347[14:51:09] <Althego> maybe not us
L348[14:51:17] <Althego> but some kind of ai descendants
L349[14:51:33] <ve2dmn> Sure. An AI could live millions of years
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L351[14:53:58] <JCB> who's to say.. the future could go any which direction... or even in multiples
L352[14:54:11] <ve2dmn> but good luck crossing that 4+ million light-years at sub-light speeds
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L354[14:54:36] <Scolar_Visari> That's better.
L355[14:54:43] <JCB> lol.. its only just space
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L357[14:55:28] <ve2dmn> JCB: it's fun to speculate, but I doubt with our current understanding of the universe we would go outside the solar system
L358[14:55:31] <Scolar_Visari> There's a lot more to space than space. Most of it's dark energy I guess?
L359[14:55:44] <ve2dmn> Space is hard and BIG. REAL BIG.
L360[14:55:50] <JCB> sure.. could cross that distance, but there are other things gotta worry about too. Time.. dilation.. particles..
L361[14:56:03] <ve2dmn> radiation
L362[14:56:22] <JCB> Voyager 1/2 pretty much there, took nearly same time I've been alive
L363[14:56:27] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: If you could make interplanetary travel pedestrian, I'm sure you'd have the radiation thing figured out by the time you want to do interstellar.
L364[14:56:41] <Scolar_Visari> JCB: Time dilation, on extreme scales, would be extraordinarily helpful.
L365[14:57:03] <JCB> go out there, come back, find out 4billion years passed
L366[14:57:04] <Scolar_Visari> Though getting to high fractions of c would be problematic.
L367[14:57:29] <Scolar_Visari> JCB: That's not quite how it'd work unless you're traveling intergalactic.
L368[14:57:37] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: which is why I said earlier that we will never leave the local cluster
L369[14:57:52] <JCB> might not even have to deal with distances... just jump instantly, but then there has been talk about disconnect of time between two locations placed such a large distance
L370[14:57:59] <Scolar_Visari> Though I believe a return journey is typically not a consideration in any quasi-plausible discussion of interstellar travel.
L371[14:58:29] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: I was gone, though I wouldn't say never, particularly if human-sicle shenanigans ever become a thing.
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L373[14:59:00] <JCB> lol.. book I have talks about using black holes as a power source.... powering interstellar ships
L374[14:59:10] <Scolar_Visari> Or, Heaven forbid, antimatter rockets with thrust greater than a baby's fart.
L375[14:59:20] <ve2dmn> You really think we could build a ship that travel to a fraction of c and that last for 4 millions+ years?
L376[14:59:37] <APlayer> One day? Why not?
L377[14:59:50] <JCB> may not even need spaceships...
L378[15:00:21] <ve2dmn> We have trouble building things that last 1000 years... much less 10000
L379[15:00:33] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: So long as you don't violate causality and do it before the Universe's expansion physically forbids it.
L380[15:00:49] * Scolar_Visari notes applying modern technology to a problem in the far future is extraordinarily problematic.
L381[15:00:56] <JCB> ve2dmn you are talking about a ten-fold in time... human race hasn't exactly been around super long time
L382[15:01:07] <Althego> we can build things to last several thousand years
L383[15:01:08] <Scolar_Visari> It'd be like us trying to apply Egyptian architecture to modern skyscraper construction.
L384[15:01:12] <Althego> butthey are made of stone and not machines
L385[15:01:29] * ve2dmn shrugs
L386[15:02:03] <JCB> space environment is a relatively new thing for us. making something to last on Earth as opposed to in space presents different challenges.
L387[15:02:05] <ve2dmn> I just don't see it with our current understanding of how things work
L388[15:02:27] * Scolar_Visari ponders using Psi Operative stasis fields.
L389[15:02:40] <JCB> skyscrapes.. stone.. isn't concrete just a version of stone?
L390[15:02:52] <Scolar_Visari> JCB: Skyscrapers typically rely more on steel than stone.
L391[15:03:03] <Scolar_Visari> You really couldn't *get* skyscrapers without lots of steel, in fact.
