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L1[00:02:36] <Rokker> UmbralRaptop: im happy. ask me why im happy
L2[00:03:50] <UmbralRaptop> Rokker: why are you happy?
L3[00:04:48] <Rokker> UmbralRaptop: someone made an F-100 mod for War Thunder :D
L4[00:06:55] <Rokker> UmbralRaptop: and a bockscar B-29 skin
L5[00:07:22] <UmbralRaptop> hm
L6[00:10:33] ⇨ Joins: Distractedman979 (Distractedman979!~D^man@pool-173-62-184-184.phlapa.ftas.verizon.net)
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L19[01:59:57] <ConductorCat> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKvjIsyYng8
L20[01:59:57] <kmath> YouTube - Can you solve the three gods riddle? - Alex Gendler
L21[02:00:37] <Althego> i dont want to
L22[02:17:10] ⇦ Quits: Kabouik_ (Kabouik_!~kabouik@38.ip-37-187-46.eu) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L42[04:44:24] <Rolf> ConductorCat: nice. failed as usual lol
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L47[05:43:03] <Guest99331> hey guys can anyone help me with my mods?
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L49[05:45:13] <APlayer> That depends on what you need help with. ;-)
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L51[06:06:37] <Althego> half success, didnt quit yet
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L60[08:09:29] <Eddi|zuHause> hm, so i sorta solved my performance problems from last week, but my surviving mars savegame seems a tiny bit broken, i got a rocket returning to earth stuck at 100%
L61[08:13:06] <Deddly> 100% throttle?
L62[08:13:45] <Deddly> Eddi|zuHause, can you use the right-click menu to change the engine's maximum thrust?
L63[08:14:06] <Eddi|zuHause> i said "surviving mars" :)
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L65[08:15:48] <Deddly> You did? Oh OK then. I've been disconnecting, sorry
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L68[08:25:21] <Mat2ch> Deddly: I, too, thought Eddi|zuHause was talking about a KSP mission called "Surviving Mars"...
L69[08:25:50] <Deddly> Heh
L70[08:26:04] <Eddi|zuHause> i'm sorry for causing such disturbance :/
L71[08:26:21] <Deddly> Disturbance is welcome :)
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L73[08:27:33] <Deddly> It's not all that surprising that mentioning something space-related could cause people in #KSPOfficial to think of Kerbal Space Program ;)
L74[08:27:47] <Deddly> But it's better than complete silence, eh?
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L80[08:41:08] <Eclipser> silence like in space
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L85[09:18:17] <Eddi|zuHause> the sound of silence?
L86[09:22:08] <Mat2ch> In space nobody can hear you scream...
L87[09:22:10] <Mat2ch> or rant
L88[09:22:12] <Mat2ch> :D
L89[09:25:40] <darsie> If you scream at my ear it might be audible.
L90[09:26:31] <Mat2ch> darsie: depends on if I have enough air left in my lungs...
L91[09:26:46] <darsie> mhm
L92[09:26:59] <darsie> Water vapor might work.
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L100[09:48:47] <UmbralRaptop> gravitational waves!
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L102[10:00:30] <ve2dmn> I wonder if being pushed around by gravitational waves counts as 'surfing'
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L104[10:01:27] * ve2dmn have been playing too much Surviving Mars with the 'surf music' radio....
L105[10:02:13] <Truga> is surviving mars good?
L106[10:02:20] ⇨ Joins: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com)
L107[10:02:27] <ve2dmn> ... depends
L108[10:03:13] <Truga> reviews seem very mixed :p
L109[10:03:17] <ve2dmn> It has a few game breaking bug and lack end-game stuff
L110[10:03:26] <Truga> rip
L111[10:03:42] <ve2dmn> But it has a lot of potential and I feel like a drug
L112[10:03:51] <ve2dmn> (drug addict)
L113[10:04:12] <ve2dmn> Ever played 'planetbase' ?
