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L3[00:27:02] <Draconiator> https://www.yahoo.com/news/nvidia-mini-supercomputer-fastest-single-161806876.html
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L11[00:42:13] <Althego> nince, can i have one?
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L57[03:45:09] <gartral> arrrgh I can not make a decent vehicle for love, sex or money, non of my craft want go straight ahead down range without ocilating or pulling...
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L59[03:46:27] <gartral> the premade crafts all act fine, so it's almost certainly my own fault, I just can't figure out what it is i'm doing wrong
L60[03:47:20] <Althego> the usual com vs col probably
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L62[03:48:05] <Althego> preferably yellow ball in front of cyan ball
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L67[04:23:52] <gartral> com should be *SLIGHTLY* in front of col, yes?
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L69[04:28:53] <Althego> yes
L70[04:29:11] <Althego> too much and it becomes a dart that flies an arc and hits the ground
L71[04:29:23] <Althego> dont forget that com moves with fuel
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L76[04:56:55] <Epi> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwO4ohqkjb0 a ksp gun
L77[04:57:05] <Epi> a very nice slowmo mid way ^
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L101[07:15:58] <Rokker> Althego: ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
L102[07:16:15] <Rokker> Althego: ive always found that bit of the guide to be a bit of an exaggeration
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L104[07:18:07] <Rokker> gartral: the most important thing is yellow in front of cyan
L105[07:18:16] <Rokker> how far isnt as important as most people say
L106[07:18:29] <Althego> it is quite important
L107[07:18:42] <Althego> i had lot of uncontrollable things where the distance wa too big
L108[07:18:57] <Rokker> thats a personal problem then
L109[07:19:07] <Althego> no, that is caused by physics
L110[07:19:26] <Althego> it is your personal problem that you think the distance is not important
L111[07:19:37] <Rokker> Althego: "slightly" as he put it, is an overly precise method
L112[07:21:53] <Rokker> Althego: any "lawn dart" effect can be overcome with sufficient control surface usage
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L114[07:22:30] <Althego> just as slightly unstable things can also be used
L115[07:22:50] <Rokker> Althego: im not talking about the real world
L116[07:23:13] <Rokker> im talking about KSP, and there are no reasonably sound methods to control an unstable craft in KSP
L117[07:23:15] <Althego> lso works in the game
L118[07:23:23] <Rokker> as opposed to an overly stable craft
L119[07:23:29] <Althego> because it does not take drag into account, and that can stabilzie you enough for flight
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L121[07:26:07] <Rokker> Althego: anyways, slightly in front of has always been an overexaggeration and you can afford to go a decent bit forward
L122[07:26:28] <Rokker> typically
L123[07:26:29] <Althego> that depends on what you mean by slightly and decent bit
L124[07:26:32] <Rokker> depends on the craft
L125[07:26:56] <Althego> many people mean the balls must be touching (hehe) i think that is false, there can be some distance between them
L126[07:27:26] <Rokker> http://www.wingsbywerntz.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/CG-CL-TailForce1.png
L127[07:36:58] <Rokker> Althego: tails can fix all problems
L128[07:37:11] <Althego> not in ksp
L129[07:38:16] <Rokker> Althego: ALL PROBLEMS
L130[07:38:47] <Althego> only with ears too :)
L131[07:45:27] * Rokker smashes Althego with a plane tail
L132[07:45:36] <Rokker> *all problems*
L133[07:46:02] <Althego> ... and rokker? smash!
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L189[11:14:30] <Althego> spacex launch postponed again
L190[11:14:42] <Althego> at least they could have pushed it to the weekend
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L192[11:23:43] <Fluburtur> I want to revive the flying pc fan
L193[11:23:50] <Fluburtur> but it needs to be a surprise for dedd
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L197[11:33:19] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/6c2aea12bdae6d474a20b4eabe2e8673/tumblr_ojsgjjPSK61r73bz3o1_540.jpg
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L199[11:41:08] <Fluburtur> .choose play war thunder|repair my heli
L200[11:41:13] <Fluburtur> uh
L201[11:41:21] <Althego> repair heli
L202[11:41:26] <Fluburtur> ;choose do something useful|no do something useful
L203[11:41:26] <Althego> do it!
