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L1[00:22:17] ⇨ Joins: Gasher[work] (Gasher[work]!~Gasher@
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L5[00:32:25] <Rolf> play game... in game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-U96W89Z90
L6[00:32:26] <kmath> YouTube - Pokémon Red INSIDE Minecraft — An Interview with the Creator, "Mr. Squishy'"
L7[00:34:38] <Althego> what has science done
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L23[02:23:45] <Rokker> seriously what is China's obsession with bombing their own people with hydrazine rocket stages
L24[02:25:40] <Gasher[work]> em, we kinda have/had the similar issue
L25[02:26:36] <Rokker> Gasher[work]: yes I know, you like bombing the Chinese with rocket stages too
L26[02:26:52] <Gasher[work]> well not everyone has an ocean nearby
L27[02:27:00] <Rokker> ...
L28[02:27:15] <Rokker> Gasher[work]: ...
L29[02:27:22] <Gasher[work]> lol i could say the same about chernobyl/fukushima
L30[02:28:19] <Japa> those two are not the same.
L31[02:28:22] <Rokker> Gasher[work]: https://i.imgur.com/jpQUQmR.jpg
L32[02:28:27] <Japa> chernobyl was hubris.
L33[02:28:31] <Rokker> NO OCEAN
L34[02:28:34] <Rokker> NONE AT ALL
L35[02:28:36] <Japa> fukishima was a natural disaster.
L36[02:28:52] <Rokker> Gasher[work]: ur right, Russia is such a landlocked country
L37[02:29:10] <Rokker> Gasher[work]: ur basically lesotho
L38[02:29:15] <Gasher[work]> so what? it's about the handling. Also they had an obvious design flaw when they got their power knocked off
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L40[02:29:43] <Gasher[work]> Rokker, yeah, right, one launch was made like that
L41[02:29:47] <Rokker> not sure I would call a tsunami a design flaw
L42[02:30:44] <Gasher[work]> makign a power plant in seismic active region with danger of tsunami and not planning for it definitely is
L43[02:31:19] <Rokker> Gasher[work]: anyways, I'm not talking about reactors
L44[02:31:34] <Gasher[work]> it's not a house which you can easily rebuild after a yearly tornado
L45[02:31:41] <Rokker> I'm talking about nations sticking their rockets in the middle of land
L46[02:31:51] <Rokker> when they have plant of ocean to use
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L48[02:31:58] <Rokker> plenty of*
L49[02:32:02] <Gasher[work]> there were like, reasons to put kosmodrome in the middle of nowhere
L50[02:32:22] <Gasher[work]> out of reach of certain aircraft carriers for example
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L52[02:32:26] <Rokker> Gasher[work]: at least your land is like 1 person ever 10 square kilometers
L53[02:32:39] <Gasher[work]> yeah and that
L54[02:32:43] <Rokker> China, they land rockets in people's farms all the time
L55[02:32:58] <Rokker> they are completely reckless
L56[02:33:16] <Gasher[work]> lol
L57[02:33:24] <Gasher[work]> policing other countries are we? :D
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L60[02:50:33] <Rokker> Gasher[work]: ur one to speak, russian
L61[02:50:43] * Rokker readies nukes
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L64[03:02:16] * Gasher[work] readies hackers
L65[03:08:06] <Rokker> Gasher[work]: you will never get me, I have learned the Russian tactic of rush B. B is more well defended than ever now.
L66[03:08:24] <Gasher[work]> lol
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L68[03:09:00] <Gasher[work]> Clauzewitz approach is good as always
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L80[04:20:43] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/5c588f08cc7db63a251cd90e17162866/tumblr_p058jwjRte1r85rfbo1_250.jpg
L81[04:21:25] <Mat2ch> hehe
L82[04:21:44] <Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcJQkJ-Pjhs is Surströming against the channel guidelines? ;)
L83[04:24:31] <Fluburtur> "If you manage to live until 113 years old, you become a teenager again."
L84[04:29:15] <Mat2ch> hrhr
L85[04:29:58] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/2e43aa887105a39e2d02f66975941594/tumblr_p074c4ppFb1qg9yhjo1_540.jpg
L86[04:29:59] <Mat2ch> don't laugh, it's still possible that they figure out what makes us "old" in our lifetime and then it's probably possible to turn our aging back
L87[04:30:27] <Mat2ch> still, some may need a new body by then...
L88[04:31:06] <Fluburtur> I think that's the stuff called telomerse that is supposed to protect dna but it gets a bit damaged after each replication
L89[04:31:28] <Fluburtur> and lobsters have some much more efficient one that protects it very well s they don't age
L90[04:32:00] <Mat2ch> iirc they're not sure if it's only the Telomere
L91[04:32:12] <Fluburtur> put lobster dna in me
L92[04:32:14] <Fluburtur> please
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L94[04:32:22] <Fluburtur> and jellyfish too so I can glow in the dark
L95[04:33:09] <Mat2ch> well... it's possible, but you need to change it in your cells, too
L96[04:33:23] <Mat2ch> It's called CRISPR and yes, you can do it yourself
L97[04:33:31] <Fluburtur> heh
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L99[04:33:41] <Mat2ch> but you need a vector to get it into your self and that's the problem
L100[04:33:43] <Fluburtur> pass me the dna brah
L101[04:34:06] <Mat2ch> just using a retro-virus only works on cells where lots of blood is flowing through
L102[04:35:09] <Mat2ch> but your skin hasn't that much blood flow, so you need to come up with a way to get it there
L103[04:35:35] <Mat2ch> if you're really interessted in that stuff, try reading about the treatment of people with genectic deseases which got treated
L104[04:36:00] <Fluburtur> I'll take a bath of dna then
L105[04:36:15] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/15f04e0276dc811b06394566d18df71b/tumblr_p8c013aQbf1wlzpy3o1_540.png
L106[04:37:27] <Mat2ch> Not DNA, but retro viruses. And it has to be able to penetrate your skin
L107[04:37:42] <Mat2ch> because the outer skin is very good in not letting things through
L108[04:37:47] <Fluburtur> I have sharp cutter blades
L109[04:37:49] <Mat2ch> also the bacteria on it likes to eat all bad stuff
L110[04:37:58] <Mat2ch> that sounds horrible
L111[04:38:03] <Fluburtur> yes
L112[04:38:20] <Mat2ch> there's a way to inject stuff into muscles through skin with high pressure
L113[04:38:24] <Fluburtur> but it doesn't actually hurt to get cut by those because they are very sharp
L114[04:38:31] <Mat2ch> that could work
L115[04:38:32] <Fluburtur> I cut myself accidentaly too often
L116[04:39:01] <Mat2ch> when I cut myself the cut doesn't hurt either, but it starts to burn after a while, which is very unpleasent
L117[04:39:33] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/442983801061376001/DSC_8860.JPG
L118[04:39:53] <Mat2ch> lol
L119[04:40:11] <Fluburtur> the old rotor thing was broken so I got an airplane prop
L120[04:40:43] <Gasher_> lol
L121[04:41:00] <Gasher_> what about rpm/
L122[04:41:01] <Gasher_> ?