L114[10:04:51] <Truga> nop
L115[10:05:25] <ve2dmn> I would say start with that game... It's cheaper and has a similar theme
L116[10:07:59] <ve2dmn> Th big difference between the 2: human can do everything in planetbase, and robot replace them, while in Surviving Mars, the drone do the boring stuff while the humans work the labs and factories
L117[10:09:42] <ve2dmn> Truga: ask me in about 24-48h when the new update is live
L118[10:10:13] <Truga> heh
L119[10:12:37] <ve2dmn> At least, the devs listen to the community... they took the most interesting mods and built them in-game in the nest release
L120[10:13:28] <ve2dmn> currently the biggest issue in SM is the UI... It's lacking advance features which makes you guess some things
L121[10:14:11] <ve2dmn> Like, food is produced every 3 Sols, but consummed everyday... yet the stats you have are only thoses of the last Sol
L122[10:14:24] <ve2dmn> (1 Sol = 25h)
L123[10:17:19] <ve2dmn> Another good/bad thing: the tech tree is 'somewhat' random... so planning is hard
L124[10:17:43] <Truga> heh
L125[10:19:12] <ve2dmn> I'm still unclear how to unlock 'Breakthroughs' in the game. (Techs which are game-chaging)
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L131[10:34:35] <Draconiator> Breakthroughs? they should have called them that at first.
L132[10:34:37] <Draconiator> lol
L133[10:35:31] <ve2dmn> I only owned the game for a week or two... care to fill me in?
L134[10:35:40] <Althego> what is this
L135[10:35:56] <ve2dmn> Althego: was talking about Surviving Mars
L136[10:39:42] ⇨ Joins: Hypergolic_Skunk (Hypergolic_Skunk!uid167070@id-167070.highgate.irccloud.com)
L137[10:57:20] <ve2dmn> Stanley Kerbrick staged the whole thing: https://i.redditmedia.com/7E4pqOE9zweVmtygrMpFIHKAPnTmaY1NV8mDwuttTJ8.png?s=87db39d662ac360cc6b7d372190392e2
L138[11:01:17] <Althego> nice legs
L139[11:01:20] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAP7WrOCDmQ hehe
L140[11:02:47] <Mat2ch> Althego: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gUQA7jUNoo
L141[11:02:48] <kmath> YouTube - Making the Planetary Gears - Marble Machine X #36
L142[11:12:54] <Althego> hmm it is starting to shape up
L143[11:13:15] <Mat2ch> Yes. And it sounds already awesome
L144[11:15:59] <Althego> shoot the gear lol
L145[11:16:02] ⇨ Joins: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@2620:149:5:1b04:801:30f4:b576:52b9)
L146[11:16:20] <Mat2ch> But still all the metal parts missing
L147[11:16:29] <Mat2ch> I wonder when he's getting a plasma cutter...
L148[11:16:32] <Mat2ch> :D
L149[11:16:37] <Althego> hehe
L150[11:16:42] <Althego> waterjet
L151[11:17:02] <Mat2ch> plasma!
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L153[11:25:16] <Fluburtur> Mat2ch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gUQA7jUNoo
L154[11:25:17] <kmath> YouTube - Making the Planetary Gears - Marble Machine X #36
L155[11:25:20] <Althego> we know
L156[11:25:44] <Fluburtur> also I got the new servo for my heli
L157[11:25:49] <Fluburtur> should hold up better now
L158[11:33:43] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: you're late to the party :D
L159[11:34:07] <Fluburtur> im late home you mean
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L161[11:36:20] <Mat2ch> yeah, that, too. :D
L162[11:36:32] <Mat2ch> but it's hot today. Being late is ok
L163[11:59:16] <Fluburtur> oh god https://78.media.tumblr.com/5415ec683d9b2bf1656b8476aab49048/tumblr_p8iivyUK4P1wga4wmo1_540.jpg
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L166[12:07:18] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: https://static.rcgroups.net/forums/attachments/3/3/4/5/8/2/a5676553-92-Is-This-Real-Life-Or-Is-This-Just-Fanta-Sea%202.jpg?d=1365253115
L167[12:07:29] <Fluburtur> heh
L168[12:07:38] <Mat2ch> https://starecat.com/content/wp-content/uploads/is-this-real-life-or-is-this-just-fanta-sea.jpg this is more like the original
L169[12:08:02] <Althego> argh
L170[12:08:14] <Mat2ch> what? :D
L171[12:08:55] <Althego> bohemian rhapsody
L172[12:10:35] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/348084d066e2d7fdb17d4630a237e0e6/tumblr_o1e8em5yRA1qhgv3ao1_400.png
L173[12:12:17] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/f09da955a2f7ff3eb518f2517b1eee10/tumblr_o36ww6KhZB1v5hbimo1_540.jpg
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L175[12:15:34] <Eddi|zuHause> <ve2dmn> Stanley Kerbrick staged the whole thing <-- would have been more explosey with Michael Kerbay?
