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L1[00:02:42] <Draconiator> http://money.cnn.com/2018/05/10/technology/net-neutrality-end-date/index.html
L2[00:03:06] <Rolf> last I checked congress is planning to vote on this again
L3[00:03:16] <Rolf> and few states passed own version of it
L4[00:04:01] ⇨ Joins: TGS (TGS!~theghosts@this.is.a.vhost.on.theghostbox.com)
L5[00:09:21] <Draconiator> https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012YXWWQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 - I bought this in 2013....so the hard drive lasted 6 years.
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L12[00:45:33] <Draconiator> Hmm, I found a free hard drive partition manager, and....why the heck is it showing me a very tiny piece of unallocated space? (Seriously it's like 1.8MB lol)
L13[00:46:14] <Althego> windows usually does that
L14[00:46:37] <Althego> there are some small places left over because why not
L15[00:56:40] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/0a13466dd29034fb9f21b76a71f87afe.png - I'll be able to use some unused space for my xBox now. I hope.
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L22[01:05:08] <Eddi|zuHause> so, i click on a link concerning "net neutrality", and immediately my internet disappears... coincidence?
L23[01:05:17] <Althego> hehe
L24[01:06:23] <Supercheese> just gotta move to Switzerland, they're the experts on neutrality, right?
L25[01:07:49] <Althego> i guess they dont even have electons and protons over there, thjey are all just made of neutrons :)
L26[01:08:17] <Eddi|zuHause> not sure how you're gonna run LHC on Neutrons, though :p
L27[01:08:30] <Althego> import them from france
L28[01:09:09] <Eddi|zuHause> that might work. i believe LHC partially runs through france
L29[01:09:13] <Althego> yes
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L32[01:29:52] <Eddi|zuHause> the biggest problem with moving to switzerland, though, is i wouldn't understand anyone
L33[01:31:19] <Althego> hehe
L34[01:31:29] <Althego> swiss german :)
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L37[01:35:32] <Draconiator> So the xBox 360 does not recognize partitions, and I had to copy everything to it and continue using it as my backup drive.
L38[01:36:57] <Draconiator> not to mrntion external drives are painfully slow on the thing.
L39[01:43:21] <Draconiator> https://www.space.com/40570-nasa-sending-helicopter-to-mars.html
L40[01:44:25] <Rolf> it would be interesting to "backport" this techology to earth
L41[01:44:35] <Rolf> for super high flights to say top of mountain
L42[01:46:17] <Althego> i have been waiting for this helicopter for years
L43[01:46:25] <Althego> still more than 2 to go to see if it is working
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L46[02:05:25] <Eddi|zuHause> xbox not recognizing partitions? is that like windows ignoring partitions of USB sticks?
L47[02:13:41] <Althego> i realized neutrons are made of charged quarks, so real swiss people are made of photons. in other words they are holograms
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L50[02:17:53] <Epi> get the Ferengi outta here... Also interesting the if you google image search 'Quark' you get no character Quark at all
L51[02:25:22] <Supercheese> arggghhh this song has a "smartphone vibrate" noise actually embedded in it
L52[02:25:31] <Supercheese> why why would you do this, internet radio....
L53[02:25:49] <Supercheese> can't even skip, gotta mute
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L56[02:31:27] <GuestNick> hi all
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L58[02:33:05] <GuestNick> in the persistent files. where a docking port is listed as: state = Docked (dockee) ... i want it to be free... do i change that to ready? available? false? etc anyone know that?
