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L24[05:20:17] <GlassYuri> was wondering why my browser doesn't start, turns out I had given up on it before I even clicked the icon
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L31[07:07:07] <Althego> GlassYuri: how did oyu find out you never clicked it?
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L34[07:36:58] <darsie> Why does MJ not show up in KSP Linux? I installed it simply with ckan, so I guess it should be compatible.
L35[07:37:18] <darsie> together with KER.
L36[07:37:33] <Althego> probably random exceptions in log?
L37[07:42:42] <darsie> /home/bernhard/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP.log is from May 9.
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L45[08:51:34] <GlassYuri> friend asked me to look into repairing his iPhone... but forgot to tell me which one
L46[08:51:47] <Althego> hehe
L47[08:51:57] <Althego> that needs professional help
L48[08:52:06] <Althego> no modern smartphone is made to be easily servicable
L49[08:52:24] <Althego> and apple may be intentionally making it impossible
L50[08:58:18] <GlassYuri> well my phone from 2015 was pretty easy to repair
L51[09:01:48] <GlassYuri> damn, phone repair does seem fun
L52[09:02:08] <GlassYuri> I mean my definiton of fun is definitely off but
L53[09:02:31] <Althego> yes, there is somethign wrong with you
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L70[10:05:51] <GlassYuri> ...wat https://twitter.com/KandaKanna/status/1000667809251082240
L71[10:05:51] <kmath> <KandaKanna> 설계한놈 누구냐 https://t.co/14zrLmjIsF
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L73[10:07:55] <Mat2ch> GlassYuri: ehm?
L74[10:09:10] <GlassYuri> Mat2ch, "please stay inside the train during an apocalyptic event" I guess
L75[10:09:22] <Mat2ch> Well, ok
L76[10:09:25] <Mat2ch> what
L77[10:09:27] <Mat2ch> :D
L78[10:17:17] <GurrenLagannCWP> Hey guys!
L79[10:17:20] <APlayer> "Don't look at people in an aggressive manner while jumping out of the train"
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L82[10:23:20] <GurrenLagannCWP> I'm looking for lightweight planet packs
L83[10:25:00] <APlayer> Not sure what you consider lightweight, but I enjoyed playing with OPM
L84[10:25:26] <APlayer> Having said that, I used it as a stepping stone, along with KScale64, to slowly transition to RSS
L85[10:28:38] <GurrenLagannCWP> Lightweight for me is something that can run on my potato
L86[10:28:46] <GurrenLagannCWP> AKA 3 GB
L87[10:30:26] <GurrenLagannCWP> (Almost)RealSolarSystem is a example
L88[10:30:52] <APlayer> The biggest problem are parts packs, then
L89[10:31:18] <APlayer> Planet packs are somewhat large, but they get nowhere near what you will have if you download a dozen part pack mods
L90[10:31:46] <APlayer> Also, many planet packs have alternative, light texture options
L91[10:32:27] <GurrenLagannCWP> The problem for me is the number of planets
L92[10:33:35] <Mat2ch> Why?
L93[10:35:05] <GurrenLagannCWP> Remenber the time i tried to create another systsem?
L94[10:35:22] <GurrenLagannCWP> system*
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L96[10:44:14] <APlayer> The number of planets is not directly an issue regarding low RAM
L97[10:44:33] <APlayer> It's the cumulative size of textures that takes up lots of space
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L99[10:44:55] <Althego> lol a tumbleweed
L100[10:45:07] <APlayer> Note, not joined, quit
L101[10:45:23] <Althego> it's hiiiigh noooon
L102[10:46:00] <Althego> hmm, it may be noon in some parts of the usa
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L105[10:51:19] <Mat2ch> Hot, too hot
L106[10:51:26] <Mat2ch> and where's the promised thunderstorm?
L107[10:51:53] <Althego> meteorologists are like politicians?
L108[10:59:33] <APlayer> Ahem
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L112[11:12:54] <GurrenLagannCWP> APlayer, can you give some examples of those low texture planet pack?
L113[11:13:23] <APlayer> I'd have to search, which you can do too. I'd looks at OPM first, though
L114[11:14:08] ⇨ Joins: Kabouik (Kabouik!~kabouik@
L115[11:14:23] <Althego> who needs textures anyway
L116[11:14:35] <GurrenLagannCWP> Me
L117[11:14:44] ⇨ Joins: Kabouik_ (Kabouik_!~kabouik@38.ip-37-187-46.eu)
L118[11:15:00] <GurrenLagannCWP> low res ones because my pc is a potato
L119[11:15:02] <Althego> 2x2 pixel checkerboard?
