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L1[00:00:33] <Ezko> yeah i was thinking they would end
L2[00:00:42] <Ezko> but still got a couple "late"
L3[00:15:30] <TheKosmonaut> >board MH370
L4[00:15:56] <TheKosmonaut> >plane crashes on a mysterious island, one by one, survivors die from starvation, injury, or murder
L5[00:16:27] <TheKosmonaut> >years go by and you are the last survivor, feeding solely off of crab, coconut, and insects
L6[00:17:02] <TheKosmonaut> >you see a plane overhead, years of preparation led to this moment, your signal flare is ignited, the plane begins to bank toward you...
L7[00:17:33] <TheKosmonaut> >from the back of a plane, a large crate with a chute begins descending toward your island, landing on the sandy shores
L8[00:18:09] <TheKosmonaut> >You frantically open the crate, it's filled with packing materials, you shake with excitement, hoping to find a radio or perhaps some amenities
L9[00:18:30] <TheKosmonaut> >at the bottom of a crate there is a small white envelope
L10[00:18:38] <Ezko> gdpr
L11[00:18:40] <Ezko> old
L12[00:18:48] <TheKosmonaut> >you open it, in bewilderment and find a note inside
L13[00:18:59] <TheKosmonaut> >From: Dharma Intitiative
L14[00:19:18] <TheKosmonaut> >Subject: We have made changes to our privacy policy.
L15[00:19:29] <KrazyKrl> Narrated by Deadpool as Nicolas Cage as Fonzie
L16[00:19:52] <TheKosmonaut> It's either GDPR or a note from the IRS
L17[00:19:57] <TheKosmonaut> They'll find you anywhere.
L18[00:20:41] <KrazyKrl> Nope... it's actually from USPIS
L19[00:20:54] <KrazyKrl> ya know... that place where people wash out and go into the FBI
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L21[00:25:44] <TheKosmonaut> cringe: I haven't seen a urine level report
L22[00:28:34] <cringe> ISS Urine Tank Level: 27%
L23[00:29:26] <Althego> hehe
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L27[00:45:58] <TheKosmonaut> cringe: that's better
L28[00:47:48] <cringe> classic me
L29[00:47:52] <cringe> barely meeting expectations
L30[00:54:40] <KrazyKrl> https://i.imgur.com/zf10XoL.jpg
L31[00:54:49] <Althego> lol
L32[00:54:53] <Althego> amazing
L33[00:55:23] <cringe> D:
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L36[01:00:39] <Althego> please ban roireke94 from the network
L37[01:07:43] ⇦ Quits: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L39[01:08:19] <Althego> my prayers have been heard
L40[01:08:21] <Althego> or not
L41[01:09:03] <KrazyKrl> I mean... it's not not possible.
L42[01:09:27] <Althego> when you spam idiot ads in private to everybody, it is going to be noticed
L43[01:10:00] <mr_flea> please report spambots to #dragonweyr... we aren't always watching
L44[01:10:09] <KrazyKrl> Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
L45[01:12:51] <Althego> it is a hard name to remember
L46[01:13:39] <KrazyKrl> "A Weyr is a collection of dragons, their riders and support staff in Anne McCaffrey's fictional world of Pern."
L47[01:13:56] <Althego> doesnt help
L48[01:14:19] <KrazyKrl> Or it might be Emil Weyr... an Austrian mathematician
L49[01:14:29] <KrazyKrl> Maybe fire breathing mathematicians.
L50[01:14:33] <Althego> hehe
L51[01:14:37] <Althego> that would bve awesome
L52[01:14:43] <Althego> math is magic
L53[01:14:53] <KrazyKrl> That's the most C+ sounding movie i've ever heard.
L54[01:15:05] <Althego> like in the longest journey where you defeat the great wizard with a calculator :)
L55[01:15:22] <KrazyKrl> You defeat the BBEG with voodoo math.
L56[01:15:32] <Althego> bbeg?
L57[01:15:38] <KrazyKrl> big bad evil guy.
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L64[02:05:50] <Rolf> KrazyKrl: bet uniform is annoying to cpo, due to how his body workws
L65[02:06:17] <Rolf> also. contrast is all over the map lol
L66[02:14:56] <KrazyKrl> Never realized that the facepalm was really the brain trying to escape.
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L69[03:02:07] ⇨ Joins: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-170.2com.net)
L70[03:02:16] <Althego> heh, another falcon 9 launch is coming up
L71[03:02:34] <Althego> they are on a roll
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L74[03:21:10] <KrazyKrl> https://cdn.teslarati.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/spacex-bfr-body-tool-tesla-model-3.jpg
L75[03:21:36] <KrazyKrl> that's kinda how you make it.
