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L22[01:54:52] <Eddi|zuHause> <Supercheese> So if a hyperbole is a greatly exaggerated statement... what sort of statement is a parabole? <-- on the broadest generalization, a "hyperbole" is "something that is more", an "ellipsis" is "something that is less", and a parabole is "something that is equal"
L23[01:56:44] <Supercheese> hehe
L24[02:00:39] <Eddi|zuHause> that is also how mathematical hyperboles, paraboles and ellipses are constructed, you have the same formula, but for hyperboles one parameter is >0, for ellipses the parameter is <0 and for parabolas the parameter is =0
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L26[02:04:33] <Eddi|zuHause> anyway, you can find parabolas in all sorts of stories, usually ones that try to draw a morale
L27[02:06:48] <Eddi|zuHause> for example this whole story is one massive parabola https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZYNADOHhVY
L28[02:06:49] <kmath> YouTube - The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant
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L151[08:17:56] <Fluburtur> while I think about it, I already have a complete rotor head
L152[08:18:12] <Fluburtur> could start CADing the intermesher now if I wanted
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L155[08:45:55] <Rokker> Fluburtur: speaking of jntermeshing
L156[08:46:02] <Rokker> build a HH-43
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L160[08:46:20] <Fluburtur> no box
L161[08:46:25] <Fluburtur> and I want to make my own design
L162[08:46:32] <Rokker> Fluburtur: :(
L163[08:47:27] <Rokker> Fluburtur: plzzzz
L164[08:47:35] <Fluburtur> it ugly
L165[08:48:25] <Rokker> Fluburtur: not as ugly as you
L166[08:48:35] <Fluburtur> no
L167[08:48:39] <Fluburtur> im beautiful
L168[08:48:40] <Rokker> yes
L169[08:48:45] <Fluburtur> thanks
L170[08:48:48] <Rokker> u uggo
L171[08:49:28] <Fluburtur> do you even know how I look like?
L172[08:49:32] <Fluburtur> probably actually
L173[08:49:38] <Rokker> Fluburtur: ...
L174[08:49:41] <Rokker> youtube
L175[08:49:50] <Fluburtur> yeah I guess
L176[08:50:09] <Rokker> Fluburtur: the HH-43 is probably the least ugly intermeshing heli out there.
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L178[08:50:45] <Fluburtur> the kmax looks nicer
L179[08:50:47] <Fluburtur> also http://www.aviastar.org/foto/gallery/flettner/flettner_kolibri_6.jpg
L180[08:51:14] <Rokker> are you high
L181[08:51:25] <Rokker> the K-max is disgusting
L182[08:51:43] <Fluburtur> it's not a box
L183[08:52:14] <Rokker> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/10/N265ka_krj.JPG/1280px-N265ka_krj.JPG
L184[08:52:21] <Rokker> this is objectively horrible
L185[08:52:42] <Fluburtur> no it is nice
L186[08:52:45] <Rokker> Fluburtur: the HH-43 has the nice rounded back
L187[08:53:39] <Rokker> Fluburtur: http://www.belgian-wings.be/Webpages/Navigator/Photos/Airshows/Koksijde%201968/HH43%2062-4559%20Koksijde%20100768%20Robert%20Roggeman%2002.jpg
L188[08:54:04] <Fluburtur> what is that ugly pipe
L189[08:54:19] <Rokker> Fluburtur: turboshaft exhaust
L190[08:54:34] <Fluburtur> ugly
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L192[08:56:48] <Rokker> Fluburtur: better than the OH-43
L193[08:58:15] <Rokker> Fluburtur: http://www.aviastar.org/foto/kaman_hok.jpg
L194[08:58:31] <Fluburtur> huh
L195[08:58:31] <Rokker> Fluburtur: same heli, but with a wasp rotary engine
L196[08:58:35] <Rokker> double wasp I think
L197[08:59:36] <Rokker> Fluburtur: some of them covered it up, but generally they didn't https://i.pinimg.com/originals/98/ee/5c/98ee5c3261afee050a5ccdd221f0fa00.jpg
L198[08:59:52] <Rokker> wrong link
L199[09:00:08] <Rokker> Fluburtur: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f6/HOK-1_NAN10-53.jpg
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L202[09:06:25] <Rokker> Fluburtur: that looks so much better than the kmax
L203[09:06:31] <Fluburtur> nah
L204[09:08:40] <Rokker> yes
L205[09:09:30] <Fluburtur> box helis are not nice
L206[09:13:46] <Rokker> Fluburtur: ur dum
L207[09:13:51] <Fluburtur> no u
L208[09:14:15] <Rokker> Fluburtur: I like your disgusting box bombers, why can't you like our disgusting box helis
L209[09:14:37] <Rokker> next ur gonna try telling me the H-21 looks better than the Chinook you lunatic
L210[09:14:43] <Fluburtur> because the farmand is actually nice
L211[09:14:51] <Fluburtur> the chinook is ugly
L212[09:14:56] <Fluburtur> banana helicopter
L213[09:15:47] <halcyon_b> I'm going to be honest, every time I hear about how 'ugly' an aircraft is, it turns out it's one I really like the look of.