L120[11:15:49] <GurrenLagannCWP> No not that! Too basic
L121[11:15:51] ⇨ Joins: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:2411:8348:a4ae:a690)
L122[11:16:16] <GurrenLagannCWP> Wait
L123[11:16:59] <GurrenLagannCWP> What if i shrink the size of textures myself?
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L125[11:17:37] <Althego> the game already has option for texture quality
L126[11:17:44] <Althego> but you could do that
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L128[11:17:55] <APlayer> But the textures are loaded to RAM in full size, Althego
L129[11:17:56] <Althego> there was some mod in the 32 bit times, that did that for you at the first start
L130[11:18:17] <Althego> then what is the point of the option? the default is already ugly i have to always move it up to max
L131[11:18:21] <APlayer> Also, sure, you can shrink the textures, if you can open the texture files
L132[11:18:37] <Althego> ah these are still the playstation thing?
L133[11:18:38] <APlayer> I don't remember their format, but last time I had to deal with them, it was horrible
L134[11:18:52] <GurrenLagannCWP> KerbalOrigins and OPM have 4k
L135[11:19:16] <GurrenLagannCWP> Only need to shrink to 1k
L136[11:19:36] <APlayer> The files are .dds I think
L137[11:19:41] <GurrenLagannCWP> Using paint.net
L138[11:19:45] <APlayer> I have no idea what kind of software opens that
L139[11:19:49] <APlayer> paint.net?
L140[11:19:59] <APlayer> Humm, might do it, but I don't use it
L141[11:21:35] <Fluburtur> APlayer https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/413109312802521098/451019628471123989/jbgafnpfuae01.jpeg
L142[11:21:52] <Althego> lol
L143[11:21:52] <APlayer> I don't think that's a good idea
L144[11:22:10] <APlayer> Unless the camera is mounted on a gyroscope
L145[11:23:22] <GurrenLagannCWP> What mod can change texture size of mods?
L146[11:24:17] <GurrenLagannCWP> I'm getting tired already to change one by one
L147[11:24:56] <Althego> imagemagick? :)
L148[11:26:39] <GurrenLagannCWP> I found IVC but its on 0.0.4
L149[11:27:00] <GurrenLagannCWP> AKA Far from complete
L150[11:30:42] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/4934a3b42bf8ebfa5a3c7d6eb0248aca/tumblr_nxwkpyp75J1ug9rl1o4_540.jpg
L151[11:30:54] <Althego> old
L152[11:31:01] <Fluburtur> good
L153[11:31:07] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/b3cf180e622ef230d6a9e1076ece741f/tumblr_nxwkpyp75J1ug9rl1o6_400.png
L154[11:31:20] <Althego> the wizard must be stopped
L155[11:31:29] <Fluburtur> listen im not afraid of posting crap from the 90s if I think it is funny
L156[11:31:38] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/e1cde6323aa1c32b5db6b341aec5d3e3/tumblr_nxwkpyp75J1ug9rl1o7_540.jpg
L157[11:31:39] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: https://vid.pr0gramm.com/2018/05/29/ae7c56e2ff0029cf.mp4 ...
L158[11:32:04] <UmbralRaptop> units http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/0004-6256/152/2/41/meta
L159[11:32:09] <Fluburtur> is that your work?
L160[11:32:21] <Althego> unit files
L161[11:33:01] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/6b9615d6b74b92c46bdce0a2af86ab09/tumblr_nxwkpyp75J1ug9rl1o10_540.jpg
L162[11:33:07] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: no, that's a the University in Wuppertal...