L76[03:23:37] <Althego> for the bfr
L77[03:24:26] <KrazyKrl> well... it's kinda just al forno carbon.
L78[03:24:53] <Althego> that's the way you do it. money for noting and the chicks for free
L79[03:25:47] <KrazyKrl> https://help.steampowered.com/en/accountdata/AccountSpend
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L96[05:14:07] ⇦ Quits: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L97[05:32:00] <GlassYuri> I've cut and pasted almost nine GB from my phone to my PC in one go and that may have been a bad idea
L98[05:32:21] <Althego> not really
L99[05:32:42] <Rolf> phone to pc is limited to one file a time, so it will take a while (unless its 1 huge file lol)
L100[05:32:56] <Althego> i notixed there is some kind of scanning mechanism on the phone, so if you copy an archive containing lot of small files to the phone it will take forever. typically hvsc is like this
L101[05:32:56] <Rolf> im probably wrong
L102[05:33:30] <Althego> so for that the double archavice is the solution
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L104[05:33:38] <Althego> i have never seen slowness in the other direction
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L106[05:34:06] <GlassYuri> it seems to be actually done copying the files but still shows up as ongio
L107[05:34:13] <GlassYuri> *ongoing
L108[05:38:40] ⇨ Joins: schnobs (schnobs!~user@p4FD9B5DC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L109[05:43:01] <schnobs> making movies.... is there a mod that will let me store camera position / viewing angle *in map mode*?
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L111[05:44:19] <Althego> camera tools is the only one i know of but dont know its functionality
L112[05:44:37] <schnobs> So I can (e.g.) zoom in on Minmus when refining a maneuver, rotating view as needed, but return to the same Kerbin-centered I had before?
L113[05:44:47] <schnobs> Thanks, will try.
L114[05:45:48] <Althego> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/84938-105-camera-tools-v151-dogfight-mode-autozoom-margin-slider-march-28/
L115[05:48:06] <Althego> how canadians get rid of bears (in contrast to finnish people seen in the video few days ago) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6O33JRDumOM
L116[05:48:06] <kmath> YouTube - The most Canadian way to get rid of bears
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L119[05:53:55] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: how the hell is one armed british lady stabilizing her tommy gun in the BF V trailer
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L121[05:54:08] <Rokker> nothing makes any sense
L122[05:56:52] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: also the black dude apparently time traveled from the 80s because hes wearing 80s uniforms. I guess that explains why he isnt segregated by the racism of the period.
L123[05:57:04] <Rokker> oh and the katana is top keks
L124[05:57:04] <Althego> hehe
L125[05:57:12] <Althego> you cant stop going on about that trailer
L126[05:57:27] <Rokker> Althego: every time I watch it it gets dumber
L127[05:57:33] <Althego> dont watch it
L128[05:57:51] <Rokker> Althego: black dude is wearing a headset even tho ne doesnt have a radio pack
L129[05:58:05] <Rokker> he
L130[05:58:19] <Rolf> most canadian way to get rid of bears lol
L131[05:58:47] <Althego> wait, how did you know what the guy said?
L132[05:59:11] <Althego> oh it had subtitles
L133[05:59:22] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: just wait. I guarantee they'll let you fly the gloster and 262 right at the start too
L134[05:59:45] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: I think the campaign will be close to reality. But multi-player will be a mess
L135[05:59:54] <sandbox> "nothing makes any sense" seems like a common trend for virtually everything these days
L136[06:00:38] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: W H Y I S T H E M E D I U M T A N K T O W I N G K R A U T A A
L137[06:00:46] <Althego> as usual, the world is ready for destructin
L138[06:00:53] <Althego> but no higher power ever comes
L139[06:01:08] <Rokker> W H Y A R E T H R Y R U N N I N G I N O N E D I R E C T I O N
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L141[06:01:50] <Rokker> GAHHHH
L142[06:05:12] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: why are all the Brits using German equipt
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L151[06:20:07] <Eddi|zuHause> why are the brits ruled by a german royal family?
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L159[06:26:16] <Rokker> Eddi|zuHause: it's all french in the end anywayz
L160[06:26:31] <Althego> insert french military jokes?
L161[06:26:40] <TheKosmonaut> Althego: that's the joke.