L123[04:41:07] <Fluburtur> my grandparents have a lot of crap from the ussr for some reason
L124[04:41:14] <Fluburtur> rpm is a bit low but is enough
L125[04:42:32] <Fluburtur> I expected it would be a bit faster than the older propeller because this one is smaller but I don't think the speed was limited by the propelelr load
L126[04:42:47] <Fluburtur> this is a prop for scale p47 and crap like that on it now
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L141[06:00:21] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/0c43d09cef65fd07933033d7d1717b18/tumblr_inline_p75354biG81qc5luz_540.jpg
L142[06:00:41] <Rokker> Fluburtur: http://www.voodoo-world.cz/yf23/pic/yf23013.jpg
L143[06:00:55] <Fluburtur> expensive bois
L144[06:01:14] <Fluburtur> but the yf23 does look cool
L145[06:01:24] <Rokker> Fluburtur: you should see it in person
L146[06:01:57] <Fluburtur> the x-02 wyvern from ace combat looks kinda similar
L147[06:02:01] <Fluburtur> mostly the tail
L148[06:02:12] <Rokker> Fluburtur: did i ever tell you about how i smacked my forehead into the rear of the YF-23
L149[06:02:16] <Rokker> left a mark
L150[06:02:19] <Fluburtur> https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/acecombat/images/6/6d/X-02_Wyvern_Infinity_flyby.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150122140227
L151[06:02:22] <Fluburtur> no
L152[06:03:38] <Rokker> well, in the old R&D hangar, the YF-23 was right in front of the XB-70
L153[06:03:54] <Rokker> I wanted to get a pic of the inside of the XB-70s intakes
L154[06:03:59] ⇨ Joins: BadRocketsCo (BadRocketsCo!~AndChat63@242-108-157-37.dyn.estpak.ee)
L155[06:04:05] <Rokker> so i started backing up
L156[06:04:10] <BadRocketsCo> Howdy
L157[06:04:16] <Fluburtur> yo
L158[06:04:30] <Rokker> and i knew that the YF-23 was generally close to where i was so i turned around to make sure i wouldnt hit it
L159[06:04:40] <Rokker> and right as i turned around, boom i ran into it
L160[06:04:47] <Fluburtur> haha
L161[06:05:23] <Rokker> Fluburtur: the right control surface, left a little bruise on my head for a few days
L162[06:07:59] <BadRocketsCo> Rokker: isn't the YF-23 a cancelled US jet fighter...?
L163[06:08:49] <Rokker> yes
L164[06:09:22] <Rokker> well, not really cancelled, it was just the losing prototype in the YF-22/YF-23 competition
L165[06:09:27] <BadRocketsCo> Ooh
L166[06:10:58] <Fluburtur> they look fairly similar
L167[06:13:36] <BadRocketsCo> Rokker: wait, are you an AF pilot?
L168[06:16:11] <Rokker> no
L169[06:16:26] <Rokker> just an air force nerd
L170[06:19:56] <BadRocketsCo> Ah, okay
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L174[06:53:07] <Rokker> Fluburtur: every day I love Planes of Fame more and more
L175[06:53:58] <Rokker> apparently they are restoring a P-59 Airacomet to flying conditjon
L176[06:54:31] <Rokker> speaking of which, Fluburtur they need to add the Airacomet to war thunder
L177[06:57:33] ⇦ Quits: erio (erio!~Christine@ (Read error: Connection timed out)
L178[06:58:00] <Rokker> Fluburtur: sure the P-59 kinda sucked
L179[06:59:38] <Rokker> but imagine a jet powered P-63 with slightly better altitude performance
L180[06:59:54] <Fluburtur> eh I guess
L181[07:00:07] <Fluburtur> I like the planes with a single high caliber gun in the nose in wt
L182[07:00:12] <Fluburtur> like the yak 9t
L183[07:00:27] <Fluburtur> glorious ns37
L184[07:00:41] <legion> get the italian 4 engined one.
L185[07:00:56] <legion> it has the biggest calibre
L186[07:00:56] <Rokker> Fluburtur: you can sorta look down the nose of the xxxxcobras at my museum, it's just terrifying and beautiful
L187[07:01:06] <Rokker> legion: blegh
L188[07:01:12] <Rokker> have fun aiming that
L189[07:01:22] <Fluburtur> there is a b25with a big gun I think
L190[07:01:27] <Fluburtur> but I prefer smaller fighters
L191[07:01:27] <Rokker> yes
L192[07:01:44] <Rokker> Fluburtur: it's actually a Navy variant of the B-25
L193[07:01:46] <Fluburtur> the yak9 is really good at dogfight but the fuel tanks catch on fire too easily
L194[07:02:02] <Rokker> the F-82 is the head on king
L195[07:02:04] <Fluburtur> but can do stupid stuff with the cannon
L196[07:02:23] <Fluburtur> one shot is always enough to kill a fighter with the 37 or 45mm gun
L197[07:02:28] <Rokker> when u have the F-82, you don't need a cannon
L198[07:02:30] <Fluburtur> and a few can take down a bomber
L199[07:02:49] <legion> the Japanese heavy fighterline with the 37mm sucks though... not enough ammo, nor different belts for that gun
L200[07:03:00] <Fluburtur> btw I just got the french f6f
L201[07:03:24] <Rokker> I'm telling you guys, F-82 with the gun pod is the best opportunity fighter of the game
L202[07:03:40] <Rokker> If you get any good fire option, that plane is dead
L203[07:04:02] <Rokker> Fluburtur: weird, why don't they have a French made fighter there?
L204[07:04:10] <Rokker> I thought you guys had such good planes
L205[07:04:13] <legion> you get those gunpods on low level stuff too, right?
L206[07:04:21] <Fluburtur> well the lower ranks are french planes but then they have murikan ones
L207[07:04:29] <Rokker> legion: no
L208[07:04:31] <Fluburtur> I have the mb157 and vg33 otherwise
L209[07:04:46] <Fluburtur> then in the higher ranks it is french planes again
L210[07:04:49] <Rokker> legion: the F-82 gun pod has 8 extra 50 cals
L211[07:05:05] <Fluburtur> the french didn't make much planes in the middle of the war for some reason
L212[07:05:16] <Rokker> Fluburtur: quitters
L213[07:05:21] <legion> oh yeah, it was the dual .50' pods on the others
L214[07:05:26] <Rokker> yeah
L215[07:05:45] <Rokker> I've never used the duals. they were added after I had passed that part of the tree
L216[07:05:46] <Fluburtur> but the nice german peoples let the guys at the factory finish the only mb157 that existed
L217[07:05:50] <Fluburtur> and they found it nice
L218[07:06:04] <Fluburtur> captured some vg33 too
L219[07:06:21] <Rokker> "the Nazis liked it, so it must be good"
L220[07:06:25] <Rokker> solid logic
L221[07:06:50] <Truga> uhhhhh
L222[07:07:07] <Fluburtur> well it would have been dangerous to them if it was actually used so I guess
L223[07:07:36] <Fluburtur> the vg33 kinda matched the bf109e for speed and maniability
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L225[07:09:13] <Rokker> anyways
L226[07:09:32] <Rokker> I'll probably be using the F-82 for the rest of my war thunder American planes career
L227[07:09:35] <Rokker> great plane
L228[07:09:51] <Rokker> good speed, good climb, good weapons, ok maneuverability
L229[07:10:17] <Fluburtur> im currently researching the bf109 g6, yak 3p and the other french f6f
L230[07:10:20] <Fluburtur> and some spitfire
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L232[07:10:51] <Rokker> Fluburtur: I have a problem in that I can't make SL for crap
L233[07:11:04] <Rokker> I'm at that really crappy grindy phase
L234[07:11:15] <Fluburtur> heh
L235[07:11:30] <Rokker> where all my lions are spent on upgrades and buying planes added after I stopped playing the last time
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L237[07:12:32] <legion> Rokker, do you only play planes or groundforces as well?