L214[09:16:09] <halcyon_b> The A-10 Warthog is an example of that.
L215[09:16:19] <Fluburtur> nah the a-10 is alright
L216[09:16:32] <Fluburtur> nice minigun with wings
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L218[09:17:01] <Fluburtur> I loke how there is always a mod joining when im arguing with Rokker
L219[09:18:46] <Rokker> Fluburtur: are u calling the Chinook a banana chopper?
L220[09:18:52] <Fluburtur> yes
L221[09:18:59] <Rokker> Fluburtur: the H-21 is far worse
L222[09:19:13] <Rokker> Fluburtur: also, >A-10
L223[09:19:13] ⇨ Joins: RoboFreak (RoboFreak!~Althego@5400BF74.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
L224[09:19:19] <Rokker> >miniguj
L225[09:19:22] <Rokker> minigun*
L226[09:19:52] <Rokker> Fluburtur: if you stuck a minigun in an A-10 I would disown you and never talk to you again
L227[09:21:16] <Fluburtur> k
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L230[09:22:56] <Rokker> Fluburtur: http://www.aviation-history.com/piasecki/h21-5a.jpg
L231[09:23:16] <Fluburtur> k the is worst than the chinook
L232[09:37:52] <Rokker> Fluburtur: the Chinook doesn't look to bad compared to that eh?
L233[09:38:01] <Fluburtur> yeah
L234[09:38:21] <Fluburtur> well I did take a pic of the chinook at the bourget airshow so I guess it isn't the worst
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L239[09:49:51] <Rokker> Fluburtur: http://www.diseno-art.com/news_content/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Boeing-347-1.jpg
L240[09:49:53] <Rokker> wings
L241[09:50:12] <Althego> wings
L242[09:50:13] <Fluburtur> heh
L243[09:50:39] <Althego> i had a german coworker with the name harald wings
L244[09:51:18] <Rokker> Fluburtur: I could see a bit of a use for those wings but what I don't understand is why they can rotate
L245[09:51:35] <Fluburtur> reduce drag when in hover
L246[09:51:37] <Fluburtur> I guess
L247[09:51:41] <Rokker> http://www.chinook-helicopter.com/history/aircraft/A_Models/65-07992/BV347_wing_rotated.jpg
L248[09:51:45] <Fluburtur> adjust ot the airflod coming fromt he rotor
L249[09:51:49] <Rokker> it's just weird
L250[09:52:12] <Althego> yes osprey has a simila problem for hovering, there it juts uses extreme flaps instead of complete wing movement
L251[09:52:53] <Rokker> that was a very odd design btw
L252[09:53:08] <Rokker> the BV-347 had a good few weird modifications
L253[09:54:59] <Fluburtur> well it is a blohm voss aircraft
L254[09:55:13] <Rokker> Fluburtur: no it's boeing
L255[09:55:17] <Fluburtur> not many bv stuff are not weird
L256[09:56:00] <Rokker> Fluburtur: the BV347 is that Chinook, it's not Blohm and Voss
L257[09:56:04] <Rokker> it's Boeing
L258[09:56:16] <Fluburtur> it got the bv spirit
L259[09:56:22] <Rokker> lol
L260[09:56:30] <Fluburtur> you can't put "BV" on an aircraft and expect it to be fine
L261[09:56:42] <Rokker> Fluburtur: I just discovered a yakovlev tandem rotor heli...
L262[09:56:52] <Rokker> it's the boxiest helicopter ever
L263[09:57:02] <Fluburtur> the tandem were early stuff isn't it?
L264[09:57:04] ⇨ Joins: sasamj (sasamj!uid193032@id-193032.brockwell.irccloud.com)
L265[09:57:21] <Rokker> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3c/Yakovlev_Yak-24_at_Central_Air_Force_museum_%283%29.jpg
L266[09:58:08] <Fluburtur> uh it's not the tandem I was thinking of
L267[09:59:32] <Althego> wait, i need to link something tandem
L268[10:00:28] <Althego> https://twitter.com/fedeju93/status/992763917213601792/video/1
L269[10:00:28] <kmath> <fedeju93> AHAHAHAHAHAHAH ? capolavoro #giro101 #giro @giroditalia https://t.co/weuqHDrbBd
L270[10:00:47] <Althego> what an invention it is
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L274[10:09:35] <UmbralRaptop> uh
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L278[10:25:52] <Althego> hah, systematic classification of life ep27, i was waiting for this (mr ra)
L279[10:37:39] <Rokker> Fluburtur: I'm forever annoyed that the museum has an HH-21 but will never have a chinook
L280[10:37:51] <Rokker> we have the worst tandem chopper
L281[10:39:20] <Rokker> have y'all ever seen the massive chinook skycrane boeing wanted to make
L282[10:39:51] <Rokker> well
L283[10:39:52] <Fluburtur> I don't think I did
L284[10:39:55] <Rokker> it wasn't chinook
L285[10:40:14] <Rokker> but same tech
L286[10:40:16] <Rokker> just larger
L287[10:40:36] <Rokker> Fluburtur: project was cancelled https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Boeing_XCH-62.jpg
L288[10:40:48] <Althego> skinny
L289[10:41:16] <Fluburtur> big
L290[10:41:24] <Rokker> Fluburtur: 28 meter rotor diameter
L291[10:41:29] <Fluburtur> nice
L292[10:42:02] <Althego> that would make a big propeller clock :)
L293[10:42:03] <ve2dmn> reminds me of the Dune2 Caryall
L294[10:42:13] <Althego> hehe, carryall
L295[10:42:30] <Althego> it is still not apparent how it would fly
L296[10:42:37] <ve2dmn> "magic"
L297[10:42:46] <Althego> it cant even have computers
L298[10:42:56] <ve2dmn> "more magic"
L299[10:43:13] <Althego> not to mention ornithopters on pure mechanical control...