L176[12:18:17] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/daeb7d01e3da4afd365c545546f438d1/tumblr_p9cfmxydXq1w7u8nmo1_500.png
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L178[12:19:25] <Eddi|zuHause> Fluburtur: so, why exactly is he taking "his cat" to a supermarket parking lot?
L179[12:19:40] <Fluburtur> idk probably a thing murkan peoples do
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L182[12:26:49] * darsie took 5 temperature measurements (4 from orbit, 1 landed) with this rocket: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot76.png
L183[12:26:55] <darsie> at minmus
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L189[12:33:54] <UmbralRaptop> Impressive.
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L192[12:36:31] <darsie> I adjusted the angle and thrust of the hammer.
L193[12:42:37] <APlayer> That sounds like you have a propulsive hammer
L194[12:46:56] <ve2dmn> A propulsive hammer? you should probbly see a doctor for that
L195[12:49:27] <darsie> Fuel was a bit low for the landing, so there was little margin for error. I had to try a few times till I landed at the right spot.
L196[12:50:31] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/48245cbf54ecf0727bf5ec0a05d7fcd8/tumblr_p9gk8hIuUO1r3gqwio1_540.jpg
L197[12:51:18] <Althego> hehe
L198[12:51:36] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: I didn't expect that
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L203[13:13:35] <senray> Is there any way to plan a launch window for rendezvousing with a near-kerbin asteroid in solar orbit?
L204[13:14:54] <APlayer> https://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/
L205[13:15:03] <Althego> not for an asteroid
L206[13:15:04] <APlayer> This is good for planning basically any launch window
L207[13:15:16] <Althego> ok, you can put in manual orbits i think
L208[13:15:22] <APlayer> Yes, you can
L209[13:15:32] <senray> thanks!
L210[13:15:39] <Althego> the add body button
L211[13:15:41] <Althego> never used that
L212[13:16:26] <APlayer> "When you only have a head, you use that button to obtain arms, legs and torso"
L213[13:16:39] <senray> lol
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L217[13:19:34] <APlayer> senray: If you need help with anything, feel free to ask
L218[13:19:43] <senray> Thanks (:
L219[13:20:05] <senray> That looks like great advice though. Usually I use KSPTOT, but it's a bit harder to add a roid to the bodies file
L220[13:20:27] <Althego> in these time of hardships, just remember, we are groot
L221[13:20:38] <APlayer> Ah, KSPTOT is a thing I have yet to learn how to use
L222[13:21:02] <senray> Is LPE the same as Argument of Periapsis?
L223[13:21:23] <APlayer> Althego: https://i.imgur.com/75ZRPMJ.jpg
L224[13:21:44] <APlayer> LPE?
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L226[13:21:58] <APlayer> Logitude of Periapsis?
L227[13:22:10] <senray> yeah, is it the same as argument of periapsis
L228[13:22:11] <Althego> is there such a thing? i know of longitude of ascending node
L229[13:22:19] <senray> it's in the save file
L230[13:22:33] <Althego> i know, never bothered to find out which one is which orbital element
L231[13:22:52] <APlayer> senray: No, not quite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_of_periapsis
L232[13:22:52] <Fluburtur> new servo is in heli
L233[13:23:00] <Althego> now i could because of the built in orbit editor, but not that important
L234[13:23:06] <ve2dmn> senray: I usually eye-ball it, but I also only intercept asteroids that would hit kerbin
L235[13:23:07] <APlayer> Are you sure LPE is longitude, though?