L238[07:12:48] <legion> because grinding tanks can be even worse
L239[07:13:12] <Rokker> I play it all
L240[07:13:18] <Rokker> which is part of the problem
L241[07:13:34] <legion> Arcade or RB
L242[07:13:35] <legion> ?
L243[07:13:38] <Rokker> legion: that tank rb grind hurts my soul
L244[07:13:50] <Rokker> air arcade, tank rb
L245[07:14:22] <legion> i wished there was an tank arcade mode without the goddamn plane spam
L246[07:15:35] <Rokker> I don't care about the planes
L247[07:15:44] <Rokker> I wish tank rb was unlimited tanks
L248[07:15:54] <Rokker> I mean tank arcade
L249[07:16:00] <Fluburtur> infinite wirbel
L250[07:16:04] <Rokker> nah
L251[07:16:10] <Rokker> I mean like air arcade
L252[07:16:16] <Rokker> rather than 3 tanks
L253[07:21:07] <legion> playing bombers sucks in AB though...
L254[07:24:09] <Rokker> sometimes it's ok
L255[07:25:39] <legion> depends on the bomber. I like the japanese ones, except for their rather anemic bombload.
L256[07:26:01] <Rokker> B-29 is bae
L257[07:26:05] <Rokker> just needs nukes
L258[07:26:09] <legion> even the lowest tier 3 has only 10 50kg bombs stock
L259[07:26:24] <Fluburtur> the farmand is kinda good in arcade
L260[07:26:42] <Alanonzander> Rokker: I prefer the B-17
L261[07:26:43] <Fluburtur> because at that rank no one knwos how to intercept bombers so I just climb to 5000 meters and kill all the bases
L262[07:26:55] <Rokker> is it wrong that I've never actually gone down the Russian and German trees?
L263[07:27:14] <Rokker> like past tier 2
L264[07:27:18] <Fluburtur> eh
L265[07:27:24] <Fluburtur> russians are a bit more fun
L266[07:27:44] <Rokker> I'm partly in it for the history nerd fun
L267[07:27:45] <Fluburtur> once you got the bf109 f4 you can pretty much forever play that in german
L268[07:28:05] <Rokker> and I find the American British French and Italian trees the most interesting
L269[07:28:14] <legion> the early russian mombers have good maneuverability and a nose mounted turret. fun to chase planes with
L270[07:28:32] <Fluburtur> I think I shot down a wellington with a pe3 once
L271[07:28:39] <Fluburtur> and a h8k
L272[07:28:45] <Rokker> the early Russian bombers were cool too
L273[07:29:55] <legion> i also like ground attackers like the SU-8. all the dakka
L274[07:30:08] <Rokker> I will admit, I don't thing the game is wholly historically balanced
L275[07:30:24] <Rokker> using Pe-8s like they are B-17s despite the low production rate
L276[07:30:26] <Rokker> etc
L277[07:30:36] <Rokker> and that ugly French plane
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L279[07:30:48] <Rokker> that looks like a propeller based vampyre
L280[07:30:55] <Fluburtur> the so8000?
L281[07:31:07] <Rokker> ye
L282[07:31:24] <Fluburtur> was made from random parts they found left by the germans I think
L283[07:31:58] <Truga> historical balance is very important, especially in arcade battles
L284[07:32:00] <Rokker> Oh and the R2Y2 just pisses me off
L285[07:32:31] <Fluburtur> I hate all the jap planes exept the big bombers
L286[07:32:40] <Rokker> Fluburtur: the R2Y2 annoys me because it's similar to the reason I left world of tanks
L287[07:32:46] <Rokker> non historical craft
L288[07:33:03] <Rokker> I left world of tanks when they started asking for fake French tanks
L289[07:33:29] <Rokker> and the addition of a paper plane like the R2Y2 is just a kick in the face from gaijin
L290[07:33:40] <Fluburtur> well there ae a few paper planes in wt
L291[07:33:45] <Rokker> yes
L292[07:33:51] <Rokker> and I hate them all
L293[07:33:55] <Fluburtur> heh
L294[07:34:11] <Rokker> Fluburtur: AND EVEN THEN
L295[07:34:39] <Rokker> even then you can go on the forums and find people arguing against adding X paper plane because it's not historical
L296[07:34:53] <Rokker> either add em all or none, you can't argue to have both
L297[07:35:25] <Fluburtur> I kinda want the good ol p.1110
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L299[07:36:26] <Truga> does warthunder have mig17 yet?
L300[07:36:50] <Fluburtur> I think it does
L301[07:37:55] <Truga> lol it does
L302[07:38:05] <Truga> just roll that 24/7 and win every fight ever then
L303[07:41:50] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/443029654589407232/DSC_8861.JPG
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L307[08:08:35] <kubi> omg
L308[08:08:38] <kubi> my brain
L309[08:09:07] <kubi> I read you name as SloanMcKinsey
L310[08:10:28] <Rokker> Truga: fun fact, if you break off just the wingtips of the MiG-17 in RB, you can go supersonic
L311[08:16:31] <Truga> mig-15/17 excel at subsonic characteristics tho
L312[08:16:43] <Fluburtur> crpa I spilled acetone verywhere
L313[08:17:25] <Truga> they'll outturn and outclimb any competition, they have good guns, the only rule is to not dive after sabres if you like having your tail attached :p
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L317[08:27:37] <kubi> just light a match
L318[08:27:45] <kubi> that cleans up acetone
L319[08:28:00] <Fluburtur> well I was thinking about using my hair drier to make it evaporate
L320[08:28:09] <Fluburtur> but I opened everything and turned on my fan
L321[08:28:14] <Fluburtur> good thing I got a new prop for it
L322[08:28:25] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@5400bf74.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: leaving)
L323[08:30:18] <Fluburtur> there might be acetone in my milk now
L324[08:30:18] <Fluburtur> uh
L325[08:30:42] <kubi> do they go into solution?
L326[08:31:52] <Fluburtur> I have the cardboard bottles and idk if acetone goes through
L327[08:36:54] <Fluburtur> I should try to make a 3d printed propeller
L328[08:37:09] <Fluburtur> but idk how to makeout the angle of attack at each section of the blade
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L332[08:50:47] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: did you watch the 'print the legend' documentary about 3d printing?
L333[08:56:01] <ve2dmn> I'm getting my very first phone emergency alert message this morning
L334[08:56:51] <Fluburtur> not yet
L335[08:56:53] <Judge_Dedd> Oh wow. What's happening, ve2dmn?