L163[11:33:17] <Althego> wuppertal express
L164[11:33:26] <Mat2ch> -a
L165[11:33:45] <Mat2ch> Althego: I was once there, but didn't have time to ride it :|
L166[11:40:11] <Fluburtur> how to painting https://78.media.tumblr.com/de16003b03f3b88838de9e83bd3ce190/tumblr_p92iilx32L1xoyw8po1_540.jpg
L167[11:40:38] <GurrenLagannCWP> InterKalactic 2's Mycel has a 8K diff texture
L168[11:42:28] <GurrenLagannCWP> So i shrunk it
L169[11:43:08] <GurrenLagannCWP> And i made huge changes to the color
L170[11:45:14] <GurrenLagannCWP> Here we go
L171[11:47:50] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/eeda522dfb638737c0a8d23935336317/tumblr_inline_p8wcntpE1k1rfa5e1_500.jpg
L172[11:48:23] <Mat2ch> not sure if fake :P
L173[11:49:03] <Fluburtur> you know what is scary
L174[11:49:16] <Fluburtur> ostriches and emu because they try to eat shiny stuff
L175[11:49:28] <GurrenLagannCWP> CRASH
L176[11:49:32] <Fluburtur> and I once tried to take a picture of one with a camera that had a plastic chrome part
L177[11:51:17] <GurrenLagannCWP> APlayer, tried shrinking the textures, and instead getting a error, i got something worse: A CRASH
L178[11:52:00] <APlayer> Ouch, that sucks.
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L182[12:20:45] <darsie> What do I need to get the signal strength and connectivity status display?
L183[12:21:02] <darsie> I have a probe with okto and antenna.
L184[12:21:50] <Althego> charge?
L185[12:23:06] <darsie> http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot70.png
L186[12:23:29] <darsie> no. Without charge it would show the red probe not connected symbol.
L187[12:23:31] <Althego> how did you get there at all without antenna?
L188[12:23:41] <darsie> I have an antenna.
L189[12:24:04] <Althego> cant see it :)
L190[12:24:11] <darsie> Hmm, I didn't extend it and could rotate the probe at minmus.
L191[12:24:19] <Althego> is the connectivity thing turned on in your game options?
L192[12:24:32] <darsie> Maybe not. But why not?
L193[12:24:44] <darsie> I copied the game from 1.3 to 1.4.
L194[12:24:46] <Althego> because i doubt the 5km range would be enough at minmus even with the strongest dsn
L195[12:25:08] <Althego> but it may be ok
L196[12:25:27] <Althego> since there is no display of it at all, it probvably means the feature is off
L197[12:25:34] <Althego> can you see it in map mode?
L198[12:25:38] <darsie> no
L199[12:25:38] <Althego> the green lines and things
L200[12:26:08] <darsie> no
L201[12:26:20] <darsie> 1.3 has it, right?
L202[12:28:21] <Althego> escape, settings, difficulty?
L203[12:28:21] <Althego> advanced, require signal for control
L204[12:28:24] <darsie> Will the game work if I copy it back to 1.3?
L205[12:28:44] <Althego> oh ait, no, basic, enable comm network
L206[12:28:56] <Althego> who could say, if 1.4 aolready saved in it
L207[12:29:02] <Althego> but since the feature shoukld be there
L208[12:29:08] <Althego> i would just check in the difficulty options
L209[12:29:27] <darsie> http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot71.png
L210[12:29:49] <Althego> escape, settings, difficulty, basic, enable commnet
L211[12:30:48] ⇨ Joins: GurrenLagannCWP (GurrenLagannCWP!~GurrenLag@
L212[12:31:27] <darsie> enabled. Game is not custom difficulty and still no network indicators.
L213[12:31:53] <GurrenLagannCWP> Maybe its because i had other planet packs installed...
L214[12:32:00] <Althego> strange
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L217[12:37:18] <darsie> now it's there.
L218[12:38:31] <GurrenLagannCWP> Strange
L219[12:39:08] <Althego> dr stephen strange
L220[12:39:17] <darsie> It was the enable commnet setting. It only took effekt when I went to the space center and back to the probe.
L221[12:40:16] <Althego> scene change
L222[12:40:38] ⇨ Joins: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-176.2com.net)
L223[12:40:43] <APlayer> Turning it off and on again is usually the first thing you should do :P
L224[12:40:43] <GurrenLagannCWP> Crashed again
L225[12:41:07] <APlayer> GurrenLagannCWP: It is generally good practice to do such things on a clean install...
L226[12:41:14] ⇦ Quits: Lyneira (Lyneira!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:20c:29ff:fea6:d040) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L227[12:41:25] <APlayer> /Especially/ if it crashes otherwise
L228[12:44:48] <darsie> thx http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot75.png
L229[12:44:48] <darsie> IIRC this is normally on in a normal difficulty game.
L230[12:44:48] <darsie> Probably because it's a 1.3 game on 1.4.