L236[13:23:20] <APlayer> That might lead to undefined behavior in polar orbits
L237[13:23:33] <senray> I'm looking for a Class A, and I need to time (using USILS)
L238[13:24:00] <APlayer> Ooh, that sounds interesting
L239[13:24:02] <senray> what unit is mass in the save file?
L240[13:24:12] <APlayer> kg, I'm pretty sure
L241[13:24:15] <senray> ok
L242[13:24:19] <APlayer> But you don't need that
L243[13:25:12] <senray> is SMA km?
L244[13:25:24] <ve2dmn> either m or km
L245[13:25:26] <senray> and is the EPH of an orbit the same as time of periapsis passage?
L246[13:25:31] <senray> But which one?
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L248[13:25:37] <ve2dmn> 'yes'
L249[13:25:42] <Althego> hehe
L250[13:25:44] <senray> huh?
L251[13:25:48] <APlayer> You can eyeball it
L252[13:25:50] <Althego> the usual answer to these kinds of questions
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L254[13:25:56] <senray> lol
L255[13:26:10] <APlayer> Enter the game, look at the asteroid, see if m or km makes sense. It's 3 orders of magnitude
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L257[13:26:17] <ve2dmn> ^
L258[13:26:21] <senray> not terribly useful here. I need to know how long my kerbals will be in space for
L259[13:26:30] <ve2dmn> LS-USI?
L260[13:26:38] <senray> ah, wiki says meters
L261[13:26:41] <senray> USI-LS
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L263[13:28:20] <ve2dmn> senray: why not send a pusher-robot and push it into an orbit of Kerbin?
L264[13:28:33] <senray> .....that is a good suggestion
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L266[13:29:11] <ve2dmn> Add tools to convert mass to fuel and you have a reusable pusher to move asteroids around
L267[13:29:13] <senray> and EPH is time of periapsis passage?
L268[13:30:01] <ve2dmn> senray: I gave myself the self-imposed mission of diverting any incoming asteroids to Kerbin
L269[13:33:30] <ve2dmn> I have a lot of experience diverting incoming asteroids to Kerbin.... and making pusher-robots (And shover-robot)
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L271[13:34:00] <ve2dmn> (I need to protect Kerbin from the terrible secret of space)
L272[13:34:09] <senray> lol
L273[13:34:10] <UmbralRaptop> I don't think that's how you protect kerbals from the terrible secret of space.
L274[13:34:17] <Althego> space is fake :)
L275[13:34:18] <UmbralRaptop> bah, ninja'd
L276[13:34:36] <ve2dmn> :D
L277[13:34:53] <senray> So, using this tool, it looks like I need about 4360Dv , 1700 to eject/rendezvous and 2680 to intercept
L278[13:34:57] <senray> Does that sound right?
L279[13:35:04] <ve2dmn> probably
L280[13:35:04] <APlayer> Depends on the orbits
L281[13:35:22] <senray> (also, if anyway can let me know how to figure out the time of periapsis passage?)
L282[13:35:27] <APlayer> I can't even guess until I have an idea of how the asteroid orbit looks like
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L284[13:35:43] <senray> I just wanted to check that it didn't sound nuts
L285[13:36:04] <APlayer> You can hover over the periapsis to see when the Asteroid passes it next time
L286[13:36:08] <APlayer> I think
L287[13:36:35] <senray> looks like I'll use a probe to do it....I do prefer manned missions though
L288[13:36:44] <APlayer> Or, better yet, timewarp until is passes the periapsis
L289[13:36:54] <APlayer> Then quickload to restore the time
L290[13:37:17] <senray> nah, I don't use quicksave/quickload
L291[13:37:28] <APlayer> Then don't quickload
L292[13:37:40] <Althego> unless bugs happen
L293[13:37:49] <senray> im gonna see if I can get the info with ksptot
L294[13:39:33] <senray> btw, check out my mun station : https://www.dropbox.com/s/66caw5ypc4qsrcp/screenshot80.png?dl=0
L295[13:40:50] <ve2dmn> senray: there's a quick 'hack' you can do if you use KAC and KER
L296[13:40:56] <senray> oh?