L336[08:57:02] <ve2dmn> Very first test
L337[08:57:12] <Fluburtur> also it's possible to get some very nice cuts using my sword
L338[08:57:16] <Judge_Dedd> Ah a test. Not too bad, then :)
L339[08:57:17] <Fluburtur> but needs some practice
L340[08:59:29] <ve2dmn> Judge_Dedd: Nothing ever happens here, so the system wasn't needed
L341[09:00:10] <ve2dmn> Following last year flood's, they decided it was time
L342[09:00:56] <Judge_Dedd> Can be useful for any number things, I suppose
L343[09:01:23] <Judge_Dedd> Storms, fires, floods, crazy people on the loose...
L344[09:01:38] <ve2dmn> Yeah... well... the Japanese use it to play music at the end of the shcool day
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L346[09:01:49] <Judge_Dedd> On your phone?
L347[09:02:01] <ve2dmn> on the outdoor sirens
L348[09:02:06] <Judge_Dedd> LOL
L349[09:03:40] <ve2dmn> well... it's one way to make sure they still work
L350[09:03:59] <Fluburtur> dedd did you see the plane im making?
L351[09:04:04] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/443029654589407232/DSC_8861.JPG
L352[09:05:52] <Mat2ch> erks, somehow my brain thought it was Wednesday and got excited.
L353[09:06:15] <Judge_Dedd> Fluburtur, nice. 3D printed?
L354[09:06:43] <Fluburtur> yeah
L355[09:06:51] <Fluburtur> desk version of the big one
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L361[09:22:21] <ve2dmn> ok... I'm not impressed. None of the phones at work reacted
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L364[09:31:18] <Althego> fancy ip phones?
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L367[09:37:38] <ve2dmn> Althego: cellphones
L368[09:37:47] <Althego> that is even worse :)
L369[09:39:17] <ve2dmn> it seem that for the first test you either needed a third party app or one of the 'approved' phones.
L370[09:41:25] <ve2dmn> And since I didn't get a Google Pixel, a Samsung S8 or a iPhone 8 I got nothing
L371[09:42:03] <Althego> s8 is so last year :)
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L375[09:44:50] <Althego> what did you need to do?
L376[09:56:41] <Fluburtur> there is this hole inside of the plane https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/443063576907743232/grrzgzrgzgzrg.jpg
L377[09:56:45] <Fluburtur> I want to fill it but I can't
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L381[10:04:19] <Althego> hehe, i didnt know christopher judge is kratos in gow4
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L383[10:08:47] <Althego> not that i ever played gow because it is on consoles, but it is still a well known game. so i didnt follow it closely, but hey teal's is kratos now :)
L384[10:08:54] <Althego> *c
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L386[10:11:17] <Fluburtur> no matter what phone my grandma uses to call me, it sounds like crap
L387[10:12:16] <Althego> then it is your phone :)
L388[10:12:25] <Althego> fix it
L389[10:12:29] <Fluburtur> no it is fine when it is other peoples
L390[10:12:37] <Althego> on speaker?
L391[10:12:42] <Fluburtur> yeah
L392[10:12:48] <Althego> that iusually sounds lot worse
L393[10:12:51] <Fluburtur> maybe she put crap over the microphone idk
L394[10:12:56] <kubi> Fluburtur: do you 3d print propellers?
L395[10:13:03] <Fluburtur> I mean no matter how i set up my phone
L396[10:13:15] <Fluburtur> kubi I will try
L397[10:13:31] <kubi> report then :)
L398[10:13:34] <Althego> i mean she is on the speaker. that means lot farther from the mic
L399[10:13:37] <Fluburtur> idk what goes into the design of propellers but it will be a fun experiment
L400[10:13:47] <Fluburtur> idk
L401[10:14:52] <kubi> I think, there are a lot of models, but the technology is really important if you want to succeed with a high RPM prop
L402[10:15:33] <kubi> and a broken prop is not funny :(
L403[10:15:43] <Fluburtur> it can be
L404[10:15:48] <Fluburtur> if it explodes nice enough
L405[10:15:53] <kubi> :)
L406[10:16:07] <kubi> once I lost one of the props of my quadcopter
L407[10:16:16] <Althego> you had some video of some prop exploding
L408[10:16:35] <kubi> It was flying like 3m high with a really high speed (backwind too)
L409[10:17:04] <kubi> in theory it should stabilize itself mostly, but did not have time, so crashed
L410[10:17:46] <kubi> then I decided to drop the alu tube and use 10x10mm pine wood stick from the store that is 1/100 the price :)
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L414[10:31:00] <Althego> anybody tried frostpunk?
L415[10:32:56] <oren> not yet
L416[10:36:50] <Doffe> I did.
L417[10:36:57] <Doffe> the simulation is a bit mundane.
L418[10:38:25] <Doffe> Doesn't really let you see things on an individual-level, and I feel there is room for it. Also the visualization isn't so well tied to the actual simulation. If you see a worker running fast, you're still just generating coal at a fixed rate per minute and such. Which makes sense, but I don't think it makes sense in a game that hopes to get personal.
L419[10:42:31] <Doffe> It is alright though, and not triple A priced, but I think the overwhelming praise it seems to be getting is a bit hasty and not too well throught through. I think after the initial 2-3 hours of review-copy, it gets stale quick.
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L421[10:48:39] <Doffe> I have a question about kerbalism I'd hope someone could help me with though.. It seems my VAB estimation of electric charge consumption is showing estimates for when my probe is actively transmitting. For some reason it decided to do this, while previously not going so. It feels a bit redundant, and while I can maths it by subtracting it, that sort of ruins the purpose of an easy GUI.
L422[10:49:00] <Doffe> So in Kerbalism, does anyone know how to toggle transmitting EC costs off? https://i.imgur.com/Kt5YF69.jpg
L423[10:51:06] <APlayer> I don't think you can turn them off in a single option just like that
L424[10:51:29] <APlayer> You may either fully turn off signal mechanics, or disable EC costs in every antenna's patch
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L426[10:52:21] <APlayer> If you just mean the GUI, right clicking on a part gives you an option to include/ignore it in EC calculations
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L430[10:54:43] <ve2dmn> Update on previous alert thing: I sent an SMS to all my friends we all have yet to find someone for which it worked.
L431[10:54:46] <ve2dmn> Epic Fail
L432[10:54:58] <APlayer> What alert?
L433[10:55:11] <Althego> the sms?
L434[10:55:17] <Althego> or the alert
L435[10:55:17] <ve2dmn> Test of the emergency broadcast system
L436[10:55:32] <Althego> please remain calm, this is a test
L437[10:55:50] <Althego> not like the hawaiian missile warning that went out as real :)
L438[10:56:05] <ve2dmn> TV and Radio got the test ok, but so far: 0 cellphones out of about 50
L439[10:56:27] <Althego> probably not their fault
L440[10:56:47] <ve2dmn> I blame the cell phone carriers
L441[10:56:48] <Althego> i think for emergency broadcast to phones you need to have some support from the service provider
L442[10:57:07] <Althego> and if they didnt buy the equipment needed for it, then tough luvk
L443[10:57:11] <Fluburtur> Rokker https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186669324500993/443078827485298698/20180507171947_1.jpg
L444[10:58:01] <ve2dmn> Althego: well... we do have the worst service of the developped world: http://www.michaelgeist.ca/2018/05/worldsworstpricing/
L445[10:58:18] <Althego> hehe
L446[10:58:25] <Doffe> APlayer; I mean just the GUI, but I can't find an option to include/ignore it in EC calculations in VAB/editor; but there is supposed to be one?
