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L1[00:16:09] ⇦ Quits: KrimZon_2 (KrimZon_2!~krimzon@super.duper.reetleet.org) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L3[00:29:29] <Neal> I have full probe control (97% reception) and 95% full batteries and yet my probe seems dead in the air...
L4[00:29:57] <Neal> command state says operational
L5[00:30:50] <Neal> https://i.imgur.com/1ZNcyGX.png
L6[00:31:06] <Althego> no reaction wheels?
L7[00:31:15] <Althego> no it has them builtin
L8[00:31:37] <Neal> cant control it in any way
L9[00:31:46] <Neal> rcs is turned on however not toggleable...
L10[00:32:00] <Althego> sounds like it is bugged
L11[00:32:11] <Neal> lol yeah I hit f9 and nothing happened
L12[00:32:45] <Neal> interestingly the periapsis clock is ticking down still
L13[00:33:24] <Neal> space center and back to the craft fixed it
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L17[00:51:36] <Althego> https://youtu.be/Tr56QsHfwqs
L18[00:51:36] <kmath> YouTube - Riding with Emus
L19[00:51:49] <Althego> it is like swimming with dolphins
L20[01:09:52] <Neal> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tr56QsHfwqs
L21[01:09:52] <kmath> YouTube - Riding with Emus
L22[01:10:07] <Neal> derp
L23[01:10:30] <Neal> I read "its like swimming with dolphins" and that reminded me of this video
L24[01:10:58] <Althego> hehe
L25[01:11:08] <Althego> went full circle
L26[01:22:19] <Neal> "gigantor xl solar array is blocked by gigantor xl solar array"
L27[01:22:20] <Neal> this vessel only has 1 solar array
L28[01:22:24] <Althego> hehe
L29[01:32:09] <Neal> i've set my vessel on an escape trajectory at 100,000x timewarp. I wonder what value will overflow first
L30[01:32:13] <Rolf> Neal: you sure? lol
L31[01:32:20] <Neal> hm maybe I should have played the 32bit version not 64
L32[01:32:25] <Rolf> I had placed one under another so it "disappeared"
L33[01:32:28] <Rolf> but it was still there
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L38[02:28:35] <KrazyKrl> x64 has nothing to do with the internal variable limits. you can have utterly absurd numerals like 1.0*10^100000 if you wanted.
L39[02:29:04] <KrazyKrl> x64 is mainly for memory allocation and things like CPU features.
L40[02:41:22] ⇦ Quits: NolanSyKinsley (NolanSyKinsley!~NolanSyKi@2606:6000:5112:df00:e19c:2b5b:3a73:f8c8) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L48[03:19:20] <Eddi|zuHause> <Neal> I have full probe control (97% reception) and 95% full batteries and yet my probe seems dead in the air... <-- you probably were not at x1 timewarp, so it disabled all controls
L49[03:20:17] <Althego> not ivisble in the picture
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L59[05:06:23] <Ya_Boi_Jeb> Im very confused what is this?
L60[05:06:52] <Althego> irc?
L61[05:07:11] <Ya_Boi_Jeb> what does that mean? I just found this on the forum now im confused
L62[05:07:35] <Althego> a way to communicate with people through the internet
L63[05:07:43] <Ya_Boi_Jeb> Oh thats nifty
L64[05:10:07] <Zarthus> not quite as nifty as you might thing
L65[05:10:08] <Zarthus> think
L66[05:10:35] <Ya_Boi_Jeb> It seems pretty quiet on here or am I just on at a bad time?