L300[10:44:18] <Rokker> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Boeing_XCH-62_(VS).png
L301[10:45:41] <Rokker> Fluburtur: a total of 18000 kW output between it's 3 turboshafts
L302[10:45:54] <Fluburtur> yeah not bad
L303[10:46:04] <Althego> i never understand where you can put the 3rd engine on a heli
L304[10:46:14] <ve2dmn> Althego: We are talking about a universe where they have worms the size of buildings that apparently don't have to eat that much
L305[10:46:31] <Althego> the biggest life forms are plancton eaters
L306[10:46:36] <Althego> even here on earth
L307[10:46:41] <Althego> they dont appear to eat much
L308[10:47:02] <Althego> the worms are relatively realistic
L309[10:47:28] <Rokker> Fluburtur: what are your thoughts on the LTV XC-142
L310[10:47:39] <ve2dmn> I still don't understand what they would be eating in a desert...
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L312[10:47:57] <Fluburtur> looks fun
L313[10:47:57] <BadRocketsCo> Howdy!
L314[10:48:01] <Fluburtur> yo
L315[10:48:37] <BadRocketsCo> Did y'all hear about the new "Venture class" rocket NASA is planning?
L316[10:48:39] <Rokker> Fluburtur: which reminds me, I need to talk with the museum curator about how they are dumb and wrong and how my museum layout and display plan is better
L317[10:49:07] <Rokker> they don't even present the XC-142 with it's wings tilted
L318[10:49:13] <Rokker> it's in conventional mode
L319[10:49:15] <Rokker> which is boring
L320[10:49:21] <Fluburtur> ye tell them
L321[10:49:25] <Althego> what is venture class?
L322[10:49:35] <UmbralRaptop> BadRocketsCo: wat
L323[10:49:48] <Rokker> Althego: tiny babby rockets
L324[10:50:13] <Rokker> Althego: firefly, electron, vector
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L326[10:51:45] <BadMobileRockets> Dumb home internet...
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L328[10:52:22] <BadMobileRockets> Anyway, I just realised that that's like 2015 news...
L329[10:54:45] <Althego> hehe
L330[10:54:53] <Althego> a lot of things happened since then
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L334[10:59:12] <BadMobileRockets> Althego: basicaly, Venture Class is NASAs new cubesat launcher.
L335[11:01:28] <Rokker> BadMobileRockets: well, it's a class
L336[11:01:32] <Rokker> there are a few of them
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L338[11:05:30] <BadMobileRockets> Ah, i was confused if that was in fact a class of rockets or if it is an name
L339[11:07:26] <BadMobileRockets> Still, I think it's cool that NASA is trying to appeal more to the small cubesat market
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L341[11:15:57] <Althego> rename cubesats to coolsats :)
L342[11:17:05] <BadMobileRockets> Heheh. They are pretty sweet though, aren't they?
L343[11:21:59] <GlassYuri> https://i.imgur.com/Rvkl1OS.jpg
L344[11:23:14] <Althego> lol
L345[11:23:32] <Althego> the guy looking at him, like, dudr this cant be serious
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L347[11:39:17] <ve2dmn> I'm trying to find how many sats that company has in oribit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planet_Labs
L348[11:43:24] <ve2dmn> best number I can come up with is 324
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L359[12:46:24] <Althego> hmm, some hail
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L362[13:04:23] <ve2dmn> hail some
L363[13:06:24] <Althego> hailing frequencies open
L364[13:10:27] <UmbralRaptop> Captain, we appear to be receiving small pellets of water-ice.
L365[13:10:39] <UmbralRaptop> </worf>
L366[13:10:54] <Fluburtur> im getting good at flying my reusable rocket that has wings
L367[13:10:59] <Fluburtur> can reliably land it on the runway
L368[13:11:38] <ve2dmn> 'Main screen turn on'
L369[13:12:55] <Althego> lol this exists. i like it https://shirtoid.com/110233/we-are-star-stuff/
L370[13:16:25] <Althego> what is happening to juno lately?