L204[11:41:26] <kmath> Fluburtur: do something useful
L205[11:41:46] <Fluburtur> well I just have to plug it to the computer in order do do the settings of the tail servo
L206[11:41:57] <Fluburtur> will probably need to change the gains later too
L207[11:43:05] <Fluburtur> im still gonna play some war thunder
L208[11:43:13] <Fluburtur> to get the daily thing
L209[11:43:17] <Althego> hehe
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L218[12:25:08] <Althego> attention! there is absolutely no cause for alarm!
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L221[12:29:14] <ve2dmn> Althego: DON'T PANIC
L222[12:29:51] <Althego> not so friendly letters
L223[12:30:49] <TheKosmonaut> The wing is *not* on fire!
L224[12:30:55] <Althego> that
L225[12:33:04] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh_shsRfXqk
L226[12:33:04] <kmath> YouTube - Monty Python Airplane Pilots
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L232[13:14:21] <Fluburtur> Rokker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwO4ohqkjb0
L233[13:14:21] <kmath> YouTube - Shooting the MBA Gyrojet Rocket Carbine - Sneak Preview!
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L246[14:19:26] <Fluburtur> Rokker https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/451827034805501962/20180531211735_1.jpg
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L249[14:27:50] <Althego> winter is coming https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/02065/mcam/2065MR0109570000903723E01_DXXX.jpg
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L251[14:30:36] <Althego> actually it seems to be summer
L252[14:32:15] <APlayer> LOL. The ISS will be above me soon, and there is a thunderstorm, so I went to see the livestream. First thing I noticed was the camera wiggling on occasion. I thought it had a gimbal. Then, some sort of apparently soft bad or something drifted into view. I figured it must be attached on the outside nearby, though I did wonder why it drifted into view. And suddenly, a glove appears to fetch the bag out of view
L253[14:32:15] <APlayer> again.
L254[14:32:21] <APlayer> Imagine my reaction.
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L256[14:33:56] <Althego> i cant
L257[14:34:02] <Althego> what is the importance of this?
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L267[15:22:01] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L273[16:05:01] <Rokker> APlayer: I'm gonna imagine it was surprise
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L276[16:06:09] <APlayer> Rokker: Intensify that
L277[16:06:26] <Rokker> APlayer: anyways I'm assuming you were using hdev?
L278[16:08:00] <APlayer> I was using this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtU_mdL2vBM I think that's HDEV, yes.
L279[16:08:05] <APlayer> The EVA is still ongoing, too
L280[16:08:13] <Rokker> meh
L281[16:08:30] <Rokker> up until recently I suppose it wasnt live
L282[16:08:34] <Rokker> which annoyed me
L283[16:08:40] <Rokker> it was recorded
L284[16:08:56] <Rokker> as you could tell vs the actual low quality live stream
L285[16:09:35] <Rokker> looks like that has changed
L286[16:15:39] ⇦ Quits: Alanonzander (Alanonzander!~Mibbit@mobile-107-92-123-192.mycingular.net) (Quit: I'm gone!)