L59[02:33:41] <taniwha> look at an unused docking port
L60[02:35:07] <GuestNick> yeah just had that thought, having a search now
L61[02:35:47] <taniwha> also, you'll need to sort out the other port, too
L62[02:36:11] <GuestNick> seems to be ready... i'm having a glitch i've spent 4 days figuring, some of my docking ports are actually free but i couldn't dock to them
L63[02:36:40] <GuestNick> i went here for people to say it's a glitch they've had before and i need to free them in the persistent files, so here i am
L64[02:36:51] <GuestNick> going to set them all as ready and hope for the best
L65[02:37:06] <GuestNick> thanks taniwha there's no other port though
L66[02:37:43] <Althego> go to an other save, launch a simple craft
L67[02:38:09] <Althego> check the port there
L68[02:41:57] <GuestNick> yeah i reloaded the mission did it all again and still no docking, my alignment is perfect. it's definitely a glitch
L69[02:42:11] <GuestNick> i appreaciate you getting involved :)
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L93[05:32:56] <Rokker> Fluburtur: i swear the people who actually post stuff on r/aviation are idiots
L94[05:36:44] <Rokker> Fluburtur: like words are literally too hard to read for some of these people apparently
L95[05:40:44] <Rokker> Fluburtur: https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/comments/8is49j/i_had_no_idea_predator_drones_were_sooo_big/
L96[05:40:53] <Rokker> literally cant bother reading words
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L98[05:47:49] <Mat2ch> uh, mostly space for fuel :D
L99[05:58:42] <Fluburtur> I will do combat with a friend today
L100[05:58:45] <Fluburtur> with rc planes
L101[05:59:00] <Althego> those have sharp parts, dont cut yourself :)
L102[05:59:00] <Fluburtur> try to kill one of hte wings
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L104[06:10:22] <GuestNick> guys is anyone skilled or knowledgeble with the persistent files?
L105[06:11:27] <GuestNick> if i post a small section relating to a docking port, will anyone know what to change to get to be available? i'm experiencing a glitch i'm trying to fix with docking, as my ship will not magnetize with my tug
L106[06:12:03] <Fluburtur> I shouldn't play so much fast planes inw ar thunder
L107[06:12:12] <Fluburtur> I always end up being the first in the middle of a fight
L108[06:15:30] <GuestNick> https://imgur.com/a/40vUACO
L109[06:15:39] <GuestNick> if anyone wants to see my docking issue
L110[06:15:43] <GuestNick> no magnetisation
L111[06:15:52] <GuestNick> perfect alignment
L112[06:16:24] <GuestNick> the assumption is that the ports think they are docked? so i'm attampting to see the per. file so see what they say. but i'm not familiar with what they should say
L113[06:20:03] <Rokker> Fluburtur: seriously tho, how could anyone think thats a predator
L114[06:20:16] <Rokker> it literally says global hawk like 4 times
L115[06:20:59] <GuestNick> not everyone has a brain
L116[06:21:02] <GuestNick> sadly
L117[06:21:04] <Fluburtur> heh
L118[06:21:11] <Rokker> GuestNick: thats a weird one but i have no idea, maybe try asking again when more people are active
L119[06:21:16] <Fluburtur> im not a specialist in military UAVs but at least I can read
L120[06:21:46] <GuestNick> just watch a YT video of some americans, one of who'm said i believe in evolution but i also believe in creationsim
L121[06:22:18] <GuestNick> along with another persons view - i don't believe in evolution but i do belive in adaptation because science can prove that
L122[06:22:36] <GuestNick> thanks rokker will do
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L124[06:22:50] <GuestNick> i'm still playing in the per. file to try figure it out
L125[06:23:32] <GuestNick> was meant to be a routine mission to minmus but i launched on wednesday and here i am on saturday in kerb orbit still trying to sus a dock error -.-
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L130[06:25:59] <GuestNick> i'm seeing different options... State: disabled ... State: Docked (dockee) and State: Ready - and don't know what to change to what haha
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L132[06:26:57] <GuestNick> also - Attached: true ... but i'm guessing that means the port is fixed to the ship from the bolted side?
L133[06:27:08] <GuestNick> so many variables
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L135[06:28:10] <Rokker> GuestNick: had the ports been previously attached
L136[06:28:18] <GuestNick> npoe :/
L137[06:28:36] <GuestNick> they were there for my tug to reasseble it in kerb orbit
L138[06:28:46] <GuestNick> but can't get any magnetization
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L140[06:29:11] <GuestNick> perfect alignment right until contact and it just nudges together then begins to drift
L141[06:29:38] <GuestNick> bouncing off of each other . in 0.2m/s slow-mo
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L152[07:16:23] <NGC3982> is the 1.4.3 strut bug fixed yet? i am unable to see if someone acknowledged it or fixed it.