L297[13:41:40] <ve2dmn> Normally you can't go to the asteroid until you see it for the first time.... but if you set up an alarm for the asteroid, you can 'GO to ship' with KAC
L298[13:41:54] <ve2dmn> And then with KER you have all the info about the orbit
L299[13:42:07] <ve2dmn> it's not 'cheating' but it bypass the normal UI
L300[13:43:28] <ve2dmn> I use it to watch the asteroid as it slowly decend into the Kerbin atmosphere ( if it ever manage to make it there)
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L305[13:47:54] <Eddi|zuHause> "it's not cheating, it just bypasses the game rules"
L306[13:48:06] <Althego> hehe
L307[13:48:15] <Althego> the gui, that is not the rule
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L312[14:02:59] <Blaank> No DV readout is a sin.
L313[14:03:10] <Blaank> It's like having a car with no fuel gauge.
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L315[14:04:08] <Althego> they should have added that to the core game long time ago
L316[14:04:28] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/451460731993456643/20180530210300_1.jpg
L317[14:04:40] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/451460719880437770/20180530210256_1.jpg
L318[14:05:22] <Fluburtur> I somehow survived that
L319[14:05:26] <Fluburtur> and won even
L320[14:06:31] <Fluburtur> oh nice the yak 3p can sustain a -5g roll
L321[14:08:09] <Althego> and the pilot?
L322[14:08:27] <Blaank> ded
L323[14:09:13] <Deddly> Ping?
L324[14:09:13] <Fluburtur> the fock wulf was dead
L325[14:09:18] <Fluburtur> my motor was damaged however
L326[14:09:19] <Deddly> :P
L327[14:09:30] <ve2dmn> Deddly: you were the pilot?
L328[14:09:42] <Deddly> I deny everything
L329[14:10:26] <Althego> this statement is false
L330[14:12:07] <Deddly> Not
L331[14:12:17] * Deddly crashes reality
L332[14:12:30] <senray> hmm....the pusher bot is the perfect time to test nukes
L333[14:13:08] <ve2dmn> is that like "NEG(Statement);"?
L334[14:13:33] <ve2dmn> senray: yes. Very yes
L335[14:13:59] <ve2dmn> but 2 or more (unless you like to wait)
L336[14:16:31] <senray> frustrating how ldensity LH2 is though
L337[14:17:11] <Draconiator> We just got a magazine in the mail....cruise lines selling multi-thousand dollar vacations. If I wanna see what something looks like I just use Google Earth.
L338[14:18:35] <Fluburtur> Rokker https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/451464433240244255/20180530211738_1.jpg
L339[14:18:48] <ve2dmn> Draconiator: It's not just what it looks like, it's the whole experience (which in this case is probably vastly overpriced)
L340[14:19:01] <Rokker> Fluburtur: ive discovered the world of user made models
L341[14:19:12] <Fluburtur> nice
L342[14:20:30] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/451464913018290176/IMG_20180530_160632.jpg
L343[14:22:01] <Althego> mimetic polyalloy :)
L344[14:26:37] <Fluburtur> it feels weird
L345[14:26:41] <Fluburtur> because it is very dense
L346[14:26:57] <Althego> still smarter than the average flat earther :)
L347[14:34:31] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/286a47762647150bcdbf870d8431945f/tumblr_o927xooT4a1v83ujjo1_500.jpg
L348[14:34:46] <Althego> hmm i didnt know about this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieGE7AZdl3c
L349[14:34:47] <kmath> YouTube - Perlan2 52,000+ feet World Altitude Record Claim for Gliders
L350[14:35:03] <Althego> apparently they want to reach 90000 feet with a glider
L351[14:35:13] <Fluburtur> what is that in actual units
L352[14:35:21] <Althego> too lazy to convert
L353[14:35:28] <Althego> and sleepy
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L355[14:35:42] <Althego> around 30 km
L356[14:35:49] <Fluburtur> eh a bit high perhaps
L357[14:35:59] <Fluburtur> maybe a special high perfs glider could do it
L358[14:36:11] <Althego> it is a special high altitude glider
L359[14:37:36] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: rule of thumb: divide by 3
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L361[14:38:35] <Althego> 0.3048 but i did by the divide by 3 too
L362[14:40:56] <Althego> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windward_Performance_Perlan_II
L363[14:41:23] <Althego> these crazy people really want to take a glider to where even jets dont go
L364[14:41:35] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: sadly feets is standard ICAO/OACI units
L365[14:41:43] <Althego> curse them
L366[14:41:56] <Fluburtur> gliders are the most almighty kind of airplanes
L367[14:42:05] <ve2dmn> Althego: like many things, it was a compromise
L368[14:42:26] <Althego> how so? americans pushed the silly units on the world
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L372[14:53:40] <ve2dmn> The only reason I know the name of the ICAO/OACI is because I worked close by and heard the station called out every day
L373[14:55:58] <JCB> ... which station?