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L373[13:34:44] <Judge_Dedd> Umm... where should I install the Making History DLC? Same folder as KSP?
L374[13:35:47] <Althego> it asks for a path, just give the ksp install dir
L375[13:36:02] <Althego> but basically it installs a mod that is in the usual place
L376[13:36:15] <UmbralRaptop> ^
L377[13:36:29] <Judge_Dedd> Hmm. So the win-64 folder?
L378[13:36:41] <Althego> if its named like that
L379[13:36:49] <Judge_Dedd> Or rather KSP_win64
L380[13:37:04] <UmbralRaptop> Yeah, it'll go to folder_you_specified/GameData/MakingHistory
L381[13:37:05] <Althego> that is the default it extracts to. i usually rename it to just ksp
L382[13:37:13] <UmbralRaptop> Althego: https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/naif/data_archived.html
L383[13:37:26] <Judge_Dedd> Thanks
L384[13:37:47] <UmbralRaptop> Blarg, cuts off in 2017.
L385[13:40:06] <UmbralRaptop> Yeah, all the files on PDS are >9 months old.
L386[13:40:22] <Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNM3tHBkekw this is so bad, it's acturally good. :D
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L389[13:43:32] <ve2dmn> was looking at BOINC this morning... I had completely forgotten that SETI@Home was still a thing
L390[13:47:01] <ve2dmn> I also learned that there is now 'gridcoin' that is going to be used as 'proof-of-research' or something
L391[13:47:54] <ve2dmn> Are they gonna pay people to crunch Satelitte data or something?
L392[13:50:49] <Judge_Dedd> Ooh, KSP allows lower resolutions now. That's great for laptops
L393[13:53:43] <ve2dmn> Judge_Dedd: if you put it too low:
L394[13:54:23] <ve2dmn> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_16eZks21U
L395[13:54:24] <kmath> YouTube - 8-Bit Kerbal Space Program - NES Gameplay
L396[13:54:58] <Althego> hehe
L397[13:55:50] <Althego> the music
L398[13:55:58] <Judge_Dedd> ve2dmn, hahaha
L399[13:56:36] <Althego> the rotation wouldnt happen like that
L400[13:57:29] <Althego> the kerbal is like a lemming lol
L401[13:58:22] <Althego> the parachute sound, the ending
L402[13:58:24] <Althego> this is good
L403[13:58:40] <Althego> reminds me of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8B16eAS1dwA
L404[13:58:41] <kmath> YouTube - 8-bit Starcraft
L405[14:01:30] <Althego> that said, i never liked any game named *craft
L406[14:01:38] <ve2dmn> I learned not too long ago that during the intro of Chrono Trigger, the pendulum doesn't move... the camera does
L407[14:01:58] <ve2dmn> (because of the video modes of the console)
L408[14:02:14] <Althego> ilm did the same trick with star wars space battles
L409[14:02:18] <Althego> legit
L410[14:03:03] <ve2dmn> But I can't look at that intro the same way again now...
L411[14:03:26] <Althego> hmm, new muskwatch
L412[14:03:41] <Althego> still cant get over the cyborg centaur elon
L413[14:04:19] <ve2dmn> Elon has a new girlfriend now or something?
L414[14:05:29] <Althego> even if he has, he sleeps inside the tesla factory, so completely pointless
L415[14:05:44] <ve2dmn> true
L416[14:06:10] <ve2dmn> "Honey, I'm still at work. I'll see you later next month, okay?"
L417[14:06:16] <Althego> hehe
L418[14:06:54] <ve2dmn> He and Jaff Bezoss are good at pushing employees to the breaking point
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L420[14:11:18] <darsie> Are there anomalies on Minmus?
L421[14:11:32] <Althego> some monoliths, sure
L422[14:11:33] <darsie> I didn't find any with okto2.
L423[14:11:37] <darsie> ok
L424[14:12:16] <Althego> but nothing particularly interesting
L425[14:12:55] <darsie> Went on polar orbit for 1/2 Minmus day.
L426[14:13:05] <darsie> 12+ km
L427[14:13:19] <Althego> hehe i didnt notice laythe has a sagan sea and a degrasse sea :)
L428[14:13:30] <darsie> :)
L429[14:13:55] * UmbralRaptop eyes Eve's Explodium Sea.
L430[14:14:03] <Althego> i knew that is there
L431[14:14:06] <Althego> never exploded though
L432[14:16:48] <Althego> hmm, i think i never visited the tylo thing
L433[14:16:57] <Althego> it was probably under the surface
L434[14:17:15] <Althego> pinpoint landing on tylo? now that sounds like a hard task
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L439[14:55:49] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/336533573781684244/443501080140316684/DSC_8867.JPG
L440[14:59:55] <ve2dmn> Althego: It is Degrasse or Degras-sea ?
L441[15:00:22] ⇨ Joins: Guest-Nick (Guest-Nick!webchat@0547b1cc.skybroadband.com)
L442[15:00:26] <Guest-Nick> hi all
L443[15:00:38] <UmbralRaptop> Degauss sea: where iron is mined.