L153[07:16:48] <NGC3982> s/strut/landing gear/g
L154[07:17:58] <NGC3982> s/1.4.3/1.4.2/g
L155[07:18:07] <NGC3982> my brain is not glowing today.
L156[07:20:01] <RoboFreak> glowing brain, that would be freaky
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L158[07:20:26] <Althego> maybe like goauld eyes flashing
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L169[08:11:04] <Fluburtur> running with crocs isn't the most practical thing to do
L170[08:11:20] <Althego> how about dancing with wolves?
L171[08:13:15] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: Crocs are bad for electronics
L172[08:20:54] <Althego> orcs are bad for electronics too
L173[08:23:24] <Fluburtur> anyways, will do plane combat in about two hours
L174[08:23:36] <Fluburtur> if the plane survives I will try to slice it in the air with my sword
L175[08:23:49] <Althego> on the falt earth maybe. here you can o spherical combat only
L176[08:24:09] <Fluburtur> heh
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L179[08:40:08] *** GlassFragments is now known as GlassYuri
L180[08:40:29] <GlassYuri> "what dreams do you want to realize at our company?" HAVING AN INCOME FOR EXAMPLE
L181[08:40:42] <Fluburtur> heh
L182[08:41:35] <GlassYuri> we practiced this at school last year, but I only remember writing "making money and spending it on model trains"
L183[08:41:51] <Fluburtur> well that's a respectable goal
L184[08:42:59] <Fluburtur> I would write "making money and spending it on rc airplanes"
L185[08:44:43] <GlassYuri> I however have a reason for choosing their company
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L190[08:47:31] <GlassYuri> they don't specify at which time you have to be in the office
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L192[08:48:07] <GlassYuri> if you're willing to work late you can apparently come in the afternoon
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L202[09:36:56] <ve2dmn> GlassYuri: sounds like my place
L203[09:37:36] <ve2dmn> I would never be able to do 996
L204[09:38:40] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/444870944700235778/DSC_8890.JPG
L205[09:49:14] <ve2dmn> TIL http://making.duolingo.com/which-countries-study-which-languages-and-what-can-we-learn-from-it#fnref-Finland
L206[09:49:40] <ve2dmn> The most popular course in Sweden on Duolingo is... Swedish
L207[09:50:01] <UmbralRaptor> Languages are hard.
L208[09:50:14] <UmbralRaptor> Yay, cubesats? https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/news/1500/astrophysics-cubesat-demonstrates-big-potential-in-a-small-package/
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L210[09:51:57] <ve2dmn> UmbralRaptor: it's much easier if you WANT to learn or you HAVE to learn... AKA motivation :D
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L214[10:02:39] <GurrenLagannTSS> Hey guys!
L215[10:05:41] <Azander> Trying to create a Generator battery (yes it's a cheat, I ue it for sandbox testing of craft) using the 4K squad battery as a template. but I want the generator to start off, and be toggleable via the right click menu. I have it working, EXCEPT for that toggle. It is always on. Any ideas how to fix that?
L216[10:07:28] <GurrenLagannTSS> I'm trying to create a TON 618 analouge
L217[10:18:31] <GuestNick> what you mean by analogue?
L218[10:19:50] <Azander> GurrenLagannTSS: Contact CERN, you will need the super collider :P
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L220[10:25:31] <GuestNick> if anyone remembers my docking port magnetization issues... i have an update... i had to reload entire mission, return to vab and add probe cores to my fuel tanks so i didn't need to dock a tug to move them to construct in space... well annoying
L221[10:27:49] <GuestNick> i also cannot believe my KSP game is using 13gb of my ram... that's mental no?
L222[10:29:21] <UmbralRaptor> Graphics mods?