L287[16:15:43] <Rokker> APlayer: altho there isnt supposed to be a spacewalk today
L288[16:16:02] <APlayer> Well, apparently
L289[16:16:09] <APlayer> You see one :P
L290[16:18:07] <APlayer> "(This stream may upset those who believe in a Theory such as Flat-earth, Please make an effort to share a constructive comment on live chat. www.theguardian.com/science/2016/jan/20/flat-earth-believers-youtube-videos-conspiracy-theorists)"
L291[16:18:28] <APlayer> Gah
L292[16:19:38] <APlayer> The stream is a recording, probably. It is not in sync with the NASA one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSTH0RBUV6I
L293[16:19:39] <kmath> YouTube - Earth Views from the Space Station's High Definition Earth-Viewing System
L294[16:20:00] <APlayer> The NASA one is consistent with ISS tracker's terminator passage, too
L295[16:21:47] ⇦ Quits: Lyneira (Lyneira!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:20c:29ff:fea6:d040) (Quit: Bye)
L296[16:21:48] <Rokker> APlayer: it annoys me that they dont say that on the video
L297[16:22:05] <APlayer> It annoys me that it says "LIVE" in big red letters
L298[16:23:22] <APlayer> Anyway, I'm off for today
L299[16:26:48] <Rokker> APlayer: then you definitely arent watching NASA steam
L300[16:26:59] <Rokker> those people livestream launches tha thappened weeks ago
L301[16:28:09] ⇦ Quits: APlayer (APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BC12900388585C64EB063B3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L302[16:32:30] <Fluburtur> Mat2ch is this the german anthem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLpxatSPQ1A
L303[16:32:30] <kmath> YouTube - TORPEDO BOYZ - Ich Bin Ausländer (Leider Zum Glück) (Official Video)
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L305[16:37:21] <Eddi|zuHause> only marginally different than i remember
L306[16:38:51] <Eddi|zuHause> there was this segment in Karambolage (ARTE) once, where they asked 10 people in berlin to sing/whistle/whatever the french anthem, and 10 people in paris to do the same with the german anthem
L307[16:39:42] <Eddi|zuHause> outcome: 10/10 germans knew the french anthem, lots of them with text, and 1/10 french people knew the german anthem. and that 1 person was actually not french but belgian
L308[16:41:09] <Fluburtur> I actually never heard of the german anthem
L309[16:41:26] <Fluburtur> so I guess peoples in france are not interested about it
L310[16:44:57] <Eddi|zuHause> well, the melody is from some barely known composer called Haydn
L311[16:45:30] <Eddi|zuHause> and the text... well, we discarded most of that after some people took it literally that germany should extend between Maas and Memel
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L317[17:17:50] <transitbiker> bwoop
L318[17:18:16] <transitbiker> how's everyone doing?
L319[17:19:52] <transitbiker> question for all the computer geeks in here: which computer accessories still come regularly with the noise donuts on the power cable?
L320[17:21:52] <ve2dmn> transitbiker: not many
L321[17:22:06] <transitbiker> i figured as much
L322[17:22:22] <UmbralRaptop> noise donuts?
L323[17:22:26] <ve2dmn> the cheaper the thing..... the cheaper the thing :D
L324[17:22:45] <transitbiker> ive noticed them on traction control circuitry in EMU cars an locomotive
L325[17:22:55] <transitbiker> ferrite bead EM filter?
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L327[17:24:00] <transitbiker> those weird plastic blocks on cables, i call them donuts because many of them are simple round ferrite ceramic things resembling a donut
L328[17:24:12] <transitbiker> some are more tube shaped
L329[17:24:55] <ve2dmn> ok... so I'm starting a new game for Surviving Mars and I need a historicaly significative set of Coord on mars
L330[17:25:40] <transitbiker> probably look for NASA's data sheets on potential early probe landing sites?
L331[17:25:55] <transitbiker> i'm sure they are online somewhere
L332[17:26:04] *** Nekark is now known as Kracc
L333[17:27:23] <transitbiker> i do believe some of the charts were built from math worked on by "calculators", featured in the film "hidden figures".
L334[17:28:27] <transitbiker> there was also the manned mars rocket initiative, which was ultimately canceled
L335[17:28:55] <transitbiker> i do believe some math was done for that
L336[17:29:18] <transitbiker> well, officially documented math, i mean
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L338[17:30:47] <ve2dmn> transitbiker: it's for a game...