L392[15:03:11] <Scolar_Visari> And modern ones typically use lots of glass.
L393[15:03:21] <JCB> ok so some steal, sure..
L394[15:03:36] <JCB> mind you, japanese have managed to make houses that don't even use nails
L395[15:03:42] * Scolar_Visari points at the Empire State Building, for instance, using steel for its strength and employing the limestone mostly for decoration as it doesn't carry the weight of the building.
L396[15:03:51] <Scolar_Visari> JCB: That's true with most historical cultures.
L397[15:03:53] <Draconiator> Steel was made from things that came from the earth too :P
L398[15:04:14] <Rolf> theres bucnh of housing styles that doesnt
L399[15:04:20] <JCB> a lot of the towers going up over here, concrete and steel reinforcement
L400[15:04:48] * Scolar_Visari points to the waddle and daub style of housing popular in Medieval Europe, relying mostly on sticks held together with a mixture of poo and horse hair.
L401[15:06:09] <JCB> Scolar_Visari seen a video on one of those... economical, but the stench... when people could afford, they made some improvements on things. Stone was also used
L402[15:06:23] <Rolf> in old days people would burn down house theyre moving out in order to get nails back
L403[15:06:42] <Draconiator> Gotta wonder what kept our ancestors back from the tech explosion nowadays.
L404[15:07:03] <Althego> knowledge
L405[15:07:04] <JCB> sigh... still get the occasional arsonist..
L406[15:07:13] <Althego> or the lack of it
L407[15:07:18] <JCB> maybe even some people playing dirty, forcing redevelopments
L408[15:07:20] <Rolf> Draconiator: no science
L409[15:07:32] <Rolf> also, keeping discoveries secret
L410[15:07:58] <JCB> partly knowledge, partly survival, partly some people felt that religion and serving the lord was more priority
L411[15:07:59] <Scolar_Visari> Rolf: That's not really a thing throughout most history aside from very rare examples ala the secret (albeit poorly kept) production of silk.
L412[15:08:58] <Scolar_Visari> Keeping Greek Fire secret, for example, was likely one of the reasons the Roman Empire could hardly produce much of it.
L413[15:09:08] <ve2dmn> I'm thinking it also took critical mass to get the bass rolling on the science
L414[15:10:10] <JCB> there was a number of factors...
L415[15:10:27] <JCB> quite a bit of science was actually repressed at times
L416[15:10:34] <Scolar_Visari> JCB: That's more a myth than reality.
L417[15:10:35] <ve2dmn> bass? ball rolling. Stupid brain
L418[15:11:21] * Scolar_Visari wishes there was some way the Dark Ages myths could be taken out back and hanged and quartered.
L419[15:11:41] <JCB> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_Revolution
L420[15:12:05] <JCB> I only know some things...
L421[15:12:35] * Scolar_Visari notes the time frame in the link covers the period before and after the Reformation and Counter Reformation.
L422[15:13:29] <Draconiator> I even read something that said our LEDs today were reverse-engineered from the Roswell UFO. Do I believe that/ no. lol
L423[15:14:17] <Scolar_Visari> Draconiator: That's a myth. They actually have their basis in technology recovered from a captured Sectoid circa 1960s.
L424[15:14:27] <JCB> Men in Black RPG book says, almost all of the tech now, was brought from other races/worlds... or something.
L425[15:14:40] <Rolf> didnt you know, everything was reverse engineered from time machine found in 1700s
L426[15:14:50] <Rolf> no aliens. just humans
L427[15:15:28] <Scolar_Visari> JCB: As much in good humor as that is, a lot of people in the past and modernity (IE Chariots of the Gods) have used the same claims in serious attacks on cultures deemed too stupid to have developed things on their own like the Great Pyramids.
L428[15:15:32] <JCB> meh.. just thankful for some things we have... social media? Ugh... like I got time for that these days?
L429[15:15:45] <Draconiator> "Hey Gorble, have the humans recieved our declaration of war?" "They have Yable, but they play them in places called Clubs, and they call it Dubstep now.
L430[15:15:47] <Draconiator> "
L431[15:16:00] <JCB> ;P
L432[15:16:37] <Althego> are whales smarter than humans?