L447[10:59:02] <APlayer> Uh, there used to be one at the very least
L448[10:59:30] <APlayer> When right clicking an antenna, there was a red/green text which indicated whether it was included in calculations
L449[11:00:13] <Doffe> Maybe an other mod is screwing with something
L450[11:02:47] <APlayer> I doubt that, TBH
L451[11:06:12] <Doffe> Well yeah I just tried with it alone and it didn't help.
L452[11:06:26] <APlayer> I am talking pre-N70 Kerbalism. Perhaps he changed something
L453[11:06:40] <APlayer> Also, let me see if it works for me. Just a few minutes.
L454[11:07:13] <Doffe> It was real odd though, initially it didn't calculate with it, went to the mun a few times, and then it did.
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L459[11:29:56] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/443087058332942353/DSC_8863.JPG
L460[11:30:45] <Althego> you must like the 3d printer a lot
L461[11:31:11] <Fluburtur> I have it so I use it
L462[11:31:21] <Fluburtur> but yeah it is a nice tool
L463[11:31:25] <legion> yeah, not using it would be a waste
L464[11:31:48] <Althego> yes, make a production line and have it in use 24 hoursa day
L465[11:32:42] <Fluburtur> will require a lot of plastic
L466[11:32:47] <Fluburtur> speaking of, I need to order more
L467[11:32:51] <Fluburtur> only have half a roll left
L468[11:33:08] <Fluburtur> will probably order clear plastic next time
L469[11:33:12] <Fluburtur> instead of just old boring white
L470[11:33:49] <legion> white is cheaper?
L471[11:34:06] <Fluburtur> nah they are about the same price
L472[11:37:51] <legion> don't you need to sand and polish the clear plastic to get it to be seetrough?
L473[11:38:09] <Althego> hah wolfie with an other adi video demonstrating how it works for flat earthers
L474[11:38:12] <Fluburtur> well it's really hard to make it that nice
L475[11:38:23] <Fluburtur> but having it transluscent is nice enough
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L479[11:42:56] <KrimZon_2> does rasterpropmonitor not work with the DLC?
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L481[11:54:11] <Althego> if it doesnt it is rather with the actual game version
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L483[11:59:44] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/c25795e621de27ec76511662154a21a4.png - lol, burn time overload
L484[12:00:36] <Fluburtur> smells like ion
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L490[12:40:15] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/2e7e5dbafd052527c8817b0be504162b.png - Here's one of my VERY much used lifters, the Kraken Superheavy.
L491[12:41:19] <Fluburtur> looks familiar
L492[12:41:23] <Fluburtur> im not sure why
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L494[12:41:36] <Fluburtur> how does it compete against the koyuz?
L495[12:43:43] <Althego> the fat falcon :)
L496[12:44:37] <Draconiator> No
L497[12:47:30] <ve2dmn> "If something looks too good to be true, then buy it for the entertainment value." That is a wonderful life motto.
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L502[12:57:49] <Draconiator> I have a DVD of "10 films so bad they're good"
L503[12:57:58] <GurrenLagannTSS> Hi
L504[12:57:58] <Mod9000> Hello, GurrenLagannTSS
L505[12:58:18] <ve2dmn> Draconiator: so... aside from Plan9, what other titles are there?
L506[12:58:57] <Draconiator> Well lets see.
L507[13:00:09] <Draconiator> Whoops, got the title wrong, it's "The Best of the Worst, and that's just the tagline. So we got here....
L508[13:03:03] <Draconiator> here are all the films in here. Manos: The Hands of Fate
L509[13:03:03] <Draconiator> Track of the Moon Beast
L510[13:03:03] <Draconiator> The Beast of Yucca Flarts
L511[13:03:03] <Draconiator> Eegah
L512[13:03:03] <Draconiator> The Ape Man
L513[13:03:03] <Draconiator> The Atomic Brain
L514[13:03:03] <Draconiator> The Amazing Transparent Man
L515[13:03:04] <Draconiator> Dementia 13
L516[13:03:04] <Draconiator> Unknown World
L517[13:03:05] <Draconiator> The Terror
L518[13:03:05] <Draconiator> Mesa of Lost Women
L519[13:03:06] <Draconiator> The Incredible Petrified World
L520[13:03:29] <Fluburtur> none of my movies are there so that's good
L521[13:03:34] <Althego> i havent heard aof these
L522[13:04:09] <ve2dmn> Can you find me the ISBN/ISSN/serialWhatever of that DVD? It sounds like a good gift for a friend of mine
L523[13:04:18] <ve2dmn> (he collects really bad movies)
L524[13:04:22] <Althego> hehe
L525[13:05:20] <Draconiator> And what's weird is I have some of those on a "Best of the Best" collection...weird DVD distributors...
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L529[13:06:19] <Draconiator> The barcode number of it is 6 83904 53116 2
L530[13:06:38] <Althego> i doubt that helps :)
L531[13:06:44] <ve2dmn> https://www.filmo.gs/release/109759-the-best-of-the-worst
L532[13:07:30] <ve2dmn> I like the $2.00 sticker on the front
L533[13:07:38] <Althego> hehe
L534[13:08:32] <Fluburtur> I just sticked my pants togetehr with cyano glue
L535[13:08:42] <Althego> lol
L536[13:08:52] <Althego> pic
L537[13:09:07] <Fluburtur> too late
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L539[13:10:29] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/443112359981088788/DSC_8864.JPG
L540[13:10:35] <Draconiator> http://www.upcitemdb.com/upc/683904531162
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L546[13:41:31] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/e73db4e4625c62c4d172c7ba3e44883c.png
L547[13:42:01] <Althego> space stove :)
L548[13:42:44] <GurrenLagannTSS> you took a 2k image
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L550[13:43:42] <ve2dmn> GurrenLagannTSS was pushed over his allowed data limit?
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L555[13:57:32] <kubi> cheap probe...
L556[14:06:52] <Fluburtur> "balloon went up into inner space, about 90,000 feet"
L557[14:06:56] <Fluburtur> oh please
L558[14:07:21] <ve2dmn> source?
L559[14:07:26] <Fluburtur> tumblr
L560[14:07:59] <ve2dmn> tumblr is not a source, it's a problem
L561[14:08:51] <Fluburtur> when it comes to stuff like space and science, yes
L562[14:09:56] <Althego> not a source? is it a drain?