L444[15:00:44] <UmbralRaptop> …hi?
L445[15:00:58] <Guest-Nick> my docking ports wont magnetise... 1k+ hours on ksp so no newbie mistakes... i have pictures of my near perfect approach
L446[15:01:02] <ve2dmn> UmbralRaptop: it was a reference to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degrassi
L447[15:01:11] <Guest-Nick> can anyone hazard a guess as to the reason?
L448[15:01:27] <Guest-Nick> https://imgur.com/a/40vUACO
L449[15:01:31] <Guest-Nick> see photos
L450[15:01:41] <Guest-Nick> no magnetization... very frustrating
L451[15:01:46] <Althego> sometimes they used to stuck in the incorrect state
L452[15:02:03] <Althego> (what they have after decoupling, so that the parts can get farther)
L453[15:02:14] <Althego> but i havetn seen that for a long time now
L454[15:02:25] <Guest-Nick> hmm
L455[15:02:26] <ve2dmn> It's an old bug, but it checks out
L456[15:02:31] <Guest-Nick> it's super annoying
L457[15:02:34] <ve2dmn> yes
L458[15:02:35] <ve2dmn> very
L459[15:02:40] <Guest-Nick> so you reckon i'm bugging?
L460[15:02:57] <ve2dmn> it's a guess, but yes
L461[15:03:02] <Althego> the state is visible in theeee save
L462[15:03:11] <Althego> but i dont remember what it was and what it should be
L463[15:03:54] <Althego> alternatively they know they position wrong and think they are not even nea
L464[15:04:17] <Guest-Nick> crap. is there a solution?
L465[15:04:28] <Guest-Nick> jesus :(
L466[15:04:46] <Guest-Nick> hmmm not sure what to do? go like 200m away and then try re-approach?
L467[15:04:51] <ve2dmn> let me think... there was
L468[15:05:51] <ve2dmn> I don't think this is something Hyperedit could solve
L469[15:06:13] <Supercheese> pop 'em off, then reattach with KAS?
L470[15:07:06] <Guest-Nick> no hyperedit won't solve sadly, unless it can construct my space base. i've also tried re-loading game with no luck
L471[15:07:14] <Guest-Nick> supercheese what you mean?
L472[15:07:23] <ve2dmn> Guest-Nick: going 50m, changing scene might do it
L473[15:07:38] <Althego> with kis/kas you can remo and add elements to the ship in space
L474[15:07:44] <ve2dmn> but the problem is the state of the docking ports
L475[15:07:48] <Supercheese> Get an engineer with a screwdriver, EVA, detach one (or both) docking port, then reattach it; this might reset the state
L476[15:07:59] <Supercheese> just a guess though
L477[15:08:24] <Althego> how said is that when you have to patch in-universe because of universe bug :)
L478[15:08:47] <ve2dmn> Guest-Nick: "Out-of-Universe fix: Check docking port state in save file, Acquired state on port might prevent it from docking (bug). Changing it back to Ready should fix it."
L479[15:08:52] <Guest-Nick> hmm damn i have 8 kerbals but i didn't stock their inventory... never knew this could be an issue
L480[15:09:22] <Supercheese> yeah I use the settings file in KIS to automatically give every command pod a screwdriver for emergencies
L481[15:09:30] <Supercheese> so I always have one in a pinch
L482[15:09:38] <Guest-Nick> hmmm ve2 that might work, effort to hell but it might work... jeez my 1 hour of free time for ksp is spent bug fixing -.-
L483[15:09:51] <Guest-Nick> ah clever supercheese
L484[15:10:22] <ve2dmn> Guest-Nick: it happened to me before...
L485[15:10:38] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@5400BF74.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L486[15:10:43] <ve2dmn> I used up all my monoprop trying to dock 2 large parts
L487[15:11:04] <Guest-Nick> it's so annoying i'm just trying to connect a port, anyway thanks guys i have a couple of things to try now. will report in 15-30 mins!
L488[15:11:32] <ve2dmn> Guest-Nick: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/309989358524767296/7BF92DBCFB37D29EED9343745906F3A7FA43943E/
L489[15:12:30] <ve2dmn> Guest-Nick: I suggest 'Konstruction ports' btw
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L491[15:13:12] <ve2dmn> They are incompatible with normal ports, but will auto-dock at precise angles
L492[15:14:29] <Supercheese> DockRotate mod allows that same functionality with stock ports
L493[15:14:58] <Guest-Nick> update: i was able to connect to a port ...
L494[15:15:05] <ve2dmn> yay!
L495[15:15:11] <Guest-Nick> the port i was originally attached to .... -.- fml
L496[15:15:16] <Guest-Nick> not the port i need.
L497[15:15:41] <ve2dmn> nay!
L498[15:15:47] <Guest-Nick> the port it was originally attached to was effectively it's garage, it's home, where it parks until needed. dangit
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L500[15:15:58] <Guest-Nick> lol nay indeed ve2dmn
L501[15:16:17] <Guest-Nick> so i will try again ...