L433[15:16:57] <Scolar_Visari> More seriously: Technology wasn't reverse engineered. We simply bought it off the Bentusi.
L434[15:17:03] <Althego> hehe
L435[15:17:11] <Rolf> https://pics.me.me/robots-read-news-an-occasional-web-comic-by-scott-adams-17647230.png
L436[15:18:00] * Scolar_Visari shudders at the mention of Scott Adams in a discussion of science.
L437[15:18:12] <JCB> I don't have answers for everything... I do know to things, internet has a lot more stuff than I do. And I need food soon.
L438[15:19:04] <Scolar_Visari> The internet has any answer you want. Some more accurate than others.
L439[15:19:30] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@86ff478a.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
L440[15:19:40] * Scolar_Visari considers the implementation of Wikipedia:Identifying reliable sources on a global scale.
L441[15:19:44] <JCB> internet also poses a lot of problems as well.. goes bothways
L442[15:21:50] <Scolar_Visari> "SpaceX promised to fly tourists to the Moon. How's that going?" No they did not.
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L444[15:22:25] <Scolar_Visari> "Nothing else has been announced officially" Except for the cancellation of any and all plans to ever launch a manned vessel on the Falcon Heavy.
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L446[15:23:39] <JCB> moon tourists... has me looking for my mun cruise ship...
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L449[15:24:50] <Scolar_Visari> SpaceX was solicited by private individuals for a Lunar mission, but it opted not to pursue them beyond what appears to have been back of the envelope planning. I'm unsure as to why this story continues to be incorrectly covered.
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L451[15:26:28] <JCB> ah found it..
L452[15:27:13] <JCB> one career, I had something like 12 tourist jump out of the woodwork. 2 wanted kerbin orbit, 10 wanted mun orbit..
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L454[15:27:47] <JCB> somehow managed to build, launch a craft with only lvl2 pad and VAB...
L455[15:28:33] ⇦ Quits: EricPoehlsen (EricPoehlsen!~EricPoehl@p5498CC83.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Transdimensional connection terminated abnormally.)
L456[15:29:16] <Scolar_Visari> What on Earth . . . ? "NASA is 100% safe and 100% boring. They should ask for volunteers for a 95% safe orbital system at 25% cost of the 100% safe system. Solid rockets are the way to go with a robust capsule eject system."
L457[15:29:35] <Scolar_Visari> So . . . NASA's already done exactly what this person wanted?
L458[15:29:57] <JCB> sorry to burst the bubble, going to space has always been considered not safe...
L459[15:30:19] <Scolar_Visari> JCB: It's probably as safe as driving.
L460[15:30:21] <JCB> then again, never has been walking across the street..
L461[15:30:46] <Scolar_Visari> Though, ahem, solid fuel LES have already been a thing for a while now, not that they're the end-all to LES.
L462[15:31:04] * Scolar_Visari points to CST-100 and Dragon V2 liquid fuel escape rockets.
L463[15:31:30] <JCB> You can never eliminate risk, only manage it
L464[15:33:30] <JCB> any case.. gotta go..
L465[15:33:32] ⇦ Quits: JCB (JCB!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L466[15:33:57] <Scolar_Visari> Oh dear. "No plans whatsoever to create faster engines to send probes to other star systems. No plans to deflect killer asteroids. All we do spends billions peeping into Space with multiple telescopes, that's it!"
L467[15:34:22] * Scolar_Visari hides the papers on asteroid deflection strategies.
L468[15:36:35] <Scolar_Visari> New rule: Any time any one ever mentions, "faster engines" in the context of spaceflight, they probably haven't a clue as to what they're talking about.
L469[15:39:54] <Scolar_Visari> It sucks in air https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-44396781
L470[15:40:00] <schnobs> Wasn't there a way to remote control a probe from a nearby crewed vessel, no link back to kerbin required?
L471[15:43:31] <Scolar_Visari> There still should be.
L472[15:43:52] <Scolar_Visari> They appear to require a minimum number of pilots, however.