L223[10:34:12] <Azander> ONLY 13Gb ?
L224[10:34:21] <Azander> (yes I have graphic mods)
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L231[11:29:31] <Draconiator> blah...just realized I have a flash drive big enough to install Skyrim on, but the thing is the casing is waaaaaaay too big for the x-box 360.
L232[11:37:52] <Draconiator> And I removed the sliding part. Should work now.\
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L234[11:59:35] <GurrenLagannTSS> Cool!
L235[12:08:06] <Azander> Did something change with ModuleGenerator ?
L236[12:08:13] <Azander> between 1.3.x and 1.4.x ?
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L241[12:38:45] <ve2dmn> This series needs more views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-j-iHCZC_Q
L242[12:38:46] <kmath> YouTube - #DevQuest – Episode 1: The Hard Way
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L248[13:08:08] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/jFjsY6geNIo
L249[13:08:08] <kmath> YouTube - combat bigS
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L253[13:26:44] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/E311VRQO7UI
L254[13:26:44] <kmath> YouTube - combat mini800
L255[13:28:30] <Althego> that sound of crash and picture freeze, dramatic
L256[13:28:41] <Fluburtur> yeah
L257[13:28:46] <Fluburtur> woudln't turn off after that
L258[13:29:09] <Fluburtur> getting rc planes to crash into each other on purpose is hard
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L260[13:32:56] <Fluburtur> crap that robot is angry
L261[13:32:59] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/p00TtRGLiw8
L262[13:33:00] <kmath> YouTube - Tombstone - Season 7 All Fights - Battlebots
L263[13:33:10] <Althego> btw robot
L264[13:33:20] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjSohj-Iclc
L265[13:33:21] <kmath> YouTube - Getting some air, Atlas?
L266[13:33:26] <Fluburtur> saw that
L267[13:33:26] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve9kWX_KXus
L268[13:33:27] <kmath> YouTube - SpotMini Autonomous Navigation
L269[13:33:30] <Fluburtur> cool stuff
L270[14:03:37] ⇨ Joins: RandomJeb (RandomJeb!~necr0@
L271[14:07:43] <Fluburtur> have you seent he episode of black mirror with the murder bot that is basically a small version of spot
L272[14:09:02] <Althego> core intelligence module offline. main knowledge base unavailable. unable to interpret input
L273[14:10:44] ⇦ Quits: Jinx (Jinx!Jinx@dsl-jklbng11-54fa53-139.dhcp.inet.fi) ()
L274[14:11:12] <Althego> these guys are still good and funny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vqRuoctWnk
L275[14:11:13] <kmath> YouTube - Bohemian Rhapsody
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L279[14:31:40] <Althego> https://memes4.fjcdn.com/hdgifs/Snakes+are+evolving_5d8ed3_6603989.mp4
L280[14:32:46] <Althego> snake on a segway
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L283[14:43:46] <APlayer> Hi!
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L289[15:06:08] <Fluburtur> Rokker
L290[15:06:13] <Fluburtur> PLANE BROKE https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/444953264765534208/20180512131814_1.jpg
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L294[15:36:33] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: so, who won?