L339[17:31:08] <ve2dmn> I just want to know what Viking or Mariner landed... so I went with Google Mars
L340[17:31:16] <transitbiker> google mars <3
L341[17:31:32] <transitbiker> i like x-plane's mars mode
L342[17:31:41] <transitbiker> quite challenging
L343[17:32:54] <ve2dmn> transitbiker: https://steamcommunity.com/broadcast/watch/76561197994451548/
L344[17:35:04] <transitbiker> oooo fun
L345[17:41:22] <transitbiker> reminds me very much of "space colony"
L346[17:44:18] <transitbiker> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Colony_(video_game)
L347[17:55:56] <transitbiker> any suggestions t extend flight time?? https://i.imgur.com/WsFRzFi.png
L348[17:56:06] <Supercheese> drop takns
L349[17:56:09] <Supercheese> tanks*
L350[17:56:14] <transitbiker> hmmm
L351[17:57:01] <transitbiker> i did just put taller gear to better accommodate the engines (touchy tail strike profile) so that may work
L352[17:58:32] <transitbiker> https://i.imgur.com/HL9Birk.png think there's enough room?
L353[18:00:17] <transitbiker> so i was researching hypersonic engines (the kind used on Y-12, SR-71 etc) and it seems that engine pre-coolers are actually a thing, though no production engines currently use them
L354[18:00:53] <transitbiker> ve2dmn, the music on that game is pretty decent!
L355[18:01:11] <Supercheese> you can also put wingtip tanks
L356[18:01:20] <Supercheese> if you're concerned about ground clearance for drop tanks
L357[18:01:57] <transitbiker> well
L358[18:02:14] <ve2dmn> transitbiker: I could try another radio station
L359[18:03:05] <transitbiker> that is an option, however because of the wing forces at landing and at speed, i would want to minimize outboard loads
L360[18:03:13] <transitbiker> i'm trying to work without struts
L361[18:03:31] <transitbiker> ve2dmn, up to you ^-^
L362[18:04:14] <transitbiker> the battery packs are on the wings, i'd have to move them to the fuselage, which may adversely affect the thermal profile
L363[18:04:45] <transitbiker> currently the middle 3 sections of the fuselage are coolest at the edge of the speed capabilities
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L365[18:06:04] <transitbiker> i can test it, i guess
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L368[18:17:40] <transitbiker> does not seem to affect thermal profile
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L371[18:19:38] <Eddi|zuHause> last time i tried medium gear on small planes, the plane jumped up in the air when landed and quickloaded
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L373[18:20:57] <transitbiker> that seems to no longer be an issue
L374[18:21:07] <transitbiker> which version was that?
L375[18:21:31] <Eddi|zuHause> not sure, might be 1.3.x
L376[18:23:01] <transitbiker> im on 1.2.2 still
L377[18:23:59] <transitbiker> not going to update for a bit
L378[18:24:08] <transitbiker> not fond of the new EULA
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L383[18:29:13] <transitbiker> i like how the rock harvesters have realistic 'will contaminate nearby structures with dust"
L384[18:30:27] <transitbiker> well, it can take off
L385[18:32:35] <transitbiker> wow.. talk about FOD prone design! https://i.imgur.com/sbj5iKc.png
L386[18:34:31] <Supercheese> O.o
L387[18:35:04] <transitbiker> yeah its a small thing, drop tanks are good, but you gotta go about it the right way
L388[18:35:20] <transitbiker> i may end up doing top mounted on the wings
L389[18:35:46] <transitbiker> i hope that isnt the case, beause it will affect handling bigtime
L390[18:37:45] <transitbiker> ok, the tail strike profile with the tanks seems to line up with the existing one, just a bit of added heft and suspension travel on rotate
L391[18:40:14] <transitbiker> fuel profile set
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L394[18:46:24] <transitbiker> that's quite the overwhelming tech tree
L395[18:47:43] <ve2dmn> meh
L396[18:47:45] ⇨ Joins: BenjaminK (BenjaminK!~ben@
L397[18:47:51] <BenjaminK> hello everyone
L398[18:47:55] <ve2dmn> it's mostly linear once you know it
L399[18:48:13] <BenjaminK> I'm wondering if anyone knows how to get the forward direction of a vessel programmaticly
L400[18:48:25] <BenjaminK> or the 'front' of the vessel
L401[18:48:34] <ve2dmn> define 'programaticly'
L402[18:48:45] <BenjaminK> with code through thr API
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L404[18:50:23] <BenjaminK> I think I found something
L405[18:50:35] <ve2dmn> Krpc, kOS or modding?