L162[06:26:44] <TheKosmonaut> "French military"
L163[06:26:45] <Rokker> Althego: french royalty jokes
L164[06:27:11] <Rokker> descendants of charlemagne etc
L165[06:29:47] <Gasher[home]> french royalty jokes are only a bit older than their military ones
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L167[06:33:15] <Rokker> Gasher[home]: I think Louis the 16th's head was in the right place
L168[06:34:41] <Althego> hehe
L169[06:34:48] <Althego> but stillhorrible
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L189[07:36:20] <Rokker> Fluburtur: I just realized the museum technically has a second french plane
L190[07:36:36] <Rokker> no wait
L191[07:36:38] <Rokker> we have 4
L192[07:36:43] <Rokker> technically
L193[07:37:10] <Fluburtur> which ones?
L194[07:38:19] <Rokker> Fluburtur: 2 SPADs, a Lusac 11 and a home made Bleroit Monoplane
L195[07:38:45] <Fluburtur> nice
L196[07:38:54] <Rokker> Fluburtur: dude built it off of pictures in 1911
L197[07:38:58] <Rokker> which is crazy
L198[07:39:02] <Fluburtur> heh
L199[07:39:20] <Althego> determination
L200[07:39:46] <Althego> when is the next entropy test?
L201[07:39:53] <Fluburtur> idk
L202[07:40:00] <Fluburtur> I need more carboard tube
L203[07:40:01] <Althego> our rocket program :)
L204[07:40:05] <Rokker> oh and a Nieuport N.28
L205[07:41:53] ⇨ Joins: Azander (Azander!~J@mobile-107-92-123-192.mycingular.net)
L206[07:41:53] <Rokker> Fluburtur: nothing after ww1 obviouslt
L207[07:42:08] <Rokker> because the air force didn't use or fight french planes since then
L208[07:42:27] <Fluburtur> grab a finnish cr 714
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L211[07:43:42] <Ezko> torille
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L213[07:44:11] <Rokker> Fluburtur: we have a Caquot balloon
L214[07:45:23] <Rokker> need to refill it with air tho
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L219[07:52:02] <Rokker> Fluburtur: looks like the storch is being put into permanent storage :'(
L220[07:52:10] <Fluburtur> sad
L221[07:52:37] <VanDisaster> it's just nesting
L222[07:53:20] <Rokker> Fluburtur: wanna know one of the weirdest things at the museum?
L223[07:53:30] <Fluburtur> yes
L224[07:53:32] <Althego> it is a free roaming rokker
L225[07:53:48] <Rokker> the Focke-Achelgis Fa 330
L226[07:54:15] <Rokker> it was a rotary blade kite that was towed behind uboats for scoutinf
L227[07:54:19] <Rokker> scouting
L228[07:54:25] <Fluburtur> nice
L229[07:54:38] <Fluburtur> towed autogyro then
L230[07:54:57] <Althego> didnt know such thing existed
L231[07:55:46] <Rokker> Fluburtur: and yes Focke is the same Focke of Focke Wulf. he formed FA after being ousted from FW
L232[07:56:02] <Fluburtur> lel
L233[07:56:38] <Rokker> Fluburtur: "screw you guys, ima bo make a kite"
L234[07:56:41] <Rokker> go*
L235[07:57:12] <Fluburtur> someone I forget kurt tank wasn't the boss of focke-wulf
L236[07:57:47] <Rokker> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1c/Fa330-100503-Cosford.jpg
L237[07:57:54] <Rokker> Althego: ^
L238[07:58:07] <Althego> it even has proper controls
L239[07:58:19] <Althego> kind of cute
L240[07:58:33] <Althego> but why has this instead of some hang glider?
L241[07:58:40] <Althego> or paraglider
L242[07:59:00] <Fluburtur> because germans
L243[07:59:15] <Althego> i did it my way
L244[07:59:19] <Fluburtur> I guess having a huge fabric wing is also less convenient when you are in the sea
L245[07:59:41] <Althego> but ultimatley you cvan fold it to take no place at all
L246[08:00:11] <Fluburtur> yeah but you have to dry it
L247[08:00:29] <Fluburtur> probably easier to control the autogyro too
L248[08:00:34] <Rokker> Althego: to be fair these have better handling at low speeds etc
L249[08:01:01] <Althego> but it is a towed thing, why would you need to have high control?
L250[08:01:10] <Rokker> at same reason the Japanese used an autogyro for scouting in early sino Japanese war
L251[08:01:21] <Rokker> idk
L252[08:02:20] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/513cdf7bf157b87083058047c68d9a81/tumblr_p8u3ouuK3o1qbrih3o1_540.jpg
L253[08:02:39] <Althego> lol
L254[08:04:22] <Rokker> Althego: compactness?