L295[15:36:44] <Fluburtur> I did
L296[15:36:51] <Fluburtur> or at least I didn't lose
L297[15:41:55] <Rokker> Fluburtur: i bought a month of premium cause i hate the grind
L298[15:42:07] <Rokker> ive dealt with the grind on and off for 6 years now
L299[15:42:49] <Rokker> Fluburtur: the B-29 is completely unprofitable without premium
L300[15:43:32] <Fluburtur> heh
L301[15:44:26] <Fluburtur> I mostly play fighters anyways
L302[15:44:35] <Rokker> i play it all
L303[15:46:16] <Fluburtur> im trying to get the yak 3p right now
L304[15:49:09] <Rokker> ew
L305[15:49:12] <Rokker> commie plane
L306[15:49:34] <Fluburtur> yes
L307[15:49:38] <Fluburtur> absolute beauty
L308[15:49:49] <Fluburtur> the murikan planes are the ones I play the less even
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L310[15:56:37] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/RaHIGkhslNA
L311[15:56:38] <kmath> YouTube - (Updated) Every time Boston Dynamics has abused a robot
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L319[16:29:24] <Rokker> Fluburtur: american planes are the most fun and most unique
L320[16:29:48] <Fluburtur> half of them are bricks
L321[16:29:53] <Fluburtur> like the p47
L322[16:29:54] <Rokker> no
L323[16:29:58] <Rokker> ur a brick
L324[16:30:17] <Rokker> Fluburtur: the F-82 with gun pods is the head on king
L325[16:30:36] <Fluburtur> only idiots do head ons
L326[16:30:48] <Fluburtur> but when you can't turn you have no choice I guess
L327[16:30:55] <Rokker> Fluburtur: there are a lot of idiots out there to head on
L328[16:30:55] <Fluburtur> unlike the russians, brits and japs
L329[16:32:39] <Rokker> Fluburtur: the jap planes burn if you just look at them hard enough
L330[16:32:52] <UmbralRaptor> No, the P-47 is a jug, not a brick.
L331[16:33:15] <Fluburtur> yeah the japs are horrible but at least they are not "just average"
L332[16:33:54] <Rokker> Fluburtur: american planes are great, ur wrong
L333[16:34:45] <Fluburtur> not a single one made me go "I love this one"
L334[16:35:02] <Fluburtur> unlike the bf109 f4 or yak 9t
L335[16:35:25] <Rokker> Fluburtur: the other trees are just variants of one plane
L336[16:35:35] <Rokker> oh i unlocked the 50th Bf 109
L337[16:35:50] <Rokker> oh Yak number 39
L338[16:35:52] <Rokker> cool
L339[16:36:12] <Fluburtur> the yaks are great
L340[16:36:34] <Fluburtur> yak 3 is fairly good in rb as long as you don't get shot
L341[16:36:38] <Rokker> oh cool i got a seafire "isnt that just a spitfire?" noi its got a tailhook
L342[16:36:54] <Rokker> BORING
L343[16:36:57] <Fluburtur> spits are over rated
L344[16:36:58] <Rokker> B O R I N G
L345[16:37:11] <Rokker> early spits are retarded in RB
L346[16:37:25] <Rokker> "oh a mild dive? screw you, engine out"
L347[16:37:37] <Fluburtur> I did some rb games with the first hurricane with a friend
L348[16:37:46] <Fluburtur> that thing is super slow but the spam is real
L349[16:38:01] <Rokker> Fluburtur: there is no better RB than a small formation of B-29s
L350[16:38:25] <Rokker> so fun
L351[16:38:36] <Fluburtur> b29 vs a ns37 shot in the wing
L352[16:38:38] <Fluburtur> who wins
L353[16:38:51] <Fluburtur> ns37
L354[16:39:13] <Rokker> Fluburtur: in a formation he wont even get close
L355[16:39:38] <Fluburtur> I've never seen anyone play bombers that way in rb
L356[16:39:45] <Fluburtur> but my highest rank is 5.0
L357[16:39:48] <Rokker> also, the B-29 is super resilient
L358[16:40:02] <Rokker> Fluburtur: its the only way people play in rank 6
L359[16:40:19] <Rokker> or BR 6 rather
L360[16:40:59] <Rokker> Fluburtur: im currently trying to get my AD-4 upgraded
L361[16:41:03] <Rokker> get them hydras
L362[16:41:08] <Fluburtur> ugly plane
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L364[16:42:22] <Fluburtur> all the planes I currently play are upgraded
L365[16:42:23] <Fluburtur> well most
L366[16:42:24] <Rokker> Fluburtur: doesnt matter, it can eliminate a small city with its full payload
L367[16:42:44] <Fluburtur> im still early in the french tree so I unlock a bit fast
L368[16:42:52] <Fluburtur> I have the sb2c and f6f I need to upgrade
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L374[16:57:17] <Rokker> Fluburtur: thank god ur using those french planes and not some awful american planes right?