L374[14:56:09] <JCB> ground station I'm guessing?
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L376[14:59:17] <ve2dmn> Metro Station
L377[15:00:22] <JCB> ok, sorry, been checking on ham radio satellite passes... this one particular website makes a big deal on the ISS passing overhead
L378[15:00:58] <ve2dmn> yes because the ISS has a ham radio
L379[15:02:42] <ve2dmn> http://www.ariss.org/contact-the-iss.html
L380[15:02:45] <JCB> I'm aware... though not always easy to tell when someone's running it
L381[15:02:54] <JCB> though packet radio
L382[15:03:14] <ve2dmn> you can get a QSL card :D
L383[15:03:21] <JCB> I've been mostly following AO-85 -91 and -92 since those three I can easily pick up with my current radio and setup
L384[15:03:48] <JCB> Mind you... sorta not licensed, mostly just listening, so I'm a nobody
L385[15:04:08] <ve2dmn> I'm the reverse. I have a licence but no radio
L386[15:06:19] <ve2dmn> With my gaming addiction, I lack time
L387[15:11:55] <JCB> I built a 6 element yagi for 2 meter... original plans I found were for a 3 element pack portable. Since I had a 6 foot long retired fishing rod thats been sitting around for ages...
L388[15:12:40] <JCB> I just added a couple more elements, based on another set of plans I also found. Seems to work, though I worry maybe my scanner isn't up to the proper task. I mean, I can still pick things up, but may not be as clear as it could.
L389[15:13:14] <ve2dmn> Maybe try it on field day and note how far you can go?
L390[15:13:56] <JCB> Would love to take it up to the mountains north of the city.. see how far into the states it would go :)
L391[15:14:23] <JCB> I already picked up one of the fox sats as it was passing over calgary.. I'm on the west coast.
L392[15:14:38] <ve2dmn> The American Radio Relay League/Radio Amateurs of Canada Field Day is held annually during the fourth full weekend in June (June 23-24 in 2018), beginning at 1800 UTC Saturday and running through 2059 UTC Sunday.
L393[15:15:29] <ve2dmn> Basically, it's the perfect day to test your gear
L394[15:16:54] <ve2dmn> This year it coincide with the QC holiday... so don't expect a lot of VE2 or VA2...
L395[15:17:12] <JCB> I've been to one already out over here.. couple of my friends attend
L396[15:17:34] <JCB> I hadn't been in a while... half tempted to bring out the 6 foot dish, see if anyone wants to try using it
L397[15:18:01] <JCB> Mind you.. may help if I had a pan/tilt system installed
L398[15:18:34] <ve2dmn> You'll probably find someone who has expertise and could help you with that
L399[15:19:47] <JCB> I knwo a few.. sadly they always too busy with other projects of their own
L400[15:20:11] <ve2dmn> I know... no one :/
L401[15:20:43] <JCB> I could do it myself.. just funds sorta on the lacking side
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L403[15:27:42] <Fluburtur> there is a rather active storm cloud outside
L404[15:27:50] <Fluburtur> at least 10km away
L405[15:27:58] <Fluburtur> with strikes every few seconds
L406[15:28:22] <legion> nice lightshow?