L563[14:10:11] <Althego> inner space lol
L564[14:10:14] <Althego> i thought that was the body
L565[14:10:17] <ve2dmn> it's where information go to die, and be turned into memes
L566[14:10:24] <Althego> so it is a drain
L567[14:10:44] <ve2dmn> just like Facebook and twitter
L568[14:11:00] <ve2dmn> Stuff is usually abridged beyond usefullness
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L571[14:22:14] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/443130298658586625/DSC_8865.JPG
L572[14:22:21] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/443130313204432916/DSC_8866.JPG
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L576[14:53:16] <Fluburtur> anyone want a mig? http://www.mortarinvestments.eu/products/armoured-vehicles-4/mig-21-trunk-393#currency=USD
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L583[15:20:29] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L596[15:44:43] <thelounge73> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: In the interest of public security, I have taken the liberty of freezing all your bank accounts to secure tropical vacations.
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L598[15:44:49] <Scolar_Visari> Huh.
L599[15:45:32] <Scolar_Visari> Also, Alan Stern's co-written a new article about Pluto that's easily summed up. Alan Stern: "Pluto is a planet!" IAU: "No, it's not."
L600[15:46:07] <ve2dmn> How do you freeze something that's tropical?
L601[15:46:29] <SnoopJeDi> Bose-Einstein condensation?
L602[15:46:39] <Scolar_Visari> Liquid helium.
L603[15:48:00] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: how big is pluto compared to the biggest asteroid belt object?
L604[15:48:41] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Pluto is considerably more massive than Ceres, but the mass alone is irrelevant.
L605[15:49:07] <ve2dmn> but mass matter
L606[15:50:15] <Scolar_Visari> Currently, the IAU defines planets largely by their astrodynamical characteristics, rather than astrophysical characteristics. Amusingly, Stern originally proposed using the former definition before turning to the latter.
L607[15:50:44] <Fluburtur> why are there mosquittos in my room
L608[15:50:47] <Fluburtur> can we go back to winter
L609[15:50:55] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: NO!
L610[15:50:56] <Scolar_Visari> While Pluto is more massive than Ceres, neither have cleared their neighborhoods by any definition by a long shot.
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L612[15:51:07] <Fluburtur> yes
L613[15:51:08] <Scolar_Visari> Fluburtur: The mosquitoes are exploiting an ecological niche.
L614[15:51:24] <Fluburtur> or at least two months ago when it wasn't so warm and there was no mosquittoes
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L617[15:52:45] * Scolar_Visari goes off to engineer super Fluburtur mosquitoes
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L623[16:11:57] <Rokker> Fluburtur: planes of Fame is amazing
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L637[16:57:23] <dsockwell> Is it possible with KAS to move an engineer around after grabbing a part, without having to put the part in a container?
L638[16:58:18] <dsockwell> the part i want to move is lightweight but takes up an enormous volume
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L640[17:04:28] <Supercheese> some KIS/KAS parts can be flagged as able to be "Carried on back / as backpack"
L641[17:04:42] <Supercheese> which would allow a Kerbal to drag it around
L642[17:05:22] <dsockwell> i actually havent tried that, im basing my volume idea on trying to put the part in a container in VAB
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L644[17:06:25] <dsockwell> are the RCS controls actually locked in KAS grab/drop mode or are they just bound to the same keys as the part rotation controls?
L645[17:06:45] <dsockwell> if i rebound them to, say, a joystick, could i move around with a part?
L646[17:07:27] <dsockwell> >max desitnation volume reached, +38,000L
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L650[17:37:06] <dsockwell> binding alternate EVA pack controls didn't work either
L651[17:37:15] <dsockwell> since when is carrying things such a foreign concept
L652[17:41:56] <Draconiator> If you don't do a slight correction, what are the odds of smacking into Gilly when coming in interplanetary to Eve? I think I got a Gilly intercept one time...pretty odd because it's so small.
L653[17:42:47] <dsockwell> depends on the phase of the moon
L654[17:42:54] <dsockwell> i'd expect it's not large
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L656[17:58:22] <dsockwell> i guess i'll just temporarily edit the config to give kerbals tremendous EVA packs and never try doing things this way again
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L661[18:13:05] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/688850b98a046f95fff67bd8748257c7.png - thing's PERFECT for exploring gas giant systems.
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L663[18:16:04] <dsockwell> how long of a burn time do you get with those battery packs?
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L665[18:19:10] <Draconiator> I have a nuclear reactor in the middle, so I guess as long as the fuel holds out. right now I have 6600 worth.
L666[18:20:24] <dsockwell> oh i thought that was another big xenon tank
L667[18:20:40] <dsockwell> and those arent solar panels either
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L669[18:24:59] <Draconiator> Radiators.
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L990[19:40:01] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Ceres is still not a planet.
L991[19:40:35] <dsockwell> did someone try to say it was?
L992[19:40:52] <Scolar_Visari> dsockwell: Alan Stern, in a recent co-authored editorial.
L993[19:41:03] <Scolar_Visari> He's . . . Never moved on from 2006.
L994[19:42:05] * UmbralRaptor should be able to find sources claiming that Ceres is a planet… from the 19th century.
L995[19:42:11] <dsockwell> tbh it's been time for a formal classification of dwarf planets and large asteroids
L996[19:43:12] <dsockwell> but the difference of being the only (or close enough) object in its own specific orbit to within whatever tolerance is important
L997[19:43:44] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptor: Of greater interest are unanalyzed photographic plates from the same century!
L998[19:44:09] <UmbralRaptor> !!!
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L1000[19:45:03] * UmbralRaptor wonders if the plates could help with parallaxes and proper motions.
L1001[19:45:04] <Scolar_Visari> dsockwell: While you can use geophysical characteristics, a lot of small objects are firstly classified by their orbits or obvious phenomenon (Trojans being in planet-star Lagrange points, comets emitting tails, etc.).
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L1003[19:45:28] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptor: I've heard it mentioned they'd be useful for analyzing certain variable stars and, perhaps, Planet IX. The *real* Planet IX.
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L1005[19:47:34] <Scolar_Visari> The more Alan Stern writes about the planet definition nonsense, the more I'm convinced he simply has an irrational hatred of astronomers.
L1006[19:47:57] <Scolar_Visari> From his new article: "Astronomers ignore the new definition of “planet” every time they discuss all of the exciting discoveries of planets orbiting other stars. And those of us who actually study planets for a living also discuss dwarf planets without adding an asterisk."
L1007[19:48:13] <UmbralRaptor> Maybe the ghosts of Kozai and Liddov haunt him?
L1008[19:48:36] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptor: Exorcism is required. Herschel's Holy Water is hard to come by, though.
L1009[19:49:02] <UmbralRaptor> well, s/haunted/perturbed/
L1010[19:49:27] <Scolar_Visari> If he's simply perturbed, that will require a Newtonian Body Correction.
L1011[19:49:37] <Scolar_Visari> We'll balance out his humors or he'll die trying!
L1012[19:50:16] * Scolar_Visari also ponders what business an astrobiologist had cowriting Alan Stern's editorial.
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L1014[19:53:19] <Scolar_Visari> Amusingly, I *did* find a New Horizons based paper in which the abstract starts out with, "The Pluto dwarf planet"! Leyrat's et al.'s, "Predicted Antenna Temperatures Measured by REX/New Horizons During The Pluto’s Flyby/Probing the sub-surface in Microwave".