L255[08:05:06] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/24888b1df770ac06cec8770f3f7729eb/tumblr_p4ni8iwEeq1u75cpro1_400.png
L256[08:05:17] <Althego> hehe
L257[08:06:19] <Rokker> Althego: ah it might be in case the ship had to emergency five the captain could cut the rope and it could autorotate and land a bit better than a glider
L258[08:06:26] <Rokker> dive*
L259[08:07:58] <Rokker> I feel like Blohm and Voss would have been the most sensible choice for this aircraft though
L260[08:08:29] <Fluburtur> yeh blohm boss is the way to go if you want weird crap that wrks better than it should
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L263[08:09:46] <Rokker> Fluburtur: yeah but this was an aircraft for submarines... blohm and Voss was a submarine and plane builder
L264[08:09:50] <Rokker> kinda seems obvious
L265[08:10:12] <Fluburtur> flying sumbarine
L266[08:10:17] <Fluburtur> like that one russian project
L267[08:12:07] <Rokker> Fluburtur: they did make that one massive boat plane the German tree has
L268[08:12:18] <Rokker> which was a good combo of their skills
L269[08:12:23] <Fluburtur> yeah
L270[08:12:28] <Fluburtur> bv238
L271[08:12:45] <Fluburtur> then you play a rb battle as allies and see 3 of them and you know you lost already
L272[08:13:03] <Rokker> imagine if blohm and voss made the bismarck a flying ship
L273[08:13:07] <Fluburtur> I did manage to kill two of them with the vg33 once
L274[08:13:12] <Fluburtur> heh
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L294[08:59:43] <Flub2> uh
L295[09:00:05] <Flub2> finally buy natural disasters dlc for cities skyline, start a new town, power outtage
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L309[09:54:25] <GuestBanana> before anyone asks, I'm feeling a lot better
L310[09:54:31] <GuestBanana> trying not to think about it
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L314[10:07:25] <Rokker> GuestBanana: dont be afraid to seek counseling btw. trust me it will help. I've been feeling with depression for a while and counseling really helps.
L315[10:08:01] <GuestBanana> thanks Rokker, just being there has been helpful
L316[10:08:17] <GuestBanana> *just you being there
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L318[10:09:25] <Rokker> no problem
L319[10:09:36] <Rokker> now I need to take a nap cause I stayed up all night
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L330[10:55:57] <GuestBanana> i swear people and their sleeping habits
L331[10:56:21] <GuestBanana> hey wanna listen to something cool? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-iX9mF6wcM
L332[10:56:21] <kmath> YouTube - Globglogabgalab - (Osaki Remix)
L333[10:56:25] <GuestBanana> it's kind of memelous
L334[10:56:32] <GuestBanana> but i liked it
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L366[12:38:56] <Azander> Strange issue, and no indications in either log file: Part RP-400 Pressuized Tank from Fuel Tanks Plus, whci selected causes KSP to stop, and quit. No crash dump, nothing in the log files
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L368[12:54:41] <whales> the great kraken has struck AGAIN!
L369[12:59:13] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: Hm, long list. I should've asked earlier, before I bought Dirt ;)
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L371[13:00:48] <Flub2> https://78.media.tumblr.com/ab4a67ef76a2ce42052610545baccdf5/tumblr_p9bvb4FMS91wwghevo1_540.png
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L373[13:01:47] <ve2dmn> Mat2ch: and it's not even up to date
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L375[13:07:36] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: wow. A friend of mine has a similiarly long list.
L376[13:08:02] <Mat2ch> Infiny Factory looked nice, but I never thought about getting it
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L378[13:10:55] <UmbralRaptor> Mat2ch: Do you like Zachtronics games?
L379[13:12:53] <Althego> best thing i have seen today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvVoY-PTf6s
L380[13:12:53] <kmath> YouTube - Jogging in tune with Take On Me
L381[13:14:47] <Althego> this seems to be a meme i didnt know
L382[13:14:54] <UmbralRaptor> (If so, infinifactory is fun. It feels weird having way less processing power than in spacechem or TIS-100, though)
L383[13:15:07] <Mat2ch> UmbralRaptor: I think I've never played any of them
L384[13:15:29] <ve2dmn> Then you need to start with Spaceshem I guess
L385[13:15:47] <UmbralRaptor> Spacechem has a demo.
L386[13:15:48] <ve2dmn> Unless you really like programming, then TIS-100 would be better
L387[13:15:54] <ve2dmn> +1 for demo
L388[13:16:14] <Althego> the programming game nobody asked for?
L389[13:16:38] <Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7EDR2FTEU8 hot, so hot.
L390[13:17:18] <Althego> not the kind of hot i wanted to see :)
L391[13:17:52] <ve2dmn> Mat2ch: drone?
L392[13:18:01] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: I guess so.