L406[18:50:48] <BenjaminK> modding
L407[18:51:06] <BenjaminK> for everyone else: https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/api/class_vessel.html#a1d06dad7d53ef6fad5f3f3e563acbf83 <- this might do it
L408[18:51:24] <transitbiker> well the drop tanks worked
L409[18:51:38] <transitbiker> still feeding off them
L410[18:51:40] <ve2dmn> yeah, the vessel class would do it :D
L411[18:53:41] <transitbiker> unanticipated side effect of adding the drop tanks: they seem to be acting as limited heatsinks for the wing
L412[18:54:54] <transitbiker> cold soaked fuel frost
L413[18:57:14] <transitbiker> dat cold wave tho
L414[18:57:40] <BenjaminK> ve2dmn: Bit of therory here: Vessel has up, north, and east vectors
L415[18:57:56] <BenjaminK> are those static or do they change with the rotation of the vessel?
L416[18:58:15] <ve2dmn> let me check
L417[19:00:24] <ve2dmn> not sure :/
L418[19:00:36] <transitbiker> ay look, it's BFR!
L419[19:00:37] <BenjaminK> yeah I'm testing that
L420[19:00:39] <BenjaminK> hold on
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L422[19:09:56] <BenjaminK> so it appears the up and upaxis are almost the same, and it does change with position
L423[19:10:09] <BenjaminK> however, I have no idea how it changes or what the values represent
L424[19:10:11] <BenjaminK> :V
L425[19:10:16] <transitbiker> ?
L426[19:10:54] <BenjaminK> the values for two vessel attributes at different locations
L427[19:11:02] <ve2dmn> I'm mostly used to this theses days: https://ksp-kos.github.io/KOS/structures/vessels/vessel.html
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L429[19:16:31] <BenjaminK> oh god what have I got myself into :V
L430[19:16:38] <BenjaminK> thanks for the tip ve2dmn
L431[19:17:59] <transitbiker> you know you have a space junk problem when it starts de-orbiting intact with crew onboard
L432[19:18:57] <transitbiker> random capsule here, random probe there o.o
L433[19:19:52] <transitbiker> ok, time to clean up the place
L434[19:21:40] <transitbiker> what is the lowest orbital altitude to avoid atmospheric drag orbit decay in stock vanilla ksp?
L435[19:21:54] <transitbiker> i know it's higher than 70 km
L436[19:21:57] <BenjaminK> for which body?
L437[19:22:02] <transitbiker> kerbin
L438[19:22:07] <BenjaminK> 70km ecactly
L439[19:22:17] <BenjaminK> exactly
L440[19:22:27] <transitbiker> ive had stuff at 71km de-orbit on its own
L441[19:22:35] <BenjaminK> !shrug
L442[19:22:45] <BenjaminK> that's where the atmosphere ends
L443[19:22:49] <transitbiker> hmmm
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L445[19:26:28] <BenjaminK> Heading would be the direction a vessel is pointing, yes?
L446[19:26:34] ⇨ Joins: GlassYuri (GlassYuri!webchat@122x216x200x226.ap122.ftth.ucom.ne.jp)
L447[19:27:37] <transitbiker> no, direction of travel
L448[19:27:45] <BenjaminK> relative to what?
L449[19:27:55] <BenjaminK> north?
L450[19:28:35] <transitbiker> if you're going from paris to moscow on a train, your body personage can be on a heading, while your body personage is on a -different- orientation
L451[19:28:56] <transitbiker> your orientation is what is pointing where
L452[19:29:09] <BenjaminK> okay
L453[19:29:40] <transitbiker> your heading is direction of travel though a defined space, such as a room or solar system
L454[19:30:02] <BenjaminK> alright
L455[19:30:43] ⇨ Joins: JCB (JCB!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net)
L456[19:31:02] <transitbiker> i believe the proper term for the combined orientation and heading is "attitude"
L457[19:32:13] <JCB> ... vector?