L407[15:28:34] <Fluburtur> yeah
L408[15:29:50] <Fluburtur> I recorded for 8 minutes and did a few long exposures
L409[15:32:15] <Fluburtur> I need to grab some screenshots of the video
L410[15:32:28] <Fluburtur> that was from a 30 seconds exposure https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/451483002921549855/DSC_8974.JPG
L411[15:32:41] <Fluburtur> 100 iso at f5.something
L412[15:33:43] <JCB> I tried to record some thunder storm while was out visiting Alberta... think the static messed up my flash card in the camera. :\
L413[15:34:00] <Fluburtur> heh
L414[15:34:26] <JCB> I was able to recover the files, but meant having to reset the card reader after each access attempt
L415[15:36:12] <Fluburtur> those clouds are nice but they are too far
L416[15:36:22] <Fluburtur> I want them to come here
L417[15:41:24] <ve2dmn> We had a supercell once...
L418[15:41:42] <ve2dmn> (the kind of thing that happens weekly in Tornado Alley)
L419[15:43:16] <ve2dmn> In the heart of it, it's not sec per strikes, it's strikes per sec
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L422[15:54:41] <Rokker> Fluburtur: I HATE WAR THUNDER
L423[15:54:52] <Fluburtur> man me too
L424[15:55:03] <Rokker> Fluburtur: also, did you know that war thunder models the blow out panels for the abrams?
L425[15:55:17] <Fluburtur> no
L426[15:56:42] <Rokker> Fluburtur: do you know what blow out panels are
L427[15:56:51] <Fluburtur> no
L428[15:57:16] <Rokker> Fluburtur: basically it means you cant kill the tank instantly with an ammo racking
L429[15:57:28] <Fluburtur> ok
L430[15:58:35] <Rokker> its a set of solid metal panels separating the crew from the ammo and then a few panels on the top that let pressure escape the tank so that if the ammo explodes, all the explosion goes out the top instead of into the crew compartment
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L432[15:59:53] <Rokker> Fluburtur: also creates a pretty neat pillar of fire
L433[15:59:54] <Rokker> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6A7fKcotyM
L434[15:59:55] <kmath> YouTube - Armor tests on M1A1
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L437[16:01:11] <Fluburtur> not bad
L438[16:02:18] <Rokker> Fluburtur: this is different from, say, the panzer 4, in which the blow out panel was basically the crew hatch and it only blew once the crew was dead
L439[16:04:22] <Fluburtur> heh
L440[16:07:40] <Fluburtur> might get this https://www.banggood.com/Volantex-ASW28-ASW-28-V2-2540mm-Wingspan-EPO-RC-Sailplane-Glider-PNP-p-1072803.html?rmmds=category&cur_warehouse=CN
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L448[16:23:43] <Rokker> Fluburtur: did you hear that a poor ww2 trainer plane died a few days ago
L449[16:23:54] <Fluburtur> no
L450[16:23:57] <Rokker> ran out of fuel so the pilot tried putting it down on a road
L451[16:24:06] <Rokker> hit a telephone pole at the end of the run
L452[16:24:15] <Rokker> took off the wing :(
L453[16:24:26] <Fluburtur> time for new wing then
L454[16:24:52] <Rokker> Fluburtur: https://media.ksn.com/nxs-ksnwtv-media-us-east-1/photo/2018/05/28/WWII_plane_crashes_after_commemorative_f_0_43783790_ver1.0_1280_720.jpg
L455[16:25:13] <Fluburtur> eh that's fine
L456[16:25:20] <Fluburtur> 30 seconds repair on the runway
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L459[16:30:12] <Rokker> Fluburtur: i hate flying russian
L460[16:30:15] <Rokker> i feel so dirty
L461[16:30:20] <Fluburtur> heh
L462[16:30:33] <Fluburtur> now that I have the 9u I need to grind the french planes
L463[16:30:43] <Fluburtur> I need to get to the jets fast before they add more planes
L464[16:31:26] <Fluburtur> you know what makes me sad
L465[16:31:37] <Fluburtur> I still mis one and a half upgrades on my yak 3p
L466[16:31:47] <Fluburtur> but now I need to upgrade my new yak 9
L467[16:36:24] <Fluburtur> right now im researching the la7 and then yak 9u
L468[16:39:41] <Supercheese> #KerbThunder
L469[16:39:52] <Supercheese> You've got a mohole in your left wing!