L393[13:18:46] <Mat2ch> Not mine, but that's Pirates of Batavia burning right now in the Europapark, a really big amusement park here
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L395[13:19:03] <Mat2ch> I wonder why nobody has set up a live stream yet. :P
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L397[13:21:37] <Flub2> I guess it is the time for my CAD stream
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L403[14:04:01] <Althego> you stream canadian dollars? can you stream it towards me? :)
L404[14:12:13] <Flub2> lel
L405[14:17:29] <Althego> hehe, i have been there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjvIpI-1w84
L406[14:17:29] <kmath> YouTube - Null Island: The Busiest Place That Doesn't Exist
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L419[15:27:08] ⇨ Joins: Gh0sty (Gh0sty!webchat@
L420[15:27:18] <Gh0sty> Hello
L421[15:27:19] <Mod9000> Hello, Gh0sty
L422[15:27:23] <Gh0sty> Hi
L423[15:27:26] <Mod9000> Hello, Gh0sty
L424[15:27:37] ⇦ Quits: Judge_Dedd (Judge_Dedd!~MrNiceGuy@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L425[15:27:41] ⇨ Joins: Deddly (Deddly!~MrNiceGuy@
L426[15:27:48] <ve2dmn> Gh0sty: that's the greeting bot
L427[15:28:00] <Gh0sty> oh
L428[15:28:11] <Gh0sty> now i feel stupid. YAY!
L429[15:28:14] <ve2dmn> well, it worked... sort of
L430[15:28:22] <Deddly> Best greeting bot in the whole channel
L431[15:28:31] <Deddly> Hi Gh0sty!
L432[15:28:39] <Gh0sty> hello
L433[15:28:40] <Mod9000> Hello, Gh0sty
L434[15:28:46] <Deddly> Hehe
L435[15:28:52] ⇨ Joins: eriophora (eriophora!~Christine@50-24-142-175.bcstcmtk02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net)
L436[15:28:54] <Gh0sty> *sigh*
L437[15:28:56] <Deddly> Hello Mod9000
L438[15:28:56] <Flub2> Hi, Gh0sty!
L439[15:28:58] <Mod9000> How are things?
L440[15:29:01] <Deddly> Awesome
L441[15:29:04] <Gh0sty> nope not again
L442[15:29:58] ⇦ Quits: Gh0sty (Gh0sty!webchat@ (Client Quit)
L443[15:30:14] <Deddly> Gh0sty, lots of people come in here for the first time and say just "Hello". They wait 30 seconds and then disappear thinking nobody is around. Mod9000's job is to keep such people around for 30 extra seconds so we have time to type something ;)
L444[15:30:29] <Deddly> How ironic
L445[15:30:33] ⇦ Quits: erio (erio!~Christine@50-24-142-175.bcstcmtk02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L446[15:31:09] <GuestBanana> Hey, do you want some money?
L447[15:32:01] <GuestBanana> I don't have any, I was just wondering :)
L448[15:39:33] <APlayer> I take what I can find
L449[15:39:52] <APlayer> Also, this set off my internal spam filter when I first saw the message
L450[15:39:57] <APlayer> :P
L451[15:40:58] <GuestBanana> lol
L452[15:42:06] ⇦ Quits: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-176.2com.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L495[17:35:43] <UmbralRaptor> http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/208529
L496[17:44:21] <Flub2> you know those space whales that live in gas clouds?
L497[17:44:28] <Flub2> how do those even evolve
L498[17:44:42] <Flub2> like how does life appears and then evolce into space whales
L499[17:46:33] <APlayer> Those space wales are called planets, I think.
L500[17:47:02] <Flub2> but do they swim?
L501[17:54:55] <APlayer> :P
L502[17:55:09] <APlayer> I'm off for today. See you!
L503[17:58:01] ⇦ Quits: kubi (kubi!~kubi@c-d6af71d5.018-143-73746f43.bbcust.telenor.se) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L529[19:41:56] <esspapier> carbon based lifeforms are so overrated
L530[19:47:09] <UmbralRaptor> Proposal: those are not whales, but giant jellyfish.
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L538[20:24:05] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L539[20:24:45] <Eddi|zuHause> someone dared disturb the sound of silence
L540[20:25:10] <Eddi|zuHause> the song lied, all that time
L541[20:27:45] ⇦ Quits: Ezriilc (Ezriilc!~Ezriilc@ (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com))
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L558[22:27:55] <Draconiator> LOL, Google Earth is so detailed now you could even play a virtual round of golf if ya wanted.
L559[22:29:21] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/eba312dfd5826c743a37c12254fc588e.png - here's a hole on some golf course near Chicago
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