L473[15:44:42] <Scolar_Visari> Older but probably relevant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gJxljWQO1U
L474[15:44:43] <kmath> YouTube - How to do remote control with pilots in Kerbal Space Program 1.2
L475[15:44:45] <schnobs> Just reading up on it (why isn't that on KSPedia?)...
L476[15:45:02] <Scolar_Visari> schnobs: I've noticed it's not been up to date on a lot of stuff (such as new parts).
L477[15:45:44] <schnobs> you need a 2.5m Capsule or Lander Can to *give* control, plus a spare pilot and relay antenna. Most everything can take it, even cockpits.
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L479[15:48:19] * Scolar_Visari would think an in-game pedia ala the Civpedia would also be helpful.
L480[15:49:17] <schnobs> Wouldn't it be nice? That's what I was hoping for when I first heard of KSPedia.
L481[15:54:30] <Scolar_Visari> Heck, even the Total War games have a -pedia now.
L482[15:54:56] <Scolar_Visari> Though, nonsensically, one that you must be online to use. Heaven forbid they re-integrate an offline one again.
L483[15:57:11] <schnobs> Been a long while since i touched that. It's easy to add a -pedia, but for content and usefulness, Civ sets the benchmark I think.
L484[15:57:53] <Scolar_Visari> The City Builder games (Caesar III, Pharaoh, etc.) had pretty good in game encylopedias to match their novel-length manuals.
L485[15:58:02] <Scolar_Visari> And that was starting in the 90's!
L486[15:58:23] * Scolar_Visari is still a bit disappointed Stellaris didn't add one given the amount of writing that went into its other content.
L487[16:00:11] <schnobs> Well, back in the 90s it was probaly more necessary. In my neck of the woods, (affordable) internet flatrates didn't turn up until y2k or so.
L488[16:01:26] <Scolar_Visari> It is irritating in modern games to have online-only encyclopedias, though, particularly since it means opening up a memory eating browser.
L489[16:01:43] <Scolar_Visari> It's like Creative Assembly forgot how to make in-game windows . . .
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L549[22:01:02] <Draco12> so I managed to remove the IDE/PATA interface board out of one of my old CD-ROM drives...if I replace it with a SATA one, it would work right?
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L557[22:38:14] <JCB> Mmm...
L558[22:39:19] <JCB> been mulling over something. In the early days, they just wanted to get someone into space... but later, they went to two and three person crews. I understand workload and wanting to go bigger, but was there any other reasons why they didn't go back to two person crew ships?
L559[22:39:46] <JCB> asking because been brainstorming something for a project..
L560[22:41:10] <bees> you launch what your rocket payload gives you
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L562[22:41:29] <bees> and large space stations like ISS require a lot of maintenance
L563[22:41:53] <bees> would probably be much less in next gen station, because ISS is somewhat ancient already
L564[22:41:58] <JCB> I know there was issues with isolation on single person crew..
L565[22:42:58] <JCB> lol.. ancient huh?
L566[22:43:43] <bees> electronics, solar panels
L567[22:44:51] <bees> ISS is a long lived station, new one with all this data from ISS could be much better
L568[22:44:54] <JCB> perhaps, though this ain't no cell phone.. oop two months, gotta get a new one
L569[22:45:30] <JCB> at least we are getting a lot of mileage out of it...
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L571[22:45:48] <JCB> don't forget, hubble's been up quite a while too
L572[22:48:48] <Supernovy> 3 was chosen because that's how many people you need for 24 hours of eight hour shifts. I think the idea came from the navy.
L573[22:49:41] <Supernovy> For the Skylab missions I'd guess they chose three because they already had a three-crew craft.
L574[22:50:04] <Supernovy> Don't know why Soyuz went up to three. Their moon mission was planned for two.
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L578[23:22:06] <JCB> The Russians did two and three... It was more to do with the design of teh spacecraft and how much room they had. Unfortunately, at the time, in order to fit 3, the crew couldn't wear suits. That didn't exactly go over well and was changed
L579[23:25:06] <JCB> hmm.. speaking of shifts... I take it no mod that takes into account rest periods? (kerbals never rest?)
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