L458[19:32:25] <transitbiker> vector is your path
L459[19:32:27] <JCB> lol sorry...
L460[19:32:30] <transitbiker> :D
L461[19:32:40] <JCB> vector is path and speed
L462[19:32:46] <transitbiker> ok
L463[19:32:50] <ve2dmn> Victor?
L464[19:33:05] <transitbiker> my head is full of coldy cobwebs -sneezes-
L465[19:33:22] <JCB> attitude can just be your orientation.. heading is part of that aspect
L466[19:34:05] <JCB> orientation being heading (yaw), pitch, roll...
L467[19:34:49] <transitbiker> woah ok that didnt work
L468[19:35:20] <JCB> ... blew out more than cobwebs did ya?
L469[19:35:44] <transitbiker> tried de-orbiting my crew escape/rescue craft, staging was all wrong plus yeah ww
L470[19:36:00] <transitbiker> crew died
L471[19:36:17] <SirWhales> rip
L472[19:36:51] <transitbiker> the retro rockets rotated into the rescue pod part of the ship, so now an empty command module is floating down
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L475[19:39:29] <transitbiker> rip those kerbals x-x
L476[19:39:33] <BenjaminK> is Steven Madding on the channel?
L477[19:39:38] <BenjaminK> is he ever on the channel?
L478[19:39:45] <transitbiker> who?
L479[19:40:03] <BenjaminK> continuer of kOS
L480[19:40:09] <transitbiker> yes
L481[19:40:29] <transitbiker> you'll see some folks like him pop in every once in a while
L482[19:41:24] <transitbiker> from what i know of video game development, chatting with end uses in a forum or channel for that game can be very distracting
L483[19:41:59] <BenjaminK> ah yes
L484[19:42:29] <GlassYuri> I like interacting with my users on twitter, but then there are only like 20 of them, of which two give feedback
L485[19:42:41] <transitbiker> hehe
L486[19:42:58] <GlassYuri> protip: the less users you have, the more likely you are to please everyone
L487[19:43:17] <ve2dmn> GlassYuri: I have 1. me
L488[19:43:27] <transitbiker> that's a bigass dome
L489[19:43:44] <ve2dmn> transitbiker: it's the smallest
L490[19:44:22] <UmbralRaptop> ve2dmn: I strongly recommend against that user. They will find every flaw in your program and hate you for it.
L491[19:44:35] <UmbralRaptop> Also, that user knows where you live.
L492[19:44:39] <ve2dmn> UmbralRaptop: too late
L493[19:44:53] <GlassYuri> ve2dmn, I think it is absolutely necessary for one's self-esteem to have at least one user who hasn't seen how bad the code is
L494[19:45:23] <transitbiker> i would guess that larger domes would need to be made out of intersecting trusses, with some substantial anchorage toward the base of the main legs
L495[19:45:58] <ve2dmn> transitbiker: etter?
L496[19:46:07] <ve2dmn> better?
L497[19:46:28] <transitbiker> we have a ower shortage m8
L498[19:46:37] <transitbiker> shower?
L499[19:46:59] <GlassYuri> UmbralRaptop, I ran a twitter poll about how necessary users think a certain feature is, out of 54 participants 11 stated they were going to kill me over it
L500[19:47:19] <UmbralRaptop> GlassYuri: uh.
L501[19:47:48] <GlassYuri> they don't know exactly where I live, but given that some of them likely live near me and have common interests, I'm not very safe
L502[19:48:11] <transitbiker> ve2dmn, how big is the lozenge shaped dome?