L502[15:16:41] <ve2dmn> Supercheese: but Konstruction ports allows for welding :D
L503[15:16:52] <Supercheese> ya
L504[15:17:24] <Supercheese> DockRotate is also nice in that if you need to remove all mods for some reason, it won't bork your save/ships
L505[15:17:44] <Supercheese> whereas Konstruction ports, if you ditch the mod, poof your ships are toast
L506[15:17:59] <Supercheese> (unless you already welded them away)
L507[15:18:35] <ve2dmn> I might have to install both then
L508[15:20:11] <Supercheese> ya I use both
L509[15:26:47] <Guest-Nick> pff i'm going into the file saves... fml what a crap night this is. this is the police equivelant to getting to do a police chase but getting a flat tyre as it starts and still having to write the paperwork for it
L510[15:27:04] <Guest-Nick> welp. thanks guys at least i know what i'm dealing with.
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L513[15:35:07] <Guest-Nick> guys, do any of you know a quick way to find the docking port i'm looking for in the persistent file?
L514[15:35:30] <ve2dmn> search for 'acquired' I guess
L515[15:36:09] <darsie> Anomaly at Minmus: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot3.png
L516[15:36:30] <ve2dmn> darsie: *spoiler alert*
L517[15:36:31] <Guest-Nick> hmm acquired drew a blank
L518[15:36:45] <darsie> Yes, spoiler alert.
L519[15:36:52] <ve2dmn> search for 'Acquired' I guess
L520[15:37:36] <Guest-Nick> no results i'm afraid ve2dmn
L521[15:37:41] <ve2dmn> :/
L522[15:38:07] <darsie> This landing gear explodes at even slow touchdowns? Should I reduce dampers and/or spring force? I put it high for landing back on Kerbin.
L523[15:38:08] <Guest-Nick> i can search the name of my vessel?
L524[15:38:17] <Guest-Nick> that should get me in the ballpark?
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L526[15:39:08] <ve2dmn> Guest-Nick: if you don't know how the tree-structures of the save files works, I suggest you rename the part and search for that
L527[15:40:20] <ve2dmn> And btw, you can still modify the file while KSP is running. Make it a named quicksave and change that
L528[15:41:21] <Guest-Nick> ah dang i didn't know that. make it a named save then open that text file, do your stuff then save over and just reload that named save?
L529[15:41:48] <ve2dmn> just reload the named save... it's alt-F9 on Windows
L530[15:41:58] <Guest-Nick> thank you
L531[15:42:18] <ve2dmn> ALT-F5 to create a named save
L532[15:42:25] <Guest-Nick> yeah :)
L533[15:43:06] <ve2dmn> replace ALT with Shift on Linux and [?] on MacOS
L534[15:43:15] <ve2dmn> where [?] is a void in my memory
L535[15:43:37] <Guest-Nick> cmd?
L536[15:43:51] <ve2dmn> probably
L537[15:44:15] <Guest-Nick> think they also have opt for windows alt equiv?
L538[15:44:51] <ve2dmn> check the wiki for the key bindings
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L540[15:45:28] * ve2dmn is at work
L541[15:48:11] <Guest-Nick> btw ... interesting point... saw the other day my KSP was utilising 10.7gb my ram... i've never known 1 programme to use so much ram
L542[15:51:25] <Supercheese> yeah I decided to double my RAM specifically because of KSP
L543[15:51:42] <Supercheese> thankfully my rig is somewhat old now so the RAM was cheap
L544[15:51:51] <Ezko> ddr3?
L545[15:51:55] <Supercheese> yeah
L546[15:51:59] <Ezko> that was expensive recently too though
L547[15:52:04] <Supercheese> 1333 Mhz IIRC
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L549[15:52:49] <Guest-Nick> lol! same .. literally last week i spent £110 on 16gb ram at 1866mhz, pretty happy with it
L550[15:53:43] <ve2dmn> I bought 32GB because I wanted VMs to test things...
L551[15:53:57] <ve2dmn> ...little did I know half of that would be for a single game
L552[15:54:14] <Guest-Nick> i might increase my SSD too, it's only 120gb and it constatly filling up. i think there's an issue
L553[15:54:29] <Guest-Nick> damn, my laptop won't even take 32, the one i have now is max
L554[15:54:44] <ve2dmn> Guest-Nick: I picked-up a 250GB on my last trip to Japan. Pretty happy with it
L555[15:55:26] <ve2dmn> I never gamed on a laptop.
L556[15:55:42] <ve2dmn> Although my current work laptop could probably run KSP decently
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L559[15:56:40] <Ezko> Guest-Nick: are you running windows?
