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L1[00:03:01] ⇦ Quits: Kabouik_ (Kabouik_!~kabouik@38.ip-37-187-46.eu) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L2[00:19:25] <GlassYuri> ...did I just try to tighten a screw by turning left
L3[00:23:27] <Althego> hehe
L4[00:23:35] <Althego> if it is upside down, it happens to me sometimes
L5[00:25:02] <UmbralRaptor> GlassYuri: is the screw on a motor or something?
L6[00:26:29] <GlassYuri> UmbralRaptor, well my smartphone sometimes goes spinning on the floor, which is why it needed repair
L7[00:27:49] <UmbralRaptor> I'm going to assume that the manufacturer is just being a [redacted], and making it hard to repair.
L8[00:29:31] <GlassYuri> ;g 530 rmb to usd
L9[00:30:10] <GlassYuri> around 83 usd
L10[00:30:19] <GlassYuri> is that cheap for a phone repair?
L11[00:31:15] <UmbralRaptor> seems expensive. Aren't screens usually ≤50 USD?
L12[00:32:20] <GlassYuri> UmbralRaptor, like 390 rmb was on model railway kits I bought at the opportunity of already ordering something from china
L13[00:33:02] <GlassYuri> so just the screen + full international shipping charge was like $26
L14[00:33:25] ⇨ Joins: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com)
L15[00:33:42] <JCB> rmb is what currency?
L16[00:33:47] <Draconiator> https://store.steampowered.com/app/866890/Active_Shooter/- Who the hell thought this was a good idea, and who let it on Steam?
L17[00:34:20] <GlassYuri> JCB, renminbi, also known as chinese yuan (CNY)
L18[00:35:14] <GlassYuri> AFAIK rmb is the name of the currency and yuan is technically the unit or so
L19[00:35:20] <JCB> ah
L20[00:37:08] <JCB> sorry.. don't usually hear much of that currency on my side of the world
L21[00:37:23] <UmbralRaptor> okay, train parts are on a different price scale.
L22[00:39:13] <UmbralRaptor> Draconiator: hopefully it's an edgier version of counterstrike?
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L24[00:40:08] <JCB> .. speaking of CS.. been sorta pondering firing up the ol' xbox version for a little bit of fun
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L28[00:58:31] <kubi> good morning
L29[00:59:27] <JCB> yo
L30[01:01:50] <Althego> heh these people. you have to be a flat earther to be so dumb as to say the rocket needs air to push against it
L31[01:04:31] <Draconiator> Basically how a rocket works......Picture someone whose had way too much chili....
L32[01:04:50] <GlassYuri> it's not like 100% of the space in a rocket is taken up by machinery generating gas to push against
L33[01:07:02] <JCB> has it be coming worse.. people saying everything in life is just one big lie?
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L35[01:11:52] <Althego> i am still laughing at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaGX4JdtQi8
L36[01:11:52] <kmath> YouTube - Ready to Monday: Take on Me by The Band of the Bold (part 1)
L37[01:12:45] <Althego> it is funny enough with 1 guy, but with 3 it is multiplied
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L62[05:30:57] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/95089197f574c91cf3800547f2c45c7a/tumblr_ogfti1asUj1qep5zro1_540.jpg
L63[05:31:18] <GlassFragments> https://twitter.com/love2chiitan/status/971246677733642240
L64[05:31:18] <kmath> <love2chiitan> 倒れない棒買ってもらいましたっ☆ ⏎ ちぃたん☆ですっ☆ https://t.co/93KTaaDdY1
L65[05:31:44] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/8e0a0e9d654822b4413a4834cb703690/tumblr_nsf1dmcCcZ1qlrxk7o1_500.png
L66[05:43:02] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/08d4c35027a9c264f73f87d7347e5bf6/tumblr_inline_ojszl6nbrA1qgdows_540.jpg
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L69[06:05:31] <Rolf> lol
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L84[08:24:00] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f88UJyCA__M
L85[08:24:01] <kmath> YouTube - The Hardest Karaoke Song in the World
L86[08:59:41] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/TgJ0478mE7A?t=8
L87[08:59:54] <Fluburtur> blade aligment still not perfect but still cuts very easily
L88[09:00:46] <Althego> gory
L89[09:01:10] <Fluburtur> it's my weapon for the zombie apocalypse
L90[09:02:31] <Fluburtur> also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lre7GHqXuYU
L91[09:02:32] <kmath> YouTube - Torpedo Boyz - Fat Mans Walk
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L102[10:37:56] <kubi> hmm
L103[10:38:50] <kubi> there is a glitch around the abandonned space facility (TMA-2)
L104[10:39:10] <kubi> all vessels crash on an invisible circle around it
L105[10:39:24] <kubi> a kerbal can slip through
L106[10:40:08] <ve2dmn> kubi: Why so you think it was abandonned? It's haunted!
L107[10:40:21] <Althego> by the garbace collector
L108[10:40:26] <Althego> *garbage
L109[10:40:39] <Althego> takes you away if nobody knows you
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L112[10:51:16] <UmbralRaptor> So if I get rid of my Java and extensions, I should be able to C it?
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L118[11:40:53] <Kalpa> UmbralRaptor: This was some kind of pun.