L67[05:10:47] <Althego> fluctuating
L68[05:10:58] <Zarthus> that's the nature of how this works, nothing interesting going on so nothing to talk about
L69[05:10:59] <Althego> currently americans are sleeping
L70[05:11:09] <Ya_Boi_Jeb> Oh rip
L71[05:11:19] <Althego> electron launch in 3 days or something
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L73[05:11:31] <Ya_Boi_Jeb> Cool
L74[05:12:46] ⇨ Joins: APlayer (APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BD65700288F8FDF26D00E04.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L75[05:13:05] <Althego> the earth-like rockets moon rockets are op enough to go to duna lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZTaWz0faas
L76[05:13:06] <kmath> YouTube - Race to Duna - Part 1
L77[05:13:36] <Althego> to be honest without all the life support and things humans would need on a long journey, it is a lot easier
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L86[06:38:18] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/a0c3b50e4ff9b23606a5ef83688ecf8e/tumblr_opij7s8V1d1qjjc07o1_540.jpg
L87[06:39:34] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/078a93e306c6ff633ca6ff6df50beecc/tumblr_p7yn0y7ehu1rasnq9o1_540.jpg
L88[06:39:52] <Althego> not readable
L89[06:40:23] <Mat2ch> yes, he forgot the article about it
L90[06:40:40] <Mat2ch> but it's the longest straight line you can go on our planet (right now ;)
L91[06:40:51] <Althego> with airplane
L92[06:40:55] <Fluburtur> by foot
L93[06:41:18] <Althego> you could start from portugal
L94[06:42:50] <Althego> i get a different line
L95[06:42:59] <Althego> starts from west africa
L96[06:46:46] <Fluburtur> must avoid water
L97[06:47:07] <Althego> dihydrogen monoxide kills
L98[06:47:10] <Fluburtur> ye
L99[06:47:29] <Fluburtur> also one of my friends wanted to make stickers of me
L100[06:47:30] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/294937411358687232/445100591702736916/Fluburtur_Desat_BW_Test.png
L101[06:47:38] <Althego> lol
L102[06:47:44] <Althego> bit like some dictator
L103[06:47:44] <Fluburtur> with "the fantastic frenchman" written ont hem
L104[06:47:54] <Althego> looking into the future with confidence to lead his people
L105[06:48:11] <Fluburtur> was kinda going for that style http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/795/570/e38.jpg
L106[06:48:59] <Mat2ch> you should trim your beard first *g*
L107[06:50:04] <Fluburtur> nah is fine
L108[06:50:41] <Mat2ch> Ah dictator needs to be well trimmed
L109[06:52:38] <Fluburtur> I should probably start working on the improved 3d printed prop
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L114[07:40:07] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NM7hwAuXqCE
L115[07:40:07] <kmath> YouTube - 3d printed record
L116[07:47:19] ⇦ Quits: GlassYuri (GlassYuri!~Kreuzung@116-91-50-224.tokyo.fdn.vectant.ne.jp) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L118[08:04:02] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6O55PAiBWA
L119[08:04:03] <kmath> YouTube - Introducing Amazon Echo: Death Grips Edition
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L131[10:01:09] <Althego> i think i like technobabylon way more than gemini rue
L132[10:01:37] <Althego> gemini rue lacked interactions. but here that you have a companion there is all kinds of funny stuff
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L139[10:47:12] *** Olympic1_ is now known as Olympic1
L140[10:48:28] <esspapier> after some off time I wanted to play ksp again
L141[10:48:36] <esspapier> heard there was a dlc so why not get that, then it said I already bought it in 2013
L142[10:48:39] <esspapier> I'm in awe
L143[10:48:41] <esspapier> :3
L144[10:50:38] <UmbralRaptop> grats, I think.
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L146[10:56:25] <Mat2ch> esspapier: looks like you're one of the early supporters
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L148[10:58:44] <Draconiator> http://helloworldcollection.de/ - Some of these are EXTREMELY convoluted for just 2 words.
L149[10:59:42] <Althego> if you bought the game early enough, you got the dlc for free
L150[11:11:20] <esspapier> Mat2ch, just read on the forums
L151[11:11:25] <esspapier> april was cutoff
L152[11:11:36] <esspapier> bought it through the store and then switched to steam in march
L153[11:12:12] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/e01989fa0b383aac9f5fadc09817f46a.png
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L162[12:46:31] <Fluburtur> Rokker time for bias https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/445280635502985216/20180513194457_1.jpg
L163[12:47:51] <Rokker> Fluburtur: I unlocked the hydras <3
L164[12:47:54] <Rokker> mmmm
L165[12:48:50] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNVUyiHITKk
L166[12:48:51] <kmath> YouTube - Vintage Aircraft Carrier Landings - Fails and Mishaps
L167[12:49:35] <Rokker> Fluburtur: armor isn't a thing when hydra are around
L168[12:49:41] <Fluburtur> heh
L169[12:50:43] <Rokker> FluffyFoxeh: also I've been making a ton of Hail Hydra and Stay Hydrated puns
L170[12:50:50] <FluffyFoxeh> heyo
L171[12:51:39] <Rokker> crap
L172[12:51:43] <Rokker> FluffyFoxeh: sorry
L173[12:51:46] <Rokker> Fluburtur:
L174[12:51:48] <FluffyFoxeh> np :p
L175[12:52:03] <Rokker> FluffyFoxeh: how are you anyways
L176[12:52:07] <FluffyFoxeh> not bad
L177[12:55:08] <Rokker> cool
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L190[13:43:56] <Blaank> https://i.imgur.com/MRMwEno.jpg
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L203[15:19:11] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L204[15:35:40] <Kalpa> Good morning Supernovy
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L213[16:48:18] <Monty> Before I do something stupid with an interplanetary probe, relay antennas ALSO function as DIRECT antennas, yes?
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L216[16:52:42] <Monty> Or should I include an RA-15 *and* an HG-55?
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L222[17:44:11] <Draconiator> It's kind of fun messing around with alt + F12....with Infinate Propellant you can make all kinds of futuristic looking stuff.
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L238[18:56:45] <maltesh> Blar.
L239[18:57:56] <BenjaminK> Yeah
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L242[19:01:57] <ve2dmn> meh
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