L560[15:57:12] <Guest-Nick> yeah
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L562[15:57:24] <Ezko> reduce the size of your swap and that other thing
L563[15:57:36] <Ezko> one sec i'll tell what it's called when windirstat finishes checking
L564[15:57:44] <Guest-Nick> ok
L565[15:57:59] <Ezko> they're usually way too big for what you need with 16gb of ram
L566[15:58:15] <Ezko> pagefil.sys and hiberfil.sys
L567[15:58:39] <Ezko> there are instructions for making them smaller if you google
L568[15:59:21] <ve2dmn> don't disable them and beware that you need them to properly use Hibernate
L569[16:00:23] <Ezko> yeah just make them smaller
L570[16:00:38] <ve2dmn> https://lifehacker.com/5426041/understanding-the-windows-pagefile-and-why-you-shouldnt-disable-it
L571[16:00:40] <Ezko> especially pagefile.sys
L572[16:01:15] <Guest-Nick> ok i've found some docking stuff in my persistent file for the main ship
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L577[16:06:31] <Guest-Nick> it says attached = true ... is that what i'm looking for? shall i change it to false?
L578[16:07:16] <Guest-Nick> or ready rather
L579[16:12:38] <Guest-Nick> gotta go sorry
L580[16:12:42] <Guest-Nick> will try tomorrow
L581[16:12:46] <Guest-Nick> thank you all
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L583[16:17:25] <darsie> Why do these landing legs explode? http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot6.png
L584[16:19:39] <Mat2ch> 1.4.2 or 1.4.3?
L585[16:19:42] <ve2dmn> darsie: bug
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L594[16:50:10] <darsie> Mat2ch: Linuxplayer
L595[16:58:59] <Mat2ch> Ah, update to 1.4.3 :)
L596[17:01:57] <darsie> I did. Works. thx.
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L602[17:28:51] <TonyC> Hello everyone :) I was wondering if you guys happen to have any advice to give for a soon-to-be college student looking for a suitable laptop in the €800 mark
L603[17:29:21] <TonyC> I've found some interesting models but just in case to avoid mistakes and such
L604[17:32:17] <darsie> TonyC: You could get an Okto2 for 1480 VF.
L605[17:32:33] <darsie> Or are you looking for a laptop suitable for playing KSP?
L606[17:32:52] <TonyC> OKTO2's are not on the civilian market :'
L607[17:33:04] <TonyC> oh, my KSP days are long gone now haha
L608[17:34:25] <ve2dmn> TonyC: depends on your needs
L609[17:35:13] <TonyC> well, I've been thinking of at least an i3 to have a fast-responding windows, but also have 6-8 hours of battery time
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L611[17:35:25] <TonyC> i've dig up this so far : https://www.notebookcheck.net/Asus-ZenBook-Flip-UX360UAK-BB351T-Convertible-Review.198302.0.html
L612[17:35:30] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L613[17:35:44] <TonyC> evening Supernovy :)
L614[17:36:05] <ve2dmn> TonyC: what are you gonna do with it?
L615[17:37:01] <TonyC> mostly taking notes for classes, and maybe supercede my ageing secondary desktop for videos, movies and perhaps low intensity video games as a bonus
L616[17:37:23] <ve2dmn> Then get a second-hand laptop... like refurbished
L617[17:38:29] <ve2dmn> There a not-for-profit in town that sell older laptop that they got as donations from companies
L618[17:39:35] <TonyC> alright
L619[17:39:50] <TonyC> what about guarantees though
L620[17:40:09] <ve2dmn> if you break it, or damage it, it won't break your heart
L621[17:41:21] <TonyC> true
L622[17:41:39] <ve2dmn> Well, if you can get a decent model for much less, you can afford the repair :)
L623[17:41:56] <TonyC> is there any way to distinguish good second hand websites from the bad ones ?
L624[17:42:05] <ve2dmn> Your data is more important then the laptop
L625[17:42:14] <ve2dmn> sadly, no
L626[17:42:19] <TonyC> there are a few second hand dealers in my town but they're all crooks
L627[17:43:21] <ve2dmn> You could also get a chromebook and invest the rest of the money in a decent desktop instead
L628[17:43:30] <TonyC> and, by the way, a bit stupid question : when computers slow down over time, even after complete software reset, can it be because of aging hardware (except HDDs) ?
L629[17:43:47] <ve2dmn> I doubt it
L630[17:44:16] <ve2dmn> the HDD is usually the culprit if things slow down with the same software
L631[17:44:19] <TonyC> I've noticed that my old computers tend to remain terrible even after i install linux on em
L632[17:45:04] <ve2dmn> Define 'old' and 'linux'
L633[17:45:34] <ve2dmn> because software get bigger, not faster
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L635[17:45:38] <TonyC> a €600 laptop from 2007 refurbished with linux mint gnome
L636[17:45:49] ⇨ Joins: Kabouik (Kabouik!~kabouik@
L637[17:46:07] <TonyC> well, gnome is actually quite heavy come to think of it
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L639[17:46:26] <ve2dmn> maybe try XFCE? or try another HDD?