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L120[11:44:21] <UmbralRaptor> Yes.
L121[11:46:07] <Azander> UmbralRaptor: I'll give you a C++ for effort
L122[11:46:36] <Althego> hehe
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L126[12:37:50] <Flub2> live design session https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfuyBc6XmwI
L127[12:37:51] <kmath> YouTube - Live design session
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L131[12:51:32] <ve2dmn> I'm doing spring cleaning and I just found a calendar from 2007
L132[12:52:06] <Althego> hehe
L133[12:52:47] <ve2dmn> it's from http://www.mmocalendar.com/
L134[12:53:58] <ve2dmn> Every month is a different picture from a different MMO, all signed byt the developpers
L135[12:56:12] <ve2dmn> The May Eve Online pic may me reaslise that game was released in 2003
L136[12:56:19] <ve2dmn> made*
L137[12:56:28] <Althego> hehe
L138[12:56:33] <ve2dmn> other typoes*
L139[12:57:57] <ve2dmn> I wonder of some are still around...
L140[12:58:14] <ve2dmn> Is Dark Age of Camelot still a thing?
L141[12:58:43] <ve2dmn> Or Warhammer Online?
L142[12:59:00] <Althego> doesnt ring a bell
L143[12:59:02] <ve2dmn> ...and... oh my... Star Wars Galaxies
L144[13:00:23] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warhammer_Online:_Age_of_Reckoning
L145[13:00:40] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Age_of_Camelot
L146[13:01:19] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chronicles_of_Spellborn
L147[13:02:35] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gods_%26_Heroes:_Rome_Rising
L148[13:03:17] <ve2dmn> Most didn't survive. Warcraft and Eve are probably the only one still around
L149[13:04:23] <Draconiator> Just realized I can re-hook up my PS2 since my xBox360 isn't using the composite splitter anymore
L150[13:05:57] <ve2dmn> wow... this one is still around: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shattered_Galaxy
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L153[13:40:51] <ve2dmn> Mat2ch: I've updated my list... it's now at 156 :/
L154[13:45:10] <Althego> what list
L155[13:49:02] <ve2dmn> Althego: PM-ed
L156[13:49:10] <Althego> i saw it
L157[13:49:52] <ve2dmn> It's not illegal to give away anything, but I don't want to break any rules :/
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L161[14:20:01] <senray> Yo, I've got a bit of an issue. When I enter non-physical timewarp, my ship's position jumps about a degree a head or behind. I've tried removing all mods except hyperedit and it still happens
L162[14:25:53] <ve2dmn> degree?
L163[14:26:08] <senray> of longitude or latitude
L164[14:26:16] <senray> the left to right one
L165[14:26:25] <senray> latitude, I thinkhope
L166[14:27:27] <ve2dmn> So you're at the equator and suddenl you are not?
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L168[14:28:22] <senray> nope, it's longitude!
L169[14:28:30] <Althego> isnt it rather along the orbital path?
L170[14:28:33] <senray> yep
L171[14:28:49] <senray> thats a better description of the problem
L172[14:29:03] <senray> I gather you've had this issue?
L173[14:37:33] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: you should open up a reseller shop. ;)
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L176[14:54:23] <ve2dmn> Mat2ch: I could probably make... a whole dollar!
L177[14:55:16] <ve2dmn> senray: sounds familiar, but sadly, I have no fix :/
L178[14:55:48] <ve2dmn> Did you try turning it off and on again?
L179[14:58:37] <senray> Ah, looks like I figured it out!
L180[14:58:58] <senray> Apparently, it's a bug in the hyperedit 1.5.4 that was fixed in 1.5.6
L181[14:59:46] <ve2dmn> Let me guess: Floating point error?
L182[15:00:24] <senray> I dunno, but it's a weird enough bug that I'm looking at the github out of curiousity
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L186[15:19:11] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L196[16:00:45] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: well, some games are still worth 5 to 10$, but finding buyers is hard
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L198[16:15:10] <ve2dmn> Selling price != what the game is worth
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L204[16:58:09] <ve2dmn> The comments on the video look awesome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36xRVZDoJy0
L205[16:58:10] <kmath> YouTube - Chris Hadfield Teaches Space Exploration | Official Trailer
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L216[18:12:34] <GurrenLagannCWP> Yay i made my first forum reply!
L217[18:12:57] <GurrenLagannCWP> Now i need to wait 10 hours for approval...
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L225[18:53:57] <GurrenLagannCWP> Wait
L226[18:54:09] <GurrenLagannCWP> How did it took only 10 mins
L227[18:54:51] <GurrenLagannCWP> To aprove a comment that's literally porting amod to another game...
L228[18:54:59] <GurrenLagannCWP> a mod*
L229[18:55:42] <GurrenLagannCWP> KSP Forums makes no sense sometimes
L230[19:27:50] <Blaank> http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/375/305/4a5.jpg
L231[19:27:58] <Blaank> 10/10
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L248[21:29:31] <Guest55011> Hi. When I launch the program and click on "start new game," a black cursor comes up. When this happens and I click on any command keys, like space bar, it makes a bonking sound and the kerbal doesn't move. Can you help?
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