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L1016[19:55:07] * Scolar_Visari is actually interested in a meta-paper which would tally up the amount of times people use a non-IAU definition in reference to planets.
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L1018[20:00:26] <UmbralRaptor> That would be interesting.
L1019[20:01:07] ⇦ Quits: Ezriilc (Ezriilc!~Ezriilc@ (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com))
L1020[20:02:53] <Scolar_Visari> More Horizons related papers directly mention Pluto as a dwarf planet than I would have thought, though Stern co-authored ones do not!
L1021[20:04:37] <ConductorCat> :3
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L1023[20:16:51] <Scolar_Visari> In ur system, perturbing your planetary embryos: Clement et al.'s, "Mars' Growth Stunted by an Early Giant Planet Instability" Icarus 2018 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1804.04233.pdf
L1024[20:17:28] * Scolar_Visari notes with great amusement that the Clement et al. paper dismisses a big chunk of the Rare Earth conceit of a benevolent Jupiter.
L1025[20:20:16] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: so im arguing with someone about china and how they might be a little bit irresponsible with spend stages and the lack of abort capabilities
L1026[20:20:29] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: and this dummy tells me that you cant abort a rocket launch
L1027[20:24:38] * Scolar_Visari turns the range safety detonation key, uncovers the button and depresses it.
L1028[20:27:56] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: "aborting" a launch is not something that is really possible. If you lose guidance, how are you supposed to guide the rocket away? At that point, it is just a flying dumb bomb filled with tons of toxic and explosive fuel. If you have a way to avoid losing a rocket if guidance fails, you NEED to go work at NASA, ESA, or any other space program, because we don't have one. Heck, the Russians had a rocket crash because they
L1029[20:27:56] <Rokker> mounted a sensor upside down. It's called rocket science for a reason. It's pretty hard.
L1030[20:32:35] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: i honestly dont know what hes doing on a space subreddit if he doesnt understand the concept of flight termination
L1031[20:32:41] <Scolar_Visari> There's little need to guide a failed rocket away if the ordinance atomizes it.
L1032[20:33:13] <Scolar_Visari> I presume they're on there the same reason electric universe trolls periodically invade mainstream physics communities.
L1033[20:36:48] <Rokker> like my entire point was that China treats their people a bit more expendably than america. I pointed to them dropping rocket stages near villages regularly and the fact that a simple FTS system could have made Intelsat 708 a whole lot less awful
L1034[20:37:01] <Rokker> and he comes out with "abort isn't possible"
L1035[20:37:27] <Rokker> like the entire point of an abort system is for IF ITS OUT OF CONTROL
L1036[20:37:32] <Rokker> like jeez
L1037[20:39:09] <Rokker> he really got to me with his Chinese defending crap
L1038[20:39:35] <Scolar_Visari> Mind you, there has been a new launch facility developed since that time with a superior range.
L1039[20:41:12] <Scolar_Visari> The Xichang launch facility may be mothballed entirely, as I understand it.
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L1041[20:41:54] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: I'll believe it when they actually start launching Long March 2(letters) from it
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L1043[20:43:55] <Scolar_Visari> The CNSA has already started launching rockets from Wenchang, including the 25 metric ton to LEO CZ-5.
L1044[20:44:20] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: the reason I brought it up is that it happened on their recent LM-3B launch
L1045[20:45:31] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: ok but the LM-5 is its ONLY capability atm
L1046[20:45:31] <Scolar_Visari> Launch failures are a fact of life.
L1047[20:45:49] <Rokker> Launches hitting villages isnt
L1048[20:46:04] <Rokker> it's preventable
L1049[20:46:06] <Scolar_Visari> Uh . . . No. The first launch from Wenchang was the CZ-7, which is intended to replace older LVs.
L1050[20:46:41] <Rokker> oh right
L1051[20:46:55] <Rokker> still. they sure are taking their time fixing it
L1052[20:48:01] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: https://twitter.com/AJ_FI/status/993364755200008196?s=19
L1053[20:48:01] <kmath> <AJ_FI> Rocket debris near a town in Guizhou province following the Long March 3B launch of Apstar-6C satellite on May 3. https://t.co/rCH5wD8yhr
L1054[20:48:24] <Rokker> might be the closest I've ever seen one land to a village other than that engine that hit a dudes house
L1055[20:51:08] <Scolar_Visari> It's worth keeping in mind that China has a considerable annual launch volume.
L1056[20:52:16] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: America hadn't really risked hitting anyone's houses since we killed a Cuban cow
L1057[20:52:20] * Scolar_Visari notes Russian spent stages impact farm land down range all the time.
L1058[20:52:27] <Rokker> Russia sucks too
L1059[20:52:45] <Scolar_Visari> Rokker: NO, but the United States also happens to have more convenient transportation and security considerations.
L1060[20:52:46] <Rokker> but at least Siberia isn't that populous, at least vs china
L1061[20:53:01] <Scolar_Visari> Kazakhstan is not Siberia.
L1062[20:53:35] <Rokker> the stages don't land in Kazakhstan too often afaik
L1063[20:54:45] <Scolar_Visari> They do it all the time, and this has been a sore point between Kazakhstan and Russia for many years http://www.russianspaceweb.com/baikonur_downrange.html
L1064[20:55:09] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: clearly those considerations no longer apply to China since they now have wencheng yet they are dragging their feet to fix it for the other launches
L1065[20:56:08] <Rokker> I always understood it to be more Siberia than Kazakhstan, maybe I was wrong
L1066[20:56:10] <Scolar_Visari> It takes time and, in this particular case, is not as relevant since they're planning on phasing out older LVs.
L1067[20:56:32] <Rokker> I'm just saying this wouldn't exactly fly in america
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L1069[20:56:55] <Rokker> Not anymore
L1070[20:57:24] <Scolar_Visari> Again, America had a far, far, far more convenient infrastructure and geographical background.
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L1072[20:58:07] <Scolar_Visari> There were also different privacy concerns. Baikonur was so used because it was physically isolated, whereas there's no comparable point in the continental United States.
L1073[20:59:19] <Rokker> uhhh
L1074[20:59:32] <Rokker> I mean there kinda is
L1075[20:59:54] <Scolar_Visari> Except for that part where the U.S. has a higher population in a smaller space than Russia.
L1076[20:59:55] <Rokker> we just realized launching from the coasts is easier and safer
L1077[21:01:05] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/wk9RC30J3AI/maxresdefault.jpg
L1078[21:02:25] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: america absolutely could have stuck a launch site in the western desert areas and been fine
L1079[21:02:31] <Rokker> like near area 51
L1080[21:02:42] <Rokker> but we didnt
L1081[21:02:43] <Scolar_Visari> You know, which is next to Roswell, New Mexico.
L1082[21:03:05] <Scolar_Visari> The American West is much, much, much more populated than Siberia.
L1083[21:03:06] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: um what
L1084[21:03:09] <Rokker> UM WHAT
L1085[21:03:23] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: geography doesnt work like you think it does
L1086[21:03:31] * Scolar_Visari points out the inexplicable metreopolises of Las Vegas and Phoenix.
L1087[21:03:59] <Scolar_Visari> I'm not sure you're noticing the big blots on the map there in the U.S. west that don't have counterparts in Siberia.