L231[12:45:06] <GurrenLagannCWP> Trying a third time, with only InterKalactic 2 and its dependencies
L232[12:45:14] <Althego> hehe, upside down
L233[12:47:12] <GurrenLagannCWP> And again another crash
L234[12:47:23] <Mat2ch> deep temp measuremeant :D
L235[12:47:25] <GurrenLagannCWP> Wait
L236[12:47:55] <GurrenLagannCWP> I forgot to resize the textures
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L240[12:51:25] <GurrenLagannCWP> A final bootup
L241[12:55:31] <Althego> it's the finaaal bootup, tirariraa
L242[12:55:40] <GurrenLagannCWP> IT WORKED
L244[12:56:35] <GurrenLagannCWP> *jeez the hype*
L245[12:56:39] <Althego> in a week you could hav raised enough money for a computer upgrade :)
L246[12:57:17] <GurrenLagannCWP> cant into new pc
L247[13:00:38] <GurrenLagannCWP> Just had to put a clean install
L248[13:00:38] <GurrenLagannCWP> Thanks APlayer !
L249[13:02:15] <APlayer> Hey, I managed to convert this plotting program to a different coordinate system and break few enough things that I could fix it and get it to work in another two or three test runs :D
L250[13:04:37] <GurrenLagannCWP> Now i can finally build my own galaxy!
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L348[14:43:01] <Draconiator> I found a way to remove a broken headphone plug using a rivet.
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L362[15:23:02] <Fluburtur> I want a trumpet
L363[15:23:07] <Fluburtur> but they are expensive
L364[15:32:42] <darsie> http://trumpdonald.org/
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L391[18:13:08] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L407[20:05:54] <UmbralRaptop> https://twitter.com/KarenLMasters/status/1001480102218223618
L408[20:05:55] <kmath> <KarenLMasters> This curious galaxy has no bar, but 3 rings. Getting a lot of air time this morning at #galrings18 (NGC 7217). https://t.co/ua3nPG3oJm
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L421[22:05:09] <ZooNamedGames> Ok this is becoming unacceptable
L422[22:05:14] <ZooNamedGames> I need help badly
L423[22:05:32] <UmbralRaptop> In what way?
L424[22:05:40] <ZooNamedGames> KSP crashes every few minutes
L425[22:06:04] <UmbralRaptop> Mods?
L426[22:06:09] <ZooNamedGames> Brand new PC, I only have like 3 mods at most, all are light weight, and it still crashes
L427[22:06:21] <UmbralRaptop> Anything interesting in the in game logs?
L428[22:06:51] <ZooNamedGames> uh, KSP V1.4.3, MH DLC, 6 seater mk3 cockpit, mod that readds the old mk1 cockpit, and that's it
L429[22:07:11] <ZooNamedGames> I don't really know how to read the logs but I'll drop it into pastebin real fast
L430[22:08:25] <ZooNamedGames> uhhh...
L431[22:08:33] <ZooNamedGames> there's output log...
L432[22:08:46] <ZooNamedGames> there's no* output log
L433[22:10:00] <ZooNamedGames> there's an output log under launcher_data but not KSP_Data
L434[22:11:42] <ZooNamedGames> Did it get moved?
L435[22:12:40] <UmbralRaptop> there's a KSP.log in the main folder also.
L436[22:13:39] <UmbralRaptop> Uh, trying 64bit vs 32bit might help with crashes. (current 64bit is actually supported, if imperfect)
L437[22:13:58] <ZooNamedGames> hm, maybe downgrading will help
L438[22:14:14] <ZooNamedGames> granted I just got a super PC, so that seems a bit backwards
L439[22:15:12] <ZooNamedGames> I was using the x86 version
L440[22:15:30] <ZooNamedGames> Now I'm using the x64 version (whatever happened to x32 ?)\
L441[22:15:34] <ZooNamedGames> Now I'm using the x64 version (whatever happened to x32 ?)\
L442[22:15:39] <ZooNamedGames> Sorry
L443[22:17:23] <UmbralRaptop> 64 actually works, so it's being vaguely pushed. I think you download them separately now?
L444[22:18:30] <ZooNamedGames> But x32 isn't even available from the KSP Store
L445[22:18:49] <ZooNamedGames> Only versions available are x86 and x64. That's it.
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L447[22:27:52] <UmbralRaptop> x86 == 32bit here, just with a different name.
L448[22:32:54] <ConductorCat> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQcro7m3dOA
L449[22:32:55] <kmath> YouTube - 7 "Grown-Up" Behaviors That Are Wasting Your Money
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L452[22:57:06] * UmbralRaptop thought everyone under 50 already knew these.
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