L470[16:40:26] ⇦ Quits: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-176.2com.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L471[16:40:48] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/451500231067172865/20180530205022_1.jpg
L472[16:41:06] <Rokker> Fluburtur: i found a bockscar skin for my B-29 :D
L473[16:42:07] <Mat2ch> It. is. too. hot. to. play. games
L474[16:42:14] * Mat2ch floats away in his own sweat
L475[16:43:05] <Fluburtur> Mat2ch pls
L476[16:43:22] <Fluburtur> I have to work in a metal hangar with my face close to a burner for working glass
L477[16:43:29] <Fluburtur> idk how you call those
L478[16:43:42] <Fluburtur> at least they use a tiny flame
L479[16:44:06] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: no ac?
L480[16:44:12] <Fluburtur> no
L481[16:44:35] <Mat2ch> any other form of air circulation?
L482[16:44:54] <Fluburtur> we can open the door but it is warmer outside
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L484[16:45:03] <Mat2ch> well
L485[16:45:08] <Fluburtur> well I guess I can dip my hand in dry ice
L486[16:45:12] <Mat2ch> buckets with cold water?
L487[16:45:23] <Mat2ch> where you can stick your head inside?
L488[16:45:48] <Mat2ch> dry ice is fine, too. :D
L489[16:46:22] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:f4d3:47b2:4165:d328) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L490[16:46:35] <Mat2ch> I'm going to open up all windows now and take a shower... bye
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L496[17:03:07] <APlayer> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsP4yMY-a6U
L497[17:03:08] <kmath> YouTube - Can You Float a Liquid on a Gas?
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L500[17:19:57] <kuzetsa> had to click to make sure that was the cody's lab vid I thought it might be
L501[17:20:23] <sandbox> seen it
L502[17:20:27] <kuzetsa> (same)
L503[17:20:38] <kuzetsa> interesting thought though
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L511[17:45:03] <darsie> I floated soap bubbles in a bucket full of CO2.
L512[17:45:51] <GurrenLagannCWP> I'm going to install OPM
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L519[18:27:39] <Eddi|zuHause> is that more or less impressive than floating bubbles in a bathtub full of water?
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L525[18:37:27] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L526[18:37:55] <GurrenLagannCWP> Hey Supernovy and Eddi|zuHause
L527[18:45:15] <GurrenLagannCWP> Yeah another crash
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L533[19:01:50] <JCB> ... I don't suppose anyone here has launched actual model rockets before?
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L535[19:03:01] <jgkamat> I'm sure someone here has
L536[19:03:04] <jgkamat> I have a long time ago
L537[19:03:26] <JCB> I miss having that Astrocam rocket...
L538[19:03:48] <JCB> I seen a digital camera version, but was only out briefly. Didn't have the money at the time. :\
L539[19:04:29] <jgkamat> launching rockets is really fun, both in KSP and real life :P
L540[19:05:35] <JCB> I could just make my own.. buy the motors.. I'd still wanna do a camera based one.
L541[19:06:02] <JCB> The film one was neat but.. lot of times I launched, I messed up setting things, or the film wasn't fast enough.
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L547[19:33:49] <darsie> I launched fireworks and toy balloons.
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L560[21:36:55] ⇨ Joins: JCB (JCB!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net)
L561[21:36:59] <JCB> ... ok lol...
L562[21:37:31] <JCB> get satellite contract offered. Go to tracking station. Shows orbit, but also a sat-dish icon on surface with a location name.. ugh, had me so confused
L563[21:37:57] <JCB> here I thought it was another contract, but no idea what the dish icon meant. Had to do a little de-bugging
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L565[21:40:04] <JCB> .... anyways
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L568[22:01:39] <cringe> ISS Urine Tank Level: 8%
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L570[22:19:11] <GlassYuri> "The percentage is in range 0 to 1" that's not how percentages work dude
L571[22:22:16] <UmbralRaptor> Mistranslation of probability?
L572[22:22:45] <GlassYuri> UmbralRaptor, not probability, progress along a spline
L573[22:22:54] <GlassYuri> not sure what the correct word would be
L574[22:25:06] <UmbralRaptor> position?
L575[22:31:36] <KrazyKrl> "The percentage is a float value with a range of 0 to 1 (inclusive)" ?
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