L1088[21:04:14] <Scolar_Visari> Or central Kazakhstan, for that matter.
L1089[21:04:17] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: tell me how in the world nevada is near new mexico
L1090[21:04:43] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: theres kinda a whole state separating them
L1091[21:04:55] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: also, we made white sands and the nevada test ranges work
L1092[21:06:08] <Rokker> Area 51 is 14 hours drive time from roswell
L1093[21:08:33] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: I think you will find that a launch site in the Nevada nuclear test range could have had a wide range of non-populous area hitting orbits it could have made
L1094[21:09:21] <Scolar_Visari> Confusing it with White Sands, at any length: No, it still would not have worked as well as Baikonur did.
L1095[21:10:16] * Scolar_Visari notes hitting non-populated areas would've also been difficult given the Mississippi River Valley is invariable down range.
L1096[21:11:10] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: yeah, well kamchatka and china are downrange of baikonur, but that far downrange they kinda stop worrying
L1097[21:11:32] <Rokker> you dont see NOTAMS blocking off far downrange areas for rocket launches
L1098[21:12:34] <Scolar_Visari> The Mississippi's close enough to be a concern.
L1099[21:13:36] <Rokker> anyways this isnt about russia and their dumb practices
L1100[21:13:50] <Rokker> this is about china, who has a pretty populous coastline themselves
L1101[21:15:08] <Scolar_Visari> Again, their flagship LV family will be launching from Wenchang, as will any super heavy LVs.
L1102[21:15:57] <Rokker> they arent fixing it fast enough imo
L1103[21:16:05] <Rokker> they need to ramp it up faster
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L1105[21:16:24] <Rokker> the fact that nobody has been hit by these stages is luck more than anything else
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L1107[21:17:51] *** Dman979 is now known as Drinkingman979
L1108[21:18:22] <Scolar_Visari> Your opinion does not take into account economic and infrastructural limitations. Setting up launch sites its difficult, expensive work.
L1109[21:18:54] <Scolar_Visari> There really is no particularly hurry, particularly since debris impacts from spent stages aren't really an enormous risk in practice.
L1110[21:19:36] <Scolar_Visari> I can't imagine transporting CZ-3 LVs to a place never meant to house them being very cheap, either.
L1111[21:20:14] <Rokker> i cant imagine the US even taking a risk like this, regardless of infrastructure and economic limitations
L1112[21:20:19] <Rokker> or europe
L1113[21:21:11] <Scolar_Visari> The United States, again, already had a built up infrastructure that made coastal launches convenient.
L1114[21:22:24] <Scolar_Visari> A lot of those inland Russian and Chinese launch sites also double as high inclination launch areas, which is a very important consideration in military aerospace.
L1115[21:23:29] <Scolar_Visari> And, again: Baikonur and Inner Mongolia were very physically isolated and easy to secure. The U.S. could not expect such privacy in even the most remote areas.
L1116[21:25:13] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: I'm saying, let's imagine the US and China switched place. same cultural dead, just switched geographical settings, I can't imagine America doing what China did
L1117[21:25:16] <Scolar_Visari> They wouldn't need spy satellites or recon planes to do what a wayward Cesna pilot or Vegas tourist could do on the cheap.
L1118[21:26:10] * Scolar_Visari points to open air nuclear testing near populated areas.
L1119[21:28:45] <Rokker> anyways
L1120[21:28:56] <Rokker> if China really career they would add FTS
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L1123[21:32:40] <Scolar_Visari> I'm not sure whether any of the last failures would have involved the use of ordinance.
L1124[21:35:33] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: i guarantee Intelsat 708 would have benefitted
L1125[21:38:07] <Scolar_Visari> It may have very well had ordinance installed but the RSO may have elected (or simply failed) to activate it.
L1126[21:41:18] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: nah, chinese rockets didnt and, afaik, do not have FTS
L1127[21:42:36] <Scolar_Visari> When CRS-7 failed, it didn't receive a destruct signal until 70 seconds after it had veering off course.
L1128[21:43:31] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: this was a bit more clear of a deviation from course than CRS-7
L1129[21:44:07] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: the simple fact that they dont even have FTS speaks volumes imo
L1130[21:44:40] <Scolar_Visari> That's funny . . . The manual for the LM-3A series explicitly describes its manual and automatic destruct sequences.
L1131[21:46:02] <Scolar_Visari> As does the CZ-2E's manual.
L1132[21:46:17] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: i swear i read they didnt, dont remember where, might have been NSF
L1133[21:47:41] <Scolar_Visari> Given their attraction to the EmDrive, I can see why they might have ignored documentation for the various CZ vehicles.
L1134[21:48:21] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: they are the best source of a lot of LV documentation honestl
L1135[21:48:26] <Scolar_Visari> CZ-B Safety Control https://www.globalsecurity.org/jhtml/jframe.html#https://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/1999/lm3bchapter9.pdf|||
L1136[21:50:13] <Scolar_Visari> If they had people arguing that the Long March family lacked ordinance, I'm going to highly doubt that. Being a commercial LV, this would (and has been) very, very easy to verify.
L1137[21:51:46] <Rokker> i would like to see one from pre-99
L1138[21:51:52] <Rokker> like 96
L1139[21:53:29] <Scolar_Visari> According to the Space Review, all rockets since at least the CZ-2 have had ordinance installed. In the case of the Intelsat disaster, it appears it was simply activated too late (there being a period of time where the rocket *can't* be detonated to avoid pad damage).
L1140[21:54:14] * Scolar_Visari links to http://www.thespacereview.com/article/2326/1
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L1142[21:54:47] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: god forbid they damage the pad instead of killing a million people
L1143[21:55:23] <Rokker> Orbital ATK does it right
L1144[21:55:25] <Scolar_Visari> I don't think the highest estimates come close to a million.
L1145[21:55:35] <Rokker> blow up all the pads
L1146[21:55:49] <Rokker> Scolar_Visari: hyperbole
L1147[21:57:25] <Supercheese> So if a hyperbole is a greatly exaggerated statement... what sort of statement is a parabole?
L1148[21:58:15] <Scolar_Visari> Supercheese: An escape statement.
L1149[21:58:29] <Scolar_Visari> Parabolic rhetoric, if you will.
L1150[21:59:48] <Rokker> https://i.imgur.com/PQkSqHy.jpg mmmm
L1151[22:00:12] <Scolar_Visari> IE: "That's speed dater's alleged cat allergies was just parabolic rhetoric to exit the conversation's orbit."
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L1153[22:01:40] <Scolar_Visari> IE2: "When that KSP Executive changed the subject from yesterday's launch failure to KerbalX's launch failure last year, they were putting the subject on a parabolic rhetoric exit."
L1154[22:03:22] <Rokker> im off to bed
L1155[22:03:43] <Scolar_Visari> You can read the CZ manual of operations as a bedtime story.
L1156[22:05:17] * Scolar_Visari goes off to write manuals for KSP rockets, complete with lots of colorful text, pop-up pictures and exclamation points.
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L1160[22:35:41] <KrazyKrl> Retrhetoric Retrorocket ramjet return?
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