L375[16:57:46] <Fluburtur> well the f6f is supposed to be a good turn fighter but it's not upgraded yet so not good yet
L376[16:57:54] <Rokker> eh
L377[16:57:58] <Fluburtur> but it is fat and ugly unlike the glorious vg33
L378[16:58:13] <Fluburtur> sb2c, eh is alright
L379[16:58:19] <Rokker> Fluburtur: duh, its a navy plane
L380[16:58:23] <Fluburtur> I have the a35 too
L381[16:58:34] <Rokker> the navy was far more obsessed with radial engines for some odd reason
L382[16:58:45] <Fluburtur> simpler I guess
L383[16:58:49] <Fluburtur> air cooling
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L386[17:17:55] <GurrenLagannTSS> Why i cant make boidies larger than Kerbol/Sun?
L387[17:19:14] <Rokker> Fluburtur: just had a big attacker v attacker battle. slowest turning battle ever
L388[17:19:21] <Fluburtur> heh
L389[17:19:50] <Rokker> Fluburtur: wyvern vs my AD-4
L390[17:20:22] <Rokker> Fluburtur: OH MY GOF
L391[17:20:26] <Rokker> CLUTCHED IT
L392[17:20:55] <Fluburtur> lel
L393[17:20:58] <Rokker> Fluburtur: i was the last one alive in my AD-4, a seafire was at .5 km behind opening fire and we won right as he started getting hits
L394[17:21:18] <Fluburtur> I know that
L395[17:21:34] <Rokker> i was so dead there
L396[17:21:37] <Fluburtur> "yeah he is getting closer, I should evade now" and just as I start turning I die
L397[17:21:54] <Rokker> the game ended RIGHT as he was about to kill me
L398[17:22:03] <Rokker> jesus that was great
L399[17:22:08] <Fluburtur> heh
L400[17:22:18] <Rokker> Fluburtur: i didnt have a choice to evade, no ammo, about to line up with carrier for landing\
L401[17:23:31] <Rokker> Fluburtur: mmmmm 4.5 k RP
L402[17:23:38] <Rokker> research all the things
L403[17:23:42] <Fluburtur> nice
L404[17:24:16] <Rokker> Fluburtur: anyways i am only using this cause its supposedly amazing in tank rb
L405[17:24:29] <Rokker> like... 56 hydras which can apparently one shot king tigers
L406[17:24:43] <Fluburtur> I have one hurricane I take for tank rb
L407[17:24:49] <Fluburtur> with the rp-3 rockets
L408[17:28:25] <Rokker> Fluburtur: currently i use a P-47
L409[17:28:39] <Rokker> tried using a P-61 but cant divebomb with it
L410[17:28:46] <Rokker> or rather i cant pull up with it
L411[17:30:22] <Fluburtur> heh
L412[17:30:38] <Fluburtur> I killed a p61 and b25 in rb battle the other day with my yak 3
L413[17:30:57] <Fluburtur> usually they have the dommsday turrets in arcade but didn't hit me there
L414[17:34:11] <Rokker> Fluburtur: yeah
L415[17:34:23] <Rokker> Fluburtur: god the weird frenchy plane is weird
L416[17:34:31] <Fluburtur> which one
L417[17:34:50] <Rokker> narwhal
L418[17:34:57] <Fluburtur> oh yeah that one
L419[17:35:05] <Fluburtur> was built from spares the germans left
L420[17:35:05] <Rokker> wait what
L421[17:35:12] <Rokker> when did i get 500k lions
L422[17:35:50] <Rokker> Fluburtur: i made 450k lions at some point apparently...