L503[19:50:15] <transitbiker> woah
L504[19:50:28] <GlassYuri> ...my teacher has stopped talking and everyone is typing but I'm not sure what sort of assignment he gave
L505[19:50:45] <UmbralRaptop> oops
L506[19:51:45] <transitbiker> compressed air/thermal exchange power storage for wind/PV
L507[19:52:08] <GlassYuri> probably just told us to try out what a pointer is
L508[19:52:14] <transitbiker> it's going to be a ting
L509[19:52:19] <transitbiker> thing
L510[19:52:24] <transitbiker> pointer sisters?
L511[19:54:04] <GlassYuri> transitbiker, so basically compressed gas but with the most easily replaceable gas?
L512[19:54:13] <transitbiker> yes
L513[19:54:30] <transitbiker> basically a pressure battery
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L516[19:59:03] <GlassYuri> transitbiker, I guess using part of a wind turbine's pylon as an air reservoir could be rather cost effective
L517[20:00:12] <transitbiker> ugh, this replacement transfer stage brought up to hook on to a craft i got the staging wrong with is literally so perfectly matched in orbit shape and speed that it'll never catch up to dock -.-
L518[20:00:38] <transitbiker> yeah, and offshore could put it on a barge or on the seafloor
L519[20:01:13] <JCB> wonder how much pressure you'd need to make the density near that of water
L520[20:01:59] <transitbiker> offshore wind farms tend to be more baseline power supply, while PV tends to peak during low demand times, so on-shore wind farms would benefit more, i think
L521[20:02:11] <GlassYuri> ...I really hope offshore takes off here in japan one day
L522[20:02:13] <transitbiker> as well as the PV
L523[20:02:21] <transitbiker> it has to
L524[20:02:56] <GlassYuri> there are like almost no renewables here, and not much recycling either
L525[20:03:19] <transitbiker> the only other option for japan and that area is thermal gradient, which requires gigantic structures to be efficient
L526[20:03:48] <GlassYuri> does that require messing with the ground in an earthquake region?
L527[20:04:02] <Supercheese> how about geothermal?
L528[20:04:07] <Supercheese> Ring of Fire and all that
L529[20:04:38] <transitbiker> oceanic thermal gradient power generation involves harnessing the thermal imbalance of ocean water
L530[20:04:57] <transitbiker> basically it's a convection engine
L531[20:04:59] <GlassYuri> generally anything ocean based would be ideal in japan
L532[20:07:01] <JCB> might be thinking sterling engine
L533[20:07:08] <JCB> mind you.. sterling uses air instead
L534[20:07:30] <JCB> I thought tidal based generation was going to be a thing?
L535[20:07:46] <transitbiker> OTEC is the acronym
L536[20:09:56] <transitbiker> http://www.exergy.se/ftp/cng97ot.pdf
L537[20:13:27] <transitbiker> underground fire?
L538[20:14:39] <transitbiker> centralia?
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L540[20:16:57] <Draconiator> bleh....I thought my entire sound capability was ruined on this computer, but for YEARS I missed an audio port that I thought wasn't an audio port....
L541[20:19:09] <transitbiker> did you think it was an intermodal freight port?
L542[20:20:05] <GlassYuri> CISO port (container in sound out)
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L549[20:38:01] <transitbiker> wow
L550[20:38:15] <transitbiker> depot core survived intact, no cheats
L551[20:44:55] <transitbiker> i guess i shouldnt be surprised, it has huge thermal mass
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L553[20:53:33] <Draconiator> well it was my microphone port, and I thought I could not use the thing because it's coupled and would conflict.
L554[20:55:05] <JCB> my laptop sucks... only one audio port for headphones... sad
L555[20:55:27] <JCB> well it has mic but its built in... I would love if I could connect my scanner for when I pick up satellites
L556[21:02:09] <Draconiator> on the other hand, LOVE my splice job. sounds even better than it did.
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L563[22:20:23] <transitbiker> beep beep
L564[22:20:28] ⇦ Quits: transitbiker (transitbiker!~transitbi@pool-98-115-189-119.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: bwoop bwoop)
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