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L641[17:46:43] <ve2dmn> brb, gonna get food
L642[17:47:04] <TonyC> true. Well that laptop is trash anyway since the battery socket's dead now
L643[17:48:15] <ve2dmn> If the battery last more then 10min, you can turn it into a server
L644[17:48:59] <TonyC> no, the computer doesn't know a battery exists anymore, so it doesn't power off of it
L645[17:49:04] <ve2dmn> Just tell it to shutdown when the battery has 9min left and it will work like an internal UPS
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L647[17:49:21] <ve2dmn> ha... well.... it's a nice paperweigh
L648[17:49:27] <TonyC> indeed :p
L649[17:49:30] <ve2dmn> brb, poutine
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L653[17:52:12] <Fluburtur> is done! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/443545632649641994/DSC_8868.JPG
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L656[17:59:51] <ve2dmn> I have so many questions concerning that image....
L657[18:00:20] <ve2dmn> but the most important is: What is the Tardis for?
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L665[18:30:40] <dsockwell> TonyC: the official outlet store for whatever manufacturer is a good compromise between paying full price and the risk of getting something that's junk
L666[18:30:50] <dsockwell> for instance, outlet.lenovo.com
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L670[18:41:03] <dsockwell> https://www3.lenovo.com/us/en/outletus/thinkpad-x-series/ThinkPad-X1-Carbon-5th-Gen/p/20HRCTR1WW-PF0YQ2ZU this might be at the edge of your budget but a new one configured like this would be $1920 instead of $1080
L671[18:43:45] <dsockwell> actually if that's 800 euros and you can arrange shipping to wherever you are then i would say dont bother shopping and get the refurb x1 carbon
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L674[18:47:40] <dsockwell> https://www3.lenovo.com/us/en/outletus/laptops/thinkpad-classic/thinkpad-p-series/Thinkpad-P51s/p/20HBCTR1WW-R90PGJT1
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L676[18:48:18] <dsockwell> there are lots more in various shapes, i wont flood irc with all of them
L677[18:48:26] <dsockwell> and they might have disappeared by the time you get to looking at them
L678[18:51:54] <TonyC> thank you dsockwell :)
L679[18:52:30] <dsockwell> pay careful attention to the weight, i have a P50 for work and it's quite heavy to carry around
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L700[20:28:10] <GlassYuri> ...what would be a good term for the surface that contacts a vehicle's wheels? as in something that encompasses both rails and road surfaces, but not the ballast, foundation and other stuff below
L701[20:30:51] <dsockwell> interface
L702[20:30:54] <dsockwell> contact patch
L703[20:38:10] <UmbralRaptor> contact area?
L704[20:38:35] <dsockwell> http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780199587438.001.0001/acref-9780199587438-e-1088?rskey=P9GCPd&result=1082
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L706[20:39:18] <Neal> anyone know what kind of plane this is? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/285266644043956224/443587388934062080/DSC3348.JPG
L707[20:40:43] <Neal> looks like an l-39 albatross to me, not sure why the USAF would have it though
L708[20:41:15] <UmbralRaptor> Was going to guess L-39. Presumably as a trainer.
L709[20:41:51] <dsockwell> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriots_Jet_Team
L710[20:42:00] <Neal> I forgot tail numbers were attached to a publicly accessible database https://flightaware.com/resources/registration/N178CW
L711[20:42:07] <Rokker> ...
L712[20:42:15] <Rokker> Neal: why wouldn't u ping me
L713[20:43:05] <Neal> idk
L714[20:43:17] <dsockwell> Neal: so an obnoxious paint job and not a real USAF asset?
L715[20:43:57] <Rokker> yes that's an albatroa
L716[20:43:59] <dsockwell> the one next to it is painted to look like a Mig of some variety
L717[20:44:00] <Rokker> albatros
L718[20:44:06] <dsockwell> https://flightaware.com/photos/view/922692-15ccf4eceb0ea5c630954e3347c4e572cd77adb7/aircrafttype/L39
L719[20:44:27] <UmbralRaptor> bah, was about to link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriots_Jet_Team
L720[20:44:36] <Rokker> dsockwell: it was a tribute iirc
L721[20:45:02] <Neal> https://flightaware.com/photos/view/922692-15ccf4eceb0ea5c630954e3347c4e572cd77adb7/aircrafttype/L39
L722[20:45:13] <Neal> lol it even has mock sidewinders
L723[20:45:28] <Neal> actually don't think thats a sidewinder
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L725[20:45:49] <Rokker> 8 don't think it's a missile
L726[20:45:52] <Rokker> i*
L727[20:45:58] <dsockwell> turns out you can paint whatever you want on your plane and the air force won't get mad
L728[20:45:59] <Neal> well obviously not a live one
L729[20:46:19] <Neal> I don't see how that could go poorly over a country like say... syria
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L732[20:51:02] <Neal> https://i.imgur.com/pB3lmm7.jpg
L733[20:51:15] <Neal> seems legit
L734[20:51:31] <dsockwell> hahahaha
L735[20:51:57] <Rokker> good enough
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L761[23:55:50] <Althego> https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/05/03/608137119/nasa-tests-new-nuclear-reactor-for-future-space-travelers
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