L423[17:36:00] <Rokker> 350*
L424[17:36:11] <Fluburtur> lel
L425[17:36:44] <Rokker> Fluburtur: god, this is gonna be a good month. premium is worth it so much
L426[17:37:02] <Fluburtur> heh
L427[17:37:45] <Rokker> Fluburtur: its basically eliminated grinding for me
L428[17:42:09] <GurrenLagannTSS> poor guys
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L438[18:34:59] <GurrenLagannTSS> I won a game by literally doing nothing
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L445[18:55:55] <Rokker> Fluburtur: just unlocked the F-84, cant even afford it
L446[18:56:03] <Rokker> :(
L447[18:56:08] <Fluburtur> rip u
L448[18:57:27] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/336633245724573707/445011612395503626/image.jpg
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L451[18:59:09] <Rokker> Fluburtur: shell stations arent THAT bad
L452[18:59:21] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/336633245724573707/445011621404737569/image.jpg
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L458[19:11:33] <Rokker> Fluburtur: at least im able to test fly the Sabre now
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L462[19:17:47] <Fluburtur> aparently helis with more blades on the main rotor are most stable
L463[19:18:50] <JCB> now that the craziness has settled down over here... get around to poking face into here again
L464[19:18:53] <Rokker> Fluburtur: god the climb on the sabre
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L466[19:19:29] <Fluburtur> well it is a je
L467[19:19:31] <Fluburtur> jet*
L468[19:19:37] <Fluburtur> I should try the yak 15 again
L469[19:19:37] <Rokker> Fluburtur: best jet
L470[19:19:52] <Rokker> Fluburtur: im a little annoyed that they are adding the T90
L471[19:20:22] <Rokker> Fluburtur: like they are letting the russian bias get to them too much
L472[19:20:31] <Rokker> "lets add a mid 90s tank"
L473[19:20:35] <Rokker> how about no
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L475[19:20:53] <Fluburtur> there is that murikan tank too
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L478[19:25:27] <JCB> ... which game?
L479[19:25:36] <Fluburtur> war thunder
L480[19:26:13] <JCB> ah ok..
L481[19:26:40] <Rokker> oh wait
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L483[19:26:54] <Rokker> Fluburtur: too many countries had T-tanks
L484[19:27:04] <Rokker> Fluburtur: apparently its the Japanese Type 90
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L486[19:27:33] <Rokker> Fluburtur: its the japanese opposition to M1 and T72 class
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L488[19:28:33] <Fluburtur> anyways, time for bed
L489[19:28:37] <Rokker> Fluburtur: still a 90s tank
L490[19:28:45] <Rokker> but not a T90
L491[19:28:50] <Rokker> later
L492[19:28:50] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:4d5d:4698:b103:618f) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L493[19:31:20] <JCB> I remember the BMP-3 tank from an old AH-64 game friend had
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L523[22:40:50] <GlassYuri> mfw I forgot my smartphone unlock pattern
L524[22:41:14] <GlassYuri> now I have to wait until I randomly unlock it from muscle memory
L525[22:42:22] <GlassYuri> yup, done
L526[22:43:31] <GlassYuri> wanted to try one more possiblity I thought of but in the process of picking up the phone I unlocked it
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L528[22:49:04] <Rokker> GlassYuri: oi, train nerd
L529[22:49:25] <Rokker> GlassYuri: why do these people advertising to me on twitter wanna stick radar on top of trains
L530[22:50:22] <GlassYuri> what
L531[22:50:40] <Rokker> GlassYuri: i got an advertisement on twitter
L532[22:50:46] <Rokker> from some american train association
L533[22:50:50] <GlassYuri> the only reason I can see is avoiding collisions with road vehicles or wildlife
L534[22:50:54] <Rokker> they wanna stick radar and lasers on trains
L535[22:51:06] <Rokker> but how effective would that be, really
L536[22:51:17] <Rokker> trains surely take longer to stop than the radar could see
L537[22:51:26] <Rokker> especially on curvy tracks
L538[22:51:50] <GlassYuri> for wildlife, maybe, but cars will always find new ways to get into accidents
L539[22:53:37] <GlassYuri> Rokker, how well can current technology automatically analyze ground radar images anyway
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L541[22:55:16] <Rokker> GlassYuri: idk, not as bad as it used to be
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